EAPP-02 Why UI - UX Eval

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Evaluasi Antarmuka &

Pengalaman Pengguna
#2: Urgensi Evaluasi UI & UX
Mahardeka Tri Ananta, M.Sc.

Disusun oleh Tim Pengelola Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Antarmuka & Pengalaman Pengguna
Tujuan Evaluasi

Agenda Metrik (metric) UX

Perkuliahan Mitos-mitos seputar

UX metrics

User-based evaluation

Expert-based evaluation

Quantitative vs qualitative
Tujuan Evaluasi
Evaluasi UI bertujuan untuk…

● Menemukan atau menilai masalah usabilitas pada suatu produk (sistem atau
aplikasi) → fungsionalitas

Evaluasi UX bertujuan untuk…

● Menilai “Bagaimana perasaan pengguna tentang menggunakan sistem yang

dirancang yang bergantung pada konteks?”
● Menilai motivasi dan harapan pengguna

UX metric (1)
● A metric is a way of measuring or evaluating a particular phenomenon or thing.
● UX metrics are based on a reliable system of measurement: Using the same set of
measurements each time something is measured should result in comparable outcomes.
● All UX metrics must be quantifiable—they have to be turned into a number or counted in
some way.

UX metric (2)
● A UX metric reveals something about the interaction between the user and the product:
some aspect of:
○ effectiveness (being able to complete a task)
○ efficiency (the amount of effort required to complete the task)
○ satisfaction (the degree to which the user was happy with his or her experience
while performing the task)
● UX metrics measure something about people and their behavior or attitudes. Because
people are amazingly diverse and adaptable, we sometimes encounter challenges in our
UX metrics. For this reason, we discuss confidence intervals with most of the UX metrics
discussed in order to reflect the variability in the data.

Penggunaan UX metric
Beberapa pertanyaan yang dapat dijawab dengan UX metrics

● Will the users recommend the product?

● Is this new product more efficient to use than the current product?
● How does the user experience of this product compare to the competition?
● Do the users feel good about the product or themselves after using it?
● What are the most significant usability problems with this product?
● Are improvements being made from one design iteration to the next?

Pentingnya UX metrics
● Metrics add structure to the design and evaluation process, give insight into the
findings, and provide information to the decision makers.
● Without the insight provided by metrics, important business decisions may be made
based on incorrect assumptions, “gut feelings,” or hunches. As a result, some of
these decisions are not the best ones.
● During a typical usability evaluation, it’s fairly easy to spot some of the more obvious
usability issues. But it’s much harder to estimate the size or magnitude of the issues.
● User experience metrics are a key ingredient in calculating a Return on investment
● UX metrics can help reveal patterns that are difficult or even impossible to see.

User-based evaluation
● User-based evaluation is evaluation through user participation, that is, evaluation
that involves the people for whom the system is intended: the representative users.
● User-based evaluation techniques include:
○ experimental methods
○ observational methods
○ questionnaires
○ interviews
○ physiological monitoring methods

Read more: https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/user-based-evaluation/31244

Expert-based evaluation
● In expert-based evaluation, a designer or HCI expert assesses a design based on
known/standard cognitive principles or empirical results.
● Expert-based evaluation techniques are also referred to as expert analysis
● Examples of expert analysis methods include:
○ heuristic evaluation
○ cognitive walkthrough
○ review-based evaluation

Read more: https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/expert-based-evaluation/10574

Quantitative vs. Qualitative


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“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” — C.W. Ceram


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