2076 Question Solution

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1. Briefly describe the requirements of earthquake to ensure that loads will not have any negative effect on the
resistant building contribution. [5] soil to settle. Prior to foundation installation, the soil shall be
Solution: See the 1.3. compacted to a degree recommended by the geotechnical
2. Define soil compaction and consolidation. What are
v) Water table fluctuation
the factors affecting soil compaction? [5]
Solution: A lowered water table increases the effective pressure and
First part: For compaction see the topic at may cause additional settlements. A raised water table may
For consolidation see the topic at create problems for the owner from the following.
Second part: See the topic at a) Floating the structure (making it unstable or tilting)
3. What are different factors to be considered in b) Reducing the effective pressure (causing excessive
designing foundation for buildings? Explain about settlements)
different types of foundation used in commercial c) Creating a wet basement if the basement walls are not
buildings? [10] water tight.
Solution: vi) Bearing capacity of soil
In any construction project, the foundation is the lowest part While designing the foundation care is take that the load of
of the building structure that is responsible for safely the structure is less than the bearing capacity of the soil. Thus
transferring load from the structure to the soil. To create bearing capacity is important factor while designing the
efficient foundation design for buildings there are certain foundation.
factors that need to be considered. vii) Type of structure in neighborhood
i) Load from building The selection of foundation for building construction can also
The first factor considered is loads from building on the be done based on the type of foundation selected for the
foundation. This load is a combination of dead load and building in the neighboring building for the same types.
imposed load on the building, others load such as wind load, Based on the success or failure of foundation for such
earthquake loads, snow loads etc are also considered based on building decision can be taken for the selection of
location. Based on the safe bearing capacity of structure and foundations.
quality of loads on foundation, type of foundation and its viii) Types of foundation
base area is calculated.
Types of foundation such as isolated foundations, combined
ii) Type of soils footings, pile foundations and raft as most foundations etc
Soil is a mixture of solid particles, moisture and air. Soil can based on the type of soils and loads from the buildings can be
be of many types such as clayey soil or expansive soil, sandy selected based on suitability and requirement.
soil or loose soils etc. Generally subsoil is used as base for Second part:
foundation for small buildings. However, soil investigation
While all buildings need a foundation, commercial buildings
should be carried act to know the nature of soil, depth of
need a foundation that will be able to withstand high weight
water table, type of soil depth of different layers of soil and to
loads and temperature changes. Since commercial buildings
know the bearing capacity of soil at different levels for large
tend to have more square footage than residential building,
structures. Foundation installed in sand and silt will require
they need to be able to hold their integrity across a wide area.
densification of the loose soil before installation.
Types of foundation used in commercial building are
iii) Depth of footings
discussed below.
Footings should be constructed below;
i) Shallow foundation
a) The frost line
a) Individual footing
b) The zones of high volume change because of moisture
or isolated footing Only for small
b) Combined footing commercial
c) The topsoil layer
c) Strip foundation buildings
d) The peat and muck soil
e) The consolidated areas like garbage, dumps, landfills d) Raft or mat foundation
areas ii) Deep foundation
iv) Soil settlement a) Pile foundation
The soil might get settled after instating a foundation. A b) Drilled shafts or caisson
geotechnical engineer shall verify the bearing capacity of soil For description see the topic at
716 |Subjective Book for PSC Exam ination  

iii) Slab on grade foundation Girder Bridges: Flexure or bending among the vertical
Slab-on-grade foundation are one of the more commonly used supports is the basic Structural action in this kind.
foundation for commercial building as it is an economical Girder bridges can be either solid web girders or they
choice. Slab-on grade is when a thick concrete foundation is can be truss girders or box girders. Plate girder bridges
laid directly onto the soil, resulting in a sturdy base for are utilized for the reason of simply supported spans
building. not exceeding 50 m and box girders for incessant spans
iv) Spot footing foundation upto 250 m. Truss bridges are appropriate for the span
Spot footing foundation are commonly used to support single range of 30 m to 375 m. Cantilever bridges have been
points of contact between the underlying soil and the constructed successfully with main spans of 300 m to
foundation. 550 m. They might be additionally, classified into
v) J-shaped foundation simple spans, continuous spans and suspended-and-
It is ideal when the aim is to support tall buildings where the cantilevered spans.
ground usually freezes. The inverted T shape of the final Arch Bridges: Loads are shifted to the bases by arches
structure when viewed in cross section gives the building its performing as the basic structural element. Axial
name. On top of its resistance to effects of freezing ground, compression in arch rib is known as fundamental
the foundation also provides overall stability. force, blended with some extent of bending. Arch
Solution: bridges are spirited in span range of 200 m to 500 m.
Cable stayed bridges: Cables in the vertical or hold up
4. a) What do you mean by economical span length
the major longitudinal girders. These cables are
of a bridge? Explain. [2]
suspended from one or additional high towers, and are
b) What types of loads are required to be typically anchored at the base to the girders. Cable
considered while designing a road bridge? [5]
stayed bridges are inexpensive when the span is about
c) Describe the classification of steel bridge with 150 m to 700 m.
their suitability to use considering the span
length. [3]
a) See at Beam
b) For loads required to considered while designing a
bridge: See at 1.5.4.
c) Classification of steel bridge:
Steel bridges may be classified into various types according to:
 the kind of traffic carried
 the kind of main structural system
A. Classification based on kind of traffic carried: Based
on traffic carried, bridges can be categorized into
following types:
 Road bridges or Highway bridges
 Railway or rail bridges Truss
 Road cum rail bridges (facilitating both rail
and road way)
B. Classification on basis of main structural system:
Different kinds of structural systems are utilized in Suspension
bridges based on the span, carriageway width and
assortments of traffic. Categorization, in accordance to
make up of major load carrying system, is as follows:
Arch Cable-stay
Figure: Types of steel bridge
Rigid frame
Plate and
box girder
Truss girder
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000
Span in m


5. The slope of channel in alluvium is S = 1 in 5000; = –0.61, unfeasible for y = 4.48

Lacey's silt factor = 0.9 and channel side slope = 0.5 : B = 9.4 – 2.236 × 0.93 = 7.32 m
1; find the channel section and maximum discharge Hence, section should have;
which can be allowed to flow in it. [5] Bed width, B = 7.32 m, depth y = 0.93 m,
Solution: Bed slope, S = 1 : 5000 discharge, Q = 3.92 m3/sec
Given that;
6. Describe different methods of surface irrigation with
Slope of channel, S = 1:5000 their advantages and disadvantages. [10]
Lacey's silt factor, f = 0.9 Solution:
Channel side slope, 0.5 H : 1 V See the topic 3.3.3 except sub-surface and drip irrigation method
Maximum discharge (Q) = ? Drip irrigation system falls under a category of sub surface
Bed slope, pressurized irrigation system.
f5/3 7. What is simulation technique and how is it different
3340 Q1/6 from optimization? List two typical examples where
simulation is used in water resources studies. [10]
1 0.95/3
or, =
5000 3340 Q1/6 Solution:
 Simulation is a modelling technique, that is often used
or, Q1/6 = 0.95/3 × 3340 = 1.255 to examine and evaluate the performance of complex
water resources system. It is particularly useful where
or, Q = 1.2556 = 3.92 cumecs optimization technique cannot be used because of their
Velocity, v = 140
Qf2 6
   Simulation, by itself, is not an optimum technique, but
1 results from simulation can be achieved nearly around
3.92 × 0.9 6
=  140  optimum.
   In water resources modelling, knowledge of solutions
= (0.0252)1/6 around optimum are just as useful as the optimum,
= 0.54 m/s from a practical point of view.
Q 3.92 Difference between simulation and optimization technique
or, Area of channel section, A = v = 0.54 = 7.25 m2
 In simulation technique, we simply look at the
or, Wetted perimeter, behaviour of the system for given set of inputs.
P = 4.75 Q = 4.75 3.92 = 9.4 m Typically, we use simulation to answer 'What if' type
Now, for a trapezoidal channel of questions whereas in optimization we are typically
y looking for the best possible solution.
Area, A = B + 2  × y
   Simulation is a very powerful technique in analyzing
or, 7.25 = (B + 0.5 y) y (1) most complex water resource evaluation, while
optimization model yield results helpful in planning
and management of large systems.
1 y  Simulation technique is applied where optimization
0.5 technique is not useful due to their limitations.
B  Simulation techniques are not limited by many of
assumptions incorporated into optimization technique.
Also, P = B + 5 y
Typical examples where simulation is used in water resources
9.4 = B + 2.236 y
studies include:
or, B = 9.4 – 2.236 y (2)
a) Analysis of river basin development alternatives.
Putting the value of B in equation (1); we get,
b) Multireservoir operation problems.
7.25 = (9.4 – 2.236 y + 0.5 y) y
c) Creating trade-offs water allocations among various
or, 1.736 y2 – 9.4 y + 7.25 = 0
uses such as hydropower, irrigation, industrial and
or, y = 4.48, 0.93
municipal use etc.
From equation (2); we get,
d) Conjunctive use of surface and ground water resources.
B = 9.4 – 2.236 × 4.48


8. Draw a neat sketch of a typical aerodrome, showing Solution:

taxiways, aprons and holding bays. Describe in brief An aerodrome is a location from which aircraft flight
the functions of these components. [5] operations take place.
718 |Subjective Book for PSC Exam ination  

The below figure shows typical layout of aerodrome includes 10. List the various geometric elements to be considered
runway, taxiways, aprons and holding bays: in highway design. Calculation the stopping sight
distance on a graded highway for a design speed of
Highway 90 kmph. Reaction time is 2 sec and value of
coefficient of friction () is 0.35. [4+6=10]
a) When grade is 3% descending
Approach b) When grade is % ascending
c) When road is flat i.e., zero grade
Geometric design deals with the dimensions and layout of
Airport area Vehicle
parking visible features of the highway such as alignment, sight
Terminal distance and intersections.
building Hanger Highway geometric can broadly be classified under following:
Apron 1. Cross-section elements: like camber, super elevation
and extra widening, lane, carriage way, shoulder etc.
Turf Turf Turf 2. Elements of horizontal alignments
Run way Run way
 Horizontal curvature length and radius.
 Transition curve
1. Runway: According to the International Civil Aviation  Sight distance across the road.
Organization (ICAO) a runway is a "defined 3. Elements of vertical alignments
rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the  Grade, vertical curves
landing and takeoff of aircraft". Runways may be a  Sight distance along the road
man-made surface (often asphalt, concrete, or a
4. Road intersection:
mixture of both) or a natural surface (grass, dirt,
gravel, ice, or salt).
 Level or grade intersection
2. Taxi way: A taxiway is a path for aircraft in airport  Grade separated intersection
connecting runways with ramps, hangars, terminals For Numerical Part:
and other facilities. They mostly have a hard surface Given data are;
such as asphalt or concrete, although smaller airports Design speed, V = 90 kmph = 25 m/sec.
sometimes use gravel or grass. Friction coefficient (f) =  = 0.35
Busy airports typically construct high-speed or rapid- Reaction time (t) = 2 sec
exit taxiways to allow aircraft to leave the runway at Stopping sight distance (SSD) =?
higher speeds. This allows the aircraft to vacate the Assuming = 100%
runway quicker, permitting another to land or take off v2
in a shorter space of time. From formula SSD = v × t + ;
2g (f ± n)
3. Apron: The airport apron is the area of an airport
As, [ = 100% = 1]
where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded,
refueled, or boarded. Although the use of the apron is so, SSD = v × t + 2g (f ± n)
covered by regulations, such as lighting on vehicles, it
is typically more accessible to users than the runway a) n = 3% descending i.e., n = 0.03
or taxiway. However, the apron is not usually open to Use negative sign
the general public and a license may be required to (25)2
gain access.  ∴ SSD = 25 × 3 + 2 × 9.8 (0.35 – 0.03)
4. Holding bays: A defined area where aircraft hold until = 50 + 99.65 = 149.65 m
the runway is clear for it or bypassed. Holding bays b) n = 3% ascending
and bypass are provided where volume traffic are Use positive sign
9. What are the controlling factors for the selection of SSD = 25 × 2 + 2g (0.35 + 0.03) = 50 + 83.92 = 133.92 m
road alignment and write note on alignment
selection criteria for a hill road. [10] c) For; n = 0
Solution: (25)2
SSD = 25 × 2 + 2g × 0.35 = 141.01 m
See at 4.1.1 (in Topic of “Factors controlling highway alignment”)
and 4.1.4 for alignment selection criteria for a hill road.


11. Explain the concept of environmental impact Although legislation and practice vary around the world
assessment in development projects. [10] depending upon national’s laws and regulations, the
Solution: fundamental components of an EIA would necessarily
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of involve the following stages. In Nepal we follow
evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed Environmental Protection Act 2076 and Environmental
project or development, taking into account inter-related Protection Regulations for conducting environmental impact
socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both assessment.
beneficial and adverse.

a) Screening: to determine which projects or Solution:

developments require a full or partial impact The activated sludge process is a type of wastewater
assessment study; treatment process for treating sewage or industrial
b) Scoping: to identify which potential impacts are wastewaters using aeration and a biological floc composed of
relevant to assess (based on legislative requirements, bacteria.
international conventions, expert knowledge and Activated sludge plant involves:
public involvement), to identify alternative solutions  Wastewater aeration in the presence of a microbial
that avoid, mitigate or compensate adverse impacts on suspension,
biodiversity (including the option of not proceeding  Solid-liquid separation following aeration,
with the development, finding alternative designs or  Discharge of clarified effluent,
sites which avoid the impacts, incorporating
 Wasting of excess biomass, and
safeguards in the design of the project, or providing
 Return of remaining biomass to the aeration tank.
compensation for adverse impacts), and finally to
In activated sludge process wastewater containing organic
derive terms of reference for the impact assessment;
matter is aerated in an aeration basin in which micro-
c) Assessment and evaluation of impacts and
organisms metabolize the suspended and soluble organic
development of alternatives: to predict and identify
matter. Part of organic matter is synthesized into new cells
the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project
and part is oxidized to CO2 and water to derive energy. In
or development, including the detailed elaboration of
activated sludge systems the new cells formed in the reaction
are removed from the liquid stream in the form of a flocculent
d) Reporting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
sludge in settling tanks. A part of this settled biomass,
or EIA report: including an environmental
described as activated sludge is returned to the aeration tank
management plan (EMP), and a non-technical
and the remaining forms waste or excess sludge.
summary for the general audience.
The overall aim of treating waste water or sewage is to
e) Review of the Environmental Impact Statement
produce an effluent that can be discharged to the natural
(EIS): based on the terms of reference (scoping) and
water ways while causing as little water pollution as possible
public (including authority) participation.
and does not impact adversely to the aquatic animals. This is
f) Decision-making: on whether to approve the project
achieved only by removing contaminants from the
or not, and under what conditions; and
wastewater i.e., Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of waste
g) Monitoring, compliance, enforcement and water.
environmental auditing: Monitor whether the
 With regards to biological treatment of domestic
predicted impacts and proposed mitigation measures
wastewater, it is necessary to lower the BOD range to
occur as defined in the EMP. Verify the compliance of
meet the standard of effluent to discharge in natural
proponent with the EMP, to ensure that unpredicted
water bodies.
impacts or failed mitigation measures are identified
 To maintain the bio-diversity in water bodied.
and addressed in a timely fashion.
 To protect water sources.
12. What is activated sludge processes? Why BOD
treatment for domestic waste water is important to
discharge in natural water ways. [10]


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