Samra Q

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 Weather radar

Scan method lower and middle parts first

Time to CP with all engines
New altitude NAT clearance received in CDA, what should you
do? Follow it now or once entering the Gander Oceanic
Airspace (via Datalink)
Decode metar and GFA
IFR Outlook and definition (less than 1000 AGL and or less
than 3SM)
Raim alert threshold. (2, 1, 0.3)
LNaV cold weather approach slope (shallower)
Raim questions
TCAs detection of other aircraft if not equipped/ transp off
Vertical clouds in center of low pressure area because of
convergence (not because of frontal lift)
Calculate Specific ground range in NM/lbs
Vertical distance between pressure levels in cold/warm air
less in cold
AIRMETS condition of issue
ADS B options on what it provides (not TCAS to Air traffic
controller answer)
WAAS can’t remember question
LCL clouds on GFA (less than 25%)
Obtain pressure altitude set 29.92 on subscale
Decode SIGMET and PIREP (multiples)
What (rain, hail, virga and volcanic ashes) can be detected by
ground weather radar, all except volcanic ashes
INS wording weird acceleration against time
Calculate fuel for IFR turbo jet
Ice pellets imply freezing rain aloft
No warm layer aloft in warm supercooled rain process
30 knots isotach closer than 90nm sufficient shear for CAT on
low pressure side
relative humidity or dew point point spread: dew point gives
better indication of moisture
Strong winds due to funnel winds in mouth of valley on
coastal area (not sea breeze or Nocturnal jet stream)
Ice crystals grow if there are supercooled droplets in cloud
Warning/ cooling process without exchanging heat adiabatic
Stronger surface winds around ridges than troughs
Saturated air cools at DALR when subsiding
Microburst downdraft effect on angle of attack and lift
Relative humidity after air is condensating
Decode flight plan (time to alternate and fuel remaining once
at destination)
VOLMET weather is current forecast and sigmets on
designated frequ found in CFS
Temperature change westbound through trowal
Air moving faster behind cold front causing trowal
Winds around a QS front (winds parallel to the front or
stronger on cold or warm side)
RNAV standalone or overlay: don’t require trad navaid to be
functional, can monitor it but not mandatory
Multilateration based on SSR
PSR Target traffic info by ATC: range and azimuth only (no AS
and ALt)
Vertical extent of icing when just below or well below
Stratocumulus clouds south of shore with strong winds
because of: mechanical turbulence
IFR mandatory routes weird question I didn’t know, picked
the more logical one
Ground covered by clouds below a plane at FL220( careful
because some clouds in the metar are at 25000!)
VV003: ceiling obscured at 300 feet, not BKN or whatever else
was given
LLJ on GFA if below 6000 and more than 50 Knots

No other charts than GFAs (6), no radio aids or HF questions

Icing collection efficiency with thin wing and fast airspeed

Contours represent height of pressure levels in Dm on 250 Hpa
Lightning detection system behind mountains
Clouds evidence of jet streams, ragged and torn cirrus
Machmeter gives ratio of TAS to LSS
Warm air moves over very cold surface turbulent or not
Definition of tropopause (where temperature suddenly stops
decreasing or starts increasing)
Radar altimeter failure affects GPWS
The ones I got wrong or that I remember

- What speed to speed up to melt ice with aerodynamic heating (I

chose 500kts, but there were 2 options with that)
-Flying in the middle of the microburst, what happens to the
aircraft. (This one was stupid, it was between something about
AoA or incr/decr windshear)
-Benefits of ADSB
-What does a hook show on a weather radar? (some options were
tornado, TS direction..)
-Know the difference between TCAS 1-3
-All about WAAS (whats false in this list kind of question)
-Temp range for clear icing
-Where is the worse weather in a TROWAL
-If you have shallow fog in the landing zone, what would it show,
higher prevailing vis or RVR
-High level airspace, when would you position report with LAT
and LONG
-Pressure/temp changes with passage of cold front
-radio fail in CVFR, what do you do (not follow IFR like I said duh)
-DME understanding
-What is not included in a Cockpit management system (Wx
radar, pressure monitor, TCAS or engine indications)
-Decode a GFA (LOL I hate these ones)

Right off my mind here is the topics in no particular order:

1. Altimeter over 31.00” what do you do IFR for an approach. (DH

and Visibility)

2. What is a Computer Management System? A) engine gauges

b)weather radar c)pressurization d) TCAS

3. Trowal: where is the most significant weather ? Near the crest?

Farther from the crest? Warm side? Cold side? (2 questions on
that topic)

4. Indicated Alt and true Alt where are you altitude wise?

5. GFAs were easier than anything I practiced.

6. VOR reception distance.

7. TAF was easy (3 questions) one asking if the wind on the speci
METAR 2310 was as forecast at 2300?

8. Had weather radar and showed a hook so the answer was

tornado. Easy

9. GFA on east coast had three jet streams all in different

directions and wanted to know why there was a jet stream there.
I was completely stumped.

10. What air mass is not prevalent in the summer? CA (that was
the first question)

11. An ISA deviation question easy with no tricks

12. ADS-B question

13. VOLMET question (wasn’t a nice one like any of the practice
questions I saw)

14. Got a diagram with an airplane under a cloud at the different

stages of aircraft performance shear but this one had me in the
middle of the cloud between the increased and decreased part

15. Flight Plan generic form wanted to know the best altitude for
fuel. A) 210 b)230 c)240 d) 250

16 flight plan generic form wanted to know the wind for the
alternate portion. So know what P & M means for wind

17. CP and you have a tailwind = closer to the depArture point

18. Satellite weather image and it was pointing to the tail of

what looks like a hurricane what cloud is that? I put jet stream
but I had no idea

Hey all just wrote SAMRA 014. from what I can remember and in
no particular order:

1) which air mass would you not find in canada in the summer? cA
2) can you use DME to get distance info from a TACAN?
3) when flying east-west in NAT airspace, when do you report?
every 10 degrees south of 75
4) shown a high level weather radar photo with clouds...what do
those clouds imply is happening? jet stream
5) shown a photo of weather radar...what does the massive hook
on the right imply? I said a tornado (it was to the SW)
6) prominent fronts in canada during the winter? mP, mA, cA
7) If you are flying CVFR in class B and lose your comms, what do
you do? leave class B airspace, proceed vfr and land at a suitable
 types of clouds associated with jet steams? ragged cirrus

9) you see 2 low level jets on a GFA. what caused them? I said
the turbulence to the north
10) typical decoding of GFA and METARs. Easy
11) You are approaching an airport and see fog. What does this
mean for you? (A) your slant range vis is lower than RVR A (B)
your prevailing vis is more than the RVR (C) your prevailing vis is
less than RVR B... etc
12) minimum distance for VOR reception
13) pressure is above 31.00. What do you do? (for IFR operations)
14) where would you find the most supercooled water droplets in
a cloud? (the one where they ask if it increases with height with
temps just below freezing, decreases with height well below
freezing, etc)
15) its april and you see fog forming over the great lakes but not
over land. what caused this? (A) a warm, moist air mass with an
offshore breeze (B) a dry, cold air mass with an onshore breeze
and a few others. I said A and I think it was right
16) aerodynamic heating. 500 kts will prevent ice (but will not
get rid of it if you already have it)
17) 3 questions on flight plans. I got all 4 wrong which is weird
because they're usually SO easy
18) if you have a tailwind with a CP, does the CP move
further/closer to departure airport? answer is closer
19) METAR and TAF decoding
20) if an airport has snow and ice pellets, what can you expect
on descent? I said freezing rain and mod-sev icing, seems to be
21) vertical pressure differences in warm and cold air
22) tropopause heights in warm/cold air
23) like 4 IFR questions
Anyone know the answer for the following:

Microbursts due to downdrafts-what effects on A/C



Pressure Gradient is the same, what causes wind to back and


a).friction due to surface cooling

b). reciprocal effects of winds aloft

Another question I cant find;

Effects of Auto pilot

a) centre of pressure
b) centre of gravity

Decode a GFA

-‐    Describe the characteristics of HF Radio x2

-‐    Describe the weather associated with passage of a cold front

-‐    Identify the causes of fog

-‐    Identify the conditions associated with the stage of a


-‐    Identify weather radar scanning techniques

-‐    Recall appropriate transponder codes

-‐    Recall cloud types associated with mountain waves

-‐    Recall the divisions of the atmosphere and their characteristics

-‐    Recall the effect of seasons on air masses

-‐    Recall the requirements for all types of fog formation

-‐    Recall VOR limitations  

-‐    Recall where supercooled water droplets can develop.

-‐    Calculate the expected temperature at altitude given the dry

and saturated adiabatic lapse rates 

-‐    Explain the mechanisms of fog formation

-‐    Identify where jet streams are most likely to occur

-‐    Identify where nocturnal jet streams are most likely to occur  

-‐    Interpret a significant weather chart

-‐    Interpret aviation weather reports

-‐    Recall temperature range where clear icing is found

-‐    Recall the divisions of the atmosphere and their characteristics

-‐    Recall the features of INS

-‐    Recall the types of icing in cloud and precipitation

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