Data Communication Protocol
Data Communication Protocol
Data Communication Protocol
MEK-7222J/K Automated
Hematology Analyzer
(hereafter called the “LICENSEE”) and Nihon Kohden Corporation (hereafter called
LICENSOR) shall conclude an agreement reading as follows:
1. Definition
The technical information subject to this agreement is “Technical Reference Manual: All communication protocol provided
for connecting LICENSOR’s Product to Third party’s Product”. This technical information is to be treated as confidential
knowledge between the two parties and will remain the property of LICENSEE.
2. Licensing
LICENSOR shall license use of the subject technical information to LICENSEE only for the purpose of obtaining said
connecting LICENSOR’s Product to Third party’s Product. LICENSEE shall not use the subject technical information for
any other purpose.
4. Confidentiality
LICENSEE shall maintain confidentiality of the subject technical information disclosed by LICENSOR. Also, neither
LICENSEE or LICENSOR shall disclose confidential information to a third party after conclusion of this agreement.
5. Improved techniques
5-1. If LICENSOR improves the subject technical information, such as through upgrading, LICENSOR shall notify
LICENSEE and said improved technical information shall, after notification, become included in the subject technical
information as stipulated in Article 1 of this agreement.
5-2. Any expense which becomes necessary for application of said improved technical information created by LICENSOR
shall be borne by the “LICENSEE”.
6. Obligations
6-1. LICENSEE shall, when using or applying the subject technical information, sufficiently learn the appropriate
application of said technical information in relation to the subject equipment and take carefully planned safety measures.
It is the responsibility of LICENSEE to take all necessary safety measures in regard to use of the technical information. In
addition, LICENSOR shall in no way be held responsible for any death, injury or damage resulting from use of the subject
technical material.
6-2. LICENSOR shall not guarantee that the use or application of the subject technical information does not infringe upon
patent rights, copyrights or any other rights being owned by a third party.
6-3 When it becomes necessary to obtain permits or to make notifications in relation with use or application of the subject
technical information, on the basis of the relevant national laws and regulations, LICENSEE shall obtain said permits or
make said notifications at its own risk and expense.
7. Transfer
LICENSEE shall not, under any circumstances, transfer any right, obligation or portion thereof arising from this agreement
to a third party.
9. Duration
9-1. This agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of signing and concluding the present agreement unless said
agreement is terminated in accordance with Article 8. The present agreement shall be automatically renewed on a yearly
basis unless either party proposes otherwise.
9-2. Even after effective validity of this agreement or after authentic termination by either of the two parties to this
agreement, the stipulations in Article 4, Article 6 and Paragraph 2 of the Article 8 subject circumstances cease to exist.
11. Consultations
When any discrepancy occurs in the interpretation of the stipulations of this agreement or when any discrepancy occurs
between the two parties in regards to matters not converted by the stipulations of this agreement, the two arties shall discuss
the matter amicably in order to reach a solution in good faith. To prove conclusion of the present agreement, two copies of
this agreement shall be made and signed by each party. Each party shall maintain one copy of the signed agreements.
Hospital installed:
Product Model: Company:
Engineering Operations
Nihon Kohden Corporation,
1-31-4, Nishiochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Sample data can be transferred to the optional printer or a personal computer via
the serial ports on the rear panel of the hematology analyzer. This allows you to
print or search specific data or perform the statistical work. Sample data can be
automatically transferred after each count.
• In order to avoid any safety hazard, only Connect only the specified instrument to the
connect personal computers which are hematology analyzer and follow the specified
approved by IEC 60950 procedure. Failure to follow this instruction may
• Only use the specified power cord for the PC. result in electrical shock or injury to the operator,
and cause fire or instrument malfunction.
• To transfer the sample data to a personal computer, the data transfer
settings on the personal computer must be set to match the data
transfer conditions of this hematology analyzer beforehand.
• To transfer data to a personal computer, set SERIAL PORT 1 or 2 to
ON on the OUTPUT KEY screen, or AUTO on the AUTO OUTPUT
screen. Refer to Section 3 of the MEK-7222J/K Operator’s Manual.
RS232C Specifications
Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Data bit length: 7, 8 bits
Parity check: No parity, Odd parity, Even parity
Stop bit length: 1, 2 bits
WA-460V Settings
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data bit length: 8 bits
Parity check: Even parity
Stop bit length: 1 bit
You can also select to transfer the data for CBC parameters only or all 22
parameters. An ID can be either 4 or 13 characters.
• 0D (CR: Carriage Return) and 0A (LF: Line Feed) are used.
• ASCII code
• Transferring order
1. Date
2. ID
3. Parameter data
In this format, scattergrams and histograms cannot be transferred.
Data volume (bytes) depends on the date setting on the COMMUNICATION
screen and the card printer settings on the CARD PRINTER screen.
• Data transfer starts from 02 (STX: Start of text) and ends with 03 (ETX: End
of text)
• Each data separated by 0D (CR: Carriage Return)
• ASCII code
• Transferring order
Common data block
• Hematology analyzer information
• Measurement data
• Flag data
Transfer format for a personal computer is fixed. Before transferring the data,
adjust the setting of the receiver to match this format.
Transferred Data (In Characters) Transferred Data (In Hexadecimal)
<ESC 'C' '4' '0'> 1B 63 34 30
<ESC '2'> WA-460V 1B 32
<ESC 'd' 5> Control codes 1B 64 5
<ESC 't' 0> 1B 74 0
In the reserved data, new items by character codes may be set when the software is upgraded in the future.
Data indication
Data indication (alarm/flag) and their description is as follows.
Classification Description
1 Data cannot be analyzed Data cannot be analyzed.
2 Measurement alarm (data not displayed) Error found during measurement.
3 Measurement alarm (data displayed) Measurement error due to surrounding temperature out of specified range.
Measured data is displayed but measurement accuracy is not reliable.
4 Out of measuring range Out of measuring range.
5 Data with low reliability Abnormal flag detected in the sample. Measurement accuracy is not reliable
due to abnormal cell.
• When WBC flag appears, all WBC parameters are affected by the abnormal
cell. “*” is displayed beside the parameter which is greatly affected.
• When there is possibility of PLT coagulation, “C” is displayed beside the
• When there is possibility of poor hemolyzation, “!” is displayed beside the
6 Out of normal range Out of normal range setting.
Alarm message/
Classification Data display Symbol display Data transfer
flag display
Data cannot be
1 None None None None
Measurement alarm Alarm code no. and Abbreviation of the
2 None None
(data not displayed) message alarm
Measurement alarm “?” beside numeric Alarm code no. and
3 Data displayed Data and identifier
(data displayed) data message
Out of measuring “OVER” message Abbreviation of
4 None None
range displayed “OVER”
Data with low “*”, “!” or “C” beside
5 Data displayed Flag name Data and identifier
reliability numeric data
“H” or “L” beside
6 Out of normal range Data displayed None Data and identifier
numeric data
Abbreviation of the alarm and example of the RS-232C data output format
Example: PLT clumps
WBC LEVEL 1 Transfer code: 0x4C, 0x45, 0x56, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x31, 0x0D
Flag PCT
Flag NE% LY% MO% EO% BA%
Blasts * * * * *
* * *
Left Shift * * *
Atypical WBC * *
Small Nucleated Cell *
Ly-Mo Interference * *
Ne-Eo Interference * *
* *
Interference RBC/PLT
PLT Clumps C C C
Abnormal MCHC !
Poor hemolyzation !
Alarm message Code No. NE% LY% MO% EO% BA%
WBC sample error A030 ?
RBC sample error A050 ? ?
HGB voltage low A061 ?
HGB voltage high A062 !
HGB circuit error A063 *
Room temp high A091 ? ?
Room temp low A092 ? ? ?
Optical count error A082 ? ? ? ? ?
No. of
Transfer Items Example Transferred Data in Characters Transferred Data in Hexadecimal
<Start> Common data block
Start of Text 0x02 1 STX 02
Hematology analyzer information
Type “MEK-7222” 11 M E K - 7 2 2 2 SP SP CR 4D 45 4B 2D 37 32 32 32 20 20 0D
Parameter no “22” 6 SP SP SP 2 2 CR 20 20 20 32 32 0D
Send data bytes “1024” 6 O 1 0 2 4 CR 30 31 30 32 34 0D
Sample type “VENOUS” 13 V E N O U S SP SP SP SP SP SP CR 56 45 4E 4F 55 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 0D
Parameter “CBC + Diff” 13 C B C + D i f f SP SP CR 43 42 43 20 2B 20 44 69 66 66 20 20 0D
Sample code “00” 3 0 0 CR 30 30 0D
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Sample type name “” 17 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SP
20 20
SP SP CR 20 20 0D
Rack location “01” 5 0 1 SP SP CR 30 31 20 20 0D
Seq# “0000001” 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SP SP SP CR 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 20 20 20 0D
Reserve data 43 SP × 43 Byte 20 × 43 Byte
Measurement data
Date “20020725” 17 2 0 0 2 CR 0 7 CR 2 5 CR SP SP SP 32 30 30 32 0D 30 37 0D 32 35 0D 20 20 20
SP SP CR 20 20 0D
Time “153000” 9 1 5 CR 3 0 CR 0 0 CR 31 35 0D 33 30 0D 30 30 0D
ID “ABCDEFGH:0001” 16 A B C D E F G : 0 0 0 1 SP 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3A 30 30 30 31 20
SP CR 20 0D
WBC “6.2” 7 SP 6 . 2 SP SP CR 20 36 2E 32 20 20 0D
NE% “70.6” 7 7 0 . 6 SP SP CR 37 30 2E 36 20 20 0D
LY% “21.2” 7 2 1 . 2 SP SP CR 32 31 2E 32 20 20 0D
MO% “2.5” 7 SP 2 . 5 SP SP CR 20 32 2E 35 20 20 0D
EO% “5.4H” 7 SP 5 . 4 H SP CR 20 35 2E 34 48 20 0D
BA% “0.3” 7 SP 0 . 3 SP SP CR 20 30 2E 33 20 20 0D
NE “4.4” 7 SP 4 . 4 SP SP CR 20 34 2E 34 20 20 0D
LY “1.3” 7 SP 1 . 3 SP SP CR 20 31 2E 33 20 20 0D
MO “0.2” 7 SP 0 . 2 SP SP CR 20 30 2E 32 20 20 0D
EO “0.2” 7 SP 0 . 2 SP SP CR 20 30 2E 32 20 20 0D
BA “0.0” 7 SP 0 . 0 SP SP CR 20 30 2E 30 20 20 0D
RBC “5.10” 7 5 . 1 0 SP SP CR 35 2E 31 30 20 20 0D
HGB “14.4” 7 1 4 . 4 SP SP CR 31 34 2E 34 20 20 0D
HCT “42.3” 7 4 2 . 3 SP SP CR 34 32 2E 33 20 20 0D
MCV “86.2” 7 8 6 . 2 SP SP CR 38 36 2E 32 20 20 0D
MCH “28.5” 7 2 8 . 5 SP SP CR 32 38 2E 35 20 20 0D
MCHC “33.1” 7 3 3 . 1 SP SP CR 33 33 2E 31 20 20 0D
RDW “11.5” 7 1 1 . 5 SP SP CR 31 31 2E 35 20 20 0D
PLT “280” 7 SP 2 8 0 SP SP CR 20 32 38 30 20 20 0D
PCT “0.15” 7 0 . 1 5 SP SP CR 30 2E 31 35 20 20 0D
MPV “7.2” 7 SP 7 . 2 SP SP CR 20 37 2E 32 20 20 0D
PDW “18.5” 7 1 8 . 5 SP SP CR 31 38 2E 35 20 20 0D
Reserve data 210 SP × 210 Byte 20 × 210 Byte
Flag data (with flag +, without flag (space))
Leukocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Leukopenia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Neutrophilia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Neutropenia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Lymphocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Lymphopenia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Monocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Eosinophilia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Basophilia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Blasts “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Immature “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Left Shift “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Atypical “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
WBC hemolysing “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Reserve data 20 SP × 20 Byte 20 × 20 Byte
Erythrocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Anemia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Anisocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Microcytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Macrocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Hypochromia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
MCHC error “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Reserve data 10 SP × 10 Byte 20 × 10 Byte
Thrombocytosis “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Thrombocytopenia “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
PLT Clumps “+” 2 + CR 2B 0D
Reserve data 10 SP × 10 Byte 20 × 10 Byte
Reserve data
Reserve data 400 SP × 400 Byte 20 × 400 Byte
<End> Common data block
End of Text 0x03 1 ETX 03
• It is recommended to program the PC to receive data from the hematology analyzer so that the received items
are differentiated by the No. of Bytes for each item and the total no. of bytes and not by CR.
• New sample codes may be added when the software is upgraded.
• In the reserved data, new items by character codes may be set when the software is upgraded in the future.
Abbreviation of the alarm and example of the RS-232C data output format
Example: PLT clumps
WBC LEVEL 1 Transfer code: 0x4C, 0x45, 0x56, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x31, 0x0D
Flag PCT
Flag NE% LY% MO% EO% BA%
Abnormal MCHC !
Poor hemolyzation !
Alarm message Code No. NE% LY% MO% EO% BA%
WBC sample error A030 ?
RBC sample error A050 ? ?
HGB voltage low A061 ?
HGB voltage high A062 !
HGB circuit error A063 *
Connect only the specified instrument to the hematology analyzer
and follow the specified procedure. Failure to follow this instruction
may result in electrical shock or injury to the operator, and cause fire
or instrument malfunction.
Serial Port 1
D sub 25 pin (female)
USB Socket
Pin No. Signal
1 NC
2 USB-D+
3 USB-D-
4 ED