4.3. HSE Planning & Continual Improvement

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Gastech Australia Pty Ltd

Health Safety and Environmental Procedure

HSE Planning and Continual Improvement

Procedure 4.3

“ Committed to HSE”

Rev Number Summary of Revision Signed (Director) Date

Rev 0 New Procedure

1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................3

2. SCOPE AND APPLICATION..............................................................................................................3

3. DETAIL...........................................................................................................................................3

3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................3

3.2 Processes for Ongoing Identification of Areas for Improvement...........................................3

3.3 Annual HSE Plans...................................................................................................................3

4. TRAINING AND COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................3

5. RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................................................3

5.1 Gastech Director....................................................................................................................3

5.2 Gastech Managers and Supervisors.......................................................................................3

5.3 All Employees ........................................................................................................................3

6. RELATED DOCUMENTS..................................................................................................................3

7. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................3

APPENDIX 1: Gastech HSE Plans Template..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

The purpose of this Procedure is to enhance the process of continual improvement in health, safety
and environmental (HSE) performance at Gastech by identification of areas where improvement can
be achieved, and by setting of objectives, targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) which
enable improvements to be tracked and verified.

This Procedure, in addition to other HSE management strategies, helps to ensure that overall
continual improvement in HSE at Gastech is achieved.


This Procedure is applicable to all Gastech activities and operations and applies to planning for HSE
improvement by regular review and development of HSE Plans.

Specifically, this Procedure addresses:

 the processes by which areas for improvement are identified

 how performance is reviewed

 how priorities are established

 how improvements are formally established and verified

This Procedure must be followed in conjunction with client procedures where


3.1 Overview

There are a number of processes which are used at Gastech to enable HSE performance to be
measured. Data and statistics gathered from these processes can be used to assess where the most
effective HSE improvements can be made on the basis of practicability and risk v benefit gained.

In addition to the above, there are ongoing processes which identify where immediate
improvements can be achieved. These processes, such as reporting of hazards and lessons learned
from incidents, are detailed within other Gastech HSE Management Procedures.

It is important for actions to achieve continual improvement to be developed on the basis of

consensus and for objectives, targets and KPIs to be documented and communicated so that all
personnel know their role in achieving goals. This is achieved through designation of actions and
responsibilities in procedures and plans, and by development of annual HSE Plans.

The overall process for HSE Planning at Gastech as summarised above is included in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Process for Contractor HSE Management

3.2 Processes for Ongoing Identification of Areas for Improvement

As stated in Section 3.1, there are a number of processes at Gastech which capture areas where
improvement is required and which can be rectified in the short or long term. These processes
include, but are not limited to:

 Hazard reporting

 HSE inspections

 Incident investigations

 Management of Change

 HAZID studies
 Emergency de-brief sessions

 Use of HSE procedures

 Contractor management reviews

 Project management processes

 Audits and inspections

Other initiatives, which are not related to hazard identification (eg HSE training, consultation and
communication) also support continual improvement in HSE management at Gastech.

Lessons learned, and actions in response to lessons learned, is also a key process at Gas Tech to
ensure continual improvement in HSE performance. Useful HSE lessons learned are obtained from a
number of external and internal sources. HSE lessons learned can be submitted by any Gastech
employee and are identified by the Gastech Director on an ongoing basis.

Lessons learned can also originate from a number of external sources. These sources include, but
may not be limited to:

 External journals and other media

 Publications received from external organisations

 Emails received from external sources

At Gastech, with the exception of incident reporting, these processes are a proactive means of
achieving continual improvement in HSE performance. Data and statistics gathered from these
processes must be collated and used to identify additional areas for improvement and in
development of Annual HSE Plans.

3.3 Annual HSE Plans

HSE Plans must be developed on an annual basis. These plans are targeted at implementation of
activities to improve HSE performance.

HSE Plans are developed by the Gastech HSE Committee based upon determined priority,
practicability and cost v benefit considerations. HSE quarterly performance reports must be
developed from the HSE Data Base, as described in the Gastech HSE Procedure for HSE Data
Management, Trend Analysis and Reporting (PR/HSE/08) and provided to the Gastech Director.
Input from Gas Tech employees and contractors must also be encouraged via established
communication and consultation processes, as described in the Gastech Procedure for HSE
Communication and Consultation (PR/HSE/06).

Established HSE objectives and KPIs must be practical, measurable and achievable and adequate
resources provided to achieve objectives and target dates.

HSE Plans must be structured to provide:

 the overall objectives to be achieved

 tasks and activities required to achieve the objectives (KPIs)

 persons/positions assigned the task of achieving the objectives

 resources and expenditure required to achieve the objectives

 deliverables and dates from the task and activities

 progress review dates and progress reporting

 target dates to achieve the objectives

 requirements for final reporting

Once developed, HSE Plans must be communicated through Gastech communication processes
detailed in the Procedure for HSE Communication and Consultation (PR/HSE/06).

A template for HSE Plans is provided in Appendix 1.


All employees who are liable to be involved in HSE Plan development must view the Tool Box
presentation which supports understanding of this Procedure.

5.1 Gastech Director
The Gastech Director must:

 promote use and ensure compliance with this Procedure

 monitor compliance with this Procedure

 formally audit compliance with this Procedure on a yearly basis

 review HSE performance reports, develop HSE Plans and gain approval from the HSE
Committee for the HSE Plan

 ensure all employees provide input into setting of objectives

 subscribe to external sources for lessons learned

 ensure that adequate resources are provided for implementation of HSE objectives

5.2 Gastech Managers and Supervisors

Gastech Managers and Supervisors must:

 promote use of this Procedure

 monitor compliance with this Procedure

 provide quarterly HSE performance reports to the Director

 provide input into establishment of HSE Plans and objectives

5.3 All Employees

Employees must:

 comply with requirements detailed in this Procedure

 provide input into establishment of HSE Plans and objectives

 help to achieve HSE objectives as required


Document Title Document Location

Related Procedures
HSE Communication and Consultation PR/HSE/06

HSE Data Management and Trend Analysis and Reporting PR/HSE/08

Related External Documentation



Term or Acronym Definition

HSE Health Safety and Environment
HSE Management Plan

Insert year

‘’ Committed to HSE”

Distributed to:

Positon Name Date

1. Introduction

State general objectives of HSE Planning

2. Previous Year Performance

Complete Table 1 showing objectives, KPIs and standard achieved for each

3. General Objectives for (insert year)

State general objectives for HSE Planning for (insert year) on the basis of lessons learned, audit,
inspections, meetings, hazard reports and trend analysis.

Review areas for improvement in each component of the R&D HSE Management System.

4. Specific Objectives for (insert year)

Complete Table 2 showing objectives and KPIs.

5. Task and Activities

Required to meet objectives

6. Estimated Expenditure

To achieve objectives (CAPEX and OPEX)

Table 1: Performance against Objectives and KPIs – Previous Year

Objective KPI When Who Standard Achieved/Further

Action Required

Objective – Continual Improvement in HSE Training

Objective – Continual Improvement in Communication and Consultation

Continual Improvement in Risk Management

Continul Improvement in Incident Investigation and Emergency Management
Table 2: Performance Objectives and KPIs – Insert Year

Objective KPI When Who Progress Review Dates

Objective – Continual Improvement in HSE Training

Objective – Continual Improvement in Communication and Consultation

Continual Improvement in Risk Management

Continul Improvement in Incident Investigation and Emergency Management

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