Philadelphia Phot 1870 Phil
Philadelphia Phot 1870 Phil
Philadelphia Phot 1870 Phil
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18 70.
March. Illustrative of Retouching the Nega- September. Cabinet Portrait. ..By Adam Salo-
tive. By J. F. Ryder, Cleveland, Ohio. mon, Paris, France.
April. View in Central Park, New York. By October. "Gems of German Life." By Lces
H. J. Newton, New York. cher & Petsch, Berlin.
May. Cabinet Portrait. By Lcescher & November. Cabinet Portrait. By Notman &
Petsch, Berlin. Frazer, Toronto, Canada.
June. "Rembrandt" Portrait. By William December. " The Skating Carnival. " By Wil-
Kurtz, New York. 'Ltam Notman, Montreal.
The Holyoake Card Mount,
The Prize Medals, . .
. .
9 Glass Forceps, ......
Bookhout's Washing-Tank,
Buehtel's Photographic Plate-Holder,
Hintson Cutting Out Stereograph Pictures,
Bergner's Stereoscopic Print-Cutter, .
Kurtz's Cone Backgrounds,
Noss's Side Screen, ....
Constructing the Roof of a Glass-House,
. . 176 177
Coloring Magic Lantern Slides,
Substitute for the Swing Back,
Improved Photograph Washing-Tank,
. .
tints, ......
Printing-Frame for Mezzotints or Aqua
Whitney's Outside Blinds for dlass-Houses 297
Portable Chemical-Room,
Water-Tight Covering for Field Bath,
Knapp's Combined Camera- Adjuster and
. .
Useful Bark-Tents,
Still, ....
— Slipping Film on Dry Plates,
Copying-Stand, .73 Save the Negatives, 318
A Strong and Useful Tripod,
New Atelier of Loescher &
. .
. .
Burgess & Lenzi's Lightning Print-Cutting
. .
Equivalent Focus of a Lens,
Gradated Background,
Still, .... 365
Table, 117 Blinds for Side-Light, 398
Anderson's Background Frame. . . 129 Monogram Trade-Mark of the National
Effect of Distance and Wide Angle in Land- Photographic Association, . 409
Illustrating Moonlight Photography, 411
scape and Portrait Photography,
Cone for Solar Camera,
Griswold's Adjustable Concave Reflector,
.... 130, 131
The Sensible Camera-Stand,
The Bulb Syringe, .... 424
Kurtz's "Rembrandt Counter Reflector," . 150 Sphynx, . . . 429
Ancient Architecture of Southern India. . 428 Copying Statuary in Varied Positions on
Announcement, Important, 401 One Plate. George W. White, 77
Albert Process, The, . .
. 36
. .
Carey Lea,
Collodion, Accelerators
in. G.
Coating Plates. M. Carey Lea,
Coating for Glass Plates, Preliminary. G.
Wharton Simpson,
. .
Bath, Rectifying the Nitrate. F W. Spen- Cracking of the Film and Remedies to Pre-
cer, vent it. Dr. H. Vogel, 418 . . .
ton Simpson,
Berlin Process.
Background, Adam Salomon's. G. Whar-
yer, .......
Chemical-Room, Portable. French & Saw-
Dr. Vogel
Dr. Vogel's Farewell to America,
185, 274
322 . .
Drapery, Ayres's Chart of Photographic, 216, Film, Dissolving of the, during Varnishing,
256, 322, 407 Dr. H. Vogel, 418
Decree, Copv of the (Shaw & Wilcox Co.
Case) 256
Dialogues, Photographic.
son, .
Elbert Ander-
261, 285, 305, 354, 392, 405
Gum Dry Process, Gordon's
Towler, M.D.,
J. ....
Dry Plates, Practical Value of.
ton Simpson, .....
G. Whar-
Gathered Fragments. David Doncan,
Glass Forceps.
Gun Cotton,
John M. Blake.
New Discoveries Concerning.
Editor's Table, 30, 63, 95, 142, 182, 222, 270, Handkerchief Printing-frame. Moore Bros. 203
304, 334, 367, 399, 431.
Enslaving a Sunbeam,
Exhibition of 1870, at Paris,
Exhibition of 1870, at Paris.
G. Wharton
54 ....40
. .
In a Fog.
Inclining- the
G. Wharton Simpson,
Camera, On the Effect
of, etc.
Simpson, 302 Dr."h. Vogel 253
Enlarging, Monckhoven's New Artificial Intensifier, Bichloride of Mercury as .an.
Light for 59 Jex Bardwell, . . . . 310
tion, List of, 278
Letter from the Country. W. J. Baker, . 409
Enlargements, Solar, 298
Encaustic Paste, Another. G. Wharton
Simpson, . 321 Mosaics for 1870, . 13, 62
. . .
Enlargements and Chromos, American, in Mysteries of the New York Dark-Chambers, 55,
Berlin. Dr. II. Vogel, . . . 371 71, 190.
Exhibitions, Photographic, New York,
Louis, Cincinnati,
Eberneum Carbon Prints.
.... G. Wharton
Monckhoven's New
G. Wharton Simpson,
Material, New. G. Wharton
Light for
. 59
New York Correspondence, 17, 51, 82, 158, 212, Photo-Relief Prints and Photo-Collographs.
292. G. Wharton Simpson, 359 . . .
Notes In and Out of the Studio. G. Whar- Photographic World, The, 26, 62, 94, 141, 182,
ton Simpson, . 20, 59, 85, 122,
. 303, 332, 366.
165, 210, 264, 301, 318, 359, 389, 416. Prize for Solar Negatives, . . . 43, 65
Negative, How to Recover a Lost. G. Whar- Photo-Mechanical Printing Process. G.
ton Simpson, . . . . .22 Wharton Simpson 59
Negatives, Durability of the. Dr. H. Vogel, 23 Photo-Mechanical Printing Process, Rye's.
Negatives, The Varnishing of Under-ex- G. Wharton Simpson, 361 . . .
posed. Dr. H. Vogel, . . .24 Print-Cutting Table, Burgess Lenzi's Pat- <fc
C. Browne,
Negatives, Keeping.
Negatives, After-Intensification of.
Dr. H. Vogel,
Permanganate of Potash in the Nitrate
Bath. J. Lee Knight,
Photography in Colors. Dr. H. Vogel,
. .
ceedings of, . .
. . Photo-Crayons, Toning and Coloring.
Wharton Simpson,
Nitrate, Dissolving the. M. Carey Lea, 313 . Photo-Collographic Process, Practical De-
Negatives, Save the,
Niepce De St. Victor, ....
. 318
274, 353
Negativesfor Retouching, On the Production
. . . . tails of. G. Wharton Simpson,
Platinum Toning. G. Wharton Simpson, 266,
360 . .
333, 337, 399, 428.
Old Times. E. L. Allen
Hundred Days in a Fog. Elbert An-
Patent Office Drawings,
Photo-Crayon Process,
Photographic Society, Central Ohio, 353
derson, 106, 151, 162. Photography and War. Dr. H. Vog*el, 369 .
Photo-Relief Prints, The Expense of. G. Rectifying the Nitrate Bath. F. W. Spen-
Wharton Simpson, . . . .22 cer, 99
Reproducing Negatives. G.
Retouching Negative's. W. J. Baker,
Wharton Simp-
Size, A New,
Subscription Expired,
Stereoscope, The. J. B. Lyman, A.M..M.D.,
.... 324
Retouching Negatives, The Limits of. Dr.
H. Vogel, .
M. M. Griswold,
Solar Negatives. Retouching. C. A. Win-
. . . .
Rembrandt Effects. "Old Fogy," .288 . Stains, Removing Silver. G. Wharton
Rembrandt and Rembrandts. George B. Simpson, 391
Ayres, 379 Stains on Opal Glass. G. Wharton Simp-
Relief Fund, 305 son, . 392
son, ...
. .
Negatives for. William Bell, 372 . .
Retouching Varnishes. G. Wharton Simp- Tent, A Simple Outdoor. Dr. H. Vogel, 164
son, 418
Side. Julie, .....
The Sitter Hath Trial as Well, or, The Other
Studio, Loescher
Phenomena Produced by
& Petsch's
the. Prof.
New. Dr. H.
Voices from the Craft, .29,90,140, 177
Lovejoy, ......
Shaw & Wilcox Company's Case
Lovejoy, copy of the decree, 256 . . Weighing and Measuring. M.Carey Lea, 194,
Standard Sizes of Photographic Prints. G.
Wharton Simpson,
Sitter Hath Trial as Well, The, Julie,
171 .
Winter on a Mountain. A. F. Clough, 326, 217
Woodbury Printing Process. G. Wharton
Standard Sizes. Charles G. Crane, 285 . Simpson, . . . 321 . .
WtaMpMa $ififo$w$hth
Vol. VII. JANUARY, 1870. No. 7 3.
The Annual Exhibition of the Expired " were stamped upon the wrappers
of the most of the copies, letters full of
National Photographic Association.
words of good cheer have been streaming in
The Annual Exhibition of the National upon us daily, accompanied by substantial
Photographic Association of the United tokens of their earnestness from all direc-
States, will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, be-
tions. This whole number, printed in fine
ginning the first Tuesday in June, A.D. type, would not begin to hold them. " My
subscription never expires," writesone; "I
This early announcement is made to ena- have been saved so much needless expense
ble exhibitors from foreign countries to by it that I cannot afford to do without it,"
make shipment of their specimens in good says another " It has been my only teacher,
time, which should be not later than April and I constantly improve under its instruc-
1st to insure their arrival in season. Ship- " I have
tions," is the voice of another;
ments may be made as late as the 20th of been pecuniarily successful, and I owe at
April, but there is a risk of their arriving least one-half to the Philadelphia Photogra-
too late. pher," cheeringly writes another, and such
Full particulars will be given in the next are the letters from the mass of those who
issue of this Journal, for the information are now renewing their subscriptions.
of foreign exhibitors and others. Now what shall we do in return for all
Will foreign Photographic Journals this ? We do not think it a good plan
please copy this notice. always to reveal what you are going to do,
Those desiring special information will but this much we promise so long as it is :
please address the Permanent Secretary as in our hands, The Philadelphia Photogra-
follows: Edward L. Wilson, pher sJiall not go backwards. We know
Permanent Secretary its shortcomings, and we will try to im-
National Photographic Association,
Philadelphia, Pa., IT. S. A.
prove it all in our power. We have several
fine pictures hand and under way, as
announced in our prospectus, which we
think will be well worth $5 without any
THE NEW YEAR. reading matter, but the latter shall also be
We heartily wish a Happy New Year for kept up to the times, and you shall never
all of our readers. Since our last number be kept in the dark as to any new improve-
was issued, and the words "Subscription ment, or fail to be warned if any attempt is
made to take advantage of and deceive The Woodbury Photo-Relief Printing
have effected new postal arrange- —
Process Our Picture.
ments by which we think we can prevent We present our readers with a picture
the frequent loss of our numbers in the this month by a process which is almost
mail hereafter. Our subscription list will entirely new to them, though not a new
be arranged in States, and the numbers for process. Nearly five years ago Mr. Walter
each State and Territory tied up separately Bentley Woodbury laid before the photo-
and thus mailed. In that way the Cali- graphic societies in London some exquisite
fornia package, for instance, will go direct little prints possessing unusual and remark-
to San Francisco for distribution, instead able relief and detail, which, he declared,
of the numbers being jolted and rubbed were mechanical prints in permanent col-
against each other separately as heretofore, ors no silver, no hyposulphite, no gold,
thus running the risk of being pillaged by in fact, no deleterious chemical being in
route agents, or of having the wrappers torn their composition. They were of card-size
off. This plan will insure certain and safe only, yet they excited the greatest conster-
delivery we think. nation, for in them could be seen a great
One subject more, and we have done. The process for the future. Some little while
large circulation our Journal has, necessa- after, the readers of the Photographic News
rily brings an immense correspondence. were presented with a specimen print by
Heretofore, many of our subscribers, when Mr. Woodbury's process, and the details of
finding trouble in their manipulations, have the process given. The British Journal and
naturally applied to us for the necessary in- Dr. Vogel's Photo. Mittheilungen have since
formation. We are glad they do, for they presented their readers with cabinet-size
should find everything in their Journal that specimens, and we have from time to time
they want to know. We
have always noticed the process and its progress, though
answered such letters privately and cheer- not in much detail.
fully, because, our issue being monthly, it It has been reserved for them, however, to
is a long time for a man to wait to know receive now the most beautiful specimen
how he may get rid of fog in his bath, spots by the process that has been printed in
in his paper, etc. Although we can and do large quantities on paper, and we believe
employ help business department,
in our that they will agree with us that it rivals
this kind of work must be done by one silver printing and gold toning to a won-
right hand, and that our own. Although drous degree. One could scarcely hope
it has become very exacting and burden- for more perfect prints from any negative,
some, we are still willing to answer all such and yet the thousands needed for our pur-
letters by private note, whenever the parties pose can be printed by one man in less than
cannot wait to be answered in our next issue. a week, with only one exposure of the nega-
When they can wait, we shall, hereafter, tive! Astounding as this may seem, we
for theirgood and for the good of others, will try to make it plain by the details of
answer all such communications in our edi- the process as briefly as possible: A thin,
torial columns, and this shall be the rule. dry sheet of bichromatized gelatine is ex-
If you inclose a postage stamp we shall posed under the negative the same as in
know you are in a hurry, and write you ;
carbon or silver printing. The soluble
otherwise, you will be answered as stated. parts are then washed away and the insol-
Now continue to ask whenever you need uble parts remaining form a gelatine relief.
information, and you shall be attended to When dry, this "relief" is placed upon a
cheerfully. Correspondence to be answered steel plate in a hydraulic press, a sheet of
in the magazine must reach us by the 18th lead laid upon it, and the two brought to-
of the month invariably, or it will be too gether by about four hundred tons' pres-
late. sure. On removing the pressure a reverse
Again, we wisli you all a Happy New of the "relief" will bo found impressed
Year. upon the lead-plate, and from it the prints
are made. From the same "relief," with show no signs of the fractures. Is it not
care, as many as twenty metal plates may wonderful ?
be produced, each one being capable of It is well known to all of our readers
printing about one thousand impressions, that albumen prints are more or less fugi-
so that, with only one exposure of the nega- tive moreover, that to print in large
tive, it is possible to print twenty thousand quantities is almost impossible, unless many
prints, all as perfect as the one now presented negatives be made, which adds much to the
to you. cost of production. Perhaps no one has ex-
Wehave before us one of the "reliefs," perienced the latter defect in the silver pro-
several of the metal plates, and a great cessmore than we have, as we need several
number of the prints of sizes up to 11 x 14 thousand prints each month, and know full
on paper and glass. In the metal intaglio well and to our cost, the difficulty of ob-
or mould, the most intense parts of the taining them. These drawbacks to silver
photograph are represented by the deepest printing have led many for a number of
hollows and the half-tones by hollows pro- years to experiment, with a view of obtain-
portionately less deep,i. e., the deeper the ing some process by which •permanent prints
hollow the darker, and vice versd. The could be made in large quantities cheaply
mould is laid flat in a press contrived by and as good as silver prints. The result
Mr. Woodbury for the process, and upon has been the perfection of several very use-
it is poured, while warm, a suflicient quan- ful photo-lithographic processes, only useful,
tity of a semi-transparent mixture of color however, in certain directions, and all of
and gelatine. This mixture is poured in a them, until within two or three years, with-
little pool upon the centre of the mould, out the possibility of obtaining half-tone.
the paper is laid upon it, the press brought The various carbon processes were also the
down, and the mixture oozes outwards in result of the experiments alluded to, most
all directions, fills the hollows in the moulds, of the experimenters working pretty much
and attaches itself to the paper. In a few in the same The Osborne photo-
moments the proof is removed from the lithographic and the Swan carbon, process,
mould and immersed in an alum solution, were the most perfect and practical of them
which renders it insoluble even in boiling all,and an example by each of them has
water, and we have the finished print! been presented to our readers.
Can anything be more simple and beauti- Mr. Woodbury, however, stepped out of
ful? the usual track and worked in an entirely
But the production of prints on paper is different direction from his confreres. With
only one of the uses of the process. Prints what success, our readers have proof of.
on glass for transparencies, stereographs, After years of hard labor and diligent ex-
and lantern-slides can be made with even periment, hindered by obstacles that it
greater ease. Any color may be used for seemed almost impossible ever to over-
the paper prints, or any shade, as the prints come, Mr. Woodbury has mastered a pho-
before us testify. They may be made on tographic printing process, which is itself
metal, china, wood, or almost any substance master of all of its rivals, and the capabili-
to which the mixture will adhere, of a mat ties of which he does not yet foresee. It is
or glazed surface. By another application undoubtedly the printing process of the fu-
bass reliefs in plaster are obtained, and, by ture. At present it is only adapted (eco-
still another, printing surfaces on copper nomically) to the production of large quan-
for the regular printing press are secured. tities, such as for the illustrations of maga-
A negative may
be weak, or it may be zinesand books, for advertising and other
dense and harsh. Equally good prints can commercial purposes, and for parties who
be obtained from them by a slight modifi- have large lots of stereoscopic negatives in
cation in making the relief. It is the continual use. There is a wide field for it
most accommodating process we have ever in those directions.
seen. Even a broken negative can be The saving of the negative gives it an
printed from so that the resulting prints immense power. In a future issue we shall
give further information concerning this showing such unthought of sensitiveness
wonderful discovery, and we are promised in chloride of silver, naturally led others to
that those who visit the great exhibition experiment in the direction of plates for the
that to be at Cleveland in next June shall
is camera Nothing, however, of interest was
see itworked in all its details. elicited, nor was any step made towards the
The negative from which these prints discovery of the function of chloride of sil-
were made was made by Mr. Woodbury ver in connection with collodion negatives.
in Italy. Our pictures were printed by the This function I believe I have now suc-
"Woodbury Photo-Eelief Company, in Lon- ceeded in making out. The true use of
don. chloride of silver is to be found in connec-
tion with bromide in the collodio-bromide
process. And, if I do not deceive myself,
THE CHLORO-BROMIDE PROCESS. it will be found that this application of
BY M. CAREY LEA. chloride of silver will be equal in import-
I propose to give the above name to a ance, and not dissimilar in character, to the
new form of the collodio-bromide process, introduction of bromide of silver into the
which have just finished working out.
I . regular wet process.
Some years ago I made and published For, although exellent work was done
some experiments upon development on with the iodide of silver process, yet the
chloride of silver on paper. The chloride introduction of bromide gave a great cer-
paper was exposed under a negative, in tainty, ease, and freedom from fog. So,
some cases for a very short time; in others, although capital work can be done with
until a visible image appeared. It was the collodio-bromide process, neverthess the
found that, in the latter case, where the ex- introduction of chloride enables us with
posure was continued till the whole image ease and certainty to get a bright, vigor-
was visible, and then finished by develop- ous image, coming up with facility to any
ment, a better result was got than when degree of intensity desired, supporting with
iodo-bromide of silver was used, and I recom- great ease a re-development with nitrate of
mended this mode of development for regu- silverand acid pyro if desired, in conse-
lar use in development printing. But the quence of inadvertent under-exposure and
most remarkable result was got where the without any need of previous fixing. In-
exposure was very short. In an experi- deed, the addition of even a very small
ment in which a single magnesium spiral quantity of chloride so effectually destroys
was burned in front of the negative, noth- all tendency to fog, that the use of a solu-
ing at all was visible when the paper was ble bromide in the development becomes
removed from the frame. According to re- superfluous, even where the sensitive collo-
ceived ideas respecting the comparative in- dion has been prepared with a large relative
sensibility of chloride of silver, development excess of nitrate of silver. A liberal excess
of this under-exposed invisible image ought of nitrate of silver in the collodion tends to
to have produced a very harsh, black and exalt the sensibility, but obliges great care
white picture, instead of which a thin pic- to be taken in the development and the use
ture, crowded with detail, was obtained. I of plenty of bromide of potassium. But,
remember mentioning that some extremely by the introduction of chloride, all this
faint detail, which I had noticed in the nega- tendency to fog disappears at once, and the
tive, with the thought in my mind that that development goes forward as brightly and
portion would never show in any print, cleanly as can be desired.
was distinctly visible in this development. The proportion of chloride necessary is
At the same time, the image was so thin, singularly small. A grain to the ounce
flat, and destitute of vigor as to be wholly of collodion seems to be quite sufficient in
worthless as a positive, and was only of in- most cases. In some it may be raised to
terest in connection with the curious prop- two grains, in others lowered to half a
erties so unexpectedly disclosed. grain. It is wonderful to see how com-
The publication of these experiments, plete a change in the character of the plate
the addition of so small a quantity as half a The following are the formulae which I
grain will make. The quantity to he added recommend for use : I have always pre-
will always depend upon the character of ferred to use a collodion richer in bromides
the collodion in use and the result desired. than many others who use the collodio-
The more chloride added, the greater will bromide process. If found too thick, it is
be the vigor of the resulting negative. easy to thin with ether to any desired
The chloride which I have selected for use thickness, but I have always found that it
isthe chloride of copper* Of course, others was best to apply the collodio-bromide as
may he used, such as the alkaline chlorides, little thin as possible —a rich, creamy film
chloride of cadmium, of calcium, etc., etc. always gives the softest pictures and with
But the chloride of copper leaves nothing the most detail in the shadows. I there-
to be desired. It is easily obtained pure; fore make my collodion :
it to crystallize'out into invisible particles them an actual trial and adopt that which
that remain suspended in the liquid, and gives the best result, laying in a supply to
cause insensitive specks in the negative. last for a long time.
So reject all the alkaline chlorides which As respects the keeping of collodion, my
are still less soluble in alcohol than the bro- own experience has been, that it gains in
mides. Chloride of lithium is, of course, an sensitiveness for a long time by keeping.
exception, but it is scarce and expensive, and, But some specimens blister worse after
as said before, chloride of copper leaves noth- keeping for six or eight months than after
ing to be desired. I use it in solution in al- one month. The trouble from blisters,
cohol, 16 grains to the ounce, so that each however, when they occur, is more appar-
half drachm contains one grain. It may, of ent than real. Gum, however, which gives
course, be dissolved in the collodion together the most sensitive plates of all preserva-
with the bromides, but at first, at least, the tives that I have tried, tends to blisters.
sensitizing. In this way he can regulate the washing after fixing is, however, essential.
quantity acccording to the results obtained. Having then prepared a solution of chlor-
ide of copper, 16 grains to the ounce of alco-
* I obtain mine of Bullock & Crenshaw, Phila. hol, I add to each ounce of collodion half a
plates that will be fully exposed with an fogging, it is with gum that it will be found
amount of exposure which, had it been used to be most useful. Together with gum, I
at the end of twenty-four hours, would have use sugar and litmus. The sugar seems to,
given a half-exposed, chalky, black and be chiefly useful for keeping the film in
white negative. a porous condition. It dissolves out rap-
Not only this, but I have long recognized idly when the plate is developed, and leaves
and acted upon the fact that the mixture the film in a spongy condition favorable to
acts much better if it has been treated in the rapid and equal penetration of the devel-
the following way : suppose we want 4 oper. The litmus I at first tried for the pur-
ounces of sensitive mixture, we take a little pose of darkening the film and diminishing
less than this, say 3 ounces, and sensitize its penetrability to light, but
it proved to
it, shake it frequently, and, at the end of a act most favorably upon the sensibility of
day, add the remaining ounce, thus bring- the film and the vigor of the image. It
ing the bromide into excess. This stands, may be used either blue, or it may be red-
with occasional shaking, for half a day. dened by acetic acid. If used blue it is best
Then the silver corresponding to the last to lightly wash the plate first, because silver
addition of collodion is added, well shaken gives a precipitate with blue litmus. With
up at intervals, and, at the end of half a litmus reddened by acetic acid, the tendency
day (making in all, the two days), it is in to precipitate is greatly diminished, and a
its best condition — although this proceeding previous washing becomes superfluous and
is not absolutely necessary, and, although even injurious. On the whole, I prefer the
very good results are got by simply adding blue, or the gum and sugar may be used with-
the quantity needful of nitrate of silver to out the litmus. 1 give all three methods
the whole of the collodion intended to be the first involves a very little more trouble
used, yet, neverthtless, there is a decided than the other two, but it gives a more sen-
advantage in proceeding as above. I have sitive plate, and I therefore use it myself
used this method with unimportant varia- and recommend it in preference. All,
tions for years, and have described in my however, give good results.
Manual, and, your pages.
I think, in
After using what I want, I add, accord- No. 1.
ing to the custom usual with those who work Take a quarter of a pound of good dark lit-
the collodio-bromide process, some of the mus (the French is better than the German)
bromized collodion to the residue, by which cover it with boiling water and set in a
admixture it keeps well and is again ready for warm some hours or a day. Pour
place for
use by adding nitrate of silver corresponding oft" the liquid into a filter, add more water;
to the quantity of collodion last introduced after pouring this off, throw also (hegrounds
into it. It is not well, however, to do this upon the filter, and wash through with hot
water until the amounts to a quart.
filtrate will be found to vary with different speci-
Add a little drachm) and
carbolic acid ($ mens of collodion, and different preserva-
the liquid will keep indefinitely. I have tives.The great gain which I find in its
used it six and eight months old. use is that it admits of our raising the
The bath is made by dissolving sensitiveness of the collodio-bromide mix-
ture to the highest degree, by protecting
Best Gum Arabic, 20 grains.
Loaf Sugar, 12 " us from the dangers which accompany that
Water, 1 ounce. mode of operating. Some have feared these
so much as to recommend using either just
The litmus solution is added to this in
enough nitrate of silver to correspond with
the proportion of an ounce to each 4 ounces
the bromides, or even to use less, and leave
of the gum-water.
the bromides in excess. In this way a clean
After the plate is collodionized, allow it
plate secured indeed, even if the operation
to get barely set and plunge it into a pan
has not been very well managed, but at a
of water, where it may lie either a long or
great sacrifice of sensitiveness. Now the
a short time, except that all greasiness must
introduction of the chloride enables us to
be gone. It is then plunged into the above
obtain perfect clearness, and at the same
bath, left there six, eight, or ten minutes
time retain the exalted sensitiveness which
(fifteen will do no harm), and is then dried.
can only be obtained by having present a
No. 2 liberal excess of nitrate of silver.
It is
as soon as the col-
left in till the greasy
P. S. Those who already use the collodio-
bromide process, and have the collodion
marks are completely gone, allowing rather already salted, can apply the chloride to it
a little more time than less, and is then by adding to each ounce, half a drachm of
ready to dry. 16-grain solution of chloride of copper in
No. 3 alcohol. This addition will necessitate an
Differs onlyfrom the foregoing in the en- increase in the nitrate of silver, of 2£ grains
tire omission of the litmus, and consequently beyond what the collodion needed before.
of the acetic acid. Plates are immersed It will be found that the introduction of
without previous washing, as in No. 2. chloride admits of the use of a larger ex-
Better take the little additional trouble cess of silver, with consequent gain in sen-
required with the first of these, and so secure who have hitherto
sitiveness, so that those
the best results. worked with a very small excess of silver,
The development is effected by plunging can increase it.
plate, and I scarcely can pronounce it supe- Gum Arabic, . , .20 grains.
rior if the latter is prepared with the same Sugar Candy, . 5 "
amount of care. In making a trial of this Water 2 drachms.
process, I did not care to limit myself to
No. 2.
the exact ?nodus operandi prescribed by the
Gallic Acid, 3 grains.
author of the different formulae, but kept .
Water, . 6 drachms.
closely to the text of the essential points,
that is, the preserver so-called. Thegallic acid is dissolved by the aid of
I used my own collodion, consisting of heat,and the solutions are mixed together
the following ingredients and filtered through sponge immediately
before required.
Alcohol, 5 ounces
Now it is this filtering through sponge
Ether, 5
(which is absolutely necessary every time
Pyroxyline, 60 grains.
that plates are to be coated), together with
Iodide of Ammonium, .40
the consequent production of air-bubbles,
Bromide of Cadmium, . 25
and the difficulty of removing them from
Both the ether and alcohol I digest sepa- the film when once there, that renders this
rately over caustic lime in powder for part of the process somewhat irksome, when
about twenty-four hours, and then distil, compared with the application of the pre-
in order to get the two fluids properly con- servative in some of the other dry processes.
centrated and free from acidity. Nevertheless, with proper care the plates are
coated to your satisfaction.
The plates are first steeped in nitric acid
First pour over the plate (8 x 4) about a
for an hour or two, then thoroughly cleaned,
and, whilst wet, are coated with dilute albu-
drachm of the mixed solutions, so as to cover \
the film completely, and then let the solution ^
men. I prefer this substratum to all others,
flow off into the sink. About 2 drachms
and the plates are thus easily prepared.
more of fresh solution are poured upon the
The silver bath contains about 50 grains
plate and move the plate so as to keep the
2 minims.
removed to a similar position in a second
wash-basin. After a third plate has been
plate is washed thor-
sensitized, the first I did not use this backing, because I did
oughly under the tap and then coated with not think it necessary when the exposure is
Water, ....
Glacial Acetic Acid, . 2 ounces.
14 ounces.
presented boldly
will be
begins to appear, and is intensified as much ing the tones of the print to acquire great
as you like by adding 2 drops more of the richness and depth from contact with the
bath solution to the developer every now gray ground. If deep red be used instead
and then. It wash the film be-
is better to of black, the border will be pink instead of
fore the picture is thoroughly intensified, and gray, which is equally pretty, and, as both
then to pour upon it about a drachm of fresh colors are furnished, the photographer may
developer containing 3 or 4 drops of the vary the dozen to please the customer. In
bath solution. making vignette negatives for these cards,
The plates are fixed in hyposulphite of have a care not to make the figure too
soda in the usual way. large, or else the drapery will overlap the
The process is certain, consequently relia- line of the oval The white should show
ble. all around (he figure, a little at the bottom
and more about the sides and top of the
head. Thin albumen paper is best for the
THE HOLYOAKE CARD MOUNT. prints. They are well worthy of a trial.
The attention of our readers was called
to this very neat affair by Mr. G. Wharton
Simpson in his Notes last spring, and soon
after, they were advertised as being made
and for sale in this country. By their use Below we present engravings of the gold
photographers may introduce a new and prize medals awarded, as announced in
pretty style of picture, and also have a November, to the successful competitors for
the prizes offered by us for genre, portrait, ways a pleasure to work with, and recom-
and landscape photography. mend. He was constrained in his drawing
The design is one of our own, for want of somewhat, on account of the design having
a better one. Had we thought of it in good to be struck in metal, and it will not at first
time, we should have invited the ideas of sight be considered as artistic as it should be.
our subscribers to assist us, but presuming Our engraver has done the best he could,
the competitors were impatient to possess much in so small a space. The
in getting so
them, we hastened the matter. The en- engravings are not half so beautiful as the
gravings are fac similes, so near as can be, medals, and we hope our earnest workers
and of the size of the originals. The medals will all try and secure one of the medals
are made of finer gold than the United when we make our next offer, which will
States gold coin, and cost much more to probably be in our next issue.
produce the dies alone, than the amount of Owing to certain circumstances, Mr. Gris-
premium offered but we propose to repeat
; wold's is the only one of the competing pic-
our offer presently, and shall then need the tures that will appear as "Our Picture."
dies again. It will accompany our February issue, and
is being printed in the best style of the art.
Full sets of the prize prints be may now
had, or sets of the different classes, as an-
nounced heretofore They are very in-
structive when studied with the remarks of
the judges, and some of them are very pretty.
The obverse design will, probably, be Mr. Egbert Guy Fowx, Baltimore, Md.,
understood by many. It is intended to rep- has secured a patent from whose specifica-
resent Photography as the greatest of the tions we extract the following :
arts. Imagine an enthusiastic lover of art The object of my invention relates to the
and nature looking forth upon the beauties production, by the use of two or more nega-
of the world. He burns with desire to se- tives, of a sharp, soft, and natural photo-
cure more than a remembrance of what graphic print, in lights and shadows, with
he and attempts with pen and ink to
sees, all the sharpness obtained by the original
describe it. Soon he becomes benumbed process of printing, with or from a single
with his impotence, and casts the pen and negative.
portfolio aside; the palette and pencil are To enable others skilled in the art, to
then called into service, and after making make and use my invention, I will proceed
a great number of unsatisfying sketches, to describe its construction and operation.
these, too, he casts aside, when Photog- I produce two or more fac simile nega-
raphy comes to his aid, and here stand tives of the same object, which negatives
its emblems, triumphant and high, above are placed in contact with each other, in
all its competitors, which, with broken such a manner as to bring the lights and
laurels, lie upon the ground. ''The pen is shades of each negative directly opposite.
mightier than the sword," but the camera They are then exposed, with the prepared
obscura is mightier than pen or pencil. paper for printing in contact with the nega-
The reverse side is understandable by the tive, to the sun's rays, and printed in the
possessors of the medals, and they are the usual manner, which process is also appli-
most interested. The dies were sunk by a cable to solar prints.
talented artist in the government service, By this process, a photographic print is
who made his drawings from a modern produced, which is superior to any other
little stereographic camera and tripod, production, and is applicable to photogra-
made for our own use by the American phy in all its branches.
Optical Company, whose apparatus it is al- The lights and shadows are so softly toned
and blended by this process, that they pro- cember 7th, 1869, the first annual election
duce the most pleasing natural and life-like of officers took place, to serve the following
effects Having thus described my inven- year. The nominees elected were Mr. A.
tion, what I claim, and desire to secure by K. P. Trask, President; Messrs. E. P.
letters patent is, Warrington and C. Naylor, Vice-Presi-
The combination of too or more negatives, dents and D. Lathrop, Secretary and
fringer " if you produce similar results The competitors for the prizes then offered
by any other means. He proposes to show their printsand negatives, and the chairman
how it can be done by his method, which he appointed Messrs. Davids, Pepper, and Ed-
believes to be the best and easily worked ward L. Wilson to act as judges.
when understood. Mr. Brown has acted On motion a recess was allowed to give
as our agent in Baltimore and Washington the judges an opportunity of examining the
for a number of years, and is entirely trust- pictures, after which they reported that
worthy. He will continue to solicit sub- they had awarded the prize for the best
and claims that he will not
scriptions for us, landscape to Mr. John Moran. The sub-
apply to photographers as a process seller, ject was a view on Cresheim Creek near
but as a teacher of a process that he thinks Philadelphia. The selection of view and
will swell your revenue if you study it. We careful chemical work was much admired.
know very little of it, but Mr. Brown we The judges reported that no pictures had
have known personally for a number of years been offered for the portrait prize.
as an accomplished operator and worthy Mr. Moran used, in making the prize
gentleman. picture, one of Roettger's lenses of ten-inch
focus, with smallest stop.
Among the pictures exhibited were a fine
FERROTYPERS' ASSOCIATION OF variety of solar enlargements, from nega-
PHILADELPHIA. tives by Messrs. Borda and Sturgis, en-
At the regular monthly meeting of the larged by Mr. Albert Moore, embracing
Ferrotypers' Association of Philadelphia, views in Pike County, Pa., and coast scenes
held at Mr. A. K. P. Trask's gallery, De- near Nahant, Mass.
Mr. Edward L. "Wilson showed to the was called to order by the Vice-President,
Society a variety of the Holyoake mounting- Mr. T. R. Burnham.
cards ; also a new and varied assortment of The records of the last meeting were read
German card pictures, made by Loescher and approved.
& Petsch, of Berlin ;
also several remarka- Mr. Allen, in behalf of the Executive
Kembrandt effects by Mr. W. Kurtz,
bly fine Committee, reported on the subject of com-
of New York all of his pictures were excel-
; pensation to Mr. Black for the use of his
lent, but one of a lady, admirably posed studio for the meetings of the Association.
and lighted, deserves especial mention. It On motion of Mr. Low, it was resolved
is difficult to conceive that light, chemicals, that the report of the committee be ac-
and fine manipulation could unite in form- cepted and adopted.
ing a more pleasing picture than it. Mr. Eoss nominated Mr. Charles Eur-
Mr. Wilson offered for examination a neaux, and, on motion of Mr. Black, he was
complete set of the competing pictures for elected a member of this association.
his prizes. They are very interesting, and Mr. Low commented upon a remarkable
will undoubtedly prove of value to the pro- photograph called " Kittiwakes," that was
fession as examples of the different styles of among the contributions of Messrs. Robin-
arrangement to be used and avoided, show- son & Cherrill, England, to our National
ing the faults and good qualities of each. Photographic Exhibition. This picture has
The Secretary then exhibited one of Mr. called forth much discussion and many sug-
Marcy's magic lanterns, to which he has gestions in the English photographic jour-
given the name "Sciopticon" This is an nals, as to how it was produced. He hoped
improvement upon the original form adopt- that this Society would make an effort to
ed by him, whereby the excessive heat near obtain a copy of it for our album.
the lamp is entirely avoided. It was therefore resolved that the Society
A large number of glass positives were procure, or try to procure, a copy for our
shown among them a dozen slides of groups
; album.
of curiosities, arranged so that each depart- On motion of Mr. Allen it was resolved
ment had its separate illustration. There that the Secretary be instructed to procure
were represented specimens of sponges, cor- the picture.
als, shells, minerals, pottery, ancient china, Remarks were made by the Vice-Presi-
heathen idols, antique watches, jewelry, dent,Mr. Burnham, on the members enter-
etc. This very interesting and valuable ing into a competition to produce the best
collection is in the possession of Mrs. 0. photographs, and exhibit them at our next
W. Pennock, of Delaware County, Pa. meeting.
The members thought so favorably of And on motion of Mr. Black it was re-
Mr. Marcy's new lantern, that it was, upon solved that we each and all make a picture
motion of Mr. Davids, unanimously resolved of card size (same style as the Berlin cards),
to purchase one of the instruments for the to present at our next meeting for competi-
use of the Society, to be placed under the tion. The one producing the best to have
control of the Room Committee. all of the pictures.
On motion, adjourned. It was resolved that the subject for dis-
John C. Browne, cussion at our next meeting be " Retouch-
Recording Secretary. ing the Negative."
Mr. C. A. Stevens, from Warren's rooms,
Cambridge, exhibited a very light, portable,
BOSTON PHOTOGRAPHIC developing tent, which folds up into a small
SOCIETY. compass, and weighs but six pounds; also,
The regular monthly meeting of this a bath to go with it, which was a wooden
association was held at Black's studio, No. box lined or coated inside and out with a
173 Washington Street, December 7th, mixture of coal-tar and gutta-percha. It
1869. seems nothing for a bath could be so simple
The President being absent, the meeting and cheap and answer the purpose so well.
exhibit these views to the public by the aid M. E. Beckwith, and J. C. Potter.
of stereopticons, simultaneously in the cities The Society then proceeded to discuss
of Boston, New York, and Chicago. prices of work.
f! c. l. After remarks by several, on the propriety
of making better work and getting better
prices, the President appointed Messrs.
Wells, Beckwith, and Decker as a com-
NORTHERN OHIO PHOTOGRAPHIC mittee to make a list of prices, and report
SOCIETY. at our next meeting in January.
The Society met at A. Price's rooms, 319 The Society then adjourned, to meet at J.
Superior Street, Cleveland, December 2d F. Ryder's rooms, 170 and 171 Superior
President Ryder in the chair. Street, Cleveland, on the first Thursday
The minutes of last meeting were read evening in January, 1870.
and adopted. J. C. Potter,
The Committee on Closing Kooms on Secretary.
draw conclusions and form rules for profes- tant to study pictorial effect and to try to
sional guidance, and best and most com- attain it in their work, as it is to endeavor to
mendable of all record the same gratui- make perfect negatives and prints, and many
tously for the benefit of their fellows. will remember our series of papers on "Art
Singularly too, there seems to be no topic Principles Applicable to Photography,"
in our work too insignificant for considera- which appeared in these pages during 1868.
world be told that, with
tion. If the outside Mr. H. P. Kobinson, who is probably the
important to discuss the sub-
us, it is very most accomplished art photographer in Eu-
jects of "Paste," "Glass-cleaning," or rope, and whose admirable composition pic-
"Dirt," &c, it would seem amusing; and tures attracted so much attention at the
yet the excellent contributions of Bloede, National Exhibition in Boston last June, has
Baker, and Wilson prove the necessity of recently put forth a work of infinite value
care in understanding even these apparent on the subject which heads these remarks,
trifles. If then there is a potency in these covering the whole ground of composition
"little drops of water and little grains of and light and shade, together with a chapter
sand," how much more essential it is that on combination printing. Both portrait
the greater truths be pondered and under- and landscape photography have their share
stood ; and where in the photographic of attention, and both are amply illustrated.
library can search be made for a book, em- The work contains a picture by the Wood-
bracing in such a degree, freshly-penned bury process one by Swan's carbon pro-
chapters upon almost every possible subject cess another by the ordinary silver pro-
known to the art, and written by photogra- cess ; several photolithographs of etchings
phers"known and approved of all men?" by the author, numerous engravings of cele-
Five years ago I paid twenty dollars for brated paintings, and diagrams and wood-
not as —
much and certainly not so good cuts in profusion. No one can study this
formulae as that contained in the chapter excellent work without being better able to
entitled " The Whole Story," of only one — pose and compose his subjects, and to light
and a half pages Publishers of popular
! them more artistically. The faculty of ar-
magazines would not pay much for such a sight he maintains does not " come by
" story," but it is nevertheless above price nature " as many say, but that it is a culti-
to every ambitious student of photography vated sense. is encourage-
Therefore there
who seeks a " reliable method" of working ment one to study and practice
for every
from beginning to end. the rules which guide one to more perfect
" Mosaics" being a compendium of the results. Those who are unskilled compara-
whole range of photographic knowledge, tively, hardly realize how much there is to
becomes an assistant, a text-book in every learn that is of value to them. This book
department. From beginning to end the will open their eyes and enlighten them, if
student and professional both find subjects they can but see when their eyes are open.
to their pleasing; and so completely have We have learned much from its perusal and
the publishers performed their duty, that shall oftenhave to refer to it. Those who
they may safely say "we desire that our have Photographic Mosaics for this year will
patrons should pass judgment without com- observe that on page 110 there are some ex-
ment from us." tracts from Mr. Kobinson 's book which are
I feel assured that next year's volume will a type of the whole. It is useful, and we
supply the only deficiency of this,and that recommend it. Would that we were able to
some one of our artist brethren will furnish place it gratuitously in the hands of every
a chapter on "how to paint photographs," one of our subscribers. Our publishers have,
since we are told so wellliow to make them. in order to enable those ambitious to im-
Geokoe B. Aykes. prove their work, imported a supply which
are now ready, and are advertised this month. All of these points are therefore adjustable,
The book contains 199 pages divided into 41 so that if it is desirable to change the holder
chapters of matter of intense value to you after using a large plate, to accommodate a
all. It is plainly written, and is printed on smaller one, L and L and HH are made to
fine toned paper. Aim high, and try to excel approach each other, as are also E and E, and
in all you undertake. The most pleasing vice versa. To effect the condition of focus
and successful work always comes from those the four supports L LH H, being supported
who exercise the greatest amount of artistic by the pieces E E, are made to approach
feeling in the treatment of their subject, be the lenses by springs J J J J, there being
it a portrait or a landscape. one at each end of either piece E E, work-
ing against the back side of the ways D D.
These same supports move from the lenses
Buchtel's Photographic Plate-Holder. by screwing against the said ways any of
the screws K K K K. At I I there are
There is so much waste in every photo-
springs which press the pieces E E down-
graphic studio, that wherever it can be done
it is to the interest of the photographer to
wards against the way D, to assist in keep-
adopt every means to prevent it. The drip- ing the pieces wherever they may be placed.
pings from the plate-holder, as it is carried The pitcher-lipped vials of course catch the
drippings of the plates, and are firmly at-
from the dark-closet to the camera, doubt-
less waste enough to purchase a new box
tached to springs C C. When the vials
werp Cathedral, with Bubens' statue in the with the top of the print, and its right edge
foreground, has, when viewed in the stereo- three-sixteenths of an inch from the right
scope, only two and one-sixteenth inches of edge of the folded print trim off right and
subject, giving the appearance of a small left. On examination, and placing the
carte-de-visite, yet each half is three inches halves together to be viewed stereoscopi-
wide. In contrast to this, another view, cally,you will find the centres of the view
each half being three inches wide, gives to be three inches apart, that figures 1and
when viewed in the stereoscope three and 13 are included, and that you have three
five-eighths inches of subject, requiring great inches of subject included in the view. Now
strain on the eyes to see it stereoscopically. if instead of placing the right edge of the
The error in the view of Antwerp Cathe- glass shape three-sixteenths of an inch from
dral is caused in having seven-eighths and the edge of the print, you place it three-
one-sixteenth of an inch more subject in- eighths of an inch and trim off the right
cluded on the right half when mounted, and left margin, you will find you have left
amount of subject included can be changed, nate that it is to form the left half when
as will be explained by reference to the dia- mounted. The print is then put in one of
gram annexed, which is a drawing exactly Bcrgner's stereo cutters, the folded edge
the size of my own negatives and the shape resting against the piece of metal that forms
the prints are cut out. Let us suppose the the space to receive the print, and which is
* \
^. 1
^ /
^ /
fe /
t« \
^ /
r§ /
three-sixteenths of an inch from the right to make them passable, but never good.
edge of the cutter, the lever handle is press- More study and more care must be given
ed down, which forces the centre up and to the elements of our art by its followers,
cuts out both halves at once. and less to and one suggested
the thousand
It will he seen that there is a piece cut out and useless formulas, new and old.
of the centre of three-eighths of an inch in The December meeting of the Photo-
width, which answers to the amount the graphic Section of the American Institute
lenses are separated over three inches. I was presided over by Prof. Charles A. Joy,
find this themost reliable plan of trimming Vice-President. At the previous meeting
stereographs, and recommend it as much a resolution was proposed by the Section,
superior to the plan of trimming with glass in which it was declared that the award of
and knife. I formerly used a punch and premiums at the late Exhibition was wrong,
rawhide block, but the punch would grow and the same was ordered sent to the Board
dull, and the rawhide wanted occasional of Managers of the Exhibition. In accord-
planing. But the above plan I have used ance with the spirit of said resolution, the
daily for nearly two years, and the cutter Board of Managers rescinded their former
cuts as well now as when first tried. Some action,and awarded to Mr. William Kurtz,
photographers take their views with the 872 Broadway, N. Y., the only premium for
lenses four inches apart. In such a case, photographic portraiture. Mr. Newton re-
the distance from side guide to the edge of ported that he had continued his experiment
the cutter would have to be half an inch. upon the alkaline bath, and had found that
Both halves would be found to contain to a results equally good were had with such a
fraction the same amount of subject. The bath in half the time of exposure compara-
size of my cutter is three inches wide, by tively to the acid bath. He exposed in a
three and one-eighth in the clear, and was flat glass bottle tightly corked, crystals of
obtained from the manufacturers, Wilson, nitrate of silver to the action of sunlight for
Hood & Co., Philadelphia. two months; these, darkened to grayish-
blue color, were subsequently dissolved in
distilled water, and the bath so made was
NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE. positively alkaline, and gave results he
It is now some months since my letters thought far better than couid be had from
have found a place in your paper not, ;
any acid bath.
however, from any loss of interest in our Prof. S. I). Tillman remarked that the
art, but from causes beyond my control. discovery made by Mr. Newton was singu-
Since my last I have visited many, very lar, and likely to lead to important results.
many of the craft in a social way, when Assuming that the proof is positive that crys-
visiting their cities and towns upon busi- tals of pure nitrate of silver, when exposed
ness of my own, quite foreign to photogra- to direct sunlight for a given time, will be
phy. I have visited nearly every State in changed in appearance and in character
the Union, and have seen some work that also, since an aqueous solution of this neu-
pleased me, but much, very much that was tral salt after such treatment has been
and lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, prints from same. I make bold to say that
and ccesium among the electro positive it excels any portrait ever published by you,
simple bodies. If we suppose that the or in any photographic journal the world
presence of water is necessary to this over. Mr. Kurtz also exhibited and ex-
change, we may represent the new combi- plained a new and most ingenious as well
nation by following the example of Ber- as complete reflector arranged with wings
zelius, who regarded even an aqueous solu- on top, bottom, and sides, so that light can
tion of ammonia as the oxide of ammonium. be thrown in any direction, and by its use
An atom of water and an atomoid nitrate any effect of same can be produced. The
of silver belong to the same type, and are side wings or reflectors are concave, so
expressed by that the light can be concentrated and not
lost as now by diffusion, a capital idea all ;
}° and }° of which he most generously gives to his
brother photographers, although, if pat-
in which the atomic weight of oxygen is ented, it would, in my opinion, prove a
doubled (16); and these same elements, after profitable operation. Such men not only
the change which produces alkaline charac- benefit the craft, by their improve-
teristics, may be represented by the tetrad
ments in our art, raise its standard and
thus: benefit the human family all honor is due
H toUa him.
H [
Mr. Chapman pitched into you a little for
Ag J the reason that, on page 103 of Mosaics, for
It may be observed' here, that a change 1869, you publish a process of Mr. England
in chemical structure does not necessarily for cleaning silver solution, he claiming that
involve a change in chemical functions, but he was the first to suggest the same in the
the typical formula expresses more clearly American Journal of Photography (Seeley),
the new part which it is now supposed may September 1st,. 1865, page 117, and that you
be played by silver, and which, if confirmed had also published the same in vol. ii,
by further experiments, will become the Philadelphia Photographer, page 165, in the
starting-point in a new series of discoveries. Summary, by M. Carey Lea.
Mr. Newton further remarked that an Mr. Bierstadt exhibited a fine series of
increase of alkalinity did not give increased picturesmade by the process of J. Albert,
sensitiveness. The bath should be faintly of Munich, Bavaria, and which has within
alkaline. a month been patented in the United
Mr. Chapman stated that he had made States. As you will, no doubt, publish
many experiments with an alkaline bath, specifications of the same, I will not here
and was fully satisfied that it would not an- attempt a description. One of these pictures
swer to use such in cases when plates had was 20 x 25, and was pronounced by all to
to be kept long after removal from the bath be superb.
and before the exposure such he was confi- Prof. Joy also exhibited a series of the
dent would always fog. He stated that he same, recently received by him from Prof.
had made baths alkaline by the use of cy- Woehlcr, of Gottingen, which were also
anide. much admired.
Mr. Hull offered the following resolu- cal. Noticing this, also, Mr. Theodore
tion : Bergner, an experienced amateur photog-
rapher of this city, has perfected a little
Resolved, That this Section consider the words
" plain photograph " in the classification of the
machine that has proven invaluable to all
American Institute
who use it, for the rapid trimming of
for exhibitions to be : all
photographs not retouched upon the positive
print, except so far as may be required to re-
The cut below is a careful drawing of the
move pin-holes, and such trifling defects as are one adapted to the stereoscopic size. The
common to negatives or prints. prints are folded over as instructed by Mr.
Carbutt, laid upon the guide A, pushed
After discussion it was unanimously through the opening in the side at B, over
the die or punch D, until the edge of the
After much pleasant intercourse, but lit- print touches the pins C C, which stop its
tle other business of general interest, the further progress and keep it The
in place.
Section adjourned to January, 1870, and handle E is now' quickly brought down by
leaving to posterity another year of photo- the hand, which action, in connection with
graphic history one in which much ad-
the joint F and a spring-cam movement
vance has been made in the quality and in the post G, causes the die or punch D to
artistic value of its products, even' though be forced upwards against the print and
ithas not been marked by any great dis- to cut it out, of proper shape. Thus, both
covery or wonderful improvement. ends of the stereo print are trimmed at
once of the desired shape and size. The trim-
"Wishing to all a year of progress,, profit,
mings are removed by placing the thumb
and good cheer, I am, as ever,
0. W. H.
he found on the top of him. The remain-
Preliminary— Fire in a Photographic Studio ing barrels of collodion, etc., were speedily
— Photographic Exhibition— Idealism in ignited, and these with a few pounds of
just when the echoes of the old year have tubes, and a little molten glass, being all
ceased, will you permit me to carry out our that remained within the portions of brick
old world custom of wishing my known and wall forming the supports of the studio,
unknown friends in America a happy and which were left standing.
prosperous new year? In my communica- Photographers do not generally keep such
tions with them through the press of the a large stock of collodion or ether on their
Philadelphia Photographer, during the next premises as that just mentioned, and they
twelve months, I shall, whilst endeavoring know very well, as a rule, that the vapors
still to make my notes from this side of the so readily given off are dangerously inflam-
Atlantic practical, as heretofore, occasion- mable; but it may not be amiss again to
ally diversify my letters with items of gen- enforce the fact on the attention of all pho-
eral photographic intelligence, gossip, news, tographers. A pound or less of collodion
in short with anything which I think will would be quite sufficient, if once ignited, to
interest photographers, and promote the set on fire the premises where it was stored.
interests of photography. I shall thus have It is a wise rule never to keep more than a
an opportunity of keeping your readers few ounces for immediate use, in any apart-
"posted" on all matters of photographic ment where the flame of a fire, gas, or a
progress, scientific, artistic, commercial, and lamp, ever has access. In storing collodion
social, in this part of the world. With such the bottle should never be more than seven-
a comprehensive subject, and limited space, eighths or even three-quarters full, to allow
brevity must be my constant watchword. for expansion in case of any rise of tempera-
So no more preliminary observations. ture, and the stoppers should be tied down.
Fire in a Photographic Studio. The studio — Good corks are better in many respects than
of Mr. Valentine Blanchard, one of our most stoppers, as the latter are sometimes blown
capable professional photographers on this out, and falling down again may break the
side, has just been entirely destroyed by bottle. Bottles containing any stock of col-
fire,and in it all his cameras, lenses, acces- lodion are better placed on the ground, or
sories, and in short all the plant of the on shelves low down, than on high, as the
studio, as well as the photographic equip- vapor of ether being heavy falls, and when
ments of three pupils who had been receiv- it is near the ground is comparatively harm-
ing lessons. Mr. Blanchard is a manufac- less, as a flame is not likely to be put down
turer of a collodion of high repute, as well to it; but if a bottle on a high shelf were
and landscape photographer.
as a portraitist to burst or crack and leak, the vapor in
In the dark-room attached to his studio, fallingwould be most likely to come into
some twenty or thirty gallons of collodion, contact with any light in the room and so
ether, and alcohol, were stored in glass bar- get ignited. Lastly, if by chance a bottle
rels. From some change in the tempera- containing any quantity of ether or collo-
ture one of these barrels holding six gallons dion, get broken or overturns, even in the
of collodion burst, and gas being burning dark, under no circumstances should alight
in the same room, the fumes of ether be brought into the room but ;
all lights put
eventually came into contact with the flame. out, and fires in adjoining apartments as
An explosion followed, which blew Mr. speedily as possible, and then by throwing
Blanchard into the middle of the adjoining open windows and doors a draught should
depicted him at his best, happily catching fully worked in monochrome water color, —
the expression which up the face when lit chalk, or charcoal being employed, this
it was aglow with some unusually happy latter being most suitable. This part of the
thought, then he did not give Goldsmith work requires, of course, great skill and
the noble look, but, with the true painter's care. The points requiring especial atten-
skill, readily detected the noblest effect, and tion from the artist are to preserve round-
gave permanent form to a transient expres- ness and modelling, to avoid bold hatching
sion. This is the prerogative of the painter, or coarse manipulation of any kind, and to
in many during many hours, to
sittings, retain the likeness with scrupulous accu-
effect. It would be equally the prerogative racy. A bold, round, well-modelled pic-
of the skilful photographer, with a tithe of ture having been secured, with soft grada-
the time and opportunity, if either were tions closely resembling those of photogra-
afforded him ;
for if the highest duty of the phy, a negative reduced to the original size
painter is to seize and to perpetuate the best is obtained from it. If the work be skil-
actual expression presented to him, photog- fully done, it will yield prints equal to the
raphy can do that more rapidly and effici- original in every respect, and, if necessary,
ently than the most skilled hand can be ex- in some respects superior, as is shown in the
pected to effect Photographs, it may be
it. series of prints in which Mr. Rejlander
admitted, then, are rarely such noble por- teaches the lesson.
traits as the skilled painter can produce,
simply because the photographer rarely has
such opportunities, in the few brief mo-
ments often given up to sitting for a photo-
graphic portrait, of seeing and securing the SilveredPaper that will Keep — To Separate
best phases of his sitter's countenance, as
Retouched Pictures from the Mounts —
Durability of the Negatives and Dextrine
are afforded to the painter.
" How to Recover a Lout Negative when you as a Preservative against Splitting— Re-
teach. The subject is one of his well-known The old story of the egg of Columbus is
genre pictures, with the title " Please give often verified in photography. Intelligent
us a copper, sir !" The negative has been and practical men will search for years the
lost or broken, and the subject being still in solution of a problem, much time, money,
demand, it was desirable to produce another and labor are wasted, and, when we think
negative. Every photographer knows that that the discovery has been made, we only
prints from a negative reproduced from an find that much is wanting yet. This has
albumenized print the full size of the plate boon the case with all the experiments to pro-
cure a permanent silvered paper, which can our silver pictures on paper I will not
be kept for an indefinite period, which will omit here. Every dealer in mounted and
not turn yellow in the copying-frame, and retouched prints is aware that the prints,
still possess all the other qualities of an by frequent handling, become soiled, and,
ordinary silvered albumen paper. The first in consequence, the pictures have to be sold
attempts were made with a collodion paper. at a reduced rate. It becomes a matter of
You remember Obernetter's, which gave importance to find means to detach such
beautiful results, but the film was very apt to retouched prints from their mounts in such
peel and besides, the exposure was very
off, a manner that the retouch shall not suffer
great. Mr. Ost, in Vincennes, published the by it. Mr. Grasshoff has accomplished this
formula for the making of this paper, which by covering the picture with diluted plain
I, at the time, communicated to you in -this collodion, and then places it in hot water,
correspondence. The process was compli- to soak it off the mount. The collodion
cated and expensive, and the result all in all, protects the reiouch, and is simply laid on
but unreliable. A few months ago Schaffner with a broad brush.
&Mohr produced a carbonate of silver paper.
The paper was very deep, kept excellent, We have lately been treated again, in our
and became sensitive only by fumigation society, with the old song about the split-
with ammonia, the pictures also as good ting of the varnished negative film. This
as with albumen paper in short, the prob-
has happened unusually frequent of late,
lem was solved, but still a secret. and valuable negatives which cannot be
I can give you now the secret. A pho- replaced have been lost. The lively dis-
tographer by the name of Baden, in Altona, cussion of this subject evidently proved
has found that he obtains a paper as good as that we are still, in a measure, ignorant of
the carbonate of silver paper, by taking the causes of this evil. I, for my part, feel
common albumen paper, silvering it in the convinced that the excessively damp weather
ordinary way, and, after washing it in three of the last three months is the main cause
or four waters, he dries it. As soon as I
of it. The dampness of the atmosphere
does not only operate after, but during var-
heard of it I made the ti-ial. I took some
albumen paper, silvered it, washed it in
nishing. The collodion film is porous like
a sponge, and absorbs moisture in a high
four changes of warter, and, after drying it
in the dark, kept it for two weeks. The degree. A negative which has been varnished
paper kept perfectly white ; the paper as
in damp weather is quite different from one
here, which Mr. Linduer stated in our yellow, and some of the dry aniline colors.
society. It sometimes happens, and par- But if be goes to a respectable artists' color
ticularly with under-exposed pictures, that dealer and explains that he wants transpa-
the collodion film will burst in drying; to rent colors only, it will save trouble in the
avoid Mr. Linduer lets the plate be-
this, selection. 2. Procure, a small bottle of
come partially dry, and covers it cold with mastic varnish, one of spirits of turpentine,
ordinary varnish ; the plate, of course, be- and a dozen soft brushes. 3. A kind of
comes perfectly cloudy and milky he now ; frame to lay the slides on (see cut below),
lets it become perfectly dry and revarnishes placed at an elevation of 45 degrees, and a
it, when it will appear perfectly transparent. flatboard to stand on the table, covered
In one of my you
letters which I sent to with white paper. This will give a kind of
last summer, I made a lengthy report on desk to work on, and the paper a guide to
the Woodbury relief printing process, by the effect that you are producing. Such a
Goupil, in Turk. I find this statement re- little aparatus does capitally for touching
printed in one of the English journals. In up negatives as well. Now to work : var-
nish the transparencies with bleached white paper is placed flat on the table under
shellac in alcohol. This is important the glass, on which place your photograph.
for many reasons not necessary to give here. Three or four small sable brushes, each a lit-
Take a white porcelain palette (a dinner- tle larger than the other, should be procured,
plate will do), put a little of each color on and what is called a dabber, that is, a camel-
it,and a little mastic varnish in the middle hair brush cut down in the way shown by Fig.
with which you mix the colors; the tur- 2, the edges of which should afterwards be
pentine is used to thin the mixtures with, or passed through a flame so as to remove any
to wash out any part or the whole, if the straggling hairs, etc. The pigments used
effectproduced is not agreeable, and you can are those called transparent, and should be
recommence. I fancy I see you buying as powerful as possible ; for yellow I prefer
vermilion, the effect would be so fine, but gamboge, gallstone, and Indian yellow for ;
you will find it black on the screen. The blue, Prussian blue and Indigo for red, ;
nearest approach I have got is with gam- madder and crimson lake for orange, a ;
boge and crimson lake, but that is very combination of the crimson lake and Indian
short of scarlet. You must be very careful yellow, or burnt sienna; for brown, the
of dust or dirt of any kind, keeping your madderand Vandyke browns; and for black,
colors scrupulously clean, as every particle Indian ink and lampblack. With these pig-
of it and colors.
will adhere to the object ments a large variety of other colors may
A judicious mixture of the primary colors be compounded.
will produce all the effects you can obtain. "In laying on the colors you must do so
Sometimes we paint also on the glass side very carefully, so as to preserve them very
for clouds, etc. I have tried to avoid all clear and flat, or even. If the wash wants
unnecessary detail, but should you require some slight after-touching to improve it,
more, I will endeavor to give it in your when dry breathe on it sufficiently to moisten
next. H. D. F." the color and as it is on a non-absorbent
"We also extract the following, which ground, you may, by carrying a flat camel-
hair brush lightly over it, make it satisfac-
gives further instruction, from the Illus-
trated Photographic Almanac for 1869.
tory. Always use as large a brush as pos-
" Now the great difficulty encountered in
sible. To soften the edges of tints or render
coloring slides for the lantern is in the shad-
them more even, you may, having first
ing up. Putting the outlines in, to any one breathed upon them, stipple them by hold-
ing the cut-down brush perpendicular to the
who can draw, is a very simple matter, put-
glass, and moving it lightly with a dabbing
ting on a flat wash of color is a compara-
tively simple matter too
motion over the surface. Carefully clean
; but in the shading
considerable experience, practice, and skill the dabber after you have so used it.
the outlines are provided, and the shading and lightly coat them with a thin coating
of varnish, carrying it over the colored
too, so that we have only to deal with a few
flatwashes of color. The implements re- portions only with a flat varnish brush, and
quired are first a suitable desk. This, shown over this you may proceed to color with the
same pigments, only using oil colors. This
process gives greater richness of color and
force of effect than can be obtained if you
begin and finish with water-colors, although
you can do so if you please. Obtain the
colors in oil already mentioned as necessary
for water-color painting, with the addition
of Italian pink, raw sienna, burnt umber,
and Chinese blue; you will also require a
in the above diagram, Fig. 1, is a sloping little pale drying-oil, some gold size, as a
frame, holding a sheet of glass, and sup- drier; some mastic varnish, spirits of tur-
ported drawing-desk fashion. sheet of A pentine, and copal varnish.
five or six years ago, and for which per- The which is used on the
coffee solution
manency was claimed, time has proven to prepared plates is composed of 30 grams
be no less perishable than silver prints. burnt and ground coffee, and 15 grams
: — :
white sugar, which are put in 300 grams of regard to sharpness, depth, and softness,
boiling water. excel anything that has heretofore been
The pyrogallic acid developer contains 2 brought before the Society. Tbey are of
grams of this salt for each 100 grams of the opinion that this process with some
water, to which are added 6 grams of ni- negatives will give better results than a
trate of silver, and 6 of lemon-juice, dis- print on albumen paper." Mittheilungen.
solved in 100 parts of water. Mr. H. P. Robinson's " Gull " picture,
Les Mondes publishes in full Professor a copy of which was on exhibition at Bos-
Morton's report on the eclipse of August 7. ton, in June, has been exciting English
We translate the introductory remarks of photographers for months, and discussed at
Abbe Moigno great length in the journals. Every way
"The following report is long and of a in the world has been guessed as to how it
local and personal interest. Our principal was done, and yet nobody knows — but Mr.
aim is to give credit to the generous volun- Robinson.
teers of science of the American expedition,
The ball and socket joint, so useful in
and to publish the glorious result brought
many waj^s, has been applied to the camera-
about by their co-operation. This expedi- box to secure a substitute for the swing-
tion in itself is a great example of devotion
back, by a correspondent of the British
to science. Prof. Morton, who organized
Journal. The flange of the lens is screwed
it, and his peaceable companions in arms,
on to a large sphere of wood, the front of
can claim the recognition of the scientific which is cut flat to permit of this being
world. This is the reason why we consid- done. A hole is cut through the sphere to
ered it our duty to publish the report in admit the lens tube passing through it.
A hole is now made in the front of the
The Bulletin Beige publishes the process camera, rather smaller than the diameter
of Mr. Charles Cros for reproducing photo- of the ball or globe, which consequently
graphs in colors. The particulars of this cannot pass through it. A smaller piece of
process were published in the December wood is made with a hole through it of the
number of the Philadelphia Photographer, same camera, and is placed
size as that in the
by Mr. M. Carey Lea. The invention of outside of the sphere, which is thus kept in
Mr. Charles Cros is simultaneous and iden- its place and works between these two
tical with the one of M. Dueos du Hauron. planes as a ball would in a socket, thus
From Herr Otto Buehler, Berlin, we have
received his book entitled " Atelier und
Apparat <les Photographen," a work of
367 pages, giving an exhaustive descrip-
tion of the optical, chemical, and technical
apparatus from the present standpoint of
the photographic profession. An atlas of 17
folio plates, containing 496 lithograph
drawings, accompanies the work.
Mr. W. L. Noverre, in the News, rec- The outer piece of wood m is attached to
ommends the best pale glue as an excellent the camera front by means of another piece
mountant. It should be dissolved by slow to which the former is in turn attached by
heat — never allowed to boil —and strained the hinge n. The lens and sphere on which
through flannel. it is mounted may be rotated in any direc-
The committee appointed by the Berlin tion, and when once adjusted is prevented
Society for the Promotion of Photography, from slipping by the screw o. To prevent
consisting of Messrs. Petsch and Schneion, the admission of light, the edges of the
make the following report on the "light holesmust be lined with black velvet. The
prints of Ohm and Grossmaur. They ac- advantages of the swing-back have been
knowledge that the samples of portraits, in made plain in our pages several times, and
— ; — :
bonnet glue and gum arabic dissolved in little warm. It will not curl the cards as
hot water enough to make it as thick as or- much as starch paste, and will not injure
dinary mucilage. Strain through muslin. the glass of the albumen.
C. V. Stevens.
When cool about right to use in
it will be
Acetic acid very objectionable and un-
warm weather. In cold weather it will
necessary, and should not be used. It
need to be slightly warmed. A few drops
will cause the prints to discolor in a very
of alcohol will keep it from changing. It
short time. Ed. P. P.
dries quickly, and leaves the cards Hat and
elastic. I also use beeswax fur coating my The addition of throe or four drops of
india-rubber bath. I use a swab to rub over pure carbolic acid to a pint of solution, will,
! —
it isstated, arrest the tendency to form scum and consequently am no novice in photographic
tion, and retard the tendency of the paper If you do not wish to invest, then please hand
to turn brown on keeping a little time after this circular to some brother artist in your town
and oblige, Yours, JOHN SYPHERS,
Tonica, 111.
O'Neil's Formula tor Collodion. I will send the picture per express.
6 ounces.
Mr. Syphers was written for further in-
formation by a party in this city who de-
Alcohol, . . . . 6 "
sired not to invest until it was obtained, and
Some more Brains.
received for answer that the " Eureka" is
Cotton, . . . .72 grains.
Some Iodide.
"a picture taken on glass, clear, transpar-
yesterday by Mr. Hugh O'Neil, the cele- order for $1.50 as an investment, but he is
brated manipulator of the establishment of still minus the promised picture, and begins
Fredericks & O'Neil, of New York. One to fear he hasbeen too ready to " pitch in."
in a Fog. Let our readers take warning from his ex-
ample. Further in our next.
Geneva, Dec. 9th, 1869.
VOICES FROM THE CRAFT. Mr. Editor: For the good of the fra-
The following is a copy of a circular ternity, I should like to suggest to those
which has been sent us by several of our making negatives to be used in illustrating
subscribers, with the insinuation that it is
the Journal, that they give not only the
one of those humbugs which our readers formula by which they were made, but also,
should be cautioned against. in the case of portraits, the weather in which
ONE MOKE STEP TAKEN IN THE they were taken, whether sunny or cloudy ;
SCIENCE OF PICTURE MAKING. whether the glass composing the sky and
side-light be clear, ground, frosted, or cur-
case pictures, and can be made and put up almost be woollen or painted, and how far back of
as rapidly as common plate pictures in cases, and sitter and whether the collodion used was
the trifling sum of one dollar and fifty cents, to every practical opperator in the country.
then "pitch in." It is no humbug. I have "What say you, brother photographers?
been in the picture business for twenty years, Respectfully, J. G. Vail.
SALAD. Mosaics for 1870 sells wonderfully. Quite
The holiday trade was pretty good. two thousand four hundred copies are sold
at this writing, and the book is not thirty
Dirty fingers are enemies to good work.
days out of press.
You should always work your chemicals
stronger in cold weather than in warm. The Treasurer of the National Photo-
graphic Association has notified the mem-
Please read our advertisement of hooks.
bers to pay their annual dues, due last
Now is the time to read and study up.
June. Please give it attention and canvas
The gold medal prize picture, hy Mr.
for new members.
Griswold, "Blowing Bubbles/' will grace
our next issue. An Oregon girl of the period entered a
photograph establishment recently, and
We shall begin a new series of articles
asked if they "had any sun pearls." She
on skylights and their construction in our
was answered in the affirmative, and shown
next number.
some porcelain pictures which are called
Mr. Byder's double picture, one from
"sun pearls " out West. She blushed and
negative retouched and one from, negative
replied: "Laws me! Do you call them
untouched, will appear in our March num-
sun pearls? Why
them ain't what I
wanted. I want some o' that stuff which
Please read our list of premiums, and city ladies put on their faces to make their
help us place the Philadelphia Photographer skin slick." She was informed that such
in the hands of every photographer in the were usually found in a drug store,
land. and went off considerably enlightened.
Maternal photographs are so fashiona-
By the aid of photography, the feeblest
more enterprising pho-
ble in Paris that the
motions of the most delicately-poised ma-
tographers there keep a baby as one of their
chinery are now recorded in the observa-
accessories. So says the Court Journal.
tories of Europe. By the reflection of light
A woman cleaning a fish in France re- upon an ivory scale, from a small mirror
cently, declared she discovered a photo- on what may be termed the armature of the
graph of the fisherman in one of the eyes instrument, all communications by the At-
of the fish. Most too fish-eye a story to lantic and French cables are received. Each
believe. movement of this tiny glass causes the light
"How to Paint Photographs,' 1-
second reflected from it to pass to the right or left
edition, three-fourths exhausted, and gives on the ivory scale, the motions being indic-
great satisfaction to all. You can make ative of the letters,which the operator re-
enough on the first picture you color to pay cords. Photography will soon be applied
for it. for that purpose too, most likely.
lins is able to print in any color, on any kind of Our Publications. — It is a great pleasure to
paper, and to make his transfer on glass or metal. us and cheers us greatly on in our work, to re-
With more experience in printing, Mr. Delius ceive so many genuine good wishes and testimo-
will prove a formidable rival to the Albert pro- nials to the usefulness of our publications, as we
cess in this country. Those interested would are now daily made happy with. The following
do well to address him. are a few :
December 4.
Ix Mr. II. J. Newton's article on the Tea pro- Mr. Editor The Photographer for Decem-
cess, in Mosaics for 1870, he is made to say "put ber is at hand, and as usual, interesting.
7/ioregold," &c, instead of •'
put some gold," &c. I see a notice of '' Subscription Expired ''
Please note the correction. this is all right please renew it. You need not
one must not hope for a thorough knowledge of sider worth more than tenfold what it has
it without having a perfect understanding
cost. One year ago I was doing but ordinary
of the three great chemical forces, such an un- — work: but now my work will compare favorably
derstanding as is here placed within our reach.
with any in the State.
The author has cleared up many obscure points in Respectfully and fraternally yours,
a clear and connected manner, which heretofore J. W. Hurt, Photographer.
mystified the chemical student greatly, thus
showing the necessity of beginning such study I wonder why we see so many poor photo-
at the beginning, to be fully informed. His graphs, after having everything so plainly pointed
out as it is in Mosaics for 1870.
style is concise and plain, and no one could elu-
more clearness than he does. We
cidate with E. Kilburn,
able, reliable, and evidently written by one that nessee, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minne-
has the good of our profession thoroughly at- sota, Iowa, and Kansas.
Piikdcljrliui |p0t0j)O|hn\
Vol. VII. FEBRUARY, 1870 No. 74.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870,
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of toe United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
one knows how trying to the eye is a red- had immunity from any such trouble. It
dish-yellow light, and how soft a green one; would, perhaps, be difficult to imagine any
and, if the latter be a sufficient protection to stronger proof than that which is here af-
the plate, as it proves itself, there should be forded. My plates have often lain soaking
no hesitation in making the change. in clear water in an open porcelain pan.,
My trials have been made with artificial within three feet of a bright Argand burner
light, gas-light only, as I generally prefer turned fully on, with no protection except
to use it, even when working in the day- the green glass, and have remained so for
time. But I always allow myself plenty of ten or fifteen minutes together, without
light. I think, indeed, that the illumina- suffering in the least: a tolerably severe
tion produced by any given flame is, per- test. Of course, if too transparent, a piece
haps, reduced more by the green glass than of glass be used, the security cannot be ex-
by the yellow. The difference, however, pected to be complete; but it is easy to find
is not great, and it is easy to make the flame glass that will cut off the active rays, and
a little stronger. I use an Argand gas-burner yet let through an abundant illumination.
turned fully on — give myself light enough
to read writing, labels, etc., with entire fa- As to the arrangement, of course, any
cility, and do so safely.
find that I can means that are good- for supporting a yel-
Some care needs to be taken in the selec- low-glass pane will answer for the green.
tion of the glass, and neither the lightest The following is a convenient plan for
nor the deepest commercial green glass is either :
I, therefore, substituted the following ar- fications, I adopted the plan as shown in
rangement : *he accompanying drawing. A is the sup-
Two square pieces of wood, with bevelled
edges were glued and screwed in at the
lower corners, one edge of each resting on
the bottom and one on the upright. This
gives considerable firmness, which is in-
creased by nailing two other triangles
against the outside lower corners. The up-
rights are thus kept firmly in their places
without any incumbrance to the upper part
of the frame. And as the glass moves
easily between the outside strips and the
screws inside, it is not liable to be broken
by an} warping of the wood, and is easily
ply-pipe and tap. This supply-pipe, A,
removed when it needs cleaning. runs around the whole tank near the top,
The size above described carries a pane and is perforated towards the inside, with
12 inches wide and 16 high, which gives a small holes, through which the water gushes
satisfactory amount of light. The two up- in all directions. The water, therefore,
rights shade the spaces to the right and keeps up a constant motion —a sort of a
left of the light, and the strips which con- mild whirlpool —
among the prints, round
fine the plate in front, prevent any stray and round, and yet without injury to them.
beams from escaping between the glass and B is the waste-pipe; C C, waste pipes from
the supporting uprights. the overflows D, D E is a large tap to
Before closing, J desire again to call at- regulate the discharge of the waste; F, a
tention to the importance of saving the eyes wooden frame 24 inches high, supporting
by working in an agreeable light. This is the tank. The tank is made of galvanized
especially important in coating the plates. iron, of the shape shown in the diagram, and
To watch the wave of collodion and man- is 9 inches deep on the sides, 30 inches across
age it easily, one must catch the reflection the top, .and 86 inches across the bottom at
of the light on its surface; and, to do this, the widest part. The perforated bottom is
the light must be directl}' in front, and 30 inches across, and soldered fast all
straight before the eyes. Any light in this around. The bottom of the tank slopes to
position tends to fatigue the sight, and the waste-pipe, leaving a space of 3 inches
doubly so when the light is of a glaring in the middle, from the perforated bottom
yellowish shade. to the mouth of the waste-pipe. The action
of the tank is thus explained
Let in the :
found one or two points about it I thought nated, is carried out at the bottom, the waste
could be improved upon. In the tank de- overflow being independent of the tap, E.
scribed by Mr. Young, the feed-pipe lies I have always made it a point to see that
on the bottom of the tank, and the water my prints are fixed in fresh hypo and well
was drawn off by a syphon, which caused washed. After more than two years' use
many of the prints to be destroyed by the of this tank, I prefer it to either the ordi-
suction of the syphon as they lie on the per- nary overflow or syphon tank.
forated bottom. After trying several modi- J udging from the very beautiful specimen
of jmoto-reiief printing presented to your and to harden the film, is treated with
readers this month, in which neither silver, chrome alum, chlorine water, or any other
gold, nor hypo enters its composition, one coagulating material, and set aside to dry.
cannot help feeling that the days of silver When dry, it is printed from, in the usual
printing are numbered, but, as long as sil- lithographic manner, upon a press adapted
ver prints are made, I think those produc- to that purpose.
ing them cannot take too much pains to give " The essential principle of the invention
them all the durability possible. consists in subjecting the first film to the
action of light, to render it insoluble next
the surface of the glass, while its outer sur-
THE ALBERT PROCESS. face remains adhesive, so as to unite with
The Albert process, of which our readers the second film, and, if these conditions are
have heard much, has been patented in
so observed, both the first and second films
this country, and we make the following will permit the use of other materials, such
extracts from the specifications : as glue, gum, dextrine, or almost any ad-
"A piece of plate-glass is cleaned with hesive or gelatinous subtance, as well as
alcohol, and flowed with a mixture of albu- any of the salts of chromium with more or
men, gelatine, and bichromate of ammonia, less success."
dry. These manipulations can be performed thoroughly comprehend and master its many
months in advance of using, if desired. details the patrons of the art have not yet
" The second step of the process consists in chosen definitely and permanently the best
again coating the plate with the proper sen- style of picture its devotees have not yet
sitive film, composed of isinglass, gelatine, decided upon the best process and simplest
and chromateor bichromate of ammonium, modus operandi. Novelties are constantly
and set aside to dry, as before. When dry, springing up, novelties worthy of attention.
the plate is ready to receive the picture, and Many are "born to blush unseen," never-
is placed in the pressure-frame on a nega- theless there remain some which command
tive, and exposed «to the light, in the same a "hearing " they must be PHOTOGRAPHED.
manner as is done with an albumen print, It is to a novelty I would direct the atten-
except that the action of the light
is watched tion of my respected American brethren,
from the back, and the plate removed at which 1 trust will meet their expectations.
tin' proper moment. It is then washed in In the Photographic. News, December 3d,
water, to remove all unchanged chromates, 1809, is an article by a gentleman under the
tained from the front, top, and side lights, tedious operation, and sometimes almost
or the farthest corner through which the impossible. Now, I am going to teach you
light is admitted, no matter whether the how to alleviate this annoyance and to give
gallery has a flat, or span, or side sloping you a remedy for the evil. There is proba-
roof. is wrong, likewise
Direct top light bly nothing new in the process, if analyzed
direct side light.In studios built with side- critically, for the different parts were all
light only the best, or, rather, the most known, and it remained simply to put them
pleasing pictures are made by placing the together, to synthetize the elements and
model on one side of the background, the thus compound a practical process.
farthest from the source of light those ;
It is better to begin with prints on plain
with top-light only, by shading the sitter paper. I use Marion's plain paper, which
over the head. Before concluding, it would can be had of any of the stockdealers. You
be well to quote some remarks of a writer first ascertain which is the right side of the
signing himself " Moderator, " in a subse- paper and which the wrong side, by the
quent number of the Photographic News. method I gave you some time ago in refer-
He says " There is one of Ennel's argu-
ence to the albumenizing of the sheets.
ments rather amusing :
We take sitters Mark the back of each sheet so as to know
from the front, therefore should the front it after the sheet has been sensitized.
salting solution for this process.
should put it thus therefore we want
I trust this may be interesting. I believe acid, otherwise the effervescence might be
the above mode of lighting to be the very troublesome and cause a loss, of the ma-
thing for this country. Think for your- terials.
selves, ye votaries of the photographic art! Let the paper float (right side down-
The "Ennel" studio is novel, deserving wards) on this salting solution for about
popularity. two minutes, taking care to remove all bub-
bles from the surface of the paper. Hang
it up to dry spontaneously, and afterwards
pack away in a portfolio. The paper has
If you can, let your dark-closet be roomy, to be sensitized before you can print with
and be sun: to have nothing in it not actu- it. I use the following silver solution for
ally needed there. No admittance for dirt this purpose, essentially the same as rec-
or trash. ommended by Dr. M. Carey Lea :
: :
. 4 drachms.
.8 scruples.
Water, ....
Acetate of Lead Solution,
2 ounces.
24 minims.
Gallic Acid Solution, . 2 drachms.
If there is a white deposit formed, filter
Acetic Acid, sufficient to dissolve the
the solution and add nitrate of silver to
white deposit.
make up for the loss. (In my own labora-
tory I reduce the white deposit into pure This is placed in a suitable dish, and the
silver by means of zinc and dilute sulphuric exposed. print is placed in it, taking care
acid, and afterwards reconvert the washed that it is completely covered and free from
silver into the nitrate, which is added to the bubbles.
stock solution. This is the work of a few No. 2.
Float the salted paper in the usual way Gallic Acid Solution, . 4 drachms.
upon this bath for about two minutes, and Acetate of Lead Solution, 5 drops.
then hang up in the dark-room to dry.
it Acetic Acid, about . 15 "
Paper so sensitized will keep for a long or sufficient to dissolve the deposit.
Take the print out of the dish as soon as
it has been thoroughly soaked, and place it
Place the paper over the negative in the
on a plate-glass, and, holding the glass over
usualway and expose for a minute (or two the stove (in the dark-room, of course), pour
during dark weather), that is, until you the intensifier or developer upon the print
perceive through the negative glass that and off again, just as you would do if you
there is change of color. You may
a slight
were developing a negative. The picture
expose longer if you choose, but absolutely will slowly increase in strength, and pass
this is unnecessary. An impression has
from light brick-red through gradual stages
already been made on the paper, but, like
to an intense black. The heat of the fire
the impression on sensitized collodion, it is
in the stove is a great aid in this develop-
latent, so to say, and it remains now to make ment. Hold the plate but a few inches
the latent impression visible. This can be above the stove (an iron plate heated by a
done in a very delightful manner, and va- lamp will do just as well). You will be
rious tones can be obtained intermediate surprised with what beauty the picture
between red and black, and without the in- gradually advances. Do not be impatient.
tervention of any gold notwithstanding ;
Whenever the picture satisfies you, you can
all this, the pictures may be toned with
stop the further development by washing
gold, if you are not satisfied with the re-
the print ; after which it is fixed in hypo-
sulphite of soda in the usual manner.
Make the stock solutions as follows : This mode of development proceeds to the
Acetate of Lead, . . 2 drachms. tion, we must keep more within the limits
Water, . . .4 ounces. of the red tone. For this purpose we use
Acetic Acid, drop by drop, to clear the the following developer
No. 2. No. 3.
Gallic Acid, . . .16 grains. Gallic Acid Solution, . 4 drachms.
Distilled or Rain Water, 8 ounces. Silver Solution (from the
Acetic Acid,
. ...
. . .
5 drops.
5 "
soon dissolves.
For present use we require two solutions, Develop with this as before, over the
as follows stove, until the picture is as intense as you
want it, then wash well, tone, and fix as by Mr. Carbutt, and Ave pronounce it fully
usual. But we can get the gold tone with- equal to the ones in our last issue, though
out the use of gold, as follows: the printer has as yet had but few lessons.
No. 4.
We now proceed with the paper which is
Gallic Acid Solution, . 4 drachms. "enslaving a sunbeam.'-'
Acetate of Lead " . 5 drops.
Acetic Acid, . . sufficient, etc.
"Long ago we used to regard the term
tion of a visit to Messrs. Goupil & Co's. es- plained to us by Mr. Woodbury that such
tablishment in Paris, where the Woodbury portions of the work as remained from ab-
process is also worked on an immense scale. sence of tint unacted on by light were easily
In the following issue or soon after, we dissolved and carried by the action of warm
hope to describe the American Photographic water whilst all shading, however delicate,
Belief Printing Establishment, Mr. Wood- remained intact, just as the rocks, stones,
bury having sold his patent for this country shrubs, and plants, stand clearly and sharply
to Mr. J. Carbutt, of Chicago, and others. defined when the winter's snow melts slowly
The purchasers are arranging to work the away, and summer returns again. The un-
process as speedily as possible, but as they even-surfaced sheet of solid gelatine thus
are not yet prepared to answer any questions procured next laid on a plate of soft me-
concerning it, desire that they should not tallic alloy,and placed beneath the massive
)>< questioned at present. Our readers shall iron surfaces of a hydraulic press. A few
have some of the first prints made. That noiseless strokes forward and back of a long
much we are promised. The first print steel handle, and a pressure of 150 tons is
made in this country has been sent to us brought to bear on both gelatine and alloy,
when the former substance is found to have jected to the same operation twenty distinct
transferred in a marvellously truthful man- times, thereby providing twenty metal
ner every line, shade and effect,
tint, to the counterpart impressions, each, as we have
surface of the latter, which is now, in short, shown, capable of turning off 500 pictures.
an intaglio impression of extraordinary ac- The printers, by the aid of their turn-tables,
curacy of detail. This from the press is execute about 100 prints per hour. The pic-
taken to the saw table, where a set of fine tures thus produced, we are informed, can
circular saws, driven by a powerful gas en- be executed in any color, are not affected
gine, cut away all superfluous metal from by damp, and do not fade on exposure to
the ends and edges of the plate, and fit it light and air. Mr. Woodbury's process, as
for the use of the printers. We, following will be seen, has an immensely wide field
the fortunes of the newly-formed design, open to it.
travel onward and enter the printing de- " He applies it to book illustrations, por-
partment. Here we find a number of curi- traits, architectural works, surgical and
ous, novel, and noteworthy contrivances for microscopical illustrations, scenery, cata-
simplifying and economizing labor. Each logues of manufactured articles, works of
printer has in his charge a large round table, art,,mechanical matters, etc., prints on
in the centre of which an upright pivot glass for ornamental purposes, magic-lan-
stands. Eound this pivot the table revolves tern slides, railway advertisements, slides
freely on the slightest touch. The entire for stereoscopes, and labels for manufactur-
circle of the table's surface is occupied by ers. There can be no doubt that Mr.
miniature printing presses. In one of these Woodbury's discoveries will prove of the
our metal sun-engraved plate is placed. A greatest value, and we have little doubt
large glass decanter filled with colored fluid that, through his courtesy, admission to
gelatine is taken from a hot-water stove, the works might be easily obtained by
where it has been placed to keep warm, and such of our readers as may be desirous of
a liberal supply of its contents is thrown seeingwhat an excellent engraver may be
broadcast and freely over its surface. A made of a captured sunbeam."
sheet of prepared paper is now taken from
a pile of that material found ready at hand,
and placed evenly on the surface of the fluid
gelatine. The iron cover of the little press
is now shut down a mere touch turns round
others, whose knowledge of the practical from a card picture or medium size ambro-
uses of the camera were equally limited, and type or daguerreotype, or the whole-size from
for their benefit I offer the few hints that a ith size. Fig. 2 is the same camera with the
follow. front taken out and the cone put in its place,
Fig. 2.
"When about to purchase a camera always and the same tube on the end of the cone.
bear in mind that the size, no matter what The cone is 24 inches long, which with the
it is, will only reproduce a picture its origi- box drawn out its full length, gives a focal
nal size. That is to say, a half size camera length of 58 inches. This length will give
and half size tube will only reproduce a pic- an 11 x 14 picture from a ^th size or even
ture its original size, no matter whether it smaller ambrotype. The same rule holds
be a card picture or a half size picture. If good with all cameras. If a whole size box
you wish copy a whole size picture to its
to is the largest you have, a quarter size tube
original size, you must have a whole size will give you a whole size picture from a
camera and lens an 8 x 10 box and lens medium ambrotype or card picture, but if
for an 8 x 10 picture, and so on for the dif- is smaller than that,
the picture to be copied
ferent sizes. This plan of working would you need a cone, which, however, need
require one to have a number of boxes and not be over 12 inches long. Before con-
tubes, which would be both expensive and cluding this subject I cannot too highly
troublesome. There are two ways to obviate recommend to those who have not tried it,
camera (see Fig. 1) made on purpose for copy- use we can get the whole picture very
ing or to have a simple contrivance called sharply defined, more particularly in por-
a cone (Fig. 2) made to fit on your ordinary traits and landscapes. The very excellent
portrait box. The camera represented in cameras of the American Optical Company
Figs. 1 and 2 is one of the 11 x 14 size of are nearly all made with the swing back,
the American Optical Company's make, but in my estimation, the manufacturers
and is capable of being drawn out thirty- make one great mistake i. e., they put the
four inches. This box, with a double whole swivel above instead of below the centre of
size lens attached, will only make an 11 x 14 their boxes, losing sight seemingly of the
picture its original size. If,now, we take fact that the image in the camera is in-
off the double whole size tube and replace it verted, or in words upside down.
with a whole size tube it will make an 11 x 14 For instance, in making a head and bust of
copy from a whole-size original. Again, a person, the centre of the head will bo
if we replace it with a half size tube, we can about an inch' and a half or two inches be-
make an 1 1 x 14 cony from a half size pic- low the centre of the plate; if then the
ture. If now we want to copy a card pic- swivel was placed in that position, and you
ture to a 11 x 14 size, the camera will not focus upon the head, no matter how much
he long enough and we must either have a you swing the top backward or forward the
longer box made specially, or use a cone as head always remains sharp, because it is
in Fig. 2. Fig. 1 is the camera with a half stationary at that point, but as the boxes
size lens attached and iscapablcof makingan are now made, we focus upon the head, and
in bringing the rest of the body into focus hibition, next June, of the National Photo-
we throw the head out. The consequence graphic Association. All choice negatives
is, it takes two or three minutes to do what will be printed for that purpose, whether
ought to be done in a couple of seconds. I the prize negative or not.
hope the American Optical Company will The prints will be made by Mr. Albert
consider these remarks, and make the much- Moore, the well-known solar printer of this
needed alteration in their otherwise unri- city, and by him exhibited. It is in his
valled cameras. At some future time, I name and at his request that the offer is
will give the best methods of copying am- made.
brotypes, daguerrotypes, etc. We sincerely hope that it will receive the
attention of our best artists — not so much
for the prize as to enable those who visit
PRIZE FOR SOLAR NEGATIVES. the Exhibition to see and study fine solar
solar negatives to be printed from for the Photographers wljo have fine solar
coming National Exhibition in Cleveland. negatives, but do not wish to enter them
A Gold Medal, the same as those described for competition, would confer a favor by
in our last issue, will be given for the best
loaning us the same for printing selections
portrait solar negative that is sent us by
for the Exhibition. In such cases a print
March 15th next. will be given to the parties whose negatives
The competing negatives shall be sub-
are used.
mitted to three competent judges who are
not competitors, and who shall decide to
whom the award is to be made. A Familiar Explanation of the Pheno-
Negatives for this purpose should be well mena Produced by the Stereoscope.
denned in the high lights, and weak by trans- "We are often asked, " What is a stereo-
mitted light. Same length of exposure
scopic picture?" " When is it stereoscopic?"
should be given as for direct printing nega-
and "Why cannot we make them with one
tives, and fixed in cyanide.
two ?" For the benefit of
lens just as well as
Generally speaking, a negative too weak
the ignorant on that score, we make the fol-
for a good contact print will be preferred.
lowing extract from Prof. Pepper's excel-
If the subject be a bust picture for vignet- :"
lent work, " Cyclopcedic Science Simplified
ting, the head should not be less than 1\
inches. Plates much
preferred of size 6J x The name "stereoscope" is derived from
8| inches. If varnished, only alcoholic two Greek words, signifying to view solid
varnish should be used, so it may be re- things, and the instrument is so constructed
moved easily if desirable. that two flat pictures, taken under certain
The judges will select the best five nega- conditions, shall appear to form a single
tives and from them select the one entitled solid or projecting body.
to the award. Those who make the five A picture of any object is formed on the
selected negatives will each receive a full retina of each eye ; but, although there may
sheet print from the prize negative, or their be but one object presented to the two eyes,
own, gratis. Others will be supplied with the pictures formed on the two retinae are
prints from all or any of the negatives, at a not precisely alike, because the object is not
reduced price to be hereafter announced. observed from the same point of view.
Those who get their negatives ready If the right hand be held at right angles,
earlier, will oblige us by sending them as to, and a few inches from the face, the back
early as possible. Parties may send more of the hand will be seen when viewed by
than one negative if they desire. Nega- the right eye only, and the palm of the
tives with more than three figures will not hand when viewed by the left eye only ;
be suffered to enter for competition. hence, the images formed on the retinas of
The object of this offer is to secure some the two eyes must differ, the one including
first-rate work for thecominsr National Ex- more of the right side and the other more
of the left side of the same solid or project- which objects are observed, that a judg-
ing object. Again, if we bend a card so as ment is formed respecting their solidity and
Perfect vision cannot then be obtained as it is an axiom in optics that the mind
without two eyes, as it is by the combined always refers the situation of an object to
effect of the image produced on the retina the direction from which the rays appear
of each eye, and the different angles under to have proceeded when they enter the eyes,
both pictures will appear to have emanated
from one central object; but as one picture
* That this is the correct theory of single
represents the real or projecting object as
vision with the two eyes is evident. For if, while
looking nt a seen by the right eye, and the other as ob-
mii<^1o object with both eyes, we
make a Blight pressure with served by the left, though appearing by re-
t lie finger on one of
the eyeballs, we shall immediately perceive two fraction have proceeded from one and
objects but, on removing the pressure, only one
the same object, the effects conveyed to the
will be ngiiin seon. mind, and the judgment formed thereon,
will be precisely the same as if the images been sold by him, and the profits thereon
were both derived from one solid or project- safely in his coffers,were it not that he
ing body, instead of from two pictures, be- raised the claim that all who make more
cause all the usual conditions are fulfilled ;
than one picture on a plate by sliding the
and consequently the two pictures will ap- holder so as to bring the plate into different
pear to be converted into one solid body. positions over the field of the lens, infringe
The necessary pictures for producing liis patent, and must stop. This absurd claim
these effects, excepting those of geometrical raised the ire of those who had used such
figures,which may be laid down by certain means of multiplying pictures on one plate
rules cannot, however, be drawn by the long before his patent was applied for, and
hands of man for, as Prof. Wheatstone
every method has been used by the trade to
has observed, "it is evidently impossible avoid and evade his patent in every possible
for the most accurate and accomplished art- way.
ist to delineate, by the sole aid of his eye, The was a wrangle here and there,
the two projections necessary to form the and Mr. M. B. Ormsbee,
finally lawsuits.
stereoscopic relief of objects as they exist in being associated with Mr. Wing, the patent
nature, with their delicate differences of became familiarly known as the " Wing-
outline, light, and shade. But what the Ormsbee " patent, and also as "the sliding-
hand of the artist was unable to accom- box patent."
plish, the chemical action of light, directed The last person sued by the patentees
by the camera, has enabled us to effect. was Mr. C. C. Schoonmaker, Troy, N. Y.,
Daguerreotype portraits and Talbotype whose' statement will be found in our last
pictures are therefore taken, usually by two December issue. Mr. Schoonmaker fought
cameras placed towards the object, with a bravely and alone, and produced such over-
difference of angle equal to the difference of whelming proof that the patentee's claims
the angle of vision of the two eyes, which were invalid, that the case was decided
is about 18° when the object is eight inches against them, and Mr. Schoonmaker was
from the eyes hence, if these be carefully
; victorious.* The patentees appealed, how-
examined and compared with the original ever, and the case was carried up to the
projecting objects, they will be found to be Supreme Court, where it will be argued
faithful representations of the object as some time next month we understand.
seen by each eye respectively. There is every hope that Mr. Schoonmaker
will again have the decision in his favor.
And, although appeal after appeal has been
made to the fraternity to contribute of their
WHO INFRINGE THE " SLIDING means to help him, we are ashamed to hear
BOX PATENT?" from him that but a few have responded. He
We are frequently asked this question, is out of the photograph business, and is pun
and it is a very difficult one to answer. As suing this contest as a matter of principle^
the matter now stands, Mr. Simon Wing, and he is not to be bought off, though the
of Boston, and others associated with him, parties are ready to do it, we are told.
we believe,have secured the renewal or Who, then infringes the patent ? We
extension of a patent for a certain kind of answer, as the case now stands, no one in-
box used mainly for making ferrotypes. fringes it, because the patentees have not
The principal feature of this box is, that substantiated their claims. Who infringes
one can, by moving the plate over the field the patent if their claims are substantiated
of the lens or lenses, or by moving the lens in the Supreme Court ? We answer, all
or lenses over the plate, multiply pictures who more lenses to make pic-
use one or
in greater or less numbers on one plate. tures by moving the lens over the plate, or
Such a box is very useful to parties who who slide or move the holder over the field
make and Mr. Wing
that kind of picture,
furnishes a very excellent box for the pur- # See decision of the court, Juige Nelson, in
pose. Many more of his boxes could have our last volume, page 294.
of the lens — those who use one lens to make fault, for I know we have here good mate-
two pictures on a plate two lenses to make rial, we are well officered, our meetings are
four or more pictures on a plate four lenses dignified and well conducted. We have
to make more than four pictures on a plate, among us some good photographers, men of
etc., etc. experience, who. if they will put a shoulder
"Who ought justly to suffer unjust claims to the wheel, will make these meetings so
upon them ? Every one willing to sit quietly interesting, that to miss one will be " worse
and see another man struggling for them, than having a tooth pulled," as the young
without offering to help him. ladies say to us when they come to be pho-
We really believe that if Messrs. Wing tographed.
& Co. had pushed the sale of their boxes, I told you last month I had read a report
and dwelt upon their merits without adding of the previous meeting in the English
the absurd claim we mention, they would journals, then at hand. That was a mis-
have been wealthy to-day, and without take. was the June meeting. However
lawsuits to worry them. the fact stands. We were reported, and to
the extent of a column, which I thought
gave us a prominence that we must work to
OLD TIMES. maintain. It will never do to fail, with
At the November meeting of the Boston our English cousins looking at us.
Photographic Association, our friend, Mr. E. We were not all born orators nor yet
L. Allen, read a little sketch of his past good photographers, but we can all learn
experiences, which tells a story so interest- something, and I am sure these meetings
ing to all that we must multiply it. There will be the best aid we ever had, if we only
day nearly, we meet some one who, with tion. I feel it, and I doubt not others of
unmistakable pride, will swell up his breast, you At the same time you must
do. re-
hit it a thump, aaid say: u I made Daguer- member we are hardly yet started.
reotypes twenty years ago. '
' We appreciate And here I wish to qualify a remark
corning before you in this way to-night, is itation of the engraving where a father is
an earnest desire to see these meetings flour- teaching his son to plough, and which
ish,and not because I think I can tell you pleased me more than anything else I saw,
anything very interesting. from its close resemblance to the engraving.
But unless we make some individual ef- Of course I except the foreign products.
fort, aswe were told last month, we may But taken altogether, the Exhibition was
expect to see our meetings dwindle away, far short of what it ought to have been for
and the Society itself become of none effect. Boston. I will venture the assertion
And if this ever happens, it will be our own the next one will see a very different dis-
play ; especially if business remains as it and had him completely in his power. The
has been the few weeks, as there will
last contract papers were all made
and were out,
then be nothing to prevent us devoting our to be signed by Mr. T.'s father as bonds-
whole energies to that object. man, who lived at Bath, Me., and were
Something has been said of biographical carried there for that purpose by his hope-
sketches being introduced. They would no ful son, but they never came back.
doubt be very interesting, but should be Ormsbee had been at the expense of fit-
used as a sort of dessert after the substan- ting up, and was obliged to make the best
tial have been disposed of, else who
those of a bad bargain. Turner soon produced
are watching us from over the water, may some of the best pictures that had been
think we are not so deep in chemistry as we made, but would be on a strike "every few
ought to be, or not so well posted in pho- weeks till his salary reached $36 per week.
tography. This was too much for those times, and soon
I am proud to say I have been in the burst the establishment.
ranks of picture makers in the most palmy Turner went to New York, and in the
days of the business, when our friends course of a year or two the collodion pro-
Messrs. Southworth & Hawes were mak- cess came up. This he soon became master
ing the most beautiful daguerreotypes ever of, and aspired to a trip to Paris. In order
produced in the world. When the firm of to raise funds for this, he offered to teach a
Ormsbee & Silsbee were on the corner of few pupils at the low charge of $50 each.
Bromfield and "Washington Streets, and . I was one of the number, and for this pur-
with whom I commenced my career, at a pose went to New York and came back
salary of $4 per week, after paying $50 to within a week fully posted. It displeased
learn the business, which occupied four Ormsbee very much that I went to New
weeks. York instead of going to Messrs. Whipple
At the end of a year my
wages were & Black's (who had of course kept pace
doubled. This was considered a pretty good with the times, and could teach as much as
thing, and immediately led to a matrimo- anybody knew), and learn on his account,
nial engagement, which still continues, but but I knew whatthat meant, and preferred
not on $8 per week. to be on my own hook. On my return
At this time nothing was known of pho- from New York, he took me back at a sal-
tographs on this side the ocean. We got ary of $18 per week. I had worked for
our living altogether by the peerless daguer- him up to the time of going at $10. The
reotype. Soon the crystalotype began to burst establishment had been repaired as
be talked and Messrs. Whipple & Black
of, well as possible after Turner left.
were its pioneers in the New World. Our This was a big jump, from $10 to $18,
friend Ormsbee, who at that early day pos- and I have a faint recollection of conscien-
sessed some of the spirit of later times, and tious scruples at the time. In fact, when I
was bound not to be left behind, sent the look back, I wonder how I had the impu-
late A. A. Turner to Messrs. Whipple & dence to impose so much upon anybody. I
Black to learn the new process. This oc- really knew nothing.
cupied but a short time, when one of Orms- To commence I made a silver bath. My
bee's handsome rooms was dismantled and kind friend to whom I had given the $50,
fitted for a work-room. had generously furnished me with a bottle
Mr. Turner, at the commencement, was of collodion to bring back, so I was saved
obliged to make daily visits to Messrs. the trouble of making this, and it was a
Whipple & Black's to procure his chemi- trouble in those days, as we had to make
cals, as the formulae were not to be passed our own cotton, which generally came out
till Mr. T. had signed a contract to work a good once in about ten trials.
certain time at a certain rate of wages to In my bath I put, as near as I can recol-
pay his tuition. But the hero of a hundred lect, about one ounce of nitric acid, having
swindles proved too smart for poor Orms- forgotten to note down the exact quantity
bee. Somehow he discovered the secret, required. This, I need hardly tell you, did
prenticeship. The art studies require much which, although they are both on the same
more time and labor, and it is my opinion side and in the same direction, still the
that for such the necessary literary works view will be quite different. lies exactly
are still wanting. The circumstance that in the direction of the side surfaces ;
the interesting work, " How to Paint
little seem so much foreshortened that they ap-
Photographs,'" has already reached a sec- pear no longer as surfaces.
ond edition, is sufficient proof for taking It is quite different with the double dis-
this view. have read the book with much
I tance, P ; here the side surfaces become
pleasure. becomes evident at once, that
It The picture in the camera
plainly visible.
it has been written by a practical man for willshow similar appearances.
practical men, and this places it much "When I photograph the pillar from O, I
above those careless literary productions nothing of the sides of the pictures
will see
that are hurriedly made up at the desk even overlook the whole structure, but,
if I
of some theoretical writer, and with which when I take a picture from P, I will get the
the photographic world used to be flooded. consequence, the picture
sides, and, in will,
There was a time when retouching the with the same height, appear wider.
negative was in bad
repute, and when
it was preferred
to produce pictures
that had not been 0'
retouched. To-day
there is hardly an
intelligent photog-
rapher who will not admit that retouching If we now suppose that A B C D is a
enhances the artistic value of a picture, human head seen from above, the sides are
and serves not only to remove spots from here the cheeks. If we make two pictures
the negative. There must be thousands of from and P, we will get similar results.
photographers in the United States, par- From the nearer point the cheeks are not
ticularly in the smaller towns and villages, visible, the figure appears smaller ;
from the
who cannot afford to keep a painter or re- distant point the cheeks will appear, and
toucher, and who have to put the finishing the figure will appear broader.
strokes to their pictures themselves; for This conclusion is certainly comprehen-
these the book of Mr. Ayres must be an in- sive, but it conflicts with the general expe-
valuable guide. rience, that by taking a picture at a short
I have lately occupied my time with a distance, for instance with globe lenses, the
series of experiments not uninteresting for nearer objects will very often appear ex-
portrait photography. Two cards were pre- aggerated. At first I could not understand
sented to me, representing large heads of la- this apparent contradiction until an experi-
dies. Both represented the same person, ment enlightened me.
and both were taken by the same artist on I took two pictures of a bust of Apollo,
the same day. The position of both was both from exactly the same side and of
full face, and still there is a decided differ- the same dimensions, but the one a dis-
ence in the two. In one the face appeared tance of 47 inches and the other from 112
broad and thick, while in the other it was inches. The difference between the two
narrow and small. The most opposite views pictures is quite apparent. I inclose you
were expressed to explain this phenomenon. two photographs. I send wood-cuts made
After a little consideration, I found the in which the outlines are exactly main-
solution of the problem, which 1 will give tained. The first I shall call I, and the
with a few lines. Suppose A B C D be a second II.
four-cornered bod37 , for instance a pillar Although notnear so striking as the origi-
with inclined sides. "When we look at this nal photograph, still the difference is suf-
from two different standpoints, and P, ficiently evident to strike the observer.
The whole figure appears in I smaller, seems to incline more forward, the base be-
the chest almost weak, while in II the fig- comes flatter, the chest widens, and the
ure is robust and strong. The distance stumps of the arms become more and more
from the breast-point to the eyes is in both visible.
exactly alike, but the width of the breast Many superficial observers will say that
is in I 56 millimetres, and in II 59 milli- these are trifles, that it does not make much
metres. Another remarkable difference difference if Apollo appears a little stouter
the stroke of the hair is in II horizontal, or not ; and, so far as Apollo is concerned,
but in I it inclines backward (see lines a a). they are right, but the case becomes quite
The rings of the base of the statuette ap- different when we apply this rule to portrait-
pear in I strongly curved, while at II they ure.Everybody has remarkably keen eyes.
are very In I we scarcely see
flat ellipses. Every line is here criticised.
the side surface of the arm, A, while in II What distance, then, shall the photog-
it becomes quite plain. rapher select in order to get a correct pic-
In II the head is more between the ture ? That depends entirely on the object
shoulders (observe the angle of the neck at to be represented.
W), the whole figure seems to stretch the Painters generally remove twice as far
neck more in I. from the person as the height of the same,
I have made, besides these two, two other or, for an ordinary-sized person of 5 feet in
pictures, at. a distance of GO and 86 inches height, he stands at a distance of about 10
respectively, and if wo place now the four feet. For a half-length picture 5 feet would
pictures side by side, all of which have been be about the proper distance, but we can
made with lenses free from distortion, we use this rule only partially as a guide.
will see that, with the increasing distance, The painter has liberty to choose the
the figure becomes larger, stouter, that the proper position; ho paints with both his eyes
hair inclines more backwards, the head open, and can change the distance at will.
The case is quite different with the one- NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE;
eyed camera, which, when once set, has to ThkPhotographic section of the Ameri-
work according to mathematical laws. A can Institute held its January meeting on
thinking artist will take advantage of the the evening of the 4th, Prof. Tillman pre-
differences produced by different distances, siding.
he will not make a stout person still stouter The general debate was of a desultory
by placing the camera far off, nor a thin character and by no means connected or
one still thinner by placing it in too close easy to make a report of.
proximity to the instrument. Mr. Mason exhibited a print on plain
Particular attention should be paid to this paper made in 1854, and toned in the old
in taking busts or large heads, whioh are
gold and hypo bath. With the exception
now so much in request, and, in fact, with of a spot here and there the print seemed
all objects in which the width is considera-
quite as fresh-looking as a new one. It was
ble in proportion to the height. With made by Mr. Hugh O'Neil. Mr. Mason as-
full-length standing figures, where the
serted that he had some prints on plain
width is inconsiderable in proportion to the
paper which he made about ten years ago
length, these errors are not near so annoy-
that were entirely unchanged, except where
some bichloride of mercury and iodine had
Hence, I would recommend for a large
been spilled upon them.
establishment several lenses of different focal
This seems to prove that photographs will
last if not subjected to atmospheric changes.
Another circumstance I must not omit We know that plain paper prints re-
mentioning here: the above stated differences main, as a rule, unchanged much longer
take place not only with different but also than those on albumen paper.
with the same objective. I took the pictures Mr. Weeks related some curious experi-
of the Apollo with a Dallmeyer lens, at 5 ments with a silvered glass mirror. He had
and 10 feet distances, the latter of course
adjusted it in front of his camera box so
only half the size of the former, but when that the reflection struck the lens at an
I magnified the second picture to the size angle of about 45 degrees. He then photo-
of the first, all the differences became quite graphed an image reflected by this contri-
apparent. vance in less time than he could get the
When we have to make a negative from same effect from the subject direct.
which a life-size picture is to be made, we Dr. Vander Weyde called attention to
have to pay close attention to distance, even the report from Europe that fluorine has
more so than with smaller pictures.
been successfully used in photography.
Suppose the life-size picture is to be 5 feet,
Professor Tillman remarked that this
we would have to look at it at a distance of statement brought up a very interesting
]0 feet to get a good view of it, and, conse- question touching the part played by the
quently, we should place the camera 10 feet halogens in actinic action. Some time since,
from the person when we make the nega- before this Society, he had endeavored to
tive from which the enlargement is to be show, from theoretical considerations alone,
produced otherwise, the person will appear
why bromine, when used with certain iodine
too slender.
compounds, should increase the chemical
I shall add a few words more on this sub- action of light. Similar considerations had
ject in my next.
led him to conclude that the salts of fluorine
Yours, truly,
would not be beneficial in producing like
Dr. H. Vogel. results. In addition to those considera-
tions, it may be stated that fluorine exceeds
even oxygen in its affinities, and is, there-
If you meet failure after success, you fore, to be regarded as the most powerful of
may be assured that it is because you have the electro-negative elements. Indeed, it
done differently from what you should, and is still doubtful whether fluorine has yet
that the chemicals are not invariably at fault. been obtained in a separate state. M. Pratt,
of France, and others, who claim to have haloid compounds was exceedingly inter-
isolated fluorine, describe it as a colorless esting. With regard to fluorine he should
gas, and there is good reason for believing have said that body was used for photo-
that this, like the gaseous elements of less graphic purposes in combination with oxy-
atomic weight, namely, hydrogen, nitrogen, gen ;
these two being combined with electro-
and oxygen, is devoid of color. The atomic positive elements.
weight of fluorine is 19 taking the remain-
; Mr. Edward Bierstadt presented the speci-
ing halogens in the order of their atomic fications of Albert's photo-litho process,
weights, we find that chlorine (35V5) is a which were read by the secretary. He
yellowish gas ; bromide (80) is a liquid yield- stated that he was experimenting with the
ing deep red fumes and iodine (127) is a
process and hoped soon to testify to its prac-
solid, which, when subjected to heat, be- tical value. The fact that the image is re-
comes a violet-colored vapor. From these versed by this process was raised as an ob-
facts we may infer that the forces which fix jection to it, and several methods suggested
their atomic density prevent these elements for overcoming that objection which are not
from being equally affected by all the un- very practical or new.
dulations producing white light. In the Dr. Vander Weyde stated, in regard to
case of chlorine the rate of its molecular the subject of illumination in subterraneous
motions corresponds with that of undula- caves, that parallel rays coming from one
tions which produce a certain yellowish tint locality, as in the case with a reflecting
in the solar spectrum. Iodine, the element mirror or magnesium or hydro oxygen light,
of greatest density, has a rate of molecular cause a too strong illumination of prominent
motion corresponding with that of the most parts, and too black shadows, with no mid-
rapid undulations which show their effects dle tints ; that to obtain these, reflecting sur-
in the visible spectrum. On the other hand, faces or smaller sunlights are required ; that
bromine, which, in point of density, stands such an illumination with parallel rays
intermediate between chlorine and iodine, coming from a single locality from a dis-
has a rate of molecular motion correspond- tance is only adapted for printing where the
ing with the slowest undulations which pro- negative has to be reversed, so that the col-
duce the impression of red. It is evident, lodion film is at some distance from the
therefore, that the rate of molecular motion paper. For this purpose M. Carey Lea pro-
does not depend alone on density ; and we posed some time ago in the Philadelphia Pho-
are confirmed in this opinion on finding tographer to print in such cases at the end
that either of the colorless gases, when in- of a room, and illuminate from the window
creased in density by subjection to pressure, by means of sunlight reflected by a mirror.
do not undergo any changes of color. Yet Dr. Vander Weyde used for this purpose a
the fact remains, that the two electro-nega- narrow elongated box, not much wider than
tive elements, either of whose atomic weight the negative, with blackened sides, at the
exceeds that of any other metalloids, and of v
bottom of which the printing was done, and
a majority of the metals, are the most effec- the open top of which was turned to the
tive agents, next to silver, in the hands of light; as all sidelight was excluded here,
the photographer. Another singular coin- and cloudlight fell on the paper, he ob-
cidence may be mentioned here the atomic : tained rapidly sharp prints from inverted
weight of silver (108) added to that of fluo- negatives, even if the glass was very thick.
rine is exactly equal to that of iodine. There There however, cases in which the op-
are many chlorine compounds which are in- posite conditions are required, namely, as
fluenced by light; the most sensitive of these much sidelight as can be got in all possiblo
are combinations derived from organic com- directions; suchis the case when copying an
pounds. Here is a field, yet unexplored by engraving or drawing made on very rough
the photographic chemist, which may here- paper. If then we have light in one direc-
after yield abundant fruit. tion only, every unevenness of the paper
Dr. Vander Weyde said the statement shows its light and shadow, which the
read by Professor Tillman regarding the camera of course copies as well as it copies
the picture itself. Now it is found that in The minutes of the last meeting were
such a case the best remedy is to make the read and approved.
negative with as full an illumination of the A committee, consisting of Messrs. Cor-
original as possible so that the light falls lies, Davids, and Wallace, was appointed
from all sides same time; for in-
at the to procure a suitable certificate to be pre-
stance, exposing on the roof. With such
it sented to Mr. John Moran, to whom the
a precaution great roughening of the paper last prize picturewas awarded.
will often not show itself at all in the nega- A proposition was made by Mr. Davids,
tive. asking if the Society would accept of two
The new year with its ever attending pres- silver medals, and award them for the best
ents has not forgotton our craft, for with it specimens of portrait and landscape pho-
comes the ever welcome Mosaics ; a book to tography made by any of its members dur-
every photographer of more value than all ing 1870.
the process peddlers of a lifetime; it tells It was, on motion, ordered, that the So-
many things, old and new, which all should ciety accept the donation of medals offered,
know and keep constantly in mind. Fit com- and meeting in December as the
fixed the
panion to it is that " gem of first water," time at which prints and negatives should
How Paint Photographs, second edition.
to be presented for competition.
If with these and the Philadelphia Photog- The Secretary exhibited an apparatus de-
rapher' progress is not made, the fault is not signed by Mr. L. J.Marcy for making glass
yours or those who write, but with those for positives for the magic lantern at night, by
whom such are intended. the use of a coal-oil lamp arranged some-
Those who have not seen the new work what upon the same principle as his magic-
by Mr. H. P. Robinson on "Pictorial Effect lantern lamp (except that one wick is used,
in Photography and Combination Printing," and no reflector). A very brilliant illumi-
should lose no time in obtaining the same. nation is obtained, the rays from which are
It will inform them of much in the art de- made parallel by a small diaphragm in front
partment of photography and tell why cur-
of the light through which they must pass.
tains, chairs, vases, and gas fixtures should Separate from the lamp is a small wooden
not be scattered at random over the picture frame placed at a right angle on a firm base.
also how such should be, if proper balance Upon the upright frame are four springs to
and harmonious effect is to result. It is a hold the negative in position. On the op-
work valuable as well to the landscape artist, posite side are four small pieces of silver
and should meet with a liberal circulation. upon which the sensitive plate rests, so that
Mr. Mason asserted the necessity of some the two surfaces may not exactly touch.
artificial light for solar printing. The sub- A metal trough is put below the frame to
ject was discussed at length, but the mem- catch all the silver drainage. To make a
bers seemed to have forgotten Dr. Monck- glass positive, light the lamp, put on the
hoven's new discovery altogether. diaphragm, and place the frame containing
Mr. H. T. Anthony gave an amusing the negative (collodion side away from the
lantern), directly in front of the light, at a
count of a sitting he endured once of thirty
distance of about 15 inches from it. Pre-
minutes, in order to secure a picture. The
calcium light was used. pare the plate in the usual way. Cover the
Yours, &c.
negative so that the light may not strike it
C. W. H.
until the sensitive plate is in position. After
the plate is excited, place it upon the metal
corners (collodion towards the negative),
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF and, by turning a spring which presses
PHILADELPHIA. upon the centre, the plate will be kept per-
The regular monthly meeting was held fectly rigid during the exposure, which
Wednesday evening, January 5th, 1870, should be of about two minutes' duration.
the Vice-President, Dr. Alexander Wil- Allow the light to strike the negative for
cocks, in the chair. the requisite time, and cover again. Re-
move the plate and develop, being careful pictures. The formula used in making the
not to fog by over development. best ferrotype to be published in the Phila-
Several pictures were made during the delphia Photographer.
evening, to illustrate its practical merits. Motion made that a committee be ap-
The Secretary stated that he had used pointed to examine into the manner of doing
Mr. Marcy's photographic printing appa- business and style of skylights used at the
ratus repeatedly with excellent success, both different galleries in the city.
as regards sharpness and illumination. By An amendment was offered and passed
the use of this instrument, pictures can only to let the above lay over for one regular
be made of the exact size of the negative, meeting.
which is limited to £-size plates ; a very Adjourned, to meet again Tuesday even-
convenient size, however, for the magic ing, February 1st, at Mr. C. L. Lovejoy's
lantern. gallery, No. 500 South Second Street.
On motion, adjourned. D. XiOTHROP,
John C. Browne, Secretary.
Recording Secretary.
Kue Cadet, No. 9, at Paris, where all let- Mr. Forbes is one of the most talented
ters should be addressed. manipulators in this country. We have
seen many and they are a
of his negatives,
wonder, a study, and a delight, having all
MYSTERIES OF THE NEW YORK the good qualities of perfect negatives.
1 quart.
tle with the bottom knocked out. When done in a thorough manner, no success can
spreading the silver on the paper, rub be expected, for this is the ground of the
gently, and as little as possible, yet have a work.
care that the whole surface of the sheet has ALBUMEN FOR THE FIRST COATING.
I take the whites of 8 fresh eggs (store
TONING AND FIXING THE PRINTS. eggs will not do), hold them up to the light
Ilyposulphite of Soda, . 8 ounces. and remove all bits of the germ and other
Chloride of Silver, . . 60 grains. foreign matter. I use an 8-ounce graduate
Water, ....
Chloride of Gold, . . 15 grains.
1 quart.
to break the eggs in, and, as each white is
about equal to an ounce, I have about 8
Immerse the prints without washing, ten ounces of albumen. I now dissolve 12
minutes, or until they are properly fixed grains of clear table-salt in 1 ounce of
and toned. Finally, wash the same as al- water, and add to the albumen. I now
bumen prints are washed. beat in a dish until the froth is so stiff I
Edward Krtjse, can overturn the dish without spilling any
Bogardus's Gallery, New York. of the albumen. I then set it aside over
January 11th, 1870.
night to settle, and in the morning pour off
Mr. Kruse is one of Mr. Bogardus's most the clear part into a graduate, and again
devoted helps, and for over ten years has allow it to settle. I draw a piece of tissue
given his energies to plain-paper printing. paper over the surface always before using,
His counsel then comes as from one who to remove dust, bubbles, etc.
knows how to teach. To clear my porcelain plates, I use rotten
stone, water, and a cotton -pad. While the
plates are still wet (though drained), from
the washing, I pour the albumen from one
Having given much attention to the mak-
corner, taking care to have it flow evenly
ing of porcelain pictures for the past three
and to avoid bubbles. Pour the excess into
or four years, and finding at the start that
a bottle to throw away, and never pour it
I had but little given me to work from that
back into the stock-bottle. Stand the glasses
was reliable, the various receipts then known
on nails to dry on the edges, and not on the
and published not giving permanent or satis-
corners. The longer the plates are albu-
factory prints, I left the beaten track and
menized before using, the less liable are
entered into a series of experiments to en-
they to blister on the surface when fixing,
deavor to get a perfectly reliable collodio-
therefore it is best to albumenize a good lot
chloride, or, to be more plain, a solution in
ahead. I now coat with my collodio-chlor-
which alcohol and ether could be made to
ide, and, when they are perfectly dry, fume
hold a given quantity of silver without pre-
them from 5 to 15 minutes, according to the
cipitation or docom position. The task has
weather. Print a little stronger than pa-
been a hard one defeats often. But, not
per prints, and wash well before toning.
to be baffled, I persevered, and perfect suc-
Any weak toning process will do. Tone
cess followed. I have solutions of collodio-
until slightly blue by transmitted light, and
* The same filter may be used repeatedly until wash well before fixing. Be sure the ton-
worn through. ing bath is not in the least acid. The
hypo bath must be weak and contain one- verted over a funnel containing the filter.
quarter salt. Leave the plates in long The uprights, H H, support the piece, G, and
enough only to get the color you like, then keep it from resting on the funnel. This
remove, wash well, and dry. funnel rests in a hole cut out of the shelf, I,
In using ground-glass the albumen may which latter is supported by the brackets,
be reduced in strength one-half with water, J J, which are, like the piece A, fastened to
but add the salt, 1 J grains to each ounce in the wall. The lip of the funnel either dips
bulk. After printing, wash under running into another similar demijohn or, if you
water full 15 minutes, to get rid of the free prefer, into the buth-holder. You will ob-
nitrate of silver left in the pores of the glass, serve that the instant the demijohn, A, is
and then tone and fix as usual. inverted the solution commences running
Many have been troubled with ground out, and the air-bubbles in, and the solution
porcelain turning dark in the light after would eventually all run out, were it not
finishing, but thorough washing, as above for the fact that the mouth of the demijohn
directed, before toning, will end all the dips below the top of the funnel, consequently
hope that more of our talented subscribers while the top-light is of ground-glass. Theback-
will try to make pictures and secure the ground I use is the wall, east end of the light-
room, painted in oil of the usual background
prize. Do your best, and we ask no more.
tint, and wax and turpentine in
flattened with
There are several other very meritorious
the color. For screens overhead, I use four
pictures in the genre class, all of which
frames made of light tin tubes and covered with
would make good illustrations for our Jour-
white tissue-paper, the bottom ones sliding close
nal, but we think those who made them
to the glass on wire, one under the other, so that
can do still better, and we give them another they can be slid entirely away from the light
chance this month to try. Among those we when necessary. The top ones swing on hinges
speak of, are the pictures by Messrs. Merz, back against the flare of the ceiling. Contrary
Inglis, Tripp & Schellhouse, Forest, Vail to accepted ideas, I have my side-light screened
& Elton, etc., Let them try again.
etc. with black curtains in four parts, so arranged
Those who desire good and bad work,
to see that any part or the whole of the light can be
so as to know what to follow and what to shut off; the side-light running into the corner
avoid, should get sets of the prize prints, beyond the skylight, enables me to throw the
light on the background behind the sitter, and
and study them with the criticisms of the
also to light the head behind, a useful arrange-
ment in getting the so-called " Rembrandt ef-
We now close with a detailed statement
fects." The shape of my room is such, that I
from Mr. Griswold of his modus operandi, can work only towards the east. It often hap-
which we have asked for, as suggested by a pens that I wish to throw the right side of the
correspondent last month head in shadow ; this can readily be done by cov-
Dear Sir : The medal was received without de- ering the side-light and lighting the other side
lay, and I am much pleased with it. In com- of the face from the top of the sky-light.
pliance with your request I will give you the In the composition of the bubble picture, I
modus operandi hy which the bubble pictures have attempted to show that pretty pictures can
were made. The lens used was an extra 4-4 be made of simple every-day subjects. Of course,
Holme;-, Muolh A Haydon, of the old make, and, some study and a large amount of patience are
with the exception that it may be somewhat necessary, especially when small children are
slower, will compare favorably with Dallmey- the subjects. To know just how much to put in
conceive the subject and form the picture in the Monckhoven' s New Light for En-
mind, and finally build it up before the camera ; larging — Collodio- Chloride Transparencies
accessories will suggest themselves as we pro- — Progress in Carbon Printing — Keeping
gress. No exposure of plates should be made Dry — Mixed Iron and Pyrogallic
until the picture is seen complete in all detail
Acid Developer — Photographic Mechanical
upon the ground-glass of the camera. Finally, Printing Process — Photographic Mosaics,
common sense, good taste, and skilful manipula-
tions are the requisites which will succeed with
any good chemical formula. One of the most interesting photographic
M. M. Griswold. events of the month, was the practical dem-
Columbus, 0.
onstration of the value of the new artificial
progressed and improved immensely in En- all the conditions requisite for photographic
gland during the last year or two — the re- enlarging operations.
sult of the frequent exhibitions held there. The enlarging apparatus, which is, in
So it will improve here immensely if pho- general principles, similar to a magic lan-
tographers will earnestly take hold and tern with the necessary special modifica-
help make our next Exhibition worthy of tions to suit the light, has already been ex-
us. plained to your readers by our friend, Dr.
Vogel. A couple of flint-glass plano-con- with the fact that, in certain conditions a
vex condensers of short focus are employed, collodio-chloride film, instead of progress-
the flint-glass being selected in preference ing in blackness or bronzing, from long
to crown, which commonly used for con-
is exposure, has a tendency to become of a
densers, because Dr. Monckhoven has found light reddish-brown tint, and finally tends
that the latter has the property of absorbing to bleach rather than to darken. The
a considerable portion of the actinic rays remedy the Doctor has found for this, con-
emitted by artificial light at a low tempera- sists in fuming the film with ammonia be-
solution recommended
by Mr. Gordon, manifestly instantaneous. In the course of
development after
chiefly because it permits conversation as to the means of production
a longer interval between exposure and de- 1 learned that he derived many advantages
velopment than the iron solution. But from the mixture of these two developers,
there is one point upon which he has come and that he was enabled in the course of his
to a very definite conclusion during the experiments to determine the cause of the
summer it is, that dry plates by every pro-
: rapid decomposition of the mixture, and so
cess suffer considerably in sensitiveness by avoid it. Whenever the solutions were old
keeping, either before or after exposure. A when mixed, the decomposition and precip-
conclusion similar to this has frequently itation took place almost immediately but ;
been arrived at by individuals ; but the gum if the two solutions were made new and
process has had the reputation of possessing then mixed, no decomposition took place,
extraordinary keeping qualities. I believe and the solution kept exceedingly well. I
it really does possess better keeping quali- subjoin a few remarks on the subject by Col.
ties than other sensitive dry plates ; but Mr. Wortley, in a subsequent communication
England is satisfied that a steady and con- to me, in which he indicates his mode of
stant deterioration goes forward. When dealing with the developer.
the plates were freshly prepared he found " I find this invaluable, not only for cloud
that an exposure of twice the time required pictures, but for ordinary work as well. It
for wet plates was sufficient; but at the end has a remarkable power, used in conjunc-
of a week they required an exposure of three tion with formic acid, of developing detail
times the time required by wet plates, and combined with due density, and gives a
so progressively. This accords with the ex- more harmonious negative at one operation,
perienceof Mons. Ferrier, whose fine instan- and with no necessity for after-intensifica-
taneous stereographs are well known. He tion, than I have as yet been able to obtain
informed me that he frequently obtained in by any other means.
a good light, and with a suitable subject, in- " I prefer to keep the iron and pyrogallic
stantaneous negatives on collodio-albumen solution mixed separately, so that I can mix
plates ; but that for this purpose they must them in the required proportions for each
be absolutely freshly prepared, much of the plate; but they keep perfectly when made
sensitiveness being lost if exposed on the up ready to use, making a clear greenish-
second day. This fact seems to deprive dry- colored solution. When either of the two
plate photographs of at least one element of solutions is old, the mixture rapidly decom-
value, as the possibility of keeping plates pre- poses.
pared during a journey of a few weeks was " I may mention that for portraiture in
one of the great charms of the dry processes. a weak light, this developer is of great
Mixed Iron and Pyrogallic Acid Devel- use, giving softnessand intensity under con-
oper. —
The practice of mixing the iron and ditions in which the usual developers would
pyrogallic developer for the purpose of se- work with great difficulty. It is, in fact,
curing the short exposure, without loss of according to the proportions in which the
detail of the one and the density and vigor two solutions are originally made up, and
of the other, is an old one; but the rapid afterwards mixed, of value atall times, and
PtiMtfljrta ^htUpnyhtt.
Vol. VII. MARCH, 1870. No. 75.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870,
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
You are cordially invited to expose examples exhibit will be given full instructions prob-
of your work on that occasion. Ample space ably in our next issue. There will be noth-
will be granted in the best light, free of charge, ing to retard any American or Canadian pho-
to all foreign exhibitors. tographer from exhibiting freely, whether a
It is expected that a grant from Congress will member of the Association or not. The Ex-
allow the entrance and return of foreign speci- hibition is a National one and all are invited
mens free of duty. Parties who desire that what to participate freely. Fuller details as soon
they send should be sold for their account and
as the Executive Committee and Local Sec-
not returned, will receive the best attention to
retary are able to complete their arrange-
their wishes. In all cases, two itemized invoices
should be sent to the Secretary, and notice as to
date of shipment, name of steamer, &c. The
freight must, in all cases, be prepaid. Packages THE SOLAR NEGATIVE PRIZE.
should not be sent later than April 20th, and
Our readers will not forget our offer for
should be directed as follows :
Please read over the conditions of the offer, them, etc., etc. I am now using four dif-
and be prompt in sending the very best you ferent lights, and believe if I had to build
can produce. another I should make it different from any
of them. This subject I hope to hear fully
discussed. I hope to hear the advantages
of the different modes of manipulating
THE PKESLDENT ON THE shown by the leading and most successful
EXHIBITION. operators. I hope to hear what is doing to
To the Editor of the Philadelphia render the photograph more durable. We
Photographer. all know the dissolving nature of the silver
I wish to give to you and the fraternity prints, and are all make them per-
anxious to
my reasons for attending the Annual Exhibi- manent if possible. Let us see what we can
tion of the National Photographic Association offer on this subject. It must be done, and
to be held at Cleveland, Ohio, in June the sooner the better. I expect to see all
next. the newest improvements in apparatus and
I believe we shall all be greatly bene-
1st. machinery exhibited. The whole process
fitedby being more closely united as a body is now too complicated, difficult, and uncer-
of men engaged in developing one of the tain. We need ivork-pe?]fecting as well as
greatest and most useful discoveries of the labor-saving apparatus. Bring along every-
age. Let us' all feel that everything tending thing new and show it to the men gathered
to advancement is for the good of all. Let from all parts of the Union, and if it. is good
us show a willingness to assist each other in and desirable, we shall all want it, and you
perfecting ourselves in every branch of the cannot have a better opportunity to show it.
art let every member of the Association be
; Again, I shall attend to see what the
ready to aid even the most humble member photographers of Europe will show us.
in his endeavors to advance, for by so doing Many things new and beautiful 1 have no
we shall be raising the whole profession and doubt will come across the ocean, and we
advancing the interests of all. will never have a better opportunity to see
We have too long continued in the old what they are doing. I shall attend to meet
tracks, each one believing himself to hold the and take by the hand men well known by
secret of success and to be the embodiment reputation, but whose faces I have never
of wisdom and perfection. I have, in sev- seen. I believe the East will be largely
eral instances, known such men to wake up represented, hope to meet many well-
some morning and find a despised rival turn- known names from the South, and surely
ing out work that astonished them, and they the West will send her young giants in
in turn were compelled to put on their scores. I want to sec them all.
"thinking caps " and try to get hold of their And now, one word about tho Boston
rival's secret. Now, gentelmen, we have meeting last Juno. I learned much and
had enough of this. You may succeed in saw much while there, and I have not seen
one part of the process where I fail, and the first man who was sorry he was there.
again I may succeed where you fail. The On the contrary, all expressed themselves
fact is we all need teaching, and we cannot delighted and benefited by the liberal views
do a better thing than to meet together once and unselfishness of the gentlemen compos-
in the year and compare notes. Let us ing that Convention, and I have no doubt
they will almost to a man be at Cleveland the practice of photography, upon which we
next June. can all gather new ideas, that I .suggest at
I am what might be called an old fogy in our next meeting we discuss a few of them.
the profession, but I cannot consent to have Practical hints on the " retouching of
my younger brethren outstrip me in the negatives " would be a good subject. If nec-
attempt at advancement, and you may count essary let a fewmembers bring negatives,
on me as putting my shoulder to the wheel with prints from the same, then after being
and higher to the per-
to lift our art higher retouched compare them the best for- ;
fection to which I believe it is tending. mula for collodion for indoor work, with
Life, health, Providence, and the railroads specimens to show its value; the best gen-
permitting, I shall be at Cleveland. eral developer. Lectures on failures with
negatives and prints to illustrate. All will
Tours, respectfully,
readily see that there is no end to the sub-
Abraham Bogardtis.
jects that could be discussed, and of how
1153 Broadway, N. T. much practical benefit they would prove to
the mass of hard-working photographers.
From one of the Executive Committee. I am very glad to hear we are to be treated
Dear Mr. Editor : Do you imagine that to another view of fine foreign work. From
all the members of our National Photo- them we can gather new ideas and impulses
graphic Association realize that over eight and strive to do still better.
months of the year have passed since our Our local Secretary is a host in himself,
meeting in June last? And how many of but the preparations he is making will ac-
them have commenced making preparations commodate a still larger one with all their
for the next "Grand Exhibition?" "traps." Cleveland as a beautiful city can-
As the time will soon be here, perhaps not be surpassed we think, and then to think
another reminder to the craft generally of the good things in store for us who go.
may be of some service, and they profit by Let those who thought they enjoyed the fine
it,and commence at once making their ride in and around Boston be sure and go
specimens while there is time. Our last to Cleveland, and they will not be disap-
Exhibition was a grand success, and we feel pointed by not enjoying themselves as well
assured from the efforts that are being put as being benefited.
forth that the next will not be behind its Photographically and fraternally yours,
predecessor. Let us work with a will to Walter C. North.
make it so, and take pains to make it, if Utica, N. Y., Feb. 7th, 1870.
possible, even superior.
I trust that every convention held will We are glad to see these spontaneous out-
prove more profitable to the members, both bursts from the officers and members of our
in the fine exhibition of their work as well National Association. We believe it will
as practical hints to be obtained that will be the plan of the managers this year to
be of real substantial benefit to the mem-' have no lectures of any length, but to devote
bers when they shall have returned to their a short time each day to the business of the
studios. Association, and the rest of the time to prac-
Magic lantern exhibitions and able lec- tical experiments, demonstrations, and dis-
tures on chemistry and other subjects con- cussions pertaining to subjects that will
nected with our art are always acceptable come right home to every working photog-
to the craft, but I doubt if either would be rapher. Whenever a photographer has a
relished as well as spicy debates on every- novel source of failure or a negative well
day subjects connected with our daily prac- illustrating any evil, let him save it and
tice in the profession, with which none are bring it along. Also any models, prints,
so well versed but what they might learn etc., that will interest or benefit the whole.
something new even from a tyro in the pro- Time will be given to all. In our next we
fession. hope to give a more extended synopsis of the
There are so many subjects connected with programme. Ed. P. P.
PORTABLE CHEMICAL ROOM. Enamel Photographs— Burnt-in
The season for landscape work is ap- Photographs.
proaching, and we propose, for a few
months, to give some hints as to the para-
phernalia needed for that class of photo- The
reader at the outset must correct a
graphic work. We begin with a descrip- mistake, into which he most probably has
room, contrived by Messrs. French & Saw- head of enamelled photographs, photo-
yer, Keene, N. H. graphs on paper glazed with a layer of
collodion, gelatine, &c. Let these be
called by their proper name: glazed pho-
tographs. Enamelled photographs are
pictures taken by the lens on a porcelain
base, developed by an enamel powder,
which is afterwards fused, in a muffle
in the cupel or assay furnace, into the
porcelain as a background, and thus
becomes a part of the material and equally
as imperishable. The art of thus burning-
in photographs has attained already a con-
siderable degree of perfection in the hands
The drawing above, represents
and a rear
of a few and from the facility and cer-
interior view of the contrivance, which is cess as a business. Of all photographs, the
very plain. The body of the cart is 2 ft. 8 enamelled photograph is the most imper-
in. long, 2 ft. 10 in. wide, and 3 ft. height. ishable, and, at the same time, about the
The top is arched one inch. The body is a most beautiful ; and certainly this is so,
mere skeleton frame covered with green when the art of the limner co-operates
enamelled cloth. The semicircular piece with the manipulations of the photogra-
cut out of the bottom, is to accommodate pher.
the person of the operator when the door is The white surface of a watch-face, on
shut, while manipulating, and he sits on the which the hours, &c, are delineated, is an
seat seen in the cut. When mot in use a enamelled surface; and if a photograph be
board is fitted into this semicircular cut in taken on such a surface and afterwards, by
the bottom, the seat is put inside, etc., etc. fusion in the fire, it can be blended with the
The shafts project 3 ft. 6 in. in front, with substance and become a part of it, then such
a cross-bar todraw by hand or to fasten to a photograph is called an enamelled photo-
a carriage when going long distances. The graph. Solomon and Gamier, Joubert and
wheels are 3 ft. 6 in. in diameter. Poitevin, have given us processes by means
The inside is fitted with all necessary of which photographs can be taken that
baths, bottles, etc., and with a little water admit of being burnt-in, or fused into a
tank, 10 in. long, 8 in. wide, and 6 in. deep, porcelain or enamel base. Solomon and
to which a faucet is fastened. We are as- Gamier, I believe, were the first to call at-
sured by Mr. French that it answers admi- tention to a peculiar property of the chro-
rably and that it pays. It is so light any boy mic salts in mixture with saccharine or
can draw or push it, and it can be cheaply gummy solutions, whereby these lost their
made by any one having the time, the stickiness when exposed to light. Working
wheels and axle being supplied and they upon this principle as a base, the authors
printing or vitrification with great success. of cetamic art which we see executed at the
The principle is this : a composition is made, potteries of Dresden, &c.
of course in the dark-room (yellow-room), Now that I have described the principles
of water, bichromate of potassa, sugar, upon which we have to work, in order to
honey, and gum. This represents the col- produce a burnt-in photograph on enamel
lodion ; it is filtered two or three times, and and with enamel, 1 will proceed to the de-
then poured, exactly in the same manner as tails of a working process.
collodion, over a glass plate. The film is
then dried. Even when dry, the surface THE PREPARATION OF THE POSITIVE.
attracts or adheres to fine powder as of
charcoal, enamel, &c, with much avidity,
great deal of the success in enamel
photography depends upon the original neg-
by reason of a certain amount of moisture
ative or positive used to make the impres-
or glutinosity in the film ; but if it be ex-
sion. "We shall follow Joubert's process;
posed to sunlight for a few seconds, the film
and, consequently, a positive is required.
loses this glutinous character, parts with its
The must absolutely be on plate or
moisture, and, consequently, no longer ad-
perfectly flat glass; and the impression to
heres to the powders above mentioned. If
be received on the chromic collodion must
a negative, therefore, be placed over such
be also on plate glass; and if the positive
a film, all the dark parts, such as the sky in
is to be made from a negative by contact,
a landscape, and the face in a portrait, will
the negative glass, too, must be perfectly
prevent the light from acting upon the film
flat. Use, therefore, nothing but plate glass
beneath ;
these parts, therefore, retain their
in this process, as far as glass is needed. It
original character of adhering to charcoal
will scarcely be necessary here to describe
powder, and will exhibit dark parts in the
minutely how a good transparent glass posi-
film corresponding to the dark parts on the
tive is prepared I have already done this
Dissolve in a two-quart bottle as follows
Losif sugar,
Gum arabic,
...... 6 ounces.
2 '•
Mix together in a three-ounce vial as follows :
Honey, 1 ounce.
C is running across
a rod or bar of metal
Borax (clear solution from No. 1), . 1 "
the and a hook at each end, D D'.
Shake well and keep until exhausted.
The hook D / fits in a permanent eye fixed
4. STOCK SOLUTION. to the side of the box, and the other hook
Mix together in a three-ounce bottle as follows : D is caught by an adjustable eye E,
Bichromate of ammonia, . . .2 ounces. which is jointed at its lower end at F to the
Water, 2 "
handle or lever G. It is plainly seen that
Shake the water so as to obtain a saturated
when the parts are adjusted, if the lever (J
solution. ,
is pressed closely to the side of the box it
5. SENSITIVE LIQUID FOR TRESENT USE. will bring the adjustable eye to bear upon
Borucic liquid (stock solution No. 2), 60 minims. the hook D and thus press the lid down
Bichromate " " " '• 4 , . 40 " tightly, which may bo kept so by fastening
Water, filtered, 100 "
the lever by means of the hook II. I find
N. B. If the weather is very warm and dry, it to answer admirably, and to work quickly.
add three or four drops of the stock solution Any blacksmith can make the iron-work,
No. :;. and you can make the box yourself.
: ;
MYSTERIES OF THE NEW YORK until the ammonia is washed out. I then
DARK-CHAMBERS. wring it as dry as possible in a crash towel,
(Continued.) then pour a little alcohol on it so as to dis-
Agreeable our promise we append
to place the water and add it to the excited
below the formulae furnished us by Mr. ether and alcohol. Filter as soon as dis-
Hugh O'Neil, a member of the firm of C. solved and it is ready for use.
D. Fredericks & Co., New York. The results of taking the trouble to wash
There is probably no manipulator in the the cotton as above stated, are, quickness,
country possessing greater ability than Mr. a clean, handsomely colored negative, great
O'Neil. He has grown up with American depth in printing, and still it prints quickly.
photography, and has been identified with Any one who will try this method of pre-
it since its advent here. He is a gentleman paring the cotton will continue to do so.
who has no patience with pretenders, and Take cotton with which it is almost impos-
those who do not use their brains, and con-
sible to make a negative, prepare as above.
knows, and for these reasons it will be a tle acid with acetic or nitric acid, C.P.,
pleasure to hear him. well diluted with water. Evaporate about
Permit us to add that we have witnessed one-third of the solution when necessary.
some experiments with Mr. O'NeiPs for-
mula? by Mr. William Bell, of this city, and
have found considerable advantage in treat- 2 ounces iron and 1 quart of water
ing the cotton as recommended by Mr. enough acetic acid to make it flow smoothly.
O'Neil. The exposure is shortened ; there is For children use it almost double strength
entire freedom from structure in the film,
and the color of the negative is remarkably
Hypo, soda and a little cyanide. Fix
pleasing, deep, and dense, —
yet of fine print-
quickly, and the result will be much finer
ing quality. But Mr. O'Neil's work has a
world-wide reputation, and we need not en-
large here. He writes:
Take half a gallon silver solution, 35 grs.
My formula is very simple, and such as to the ounce; add § ounce muriatic acid.
it is you are welcome to it. Shake well and add enough strong ammo-
COLLODION. nia to make it slightly alkaline. Shake
Ether, . . .12 ounces. well, filter, and save the filter as long as
Alcohol 12 " possible. Every time you strengthen add a
Bromide of potassium, . 48 grains. little acid and ammonia. If red tear-drops
Iodide of ammonium, . 108 grains. should appear, add a little nitric acid, C.P.
Mix and alcohol together, dis-
the ether and neutralize. This solution will silver
solve the bromide in a little water, then —
any paper, no matter how strongly salted
add the iodide to it and dissolve in the same — in one minute, and for most papers not
water. Add this solution to the ether and over forty seconds are required. If floated
alcohol. Shake well, filter, and it is ready too long it have a weak look as if un-
for the cotton, which I prepare as follows der-silvered. It prints quicker and finer
I weigh the amount required and place it than any solution I have ever used.
in a small dish add about a pint of water
Fume with strong ammonia eight or ten
and a drachm of strong ammonia, stir it minutes.
well and let it stand for fifteen or twenty TONING BATH.
minutes, then wash it in several waters or Pour the required amount of water in a
dish, add enough of concentrated solution every particle of half-tone which is the
of washing soda to make it slippery to the charm of all pictures. Although opposed
touch ; add gold enough to tone in ten to to intensifying as a rule, still I would make
fifteen minutes. some exceptions.
Take the prints out before they are toned, Often it is difficult to obtain sufficient
as they willdry up darker. With a little density in a negative by the application of
experience any tone can be produced. It the developing solution only. The chemi-
will work as soon as made, and no matter cals that worked so well yesterday, for some
how weak the negative is, there will be no reason fail to-day. Atmospheric influences
mealiness, but a handsome silky print. may be the cause ; but, chemical solutions
and need rest
are liable to get overworked,
from their continued labors. Under such
About one-half of the usual amount of
circumstances an entire change of chemi-
soda, and about five minutes in the bath.
cals may prove of advantage. But if an
H. O'Neil, otherwise good negative should show signs
587 Broadway. of weakness, with no prospect of obtain-
New York, January 15th, 1870. ing a better result by another trial, then it
worth printing.
There are many chemicals that will an-
After-Intensifications of Portrait and swer the purpose of increasing the density
Landscape Negatives. of negatives, and, provided that great care
BY JOHN C BROWNE. is exercised to know when to stop, negatives
The habit among photographers of de- not worth saving are rendered capable of
pending upon intensification to force nega- giving fair prints. Foremost among the
tives up to what they may consider a proper number of strengthening solutions, I would
printing strength, is a very dangerous evil, suggest pyrogallic acid and silver as giving
well calculated to make them careless of the most reliable results. Permanganate of
their work and reputation. Prints from potassium, iodine, silver, and citric acid,
such negatives are generally masses of black also prove in experienced hands worthy of
and white, and may well be described as consideration.
monuments to intensification. The object of this article, however, is not
The writer had quite recently an oppor- to discuss at length the chemicals that can
tunity of examining a very large number be used for this purpose, but to seriously
of negatives from almost all parts of the caution photographers not to depend so
United States, and it would appear from much upon the habit of universally strength-
a careful study of their merits, that this ening negatives as is now the case. Let
injurious habit is an epidemic extending the aim of every operator be to get the right
over a large portion of the country. The amount of intensity with the iron developer
chemical sulphide of potassium was respon- alone, and, bj a rigid scrutiny of chemicals,
sible for a large share of the spoiled work, light, etc strive to make none but first-
but bichloride of mercurj- and its attendant class negatives, clean, forcible, and well-
ammonia were fairly represented. It will lighted, without the use of any intensifying
be a glorious day for photography, when agent whatever. Depend upon it, that the
its votaries will banish from their dark- less chemicals put upon the plate after the
rooms these chemicals. As things of the first development with iron, will be tho bet-
past they must now give place to a more ter for all concerned.
advanced knowledge upon the subject of
the chemistry of photography.
The intensifying of negatives is too often Keep the dust out of your camera; your
used to cover up such defects as dirty plates, lenses clean wipe the dark-slide out often;
be white. The plate should not be allowed not he had better get somebody that can do
to getdry on the top while the bleaching it for him, or else get out of the business.
process is going on. Finally wash the pic- Man} good r lights are spoiled by bad man-
ture well, dry, tint the cheeks, back it with agement. I "don't believe in these clap-trap
an iron ferrotype plate and case with mat blinds that many use, arranged like the
and preserve, and you have the picture. sides of a down east fisherman's smoke-
No varnish is used, and in tinting care house, to open and shut. They always ob-
should be taken not to scratch the picture struct more or less light, become elegant
with the brush. An oval form may be given receptacles of dust, and require a good deal
to the picture by fastening a piece of thin of tackle and machinery to operate them.
back-board in the camera-box just before Give me curtains that you can roll up at
the ground-glass ; in the centre of the board night and keep clean, or in dull weather
cut a hole and fasten an oval ferrotype mat when you want all the light you can get.
over and thus a clear outline is obtained.
it, But here comes a sitter, Focus, and we will
Mr. Sypbers states to our informant that try the practical application of what we
the "country operators bite " at his process have been talking about. Card vignette
"like hungry sharks." This is the whole that's a style of picture I like to make. The
thing. He charges from $4 to $25, "ac- face and head are what we want they are —
cording to the man," he says. really the person —
the rest is merely acces-
sory, and it is gratifying that a somewhat
cultivated taste has relieved us, in some
measure, from the disagreeable duty of ar-
UNDER THE SKYLIGHT. ranging in presentable shape, awkward, un-
BY ROLAND VANWEIKE. couth limbs and big boots. Take a seat
Well, Focus, I suppose it is understood here. This is about the position, Focus, for
that I am to explain matters to you as we most sittings of this style, just under, or a
go along to-day with a view to giving you very little back of the edge of the skylight,
some instruction. The morning is fine, i. e., the edge or side farthest from the
and we have the promise that "Sol" will camera. This admits the light well around
favor us with his most cheerful rays. The the sitter and gives roundness and relief to
first thing to be considered in working under the figure. If you place your subject too
the skylight is, what kind of a light have far back, the result is a flat picture with the
we? There is a variety of forms and styles, light all in front. Now this lady has a fine
and it is difficult, perhaps, to prescribe any head and regular features, about a three-
particular style as best. A
large light can quarter view will be most favorable. As
be worked more successfully than a small her shoulders slope well, we will have a front
one, for all kinds of work it is of great ad-
; view of the body and turn the head that's ;
vantage in dull weather, and can be arranged it. As the light is not very strong yet, we
with curtains to close as much as you wish only need to draw that curtain on the shadow
at any time. A side and top light com- side sufficiently to give roundness to the
bined is the most popular light, and is the face, and bring the curtains up part way on
style for general portrait photography. I the side-light now bring the background
believe Focus in using curtains on a sky- up pretty close, so that the shadow cheek
light; so arranged that you can drive the will be cut out sharp against it. That looks
light wherever you want it. Curtains of very well. You want to learn to see the light
white or blue may be used of different tex- and shade on the face, and when you have
ture, to soften or exclude the light as the done that, Focus, you will be capable of
case may require. Every photographer is seeing just how your subject will look in the
supposed to possess sufficient ingenuity or picture. The untutored eye does not see
constructive ability, to arrange those things lights and shades on a face any more than
so as to get his light where he wants it, and on that screen, hence there are many that
to be able to regulate it according to changes go it blind, sitting their subjects in a cer-
that may occur during the day. If he has tain place, getting a focus and making pic-
the day that may make good work ; it will with brains enough to keep them steady.
be right sometimes. But, Focus, the light (To be continued.)
so much shadow. Give a little more light with alcohol, and then boiled it down to
on the shadow side, and draw that thin cur- drive the alcohol out, up to make it
filled it
tain directly above the sitter, so as not to forty grains to the ounce; added one drachm
have so strong a top-light, and let the cur- of a saturated solution of permanganate of
tains well down on the side-light. These potash to make it alkaline, and sunned it a
directions will also answer for this next sub- week. It now works as well as a new bath,
ject, who has heavy projecting brows. Get and I have never seen any signs of fog.
your direct light from as low an angle as
possible, use a good deal of diffused light, Mr. G. Wharton Simpson gives us along
and give a good full exposure. For gray, article in theNovember Photographer, and
or very liglit hair, we will carry the back- a very interesting one on the use of a de-
ground farther hack, so as to make it darker. veloper without acid.
Almost any desired shade of background Now, Mr. Simpson, I can insure you to
can be had by the distance you place it from make clean negatives without acid, and
without your substitute of glue or glycerine would make a much more attractive picture
to keep it from fogging. if it could be copied in a variety of positions
I proceed as follows : on one card, that I would attempt it. I
BATH FOR NEGATIVES. took for the background a strip of dark
Nitrate of Silver, . . 4 ounces. brown cotton-velvet, arranging it so that
Pure Water, . . .2 ounces, the lower portion covered the top and hung
and dissolve. If the silver does not all dis- a few inches over the edge of a small stand.
produce clean negatives that will not re- marking around the base each time, that I
quire mountains of bichloride of mercury to might know just where to place it in the
build them up. If they are not as strong as subsequent operations. I then prepared
you like, a few drops of silver and iron are and exposed my plate, covered the camera,
all that is necessary to make a first-rate moved the image to the next position, and
negative without any acid in the developer. exposed, and again as before. On develop-
I use for developer the double salts of iron ing my plate, I found I had a remarkably
and ammonia and no acid. The above bath fine negative of one object in three posi-
also makes a very fine clean positive or tions. Almost any number of positions may
ferrotype, but not quite as good as an acid be obtained in this way, but the time of ex-
bath with nitrate of lead in the developer. posure must be lessened as the number of
To keep this bath in working order add positions increase, and each position should
of a 60-grain solution to keep up the strength
receive an equal exposure. Whether the
made the same as the bath. Add none that idea is new to every one I cannot say, but
has not been purified. One ounce of a solu- that it may be a useful one to many is evi-
solution, and set it to fogging. No iodide of graph statuary for the stereoscope, would
any kind. do well to try it.
Chillicothe, 0.
When becomes charged with alcohol
of the members.
The Secretary laid before the Society a
equal quantities.
Ether nnd Alcohol, .
100 grains.
and I judge that, at best, the operation must
be exceedingly tedious.
Tt recently occurred to me to try filtering
through strong but fine and close-woven
Bleached Shellac,
11 ounces.
70 "
35 drops.
cotton stuff, such as that which is made for
the best quality of cotton shirting. I find
it answers so excellently that I now use it
Oil of Lavender, . 2^ drachms
habitually. The proceeding is as follows
Adjourned, to meet again Tuesday even- select a piece of cotton stuff that is very
ing, March 1st, Mr. C. M. Gilbert's
1870, at close- woven, smooth, and perfectly free
gallery, No. 202 South Second Street. from fuzziness of surface.- It is only the
very best sorts that possess the desirable
qualities. Throw it into boiling water and
let it lie for some hours to detach the starch
and dressing ; rinse it well out in cold
of insoluble matter in the collcdio-bromide They are made in this wise : A collodion
mixture tends up the sponge sooner.
to clog print is made upon glass according to in-
The sponge sold as surgeons' sponge is structions given by the Messrs. Lambert,
very suitable. Common Bahama sponge vignetted while printing, developed, fixed
(carriage sponge), is even better if it be without washing, dried, and then backed
soaked for two or three days in a good up with a piece of white or tinted draw-
quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid, and ing paper, peculiarly roughened, on which,
then be thoroughly well washed out. in bold hatching is the graduated vignet-
ting which breaks up the outline, and causes
the picture to merge into the background
apparently. In the centre of the crayoned
SARONY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC vignetting is head or figure.
a space for the
CRAYONS. Place the glass print on one of these sheets,
On pages 100, 165, and 243, of our last and a perfect metamorphosis is the result.
volume, our esteemed friend Mr. G. Whar- At once the impression of a costly worked-
ton Simpson described to us a novel and up picture is given, an impression very
beautiful new style of portraiture which had hard to overcome. The roughness of the
been introduced in England by Mr. Oliver drawing-paper imparts elegant softness to
Sarony, of Scarborough. Soon after, the the picture, and, as some one has said, very
process was offered for sale in our advertis- happily, " permitting the image to be super-
ing colums, but not being pushed much, posed on its own shadow, increasing depth
is, therefore, proper that we should inform in torrents, in less time than we have taken
our readers more fully on the subject. to write these words. It is backed by a
The pictures may be produced of any size, warm-tinted crayon sheet, and we believe
from a large or small negative ;
with only we could induce nine out of every ten pho-
the appurtenances of the smallest establish- tographic experts to believe that it is a
ment; in all kinds of weather; in a very finely worked-up crayon head.
few minutes very easily and at very little
Now the advantage of this style of picture
cost. Shadows may be reduced or strength- is, that old negatives may be utilized and
ened with the greatest ease. made to Mr. Sarony's
produce revenue.
The effect is worked crayon
that of a finely plan is from some of his best nega-
to print
photograph on tinted paper with the most tives at his own risk, and, in most cases, the
artistic hatching around, while in reality parties cannot resist buying them. Another
there is not a single touch of a pencil advantage is, good prices may be readily got
on the whole picture. They are, when for them, and the cost of their production
skilfully printed (and practice soon attains is but trifling.
that), from good negatives, perfectly lovely. The Messrs. Lambert, with their agent,
The Messrs. Lambert have produced them Mr. A. E. Alden (see advertisement), pro-
in our presence, and the ease and quickness pose to visit our principal cities and towns
with which they are made, makes their pro- in person for the sale of these sheets, and to
duction merely pleasurable pastime. Each all who buy a certain quantity they teach
new print increased our admiration for Mr. Sarony's method of making the prints.
Moreover they will not sell the sheets to would give a good surface to take the pen-
any but those who are taught by them, thus cil in retouching.
giving protection to all their patrons. And It was resolved that the competition at
permit us to suggest that, as here is proba- the next meeting be for plain cards, the
bly a chance for a lucrative business, let the person making the best to have all compet-
prices be well kept up, and make pictures ing prints, to be decided by the vote of the
good. Association.
They are very beautiful when well made, A discussion ensued on the subject of ni-
and to attract the public they must be well trate of silver, it being intimated that
made. some samples were adulterated. Messrs.
Low, Tupper, and Marshall were appointed
a committee to analyze different samples,
BOSTON PHOTOGRAPHIC and to report the result.
SOCIETY. Beautiful specimens from retouched nega-
The minutes of the January meeting of tives by Mr. J. P. Kyder, Cleveland, Ohio,
the Boston Photographic Society did not were exhibited, and also enamelled cards
reach us last month, but come now with from Mr. M. G-. Trask, Bangor, Maine
those of the February meeting. The sub- cartes from Prescott & White, Hartford,
ject for discussion was, Retouching the Nega- and photographs of animals from Schreiber
& Son, Philadelphia.
Mr. E. L. Allen read a paper thereon, The subject chosen for discussion at the
quoting from instructions that had been next meeting was, On Printing Photographic
published. He also exhibited a number of
Pictures, and, on motion, adjourned.
his own retouched negatives, which were
very fine. February Meeting.
Mr. Allen stated that he found it diffi-
Vice-President Burnham in the chair.
cult to obtain in Boston, what he called
Minutes of last meeting were approved.
good nitrate of silver. He now used Ma-
The annual fee of members was fixed at
gee's Philadelphia silver, which he found
much better. He then gave his formula
The Committee on Nitrate of Silver asked
for making collodion, viz.:
for further time.
Messrs. Loomis, Meinerth, and Lovell. Mass., and Mr. Benjamin Jones, of
the specimens presented (that being the had often travelled fifty miles upon foot for
prize), none voting but the contributors, certain views was often absent four and
and each one to vote for some one other five weeks, and forced to subsist upon game.
Mr. Black appealed to the members in the party, either from uncontrollable gravi-
behalf of a destitute photographer, who, tation or a desire to go faster, started, the
although not a member of our Society, yet result being that he left his rider, but no
needed and should have our assistance. longer master, pendant in a tree, an aston-
On motion, voted that a committee of one ished and dissatisfied mass of helpless hu-
be appointed to take up a collection in be- manity. Upon another occasion the Cap-
half of this destitute photographer. tainwas astride his mule descending some
The Vice-President appointed Mr. J. W. upright mass or another of nature, when he
Black that committee, who attended to the found himself moving faster than his faith-
duty assigned him, and soon reported a con- ful servant; they both moved downwards
tribution of $14.42. together, but the Captain beat the mule,
Voted, that Mr. Black be a committee to and declares that had it not been for the
forward the contribution to our distressed ears of said mule he would have gone over-
brother. board they proved his salvation and kept
On motion'of Mr. Marshall, it was voted him aboard. The Captain is not responsi-
that we have another competition for best ble for my words; I only report facts, not
card-photographs from retouched negatives exact language.
at our next meeting. This reminds me
mule Josh Bil-
of the
The following were elected as members lings tells about: how he
it is more
of this Association: Messrs. R. B. Wilson, than I know, but he says: " The mule is a
A. F. Buzzell, and J. C. Richardson, of bird of larger growth than the turkey, he
has two legs to walk with and two to kick the plate and to varnish afterwards, seems
with, and he wears his wings on the side of to offer advantage. It would certainly give
his head." This, I judge, to be the kind greater protection, and prevent moisture
of a mule Russell had. from insinuating itself at the edges between
The Captain exhibited his camera-box ;
the film and the glass. Time alone can set-
itwas of novel and ingenious construction, tle these points definitely.
but without drawings, I cannot explain it. I made lately a curious discovery in re-
Mr. H. T. Anthony volunteered to have a gard to this verj' subject One of my Aden
drawing made of it, so that by your next I negatives commenced show signs of
trust it will be in shape to publish. cracking all over the surface, so fine, how-
The by Mr. Edward
prints presented ever, that they did not interfere much. I
Bierstadt were made by Dewey, of Paris. tried to get rid of them by exposing the
The film of the positive was removed from plate to vapors of alcohol, but they remained
the plate and laid upon paper of some tint as before. Finally, I retouched the sky on
best suited to the subject. If of coins, upon the varnished side with India-ink contain-
a gold, silver, or copper paper ; if of bronzes, ing gum-arabic, and put the negative away.
upon a bronze paper if of a sunset, upon a
This was some months ago I looked at it ;
paper which will give the glow and warm again a few days ago, and found the plate
coloring desired. The effect was very fine covered with cracks, except the places
in some. where it had been retouched. This seems
Yours, &c, C. W. H. to prove to me that a covering over the var-
nish will prevent the splitting of the film.
The best expedient to get tolerably good
prints from cracked negatives, is rubbing
GERMAN CORRESPONDENCE. the plates with lampblack. It fills up all
Keeping Negatives — Retouching Negatives, the fissures, and makes them for the time
and the Berlin Process — Large Heads being disappear.
Card-size — Action of Lighting and Con- Next to the question of the preservation
trast — Keeping Silvered Albumen Paper. of the negative, the manipulations of the
lively discussion on the best mode of retouching process always claim our atten-
keeping the negative film from splitting, tion. This branch of the business becomes
took place at the last meeting of our So- from day to day more important, in the
ciety. same proportion as the passion for large
Much has been said as to the cause of this heads in card-size spreads amongst the gen-
annoyance, but it certainly is not exactly eral public. It is indeed a mania that gives
understood yet. The thoroughness of the a great deal of trouble to the photographer.
washing, and the quality of the water, ex- There are heads with all the modern acces-
ercise, undoubtedly, a great influence. sories, as chignons, curls, flowers, laces, and
The question, however, is, how can this all the the other fixings; they make beauti-
evil be prevented, and many have parties ful pictures, particularly when one knows
proposed to cover the negative with an am- how to sit, and is accustomed to being pho-
ber solution and to varnish afterwards. tographed. make splendid mod-
This would have another advantage, it els ;
you can always make something out of
would protect the collodion films against them; their toilet is generally excellent,
the action of the varnish. The amber fur- and their skin has undergone such a
nishes an excellent surface for retouching, thorough "positive retouch," that the ar-
and the retouch would itself be protected tist has very little trouble. The case with
by the last varnishing. Until, however, ladies from private life is quite different.
the amber varnish has stood the test of time, They are often awkward in their movements
its claims to freedom from cracking must or even resist the arrangements of the artist,
remain conjecture. they object to being handled, and show a
Another proposition, i. e. to remove a quar- skin, which, in spite of all the artifices of
ter of an inch of the collodion film all around illumination, looks, in the negative, like a
freshly ploughed field. Negative retouch- contrast which can improve or deteriorate
ing has to come here to the rescue,and this a picture.
becomes more difficult as the size of the A white surface will look much whiter
head increases. when placed alongside of a dark one. Mr.
Formerly photographers were generally Kurtz has given some excellent hints on
through their day's work with the setting this subject in the Mosaics. Allow me to
of the sun now you find them late at night
call your attention to another effect of con-
at the retouching desk, to retouch the nega- trast.
tive but the face only, which is the only photographer in the world.
part that is subjected to retouching. Some Another was called upon by a
varnish, however, when rubbed with cuttle- couple, the husband small, the wife very
fish, will become smooth instead of dull. large. The husband insisted on looking as
In such cases I take finely-powdered pum- large as his wife. What was to be done?
ice-stone. That gives the best surface, and The operator placed the husband on a foot-
a hard pencil answers very well. Grass- stool, took a three-quarter length picture,
hofFuses the so-called silver pencils (metallic and the little man was satisfied. Of course
lead mounted in wood), on account of their all the objects which can act as a guide to
cheapness and the points do not break. comparison must be left out of these pic-
I give this lengthy description that your tures, such as chairs, pillars, architectural
readers may know the nature of the real backgrounds, etc., etc.
" Berlin process." A piece of ground-glass In conclusion a few remarks on the per-
will not do. It is the careful selection and manent silvered paper that of late has been
treatment of the orginally artistic illumina- so much talked about. It consists simply
tion and careful retouching of the negative. of ordinary silvered albumen paper from
To learn the latter requires much patience, which the free nitrate of silver has been re-
white for four days. Waxed paper does method of precipitating albumen in solu-
not answer as well ; it frequently contains tion. Nevertheless, both Mr. Chapman
small holes which will cause yellow spots and Mr. England did good service in re-
on the paper. «•
stating the fact, because, by doing so they
Tours, very truly, may have reminded some who had forgot-
Dr. H. Vogel. ten the remedy, and informed others to
whom it may never have occurred ; but
they give to it the weight which always
attaches to the indorsement of good practi-
NOTES IN AND OUT OF THE calmen. I should like to impress this fact
on all photographers, that they may often
do good service by restating, with the com-
ment suggested by their own experience,
Nationality of Photographic Discovery — old processes or well-known methods, and
Boiling the Printing Bath — Combination- such restatements may often have all the
Negatives — Protecting Films from the sol- interest, and more than the value of novel-
vent action of Varnish — Side-light v. Front- ties. To return, however, to the "Old
light — Which is best. Photographer," I can scarcely help think-
A somewhat amusing challenge is made ing that Mr. Hull, who is, if I mistake not,
by " An Old Photographer " in the Photo- your esteemed New York correspondent,
graphic News to American photographers, must have been misunderstood by the re-
or rather, to a certain section of American porter referred to, as his remarks seem cer-
photographers. It arises out of a circum- tainly somewhat unfair. With a full ap-
stance reported as occurring at a recent preciation of the excellence of national
meeting of the Photographic Section of the and admitting that it is
spirit in citizens,
American Institute in New York. Mr. natural and not ungraceful to maintain the
Chapman is there reported as complain- claims of fatherland, I think science should
ing that Mr. William England had been be essentially cosmopolitan. It belongs to
accredited with the idea of boiling the the world, and, although it is possible to
printing bath, as a means of purifying it, assign great discoveries to the countries in
whilst, in truth, he stated he had himself which they originated, it is difficult to in-
introduced that method of clearing the dicate all the minor contributions from
bath in 1865 whereupon, the report in
; whence it may be each great discovery took
your contemporary states, Mr. Hull re- its rise. Our " Old Photographer," refer-
marked that the "old world usually ring to Mr. Hull's remark, says:
claimed, as their own, whatever happened " If Mr. Hull be correctly reported, he
to be first produced in the new." This re- is surely, as a photographer, a little oblivi-
mark has aroused the ire of my correspond- ous or ungrateful. America has con-
ent, the " Old Photographer." Before re- tributed a respectable quota to the progress
ferring to his challenge, allow me one word of the photographic art, but I have yet to
in relation to the method of rectifying the learn that the old world has laid profane
bath in question. I can assure Mr. Chap- hands on any of the laurels of the new in
man that itvery much older than 1865.
is this art. Was photography on silver-plate,
It is mentioned in the Photographic News glass, or paper discovered in the new world ?
as a known method eleven years ago, and, Was the collodion process discovered there ?
unless my memory misleads me, it has been Was the carbon process discovered there ?
familiar to me a still longer time. It is, Was the Woodbury process discovered
most obvious methods of
in fact, one of the there? Was the Alberttype process dis-
purifying a bath which has become con- covered there ? In short, to be an invent-
taminated by contact with albumenized ive and ingenious nation, does it not seem a
paper, inasmuch as not only is heat well- fact, that whatever of executive skill and
known as efficient in reducing organic salts enterprise they have shown, they have not
of silver, but boiling is the recognized contributed their fair quota to the discov-
eries of the photographic art ? Nor have landscape upon which they have to be super-
they introduced novelties or improvements imposed. It is manifest, in fact, that they
which have taken their place in the univer- must be sufficiently light to obliterate the
sal practice of the art. With all friendly impression of the landscape upon which they
feeling, and without a desire to introduce have to be impressed. If they have any
any bitterness into the matter, I should shadow or transparent part in the negative,
like to ask those American photographers the detail of the landscape negative would
who charge the Old World with a "habit show through the shadow, and the birds
of appropriation " in regard to American would look like airy phantoms rather than
photographic ideas, to point out one im- solid bodies. This was, indeed, shown in one
portant photographic discovery, which has of Mr. Dunmore's examples, in which some
come into practice, which does not belong trellis- work was seen distinctly through
to the Old World, and also to point to one the body of a bird. To give value, then, to
important American modification or im- this process, two precautions would be nec-
provement, the origin of which has not essary : the birds or other objects should be
been duly acknowledged." sufficiently light and opaque to obliterate
Possibly, it may be an interesting under- all indication of objects underneath, and, if
taking for some of your veterans to give a possible, the landscape should be so chosen
brief history of American photographic dis- as to present sufficientdark space without
covery, and meeting the challenge in the strongly marked detail -to permit other
spirit of cordiality and good humor, in images to be impressed perfectly and solidly.
which I am sure it is made. A more efficient method than that was
Combination Negatives. — By combination recently suggested to me by a correspon-
negatives I mean several negatives com- dent. It is briefly as follows : first, a nega-
bined so as to form one, and produce at tive of the birds, etc., is obtained, either
one printing, a similar result to that usually from life or drawing, on a plate of size re-
obtained by combination printing. A dis- quired, with a perfectly transparent instead
cussion, evoked by the issue of Mr. Robin- of opaque background in the negative. In
son's large instantaneous sea view, with a obtaining this negative, care is to be taken
flock of sea gulls on the wing, has called to make the background quite clear and
forth many ingenious suggestions as to the transparent, and the figures quite opaque,
mode of securing similar effects, where the by intensifying or afterwards painting on
multitude and minuteness of the objects, as them. This plate is to be used as a mask.
in a flight of birds, would render double Then the sensitive plate, of precisely the
printing difficult or impossible.A paper was same size, is exposed to the same figures
read at the last meeting of the Photographic with the same lens at the same distance, so
Society by Mr. Dunraore, in which he de- as to get fac simile images on the plate.
scribed two methods by which he had been Now place the first obtained mask negative
enabled to produce effects somewhat similar in front of the sensitive plate, and expose
to those in Mr. Robinson's pictures, a flight for the landscape. The opaque images in
of pigeons taking the place of a flock of the mask negative will protect the sensitive
gulls. In both his methods a transparent plate in the portions which have already
positive, obtained cither from painted or been exposed to the birds or other objects,
real birds, is employed the sensitive plate,
and the whole being developed, a combined
which has been exposed to the landscape, is negative be obtained without any
again exposed under the transparent posi- phantom-like forms on the one, or any
tive of the birds, so as to receive a negative special arrangement of the subject to avoid
readers to know that excellent authorities, " If a head be seen in front, the same as-
in relation to pictorial art, have determined similation to the effect of a globe should be
that such a mode of lighting is most effective preserved ; the principal light being on one
and pleasing, and have directed its use long side of the forehead, cheek, and nose, and
before photography, as an art, was in exist- graduating from thence diagonally to the
ence. Frank Howard, son of an eminent other cheek and chin. The treatment of
Royal Academician, in his clever "Whole the various parts will be nearly the same as
Art of Picture Making," says : the view just described, the difference being
" The light should never be directly in principally in the outlines of the several
front of the picture, or object chosen for the forms.
picture, that iscoming in over the
to say, " A profile will bemade most intelligible
head of the spectator from behind him. If by introducing the light rather behind the
the subject be a flat object, such as the side head, so as to throw the receding boundaries
of a tower, it will present a mass of equal of the front of the forehead, eyes, cheek,
light, or a spot. If the object approach the nose, and chin into a half-tint. The prin-
circular form, or a round tower or tree, the cipal lights will be on the upper parts of the
light will graduate equally from the centre temples, the cheek-bone, and the ear; and
to the two equally dark sides. The outline . the principal shadows under the hair, upon
of the two sides of the tower, and through- the cheek and temples, and under the eye-
out of the tree, will be of uniform degrees brow, close to the nose. The whole of the
of dark, and all pictorial effect in danger of front of the iris of the eye will be light,
being lost." except close under the eyelashes. The
The same author, in a chapter on the pupil of the eye will be scarcely visible,
treatment of heads, in another work on but the eyeball will appear darkest where
" Imitative Art, or the Means of Kepresent- the pupil is known to be."
ing the Pictorial Appearances of Objects," London, February 10th, 1870.
says :
tention to the person whose picture he is to studio for coloring ; P vestibule ; B bal-
take,and to the arrangement and the har- cony ; DK dark-room NB room ; for nega-
monizing of the principal effects. Another underneath which are the
tive retouching,
important point is the location of the studio. wash-room and copying-room T staircase ;
communicate with the counting-room, the inch thinner. In this way a broad mass of
mounting-room, the retouching-room, or light from the north became available,
the copying establishment. He can con- which, in some particular instances only,
stantly overlook and superintend the work- had to be modified. It became necessary
ing of all the different departments. to inventan arrangement which would ex-
clude every particle of side-light, and re-
duce the source of light to one opening
only. Ease in the management and cer-
tainty in the effect were necessary, dura-
and a pleasing appearance desirable.
These considerations induced Mr. Petsch
to substitute, for the old-fashioned curtains
of doubled muslin, frames covered with
some opaque material, which were easily
movable and avoided all the shortcomings
of the former arrangement. The old ar-
rangement with curtains never excluded
the light absolutely, while, at the same
time, they would, in course of time, hang
Ground Plan of the Building. down loosely, leaving openings between the
A studio; C counting-house; WZ wait- different strips, the light from which would
ing-room ; B mounting-room PB ; artist's be annoying to the sitter and interfere with
— ;
Mr. Editor: The formulae under the above collodion made from cotton not so treated,
head in your February journal, will no but not to the extent of one-half as claimed.
doubt be instructive to many, and many may The negatives from this collodion and bath
go to work with renewed zeal to practise are so excellent, that I shall set aside my
them but they are so near the same thing as mode, and permanently adopt Mr. O'Neil's
sistance to those in the fog.Good formulae self-opinion). The silver solution for paper
and good chemicals can be readily com- gave me better results than is claimed for
manded by every photographer, but the it in the process. Negatives that heretofore
question is how to use them. Now it seems gave harsh contrasts in printing, gave fine
details by the use of this silver solution.
to me if the eminent operators who have
given their formulae and say they " have no The toning is simple, but any desired tone
secrets," would answer the following ques- can be obtained by it, with very little con-
tions, many a poor fellow might get at the sumption of chloride of gold. To photog-
cause of much of his trouble. raphers: Prepare your glass as described by
the " sky plate" described above is used in- so as to prevent the solutionsfrom affecting
stead of the plain glass, and the sky is blend- it; and the middle is composed of a fibrous
ed with the shade as above. To make the material, which permits the sides to be sepa-
clouds more effective, a perforated shade is rated easily. The picture is then made on
held so as to allow a pencil of sunlight —
one side the paper being treated same as
through the perforation to fall on such parts —
an iron plate separated and mounted on a
of the clouds or sky as need to be printed card mount in the usual way.
deeper to harmonize with the subject. ' Mr. J. H. Stoddard, Ansonia, Conn., has
Sharply defined objects, such as a streak of patented a device by which the insertion of
lightning, are printed on the under side of the plate-holder displaces the ground-glass,
the negative, and clouds on the upper side and again when the holder is removed, the
other springs back in place, thus keeping always clean. E is a rest for the arm, and
the camera always closed, and the ground- slides up and down. F isan adjustable sup-
glass always in place. It seems a very use- port for the negative. In use, the frame is
ful invention.
Our picture or pictures, this month, are
intended to give our readers a practical il-
tin- supporting rods are folded in, and the The instruments used, were Voigtlander
whole shuts up compactly, which keeps it & Sons J size twin tubes, size of stops ljth
inch, time of exposure 30 seconds, on a on the cork, then insert the cork with a new
cloudy day. piece of paper, say 5 or inches square, into
My light is 10 feet wide and 15 feet long, the bottle, double up the corners into a
the lower end of sash 6J feet from floor, twist, and you have a handle to pull the cork
and stands at an angle of 45 degrees. by, which can be renewed as often as neces-
I use neither blue frosting or ground- sary.
glass —simply plain glass. Neither do I I notice in the last journal a plan of keep-
use screens inside. My background is a ing prepared paper, by washing out the free
painted one, and stood about three feet be- nitrate and fuming when it is required for
hind the subject. use. It strikes me that the same idea ought
My retouching artist does not employ to be applied to dry plates with success.
any of the various means suggested for a Wash and dry without preservative fume ;
biting surface. The negative is varnished before or during exposure soak thoroughly
with any good sample of varnish, and he and develop with retarded iron developer.
works upon the smooth surface, with a hard Has any one tried it ?
The Photographic News says Mr. Ayres's stir from time to time until the liquid has
British Journal, doubts the truth of the as- and intended for different purposes. The
sertion that the Paris photographers keep three lenses before them were of the same
a "dummy " baby for the use of those who diameters (two inches), but their distinctive
fancy maternal poses. features were entirely different. One of
them embraced an angle of 100°, another
Mr. Kuthereurd has lately photographed an angle of 75°, while the third included
successfully the star group of the "Plei- 50° or 55°. would be observed that, al-
ades." He has measured them micromet- though of the same diameter, there was a
rically and found his measurements to cor-
great difference in their respective lengths ;
respond with those of the celebrated Berrel. which was the shortest embraced the
Mr. Berrel was employed for eleven years greatest angle. Rapidity in a lens was
in his measurements. Mr. Rutherfurd ac- purchased at the expense of diminution in
complished them in one night. So much field. The angular aperture of these lenses
for photography.
were respectively.y^th, -J-th, and £th that is ;
M. Dubost, says the Bulletin Beige, pre- to say, there was an inch of aperture for
pares his plates for the coffee dry process so many inches of focus, and the relative
A Desirable Establishment for Sale. — Lane, who were stationed at Des Moines, Iowa ;
Our readers will notice in our Specialties that of Mr. W. S. Gilman, Jr., who was at Sioux
Mr. John Carbutt, the eminent Chicago photog- City of Mr. F. W. Bardwell, at Bristol, Tenn.
rapher, advertises his photographic establish- of Brev. Brig.-Gen. A. J. Myer, who was sta-
ment for sale. With an excellent, first-class tioned on the summit of White Top Mo.untain, near
patronage, the choicest location, a favorable and Abingdon, Virginia, and of Prof. Asaph Hall,
extended lease, and every convenience, this is U. S. N., at Plover Bay, Siberia, together with
an opportunity rarely offered. Mr. Carbutt has lithographs of the observatory at Des Moines ;
determined to devote himself entirely to the of Dr. Curtis's photographs of the eclipse, draw-
Woodbury process, and therefore makes the offer. ings illustnting the several reports, etc., etc.
We have twice seen the establishment, and all Accompanying the report from the Surgeon-
the owner will say for it can be relied upon. General, through his assistant, Dr. C. H. Crane,
There is an admirable chance for some one. were several photographs from Dr. Curtis's nega-
tives. Dr. Curtis's negative of the corona was
Sad Accident. — On the evening of February
the most perfect one taken of that phenomena,
4th, while Mr. J. W. Black, of Boston, and his
we think, and is a grand affair, though his par-
worthy assistant, Mr. J. L. Dunmore, were
tial phases are not so good as others. His re-
about to commence a lantern exhibition in Low-
port is very elaborate and highly interesting,
ell, one of the gas-bags exploded with tremen-
and we shall have occasion to make extracts
dous force, threw Mr. Dunmore high in the air
from and allusions to it hereafter, especially in
and burned him sadly about the face and eyes,
relation to the "luminous band" or line of
knocked Mr. Black senseless, drove a stick light which appeared in some of the eclipse
through the nose of the organist, and damaged negatives taken by nearly all the different expe-
the organ-loft, organ, and church considerably. ditions. The whole get-up of the report is ex-
Mr. Dunmore, at this writing, still lies suffering ceedingly creditable, with the exception of some
much and very low, but, with great care, it is of the lithographs, which, to those who witnessed
hoped, may recover his sight. Mr. Black, though
the totality, are anything but refreshing. No
much hurt and quite deaf, faithfully applied re-
government in the world has ever acquitted it-
storatives to Mr. Dunmore the whole night of the
self so handsomely as did ours, in giving every
accident, or the poor sufferer's sight would have
possible facility for the proper observance of the
been gone. Mr. Dunmore's many friends will eclipse. It is receiving the highest commenda-
be grieved to learn and with us heartily
this, tion from all parts of the scientific world, as are
sympathize with him and hope for his speedy those who observed and photographed on that
recovery. We have not yet learned the cause eventful occasion.
of the accident. When the explosion occurred,
some old revolutionary female spirit innocently The Year-Book of Photography and Pho-
inquired of her neighbor if "that was the signal tographic News Almanac for 1870, by G.
to commence the exhibition."
Wharton Simpson, A.M., has been received by
In Mr. Kruse's formula last month, at bottom us, full of matter of vital interest, from the mas-
of page 55, it says "to the remainder add 6 ters of the profession in the Old World. The
ounces of liquor ammonia,'' etc., etc. It should quantity of matter which the able editor gives
be to the remaining 6 ounces add, etc., etc. us for so small a sum, and of so good a quality
too, is astonishing. One cannot open it at any
Reports op the Total Eclipse op the page without finding something that is useful and
Sun of August 7th, 1869. Through the cour- — valuable. The Year Book is the parent of all
tesy ofCom. B. F. Sands, Superintendent United our photographic annuals, and is well worthy of
States Naval Obsevatory, Washington, we have that dignity. Benerman & Wilson are the
reeeived a copy of this report, which is very American publishers, and will soon have it for
tains the reports of the observations made by the The British Journal Photographic Almanac
following parties Com. B. F. Sands Prof. S.
: ;
for 1870 is also received, and, like its competi.-
Newcomb, U. S. N. Prof. William Harkness,
tor, is full of good and useful matter that every
U. S. N. Prof. J. R. Eastman, U. S. N.
; Dr. ;
photographer ought to read. Mr. J. T. Taylor is
Edward Curtis, U. S. N. and of Mr. J. Homer
the editor, as usual, and. as usual, has displayed
no ordinary tact in its get-up. Messrs. E. & along, then you would do well to get some pro-
H. T. Anthony & Co., New York, are the Ameri- fessional photographer to instruct you. We can-
can agents for its sale. not find time to do that.
The Photographer'' s Annual for 1870, edited Amateur, 23 West Thirty-fourth Street,
by A. H. Wall, J. W. Green, London, publisher, New —
York. The excessive use of tungstate and
is the third English photographic annual. Mr. acetate of soda has caused your toning bath to
Wall prefers to issue his annual of the same size become too alkaline, and that is why your gold
and style as his journal, The Illustrated Photog- precipitates. In using those ingredients, your
rapher, and treats us to a splendid variety of toning bath should be made only a few hours
matter and subjects. All three of these English before using.
works may be described in four letters — GOOD. H. B., Jr.— The " Sliding-box " case will
probably be heard the last of this month. We
Answers to Correspondents. have no doubt of the decision being right. Of
J. Reid. — We do not think there is any laio course, every photographer ought to assist Mr.
that would compel you to remove a picture from Schoonmaker. He has worked hard, has spent
your show-case unless damages could be proven, a great deal of time and money, and will save
but would it not be policy as well as most cour- you a great deal. We will cheerfully forward
teous, to obey the will of your patrons in such any sums sent us for him, though we should pre-
cases? fer they be sent to him. If photographers shirk
duty in
George. The copies of Mr. Robinson's book
their they deserve to be
this instance,
J. B. Davison (Wolfville). The whole of — it for him, and on promise of advertising patron-
age, we wrote a circular for him which he was too
the " Spirit Photograph " humbug was reviewed
in our last —
volume New York Correspondence illiterate to write for himself. After wasting sev-
— and all the "probable" and improbable "me- eral hours of our time he offered us a second-
thods ''
given at same time. hand i tube as part payment for advertising.
This we declined, of course. He then
S. P. Tressler. — The wooden screen you
promising to send the cost of an advertisement
left us,
W. R. Brooks. — Received, but too late for D. E. Cottrell. — The "white scum" over
this issue. Thanks. your ferrotopes is evidently caused by keeping
G. S. (Ottumwa). — Although we expressed our the plate sensitized too long before exposure,
willingness to help our subscribers when in any thus allowing the silver to crystallize. Dirty
special trouble, we did not propose to teach plate-holder and too much alcohol in the bath
them the whole business, from one end to the will cause a similar trouble.
other, by letter. Get some good books on the Mr. Manly Gaylord, Medina, N. Y. , was
subject, and, if you have not skill enough to get burned out November 'Jth.
MMrfjrMa ^kurtojrajrkr*
DOINGS OF THE SHAW & WILCOX one, and that in the middle of the night,
COMPANY. suspecting that I might be in the city, he
was prowling around hotels to hunt me, and.
awakened the deputy sheriff, as early as 4
A.M., fearing that I might get away from
A Discourse to Photographers.
him." I, of course, had but little delay in
Subject. — On
Friday morning, March procuring necessary bail in New York, and
11th, 18"0, while walking with my wife to was only delayed a few hours. I make this
the Courtland Street Ferry, New York, on statement personally as a prelude of what
our way home, after nearly two weeks' follows editorially.
absence, I was met by Jebyleman Shaw, Edward L. Wilson,
"President" of the "Shaw & Wilcox Editor Philadelphia Photographer.
Co.," so-called, pointed out by him to a
deputy sheriff of New York, and by the The above statement need not give our
latter arrested, taken to the Sheriff's office, readers any alarm. The fact of our arrest
and there detained until I could procure is a great compliment to the strength of our
$2000 bail for my appearance at court when Journal, which we ever intend every man
directed, to answer a charge of the said disposed to take advantage of our sub-
Shaw, for " malicious libel." Said " libel " scribers shall feel, and is it not a most con-
being the publication in this Journal, Feb- vincing evidence of the weak faith Mr.
ruary, 1869, of an article by Mr. V. G. Shaw has personally in the claims he makes
Bloede on the Shaw & Wilcox Silver respecting his patent ?
Saving Apparatus, and my remarks thereon, What would you if your neighbor
together with my remarks on the same sub- should invent and patent a new lock for a
ject, as editor of this Journal, in the last door, and then with his patent papers in his
issue; damages claimed by said Shaw being pocket, prowl around the country and tell
$30,000. you and everybody else that unless you
Although the said Shaw swore in his com- used his lock on your door, or paid him a
knew me, he had never seen
plaint that he royalty, you could not lock your door at
me but'once (on an occasion we will never for- all, even though the lock thereon be one
get). I am informed " he was obliged to stop that your grandfather used before you ?
several other persons at the ferry, taking And if you refused to buy his lock or pay
them to be me, before he caught the right him " a royalty for infringement " he would
up your house and imprison you until
.shut matter being of quite as much moment to
you settled with him ? "Would you not them him. Very little response was
as to
laugh him to scorn, or pity him for his in- made and he appealed personally to several,
sanity ? but with little success, however photogra- ;
direction, and was advised to contest the manage that satisfactory to all. Mr. Shaw
validity of the claims made upon him, E. asserted, we are told, that " unless we apolo-
Y. Bell, Esq., 43 Wall Street, New York, gized he should sue us for damages." We
acting as his counsel. But Mr. Lovejoy is never made an apology that we wore satis-
poor, and litigation isexpensive. He there- fied with afterwards, so we resolved to
fore called upon the trade to help him, the "move on without change" in this matter.
ume of the bath, add to it distilled water It is expected that a grant from Congress will
until the bath is reduced to 15 or 20 grains allow the entrance and return of foreign speci-
mens free of duty. * Parties who desire that what
to the ounce; it will assume a milky color,
they send should be sold for their account and
but will clear up by being allowed to stand
not returned, will receive the best attention to
a few hours, after which filter closely into
their wishes. In all cases, two itemized invoices
an evaporating dish, evaporate slowly over should be sent to the Secretary, and notice as to
a water-bath until it is only about one- date of shipment, name of steamer, &o. The
eighth its volume (120 to 130 grains
original freight must, in all cases, be prepaid.
to the ounce), remove, cool, and add dis- should not be sent later than April 25th, and
tilled brought to the stand-
water until it is should be directed as follows :
f J. W. Black,
I J. Cremer,
Executive Committee, <j W. C North,
1 J. F. Ryder,
^ D. Bendann.
I send you a sketch of a contrivance for
Edward L. Wilson, Secretary,
a still. A is the condenser perforated
Office Philadelphia Photographer,
with water flues ;
B, the tank in which the
Philadelphia, Pa.
condenser immersed; C, the generator;
American photographers who intend to
G, the steam pipe: D, the receiver of dis-
exhibit will find instructions fuller in this
tilled water, and F, the supply cistern of
and in our next issue. Any American or
cold water, which should be so placed that
Canadian photographer may exhibit freely,
the water will fall upon the top of the con-
denser ; E is the hot water waste taken out * This has since been done, so that all articles sent
at H. 1 find this arrangement to work well. for exhibition will be admitted free of duty.
whether a member of the Association or not. may fold up compactly; the bellows is rub-
The Exhibition is a National one and all are ber; the body of the camera slides on metal
invited to participate freely. Fuller details guides ; the focussing screws enable one to
as soon as the Executive Committee and focus exactly and quickly; the swing-back,
Local Secretary are able to complete their which is indispensable for landscape work,
arrangements. The list of railroad compa- is attached; the front raises and lowers, and
nies who commute for the benefit of pho- the holder is made to fit on pins, which is
tographers will be given in our next. far preferable to a holder which slides. The
J. F. Ryder, ground-glass is hinged fast. The second
Local Secretary. Cleveland, Ohio. figure represents the box turned over on its
The first represents the box as it is used Now this young lady is not so easy to
for ordinary stereoscopic work. It is a per- manage; all young ladies are not so, how-
fect piece of workmanship, beautiful, strung, ever. It seems difficult to keep her in one
and light, combining all the little neat parts place long enough to tell how she will look
that go to making up a fine piece of appa- bost. She is a little nervous, but we will
ratus. Tin; platform is hinged so that it proceed coolly and quietly, and she will get
over it. Care must be taken with such that will be best adapted to the child. It
subjects as this, Focus, in vignette or bust is not well to yield too much to people's
pictures, to have the head properly balanced whims when they bring their children, or
on the shoulders, and the direction of the they will demand impossible things of you,
eyes natural and easy. We often see heads and damage your reputation if you under-
lopped on one side, with a peculiar twist of take and don't perform them. A little
the eyes as though the subject were trying firmness will enable you to have your own
to look at you round a corner. Avoid this, way, make such a picture as can be made
or any position that will tend to make your best, and in the end please your custom-
sitter look awkward or uneasy. Observe ers, and make them respect you all the
well the lines of your subject, having them more. But this little man seems well dis-
harmonize and balance as much as possible. posed we will stand him here. Get him
Angles or straight lines should be corrected to lean against the chair in an easy natu-
as far as it is admissible to do so. With ral position. That's very well. There's
this elegant specimen of a young gent, how- nothing can equal the ease and grace of
ever, who lisps and parts his hair in the children generally, and I do love them as
middle, wants a directly front view, so as photographic subjects, as well as otherwise,
to show both ears, and thinks he "can sit when they are at all manageable. Now
without that thing against his head," we thisyoungster only needs to be attracted by
need not trouble ourselves about angles or this toy, and he looks steadily eight or ten
straight lines. But this young lady you seconds, which is sufficient.
see, her curl hangs down in front, in a
Ah, here comes another ! a baby this
straight line by simply carrying the bot-
time; a jolly soul too, I judge. Now, Focus,
tom end a little to one side, we break it up keep your eyes about you. We will sit him
which has a much
into a graceful curve, —ah, a girl is it — well we will sit her in
more pleasing effect. But, Focus, you this highback chair. Various styles of chairs
ought to come around behind this subject. have been invented and used for children,
Here's where a poser is at his wits' end, and but after all there is nothing more success-
concludes he is not the only poser in the fully used than a common parlor arm-
case. Such a pack on the back of this lady's chair of small size. Now, this is a nice
head! I call it a pack, because in size and baby just sit her so her head and back will
shape, it reminds me of the packs I have rest against the chair. That's a splendid
seen carried on the backs of peddlers in the littlegirl — of course that pleases the mother.
country. What can it be made of? Don't Oh, yes, you are very clever. Now it does
question anything about it; the matter be- not do to waste any time in getting a focus
fore us now is, where are we to put the on this subject, only be sure you have it;
head-rest ? Mr. Wilson and Mr. Sarony and make every motion tell in getting your
have done well for us, but human ingenuity plate in its place. Draw back the curtains
could never have foreseen this. To get so as to get all the light we can ; that's it.
under it, around it, or over it, is impossible, Now for the grand flourish ! Bring on the-
so we will make a bolt into the midst of the animals and the show will commence, all;
huge mass and find a bearing somewhere. for the benefitand edification of the baby.*
For this fair-complexioned lady, now the Here we have barking-dogs, mewing-cats r
light has improved, from fifteen to twenty singing-birds, jumping-jacks, watchmen's
seconds' exposure will be sufficient. rattles, whistles, bugles, bells, etc., etc.
But here is a change of scene for us, and with some of these we will try and as-
Focus ; here comes a youngster. "I want tonish her a little as well as amuse her.
him shtanin oop!" Of course, every child Now look here, bow-vow-vow rohr-r-r-r-r-
must be standing if it can stand alone, es- r-r —buzz-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z ! ! That's it.
pecially of this class of customers.
are some good sensible people, however, * In some cases it may be found necessary to
that let us use our own judgment in the be one of Lite animals yourself, and skill in gym-
matter, and we are allowed to make that nastic exercises will prove of great advantage.
Did very well. That's a good enough baby get cool before exposure, and to wait two or
to deserve a kiss. This is hard, stern busi- three minutes before you proceed to devel-
ness, but then it pays to make it pleasant if opment; on the contrary, if the weather is
we can. damp, the plate is exposed right away
There, Focus, I am going to get through whilst still warm, and developed immedi-
the rest of these without any further ex- ately under the same conditions. Attending
planations to-day. When we have some to these precautions develop accordingly.
different styles to make I will give you some The developer is in reality an impalpable
further instructions. glass or enamel powder, perfectly dry. You
use a large camel's hair pencil, also per-
fectly dry. Dip the brush or pencil into the
Enamel Photographs —Burnt-in powder, and rub it round in the powder,
Photographs. and then transfer it to the exposed film.
BY PROP. J. TOWLER, M.D. Pat the film with the pencil all over in a
(Continued from page 70.)
perpendicular direction, so as thus to trans-
fer some of the powder to every part of the
film, then rub the powder gently into the
Place the glass positive first in the pres-
film by a circular motion, beginning at one
sure frame, film upwards, and the
corner and proceeding in small circles all
chromic plate just prepared with its film
over the film. It is well to have a light
downwards, and in contact with the posi-
beneath the plate of glass, or a sheet of
tive film. Since the two plates are per-
white paper, in order to watch the progress
fectly flat, but very little pressure is re-
of the development. The powder (of any
quired to keep them in apposition. Close
color you may desire), you will now observe
the back of the frame, and expose to the
to adhere in different parts and not in
sun's rays for about a minute, or until the
others, and thus to form the picture. The
sky part of the landscape or the face of the
image thus formed must be very clear; it
portrait is covered with moisture eliminated
is not necessary, however, that the shades
by the action of the light on the parts be-
should be thick and heavy if the picture ;
slightly, when a portion of the powder take it out and with a sharp penknife cut
drops off", or may be brushed oft'. all round the edges of the film near to the
film to separate from the glass and to rise cotton to produce uniform contact. After-
to the surface of the water. If the film re- wards set the plate aside to dry in the air,
the plate. The enamel plate itself is sup- finally dried either by artificial heat or in
ported on a plate of glass, with an elevated the air.
a dipper, is bent at an obtuse angle, to allow This is an interesting part of the process,
the enamel plate to slide underneath the and yet it is one which the photographer
film ; it is held in the left hand, whilst the would gladly dispense with it requires ;
right hand is at liberty to guide the film, in nicety in the operation, and entails consid-
order to bring the upper edge in apposition erable labor. Fortunately, however, enam-
with the enamel, as before said. When elled plates are in the market of various
the film is once in its place, let it drain, sizes and shapes.
and afterwards place the plate on a piece The plates themselves are made either of
of blotting-paper resting on a thick plate copper or gold ; they resemble the silvered
of glass. Above all things, before the plate plates we formerly used in the daguerreo-
leaves the sugar-water, see that there are type process, from the fact that there is a
not folds in the film and if such exist, ; fillet or ledge about one-sixteenth of an inch
remove them by gently pulling the edge of raised all round the plate, thus converting
the film in the proper direction, but make the plate into a dish. For photographic
no attempt by pressure.
to effect this Very purposes we shall limit ourselves to copper.
small inequalities can be removed by stretch- Begin your first operations with small plates,
ing the film as it lies on the blotting-paper. and as you advance towards perfection en-
When the surface is quite smooth, place large your plates. C ut out a piece of sheet
over it a piece of tissue-paper, and bring it copper one inch and a half long by one inch
into contact by patting with a piece of
it wide, and remove all oxide from its surface
cotton-wool. See that the film adheres uni- either by dilute nitric acid or by mechani-
formly, and that there are no bubbles. Ke- cal means, such as grinding with emery or
move the tissue-paper and put a dry piece a flat piece of iron or stone ; then raise the
in its place, using continually the tuft of ledge all round as just mentioned. In the
transparent and opaque. The white enamel, ure by blotting-paper, then dry the film of
of oxide. The fine sediment is then col- Pulverize these ingredients, mix them
lected and dried ;
this is the calcine. intimately, then fuse. Pour the fused mass
taken from the water after fusion for the would recommend the perusal of a small
last time, and is pulverized in an agate pamphlet on the subject, by Lucy Fassa-
mortar to the finest powder possible by rieu, Paris, as also of the excellent work of
this means ; it is then levigated on a large Geymet & Alker, entitled " Emaux Pho-
glass slab into the finest paste, until it is as tographiques," both of which are practical
homogeneous as a layer of so much Indian treatises. Geymet & Alker supply all the
or Chinese ink. washed and
Finally it is materials, enamels, furnaces, muffles, a pe-
dried. This dry, impalpable black powder culiar sort of photographic paper for pre-
forms the developing powder (it must be paring the positives, and, in fine, give
perfectly dry and perfectly impalpable). instruction in this art, and guarantee suc-
cess. We know, personally, that this
VITRIFICATION OF THE PICTURE. branch is successful.
To fuse the prepared film is, perhaps, the
shortest part of the whole process, and the
easiest, and, in fine, the most successful,
supposing, of course, that all the prepara- THE "BERLIN PROCESS."
tory work is correct. An assayer's furnace, " Was ist das? " inquires our friend, Dr.
that is, a cupel-furnace, is required for this Yogel, in his excellent journal, the Photo.
operation. Such furnaces can be obtained Mittheilungen for March, and " What is
of Wilson, Hood & Co., Philadelphia; of that?" many others will inquire, perhaps,
Bullock & Crenshaw, Philadelphia of J. ; so we propose to tell them now. One of
P. Luhme & Co., New York, and else- oar advertising firms for four or five
where. years back, has been importing carte pic-
The fire is lighted with charcoal, and tures from Berlin of a very fine quality,
then heaped up with mixed charcoal and which were sold to the trade at a low fig-
coke of the size of horse-chestnuts, until ure, in order that they might be studied
the fuel is three or four inches above the and imitated in this country. The effect
muffle. By this means the muffle becomes has been very apparent. The softness,
red-hot. The prepared plates, previously delicacy, beautiful half-tones, color, and
well dried, are placed on pieces of baked vigor of the Berlin cartes excited the cu-
fire-clay in the front of the muffle, in order pidity of our photographers, and they have
to be heated gradually ;. finally they are tried in many ways to attain the same ex-
pushed back to the hottest part, where the cellence in their work. How the Berlin
picture in a few minutes fuses. During artists proceeded was not known at first,
this part of the process the mouth of the so the Yankee privilege of guessing was
muffle is closed with twoor three pieces of brought in to do service. Among other
charcoal, leaving space enough between to plans, Mr. Frank Kowell bethought him
watch the operation. As soon as vitrifica- that if the negative was made on ground-
tion has taken place, the piece of fire-clay glass, probably the coveted effects could be
with the plate upon it is drawn again to secured. He carried
thought into prac-
the front, so as to cool gradually, and, tice, succeeded very well, and continued to
when sufficiently cool, it is placed, upon the reap the advantages of his thoughtfulness
plate of an iron stove to cool still more, quietly and alone for a couple of years,
and finally it is set aside to cool com- when his secret was found out, and in a
pletely. few weeks it was offered to the trade for a
These enamel pictures are the richest price, under the name of the "Berlin Pro-
specimens of photography,, when properly, cess." Several impatient ones, who take
managed. this Journal, but who could not wait until
In this article I merely give a sketch, of it could find out all about the process and
the whole proceeding,, in order to' draw explain it, purchased, one gentleman hav-
the attention of photographers to this in- ing paid $250 for the sole right of a large
teresting branch, and to those who feel de- city. He probably repents it now, but it
sirous of making it their special study, I is too late to help him.
— —
nish glass for the purpose. It should gen- Dear Sir : Flattering myself that I am some-
erally be finely ground. For large busts thing of an artist, I have recently decided to
sirable to increase the stippled effect, shade have been now established several months, but
the negative from all side light by holding I am sensible that my skill as a photographer
a bottomless box over thus forcing
rather detracts from my hitherto acknowledged
it, all
talent as an artist. I have tried at least half a
light that strikes it to come from above.
dozen operators, but I do not find that they help
When the subject is much freckled or of
me out much, probably because they do not know
very coarse complexion, Mr. Rowell re-
anything as a general thing. In despair I visited
touches the negative slightly. Some pic- Kurtz's gallery, and, after inspecting the work
tures he gave us are remarkably fine, and there, which I found of the very first order (in
equal to the genuine Berlin. Mr. Kowell fact, just what mine would be if the operator
is very skilful in lighting his subjects, and only knew more of his part), I almost began to
to that fact also much of the beauty of his wish I had never meddled with photography,
work is due. but at the same time it made me doubly anxious
to see you and learn how you manage your
chemicals. You appear to have such a press of
business, however, that I found a personal inter-
Never feel too wise to learn, and never
view out of the question. I have, therefore,
refuse to communicate when you are ap-
taken this method of communicating with you,
plied to for information. What can you trusting that you will generously enlighten me,
possibly gain by withholding from a neigh- either by suggestions of your own or by recom-
bor in trouble? mending to me works on photography, whose
I have read, that I am quite at sea. Hoping one hundred days in a tog.
you will aid me out of such " a sea of troubles,"
I am, my dear Sir, very respectfully yours, by elbert anderson,
A. B. Marshall. Operator, W. Kurtz's Gallery.
P. S. —I send with this a few negatives for First day. — Do not move the plate after
your inspection. Please tell me what the trouble
immersion into the bath, otherwise streaks
is, and why I cannot produce pictures that may
will inevitably be formed. (From Le
at least be called a very poor imitation of
Moniteur de la Photographic)
Kurtz. A. B. M.
heartily ; he is far too generous to envy you in (E. L. Wilson, Mosaics, 1867, page 141.)
this style of work. Sixth day. —Nitric acid is of all things
I shall at all times be most happy to afford you the most objectionable in a new bath. (Ali-
any information which my limited experience
quis, Mosaics, 18G9, page 115.)
has taught me.
You request me to recommend to you some Seventh day. — Never use acetic acid in
books on photography, whose authors are relia- your bath ; use nitric. (E. L. Wilson, Mo-
ble. I will do better than this, my dear sir; I saics, 1870, page 143.)
will do much better, for I will forward you some Eighth day. — This solution (the nitrate
extracts from the works of the very highest bath) is the same as for positives, acetic
authority, when, perhaps, you may judge for acid,however, being used instead of nitric.
yourself which to select. I entitle my little
(Hardwich's Chemistry, 7th edition, page
manuscript "Curiosities of Photographic Litera-
or, One Hundred Days in a Fog," and,
ture ;
no acid should be added to the bath. (Ali- In your Journal for this month 1 find
quis, Mosaics, 1869, page 115.) myself " pitched into" by an "old photog-
rapher," seconded by your able corres-
Fifteenth day. —Remember, however, the
acid you use the more sensitive pondent, G. Wharton Simpson, Esq., and
less nitric
Journal of Photography,
also, in the British
your bath will be. [Lea's Manual of Pho-
for the following, which, by the way, I
tography, page 26.)
never uttered "It has become a generally
Sixteenth day. — A small proportion of ni- :
uncommonly entertained, that any acid in authorities, etc., all of which I reported in
the bath will greatly diminish the sensi- the January number of the Philadelphia
tiveness. The writer does not find this to Photographer.
be the case. (Ha?*divich
s Chemistry, 7th edi- Mr. Chapman was not pleased to have
tion, page 276.) Mr. England "steal his thunder," and said
Nineteenth day. —A strongly-acid bath so.
gives harder negatives than a neutral one. I stated subsequently in a jocular way
(Aliquis, Mosaics, 1869, page 118.) that was not the first time John Bull
caused by too much acid in the bath. (Silver- drawing, a full description of an automatic
Sunbeam, page 332.) washing trough it was copied, drawing
Twenty-second day. — Want of intensity is and all, by the British Journal, Oct. 15th,
caused from acidity of the silver solution. 1860; in 1863 one J. T. Bull invented it all
( Waldack's Treatise, page 113.) over again, and it received from said British
Twenty-third day. —The object of acid in Journal a first class notice as to value, etc.,
the bath is to prevent the reduction of the August 1st, 1863. When invented by me
silver solution that has not been exposed. four years prior, said Journal said would it
(Towler, Philadelphia Photographer, page not work that the foot of the syphon needed
not come out into the broad light of day, and also willing to acknowledge it as a
that all may see him, but hides himself great helper to those of his profession. This
behind anybody's title or name. I have fact made him a congenial companion. He
stated the spirit of my remarks, if not the is just finishing an admirable picture of
exact words, and have given my reason for the scene of the great Willey Slide, that oc-
being so disrespectful to my ancestor. curred in the Crawford Notch in 1825, and
Now a word as to boiling the bath. Mr. destroyed the whole Willey family and much
Hugh O'Neil, partner in the well-known property. grand in conception, draw-
It is
house of C. D. Fredericks & Co., photog- ing, and color, and we shall soon see it fin-
raphers of this city, assured me that he has ished after which more of it and the tal-
always boiled his baths since 1855. I first ented artist producing it.
made his acquaintance in 1858, and I know
that he so operated at that time.
Charles Wager Hull. NEW PATENTS.
The production of photographs by me-
chanical means, seems to suit the American
THE WHITE MOUNTAINS IN taste better than any other, and hence,
WINTER. we have quite a long list of patents to an-
nounce, some of which we shall probably
An explanation is probably due to corre-
beingcausedby Mr. Shaw, the" waste" man. ing the sitter from knowing when the ex-
time, however, in the sleigh, on snow-shoes, pushed back by means of springs, etc., when
and clambering .over, on and among the the holder is inserted to take its place.
had all been put on by the brush. On motion of Mr. D. Lothrop, it was re-
As the result of a chemical process they solved that each member bring to the next
meeting a group picture of two or more
are not equal to their reputation, although
persons, for examination and opinion of the
as pictures their merits are undeniable.
Mr. Moran exhibited a number of pictu-
resque transparencies for the lantern, toned On motion of Mr. A. K. P. Trask, it was
by the various salts of gold, palladium, resolved th-it the Society purchase a gold
platinum, and potash. Of the different medal, have it properly engraved, and of a
tones produced, that due to the use of the suitable size to wear on a watch-chain as a
and density gave a positive which, when made by Messrs. E. F. Warrington and
thrown upon the screen, was characterized A. K. P. Trask, on the chocolate-tinted
by boldness, vigor, and relief, the depth of
shadow giving proper value to the bril- Adjourned.
liancy of the lights. The next meeting will bo held at Mr.
Thomas Brooks's gallery, 630 Arch Street,
On motion, adjourned. on Tuesday evening, April 5th, 1870.
John C. Browne, D. Lothrop,
Recording Secretary. Secretary.
and a very fine collection of photographs, is nailed inside of the cover of the box ; it is
the latest time, so showing the different of the cloth to lap over the side of the box.
gradations of improvement from the child- The front of the cloth is tacked on a rod,
hood of the art up to the so much admired which keeps the sides of the box in their
Kembrandts. proper places, and stretches the cloth at the
There were also several stereoscopic cam- same time; it is fastened by a hook and
eras, and larger ones, etc., exhibited. I screw on each side; in the centre of the top
must also mention the self-constructed dark- cloth is a square hole, about 4| by 2| inches,
tent of Mr. O. Lewin. This very ingeni- in which is a stereoscope-hood-shaped box,
ous contrivance consists of a square black with a piece of stained glass in it to look
walnut box, 24 inches long, 15 inches high, through when operating.
Mr. Lewin presented to the Association Mr. H. William Tupper Treasurer, Mr. ;
ber meeting to procure the celebrated pho- He had seen it stated once or twice in the
tograph published by Messrs. Robinson & Photographer, that the case, Southworth &
Cherrill, of England, called " Kitte wakes," Wing v- Schoonmaker, would probably be
St. Louis Photographic Association for right law that gives a photographer a right
their valuable contribution to our album, to enjoy the full privileges of his labor and
and for their pleasant and friendly letter. skill without its being pillaged by engravers,
A committee of three was appointed by lithographers, and others. We want our
the Chair to collect photographs, to be sent profession and its usefulness acknowledged
to the St. Louis Society. and felt, and better prices for our work.
Messrs. W. T. Bowers, of Lynn ; E. T. We will get it too if you will rise, join
Smith and T. R. Burnham, of Boston; were hands, drop your malice and jealousy, meet
appointed that committee. together and devise and discuss the means.
'There being so few pictures presented for Come. It will pay you for any sacrifice, and
competition, it was decided to defer the we warrant you shall go home cheered,
vote on them till the next meeting. strengthened, bettered, and wiser. All
Adjourned. photographers, whether members of the
Frederick C. Low, Association or not, are welcome to exhibit
Secretary. and be present. Join the Association,
though, if you can afford it, now.
* Mr. Southworth is in error here. We stated Pour dollars will make a photographer a
thatwe understood that the case would probably member and prepay his dues from June
come up during March, and so we did, from Mr.
last for a year, and two dollars will do the
Schoonmakers counsel. He is liable to err, how-
same for an employee. Send to us, and
ever. Mr. Southworth has never seen it stated
certificates are waiting for you. Bring all
in thisJournal "that the plaintiff had tried to
your bad and curious negatives with you.
postpone the case," for no such assertion has
been made herein, and we have no doubt it will
Examples of failures, and all such, will add
be quite as great relief to the plaintiff as to the interest to the discussions. Let all ihenovel-
photographers, to have the case decided one way ties be there, and above all, be there your-
be required to be in Cleveland before May each angle by a metallic or even wooden leg
25th, any way, but be getting ready and a (or an ordinary hinge may be substituted),
send the best you can produce. Arrange an arm B extending outwards and down-
with your express companies to return your wards at any convenient angle. At the
packages free, as no general arrangements outer end of each arm is a peculiar hinge b,
can be made with them. The West will so constructed as to allow the upper half of
not forget to help Cleveland. Full list of the leg C, which it embraces, to slide freely
the railroads granting commutation tickets up and down through it. To prevent the
and local Secretary's instructions in our leg from entirely coming out it is provided
next, which we shall endeavor to issue ear- near the top with a small pin or stop x.
lier than usual. Each leg, at about the centre, is cut half-
way through diagonally from opposite sides,
and the inner ends of the cuts joined in the
HINTS FOR A NEW DARK-TENT. direction of its length, through the centre,
as shown at c. The two halves thus made
are joined on the inside by an ordinary
Now that the season for outdoor work
hinge, and when extended are made rigid
will soon be here, and our fellow-craftsmen
by a slide d after the manner of an old-
wending their way fieldwards, perhaps a )
the interior in the same manner. It is evi- The technical language of our profession
dent that by pulling one cord the ventila- is brief indeed.The philosophical terms
tor will be opened, and, from its shape, as appertaining to light and the camera; the
readily closed by pulling the other. To names of chemical substances used, together
any one who has worked in the old style with their properties, combinations, and re-
tent in July or August, the advantage of sults and a few words which escape to us
the above will be apparent. If necessary, from the realm of legitimate art, can scarcely
another ventilator, of the same pattern, be considered, in a true sense, as belonging
may be placed in one of the sides near the to photography ; most of them seeming to
bottom, which will also give the operator belong to an "ancient" language when
white light when he needs it without the compared to our newly discovered art.
necessity of going outside. The cut below "Why, therefore, should not the limited de-
represents the tent set up for use. mand for new terms beget care in their
selection or manufacture?
We presume that the most important
characteristic of any word used, coined, or
imported, ought to be its susceptibility of
being understood. Nor is it unjust to the
majority of readers to assume that imsci-
entific language is the most acceptable; that
our own vernacular with its one hundred
and fourteen thousand words is always to
be preferred and much credit is due Mr.
object, why not complete the mysticism by "Genre Photograph."* Would it be im-
spelling it as pronounced, Zhong-r-r pertinent to ask such a one whether he
Genre, one of the oldest terms of art, was in his right senses; or, if so, that he
especially of painting, is used to designate should vouchsafe to tell us how a French
that class of pictures whose subjects cannot word, applicable to everything else than
be included in any of the specific depart anything in particular, can be tacked to a
ments —such as historical, portrait, land- positive and unmistakable portrait of a dis-
scape, marine, animal, fruit, flower, &c. It tinct and specific individual! Then, of
ismore com monly applied to scenes of every- course, a head of Csesar, or Napoleon, or
day life, whether grave or comic, anecdoti- Washington, or Lincoln, is a "ge?ire" pic-
cal subjects,and national character as re- ture ! Eh ?
vealed by domestic manners. But, excuse me, Mr. Editor, I have al-
Although it would seem to refer mostly ready exceeded my space for this time. I
to vulgar life, a genre painter is not neces- hope have said enough to induce the fra-
sarily a painter of low subjects. The Dutch ternity to throw this " Jonah " overboard ;
are the most conspicuous in genre, and among or at least to set them to thinking about its
the English, Hogarth and Wilkie are famil- proper and improper use.
iar names. In America, Eastman Johnson
is very prominent.
Now does it follow from these facts that
the word genre is, in any sense whatever, Burgess & Lenzi's Patent "Light-
applicable to photography ? The old story ning- Print-Cutting-. Table."
says that,when Adam ran short of names, The trimming of photographic prints is
he called "the rest of mankind" Smith. attended with a good deal of labor, and it is
It is plain that "Smith " is the genre word, very important that it should be neatly done.
designating the family; what is the differ- One great annoyance experienced in trim-
ence then between a Smith-man and a ming them by the use of a glass or metal
genre-photograph, in the matter of specifi- shape (held by the hand) as a guide and then
cation ? No difference because it remains ;
using a knife, is the sudden slipping of the
to say which " Smith " the man is, and what guide or shape from the fingers. That again
is the name or title of the photograph. causes the knife to slip, and very often de-
If a photographer would call in a lot of stroys the print. This is particularly the
ragged bootblacks and pose them in charac- case when the print be trimmed oval
is to
the last print needed tofill an order, thus To the Members of the National Pho-
throwing you hack one or two days at least, tographic Association,
causing you loss and disappointing your
And the Photographers of the United States.
The Shaw & Wilcox Co. hold a patent
from the United States for a device for sav-
ing silver by precipitating, and have sued
Mr. Lovejoy, of Stepney Depot, Conn., for
" infringement." They hope to get a judg-
ment against him, and will then put an in-
junction on every one coming within their
claim. Are we willing to submit to this ?
We all know their claim is worthless in fact,
as we can prove beyond a doubt, it is not
Mr. Lovejoy is a poor man, having lost
an arm and an eye in the service of his
country, and a judgment against him is
equivalent to an injunction against us all.
He must be helped in his defence with money
as well as evidence. Let us all respond
promptly, as we are all interested. Mr. E.
Y. Bell, 43 Wall Street, is his lawyer.
Funds sent to H. T. Anthony, Esq., Treas-
urer of the National Photographic Associa-
These troublesmay now he entirely tion, or to E. L. Wilson, Secretary, will be
avoided, and much dispatch secured in trim- used to help Mr. Lovejoy test this unjust
ming the prints before or after the toning, claim.
by the use of the little apparatus represented The patentees have insulted the whole
by the cut above. It is the joint production profession by arresting Mr. Wilson for " li-
of Mr. George A. Lenzi, an old practised bel," because he gave his opinion of their
photographer, and Mr. Burgess, a practical patent in the last number of the Philadelphia
machinist Photographer.
The drawing almost explains it. It con-
A pretty claim to be sure. " I must not
sistsmainly of a turn-table on which the save my own property." These men must
print and glass form are laid, and by means me
save it for at their own price, or I must
of the treadle below, a spring lever is
let it go down the sink.
brought down upon the glass and holds it
The end is not yet.
firmly in place. The hands are then free, Abraham Bogardus,
one to turn the table around on its centre as President of the
the print is trimmed, and the other to use National Photographic Association
the knife. The end of the clamp brought
down upon the glass is rubber, and the rod
attached is fitted with a cone-spiral spring, The New Atelier of Loescher & Petsch
which thus enables the rubber pad auto- in Berlin.
matically to adjust itself to the centre of (Continued from page 90.)
the turn-table when in motion. It is a most To the supports of the roof corner-irons
complete little affair, handsomely and well by f in are riveted, and these
e (Fig. 2) | in. ,
made, and by its use prints may be trimmed carry the frames. The irons have three
in about one-fourth the time usually re- grooves, in each of which a frame can be
quired, and without accident. moved without touching the other one.
It is for sale by all dealers. It may be Placed side by side, they cover the glazed
fitted to any table, box, or shelf. Wilson, three-quarters of the roof compieteW; placed
Hood & Co. are the manufacturers' agents. one above the other, and pushed under the
Fig. 5.
Fig. 4.
other side, with accessories corresponding has not been changed, excepting an arrange-
with the latter taste. ment by which the background can be placed
The ground-plan of the studio, Fig. 6, obliquely to the light. The light and shade
will show the arrangement m, representing effects are partially regulated by screens
different pieces of furniture;
Fig .6.
s s s are the rails for the v r- -
1 1 ^f-ti-f
1 1
1 |
1 '
This distance was necessary
so as to enable the operator
! ! 1 1
id d 1 1
to store
in use
away furniture not
from one day to an-
DK n 1
other. (See also ground plan
on page 89, last issue P. P.)
1 1
^ The
Fig. 7.
is a mixture of burnt umber and chalk,
not so dark that black cloth will not show
upon it.
tures consists oftwo large tin boxes. The the work from the left hand, and rather to
water is introduced through many small the rear than front."
holes, and when it has reached a certain "The eyes, cheeks, ears, lips, chin, arms,
height, two syphons empty the boxes, and hands, neck, and bosom, all require differ-
the process begins anew. ent treatment, and the instructions should
Finally, it may not be amiss to say, that be studied carefully."
it is not claimed that the above arrange- '
Porcelain pictures intended for coloring
ments are perfect, but the aim has been to are best on ground-glass."
go a step forward in the construction of a
" '
3 H,' ' 1 H,' and '
6 B '
Faber's Siberian
first-class studio.
pencils all come in play for retouching the
EXTRACTS FROM OUR NEW " Care should be had in applying the
pencil "
From Photographic Mosaics. " In a weak, flat negative — as for instance
"In albumenizing plates, -beginners are a copy of a ferrotype —a fine stump and
apt to fall into the error of using the albu- powdered lead will do great service."
a few days before using." Mr. Ayres's book teaches fully all the
" One of the frequent causes of failures details of coloring photographs, and re-
in photographic views is, that the exposure touching negatives of all classes.
" Is your lens a corrected lens ? From Professor Pepper's Cyclopaedic Science
Tou '
don't know.' Exemplified.
Are your shields all in order, and your "The principle of the achromatic lens is
" Without sodium much of our daily food tudes assumed in every-day life, and adapt
would be tasteless." them to his art. When he sees a beautiful
" Lithium abounds in tobacco ashes." attitude, let him speculate upon the cause
of being beautiful, and he will find that
"Ammonium is found in thousands of
it depends for its effect on its consistency
nature's works."
with the rules of composition.
"Calcium abounds in limestone, marble,
A vignette head, when nothing more than
chalk, gypsum, marls, and various soils."
the head and shoulders is seen, should never
"Strontium decomposes water." convey the impression that the sitter was
"Magnesium is derived from the sea and lounging in a chair or leaning on a table ;
Prof. Pepper's book contains nearly 700 of shape and deformed. As a general rule,
pages, and over 600 illustrations. A fine the shoulders should appear level, as though
work for the photographic student and the subject was standing.
must be considered before the attitude is A bath of 140 oz., which had been reduced
chosen ; every figure will not allow of every to a 30 grain condition of leanness by over-
attitude,any more than a decrepit old man work and lack of proper food, was filled up
of eighty or ninety could perform the feats tol60oz. (its standard bulk). This resulted
of a skilful acrobat. in precipitating the excess of iodide which
The student will do well to observe atti- was filtered out. Being tested, it was found
! —
Theory (if chemically faulty, it is practi- New Mounting Material — Reproducing Nega-
cally feasible). — Nitric acid holds in solu- tives —Development of Dry Plates — Im-
tion (and consequently suspension) organic proving Foliage in Negatives —American
matter. Sunlight will have but little effect Photos of Eclipse —Retouching Negatives.
in correcting a disordered bath while nitric
New Mounting Material to Prevent Cock-
acid is present in it.
is attached to a dry board, it contracts again Take half an ounce of gelatine and cover
as the water evaporates, and necessarily it with water; leave it in soak for say twen-
drags the board to which it is attached out of ty-four hours, in which time it will become
shape, causing cockling or buckling. The thoroughly swollen. Now pour off all the
leaving the film on the glass. A broad cam- your own, Mr. W. J. Stillman, American
el 's-hair brush dipped in warm water is used Consul at Crete. These are taken on col-
to remove all the traces of the white pig- lodio-bromide plates, supplied commercially
ment, etc., from the film. This done, a piece by the Liverpool Dry Plate Company and ;
the transparency is left to dry. the pyrogallic back into it: returning, I
To reproduce the negative precisely, the leave on till the detail begins to appear
same operations are repeated, printing on in the shadows, when I drop in four to
a piece of the same paper from the transpar- eight drops of ammonia, and one drop of
ency, and transferring in a similar manner. bromide of potassium (five grains to the
By this means, very excellent reproduced ounce), and continue. If the shadows show
negatives^ may be obtained, the fixed but any sign of immediately add six to
fog, I
untoned silver image being of an excellent eight drops of bromide, and then drop in
printing color. ammonia drop by drop till I get the re-
It is worthy of remark, that even if the quired intensity. If, on the other hand, no
paper be very old and much discolored, image appears from the pyrogallic, I drop
it answers perfectly well, for it is found in ammonia drop by drop, at intervals of
that this discoloration is confined to the ten or fifteen seconds, until all the details
paper, and does not affect the color of the appear, without any necessity of adding
collodio-chloride image itself. bromide; but if, when all detail is out,
there is not sufficient intensity, I add the the finest results I have seen produced by
ammonia and bromide solution in equal retouched negatives, in speaking with the
quantities." constant experience in this work of several
Mr. Stillman speaks very highly of the years says, speaking of the most suitable
keeping qualities of these plates, both in materials :
hot and cold climates, and in all sorts of " The materials I use are blacklead pen-
weather. cils, blacklead in powder, a stump, sable
As I have said, the examples I have seen pencils, and water-color. The lead pencils
are most admirable, some of them equal to I have found be~t for retouching are Faber's;
the best wet collodion pictures. I find them less powdery than others. I
Improving Foliage in Negatives. 7 ~~iay — use three sorts : F, F B, and B. But the
mention a good suggestion of another cor- lead, both in powder and pencils, I can
respondent. It consists in the use of the only use for very large heads. For heads all
lead pencil, for giving vigor and crispness under one inch I use color. A very good
to detail in foliage, where some lack of color for the purpose is Payne's gray, or a
these qualities may be apparent. The cor- gray made by mixing Indian red with co-
respondent says balt blue; but I prefer a color made from
"Agood deal has been said in favor of the negative film ; it is some little trouble
lead pencil or working up negatives, but I to prepare, but it is much the best for use,
do not think the following has been men- as it matches the color of the negative, and
tion. If a negative in which foliage is too your only care need be to keep the true gra-
weak to print well is varnished bright and dations. It might not, perhaps, be so much
hard, a BB or BBB pencil can be rubbed trouble to prepare if I had the proper appli-
vigorously over it in all directions, and ances to do it with, but my mode of procedure
will bring it up in due gradation with- is very primitive I get the films of several
out fogging the shades, or showing the negatives (they must have been intensified
touches." and fixed, but not varnished) these are ;
It will readily be seen that the principle dried and pounded in a mortar, and then
upon which this mode of improvement is ground upon a piece of glass with a little
based, found in the fact that the lights of
is weak gum water. It is this grinding that
the foliage, having received more silver I find the greatest trouble, for it must be
than the shadows, will possess a slight de- very fine indeed, or it will work lumpy.
gree of relief, and the black lead thus rub- The brushes I use are the ordinary sables
bed will adhere to the prominent points, used for water-color painting; but before
and not to the small interstices of shadow, using a new brush I pass it through the
and so increase the printing vigor of the flame of a taper to get rid of the fine flue at
lighter parts. the tip.
American Photographs of the Late It is a good thing, to prepare the surface
Eclipse. —I
have just received from the of the negative to take the lead. This is
United States Naval Observatory, at Wash- done by rubbing some prepared chalk over
ington, the complete report, and from the it with a soft linen rag, rubbing with a cir-
Surgeon General's Office, photographs and cular motion all over the parts to be touched
illustrations of the eclipse of August last. (I may here remark that I have all nega-
I have no hesitation in saying, that to- tives varnished before I work upon them,
gether they make the most complete and either in water-color or lead) ; this takes
valuable, and the most perfect and hand- the brightness oft* the varnish, and gives a
some report, which has ever been issued of fine tooth that takes the pencil beautifully.
a photograph eclipse. It must be as gratify- The powder lead I use principally for fill-
ing as it is creditable to every person con- ing up accidental markings, such as streaks,
cerned, both in securing the photographs etc. I sometimes use it to lighten heavy
and issuing the report. shadows under the eyebrows, and for putting
Retouching Negatives. —Mr. G. Crougton, in a light on a dark background a la Salo-
a skilful artist, who has shown me some of mon. It is put on with the stump. I make
my own stumps, for the leather ones sold The first point to consider is, that the
for crayon work are too hard for the pur- process in one respect is radically different
pose. I paste several thicknesses of fine from touching on the print. There every
blotting-paper together with starch paste, stroke reduces the lights, while on the nega-
then paste all over the inside, and roll up tive every mark makes them more intense.
into a stickwhen dry, it is cut to
a point. The one lowers the lights, the other works
This makes a much better stump for the up the shadows.
purpose than any you can buy." This indicates that special care should be
Reference to retouching recalls to my taken to keep those negatives intended for
mind that I have just examined the very retouching soft, and thus allow for the in-
admirable little work you have recently tensity added by the pencil. Most of the
issued, entitled How to Paint Photographs, -prints, from retouched negatives, done in
by Mr. Ayres, and am much pleased with this country, exhibit this fault in a glaring
its essentially practical character, both in •degree. An originally opaque negative is
reference to the retouching of negatives worked till, instead of a picture, it gives only
and the various modes of finishing prints. a map (note the difference) of the face, by
The practical hints of a practical man are all but total obliteration of the modelling.
manifest throughout the book, and render Did country? I will not so
I say this
it most valuable aid to the student. limit myself. In my collection of a few
foreign photographs there is a vignette of a
lady with not ungraceful features. She is
public and the fraternity, as leaders, and enough to meet an ignorant taste, nothing
what they set forth is always likely to be will convince three out of five, but that
admired by the one and followed by the their photographs are inferior in those very
other. points in which their excellence consists.
What not. to do, becomes then of impor- Let us then guard against too much of
tance, lest a meretricious style be foisted this kind of clearness, lest we revert to the
tor or painter than by a photographer. pencil for effect; of merging the photogra-
Being a matter that must be perceived to be pher in the retoucher ; of saying "that will
understood, it is somewhat difficult to ex- do if it is touched up a little." A true
plain verbally. In a photograph the fault pride in our art will doubtless preserve
might exist thus. The line of the cheek- most of us from this error.
bone being prominent, would at a certain There are cases, as of short exposure of
angle catch too much light, become too children, where it may not only be allow-
white and glistening, and thus have an un- able, but very praiseworthy, to be able
due projection in the proof, seeming to start to work up a negative that, untouched,
out beyond the rest of the picture. In a would be useless.
profile, the nostril, or rather the base of the But shall the use of the pencil be limited
nose next the cheek, is almost sure to ex- to such exceptional instances ? By no means.
hibit this appearance. In a front or three- It does not follow that because of some sub-
quarter view, the flattening of the light jects a photograph can be obtained present-
down the front of the nose often makes that ing the truth in a form, lovely almost as
organ seem too broad and thick. Inversely nature's self, that this is always or usually
an exaggerated shadow may retire a part possible.
too much, as the eye, under a very project- There is yet another consideration. Peo-
ing brow or a hollow cheek, when too much ple see their friends at home and them-
top-light is used. In these and many other selves in the glass, by a very different di-
ways the features are thrown out of keep- rection of light than the photographer uses.
ing and the face distorted, in plain photo- At home the light is from windows low at
graphs, and examples in plenty lie before the side, from many apertures, rather than
me to show that the busy pencil can mag- from one, and is soft, diffused front-light,
nify and improve these occasions to the for when we want to have a good look at
point almost of the grotesque. our friends, we get between them and the
Such cheeks, chins, and noses, never be- window.
longed to any human face, as are seen on This light penetrates the hollows and
some foreign cartes. recesses of the features, and shows them
A third defect, hardly different from the shadowless; removing in a measure the
last in result, is in the obliteration of detail, haggard look from a thin face, and hardly
that follows the pencilling. The modula- revealing the lines of care and age.
tions of a good plain photograph are infi- To obtain rotundity, many artists so light
nite; no point so small but has its grada- that the face is burlesqued rather than rep-
tions, finer in an exquisite degree than the resented. This relief of the face is by no
pencil's point can follow. The fine texture means the artistically desirable thing that
of the skin, and the delicate grading of might be supposed. The cultivated eye re-
shape, cannot be approached by the regular quires the subject to be represented, not
stipple of handwork, which only destroys imitated ; and revolts at being deceived into
them and introduces in their stead conven- the idea, that what is known to be a flat
tionalities, and a mechanical finish, more surface, can paradoxically have projections.
allied to the polish of cabinetware than to However suitable the stereoscope may be to
art. give us topographical notions of things and
Here is our greatest danger, here is the places we have not visited, or to remind us
snare, into which some photographers of of those we have, but an optical toy,
it is
the old world have already fallen. The and its illusions create wonder rather than
public is pleased and tickled with this for- artistic joy. If the production of the ro-
mal, smooth prettiness. It is the next best tundity of life was the apex of art, then a
thing to " clearness," apparently, but what wax figure might be a very noble thing, and
a degraded remove from that truth which a colored wax figure the highest effort of
lies within our power. genius ;
whereas the nearer such a work is
The last danger I shall venture to point done to life, the more disgusting it is.
out is that of leaning too much on the But this is rather aside from my object,
which was to show that by forcing the re- observer of physiognomy can do much,
lief of a picture, the usual and homelike without departing from nature, for we must
expression of the face is neglected. On be careful to conform to the action of those
seeing themselves so portrayed, many per- muscles that give a lively expression, in
sons exclaim, with the little old woman, order to represent the subject, not, indeed,
of whose somnolence our nursery rhymes as at the unhappy moment of the agonized
tell us, that the peddler Stout had taken a sitting, but more as he or she appears at
base advantage, "This is none o' I," and home among cheerful friends.
their friends confirm the verdict, not being The argument some operators consider as
accustomed to seeing the features so illumi- exhaustive, "Well, that is just as you looked
nated, and feeling that the most objection- when you sat," is seldom convincing to the
able parts of the physiognomy have been customer, and is founded on a limited view
exaggerated. of the aim of portraiture, and the capabili-
Ruskin says that " every good picture ties of our profession.
has a certain flatness," though he does not It is, of course, impossible to indicate
mean a map-like flatness, but a quiet re- what may or may not be done in every in-
tiring etfect, harmonious, and implying the dividual case, in softening asperities of the
best of modelling. In almost the same pas- negative. This must be left to what good
sage he warns against painting so that an taste each operator can exercise.
arm, limb, or feature starts out from the The writer will feel satisfied if he has
canvas, simulating the reality of life. protested against the evil of formality, to
Much more can be done to modify the which the profession seems in danger of
defects of disagreeable features than many being driven, in time
to open the eyes of the
suppose. By perfect harmony in the chemi- more earnest and inquiring among us, and
cals, placing the sitter in a diffused light, thus hinder the abuse of the opportunity for
full timing, and avoiding much intensity, license now afforded us.
glaring imperfections are reduced to a min- Most — and the writer sees the danger
imum, and then, but not till then, when all clearly, from having here one of these — most
the resources of the photographer have been will at first glance deem the highly finished
exhausted, and you can conscientiously say, mechanism of the pencil, its pretty surface,
" I can do no more," call in the pencil, to superior to plain work; and perhaps it is
remove, as far as may be, the unavoidable better in many instances, but on the other
exaggerations of the negative. hand, few of us know what can be done
The skin-spots, freckles, warts and moles, with the camera and chemicals alone, of
chemically too intense, the wrinkles seen which the works of Adam Salomon are un-
with the broad eye of the camera, the sha- doubtedly the highest exponent. This truly
dows under the brows, nose, and chin, and great artist obtains his highest effects from
the hollow cheeks, all weak points in our the plain negative, and those who have had
art, by reason of the tendency of the chemi- the opportunity of studying his produc-
cals to overdo the lights, before the shadows tions, will return lovingly to them with
are out, all these may be carefully stippled satisfied eyes, long after they have detected
to a more normal condition. and wearied of the hypocritical convention-
Nor is this all; an intractably stupid or alities, that at first seemed so beautifully
surly expression may be made rather pleas- " smooth and clear."
ing, by obliterating the puckers in the fore-
head, and the wrinkles between the brows,
separating these latter alittle, and arching Anderson's Patent Background
them slightly, more sweetness given to the Frame.
mouth by altering the curve of the lips; Improvement has been made in all pho-
tin! eye rendered vivacious, when it is too tographic furniture and apparatus except
dark, by touching in a catch-light at the the background screen, which is still in its
top, and a softer transmitted light under- primitive state, viz., a frame with canvas
neath. In these, and other ways, a correct tacked on; and every photographer knows
the inconvenience of having several of these middle roller set a little farther back, upon
in an operating-room, being as a general which the canvas is wound. By winding
thing unsightly in themselves, and taking on to one of the rollers A D, it unwinds
up a great deal of valuable room, or limit- from the other and exposes change of scene.
ing the photographer to the use of a very Upon the ends of the rollers A D are rachet-
few, which, if scenic, gives a sameness to wheels, whose teeth point in different direc-
the work. To obviate this, the invention tions, provided with pawls, which are so
we describe below is so constructed, as to constructed as to keep the rollers AD in
use any number of backgrounds on one any position, by which the canvas is tight-
frame, holding fifty equally as well as two. ened lengthwise; said pawls can be raised
It is upon castors, and can easily be
set and lowered at pleasure.
moved to any part of the operating-room, By applying the crank at E, the canvas
is easily adjusted from one scene to another, can be tightened sideways to suit, thus mak-
and so contrived as to lighten the cloth ing the cloth securely fastened on all sides.
top, bottom, and sides, making a perfectly
For further particulars address
smooth surface.
J. A. Anderson,
Another method of using this invention
212 Illinois St., Chicago, 111.
is as a moving background, by having two
or three plain backgrounds of different
shades after each other, and then winding
on one of the middle rollers, it may be GERMAN CORRESPONDENCE.
moved either up or down, producing a per- —
Lenses for Large Heads The Effect of Dis-
fectly smooth and uniform tint from the
tance and Wide Angle in Landscape and
roughest background. The frame can be
Portrait Photography — On Failures in
made in any style of architecture, and of
Group Pictures — The of Large Aper-
ture — Potato Noses — Genre Pictures.
any wood or combination of woods, thus
making a very ornamental piece of fur-
niture, or may be made plain and cheap, In a previous letter I discussed the effect
and just as useful. For the better under- of distance in portrait photography, and
standing of the working and construction, demonstrated how the same person, taken at
reference may be had to the cut. The cloth longer or shorter distance, will appear stouter
or more slender. The article has given rise
to considerable argument in Berlin, and I
am glad to say that practical photogra-
phers have already taken advantage of my
suggestions, particularly in taking the large
heads which are now so much in fashion.
For heads innormal proportions, a distance
of 90 inches is correct, and a carte-de-visite
lens of 2J inches diameter, and from 6 to
7 inches back focus, is most suitable. For a
stout figure, which is to appear more slender,
I would recommend a carte-de-visite lens of
If inches diameter, 3 J to 4 inches back focus,
and a distance of 60 inches. For a small
figure which is to appear larger, a cabinet
lens of 3 inches diameter, about 10 inches
back focus and a distance of 130 inches, will
answer the best. If this does not give ful-
is continuous, and may be used of any ness enough to the figure, then a 4-inch lens
length. The frame consists of four rollers, with 15 inches focus will do better, but a
at A B C D, C being placed at top, and B skilful operator will get along very well
at the bottom of the frame. A D is the with the first three lenses. I must not ne-
gleet,however, to remark that the effect on make themselves particularly felt when we
hollow bodies is just the reverse. work with wide-angle lenses.
Take, for instance, a hollow box with in- I have mentioned to you in a former cor-
clined sides, A, B, C, D. A
person standing respondence, a picture of a church here.
broad, almost unnatural. The same thing free from distortion. You will observe
happens in portraiture, not only with bust that the ball C only is perfectly round ;
but also with full-length figures. Let C, all the others are more or less oval. No-
D, for instance, be the foot of a figure, A, body would believe that they were all pho-
C, and you will see that the foot, as well as tographs of the same-sized balls, and yet
the floor underneath, will appear larger at the thing is perfectly natural ; take, for in-
a short distance, and, vice versa. Something stance, three balls,A, B, C, Fig. 29. Each
similar will take place with the lap of a sit- ball will send a cone of rays on the optical
ting person. I will give you an illustration. centre, O, of the camera, K. These cones
are cut by the ground-glass at
Fig. 33. Fig. 34.
different angles. Seed c,f g, hi.
In the latter instance the inter-
sections must, of course, form an
I also wrote to you about the
picture of a castle with a row of
statues in front, which, towards
the corner of the plate, became
stouter. The case is exactly the
same as the balls. and 32
Figs. 31
will give you two such figures,
which 1 have cut from two differ-
ent pictures of arelief. Fig. 32
is taken at short distance, Fig.
31 at long distance. The head
of Fig. 32 looks as if it had wa-
Fig. 33 was taken at short distance and Fig. ter on the brain, inclines forward, and the
34 at long distance. In both instances the left foot is turned outward. Perhaps it
apparatus was placed exactly vertical. The will be objected that the nearness and dis-
floor in Fig. 33 appears so strongly inclined tance in taking these pictures have been
as hardly to afford a safe foothold, and the exaggerated, but this is not the case. For
chair looks crooked. The pictures were the balls B and D the angle of vision is
made with non-distorting lenses. There only 35°; for the balls A and E, 64£°. It
are, however, other curious errors, which is no uncommon thing, in taking groups in
left side of the lens will take in more on behind, and, standing on a chair, embraces
either side, and hence produce an almost her. Surprised and delighted, the mother
stereoscopic picture on the ground-glass, f drops her book and kisses the child.
That no illusion, is easily demon-
this is A photographer tried to imitate this pic-
strated by experiment. If we take a plate ture from life. A young lady for the char-
of opal glass, place the same exactly verti- acter of the mother was easilj' found she ;
cal, so that the plate will face with its sharp took her position very gracefully and made
edge towards a large portrait lens ; if we a very affectionate face, but the boy who
now focus this edge we will find that not should represent the son was not so easily
only the edge will appear on the ground- managed he seemed to have no inclination
glass, but also to the right and left of it a to embrace his pseudo mother he made a ;
bright line will appear, which proves that strong opposition, and only a sound thrash-
the lens not only sees the edge but also on ing brought him finally to terms. This, of
either side parts of the surface of the plate. course, had fatigued the lady, and finally
"When we cover the right side of the lens the result was, that the boy looked as if
the bright line will disappear on the right he would choke his mother, and the moth-
side, and vice versa, and, unless we have er's face had the expression of a reproach
focussed very exactly, the sharp edge will for being interrupted in her reading.
appear blurred and the margins confused. This is only one instance, but Loescher
Unfortunately we have a similar object & Petsch and Milster can give hundreds of
with a sharp edge in our faces, called nose, instances where a beautiful idea had to be
and it is no unfrequent occurrence that simi- abandoned on this account.
Mr. Moore. Mr. Horton has our best con- ride, etc., spend much time in effecting a
gratulations. His picture is a very beauti- combination between the white of egg and
ful one of a little girl. The other four are water by beating the whole to a froth. Mr.
also fine. The decision was made just as Wright's plan is to put some broken pieces
we were going to press. We haven't space of glass into a clean bottle with the albu-
to say more about them now. men and water, shake a few minutes, and
At the Cleveland exhibition, Mr. Moore filter. The broken glass speedily " cuts up"
will exhibit prints from the five chosen the albumen, thus rendering the modus
negatives, and the negatives also. He operandi simple and effective.
will exhibit also prints from several of 2. Chloride of copper completely removes
the other competing negatives. A print even from colored woven cotton tissues,
from the prize negative will soon be for- stains occasioned by nitrate of silver. They
warded to the five parties chosen, and then require, however, to be washed afterwards
others who want points from the prize, or in a solution of hyposulphite of soda. From
any of the competing negatives, may obtain white calico or linen, nitrate stains are more
them of Mr. Moore, on conditions named readily and effectively removed by apply-
in his card in Specialties this month. Some ing a dilute solution and rinsing in plenty
of the subjects chosen are very good, and of fresh water. By the above means, cya-
the work choice for specimens. The com- nide of potassium, so highly poisonous, is
mittee will probably have something to say rendered unnecessary, and, let me add, may
in our next on the subject of making solar possibly be a good substitute for cleansing
negatives, that will be useful to all who the hands from nitrate stains.
make that class of work. 3. By adding a few drops of liquid car-
bolic acid to iodine tincture the latter does
not stain.
4. The following makes a rapid drying
GATHERED FRAGMENTS. cement, and may be useful in the labora-
the treasury of photographic knowledge, I
feel inclined to swerve from the beaten 5. An indelible and good black ink is of
track of formulas for collodions, developers, service to the photographer; the foregoing
etc., being thoroughly imbued with the con- is excellent. Grind aniline black with a
viction that the best results are obtained by mixture of sixty drops of concentrated
the simplest means. It would not be wise hydrochloric acid, and one and a half ounces
on my however, to say we have col-
part, of alcohol, the resulting liquid to be diluted
lodions enough, developers enough, inten- with a hot solution of one andahalf drachms
sifiersenough; for, doubtless, there is gold of gum arabic in six ounces of water. If
remaining in the old lode yet. But to the one and a half ounces of shellac, dissolved
point. I generally jot down any fragments in six ounces of alcohol, be substituted for
of information I come across, which I think the gum, the composition is suitable for
may be of service to the photographic art. blacking leather, wood, brass, etc.
I here give a few of them from various 6. Prof. Scheerrer, of Frieberg, Saxony,
sources, hoping they may be useful (sine suggests a simple method for purifying
die) to the reader who is unacquainted with water. It is based upon the property that
them. a neutral solution of sulphate or peroxide
1. I am indebted to a gentleman named of iron has for decomposing organic mat-
Wright, an ingenious member of our pro- ters. It is thereby converted into a basic
fession, for the following simple but prac- insoluble salt, which carries the impurities
tical idea. Many photographers, when mak- with it to the bottom. This suggestion may
ing albumen solutions, either for coating be. of use to the photographic chemist, and
glass plates, dry plate work, collodio-chlo- therefore not out of place in this journal.
On the Source of the Difficulties Pre- acid in every stage of the work. The collo-
dion is acid, or at least contains free iodine,
sented by
which is virtually the same thing ; the bath
The Collodio-Bromide Process. is generally acidified, and the development
BY M. CAREY LEA. is usually acid also. Now it is well known
Some years ago, whilst experimenting with that bromide of silver bears acid very much
various dry processes, I recognized in the better than iodide, that is to say, that the
collodio-hromide a capacity for giving a cer- introduction of a bromide into the ordinary
tain indescribable harmony of effect that no collodion for the wet process, enables the
other dry plates seemed to yield. I do not bath to be acidulated without loss of sensi-
think that the nature of this action has ever which was not the case when simply
ize ;
but that is only a part of its merits. The the capacity to bear acid is increased, and
truth is, that the effect of light upon bromide yetwe have committed the absurdity of try-
of silver seems to spend itself, if I may so ing to work the collodio-bromide process
express it. After a time, its action proceeds with purely neutral materials, thus making
at a slower rate. If it solarized, then the it a solitary exception in the whole range
highest lights would be less dense than those of collodion methods. Even bromide
in the
just not solarized. If the action stopped process with a bath, acid is and very
process, when well managed, to render con- fully clean, show the details even in the high
trasts in a way that no other dry process lights when viewed as positives by reflected
This priceless advantage has caused me to deep shadow, such as an open window, is
adhere steadfastly to this one process, of represented by clean glass. The high lights,
which I have tried innumerable variations. when the plate is looked at by reflected day-
Like all those who have tried it, I have been light, have a peculiar metallized coppery
annoyed at times by the plates failing, and look. The back of the film, as seen through
when one plate has done so, generally the the glass, is just as clean and brilliant as the
whole batch did likewise this seemed to ;
point to some essential error in the received The acid which I use in preference is aqua
method of working the process. regia in its active state. It is only necessary
In the introduction of a chloride into the to mix in a stoppered vial, an ounce of ordi-
collodion, I found a material gain. Since nary nitric acid and two ounces of ordinary
I wrote the paper in which I described that hydrochloric acid, and to gently warm the
innovation, and which was published about upon each other
bottle until the acids react
ten weeks ago, I have carried on an unin- and the mixture passes into its active state
terrupted series of experiments. At last I by formation of chloronitrous acid. This is
have reached the secret of the whole diffi- indicated by the liquid becoming orange
culty, and have found its complete cure. To color, and by the formation of small bubbles
make the collodio-bromide process work of gas in it. The stopper is then put in, and
with regular success, it is necessary to add the bottle set aside for use. A convenient
an acid, preferably a strong mineral acid, way to apply the heat is simply to set the
to the collodion. vial on a stove. The proper proportion is
This may seem at first an extraordinary one to two drops to the ounce of collodion.
proposition, but upon examination it will be A considerable amount of experience will
found right, theoretically as well as practi- be necessary to decide which is best ; at pres-
cally. In the wet process wc have often ent I incline to one drop to the ounce, but
have at times used two very satisfactorily. The difference in the amount of manipula-
The best way drop it
to apply the acid is to tion is also very important. Mr. Dawson
into a very small porcelain capsule, and then is obliged to wash out the excess of bromide
turn into the collodion bottle as much as with extreme care to attain only a moderate
will run off. To get the rest in, pour a sensitiveness. In my new process as in my
drachm two of the collodion into the
or former, leaving the plate for ten minutes in
capsule and back again at first there will ; a pan of water is quite sufficient. Nor is
be a gelatinous drop formed, but by repeating distilledwater needed but common river ;
the pouring six or eight times, this will re- water or spring water answer every purpose.
dissolve,and the whole of the acid be trans- 3. Compared with Russell's rapid dry pro-
ferred. The time of acidifying seems not cess, the new method gives clearer and
to be very important I have sometimes; brighter plates with a sensitiveness nearly
added the acid immediately before sensitiz- equal. Here the difference of manipulation
ing, and sometimes a month before in both ; is enormous. I think I am within the mark
cases with good results. in saying that in any given time, at least
The effect of the acidifying is extremely three times as many plates can be made by
marked. The excess of nitrate of silver, my process as by the " rapid bromide," and
which before could not be brought into plate for plate, I prefer the collodio-bro-
actual solution without fogging, has no mide.
longer any such tendency. This I have The following are the manipulations :
162 grains.
Even with this treatment the negatives Bromide of Cadmium, . 320 "
" Ammonium, 64 "
came out perfectly clear and bright, with-
out the use of bromide in the development. Add half the alcohol to all the ether and
Indeed, it is doubtful if that agent will ever shake up with the pyroxyline. Throw the
be necessary ; at least, so far in my numer- salts into a flask with the rest of the alcohol,
ous experimental plates, I have never em- and heat till dissolved. Add to the other
ployed it. portion, shake up well, and place in a warm,
It seems proper here to guard against a light place for three weeks. It will be bet-
very obvious mistake which, nevertheless, ter still in two or three months.
occurred on a previous occasion. I do not This collodion will require 16 grains to
suppose that the use of acid would be of the the ounce of nitrate of silver to sensitize it.
slightest benefit to those who work the col- I prefer, and always use,fused nitrate, and
lodio-bromide process with excess of bromide, recommend it for all collodio-bromide work
nor was the chloride of copper intended to as much preferable to the crystallized.
be so used. Having measured out the quantity of col-
In order to measure the value of this new lodion to be sensitized, weigh out 16 grains
method, I have carefully tested it against, of very finely-powdered nitrate of silver to
1st, My former process 2d, Mr. Dawson's ; each ounce, throw it into a test-tube or flask,
process; 3d, Major Russell's rapid bromide and pour over it alcohol of 95 per cent, in the
process. proportion of 1 drachm to each 8 grains of ni-
1. Compared with my former process, this trate, boil for a few minutes and the nitrate
possesses almost if not quite the same sensi- will dissolve. Pour it now in successive
bility, gives clearer negatives, and is more portions into the collodion, shaking up well
certain. after each. Shake about five minutes after
2. Compared with Mr. Dawson's, its sen- the last portion is added, and every few
sitiveness is materially greater than that of times thereafter. Use twenty-four hours
plates prepared by his method. These last after sensitizing.
are bright and clean, but the acidified col- I have, at various times during the past
lodion gives plates still brighter and cleaner. years, used this method of introducing the
: — :
an extremely wide difference between this
process and any other that has been hitherto I have lately got good results with tannin
sitizing, the mixture will be in condition to ducing it I retain the beautiful variety of
use. The difference of a few hours will not half-tintwhich is characteristic of gum, and
be important, but it is best not to exceed which is greatly injured by using the ordi-
twenty-four. If kept too long there will be nary quantity of tannin. I take
a disposition to fog in the shadows and a Water, . 7£ ounces.
want of brilliancy in the whole picture. The Gum Arabic, 90 grains.
high lights also will not have their details Sugar, . 90 "
well marked. The filtering is best done by Tannin, . . 15 "
putting a piece,of soft, clean sponge in the The tannin is here used 2 grains to the
neck of a funnel, and cutting a small circu- ounce. The washing of the plate is the
lar filter of close-woven linen. The linen same as above.
used for making these filters should be boiled The litmus gives the softest and most sen-
for an hour with very weak caustic potash sitive plates, but needs an intenser cotton.
or soda, then well washed in hot water (of The latter of the two preservatives will
course without soap) and dried. This plan
work well with a wider range of pyroxylines
of filtering will be found excellent for all than the former, and give a brighter pic-
sorts of photographic collodions. Before fil-
ture. The tannin is the easiest to succeed
tering, the collodio-bromide mixture should with, but the litmus, when well managed,
rest quiet for two or three hours after its
undoubtedly gives the best negatives. In
last shaking. either case the negatives are very beautiful
For the preservative bath I recommend better looking or better printing negatives
exclusively the two following, either of which
cannot be got with the wet process.
give good results
Prepare a 60-grain alcoholic solution of
Cover a quarter of a pound of good litmus pyrogallic acid and a 40-grain solution of
with hot water. Set a basin or plate over
ordinary carbonate of ammonia in water.
the bowl and put in a warm place for a day.
To add half a drachm
5 ounces of water
Throw the paste upon a filter and pour on of the pyrogallic solution and a drachm of
hot water till the filtrate amounts to a quart the carbonate ammonia. Agitate the pan
(the filtration is slow). Add a drachm of to mix them well, raise one end and put in
carbolic acid and the litmus solution keeps the plate in the ordinary way. No washing
good indefinitely. or application of alcohol is needed. When
the image pretty well out, but thin, add
Litmus Solution,
Gum Arabic,
.....90 .
. ]J ounce.
6 ounces.
The above quantity makes a convenient sary unless, perhaps, when some great mis-
bath for a 6$ x 8J plate. take has been made in the exposure, which,
with a good light, will be the same as for The establishment located at Asnieres, is
the wet process, hut where the light is poor, under the direction of M . Eousselon (to whose
or the contrasts great, the exposure will courtesy I am much indebted), and at pres-
need to he prolonged. ent capable of turning out 500,000 impres-
sions per month. The various operations,
The above directions will probably be with the exception of those relating to the
found working the process. I
sufficient for preparation and exposure to light of the
am still to improve it, if pos-
endeavoring on in one vast and lofty
gelatine, are carried
sible I judge that the method of keeping
: workshop, partitioned off into inclosures.
the residues over, which I have always In the printing department five circular
found useful in the other modifications of tables are fitted up, each furnished with six
collodio-bromide, in order to obtain deiise presses; one workman is sufficient for each
opaque films, will be also valuable here, but table-, who by causing the latter to revolve
have not as yet sufficiently tried it. I am the sixth part of a circle, brings each press
also about to examine the applicability of successively under his hands. A quantity
hydrobromic acid with or without nitric acid, of warm gelatinous ink is poured over the
to the collodion, instead of hydrochloric. engraved plate, the paper is placed upon
I scarcely expect, however, that it will prove the ink, and the lid of the press is then shut
advantageous, as the introduction of chloride down upon the paper. A short time is
of silver into the sensitive film is a decided necessary to allow the ink to set and by ;
advantage, as I have already proved in the arranging half a dozen presses in the man-
case of chloride of copper. The aqua regia ner described, an interval elapses between
here recommended may be used either as a the application of the ink and the removal
substitute for the chloride of copper before of the finished print. Most of the presses
proposed by me, or in conjunction with it. employed are fitted with a hinged lid, fas-
Either way has given me excellent results. tened by means of a hasp but Mr. Eousse- ;
In conclusion I may say that I have never lon states the pressure exerted by this de-
found any photographic process so pleasant scription of press is not always perfectly
to work as this. The tedious washings after equal, and he contemplates, therefore, adopt-
coating the plate, which consume so much ing a screw press, of which he has already
time in some other processes, are here done some half dozen under trial. Moreover, so
away with, the plates are made easily, much work has he at present in hand that
rapidly, and with great regularity. The two five more tables are required to be fitted up
conditions of success are, to use a very in- at once. In the majority of the presses two
tense cotton, and at the same time one pictures, about cabinet-size, are printed at
which will make a very easy flowing collo- one operation, while the largest impression
dion, want of which latter quality,
for thrown off appeared to measure about a foot
mottled skies may result. The plates should in length. The size of pictures to be pro-
be fixed in very weak hyposulphite, never duced depends solely upon the amount of
in cyanide. pressure at one's disposal in pressing the
Philadelphia, March 12th, 1870. gelatine matrix against the metal plate, and
upon the and evenness of the latter.
The obtaining
of a perfectly uniform im-
pression upon the metal plate is an opera-
THE WOODBURY PROCESS IN tion of some difficulty, and has only been
FRANCE. arrived at after great study. The metal
The great interest taken by many of our used is an alloy of lead and antimony, or
readers in the Woodbury process, a beauti- one might say, lead hardened with one per
ful print by which appeared in our January cent, of antimony. The gelatine mould is
issue, prompts us to make the following ex- laid upon a steel plate, and the sheet of
tracts from a letter by Mr. H. Baden Pritch- alloy placed thereon, the latter being con-
ard to the Photographic Journal, concerning fined on all sides so as to be incapable of
the workings of the process in France. spreading out and thus distorting and other-
wise injuring the engraving. Hydraulic large heads were shown, displaying the va-
pressure is then applied, and an impression rious degrees of depth and vigor to be ob-
obtained upon the alloy. M. Eousselon be- tained and these were, without exception,
the last squeezing action is developed by now experienced. Printing by means of di-
the introduction (by means of a fine screw) rect rays only is necessary, the exposure re-
of a piston into a reservoir of oil, and the quired being generally about the same as that
latter, being thus displaced, exerts a steady of a silver print. The gelatine employed
and uniform pressure. The operation of must be of a certain quality and prepared
pumping, in the ordinary hydraulic ma- with care. No photometer of any kind is
chine, causes the latter to move by jerks; employed, as the operators prefer to depend
and particles of the metal becoming affected entirely upon their own judgment; and the
thereby after continual employment, un- subsequent operations of washing and hard-
even pressure is the result. The machine ening the film are so simple as hardly to
of M. Deugoffe is capable of exerting a necessitate special instruction in the matter.
pressure of 1000 kilogrammes on a surface In one division of the workshop, near the
two centimetres square, and is now em- hydraulic presses, are stationed other ma-
ployed in the Imperial Arsenals for the chines used in facilitating the various man-
testing of cannon. ipulations. A small steam-engine, always
According to M. Kousselon's experience, ready to be set going, and capable of driving
the gelatine matrix will serve for the pro- a shaft running along the workroom, is
duction of twelve engraved plates if care be used for various purposes. saw A circular
exercised in their preparation. for cutting and trimming the engraved
The inks employed may be of any tint; plate to the exact dimensions of the press,
but in making up the neutral colors it was a lathe for turning purposes, and a large
found necessary to add always a slight magneto-electric machine are all set in
quantity of blue pigment to counteract the motion by this steam shaft. The electric
yellowish tinge imparted by the other in- machine of the same description as those
aim he is sanguine of fulfilling with the aid The made on Scovill Manu-
prints are
of Woodburytype. A gelatine matrix is facturing Company's "Pearl" paper, and
obtained in the ordinary manner; and to verify the excellence of that well-known
this is then imparted, by a secret method, and popular brand of paper. It has become
a species of grain which is afterwards con- a national stand-by, and well deserves it,
veyed to a metal-plate. "Woodburytype, for care is always had in its preparation.
c'est la pression," said M. Kousselon, thus Mr. A. II. Atwood, with Mr. J. LoefBer,
broadly defining the process; "and this I 932 Broadway, New York, made the prints,
chiefly employ in elaborating my method." and to his skill and good taste we are much
The specimens shown did not profess to be indebted, for he was obliged to hurry them
more than mere outlines, but they were still through all sorts of weather. He used Mr.
sufficient to warrant a continuation of the Newton's sensitizing and toning solutions,
experimental research to which M. Rous- which, although published before, we give
selon has devoted himself. below, as received from Mr. Atwood.
Before leaving, the complete series of
manipulations, with the exception of that
of washing the gelatine, were successfully Nitrate of Silver, . . 6 ounces.
" Magnesium, 4 "
demonstrated. The negative, the gelatine .
shadow side, which makes the sensitiveness too warm, add borax to the stock-bottle
of the plates the more remarkable. No. 3 until the purple is dark enough to
— :
perience in printing, I never had a finer very and rub on the parts to be worked.
lot of negatives to print from." Should there be an excess of pencilling, it can
"We have ourselves frequently been shown be softened by going over the surface again
his negatives by Mr. Newton, and can testi-
and reworking.
fy to their excellence and uniform quality.
To our meeting in June, come all. The
This is the first dry-plate picture we have craft will find our green and airy little For-
ever published, and certainly commends est City on the lakes, to be a goodly spot for
Mr. Newton's process, which he has worked relaxation and brotherly confab.
at so industriously, very highly. I expect to see a large attendance, and
hope to take them in a group. —
Photographically yours,
Thomas T. Sweeny.
Sermon's TEsrPLE of Art,
914 Arch Street.
Mr. Editor: Having read your late edi-
torial on Sarony's Photo-crayon Process, I WRINKLES AND DODGES.
immediately invested $25 in it, and am see no end of plans to purify the print-
glad to say that the process, purchased from ing bath, from both sides of the Atlantic.
the Messrs. Sarony Lambert, is all and even Now I am not troubled with this more than
more than they really claim. perhaps three times in a year; my bath is
The results are beautiful in the extreme, always clear and works well, and it seems
and I consider it a great improvement in strange why other baths should not do so too.
the art. Most artistic pictures can be gotten I use 50 grs. silver per oz., dissolve half
up at very small cost by this process. in ammonia, and in making 20 oz. I take
From the printed modus operandi, and 15 water and 5 alcohol 95°, floating from 20
general formulas and general information seconds to 40 seconds. If the bath gets dirty
sent me, with the fifty splendidly crayon- from carelessness in not adding silver, say
ized sheets, I experienced no trouble in an ounce for each quire, I use either Con-
producing the most artistic effects with die's fluid or the pure permanganate of pot-
ridiculously simple means. ash, a few drops of a 10-grain solution and
Hoping* that photographers working this filter ;
this will make a red bath clear in a
beautiful remunerative process will take very short time, and not injure it. The
your advice, and keep the price of these batli I now am using was first made in 1864,
P. S. By this process I have made a If you find the following simple way of
11 x 14 from a carte negative, and finished producing a yellow light in the dark-room
the same in twenty seconds without solar worthy of notice, please let the craft have it
— :
Get a tube of chrome yellow No. 2, a little water. By this plan the hands are made
drying oil, and an artist's brush, and give entirely clean, and no trace of poison left
your lamp chimney a coat of this paint from in the skin. Abbk Fortin in Les Mondes.
the bottom to the middle, where it com-
mences to narrow when this is done, stipple
it all over with the end of the brush. Light THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORLD.
your lamp, and the paint will soon dry. If
necessary, you can repeat the painting. I
The Mittheilungen, News, &c. call atten-,
a piece of buckskin. No alcohol or rotten- and one in Cleveland, O., June 1st. Be
stone required. This method I have found getting ready for the latter.
to be the easiest and best, but do not give it
" R.," the well-known photographer,
as new. T. P. Varley.
took the cars for home the other night, and,
wearied with a long day's work in posing
Not long since I had my solar camera
hard subjects for pictures, fell into a gentle
catch fire from the lens and my building
doze. At the first station a lady entered, and
also came near being burned down. My stopping at the vacant seat by " R.'s " side,
condenser was broken as was the tube also,
said: " Can I sit here, sir?"
and nearly all my solar camera was de-
"Yes'm," said the half-aroused artist.
stroyed. To prevent the repetition of such
"Full length or bust?"
officiousness on the part of old Sol, I had a
cone of sheet iron made which I placed
In England they are about establishing a
national gallery of the photographs of all
under the condensing lens (see figure), so
rogues that come to the hands of the police.
Also, it is proposed to photograph all
habitual drunkards, and supply each beer
house with a copy, with a warning not to
sell such any more liquor.
The Mittheilungen says about the Mosaics
Fingers. —Wash the fingers with a solu- Professor Yon Monckhoven's new
tion of sulphate or chloride of zinc, made process, for making enlargements with arti-
as saturated as possible and slightly acidu- ficial light, is making the rounds of the
lated. While the fingers are in the solu- Continental periodicals; it is everywhere
tion, rub the blackest parts with a rod of highly spoken of, and seems in every respect
zinc, to facilitate the reduction. After the a success. M. Romain Talbot advertises a
stains have disappeared, rinse them in plain complete apparatus for making these en-
water, and then wash well with soap and largements for frs. 550 to frs. GOO.
Dr. Duchenne, of Boulogne, has made very curious, indeed. "Were it not for our
great use of photography in securing the useful art, none but those present, when
expression of his subjects when under the the experiments were made, could see the
influence of the galvanic battery. About eifect of the treatment, but now any one
fifty portraits are given in the Journal of can see and study them. Thus our art
Psychological Medicine for January, and are creeps up.
To Cleveland. — The Secretaries are actively of them. Mr. Fennemore was the first to take
engaged in trying to secure reduced fares for hold of them here, and his pictures show what
those going to Cleveland, and have succeeded excellent hands can do with excellent means.
with several. Buy a Railroad Guide, and study They are sharp, bright, vigorous, and yet very
out your route, then write for your order for a softand beautiful. No doubt the photographic
ticket. See list of Roads in our next issue. crayons will come in for a share of the rivalry at
the Cleveland Exhibition.
Our readers will observe that we print sixteen
pages more than usual this month, and give them The Exhibition Building. — We have received
a splendid variety of interesting matter. Yet from the Local Secretary, Mr. J. F. Ryder, Cleve-
we have to lay over several articles. Please land, two 12 x 16 views of the interior of the
read all carefully, and consult our advertise- new Central Skating Rink, where it is proposed
ments old and new. to hold our exhibition. The negatives were
made by Mr. Thomas H. Johnson, and are very
Mr. D. H. Cussons, Southport. England, has
fine for interiors. The place chosen by Mr.
favored us with copies of his " Pocket Almanac
Ryder will be a grand one for the Exhibition,
for Photographers," for 1870, which is very
and will afford every convenience of light, hall
handy and neatly printed.
for meeting, committee rooms, etc., etc. It is
Robinson's Pictorial Effect in Photogra- large. Let it be filled.
phy. —
"It is the best work of the kind a pho-
tographer could have and study." —F. Ulrich, From Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., pub-
N. Y. lishers, Philadelphia, we have received copies of
Good Words and The Sunday Magazine,
Signor A. Montagna will please accept our two excellent monthly magazines reprinted from
thanks for a copy of his little manual on carbon- the English. Not only are they profusely il-
printing and burning in enamels.
lustrated with pictures, which are always inter-
Photographic Crayons. At least in our — We regret to learn that Mr. George Barker,
city, the Sarony photographic crayons seem des- of Niagara Falls, New York, was burned out on
tined to become very popular. All of our emi- the 7th of February. His entire establishment
nent men are working away at them, endeavor- was destroyed, though he succeeded in saving
ing to produce them well. Messrs Suddards & the most of his excellent and valuable stereo-
Fennemore, 822 Arch Street, make a fine display scopic negatives of the Falls. Phoenix-like, he
hopes soon to be under way again, though his is sold for two shillings. Messrs. Wilson, Hood
losses were heavy. & Co., present it free, and, if any have been
Mr. Burnhatn, of Portland, Maine, was also missed, they will be glad to supply those desir-
burned out early in the year, and intends locat- ing them, until their stock is exhausted.
ing South we believe. We ought to have a pho-
tographer's insurance company, for nearly every
We have received the following: A carte of
the late George Peabody, from G. G. Johnson,
photographer we hear of being burned out had
Cleveland, 0., the last one taken ; some excellent
little or no insurance. It is improvident and
cartes, enamelled, from Ross&Ormsby, Petaluma,
Cal. ; carte of Master Simpson (13 years old,
Received from Mr. F. W. Hardy, Bangor, 30 inches high), from Mr. Knowlton, Cumber-
Me., some very excellent carte and cabinet pho- land, Ohio; some W. Watson,
fine cabinets from
tographs, displaying skill and taste. From Mr. Detroit ; cabinets from D
Camp, Hartford, S.
W. H. Sipperly, Mechanicsville, N. Y., some Conn. W. J. Baker, Buffalo N. Y., and cartes
; ,
snow forest views. From H. H. Bennett, Kil- and cabinets from Mr. E. L. Allen, 24 Temple
bourn City, Wis., some admirable stereographs Place, Boston. The latter are, most of then^
of the " Dells of the Wisconsin River,'' and from retouched negatives, very carefully done.
"Devil's Lake." From C. S. Cooper, Wi- Some of Mr. Allen's work attracted so much at-
nooski Falls, Vt., views of factories, stores, Ac, tention in Berlin that he received orders for 1000
which are clean and good. From J. L. Knight, copies from a dealer there.
Topeka, Kansas, a large "photo-monogram" of We also have stereo slides from Mr. H. A.
the members of the State government. From Kimball, Concord, N. H., that are very fine
F. Thorp, Bucyrus, Ohio, a genre, picture, some them; others from S. J. Morrow, Yank-
" Bringing Home the Apples," and others. ton, Dakotah Territory and views of the in-
photographs of great merit ; from Mons. Romain O., several instantaneous lake views that are fine,
Talbot, Paris, France, a translation in French, and some whole plate pictures of rocks and reflec-
by himself, of "Mr. Sutton's Alkaline Process." tions that are very pretty. From E. R. Curtiss,
In noticing, in Feb. number, a picture from Mr. Madison, Wis., photographs of the State Senate
W. H. Rhoads, Philadelphia, we said it was of a group. From G. W. Carter, Lowville, N. Y.,
rock ; it was of a horse which stood as still as a several very excellent carte and cabinet prints.
Me. L. G. Frost, photographer, Sherburne, again iodized it, you over-saturated the solution.
N. Y., died February 14th. Consequently the surplus crystallized as you
mention. Remedy: Dilute the bath with water
Mr. Chas. Stafford, Norwich, N. Y., lost
to one-half its strength, and then evaporate it to
by fire, March 9th.
his entire gallery, etc.,
its wonted strength.
One of our Salomon negatives has been broken,
which will delay our promised picture until M. —
H. Besoncon. A plate of glass in the shield
for it for two or three years, you would 'have had neutral for your bath. Add tincture of iodine
to pay for seven. to it until it is a faint rose color, and your trou-
ble will doubtless end.
E. G. Mairie. — White lac, bleached
and lac,
white gum shellac are. "all the same," though J. B. L. — After a bath has been boiled down,
samples vary in quality. Good filtering paper the lines you describe are apt to appear on the
will answer for filtering varnish, but the process plates for a day or 'two. Remedy: Move the
is slow. Best plan is to make a lot a month plate about in a circular motion when first dipped.
beforehand, and give it plenty of time to filter Geo. B. Speoule. — Water, lampblack, whit-
and settle. If your varnish is "milky,'' proba- ing, and glue size, mixed a proper shade, will an-
bly your alcohol is not good. swer for backgrounds.
Vol. VII. MAY, 1870. No. 7 7.
Management of the Mixture — Dense Films. shaking and before using such a course ;
—In the directions which I gave in my pre- will sometimes lead to slight irregularities
vious paper, I recommended to sensitize the of the film, visible after the plate has set,
collodion with 16 grains of nitrate of silver by holding up to the light and examining
to the ounce, dissolved as already explained, closely. And in the last plates of the
and end of twenty-four hours.
to use at the batch this may get to the extent of produc-
This mode of proceeding gave very trans- ing mottled films, the effect of which will
parent films, and, as these are never as sen- be visible in the skies of the developed
sitive as opaque ones, I have been studying plates.
The best method of filtering is to put blurring, and always greatly diminishes it.
clean, fine sponge into the neck of the fun- The plates are, therefore, strikingly cleaner
nel, and to cut filters of fine, close linen in the shadows;
stuff, freed from dressing or size by boiling 2. In controlling contrasts it exhibits a
with soda, either washing soda or very di- moderate but distinct superiority over the
lute caustic soda, and then washing thor- tannin.
oughly out. 3. As to sensitiveness, the two are very
The pouring off of the plate should never near together, but, after very extended
be returned to the same bottle, or, after a trials, I can say that, what advantage there
few motes and knots will be found
plates, is lieson the side of the litmus.
in the film. The best manipulation is as Persons, in trying litmus for the first
follows : provide two clean vials, filter the time, will be very apt, when they proceed
collodion mixture into one, then transfer the to develop, to think they are going to make
funnel and its filter to the other, and after a failure The first effect of the alkaline
coating the plate pour off into the funnel. solution upon the red plate is to turn the
The pourings off will thus filter into the red litmus blue it thus looks darker, and
second vial, and will be ready for use when might be thought to be going to fog. As
the first vial is exhausted. If the contents the plate lies in the developing bath, and
of this second vial, when used for coating, the solution is made to flow to and fro over
show a tendency to mottle, thin them a lit- it, a bluish cloudiness appears in the liquid ;
tle with concentrated ether. One source this looks as if something were going wrong,
of mottling is the use of a too watery alco- but it is only the litmus washing out of the
hol or ether ; the evaporation from each film. Sometimes, also, the solution pene-
plate leaves a residue more and more trates the film unequally, and gives it a
charged with water. The plates should spotted or patchy look. All these indica-
have an edging of India-rubber dissolved tions mean absolutely nothing. When the
in benzole, applied before the collodion- plate has reached its proper development
izing. and is thrown into the fixing bath, it comes
Litmus as a Preservative. — When a pre- out brighter and cleaner than almost any
servative of gum and sugar is used, great other form of dry plate, and exhibits also
sensitiveness is attained, but the negatives the softness characteristic of this process.
often want vigor and are too flat. It The proportion of litmus directed in my
therefore becomes necessary to introduce a previous paper may be doubled if desired.
substance capable of giving a sufficiency of No diminution of sensitiveness results, as I
force and brilliancy. Many substances I have most carefully tested and proved. And
have found capable of doing this ; unfortu- as the plate is a darker red, the protection
nately almost all of them largely diminish against blurring is increased proportion-
the sensitiveness of the film. ately.
Two substances, litmus and the well- Fixing. — The peculiarity of collodio-bro-
known tannin, are capable of giving excel- mide plates, as respects fixing, has never
lent results. For a time I scarcely did jus- been sufficiently pointed out. The bromide
tice to tannin, and this because I used it in of silver dissolves out in the hyposulphite
the heavy doses ordinarily recommended. bath much more easily, and the image itself
But when it is kept down to 2 or 2} grains appears to be more easily attacked than the
per ounce of both, and used with six or image on bromo-iodized plates. Hence, in
eight times its' weight of gum, it does very the earlier days of tho collodio-bromide
well, indeed. Nevertheless, after a great process,it was advised to look to the alka-
many most careful comparative trials, I line development for a thin image only,
feel constrained to give the preference to and intensify with silver and pyro. But
my own preservative, red litmus, and this those who will use the methods I have de-
for the following reasons: scribed, will get all the density they want
1. Except in long exposures and under by the alkaline development alone indeed, ;
trying circumstances, it completely prevents without care too much density may result.
And the reducing tendency of the fixing is not desirable in this article to make a
solution may be removed bj- using it very lengthy report of all the negatives pre-
weak. After a number of trials I have sented, but a few remarks may be appro-
found the best strength to be about one- priate, giving a short criticism of the five
sixtieth, 1 ounce of hyposulphite to 50 or 60 be,st negatives selected.
of water. Bromide of silver dissolves so The prize was awarded to Mr. V. ~W.
much more easily than iodide that a collo- Horton, of Brady's Gallery, New York
dio-bromide plate is fixed with this solu- city.
tion in the same time as an ordinary bro- The subject was well chosen, in a young
mo-iodized film in a much stronger. The girl, sitting figure, gracefully posed, with
weak solution has so little action on the exquisite arrangement of light and shadow.
image that the plate may be left in over The dress of white or light color is admira-
the time necessary for clearing without bly rendered, any tendency to excessive
injury. I prefer, after using the fixing high light being toned down by the child
bath for twelve or fifteen plates, to reject resting herarms upon a table or chair over
it and pour in fresh. It is almost unne- which some dark drapery had been thrown.
cessary to say that, with no plates should' The eyes are beautifully reproduced, giving
the fixing solution be used for a second the soft dreamy effect that children so often
set of plates after standing. have when deeply interested in an attract-
ive story. The negative is upon one-half size
P. S. — The addition of the hot solution of glass, unvarnished, clean, forcible, sharp,
nitrate of silver to the collodion is not at- well-timed, and exceedingly brilliant ; a
tended with any inconvenience as might little too transparent to make a first-class
have been supposed on the contrary, the ; contact print, but exactly suited for a solar
formation of the bromide of silver is favored enlargement. Mr. Horton may justly be
thereby. The whole mixture becomes tepid, proud of his success in securing the prize,
at which temperature chemical decompo- Mr. Oliver B. DeMorat, Philadelphia, a
sition advances of course more rapidly. vignette head and bust of a lady, well ar-
In operating with considerable quantities ranged and skilfully lighted. Chemical
it would, doubtless, be well to let the solu- manipulation first-rate. Size of picture, two
tion cool a little, but a little only, and to on 4-4 plate.
add two or more portions. But with
it in Mr. T, M. Saurman, Norristown, Pa., a
small quantities, as above explained, this pleasing picture of a lad, vignette head, ex-
is unnecessary. The vial should be well cellent chemical work, clean, well-timed,
closed with a well-fitting cork, which I and sharp negative, one-half size.
find preferable to a glass-stopper, using, of Mr. Charles Stafford, Norwich, New York,
course, a new one each time, and securing a vignette head of a lady, nicely arranged,
very close fit. and well lighted. This negative appears
to be a little too dense for the purpose in-
tended. Clean and forcible negative, one-
quarter size.
THE SOLAR NEGATIVE PRIZE Mr. P, B. Jones, Davenport, Iowa, a fine
picture of a male subject, negative one-half
BY JOHN C. BROWNE. size, sharp, clean, and effective.
In a recent number of the Philadelphia All of the prints were made of uniform di-
Photographer a prize of a gold medal was mensions, about the size of life, and printed
offered by Mr. Albert Moore, of Philadel- upon demon's arrowroot paper, 18 x 22.
phia, for the best negative for enlarging in In tone, sharpness, and general effect they
the solar camera, and, as a result, thirty- compare very favorably with contact pic-
three negatives were offered in competition. tures, where the attempt is made to pro-
As one of the judges appointed by Mr. duce portraits of the size of life direct in
Moore, it gives me pleasure to attest to the the camera. In fact, these solar enlarge-
excellence of a large number of them. It ments are better pictures than the majority
of life-size contact prints that I have ex- medium strength. But if hypo is used it
amined. should be fresh. The quality of first im-
To Mr. Albert Moore deservedly belongs portance in the negative must be sharpness.
a great deal of credit for his skill and enter- If in a portrait the face, hair, or whiskers
prise in developing very important
this are not perfectly defined, it is useless to ex-
branch of photography. The proof of his pect that a print enlarged to life-size will
success will be exhibited at the annual be satisfactory.
meeting of the National Photographic As- Recently, Mr. Moore has turned his at-
sociation, in June next, at Cleveland, Ohio, tention to the double printing of landscape
so that all may have an opportunity of see- negatives in the solar camera, whereby the
ing what wonderful results can he obtained pleasing effect of natural clouds in the pic-
by enlarging small negatives of £, J, and ture is produced by the use of a second
4-4 size in the solar camera. It. is but fair,
while speaking in praise of Mr. Moore's re-
sults, to give a proper share of credit to his
assistant, Mr. William L. Shoemaker, as all KURTZ'S PATENT " REMBRANDT
of the printing and toning is done by him.
I judge, from his success and long experi-
ence, that few can excel his practical knowl-
edge on this subject. It is no easy work to
manage a dozen solar cameras on a bright
day, for each requires to be adjusted to the
position of the sun about once in a minute ;
side it is necessary to reflect some light upon ONE HUNDRED DAYS IN A FOG.*
it, and to avoid a multiplicity of screens,
reflectors, Mr. Kurtz has contrived
Operator. W. Kurtz's Gallery.
the apparatus below described.
(Continued from page 108.)
A B C D represents a light frame of
wood, about six feet high and three and a Twenty-sixth day. — Iodide of cadmium
half feet wide. E FEF are two doors or increases the intensity of the collodion.
wings turning on pivots at the points A (HardwicJis Chemistry, page 246.)
and B, and also on two other pivots at G G Twenty-seventh day. — When the negative
G G, consequently giving a universal move- comes up with too much intensity, add io-
ment. X X X X are four inner wings dide of cadmium to the collodion. (Devine's
moving on hinges on the frame, whereby Practice, page 55.)
you may enlarge or decrease the size of the Twenty-eighth day. — Zigzag lines are
opening, the lower wing moving on two caused by a lack of harmony between the
pivots at P P. bath and the collodion. (E. L. Wilson,
All this is lined on the back with strong Mosaics, 1869, page 59.)
paper and black muslin, and on the front Twenty-ninth day — The upper part of the
with pure white paper. This counter-re- plate must be examined for zigzag lines ;
flector is patented and solely manufactured characteristic of a film which had become
by Mr. Henry Kurtz, New York. too dry before immersion. (Hardwich's
Its application may be better understood Chemistry, 7th Ed., page 419.)
by the accompanying drawings. Thirtieth day. —
Streaks like flashes of
Let A B, Fig. 1, represent a block of lightning, with a dozen zigzags to the inch
wood, and the light shining on it in the — from applying blotting-paper to the back
direction of the arrow — any attempt to of the negative. (M. Carey Lea, Mosaics,
photograph this in its present state of illu- 1867, page 15.)
mination would be impossible. The dark Thirty-first day. — During exposure the
shadow at B would be devoid of all details, bath solution drains down to theedge of the
and the high light at A would be too in- plate, and rises again by capillary attrac-
tense. Upon bringing up the reflector at tion, giving rise to streaks. Eemedy: at-
C, the effect is to drive, as it were, the tach a piece of blotting-paper to the edge of
shadow back again towards A, producing the plate. [Lea's Manual, page 243.)
an unnatural lighting, as shown in Fig. 2, Thirty-second day. — Always filter your
causing a squinty appearance in the sitter,
bath after each day's work. (E. L. Wilson,
caused by being raked between two fires. Mosaics, 1867, page 141.)
Now the counter-reflector has the effect of
doing away with this completely. See Fig.
Thirty-third day. — Neither should the
bath be filtered after it has once been put
3. It throws the light in the direction of
into use. (Devine's Practice, page 36.)
the lines, and we have the natural effect of
No. 1, only greatly subdued, with perfectly Thirty-fourth day. — After each day's
transparent shadows, offering no strong nor work, make it a rule to filter your bath.
harsh contrasts against the high light; A, (J. C. Browne, Mosaics, 1870, page 29.)
as itwere counter-reflecting the reflection of Thirty-fifth day. —Do not filter your bath
B, thus preventing that shadow which too much. (Illustrated Photograplier.')
otherwise would have hung over the centre. Thirty-sixth day. — It is an advantage to
This arrangement also serves a good pur- leave the bath in the trough always, that it
day's work is done. (Hardwich's Chemistry, coated, that the silver solution may be pre-
page 415.) served as long as possible below the point
Thirty-seventh day. — The bath ought to of saturation. (Devine's Practice, page 33.)
be filtered every evening. (Silver Sunbeam, Fiftieth day —When the bath is in perfect
page 113.) order, no harm can result from leaving the
Thirty-eighth day — Never adopt the com- plate init a quarter of an hour or more.
mon but wasteful plan of iodizing a bath by (Hardwich's Chemistry, 7th Ed., page 417.)
dipping a collodionized plate in it, al-
Fifty-first day. — The plate should never
lowing it to lie until the iodide is dissolved.
be left in the bath longer than necessary.
(Aliquis, Mosaics, 1869, page 114.)
(Lea's Manual.)
Thirty-ninth day. — Coat a plate and leave Fifty-second day — When the iodide of
it in the bath all night. (Illustrated Pho- silver, previously dissolved in the bath,
tographer.) upon the
crystallizes film, leave a plate in
Fortieth day. — Make the bath as follows :
the solution all night, that the excess of
* * * then add to it about a drachm of iodide of silver may gradually crystallize
bromoiodized collodion. (Toivler's Alma- upon its surface and so be removed. (Hard-
nack, 1867, page 76.) wich's Chemistry, 7th Ed., page 521.)
Forty-first day. — It is a bad plan to add Fifty-third day —I ascertained that iodide
collodion to a bath for the purpose of iodiz- of silver is more soluble in a cold solution
ing it. (E. L. Wilson, Mosaics, 1870, page than in a warm one. (Dr. H. Vogel, p. 89 )
Forty-second day. —The bath must be satu- Fifty-fourth day. — In this case the iodide
of silver which is precipitated by the solu-
rated with iodide of silver. (Hardwich's
tion becoming cold, is redissolved as the
Chemistry, page 393.)
temperature rises. (Devine's Practice, p. 32.)
Forty-third day — The bath may be used
Fifty-fifth day. — Sunning of the bath is
without iodizing, if the plates be taken out
one of the best means of purifying it. (Le
as soon as smoothly coated. (Devine's Prac-
Moniteur de la Photographic. )
tice, page 30.)
Forty-sixth day. —A bath not saturated tion may be a very good plan, but I never
with iodide of silver will produce unequal found any marked benefits from it. (Ali-
results. (E. L. Wilson, Mosaics, 1870, page quis, Mosaics, 1869, page 118.)
142.) Fifty-ninth day. — The solution may be
Forty-seventh day. — If the bath be satur- prepared some days before using, and al-
ated at the outset, it will precipitate crys- lowed to stand in the light. (Devine's Prac-
tals of iodide of silver on the plate, and tice, page 43.)
wholly spoil the negative. (Devine's Prac- Sixtieth day. — A bath that has stood for a
tice, page 31.) week exposed to sunlight, has proved as in-
Forty-eigldh day. — When the crystals of curable as one doctored without sunning at
nitrate of silver are dissolved, coat a plate all. (Aliquis, Mosaics, 1869, page 118 )
and leave it in the bath all night. (Sutton's Sixty-first day. — It has, however, been
Collodion Process, page -40. justly remarked that in diluting the bath,
Forty-ninth day. —'Every plate must be the disordered bath must be poured into the
a clean bottle, and add rain water. (E. L. Seventy-sixth day. — In developing, hold
"Wilson, Mosaics, 1868, page 102.) the plate absolutely still ; by so doing the
Sixty-third day. — When, in the course of detail is better obtained. (C. W. Hull, Mo-
time, the bath becomes saturated with io- saics, 1870, page 77.)
(Mosaics, 1867.)
Eighty-third day. —The operator should
aim to get his negatives intense enough
Seventieth day. —The best way to get rid
after one development with iron. There
of all volatile matter in the bath is distilla-
will generally be no difficulty in accom-
tion. [ !
] (Silver Sunbeam, page 112.)
plishing this object. (Devine's Practice,
Seventy-first day. —There are no means of page 47.)
abstracting the water from collodion with-
out injuring the collodion itself. (Hum-
Eighty-fourth day. — A great many dark-
phrey's Journal, page 59.)
rooms are lighted with yellow glass. We
recommend the operator to use a gas or
Seventy-secojid day. — When there is too
lamp-light. (Devine's Practice, page 13.)
much water in the collodion, it may be re-
moved by putting some pieces of gelatine Eighty-fifth day. —Orange glass is all that
into it ; this abstracts the water. (Lea's is needed for the dark-room. (Silver Sun-
Manual, page 236.) beam, page 47.)
Seventy-third day. —A strong developer Eighty-sixth day. — I know that many men
favors thinness, a weak developer favors in- think diffused-light printing the best, but I
tensity. (E. D. Ewing, Mosaics, 1870, p. 56.) believe that I am supported by all who
Seventy-fourth day. —A strong developer know, that sunlight printing is theoretically
is likely to force up the high lights to com- as well as practically the best. (Nelson K.
plete opacity. (C. W. Hull, Mosaics, 1870.) Cherill, Mosaics, 1867, page 58.)
ducing the contrast of the negative. (De- glass ; these may be four inches long and
vine's Practice, page 24.) half an inch broad. The sharp edges must
Ninety-second day. —It
must be allowed, first be taken off, then place them together
the addition of a bromide to negative col- and crowd a piece of rubber-tube, about
lodion impairs its sensitiveness. (Hard- half an inch long, over the two at one end.
wich's Chemistry, page 271.)
Ninety-eighth day. — We certainly prefer If you think you can improve by making
an intense negative to a thin one. (Towler's a second sitting, by all means do it before
Almanac, 1867.) your subject leaves your room.
BOOKHOUT'S WASHING TANK. trial. He gives the idea to the trade freely,
I will give you a description of my without patenting it, and, moreover, has
most excellent one, and well worthy of a clean edges and square corners from the sen-
1 50 t 1 1 m r i r 1 1 a n klrnt a r n o t o g.r a p h e r.
Bitized sheet, eaoh sheet thus yielding twenty- us soon as one side is printed, round to the
four stereographs. opposite side so as to bring the upper edge
The lenses on theoamera are fixed in their of the slip to the same place which it occu-
place, also, at the standard distance of two pied before, and at the same to make tho
inohes and three-quarters from edge to edge central line of the negative and that of the
or from oentre to oentrej and the Beptum sensitive paper coincide. There is no dif-
in the oamera, whioh divides it two
into ficulty in doing this, but care is necessary
halves, is so adjusted as to bring the two to see that it is done.
piotures into sharp apposition in the middle, The washing,
toning, and fixing require
Without any blank space between them and no further instruction, and, as the prints
without overlapping each other. This ad- are already cut out. to the proper size, noth-
justment, is easily made. There is great ing remains to be done but to mount them
economy of time and material by attending in the usual way.
Consequently, no transposition. We are in- some of my previous articles, that is, in tho
debted to an Englishman fortius discovery, following bath :
it is
1 thank him heartily
now an old dodge, it.
for it.
will be
new to
Chloride of
Ammonium, .
8 ounces.
40 grains.
many of our younger practitioners. Gelatine 10 "
Bach slip is folded back exactly in the Citrio Acid, . . . 40 "
middle, so that the corners are accurately Carbonate of Soda, . .50 "
in apposition, the sensitized film being out-
1 print, by development, because I can
wards. The slip is now opened again and
get better tones for the purpose by this pro-
placed on a clean sheet o( paper, the film
cess. The silver bath I have slightly
being downwards. Each half is now folded
changed since 1 wrote last on this subject,
back on itself, so that the opposite ones
substituting nitric acid in a great measure
meet accurately <>n the middle crease. A
for tartaric acid, and probably I shall dis-
piece of black paper, live and a half inches
pense with the latter entirely. The solu-
long by three Wide, is inserted between the
tion at present is as follows:
folds. The paper is now ready to be placed
On the negative. The middle crease o\' the Nitrate of Silver, . . 4 drachms.
paper corresponds to the middle line be- Water 8 ounces.
tween the two pictures on the negative; Nitric Acid (snee. gr. 1.21, 1 drnohm.
rate them by cutting with a sharp, straight utes eaoh; in a dull, diffused light, from
cut through the central line. No transpo- live to eight or ten minutes each.
sition is needed, a- you will readily see. The mode o( developmenthave changed 1
The use o\' the piece oi' blaob paper be- slightly. Eaoh print, previous to develop-
tween the folds Of the sensitized slip, is to ment, is soaked simply in water.
prevent the light from acting on tbelilm As soon as the paper is moist all through,
behind. it placed on a clean piece of glass, a little
t'.'ire is required in ohanging the paper, larger than the print, and the latter is then
: ;
moved over the flame of a spirit-lamp, the the balsam, the print side being next to the
developer having been previously poured glass. More balsam is smeared over the
upon the surface of the exposed paper. The back of the paper, which is carefully pressed
developer remains the same, that is : down. Continue a gentle heat. In about
twenty minutes the print will become quite
Solution of Gallic Acid, (2
transparent. Hub off all excess of balsam
grains to the ounce), . 4 drachms.
from the back of the print and the front of
Acetate of Lead (30 grains
the plate, and adjust the print to its posi-
to the ounce), . . 5 drops.
Acetic Acid, enough to clean the milky tion. See that all bubbles are removed by
precipitate. pressure. Clean the front of the glass plate
with turpentine.
The development is soon performed, to All that now remains to be done is to
any amount of opacity, without injuring cover. the front and back with the proper
the whites. Wash the print on both sides shields of black paper, ornamented with
under the tap, and then immerse it in the gold or otherwise. The transparency thus
hyposulphite of soda solution, containing 1 produced is very beautiful, and requires no
grain of chloride of gold to 4 ounces of the further protection ; nevertheless, a thin
concentrated fixing solution. The latter piece of ground-glass no detriment to it
can be used several times, taking care to add it is sometimes an improvement. Of course,
more hyposulphite of soda from time to such transparencies are to be viewed by
time. Washthe prints well and then dry transmitted light. Landscapes mounted on
them, removing the excess of moisture
first squares of glass and set in our window-
between folds of blotting-paper, and after- frames produce a very charming effect. In
wards by exposure to the air. Trim the addition to all this, the prints may be col-
edges of the prints if necessary, dry them ored to your desire, or touched up with the
thoroughly near the fire, and then, placing appropriate tints, naturally, before the pic-
each print on a piece of good card-board, tures aremade transparent with the balsam.
pass it two or three times through the roll- After they are made transparent, the colors
ing machine. This operation flattens the are quite indelible.
paper completely, which is quite necessary Furthermore, the transparent prints thus
for the subsequent operation. cemented on glass may be backed with tinted
Our next operation consists in making paper, by simply gumming the edges of the
the paper transparent, and, at the same paper and causing it to adhere to the edges
time, in causing it to adhere to a piece of of the glass. For this purpose it is previ-
glass. For this purpose we require a small ously moistened uniformly, and, being
iron table, on the upper surface, on
flat larger than the glass, the edges admit of
which is laid a sheet of paper. (The plate being bent over and then gummed on the
may be eight by ten inches.) Beneath the front edges. The pictures so prepared have
table place two or three small spirit lamps, a rich appearance when viewed by reflected
so as to warm the iron to the proper tem- light.
perature. On the paper place the cleaned In my next article I shall give a further
glass which is intended to receive the print. application of the transparent or diaphanous
The following balsam is required picture.
are spread out, as it melts, with a clean weather that a series of plates can be ex-
spatula, so as to cover the glass completely. posed with a certainty that each gets an
The print (perfectly dry) is now laid upon exactly equal exposure. I, however, have
succeeded, within the last few days, in mak- Float plain paper three minutes on a solu-
ing some sets of exposures. tion composed of
One very important result attained is,
often encountered in the production of was prepared, and toned on April 1st; also
prints during cloudy weather, gave the fol- another print made and toned on the last
lowing formula, which had given good re- named day; all of which plainly indicated
sults in his own practice. that sensitized paper might be kept a con-
siderable length of time, without impairing lowered or turned to any desired angle suit-
its quality in any marked degree. able for the subject under treatment. The
The paper and prints exhibited by Mr. prints exhibited, and Mr. Kurtz's plain de-
Newton had been rolled with alternate scription of its use, were such as to fully de-
sheets of paper inked on both sides with a monstrate its great value to all who would
heavy layer of ordinary printing ink, which produce first-class work, as by its use, a vast
had almost entirely protected it from atmos- number of very beautiful effects may be
pheric and actinic influences. Mr. Newton produced which no other means would
stated that he did not think it necessary give.
that the protecting paper should be inked Mr. Chapman thought there had been
on more than one side. some misunderstanding by those who had
Mr. Anthony gave details of some experi- discussed his method of treating the print-
ments which he had made in the preparation ing solution, as several correspondents seem
of silvered paper, by floating on distilled to confound with that of boiling the
Mr. Kurtz exhibited a large number of in the course of some remarks alluding to
very beautiful imperial card prints illustra- his endeavors to aid his scientific friends
ting the effects produced in using his con- in their study of natural history and physi-
cave background, which he described as a ology, by the use of microscopic photogra-
two foot segment six feet across, of a papier- phy, advocated the use of certain chemical
mache hollow globe adjusted to an ordinary solutions for strengthening the negative
iron head-rest, so as to be easily raised and produced under the microscope. Having
negatives in many cases were weak, and of Secretary to fill vacancy, and upon the
any tendency to fog from over-develop- second ballot, E. F. Smith was declared
ment was corrected by allowing a 2-grain elected.
solution of cyanide of potassium to drop re- The following gentlemen were elected
peatedly upon the parts of the negative re- members: Mr. Edward A. Whiston, of
quiring cleaning. Subsequently they were Boston, and F. H. Gould, of Woburn.
treated with a wine-colored solution of tinc- The committee on analysis of different
ture of iodine, then with an acidulated solu- samples of nitrate of silver made a final
tion of bichloride of mercury, and finally report, which was accepted, viz. :
Loomis regretting his absence on account Mr. Trask's pictures received one vote each,
of sickness. Also from Mr. J. W. Black, one of Mr. Lothrop's pictures received two
with communications in relation to the votes, and another, one, making the result
Shaw & Wilcox Company's suit against a tie vote.
the one they considered the best, and give down, and many adopt the plan of leaving
which they did,
their reasons for the same, it in five minutes and then taking it out
and the members now proceeded once more without any movement. When the liquid
to ballot for the best of these two, with the flows off in a uniform sheet the decomposi-
following vote Mr. Lothrop's picture two
: tion may be considered perfect. The princi-
votes, Mr. Trask's picture one vote, and one pal impediment in this part of the process
blank. lies in the difficulty with which ether and
This was the first exhibition of pictures alcohol mix together, which causes the col-
for the prize medal, and was decided in fa- lodion surface on its first immersion to ap-
vor of Mr. D. Lothrop. These exhibitions pear oily and covered with streaks by;
are to take place at every regular monthly gentle motion the ether is washed away
meeting for the remainder of the year. and a smooth layer obtained."
On motion it was resolved to put these We now see what Hardwich means, and
two pictures into the album purchased for at the same time conclude that the writer
the Society. in Le Moniteur de la, Photographie used a
On motion was resolved that the sub-
it very filthy bath, and did not dare to move
ject for discussion at the next meeting shall his plate for fear of raising a dust from the
be " The best method of cleaning ferrotype
: bottom of his bath. Consequently, Hard-
plates that have been used." wich gives him a remedy, viz., " by leaving
Adjourned to meet at Mr. E. K. Trask's the plate in the bath until the decomposition
gallery, 242 North Eighth Street, Tuesday is perfect.'''' No necessity for thus moving
evening, May 3d, 1870. the plate.
D. Lothrop, Again, in relation to acids.
If the gentleman who has been "one
hundred days in a fog " will note what
Hardwich writes on page 278, I think he
One Hundred Days in a Fog or, ;
will be able to give some information to
Acid vs. Acid. A. B. M.
I think the gentleman who has been Now let us see what is said on acids,
" one hundred days in a fog " should be when used with certain kinds of collodion:
more careful in his quotations from our " Acetate of silver or acetic acid, which in
most reliable authors. For instance, he the nitrate bath for iodized collodion often
extracts from Hardwich's Chemistry as fol- exercises a beneficial effect in increasing
lows :
" Many adopt the plan of leaving the both density and sensitiveness, here act dif-
plate in the bath for five minutes, and then ferently they increase the density but
taking it out without any movement." And lengthen the exposure. A small propor-
here he stops; of course we are astonished tion of nitric acid,on the other hand, ma-
have not gained any information. Why? terially increases the sensitiveness, and at
Because he bus not done justice to the man the same time lowers the vigor of the im-
he quotes from. He should have stated all age." He also states other effects caused
Hardwich said or wrote on that page, then by the acids under certain conditions.
BOine valuable information would have been It is not necessary, at this time, to go
gained by those who need it. The passage more fully into all the various quotations,
should read as follows: " The light ought but all who wish reliable information can
to fall upon the plate at a sharp angle obtain it by carefully studying Hardwich's
Chemistry and M. Carey Lea's Manual of black, yellow, green, vermilion, and blue.
Photography. We, of course, must under- These colors have various times of exposure.
stand what we and read, and, regardless
see With a very long exposure, black will be
of time and expense, keep posted. That the only color that has not impressed the
means, subscribe for the best journals and sensitive film ; all the other colors will be
keep a good library of the best standard over-exposed, and will appear in the print
works on photography. You will get the same as white. A print taken from this
" light " enough to repay you fully. negative will give all the black outlines and
black parts of the picture this picture,
G. S. Keynolds. ;
atives of the same object, which are after- selves by printing the green first, and then
wards printed on blue, yellow, or green the yellow with an opaque yellow, which
carbon-paper, and transferred to the same would cover the green completely.
sheet. The idea is not a new one, but has A little intelligence and knowledge of
latelybeen brought prominently before the colors are necessary but that the thing can
public by the labors of Ducos du Hauron. be done has practically been proven by Mr.
The negatives which furnish the yellow Burchardt. The only real difficulty which
prints are taken through blue glass ; those he met was in reproducing the blue, and
which represent the blue tints are taken the blue parts he had to draw in by hand.
through yellow glass. How much of a neg- These are the first practical results of the
ative we will get through a yellow glass experiments that have lately been under-
every photographer will know without an taken in this direction, and, with skill and
explanation. But, to cut the matter short, intelligence, an important future may be in
the attempt has been made, and resulted in store for this new invention. I hope to be
something, but not in perfection. able to send you specimens for the Exhi-
In the last session of our Society, Mr. bition at Cleveland.
Humutz proposed to have the negatives Next in order, I have to refer to discov-
copied on stone; from these stones prints eries which throw a new light on our knowl-
can be made in the different colors in the edge of collodion.
ordinary manner of chromo-lithographs, Every photographer knows how widely
and these would be real photochromo-lith- different the gun-cotton from the same fac-
ographs. The Society was much surprised tory is at various times. To-day it dis-
when Mr. Burchardt, a well-known photo- solves easily, a year hence with difficulty ;
lithographer, stated that he had already to-day powdery, in a month fibrous some- ;
made such pictures, and that they had be- times yielding a spongy, at other times a
come articles of trade. He produced three horny film. Nobody has taken the trouble
large photochromo-lithographs. The pro- to study more closely the cause of these
cess is curious enough. The pictures were variations. We accepted it in good faith
copies of water-color drawings. The nega- that gun-cotton is a chemical compound,
tives are not taken through colored glasses, which, like many other chemical compounds
but simply by varying the time of exposure. in the organic world, changes somewhat in
Suppose the picture contains five colors, its qualities.
Lately, however, M. Camuzet has com- injuriously on the bath and the sensitive-
municated to the French Society that gun- ness of the film.
cotton is not a chemical compound, but a What would a careful photographer not
mechanical mixture. If we take the very give if he could get rid of all these impuri-
best cotton, dissolve it in alcohol and ether, ties ? Another curious circumstance we
and pour the resulting plain collodion in must not overlook. How is it that the solu-
water, we will find that the cotton will sep- ble substances are not removed by the fre-
arate in three parts : a flaky one, which quent washing that the cotton is subjected
will rise to the top ; a powdery one, which to? We must suppose that in water the
will settle at the bottom ;
and a third part, insoluble parts of the fibre form a mem-
which will dissolve in water. brane around the soluble parts, and pre-
Gun-cotton soluble in water Who would ! vent their removal.
have thought it? And the most curious The circumstance that papyroxyl fur-
part is that the soluble part is quite con- nished the largest amount of flaky matter,
siderable. M. Camuzet dissolved four sam- and consequently the best collodion, we
ples with the following results : must explain by stating that the fibre is
mechanically much torn in making the pa-
Flaky Powdery Soluble
part. part. part.
per, and this facilitates a more complete
No. 1. Best Collodion, 0.31 0.15 0.54 penetration of the nitro-sulphuric acids.
" 2. Ordinary " 0.27 0.13 0.60 We hope that our manufacturers will
" 3. Powdery " 0.27 0.07 0.66 take advantage of this new discovery.
" 4. Papyroxyl " 0.60 0.05 0.35
In conclusion, a few remarks on new in-
ventions in landscape photography. From
The flaky parts, dried, will burn
the beautiful collection of landscapes taken
like the best gun-cotton, and redissolved in
in the Sierra Nevada, California, which
alcohol and ether will furnish a good col-
you were so kind to send me, I see with
The powdery part can be heated until it
much pleasure that with you landscape pho-
tography is as much practised as with us.
is charred to blackness without explosion.
It dissolves poorly in alcohol and ether, and
An important article in this branch of the
art is the tent, which, on the one hand,
gives an indifferent film.
must be light and portable, and on the other
soluble part, and which in some sam-
strong and solid. Herr Kluizer, in Bran-
plesamounts to more than 50 per cent., has
nar, has constructed a tent for short excur-
not been examined by M. Camuzet. It is
sions, which stands on a tripod, the feet of
more than probable that the excellence of
which can be drawn out or pushed together.
gun-cotton is proportioned to the amount
and would not only
When fully drawn, they are about seven
of flaky matter ; this
feet long. Over the three feet of the tripod
give us a means of determining the quality
a cloth is drawn, made of some stuff im-
of a sample by dissolving a part of it in
pervious to light. From the top to 3^ feet
alcohol and ether, and by throwing it in
down the cloth is nailed to the legs of the
water determine the quantity of flaky mat-
tripod ; the balance falls loosely to the
ter, but we can also get rid of all obnoxious
ground. A window of about eight square
substances, and get a chemically pure prep-
inches, made of yellow oiled silk, is sewed
aration. Such a preparation is of the great-
in. The table is three-cornered, and is
est importance for photographers. Every
fastened in the feet of the tripod by hooks
One knows how variable the quality of col-
and eyes. The table can be folded, and
lodion is, and what curious results these
contains a groove for the bath and another
variations produce in our baths and on our
one for a dish with water. The whole affair
plates. It is very probable that the part
is set up in a moment, and as soon folded
which is soluble in water is a "mixtum
" of various substances, such as
up again.
Yours truly,
dextrin, sugar, perhaps oxalic acid, xylodin,
etc., etc., all of which bodies act more or less Dr. II. Vogkl.
NOTES IN AND OUT OF THE enter upon experiments with a view to de-
STUDIO. termine. Gum dammar, it is probable, may
answer well, but in a future letter 1 shall
probably record the results of various ex-
Varnish for Facilitating Retouching —Accel- periments in this direction.
erators in Collodion— Filtering Collodion Accelerators in Collodion. — Some discus-
and Viscous Solutions — New Photographic sion has recently arisen at this side of the
Engraving Process — The Berlin Process. Atlantic, as to the possibility of securing
Va?'tdshfor Facilitating Retouching. — The greater rapidity by introducing accelera-
admirable example of the value of skilful tors into collodion.
retouching on the negative, in the March The agent which has recently had atten-
Photographer, is one of the most instruc- tion was tried many years ago by Hard-
tive of the many excellent illustrations you wich and abandoned. I refer to gallic acid.
have issued. In spite of reiterated and Mr. Bovey, an intelligent practical photog-
vivid descriptions of the process of retouch- rapher, states that he has gained a decided
ing,and of the result produced, which have advantage by its addition to the collodion,
been published, the photographer who has whilst several other experimentalists declare
never seen a print from a touched negative, that they find no change effected by the ad-
and one from the same negative side by dition of a small proportion, but, on adding
side, can form but a very imperfect idea of sufficient to produce any marked effect, fog
what can be accomplished. That issued in at once followed. I remember, in the early
the Photographer very happily hit the juste days of the collodion process, some sixteen
milieu, refining and removing rugosities of or seventeen years ago, trying a somewhat
texture without either impairing the like- extensive series of experiments with accel-
ness or removing the lifelike flesh texture erators, or suggested accelerators in collo-
of the face. Some artists make a great mis- dion. Gallic acid, camphor, various resins,
take when they over-touch and produce an essential oils, etc., were carefully tried,
image which suggests rather a piece of but, whilst some degree of increased rapid-
sculpture than the mobile, yielding flesh- ity was secured in some cases whilst the
like effect of a human head. But I com- mixture was new, it generally happened
menced with the intention of referring to a that the collodion became exceedingly in-
varnish which very materially aids the op- sensible after keeping a short time, and a
eration of retouching either by means of tendency to fog, spots, stains, etc., was often
lead-pencil or water color. This varnish induced by the addition. I finally came to
possesses most valuable properties for many the conclusion that the only valuable ac-
purposes, and its constitution has been a celerator was a bromide, at that day, not
earefully-guarded secret. It has the pe- commonly used.
culiar property of drying with a hard dead It is somewhat curious to note the tend-
surface without becoming opaque. It is ency, in the early days of any art, or any
quite without the glassy surface of ordinary branch of any art, to empirical experi-
negative varnishes, and has none of the ments for its improvement.
opacity of a chilled spirit varnish. It af- In the first few years of the daguerreo-
fords an excellent tooth to the pencil for type process secret empirical methods of se-
retouching, and also takes water colors ad- curing advantages abounded. Magic buffs,
mirably, having none of the greasy repel- quick-stuffs, etc., of various kinds were com-
lant character often possessed by the glassy mon, but general practice settled down to
surface of a bright varnish. The produc- the use of iodine and bromine in slightly-
tion of this dead surface is due, I under- varying proportions, based on the judgment
stand, to the character of the solvent, which of the operator. The same fact is true of
consists of a mixture of ether and benzole. the collodion process, the various additions
Any of the gum resins, soluble in benzole, to which I have already referred, for se-
may be used ; but which is best, I have not curing sensitiveness, together with glycyr-
learned, nor have I, as yet, had time to rhizine and similar bodies, have not been
manufactured himself It consisted practi- pecial and primary character such a plate ;
cally of a syringe made as follows : a glass- from a subject with half-tone has no ink-
tube about an inch or a little more in di- holding capacity. In a subject with half-
ameter, and about eight inches long was tone there are broad spaces of flat or con-
covered at one end with one or two thick- tinuous tints, out of which the ink would
nesses of any suitable fabric of close tex- be wiped when used for copperplate print-
ture. The tube, then nearly filled with ing. It should be remembered that, after
the viscous fluid to be filtered, a piston, fit- inking a copperplate it is wiped to remove
ting the tube pretty firmly, was placed in all the ink which does not fill up the sunken
the other end, gently forced down, and, of design ;
and, if the plate have no grain or
necessity, driving the fluid before it, but ink-holding spaces, the ink is wiped out of
leaving on the inside of the filtering fabric the widest and shallowest spaces, destroying
all coarse particles. My correspondent had much of the image. If, however, these
chiefly used this for filtering India-rubber spaces have a grained or cellular texture,
solutions, and had found it answer admira- the ink is held by the grain or cells, and is
bly. not wiped out.
New Photographic Engraving Process. — Yarious methods have been adopted to
New or modified methods of photographic secure the requisite quality in the photo-
engraving have been so frequently proposed graphic engraved plates, with greater or
and so frequently patented, without coming less degree of success, which it is not neces-
to anything, that photographers have ac- sary to refer further to here. The method
quired a habit of waiting for results before adopted by Mr. Woodbury is analogous to
feeling a deep interest or profound belief in some of them, and, apparently, more effi-
any of the methods proposed. Mr. Wood- cient than the majority of them.
bury has, however, just patented a method Like many other valuable discoveries,
in this country, which possesses very great Mr. Woodbury's new process owes its ori-
promise indeed, and, judging from the one gin partly to accident. About twelve
specimen I have seen, is capable of produc- months ago Mr. Woodbury gave me one of
ing very fine results indeed. his gelatine reliefs which had a singular de-
The process is based upon Mr. Wood- fect. He was in the habit of adding a lit-
bury's photographic relief process, part of tle coloring matter to the gelatine from
the operations in which are employed to which' his reliefs were formed, as an aid to
produce the printing-plate in the new examining their progress in development.
method, which may, indeed, be regarded as On this occasion, from some unexplained
a modification of the old one, although giv- cause, the color, instead of diffusing itself as
ing different results, printed at a different a flat tint or stain, granulated, and commu-
press, and with a different ink. nicated to the gelatine relief a surface re-
In order to make the matter clear to the sembling that of a very fine aquatint plate.
reader not familiar with the technics of When this effect was first produced I dis-
intaglio printing, I must briefly explain cussed with Mr. Woodbury the chances of
one or two details. Most of ymir readers utilizing it as an aid to producing a photo-
know that copperplate printing is effected graphic engraved plate for copperplate
printing. The idea then canvassed, Mr. is in half-shadow. In these pictures the
Woodbury has since worked out to the amount of over-printing
slightest is apt to
present issue. From a granulated relief an produce a somewhat dirty effect in the face,
intaglio in lead or type-metal is obtained by the shadows are opaque, and the head loses
hydraulic pressure ; but, as such a plate at once delicacy and modelling. The thin
would be too soft for valuable service in the stippled veil here becomes of service. It
mode of printing employed with copper- is so slight that in the blacks it soon be-
plates, it is desirable to proceed further. comes ignored, and is lost, as in deep print-
This soft metal plate is therefore placed in ing very weak detail in shadow is lost, so
the battery, and a copperplate in relief ob- that in the darkened parts of the head, such
tained ;
from this, as a mould, another in- as the eyes, the deep shadows of the hair,
taglio plate is obtained in the battery. This etc., its effect is not perceptible at all. In
last is the printing plate, and to give it en- the lights, which only very slightly print
during qualities it is submitted to the aeie- through at all, it is from the same cause,
rage process, whereby it acquires a steel its delicate thinness, without noticeable ef-
face, so that a large number of impressions fect ; but in the half-shadows of the face,
may be obtained without sensible wear. which print through just sufficiently to
The Berlin Process. I have been much — show grain or texture, but do not get suf-
interested in Mr. Howell's examples of the ficiently deeply printed to become buried
"Berlin process," with which you kindly and ignored, the effect is very apparent.
furnished me. The effect was certainly The half-shadow becomes more transpa-
novel and pretty, and led me to attempt at rent, the minute stipple of lighter points
once to produce it. My experiments have admits light into it, and becomes tender
led to some curious conclusions. and delicate without losing force or model-
As it would have been somewhat difficult ing.
to rough the back of negatives in existence, But the results I produced were not
I adopted the obvious means of supplying quite thesame as those of Mr. Kowell, and
its place by placing a piece of ground-glass they were not quite so good as his, and after
with the rough side in contact with the some reflection I have come to the conclu-
back of the negative, and so printing sion that it is not improbable that another
through it. A slight degree of granula- cause is in operation here to which some of
tion was imparted to the print, less in de- the softness of the prints is due. The effect
gree and softer in kind than the American in a negative taken on glass, the back of
prints with which you were good enough which is ground, is decidedly more marked
to furnish me. than the produced by printing through
After some further experiments, I tried ground-glass with the roughed side of the
another plan, based on some former experi- glass in contact with the negative, and, so
ments in which I had aim to produce a far as the mere effect on the printing is con-
grain for photo-lithographic purposes. I cerned, there can be no reason for this dif-
now took an extremely thin sheet of mica, ference ; some other cause must, therefore,
and, by means of a mixture of zinc-white be sought. The possibility which occurs to
and mastic varnish, I produced a delicate my mind account for this fact is the re-
stipple on the surface, closely resembling flection of the light passing through the
fine ground-glass. I interposed this be- film back from the thousands of fine facets
tween a piece of sensitive paper and the presented by the ground surface at the back
negative in printing. "With some nega- of the plate, and these reflections, being in-
tives, the effect was so slight as to be finitely varied in their direction by the
scarcely appreciable, and the picture seemed varied angles of these minute reflecting
neither better nor worse, in any noticeable surfaces, will tend to give the soft effect
degree, for the treatment ; with other pic- similar to diffusion of focus, in which
tures, however, a specific advantage was freckles, pock-marks, and rugosities are
gained. The subjects best suited are large softened and diffused as the painter softens
heads, in which the greater part of the face and blends his tints by a gentle touch of a
badger hair tool. If this conjecture be cor- and exaggeration belonging to large photo-
rect, it is necessary to take the negative on graphs taken with inferior lenses are alto-
glass roughened at the back, and not merely gether absent. In the open air, groups of
to print through such a roughened surface. fifteen to twenty persons (each face the size
London, March, 1870. of a sovereign, and the whole picture 24
inches by 24 inches) can be taken with the
short exposure of ten seconds. The cost of
manufacturing the lens was upwards of
THE ROSS LENS. £200, but it may be said to be worth its
the best photographic lenses in the world, to be largely represented at the Cleveland
his instruments are comparatively little exhibition, we think that competition in
known in this country, for the reason that this new
ought to be encouraged, and
they have not been pushed and advertised rewarded by the awarding of prizes to
here as have others. Mr. Eoss's factory those exhibiting the best examples. We
could scarcely supply the demand at home therefore offer the following prizes : A
which has been so augmented by so extended beautiful solid gold medal to the exhibitor
a reputation, but after earnest solicitation of the best Photo-crayon, a silver medal
he has made an agency here, and American for the second best, and a bronze medal for
photographers are now enabled to try and the third best.
compare his lenses with others. They are The medals will bear appropriate inscrip-
pre-eminently first-class. We haven't the tions, with the name of the exhibitor to
space now, but we shall, presently, devote whom such medals will be awarded.
an article to their excellencies, their pecu- So as to have uniformity, all the photo-
liarities,and their construction. We also crayons sent for competition must be on
hope show our readers an example of
to Sarony's 11 x 14 crayonized sheets, en-
work made by them. A very handsome larged from either a card or imperial nega-
and extensive catalogue of them is before tive, and accompanied with a plain print
us from the agents, and for the present, we from said negative.
refer our readers to that, and to the adver- We shall, furthermore, pay fifty crayon-
tisement on the cover of this number. We ized sheets (cost $25) for any Photo-craj on r
clip the following from the London Times, on exhibition to which a prize will have
March 16th, 1870: been awarded, should the exhibitor desire
" A Eare Lens. — The largest photogra- to dispose of them.
phic portrait lens evermade in this country The manner of choosing the judges for
isone of 10J inches diameter, recently com- the awarding of these prizes, will be left
pleted by Eoss, and now in the possession of entirely to the executive committee of the
Mr. Mayall, of Eegent Street. It is an ach- Association.
romatic lens of great power, and will take The Messrs. Sarony & Lambert, being
portraits' of any size, from the smallest the originators of this new which they
made of glass of the whitest description, compete for the above prizes.
and its size admits so large a volume of Hoping that every photo artist will try
light that photographs covering a space 10 to make Exhibition a telling success,
inches by 10 inches may be done in eight and that none will be so foe-to-grajiliu- as
seconds. The lens renders in the photo- to refuse to join in this great work of prog-
graph all that is seen in the optical image, ress, we remain yours, fraternally,
and this so truthfully that the coarseness T. II. N. & N. A. P. Sakony Lambert.
old Sol rise faraway from behind Mount necklaces of diamonds and brilliants for
Washington, amid a mass of golden clouds the bosom of Dame Nature.
which he threw from his stately person, and In a few hours we reached the White
began his day work of creating lights and Mountain House, and from there saw the
shades for our special benefit, for then all Mount Washington Kailroad Depot. The
things seemed made for us. No one spake. drive from there to the Crawford Notch
The horses were stopped that the gorgeous was slow necessarily, the snow being deep,
but the enjoyment was great. The Craw- busy camera has been poked in here and
ford House was closed, of course, but the there among them. He has secured some
cottage is always inhabited ; and thanks to grand stereoscopic views of those trees in
the courtesy of Mr. Thorn, one of the well- their winter garments.
known proprietors of the Crawford House, After one hour and twenty minutes of
and an appetizing mountain
his assistants, hot work the summit was gained. We re-
dinner was prepared for us in good time. ceived a very cool reception from Mr. B. O.
After dinner, a new experience awaited Reas, who reigns and keeps open house up
Mr. Hill and us. We
were to climb Mount there, but despite his howlings, we remained
Willard on snow-shoes Cheered by our
! eighteen minutes, snapped some of his ice
friend, Mr. Kilburn, we put them on and to quench our thirst, then drank in the
made the start. Did you ever try to walk great view before us, which seemed to be
on snow-shoes over a drift of snow twelve like the hold of a great vessel. Forty miles
feet deep? "No." Well, then, tie a whole away could be seen the sharp sides of Mount
size, long platform camera-box to each foot, Chochorua, white as driven snow, like a
with the platforms backwards. Now walk great pyramid against a background of most
out into the snow —or mud will do, if deep beautiful ultramarine blue. Down the valley
enough — then, you lift one foot, catch
as was the Saco fighting its way through the
the front of one box fast to the platform of snow, and the great valley lay snow-covered
the other, and fall down, hands first. Could and slumbering. The Silver Cascade and
you ever extricate yourself from such a pre- all its tiny companions were fettered by the
dicament? Not well; but you would feel strong grip of the Ice King, and their noisy
as one feels when he experiences his first gurglings were hushed. Nothing but the im-
fall with snow-shoes on. We soon became precations of our frigid host could induce us
accustomed to them, however, and it is to leave so soon, but we feared the result of
astonishing what a help they became. One disobedience, though we felt that his threats
sinks but two or three inches into the were all blow, and made the descent in half
softest snow with them. the time occupied in ascending, and with
Up, up we clambered. The ascent is much less labor and perspiring.
and therefore tiresome. With a slow,
steep, Down through the Crawford Notch we
swaggering swinging stride we stepped travelled then, shying an icicle at the "Ele-
along, stopping often to take breath, the phant's Head," kissing our hands to the
air growing more and more rare as we ad- "Old Maid," and shouting at the answer-
vanced. The perspiration rolled down like ing echoes towards the Willey House, over
rain, and coats and vests were thrown open, the fences we strode with our snow-shoes,
and gloves discarded. Through vast forests for they were all under -the snow, and over
of evergreens, heavily laden with frozen great rocks that last summer caused us
snow, we clambered up, up, up. When some effort to get up to the top of them.
stopping the pervading silence could be The road that leads from the Crawford to
heard almost, as darkness can be felt, for the Willey House is now as rugged and
not a sound fell upon our ears except the rock}-, and rough as the top of Mount
throbbings of our own hearts. Much of Washington, in consequence of the great
the way the snow hangs upon the bowed- freshet which occurred in September last,
down trees in thick masses, and these must and which drove before it all stones and
be the winter wardrobes of the fairies and rocks weighing less than a ton or so. Much
the nymphs. Nearer the summit the snow less sad and terrible in its consequences
is thinner upon the trees, and gives greater though than the great Willey slide, which
detail to their shapes, each tiny limb com- Mr. Hill has rendered immemorial now by
ing in for its share of the burden and the his wonderful painting.
splendor. Eere tho fairies get their laces Coming back wo met Mount Willard face
and their haberdasheries and their embroid- to face, the congealed cascades hanging down
eries and their One jewelry. The sight is his snowy front "like the oil upon Aaron's
one not to be described, but Mr. Kilhurn's beard," and his frowning, wrinkled, and
frost-bitten cliffs, which we mastered a few knee-deep in tribulation, and I will give
hours before, seemed ready to cast them- you consolation and recipes," or what was
selves upon us. its equivalent.
All night at the Crawford House Cottage, Unprecedented philanthropy to be sure,
where stories of adventures were told by but the assumption that only they to whom
all hands until time to rest, and in the it was addressed could be in need, seemed
morning away for a fish. Oh how the ! to my amused eyes a very partial, preju-
pickerel and the trout do swarm in these diced, one-sided, view of things, to take by
mountain streams Cut twenty holes in
! such a bright black pair of optics as preside
the ice ; over each suspend a little bough, over these offerings.
to which fasten a little red flag, and a hook Instantly the conviction seized me it was
and line. Now march back and forth, my mission in life to enlighten so benighted
warming yourself betimes by the great fire an editor that he might discern clearly the
built for you, and ivatch. Down bends the truth ; which is, that the fraternity, un-
little bough making the little flag to court- happy as it is in colliding with all manner
esy. Run! pull! quick! Ah! what a fine of difficulty and misfortune, does not mo-
fellow you have floundering in the air ! nopolize all the misery incident to picture
And that is fishing You do not suffer
! making.
from cold, for your twenty lines keep you Why bless you, our trials begin with the
both busy and warm. inception of the idea, a long time before the
But we must not tire you. This much man at the guns is aware of our existence.
with our drive back to Littleton occupied We look at it first in the light of duty, try-
two days, and long ones too. Of our ing to familiarize our minds with it by
further adventures in the snow we may strong will. After breaking faith with our-
find space to tell you in our next. To tell selves a dozen times by as many postpone-
all that we saw would occupy a whole ments, the day is finally set apart when cul-
number of the Journal at least. Only go minates the agony, and you don't sleep or
for yourselves, and you will enjoy it. wink all night.
My snowy frills were terribly bedraggled job up this hitch, he'll never git no more
on those abominable stairs, to the top of —
patronyge of mine, you can just salt that
which I pantingly clambered, to find only down."
fifteen engagements scored head. This little speech she delivered in a gene-
Absorbed exclusively by my own affairs, ral way for the ear of the public. But the
no thought had occurred to me a soul else ear of the public being dull and unsympa-
would want pictures upon this day. Or if thizing, and I in close proximity, she turned
I thought anything, it was that the business her back upon and favored me with her
stood still waiting my pleasure and arrival, confidence, unbosoming herself at great
that the whole energies of the establishment length:
were accumulating expressly to spend their "You see this is five times we've druv
force and power only too delightedly on me. over — near
on to ten mile; because you
Consequently great was the dash given my know I've got a inward Tricocephalus set
expectations by these numberless people. up that may end my life any minute."
It was as though they had premeditatedly "Ses Jonathan to me, Betsy, your the '
usurped my rights, and would laugh at my choice of me youth, the pride of me heart;
defeat and glory in my chagrin. if it costs our red heifer we'll have your
But bent on biding my time now I had pictur '
He was alius orful attached to
come, I settled into the only vacant seat me. Wal, the time the pictur man
with grim determination. done putty well, was as perlite as a beggin
It was a long, low, many-windowed room, committee, sot me several different ways to
with passing views of gay women and jolly git the best pints. I haint got the stiddiest
driving, but no one looked out or seemed nerves in the world, and never could bear
interested in aught but waiting, and that a man fussin over me, so what with my
they did most forlornly, unlike those who squirmin and his fussin it took almost all
wait with a certainty of its fixed and final day. I ses to Jonathan driving home: 'I
ending might be one hour, or two, or
It guess I learned him one thing, and that air
a day, or longer. The harrowing uncer- was I'm virtuous.' "
tainty told in their elongated visages and At this point she seemed exhausted, and
dejected air. opened her lunch basket which gave forth
One group of females looked especially some huge doughnuts she had tucked in
funereal in their dismal attire and lockjaw beside her best cap, with which she pro-
expressions; immovable as statues,
sat as ceeded to regale herself, taking the story of
with back hair twisted up fast and tight, her trials along with the eating.
nut-cake fashion, and stabbed with pins "You see we had something of a tussel
sufficient to- warrant a horseback gallop. about the pay — he wanted it right down.
Beyond, in striking contrast, loomed two But I never pays no man till 1 git the value
immense chignons, to which were attached received. I got that lesson dealing with
two gauzy, giggling brides, to whom, in tin peddlers. He saw I was firm as a hitch-
turn, were attuched two Grecian-bender ing post and finally gin in.
husbands. It behooved them to secure " Wal, we waited and waited, and Jona-
these orange-blooms and honeymoon faces than hedruvoverandoverand piled up them
ere both should fade. air stairs and got a crick in his back, and at
"Dear me if here aint another," was the last they wus all struck on". At fust wo
thought um pretty good, but the neighbors of new yeast, or depress the spirits of a
they said how I wasn't fetched out enough, June cricket, release came, and I was ush-
and my daughter Tilda Jane, she thought I ered into the presence of the hero of my
orter been took standing. Will nobody dreams.
thought um quite natural, so I told Jona- He was a slightly-built, nervous individ-
than I'd set again." ual, who forestalled all his troubles, as you
The last doughnut was eaten and she sat could see by the contractions over his nose,
meditatively, economically picking up the and who drank one up at a glance. Un-
crumbs from her alpaca lap, when seeing like Sammy Weller's, his " vision " was
the interest I manifested, went on. not limited, his eyes being real "double-
-"Jonathan, he's been poorly all winter; magnifying microscopes" of hextra power.
fust he had the shingles, then he had a wasp Never a glamour beguiled him. Striking
nest, so what with them and the crick aint an attitude, with the coolest sang froid he
fit for nothin, he says, but tied up to me. roamed up and down the front gores of my
The next two times we come they said they dress, squinted round my chignon, peeped
was too bizzy to look at us got short and under my modestly-drooping eyelids, not-
cranky. Then 'twas too dark, but we am- ing generally every deflect.
bushed um early to-day. I made up my Of course, under such open scrutiny, in-
mind to come and set it out if it takes till firmities grew apace, making it only too
pitch dark." obvious in his decipherable frowns, that
The poor woman's fervor reached a crisis, " nothing much can be made of you."
and in fetching an extra breath, drew a Phantoms of my dream
haunted me. still
crumb into her windpipe which so choked Alas where were the sweetness and ten-
and strangled her as to cause her waterfall, derness it promised ? Instead thereof, here
that had dangled precariously some time by confronted me literalness and no trifling.
one pin, to plump on the floor. A squint- No pearling over rough places like the wise
eyed boy restored it with comical grimaces, little oyster, but rather bringing all things
assisting to adjust it cornerwise over the to light.
left ear. At this denuding catastrophe, he Some weakness or other, either of soul or
had slipped out from a half dozen of his body, is the inevitable condition of life. If
compeers, who, to beguile time, were hover- nature is lavish of beauty, she straightway
ing over specimens, whistling, and posing. compensates herself by a limitation of brain.
legs. Tall, overgrown, noisy chaps, just Sometimes the frisky old dame gives loveli-
entering the estate of jewelry and neckties. ness to form but repents at the features,
Conscious-looking juveniles who had it on afterward endowing the recipient of her
their minds to look in the mirror directly,, fickleness with sweetness of temper, that
and when they did, drew on such long her distributions may be equitable.
ghostly expressions one wondered they had When doling her gifts to me she was par-
courage to face them. But they stood it ticularly generous in nose. No subterfuge
out, each hitching at his already too visible had ever saved from immediate observa-
linen, betaking himself complacently there- tion. Being, therefore, conspicuous, it was
after to peanuts ; sowing recklessly the new early seized upon for experiment, and ex-
bright carpet with the debris, which, to- ercised at all altitudes and in all possible
gether with seed-cake and crackers scattered lights and bearings.
by hungry infants tearing about, gave the Nevertheless, it proved a stubborn fact,
place quite an easy-going air. destined to destroy all the poetry of a pro-
Between times ghostly guttural sounds, file, my coveted attitude. Suddenly the of-
Dutchman in a barrel,
like a distressed fender was brought round, and turned un-
came rumbling down tin tubes, accelerating compromisingly into the camera by a grab
our blood a and signalizing the vic-
little at the chin, and my carefully-arranged
tims to fresh martyrdom. tresses so pulled and tossed, I should have
At length, after a weary four hours' wait- screamed had they been in at the roots.
ing, enough to annihilate the animation Such twistings and turnings, such bend-
ings and doublings too, gutta percha would place whence issue shadows only of the sub-
have resented it. stance that enters.
And then the despair of this lynx after a The dark day was telling on custom, as
succession of failures. To see him merge nobody had ventured out but one doting
into that dark hole of mysteries and smells mother, who sat with tears in her eyes,
all a-tremble with hope, and then emerge, tying up her new baby into hard knots, de-
limp with disappointment. It was pitia- claring the precious lamb had wiggled on
ble and made me weak from sympathy. fourteen plates. This doting mother and.
So the day faded with these repeated ef- one teetering female, who toed and heeled,
forts, and night approached. I reflected rose and fell to the rhythm, seemingly, of
upon the yearling hen fricasseeing with un- an inward hand-organ. It was the eighth
faltering perseverance at home with much —
proof she was returning not suited yet.
composure, knowing full well it could not They all had been tested at the sewing so-
be over done. ciety and taken to prayer-meeting, not a
" Success hasn't crowned our efforts to- soul knew them froma Malay native. Al-
day, madam ; or, in other words, it's a fiz- ready had cost her, beside her time, six-
zle. Blue is antagonistic to your chances, teen fares on the horse-cars she had been —
beside, your hairdresser don't understand once robbed of her purse, split out her best
your bumps. If you will effect some change dress, not to mention the numberless dis-
in these matters, we shall be happy to re- asters which had befallen Tommy in her ab-
peat the sitting to-morrow," expansively sence.
spoke the lynx. These were fellow-sufferers in common
Shadows crept up the wall and the sun trouble with myself. My heart beat in
dropped behind a purple cloud. My high- sympathy. Tears choking my voice, I
built hopes dropped with him as I returned asked the poor mother, " Did he tell you to
to the bosom of my family. change the style of its hair, and come to-
ton at my throat choked. How exasperat- when all things go amiss on principle, and
ingly somebody sno — slept. Yes, indeed; the cook goes out on principle, ditto. My
how impudent in that fellow to yank my distress was visible, almost audible.
chin, and snub my blue and my hair. I "Please, Mr. Lynx, do try me to-day."
would do as I should please about it. That A stone would have melted under such
was a happy conclusion to come at, as it pathos. The woman gave me a commiser-
could not be disputed, and thus ended the ating nod, and used her handkerchief as she
controversy. passed out with her animated bundle, that
was a bleak unpromising morning.
It still wiggled.
Not a ray of hope in sky or breast. It Flinty and obdurate though he was, yet
took a deal of bathing, and towelling, and the appeal touched him. He motioned to
pink-saucer to tone up after the wake, so make ready, at the same time saying '
' there
it was nearly midday ere the brown-silk wasn't a ghost of a chance."
umbrella and 1 pointed noses toward that Too happy to heed small discouragement,
I flew rather than walked at the heels of small sprig brought the proof. It was as
this autocrat of my destiny, submitting to though I carried the burden of an Atlas,
thumbscrews and criticism with a willing- so solemn and apprehensive its aspect. "With
ness and heroism worthy the martyrs of old. many misgivings, it was submitted to Sprig-
All cherished ideas of attitude or even grace gins, since for him had been all this warring
oozed away, leaving me only too glad to with the fates.
secure the awkwardest semblance. "Oh, Juno!" he exclaimed, with theat-
Smiles of derision swept through my soul rical gesture, " he caught thy nose, but not
as I recalled, for an instant, the ideal pic- thy soul."
tures wrought by fancy in the little red "My dear unsophisticated Spriggins," I
rocking-chair by the window at home. In- returned, "he caught what there was. I
nocently enough, I then asked, "Shall I had no soul more than a mummy. Think
represent modern or antique style ? Or you a soul could stand pinchings, and Wink-
shall I found myself on Malibran, whose ings, and oglings two mortal days? But
beautiful statue serenely beamed from Crom- don't despair; it's to be retouched, and a
well's prolific screen the other night? soul put in. Retouched, Spriggins, what-
Should it be tragic or comic ?" I had but ever that is."
to choose, so blissful ignorance whispered. This brief summary of the sitter's trials
Thus we proed and coned, settling it a long is but a feeble first cousin to what they
time before. would be if given in detail. The fluctua-
fast and
It still lowered, the rain falling tions of our hopes and fears, subject as we
ominously on the broad stretch of glass, are to the moods and tenses of these despotic
seeming to wash out the last lingering pos- photographers, would your Journal.
Well, after struggling against difficulties may prove efficacious in giving sight to
for a prolonged time, interspersed with your other eye, so that our wrongs may be
woful ejaculations and a terrible crash of sometimes espoused, and your consolations
bottles, emitting suffocating odor, when and recipes impartially tendered.
hope was about to die and everything go Julie.
to the bottom, suddenly the clouds broke
away, and the strong welcome light most
unexpectedly enveloped us. In the hurry TRANSPLANTINGS.
that ensued to " make hay while the sun BY DAVID DUNCAN.
shines " all was bustle and bumping. Photographic processes, like roots and
Activity asserted Lynx and
itself in this bulbs, rarely lose anything by being judi-
his associate, both spinning round me like ciously transplanted. Yea \ in many in-
lunatic tops. The curtain and spread, and stances, they improve and thrive better than
the little round table, —
inevitable traps, in native soil. Even as men by emigration
were pitched speedily into array, my dumb find the groove for which they were fitted
head squeezed into the jaws of a griping and so move easily to and fro on the " tram-
vice, —
all in a twinkle. All minor matters way of life," photographic processes or im-
were at discount in the exigency of the oc- provements, little appreciated; or, perhaps,
casion so the too faithful sun stamped ir-
; discarded in the country they originated in,
reparably an anxious face, a twisted collar, by being transplanted like the flower, bloom
and a nose in exaggerated relief, whose en- with a brighter hue, exhale a sweeter fra-
ormity no charity could mitigate. grance, or, by being nurtured and culti-
It was the last chance, forsooth, the final vated by foreign devotees, like the trans-
trial ; the only return for all this hoping, planted root, grow and flourish until the
journeying, clambering, and exhaustion. fowls of the air lodge in the branches thereof.
It is not necessary for me to cite the many
Two weeks thereafter, in which time, instances wherein processes and novelties
with the help of iron tonic and three doc- have become indispensable to the photo-
tors, my prostrated system had rallied, a graphic business at large, only by being re-
point of view in this country. fly through the land with electric speed,
The Sarony photo-crayon process, in the and ripen like fruit in the tropics.
hands of Messrs. Lambert, is travelling fast
through the American and Canadian pho-
tographic world, and is already practised
to perfection. It is gratifying to see the
The advantages of gradated backgrounds,
many specimens exhibited by the best pho-
and means of securing gradation in the same,
tographers in the principal cities in so short
has occupied a good deal of attention recently
a time. No wonder at that, however, for
and we have pleasure in describing an appa-
the modus operandi of the process can be
ratus that secures the coveted result per-
successfully performed by any intelligent
fectly. At Ameri-
the last exhibition of the
operator. The pictures, when produced,
can Institute, New
York, Messrs. Waters
are, indeed, pleasing and flattering, yield-
& Son, Troy, N. Y., exhibited some very
ing "soft pictures" from hard "chalky"
novel boats made out of papier-mache.
negatives, selling readily, and all without
They attracted the attention of the ingeni-
putting the purchaser of the process to ex-
ous photo-artist, Kurtz, and he queried,
tra expense. Not being " transparencies "
but prints, they are speedily made, so that
" Whynot something like that for a back-
ground?" He applied to Waters & Son,
they could be delivered while a customer is
and by his aid they succeeded in making all
waiting for the next train. The litho-
that one could desire. We have seen it in
graphic effect on the paper mounts is, by
operation, and describe it below.
no means, inartistic, and various effects can
other milker-, yet I never could obtain such ened to a wooden platform on castors,
uniform results, combined with sharpness, and is furnished with a handle, A. As the
brilliancy, etc., as a "Ross lens" enabled whole affair weighs but a few pounds, it can
readily be moved and adjusted to any part the darker person should be placed against
of the room or light. The interior is painted the lighter portion of the background.
or sanded to any degree of shade desirable. So numerous and variable are the beau-
It will be readily understood that any light tiful effects produced, that the desire to use
coming from one side, must illumine that this affair increases with its application.*
part of the interior furthest from it, and per
contra leave the nearest side in comparative
shade. By turning it full to the light, there OUR PICTURE.
isno shade, and you get a very light back-
Our readers have doubtless been much
ground, and upon turning it from the light,
interested, recently, in the description and
you get it almost black, if you wish it so.
An example of its peculiar and extraordi-
drawings of Messrs. Loescher & Petsch's
skylight, etc., in <our March and April
nary effect will perhaps be better understood
numbers, and have probably wished that
by contemplating Fig. 2.
they might see a picture made by those
celebrated artists. This pleasure we are
glad to give them, our picture this month
being from negatives made in their studio.
It is a grand study in every respect, both
in composition, lighting, exposure, and de-
velopment. We hope it will be studied.
The prints were made in this country by
Mr. William H. Ehoads, No. 1800 Frank-
ford Avenue, Philadelphia, and do him
great credit. They were made on Sulz-
berger & Mater's Dresden Koyal albumen
paper, for which Messrs. W. H. Mardock>&
Co., No. 417 Broome Street, New York, are
the agents. The prints praise the paper
more deservedly than we can.
Mr. Ehoads speaks very highly of it, and
Let A B represent the side-light, D E, worked it by the same formula published
the background, F, the sitter's head, and H,
by him in a recent number of this Journal.
the camera. Now you plainly notice that •Our next issue will be graced by a beauti-
the rays of light from the window A B, il-
ful " Rembrandt " picture.
lumine only about that portion of the back-
ground at the left of the line D-, whilst the
portion at the right of D is left in its own
shadow. Now as the light falls on the sitter VOICES FROM THE CRAFT,
F, the side turned towards the light only is Sir: In your March issue your
illuminated. The sitter, as viewed from the
correspondent " Koland Vanweike " says:
camera H, has the high-
in the direction of " Every photographer is supposed to possess
light F admirably relieved by the darker ingenuity or constructive ability
portion, whilst the shadow part of the sitter
to arrange those things (curtains, etc.) so
is as well relieved by the lighter portion
as to get his light where he wants it, and
of the background.
to be able to regulate it according to changes
It must be self-evident at a glance that no
that may occur during the day. If he has
matter from what direction your subject is somebody that can
not, he had better get
lighted, the background immediately as- do it for him, or else get out of the business."
sumes the opposite lights and shades, and an
I have been in the photographic business
extraordinary relief is at once obtained. know no
eighteen years, and I other (don't
By a little judgment and management it
can be made exactly suitable for all com- * The cuts for this article were hastily made,
plexions, and in the case of a group of two, but we hope they are understood. Ed. P. P.
know this very well), but I dislike to leave the roughness of my picture in this way:
itvery much. Should I take his advice, I those very minute globules of blood exist-
should sell my "traps" at auction, and ing between the cuticle and true skin, did
leave for parts unknown. not absorb so much light, or cast the same
How many of the eminent photographers amount of shadow when the light was re-
in both this country and Europe, if they ceived from the side as from overhead.
were asked, " Can you arrange your light I shall be in Cleveland next June, nothing
at all times of the day, for all your subjects, in Providence preventing, and shall be
and please yourself?" would say "Yes?" pleased to see Roland Vanweike and his
Not but a very few, I think. Perhaps you Focus. Westley.
might find now and then one who thinks Bangor, March 12th, 1870.
he knows everything, and would say: " Oh !
If our readers would heed it, we could a good lesson that we have never forgotten,
say all we want to them on this subject and, although born early in life, we have
in one word, i. e., GO But as we would
not learned our profession yet, and quiz
probably be met on all sides with the query, everybody we rub against. Come you to
" Why should I? " we suppose we shall have Cleveland and do the same thing.
to urge upon you all a few reasons why '
The meeting this year will assume a more
we believe it will pay you to make a con- practical turn than did the Boston meeting.
siderable sacrifice of time and money to be The latter was preliminary, and much of
at the second great National Meeting and the time was spent in arranging for the
Exhibition of the photographers of your future.
country. This year practical discussions will be
You are engaged in a profession which is held, experiments made, processes worked
unlike anything else in mechanics, the arts, and explained, causes of failure made plain,
or the sciences. You cannot turn out your and the road to excellence opened wide,
productions by the mill-fx\M by automatic and so on and so on.
machinery, nor can you mix your solutions Dr. Voqel, whose name is well known to
and set them aside to crystallize into "pleas- our readers, is probably, at the time you
ing portraits." You have the most irregu- read this, on his way to this country, spe-
no one to confer with, and you spend a great Germany. Mr. Carbutt is expected there
deal of time, and patience, and money beat- to work the Woodbury process. It is
ing about in the air, because you do not hoped to have the photo-lithographic pro-
know when and how to act. cess worked there also. There will also be
How, then, are you to better your condi- several other matters exhibited that will in-
tion in this respect ? We answer, by joining terest, entertain, and benefit all much a :
earnestly in these annual conferences of the superior lantern exhibition, with the new
members of your profession. If you would by Messrs. Black and Dun-
electric light,
gain information you must go where they more, and other things on a grand scale.
are. If you would know men you must go With these will be the greatest feature
where they are and mix with them. If you of all, the Exhibition.. It will embrace the
would know how others battle with difficul- best work that our country can afford from
ties and how they overcome them, you must from Canada, England, France,
all quarters:
go and talk over the thing with them. Prussia, Austria, Russia, Italy, Spain,and
You must learn their ways, to think their even Turkey and some of the islands of the
thoughts, and to be stirred with their feel- sea. Exhibitors are allowed to bring dupli-
ings. If you would live by your profession cates of their pictures for sale, and will find
you must go where you can study its best it well to do so.
productions and confer with its best work- The Local Secretary, Mr. Byder, has en-
men. You must search out the great high- gaged new "Central
for the Exhibition the
ways and emporiums of success. If you Skating Rink," which is immense in size,
would move the world you must stand upon is admirably lighted, and will make a grand
They will be repaid. It is a privilege that must apply to the Local Secretary, but do
should not be refused. The question has not write him if you can help it, as he will
been asked us r "-"Will the ladies be ad- have his hands full.
mitted ? :
We answer yes, most certainly.
meetings of the Association and vote. ning from Philadelphia to Erie, Pa., and
The committees appointed last year have intervening places. Write to J. F. Ryder,
not been idle. The Committee on the Be- Cleveland, Ohio, Local Secretary, who will
nevolent Fund are at work, and will have a send you an order on the ticket agent at
report which will most likely benefit and your place for an excursion ticket at the
interest all there. The committee to in- reduced rate of two cents per mile to
tercede with Congress have also success to Erie, Pa. There you change to the Lake
report. The subject of a Photographer's Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. See
Life Insurance Band is also to be discussed, No. 5.
and many other such practical matters. 2. Pennsylvania Central Railroad, Phila-
Be it remembered, that photographers,, delphia to Pittsburg and intervening places.
whether members of the Association or not,, Write to Local Secretary for order for an
are welcome to come en masse. excursion ticket.. Faro two cents per mile
Bring a good supply of your cartes along both ways. At Pittsburg change to Cleve-
to exchange with others. land and Pittsburg Railroad. See No. 4.
tary will furnish them with a return ticket sion tickets may be had of the Local Secre-
free. tary.
4. Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, from 10. Little Mitwii Railroad, from Cincin-
Pittsburg to Cleveland, connecting with nati or from Dayton — either—to Cleveland.
Pennsylvania Central (No. 2), will give Fare two cents per mile each way. Apply
excursion tickets at the rate of two cents toMr. Ryder for orders for tickets.
per mile. To be had at the Pittsburg De- 11. Great Western Railroad, Canada. Ar-
pot. Distance 150 miles. rangements pending. Apply to Mr. Ryder
5. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern for orders for tickets.
Railroad, from Buffalo to Cleveland and
This is as much as we have been able to
intervening places — connect at Erie, Pa.,
secure, but we hope to do more. Parties
with the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad who want to go should address a note to the
(No. 1) —will issue excurson tickets at the Local Secretary as follows :
reduced rate.
on the Road.
6. Erie and Atlantic and Great Western,
Mr. J. H. Fitzgibbon, Treasurer of the
New York to Cleveland, via Binghamton,
St. Louis Photographers' Association, has
Elmira, Corning, Hornellsville, Salamanca,
desired us to say, that parties starting from
Meadville, etc. Full fare going on, and re-
turn at half fare.Through without change St. Louis, or who take it in their route, will
of cars. The line for New York and New please apply to him for tickets, as he has
England Photographers. At Cleveland, the arranged, through the kindness of J no. S.
costs about $22.50. Time 24 hours. road. Round trip $25. St. L. to C.
Photographers from New England pur- When you get your orders from the Local
chase their tickets at foot of Chambers St., Secretary for tickets, you will observe that
New York. Return tickets will be issued they are only good for a certain number of
until June 27th, through the kindness of the days. We have got the time extended be-
G. P. Agt., W. R. Barr, Esq., New York, fore and after the Exhibition as long as we
and N. Van Horn, Esq., Philadelphia. could. Parties who live on roads connect-
7. New York Central Railroad, Albany ing with any of the above, may obtain
to Buffalo, via Utica, Rochester,and Buf- tickets at the connecting point, the same as
falo, and there connect with Lake Shore if they lived oa the line of the road.
and Michigan Southern Railroad (No. 5). Many thanks are due to the railway com-
Pare two cents per mile both ways. panieswho have so generously favored us,
8. Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago and we hope all who travel or send freight
Railway Chicago to Cleveland via Fort will remember them hereafter.
"Wayne, Crestline, and Alliance, two cents
Q^pr" Mr. Black requests that parties having
per mile. Orders for excursion tickets to
interesting or instructive subjects will bring
be had of the Local Secretary.
transparencies with them. He prefers | size.
9. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail- They should not be made too dense, and free
vmy via Omaha, Council Bluffs, Iowa City, from dirty varnish spots. Bind to plain glass
Rock Island, etc., to Chicago thence to — with sticking-paper. Tone with hyposulphite of
Cleveland via No. 8 — sixty per cent, of gold, weak solution of permanganate of potash.
regular fare both ways. Orders for excur- or bichloride of mercury.
Adam Salomon writes to Mr. Simpson, Our Illustrations; Review of the Progress
that he intends to abolish curtains in his of Photography during 1869; A Week at
studio altogether, his experiments have the Woodbury Establishment at Asinere's;
convinced him that he has found a system Amateur Photographic Exhi- Association ;
of illumination which will give excellent bition of the French Photographic Society
results without curtains or other similar for 1870; United States National Photo-
arrangements. graphic Association (which we are glad to
Scientific Opinion says, " Telegraphs, see); and Reviews." We wish the new
enterprise great success.
railways, and huge ocean steamers, are
every day removing the old barriers of When sun painting was first introduced,
nationalities. Nowadays, the connection some wag declared that it would be & foe-to-
of arts and sciences between this country graphic art; but, as yet, it has been a help
and the States,' is almost as close as it
' rather than a hindrance to graphic art.
was between England and Ireland, twenty Artists have sought its aid, and the conse-
years ago. The National Photographic quence is a greater fidelity and truthful-
Association of the United States is an il- ness in the representations of many sub-
lustration of this." It then follows with an jects. Photography has arrived at some-
invitation to foreigners to join us in our ex- thing like perfection, for it is announced
hibition. This is handsome on the part that a discovery has been made, viz., the
of our esteemed contemporary, and is the printing of photographic pictures in perma-
more courteous and kind, because it was nent pigments, or ordinary printer's ink,
unsolicited. at an ordinary printing-press. This has
The Photographic Art Journal, a copy of been accomplished, and very successfully
which has been sent us by private hands, too. Every Saturday.
To Correspondents in trouble with their friends in this country, and warm ones. The
manipulations. — We shall be much pressed following correspondence was had by Atlantic
during May and June with matters pertaining eable :
in Cleveland, will be delighted to know that Dr. Let us be there and give him a warm welcome,
Vogel will be there. We know he has many so that he may take home with him a good re-
port of American photography and American The case of the Shaw & Wilcox Co. v. G. W.
photographers. Lovejoy was argued in court on April 21ft,
and placed in the hands of the judge. We can
AVe again have to run eight pages over our only now await his decree, which we feel sure will
usual number — 40 in all — on account of press of be just and right. If it be against the patent,
matter. Few magazines give more for the money our readers will have great cause to rejoice, for
than is promised. We hope our readers will ap- they will have escaped an infliction that would
preciate the fact in our case. be hard to bear. If the patent is sustained, the
only mercy you will get from the monopoly will
Mr. William Notman, Montreal, has fa- be such as you are able to secure by your own
vored us with a print of his last composition efforts. We really thought there was more
picture, "The Skating Carnival.'' It contains interest in the matter among our readers than
the picture of H. H. Prince Arthur, and
R. there appears to be, judging from the little help
many of the most eminent citizens of Montreal. offered Mr. Lovejoy.
It is an admirable study in composition, and
that our readersmay have the benefit of it, we
Dr. Woodward's report on the Magnesium and
have arranged with Mr. Notman to print it for
Electric Lights in Micro-Photography, a copy of
a future issue of our Magazine.
which has been kindly sent us by the Surgeon-
General U.S.A., is an elaborate work, illustrated
Collodio-Bromide Pictures. — Our esteemed by several admirable specimens. Dr. AVoodward
correspondent, M. Carey Lea, Esq., has favored
has made some very extensive experiments in
us with some very beautiful 8 x 10 landscape
that enchanting and useful branch of photogra-
prints, from plates made by his collodio-bromide
phy, and we shall soon take occasion to make
dry process. The remarkable feature about them
some extracts from his report which will interest
is, the entire absence of that harshness and
our readers.
hardness which generally characterizes dry plate
work. On the other hand, they are soft, delicate,
fine in detail, and wonderfully transparent in the The Toronto Photographic Society. — We
shadows. One of the views is of a stone arched have received from worthy President, Eli J.
bridge over the Wissahickon. At the time it Palmer, Esq., a history of the rise and fall of the
was taken it would have been a severe test for Toronto Photographic Society. It was started
any process. The bridge being low, is very dark a few months ago under the brightest auspices.
underneath back of it is bright sunshine, stones Decent living prices were agreed upon, and all
in the distance, and water in full sunshine, and went on pleasantly until some of the number be-
yet there is detail in all and no harshness. It
came demoralized, broke ranks, put down prices,
and thus broke up what would have been a pleas-
seems almost paradoxical. A Steinheil 10-inch
ant, profitable affair to all concerned if kept in
focus lens was used to make the view. Mr.
Lea has worked most perseveringly at his pro- its integrity. We regret that such is the case,
The Year Book op Photography, — This ex- we hope to nuke extracts hereafter.
Philadelphia artists who are making photo- cover. He was genial and pleasant in his life,
crayons are getting exquisite results, exceeding and his death is regretted by many.
any we have seen anywhere else, even those
from England that we have seen. Mr. Fenne-
more, Mr. Germon, and others, are pushing
them, and make a fine display. In good hands
Answers to Correspondents.
they seem certain to succeed. As we have said " A. R.," Greensdurg, Indiana. —
The cause
before, they must be made well, to look well, of your collodion "giving way under the de-
but in this they are not peculiar. The price veloper" is this : Your bath is super-saturated
should be kept up in proportion to their beauty. with iodo-nitrate of silver, which settles on the
They cannot be compared to any other style of plate. Dilute your bath to one-third its strength
picture, for they are entirely different in appear- and then boil it until its wonted stiength is re-
ance and style. sumed. A good sunning would be efficacious
also, if you have another bath you can use.
Received from F. W. Hardy, B ingor, Maine,
some admirable " Rembrandt" pictures; from "E. J.," Mantino, III. You do not state —
E. H. Alley, Toledo, Ohio, an 8 x 10 group of what kind of "red spots" appeared on your
the Central German Conference — 80 portraits in paper. If in the shape of "tear drops," then
all. Mr. Alley states that he has sold about your silver solution is too strong. If so, adding
1000 copies making 80,000 from
portraits; water one-third, and boiling down to former
Austin & Oliver, Oswego, New York, a very fine strength is the correct remedy.
cabinet portrait ; from T. T. Sweeney, Cleve-
"George H." — If you "get plenty of detail
land, Ohio, a 12 x 16 view of Rocky Gorge,
but no force," as you say, you evidently over
The water
Mr. 0. G. Mason some fine stereos of small ob- silver on your prints. Use distilled water for
jects made after instructions given by him in Mo- the first washing, or add a little salt before im-
from Mr. A. Bogardus. cabinets of "Josh Bill- 3. The turning red of your prints when put in
ings," Prof. Morse, and William Cullen Bryant; the hypo, is caused by insufficient toning — the
from Mr. J. A. Schoeltn, St. Louis, some capital toning solution has not penetrated the prints.
cabinets of Masqueraders, splendidly managed. Use less gold and tone more slowly.
Mr. W. R. Gill, Lancaster, Pa., has sent us "J. T. H. Brown," Brockport. — Pictures
a number of very beautiful stereographs of views have been made of various colors by Niepce,
near Lancaster, from negatives intensified with but no one has yet succeeded in producing them
his "chromointensifier." There is a verypecu- according to nature. See German Correspond-
liar softness and aerial effect about them which ence.
is very charming and desirable.
" W. W." — Unless you have experience, you
Mr. J. Inglis, Montreal, has sent us a compo- had better send your residues to a practised re-
sition picture of the "Opening of the Montreal finer, or you may proceed as follows : Mix your
Caledonian Curling Rink,'' which is one of his gold residue with 12 to 14 ounces saltpetre to 16
most creditable works, and is very popular, lie ounces of residue. Put them in a crucible,
furnishes a list of the portraits in it, which com- being careful to fill it only half full. Expose to
prise the elite and talent of Montreal, Prince a bright red heat and nearly pure gold will re-
Arthur with the rest. sult.
MMdpta ^hnUpnyhtv.
Vol. VII. JUNE, 1870. No. 78.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870,
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Districtof Pennsylvania.
fect to head off and prevent any more at- the Cleveland Exhibition the most distin-
tempts to take advantage wrongly of the guished guest will be our esteemed friend,
profession. Dr. Herman Vogel, of Berlin, Prussia.
We are glad to see that a number have Those who have been in the habit of read-
connected themselves with the Association ing Dr. "Vogel 's contributions to our pages,
since our last issue. In union there is have not failed long since to see that he is
strength. Our Association virtually de- one of the most earnest and enthusiastic
feated Shaw, though no official action .was friends of, photography in the world in fact, ;
taken by it in the matter, but it defeated we are free to say'there are none more so.
him nevertheless, for the existence of such We have many times heard him spoken of
an Association prompted some of its mem- in the warmest terms, and always took pleas-
bers to fight vigorously for the rights of ure in frankly reciprocating the same.
all. We shall have no more fights if we That he truly feels likewise towards
unite, our unity will scare away the
for America and her photographers, Dr. Vogel
brazen, brow-beating, threatening, would- has often assured us. As a proof of their
be swindlers. They will not attempt their devotion to him, a number of our friends,
tricks on us, but turn their mighty genius headed by Mr. Kurtz, of New York, have
into a different channel. privately invited Dr. Vogel to visit this
country and attend our coming Exhibition, A HOLIDAY NUMBEE.
offering at the same time to pay all ex- Our readers will notice that our present
penses of the trip and to make him their
issue has very much of a holiday appear-
guest while here, if he would only favor us ance. Especially is this apparent in the
by coming. advertising pages, our advertisers seeming
After consultation with the authorities of to have all their flags at high mast, in honor
the Prussian Government, in whose service of the coming Exhibition. We believe our
Dr. Vogel is professionally engaged, he tele- advertisements are always interesting and
graphed that he would come, and, by the valuable to our readers, for they must be
time this reaches you, he will be in America read regularlyif the photographer would
for the first time, among the profession he keep informed on the commercial matters
loves and who love him. of his profession.
And Dr. Vogel is not the only one com- A very pretty ferrotype graces our num-
plimented in this matter. We should all ber this month, for the double purpose of
feel highly favored at his coming among us. showing off ihe excellencies of the new
You are all aware that the work of Euro- chocolate-tinted plates patented and manu-
pean photographers receives much and de- factured by the Phenix Plate Company (pat-
served praise and notice in this country, for ented to secure to them their right to make
many thousands of our people go to Europe exclusively, but requiring no royalty from the
annually, and we doubt if one ever returns consumer for using them), and the beauties
without some specimens of foreign photog- of the new size and style of ferrotype mat
raphy ;
on the other hand, we and our
yet, manufactured by Messrs. A. M. Collins,
work are but little known on the other Son & Co. of this city. Mr. E. K. Trask,
side, for we have no representation there. in making the pictures, has shown good
This fact is not because our work is in- taste and skill, it being no small job to
ferior to that made abroad —
the contrary is make the several thousands required for
the fact but because most travellers get the purpose.
their pictures made abroad while there and Another display advertisement shows the
bring them home with them, while com- several new styles and shapes of envelopes
paratively few of our pictures reach the for cartes and ferrotypes manufactured by
Old "World. "We may hope then that Dr. Messrs. Nixon & Stokes of this city. The
Vogel's visit among us will work a change number of these envelopes sold is almost
in this direction, and when he goes home, incredible. Over four hundred thousand of
so let the Exhibition be, that he can speak them were sold during last month we are
well of us.
told by the manufacturers. They are very
Let who can, meet him in Cleveland
and give him a hearty, earnest welcome. The next display is made by the Ameri-
In the cities he visits he will be in charge can Optical Company, through Scovill
of committees who will care for him. Manufacturing Company, the proprietors
Mr. "William Notman, of Montreal, and of the works, pleading the undoubted mer-
Messrs. Notman & Frascr, of Toronto, have itsand excellencies of their unequalled ap-
pressed him to visit Canada and to be their paratus, accompanied by a full-priced cata-
guest there. logue of Mr. Ross's world-renowned lenses,
"We look forth to his coming as an era in through his American agents, Messrs. "Wil-
American .photography. He has done the son, Hood & Co. The importance of good
profession world wide much good service, instruments and good apparatus cannot be
ami let us give him the good, round, hearty, overrated or too often insisted upon, and
welcome he so richly deserves. should be the first things selected when
purchasing an outfit. All these wares you
may purchase of your regular stockdealer.
Study Art. It will enableyou to find ma- Our other advertisements will be found
terial for your camera oftentimes when with- changed, many of them, and some new ones
out it you would have passed the other by. also appear,
With the above, our beautiful picture, be no unnecessary dripping of silver solu-
our usual variety of matter, a glorious pros- tion than from the plate itself. The price
pect of a fine Exhibition at Cleveland, and excludes all but the silver. Such dippers
the defeat of the " Waste " patent, we feel were long ago proposed, but it is doubtful
particularly as if a gala day was with us, if they have been much used. Lately, the
and hope we may impart the feeling to our subject came up in one of the journals, and
copper. This did not occur with the three also, that the longitudinal diameter of the
per cent, alloy similarly treated. head of a portrait in the disc is five inches.
Since the five per cent, alloy was so ob- This picture is produced, of course, as it
viously acted upon, it will be advisable not always is, by means of the lens placed be-
to trust to a three per cent, alloy for the neath the negative and the screen at the
sake of economy, but rather to use silver proper focal distance. We will now intro-
made as pure as possible for the manufac- duce the condenser into its place, and see
ture of dippers. what its effects are. Now the illuminated
disc is twenty-four inches in diameter, and
a larger portion of the portrait, compre-
hending the hands and lower extremities,
Enlarging of Photographs with the is visible, but the longitudinal diameter of
Ordinary Camera. the head remains exactly the same, and in
It is almost a general belief that a so- exactly the same position.
called solar camera is an indispensable piece Furthermore, the amount of illumination
of apparatus for the production of photo- on a given square inch is not materially
graphic enlargements. This is far from different in the two cases that is, for prac- ;
pass, it has been argued that central stops and where the prints are subsequently to be
are unnecessary, because the picture being finished by development either upon bromo-
already alone on the axis of the lens, and iodized or chlorized paper, the difference of
nowhere else, it is not necessary to exclude rapidity between the two instruments is
We have tried the process in New York be filtered before adding the cotton.
(that is, five rusty old photographers have The negative bath Mr. Horton uses is 40
tried it). We find the following to be the grains strong. The best medicine for curing
facts the bath of any of the evils it is heir to,
Twelve years ago two of us used ground- Mr. Horton he finds is, that given in
glass, and published it then, but in conse- our pages a short time ago by Mr. O'Neil,
quence of its great expense at that time, i.e., " brains" used and exercised. They
abandoned the use of it. We find it of no combine with any and all known chemi-
use at this late day, for the reason that most cals.
negatives are now retouched, and we can Mr. Horton has adhered to these formulaa
obtain all the softness we desire by using for several years at Gurney's gallery in
emery and lead pencils, as you direct in New York, and now at Mr. Brady's. He
your Journal. was the successful competitor for the medal
Five plates of ground-glass were tried with given by Mr. Moore for the best solar nega-
the following results: they were soft, but not tive, and states that in his experience he finds
equal to the negatives retouched with lead- a. solar negative should be longer exposed
pencil. They did not require redeveloping. than a regular contact negative, and should
The ground side is fine for retouching on bo developed with a weaker solution. This
with lead-pencil ;
does not improve or lessen fact is worthy of the attention of those who
the transparency of the freckled parts. As make solar negatives, and, shall we say it,
Mr. Kowell states, they need to be retouched intensify them. Mr. Horton is one of our
the same as on plain glass. The only, and most skilled photographors, as tho excellent
perhaps great advantage of ground-glass example of work, the solar prize picture,
over plain is, you can take a negative in proves him to be.
" Where the ordinary form of sash tions of the above plan that might be adopt-
is in
ed, but I will venture to assert that the prin-
use, a strip of wood shaped thus, and screwed
ciple is the right one.
to the underside of the bar, will be found a
" To those who print outside with glass-
very useful addition.
fronted frames the adoption of this plan will
save a good many prints in wet weather,
and possibly some negatives, as I have seen
such a thing as the paper sticking to nega-
tives, and fetching away the film with it
when pulled off."
<3E? to whom we
little wrinkles:
are indebted for several useful
The plan, however, I have to suggest, is " I have always been bothered with leaky
the employment of a strip of soft India-rub- sky-lights, until a short time ago when I
ber cord in place of putty on the outside of determined to put a stop to it. I tore out
the glass, which is brought closely down my old light and made a frame out of pine
pieces 1| x 3 inches for the centre strips, B B is the cover hinged on to the frame,
and the edges are considerably heavier. 6 inches long, but \ inch narrower, to let it
And, in place of making the sash as is usual, down into the frame, f inch thick, and just
I cut a groove on each side of the centre a piece of board with 2 strips on the edges
strip, ahout \ inch from the top like this, to prevent warping.
D is a cross bar, that slides in grooves in
the frame A, and is to hold the negative
and put pieces of tin in like this, to prevent FF are two littlepieces 1^ inches wide
and 3 inches long, hinged to the cover to
hold the paper, and are made thickest at the
the glass from slipping down
mixed ; then, I outer edge.
my putty, about one-half white lead, and The operation of the frame is very simple.
puttied the glass in carefully, then gave the Fasten your paper on to the cover with the
outside two heavy coats of white- lead paint, little clamps, which will keep it straight,
and I have been well rewarded for the trou- and your negative with the thumb-
ble, as it is as light as can be. screw, putting it back from the paper as far
"One great mistake in putting in lights as you choose, and thus you get your pic-
is, that the sash is not heavy enough, so that ture without " printing through any trans-
the wind shakes the putty loose. With this parent substance," and also secure much bet-
if the putty all comes out the glass cannot." ter effects. The idea is to create a small
space between the negative and the paper.
I do not claim to be the inventor of the
Printing Frame for Mezzotints or frame, and as I received a sample and an
Aquatints. offer to send me the frame and process for
BY FORESTER CLARK. $10, a few days since, I thought perhaps I
Some time in the summer of 1857, 1 think solves. Its flowing qualities are impaired
about July, I communicated to the Ameri- by use, but are easily restored by the addi-
can Journal of Photography my discovery tion of a few drops of ether.
of the fact that collodion, modified by a I do not find it difficult to manage, and
large addition of alcohol, might be used as believe it can be made very useful, and I
a varnish for collodion pictures. offer the suggestion as some slight return for
That the discovery was considered of the benefit I have derived from your excel-
some value at the time, is proved by its lent and very useful Journal.
mention in the preface to " Waldack's Trea- E. K. Hough,
tise," for 1858, in conjunction with Mr. 487 Eighth Avenue, New York.
Seely's discover}'- of purifying the bath by
exposure to light, as the two most import-
ant discoveries of the year then past. And
Mr. Seely always claimed that my commu- Photography an Aid to Painting and
nication was prior to, and the primary
cause of all the subsequent discussions re- PRAKG'S CHROMO OF MR. HILL'S YOSEMITE
garding the virtues and uses of alcoholic VALLEY.
collodion, both here and in Europe. We stated in our April issue the fact
Be that as it may, I believe the discovery that Thomas eminent land-
Hill, Esq., the
to be of more practical benefit and capable scape painter, was free to acknowledge the
of more extended application than it has good service done him in his profession by
yet been, and my object in calling atten- photography. We also alluded to Prang's
tion to it again is to suggest new experi- chromo of Mr. Hill's admirable and mas-
ments and uses, in a different direction terly painting of the Yosemite Valley, and
from what the idea has heretofore been car- since then Messrs. Prang & Co. have sent
ried. us a copy of the chromo. We take pleasure
One is to assert that collodion is the best in calling attention to it here, because, 1st,
varnish for negatives, or rather is better it is a work of art ; 2d, it is an exquisite
than varnish, because it does not reduce reproduction of the original ; and 3d, pho-
intensity, and therefore does away with tography did its share in the work of the
structure of the cotton, and reduce it to a " Cathedral Rocks," with the tearful clouds
pasty mass, then bring it to condition for swaying over their summits, battling with
use by adding four or five times its bulk of the sunshine as attempts to break through
alcohol, and when the negative is dry and them; the "Sentinel; " " Sentinel Dome,"
cool flow as usual. Care must be taken the famous "South Dome," and the Mer-
not to add too much alcohol, as it will flow ced, whose reflections set photogra-
clotted and there must be enough, or it
pher wild, running slowly through the
will partially dissolve the film. Of course, groves and meadows. In looking at it one
the alcohol must be nearly or quite free seems to have the actual landscape before
from water, and the cotton must be of a him, sauntering about here and there hunt-
ing for good places for the camera. The Another important point, after having
atmosphere is soft and dreamy ;
the color- ascertained the sufficient delicacy of the bal-
ing that of a master. ance, is to habitually be on guard against
The original is 6 x 10 feet, and a most sticking.Neglect of this point has led to
difficult one to reproduce, but Messrs. Prang thousands of errors in weights, and vexa-
& Co. have accomplished it perfectly. tious and inexplicable failures in the opera-
The chromo is for sale only through sub- tions connected with them. "Sticking"
scription agents and the publishers. It is arises from this : when
the pans are not far
for sale in this city by Messrs. J. S. Earle from equally loaded, a very slight cause
& Sons. The number of copies is limited. will deprive the beam of freedom of mo-
tion. It may not rest exactly square on its
supports, orsome grains of dust or other
foreign body may have got on the socket
WEIGHING AND MEASURING. under the knife-blade, or there may have
BY M. CAREY LEA. been a slight tendency to rust. Any of
Although weighing and measuring ap- these,and perhaps other causes, may pre-
pear to be, and are, operations of a very serve the beam from oscillating, meantime
simple order, they are, nevertheless, the the needle points exactly vertical, and the
sources of very many mistakes to those who weight seems to have been correctly taken,
have not paid a certain amount of attention when, perhaps, it is wrong by enough to
to the ordinary causes of error. I have, seriously affect the next steps to the opera-
therefore, thought that a brief exposition of tions.
the right and the wrong ways of taking The only sufficient safeguard against this
weights and bulks of substances would not dangerous mistake, is never to take a weight
be unacceptable, at least to those who are with the needle in this condition, never to
not thoroughly versed in the manipula- depend upon the needle pointing directly to
tions. the centre of the index, but always to make
WEIGHING. the needle oscillate, and see that at each os-
Every one who undertakes to photograph cillation it moves to an equal distance on
well, should possess a reasonably good bal- each side of the centre, as far to the right
ance. I do not speak here, of course, of as it does to the left. With a needle mov-
delicate analytical balances turning with the ing freely, and passing to an equal distance
hundredth of a grain, but of good, common on each side, anything like sticking is im-
balances turning on knife-blades, and mov- possible, and the operator feels safe that his
ing immediately with a quarter of a grain. weight is correctly taken, provided that his
And I may remark here that an easy way weights are correct.
of testing this, by those who do not possess The weights that are offered for sale are
fractional weights, is by cutting up pieces often very carelessly made. The greater
of paper, or, better, of tin-foil. If a nearly part of the sheet brass weights that are to
square piece be weighed off, weighing four be found in the market, in sets of from
grains, and the smooth, hard letter-paper half a grain to six grains, do not give indi-
or the tin-foil be cut into sixteen equal cations, for the most part, of ever having
pieces, we have so many quarter-grain been adjusted. The brass is rolled to as
weights, well suited for testing a balance. uniform a thickness as possible, and then
And a balance that will not give an easy the weights are cut out by size, and simi-
and decisive indication by the addition of larly with larger weights.
such a quarter-grain fragment, when loaded To show how carelessly these weights aro
drachm in each pan, is unfit for use.
witli a mad«, I by the same and
have several sets
The French trebuchet or tilting balance is also by different makers. In two sets made
much the more agreeable sort to use. The by one and the same maker, the ten -grain
beam is thrown upon its suspension by weights differ by over one grain, the ono
pressing a lever; on letting it go again, the being about as much too heavy as the other
pane return to the board. too light. Also a six-grain weight proved,
on comparison with my exact platinum two sets at once, and be provided against
standard, to be nearer seven grains than loss.
vent mistakes between those of nearly equal the one of 7000 grains, the other of 5760,
size, the even numbers are cut off square at is bad enough. Of late, to add to this con-
the ends and the odd numbers are cut off fusion, a second drachm has been intro-
diagonally. The whole plan and arrange- duced, viz., the eighth of an avoirdupois
ment is excellent, but a very insufficient ounce instead of a troy ounce, and, conse-
amount of care has been taken in the regu- quently, about four grains short of a true
lating. I have weighed a considerable num- drachm. It is to be hoped that, in time,
ber of them and found them vary much. the French decimal system will come into
Some few are correct, most of them a good universal use.
deal over-weight. (To be continued.)
they do not tarnish in the least. In my Saturated with iodide of silver, prepared as
own case I adjust a set of ordinary brass follows : Take 1 ounce of silver bath 40
weights by my analytical set, for ordinary grains strong ;
precipitate with tincture of
use. As the weights sold are almost in- iodine wash two or three times, last with
variably too heavy, they can be filed down distilled water. Add this to your bath,
until right. In case any are too light, shake well, filter, and it is ready for use. I
those, of course, cannot be adjusted, but am not often compelled to use acid. If,
this is quite uncommon. If it happens, however, the bath requires it, I take nitric
another set must be procured. In fact, it acid C. P., diluted with three times its bulk
is always convenient to have duplicate of water, and of this add ten drops. (I
weights, and therefore it is best to adjust have never known a bath containing, four
and may be used 24 hours after mixing. 1869, we heard from a number of corre-
spondents that the Shaw & "Wilcox Co.
DEVELOPER. were visiting photographers about the
Photosulphate of Iron, 4 ounces.
country, claiming all to be infringers upon
Water, . . . . 64 '•
a patent they had for a vessel for saving
Acetic Acid, . . . 5 "
waste solutionsof silver and gold, who saved
Alcohol enough to make it flow smooth.
their wastes by precipitation, no matter by
In very warm weather, I use 72 ounces what means. Such a broad claim seemed
of water instead of 64. very ridiculous and absurd, and our advice
SILVER SOLUTION FOR ALBUMEN PAPER. was constantly sought in the matter. We
began then to realize the importance of the
Rosengarten's Nitrate of Sil-
. . . .
case, read up on the subject, and finally
concluded to take sides against the broad
Liquid Ammonia, . . 1 drachm. claims made as we have stated.
paper I am using. I find the " Pearl " entertain such absurdities unless they were
neutralized with chalk. (It will give any right or wrong of their claims. Their
tone required.) victim was a very poor, obscure photogra-
Take 60 grains of chloride of gold, and pher, with one eye and one arm, Mr. George
one ounce or more of powdered chalk put ;
W. Lovejoy, of Stepney Depot, Conn. Why
it in a cyanide bottle, fill it with water, he resisted their claims we have never asked
shake it it up, and let it stand for
well, cork him. We were not acquainted with him
12 hours. Take one ounce of this solution then. That he did resist them to the very
and one quart of water, filter, and your end we should all remember with gratitude
toning bath is ready. to him, for he has been a martyr to the
Do not throw it away when your prints interests of his coworkers. We were in-
are toned. It is good for the next day by formed that some one had been prosecuted
adding a little more of the stock solution of by the patentees, but for some time could
gold. In this way, I have used the same not find out who. Finally, we made a re-
bath for over two years. quest in these pages, that if the party saw
Photographically yours, it he would oblige us by sending his ad-
him of our request, and his address was day of our arrest, when, singular as it may
soon in our hands. This was about eight appear, the testimony was to have been
or nine months ago. We then stated to closed and the case pushed to an argument
Mr. Lovejoy that we felt that his prospect in court. Mr. Bell felt that he had done
of defence was good, if the fraternity all he justly could be asked to do under the
would only help him, hut, as we had not circumstances, and with but half a case con-
time then to take active part in fighting cluded to argue it.
with him the patent, all we could prom- Mr. Shaw and his confreres were, no
ise him was a little pecuniary aid and a doubt, chuckling over this state of affairs.
phers would feel the weight of the pat- to the photographers of the country, and
entee's claims, and probably awaken and believing that they would at least supply
fight a new case. Fortunately, however, Mr. funds to pay the costs.
Lovejoy had fallen into the hands of hon- In our April issue we stated the facts,
est, noble counsel, Mr. E. Y. Bell, 43 Wall a call was made by President Bogardus
Street, New York, who, although having to supply funds, and we are glad to say
been paid but $50, felt the injustice of the that the responses were most overpoioering
claims, and concluded to push for Mr. Love- amounting in sum total to two, and in fig-
joy, as far as he could afford to take his time ures to six dollars! With this magnani-
to do. mous support and fond hopes of success, we
The case lingered on then ; every few days went on, paid the demands of the case, and
a meeting of the counsel of both sides was are happy to announce as the result, another
held for the taking of testimony, until the co?nplete overthrow of injustice and impudence.
Geo. G. Eockwood, N. Y., who had saved photographers' wastes, and experimented
his wastes since 1854 or 1855 Mr. George; 'in that direction as early as 1852. Finding
Sly, N. Y., who saved gold and silver a "common Shaker pail," a barrel, etc.,
wastes by precipitation in England about not to answer the purpose fully, he invented
1850, and in the employ of Mr. Bogardus his patent " vessel." Therefore, being the
had saved them since 1861 Mr. Charles
; first to save said wastes and the patentee of
Cooper, N. Y., the eminent chemist, who a " vessel " for saving them in, "all par-
testified to having precipitated waste solu- tiessaving their wastes by precipitation
tions since 1857. These were the only wit- were infringers, no matter what means they
nesses on Mr. Lovejoy 's side, though parts used."
of several days were occupied in their ex- 2. Although jewellers, chemists, etc., may
that in 1852 he and Mr. Shaw experimented ver from such combiiiations, and all who did
with waste solutions that the only " chemi- it without paying him a royalty were in-
But the principal witness for the Shaw & strength, becomes very thin and trans-
"Wilcox Co., and the most valuable one for parent, and then it breaks. So was it with
Mr. Lovejoy, was Jehyleman Shaw him- "President" Shaw's claims. They were
self, " President of the S. & W. Co." He stretched and widened by him until they
did well. His counsel got out of him all could be seen through, and now they lie
he felt it was safe for him to abstract, and broken.
then Mr. Shaw was turned over Mr. Bell to The testimony was closed March 31st,
for cross-examination. The result was fine. and the counsel separated to prepare their
Shaw evidently expected no such a raking argument for court.*
over the coals as he got. By some mys- We were in New York the last two days,
terious means, Mr. Bell had became thor- * It will be understood that in such cases the
oughly conversant with the chemistry of witnesses are examined before a U. S. Commis-
photography, and was therefore able to put sioner, and then the cai^e is argued before the
Mr. Shaw through such an examination as Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court, and by him
surprised him. The affair was most inter- decided.— Ed. P. P.
and during the time when Jehyleman Shaw the middle, running near to the bottom ;
was giving breadth to his claim. It was the fluid to enter at the side E, pass down
policy for us to keep out of his sight ; but under the partition J, up through the
the cross-questioning he got through Mr. other side through a and out at an
filter a,
Bell made him suspect some Lucifer was opening/, near the top! Could anything
about, and with malice in his heart (we are be more like Shaw's apparatus without be-
told) he made a second charge against us, ing it ?* Draw your own inferences, then,
and after Mr. Bell was through with him as to where he got his ideas from !
service. In Gmelin's Chemistry (1851), it We knew that our side had been faith-
was found that "all the new combinations " fully argued. Not only was the law pressed
that " photography gave birth to," were home, but the equity of the case was also
mentioned, some occurring as ores in na- fully argued. The main opposition was to
ture, all treated of in detail, and methods Shaw's broad claims, and to his theory that
for recovering the precious metals. photography gave birth to "new com-
pounds" of silver in solution, from which it
was his good fortune to first find a way to
recover the precious metals.
Mr. Bell was also furnished with photo-
graphs of several vessels used for precipitat-
ing wastes in, in this city, by Messrs. Newell,
Reimer, and Fennemore, among which were
several of one of Shaw's tanks, in order to
show the fallacy of claiming that one was
an equivalent of the other. It would be just
as reasonable for you, because you have pat-
ented a new printing frame, to say that all
others were an infringement, and no one
could print without paying you a royalty.
In lire's Dictionary, a book Mr. Shaw
swore he had consulted in his early experi- And yet of such a nature were the claims
ments, was found a woodcut and descrip- of Shaw : 1. That he was the first to dis-
of upward and downward filtration. A * For drawing and description of Shaw's ap-
square (or other shape —see the drawing, paratus, see page 34 of our last volume — Febru.
which is square) vessel with a partition in ary, 1869.
covered from solution by the means of suit- is virtually made, and in our favor, and
able precipitating ingredients, and there- having, after such a fight with the whole
fore all who performed
that operation were power of the National Photographers' As-
infringers ;
Being the discoverer as
2. sociation to back the nominal defendant,
above, he invents an improved vessel or gained such a glorious victory, we are now
tank for saving and precipitating such disposed to be magnanimous to our fallen
wastes in, and therefore all other vessels foe and show our liberality. During the
were infringements. past year we have been furnishing tanks of
So sure were the Shaw & "Wilcox Co. our own make to all who wished for them,
that these claims would be sustained by the on conditions that for each tank furnished
Court, that they were imprudent enough to the party receiving it was to subscribe for
issue a circular to the photographic fra- one share of the capital stock of our company,
ternity a week or more before the decision, paying one-half down, and sending us all of
which is a gem in its way. A number of their waste to be worked at 25 per cent.,
our readers have had copies of it ; for we the other 75 per cent, to be returned to the
spread it, as soon as a copy came to our party sending it, and the second payment
hands,among our subscribers near by, to be made out of thefirst waste worked
cided that Mr. Shaw is the original in- still furnish tanks for all who wish (to be
ventor of the process of recovering silver paid for by them at a fair price), and allow
and gold from waste solutions, of every de- all who choose, to make their own apparatus
and that all parties who recover
scription, or to continue using such as they already
gold and silver from waste solutions by have, charging all galleries in the first in-
means of precipitating ingredients use his stance a bonus of from $10 upwards, ac-
invention. cording to their business and those who ;
"Judge Blatchford, at the summing up then send us all of their waste to be worked
of the issues, used the following language: on shares, will be required to make no further
" Mr. Wyatt, I understand the case fully.
' payment, but will be allowed to use our pat-
I see thatMr. Shaw has made a very valua- ent free on the above conditions.
ble invention. That it is a patentable one "All for whom we do not work waste,
there can be no question, and that Mr. Shaw will be required to pay us an annual royalty
is the original inventor there can be no of from $10 to $100 each, in proportion to
doubt, as the commencement of his experi- their business ;
they can then, of course, dis-
ments were coeval with photography itself, pose of their waste as they choose, as we shall
and I have no doubt whatever that every have no further claim upon it after receiv-
one who is now using it have stolen their ing the royalty. We do not desire to work
ideas from him or received them from those the waste for any man or party who does not
who did get them from him.' prefer to have us work it them all we for ;
"Judge Blatchford's remarks speak for ask is, that you pay us
a moderate and
themselves so forcibly, that we can add reasonable price for our invention and pro-
nothing to them. The written decree we cess for recovering it, which you are all now
have not yet received, and may not receive using and must continue to use, or else not
it in several weeks, and we may receive it save at all.
to-morrow. lie that as it may, the decision "All parties who will voluntarily fill out,
sign, and send us the inclosed application shrink from enforcing our rights, no matter
for a license to use our patent, will have what the cost*, —in the end it must fall upon
one granted to them upon the above-men- those who forced it upon us, and will be no
tioned very liberal terms. All who neglect fault of ours.
to apply on these' conditions within thirty " Tours, respectfully,
days after receiving this notice, will be im- "The Shaw & Wilcox Co."
mediately prosecuted for infringing our pat-
ent, and compelled not only to pay a royalty It was accompanied by a blank for the
for the future, but damages for all past in- photographer to fill applying for a license,
fringements, and for all violation of con- and giving a detailed statement of the
made by them, with either
tracts heretofore amount of business done during the past
Mr. Shaw, The Shaw and Wilcox Co., or annually, your gross receipts, amount of
with any party who may have heretofore silver and gold used by you on an average
held an interest in the patent, as it now be- —
each year, and so on, a regular inquisi-
longs exclusively to us, including all former torial account of your business, followed —
licenses, contracts, &c. up by a lot of insinuations and threats, in
" Many you have violated solemn con-
of harmony with the spirit of the circular
tracts heretoforemade with us, and nearly above.
all of you have been using Mr. Shaw's in- Photographers of the United States, do
vention from three to five years past, and you see what you have escaped? How bold
many of you longer than that even, free of the hydra-headed monster became, hissing
all cost, but notwithstanding all that, we at your very doors before it had a right to
are willing to let the past bury the past, with make its voice heard ? But thanks to " Right
all who are now willing to treat us fairly and Justice'' for severing its hateful body
and honorably. All we ask is what is le- with one clean, clear, fell swoop, giving vic-
gally, justly, and equitably our rights. "Will tory to the right, and to wrong, death.
any reasonable or honorable man deny it to We are indebted to Mr. L. Thompson,
us? Norwich, Conn for promptly supplying
" Would a pickpocket even persist in rob- us with copies of the circular. If others
bing you to-day when he was certain that have received them, and have thereby been
you could bring him to justice to-morrow? frightened into paying anything, we believe
Gentlemen, take your choice. To-day we they can recover damages for the Shaw & ;
stand ready to meet every 'man upon the Wilcox Co. would be guilty of obtaining
square, and to deal with him in an extra money under false pretences in such cases.
liberal manner, provided only that he comes We now come to the real and genuine
forward and asks for an honorable settle-
ment. Eight and Justice is upon our side, FINAL DECISION OF JUDGE BLATCHFORD.
and Right and Justice ive will have, peacea- " The claim is as follows : '
An apparatus
bly, quietly, and without further litigation for recovering gold, silver, etc., from waste
if possible, but if any are so blind or stupid solutions, by means of suitable precipitating
as to persist in further litigation, they shall ingredients, substantially as herein speci-
have it to their heart's content. You can fied.'
if you choose put us to the expense and "It is impossible to sustain this patent
trouble of paying you a visit with the United as a valid patent on the claim it makes,
States marshal, and of closing up your busi- whether such claim be regarded as a claim
ness, seizing your gallery, and placing it in to a process or a claim to an apparatus.
the marshal's hands, but will you do it? If Whether it claims the recovering of gold,
you do, you certainly cannot hereafter blame silver, etc., from waste solutions by means
what you bring upon yourselves, or
us for of suitable precipitating ingredients used in
we ask you to pay the expense,
find fault if a proper apparatus substantially as speci-
which your obstinacy forces us to make. fied, or whether it claims a proper apparatus
We prefer the easier and cheaper course, for recovering gold, silver, etc., from waste
but if there is no alternative, we shall not solutions, by means of suitable precipitat-
dient will precipitate what it is capable of Mr. Wilson pursue me so? What assur-
precipitating is no invention. The claim ance have they, after they have done their
is altogether vague and general. It is open work, and, perhaps, beaten me, that pho-
to the objections stated in the case of tographers will not turn around and give
O'Reilly v. Morse (15 Howard, 62, 119), them a kick?" Shall his insinuation be
against the eighth claim of Morse's tele- verified ?
graph patent. It is in effect a claim to the And now one word for our lortrned coun-
use of the proper chemicals to precipitate sel, Mr. Ezekiel Y. Bell. When he was
the metal from the liquid waste solution, by first visited by Mr. Lovejoy he saw very
putting such chemicals into any proper ves- little money in lie case for him, as it stood.
sel containing the solution. The claim in Bowevi •!, lie became interested, and with
no one to help him but Mr. Lovejoy, went weeks ago, we were shown a little device
to work from time to time summoned the
; that answers the purpose admirably, and is
witnesses, with the most of whom he had very simple. Take any ordinary porcelain
but a few moments' conversation before —
printing frame they use Chapman's and —
their examination, examined them, cross- through the bottom part bore a hole, say
examined Shaw partly, and prepared to 2£ inches in diameter. Fit this with a nice
close the case as we have stated before. smooth tapering cork, so that the further it
The help from the profession that Mr. is pushed up through the hole the tighter
Lovejoy seemed to assure him of, did not the fit. Now over the face and small end
come, but Mr. Bell did not quail. For- of the cork lay the fabric, push it up through
tunately, our arrest was made at that time. the hole in the printing frame, and thus you
We have to thank it for our acquaintance secure a surface as hard, even, and easily
with Mr. Bell. We rendered him our hum- printed upon as a piece of ground porcelain.
ble assistance he willingly acceded to our
; The cut will make the whole matter plain.
request to go on in the case spent night; The hole does not prevent the frame from
and day, at the sacrifice of other cases, in being used for porcelains either.
working for you came to Philadelphia, as
[No. 2.]
Those who are accustomed to printing Milwaukee, May 1, 1870.
photographs on handkerchiefs and other Mr. Elbert Anderson,
know what a trouble it is to get the
fabrics, Operator, Kurtz's Gallery, 872 Broadway, N. Y.
same drawn tight and even, and to hold Dear Sir : Your very welcome, though
them so during printing. rather severe letter, with manuscript, en-
While visiting the rooms of Messrs. titled " One Hundred Days in a Fog," came
Moore Brothers, Springfield, Mass., a few duly to hand. That I was amazed, —in fact,
? "
Should your bath streak your plates, victims to resemble the roars of a bull.
add a little nitric acid thereto. '
' Why ? Now, when Perillus gave it to Phalaris, the
What effect has nitric acid in preventing tyrant made the first experiment upon the
streaks? On the sixth day: "Nitric acid donor, and cruelly put him to death by
is, of all things, the most objectionable in a lighting a fire under the belly of the bull.
new bath." Just so. Hardwich says u Io- :
[Moral: don't write a book on photogra-
dide of cadmium increases the intensity of
the collodion." Whereupon Devine re- But " let us have no more meanderings.
marks " When the negative comes up with
I would not have you think for an instant
TOO MUCH intensity, add iodide of cadmium that I make any such pretensions as to put
to the collodion." Yet neither of these gen- myself into competition with these great
tlemen give's us any clue whereby he ar- men, whose works furnished my extracts.
rives at this conclusion. And so on to the No, indeed; they have doubtless devoted
end of the chapter. years of study upon a subject where I have
By the way, I notice that a party of the devoted as many weeks. I cannot for an in-
name of Reynolds takes exception to your stant harbor the thought that any of these
extracts. It appears to me, however, to use gentlemen wrote what "he knew to be false;"
an expressive, though very inelegant say- nor will I accept the other alternative, that
ing, " he is barking up the wrong tree." be wrote in " deplorable ignorance" on the
— —
subject. But I will say, however, that statedall Hardwich said or wrote on that
many them do write a vast deal of un-
of some valuable information would
page, then
necessary and unmeaning words compli- ; have been gained by those who need it."
cating what otherwise might be made quite Exactly. At the end of the first part of
plain going into erroneous and useless pro- " One Hundred Days in a Fog " is printed,
meantime, if you have any special questions " will note what Hardwich writes on page
to ask, ask them ?iow, or evermore hold your 278, I think he will be able to give some
peace. information to A. B. M." Just so. Now,
In regard to " the party of the name of considering I did not intend in these ex-
Reynolds" [who fails, by the by, to give tracts —to give you ("or any other man"
his address, — a circumstance of itself of the to whom the pages may come) the slightest
most susjncious character], it is much to be information [I believe I stated as much in a
regretted he so little understands what he former letter], I fail to see the application.
reads. In conclusion, then, " the party of the
First. " The party of the name of Rey- name of Reynolds " gives you this good ad-
nolds " says :
" He" (i. e., I) " does not do vice "Subscribe for the best journals, and
justice to the man he quotes from." Hard- keep a good library of the best standard
wich says :
" Many adopt the plan of leav- works on Photography."
ing," etc., etc. (page 417, 7th ed.). Mark This is precisely what I have done, and
you, Hardwich does not say that he adopts, by so doing have, with their monstrous in-
nor does he say anything pro or con; he consistenciesand ludicrous contradictions,
merely states as a fact that " many adopt plunged directly into this very " One Hun-
this plan." Alas ! all I said was to repeat dred Days in a Fog."
Hardwich 's very words. I made no reflec- Very sincerely yours,
tion whatever on Hardwich. Where's the Elbert Anderson.
injustice ? I have carefully read " all
Hardwich wrote on that page," and can see [No. 4.]
no reason for abandoning my first position. New May 12, 1870.
Second. " The party of the name of Rey- Mr. Elbert Anderson.
nolds " says :
" We conclude that the writer My dear Sir: I have again to thank
in Le Moniteur de la Photographie used a you for yours of 4th inst. As you see above,
very filthy bath, and did not dare to move I arrived in New York only this morning,
his plate," etc. I am glad to see that he, at but was unwilling to intrude myself at the
least, has " done justice" to Le Moniteur gallery [where 1 am dying to come, how-
man. ever, to see all the "modern improvements"].
Third. " The party of the name of Rey- I sincerely trust to see you at your private
nolds " says " He " (i. e., I) "should have
: residence, where, I feel assured, I could
learn more in a quiet chat with you than in UNDER THE SKYLIGHT.
a wilderness of correspondence. May I BY ROLAND VANWEIKE.
come this evening ?
No. II.
By the way — I know
you will excuse me Good morning, Focus.
— is there a Mrs. A., whose sanction and " Good bordig, sir."
convenience I am hound to consult? For
(Focus has a little squeaky voice, and
I should be loath to incommode or interrupt
talks as if he had a cold in his head.)
any domestic routine.
Agreeably to promise, Focus, I will try
An early answer will greatly oblige yours, and give you some further instructions to-
Very respectfully, day, and as you are coming to understand
A. B. Marshall. pretty well what we are doing, you may
ask any questions you please. But. as it is
[No. 5.]
early yet, and we may not have any sitters
New York, May 7, 1870.
for some time, I want to improve the oppor-
Mr. A. B. Marshall.
tunity and talk with you a little about what
Dear Sir : Yours of this morning re-
ceived. Surely, you may call on me any we do, and what we do with.
I propose to dwell more particularly on
evening and welcome. I shall certainly ex-
what are termed plain pictures to-day, and
pect you this evening. You
wrong not did
show you my idea of making that style of
to come to Mr. Kurtz
the gallery, for
work. It is not original with me, however,
would, of all others, be pleased to show you
for many of the most eminent photographers
all the " modern improvements," as you style
practice it. I allude more particularly to
them, and fully explain their object and
the accessories, furniture, &c. Years ago
divers uses. I hope yet to see you there.
when nearly everything was made either
There is a Mrs. A., whom you will not
standing or sitting, full figure, there was
incommode, however. She will take good
little attempt made with accessories. The
care of that. For when I told her of your
articles mostly used being a pedestal and
contemplated visit this evening, she ex-
column, appearing to be of immense height
claimed: "What!
that horrible Marshall
and great solidity, with a curtain sometimes
man from Rocky Mountains ?" [She has
draped around it, with a flashy figure, giv-
a confused idea that Milwaukee and the
ing the most violent contrast of black and
Bocky Mountains are one and the same ;
white in the picture a chair with a high
America, among bona fide subscribers. and we may rejoice that it did. Though
even now we occasionally find a Rip Van his books and papers. Take a seat near this
Winkle from up country, that wants just table ;
nearly a side view of the body, and
such a picture. But public taste, as well turn the face so as to bring it about three-
as the taste and good judgment of pho- quarters. That will bring in part of the
tographers, has made great progress within table, showing that book-rack, with books
a few years and nothing, perhaps, has
; for his immediate use and some manuscript
done more to bring this about than the in- near where his hand rests. An inkstand
troduction of the beautiful and popular with pens, paper-weights, and this little
cabinet portrait. And what is applicable statuette of Faith, may be arranged on the
to them in this direction is applicable to table with good effect. It will be in keep-
larger or smaller pictures. ing to have a book in his left hand, or it
Now the idea is to have the operating may rest carelessly by his side. For pic-
room furnished something as we would fur- tures of this style I have this piece, painted
nish a nice parlor, or similar to this. Have to represent a library or bookcase, which I
tables, chairs, lounges, ottomans, hassocks, place against the background on one side,
the same as we see in our homes every day, showing more or less of it, as may be de-
with a good variety of table and mantel sired to give variety. One of the frames,
ornaments, such as vases, flower-pots, with representing a painting, may be hung
flowers, not too large, bronzes, a few small towards the other side. Now, this back-
pieces, and a small library of books. These ground being quite dark, will bear to be
small articles can all be kept in a case, like brought well forward so as to come as near
this, made for the purpose, and are handy the focus of the instrument as possible. A
whenever wanted. Then the background little drapery introduced behind the sitter
is an important consideration, though one will help to balance the picture. Now, we
perfectly plain may be used with good want the subject well lighted, and give a
efTect. The one we have here works well ;
good full exposure.
you a sort of fresco, made quite
see it is' The next is a lady for a similar style.
dark, and the figure rather subdued. The Well, we'llmake up a parlor scene first, ;
lines dividing it into spaces give it the ap- however, lay down this piece of parlor
pearance of a richly papered wall in the carpet, and let her stand as if admiring
picture. Then we have these light frames this vase of flowers. Let the folds of her
with rough sketches in them representing dress hang so as to give good flowing lines.
pictures, which may be hung on the back- A chair, or the end of the lounge may be in-
ground to suit the fancy or style of the pic- troduced opposite the table, with a book, or
ture.* we can make up a home
"With these fan, or any appropriate article lying on it.
this was taken in your own home; isn't it and put another one of the frames in its
nice ?" And when assured it was made under place.
O no, Focus, I don't think he has come " I want just a burst taken !"
to give us a sermon to-day. We will rep- Focus, this man says he wants a burst
resent him in his study surrounded with taken I suppose he means a bust. We'll
* This paper was in type for our last issue, the schoolmaster may come round where he
but was crowded out. It ought to have appeared
with our last picture, which is an illustration of
lives, some time, and prevent further muti-
the remarks of Mr. Vanweike. lation of our American-Eno-lish.
The rest of these, Focus, seem to be all with his eyes open and his mind prepared
vignettes, and we will have another lesson to receive instruction, another year will find
on this at some future time. us far in advance of the many grand results
this year's Exhibition will produce.
Dear Photographer: Since writing the E. V.
above, I see your correspondent, " West-
ley," has given some attention to me in
your May number. May I be allowed to
say a word therefore ?
I am sorry that he should have taken Pyroxyline. —I hoped to have been able,
what I said so much to himself. It is evi- in this number, to indicate some commer-
dent the fraternity would have suffered, had cial pyroxyline that would give entire sat-
he been driven to such desperate measures as isfaction, but have been disappointed. I
to sell his " traps at auctionand leave for shall still seek for it, and hope in the fol-
parts unknown. "But I am glad to know Mr. lowing number to give the information.
Westley is not one to whom my remarks Meantime, I will briefly state the difficul-
applied, as it seems he has his light under tiespresented by pyroxylines. Some speci-
control, and displayed considerable inge- mens, when coated upon the plate, appear at
nuity in managing it. I have written first to be perfectly even, but, if examined
rather for the benefit of new beginners by holding up to the light, show an uneven-
than for " old stagers " of eighteen years' ness which, when slight, is a mere cloud-
So much is being said on this subject of grain of chloride of copper, In this case
skylights at the present time, that there the nitrate of silver must be raised to 20
would seem to be no excuse for any one not grains, and a more alcohol vised in
having some plan of working that will give dissolving it, say 2i to 3 drachms to each
them experience, if not improve their work. 20 grains.
If every photographer in the country would Bromide of Cadmium. — It is desirable not
take a ml. read he Philadelphia Photographer,
1 only to have a pure specimen of bromide of
and go to the Cleveland Exhibition in June cadmium, but also to keep it well corked.
This substance is only known commercially day and a large stop, the exposure might
in the crystallized state; that is, the sub- have been greatly reduced. I think a wet
stance that we use does not merely consist plate would have needed twice the expos-
of bromine and cadmium, but contains also ure. This plate was prepared with gum
four equivalents of water to each equiva- and sugar only.
lent of bromine and of cadmium. The Preservative.
—"When the preservative is
crystallized salt has a strong tendency to gum and sugar, either alone or with litmus
effloresce in dry air ; it turns white and or tannin, the proportion of gum should
loses one-half of its water of crystallization. never be less than 15 or 18 grains to the
Of course this change alters its relations to ounce.
nitrate of silver, so that, in the effloresced
state it requires more nitrate of silver to de-
compose it. But a change of this kind is
not often so complete as to enable us to cal-
doubt those who have been making
Photo-crayons are preparing their best pos-
culate the exact changes in quantity neces-
sible work for the Exhibition, in order to
sary to compensate for the loss of water.
compete for the prize medals offered in our
Effloresced or whitish bromide of cadmium
last issue by the Messrs. Lambert for the
should therefore be avoided, and the clear
best examples exhibited. Those who have
transparent salt only should be used. An
recently begun making them would do well
examination of a bromide of cadmium bot-
to look into this.
tle that has been left uncorked for a moder-
Most beautiful results continue to be
ate time in dry weather, will enable the
secured by those working the process in our
operator at once to recognize the difference
city, and we have some that we highly prize.
between the two such a bottle will
sorts ;
following: on the twelfth of this month I 1. A gold medal for the best portrait pho-
exposed a plate before eight a.m. for ten tograph, vignette or otherwise, from re-
seconds, which proved to be an ample ex- touched negatives.
posure. Size of plate, 6J x 8i stop, ^jth ; 2. A gold medal for the best portrait pho-
focal length. The development was easy tograph, vignette or otherwise, from nega-
and rapid, complete in four or five minutes, tives not retouched.
no redevelopment needed. The subject 3. A gold medal for the best composition
was not a wide or distant view, no object or genre picture.
appearing on the plate more than one hun- 4. A gold medal for the best landscape
dred yards distant. The foliage was full picture.
of detail. "With an extended view at mid- To be at least two negatives of each sub-
ject, as nearly as possible alike, and of size thay, to which, in many respects, Albert's
suitable for our illustration. The regula- process is manifestly closely analogous.
tions will be similar to those heretofore The operations described in the report
made in offering our premiums. Further are those of M. Mareschal, the co-pat-
particulars, with the time given, will be du Mothay, the printing es-
entee of Tessie
announced in our next. We make this tablishment being at Metz. The largest
much of an announcement that those who number of impressions ever obtained from
anticipate competing may lose no time in one plate, however, at this establishment,
preparation. has been about a hundred, whilst Herr
Albert has considerably exceeded a thou-
In speaking of these photo-collographic
NOTES IN AND OUT OF THE processes, it just occurs to me to correct an
STUDIO. error of conception which I have noticed
prevails somewhat commonly. After ex-
Photo- Mechanical Printing Processes in Eu- posing the film of chromated gelatine under
rope —In a Fog— Mounting without Cock- a negative, the soluble gelatine is not washed
ling —Simple Remedy for Pin-holes. away. The plate is placed in cold water to
Photo- Mechanical Printing Processes in wash out the unchanged bichromate, but no
Europe. I have just been favored with a portion of the gelatine is removed by wash-
copy of the report made to the Indian De- ing ;
the film remains intact, a layer of
partment of our government by my friend, gelatine possessing as many varied degrees
Lieutenant Waterhouse, of the Eoyal Ar- of insolubility or impermeability as there
tillery, of the cartographic applications of are gradations in the picture. Where the
photography in Europe. Lieutenant Water- light has passed freely through the trans-
house is in charge of the photozincographic parent parts of the negative, the gelatine
department at the Surveyor-General's office has become quite hardened, and absorbs no
in Calcutta, and, having been on sick leave moisture when sponged with water. This
in this country, he obtained a commission part takes a fatty ink freely, and so prints
from his department to visit the principal blacks. The portion which has been fully
cities in Europe to investigate the various protected from light retains the ordinary
cartographic applications of photography, capacity of gelatine for absorbing water,
and the various photo-mechanical printing and, of course, when saturated with water
processes employed to multiply the maps it repels ink, and so prints pure whites.
and other topographical documents pro- The varied degrees by light
of hardening
duced. His report is voluminous and full between these two regulate the absorption
of interest, possessing the special value of of water, and the consequent affinity for
being the work of an investigator, himself fatty ink, and so the varied gradations are
practically familiar with the operations in printed. I have endeavored to restate this
many of the photo-mechanical printing principle carefully and clearly, because I
processes. have seen on more than one occasion in
It is a noteworthy fact, that after visiting print that it was not clearly apprehended,
every establishment connected with this and because I think it probable that photo-
branch of our art, of any reputation, in collographic processes will play an import-
Europe, Lieutenant Waterhouse does not ant part in the photography of the future.
appear to have met with any photo-me- As I believe the operations at Metz havo
chanical process giving really good half- not before been described by an eye-witness,
tone, except Woodbury's, which he pro- it may not be unintoresting to give a brief
nounces as undoubtedly the most perfect of extract from Lieutenant Waterhouse's de-
all processes of this kind in yielding half- scription of the operations as he saw them
tone. At
the time of investigation, 1808, performed. He says :
Herr Albert's process was unknown, but " A plate of copper is grained with sand,
he describes the process of Teesie du Mo- and then coated ver»y evenly with a mix-
ture containing gelatine and the bichro- may be its capabilities. Indeed, photo-
mate of potash, and possibly some other lithography is practised very little indeed
substances, and is dried by exposing it in in France, which was, so far as the bi-
an oven to a heat of 122° F. for some hours. chromate processes are concerned, its birth-
These plates may be kept two or three days, place. So far as I can learn from this re-
sometimes more, before use. The plates port, there is a general tendency in many im-
thus prepared are exposed in diffused day- portant photo-lithographic establishments
light under a reversed negative for about bitumen processes for
to return to the use of
half an hour ; they are then taken out of line work, and I have seen many fine re-
the printing-frames and washed under a sults produced by these methods.
himself the very obvious reflections on the buckling is avoided. A German friend, in
importance of studying each process as an expatiating on the superiority of the scraper
entirety, remembering that disjointed for- over rollers for litho work, concisely ex-'
mulae, not duly related in all their parts, plained, It ish de nip.' "
to some hints I recently gave for a new of plain collodion. The film fully charged
mounting material to prevent cockling of with iodide, and the bath fully charged
thin boards, a correspondent sends me the with iodide, coming into contact, at once
following hints for a method of mounting, produce the fine crystals which cause pin-
which he has found very efficient to prevent holes. The film being less fully charged
cockling with iodide changes the conditions, and an
"Stroke the proofs by drawing them instant relief from this trouble follows the
facedown on a sheet of glass, and under a application of the remedy.
piece of stout cardboard, held vertically
(the proof being drawn upwards). Coat
the backs with starch of good domestic NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE.
make, laid on with a sponge its consist- ;
The May meeting of the Photographical
ency should be such us to leave a gloss when Section of the American Institute was held
dry. Now trim the proofs, and on a smooth- at the usual place. Mr. Chas. Wager Hull,
faced lithographic stone lay a mount of the Vice-President, in the chair.
required size, mark with space-lead the After the routine business was disposed
of, Mr. Mason spoke as to the merits of Mr. well-balanced in their contrasts, —indeed,
Newton's process for preparing silvered are quite perfection.
paper. He thought it was just what we Mr. Newton exhibited some very fine glass
wanted. Inasmuch as he had not yet con- positives made with collodio-chloride, and
cluded his tests of the process, it was agreed printed from the negative by contact. The
to pass it until the June meeting. tone was of a rich warm chocolate, to obtain
Mr. H. T. Anthony said that he had re- which he flowed the plate after development
sorted to many expedients to keep silvered with a solution of pyro, one grain ;
paper. He had found that, with two float- eight grains ; one ounce
water, washed ;
ings upon distilled water, it kept well for well, toned with gold, and fixed in hypo.
nine or ten days ; but at the end of thirty He said that in making transparencies by
days itbecame yellow. He also stated that this process, itwas important to dry the
if silvered paper was floated upon three substratum of albumen by heat, and as soon
changes of ordinary drinking-water, it as cool flow with collodio-chloride. If dried
would keep well for a month, which he spontaneously, pinholes would follow.
thought was probably due to the trace of He made many efforts to obtain negatives
chloride found in all such waters. Such by this process from the positives so ob-
paper must be printed in fumes of ammonia, tained, but could not succeed. The nega-
which was easily accomplished by having tive would be full of pinholes, and the posi-
the pad in the printing-frame well charged tive would fade away and be destroyed.
with it and also that, in addition to this,
; Mr. Mason presented for inspection four
the paper should be fumed in the usual samples of nitrate of silver. Three of them
way. he had prepared, and pronounced absolutely
Mr. Newton stated the results of his com- pure; one was dried in a glass dish in the
parative experiment with his tea process dark, and gave superb crystals two were ;
and Lea's collodio-bromide process. He dried in the sun, and gave product of mud-
exposed plates prepared by each, subject to dy dark crystals. Another sample of com-
same conditions; fully followed Lea's di- mercial nitrate was also dried in the sun,
rections, but could not obtain a negative of and gave crystals somewhat darkened, but
sufficient intensity ;
with his own he had no far brighter and better than pure silver.
trouble. He stated that the time and labor The difference was thought due to the trace
saved in the collodio-bromide process was of nitrate of potash in the commercial sam-
lost in the tedious development while with ;
ple. It was thought by some that the two
the tea and iron developer all worked quite samples of pure which crystallized so dark,
to his satisfaction. was due to the fact of their having been
Mr. Chapman, in answer, said that he treated in porcelain dishes, while the good
thought most favorably of the collodio- sample was treated in glass.
bromide process. He was not at all trou- Mr. Mason thought that the difference
bled for want of intensity, but quite the was not due to any such cause, but would
contrary he had too much. He considered
repeat his experiments in glass and report
the charm of was in the latitude allowed
it at the subsequent meeting.
for exposure. He had
exposed at the same Mr. Chapman exhibited twelve 3-inch
time upon a view, thirty seconds and four photographs of the sun, made between the
minutes, and exhibited prints to prove his 11th of March and the 14th of April, show-
statements one was as good as the other,
; ing the so-called spot ; which spot Mr.
and to distinguish the long from the short Chapman declares to be a hole of very re-
exposure was simply impossible. spectable dimensions, to wit, 70,000 miles
worked by either process, but
I have not across its top, but how deep he did not
have seen superb work by both. Three know. One thing is certain, if we poor
8x10 views of collodio-bromide received a mortals, including all our goods and chat-
few days since from M. Carey Lea, Esq., tels, together with all our real estate, should
most assuredly leave little to ask for. They happen to fall therein, we would not be
are full of detail in the shadows, soft and found in a hurry. In considering the pos-
sibility of filling it, but one plan suggests which seemed to cover all means of saving
itself to my mind as at all possible, and that silver by precipitation, and the judge
is tohave the men who issue the new stock stated that if it covered what Shaw claimed
for the Erie Eailway Company to take the it was a terrible one. He could not say
job. I fancy they could make enough to too much in favor of Mr. Bell thought ;
After roll-call it was resolved to postpone was, "The best manner of cleaning ferro-
all regular business for one week, excepting type plates that have been used."
that which pertains to the death of Mr. E. Mr. Lothrop 's way was to put every re-
P. Warrington, our late Vice-President. jected plate of pictures, soon as taken, into
On motion it was resolved to appoint a a dish of clean water, and, after the day's
committee to draw up appropriate resolu- work was done, to take a chamois and rub
tions to be entered on the minutes of the off the film,keeping the plate under run-
meeting, a copy of the same to be neatly ning water during the operation. After
engrossed and sent to the wife of deceased, washing the plate perfectly clean it is to be
and to be handed in with the minutes of placed between blotting-paper and imme-
the meeting for publication in the Phila- diately dried, when it is ready for use
delphia Photographer. again.
The committee appointed were Messrs. Messrs. Trask & Bolles's manner of pro-
Thomas Brooks, A. K. P. Trask, and D. ceeding was, to have a square block of
Lothrop. wood covered with woollen cloth, and to
The following preamble and resolutions rub the plates upon under running water,
were reported by the committee and unani- and, when clean, hang up to dry, and then
mously adopted by the meeting :
if water-marks appeared on the plate, to re-
Mr. Brooks, on the presentation of reso- Ventilate your dark-closet and save
lutions to Mrs. Warrington, reported prog- your health. Don't be afraid to have it
ress. light enough, so no white or actinic light is
The subject for discussion this evening admitted.
colors and shades known in the dry goods for him, and copies may now be had. For
trade, and arranged them systematically in
list of colors included, please read the ad-
fair, such as every photographer has long in the example we give herewith, it will be
wanted, and such as every photographer perceived that a three-quarter face has been
should have to exhibit to every lady cus- chosen, and the peculiarity of the "Rem-
tomer. Then if Maria comes to bo " taken
brandt Effect" isshown in its very hap-
in her new, pet blue dress, and, finds it piest style. There were four negatives
will "look" absolutely white in the pic- used in printing our edition, each a little
ture, she can save both her own and the different from its neighbor ; remarkable
photographer's time by postponing the sit- for their softness, exquisite light and shade,
and perfect transparency in the shadows, cold, some of the party freezing their feet.
yet all full of delicate detail. As a general The next day was pleasant, and we again
thing, nine-tenths of the photographers put went up and reached the house, finding the
their pictures a little out of focus in order weather warm and pleasant, stopped three
to get softness, whereas Mr. Kurtz's pic- days and got up our wood, being assisted
tures are remarkable, and specially noted by some six young men of Warren village.
for their sharpness and excessive softness at Got our wood into the house, a substantial
the same time. The detail here, even in stone building 36 x 60 feet, similar to those
the darkest parts, is wonderful. on Mount Washington. In this we pre-
The negatives are entirely unretouched ;
pared a small inner room which we made
were made with a "3B " Dallmeyer lens, tight and comfortable. In December wo
2f inches diaphragm one turn diffusion of
made several ascents to get up provisions,
focus. Bath, 40 grains. Collodion, equal books, instruments, etc. The permanent stay
parts of ether and alcohol, 3 grains of bro- was delayed by an accident to myself in get-
mide, to 5 grains of iodide; Liesegang's ting lamed in my foot until December 31st,
Papyroxyline, 5 grains. Time, 20 seconds. when we left the valley with cheerful hearts
Printed in the shade. Mr. Anderson will and heavy loads of " traps " on hand-sleds, to
give further particulars on the pictures ascend the mountain. The day was warm,
soon, in his " Fog " papers. and, as we got higher up, were obliged to
The mounts were gotten up by Mr. Kurtz leave some of our loads to be returned for
to suit his own fancy. Altogether, it makes next day.
a very grand illustration for our holiday As we gained the open space above the
(Exhibition) issue. view was one of wild grandeur.
trees, the
In our next will be a full record of the Dense masses of clouds, broken up in wild
proceedings at Cleveland, accompanied by confusion, rolled away to the south, some
another elegant " Rembrandt Effect " from dark and heavy, others light and fleecy ;
the studio of Mr. W. J. Baker, Buffalo, N. some black, with golden borders others ;
Y. Other fine things are also in preparation. white, with rose-tinted edges some of ;
myself, proposed spending the winter on ow of clouds and had a soft, rosy hue ;.
Moose Hillock (or Moosilauke is the Indian others were of deepest blackness, thus giv-
name), a mountain of about five thousand ing a panorama of the wildest beauty.
feet elevation, about thirty miles southwest The magnificence of the scene made us
of Mount Washington. It is an isolated forget the hardship of the ascent, and, as-
peak, no near mountains to cut off the pros- we drank in the scene, we were convinced
pect, and nowhere are the White Moun- that those who desire to behold the beauti-
tains seen in all their grandeur as from ful must toil for it.
here. The tourist who does not visit it As we gained summit we were en-
loses the beauty and sublimity of White veloped in a dense cloud. We had a fine
Mountain scenery. view of frost mist at short range and we
We made the first ascent about Novem- were glad to get inside of the house and
ber 20th, to get up wood and prepare for close to a fire.
our stay. The snow had fallen and drifted,
so that we were two days in getting up with
our horses, having to retreat the first night We were enveloped in clouds about three-
when we had got within a mile of the fourths of the time, of such density that we
house, the weather being blustering and could see but a short distance. There were
vast ages of the geological eras of the world, save enough for the year's consumption.
and you see the land as it was when it first W. P. Bennet.
began to rise from the ocean, only here and
there an island, while huge icebergs were [The following method of getting in-
driving and drifting over the tops of the tensitywe believe to be entirely new, and
lower mountains and hills; when no ani- to cover all equivalents. We extract it
mal life animated the scene, but one vast from a communication from one of our Ger-
solitude, broken only by the wild howl of man subscribers, and give it verbatim et
the wind, dashing of the waves, and the literatim. —
Ed. P. P.]
rumbling and clash of the icebergs as they " A fellow vat coultn't git to plack tra-
were dashed to pieces on the rocky shores ; a perics come to me a few days ago to see vat
feeling of lonely solitude creeps over you, coult help him. lie sait he hat drite efery-
and, for the time, you live in the remote tings ; and set he, '
I put a little pluck ink
in te lath, too, and it tidn't to ein pit of goot.' good results, is certainly desirable. It never
I vash so mat at him— vel I coult kickt fails with me. I use four ^ tubes, placed in
him." a block, the hole bushed or lined with soft
leather, so that with each tube, by a slight
I have a little simple thing here of my turn with the thumb and fingers, a focus
own. It is a piece of oiled tissue-paper
can be had. The plan works admirably,
pasted on a collar-box cover. I use it to
and saves the expense of rack and pinion.
look at my prints in my solar camera. By In making the block I glue and screw to-
holding it between the negative and small
gether two dry boards, laying them cross-
tube, answers the same as, or better than
wise with the grain, so that the tendency
letting in the light to see whether the print
warp is counteracted by the other.
of one to
is dark enough or not. A fine ground-glass The block should be about If inches thick
answers the same. Try it, and notice the
when finished, to hold the tubes steady,
effect. F. L. Mitchell. which a thin board will not do. The same
I have retouched my negatives to some principle works equally well with ith size
extent for about two years, and I find the tubes. —A Gemist.
best way to prepare the surface for the pen- The only mechanical way of retouching
cil is to use a very thin varnish, and let it I have found by smoking the negative on
dry slowly. This gives a dead surface easily the back. It is most excellent for copies,
worked upon, and marks can be erased if where you have not sufficient strength. It
desired. Most varnishes, when first opened, is done instantly.
are thin enough if not, dilute with alcohol.
"Warm the negative, then bring it down
H. Besancon. on the flame of gas where you want it more
dense then touch it out where you want it
I want an improvement for
to suggest
A great deal has been written and said keeps the water in four small streams,
about pinholes. Maintaining that a bath whereas, if you only punch four holes in
exposed to light during use will give pin- the cap, the water will join below and form
holes, I have about come to the conclusion one stream. C. N. Stevens.
it is oftener the fault of tbe collodion than
Tinbad to use. "We think a better
the bath, and light has nothing to do with
way to break the force of the water is to tie
it. A few days ago I made some new col-
a thick rag loosely over the mouth of the
lodion. I coated a plate dipped in my bath,
faucet.—-Ed. P. P.
which is a glass covered one, and lo, the
plate was full of pinholes. I tried another
In looking over Mosaics for 1870, I
bath with the same result. I tried my old
notice formulas and hints for pyrogallic in-
collodion, and all was right. I was in a
tensifier. I have used the following for
dilemna. It was surely not the bath that
caused it. I dipped another plate with the
two years with good success. The principal
point of difference from other formulas I
new collodion ; I found the film very creamy.
with plain collodion have seen, is in placing the citric acid in
I reduced it ; result,
more, which solution with the pyrogallic, as follows
less pinholes. I reduced it
Water, 2 parts.
vent them. I have had them often, but
always got rid of them without throwing No. 3.
away my bath. I used to bother with the Nitrate of Silver, 15 grains
bath, but I came to the 'conclusion pinholes Water, 1 ounce
may be got rid of by doctoring the collo-
dion and harmonize it with the bath, in place I use it before fixing, when there is want
of the bath with the collodion. of detail in the deep shadows, otherwise after
fixing if necessary, and I can then localize
E. A. Ktjsel.
its action to a considerable extent if de-
I have tried every way of mounting sirable. I pour a little of No. 2 into a small
prints, but like my own way the best,
which wide-mouthed bottle, and drop in a few
is this: Take them from the water and lay drops of No. 3, and pour it on and off the
them between'two clean white cloths, which negative, letting it fall near such portions
will absorb the water; then, while moist as I desire to strengthen most. A little
put them on a neat pile, care being taken practice will render the operation safe and
to have them even. Then paste, and there pleasing. Should violent discoloration of
will be no danger of paste getting on the tlienegative occur, flush with a weak solu-
edges, and you will not have to put in your tion of bichloride of mercury. The pyro-
tongue to lick it off, as I have seen many do. gallic solution will keep any length of time.
R. F. ClIANNELL. F. M. Spencer.
I write to give the craft my plan of modifies the heavy shades and makes a great
keeping the bath in order. I keep two improvement in the picture.
working baths, also a stock bath, 60 grains E. A. Bonine.
to the ounce, iodized 3 grains to the ounce
Noticing an article in a late number of
of silver. My bath is failing. On taking a
the Philadelphia Photographer on green glass
plate from it, the plate has a thick heavy
for the dark-room, I thought the following
dull appearance (too much iodide). I try it
might give some green light on the subject.
with litmus paper. If very acid, I add a
Mr. Jas. L. Forbes (at Gurney's) has yellow
solution of bicarbonate of soda, just enough
glass in his windows. The room is as light
to neutralize, I then add 2 or 3 ounces of
as day. Immediately over his developing
water, boil it down to its original quantity,
tray is a gaslight, and the flame is sur-
let it cool, then filter. Then add of the
rounded by a very dark-green glass globe,
stock bath to make it 30 grains for ferro-
causing the light in the room to look very
types or 50 grains for negatives, sun one or
green. He states it is a hard light to de-
two days, filter, and your bath is ready for
velop by; but the negatives (which average
work. I keep my ferrotype bath slightly —
110 per day), so Mr. Ben. Gurney said,
acid negative neutral.
; I sometimes throw
are acknowledged by all to be unsurpassed.
my two working baths in one, treat it as In fact, Forbes is the best negative-maker
just described, then make a new working
we have and anything he uses
in the city,
bath. By this means I always have two to produce such results should be known to
working baths on hand. I have set foggy
all who wish to produce the best work.
baths aside for a month or two, which,
J. H. Hallenbecr..
after being filtered, were clear and sharp.
A new bath works better if kept in the The following process is not given as
light for a month, then filtered. I never anything new to the old-time workers, but
let my bath remain in the box over night; I thought it might prove beneficial to a
I wash my bath-box at night, then it is dry large number who are not acquainted with
by morning. I filter my bath every morn- this mode of printing. It is very superior
ing. Improper management of the bath for printing on wood, and for solar work in
be assured is the cause of more failures than cloudy weather.
any other. J. Davidson. Float the plain paper on the following
solution for three minutes Water, 80 :
6 drachms.
minutes (the paper is now very sensitive,
and should be kept in the dark).
Shake until dissolved, then filter and set The time required for printing will be
by until it clears up, then pour off all but found to vary from two to fifteen seconds.
sediment. Warm the negative slightly be-
fore and after varnishing.
Water, . . . .80 ounces.
Most photographers use the lead pencil "
P. S. Iron, . . . 3
for retouching I prefer India-ink and pro-
Glacial A. Acid, . . 6 "
ceed as follows Touch out pinholes (if
T. P. Varley.
I find., in my visits to photographers,
quite a number who are troubled to obtain I have been trying permanganate of
the tone they desire to their photographs potash for strengthening negatives, and
their bath does not work satisfactorily, and find it does better than anything I have
they are constantly making new toning used. It is better to use it in two different
baths. Now I have not two years
failed in solutions ; make one very strong and the
to tone just as I pleased, and I have not other weak. Use the strong solution for
made a single bath within that time. Two weak negatives and the weak solution for
years ago I made a very simple bath of soft negatives that require only very little
water, with the addition of bicarbonate of strengthening. Do not pour the solution
soda and a little salt ; kept when not in use back into the bottle, but wash it off over
bottled. In toning 1 pour out the quantity the sink. T. C. Lawrence.
Press of matter this month again compels us The German Correspondence is omitted this
to run eight pages over. The quantity of good month on account of Dr. Vogel's visit to America.
matter corning to our hands is so great that we He is, at this writing, on his way to us, having
cannot keep'it from our readers. left Hamburg May 11th.
sight was perfectly terrific. Some of the stones respond, there would be an abundance. And
picked up a few moments after the shower meas- now comes the singular part : as if by some
ured seven inches in diameter, and were very agreement, nearly the whole of those appealed to,
clear and hard. Four of them were photographed, have concluded to belong to the half who would
which weighed in the aggregate 1S70 grains — not respond, hence, very little has been received.
curious amount, considering the year. This seems really unfair, after the- work has been
Mr. William Bell has sent us a stereoscopic done, and we really hope that our readers will
view of the interior of his skylight, made twenty be more thoughtful in the matter. The work is
minutes after the storm, which presents his room done; you are greatly benefited, and a trifle from
in most deplorable condition. All the available each one would be enough. If all our readers
vessels are scattered over the floor, into which would respond, fifty cents each would cover all
the assistants are shovelling the bushels of great expenses.
hail ;empty sash above and at the side, the
the It is stated that neither Mr. Shaw's applica-
drenched and torn curtains, etc., all look very tion for his original patent or for his several re-
much the worse for hail. issues, ever came up before the photographic
Very few pictures were made in. Philadelphia examiner at the Patent Office, but, by aid of in-
for several days after, but now the damage is genious counsel, were examined in the chemical
all repaired, and, better still, several of the old department.
lights have been remodelled, so photography will Shaw was beaten in another patent case re-
gain after all. We hope, however, no more such cently also. This time he was the defendant in
storms will pay special attention to Philadel- the matter, and was declared an infringer on
phia. some other patent he had been using without a
right. Mr. Bell was the counsel against him in
Holyoake Cards, Cabinet-size. Messrs. — this case also, and also triumphant against him.
A. M. Collins, Son& Co., who are always enter-
prising in such matters, and ever ready to supply Mr. A. Semmindinger, New York, has sent
the demands of the trade in their line, have met us a communication wherein he says he was the
the request of "Livingstone" in our last issue, first to patent a multiplying box, and that, up
and have ready the cabinet size Holyoake card- to January, I860, there was no such box in ex-
mount. A very pretty inner ring surrounds the istence, therefore all who manufacture them in-
portrait, between the latter and the outside tint, fringe his patent. Moreover, he states that he
which is a great improvement, and makes them challenged Mr. Ormsbee in March, 1869, to dis-
very effective and pretty. The dealers all have prove the above fact if he could, and that Mr.
them. Ormsbee never answered him. If all that was
known about the rnultiplying-box was published,
Struck by Lightning. — Mr.M. Van Ors-
it would make a very curious volume. Suppose
dell's gallery, at Wilmington, N. C, was struck
you had a patent for a lock. Your neighbor
by lightning May 5th, and afterwards deluged
sees defects in it, and, by the introduction of a
with water, doing much damage to his stock and
new tumbler or spring or two, makes it less lia-
ble to be picked. He obtains a patent for his
Mr. E. V. Seutter, Jackson, Miss., has sent new combination, but that does not entitle either
us a copy of an article contributed by him to he or you to claim that all locks are "equiva-
their local paper, complaining of the grievous lents" and, therefore, "infringements." Yet
taxes made upon photography. In addition to such an erroneous opinion or claim is held by
the Government tax it seems that the State and very many inventors. Mr. Semmindinger and
county also tax the photographers. This is hardly Messrs. Wing &, Co. may both patent a multi-
plying-box, and yet neither of them be entitled
to the claim that every such box infringes them
(P)Shaw ! —A very singular thing has oc- that was used before their patent. The Patent
curred recently.As soon as we received from Office will not allow a man any such claims,
Mr. Thompson the Shaw & Wilcox premature though it is a common error to suppose that it
and threatening circulars, we put them in does.
type, and, with the announcement of the vic- We know Mr. Semmindinger to be a hard-
tory, sent out about five hundred of them to working man, and he says he has made camera
those where we supposed Shaw would be most boxes for twenty-one years. He states a curious
likely to operate, asking for help to pay the ex- fact too, that, of the several who have been in
penses of the suit for Mr. Lovejoy. We thought the business in New York, all have failed to suc-
if one-half of those who were appealed to would ceed but him, up to within a few years.
Q^* The "Committee on the Relief Fund," Rink. Hundreds of figures, in every imaginable
National Photographic Association, U. S. A., are dress and position, are grouped most wonderfully
requested to meet at the Kennard House, Cleve- and artistically. It is a fine success as a compo-
land, Ohio, on Monday, June 6th, at 12 m. sition picture.
W. Irving Adams.
The Sphynx —
This is the title we shall give
A subscriber in Iowa desires us again to cau- to a new column beginning with our next issue.
tion our readers against an individual calling In Professor Pepper's excellent work, page 30,
himself "Dr. Phillips,'' who is selling preten- are given directions for producing the delusion
tious processes for largesums which are nothing familiar to all our readers in the cities visited
new. If he victimizes any of our subscribers, by the magicians, called the " iSp/jjwar, " or the
all we have to say is, they deserve it, for they "Floating Head." A large mirror is placed on
have been taught better. the stage at an angle of twenty degrees. The
ceiling above is reflected in it. In the centre
Meeting of Philadelphia Photographers.
of the glass is a hole through which a human
An enthusiastic meeting of photographers of
head is passed, the glass hiding the body. The
this city was held at Messrs. Wilson, Hood &
appearance then seems to be that of a head
Co's store, on Thursday evening, May 19th, to
floating in the air. Questions are then- asked,
consider, first, the best route to go to Cleveland ;
and the head answers them. Now here is the
second, to arrange to send all parcels for the
point : our readers shall be the magician and ask
Exhibition together ; third, to arrange for the
the questions ; our drawer shall be the hole, our
reception of Dr. Vogel.
Journal the mirror, and our new column the head
It was thought that, going by the way of the
or Sphynx to answer the questions, which an-
Erie Road and returning by way of the Pennsyl-
swers must also come from, our readers. We will
vania Central, would be the most pleasant, and
start the questions with the following, put your
allow parties to see both routes. It was also
heads through, and let the answers be prompt
agreed to have all the parcels shipped together.
and full :
Received. — From Messrs. E. Long* Co., our throw down its impurities ?
he begins in our current number. Some dion. The "appearance of sand" on the plates
of the
is iodide of silver. Coat your plates with the
frost views are truly exquisite, and very curious
as specimens of photography under cold circum- film down, inclined on the dipper. The following
From Mr. C. R. Savage, Great Salt
Lake City,
we have a number of fine views in Southern Utah. Iodide of Ammonium, .
4J grains.
MkMpWa Iffcfltflijrajrta*
Meetings of the National Photographic all the expenses of the Exhibition, which
Association. was not the case last year. The debts in-
"We have devoted the major portion of curred in litigation with the Shaw & Wil-
our space this month to the proceedings of cox Co. by one of the members, and in op-
the National Photographic Association at posing the plea of the Bromide Patent as-
we look upon it as a sub-
Cleveland, because signees before Congress for a rehearing of
importance and value to every
ject of vast their case, werewiped away by the Associa-
photographer in the Union. Whether tion. Elegant medals, it will also not be
every one will see the advantages of a con- forgotten, were offered for improvements in
nection with such a body, or not, the ad- the art during the year.
vantages are still the same. A Eelief Fund was established and placed
The Cleveland affair was enough to con- in the hands of a board of trustees, who are
vince any one that the little handful of energetic and earnest in the matter and
men who met in Philadelphia in December, mean work, and to it the handsome dona-
1868, and organized the Association, started tions mentioned in the record of the pro-
there a train which is catching like wild- ceedings have been made, so, with all this
fire, gathering hundreds toits strong em- and its new strength, the Association is in
brace, forming a union which is going to be a flourishing and prosperouscondition. This
a great power and work wondrous good in is not the result of excitement either. The
the art. A brighter, better day for its-vota- meaiwho.Sire.aiive in the matter are actu-
ries, when they shall consider it an honor ated by broad principles, intended to bene-
to be a photographer, is near at hand. fit the profession at large, and they will
Instead of the handful of faithful ones carry them out. Every live photographer
alluded to, over Jive hundred photographers must sooner or later join them for his own
visited Cleveland during the week of "jubilee," protection and benefit, and then you may
and nearly two hundred new members were look for the time when you shall dictate your
admitted to the Association, which is to terms to your customers, and not they their
make them proud of their connection with terms to you. Kead carefully the proceed-
it. About two hundred and fifty persons were ings and think over them, and hereafter
exhibitors, and thousands of citizens visited we will talk further on this matter of mem-
the Exhibition, as many as two thousand bership together.
Harmony prevailed throughout the meet- of the members present, in his lantern, a few
and they were pleasant in every way
ings, hours after the negative was made.
and doubtless profitable, judging from the All this grand Exhibition, with a fine
crowded rooms and the number who had to band of music playing and crowds of people
stand. examining the pictures, made up a scene
The Exhibition. which is indescribable, and which swelled
the hearts of the earnest photographers with
The Exhibition was, in every sense, a pride and gratitude. Cleveland shall never
triumphant success. Mr. J. F. Ryder, the
be forgotten. May coming annual jubi-
most efficient Local Secretary, will never
lee at Philadelphia be as enchanting and as
be forgotten by those who were there. He
successful. No pains shall be spared by her
drove the best of bargains for everything for
photographers to make it so, be assured.
the benefit of the Association he was care-
We almost forgot to say that the nega-
ful alike over the interests of all concerned,
and of members, made
tives of the interior
and to him the success of the affair was due.
by Messrs. Sweeney and Johnson, were
Too much cannot be said in his praise, as
given to the Board of Trustees of the Relief
many will testify.
Fund, and prints are now for sale, the profit
Through the kindness of Mr. T. T. to go to the Relief Fund. See advertised
Sweeney, we have three negatives of the list and purchase them liberally. A group
interior, which are being printed for our of the members each year will be very in-
next number by Mr. Ehoads, therefore we teresting to have and watch the growth in
will defer a detailed description of the Ex- numbers.
hibition until it appears, and with it will
also be published a full list of the exhibit-
ors. That great skating rink was overflow- PROCEEDINGS
ing with chemicals, apparatus, accessories,
photographs, etc., by almost every known
process, and in endless variety. The num- National Photographic Association
ber of exhibitors was about two hundred of the United States.
and fifty. The Committee of Arrangements The Second Annual Meeting and Exhi-
was Messrs. Albert Moore, chairman; W. bition of the National Photographic Asso-
Irving Adams, V. M. Wilcox, John R. ciation of the United States was held in the
Clemons, and Edward L. "Wilson. Central Rink at Cleveland, Ohio, June 7th
The greater bulk of the pictures were to 11th inclusive, 1870.
"Rembrandt," "Shadow,"
portraits, the The President, Mr. Abram Bogardus, of
Cabinet, Salomon, and " retouched nega- New York, in calling the Convention to
tive " styles, all being in vogue. Wonderful order at 3 p.m. made the following remarks:
specimens were exhibited, showing great " One year ago the National Photographic
growth and improvement in American Association of the United States adjourned
photography during the past year. The from the city of Boston to meet in the city
limited amount of colored work we could of Cleveland on the 7th of June, and I may
hardly understand, and landscape photog- say that I can call this a jubilee. (Ap-
raphy was also but poorly represented. In plause.) I now congratulate those who are
these directions and with composition or here with us upon the success of our organi-
genre pictures we must work during the zation. If we have done well in the past,
coming year, so as to show all the variety it argues that we are going to do better in
that photography is capable of attaining. the future, and I will only say now that I
Two great features of the Exhibition take great pleasure in calling the Association
were, in the evening the exhibition of Mr. to order." (Applause.)
Black's dissolving views with the electric Mr. J. F. Ryder, of Cleveland, the Local
light, and of the Woodbury photo-relief Secretary, then spoke as follows:
printing process by Mr. Carbutt each day. " Mh. President and Gentlkmen: I
Mr. Black exhibited a slide of the group take my share of pride as a Clevelander,
that our cityis honored by this meeting. of progress is passing along? Excuse me if
I amproud to see so many in attendance I make a remark personal to Mr. Ryder.
here, most of whom have come hundreds When we first met in Philadelphia, with
and some thousands of miles. I am proud, a view to forming this Association, there
too, magnificent show of photo-
of our were but few of us, and differences of opin-
graphs. So large and fine a collection has ion existed as to whether the photographers
never before been brought together in this would sustain the Association.
or any other country. " Mr. Ryder arose and said that he could '
"The Bromide Patent extension man, not say much but he meant a good deal.'
with visions of a yearly revenue of a mil- He advocated its formation and predicted
lion or more, did not start out with a view its success, and let this gathering and ex-
of calling into existence a powerful associa- hibition say whether his predictions have
tion with powerful prejudices against un- been fulfilled. We called the Boston gather-
just patents. But now we are the offspring ing a success. What shall we call this but
of his greed. He administered well for us, & jubilee ?
its latch-string hanging out as a welcome, would and squirm until sundown. So
but now I find the busy streets and palatial did the Bromide Patent. I think the re-
residences have taken the place of the log- port of the Senate committee put an effec-
cabin, yet the welcome is just as hearty. tual stop to his wriggling. The cat is said
Personally, I can say I have not shaken to have nine lives, but I believe Mr. Wilson
hands with a man since I came here, who will think bromide patents have ninety-
has not given me a hearty shake as if it times nine.
came from his heart. You know what Mr. "Whereverthis Association shall hold
Gough says, to wit, that 'some men shake its next annual meeting, I can only ask
hands so softly and coldly that you look that the photographers of Cleveland and
down to see whether you are shaking a the West shall have a welcome as hearty
man's hand or a dead fish.' We come here and a greeting as cordial as the one we
from the North, South, East, and West, all have received in this city." (Applause.)
as a common brotherhood, and by our pres- The minutes of the last meeting were read
ence and our efforts hope to lift our art higher by the Secretary, Mr. E. L. Wilson, ac-
and higher till it attains the proud eminence cepted and approved.
it deserves. This gathering is going to give The roll was then called by the Secretary,
a stimulus to every man here. I defy any and, upon the suggestion of Mr. Bogardus,
one to look on the work exhibited and not each member arose in his seat as his name
wish to equal or excel it. Will a' man ride was called. One hundred and fourteen old
in the old stage-coach when the locomotive members responded to the call.
raphers on the Continent. They, too, are Mr. E. L. Wilson said that the Execu-
adopting the retouching of negatives. That tive Committee had always ruled that only
is being rapidly adopted by most of the lead- one member of a firm could be a member of
: : :
the Association by paying single dues and a The Chair appointed as such committee,
single fee two persons could not come into
; Messrs. Webster and Fitzgibbon.
the Association as one member any more
Mr. Wilson offered the following resolu-
than they could stop at a hotelfor a single
tion :
Adjourned to 10 p.m. Wednesday. " Resolved, That members, upon rising to
address the Association, shall state their
Second Session. name and address before speaking."
Wednesday, June 8th, 10 a.m. Mr. Wilson said that he offered this reso-
The Association was called to order by lution for the purpose of enabling the sten-
the President, Mr. Bogardus. ographers to make an accurate report of the
On motion, the reading of tbe minutes of proceedings. Passed.
yesterday was dispensed witb.
The Keport of the Committee on the Be-
Mr. Henry Anthony, of New York, tben
Fund was then read.
made bis report as Treasurer of tbe Associa-
tion. Balance in the treasury, $572.38. The chairman of the committee, Mr. W.
It was moved and seconded that the re- Irving Adams, of New York, previous to
port be accepted and referred to the Audit- reading it, said
ing Committee. Carried. I feel somewhat enthusiastic in this
Mr. Bogardus then read the following matter. have based this plan upoia the
telegram from Mr. P. B. Jones, of Daven- relief systems of some of the most promi-
port, Iowa: nent New York organizations. I feel that
" To the National Photographic Con- if this is adopted, as it should be, that by the
vention: time the committee or the Trustees are
" I send you greeting from the Mississippi called upon to pay any money, the fund
Valley, and regret that I cannot be with will be so large that the interest will be al-
you, on account of sickness in my family. most sufficient to cover all demands upon
"P. B. Jones." the fund. I would suggest that in the first
blank be inserted, say five per cent., of the
The following letter to the Secretary, from
entire receipts to go to the Board of Trus-
Mr. Thos. H. Johnson, was then read
tees; the next blank, I would suggest, be
" Cleveland, June 8th, 1870. filled by inserting that the widow, so long
" Will you oblige me by extending an in- as she remains a widow, shall receive, say
vitation to the Association to assemble at fifty dollarsper annum and for children ;
some suitable place for the purpose of hav- under ten years of age, about ten dollars a
ing a group picture taken. year. In regard to any superannuated
" 1 would suggest forming in front of the member, of course that cannot take effect
monument in our public square, between for several years, and by that time I am
the hours of 2 and 4 p.m to-day or to-mor-
, satisfied that a fund will be created suf-
row (weather permitting), if convenient to ficient to allow them from three to five
the Association." hundred dollars per year. I would suggest
that those blanks be filled in by the Asso-
Mr. Bogardus stated that Mr. Thos. T.
ciation, and the report adopted, as follows
Sweeny, of Cleveland, had also extended an
invitation to the Association to meet for the
New York, June 7th, 1870.
purpose of having a group taken.
To the Officers and Members of the Na-
Mr. Wilson moved that both of the invi- tional Photographic Association.
tations be accepted, and that the time be
Gentlemen: The undersigned, in behalf of
fixed upon before the adjournment this
the committee appointed at the last annual meet-
morning. ing, to consider the propriety of establishing a
Mr. Webster moved, as an amendment, ''Relief Fund," would respectfully report that
that a committee be appointed by the Chair after a considerable correspondence with mem-
to fix upon a convenient time. Carried. bers of the committee, they have adopted the
and disburse in a manner hereinafter named. New York, June 3d, 1870.
The Treasurer of the National Photographic Mr. E. L. Wilson,
Association shall pay annually to the Treasurer Secrr tary Nat. Phot. Assoc. TJ. S. A.
of the Board of Trustees, five per cent, of the Dear Sir : I very much regret that circum-
entire receipts of the preceding year, and all stances beyond my control will prevent my being
moneys now in the hands of this Association, at the approaching meeting at Cleveland, as I
standing to the credit of the Benevolent Fund, had hoped until within a few days. This meet-
shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the Board ing, in my judgment, should have quite a prac-
of Trustees, and he to invest all such moneys tical character, both in its efforts for future as-
under the direction of the Board of Trustees, so sociation and continuance of the Society, and
as to be drawing interest. for the improvement of the art in nil its various
The Treasurer of the Board of Trustees shall branches. As I shall not be able to speak per-
give bonds for the faithful performance of his sonally to the Convention, I beg the privilege of
duties in such an amount and at such times as the saying to you by letter some things that have
officers of the Association shall determine. come before my mind, as measures desirable to
If a vacancy shall occur, by death, resignation, be attained by it.
or otherwise, in the Board of Trustees, it shall First of all, it seems to me that as the Asso-
try," I would do it as meaning in the larger and Mr. Adams showed me, before leaving, the
broader sense of our "Continent," rather than draft of a plan for a Benevolent or Insurance
of the present " United States." Fund. I am not in favor of the pensioning sys-
To this end, every possible thing should be tem, or of any system of benefits generally which
done to elevate the art, to increase the power shall give to all a certain sum, whether rich or
and usefulness of the Association, and to make poor, needy or otherwise, under any and all cir-
it not only a thing worthy the attention and as- cumstances. I think the principle is opposed to
sistance of every one of the fraternity, but asso- the free institutions of our country, and tends to
ciation with it a felt necessity to them. This destroy independence of thought and action and
cannot be accomplished by mere resolutions, but the responsibility of those who may thereby be-
can be by continued and active co-operation. come recipients. But I think a well-organized
The encouragement we have already seen, re- and discriminating system of relief for special
sulting from the labors of a few earnest men, is and worthy cases would be very useful and op-
sufficient guarantee for even the most timid and portune, and there are occasional instances
credulous to unite their influence, their time, where very worthy people may be greatly as-
and their money with those who have so nobly sisted among the photographic community.
borne the burden and heat of the day, in still The matter, however, will doubtless be very
further and increasing fields of effort. Truly, fully discussed in Convention, and should any
those who have held back during the sowing of judicious plan be adopted, looking to the perma-
the seed cannot withhold their hands in the nent benefit of the Society in that direction, I
reaping season, with the promise of such an authorize you to pledge the Company which I
abundant harvest. represent for five hundred dollars towards its en-
Second, in matters which crowd upon my dowment, it being understood that, should the
mind as desirable to take up are, measures Society or the plan be abandoned, the donors
which shall more fully strengthen the art as at may give direction to any unexpended balance
present understood, and whatever may tend to in the interest of photography at their discretion.
develop it, whether in its modes of working, Having thus given you, perhaps, too fully of
formulas, apparatus, or materials used. In this my own views as they have come before me, I
direction there is great room, doubtless, for in- leave them with you to make use of as you may
also a continued call for the Association's so ex- More important plans may come before the
amining into all claims that the mere charla- Society, which should take precedence. If so,
tans with their pretended improvements, who lay this communication under the table.
make their living by imposing upon the more I trust your meeting will be of great pleasure,
credulous, shall be thoroughly discountenanced. and tend much towards creating good-fellowship,
Thousands and tens of thousands of dollars may and great advantages to the profession generally.
be annually saved for the profession, by vigorous With my apology for thus intruding upon
action on the part of the Society in this respect. your time, and best wishes for the success of the
With the view of stimulating improvement Society, I am,
Yours, very truly,
and invention in whatever relates to the art, I
propose to offer, in behalf of the Scovill Manu-
Samuel Holmes.
No. 4 Beekman Street.
facturing Company, a gold medal, of the value
of one hundred dollars, of appropriate design The reading of Mr. Holmes's letter was
and workmanship, to that person, resident of received with immense applause, and on
the American Continent, who shall have been motion of Mr. Bard well, of Detroit, the let-
adjudged by a committee of competent and sci- ter was accepted by the Association.
entific photographers, to be appointed by the
Mr. "Wilson said " It seems to me that a
committee that may be appointed as Mr. which I have had the privilege of taking part,
permit me, in your presence, to acknowledge
Holmes proposes."
the valuable services of your distinguished Sec-
Mr. Bardwell moved that the letter be
retary, Mr. E. L. Wilson, of Philadelphia. (Ap-
referred to a special committee, to take ac-
plause.) Let me here say, gentlemen, that dur-
tion on the different matters referred to in
ing the trial which has lately so successfully
the letter of Mr. Holmes.
ended, had it not been for the zeal and personal
Mr. Bendann, of Baltimore, offered as an exertions of your honored Secretary, I seriously
amendment, that the letter be referred to believe that the result would have been other-
the Executive Committee to take action wise, and that to-day your Association would
upon it, and report at as early a day as have been under an embargo which would have
possible. been hard even to attempt to raise much less
Mr. Bardwell accepted Mr. Bendann 's to overcome. Therefore, in dividing the honors,
amendment, and the motion was carried. I do so cheerfully. Mr. Wilson has been really
the power behind the scenes at the latter end of
Mr. Rulofson, of San Francisco, offered a
this trial. In one of the back numbers of his
communication in reference to the place
Journal he told you that he had been arrested
where the next Annual Convention should
by the complainants in this case, the Shaw &
be held.
Wilcox Co. He was arrested, gentlemen, upon
Mr. Wilson moved that the communica- a charge that grew out of an unselfish and de-
tion be accepted, and the reading laid over voted zeal to you as a body. He was arrested
until such time as the discussion should for publishing in his Journal, the Philadelphia
come up upon the subject of where the next Photographer, an article that told the world
Annual Meeting and Exhibition should be clearly and plainly that Shaw, the complainant
held. Carried. in this suit, had no right to that to which he
Mr. Bogardus said :
" During the prose- laid claim. It was for this cause that Mr. Wil-
Bell, Esq., of New York worked for us — and that some two hours afterwards, through
the intervention of Messrs. Holmes, Scovill and
very hard, accomplished what he worked
Adams of the Scovill Manufacturing Company,
for, and what we all desired him to accom-
he was returned to his home in Philadelphia.
plish. I am very happy to inform you that
This much for Mr. Wilson in the case.
Mr. Bell is with us this morning, and will
now address you." Now The Journal has
as to the case itself.
given you some idea of the It was an ac-
Mr. Bell was then introduced to the As-
tion commenced by the Shaw & Wilcox Co.
sociation by Mr. Bogardus, received with
against a photographer by the name of George
great applause, and spoke as follows :
W. Lovejoy. Mr. Lovejoy has only one arm
Mr. President and Gentlemen op the Na- and one eye, and I believe that so far as his
tional Photographic Association: I am glad worldly possessions go, he is a poor man. He
to see you. Aside from the personal relations was the victim of this Company, and doubtless
that already exist between myself and so many they intended, either under a decree by default
of your body, Iam happy to meet with you this or by reason of the man's pecuniary weakness,
morning on the common platform of professional to overcome him, and thus succeed in their extor-
brotherhood and I can say, from the depths of
; tions. The defendant, Mr. Lovejoy, fortunately
my heart, Qod apt-eil you in your noble efforts to for him, for you, and for myself, gentlemen, as
enlarge the domain of your splendid art ; to make it turns out, were brought into contact. He in-
it the more rich, the more imposing to the tastes formed me what his situation and means were,
and appreciation of those who are in future and I told him that if I could only secure enough
years to see your work and to speak of the mar- to cover the actual labor in preparing a bill in
vellous beauty of that which you have so deli- answer to his case, that I would enter upon the
cately and so handsomely wrought. (Applause.) defence. Little did I think at that time how
In coming here to Cleveland I had but two large an interest would bo felt in the result
objects in view, the first, to see this body of little did I think that I should bo the mouth-
gentlemen ; the second, to have this body of piece of thousands instead of the mere ropresen-
tative of one man. But I entered upon the do at the peril of his life.
it One hundred and
labor. That was in the month of July, 1869. fiftythousand Romans gathered to see the great
The way in which these cases are contested is
statue raised to its place. The crowd stood
this : the venire in this suit was laid in the United machinery moved down
breathless, and, as the
States Court; after the issue is joined, the case below, and the statue slowly moved upward,
comes before an examiner, who takes the testi-
all at once there was a halt. The machinery
mony of the various witnesses; everything is
had given out there was something wrong
taken down in writing, and is then printed in the contractor was almost dumbfounded. He
it is called,and from the printed book the case is degrees of perpendicular, he had met with an
argued. It was not until the month of March, obstacle, and who was to remove it? That vast
1870, that the testimony was fully closed in the audience remembered what had been said in the
case, and it was just at this time that I came into Vatican, and not one dared speak. But, way
contact with your Secretary. We had almost back of that crowd stood an old sailor who had
closed our case and needed more evidence. I stormed the seas amid the tempests of many
needed more witnesses and desired to understand years, and he, in looking at the progress of the
more fully the chemical details of the case. You work, saw in an instant what would remove the
could not expect a lawyer, in the space of two or difficulty. Said he to himself, "1 know it may
three months, to master the scientific details of a be death to speak, but if I die for it, I must say
life of study and ob-
profession that takes a long it," and he shouted, "Wet the ropes! Wet the
servation to become perfect in. Therefore I ropes!" and one hundred and fifty thousand
needed instruction from some good expert in voices took up theory, "Wet the ropes!" and
photography as well as in chemistry. That in- the engineer applied the water to the ropes that
struction came from Philadelphia, and I pub- had been stretched in consequence of the great
licly acknowledge the fact before you to-day. weight, and at once they began to shrink, and
To Mr. James F. Magee, the eminent manufac- the statue moved slowly but surely on its course,
turer of photographic chemicals, who patiently and soon, amid the plaudits of that vast assem-
instructed me in the practical details of chemical bly, it stood solid and secure upon its foundation.
science applicable to the subject-matter of the So it seems to me on a smaller, but just as true
Lovejoy suit, to Mr. George H. Fennemore, who a scale, the Shaw & Wilcox case hung.
gave us the freedom of his establishment in order Mr. Lovejoy had attempted to lift the shaft
to learn the practical workings of photography, of legal success and place it high above the
I with pleasure openly and here give thanks, threats of the Shaw & Wilcox Co., and just as
and acknowledge their services for you. Mr. he had got this shaft erected within fifteen de-
Wilson asked me what was the condition of the grees of perpendicular, there was something the
of one hundred dollars, and I didn't feel like he wanted pecuniary aid, and although it had
going on any farther with the case unless I saw been said by them, that if any man dared to say
the way clear. He then told me to " go on,'' and a word they would shut him up, your young
Taking his word for it, I went on, and, gentle- ropes were wet, and what is the result ? Why,
men, you have the history of that result before that shaft to-day stands there a monument of
success that should be engraven upon the tablet
you to-day. As the case stood at this time, it
of every photographer's heart.
reminded me of a scene in another place, and
perhaps you will see the application. Standing Gentlemen, you know what this case has done
in front of the great Church of St. Peter's, at for you ;
you know what it has saved for you .
Rome, and looking up to its dome, you will see you kuow the trouble and pecuniary burden
an obelisk thirty -two feet in height, occupying its which you have escaped, and upon this point I
position high over all. Three hundred years ago leave it with you. But one word regarding your
that obelisk was placed there. A sum equal to organization. It is said that the good of all
$30,000 was offered to be paid to the man who government lies in the purity of its organic life,
should erect the statue in position upon that and just in proportion as you have this purity
high place. A man stepped forward and said, of thought and action amongst you, and this
"I undertake the work," and from the
will strength of the right hand of fellowship running
Vatican had gone forth an edict, that whoever through your organization, so in proportion will
should speak until the work was achieved would be the success that will attend your present and
! :
press. You have the press on your side, and, I ted States, a bill was presented for the rehearing
submit, when a body of gentlemen such as you of the petition for an extension of the patent.
are, has the influence of the press, your power is So great was the activity of the counsel in press-
irresistible; and when that press is sound, when ing their suit, that your committee were forced
it is built upon a right principle, and has before to employ counsel, and Henry Howson, Esq., one
it the right kind of action, you can sweep every of our efficient counsel in the first war against
obstacle in your path to success. (Applause.) the Bromide Patent, was engaged to enter our
To this end you have occasion to be grateful plea and to prosecute our rights with the com-
and happy for the already united feeling that mittee aforesaid. With what success, you will
learn by his report, which will be read at one of
here exists, as well as for the influence of the
press, that engine of good, that engine of power, the sessions of this Association. On the result
which seems to be running your Association along we heartily congratulate you, and think that the
on the high road to fame. frightful creature is now really and truly scotched
and killed.
Mr. Bell concluded amid enthusiastic The rights of the profession have also been
applause, and on motion of Mr. Knecht prosecuted and established in another court At
the thanks of the Association were unani- our last Annual Meeting, the claims made by the
mously given Mr. Bell, the members rising Shaw & Wilcox Co. for their patent for saving
wastes were denounced "as fraudulent, unjust,
to a man as they voted.
and unworthy of credit by the Association."
Mr. South worth, of Boston, moved that
Since then, an opportunity has been presented
Mr. E. Y. Bell be made an honorary mem-
to prove the soundness of that resolution, in the
ber of the Association. Carried unani-
matter of the suit of the Shaw & AVilcox Co.
mously. against G. W. Lovejoy and by aid of our effi-
The Report of the Executive Committee cient counsel, E. Y. Boll, Esq., of New York,
was then reud by Mr. Wilson, as follows : the aforesaid resolution has been established by
the court, and we are freed from the presump-
To the Officers and Members of the National Pho- tive claims of another bogus patent, and the
tographic Association, in session held in Cleve- claims of the Shaw A Wilcox Co. have been com-
land, Ohio, June 1th, 1870.
pletely defeated aiuLoverthrown.
GeRTLBHEH: Your Executive Committee beg There is but one other patent now which prom-
to congratulate you on the occasion of another ises to impose upon the profession by its unjust
and illegal claims. It has been once defeated, entire amount of the debt, growing out of
and now rests in the United States Supreme the litigations named by the Executive
Court for a final decision. In our next report, Committee, at once, so that the Association
we hope to report its final defeat, if justice
might start off in the New Year free from
should so determine it.
Your committee now broach a subject which
Mr. Bogardus said that, while he was
lias caused them considerable annoyance. Our
very glad to hear the offer of Mr. Holmes,
Association being yet young and our funds low,
he knew that there were many members
the action of your committee has been somewhat
retarded by want of funds. Knowing that all who would be glad to subscribe something
depends upon prompt action in such cases as towards wiping out this debt, but who
those just named, they have been on the alert for could not afford to pay one twenty-fifth of
your interests but when funds are called for the
the amount.
responses have been but few, and several bills Mr. Holmes said that his offer would not,
for counsel's fees remain unpaid. We are striv- of course, precludeany one from giving
ing to rid you of every unjust annoyance, and such amount as they pleased, or as they
you shall soon be free, if you will but help us could afford.
now. Further statements in this matter are Mr. Fitzgibbon, in behalf of the St. Louis
given further on. We hope that the Association Photographic Society, subscribed $25.00.
will at once relieve us from this embarrassment.
Mr. Jex Bardwell, in behalf of the Detroit
Few, if any more such calls will ever be made,
photographers, $25.00. Mr. H. Eocher, of
and this fact should encourage a prompt re-
sponse towards cancelling our debt now.
Chicago, $25.00. Mr. L. Dubernet, of New
Our Association may now be deemed as an York, $25.00. Mr. Albert Moore, of Phila-
established success. The interests of the profes- delphia, $25.00. Mr. D. Bendann, of Bal-
sion at large have been advanced. Over 150 new timore, $25.00.
members have joined our ranks during the past Mr. Tresize then moved that a committee
year, and everything looks promising and well. of six be appointed, to pass papers through
A better feeling prevails ; the tendency is not the room for the signatures and contribu-
only decidedly towards better work, but the tions of the gentlemen present towards
average work of the country is, each year, better making up amount necessary
the to pay this
and better, as our annual exhibitions witness.
debt. (Carried.)
Statement. Papers were then circulated, and in a
We present herewith bill of H. Howson, Esq., half hour $533.50 was collected.
for services in the matter of the applications to Mr. Bardwell moved that the Keport of
Congress for a rehearing in the Bromide case, the Executive Committee be accepted and
which we hope the Association will consider.
adopted as read. (Carried.)
We also present a statement of the way mat- Mr. Bogardus said " A gentleman from
think we may congratulate ourselves and the we have in the great room below. Let us try to
excel, not undersell. [Laughter.] Let us try to
world on the rapid strides we have made since
we met one year ago. keep clear of cliques, let there b« a change of
" The shadow picture,' then a new effort, is
officers yearly, so that this charge cannot be
brought against us. Let us pull together, and
now becoming almost universal, and well it may,
for the best judges have no hesitation in pro-
remember the In
old adage, so often quoted, '
J for I am in earnest in laugh at your work, but help you where you fail.
Mr. President and Gentlemen Allow me, : people has been one of the most fervent and
in due appreciation of the many kindnesses and cherished dreams of my heart. My longing has
cordial welcome tendered to me since setting my been increased since my modest labors for the
foot on American soil, to offer you my most sin- advancement of photography have brought me
cere and heartfelt thanks. You have given me into intimate connection with my fellow-col-
occasion, through your kindly invitation, to be- leagues of America. At last I find myself in full
come acquainted with a land and a people that realization of this dream, through your kind in-
had offered millions of my countrymen a friendly vitation. I would not flatter myself into the
asylum, where they can exercise their diligence belief that the hearty welcome with which I
and industrial habits without the prejudices and have met is due to my own personal merits, but
restrictions of European peoples. rather that you would thereby acknowledge the
Our relations in Europe are of a peculiar and merits of German photography in general.
circumscribed nature. A certain adherence to Within the last few years there has sprung up
the old gives to our German people a somewhat between us a large photographic intercourse.
conservative character, which often stands in You learned to value and appreciate German
the way of progression. Thousands of intelli- photographs, and recommended the same as
gent men, who have persistently fought in vain worthy of your imitation and now American
against their prejudices, were compelled to turn photographs are sent to Germany, and exer-
their backs upon their fatherland to seek a home cise already an influence over our native art. In
under your American flag — a land which, through this manner photography is advanced by alter-
the unlimited extension of its boundaries, through nate action.
its great and colossal undertakings and the ac- Only thirty years have passed away since the
tivity of its inhabitants, and through the inde- began to dawn
light of this glorious art first
pendence of its institutions, calls forth the ad- upon us. Nevertheless, no other invention in
miration of the Old World. Free from our Euro- this or the last century has progressed in such a
pean prejudices, men and things develop them- rapid manner, and exercised such a powerful in-
selves with wonderful rapidity. fluence over modern art, science, and culture, as
Whilst we in Europe have for the last seventy photography.
years sought some means to construct a railway A new era commenced with the invention of
through the Alps a short distance of only one the printing press, through which the treasures
hundred miles, the American people have built of knowledge were multiplied and thrown open
a railroad linking the Atlantic with the Pacific to the whole world. Yet the press could only
Ocean. multiply ideas, while there was wanting that
Again, whilst it takes some hundreds of years which would fix and multiply the beautiful
for European cities to obtain growth and com- scenerys and phenomena of nature, the work of
mercial magnitude, large and powerful commer- art and industry. This was at last accomplished
cial centres like Cleveland, Chicago, San Fran- by the invention of photography. That which
cisco,and many other fine cities are growing up heretofore was only reproduced by the slow and
where only seventy years ago the red man hunted uncertain pencil of the artist, is now achieved
with his bow and arrow. But the activity and and multiplied by photography with lightning
energy of the American people is also visible in rapidity and truthfulness. As the printing press
scientific undertakings, as has been demonstrated has become a medium for the general diffusion
by the astronomical observations made by the of ideas, so has photography become a medium
old and new world during the late eclipses of for the multiplication of all that the eye can
It gives me much pleasure to see that these must not make a speech, because you will fail.
principles, also here in America, find a recog- Everybody will laugh at you." That has been
nition. the case here. I was afraid everybody would
In Europe we sometimes labor under the hal- laugh at me. (Laughter.) I dreamed you would
lucination that American photography has not laugh at me.
yet arrived at a high point of perfection, because [President : Dreams run contrary.]
but few good American pictures find their way Gentlemen, I am happy to meet you. Pho-
to our country. The actual observations, how- tography is not my business it is my hobby. I
ever, which I have made during my brief sojourn have had in my life a good many hobbies. Quite
among you, have filled me with wonder and ad- early in had a hobby to make steam en-
life I
miration. gines. I made a steam engine in Manchester,
He who would judge of the merits of American N. H., at the time when the railroad was put
photography must in person tread upon Ameri- through. But that wasn't permanent it didn't ;
readiness and willingness to grasp and bring into would disturb the neighbors it made too much ;
practice all that is new and good, while on the noise. Well, that hobby passed off. Then I
contrary, in Germany, as the celebrated German got a hobby for printing. I got a printing press,
Professor Liebig says, each new discovery must and it was necessary to get something to print
pass through three different periods before meet- consequently I took Schiller up, and translated
ing with a general acknowledgment. At first it some of his work and other things. Then I went
is proven that the new discovery is worthless to work and got two lithograph stones, something
and impracticable ; second, later it is asserted like that on which we print carbons according
that it is nothing new, that a similar discovery to the Woodbury process, — a plate above and a
was made perhaps a hundred or more years ago ;
plate below, with the type between, — and I went
and it is not until the third period that the dis- on printing with that. Well, that hobby passed
covery is acknowledged and put into practical off. Then I invented a full system of stenog-
employment. Quite different is it with you.
raphy, which my wife said I could not read, and
Whenever any new and useful discovery is made, I gave that up.
the American people are the first to recognize I have had a great many hobbies, as I said be-
the same according to its real merits or demerits, fore, but the final hobby, the one that now is, is
and for this reason I wish success and prosperity the photographic hobby. You all know about
to American art, American science, and, above that. You may- depend upon it, gentlemen,
all, to American photography.
when I get to the other country, you will find a
Dr. Vogel's remarks were followed by photographic impression that you will make an
prolonged applause, and on motion he was autopsis. You will find it on the print and in
the eye. It will be the last final hobby. I shall
given a vote of thanks for his excellent ad-
go on with it to the end. I hope I shall be able,
dress and for his letters in the Philadelphia
gentlemen, to meet you annually as long as this
Association exists, which, I trust, will be to the
Professor Towler, of the Geneva College,
end of my days. I thank you, gentlemen, for
New York, was then called for, and made your kindness in having listened so attentively
the following remarks :
to my desultory remarks. (Loud and prolonged
Gentlemen : You have called upon me to do applause.)
A vote of thanks was given Prof. Towler up, and the words Chicago, Philadelphia,
for his speech, and for the good work he and St. Louis, were heard from different
has done in developing the photographic parts of the room. It was moved by Mr.
art. Rulofson that it be held in San Francisco.
The Secretary read a proposition from Secretary Wilson read a letter from a num-
Mr. Youngman that the Association have ber of photographers of that place inviting
an insignia or trade-mark, by which the the members to meet there, as follows:
work of members of the Association should
To the Members of the National Photogra-
be known.
phic Convention, Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Webster proposed that a badge be
Whereas, our fellow-citizen and brother art-
adopted, to be worn by each person.
ist, W. H. Rulofson, being about to proceed to
Mr. Youngman stated that he had no
Cleveland, Ohio, as delegate from this State to
idea the proposition would go so far.
the National Photographic Convention to be
Mr. Eulofson, of San Francisco, thought held in that city on 7th June, 1870, we, the un-
it proper that an insignia should be adopted dersigned photographers of the city of San Fran-
by which the work of the Association might cisco, embrace this opportunity to express our
be known. The proposition met with gen- confidence in the ability of our brother artist,
eral approbation. W. H. Rulofson, to faithfully and ably represent
On motion of Mr. Decker, Mr. E. L the interests of the photographers of California
Menagerie," to be used in the discussion friends inSan Francisco to have the Asso-
to-day, and the copies could be had after ciation meet in his city, and spoke of the
tion from Mr. A. E. Alden for the Messrs. conventions which had been held in Cali-
Lambert, requesting that a committee be fornia, where he thought there were attrac-
appointed to examine the photo-craj'ons in tions for all the lovers of art. Half-price
the Exhibition and award the medals offered fare, he said, had been offered by all the
by those gentlemen for the best ones. The railroads, and some had agreed to bring
the Association thought it did not come Mr. Elliot, of Indianapolis, proposed his
within their province to act in the matter. city, and invited members to meet him
The Next Meeting. Mr. Wilson had thought " we were too
The question as to where the next meet- young a baby to stand such a long voyage,"
ing of the Association should be held came but the inducements of Mr. Rulofson were
Mr. Bendann, of Baltimore, moved the thereof not used, to revert to us, or rather to our
committee consist of nine from different direction, for the benefit of the Association, as
tions of the country. (Carried.)
we may dispose.
With best wishes for your success and har-
The following gentlemen were appointed
mony, we are
the committee: Bendann, of Baltimore ;
El- Truly yours,
liot, of Indianopolis; Fitzgibbon, of St. For Wilson, Hood & Co.,
Louis ; Bogardus, of New York
Webster, ; John G. Hood,
of Louisville, Kulofson, of San Fran- Edward L. Wilson,
cisco; Hesler, of Chicago; Cady, of Cin- W. D. H. Wilson.
cinnati Wilson, of Philadelphia.
822 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Mr. Bendann was declared chairman of
the committee. Cleveland, June 8th, 1870.
On motion the report of the committe leave it to fair and candid men. I am satis-
was accepted unanimously, the committee fied with that, but I am not satisfied with
discharged, and Mr. Ehoads elected. any imputation that I ever was willing to
Mr. Wilson moved that, when the Asso- take one dollar unjustly."
ciation adjourn, it be to meet in Philadel- Mr. Adams moved that a committee of
phia on the first Tuesday in June, 1871. five be appointed to report on the matter of
Various other days were suggested, but this Apprenticeship.
motion finally prevailed. Mr. Albert Moore, the newly elected
The Secretary re-read the report of the Treasurer, here entered the room, and, upon
Eelief Fund Committee. Mr. Adams re- being informed of his election, made the
peated his suggestions as to the filling up of following remarks:
the blanks. " Gentlemen, this is a little surprise to
The report of the committee was unani- me. I have seen pictures of Fidelity in the
mously accepted and adopted. shape of a large Newfoundland dog, and
Mr. Hall moved that the report be pub- if I am selected as the Newfoundland dog,
lished with the By-Laws and Constitution, I might say I will hang on to the key. I
so that it may be in the hands of every thank you for reposing such confidence in
member of the Association. (Carried.) me, and I hope that the funds of the Asso-
The President appointed, as a Board of ciation will be sufficient to pay the funeral
Trustees for the Relief Fund, Messrs. H. T. expenses of the Bromide and Shaw & Wil-
Anthony, Albert Moore, D. K. Cady, B. cox Co.'s patents." (Applause.)
French, W. Irving Adams, and J. C. The President stated that the amount
Potter. raised on the paper circulated this morning
Mr. Wilson said " I was requested to
: was $345, the Scovill Manufacturing Com-
make an explanation this morning. I de- pany and the Messrs. Anthony, of New
sire to bring no personal matters before York, having each subscribed $100. Mr.
the Association, but this is rather of that Bogardus also subscribed $50.
nature. Yesterday, in the report of the At the request of several of the members,
Executive Committee, some remarks were Mr. Bogardus explained his method of me-
made in reference to the sliding-box patent dallion printing, and a discussion followed
case as pending in the Supreme Court, and on printing and washing and trimming
Mr. Southworth seems to have taken a lit- prints.
tle umbrage at what was intimated. I de-
Fifth Session.
sire to say personally, and as one of the
Thursday afternoon, June 9th, 1870.
Executive Committee, that when Mr. South-
worth's patent is decided to be just and valid, Session 3 o'clock.
there will be no member more ready than The Association met pursuant to adjourn-
myself to take it up. I have stated in my ment.
Journal^ time and again, that he made a The President appointed Messrs. Trask,
good box, which was worthy of being pur- Bendann, Fitzgibbon, Decker, and Web-
chased, but 1 merely said I did not think his ster, as a Committee on Apprenticeship, to
copyright law for photographic productions ciation send designs to the Executive Com-
was pending, and that Congress could not mittee, and that said committee report at
charter this Association. The committee the next meeting, which is to be held at
was continued for another year. Philadelphia next year."
Practical discussions were resumed as fol- Seconded.
lows : By Mr. Hesler :
" Is it necessary it should
By Mr. "Wilson " Before proceeding to
: be from a member? Couldn't it just as
the discussion, I would state that, in the well be from some party not an artist ?"
matter of Mr. Holmes's letter, which was By Mr. Wilson: "I withdraw the word
read yesterday offering two medals, the Ex- member, and accept the suggestion as an
ecutive Committee have referred the letter amendment."
back to the meeting, and asked the meeting Motion put and unanimously carried.
to appoint a committee to make the awards At this stage of the proceedings, Dr. Vo-
at the proper time." gel entered the room, and a beautiful album,
By the President: "Let me explain a from Mr. J. A. Scholten, of St. Louis, was
little. It is not the intention of this As- presented to him in the following language
sociation to decide whose work is the best by the President
we make no decision of that character at "Mr. Scholten, of St. Louis, has just
present, but this offer comes to us in a lit- placed upon me a pleasant duty, as surpris-
tle different shape ; it is for the greatest im- ing to myself as, I doubt not, it will be to
provements in the photographic art, in ap- you. He has asked me to present you this
paratus, or anything that we consider of beautiful album. The one prominent pic-
great use to the profession. Or if, at the ture is upon the outside, and is that of your
end of the year, the committee shall deter- self. know that you will value that
I don't
mine that nothing worthy of this medal as highly as we do, but the inside contains
shall be done, then no medal shall be given ; a vast amount of beauty and pictures, which
but if a real improvement has been brought we hope you will carry back to Germany
out within a year, then Mr. Holmes's offer and show the people there that America
stands." can do good work and, in order that Ger-
By a voice :
" I would like to know if man artists may know that America can do
you wish to have it patented?" handsome work, we ask that they look at
By the President: "No, sir; there is this and may you be spared to send us, in
nothing of that kind." your own good time, the expression of other
By Mr. Wilson :
" I move the letter be men in regard to the excellence of this work.
accepted." I take great pleasure in presenting it to
The motion, on being seconded, was put you."
and carried. Dr. Vogel responded as follows: "Gen-
The committee, suggested by Mr. Holmes tlemen, I beg your pardon, at first, that I
to be called the Committee on the Scovill cannot so well speak English as your kind
and Samuel Holmes Medals, was here ap- President. Allow me, in a few words, to
pointed by the President, consisting of the express my best thanks for all your friendly
following gentlemen : Messrs. M. Carey welcome extended to me, not only in shak-
Lea, L. M. Kutherford, C. W. Hull, H. J. ing hands and with kind words, but in
Newton, and J. C. Browne. presents as beautiful as this. I will take
By Mr. Wilson: " I
Ex- move that the this to Germany not only as a souvenir of
ecutive Committee receive during the com- my collections in America, but as a souve-
ing year designs for a certificate of member- nir of American photography. I have
ship something that a photographer would
; found, from observation, far better photog-
prize something he can feel it an honor to
; raphy here than I expected. I have found
hang up in his room something that he can; more excellence in all your work than I
show with more pride than the simple little have found anywhere in Europe." (Loud
white paper we have now. (Applause.) and prolonged applause.)
And further, that members of the Asso- By the President: "The next thing in
order is Mr. Wilson's explanations of some erally use a weak solution of gum placed
curious results of some operations of pho- upon a wet plate. I find the tendency is
sium. This negative is a type of the in- any more intense than you want to have it,
tensifying of the day. A great many pho- as the varnish will reduce it but very little."
hands were here raised.) " I have fre- sider the intensifying matter disposed of.
quently met photographers who don't con- I have had some little experience in times
sider redeveloping, using a little silver, as gone by in the uso of bichloride of mercury
necessary ; but I wish to know how many as an intensifier. Although I will not say
can work right along without redevelop- that I altogether approve of it as an in-
ing?" tensifier, yet it is necessary that a negative
By Mr. Eliot, of Indianapolis: "I wish should be dried before intensified; then it
to ask the gentleman from St. Louis, when is necessary that the bichloride of mercury
he intensifies with a solution of bichloride of should be very weak. A saturated solution
mercury, whether he varnishes his pictures in plainwater will take up but a very small
with gum before varnishing, and whether portion of bichloride of mercury. Take
the intensity increases after varnishing?" about half an ounce of that in four or five
By Mr. Benecke, of St. Louis: " I gen- ounces of water, throw a little water over
the surface of the film, then throw the bi- he ever tried alcohol when it operated in
chloride over it until you see it turn a very- that way ?"
light color ;
the lighter the better. After Mr. Spencer: "I have."
that wash and flow it with a one-ounce
it, Same voice : "Did it give relief ?"
intensified. In intensifying, where the Mr. Spencer: "I have had the same
mercury goes through the film, you are apt trouble with a new bath."
to obtain a yellow negative, which will Mr. Bardwell, of Detroit: "Now, Mr.
change into a light. The object is to have President, I will not tell how to avoid it,
it penetrate as little through the film as but I will tell you how to cause it,and that
possible. Keep it of a greenish color. The is by having a dirty thumb in holding your
object of drying the plate before it is in- plate. You will find, in forty-nine cases
tensified is for that purpose." out of fifty, that those fern leaves come
By Mr. :
" I used bichloride of mer- from the corner atwhich you hold the plate
cury for a good many
and it made years, for cutting it. After it is dry you will find
my picture look as though was covered it fern leaves at the corner where you hold
with milk. I know it was the mercury it."
that did it, and I don't keep it in the house Mr. Spencer: "The difficulty occurs at
now." the opposite corner to which I hold the
Mr. Spencer, of Hudson, Mich.: "I want plate."
to ask a question about a difficulty that has Mr. North, of Cleveland: "The gentle-
troubled me perhaps more than any other man will find, I think, that it is not when
one and that is what, I believe, Professor
; he holds to cut it, but where he immerses
Towler calls the 'fern leaf.' 1 call it in- it in the bath and takes it out to put it in
fernal leaf; they show themselves with me the plate-holder. If there is any impurity
on the right hand end of the double nega- on the finger, these little ridges will be
tive. The first picture to the right will be found at the place where he takes hold at
a perfect one, and the next one will be that time."
spoiled. I have spoken of the difficulty to Mr. Bulofson, of San Francisco: "We
several older artists than myself, and the are getting right at the pith of the thing
conjectures seem to fall in with my experi- now, getting the bull right by the horns.
ence, at least, of what the difficulty is. This is the rock on which ninety-nine out
Some say, more I have used acid
acid. of every hundred photographers foundered.
until the developer was half acid (laugh- Scarcely a week passes but what I receive
ter), and that didn't remove the diffi- a long letter asking me to tell how to avoid
culty." this difficulty. My theory is not to finger
Mr. Bardwell, of Detroit: "I hardly any of my negatives. Some author on pho-
like to answer the question that Mr. Spen- tography gets off this remark that, 'Causes
cer has suggested. 1 would rather that so simple as to escape our notice, reverse
some one would answer it that has been our success in photography.' That has been
through the mill." * my experience. It seemed that whatever
A voice: "I would ask Mr. Spencer if mifirht be done these infernal ' fern leaves '
would be present. I know how to make ena will be produced the result will be
one hundred millions of photographs with- according to the circumstances which cause
out seeing it. I think one of the causes is the phenomena.
to be found in pyroxyline, which produces " But there is another point absolutely
a hardened film. No matter whether you necessary, which is perfect cleanliness. Some
put acid or alcohol in the bath, or in what men manipulate wash in the
the picture,
proportion you put it in, it will not flow same water and wipe on the same towel two
evenly over ; or should it flow evenly, it hundred times, leave fifty different finger-
will not penetrate. I say I think that is marks on the corners, go on and develop
one reason ; there may be others. The rea- it, and then, after a few days, finding the
son why I rise to speak to this question picture is not complete, send to me and ask
is because two or three have asked me pri- how to remedy it, and I send word back to
vately with regard to the treatment of the keep the hands clean."
bath. I verily believe, if ordinary care is Mr. Wilson thanked the gentleman from
taken in the selection of collodion, and if San Francisco for his remarks with refer-
any of the ordinary published formulae are ence to the Photographer, and indorsed his
used, and if persons will adhere to a few suggestions with regard to avoiding the
simple rules, I think they will experience aforementioned difficulties.
constantly employed from morning until set it in the sun for a few days, and have
night, and for six years I don't think I since that had no difficulty. As for hard-
have seen one negative out of trim. I ness or softness, I never had any difficulty
will tell you how I manage it, and will with either I always get good, soft pic-
leave Brother Wilson, and the other able tures when I have proper collodion, and I
writers, through his Photographer, to give work my bath very slightly acid. As quick
it to you in form, as I think that is the as these get out of order I set them in the
proper organ from which you should get sun."
those things. (Applause.) When a pic- Mr. Kulofson : "I would evaporate them
ture does not please me I look to the bath. down 90 to 100 grains to the ounce. In
I do not give orders about it, but look to it order that all alcohol and ether be driven
myself. When a bath ceases to be in order out, I put in water, then filter, reduce it to
I place it aside, have it filtered and reduced its proper strength by adding water and bi-
to the proper strength, rendered absolutely carbonate of soda, making it absolutely a
neutral, and set away in the sun for six neutral bath. I use the alkaline bath."
weeks. I have, perhaps, a dozen bottles Mr. Bingham: "When my bath gets so
standing row on a shelf, and when we
i>n a it will not work just as I want it, I add a
want to use a bottle we take the one that little caustic potash to the solution and set
has stood longest on the shelf, and so have it in the sun from one to six weeks when ;
new bottles always ready. I undertake to I want to use it I filter it; sometimes it
say, if every photographer present will will require a little acid to bring it up to
abandon the idea of tinkering and his bath, the proper point, and I find I get very
will adopt the plan of placing them in the soft pictures when my bath is handled in
sun, he will not have that or any other phe- that way. 1 think there are times when a
nomena. We all know very well if you bath needs doctoring, but when it gets so
don't fix your plate well, if you don't allow sick that medicine will not do it any good,
your collodion to set well, immerse it in the it then needs evapoAting."
bath too quickly, twenty different phenom- Mr. Webster: " To remedy those fern
leaves, I use simply iron and acid for my is twelve years ago that a photographer
developer. I add a little acid to this iron, came to a little town I was trying to live
and then my developer will not crawl." in,and was going to use me up, but he did
Mr. Hall " I believe about three-fourths
: not stay long, and when he departed he left
of this trouble arises from want of experi- his office goods behind. The person in
ence, and I judge that from this fact I had : whose hands the goods were left, at the ex-
a young man to do the coating of plates, piration of three years begged me to take
another one to make the sittings, another them off his hands. I would take nothing
one to develop the plates, and the young but the silver. As an experiment I put the
man that developed was entirely under my silver in the bath-tub and immersed the
charge. I had taken a young man in to plate, and it was the first really excellent
coat plates. The young man doing the plate I ever made with collodion."
developing got into difficulty. I inquired Adjourned until Friday, June 10th, 10
what the was says he, That
difficulty ;
' o'clock A.M.
man don't coat plates worth a cent no man ;
" I believe further, a great many of these Mr. Rulofson, Vice-President, of San Fran-
difficulties arise from the operator doing cisco.
too many things, consequently he cannot Mr. Wilson moved that Mr. Rulofson
get thorough practice in any one particu- convey to the Photographic Society of
lar." San Francisco the thanks of the Association
Mr. Johnson, of Cleveland: "I think for the invitation to hold the next conven-
perfect chemicals, obtained from inexperi- the Association was too young an infant yet
enced druggists. There is one particular to take so long a journey, he hoped the time
item, and that is acetic acid. I think, by would come when they should meet face to
having pure chemicals and careful manipu- face and heart to heart the photographers
lation, these difficulties will be obviated. of California. The motion was carried
Mr. Hesler, of Chicago: "If there is noth-
Mr. Rhoads offered the following resolu-
ing else on the floor, 1 should like to say a
tion :
word about the developer. The great point
for photographers who make photographs to Resolved, That after this session all dis-
obtain a livelihood,is not so much the abil- cussions upon the matter of defects in pho-
ity to make a caricature as to make a pleas- tographs shall be accompanied by speci-
ing picture. They must be made at the time mens of such defects.
the sitting is had. The object is to get ex- Mr. Kusel offered as an amendment that
pression, no matter how good your chemi- no member should speak more than once
cal effect may be on the plate. People like upon such discussions, so that all might
a good expression in their pictures rather have a chance to speak.
than chemical effect." A further amendment was offered, that
Mr. Waterman " I want to ask some of
: no member should speak more than once
these gentlemen who talk about sunning unless so permitted by the Association.
the bath six weeks, if they do not think if Mr. Rhoads accepted these amendments
the bath was neutralized and evaporated and the resolution was passed.
enough to drive off the alcohol and ether, Mr. Wilson said: "I am requested to
if six hours sunning is not just as good as ask this question: 'How about Shaw's
six weeks? " tanks ? Are those who have them, and who
Mr. Kulofson, of San Francisco " Expe- : have contracted with him to furnish him
rience has shown me that it is not as cer- their wastes to refine, obliged to do so un-
tain in its results as six weeks' sunning. It der the present status of the patent?' I
call upon Mr. Bell to answer that ques- twenty-five minutes to Mr. Southworth of
tion." Boston, for the purpose of reading his ex-
Mr. Bell said " I would counsel every
: cellent paper."
one of you, if you have made a contract The floor was given to Mr. Southworth
with Shaw, to break it. Don't possess his and the paper read by him, at the conclusion
tanks any longer. Throw them out. I of which a motion was made that the thanks
think, under all the circumstances, he of the Association be tendered to Mr. South-
could not recover one penny of damages worth for his valuable paper, and that it be
against you, even if he should attempt it. published in the Philadelphia Photographer.
I give it as my opinion that he has no legal Carried unanimously.
right to enforce on you the use of this tank The committee appointed made the fol-
Mr. Bulofson responded as follows : thing for the Belief Fund, and would ask
"I suppose it will be becoming in me, as the Association to accept of one of my com-
your President pro tern., to make a few re- bination-curtained screens. I think some
marks by way of expressing our acknowl- one here will readily buy it, as I have made
edgment of the very great kindness we have arrangements for several since I came here.
experienced at the hands of the photogra- I will forward it nicely packed in a few
phers and citizens of Cleveland, and more days after I return to Boston. Price, $25.
especially the honor conferred upon us by " Bespectfully, E. J. Foss."
the presence of their Mayor. I think I ex- It was moved and seconded that the offer
press the sentiments of our entire body of Mr. Foss be accepted with the thanks of
when I say that we are grateful to receive the Association.
the hospitalities of the honored Mayor of Mr. Thorp, of Bucyrus, Ohio, made a few
Cleveland, and I thank you, Mr. Mayor, remarks upon the use of the reflector by
for your presence here this morning." photographers, claiming that it was danger-
Mr. Bogardus, the President, having ar- ous to use them and required a great deal of
rived, to»k the chair. experience to use them with safety.
Mr. Webster said: "I had the great de- Mr. Kusel, of Chico, Cal., said ho thought
light last evening of listening to the read- if reflectors were dangerous, that was the
ing by Mr. Southworth of a portion of a very reason why photographers should use
paper prepared by him, and I am not satis- them every day in order to become accus-
fied, Mr. President, that this Convention tomed to them, as some of the finest effects
should adjourn without enjoying the same have been produced by reflectors.
pleasure that I did, and I hope a resolution The Convention then adjourned until 3
will be passed setting apart twenty or P.M.
Friday afternoon, June 10th. they will cheerfully pay an advanced price
for our productions.
The meeting was called to order by the
Resolved, Third. That while we do not
believe in the establishment by us of a
Mr. Bogardus- announced that Mr. Wal-
schedule of prices for the various classes of
ter C. North would receive orders in the
work to be practicable, yet we will each and
Exhibition Hall for photographs of the
every one of us strive to maintain the dig-
group taken yesterday.
nity of our profession by charging fair
Mr. Adams otFered the following resolu-
prices for the same, and that we urge upon
tion :
Mr. Bogardus: " I must say just a word. northern boundaries of the United States. Surely,
called upon him, and the minute I got the we increase our usefulness, and how shall
Doctor by the hand, I felt that it was the we make our influence felt ? In the first place,
right man, but not the man I had expected. it seems to me that you should impart your
And a warmer-hearted man I never found. views, your knowledge, your experience, and
You have thanked us, Doctor we thank
" ;
the practical details of that experience, freely
many favors you have done us, to each other (Applause.) That is what you
you, for the
meet for. You meet not as formal acquaint-
for the many valuable hints you have given
ances and friends, but as a band of brothers
us, and for the many pleasant hours we
have spent with you. In the name of the
brothers in the art — and, I am glad to say, sis-
If time permitted, I could also speak of the ceived change for $5. The next day he re-
names of Holmes, and Anthony and other great turned and demanded $5 more, stating that
lights hailing from the State of New York, among he had given the ticket-seller a $10 bill and
whom there is none brighter than Baker, of Buf- received^change for only $5. As he could
falo ; and coming further to the West — to this
furnish no evidence to substantiate his
beautiful city of Cleveland —I could mention
claim, and as he was unknown to Mr. Ry-
with pride the names of Ryder, Johnson and the
der, the latter naturally declined to grant
enterprising Sweeny. (Applause.) And going
the claim, whereupon the suit referred to
still names of Car-
further, I cannot forget the
was commenced.
butt, of Illinois, and Bingham, of Michigan, and
Black and Southworth, of Massachusetts, and
Mr. Bell stated that one of his principles
many others, who have made photography their was promptness, and he at once proceeded
life study. to answer the summons for the Association,
I trust that at some day not far distant this retiring amid great applause.
Association will visit the golden gates of the Mr. A. K. P. Trask, of Philadelphia,
Pacific, and partake of that bountiful feast offered the following resolution :
offered by the distinguished member from Cali- Resolved, That the Executive Committee
fornia, Mr. Rulofson. (Applause.) And if this
watch the progress of the Albert Process,
organization ever crosses the Plains and as-
and if they think it is advisable, that they
sembles in San Francisco, that city of such un-
have the power to buy the process for the
bounded growth and intelligence, you can look
up and say, "God bless the founders of this
Association !" (Applause.) Dr. Vogel was called upon to give his
I must close ; but permit me, from the depths views in regard to the Albert process, and
of my heart, to thank you for the manner in made the following remarks :
ciation, and was taken as a joke, the sum- Resolved, That the sincere and hearty
mons indicating that somebody claimed $5 thanks of this Association are due and
of the Association, and had brought suit to hereby tendered to the following:
recover it. A great deal of sport was had To J. F. Ryder, the able and efficient
over it, when it was referred to the attorney Local Secretary at Cleveland, who has been
just elected. An inquiry into the cause of indefatigable in his labors for our annual
this suit reveals the fact that Mr. Arnold meeting and exhibition, and to whose ef-
Green, a young lawyer of Cleveland, at- forts its success is largely due.
tended the Exhibition on Thursday evening. To Prof. H. Vogel, Ph. D, of Berlin, for
He tendered the ticket-seller a bill and re- his presence with us, and for the instruction
To Mr. J. W. Black, of Boston, for his greater than I could have believed possible,
exhibitions of glass transparencies by the although I think I was more sanguine in
electric light. that respect than any one else. I desire,
To the reporters of the city papers for therefore, to tender my heartfelt thanks to
their very full and accurate reports of the all that are here for their cordial manner,
proceedings of this Convention. and for the promptness with which they
To the press generally for the generous have relieved me in the discharge of duties
space given us, and the favorable terms for that I have imposed upon myself for their
advertising. sakes, and I hope that I may meet you all
To the directors of the Central Kink for at our next annual convention in Philadel-
the liberality of their terms for the use of phia, where you will find a beautiful city,
this magnificent building for our exhibi- a hearty welcome, and a little bit of an of-
tion and meeting. fice from which emanates the Philadelphia
To the members of the Young Men's Photographer, and where, with the assist-
and Women's Christian Associations, to ance of our Local Secretary, Mr. Khoads,
whom we are indebted for a large portion we will endeavor to give you a pleasant
of the handsome decorations. . time, although we can hardly expect a
To the railroad companies for their re- greater success than this. With these few
duction of rates to members. remarks I bid you all farewell."
To the express companies for their favors Mr. Bogardus then spoke as follows :
in offering to return articles on exhibition " We have had so pleasant a time together,
at reduced rates ;
and that it is certainly unpleasant to separate.
To the citizens of Cleveland for the hearty I have yet to find the first man who has not
cordiality with which they have welcomed been warm-hearted. I have yet to find the
and extended their hospitalities. first man who was sorry he came here. So
The President, Mr. Bogardus, desired to far from that being the case, in talking
pay an especial and deserved compliment with a man from Louisville to-day, he told
to the reporters of the papers for the ex- me that he would not have missed it for
ceedingly accurate and faithful manner in $500, and he spoke from his heart, I be-
which they had done their work. He lieve. With me, certainly dollars and cents
doubted if any of the New York papers don't count it. I have enjoyed it heartily.
would have done as well, with so few mis- There are those who will grumble at us
takes, and he wished again to tender the but I remember the advice given by a great
thanks of the Association. and good man, when another said to him,
Mr. Johnson, through the Association, 'Some one has slandered me.' He said,
presented one of the negatives of the group '
Live so that nobody will believe him.'
taken yesterday, to Dr. Vogel to take with And I hope that the officers of this Asso-
him to Europe. ciation, and every man of us, will so con-
Mr. Wilson moved that an entire set, or duct ourselves that when slanderers point
a copy of each mpression taken yesterday, be
i their fingers at us nobody will believe them.
presented to Dr. Vtjgel in the name and at I believe every man visiting this Exhibi-
the expense of the Association, to take tion will go back improved. The oldest
home with him to Europe. operators among us have seen new things;
the younger operators have seen a great " Gentlemen, I am very happy to see that
many new man,
things; and I defy any every one is so much satisfied with the suc-
with a particle of manhood in him, to go cess of our Exhibition. If it should be our
back and make pictures in the same old ruts good fortune to have it here again I hope —
as before coming here. If he has not got it may be at some time — I have already put
some stimulus to do better work than he in my claim for the local secretaryship.
ever did before, then his visit here is a For the patience that you have all mani-
failure. But I doubt if there is such a man. fested with me in the annoyance that I may
No, gentlemen, our work will be gaining have caused you, I am very grateful. As
and gaining until we shall meet again next I bade you welcome to the city, I now bid
June; and I only hope that during the you God speed home." (Applause.)
coming year our progress may be as great Mr. J. C. Potter said: "It seems to me
as during the past. that this is a fitting occasion for me to make
" I again tender to you my heartfelt one remark. At the time I requested that
thanks for the courtesies I have received this Convention should be held here this
from you, and although my house is not a year, I little thought of the amount of work
very big one, my heart is big enough, and that would be placed upon our worthy
I shall be glad to receive any of you when Brother Kyder and I ask Brother Eyder's
tive Committee, with power to act. Car- to several peculiarities of our photographic
ried. pictures. In a number of examples I dem-
A vote of thanks was then given to the onstrated the effect of distance, of the field
officers of the Association for their untiring of view, and the angle of aperture of the
zeal, and for their endeavors to make this lens. In all these examples the apparatus
Convention a success. had been placed exactly level it is, how- ;
A hearty three times three was then given ever, well known that in the photographic
for the National Photogra])hic Association. practice the apparatus is very frequently
Three hearty cheers were also given for inclined, and particularly is this the case
Mr. Kyder, who was called for, and made in taking the picture of a sitting figure.
the following remarks With an inclined apparatus other errors
will make themselves apparent, which T |
The following three pictures of a statue of
will try to explain with an example. [
the Apollo de Belvidere, were taken from
the same point with the same apparatus. In I II it was directed upwards, and in No. Ill
No. I the camera was placed level, in No. | its inclination was downwards. The differ-
level ground, but was placed on a pedestal particularly is this the case with architec-
and was calculated to be seen from below. tural objects ; if we neglect this and give,
It is easy to comprehend that, in this po- for instance, an upward direction to the ap-
sition, the more distant parts, as the head, paratus, we will find that the vertical lines
must appear comparatively smaller than converge toward the top.
the feet, and to equalize these dispropor- A great many pictures now in existence
tions the antique plastic artist gradually in- will explain this. A landscape which has
creased the head, and
the size towards no architectural objects in it will show these
worked the and surfaces according
cavities errors a great deal less striking, and it may
to the standpoint of the viewer. Such often be of advantage to raise the front of
statues are calculated to be seen only in the the camera a little. I have often done this
position forwhich they were originally in- in taking anavenue of trees, and it gave me
tended, and, when placed on level ground a much deeper view into the foliage.
or photographed with a camera placed on Much more liberty is taken in placing
a level with it, they give a strange effect. the apparatus above ground. We often go
Any one who will take (photographi- in the first, second, or third stories of houses,
cally) such plastic works of art, must cal- or even climb hills or mountains. This is done
culate well beforehand the standpoint for that we may overlook a larger area. Very
which they are intended. The majority of good, but large and imposing structures
April 5th, 1864, and by him assigned to the Kennard House, Cleveland, 0., June 10th,
plaintiff's, June 15th, 1869, are not valid. 1870, for organization. Messrs. W. J.
It was agreed that three members should in a bath of distilled water until all the oily
constitute a quorum for transaction of busi- lines on its surface had disappeared. The
ness. The Chairman stated that a quorum plate was again dipped in the silver bath
would probably meet monthly and report to and placed in the holder. The plate thus
absent members. treated could be exposed a very long time,
The stated meetings of the committee some hours, without serious danger of dry-
were ordered to be quarterly, the first to ing.
take place in New York, July 6th. The Society then adjourned to attend a
It was resolved to refer the matter of meeting of the Microscopic Section of the
publishing Mr. Southworth's lecture before Franklin Institute.
the Association, to Mr. V. M. "Wilcox, as a The next regular meeting will be held on
committee of one, to confer with Mr. South- the first "Wednesday in October.
worth concerning it. John C. Browne,
Secretary was instructed to report, at the Recording Secretary.
next meeting, his collections for defraying
the expenses of recent litigations.
E. Y. Bell, Esq., counsel of the Associa- FERROTYPERS' ASSOCIATION
tion was present, and conference was held
with him concerning the future business of
A stated meeting of the Ferrotypers' As-
the Association, after which the Committee
sociation of Philadelphia was held at Mr. D.
adjourned. Edward L. "Wilson, Lothrop's gallery, Tuesday evening, June
7th. The President, Mr. Trask, being at
Cleveland, Vice-President Charles Naylor
was in the chair. In the absence of the
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF Secretary, who was also at Cleveland, Mr.
PHILADELPHIA. Bolles was called to fill his place.
The regular monthly meeting was held After roll-call the minutes of the previ-
on "Wednesday evening, June 1st, 1870. ous meetings were read and adopted.
The President, Mr. Frederic Graff, in the The Committee on Resolutions, Mr.
chair. Brooks chairman, reported having pre-
The minutes of the last meeting were read sented them to Mrs. Warrington, with a
and approved, reply from her thanking the Association.
The business of the Society was rapidly Messrs. A. A. Robertson and T. S. Esta-
transacted, so that the members could have brook, of New York, and Mr. Foster, of
an opportunity of welcoming Dr. H. Vogel, Philadelphia, were proposed and elected
of Berlin, Prussia, who arrived quite re- members of the Association.
cently in this country for the purpose of at- Pictures were exhibited by Messrs. A. K.
tending the Annual Convention of the Na- P. Trask, D. Lothrop, C. M. Gilbert, and
tional Photographic Association, to be held Charles E. Bolles. One of Mr. Trask's pic-
at Cleveland. After a general introduction, tures was decided to be the best.
the members conversed upon various photo- Mr. Gilbert moved that hereafter each
graphic subjects, Dr. Vogel giving, at the exhibitor be limited to three pictures.
request of the Society, some hints as to the Adopted.
manner of copying pictures and frescoes in Voted to adjourn to meet at Mr. E. F.
dimly-lighted interiors. He stated that Warrington's gallery, Tuesday evening,
was obtained by the use of
sufficient light July 5th, 1870.
one or more mirrors, the reflected light from Charles E. Bolles,
which was thrown upon the picture to be Secretary pro tern.
copied. Wet plates were used. He had
been very successful in giving long expo-
sures with wet plates by the simple plan of Light your sitter and not your room. It
dipping the collodionized plate in the silver is the quality and not the quantity of light
bath, then removing the plate and dipping you use that makes the picture pleasing.
country with those of yours, are the only 2. Best portrait from untouched nega-
reasons why your excellent productions are
3. Best composition or genre picture.
not more generally known in our father-
4. Best landscape picture.
land and among your German fellow-
workers. These four branches of photography all
It was therefore a happy thought, which need developing, and we hope that competi-
honors as well the one to whom it is espec- tors will earnestly try to make the best work
ially addressed as also our Society, that you they know how. If any are deemed unfit
requested Dr.Vogel, in so liberal a manner, for competition by the judges, the judges
to view personally the productions of our will reserve the privilege of throwing out
art in your great country, as represented in such entirely.
the Cleveland Exhibition. Our object in this matter is to encourage
Willingly, but with a mind that fully honest effort to improve, and to be enabled
comprehended the responsibility of his posi- to present our readers with pictures fit for
tion, he left his post and family to follow their study and imitation. Please meet us
your hospitable invitation, to enrich his in the same spirit, and let the response be
experience at the best possible place and ; large. A set of the pictures of the class
competed for will be sent each allowed com- Besides Salomon, Beutlinger has certainly
petitor free. The time will be limited to exercised a great influence, as well as the
October 15th, when the judges will meet works of my Berlin countrymen. Salomon
and make the awards. There must be two suppresses details, except in the face and
to four negatives alike, from each compet- hands with him the accessories are lost in
itor, and the express must in all cases be the half shade. Beutlinger and the Berlin
prepaid. artist pay more attention to them. Salo-
The medals shall be of U. S. coin gold, mon works darker than nature, the others
solid, handsomely wrought, and the name try to approach the natural tone.
of the successful competitors inscribed It is not my intention to give a review
thereon. •. of the Exhibition; I only can mention
certain specimens as types, and explain
their peculiarities.
SOME REMARKS ON THE CLEVE- In the pictures of Loescher & Petsch, the
LAND EXHIBITION. desire to harmonize the persons with the
BY DR. H. VOGEL. surroundings, such as furniture, back-
Allow me a few remarks on the late ground, and accessories, is manifest. These
Cleveland Exhibition, at which it was my things have their significance we live ;
good fortune to be present. The compari- amongst them, and to place them in the
son with the Berlin Exhibition of 1865 and picture is natural ;
only they must appear
the Paris Exposition of 1867, urges me par- in color and arrangement as secondary, and
ticularly to express my
views now. must be in harmony with the rest of the
The latter two exhibitions may have ex- picture.
celled yours in the quantities that were ex- Painted backgrounds have very often a
posed, but hardly in the quality of the work stagy effect. Loescher & Petsch employ
and the most famous of the French exhibit- them very little. They have real furni-
ors, Berlin and Parisian photographers, ture, partly in rococo or renaissance style,
were represented in Cleveland when we ; the color of which is varied until it pro-
add to these a long list of able American duces the desired effect in the picture.
artists (who in Paris were only partially As a special progress in photography,
represented), we cannot feel surprised at negative retouching must be considered.
the brilliant success. I regret that Ameri- In Paris, several photographers were
can artists have contributed so little to quite indignant when I expressed the opin-
European exhibitions, or the opinions in ion that their negatives had been retouched.
Europe of American photography would be They seemed to consider this a crime, and
quite different. Of how much importance shrugged their shoulders when I told them
exhibitions are for the progress of photog- that in Germany nearly all the negatives
raphy has been demonstrated in Cleveland are retouched. I am glad to be able to say,
in the most striking manner. that the Americans do not turn up their
In Paris, the pictures of Adam Salomon noses at negative retouching, but that they
attracted more attention than any others. know very well how to apply it.
curved background. The latter is certainly depth of a silver print. How many impres-
one of the most interesting American in- sions a plate is able to furnish has not been
ventions. How many variations this style ascertained yet. The printing itself requires
has experienced in the course of time is much skill. This process is best suited for
shown by the pictures of Howell, who has reproducing crayon drawings. The Wood-
only retained the light effects, and who bury pictures approach, in delineation,
keeps the background much lighter than depth, and half-tones nearest to the silver
has been done heretofore with Kembrandts. print; the printing is easy and the number
Another branch much cultivated in the of copies that can be made is very great.
United States are the enlargements. In Large pictures seem to offer some difficulty,
Germany, this work is only done in the but the success of the process for the pro-
southern parts. In the north, the sunlight duction of smaller pictures in large quanti-
is too often wanting. In Berlin, not a tiesseems to be established beyond a doubt.
single enlargement is made any more. I Vainly did I look in your Exhibition for
was not a little surprised when I saw in specimens of the so-called Berlin Process.
Philadelphia, in the establishment of Mr. I do not believe that the artistic negative
Moore, eighteen enlarging apparatuses in retouch can be replaced by any mechanical
operation. or chemical process it is, however, possi-
The demand, of course, produces a greater ble that by such a method softer half-tones
practical experience and I must confess that
, may be gained in the face, as is plainly visi-
I have nowhere Europe seen such excel-
in ble in the specimens shown ;
these pictures,
lent enlargements as in the United States. are, however, deficient in sharpness, which
The so-called photo-crayon style seems, is partly caused by the fact that the diffused
in skilful hands, well adapted to enlarge- daylight, as well as the direct sunlight, pro-
ments ;
for smaller pictures it is less suita- duces the print. In this respect, the princi-
ble ;
they appear too much like lithographs. ples of the printing apparatus by Hamilton,
At all events the cultivation of these va- of Sioux City, is worthy of notice. The ap-
ried branches of portraiture shows the great paratus consists of a dark-box, at the bottom
zeal and activity of American photogra- of which is the printing-frame ;
the box can
phers. be turned towards the sun in any direction,
Without any desire to flatter, I can make and diffused daylight is excluded by the
the assertion that you have as good artists sides of the box.
in America as we in Europe, only the di- For years our negative and positive pro-
rection inwhich they work is different. cesses have remained stationary, and it
The same holds good in landscapes. Ex- seems almost as if no improvement in the
cluding the pictures of the Yosemite Val- mechanical or chemical methods was to be
ley, whieh'were already known in Paris, this expected, and yet the Obernetter paper and
branch was, in quantity, not very strongly the collodio-chloride of silver pictures on
represented. opal glass show that greater fineness can
The dry-plate processes of Carey Lea and be produced than with ordinary albumen
Newton may become very important. paper, and I believe the time is not very
Quite different again, arc the printing pro- distant when an albumen paper will be
cesses, the Albert process and the relief pr in t- made which will yield as fine results as col-
ing process of Woodbury. Where a dozen lodio-chloride of silver on opal glass.
copies only are wanted, these new inventions The main thing, however, even with the
best process, is pose and illumination. With- Mr. M. Is not this kind of glass very dif-
out a due regard for artistic principles the ficult to clean and polish ? I should think
best chemicals and papers will fail to pro- it would take one man to do nothing else
duce a beautiful picture. all day long, and a smart man at that.
Mr. A. Nonsense my boy Charley pre-
cigars ; so all you have to do is to sit down Mr. A. I have never yet discovered that
and make yourself perfectly comfortable. it has the slightest effect on my bath.
Mr. M. Well, here's my best regards. Mr. M. Indeed ! what do you consider
Now, since I have this glass in my hand, the advantages of albumenizing the glass ?
suppose we commence with the subject of Mr. A. The advantages are very great
glass itself. I presume you employ only indeed. First, it saves a very great deal of
the finest plate-glass; you must, of course, real hard work in cleaning and polishing
to produce such delicate results. plate-glass, which (second), is very expen-
Mr. A. There you are mistaken. We sive. Third, the troublesome and disagree-
use the ordinal photographic glass; that able business of grinding or scraping the
is, a better kind of common window-glass edges (to say nothing of the time involved)
supposed to be flat and not curved (which in order to get the collodion film to adhere,
it is), and to be free from bubbles and is also dispensed with.I have never lost a
scratches (which it isn't). The price of this single filmduring my entire practice.
glass, atany of our stock-houses, for "four- Fourth, you are always certain of a per-
fourth " (6| inches by 8£ inches), is five dol- fectly clean plate and fifth, it can be pre-
lars per box of one hundred and thirty pared in any quantity, and is always ready
pieces. I never file, grind, or scrape off for instant use. There so much for albu-!
the edges, not seeing the least necessity for menizing glass.
so doing. You know what Mrs. Jellyby Mr. M. Do I understand you then, that
says: "You may go into Holborn, without you consider this glass, so prepared, equal
precaution, and be run over. You may go in every respect to the best polished plate
into Holborn, with precaution, and never for negatives?
be run over. Just so with Africa," or glass Mr. A. Certainly not. One would sup-
rather. With precaution you will never pose you to be "the party of the name of
cut your fingers. You may as well be afraid Keynolds," you jump so to conclusions. I
of cutting your throat whilst shaving. consider nothing of the sort. Where we
have to make from sixty to seventy nega- proper understanding at the outset, of the
tives a day, the expenseand labor saved, " reasons why " is of the first importance,
before mentioned, are immense, and this and may save you the mortification of many
kind of glass answers every purpose for our a future failure. The detergent, or cleans-
ordinary portrait work. But, when you ing action of soap, for instance, depends en-
come to special negatives of prize pictures, tirely upon its alkaline constituents. Water
copies of works of art, penmanship, maps, alone, by reason of its total want of affinity
plans, etc., I assuredly recommend plate- for all fatty, grease, or oily substances, is
glass. Even this I should albumenize. unable to dissolve them; but when soap is
Mr. M. Isn't this, as it were, painting dissolved in water, a portion of its alkali is
the lily, gilding refined gold? set free (by the substitution of water as a
Mr. A. No, sir you cannot possibly do
base) and uniting with the impurities to
any harm you are absolutely sure of a clean
be removed partially saponifies them, thus
plate in the first place, and your film is fully rendering them soluble in water. Now,
insured in the second place. hydrate of potash in solution possesses
Mr. M. What is your method of prepar- the properties termed alkaline in the very
ing your plates? highest degree, and quickly destroys both
Mr. A. Provide two large stone pots, animal and vegetable matter ; in fact, so
each capable of containing the necessary strong is its solution, that it cannot be
number of plates required. Into one put a filtered except through pounded glass or
solution of hydrate of potash in water. sand. Glass is a compound, produced by
Mr. M. Is there any civilized name for fusing together the silicates of potash, lime,
hydrate of potash ? soda, magnesia, alumina, etc. r
etc.; and
Mr. A. Its foreign name, if you like, is new glass is frequently spotted on its surface
protoxyd of potassium. You will excuse with small, gritty particles, which consist
my going into the chemistry of potassium of carbonate of lime, soda, etc. These are
at present. Ask your grocer for a 1-pound not removed by the action of the potash, but
can of concentrated potash. Dissolve this are readily dissolved by the acid.
in one gallon of water. In the other pot Mr. M. I am obliged to you.
put undiluted commercial nitric acid. New Mr. A. The glass is taken from the acid
glass, as it is taken from the box, is not gen- and washed on a board, under the tap, with
erally soiled with grease nor dirty fingers; a piece of Canton flannel, and can be either
it lightly washed under the tap to
is first albumenized at once, or kept in a suitable
from the straw and dirt of the box,
free it vessel, under water, until you are ready to
and then placed side by side, one piece at a albumenize. Be careful in both cases, that
time (this is all-important, that the solution the acid and potash entirely cover the glass,
may gain free access to all parts of its sur- else it will be almost sure to leave a line
face), in the acid pot, where it may remain where the surface of the liquid touched the
for any convenient length of time. Old glass.
negatives, which are not required to be Mr. M. How is the albumen prepared ?
kept, are placed side by side, one at a time, Mr. A. The albumen is prepared as fol-
in the potash pot. After the negatives have lows : Into a 64-ounce bottle (never used for
remained in this solution all night, they are any other purpose), I may as well mention
washed under the tap with a piece of canton here [" once for all," as Fanny Dorritsays],
flannel, whfcn every trace of old film, grease, that I have pestles and mortars, graduates,
dirt, etc., is instantly removed as if by funnels, bottles, etc., etc., which I only use,
magic. These then, like new glass, are each for a special purpose, hence avoiding
now ready for the acid pot. And thus you all possibility of contamination. Well,
" keep the pots a biling." then, into a 64-ounce bottle, containing half
Mr. M. What is the rationale of this pot- a handful of broken bits of glass, put the
ash and acid business? white of one egg and 28 to30 ounces of
Mr. A. I am really pleased to find you water, which is sufficient to albumenize 150
in this inquiring frame of mind; for a plates, and shake well for eight or ten min-
utes. The broken bits of glass " cutting the albumen from running down the side
up " the albumen, thus causing it to dissolve by capillary attraction. Bring the lip down
more readily in the water. Now turn the so as to nearly touch the surface of the glass,
bottle upside down, until the froth has all to avoid the formation of bubbles, and pour
risen to the top of the liquid. The cork on about a teaspoon ful. As you do so, you
being gently removed, the mixture is suf- will plainly see the albumen driving the
fered to flow into a funnel furnished with a water before it. Tilt the plate until its sur-
white paper filter, the froth remaining be- face is carefully covered, and suffer the sur-
hind in the bottle. The whole operation plus to run off at one corner into the sink.
occupying about fifteen or twenty minutes. The plate is now placed on a rack (used for
When filtered it should look perfectly clear no other purpose) in a room free from dust.
like water. I do this in my dark-room. Cover them
Mr. M. It strikes me you are a little in- with a light paper cover, and in the morn-
definite here. You say the white of one ing they are put into a grooved box fur-
egg ; consider, sir, all eggs are not of a size. nished with a cover. It is well to put them
Mr. A. But very few eggs contain more with the albumen sides all in the same di-
than one ounce of albumen, —mark you, I rection, as it is impossible to tell by the eye
mean hen's eggs, not ostrich's eggs, — and which side is albumenized. Should any
the amount of water mentioned is the mini- doubt occur, however, you have only to
mum, for you may increase it to 35 ounces breathe on the surface of the glass, the
of water for very large eggs. breath remaining a moment on the bare
Mr. M. Do you not use ammonia, as I glass, and scarcely an instant on the albu-
seerecommended by the great Moguls? menized side.
Mr. A. The addition of ammonia to albu- Now, sir, if you will honor me with your
men is said to render it more fluid, and to attention to-morrow evening, the next sub-
preserve it " sweet." Where it is desirable ject in order will be
to prepare albumen in stock, say half and
half, this may be very proper but as I
The Mysteries of Collodion,
make it fresh every day, I have no occasion and so, good-night to you.
to contaminate with useless foreign sub-
it Mr. M. By-the-by, one word before I go.
stances. When
ready to albumenize, you I wish to ask you a very material question.
will notice, by holding the edge of the plate I now quote from a letter of yours " I can- :
to your eye, that it is generally slightly not, for an instant, harbor the thought that
curved, and it is always on the concave or any of these gentlemen wrote what he knew
hollow side that the albumen is to be ap- to be false, nor will I accept the other al-
plied. ternative, that he wrote in deplorable ignor-
Mr. M. Why so ? ance on the subject." If so, how do you
Mr. A. If you coated the convex side, reconcile such contradictions as the follow-
your plate would come a little out of focus ;
ing? For instance: Thirty-second day. Al-
the centre of the plate coming nearer the ways filter your bath after each day's work.
lens, and the spring at the back of the plate- — (E. L. Wilson, Mosaics, 1867, page 141.)
bolder would tend to still further increase the Thirty-third day. Neither should the bath
error, whereas the opposite result obtains in be filtered after it has once been put into
the other case. Allow the water from the tap use. Devine's Practice, page 36.) One must
to flow on both sides of the plate, rubbing be wrong, you know.
the glass gently with the fingers to insure Mr. A. You will excuse me, Mr. Mar-
the wetting of all the surface. Let the shall, but I don't know anything of the
water run one corner until it ceases
off" at sort. Now letus understand, in the first
to drop. The albumen is now poured on place, what was intended in the " fog pa-
(while the plate is still wet, of course), from pers." Mr. G. Wharton Simpson, the very
an 8-ounce graduate, half full. The under able correspondent of the Philadelphia Pho-
edge of the lip of the graduate must be tographer, " hits the nail exactly on the
lightly rubbed with tallow, which prevents head," when he says, in a very few com-
Obernetter's Photo- Collographic Process — ments, and hopes to produce still better re-
graphic Plates — Carbon Eburneum Prints Lichtdruck. — I have a conviction that for
— Platinum Toning. absolute perfection of gradation and simi-
London, June 1st, 1870. larity to the best quality of silver prints,
A New Photo-Collographic Process. — no other photo-mechanical printing process
have recently had an opportunity of exam- can ever compete with Woodbury's method
ining some examples of a new photo-collo- of photo-relief printing but I apprehend ;
that in an enterprising country like America conducted in the ordinary manner, the paper
all photo-mechanical processes, in fact all used being dense and smooth, and not pre-
processes which promise labor-saving and viously damped, as is the case in lithographic
rapidity of production, must possess pre- printing.
eminent interest, and I make no apology,
therefore, for constantly referring to these
Standard Sizes of Photographic Plates. —
processeswhenever fresh information re- point of some interest to photographers has
garding them comes under my attention. recently been brought under my attention
M. Leontytsch, of Leipsic, has recently is- by Dr. Liesegang. He points out that the
standard sizes of plates is different in all
sued a little work on this subject, which, by
the way, although only a small pamphlet,
countries, and that no systematic series of
proportions prevails in any country.
is charged fifteen shillings, or in round
numbers nearly The original sizes of Daguerreotype plates
five dollars greenbacks.
for portraits, fixed in France, on I believe
Much of the detail of Lichtdruck operations
a purely arbitrary basis, were the whole-
which it gives has already appeared in your
plate, half-plate, quarter-plate, one-sixth-
pages ; but there are a few points it may be
has then gone sufficiently far when every causing much inconvenience alike to photo-
graphers and photographic manufacturers,
detail in the opaque parts becomes visible.
Taken from the frame, the plate now under- and at the same time aimed to introduce a
definite system of proportion in the various
goes an operation upon which it is said the
whole secret of success is based, and without sizes. Adopting the five by four plate as a
upon the cloth-faced board before men- height and breadth through all the plates.
tioned, and exposed again to light from the The result would be that in all cases the
reversed side until the highest lights only height of the plate would be just one-fourth
remain distinguishable. This has the effect more than its breadth : thus a plate eight
of hardening the film throughout, and ren- inches broad would be ten inches high ; one
dering it firmer and less absorbent of water. ten inches broad would be twelve and a half
Finally, the plate is washed, by a yellow high one twelve inches broad would be
light, in a water bath, to remove any solu- fifteen inches high,and so on in proportion.
ble chromate, and placed to dry upon filter In order to secure universality, and so pro-
paper. mote the facilities for international trade in
Another important consideration in rela- involves no especial novelty beyond the use
tion to fitness in size is the difference be- of the carbon image in place of the collo-
tween the proportions suitable for portrai- dion transparency in producing eburneum
ture and those for landscape photographs. pictures. The pigmented paper is sensitized
As a rule, the best proportion between the and exposed in the usual way soaked for ;
length and breadth in the latter is not the a few seconds in water then attached to a
same as for portraiture. Nothing is more plate of collodionized glass after Johnson's
ing, than a square landscape. The eye natu- coated with a layer of gelatine containing
rally, except under special circumstances, oxide of zinc in suspension. "When the lat-
embraces a much larger proportion of a ter is removed from the
dry, the whole is
face of such facts as I have mentioned, and it is exactly the same as that which I have
also of the fact that some who write most published before, except that it is a little
dogmatically on the subject never produce more dilute:
anything presentable at all, that every now
Alcohol (pure and strong), . 3 ounces.
and then we hear laments on the untrust-
Ether (concentrated), . 5 "
worthy character of dry processes. A re-
Bromide of Ammonium, . 12 grains.
cent article by Herr Moll, in a German Bromide of Cadmium, . 60 "
journal recently, takes up this position, and
institutes a comparison between wet and dry It is best to use the cadmium salt from
methods, very much to the disparagement ounce bottles, kept well corked. Many of
of the latter. the makers seal them up with beeswax ;
These are to be added in the above order, mottling, the cure lasts only for a plate or
mixed well by agitating, and the plate two, then the trouble returns.
slipped in. "Where a full exposure has been
given, it will be well not to add the whole
of the carbonate of ammonia at once, but a
few drops at a time. With a full exposure,
the development is quite as rapid as that of Our picture this month is another variety
a wet plate. No previous washing or moist- of the " Kembrandt " or "shadow" picture,
ening with alcohol is necessary. If the and together with the one in our last num-
plate has had a good, full exposure, it will ber will bear study and imitation. At the
come up to printing density in this bath in Cleveland Exhibition this class of pictures
two or three minutes. If it does not, it will predominated in a measure, and some very
only be necessary to add as much more so- fine effects indeed were there.
lution of carbonate of ammonia as already Wethink they must become very popu-
directed. Lift out the plate, add the solu- lar ifyou will but educate your patrons to
tion, mix well by agitating, and return the them, and to do this you must make the
plate. best you can. You now have two good ex-
The dirty work of re-developing with amples before you. The rest of the story is
acid pyro and silver is never necessary. told by Mr. Baker in his letter, which we
mixture of equal parts of Spanish brown, of " My original idea has been followed by
the best quality, powdered gum arabic, clean a thousand photographers, and with many
and pure, from a reliable druggist, and pow- ingenious variations.
dered white sugar. Mix up and apply with "The thought and study necessary for
a bristle brush. Try first upon a bit of the mastery of the effect have furthered the
glass and let dry ;
if it scales off, there is too knowledge of our resources, and emanci-
little sugar, but up to this point, the less pated us from the method of lighting which
the better ; use no glycerine. Put on pretty had become painfully conventional.
thick, and wipe off just before developing " The taste of our customers is cultivated
with a wet sponge. It is worth while always with our own, and they are decidedly less
to use this backing. I back my plates as afraid of a shadow than they were.
soon as they are out of the preservative " One word to a certain class of critics
bath, and let both sides dry together. But who do not seem to apprehend that a profile
this cannot well be done if the plates are in Bembrandt is an effect, rather than a por-
dried by heat, as the backing will run and that the sharp lights and heavy
caught. What the art lacks in complete- Double Sulphate of Iron and Amm. J
Acetic Acid No. 8, 2 "
ness is thus made up by variety. It is . . . .
Water, 16 "
enough if each mood be happy, and we
should accustom our sitters not to expect "The negatives were cleared with cya-
the grandeur of an historic portrait in the nide, and strengthened with sulphuret of
few square inches of a photograph. potassium.
" The present picture is an endeavor in "The paper is that of Trapp & Munch,
accordance with the above line of thought.
floated half a minute on the following silver
A beautiful face is placed entirely in the
bath: A concentrated solution of silver in
water is divided into halves. One-half is
shadow ; the light, coming from behind,
floods the hair and falls over the shoulders.
precipitated and cleared with ammonia ; the
other half is then added, and the whole ren-
The delicate reflections down the profile are
dered almost neutral with nitric acid C. P.
from a white screen a few feet off. The ;
The lens, 3 B. Dallmeyer, diffusion of focus. " When dry, the paper is fumed. The
The time of the year, last September the ;
toning is best done with a warm bath, very
alkaline, with bicarbonate of soda (that used
day, cloudy. The negatives were timed
twenty seconds. for cooking). The hypo, was 1 oz. to 8 oz.
water time, 5 to 8 minutes.
" The collodion was two years old, made
" After mounting, the prints were treated
Alcohol, with Salomon's enamel. If the surface of
• $
Ether, . .
X tt any of these is at all disturbed at any time,
Iodide of Ammonium, . 2 grs. a very light polishing with a soft cloth will
Iodide of Cadmium, . . 4 " at once restore it bright and perfect.
Bromide of Ammonium, . 2 1
" W. J. Baker.
Cotton, . 6 " Buffalo, N. Y., June, 1871."
How to Become a Member. — Photographers isfied set of men together than were the pho-
who wish to be identified with the National tographers there.
Photographic Association, and to share its bene-
fits, may do so by applying to Edward L. Wilson, N. P. A. — The Executive Committee will hold
Permanent Secretary, Philadelphia, Pa. Re- a special meeting at .36 Park Row, Neiv York,
mitting $4, $2 for entrance fee and $2 for dues on Wednesday, July 6th, at 4 p.m. Members
up to June, 1871, and certificate of membership please be present to transact special business.
will be sent. Come, now, grow with its growth W. Irving Adams, Chairman.
and share the honors. Edward L. Wilson, Secretary.
Did wk promise too mucii? — We predicted Tiie Shaw Patent. — Since he was beaten in
and even promised a great deal to those who the suit against Mr. Lovejoy, Mr. Shaw has
would attend the Cleveland Exhibition. Did we modified his claims again (third time), and ob-
promise too much ? We never saw a better sat- tained a reissue of his patent, June 14th. Let
not our readers be frightened, however. The excels Fairmount, and, chosen with an artistic
fact of his applying for a reissue precludes him eye as they are, these views are very charming.
from collecting anything for supposed or real
past infringements,and also shears him of all Messrs. Suddards & Fennemore, 820 Arch
power to compel any one to use his patent Street, Philadelphia, have an admirable carte
under penalty of prosecution. All Jehyleman negative of E. Y. Bell, Esq., made during his
Shaw now has, is a reissued patent for an ap- researches for light on the " Waste " case, copies
paratus constructed as has been described in of which can be had.
our pages, which he wants to sell. It is op-
tional with you whether you buy it or not. He Good News. — Prof. Henry Morton, Ph. D.
cannot compel you. Use your old tub or tank as the eminent lecturer on light, chemistry, etc.,
long as you please, and he cannot harm you. has already been secured to deliver two lectures
Do not let agents and others frighten you into before the National Photographic Association,
any arrangement against your will, for they iu Philadelphia, next June. This is taking time
have not the power to harm you in the least. by the forelock, but that is necessary, in order to
We received a copy of the reissue just before succeed in any undertaking. We mean that the
photographers shall have a grand treat when
going to press, and will explain further next
they visit Philadelphia, and no one can contrib-
month. Meanwhile, be not afraid.
ute more to it than Prof. Morton. He leaves
The Local Secretary. — No one who has not Philadelphia in July to assume the Presidency
been through itsknows what a laborious
labors of the Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J., which
task is the Local Mr. Ryder
Secretaryship. he is yet to see built, superintending the work
seems to have been made for that post, and did himself.
admirably in every way. Of course there are
always some who grumble, but if they have cause Rather Large. — Our types made us say in
let them not lay it to any oversight of Mr. Ry- our last that some of the hailstones that fell in
der. He forgot nothing. Philadelphia last month were 7 inches- in di-
ameter. We meant circumference, and that was
The Photo-Crayon Prize Medals, awarded
plenty large enough for comfort.
for the best photo-crayons at the Cleveland Ex-
hibition, were given to Messrs. A. Marshall,
Our red cover last mohth did just what we
Boston (gold) ;
Suddards & Fennemore, Philadel-
intended it should do, *'. e., attracted attention.
phia and W. L. Germon, Philadelphia
(silver) ;
That was all it was put on for, because we wanted
(bronze). A very handsome show of nearly one to have rather a holiday appearance, on account
hundred pictures was made. Messrs. Lambert
of the coming jubilee at Cleveland. The new
& Alden show some nice testimonials in their
color, however, raised all sorts of conjectures.
new advertisement. Some condoled with us on our bad taste in mak-
ing the change, but the best one was, a Western
Portraits of Dr. Vogel. Mr. J. F Ryder — subscriber who "supposed it was a hint to pay up,
has favored us with an admirable 8 x 10 Salo- '
Messrs. Kilbtjrn Bros., Littleton, N. H., Signor Ant. Montagna, Mesagne, Italy, will
have favored us with a series of admirable views publish semi-annually a "Universal Photo-
of Fairmount Park, Wissahickon, etc., recently graphic Review,^ beginning June 1st, 1870,
taken. For natural beauty, no park in the world which is to be accompanied by photographs.
Mr. H. G. Fetter, Logansport, Ind., a few containing silver is thrown down. The bath
hours after the resolution had passed at the should be neutralized before it is heated, as the
Cleveland meeting to adopt a trade-mark for the presence of acid retards the precipitation.
work of the members of the Association, presented
us with his card with N. P. A. thereon. We were
glad to see the idea adopted so soon. Mr. Fet- 1. What is the real effect of any bromide in
monia, or, as photographers call it, ammonio- than a year, we believe. It may or may not be
nitrate of silver. extended.
3. When a bath is boiled the ether and alcohol Jas. II. Tatman, Connersville, Ind. See an- —
are driven off, the organic matter is decom- swer above. Your posing is good print under- ;
Messrs. Kilburn Bros., and so on. In this guished friend to-night, comes from the
city he is ours. bottom of my heart. Yes, sir I welcome !
He had several invitations to lecture while honor, a great honor to have one of the
here, and more than one offer if he would brightest lights of photography that is not
make this country his permanent residence. overdeveloped, to cross the deep and briny
In St. Louis Dr. Vogel was very enthu- ocean, and come away from the fatherland
siastically received and entertained by the to the land of progress and liberty, and
photographers. Among other places he shine among us even for a brief space of
visited the IronMountain below St. Louis, time. It is with pleasure that my brother
a mountain four hundred feet high, and al- photographers now meet face to face with
most wholly of iron ore. Dr. Vogel sug- you, whom they have so often heard of, and
gestively remarked that there was " no pos- more frequently read of. We have studied
sibility of the St. Louis photograpers run- your writings on the advancement and prog-
ning out of developer very soon 1" ress of our art, and I assure you they have
On Thursday evening, June 23d, a grand been beneficial to many
of us. Mr. Presi-
reception was given by the St. Louis Photo- dent, we come here welcome and honor
graphic Society to Dr. Vogel, at the rooms our guest as he has honored us, and to ulse a
of John A. Scholten, Esq. Western phrase, we intend to show him
The President, A. J. Fox, Esq., opened round' our great and growing city, which
the meeting with the following address. in time will be the metropolis of the land
" Gentlemen of the Photographic Asso- of Columbia. Yes, sir ! and when you re-
ciation of St. Louis, members of the frater- turn to your native land, and there in the
nity, and fellow-citizens, it affords me great quiet moments of reflection, or in the out-
pleasure, in behalf of the photographic fra- bursts of your own heart you think and talk
ternity of St. Louis, to introduce to you of the friends left behind you, we hope the
to-night, one whose name and fame is as memory of this night will never be for-
familiar to you as household words. One gotten."
whose writings and researches upon photog-
raphy you have all read with so much in- Dr. Vogel then arose and responded as
terest and delight. He is among us to-night follows :
by invitation, and I now take pleasure in " My Friends : From the bottom of my
introducing to you my esteemed friend Dr. heart I thank you for the hearty welcome and
Herman Vogel, of Berlin, Prussia. As Mr. kindness shown to me everywhere at your
Eitzgibbon is the oldest photographer' now hands. I am only sorry that I cannot reply
in the West, I will take the liberty to call to your kind words in your own language
upon that gentlemen to extend to Dr. Vogel so well as Iwish to do. I will therefore
the words of fellowship, friendship, and a ask your indulgence to allow me to give
cordial welcome to our beloved city." vent to my feelings in my native tongue,
and ask my German friends to translate it
sion to do justice in addressing our distin- Germany have been looking with admira-
guished guest, with words of welcome to tion these many long years. Yes, this admi-
our great city of the West. I was not ration grew into enthusiasm when we wit-
brought up in the school of oratory or dec- nessed a struggle that threatened to divide
lamation, but in the laboratory of our beau- this great republic ; and it affords me a
tiful art ; but what I say to our distin- great deal of satisfaction to say that all my
German countrymen, here as well as over left a host of warm friends behind, who
the ocean, took a lively interest in that com- would be only too glad to see him come
bat. Wesympathized heartily with you, back some day and spend his days in their
gentlemen, and not only in war, but in time midst."
of peace, in literature and arts have you al-
ways engaged our undivided attention and
sympathy. When I came over here, I ex- THE EXHIBITION
pected to see a great deal, and I take great
pleasure in saying to you that my highest National Photographic Association at
expectations have been by far surpassed. Cleveland— Our Picture.
When I return to my native country, I Having in our last number given our
shall be able to say that four weeks' sojourn readers a pretty full account of what trans-
in this country afforded me more opportu- pired at the business meetings of the Na-
nities of observation and instruction than tional Photographic Association in Cleve-
any four years heretofore. Unfortunately land, let usnow give a few details concern-
we are but too form
frequently led to ing the grand Exhibition.
wrong opinions concerning America and It was held in the Central Skating Rink,
the Americans, by superficial, sensation the floor of which is 90 by 250 feet, and
newspaper articles, which are proven to be which was profusely decorated with flags and
fallacious upon closer personal acquaint- evergreens festooned fancifully all around.
ance. The practical turn of mind of the In the centre, hanging from the roof, was a
Americans developed the treasures of sci- painted wreath, to which was suspended
ence, and many inventions were put into the truthful motto Elevate your art and
practical use by them. A result of this it will elevate you.'" At the rear end of the
practical tendency is the present state of hall was a huge scenic background, on which
photography in America. Energy and a free the different emblems of photography were
and unimpeded pursuit of art has not failed painted and grouped, with the names of
to tell on the development of photography Niepce, Daguerre, Talbot, etc., the whole
here as well as in Europe, and in Germany encircled by the following words in huge
in particular. An intimate and cordial in- letters :
" Let your light so shine that others
tercourse has sprung up of late between may see your good works." All of this gave
America and Germany, much to the benefit the immense interior a very tasteful and
of our art and its followers; and I shall feel beautiful appearance.
amply rewarded if my professional brethren The floor being cleared of the debris of a
think that my endeavors to contribute, little fair which had but just closed, immense up-
though it may be, to a firmer union between rights were erected at certain distances
the two countries, and material advance- apart on each side of the hall, running
ment of our art, have not been quite devoid towards the centre and thus forming al-
of success. coves, each one being in a light almost
"I thank you, gentlemen, for the kind- equally favorable. On these uprights the
ness and indulgence with which you have pictures were hung, under the supervision
listened to my few remarks, and hope that of the Local Secretary, Mr. J. F. Ryder,
at no distant time I shall have the pleasure and the Committee of Arrangements,
to welcome some or all of you in my native Messrs. Albert Moore, Irving Adams, W.
country I" John R. demons, V. M. Wilcox, and Ed-
For this translation we are indebted to the ward L. Wilson. Thecommitteo occupied
kindness of Mr. Robert Benecke, who adds : nearly three days and three nights in their
"Thus week which Dr. Vogel had
the work, and were supported by the valuable
consented to stay with us drew to a close, many of the photographers of
assistance of
and sorry we were to see our congenial and Cleveland and by volunteers photogra- —
warmhearted little Doctor reeross the father phers coming in' daily to attend the meet-
of the waters to visit other parts of our ings, etc., from all parts, all of whom
great country. May he be assured to have promptly laid hold and helped all they
could, with a will. The scene was one of child, highest up, in the centre), the eigh-
great activity and earnestness, and the re- teen Steinheil lens pictures shown by Wil-
were in readiness at the
sult was, all things son, Hood & Co., which
the foreign pictures,
appointed time, and the Exhibition was were all close together, and on the extreme
thrown open to an appreciative public on upright the fine display by Mr. J. W.
Tuesday evening as advertised. Black. On the left of the stage is Mr. Ry-
Through the kindness of Mr. T. T. der's splendid exhibition plainly seen. The
Sweeney, of Cleveland, who made the neg- arrangement of the other side of the hall
atives, and of Mr. William H. Rhoads, of was precisely the same, differing only in
Philadelphia, who made the prints, and who the pictures, all of which are mentioned,
has had to work night and day ever since we believe, in the list. We tried to let
to get the requisite quantity done in time, none escape us.
we are enabled to give our readers this In the centre space, directly in front of the
month a view of a good portion of the inte- stage, Mr. John Carbutt, of Chicago, had
rior as it appeared at the close of the Exhi- tables erected, on which he continued to
bition, though not the whole, as we de- make prints by the Woodbury Photo-Relief
sired. Owing to the peculiar arrangement Process during the whole Exhibition, al-
of the uprights, a view from one end down ways attracting an interested and delighted
the centre would not have made as satis- crowd next to him Messrs. W. M. & C. C.
factory a view as the one we give, so, what Kohl & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, had a large
was thought by several who were consulted Stereoscopic Museum erected, and displayed
to be the best general viev), was selected, and a fine assortment of their Stereoscopes ; next
the negatives made accordingly. Down the to them the Scovill Manufacturing Com-
centre of the rink were rows of glass cases pany occupied the space, and had several
and tables, which were devoted to the dis- tables and cases of American Optical Com-
play of apparatus, chemicals, lenses, etc., by pany's apparatus, etc. Their display was
the stockdealers, and which was very large very prominent; also the well-known furni-
and fine. ture, accessories, head-rest, etc., by Messrs.
We annex a list of the exhibitors, as near Wilson, Hood & Co. The Cleveland deal-
as we could make it during continued in- ers, Messrs. Robbins and Castle, made fine
terruption, and ifwe have omitted anybody displays. The large Yosemite views on the
we will be glad to add those omitted in our right of the picture, front, were also part of
next number. Our list begins at the left Mr. Robbins's display, and next to these
hand going in, down that side to the stage, came Mr. Sweeney's pagoda, which he un-
across the stage, up the other side, and then fortunately left out of the view.
the centre of the floor. In the front room, second floor, where
On each side at the front was an immense the business meetings were held, Mr. J. W.
pagoda (not shown in the picture), one be- Black each evening gave a fine lantern ex-
ing covered with splendid landscapes, por- hibition of views on the coast of Labrador
and stereoscopic views by Mr. T. T.
traits, and all parts of this country. The group of
Sweeney, and the other by a large assort- members was shown by Mr. Black a few
ment of Braun's carbon views, exhibited by hours after it was taken. He used the elec-
Messrs. Wilson, Hood & Co., Philadelphia. tric light, which we shall presently describe
The latter were on the left of the entrance, in these pages. In front of the Rink, some
and following them were the cases contain- distance, a huge screen was erected, and
ing Messrs. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co.'s early each evening Mr. Black projected pic-
display, and articles and pictures by Messrs. tures on it to the delight of the outsiders,
Howell, and those whose names follow his and thus won many into the Exhibition.
in the list, up to the handsome display of Here we close our record of the Second
Mr. William B. Holmes, New York. In Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Na-
the picture are plainly seen the solar en- tional Photographic Association, yet we
largements by Mr. Albert Moore, includ- must not do so, until we have related one
ing the gold medal prize print (the one of a very pleasing incident. Saturday evening
precisely at ten o'clock the musicians began G. G. Johnson, Cleveland, 0. Enamelled pho-
to play "Home, Sweet Home." tographs.
President Bogardus was standing on the J. Cremer, Philadelphia, Pa. Large colored
main floor near the centre at the time. The portraits on the new "hot-cast porcelain"
first notes of that glorious tune told the
photographers present, that their week of Jno. P. Soule, Boston, Mass. Stereoscopic
views and portraits colored.
jubilee was at an end, and drawn by one
E. Herbruger, Jr., Panama. Views of Panama.
common impulse they gathered around their
Thos. Firth, Hamilton, Bermuda. Views in
president in great number and joined him
in singing, Home, Sweet Home. There
R. H.Furman, Brazil, S. A. Views and portraits.
were and at the cessation of
full hearts then,
Wm, B. Holmes, New York. Bierstadt's views
the music, the assemblage passed out, amid of Niagara.
hand shakings, words of good cheer, and A. H. Hemple, Philadelphia, Pa. Large pic-
"Good bye! meet me in Philadelphia in tures of locomotives, machinery, etc.
1871." A. Meydenbauer. Examples illustrative of
The day the negatives were made it was photographic surveying.
very dark and cloudy, and the Rink was not Shaffner & Mohr, Paris, France. Specimens
in favorable condition to photograph, but on carbonate of silver paper.
itwas the only day the work could be done, Benque & Sebastianutti, Trieste, Austria.
Finely retouched enlargements.
and the best possible results were secured.
Albert Moore, Philadelphia, Pa. Enlarge-
They were made with a No. 3 $40 Stein-
ments on plain and albumen paper, from the
heil lens, of which Mr. Sweeney writes us :
W. R. Howell, New York. Enlargements col- Wilson, Hood &Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 18 pic-
ored, Albumen Photographs, Retouched and tures made with the Steinhoil lenses, being
Cabinet Pictures. a oopy of an ongraving, a landscape and a
T. T. Sweeney, Cleveland, 0. Groups of the portrait mado with each size lens, from No.
members of the National Photographic As- 1 to No. 6, inclusive.
sociation. Sold for Relief Fund. M. Goupil & Co., Paris. A variety of prints by
Tiios. II. Johnson, Cleveland, 0. Groups of the Woodbury Process.
the members of the National Photographic Walter Woodbury, London, England. A va-
Association. Sold for Relief Fund. riety of prints by the Woodbury Procoss.
Jno. Carbutt, Chicago, 111. A variety of prints J. W. Black, Boston, Mass. Portraits of many
by the Woodbury Process. sizes, views on the coast of Labrador, inte-
Capt. Lyon, Geneva, Switzerland. A series of groups, and landscapes.
M. Carey Lea, Philadelphia, Pa. Prints from J. M. Green, Cleveland, O. Oil photographs.
collodio-bromide negatives. S. Root, Dubuque, Iowa. Large portraits from
S. P. Christman, Berlin, Prussia. Stereoscopic untouched and retouched negatives.
views, interiors, buildings, etc. R. L. Allen, Detroit, Mich. Landscape and
F. Grasshoff, Berlin, Prussia. Fine cartes, interior views.
etc., including a collection of 24 portraits of H. H. Cole, Peoria, 111. Solar portrait en-
one young lady in as many positions. largements.
J. Schaarwachter, Nijmegin, Holland. Views J. Loeffler, New York. Portraits in "Rem-
in Holland. brandt" and other styles, in variety.
Chas. Reutlinger, Paris, France. 11 x 14 H. Merz, New York. Cartes, 8x10, and other
carte and cabinet pictures from retouched portraits, and several genre pictures.
negatives. B. W. Weston, Leetonia, O. Portraits.
Ernst Milster, Berlin, Prussia. Portraits of J. H. Hallenbeck, New York. Prints from H.
various sizes, from retouched negatives, and J. Newton's coffee dry plates, printed and
reproductions from oil paintings. toned by the uranium and silver process,
H. Krohne, Dresden. Stereoscopic views by and also copies of Dole's drawings.
collodio-albumen dry process. A. Bogardus, 1153 Broadway, New York. En-
Wilson, Hood & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Large largements, cabinets, etc., in fine variety.
display of stereoscopic pictures, including Mr. Bogardus also very comraendably men-
"Gems of German Life," by Loescher & tions his employees, who, with his aid, pro-
Petsch, views by G. W. Wilson, A. Braun, duce his work, viz. : E. M. Howell, poser ;
J. Landy, Cincinnati, 0. A large assortment of shall and Frank Rowell, Boston McElroy, ;
dark-tent, graphoseope, cameras, chemicals, Scovill Manufacturing Co., New York. Fine
albums, stereoscopes, and photographic show of American Optical Co. 's Apparatus,
goods generally. perfect camera stand a variety of 600 fancy ;
D. H. Cross, Bennington, Vt. Improved wood cases and frames photographic goods of ;
so regular in its texture that pieces cut the light falls upon the glass, he will find
three inches square, in the manner that I that his measurement no longer appears cor-
have described, will rarely differ in weight rect, but seems to be more or less than right.
amongst each other by as much as a quarter What was, or appeared right when the
of a grain of course, if an exception pre-
light came from above, is no longer so when
sents itself, it cannot fail to be noticed in the light comes in level lines, or is thrown
time. I do not think that any one who up from below. Of these, the best results
fairly tries this plan, and realizes the con- are given by a level or horizontal light. A
venience and saving of time which it effects, good burner on a level with the eye is very
will ever disuse it. convenient for taking measurements. On
the other hand, light from a gas-burner,
considerably above the observer's head,
tends to very incorrect results.
The operation of measuring is never as ac- Another matter of considerable moment
curate as that of weighing. The same dif- is the holding of the measuring-glass per-
ference in accuracy that exists between or- fectly perpendicular. A very little error
dinary careful measuring and ordinary care- in this respect will quite vitiate the results.
ful weighing, will be found also between the And the evil of this increases directly with
burette and the analytical balance. the diameter of the upper surface of the
The measuring-glasses or "graduates" liquid as it stands in the measuring-glass.
now in common use, are made by pouring For this and for other reasons, narrow, deep
mercury into them. The quantity of mer- graduates are to be preferred to broader,
cury is ascertained beforehand to be equal lower ones.
in bulk to the water weighing the amount Narrow, deep vessels of a cylindrical
which the graduate division is to measure. shape will give more accurate measure-
Mercury is preferred for several reasons ments than those that are conical, and are
principally for this, that as it does not "wet" much used for exacter work. With burettes
the glass, none is kept back by attraction, stillmore accurate work can be done, es-
but the whole can be transferred. pecially, as I have shown elsewhere, when
The danger of mistakes is far greater a particular arrangement is used for making
with measuring-glasses than in weighing, correct readings.
than most persons would find it easy to be-
lieve, but it may be proved in various ways. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES.
Any one desirous to verify his measure- The combined operation of weighing and
ments, can make the following experiment measuring gives the specific gravity of a
measure off at once 16 ounces of water in a substance which represents the relation of
lG-ounce graduate and pour it into a bottle weight to bulk. This determination may
next take a 1-ounce graduate and measure be made in two ways, viz., by ascertaining
off successive ounces from the portion thus the weight of a given volume of the sub-
placed in the bottle, until the whole is con- stance (specific gravity bottle), or by exam-
sumed, and compare the result. ining its buoyancy (hydrometer).
The surface of water or of other liquid in The last is the least troublesome, especi-
a measuring-glass is not plane or level, but ally when a number of specific gravities of
represents a parabolic curve. The liquid is liquids are to be taken, but the first is by
drawn up the sides of the glass by capillary far the more accurate. Not only is the
attraction, and the whole surface has a me- reading of the hydrometer less exact, but a
niscus curvature. It is the central or lower great many ofthem are very carelessly and
portion of this curve that should correspond indifferently made.
capillary bore like that of a thermometer, The method given below, by which an
the liquid being poured in nearly up to the may be converted into an entirely
old bath
top of the neck, the stopper is inserted, and new one, makes no claim to novelty, be-
the excess of liquid escapes through the cause I have already published it ; but it
tube-stopper and is wiped off. The bottle has seldom been applied by photographers,
is of such a size, that when filled with dis- either because it had escaped their observa-
tilled water it has a given weight at a fixed tion, orhad been looked upon as a novelty
temperature, generally of 62° F., though devoid of utility. I have tested it, how-
sometimes 60° or 70°. A 200-grain bottle ever, by long practice, and do not hesitate
or a 10-gramme may be considered the best to pronounce it the best and most expedi-
sizes. The only precautions necessary are tious of all its congeners.
to have the bottle thoroughly clean inside We will suppose your silver bath is utterly
before pouring in the liquid to be tested, useless by reason of the admixture of hetero-
and to wipe the outside perfectly dry before geneous substances, such as ether and alco-
taking the weight, handling it as little as hol, nitrate of ammonia, of potassa, of soda,
possible, so as to avoid raising the tempera- lithia, the oxide of cadmium, etc., and or-
ture. ganic matter, such as particles of dust, frag-
The specific gravity is indicated at once ments of collodion, etc., which it may con-
by the weight of the liquid. If when the tain, and that it is impossible to obtain a
100-grain bottle with nitric acid,
is filled good negative in this bath. This being the
the weight of the contents proves to be 145 case, we proceed as follows :
grains, this, of course, indicates a specific 1st. Filter the bath solution carefully.
gravity of 1.45. Having determined the This removes all the foreign substances in
specific gravity of any liquid, this may be the solution that exist in a solid condition.
used to test the accuracy of hydrometers by 2d. Place the clear solution in a large
allowing them to swim in it, and noting porcelain evaporating dish, and throw in a
the indications, and how far they are cor- lump of zinc (about a pound or so);
rect. now pour into the solution, for every 32
In using the hydrometer, care must be ounces, 1 ounce of commercial sulphuric
taken in two different ways: it must be acid and stir the mixture. A violent effer-
lowered gently into the liquid; if allowed vescence ensues and hydrogen gas is abun-
to slip quickly in it will sink too far and dantly liberated. This operation had better
then rise again with the stem wetted above be performed outside of a window or door,
the line of the liquid. The hydrometer, so that the fumes may escape into the at-
having thus an extra weight to carry, will mosphere. You will soon observe a quantity
give an erroneous indication. Also, it must of flocculent matter floating about in the
not be let to touch the side of the vessel, or solution ; this is the metallic silver which
it will be held there slightly and not move has been liberated from the nitrate of silver
freely. by means of the hydrogen, etc. In about
The degree should be read off by looking five minutes, withdraw the lump of zinc,
from below and using a level light. Man- taking care to brush all adhering silver
aged in this way, results of tolerable cor- from its means of either a nail-
surface by
rectness can be got, but not equal to those brush or a tooth-brush. The evolution of
of the specific-gravity bottle. gas now ceases, and the solution becomes in
a very short time clear and quiescent.
We will, at this stage, see whether all
Connect yourself with the National Pho- the silver has been already separated from
tographic Association. It will prove a good, the nitric acid. For this purpose, there-
paying investment. fore, place about a drachm of the clear solu-
tion in a small test-tube, and drop into it in contact with the fire) ; red fumes will be
a couple of drops of hydrochloric acid. If evolved ; you
these are offensive, so that
a milkiness and a white precipitate are had better perform the operation outside
thus produced, it is a sign that all the silver the house. Let the heat be moderate the ;
has not yet been separated from the nitric silver will soon dissolve. If, however, after
acid. It is consequently necessary to place some time there is a quantity of silver un-
the zinc again in the solution, and continue dissolved, add more acid and continue the
the operation of evolving gas for five min- heat until it is entirely dissolved. It is not
utes more, and at the end of this time to necessary to dry the silver-powder for any
test the solution a second time for the pres- other purpose than to obtain from its weight
ence of silver. Most likely all the silver the approximate amount of nitric acid re-
has been removed from its combination quired. I never dry the powder in this
with nitric acid. If so, wash the zinc well operation myself, but add nitric acid by
by means of a brush and water, and brush degrees to the wet mass until the solution
all that is loose or flocculent from its sur- of the silver is complete.
face into the large dish. If there is still an 5th. The solution thus obtained is an
effervescence going on in the solution, it is acid solution of nitrate of silver ; in its
a sign that there are some particles of zinc present form it is not suited for a new bath.
still remaining undissolved. Eemove these The acidity must be removed. This I effect
particles with a glass-rod until no more bub- in the following manner Take a large glass
bles of gas escape from the solution. funnel and invert it over the solution in the
3d. Dilute the solution with much water, dish thus forming a sort of chimney through
and cause all the flocculent silver to settle which the acid and the steam can escape.
to the bottom. Now decant all the liquid The funnel must be large enough to cover-
portion, throw away, and add an abun-
it the solution entirely within its sides. The
dance of clean water to the silver stir the ; solution is now evaporated (as before, in the
mixture intimately together, then let the open air) until no more fumes and no more
silver again settle, and again decant as be- steam escape. The instant you have arrived
fore. Continue this operation of washing at this stage, the dish is withdrawn from
until the drainings, after decanting, become the fire and the solution is allowed to cool.
perfectly tasteless or cease to turn blue lit- When cold you have a dry hard mass,
mus-paper red. The gray mass at the bot- which is fused nitrate of silver, the best
tom of the dish is pare silver all the in-
; form of silver for making a sensitive bath.
gredients, which I mentioned as an admix- Weigh the fused nitrate of silver, and for
ture that rendered the bath unfit for photo- every ounce (of 8 drachms) take 12 ounces
graphic purposes, have been completely re- of water (distilled or pure rain water), and
moved. to each ounce of the solution add 1 drop of
4th. Having drained off all the wash- nitric acid. If you want to take instanta-
water, you may spread the pasty mass on neous views or very quick portraits with
the surface of the evaporating dish and put the bath, add no acid to the bath for long ;
the latter in the sun to dry. Weigh the exposures, on the contrary, add an extra
dry powder, and from the weight you can half drop of nitric acid to each ounce of
determine how much nitric acid you will the developer in this latter way you ob-
require to convert the silver powder into tain extreme definition and clear pictures.
nitrate of silver. Without troubling you Behold your new bath 1
with a discussion about chemical equiva- Now let us see the advantages of this
lents, I will simply observe, that for every method. In the first place you insure to
ounce of dry silver powder you may take yourself a bath somewhat better than an
1^ ounces of commercial nitric acid. Mix ordinary new bath made with the common
the powder intimately together with the acid crystallized nitrate of silver, better because
in the large porcelain evaporating dish by your silver is fused. In the next place you
means of a glass-rod, and place the dish obtain from the old bath all the silver that
over the stove or a small charcoal fire (not it contains, by a very simple and reliable
process which you can perform yourself at a The sizes, then, arranged to be easily
very moderate expense. And finally the taken in by the eye, would be as below,
operation is so rapid that you can begin it with the size vignette head they would
any evening and have a new bath next properly take, subject to circumstances of
morning. course
In addition I would remark, that the sil- 18 x 22 whole sheet, 8-inch head.
ver-powder thus obtained can easily be puri- ]7xl4 " 5
fied from any organic matter which it might ]4 x 11 half sheet, 4 "
possibly contain by fusion in a Hessian cru- 11 x 8£ quarter, 3 "
cible in a common blacksmith's forge, add- Si x 6J 2 to 2 4i head.
ing as flux a few fragments of nitrate of pot- 2 cabinet cards, 1^-inch head.
at the mint for the full value of silver. Having leisure minutes on hand, I thought
Furthermore, this silver-powder, when I would ventilate my reflections on this
rubbed up either with a little skimmed subject. If they are unworthy of considera-
milk, or dilute mucilage, or a small quan- tion it will be of little consequence. If it
tity of varnish, forms an excellent retouch- will prove to be a beginning of the arrange-
ing material for negatives. ment and of uniformity I shall be glad.
I had hoped the subject would have been
considered in the late Convention.
STANDARD SIZES. Truly yours,
Mr. Editor: My attention has just been Charles G-. Crane,
remarks of Mr. G. "Wharton
called to the 532 Arch Street, Phila., Pa.
Simpson and Dr. Liesegang in the last
number of your Journal, in regard to the
want of uniformity in sizes of photographs,
not only in the countries of the respective (sequel to one hundred days in a fog,
writers, but in our own, where we know the etc., continued.)
last winter, and the sizes that seemed the Evening the Second.
most worthy of adoption were the follow- A. Collodion, as you are no doubt aware,
ing, and in deciding the matter for myself is a solution of pyroxyline or papyroxyline
the points had in view were 1st, to avoid
: (a species of gun-cotton) in a mixture of
a variety of sizes so great as to be burden- alcohol and ether. The preparation of py-
some; 2d, proper proportions as to length roxyline presents no very great difficulties,
and breadth of plate and 3d, economy in
though I do not advise you to prepare your
cutting the paper. own, simply because you can get it already
The 4 x 4 or 8£ x 6J size I considered the prepared from the stockhouses much cheaper
standard (though why the fractions were and better than you can prepare it yourself,
added I never understood), the one-eighth lacking the necessary experience and prac-
of a sheet of paper sufficing for it then be-; tice.
low, the cabinet cards and the usual size of M. Where do you purchase your chemi-
cards, two of the one and four of the other cals?
being made on the one-eighth of a sheet, A. Humph a private question which I
and all three sizes being made on 8£ x 6£ shall be very happy to answer privately.
glass. Suffice it to say that I get my chemicals
Then upward from the 6£ x 8 h we have the from & and, I will add, I
10 x 8, which I discarded for general use, have very rarely any cause of complaint
and substituted 11 x 8J-, which takes just a with them. " He is a clumsy workman
quarter sheet without waste. Next comes who quarrels with his tools." It were well
14 x 11, then 17 x 14, and 22 x 18, all of for you to test your ether and alcohol for
which seem to me in very good proportion. acidity or alkalinity —
they should be neu-
tral, of course. Be careful in the selection solves more readily when previously soaked
of litmus-paper. Most of the stuff sold is with alcohol.
so poor in color, as to make it difficult to M. Excuse my interrupting you so often.
tell the red from the blue. Procure a deep I want to know exactly what I am doing,
blue,and cut it up into little strips about step by step.
two inches long by half an inch broad. A. Whatever you do, don't be afraid to
Keep it in well-stoppered bottles in a closet. II
ask questions," if I may use so ungram-
The red, you will prepare yourself, by matical an expression. This, then, is plain
simply holding a slip of the blue in the neck collodion. Let it stand until it has settled
of a bottle of glacial acetic acid. perfectly clear, when it may be filtered
M. "What proportion of alcohol and ether through a piece of cotton-wool pressed into
must I use ? the neck of a funnel. Now coat a plate and
A. Much will depend upon circumstances; pay particular attention to the qualities
the usual book formula is, equal parts of of the film. 1st. It should set rather
each. quickly. 2d. It should be quite firm, and
M. What is the effect of an excess in entirely free from glutinosity at the corner
either case ? from which it is poured off. 3d. It should
A. Though pyroxyline does not dissolve be perfectly smooth and even like the sur-
in either alcohol or ether alone, yet a mix- face of the glass itself. 4th. It should be
ture of almost any proportion effects its dis- perfectly transparent. If it should fail you
solution. "When the ether is in excess, it on the first and second points, the cotton
appears to toughen the film, closing the is in fault and must be rejected The ap-
pores, and prevents intensity ; whereas, pearance of ridges, supposing the plate to
when the alcohol is in excess, it appears to have been properly coated, denotes water
have the contrary effect, making the film in the alcohol or in the ether. If, in ad-
porous and soft, being a state favorable to dition to the ridges, the film be very glu-
intensity. A still greater excess, however, tinous and exhibit an opaline appearance,
renders the collodion glutinous and rotten. the alcohol or the ether contains too much
"We gather from this, then, in making a water, and they must be rejected. In this
collodion for negatives or for positives, case the excess of water precipitates cotton
transfer to other substances, that it is de- ever,none of these faults appear, you may
sirable to add rather an excess of ether, the proceed and make up your plain collodion
film becoming so tenacious that, when the in the necessary quantity, according to the
negative is placed in a tray of water slightly amount of business done. I will allude to
acidulated with nitric acid, the film may be this again presently. I bought my
easily removed from the plate and handled scales, I threw away all the weights and
like thin India-rubber, without tearing. made myself a set of glass ones by cutting
[In this case, however, be very careful not out little squares of glass, grinding off the
to albumenize your plate.] In hot weather edges, and pasting little pieces of paper on
and in warm climates it is desirable, on the them upon which was marked the number
contrary, to have the alcohol in excess, as of grains it weighed. I made eight of these
it evaporates more slowly, thus preventing marked as follows, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100,
the film from setting too rapidly. Having, 100, 200, by means of which I can readily
then, procured a sample of pyroxyline, weigh off any amount from 5 grains to 555
weigh out 12 grains, put this in a 3-ounce grains (not requiring anything smaller than
vial, and pour over it 1 ounce of alcohol. 5 grains). Thoy are always clean and save
When the cotton is thoroughly soaked with much time in picking out scruples, drachms,
the alcohol, pour in 1 \ ounces of ether, and etc. (our system of weights being about the
shake until all the cotton is dissolved. most idiotic conception that I can well im-
M. Why not have "mixed your liquors" agine).
in the first place? M. What iodides and bromides do you
A. Experience proves that the cotton dis- recommend ?
A. The iodides and bromides are chosen iodide of ammonium, 3 grains of bromide
according to the desired effects in the col- of ammonium, 2 grains of bromide of cad-
lodion. For instance, iodide of ammonium mium to 2\ ounces of collodion with excess
After long keeping it liberates the iodine, A. Rule? No. Eeason, yes. I generally
rendering the collodion red and less sensi- make up 64 ounces (half gallon) at a time.
tive, hastening decomposition. Iodide of Into a 64-ounce bottle put 380 grains of py-
cadmium, on the contrary, assumes the op- roxyline, upon which pour 30 ounces of
posite results, rendering the collodion glu- alcohol ;
when saturated, add 32 ounces of
tinous, and toughens the film, closing the ether, shake until the cotton is dissolved,
pores, reducing intensity, does not liberate set aside to clear and and then filter
iodine, and preserves the collodion color- through cotton as before mentioned. Into
less, and on this account is not so sensitive a glass-mortar put 100 grains of iodide of
as iodide of ammonium. cadmium, grind up with alcohol until en-
M. And the bromides ? tirely dissolved pour this off in a small
A. He is a bold man who undertakes to bottle. Do the same with 50 grains of bro-
tellyou the exact effect of the different bro- mide of cadmium pour this into the iodide
mides. Opinion is greatly divided on this of cadmium solution. Next take 75 grains
subject. I made a few experiments with a of bromide of ammonium, and dissolve in the
view of deciding to suit my own ideas. You same manner, using, however, ike alcohol in
may readily repeat them yourself. Collo- which the cadmium salts were dissolved. This
dion No. 1, iodized with 6 grains of iodide may require about 2 ounces of alcohol add ;
of ammonium, brought out the high lights this to the plain collodion, shaking it well
very quickly, which, if not checked in time, 130 grains of iodide of ammo-
finally take
would grow very intense, and if checked nium, and grind it in the mortar with the
before this point is reached, would leave collodion ; when settled perfectly clear and
the shadows devoid of detail. Collodion filtered, say in two or three weeks add to ;
No. 2, iodized with 6 grains of iodide of this one-fourth its bulk of the same kind of
cadmium, produced the picture slowly and collodion one month older.
with little contrast and no brilliancy. Collo- M. What are your reasons for dissolving
dion No. 3, iodized with (or rather bromized the iodides and bromides in the order you
with) 6 grains of bromide of cadmium, took have just stated ?
a very long time to settle and clear, worked A. Bromide of ammonium is not readily
very slow, giving a dull and lumpy image. dissolved in alcohol without the addition of
Collodion No. 4, iodized with 3 grains of io- water (which I object to on the grounds
dide of ammonium and 3 grains of iodide of already mentioned). But, strange as it
cadmium, made a good surface picture with may appear to you r bromide of ammonium
detail, though lacking depth and rotundity. is easily dissolved in alcohol holding iodide
Collodion No. 5, iodized with 2 grains of and bromide of cadmium in solution.
iodide of ammonium, 2 grains of iodide of M. Why is this so?
cadmium, and 2 grains of bromide of cad- A. Iodide of silver, for instance, is in-
mium, glutinized and destroyed the setting soluble in water, but, if cyanide of potas-
qualities and left a scum on the surface of sium be previously dissolved in the water,
the nitrate bath. Collodion No. 6, iodized the iodide of silver is taken up possibly ;
with 10 grains of iodide of ammonium, 3 some such reaction takes place wi th the iodide
grains of bromide of cadmium, 3 grains of and bromide in the other case.
bromide of ammonium to 2 ounces of col- M. Have you a special formula for
lodion, made a very satisfactory article, copies or for out-door work ?
rather too intense to suit me, however. I A. Oh no ; I use the same, omitting only
make mine (Collodion No. 7) iodized, 4 the bromide of cadmium and increasing the
grains of iodide of cadmium, 5 grains of iodide of ammonium to an amount equal to
the loss of the cadmium (namely, iodide of top of the head, and in some aggravated
ammonium 180 grains). cases her wealth of waterfall and switch are
M. I have found some difficulty, in copy- besmeared with a pasty coating known to
ing engravings or printed matter, in getting fruit-cakes, and suggestive of splitting and
the negative sufficiently intense to keep the flaking. Immediately below this white
paper pure white, without clogging the lines "upper crust" is a black mystery, without
or the lettering. and without meaning.
A. This is a very simple matter which, What possibly was a beautiful head of
however, belongs more properly to another hair, is a mass of white and black, bearing
branch of our " pow-wow-wow." Now, no special resemblance to hair, having no
if you like, in our next chat we will take beauty in itself, and only showing how it
texture of flesh and hair. I believe in our ates of the fixed alkalies, and, on the other,
art it is advisable to " make the most " of all more under control than caustic ammonia.
favorable points. The "startling effect" The influence of carbonate of ammonia
in " Kembrandt" practice is got at the ex- on an exposed plate is sometimes very won-
pense of many fine points lost. derful. If the exposure has been properly
A fine piece of music, well rendered by a timed for alkaline development, the plate,
full orchestra, gives an idea of harmony. when plunged into cold water containing
The same piece arranged a la Rembrandt pyrogallic acid in the proportion of half a
executed by Picolo and Tuba, gives the ex- drachm of 60-grain solution to 4 ounces of
tremes. water, gives no evidence of action, even
I believe in advancement, but I believe after several minutes ;
if it does give such
it is better that we "make haste slowly" evidence, the plate has been more or less
than branch out as Rembrandts, M. An- over-exposed. This is with cold water, while
gelos, Hogarths, Raphaels, or any other of hot water, especially if the dose of pyro has
those old-time fellows, who had their "pe- been twice as great, will bring out all the
culiar ways," and which " ways " we have high lights.
not yet quite attained. It is very commend- Supposing, then, that cold water has been
able that we study light and lighting, and used, and that the plate, having been mod-
that we practise it as a study, but I doubt erately exposed only, does not give any indi-
the wisdom' of thrusting upon the public, now add a solution
cation of an image, let us
and trying to make that public swallow of carbonate of ammonia in the proportion
such doses as are nine-tenths of the " Rem- of an eighth of a grain only to the ounce of
brandts " made in this country at the present bath ; immediately the image appears.
day. With this dose, or with one but little
I am conscious of saying these things in larger, the plate, if left for a sufficient
the face of acknowledged authority, but what time in the bath, will come out in all its
I say, I believe in. The introduction of details, and acquire such a strength that,
this style of lighting, or shading, has sent when held up to the light, it will be judged
more bad photographs into existence than to have reached printing density. It is now
many poor dark-doers will wish to answer plunged into the fixing-bath, and, when
for, if they are recorded as sins or crimes taken out and washed, it is found that,
against them. If few agree with my argu- although beautifully full of detail, it is so
ments, let them, the arguments, be set down thin that it would be absurd to attempt to
as the whims of an print it. A reduction of the strength of
Old Fogy. the fixing-bath is perhaps tried, but this
makes no very material change, although
it is certain that, for plates containing bro-
have printing density, but which will not need of circumspection to avoid overdoing
stand the fixing, but comes out red and the work.
pale. A considerably stronger dose of it, The use of bromide in alkaline develop-
applied to the same film, will give an equally ment is of the very first importance. Its
good image in all respects, with the power value will be felt by every one even from
of resisting the fixing bath. With a little the first trials, but the best way of manag-
practice one can with certainty, before-
tell ing it, so as to get in all respects the best
hand, that one particular image will break results of which the plate is capable, is
down in the fixing, and another, apparently learned only by long experience.
no denser, will bear it perfectly and look The plan which I am inclined to prefer,
just as dense after fixing as before it. The is to first add the pyrogallic acid to the
color is the criterion which enables us to bath, using ^ a drachm of 60-grain solution
make this distinction. If the image, after to 4ounces of water if I suppose the plate
development, and before fixing, be reddish- to have had about a right exposure. If
brown, it will give way in the fixing and from other plates already developed, I judge
come out red and thin. If it be brownish- that the exposure has been rather too long,
black before fixing, it will come out of the I diminish the pyro a little if, on the other
fixing bath with a fine brown color and hand, the exposure has been brief, I double
good intensity. it, using 1 drachm, and if the exposure has
The proportion of carbonate of ammonia certainly been very short, I use hot water.
which I have given in my directions for The bromide I mix with the alkali and in-
developing collodio-bromide plates will, I troduce the two together. I mix them in
think, always give sufficient density, es- the most varied proportions, according to
pecially if the second portion of alkali be the amount
of exposure which the plate is
used. Latterly, however, I have been dis- likely tohave had, using carbonate in 80-
posed to think that I got more detail in the grain solution (in water) and the bromide
deep shadows by developing more slowly, of potassium in 60-grain, likewise in water.
by adding but a few drops of a carbonate of I use, in the case of a medium exposure,
ammonia solution at first, and letting the about 1 part of bromide solution to 3 or
picture come out thin and pale at first, then 4 of carbonate. But, with an under-ex-
afterwards bringing it up to the brownish- posed plate, I use as much as 8 of carbon-
black color by a good dose of ammonia. To ate to 1 of bromide. If the plate has cer-
be sure that the image will resist the fixing tainly been over-exposed, I increase the
bath, we ought to end the development with bromide, and, in cases of great over-expos-
carbonate of ammonia in the proportion of ure, have used even as much as 5 of bro-
not less, 1 think, than 30 minims of 80-grain mide to 1 of carbonate.
solution to 4 ounces of water; this is In- These cases are exceptional only, however,
grain of carbonate to the ounce of develop- and will serve to show how much ordinary
ing bath. Ido not think that the gain by conditions may sometimes be varied with
this more gradual development is very advantage. Much will depend also upon
great, still it gives perhaps a little more the nature of the process by which the dry
detail, and even a little is always an object. plate has been made. A large dose of bro-
Besides, the operation more gradual, and
is * mide gives very brilliant plates, but not as
therefore rather more under command. It harmonious as when less is used on the ;
is to be observed that the darkening under whole, it may be said that the best rule is
the influence of the strong dose of alkali at to use enough bromide to keep the plate
the end, is very rapid, and that during this clean, and no more.
stage of the operation the plate must be very It is impossible to over-estimate the value
carefully watched, otherwise it maj r
easily of the alkaline development. No one who
become too dense. In the alkaline devel- has once acquired familiarity with it (and
opment, when properly managed, density this is not in the least difficult), will ever
comes as easily as with an acid redevelop- use any other method for the development
ment with silver, and there is just the same of dry plates.
face. It could almost be made a substitute Gaugler, Wallace L. Goodridge, B. Gray, George
for the Berlin ground-glass negative process. C. Gillette, Harry Gurlitz, David Ginter, J. C.
Mr. Cummings has patented his invention,
Goetchins, M. M. Griswold, J. R. Gorgas, Wes-
ley Green, Theodore N. Gates, William Harry,
but through the dealers supplies it at a rea-
John Harper, J. S. Hartsock, John G. Hicks,
sonable advance on ordinary varnishes, and
T. H. Hughes, E. S. Hayden, W. B. Holmes,
charges nothing for " license." All can use
B. E. Hawkins, H. B. Hull, Charles Holt, C. F.
it. It is a great helper to the retoucher. Holcombe, A. S. Robbins, D. Hovey, W. Hart,
John Hodges, J. W. Husher, Alfred Hall, A.
Hesler, H. 0. Hall, J. E. Jewett, N. P. Jones,
C. S. Judd, D. M. Johnson, Thomas H. Johnson,
Members of the National Photo-
H. W. Immke, G. G. Johnson, W. S. Johnson,
graphic Association. N. G. Johnson, E. Klauber, William L. Kirk-
The following persons have joined the patrick, J. H. Kent, C. Kendig, J. D. Kellogg,
D. C. Pratt, James H. Phipps, A. P. Park, W. or size you please, with very tight-fitting
R. Phipps, A. K. Palmer, P. M. Pool, H. M. top or cover pan the full size
inside in a
Mr. Ehoads said one of the happiest occa- rubber was one of the best things to remove
sions in his life was the Thursday night moist films with from ferrotype plates,
during the Exhibition. He stood with without scratching or injuring them.
others on> the stage and watched the two Resolved, That discussion on the rubber-
thousand five hundred people there examin- block be laid over until next meeting.
ing the pictures with such interest; listened That we now exhibit pictures.
to the grand music, beheld the great dis- The ferrotype decided to be the best was
play himself, and thought, truly a happy made by Mr. Charles E. Bolles.
day is coming for our art and he would ; The President and Secretary, being called
have given $100 to have had every Phila- upon, addressed the meeting on what they
delphia photographer there an hour. saw and learned at the Cleveland Conven-
Mr. Moore now moved for permanent tion and Exhibition, noticing the fact that
organization. Carried, and organization some of the best works there were made by
formed under the name of the Pennsylvania men young in the profession therefore we ;
Photographic Association and to work ; should this present year put forth greater
under the constitution of the National Pho- and more determination to excel than
tographic Association. we have ever done, and do our part towards
The following were elected the officers of making attractive and beautiful the next
the Association National Exhibition, which is to be held
President, William H. Rhoads ; Vice- in our city in June, 1871.
President, A. Moore; Secretary, R. J. Adjourned to meet at Mr. George D.
Chute; Treasurer, John R. demons. Wise's gallery, northwest corner of Second
Executive Committee: E. L. Wilson, G-. and Christian Streets, August 2d, 1870.
Schreiber, C. G. Crane, S. M. Robinson, H. D. LOTHROP,
Krips. Secretary.
Messrs. Evans, Seeler, Trask, Phillips,
and Shoemaker, were appointed a committee
to prepare by-laws for the Association.
Adjourned to meet first Tuesday in Sep-
tember. There has nothing specially new trans-
pired as yet concerning this patent since our
last issue.
an applicant from one of the Western States, Should any of our readers be prosecuted
whose letter of application has been mis- by the Shaw & Wilcox Co., we will be glad
laid, and leave a blank for his name until to know of it at once.
it shall be again ascertained. Meanwhile, having now said much more
(If the above should meet the notice of about this patent than it deserves, we shall
said applicant, he will confer a favor by be quiet on the subject for the present,
sending his address to the Secretary.) and save valuable space for better things,
The meeting was of the opinion that a never forgetting, however, to watch dili-
small block of wood covered with India- gently over the interests of our patrons.
THE SPHYNX. 5th. Ether and alcohol in an old bath tends
We now regularly open our new column, to reduce intensity. A collodion that is just
asannounced editorally in our June number, right for an old bath is generally too intense
and our readers will remember that this is for a new one, and a collodion that is just
their department. They are to ask and an- right for a new bath will generally be too
swer the questions. It will give them an w eak for an old one.
opportunity of discussing little troubles in There are of. course exceptions to this rule,
practice, which we think they will find of modifications being caused by other condi-
use to them. We have now set the head to tions of the bath. Cure, — Boil the old bath,
talking, you be sure to keep it going. Those neutralize it, and sun it for a week or two.
who ask questions need not publish their There are hundreds of "present the-
names. ories," none of which have been proven cor-
We now add the answers sent in to last rect. It would therefore be useless to dis-
month's questions, ask a few more that have cuss the subject in this column.
been put, and then leave the whole thing in
7th. The acetate of soda formulae which
your charge.
have been published several times in these
1st. Bromide of silver is more sensitive
to dark, and less sensitive to white objects
8th. After toning is over, add C. P. mu-
riatic acid to the toning bath till it turns it
than iodide of silver, consequently, it pro-
red. Before toning next day, neutralize
duces harmony between light and shade.
again with bicarbonate of soda. It does
2d. Solarization is a metallic-looking
not harm a toning bath to turn red after con-
whiteness over various portions of the nega-
tive on a portrait ; for instance, the forehead
siderable use —in fact it improves it —as you
will find.
and cheek-bones, and the front of the nose
will be perfectly opaque, while the other Questions.
other words, a solarized negative is a harsh plain paper from turning yellow during hot
one, although it does not follow that all weather? C. H. W.
harsh negatives are solarized. Solarization 2. What is a true "Bembrandt Effect,"
may be produced in many ways : 1st. By or what was Rembrandt's method of light-
fusing a bath to alkalinity and then acidi- ing? O. P. Q.
fying with acetic acid instead of nitric. 3. Is chloride of gold, say one grain to
2d. By using a cadmium collodion in a very an ounce of water, a good thing to intensify
strong light. 3d. By a negative bath that a negative with after fixing with cyanide?
is very acid, and also by a very old and in- J. P. M.
sensitive collodion. Prevention and cure
4. What will prevent little particles of
is to avoid the cause.
matter from adhering to the plate in the
3d. In one ounce of water, dissolve two bath solution ? Harry.
grains iodide potass, and one grain iodine.
5. What causes irregular yellow streaks
Flow the foggy negative with this till it is
on albumen paper after silvering?
a brown color, which is iodide of silver.
Befix it in hypo. If this is not sufficient
to clear it, repeat the operation two or three
times till it is clear. It must be well-washed
after each application of the hypo.
4th. No! The strong solution of iron
gives a coarse deposit of silver, a weak solu- No. III.
tion a fine deposit ; excess of acid in the Hot, is it, Focus ?
strung solution only makes it act more " O, yes, it's very warb."
slowly, whereas, less acid in a weak solution Yes, this makes us sigh for the mountains
produces fog. or the seashore, but we poor photographers
that make faces and take off heads for a the front, and place a table near the back
living must be reckoned among the stay-at- of the chair, or the curtain may be intro-
homes, and swelter under a skylight with duced to fill the space. Let the background
the thermometer anywhere above a hun- be well shaded on the side next the light,
dred. It is a matter of wonder to me, some- and bring the other side forward so that
times, that we have any business during the the cheek will show a line darker than the
heated term. ground. Light him up well, and be care-
In our last lesson, Focus, I gave you some ful that the shadows are not heavy, as a
examples of plain photographs, and as there bronze face will make shadows where a fair
is such a diversity of styles that come under one would give none.
this head, we will continue them this morn- " O, what a bretty little girl !"
wish to know how many different positions Yes, no doubt, but this is a sun-flower
the human form is susceptible of, count the that will take the shine all off of yours.
number of changes that may be rung on Now they want her standing, and will
the musical scale, the ten numerals, or the leave the arrangement to us. The end of
letters of the alphabet. this lounge is about the right height; let
" Or the ted commadmedts?" her rest against it, so she may lean partly
Yes, according to some people's interpre- on her arms as they lie in a graceful, easy
tation of them. But the field before us is position. That gives almost a profile of
and we should never
infinite in its variety, her body, and shows her hair well as it falls
be satisfied with simply repeating what we over her shoulders. Bring the face to about
have done before, or copying somebody else, a three-quarter view, and let her stand on
but strive every time to make something one foot, the other resting behind on the
different. Scarcely any two subjects will toe. This piece of velvet drapery thrown
admit of the same arrangement each must ; over the back of the lounge will give relief
be studied separately in the few moments to her light dress. Set this basket of
they are before us, and the posing made that flowers in the end of the lounge, and give
is best adapted to the individual. Very her some stems or buds to occupy one of her
often a sitter comes in with a picture of a hands.
friend, and wants one made like it. The How does that look, Focus?
photographer does his best to get as near it "Well, it looks az if there ought to be
as possible, but such sittings are nearly al- subthing od the other side."
ways failures. Better drop the sample and Very good, Focus, you're right ; I am glad
pay no attention to it, but make what is best to see you have so good an idea of what is
adapted to the subject before you. proper. The picture don't balance well as
Now here is a gentleman that wants a it is, so we will introduce the front of this
three-quarter figure, sitting. He has the chair behind her, bringing it a little for-
appearance of a farmer, and to place him ward, so as to catch the focus of the instru-
among such surroundings as we would give ment ; on it we will lay her hat and sack,
a professional, would be entirely out of place, and let this hassock come in front of the
so we will seat him in this easy-chair and lounge, on the other side, with the picture-
let him make himself as much at home as book carelessly on the floor. We might
possible. If he will cross his legs, so much introduce a doll, or any other childish play-
the better; it is really the best for such a thing, with good effect, but there is suffici-
position, as it breaks up the parallel lines we ent. Now draw the curtain on the shadow
otherwise get. Turn the body about three- side, so as to give one side of her face well
quarter view, with the face a little more to in shadow, and let the background be quite
Here's a lady wants her " likeness taaken as far as possible, and she will cool down
shtannin." Says she "wants it taaken in a few moments, so that she will sit per-
sthrait!" Do you know what that means, fectly at ease with the rest. Considerable
Focus ? attention to the folds of her dress will give
" I zuppose she wadts to stand straight." you a good opportunity to decide upon the
Yes, she wants a square front view of best view of her face, besides making her
body and face. Now, we must reason the feel you are taking a great deal of pains
matter with her a little, and work her into with her. The style of features and arrange-
such a position as will give what ease and ment of her hair will give a fine view, nearly
grace such a body is capable of, which is profile. The table, with books and orna-
very little. Every muscle is stiffened, the ments judiciously arranged, will make up
and the eyes look
fingers stick out straight, a parlor-scene with the fresco background.
as if about to burst from their sockets. A fan or book may occupy her hands. Dur-
She wants to know if this is Mr. " Takem- ing this arrangement she has got over her
strait's place;" says ''he takes likenesses excitement, and seems in condition now to
illigantly!" It's a pity she hadn't found get a good picture, which she says she has
him, but evidently she can't read the con- never had. How is the light, Focus?
stitution yet, or write her own name. That " I guess the shadows are dop heavy od
position is all we can do with her. There her face."
is not much chance for a reputation with Yes, draw up the curtain so as to light
such subjects as that. up the front of her face more, and make
But here is a sitter that promises some- your exposure.
thing better. Appearances are deceitful " It takes lots of batience with zuch sitters
sometimes, however. O, dear, she says she as that."
has had to wait so long that she is almost Yes, Focus, talk about patience with
out of patience. "Mr. Quicklight," she says, babies ! It don't require half as much as
" don't keep folks waiting as we do here." it does with some grown persons. Babies,
" Pictures finished and delivered in three we don't expect anything of.
minutes!" That's the style; that's what This will do for to-day, and some time
people demand. They drive us into doing when we have some of the little pets, I'll
everything at railroad speed, and then find give you a lesson on babies.
fault with us if it is not done well. The
fact is, the progress of photography has
been greatly retarded in this country by
the mania that has existed during the past
few years to do fast work for the sake of WHITNEY'S OUTSIDE BLINDS
doing it cheap. The fastest men may blun- FOR GLASS-HOUSES.
der into something good sometimes, but to
do uniformly good work requires great care Hereis an apparatus described which
and a little time to study. Now, if we can willprove a capital thing for keeping the
make this lady understand this, she may operating-room cool in summer, warm in
exercise a little more patience with us, and winter, and always protect it from hail.
make herself more at home. She wants a We are indebted to Mr. L. M. Whitney,
full-length sitting, and had the good judg- Batavia, 111., for it, and describe it in his
ment to wear a full flowing skirt. But she own words. He is entitled to many thanks
is terribly nervous, squirms at the head-rest, and much credit. He writes as follows
and declares she'd rather go to the dentist. "In reading of the severe hail-storm your
"I dod't believe it!" city was visited with last May, and the
Well, no matter, Focus, we must proceed damage it did to those who 'live in glass-
houses,' I felt that I had too good a thing cord), and passing down into the room. In
to keep from your notice. drawing them back they fold nearly as per-
" It consists of blinds or shutters so ar- fectly as shown in the cut, upper section,
ranged that I can stand in my operating- the partition between being removed to show
room and open or shut them in a very few
minutes. When not using the light they
can be drawn, keeping the room cool. I
can let on more or less light as I choose.
The slats are fastened together with web-
bing, one strip over and one under, making
a joint that will fold either way without
any trouble ; will pack themselves away as
perfectly as see them in the drawing.
The box they fold into is covered up, keep-
ing them dry when not in use. Any good
workman can apply them to almost any sky-
light. The cords pass over pulleys down
into the room on both sides the one under ;
the space over the pulleys when down. The a description of mine, which, for simplicity,
cord that draws the blinds off is fastened to cheapness, and convenience is all that can
the strip, g, passing back under the blinds, be desired. do not know whether it is
over rollers (which are 4 inches in diam- new to many, but it may be to some. If
eter at ends and centre, with groove for you think it worth inserting in your Jour-
nal it may be of use to some that don't feel plain. Here they are. A circular metal
able to set a more elaborate contrivance. or wood top-piece, by which the pointed
"William H. Kibbe.
Johnstown, N. Y., June 2d, 1870.
The Exhibition established one fact,
also have a dark-tent which I find
I namely, that in the branch of photography
very convenient, and I need only send you pertaining to solar enlargements, America
is far ahead of Europe. The examples sent
from abroad were very far inferior to those
exhibited by our own photographers. Dr.
Vogel specially noticed this, and pronounced
those by Mr. Albert Moore, of this city, to
be "by far the finest enlargements he ever
saw, and very superior to anything at the
Paris Exposition." A few years ago we
held that no solar camera print could be as
good as one from a contact negative. Those
who saw Mr. Moore's prints at Cleveland
will agree with us that it would not be safe
to make such an assertion now.
Our readers who have not yet offered
largo work to their patrons should do so.
For a very small sum the five selected prize
drawings of the framework to make it prints, all lifo-size, could be obtained from
slip by and the profit be lost. larger than the back of the camera, conse-
We shall soon continue Professor Tow- quently part of the image falls on the sides.
ler's series of articles on enlargements. If now this rose-colored paper were placed
where the image of the sky, or of any other
high light falls, the reflection would be too
form in a book, by the said librarian of Con- ages by said proprietor in any court of com-
gress, and he shall give a copy of the title petent jurisdiction.
under the seal of his office to said proprietor,
The above gives all the important points
whenever he shall require it.
of the law, except in cases of assignment
Section 92. For recording the title of or suit, and gives the photographer all the
any photograph, the librarian of Congress protection he could ask, as well as a very
shall receive from the person claiming the
easy and cheap way of securing it.
same, fifty cents, and for every copy under
Weknow, from the correspondence we
seal actually given to such person or his as- have had with Mr. Gardner on the subject,
signs, fifty cents. that the matter caused him to take a good
Section 93. The proprietor of every copy- deal of time from his business to secure the
right photograph or negative shall mail to promise from the Committee on Patents to
the librarian of Congress, at "Washington, do what has been done, and also to watch
within ten days after its publication, two that, we were not forgotten. Even after the
complete copies or prints thereof of the best act was printed, interpolations were mado
and a copy of any subsequent
edition issued, in your behalf. Many thanks, then, aro
editionwhere any substantial changes shall due to Mr. Gardner for his efforts, crowned
be made. with such great success.
by adding to the developer citrate of iron, its due position in this country, from which
two or three grains to the ounce. I need it has hitherto been debarred. by very bad
not here refer to the fine brown tones which commercial management, or rather misman-
may be obtained by means of Selle's inten- agement. Mr. Woodbury shortly proceeds
sifier of nitrate of uranium and ferrid-cya- to Russia, to teach and initiate the process,
nide of potassium. where it worked, I believe, under
will be
Some very fine effects may be obtained by the auspices of the government department.
tinting these portraits. This is easily ef- —
Carbon Printing. The mention of a gov-
fected by applying the color to the backing ernment department in connection with
paper containing the hatched vignette. To photography reminds me of an interesting
obtain exact register of the image on this fact in connection with carbon printing.
paper becomes of vital importance, and a The extensive photographic operations in
friend of mine has devised a simple and in- connection with the military department
genious method of securing this. He places in this country will henceforth be conducted
a piece of transparent tracing paper, or any in carbon instead of silver. Mr. H. Baden
suitable thin paper over the image, and with Pritchard, superintendent of the photo-
a soft black lead-pencil traces all the out- graphic department at the Royal Arsenal,
lines of the face, hair, drapery, etc. He Woolwich, informs me that they have fin-
then places this pencilled outline on the and adopted
ally discarded silver printing,
tinted back intended to be used with the Mr. Johnson's carbon process, which they
picture, and passes the two through a rolling find simple, expeditious, and economical,
press ; the result is a faint outline of the as well as permanent.
image, transferred to the backing paper Exhibition in Paris. — It will interest
from the lead-pencil marks. It is easy then American photographers to know that some
to place the tints in the right position, and of the portraiture from the States takes a
to secure the effect of a very highly finished high position in the French Exhibition, the
drawing, by a comparatively small expendi- examples of Mr. Kurtz, of New York, being
ture of labor. second to none exhibited. My French cor-
The Photo-Relief Printing Process. — respondent speaks in very high terms of
'Whilst I am referring to photo-mechanicul them. It is very gratifying to hear on all
printing processes, I may mention as a point hands of the rapid progress made of late in
of interest that the Woodbury process, which American photographic portraiture, never
bad, but apparently now bidding fair to light produced no effect, blue, a general fog,
take the lead in modern styles as it did at but red, pure red, this curious effect. M.
one time, undoubtedly, in the daguerreotype Davanne backed up M. Bazin, having seen
process. him perform the experiments, to prove what
he stated, and from all that passed at the
meeting this is a fait accompli. How is it
PHOTOGRAPHIC WORLD. managed? Well, the sliding front of the
camera brought by M. Bazin was for a
There is war between the " Mezzo- whole-plate lens, or about that size, and at
tin ters." each of the four corners of the square front
Cyanide of potassium is obtained from was a circular opening about two inches in
defunct horses. So is ammonia and gela- diameter. At the back of each opening was
tine. a square glass cell, a little larger than the
A great number of persons are sued in opening, and about one-eighth to one-fourth
England for copying engravings that are inch thick. This cell was filled with a solu-
Anthony's Bulletin, in speaking of the red light in the way just described. I won-
Exhibition, says " Evidently great ad-
der whether further experiments and re-
vances have been made during the past year, searches will confirm
all this or will it be
both in plain photographs and colored consigned to the limbo where sulphate of
work." So there have. quinine for windows of dark-rooms is or
ought to have gone to? A' picture was
Blue tissue-paper, pasted over the yellow
handed round in which was a dark velvet
glass of the dark-room, and covered with
curtain in folds. In one picture the curtain
mastic. varnish, will make the light that en-
through green, without the necessity of was a mass of black, and this was said to
have been taken without red light, whereas
green glass. J. Martin in News.
one with detail and folds was taken at the
Licht gives the following formula for
same time and under the same circumstances
making amber varnish One ounce of finely
How to Become a Member. — Photographers on account of the war in Europe. All the plain
who wish to be identified with the National paper comes from Germany.
Photographic Association, and to share its bene- Mr. John Carbutt, who has been so many years
fits, may
do so by applying to Edward L. Wilson, the popular photographer of Chicago, has sold
Permanent Secretary, Philadelphia, Pa. Re- out his beautiful establishment to Mr. S. W.
mitting $4,— $2 for entrance fee and $2 for dues Sawyer, of Bangor, Maine, and will move to
up to June, 1871, — and certificate of membership Philadelphia in September to devote his whole
will be sent. Come, how, grow with its growth time to the development of Woodbury's photo-
and share the honors. relief process. Mr. Sawyer goes to Chicago,
September 1st. Much success to them both.
Back Numbers of this Journal can generally
Several photographers already are printing
be supplied, as we are continually purchasing. <;
N. P. A." on their cards. We hope to see the
$100 are yet wanted to cancel the debt in- new design in a few weeks. Will not those hav-
curred in the patent suits. Who will help pay ing taste in such matters hand in their designs
for transparencies is hard to secure, but these We cannot consider communications minus
are very rich. the name of the author.
PuMrfjrta $hwU%v*fhtv.
Vol. VII. SEPTEMBER, 1870. No. 81.
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870,
In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
famed in photographic circles, died with- Water. — In nature, water is never found
out any means. How will it be with you? perfectly pure. The simplest, cheapest, and
One good way of helping the fund in a best method of obtaining pure water is to
small way is by purchasing the pictures of distil it yourself. If you cannot procure a
the Boston and Cleveland Exhibitions. little still at your stockhouse, you may very
These are doubly interesting to those who easily get any tinman (who deserves the
were present, to every exhibitor and visitor, name) to make you one, at a cost not ex-
and asexamples of photography are valu- ceeding ten dollars, which will enable you
able to all. You can throw several dol- to distil enough water far purer and at half
lars into the fund in this way, and yet suf- the cost you would have to paj to procure 7
fer no loss. Both the groups of members it elsewhere and of which you can soon
and officers, and the views of the interior, and readily sell enough to your brother
are worthy of being hung on the walls of photographers to pay for your still and the
any studio. Shall they not be purchased cost of running. I will make you a draw-
liberally ? ing, and describe the method of using it.
diameter, tapering to f inch, and 18 inches contained in water is expelled in the act of
long. It is made to fit into the worm, E F, freezing, and becoming entangled in the
which consists of a tube of block tin, about thickening fluid, gives rise to the minute
^ inch interior diameter and six feet long, bubbles generally observable in blocks of
coiled up in the common D,
tin condenser, ice. It is found as a fact, that ice formed
as represented, soldered water-tight where by the freezing of sea water is, under all
it enters and where it leaves the condenser. ordinary circumstances, fresh and entirely
T is a tin pipe £ inch in diameter, soldered free of salt. Thus the great ice fields of the
to the inside of the condenser, reaching Arctic and Antarctic Oceans are always
down to within half an inch of the bottom. composed of fresh water ice. Make a solu-
H is a tin pipe £ inch diameter and 3 inches tion of indigo in water, and the ice formed
long, and is intended as an overflow pipe. by the congelation of this solution will be
Use as Clean thoroughly, and
follows : perfectly colorless.
pour into the boiler a quantity of water M. And in summer, when I can get no
equal to one-fourth its capacity ; set this ice?
over a gas stove or any other convenient A. Then take the best water you can get,
fire; fit (Hi the head and connect the stem and add forty to fifty grains of nitrate of
with the condensing worm. When the silver to every gallon of water; when dis-
water boils, drops of distilled water and solved, expose it' in a clean white glass bot-
steam will issue from the orifice, F, which tle (candy jars answer excellently) to strong
may be caught in the receiver, R. At this sunlight, covered with a piece of glass, tied
moment, a stream of running water must down to prevent the wind disturbing it.
be let on in the pipe, T, from any suitable The water will shortly begin — say in an
reservoir, and when the condenser becomes hour — to discolor, and will finally grow
full water will escape by the
the waste perfectly black, according to the amount of
overflow, and can be led away as desired. impurities. Pure water will not discolor if
The steam passing down the cooled worm exposed to sunlight, even when pure nitrato
of silver is dissolved in it. When the wa- copper becomes decomposed by strong fu-
ter has become perfectly clear, it is ready sion, an insoluble oxide of copper is left be-
for use. hind, which may be filtered out when the
Nitrate of Silver, or, strictly speak- mass is again dissolved in pure water. You
ing, nitrate of the oxide of silver, can be may now, if you like, crystallize it, or use
procured sufficient^ pure, of several brands it at once.
well known market, from the stock-
in M. What is the cause of crystallization ?
houses ;
therefore it is neither necessary A. There you have me. I don't know.
nor advisable for you to make it. Yet I It is supposed that the atoms and molecules
hold that every photographer ought to know which make up a body of a crystal are pos-
how to prepare it, in an isolated case of sessed of polarity.
emergency. Here is one of the simplest M. What's that, when it's fenced in ?
methods when pressed for time: Make a A. It is supposed that the opposite sides
mixture of one part of nitric acid, chemi- of the atoms are like two poles of a magnet,
cally pure, and two parts of distilled water; and that this action or force, as it is called,
put this in an evaporating dish over a gen- compels the atom, in assuming its place in a
tle heat, and add from time to time, as it crystal, to maintain a certain direction as
dissolves, silver coin cut into very small respects the contiguous particles. In the
pieces, until a small portion of metallic sil- case of pure silver and chemically pure ni-
ver remains undissolved. The action here tric acid, the solution, after evaporating to
may be stated, by saying the nitric acid is dryness and fused, can be used at once.
decomposed one part oxidizes the metallic
; M. How will I know when it is fused?
silver and suffers the escape of oxide of A. When the silver is fused, it will have
nitrogen, the other part combines with this the appearance of a heavy oil or syrup,
oxide and produces the nitrate of the oxide which will remain perfectly quiet on the
of silver, or, as we call it "for short," ni- bottom of the dish without bubbling or
trate of silver. When the necessary amount steaming. Whilst in this state, dip into it
of silver is dissolved, evaporate the solution a slight splinter of wood or a bit of clean
to dryness, and when cool dissolve it in straw. If it (the straw) immediately take
pure water. Separate one-fifth of this so- fire, the silver is fused enough ; if not, con-
lution, and add to it drop by drop a solu- tinue the heat until it does inflame. When
tion of caustic potash in water, until the cool, the fused mass may be dissolved in
dense brownish-black precipitate (oxide of pure water with the aid of gentle heat, and,
silver) ceases to be thrown down, and the as before mentioned, used as if it were
potash remains in excess. When this has crystals.
settled, pour off the water, and add fresh I would urgently recommend you to use
water to wash the oxide ; repeat this until a capacious bath-holder, certainly not less
all trace of the potash has disappeared. than two gallons, however little work you
Now add this moist oxide to the other four- do. I use two of four gallons each.
fifths of the solution, and boil it until a M. Yes but for me, who do so little
use out of the gallery, taking dead babies, immaterial) of iodide of ammonium in wa-
gravestones, and such. J only make this ter,add a little of this at a time to the four-
exception, because it is less likely to get ounce solution of silver; immediately a
broken, is much and convenient to
lighter dense precipitate, of a yellowish color (io-
carry the solution having a water-tight
in, dide of silver), is thrown down, and floats
top. I use Lewis's patent. I had them made on the surface of the solution but, upon ;
expressly for me, with this little device, shaking the solution, the iodide is dissolved
namely: 1 ordered them double width, con- and the solution becomes clear again. Ke-
sequently they are scarcely any larger than peat this until the solution refuses to clear
a two gallon bath, and yet hold four gal- and remains milky, when some of the iodide
lons. They generally leak at first; look will fall to the bottom. The solution is
out for that. Fill them with water until now said to bo over-iodized ; that is, it con-
the wood .soaks up tight, wash them out tains more iodide of silver than it is capable
of dissolving, and the surplus falls to the A. Therefore the proper thing to do is to
hottom. It will, however, filter out per- divide the bath in halves, and saturate one-
fectly clear, the surplus iodide remaining half, filter out the precipitate and mix it
in the filter. The solution is now said to with the other half.
be saturated. If you now pour this clear M. Sort of 'alf and 'alf like.
solution into an equal quantity of pure wa- A. Now test with litmus-paper. It will
ter, it immediately throws down one-half generally be found to have an acid reac-
the iodide of silver, the solution becoming tion, caused by the silver not being per-
again milky, and is, in fact, over-iodized as fectly freed from acid in its manufacture.
before, yet it has given up half its iodide; If acid, dissolve bicarbonate of soda in pure
because, as I told you, the solution is only water, and add this little by little to the
capable of dissolving iodide of silver in pro- solution, which will again turn milky from
portion toits strength, and as it is now re- precipitated carbonate of silver. "When it
duced one-half it cannot retain but half the shows an alkaline reaction, it may be put
iodide. out in strong sunlight without filtering,
M. Thanks that's as plain as the nose
; until it becomes perfectly clear.
on your face, or rather on my face. I've M. You believe in sunning a bath, then ?
got an awful bugle ;
ain't I ? A. Well, not in your sense. "We will
A. Your nose be blowed. Listen to me. come to that all in good time. Finally, it
If we now add nitrate of silver to make up is put into an evaporating dish and boiled
the strength to 40 grains, this milkiness down to 40 grains to the ounce and filtered.
will disappear and the solution will remain Now make a mixture of one part nitric
as at first. You will understand by this, acid, chemically pure, and three parts of
then, if we iodize the bath to saturation in distilled water, add this little by little until
the first place, every collodionized plate the solution shows a decided acid reaction.
dipped in it causes the iodide in the film to Fill up your bath-holder, and your bath is
come in contact with the silver solution, ready to be tested. To do this, however,
forming iodide of silver on and in the film ; requires further chemical preparations,
but as the bath is already saturated, you which must be deferred till our next
cannot add more without the surplus being meeting.
precipitated and held in suspension (not
solution, mark you) in the bath, and in a
short time this surplus increases to such an The Year Book of Photography.
extent that these little floating particles "We desire once more to call attention to
attach themselves to the surface of the plate. this excellent and really invaluable work of
After the plate is developed and washed, Mr. Simpson's, republished by us in this
these little crystals show but little, but country. Wehardly suppose there is a
when the plate is put in the fixing solution single reader of the Photogroj)hei', but who
they are dissolved, and leave clear and values much, the " Notes In and Out of the
transparent spots; sometimes a plate will Studio," which appear in each issue from
known under the
contain millions of them, Mr. Simpson.
name of pinholes. Each and every plate His Year Book is a compendium of just
making the matter worse and no better such information, on almost every useful
fast. subject, namely Eetouching, landscaping,
M. I know the little jokers like a book. optics, water, light, sitters, weak negatives,
I've raised them by the acre. development, painting the windows, stip-
A. On the other hand, if the bath con- pling the skylight, printing on canvas, col-
tains no iodide, when the plateis immersed lodion, the bath, things worth knowing,
and the iodide of silver isformed on the enlargements, lighting, oil photography,
film, a portion of it is immediately dissolved transparencies, pinholes, and so on, and so
by the solution, thus giving a spotty appear- on, in inexhaustible variety.
ance and yielding an imperfect negative. The book is of the size, shape, and style
M. Just so. of our own Mosaics, and makes an adniir-
able companion. We are giving a great laughter, there appeared to be sufficient
many away as premiums to those who are interest felt to raise a suspicion that it
active in getting us new subscribers, and was used by many there present. And
yet there are some left. Try to get a copy again the question was asked, that those
of your dealer before his stock is exhausted, present who obtained sufficient density and
and we cannot supply him with any more. printing-power from their negatives with
Mailed for 50 cents. one application of the developer should hold
up their hands, and quite a number held
theirs up, and the questions were discussed
SORE HANDS. pro and con. Now I take it that there is a
I have been, heretofore, long and griev- lesson in this thatwould be to our profit to
ously troubled with sore hands, caused by study. If we could only meet oftener, and
handling chemicals, such as toning, fixing have just such talks, it would be much to
solutions, etc. I tried many remedies to our advantage. We might disagree with the
effect a cure, but failing to do myself any man who used mercury, but if he had pic-,
good, I wrote to your Journal regarding it; tures to show us made by his method that
it was published in your August No., 1867, excelled, we would all go home and try mer-
I believe. In reply, Mr. M. Carey Lea, rec- cury. I once used mercury, and will, by
ommended zinc ointment. A brother pho- and by, tell you again how I used it, seeing
tographer out West wrote me, recommend- what I said at the Convention about it was
ing a weak solution of protosulphate of somewhat mixed by the reporter. Mercury,
iron. I tried that without avail. used as an intensifier, is much abused, and
About ten months ago, I began to use an is capable of producing very different re-
ordinary nail-brush, brushing my hands sults, viz., a soft, brilliant negative; one so
freely after having my hands in chemicals, thin that it loses all value as a negative,
such as tonirkg, fixing solutions, etc. ; the and one of perfect density, suitable for the
resultwas a rapid and complete cure, and photolithographic process. Photographers
from that time to the present, I have never who obtain sufficient density on one appli-
been troubled with sore hands. I offer this cation of the developer, will find out by ex-
to the craft, and trust, that if any are perience that, under certain circumstances,
troubled with sore hands, they may derive and to produce certain results, they will
benefit from this very cheap and simple have to depart from that practice, and
remedy. bring other forces into play. It is true that
hands are caused by the clos-
I believe sore for some and under certain condi-
ing of the pores of the skin and the utility ; tions, one application of the developer would
of the brush (if this be the true cause) is at be sufficient, and again, the most skilful
once evident, by giving a healthy action to of photographers sometimes fail to obtain
the skin. The cure follows as certainly as a sufficient density even with the most in-
effect follows cause. T. W. Cowes. tense of intensifiers. Mercury may be used
on a stereo negative, producing the softest
effect. From one so intensified, I have made
BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY AS hundreds of prints, and it is over six years
AN INTENSIFIER. old, and will to-day make as soft a print as
BY' JEX BAUDWELL. when first made buthave seen a negative
I have no doubt you well remember, that after printing a few dozen prints from
while at the Convention in Cleveland, a it in sunlight, became so hard as to be useless.
member asking for information and others' As I said at the Convention, I do not recom-
experience in the use of mercury as an in- mend mercury as an intensifier, but many use
and the fun the members made of
tensifier, it, and aro quite partial to it, and to them I
it, when, iu answer to the question how give the formula that 1 use occasionally,
strong he used it, a gentleman answered, and with care they will find the method use-
" Very weak, and in fact, that it could ful. And 1 shall also give another formula
not be used too weak;'' but, for all the of a different kind, that 1 think cannot bo
chemicals so as to give me softness and de- boil briskly for twenty minutes (best done
tail, using my redeveloper or intensifier, in a Florence flask), set aside to cool,and
as the occasion might require, to produce neutralize with acetic acid, then make up to
force and brilliancy. But enough of this. 12 ounces with water; this will keep for a
I will now give the two formulae. Mercury considerable time. To use it, take, say two
is not used as a redeveloper, but as an in-
drachms of the above, and add to it an equal
tensifier. The formulae below are for a por- quantity of the iron developer you have in
trait or landscape, and not for reproduc- and set it by your side convenient to
tion requiring considerable intensity. reach as soon as wanted. You develop your
No. 1. negative, and if wishing to use it as a rede-
Bichloride of Mercury, . £ ounce. veloper, you drop a few drops of a 30-grain
Water, . . . .20 ounces. silver solution into the measurer containing
No. 2. the above 4 drachms of solution, and apply
Water, . . . .20 ounces. to the plate without washing but if you ;
. •
4 ounces.
plate before flooding it with the above solu-
tion, and you will find in either case that it
The negative is taken, washed and fixed, charm. I never found a better.
will act to a
and washed well and dried. Then flow "Without washing the plate it is a redevel-
the negative with water, and flow it with oper, and by washing, an intensifier. It is
in fact a new power, and I am confident if it fogs or has been overworked. If acid
that any photographer that will use it with neutralize either with carbonate of soda or
judgment will be more than well pleased liquor ammonia, a slight excess of alkali
with it. and don't like
If any of you try it does not matter, and set in the sun for an
it, try it again some other time. But re- hour or so if there is no sun keep it in the
member, if you wish a nice soft negative, light as long as you can. The object of
be sparing of the silver the consequence of
; this is to precipitate all organic and other
using it freely is a coarse deposit and hard- impurities, while retaining the alcohol in
ness. the solution. "When sufficiently sunned,
add 1 drachm of a solution of citric acid (16
grains to the ounce of water) to every 8
On the Utilization of Old Negative ounces of bath solution. The object of this,
Baths for Printing. according to Hard wick, is to precipitate the
BY DAVID DUNCAN. iodide of silver in the bath. Filter and add
The London Photographic News, of Feb- fresh silver until the solution contains 35
ruary 11th, 1870, contains an article by its grains to the ounce. Now,* to every half
able editor on the utilization of old nega- gallon add half an ounce of muriatic acid,
tive baths for printing. I think the sub- shake well, then add enough liquor ammo-
ject has been before ventilated by the same nia to make it slightly alkaline', again shake
gentleman. It is an interesting matter and well, filter, and save the filtering-paper for
doubtless of some importance to many of subsequent filtering as long as you can.
our fraternity. The process of bath boiling Every time you strengthen add a little acid
is at all times an unpleasant one, rarely un- and ammonia as described- Float the pa-
attended with loss and but little advantage per from 30 to 40 seconds. No more. Fume
gained, more especially if acetic acid has as usual, and the prints will be all that can
been used to acidify the solution when in be desired. The operation detailed appears
working order. For my part, -I detest the troublesome, but in practice is really not so.
operation, and in practice avoid it as much
as possible. There are plenty of good oper-
ators of the same mind also, albeit there are
excellent workmen who place much depend- ON VARIOUS PHOTOGRAPHIC
ence upon a bath which has been worked SUBJECTS.
and boiled ; others boil their baths from ne- by h. carey lea.
cessity, believing it to be the most economi- Collodio-Bromide Plates.
cal method of saving the silver ; and some I have lately made a number of experi-
boil,and boil to very little purpose. All will ments on the influence upon the sensitive
agree, however, that if requisite conditions
collodio-bromide, of the time that intervenes
be fulfilled, that there is nothing better than between the addition of the solution of ni-
a new bath it lasts longer, works cleaner
trate of silver and the coating of the plates,
than a boiled one, yielding negatives also induced partly thereto by the complaint of
of proper density and tone. It must be a
a friend that he objected to tj'ing himself
great consideration therefore to be enabled
down to the necessity of making the plates,
to obtain excellent prints with very little
because he had mixed the materials. This
trouble from a "played out" negative bath.
does not, however, seem to be a grave mat-
This can be done. The editor of the Pho-
ter, still it may be sometimes inconvenient
tographic News recommends the method
to decide twelve hours beforehand that one
proposed by Hard wick in his Photographic
will prepare a set of plates, and may be more
Chemistry. On reading the article referred
satisfactory to proceed after a shorter in-
was induced to make a few experiments
to, I
in same direction, and succeeded with
The result of my trials showed that the
a modification, beyond my expectations,
which I now publish freely. * This is Mr. O'NeiTs mothod publishoil in the
Take any old negative bath, no matter March number of this year's Phutogruphnr.
sensitiveness of the plate certainly increases corked lightly between times to keep out
with the time of keeping the mixture, at need washing. A brass holder,
dust, will not
least up to twelve hours, as I have already such as is made for test-tubes, is convenient
stated. But that very satisfactory results for holding it, and keeps the fingers clear
may be got when the mixture kept but
is of silver-stains. Having introduced the
six or eight hours. That the time may be nitrate of silver in tine powder and the al-
farther reduced by increasing the quantity cohol, heat over a gas flame till the alcohol
of nitrate of silver used, by one grain to the boils, agitating gently remove for a minute,
ounce. In this way, good plates can be continuing the agitation, then heat again,
made, keeping the mixture only two to four and so on. If, in two or three minutes, the.
hours. whole is not dissolved, pour off the liquid
A was also made in which the sen-
trial into the bottle of collodion, and add the re-
sitive mixture was used immediately after serve portion of alcohol and repeat. Even
mixing. It received a very thorough shak- if it be necessary to add a little more alcohol
ing up for four or five minutes, and was then than directed, this will not be important,,
at once filtered and coated. The result was provided the excess is small.
a very transparent and insensitive film, Of course, the first portion of alcoholic
which required an extremely long exposure solution contains nearly all the nitrate of
to receive a good image. A rough estimate silver, therefore the collodion, after receiv-
based on actual trials led to the conclusion ing it, will need to be thoroughly shaken ;
that such a plate required from twelve to it must not wait for this shaking for the
twenty times the length of exposure which second portion of the solution. It is also
was sufficient for a plate made with sensi- desirable in pouring the solution into the
tive mixture kept for twelve hours. collodion, to pour it straight into the liquid,
There is no advantage in exaggerating and not down the sides of the bottle, or the
the shaking which the sensitive mixture re- cold glass may cause the nitrate to crystal-
ceives. As the nitrate is added in solution, lize. The power of strong alcohol to hold
there is not the same need for violent agi- nitrate of silver in solution depends almost
tation as when the powdered material is entirely upon the heat, and as the tempera-
introduced. ture falls the nitrate rapidly separates. It
I find that a good shaking of about three is, therefore, an object to get it quickly
minutes after the solution is introduced, mixed with the collodion before allowing
and another (which need not be so long) a it to touch a cold surface.
couple of hours before the mixture is used, Coaling Plates. — The proportion of ma-
is what does best. More shaking is more terials which I have given
in the formulas
likely to do harm than good. The addition published are suited to cold weather; in hot,
of the nitrate in solution is extremely favor- a considerable addition of ether will be ne-
able for the chemical combination, not only cessary, besides which, some plain collodion
because the mixing immediate, but be-
is may be advantageously added, avoiding,
cause of the higher temperature at which however, to make the mixture too thin.
the ingredients meet. The addition of the Of course, a smooth plate must be got, and,
hot alcoholic solution raises the temperature provided this be accomplished, the thicker
of the whole mixture so that the bottle feels the mixture can be applied, the better; still,
warm to the hand. This effect is advanta- the thinning with ether must be sufficient
geous. to enable the operator to avoid making
Dissolving the Nitrate. — Some experi- cloudy plates.
menters speak of a difficulty in getting the In very hot weather it is of course more
nitrate completely dissolved. If any such difficult to apply the collodion smoothly,
difficulty is experienced, it is best not to add and this has led me to make many trials to
at once the whole of the alcohol, but to re- find the easiest and most
method. effectual
serve a small portion. The best utensil is a It has proved to be as follows: Pour on
small thin glass flask, of three or four ounces plenty of the collodion mixture, and get
capacity, which, if kept for this use only, and it over the plate as rapidly as possible.
Next, instead of bringing the plate gradu- always And if the tendency exists
ally up to a vertical position whilst rocking, few blisters are worse than a great
at all, a
keep it very nearly horizontal, rocking, of many, because they are far more unmanage-
course, steadily, and inclining it only enough able. The cotton which I use is extremely
to slowly carry off the excess of collodion. porous, so that by the time the plate is de-
This gives easily an excellent plate. It will veloped and fixed the whole film has been
not be necessary to "send back " the collo- penetrated and has been detached from the
dion ;
if the temperature of the air is high, glass, except where held by the edging.
it will be found difficult to do so without This is what I desire to see, having found
making ridges. the means to regulate the edging precisely
As soon as the collodion is set sufficiently to suit. And this is done as follows :
to avoid danger to the film, it is plunged The small camel's-hair pencil tied to a
into the pan of water. glass rod is dipped into the four or five
Clean Hands. —
With a little care, the grain solution of rubber in benzole, is car-
collodio-bromide process may be worked ried along the long side of the glass from end
from beginning to end without staining the to end, but on the short side it breaks off
fingers, or need of applying strong chemical about half an inch from each corner. This
detergents. The only precaution needed is leaves four little open spaces, as will be seen
this :After coating a set of plates, examine in the diagram, through which the liquid
the hands to find if there are any white underneath the film can escape, and which-
marks of sensitized collodion that has run ever end of the plate chances to be set up-
oft* the plate, and if so, remove it with a bit permost in drying, there is always provision
of paper or rag moistened with ether. If for draining off the water under the film.
this be neglected, these marks will blacken
in the light, and then are very difficult to
get rid of; but if attended as directed, they
come off with a touch. Then wash the
hands, first with strong solution of hyposul-
phite, and then with soap; pumice soap is
well be, because for dry plates we need a flows out through the open spaces.
porous collodion, and such porous films will My first plan was to carry all the edgings
a little short, so as to leave the corners open. is to make the exposure and develop the pic-
But the corner where the plate most
is just ture. The exposure is slightly longer than
needs support, and although the method an- for the common negative ; whilst the devel-
swered as far as the escape of the liquid was opment is slightly shorter The collodion,
concerned, there was the disadvantage that too, may be with advantage somewhat thin-
the film occasionally got loose at the cor- ner than that which used for every-day is
ners, and then the plate needed extremely work ; must be perfectly ho-
at all events it
careful handling to avoid injury. The plan mogeneous, that is, free from all coagula
here described avoids this difficulty com- and insoluble particles, and it must flow
pletely, and is also better for the escape of evenly and concrete without leaving any
the water. streaks or reticulations. By exposing the
I need hardly point out how much more full time or over, the developer brings out
complete the washing must be when the the picture easily and without an}' forcing,
liquid and the wash- water that get through that is, the middle tones and the shadows
the film can escape freely. Indeed with a appear almost simultaneousl}-. As soon as
film that shows any tendency at all to blis- the picture is complete as regards light and
ter, we cannot hope for a thorough washing shade, although still very thin, stop all fur-
in any other way, and it will easily be seen ther development by washing and fixing.
that a few detached blisters may give more Now examine the negative by holding it up
trouble than where the whole film becomes between the eye and the window. How
separated, the edges excepted. shall we know whether the negative will be
suitable or not?
Gkeen Glass in the Dark-Room.
In the first place, the picture must be ac-
Continued use confirms me in the good curately in focus, that is, uniformly sharp,
opinion which I have expressed of the sub- as far as possible; this is, of course, a sine
stitution of green for yellow glass, and those qud an indispensable condition.
who have tried it have been, I believe, all Secondly, the picture must be complete,
pleased with it. The relief to those who that is, not only the shades must be brought
have weak eyes, is very great, and the con-
out, but likewise all the middle and even
trast of the soft green light with the irri-
the finest tones must make their appear-
tating yellowish red, is \ery agreeable.
ance ; in fine, let me repeat, the picture
must' be completely developed; this is al-
most an indispensable condition.
SOLAR CAMERA PRINTING. Finally, the bars of the window must be
BY PEOF. J. TOWLER, M.D. visible through the darkest shades, or, if
The solar camera in the hands of an the negative be held a short distance above a
adept, is an instrument of great importance, page of print, the shades ought to be so thin
and can be rendered very profitable. The as to allow you to read the print through
operations with this camera are in some re- them this is an indispensable condition.
spects distinct from those that have pre- The negative that stands this scrutiny, is
ceded, and requires special study. In the carefully dried, but not varnished.
first place, the negative for the work in There are two different sorts of solar cam-
question is different from the ordinary neg- eras in the market, namely, one sort in imi-
ative ; the latter in general is much too tation of the well-known solar microscope,
dense. More skill is required in posing the first brought out by Woodward, in which
6itter, so as to obviate all harsh shadows, the camera is stationary, being fixed in a
which may be tolerated to a certain extent window, with the necessary appendages of
in very small pictures, but which look hor- movable reflector in front, and stage behind
rid when magnified. The skill of the real for holding the paper to be printed on. This
artist might be here called in requisition is an excellent solar camera for summer
and used with great advantage. As soon operations, but is about useless in winter in
as the sitter is illuminated with a soft light, high latitudes. The other sort of solar
avoiding extreme contrasts, the next thing camera in the market is represented by that
manufactured by Eoettger, of Philadelphia. The sheet is then taken up from the fluid
This form of camera can be used through- and allowed to drain for a few minutes by
out the whole year. It would be useless to holding it in the hand over the bath. It is
describe these cameras for, if you possess ; then laid on a piece of plate glass, the
one, you will know how to use it, and if albumen film being upwards. This plate of
you buy one, you will be shown how to glass must be strong enough for the purpose,
use it. quite flat, and covered on one side (the back),
The negative is placed wrong side up in with a clean piece of white paper for focus-
its appropriate bolder, whilst a sheet of sing upon, unless you have two plates of
paper on the movable screen behind
is fixed glass, one for focussing and one for the sen-
to receive the picture. Bring the sun into sitized sheet. The plate intended to receive
the axis of the lens and focus. I generally the sensitive paper, previously receives on
use a small telescope or opera glass for this the back, all round, and half an inch wide
work, especially with the Eoettger cameras. from the edges, a coating of thick gum solu-
N. B. You must be very careful to get tion its dimensions too are each one inch
the movable screen, that holds the paper, less than those of the paper. This plate is
not only perpendicular to the axis of the supported on a small box, less in size than it-
lens, but in such a position, that, if a circle self, which is placed on a table. The gummed
were drawn around its centre, every point edges are beneath. In this position the sheet
of that circle shall be equally distant from of paper, still, moist, is laid upon the plate in
the middle of the lens. If you neglect to such a way as to allow half an inch of paper
verify this point, your work will be a fail- to project all round. Now cut a small
ure. square from each corner of the paper with
. We will now proceed to the preparation a pair of scissors, and fold the projecting
of the paper. The brightest and most vigor- edges down, and then back upon the gum-
ous prints are obtained on the ordinary al- med surface There is no need of once touch-
bumenized paper ; and consequently, when ing the sensitive surface with the fingers
the season is favorable and the sky uncloud- whilst performing this operation still the ;
ed, preference will be given to this paper latter requires dexterity and nicety. You
for solar printing, when the prints are not must be sure to make each edge of the paper
to be retouched or colored. But, during the adhere all along the gummed edge of the
winter season, and the early spring and late glass, and to press all the extraneous gum
autumn months, when the sun's power has away from the edge, otherwise it will creep
diminished in vigor, and is frequently ob- round the edge of the glass to the front, and
scured by clouds, it is not advisable to at- cause you trouble afterwards. When once
tempt printing on albumen paper, because accustomed to it, the operation is more
the exposure will be too long to be conve- quickly performed than described.
nient, and may frequently have to be inter- As soon as the paper lies quite flat on the
rupted, during which time the paper may glass, and has been made to adhere firmly
have changed its dimensions, and no longer on the back by means of the projecting
lies flat. In such a case as this another edges, the paper is allowed to dry sponta-
mode of printing has to be pursued. neously. When once dry, the surface will
Printing on albumen paper. — The paper is be perfectly flat and without the slightest
sensitized the usual way, but on a strong wrinkle or corrugation. It is now ready
silver solution for two or three minutes, to be placed on the focussing screen, in the
that is, until it perfectly even on the
lies selfsame position previously occupied by
solution, and the corners have settled down. the focussing plate of glass. Let it here be
The object in this, is to get the paper suffici- firmly fixed with thumb-screws or other-
ently saturated with moisture ; and the rea- wise, as may be most convenient.
son for using a strong silver solution, is to The sun is now turned
on, and the print-
coagulate the albumen and not dissolve it ing operation commenced. The time is
Print until the picture is intense enough rated from it. It is then immersed with
for the subsequent operations of toning and clean fingers and carefully in a bath of di-
fixing, which I need not describe. lute aceto-gallate of lead, as follows :
year through, and especially so when the Solution of Acetate of Lead (30
prints have to be retouched with India-ink grains per ounce), . . ^ drachm.
or to be colored. Select for this sort of Acetic Acid sufficient to clear the solution.
work the heaviest Marion's paper, and salt it
As soon as the paper is thoroughly moist-
with chloride of ammonium, citrate of soda,
ened in this solution, transfer it to a large
and gelatine, as described by me in this
glass plate, picture side uppermost, and de-
Journal. few quires at
It is better to salt a
velop the print completely with the fol-
a time, and have a stock on hand.
lowing :
tized paper, whilst moist, on glass will re- solution. In about ten minutes, or a quar-
pay you amply for the trouble. ter of an hour, the picture will be intense
The use too of a chloride paper is much enough — you can make it as intense as you
to be preferred to that of an iodide or wish. The moment the picture is advanced
bromo-iodide paper ; for, in the first place, as far as you desire, wash it thoroughly
the prints are more vigorous ; secondly, the under the tap and on both sides after ;
paper not being so extremely sensitive, the which it is immersed in a dish of clean
manipulations are more easily performed water, until you are ready to proceed to
and, finally, there is no idea of stains, or fear the operation of toning. This operation,
of the picture penetrating to the back of however, is altogether unnecessary,
if the
the paper in this process ; but there is con- picture is intended for the artist to finish
siderable risk with the iodized or bromo- with India-ink or color. In this case, the
iodized paper in these respects, as those print is placed at once — that is, immediately
know who have made experiments in this after the thorough washing — in the fixing
direction. solution of hyposulphite of soda. It is al-
Exposure. —In the depth of winter, the ways well to keep the prints in motion, at
sun being bright and unobscured, the lati- least every few minutes, otherwise a deposit
tude being between 42 and 43 degrees, an might easily form on the whites, which is
exposure of ten minutes I find to be amply not easily removed afterwards by washing.
— might be adequate for the
sufficient less There are other modes of printing by de-
purpose — more no injury on the con-
is ;
velopment to be found in several of the text-
trary, it is an advantage. But if the sun is books some of which are quite worthless
shining brightly, it is well to get all the others, on the contrary, are used. To these
Development. — Each print is first cut along opportunity. Take up the good and avoid
the edges of the glass-plate, and thus sepa- the bad, should be your custom.
A great many good negatives are ruined STUDIO.
after considerable use by scratches from the BY G. WHARTON SIMPSON, M.A., F.S.A.
finger nails when removing prints from the Washed and Fumed Sensitive Paper — Plati-
pressure-frames, and from the ragged, horny num —
Toning for Prints The Woodbury-
edges of the albumen-paper as it passes type Printing Process —
Another Encaustic
over them. Paste — War and Photography.
Messrs. Kilburn Brothers, the eminent London, August 1st, 1870.
clamp, the clamp to any table or bench, unwashed paper with its excess of free ni-
and any or all quickly removed if the space trate of silver.
they occupy be needed. Col. Stuart Wortley, a very able amateur,
: — —
having recently been induced to publish his I never fume the paper, the pads of the
wonderful 16 x 12 instantaneous photo- printing-frames only being fumed. They
graphs, found in the ordinary operations of are all placed in a large box over night with
printing that the rapid discoloration of the a little strong ammonia in a saucer at the
paper in hot weather was a serious draw- bottom cf the box, and by the morning they
back to success and comfort of an amateur are quite sufficiently fumed.
when called upon to print extensively, and The gold bath is made with a double
was therefore induced to try this plan. He chloride of gold and potassium, which I
was so charmed with the success, that he at prepare myself. It is very easy to prepare,
once communicated with me in very en- and is perfect in its action in ordinary silver
thusiastic terms: He said, "I do not hesi- fuming
printing, as well as in the process.
tate to state, that this is by far the most im- The same bath always remains in use, the
portant modification that has been proposed double chloride of gold solution being added
since I first photographed, and we are much daily in the proportion of one grain to three
indebted to the German gentleman who first sheets of paper.
published the process. It is absolutely cer- I have been asked what advantages I find.
tain; a waste, mealy, or bad print is un- I find these : The paper is far more sensitive
known to me since I have worked it. It to dense portions of the negative; it never
prints any kind of negative in perfection, bronzes or blocks up the detail in the dark
and is simply invaluable." shadows; and the print is finished sooner
At the same time he sent for my inspec- than on ordinary paper. Further, it tones
tion, a batch of thirty large prints, from easily and certainly, taking any color and, ;
one day's work, as an illustration of the re- a point of much importance, more silver is
sults obtained, and they fully bore out his saved as residue by washing off previous to
high encomiums. They were, he states, printing than by leaving the free nitrate on
from all kinds of negatives, some requiring while the picture is printing.
an exposure of three hours, whilst others There are one or two points to be re-
were done in fifteen minutes; but he found membered in order to secure success. It is
that in all cases the prints were absolutely not necessary to remove very thoroughly all
perfect. It is easy, he observed, with almost the free silver. If the washing be very
any method to get one good print but here,; thorough, it will tend to produce weak
in thirty consecutive prints, containing por- prints. Again, it is important not to allow
traiture and landscapes, instantaneous and the paper to get into that perfect state of
other pictures, was the evidence which prac- desiccation sometimes described as " bone-
tical men desire, before they accept a posi- dry." Ordinary sensitive paper, in this
tion as proven, in relation to any new ope- extremely dry state, will not yield vigorous
ration in photography. prints, and it is much more liable to become
His method of working is very simple thus dry, when washed, than when it re-
and involves but little trouble or additional tains a coating of a soluble salt like nitrate
appliance. I will briefly state his formula? of silver on its surface.
and manipulations as he details them in a Platinum Toning for Prints. In a recent —
recent letter. number 1 mentioned that some experiments
The silver bath is weak, being made as with platinum as a toning agent gave prom-
follows ise of good results, and I promised to re-
comparatively poor when employed as a requires diluting with one or two equal pro-
toning agent, yielding a weak, grayish-black portions of water. We have worked satis-
tone, and moreover, difficult to prepare
is, factorily with a solution containing one
and to use. With platinum, in my former grain of bichloride of platinum in fifteen
experiments, I at times obtained a very ounces of water. If the solution be too
rich, full-toned neutral black, but the ton- strong the deposition of the metal is very
ing was uncertain. If the solution were rapid, and the color is gray instead of black.
used acid, it bleached the print in a disas- Again, if a solution of the ordinary bichlo-
trous degree if it were made alkaline or
; ride of platinum be employed, it will con-
neutral, it was frequently difficult to secure vert the bulk of the silver image into chlo-
any toning effect whatever. ride of silver, whilst depositing but very
In my recent toning experiments with little platinum; and the print, after fixing,
platinum 1 was much more successful, and is a weak, gray, washed-out image. If the
arrived at much more satisfactory conclu- acid be neutralized, as in the preparation of
sions. With perfect certainty and control, a gold toning bath, the solution will bleach
I have been able to produce a series of very considerably, and give a mealy print dur-
pleasing tones, varying from a rich, rosy, ing the first few hours after mixture, and
deep chestnut or chocolate color, to a deep, will speedily lose toning qualities alto-
intense, neutral black. In the series of gether.
purples and browns, the tints are not strik- These difficulties are not, however, in-
ingly different from those produced by gold, superable; but by a slight modification of
except in possessing a pleasing, fleshy tint the conditions are removed. To tone satis-
and texture in the lighter half-tones, which factorily, the solution should have a very
was very effective in portraiture but when ;
faintly acid reaction, but the free acid
the toning is pushed to a black, the color is should not be hydrochloric acid, as that so
essentially different from that of gold. The readily attacks and bleaches the silver image.
black is more neutral and intense, without To meet the case it is necessary to neutral-
any tendency to blueness or coldness. ize the free acid with carbonate of soda.
There are perhaps few tints more pleasing This may be added freely until a decidedly
than that of a fine gold-toned print, and I alkaline reaction is manifest; after which
should not think of suggesting anything to nitric acid is added to neutralize any excess
supersede it for ordinary purposes. But, by of carbonate of soda, and in just sufficient
means of platinum, certain varieties in ton- proportion to produce a very feeble acid
ing may be secured which may possess their reaction. If the solution is just sufficiently
own specific value ;
and, as the cost of pla- acid to redden blue litmus paper slowly, it
tinum is something like one-third of that of will serve. The toning bath in this condi-
gold, and as its resistance to atmospheric tion may be used a few hours after mixing,
influences is not inferior to that of gold, ac- and it will keep perfectly good — and, in-
quaintance with its toning powers is a ques- deed, improving — for many weeks.
tion which should possess interest for all I have worked with the platinum bath as
ing purposes, and that the mode of working lodio-chloride prints and for wet collodion
which answered with the one ought to be plates it is especially efficient. Nothing can
BUCCessful with the other. But this is not exceed the excellence of the tints and the
: —
facility of toning this bath presents with presses at work at present, but anticipates
Obernetter's paper prepared with collodio- very shortly, as soon as the weather has be-
chloride of silver. Developed images on come somewhat more moderate, to increase
wet collodion toned in this solution acquire the number very greatly. Like MM. Gou-
a very fine black, rivalling that of a fine pil & Co., he employs the Desgoffe press,
engraving. instead of the ordinary hydraulic machine,
The developed collodion images are, of for producing his engraved plates from the
course, toned after fixing; but in all other gelatine, and speaks highly of its capabil-
cases the prints are toned before fixing, as ities. The metal plates are purchased ready
with chloride of gold. As the solution is for use, and possessed of the requisite uni-
used slightly acid, however, it becomes of formity and evenness. The largest pictures
importance to wash the print after toning, yet printed measured 12 inches by 10, but
in order to avoid decomposition of the hy- no difficulty is anticipated in obtaining
posulphite fixing solution, and consequent much larger impressions if required."
sulphur toning. As a rule, the prints were
Another Encaustic Paste. — The use of
very little altered during the process of
encaustic paste has become so universal
amongst photographers, especially for large
Woodbury Printing Process. As I
The — pictures, that any proposed improvement is
mentioned in my last, the Woodbury photo- worth putting on record. Those at present
relief printing process has recently passed
in use consist of wax, or of a mixture of wax
into new hands in this country, and there and some resin, dissolved in turpentine, ben-
ispromise of more successful and perfect Herr (3-rune, a
zole, or some essential oil.
working of the process than it has yet re- gentleman to whose chemical and practical
ceived in this country. In France it is knowledge, photographers owe many valu-
rapidly progressing. Besides the energetic
able suggestions, recently gave me a formula
and successful operations of MM. Goupil, which he considered a decided improvement
with which you are familiar, it has now
on those already in use. This formula gives
been taken up with great energy by M. a paste which he describes as easier to use
Braun, of Dornach, who has already made and more efficient than any of those gener-
such a great success of the carbon process. ally employed. It consists of :
" M. Braun has but three or four printing- boiled, and afterwards strained and filtered.
This varnish, it is said, will protect from Dr. Vogel's Farewell to America.
damp, and is perfectly water-proof. "With Onthe eve of leaving the United States,
the addition of a suitable proportion of a it becomes my pleasant duty to express to
haloid salt, this might probably make a the photographers and to the men of science
good sizing material for producing photo- and art, who have tendered me such a
graphs on canvas. hearty welcome, my warmest thanks.
War and Photography. As you by this I have roamed through parts of Canada
time know, the old world is expecting daily and the United States, from New York to
to become again acquainted with the hor- St. Louis, and from Chicago to the St. Law-
rors of war, and before I write to you again rence, and wherever I went I not only met
thousands of lives will have been sacrificed, with intelligent men, who are an honor to
and tens of thousands of agonies suffered. our art, but also amiable companions, who
Men will be maimed, mangled, and mur- held out the hand of fellowship, who re-
dered women made widows children made
ceived me an old friend, and extended
orphans; treasure will be wasted; the fair
to me a generous hospitality, and made my
face of nature devastated ; the tide of civil- stay so pleasant, that, from the moment
ization and progress rolled backward; and when I put my foot upon American soil un-
all for the mad wickedness and folly of a til the hour of my leaving, I felt myself as
few ambitious tricksters in high places. much at home as in my own fatherland.
This, however, is not photographic; I Under these circumstances, my farewell
merely referred to the subject to mention is a painful one. I take with me proud and
the rumor that photography or photog- beautiful recollections, which more than
raphers, may possibly be amongst the many
recompense me for the humble services
who will suffer inconvenience from the war. which I have rendered to science, and
A manufacturer of albumenized paper men- which will stimulate me to continue in the
tioned the fact to me a day or two ago that work of promoting our art.
good Saaje paper already scarce, was likely in Once more farewell, and that we may
consequence of the war to become more so. meet again, and live long to labor for each
One of our best landscape photographers, other, I earnestly hope. Never will I for-
whose charming views of Alpine scenery get the time I spent under the folds of the
are familiar throughout the world, has re- star-spangled banner.
cently had his summer's work on the Rhine H. VOGEL.
cut short, and that with scant courtesy from Philadelphia, August 20, 1870.
the Prussian military authorities, by whom,
whilst engaged with his camera, he was ar-
rested as a French spy. He was placed
between two soldiers and marched off into Ayres's Chart of Photographic
the presence of an officer, by whom he was Drapery.
interrogated. His nationality and the inno- We have received a specimen of photog-
cent nature of his occupation were easily raphy which we wish all our readers could
made apparent, and he was dismissed with examine. It was produced (we are sorry
an imperative caution not to attempt to to say) within a hundred miles of the Phil-
take views of any kind in that district dur- adelphia Photographer office.
ing the war. I presume that, however in- At a first we behold a nearly white
convenient to the photographer, this is but surface, upon which we discern three faces,
a necessity of war, and can only be reckoned six hands, and six feet. What connection
amongst the most trivial evils. the heads have with the hands, or with the
feet, nothing in the photograph can possibly
show. The picture might represent three
A deficiency of acid in a new bath and ghosts, except that the faces are remarkably
an accumulation of ether and alcohol in an human, and the feet are encased in modern
old one, will cause streaky lines in the di- shoes.
rection of the dip. But to explain : Three young girls, sisters,
— —
few thoughts suffice, and show your wisdom 1. Don't silver too strong; keep paper in
by obtaining a copy of this useful adjunct as —
dry a place atmospherically dry as —
to the operating-room. Although you may possible; don't fume until perfectly dry,
not know all the colors by their names, and fume moderately print as soon as you ;
your lady customers do, and can soon tell can, and tone as soon as you can after print-
"what to wear;" you can also by its help ing. Al.
tell them what not to wear.
2. A "true Eembrandt effect" is fully
described by the editor of this magazine in
his series of papers on " Art Principles
POSTAGE ON PHOTOGRAPHS. Applicable to Photography," in Vol. V,
A correspondent, who has had a disa- chapters ix, x, and xi, pages 226, 265, and
greement with his postmaster concerning 331. Those chapters alone, to say nothing
postage on his pictures, sends us the follow- of the series of articles as a whole, have been
ing decision, which we publish (though not invaluable to me, and I hope all those who
new) for the benefit of those who are not are " wild on Kembrandts," and those who
fully informed :
really want to know how to produce them
rightly, will refer back to their old num-
Post Office Department,
bers, and work understandingly. Kelso.
Appointment Office,
Washington, July 25th, 1870. 3. Yes, and no. answer for those
It will
Sir: In reply to your note of July 21st, who like it, but There are
it is expensive.
I have to say that photographic representa- plenty of cheaper methods, which J. P. M.
tions on flexible cards, unconnected with doubtless knows. I never liked cyanide or
any manuscript matter, are entitled to pass gold intensification either. Kesult is hard.
at the rates charged for transient printed — Georgio.
matter. The same in cases of metal, wood,
4. Keep them out of the bath ! Kead
or other material, must pay letter rates.
Mosaics, 1868, which contains E. L. Wil-
I am, respectfully, etc., son's advice to troubled photographers.
J. W. Marshall, Kead what Fennemore has written in
First Assist. P. M. General. Mosaics, 1870. Read all of Lea's and Fen-
— —— ——
his first suggestions on the subject, because Mr. H. E. Lovejoy was elected a member
they came when the cabinet was getting a of the Association.
start, and we thought the trade was not A discussion took place between Mr. Har-
ready yet for another new size. mon and other members, as to the intent
Messrs. A. M. & Co., with
Collins, Son and meaning of the clause in the constitu-
have the new
their usual enterprise, already tion regulating the number of members nec-
size cards ready, which you can get of your essary to be present at a regular meeting, in
dealer, and try them. Ed. P. P. order to change the constitution.
Adjourned to meet at Mr. A. K. P.
Trask 's gallery, No. 40 North Eighth
Street, on Tuesday evening, September
The regular monthly meeting of the Per-
rotypers' Association of Philadelphia was
held at Mr. George D. Wise's Gallery,
Tuesday evening, August 2d, 1870, the HOW CARDBOARD IS MADE.
President, Mr. A. K. P. Trask, in the chair. Our readers are probably not aware that
After calling the roll, the minutes of the the major portion of photographic card-
lastmeeting were read and adopted. board used in this Western World is manu-
It was resolved that we now exhibit pic- factured in Philadelphia, by Messrs. A. M.
tures. For four successive ballotings the Collins, Son &Such is the
Co. fact, how-
A letter received by the President from til a few days ago, when we
visited it with
Mr. James M. Houghton, of Lewisburg, our good friend, Dr. Vogel. Until that
Pa., was handed in and read to the meeting, hour, we had hardly ever given a thought
and new style ferrotype mounts inclosed, as to how all mount-
the cardboard used for
were exhibited. ing pictures upon made. How seldom
This new style of mount consisted appa- do any of us, by the way, think how much
rently of two cards pasted together ; the skill and tact, and brains and machinery
upper one containing the oval finish for the are used in manufacturing what we daily
picture, while the under one had a square consume.
cut out or receptacle for the picture. The manufacture of cardboard is attended
The advantage Mr. Houghton claimed with a great deal of labor, and the thou-
for this card was, that it held the ferrotype sands of reams and rolls of paper that are
much and presented a more even sur-
firmer, thrown from the paper-mill into this great
face on the back of the mount than the cards hopper run through a great many manipu-
now used, and its introduction into or re- lations, between many nimble fingers, and
moval from the album more easily accom- through sundry muscular machines, before
plished. they come out in the shape of pure, white,
The members thought mount was both
the stiff, hard, calendered sheets, ready for our
the ceiling, and hung up to dry, one length bellowing thunder the house shakes and
after another, as rapidly as the machine trembles, though made of stone with walls
supplies it. After it is dry, it is again more than three feet thick, and almost the
rolled up, and is ready for cutting into darkness of night surrounds us.
sheets for pasting. Wehad an anonemometer to measure the
The pasting-room one entire floor, is velocity of the wind, but we could not leave
filled with benches, and busy girls, who it out long, as the frost would clog it so as
paste the sheets together with astounding not to register correctly, so I used to go out
rapidity. When the sheets are pasted to- and hold it for ten minutes, the Professor
gether, two, three, or four "ply," as the giving me the signal, as a man could not
case may be, they are hung up by one shout loud enough to be heard any distance
edge in "clips" to dry thoroughly. When away.
dry, the sheets are run between immense At 9 a.m., January 2d, I went out with
rollers, which calenders them to any ex- the instrument; stopped ten minutes; when
tent desired. After this they are ready to I got in, the register gave the velocity a lit-
be cut into shape, and printed with what- tle over seventy-five miles per hour. At 2
ever the trade may require. p.m., thesame day, I tried it again I went ;
Then there are dozens of other machines some ten rods from the house to get a clear
used to cut the cards into shape, to round sweep you can believe it was hard work to
the corners, to print the lines, to cut out stand, but, by turning side to the wind and
the mats, to count the cards as they are bracing my foot against a stone, thus giv-
and so on,
cut, to polish the colored sheets, ing the smallest surface to the wind and
all of which could only be described by having best chance to brace myself, I suc-
means of diagrams, and matter enough to ceeded in standing my ground,
but it was a
fill our entire issue. Over three million mighty long ten minutes, and, when the
sheets were turned out here during the signal was given, I attempted to turn ; when
year past. Where does it go? I gave my breast to the wind it threw
We would like to give more details, but me down, then there was a grand rough-
our purpose is served in calling attention and-tumble struggle to gain the house; I
to this most important industry. The ut- got in, however, with the instrument, but
most care is taken to prevent all impurities was about as near " played out " as I ever
in their cardboard by Messrs. A. M. Col- was this time the register gave ninety-
lins, Son & Co., and the variety they manu- three and three-tenth miles per hour, more
facture is endless. You all use their boards than one and a half miles per minute it ;
and know how they please you. seems almost incredible, but it would drive
the rain, which had begun to fall, through
two heavy coats, vest, and two thick woollen
shirts to the skin instantly. It began to
WINTER ON A MOUNTAIN. rain with the thermometer at 17°, owing to
(Continued from page 217.) the warm current of air rising to pass over
In my last I gave a description of a pleas- the top, when the temperature rose rapidly
ant day above the clouds, whilst the valleys to about 83°, the force of the wind being
were shrouded in gloom, with a keen frosty such as to cut the ice away like pouring hot
air of some 20° colder than it was up with water on it, melting five inches of solid ice
us. On such a day the wind is southeast, in two hours' time.
with a gentle breeze in the morning, gradu- The storm continued to increase in vio-
ally increasing to a fresh gale by 9 o'clock lence until after dark, when
it crushed in
jokes were of a gloomy, serio-comic nature, own expense, and proved to be very satis-
which served to keep up our courage a little. factory, though the average, temperature
At about 9 p.m. there began to be lulls in was about 12° lower than at the foot of the
the storm, which grew more frequent and mountain in sharp, frosty weather it was
longer until about midnight, when we re- colder below the coldest, we had was 17°
tired to get up next morning and find the (below), whilst at the same time it was 18°
storm fully abated the deafening roar had
(below) at Warren Village, we having more
given away low moaning, whilst the
to a wind, which made it worse to be out. Our
fury of the storm was made visible by the altitude would give us a climate of the
wild, rugged appearance of the mountains; south of Greenland.
the snow and ice had been melted away, Though attended with some danger and
leaving the mountains "patchy," snow till- uncertainty, we met with no accidents. I
ing the deep ravines and sheltered spots, may never receive any benefit from it, still
whilst tbegray rocks and ridges were naked. never regret having stopped for two
I shall
On the 20th of February we had a much months on a mountain in the heart of
harder storm without rain, but we were winter.
buried in snow to the ridge-pole on the side A. F. Clough.
to the wind it was of but six hours' length.
Some of the stereoscopes sent us, and
We made no attempt to ascertain the ve- made by Mr. Clough on the mountain dur-
locity, as it would have been madness to
ing his sojourn, are not only excellent as
have ventured out, for it would have been
photographs but very beautiful. Some of
impossible to have stood, sat, or lain out-
the frost formations are perfectly exquisite.
side. It is almost impossible to form any
—Ed. P. P.
idea of the force of the wind as we had it,
at least I never got mine up to the height
of the reality, and one must experience it
to fully appreciate it. I have no doubt of
United States Patent Office,
the velocity being one hundred and twenty-
Washington, D. C, June 10th, 1870.
five miles per hour.
Photographing was a very difficult task, As the drawings of all patents issued after
chemicals freezing up every night. For a July 1st, 1870, will be copied by photo-
lithography, the following rules will be
dark-closet I used to darken our room and
then carry mj' plates out, then things would substituted for the present rules, 18 to 24,
inclusive, and no deviation from these will
not always work just up to the mark; re-
be allowed.
flected light would play a bad " goak " on
Samuel S. Fisher,
me; was obliged to use the smallest stops
and expose negatives but a very short time ;
five cents per sheet of standard size. " alcohol string," or some other of the well-
23. Copies of drawings of patents issued known methods, sustained in an inverted
prior to January 1st, 1869, which can be position, as clearly shown in the sketch,
photo-lithographed, will be furnished at against the wall of the dark- room over the
twenty-five cents per sheet, when ten or developing sink or tub, within easy reach.
more copies are ordered. Single tracings In the usual place is a good tightly-fitted
of such drawings, or less than ten, will be cork — sufficiently so to withstand the pres-
furnished at the cost of making them. One sure of the bottle full of developer, into a
hundred copies or more will be furnished at hole in which cork is placed from the out-
ten dollars per hundred. side a small faucet B, and to continue the
24. Applicants are advised to employ connection to the interior of the bottle, a
competent artists to make the drawings, short glass tube C, which should be of such
which will be returned if not executed in a length as to reach to about where the
strict conformity with these rules, or if in- straight sides of the bottle begin. D is a
jured by folding. scale constructed as follows. Paste upon
measured and indicated in the same man- ciently well known, and all that I here de-
ner. sire, is simply to be permitted to describe a
All sediment and floating particles will few improvements in this art.
settle down to the neck of the holder, around It is well known that not every negative
and below the top of the tube C, and the varnish is suitable for the easy performance
clear and pure developer is drawn off of negative retouching. My aim was to pre-
through the faucet into the flowing-glass pare the varnished film, and, by rubbing it
as required for use, quietly and easily. The with ossa sepia, to render it more suscepti-
use of the graduate with its attendant wash- ble to the action of a black lead-pencil.
ing and risk of contamination is avoided. This method gave very excellent results,
For the use of other solutions where a cer- which I made known at the time. But dur-
tain amount is desired to be measured off, ing the past year I made experiments with
this device will be found very useful, the other substances, in order to communicate
amount being indicated as drawn. The top to the varnish a deadened surface, for in-
of the holder should be kept covered with stance, of powdered pumice-stone, but this
a cap of wood or pasteboard. . This is not scratched the surfacewhen the latter was
patented. rubbed with it also of fine emery, but this
Bristol, Ind., Feb., 1870. terials. But I still kept to ossa sepia, until
Mr. Petsch informed me a short time ago
that he deadened the varnished surface with
Some white children in Paris have turned powdered pumice-stone, and that the results
black —the result of washing their faces in were very fine. My pumice-stone, which
a photographer's nitrate bath. had been purchased at different stores had, r
therefore, probably not been sufficiently should be revarnished. Photographisches
fine, and I, consequently, in order to be cer- Mittheilungen.
tain about the matter, undertook to electri-
cate a quantity afresh, and then pass it
be too sparing with the powdered pumice, Photography, under the name of the Da-
for it can be used over again when brushed guerreotype, it is well known, was invented
after the operation is quite different from specimens to the members of the French
what it was before. Formerly I used rather Academy of Sciences, in Paris, early in the
soft pencils in order to get very fine nega- year 1839. My brother was in Paris at the
tive retouches ;
but now I scarcely use any same time, exhibiting his telegraph to the
other than the numbers 5 and 6 of Faber's
same persons. Brother artists and brother
inventors, thus brought together, each was
manufacture (of course those of other manu-
invited to examine the other's invention;
facturers are equally applicable for the pur-
pose). These sometimes
numbers, too,
and my brother became earnest in his de-
on recently sire to introduce the Daguerreotj-pe into
parted with too .color
varnished surfaces, and whilst they were America. On his return to New York, in
still soft I, therefore, procured some me-
April, 1839, he inspired me and my younger
pencils (consisting entirely of brother with a portion of his own enthusi-
tallic lead
points ; each touch is easily made and fixed. the roof of our six-story building, covered it
The entire operation of retouching nega- with a skylight, furnished the new chamber
tives is in this way materially facilitated ;
with cameras and the other apparatus of
but I must remark here, that it is altogether photography, and, having thus completed
impossible to make a satisfactory picture from, the first tabernacle for the sun erected on
' '
a bad negative, with whatever delicacy the re- the western hemisphere, placed your first
touching may be pe? formed, and I must dis-
, superintendent there to fix, for inspection
pel all those illusions in the most distinct through all time, the perfect image of men
manner, if it is supposed that a splendid and tilings, as the great Painter, from his
negative can be produced from each bad tabernacle in the heavens, flashed them
plate that may he presented, by simply pol- upon the silvered plates. It was in that
ishing up by negative retouches. chamber that he who first practised the art
Mr. Grasshon' furthermore recommends, of training in your Sabbath-school in 1816,
that in those cases where many prints have trained the young men who went forth re-
to be taken from a negative, the latter joicing from New York into every part of
' " ,
our land, to work the wonders and display soda; shake well and dissolve ; then add to
the beauties of the new art, eliciting admi- this (a small quantity at a time) citric acid,
ration from all beholders, and from the de- until you have added f of an ounce ; filter,
vout the exclamation, which four years and it is ready to use. To tone, to about
afterward passed in an instant through the 8 ounces of water add 1 ounce each of Nos.
wire from Washington to Baltimore, to be 1 and and a pinch of salt. If it tone too
recorded there, while it was echoed every- slow, add a little less water, or vice versa.
where What hath God wrought "
This amount will tone about 4 dozen carte
prints. I make my bath 40 grains strong,
For nearly 18 years I have seen the
and keep shows signs of
at that
shades and lights, — from the old silver
fogging, I pour
and set in
into a bottle
if it
Alcohol, . . . . 2| "
My subject took the chair, and put his fore-
head against the head-rest. I could not re-
By the use of the above I get good, clean
bright pictures the year round.
sist it, and took him an ironclad view of
his dishevelled locks, brought it out and
C. A. Smyth.
showed him a rear view. He looked in- I send you a recipe I have used for over
tently for a moment, drew a breath, and three years for coating tin dishes, which I
said "I s'pose that is a good picter of my
use for silvering paper, salting, toning, and
back. Now please turn the picter over, and washing. I have x 24
five tin dishes 30
let me see the face /" Can any of our fri nds
inches, and 3 inches deep, which cost under
beat that for verdancy ? If so, take o ten dollars, while a porcelain of the same
your pen. C. size would have cost me twelve dollars, so
I got my set for less than the cost of one.
I have but one fault to find with and that
1 ounce.
A toning solution that will work as soon Dissolve by heat and add, as it is used,
as mixed, and any desired tone can be got enough ground slate (such as is used for
with it with a very small quantity of gold, plastic slate roofing) to make a tolerably
1 make as follows: To 15 ounces of water add thick paint. Apply with a flat brush coat ;
15 grains of gold. This is solution No. 1. three times, and rub smooth with coarse
For solution No. 2, take 15 ounces of water, sand-paper. Pure nitric acid has no effect
to which add 2 ounces of bicarbonate of on this surface. I have used such washing-
the whole can be chipped off and a new and some day we might be able to answer
dish made as good as at first. I strengthen the question, " What is a salt?"
my dishes by fixing them on a wooden Mr. Adrian, a Dutch chemist, has sub-
frame. A. St. Clair.
jected the commercial bromide of potas-
sium to analysis. He found in ten samples
the impurities to vary from 37.2 to 8.4 per
PHOTOGRAPHIC WORLD. cent. The impurities consisted of sulphate
The Franco-Prussian war has confused of potassa, chloride of potassium, and traces
our files <>f foreign exchanges. of bromide of potash. The quantity of
Our foreign contemporaries reprint much chloride varies from three and a half to
of the proceedings at Cleveland. thirty per cent.
Mr. Anderson's " Dialogues " are highly in matters of art they were mere distor-
praised and reprinted in the News. They tions, and were eminently unsatisfactory to
are worthy of it. discuss questions " at law. If that was in
this country, some of our bright, patent-
Mk. England, the famed English pho-
process men would prosecute every pho-
tographer, was arrested by the Prussians
tographer who disagreed with " his honor"
while photographing on the Ehine, as a
as an " infringer."
French spy. England is peaceful.
Messrs.Moore Bros., Springfield, Mass.,
The Niepce fund in Europe is growing.
use a Polly Parrot tomake their pictures
In this country very few responses have
of children. The pose is made, Polly is
been made to the call in our last number.
perched on the finger of the operator, held
"Where are the liberal and the grateful?
up to the view of the child, and the removal
Send a little.
of the lens cap or cloth being the signal,
M. Camuzet read a lengthy report be-
flaps her wings just long enough for the
fore the Societe Francais on February 4th,
exposure. She hardly ever fails to attract
1870, in which he proved that gun-cotton is
and get a good picture. She has thus offi-
not a chemical compound, and when made ciated for about seven years. We saw her.
in collodion is partially soluble in water.
A few weeks ago, we saw a good deal of
The Bengal Photographic Society has
trouble, caused in the following way : The
held its twelfth exhibition. It excelled in
waste solutions of a large establishment
the number and the excellence of the pic-
were thrown into a barrel, and precipitated
tures all former exhibitions of the society.
with sulphuret of potassium, in the room
The Duke Lord Mayo, Vice-
of Edinburgh,
where the paper was silvered and dried.
roy of India, Lord Napier, and the Maha- The fumes became very strong, and so
vajah of Jeypour were amongst the visitors. affected the silvered paper at times as to
It is stated that a carefully prepared entirely spoil it, by large stains and mark-
Albertype plate will stand 180 impressions. ings. Take warning.
It Mims that the " Lichtdruck" is still an The Bavarian Colonel, Adolph Buhler,
unsolved problem, and that many improve- has invented an instrument for landscape
ments are necessary before it can be practi- photographers which enables the photogra-
callyemployed. Alois Nigg, " Photogra- pher to determine beforehand the position
phic" of the sun for any day and hour in the year.
A curious fact has been stated by Mr. The instrument is called the helioscope.
"Wanklyer he has found that dry chlorine
Such an instrument would also bo a valu-
and dry sodium do not act upon one another. able aid in the construction of the glass-
houses. The details of construction have of the great physicist Charles. Amongst
not been published yet. these papers are the MSS. of his on
men paper coagulated by alcohol, but that he producing those portraits which at the time
uses in itsalbumen paper which has
stead were the great attraction of his lectures.
been silvered and fixed. He adds carbo- The historians of photography have always
nate of ammonia to the chromate bath to hoped to find in these writings the first step
make the bichromate of ammonia more towards the discovery which has afterwards
soluble the film becomes less sensitive but
made the names of Daguerre, Niepce de St-
develops much easier. Victor, and Talbot famous.
Chloral hydrate, which recently has Nothing New under the Sun. — Ac-
taken such an important place in medical cording to Sir David Brewster the funda-
practice, has found its way into the photog- mental principle of the stereoscope was
rapher's laboratory. The Photographinche known already to Euclid, who wrote his
Archiv mentions, that to freshly prepared " Elements " about the year 280. Later it
and slightly colored collodion (iodo-bro- was clearly described by Galle about fifteen
mized), one per cent, of chloral hydrate hundred years ago. Finally has Baptiste
was added. With a neutral silver bath it Porta, the inventor of the camera obscura,
gave a good white film. The developer in the year 1599, explained how the two
consisted of sulphate of iron and acetic
different pictures should be made, and he
acid. The plates were considerably more not only explained the principle, but even
sensitive than those prepared without the
indicated theconstruction of the stereoscope.
chloral hydrate. The plates worked very Wheatstone, the English physicist, has gen-
erally been considered the inventor of the
An inquiry was made in the Berlin So- stereoscope his apparatus, however, is es-
ciety for the Advancement of Photography sentially different from the one which is
ifany of the mechanical printing processes now in common use. His instrument con-
were practised in the Berlin ateliers, and if sisted of two mirrors inclined at certain
the new invention is learned by foreign pho- angles, each of which reflected the image
tographers. After some discussion, the fol- towards an opening intended for the eyes.
lowing answer was given " According to
The convenient and handy form which is
the best of our knowledge, the process is now mostly met with is the invention of
only practised in those establishments which Brewster.
teach the same." The second point of the
question the Society did not feel competent
to answer. OUR PICTURE.
Janssen has found that the ultra-violet
Two years ago, or more, our readers were
rays are visible to the naked eye in the
edified frequently and their curiosity aroused
Himalaya Mountains, at an altitude of 1000
by the praises of the wonderful photographs
feet, with a very dry atmosphere. He con- of M. Adam Salomon, of Paris. "We de-
cludes that the ultra-violet rays are absorbed
scribed them as nearly as we could, and
by vapor, and found this confirmed by pass-
very soon many were endeavoring to imi-
ing the solar rays through a tube of 37 metres
tate the great master. We of course ap-
in length. He explains from this the ex- plied to M. Salomon for negatives to print
perience of photographers, that the solar
from for our Journal, but met with no re-
light has less actinity in the afternoon, as
sponse. Friends then applied for us and
the amount of vapor in the atmosphere in-
obtained a promise, on the strength of which
creases as the day advances, and the air be-
we promised our readers that they should
comes chemically less transparent.
be treated to prints from negatives by M.
M. Bontemps presented to the library of Salomon. They have no doubt ere this
the French Academy of Sciences the MSS. abandoned all hope of ever realizing that
promise, however, yet in this issue appears anything so very astonishing now, because
the coveted picture. while we have been preparing these prints
About a year ago our friend Mr. David they have worked up towards M. Salomon,
Bendann, of Baltimore, returned from Eu- and the surprise we hoped to give them,
rope, the most successful of all who had and the lesson we hoped to impart by this
interceded for us with M. Salomon, and picture, is in a measure lost. However,
handed us two cabinet size negatives from there is much to study here, and we hope
him, cut down from 8 x 10 size. They were the picture will do good.
full of pinholes, weak, worn, thin, and cer- Much
of the excellence of M. Salomon's
tainly not very encouraging in their appear- work due to the printing, and of course
ance, especially when we required nearly that much we lose in these, for no one could
three thousand prints from them for our give the same attention to thousands of
purpose. "We almost feared to begin, but prints that M. Salomon does to producing
we remembered our promise, and for about each one of his exquisite results.
ten months the good work has gone bravely Those who have seen his work at the
on, meeting with but one drawback, Boston and Cleveland Exhibitions will ap-
namely, the breaking of the best negative preciate this fact.
of the two, a few weeks after the work be- Our printers have done well, and the best
gan. We almost despaired then, and made they could. The remaining negative, though
bold to write M. Salomon for another. He it looked poorly enough when we got it, is
has not responded yet, and meanwhile the just as good as ever yet.
prints are finished. Our printer is glad and The prints were made by Messrs. Sud-
so are we. The greater number are from dards & Fennemore, No. 820 Arch Street,
the negative of the old man with the glass. Philadelphia.
It is full of merit, yet one of M. Salomon's Wehave some gems in preparation for
worst. It will not strike our readers as our coming issues of this year.
pleasant, genial, earnest, common friend and which has been named The Neiv Brunswick Pho-
co-worker, Dr. Vogel, will be sailing to the tographic Association, which,, although merely
Fatherland (as at this writing he expects to sail local at present, is intended to comprise all the
on the 25th of August), via England. He re- professional, assistant, and amateur photogra-
grets to leave America, and American photog- phers in the Province who may wish to join it.
raphers regret to have him go. The hearty wel- The officers for the present year are :
come which he has received from the photo- President, C. Flood. Vice-President, J. D.
graphic fraternity, and men of science as well, Masters. Directors, J. Hinch and J. McClure.
wherever he has visited, has seemed to over- Secretary, A. A. Watson. Treasurer and Cor-
whelm and bewilder him, and as he says, his responding Secretary, J. R. Woodburn.
visit seems like a wild dream, which he can only The Association will hold regular meetings the
realize during months to come. Photography firstTuesday in each month.
has no more active and worthy advocate than We welcome this new society, and hope it will
he. His writings in our pages have proven receive all necessary courtesies from others. The
that, besides binding him closely and warmly to
corresponding secretary begins his good work by
those whose good he seeks to further. May his sending the following, which may be useful infor-
journey be pleasant and safe, and these pages mation to American photographers also :
Photographer, has favored us with copies of his order that he might know that India-ink mixed
argument against French weights and measures, with gum was good for the purpose of retouching
and also of his excellent Report to the Board of
' negatives ; the sum total of information not a
Visitors of the Royal Observatory, June, 1870." tithe of what is to be found on page 260 of your
The latter is teeming with interest and valuable last volume. Moral: Subscribe for, and read
information. the Philadelphia Photographer, '
Another Negative Retouching Idea. — —
Deaths. Mr. J. T. Upson, of the well-known
Messrs. Irish & Lawrence, Bridgeport, Conn., firm of Upson & Simpson, Buffalo, N. Y., died
have favored us with some prints from negatives last month of consumption, aged 41 years. He
treated by them in a secret way, which are ac- was an excellent photographer and a good, genial
companied by prints from the negatives before man.
they have been manipulated by them. A nega- Mr. N. G. Burgess died at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
tive lacking contrast, or one in which the subject of consumption, July 13, aged 56 years. He was
is too evenly illuminated, is quickly made so that the author of Burgess's "Manual of Photogra-
it will print with great brilliancy and effect. phy," which was published a few years ago, and
An enlarged negative from a carte or other pho- reached several editions. He was an old time
tograph, rough and coarse as such copies always photographer, and will be well remembered.
are, may soon be deprived of the most of its When we last saw him he was leading an anti-
roughness and the face rendered as smooth as it bromide meeting in New York. He was ill a
could be by a great deal of laborious retouching. long time.
Our only regret is that the process is a secret,
writes us that he has applied for a patent, and if G. W. Sittler, Shelbyville.— The "lack of
any of our readers think that he is " guilty of any brilliancy," you complain of in your ferrotypes,
injustice or gouging," let them write to us and is probably caused by your collodion containing
we may expose him. Let our readers, therefore, too much bromide. Make a collodion of 5 grains
keep us well posted. iodide of potassium to 1 grain bromide of cad-
mium. Mix it with an equal portion of your
The Rye photo-lithographic process, similar old collodion. If that does not give you intensity
pushed in New York, Mr.
to Albertype, is being
enough, try for collodion as follows :
York, through Mr. Hugh O'Neil, the "Co.," Put the plate in water, and your film will be
iome splendid cabinet pictures, that ure not ex- easily removed, if you cut the margins with a
celled. knife.
MMetpftia HHwttfgrftpbtr.
hope they will show us how far they have on? Where is the grandpa who would not
advanced, at the next annual exhibition. pay a good price for little Fred and he, in
This is our purpose in presenting the pic- a group like either 11, 13, 22, 29, or 43? or
ture we do in our current issue. what grandmamma would not like No. 2,
Messrs. Loescher & Petsch, Berlin, Prus- or 24 ? JSfos. 4, 5, 14, 25, 33, 37, 38, and so
ducing pictures of this class for the stereo- equally acceptable if our photographers were
scope, of exquisite beauty,and photograph- only disposed to make them. The accessories
ically and We have
artistically excellent. are not extravagant, nor need they be. Good
obtained forty-eight of these, had them taste and judgment to begin with, practice
mounted on a card and reduced negatives to continue with, and as a conclusion, the
made of them, in order that our readers may result will be a good business. We would
see as many of them as possible, and have
also recommend making such groups for the
pose and design must at once strike the ob- the reward of such sales so much as he
server, as well as their excellence as photo-
graphs and works of art.There are no two At Cleveland, Mr. F. L. Stuber, of Beth-
alike in conception, and every one tells a lehem, Pa., exhibited some specimens of
story, familiar to all who look upon them. "Gems of American Life," after the Ger-
For this reason the series has been named man, which were very creditable, and he is
" Gems of German Life." working out more. Mr. Griswold's "Blow-
ing Bubbles," in our last February No., was
All photographers know how they dislike
also a very creditable production, as well
to group a number of figures in one picture,
as Mr. .Notrnan's "Discussing a Sketch,"
first, because they know they are incompe-
tent to make anything very pleasing, and
in our fourth volume. We recommend the
can agents for these pictures from their persons were in conversation. One point
negatives was for one thousand dozen, and which should command the attention of the
that the order has several times been dupli- student is, that- there should be variety in
cated. Here then is a field open for you the heads, not only as regards profile, three-
which promises well. quarter, or full face, but in their position
Permit us in this connection now to call on the paper. Thus, it is difficult (although
your attention to our series of articles in possible) to obtain much pictorial effect out
our fourth volume, entitled " Art Principles of two figures of exactly the same height
Applicable to Photography." You will find standing together ; in such a case variety
in them some instructions which we trust must be got in the lines of the different
will aid you in working in this new field. figures by varying the direction of the
"We also commend the study of Mr. Eobin- bodies, by the arrangement of the arms and
son's excellent work on "Pictorial Effect in hands, and by the disposition of the acces-
Photography," which will also be found an sories and background.
exceedingly useful helper. We make a " It is by the amount of perfection with
few extracts from it in closing, which will which he succeeds with groups that the
give an idea of its nature and value. photographer will discover the power that
" The composition of a portrait group de- is within him."
pends very much upon the character of its These forty-eight pictures, as we have
constituents. Two or three children, if said, were made from one end of the stereo-
they are not excessively stupid samples, are scopic size, pasted on a card neatly, and
very easy to group together, and, when well black lines drawn between and around them
done, make the most agreeable and natural with India ink. Mr. William H. Rhoads, of
pictures ;
while two adults, especially of the Philadelphia, made the negatives (which
male kind, although easier to photograph, are exceedingly fine as reproductions), and
seldom make an effective composition. the prints. He used the Steinheil Aplanatic
" The great art in the composition of a Lens in making the negatives, and printed
group is in so arranging the figures that on the Trapp & Munch
albumen paper.
they shall have some relation to each other, The American agents for Messrs. Lces-
as well as the ordinary elements of pictorial cher & Petsch, are Messrs. Wilson, Hood
construction. There should be some bond & Co., No. 822 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
of union between those who compose the who continually have a fresh, large stock of
group some incident should be represented
these grand stereoscopic pictures on hand.
in which they are mutually interested or ; Moreover, they have fixed a reduced price
something must be imagined out of the to photographers who desire to purchase
picture to attract the attention of both, if them for study, and such parties can order
only two are represented, or of many of by giving the numbers in the way we have
them, if there is a number. The figures indicated. They will be found very advan-
should be massed together, and not scattered tageous. The figures are generally quite
over the picture so as to make it necessary large. They can be sent by mail, and we
to examine each portrait in detail, until it are requested to ask of those who order
has been seen, and the effect agreeably felt, them, that they state that their order is
as a whole." given by the picture in the Philadelphia
" It is not necessary, in representing two Photographer.
persons in conversation, that they should We consider this one of the handsomest
be looking at each other ;
the effect of listen- illustrations we have ever
presented, and
ing can be rendered without putting them hope upon our enterprising
to see its effect
to that trying ordeal. It constantly hap- readers. Our December issue will contain
pens that in conversations even on the most another example of Composition Photog-
important subjects, the talker and the lis- raphy, by Mr. Notman, of Montreal.
tener do not look at each other, although,
even if the sounds were not heard, it would The plate should remain in the bath at
be obvious from their appearance that the least twice as long in winter as in summer.
that which we cannot effect by the retouch- the camera during exposure is sufficient to
ing of the negative, such as more sharpness produce a negative that will give rise to
and brilliancy to the lines about the eyes, doubled lines in the enlargement, although
more shadows along the side of the nose, such lines are imperceptible in the nega-
above the chin, or in the cavities of the tive. But such a motion is almost unavoid-
cheeks, all this can be easily worked in on able in landscape photography there is ;
a positive copied from a retouched nega- rarely an opportunity once in twenty times
tive; in fine, an artistic and almost perfect on days when every leaf is still and Eolus
picture can J,hus be obtained from a nega- has shut all his winds. The slightest breeze,
tive copied from a retouched positive, which the slightest breath of air, will spoil a nega-
in its turn had been copied from a retouched tive for the purposes in question. Add to
negative. this also the flimsy nature of the tripods
All this sounds like circumlocution, and and cameras, and when we upon reflect well
may appear to some as superfluous labor, or the subject, we
wonder that so
shall not
labor that could possibly terminate in noth- many lines become doubled when magnified.
ing good. Again, it is the common practice to work
I can assure my readers, however, that with short-focussed lenses in getting nega-
tives for the solar camera, or for enlarge- atives, and the result of this refinement is
more or less out of focus. Such a negative trait, for instance. If it is troubled with a
is not fit for enlargement. In such an in- single pinhole on the face, take another
stance as this, the best plan is to retire from and another, until you are perfectly satis-
the object as far as possible, to use a long- fied. It is seldom the case that such a neg-
focussed lens, and thus take a small nega- ative is sharp everywhere, and probably
tive at a distance, where every object ap- there are freckles or pock-marks to be re-
pears to be in focus. It is worse than use- moved. You proceed, therefore, to the re-
less to include in the picture any part that touching frame, or hand the negative to the
is in the slightest degree out of focus. For retouching artist, whose duty it becomes to
instance, with a lens of twenty inches focus, fill up the unsightly cavities. This done,
and at a distance of a quarter of a mile and the next operation is to copy the negative
beyond from the principal object, it is pos- into a transparent positive. I need scarcely
sible to obtain a quarter-plate negative just remark, that you will not succeed in getting
about sharp enough to admit of being en- a good copy unless everything about the
larged. A larger plate you can scarcely camera is accurately in order, and distances
accomplish. coincident, and you focus with extreme
Thus, you see, the requisites for success sharpness. Having succeeded in obtaining
are a perfectly motionless camera during a correct and sharp copy, you are in a con-
the exposure, and a long-focussed lens used dition to discern where certain lines may
at a long distance. be rendered more distinct, certain shadows
Another correspondent puts this question more determined, and certain parts, as the
"Is it possible to prepare an eight by ten back hair, or drapery, may be brought, as it
negative, enlarged from a quarter-plate neg- were, into focus. Your artist can do all
ative, as sharp as a negative taken directly both on the negative and the positive,
of this size by means of an appropriate with a good black lead-pencil, the films
lens?" having been previously varnished and rub-
My answer is this : It is barely possible bed with very fine pumice-powder, as indi-
but from the mentioned you
difficulties just cated in a previous article. At this stage
see the precautions to be taken, and if these your transparent positive ought to be as
are not taken, the task is not possible. Sup- nearly perfect as possible for it can be made ;
posing there is just a mere breath of air so with proper care and perseverance, and
when both the negatives were taken, that is with proper artistic taste and skill in the
the quarter-plate for the solar camera, and manipulations.
the eight by ten for direct contact printing, Even the negative of a landscape may
this breath of air instituting a slight quiver frequently admit of similar treatment and
in both cameras, which makes itself mani- improvement ; but I must urgently advise
fest in the two negatives to an equal extent, every one who intends to experiment in this
although quite trifling in both cases. Now direction, or to make a practice of solar en-
when the quarter-plate is magnified some largements, to exclude almost all extraneous
ten or twelve times, this self-same error is objects, and to make one object his principal
magnified ten or twelve times, and hence object, and, as before recommended, to take
the two negatives are vastly different. the view with a long-focussed lens at a long
In the photographic studio we do not distance. In this case very little retouching
have to contend with the wind notwith- ; will be needed ; and this mode of proceeding
standing this, every precaution already al- is the secret of success.
luded to must be taken, in order to meet Having in this way secured satisfactory
with success. There is a refinement in this transparent positives, they become, as it
department far ahead of anything in the were, your stereotype plates, from which you
common everyday occupation of taking neg- are enabled to prepare as many negatives,
and of whatever size you may desire, and of the required size, and let it float, gelatine
allof them of equal intensity. Every ope- side uppermost, on a dish of clean water,
ration is under your control. Some may until it lies quite flat on the water; now
object that it is impossible to obtain copies draw once through the water quickly, and
equal to the original. The objection has no let it drain. The paper is now bent, gela-
weight ; it is simply asserting that you can tine surface downwards, and lowered upon
not get a print equal in sharpness and de- the collodion film, so that the middle part
tail to the negative, which is absurd. Of comes in contact with the film first, after
course, extreme care is absolutely required, which each side is lowered gradually. The
in all the operations. intentionis to get contact between the films,
You are now supposed to be provided with without any bubbles, which are to be re-
corrected negatives, of the same size as the moved in every case before pressure is ap-
original, as also of larger dimensions for plied. Finally, place over the paper a few
contact printing. The smaller negatives thicknesses of blotting-paper, then a flat
are of two kinds, the one intense and thick board, and over this a quantity of weights.
for contact printing, and the other thin and As soon as the paper becomes thoroughly
more transparent for copying or printing dry, you proceed round the edge of the pa-
in the camera. The latter now claims our per with a sharp penknife, and cut through
attention. the collodion film, and afterwards raise one
Transferring of Collodion Films to Paper. end of the paper. It is now easy to raise
— The glass intended to receive the trans- the whole piece gradually; and, as you will
parent positive, which is afterwards to be observe, the picture is on the paper, and a
transferred to paper, is previously well brilliant picture it is.
fined to the object in question, nor to the brought up to a satisfactory thickness. This
portion touched by the brush, but it rapidly experiment I have not yet made.
spreads to the neighboring parts, and in a
few moments the negative is definitively BACKING FOR DRY PLATES.
ruined ;
there is a thinner transparent space The necessity for backing dry plates is
made, which spoils the printing. now pretty generally acknowledged, and
me, about the middle of
It occurred to probably nearly all the best dry-plate work-
lastsummer, that the difficulties in this ope- ers adopt the method. It is nevertheless a
ration might be removed in a very simple fact, that the desired end is not always at-
way, and the method rendered useful. This tained, and that "blurring " will sometimes
was by simply sizing the film before apply- appear upon plates that seem to have been
ing the reducing agent. A trial resulted in well protected.
im mediate and complete success. The mode For example, a mixture of Spanish brown
of operation was as follows : gum, and sugar has been highly recom-
A sixty-grain solution of good gum Ara- mended, and I have joined in the recom-
bic was made, and a few drops of carbolic mendation. Yet I have seen very sensitive
acid added to make it keep. The negative dry plates, thickly coated upon the back
(if dry) was first well wetted with water, with the above mixture, give distinct evi-
and the gum solution poured upon it, worked dence of halation when over-exposed.
in, poured off", a second portion poured on, I attribute this effect to the presence of a
worked over the plate, and then the plate great of minute pinholes which
set up to dry. form backing each lets in a minute
in this ;
The reducing agent selected was perchlo- pencil of light and allows a minute internal
ride of iron, for which also muriated tinc- reflection, and the aggregate of these small
ture of iron may be substituted. In either influences is sufficient to materially injure
case, the solution is to be very much diluted the protective qualities of the application.
until shows a pale straw color. It is next
it The true way to test the quality of a back-
to be applied on the plate, using a fine, thin ing one which Major Kussel first pointed
elastic sable pencil, going over it gently, and out, and which I used independently long
with repeated applications, until a sufficient before I was aware of his recommendation.
reduction has been obtained the solution ; It is to observe the reflection of a distant
is then to be carefully washed off, and in candle, in a dark-room, from the uncoated
this washing the gum is also removed. If side of a piece of glass. The glass should
it be afterwards found that the reduction either be a common piece of blown glass,
of density is insufficient, the photographer with the two faces not exactly parallel, or
must on no account attempt to continue it else a very thick plate. The object is to
without applying a second sizing, precisely separate as much as possible the two images,
in the same manner as the first. the one from the front, the other from the
This method has a real utility. The film, back, surface of the glass. Having ascer-
which previously allowed the liquid to tained by trial with any particular piece of
spread, like blotting-paper, loses this ten- glass that it separates easily and distinctly
dency by the sizing, and it becomes easy to the two images, some of the intended back-
keep the application to the exact spot de- ing is to be applied, and, before trying it, it
sired. The detail, which had been covered must be left tobecome perfectly dry.
up by excessive deposit of silver, reappears When tested in this way, the coating, al-
under the reducing agent, and, if the ope- ready described, gives faint, but quite dis-
ration be nicely managed, a negative, pre- tinct, indications of the second image, show-
viously worthless, may be got into excellent ing that its protection from blurring cannot
printing order. be perfect.
Annatto has a certain peculiar and almost
It seems not improbable that an intensi- greasy character that causes it to give a con-
might be applied very much in the same
fier tinuous film on glass, quite free from the
manner, and parts too thin to print will be minute holes just mentioned. The coat
which it affords has, however, a certain want MANIPULATION OF NEGATIVES, WET OR
of density when held up to the light. An- DRY.
natto does not dissolve in water, though it The following idea seems worth trying,
softens when left for twenty-four hours un- though I have not at this time been able to
der water before attempting to mix it up, experiment with it.
and this should always be done. If a negative is found to have too great
fore making the above-mentioned experi- get detail into the high lights, the shadows
ments, that no wholly opaque pigment put are overprinted, it might be subjected to
on the back of glass could be expected to the following treatment Coat the back of
stop entirely the internal reflections. I the plate with a sensitive mixture —collodio-
therefore tried some experiments with trans- chloride, gum and bichromate, gelatine and
parent colors. I found my expectations bichromate, or any other — and expose briefly
verified,and that with a transparent color I to direct sunlight, the face to the light. The
could wholly destroy the internal reflections. negative will print itself on its own back,
And that, even when this was not complete- and thus we will have a positive (which
ly done, the second image was tinged so should be faint) superposed on a negative.
strongly with the non-actinic color of the A little consideration will show that, if
backing that its presence was wholly un- this negative be now printed in the usual
important. was difficult to find the right
It way, the impression on the back will be
sort of colors,however. The best proved to thickest on the shadows, and thinnest on
be the soluble aniline brown. This gives the high lights.It will thus hold back light
an almost blood-red coating, which destroys from the thin parts, whilst scarcely doing
every trace of blurring. When submitted so from the high lights. Indeed, if the ope-
amongst those that I have tried that has the negative be cut pretty short, the high
lights need not receive any impression at
done so.
It is very easily used. One part of ani-
I think there is little doubt that a good
line brown is added to about twenty of hot
deal might be effected in this way, both in
water, and well stirred up. It does not
landscapes and portraits. Suppose the face
wholly dissolve but when ground in a
throw the plate into cold water, which de- merely as pictures on a plane surface. It
velops and fixes. Mixtures of gum and bi- was not until Wheatstone made his experi-
chromate, or gelatine and bichromate, need ments on binocular vision in 1838 that this
to be printed as soon as possible after dry- matter came to be thoroughly understood
ing, and to be protected more carefully from even by scientific men. He showed that
light than ordinary positive paper, as they the pictures in the two eyes are not exactly
are more sensitive. They also print more alike, and that it is the blending of these
rapidly. two pictures which causes objects to appear
A moment's reflection ought to satisfy
THE STEREOSCOPE. the reader that the pictures in the two eyes
The stereoscope is comparatively a new cannot be exactly alike, since the eyes are
invention, dating back only some twenty not in precisely the same position with ref-
years. A form of the instrument in which erence to the object. But if he "don't see
mirrors were used to produce the effect was it," a simple experiment will enable him to
devised by "Wheatstone in 1838 ; but the see it.Let him hold a book, or any other
stereoscope, as we are familiar with it, was solid object, about a foot from the eyes, and
invented by Sir David Brewster in 1849. look at it first with one eye and then with
The former is known as the reflecting stereo- the other. He will find that with the right
scope and the latter, in which lenses take
eye he sees a little more of the right side of
the place of Wheatstone's mirrors, is called the object, and with the left eye a little more
the refracting or lenticular stereoscope. of the left side. The same will be true, of
We had taken it for granted that the course, whatever may be the distance of
philosophy of the stereoscope was generally the object from the eye, though when the
understood, but a little inquiry among our distance exceeds 250 or 300 feet the differ-
friends including some of the better in- ence is too small to be appreciable, and ob-
formed among them has satisfied us that jects beyond that distance are not really
this is not the case. Even some of our lead- seen to be solid.
ing teachers know nothing about it. A few Now the stereoscope is simply a contriv-
months ago, at a little gathering of gentle- ance for blending two pictures which differ
men interested in physical science, the fact from each other as the images in the two
that the pictures formed in the two eyes are eyes differ. When thus blended the pictures
different was referred to by one of the com- produce the same impression of solidity as
pany, together with the related fact that the the object itself does when viewed with both
two pictures of the stereograph differ in the eyes. Hence the name of the instrument,
very same way, when, much to the surprise which is from two Greek words, meaning
of most persons present, both facts were to see solid.
squarely denied by a gentleman who had How is this blending of the pictures ef-
for many years been at the head of one of fected? If we look at an object through
our best high schools, and for the greater the centre of a convex lens, it will be seen
part of the time a teacher of mathematics exactly in front of the eye ;
if we move the
and physics. It was only after a long and lens a little to the left, the object will ap-
rather lively discussion that he became con- pear to move to the right; if we move the
vinced of his error. He had never before lens to the right, the object appears to move
understood either the stereoscope, or the to the left. If now we cut the lens into two
eye, so far as its action is like that of the semicircular pieces, and place them side by
stereoscope. side in a reversed position — that is, so that
Why do we have two eyes, when we see their thin or curved edges are adjacent, and
but one image with them, and apparently their thick or straight edges are turned out-
one eye would serve to form that image? ward and parallel —the right eye will then
There may be other reasons for the arrange- look through the left half of the lens, and
ment, but the most obvious one is that we the left eye through the right half. If two
may see objects solid, or in relief, and not pictures, like those of a stereograph, be
; ;
How are the two pictures obtained ? They introduction of the stereoscope to the savants
are photographs of the object taken from of France. The Abbe Moigno took the in-
slightly different points of view. Theoreti- strument to Arago, and tried to interest him
cally, they should betaken from points sep- in it; but Arago unluckily had a defect of
arated by a distance equal to that between vision which made him see double, so that,
the two eyes, or about two and a half inches on looking into the stereoscope, he saw only
and for all objects within short distances, a medley of four pictures. The Abbe then
this is just what is done. For objects far- went to Savart, but he was quite as incapa-
ther off — as large buildings, or landscapes ble of appreciating the thing, for he had
of considerable extent — photographers usu- but one eye. Becquerel was next visited,
ally take the pictures from points farther but he was nearly blind, and consequently
apart : the distance ranging from a few feet cared little for the new optical toy. The
up to a quarter of a mile. In this way, ob- Abbe, not discouraged, called next upon
jects which are so distant that they are not Pouillet, of the Conservatoire des Arts et
really seen as solid with the unaided eye, Metiers. He was a good deal interested in
are brought out into clear relief by the the description of the apparatus, but unfor-
stereoscope. Even the moon may be made tunately he squinted, and therefore could
to show her rotundity of figure by means of see nothing in it but a blurred mixture of
this instrument. Although she always turns images. Lastly Biot was tried, but Biot
the same side towards the earth, she swings was an earnest advocate of the corpuscular
a little at times, so that we get a view of theory of light, and until he could be assured
a little more of her eastern or western side that the new contrivance did not contradict
and by taking advantage of this swinging that theory, he would not see anything in
(or libration, as the astronomers call it), it. Under the circumstances, the wonder
photographs can be taken corresponding to is that the stereoscope ever got fairly into
the images in the two eyes or rather, as — France ;
but ifyou have any doubts on that
Sir John Herschel has remarked, "it is as point, a short walk under the arcades of the
though the moon were seen with the eyes Hue de Iiivoli, in Paris, will soon settle
of a giant, placed thousands of miles apart." them. We question whether you will see
— —
anywhere else on earth more stereoscopes kindliest manner, and our personal regret
and stereographs than are displayed in the is is obliged to return to you at all,
that he
windows of the picture-shops of that noted and that he cannot remain with us perma-
thoroughfare. Journal of Chemistry. nently. He carries to you our very highest
esteem, and we trust that what he will be
able to tell you of American photography
will not lower us in your estimation.
ADDRESS We solicit from you an interchange of
ideas, and offer you such as we have in re-
National Photographic Association
TO turn. At least once a year, at our Annual
The Society for the Advancement of Exhibitions, we hope you will remember to
permit us to see examples of your progress
Photography in Berlin.*
and of your most perfect work.
Dbab Sirs As the Executive Committee
As we hope that the dark war-cloud which
of the National Photographic Association of
now hovers over your great and good nation
the United States, we take pleasure in ac- may soon give way to the penetrating rays
knowledging the receipt of your very kind of the sun of peace, so do we hope that
Address of May 18th, and assure you that prosperity, progress and perfection may be
your good words and wishes are heartily attained by you, as a reward for your efforts
reciprocated. in the art and science which we all so
We are all engaged in erecting and per- much love, and which you so ably repre-
fecting one grand and great monument to sent.
our beloved and it behooves us to work
art, Assuring you of our warmest greetings,
together in harmony and good will. we are very truly and fraternally yours,
Although your Address arrived too late
W. Irving Adams, Chairman.
to be read to the assemblage of photog-
V. M. Wilcox, E. L. Allen,
raphers at Cleveland, it has been published
W. J. Baker, Jno. Carbutt,
to all, and it is very gratifying to us
Ex. Com. Nat. Phot. Ass.
as a token from your Society of your ap-
preciation of American photography.
Edward L. Wilson, Secretary.
* For Address of German Society, see our hardly credit either. We asked that he try
August No. Ed. another pair before he concluded that the
tablishes a very curious and interesting fact, rays. A lesson we can learn from this is,
namely, that when we wish to make a re- that allowance must be made if we want to
versed negative, as required by some of the take negatives reversed, that is, the glass
carbon processes, allowance must be made side turned toward the lens and the film on
in setting the focus, for the thickness of the the back. For in this instance, a person
glass,an item which, in such cases, it will would be likely to move the ground glass
be well to remember. Mr. Benecke sends just so far back as the thickness of the neg-
us an instantaneous stereograph of the ative plate amounts to, and then he would
steamer K. E. Lee, the victor in the late miss it. The better plan would be to re-
race on the Mississippi Eiver, made with verse the ground glass in the frame and use
the No. 1 Steinheil lenses, and the view is the negative glass as thick as the ground
excellent. He writes glass is.
"To save you unnecessary trouble, and "Well, I am glad that the Steinheils are
Mr. Steinheil, whom I have
to do justice to all right. They work very quick for outdoor
wronged unintentionally, I write to inform work. Dr. Vogel will tell you that we had
you that I was so fortunate as to find out full time by uncovering the tubes and put-
what was the matter with those two Stein- ting the cloth back as quick as possible."
heils. In order to be sure about the focus,
I took a good, straight plate, and where
the collodion would have come I stuck
a piece of ground glass. This plate I put Photography from a Business Point
into the plateholder and took focus on. of View.
The rays of light had to pass through one I have often asked myself, Why does not
thickness of glass (the ground-glass) before so and so succeed in his business ? He has
they were intercepted by the ground side good
capacity, industry, fair business talent,
of the glass. This, I thought, would not location, etc. My
answer has not always
make any difference, but that was the whole been satisfactory to myself, but may I not
matter. I used then an ordinary piece of present a few reasons which have, especially
ground glass, put it in the plateholder and of late, forced themselves upon me, as prob-
took the focus thereon. I found now that ably the true, whilst at the same time they
I had to shift the back part of the box would be thought the last ones, that swamp,
further in toward the lenses, in fact right so to speak, many a one's profits and pros-
to the mark I had made where I had to pects.
have it in order to get a sharp picture. I First. I hold that we endeavor to do en-
tried another picture, and everything was tirely too much, and too varied styles of
ail right. To convince me further, I took work. A year ago we found ourselves mak-
my half size box, set the focus on a sign ing (or trying to make), ordinary cartes,
opposite my window, then took the ground Berlin cartes, Imperial cartes, 4-4, 8-4, 17
glass outand put another (transparent) piece x 20, India-inks, water colors, crayons, life-
of glass in front of it. The result was the size pastels, life-size oils, to crown all, por-
same; I had to push in now in order to see celains. Now, would in all seriousness
things sharp, and the more so the thicker ask, is it possible for any single establish-
the glass that I used. ment to make all of the above in a manner
" So, I learned that a piece of plato glass approaching perfection? And yet do not
interposed between the ground glass and nearly all attempt it?
lens, even when in close contact, will make The result may bo summed up thus you :
a difference in the focus. Dr. Vogel spoke have to keep a large force of employes to
of this, but thought, like I did, that the do a moderate amount of business. You
central rays could not bo deflected, those are always occupied doing very littlo you ;
moved specimens), and sale of 4-4 and small was held at No. 822 Arch Street, on Thurs-
cartes greatly augmented. Porcelains we day evening, September 8th, the President,
found were not sufficiently in demand to William H. Khoads, Esq., in the chair.
justify a separate workman, hence we cut Minutes of the last meeting were read and
them. There has not been a single instance approved.
where parties desiring them did not take The Committee on Dr. Vogel, reported
some other style of picture instead. The that their duties were fulfilled, and the
amount of annoyance, trouble, and expense, mittee was discharged. The Committee on
thus gotten rid of was great moreover, all ; By-Laws, Messrs. Shoemaker, Trask, Phil-
other styles of work have felt the benefiting and Evans, handed in their re-
lips, Seeler,
influence of getting more attention than be- port,which included a series of by-laws for
fore, and, show it. We seriously contem- the government of the Association. Their
plate further prunings. You may as well report was accepted, and afterwards the by-
expect one artist to work in ink, water co- laws were again read, amended, and adopted
lor, pastel, and oil, with equal facility, as in sections.
to expect a photographer to jump from one A negative was shown with a very pecu-
style to another with good results. Another liar effect. The filmseemed to be eaten
good effect which would follow, forces itself away under the varnish, and a yellowish
upon me: if there was less of everybody's granulated substance seemed to have de-
trying to do everything, and different es- posited over parts of the plate. It was ex-
tablishments had their specialties, the ruin- amined with a great deal of interest, and
ous competition in prices would not exist, considerable discussion followed. Some
there not being that motive to do the same averred that the effect was caused by using
thing cheaper than our neighbor. pyrogallic acid and iron developer. Mr.
I give the above crude ideas to your Tresize stated that once upon a time, sud-
readers, and may at some future time (if denly all his negatives assumed that ap-
pearance, the moment the varnish was ap- these were at once suspected, so the water
plied. No lack of washing could have caused was carried from the hydrant below, to the
it, he was careful. After exam-
for in that tank, in buckets. Still the prints turned
ining everything he concluded it was the yellow. The buckets were then inquired
cotton, and as soon as he used a different for, and examined. Upon cross-questioning
sample the trouble vanished. it was found that one of them had been used
Mr. Shoemaker said it was caused by for carrying waste fixing solution down
imperfect washing after fixing with hypo, and although it was afterwards well
and he could prove it by several solar nega- washed, still enough of the hypo remained
tives he had, which were not varnished. to damage any amount of prints.
.For this reason he always recommends Some specimens of the new " Hot Cast
cyanide for fixing solar negatives. More Porcelain " glass were shown, which for reg-
careful washing would stop the annoyance. and color,
ularity of thinness, straightness,
The general opinion of those present was, were unequalled.
that Mr. Shoemaker was correct. He Some specimens were also shown of both
offered to take the negative, make a posi- a cream tint and a greenish tint, which
tive, and enlarge it, in the lantern, at the must be very effective in contrast with the
next meeting. At Mr. Cremer's sugges- rich, warm tones attainable on porcelain
tion it was resolved that the members fur- glass.
nish their cartes to be hung in the room of There were present at this meeting gen-
meeting. tlemen from New Jersey, Delaware, and
Mr. Wilson stated that the life of the Illinois, and the Society gladly admits to
Society would now depend upon the indi- membership all who desire to join it, al-
vidual effort and earnestness of each mem- though its principal object is to fraternize
ber,and he would therefore suggest that the Pennsylvania photographers, and those
when defects, failures, and excellencies were in adjacent states. The meetings hereafter
found, that they be brought to the meetings will be the second Monday in each month.
and freely shown ;
also that the chair ap-
point at each meeting, some one member to
read a paper on some practical subject at
the next meeting. Mr. William Bell was NEW ENGLAND PHOTOGRAPHIC
accordingly appointed to read the first
paper, at the next meeting, Mr. Wilson's On account of sickness and other things
suggestion having been made a motion and over which I had no control, I have not
carried. been able before to send you any report of
Mr. Trask suggested that the members the Boston Photographic Association. If
bring samples of their work at each meet- it is not too late, I will send you a report of
ing. our July meeting, also special meeting to
Dr. Vogel's letters from America to his welcome Dr. Vogel.
own journal in Berlin were read by Mr. July 5th, we met as usual at Black's stu-
Wilson. dio, No. 172 Washington Street. The Pres-
Mr. Shoemaker said that if the members ident being absent, the meeting was called
would bring such negatives as presented to order by Mr. South worth.
any peculiar defects, he would make trans- Kecords read and approved.
parencies from them for the lantern, and Mr. Southworth spoke of the National
exhibit them at the next meeting. Exhibition at Cleveland as being a success,
Mr. Tresize recounted some experience and gave the names of many present. For
he had seen with prints turning yellow. He one, he was glad he went said that at pres-
visited a gallery in Illinois, and the com- ent he was not making pictures of faces,
plaint was made to him that for days, noth- but felt as much interested in photography
ing but yellow prints had rewarded the as over wanted photographers to improve
cfrorts of the poor photographer. The water- as much in one year as he had in ten, and
supply was obtained through iron pipes, and saw no reason why they should not, because
of the better advantages, and he thought the remembrance of this journey will ever be
common had improved very much in
class the most beautiful of my life; it will now
the last year, judging from pictures he saw encourage me to work further and further
on exhibition at Cleveland but he was of; with all my power, for the progress of pho-
the opinion that the best pictures in the tography.
country now, would always be the best, or, "Soon I go back to Germany in a grave
at least for a long time. time; clouds of war, of a heavy war, arise
He saw the Albert and the Woodbury on the horizon, and in the tumult of arms,
processes,and thought that each had their under the thunder of guns, it will not be
beauties and advantages, but they would possible to work for a peaceful art, but I —
not take the place of silver printing. In am hopeful. I believe we Germans have
regard to prices, he thought that should be the sympathies of America, the sympathies
a secondary consideration. Every photog- of a free land, and the freest people in the
rapher should ask himself, What shall I do world.
for art? rather than, What shall I do to get "I believe we Germans merit sym-
business? pathies. Professor Towler says: 'Germany
The National Association last year num- is the land of science and art.'
bered 200 members; this year it had in- "I was proud Far West of
to see in the
creased to over 600. He hoped next year to America works of our German painters,
see a larger increase, as evei'y photographer Kaulbach, Meyerheim, and Lessing and ;
must be affected by it. He, for one, had our German sculptors, Eand, Schadow, and
come home with enlarged ideas, besides Kist, acknowledged by your countrymen.
meeting pleasant company ; spoke of the I was proud to observe how you appreciate
Eembrandt effect as being the prevailing German photography, and to hear in every
style of picture, and proposed at our next town of the United States German songs,
meeting to read a paper upon Light and and the works of Mozart and Beethoven,
Shade; stated that Dr. Vogel might come and many others you have acknowledged
to Boston, and if so, hoped there might be our great investigator Humboldt, and our
a meeting called to give. him a greeting. countryman Bunsen, the discoverer of the
It was moved that when we adjourn it be spectral analysis.
to the first Tuesday in October. On motion " We have many imperfect things in Ger-
carried. many, but I hope Germany will ever be
Also voted, that should Dr. Vogel come the centre for the progress of art and science,
to Boston, the President call a special meet- and that it will be appreciated throughout
ing of the Association to welcome him. the world.
"But what we want practised in Ger-
A meeting was called July 21st,
special many is the free development. Very often
President Allen in the chair, who intro- our best ideas are lost and fruitless in Ger-
duced Dr. Yogei to the members as one many. You have what we want. I admire in
whom they all knew, although many had America, your readiness displayed always in
never seen him. introducing new ideas to practice, and mak-
Dr. Vogel made the following remarks ing them useful to humanity. I admire your
"About eight weeks ago I arrived in activity and energy in all points of work-
your hospitable country I have crossed
; manship, and I believe that to be the cause
America from the Delaware to Lake Erie of the rapid development of your land. I
and Lake Michigan, and from the Missis- hope for a stronger alliance between Ger-
sippi to the St. Lawrence Eiver. At every man profundity and American sharpness
stopping-place I have been most kindly re- and activity, and American liberty. Such
ceived by my American fellows, and my an alliance would be an irresistible power,
heart is filled with thankfulness to the pho- and a guarantee for the future of civiliza-
tographers of the United States filled — tion."
with some grand impressions of your land Dr. Vogel's remarks were responded to
and your people. Yes, gentlemen for the 1 by Professor Taccella, Mr. Southworth, and
: :
ally. A
vote of thanks was passed to Dr. and Market H. Fitzgibbon,
Streets. J.
Vogel in consideration of his coming to this Treasurer, 116 N. Fourth Street. John A.
country. Adjourned. E, F. Smith, Scholten, 301 and 303 Olive, cor. 5th, en-
Secretary. trance 509 Olive St. Cramer, Gross & Co.,
1200 and 1204 South Fifth Street. Boehl
& Koenig, No. 104 North Fourth Street.
M. Saettele, No. 1406 Carondelet Avenue.
Charles Hammersly, of Brecht & Co.,
"We are glad to see that one of the broad
906 North Sixth Street. A. W. Wood,
principles of the National Photographic
S.W. cor. Fourth and Market Streets. R.
Association — namely, to give or offer to
F. Adams, 215 N. Fourth Street. G. H.
give, no prizes for work exhibited at its an-
McConnell, S.E. cor. of Fifth and Locust
nual exhibitions, but to encourage all to Streets.
exhibit without fear of favoritism being
are sure that harmony and peace will
shown, has had its effects upon a local so- be advanced by such commendable action.
ciety, to wit
" As it is important to the result
May 2d, 1870.
received for the fund for the widow of M. taste. Any blacksmith can do the necessary
iron work, and the whole cost, including
Niepce de St. Victor : J. Paul Martin, .25 ;
David Duncan, $1 F. M. Spencer, .60; labor, except the iron work, is done by
advancing the standard of our art, and
that individual improvement will be greatly
enhanced by associated effort, I present for
your consideration a plan for the forma-
tion of the Central Ohio Photographic So-
As will be seen by the figure, it consists All who wish can join by applying to
of a muslin disk, mounted on framework, Mr. Thorp before October 10th. After that
which revolves on an axis affixed to an ordi- a vote of the Society must be taken on all
nary head-rest. The diameter is 4J feet. applications. We wish the new Society
Unbleached muslin is used, painted with a much success.
— "
dides and bromides, uniting with the silver " it must be seen, to be fully appreciated."
in the bath, form iodide and bromide of Hardwich says on page 415, 7th edition,
silver ; but what becomes of nitrate formed ? "Apply the whole quantity of collodion first,
A. When the iodide and bromide of silver and incline the plate afterwards but never ;
isformed, it is restrained from getting into tiltand pour at the same time. Do not be
the bath by the nature of the collodion economical as regards quantity, and if a
which holds it fast to the glass ; a portion of little should flow away at the edges, it
the nitrates thus formed remains in the bath, will be of no consequence." Very unfor-
and may be in it in considerable quantity tunately for me, I cannot agree with this
without materially affecting the working gentleman, as I differ from him in every
properties of the bath. particular. Consider the plate coated. In
M. There are methods, however, I pre- a few moments the ether in the film will
sume whereby this nitrate can be entirely have sufficiently evaporated, and the plate
removed, are there not, fusing the bath, for may be touched slightly with the ball of
instance? the third finger, at that corner whence the
A. Assuredly all the nitrate can be easily collodion was poured off. The finger should
removed, not by fusing, however. We will leave its impression, without otherwise af-
come to all that in good time. I remem- fecting the film, which latter is now said to
ber after I had been coating some thousands be set. Now I quote :
" When the collo-
of plates, as assistant in the dark-room, the dion has become a little tacky, the plate is
operator happened to mention one day in a ready for immersion in the silver bath.
casual manner, " Anderson, you don't know Place it on the dip-rod and let it down with
anything more about coating a plate, than a quick motion, but not so rapid as to cause
a double-headed jackass." Though forcible, a splash." Devine's Practice, page 27.
this was perhaps inelegant, and upon the " When the plate is ready, rest it upon
whole not encouraging, though the precise the glass dipper, collodion side uppermost
nature of the bicephalous animal was not ap- [I am
very glad indeed he mentions this,
parent, the Siamese twins being the nearest as it so exceedingly likely and perfectly
that — Well, that's neither here nor there. natural for any one to coat a plate and turn
I mention this little incidont as a gentle it buttered side down, to lower it in the
A. Tou pays your money and takes your in a bottle, and add more, until the whole
choice, my little man. of the iron is dissolved. Finally add water
M. You can me your opinion.
at least give until the bulk is equal to 16 to 20 ounces of
A. Follow Hardwich's advice. Lower water to the 1 ounce of iron. When thor-
your plate very slowly and steadily, and oughly mixed, filter it through filtering-
the moment it is entirely submerged, swing paper.
the dip-rod very gently from right to left, M. This is the developer, I suppose ?
and up and down two or three times. A. That photographic name, but
is its
M. Is your dip-rod too short, that you put used as it is in photographic operations, it
this peg in the handle? is called in chemistry a reducer.
been in the bath a few moments, not only particles, and when between
this attraction
to move it about up and down and sideways, its particles, is once destroyed (remember
but to raise it entirely out of the solution this word), it is generally impossible to re-
eight or ten times; it will sensitize in just store it. Thus, that force which binds to-
one-half the time. There isno harm in gether all the parts to form a lump of sugar,
leaving it quiet in the bath if you are other- is cohesion, and the atoms are said to co-
wise engaged (in posing, focussing, etc.), here.
only it takes rather longer, for the reason Adhesion, or adhesive attraction, is that
already given. Now let us make an experi- force which causes unlike particles of mat-
ment. Take one ounce of protosulphate of ter to cling together, and when united, the
will excuse this diversion from the main hesion between the water and the alcohol,
subject; but by first understanding this, I is greater than the adhesion between the
can far better explain what is to follow. camphor and the alcohol, so that the alcohol
M. Thy words drop upon mine ears like deserted its first love and espoused the cause
unto music. of the water ; in fact became a member of
A. "What kind I Japanese? the temperance society.
M. No, don't let me interrupt you. A. Now when the solution of protosul-
A. When a solid (a lump of sugar for phate of iron is poured into the silver solu-
instance), dissolves in a liquid (say water), tion, the attraction between the iron and
the cohesion between its particles is not the water is stronger than that between the
a simple solution and a chemical combina- solution in the saucer, I pour the same quan-
tion, though the latter is often called a solu- tity of developer ; observe the effect.
exposes to the action of the liquid, and from sessions of the Convention. I found it quite
the partial destruction of cohesion between inconvenient not to know the members
the particles. Thus heat, by diminishing when I met them out of session.
the force of cohesion, generally promotes " Pages 246 and 247 : I am reported as
solution. having talked very foolishly I called the ;
the biconvex lens from the rear combina- B, and h is a washer, the width of the board,
tion of an old £ lens, and place it in a A, but not absolutely necessary. "With
movable rack, over my retouching frame, this the lens can be quickly adjusted to any
so the lens will be about 2£ inches above the part of the frame, and by tightening the
negative; with a fine-pointed pencil I pro- set screw, it will stay where it is put. The
ceed to stop up the holes seen through the whole thing is easily gotten up, and need
assistance of the magnifying glass. Use pen- only to be seen to be ever after used for re-
cils of different hardness for different parts touching all kinds of negatives. I coat
of the face. I stand up to do this, as I can my solar negatives with weak gum-water,
arrange my frame in the window just high if they should prove too tender to the touch of
enough, so that I can relax every muscle the pencil, not often necessary.
and make very light touches. If retouching It is necessary that the lens be large
is of any advantage to cartes, it certainly enough so the operator may see the work
is of twofold advantage to a solar negative; with both eyes at once, and then it will be
and the results of careful retouching must a relief to the eyes rather than an injury.
be seen to be appreciated. With all this I must say one word for the
I inclose my first experiment, not having —
Cleveland Exhibition, I believe I learned
any better print now on hand, but have im- more than any one that was there, if it were
proved some on this. The face had some possible. C. A. "Winsor,
pimples, some freckles, or rather stains of Hennepin, Ills.
complexion, and it being rather thin, I was
at a loss to know what to do with it at first,
and you see how I got out; and this could NOTES IN AND OUT OF THE
be bettered by one experienced in retouch- STUDIO.
ing. In a word, I cannot retouch much any
way. I use the lens for retouching cartes
Photo-relief Prints and Photo-collographs —
as well, and it is a great help both to the Practical Details of Photo-collography —
eyes and to the finished picture. The draw- Pye's Photo-mechanical Printing Process
ings will show how the lens is arranged. — —
Washed Sensitive Paper Double Chlo-
ride of Gold and Potassium Rembrandt —
f^ 1=.
printing, has been a problem, upon the solu-
tion of which much skilful experiment has
been bestowed from the earliest days of
photography. It had been given up by
many thoughtful men as impossible, be-
cause, as they argued, all half-tone in me-
chanical printing must depend on the con-
ventional gradation of hatching or stip-
pling, which, as represented by the grain
obtainable in photo-engraving, or photo-
lithography, can be at best, but a compro-
A is a piece of board | inch thick, with a mise or makeshift for the true gradation of
hole at/ to receive the lens. B is a block a continuous tint found in a photograph.
of wood as wide as the board, A, 1 inch During the last few years, just when many
thick, the length to be governed by the men of experience were, as I have said, dis-
focal length of the lenses used. It may be posed to give the matter up as an impossi-
screwed to any retouching frame through bility, two methods of photo-mechanical
the holes at e. C is a set screw, which passes printing were discovered, which fulfilled
through the slot g in A into the hole d in the desired conditions, each of them in-
volving new and previously unrecognized depends seem to have been carefully kept
utterly unlike those involved
principles, secret by all who have worked out this mode
in previous effort in the same direction. of printing. As I have recently had an
The two processes in question are the photo- opportunity of witnessing the process in
relief process ofMr. Woodbury, and the operation, some account of the details can-
photo-collographic processes which Tessie not fail to be interesting to your readers
du Motay, Albert, and others, have worked generally. The process as I saw it worked
out with more or less of success during the has been patented here by Mr. Ernest Ed-
last few years. wards. The chief novelty in his process
By Mr. Woodbury's process absolute fac consists in the addition of a trace of chrome
similes of silver prints are produced, so per- alum to the solution of gelatine and bichro-
fectly that experts may be easily deceived mate of potash of which the film is formed,
by them. They are in fact carbon prints, and by this means he secures a degree of
in which the different thicknesses of pig- hardness which gives great durability to the
ment and insoluble gelatine which form the film, and permits the production of many
image are produced by pressure, instead of impressions. By the use of the chrome
by the action of light. The finished result alum he is enabled also to dispense with
is absolutely the same in each case. The any preliminary coating to secure adhesion
Woodbury print is not a substitute for a to the glass.
carbon print ; it is a carbon print. The A plate of glass about half an inch in
photo-collograph most closely resembles a thickness is coated with a measured quantity
lithograph. In printing it is produced on of the sensitive gelatine solution sufficient
the same principle, namely the repulsion of when dry to form a film of the thickness of
a fatty inkby every part of a surface which a thin card. Care is taken that it does not
has absorbed water, and the facility of ren- flow quite to the edge of the plate, as by
dering that surface absorbent of water in leaving an uncoated margin all around of
every part but that containing the image. about half an inch, the risk of leaving the
But there noteworthy difference be-
is this glass in subsequent operations is much di-
tween lithography and photo-collography, minished. It is when quite dry exposed
the lithographic stone absorbs water in under a negative for about half an hour in
every part where its surface has not pre- a good light, after which it is soaked in cold
viously received an image in fatty ink but ;
water to wash out all the bichromate, but
it has no graduated capacity of absorption. not to dissolve any portion of the gelatine.
Where the fatty image is it repels water The plate may be left some hours soaking
completely, where it is not it absorbs water in the water at this stage, and if it is not
completely, and the image must be pro- to be used at once it is better kept there, as
duced in black and white. The photo-collo- it is not desirable to allow it to dry before
graphic surface possesses a discriminative printing. At this stage the film presents
power of absorption, and having taken an image in relief; but only very slightly
water in the exact proportion that it has so,which is desirable, as deep relief would
been protected from the action of light, it materially interfere with the printing ope-
also takes ink in the exact proportion that rations.
it has been submitted to light and so gives In most of the processes of this kind of
an image in true photographic gradation. which I have been able to gain any par-
The character of the photo-collograph, is ticulars, the rolling pressure of the copper-
that of a lithograph with photographic plate press, or the scraping pressure of the
qualities, whilst a photo-relief print possesses lithographic press, has been employed. Mr.
all the characteristics of the photograph Edwards employs vertical pressure, the or-
itself. dinary platen press, known to letter-press
Practical Details of Photo-collugraphy. — printers as the Albion press, having been
The principle upon which photo-collography selected. The platen of glass rests upon a
18 based is now tolerably well understood; sheet of vulcanized India-rubber, about a
but the practical details upon which success quarter of an inch thick, which is laid upon
the carriage of the press. The printing be then rolled again with a thin ink, the
operations very closely resemble those era- shadows will not be injured, but the half
ployed in lithography. The printing sur- tones will be perfectly rendered. In many
face is first moistened with a wet sponge ;
subjects a black ink is used, first for the
an India-rubber squeegee is then passed over shadows, and a warmer tint for the half
it toremove excess of water, and this is tones, by which a very effective result is
further effectedby pressing a sheet of blot- produced. By taking advantage of the
ting-paper upon it. It is now rolled with principle involved, it will be seen also that
a fatty ink, which consists of lithographic the character of the print can be modified
ink thinned with oil. The roller is a at will. If a plate have been somewhat
novelty it is not covered with leather like
: over-exposed, so as to yield a flat weak
a lithographic roller, nor with the glue image, by the use of a stiff ink the contrast
composition used in letter-press printing can be increated, and a vigorous print pro-
but with India-rubber, which answers better duced. If the plate have been somewhat
than either. Some time and care are neces- under-exposed, and possess too much con-
sary in inking the image up in the first in- trast, the use of a weak ink will give effect
stance, and the operation requires a work- to the half tones, without giving undue
man skilled in lithographic printing ;
but depth to the shadows. This principle strikes
when once in proper condition, the work- me as one of the most important yet dis-
ing goes steadily on as I have described. covered in connection with processes of this
The plate is sponged, the superfluous water kind.
removed, it is inked with the roller ; a sheet The operation of printing is not very
of paper, dry, is placed upon the surface rapid, as it requires care. An ordinary
the tympan isbrought down, the carriage workman will work off about 250 impres-
run in, the platen pulled down, and the sions a day ; but as several small pictures
operation of printing is completed. may be produced on one plate, it is not
The paper employed may be plain plate- difficult for one man to produce say 1000
paper, or enamelled paper. The latter cabinets a day.
gives the finest prints, but their surface is Some of the work I saw done was very
very easily injured, hence a fine well-rolled fine, but on the whole not quite as delicate
plate-paper is most desirable. To preserve as that of Herr Albert. I inclose you some
the margins clean, a mask of paper is cut average examples.
the proper size and shape, and this is laid Rye's Photo-mechanical Printing Process.
on the plate each time after it is rolled, and — You recently favored me with some
removed after the impression is pulled. specimens of a new photo-mechanical print-
One very important feature of this pro- ing process which had been introduced into
cess consists in the possibility of printing America, but of which the details were not
in two tints at one operation, and the prin- published. As the same process has just
ciple upon which this possibility depends is been patented here, I am enabled to send
very valuable in other respects. Mr. Ed- you the specification, which will probably
wards finds that if a somewhat stiff ink be prove interesting. How far the complica-
employed, it will only adhere to the most tion of formulas may be necessary or valu-
thoroughly exposed parts of the image, neg- able, I cannot say ;
it is worth remark
lecting the half tones, and yielding, on that neither Herr Albert nor Mr. Edwards
printing a hard black and white image. find it necessary to use other sensitive
If, on the other hand, a very thin ink be agents than the bichromates. Mr. Eye's
employed, it adheres readily to the less ex- specification proceeds as follows :
posed portions of the image, giving full Over a very thick piece of plate glass,
effect to the half tones, but from its thin- highly polished or plain, I pour a mixture
ness, giving poor blacks. If then a properly composed of
exposed plate be rolled with a thick ink, it 5 to 8 parts of gelatine,
will adhere readily to the part forming the 20 to 40 " albumen,
shadows, giving rich blacks. If the plate and S to 10 " distilled water.
When this mixture has been poured over is no free nitrate present, it is important
the glass, the latter placed in a suitable
is that the layer of chloride of silver on the
oven to dry, after which the glass is ex- paper, shall be in itself sufficient to yield a
posed on the reverse side to the light the ; rich image.
glass is then washed, dried, and another Double Chloride of Gold and Potassium. —
mixture poured over it. This mixture is In his communication on the uses of washed
composed of and fumed paper, Col. Stuart Wortley stated
10 to 15 parts of gelatine dissolved in 100 to 110 that he preferred the double salt of gold and
parts of water, potassium for toning prints so produced.
8 to 10 parts of albumen, His method of preparing this salt is very
3 to 5 " bichromate of potash, dissolved simple. He states it as follows :
dissolved in 8 parts of distilled shaking up well use three hours after mix-
and is then ready for printing. The print- throw into the residue from the old chalk.
ing can be effected with common lithogra- "Rembrandt" Portraits. — From what I
phic ink, by means of a lithographic or have seen of the '
' Eembrandt '
' style so pre-
other suitable press, and rollers of leather valent now in the States, I have been im-
or glue. pressed with the conviction that although
Washed Sensitive Paper. The use of — the prints were not all perfect in themselves,
washed sensitive paper, fumed before print- yet the study and effort necessary in pro-
ing, has continued to attract attention here, ducing them would materially educate the
and the plan is found generally successful. photographer in the art of lighting the sit-
The chie,f source of failure appears to be ter effectively.
the use of a weakly salted paper, whereby I notice that in your last a correspondent
a coating of chloride of silver, insufficient enters a protest against the " Kembrandts
to give rich prints is formed. When free asunnatural and extravagant. It is some-
nitrate of silver is present, it combines with what curious that just about the same time
the chlorine liberated in the course of print- a correspondent of the Photograp]dc News
ing, to form fresh chloride of silver, so that entered a similar protest.
even with a very weakly salted paper vig- In a previous number I had spoken in
orous prints can be secured but when there ; high terms of some of the examples by Mr.
a very estimable and sensible man, but if method is absolutely certain, but would
his photograph present him with a glance recommend silvering the shortest time on a
which should 'overawe the world,' the bath made of silver 480 grains, fused nitrate
portrait will assuredly be an absurd prac- ofammonia 480 grains, water 16 ounces. Dry
tical solecism. I have been reminded by by artificial heat, and keep in a close, dry
some of the Rembrandts of the effects
' box until ready for use. I cut forty-eight
in sculpture which at one time prevailed card prints from one sheet of paper just the
in the States, that of Elijah Pogram, for size when mounted, so that no trimming is
instance, described by Dickens as a 'statue necessary. I have a cigar-box with a perfo-
of the Elevated or Goblin School, in rated false bottom, one inch from the bot-
which the Honorable Elijah Pogram was tom of the box, which can be removed at
represented as in a very high wind, with pleasure. I place a little air-slacked lime
his hair all standingon end, and his nostrils in the bottom of the box, and when I am
blown wide open.' This overstepping the ready to fume my paper, which I do a few
modesty of nature in photography is most slips at a time as I use it, I add to the lime
intolerable. So far as the study of varieties a little grated sal ammoniac or pulverized
of lighting is an instructive process, and ammonia alum ;
place the perforated bot-
may lead to a higher mastery of this impor- tom, put in the paper, and let it fume just
tant branch of the portraitist's art, it is all long enough to print with a purplish hue,
very well ; but the elevated or goblin school and remove it, and add more paper, and so on
of actual portraiture is more offensive in all day. This method is not only cheap, but
photography than even in sculpture." it will also be noticed that it avoids using
an aqueous solution of ammonia, from which
the paper absorbs moisture. By this dry
Never use anything damp to give the fuming process, chloride of lime is formed,
final polish to the plate. Pass a broad which absorbs water from the atmosphere,
camel's-hair brush over the plate just be- and the paper remains dry the process is ;
five or six sheets of paper together on a large 4 ounces Prussian blue and raw linseed oil
picture; and, to our mind, is the great i.e., the high lights are full of detail and
drawback in this beautiful style. When the shadows devoid of detail by reflected light,
shall we see it remedied ? Geo. B. Aykes. and shows too much contrast by transmitted
light. On the contrary, an over-exposed
Mr. Cummings' answer to question four
plate develops rapidly, and shows very little
in September No. is unsatisfactory: "these
picture by reflected light, and too little con-
little particles" must be put out and kept
trast by transmitted light. Remedy in both
out of the bath at all hazards, and at what-
ever cost of time and labor. Those pho-
cases, —throw them in the potash-pot. A
properly exposed negative should develop
tographers working small baths will have
slowly, but steadily increasing in detail in
no trouble in accomplishing this. To those
the shadows. By reflected light the darker
using large baths I propose a question below.
parts of the draperies and hair should be
— ECNEJtOLF. brilliantly seen the highest lights should
1. " A.LCO'8 " trouble, probably, lies in light just the reverse should obtain, no de-
the collodion being too tough and horny. the dark portions of the drapery, and
tail in
If one collodion works well, and the other the highest lights full of the most delicate
does not, under precisely the same condi- gradation of light and shade. — Elbert
tions, the chances are that the bad collodion Anderson.
is not sufficiently permeable to the various 3. If "Honest" will read with caro
solutions ; this comes from the cotton gener- Lea's Manual of Photography, it will give
— — — —
him very valuable information on the sub- equivalent focus, in fact, the principal focus,
ject he inquires about and many others. of a combination of lenses. — E. Anderson.
3. When a negative is under-exposed it
1. It is well known that pinholes are the
will look much like an ambrotype ;
it is black
result of several causes, to wit, excess of
and white, and generally too intense for a iodide, dust floating in the bath, particles
good picture. An over-exposed negative is of detached film, or from dust lodging on
just the reverse; you cannot see the image
the sensitized plate during the manipula-
hardly when looking at it by reflected light.
Prints from it are flat and gray, drapery
Now when pinholes make their appear-
and face being nearly of one color. George
ance, how shall we determine which condi-
H. Fennemore.
tion named above caused them? This is a
See E. L. Wilson's explanation, page
3. "point" to those working large baths, for
139, Mosaics, 1868, the whole thing in a if surplus iodide is not the cause, there is
8. A
very strong solution of iron gives a Our good friends Messrs. Lcescher &
coarse deposit a very weak solution a ten-
; Petsch, the eminent Berlin photographers,
dency to fog. Then what are the propor- we are informed, are both fighting in the
tions to give the best results ? Corks. Prussian army. May they both be spared
9. My trouble is a thin veil of metallic to our art, for it cannot spare them.
silver all over the plate. The image comes Mr. H. Baden Pritchard in the News,
out strong enough, but is covered with the devotes a paper to the comparative merits
fog. I can rub it off or brush it off when of the "Woodbury and Albert processes, and
the plate have been bothered for
is dry. I declares the former to be as superior to the
more than six weeks with it. Can you tell latter, as engraving is to lithography.
me how to get out ? "Sam " in a Fog. One of the excuses for the late dreadful
10. I have been building a new gallery, massacre in China was, that the "sisters of
and was compelled to make my top and charity kidnapped the Chinese children,
side-light face the west. "What is the very and gouged out their eyes to make collodion
best way of screening or curtaining it, and of, for use in the diabolical art of photog-
what colored material is best? white or raphy."
blue?— E. F. L. The French Photographic Society, will
11. Can I make a green glass for dark- erect a monument to the memory of M.
room? if so, how?— E. F. L. Niepce de St. Victor, and M. Adam Solo-
mon is to be the sculptor. "Where are our
grateful photographers whom we expected
PHOTOGRAPHIC WORLD. would contribute to the fund for the widow
Dr. Vogel arrived in Liverpool, Sep- of our deceased benefactor?
tember 6th, safe and well. A simple way to determine the amount
So about 4000 francs have been sub-
far, of water in alcohol, is as follows : A little
scribed to the Niepce de St. Victor fund. chloroform poured in a graduated tube
One-half the space of the foreign jour- and a certain volume of the alcohol is added
after shaking it well it is left to settle the
nals is devoted to descriptions of the carbon ;
of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, Shake well, filter, avoid air-bubbles.
will cleanse vessels from dry and coagulated Plates thus treated are good for a week.
Under the heading " Foreign Invasion,"
The British Journal in commenting upon the Paris Moniteur de la Pliotographie, of
the organization of the new Pennsylvania July 15th, describes how the laboratory of
Photographic Society, says it "shows that Dr. Phipson, in London, was invaded by
thereis much life in connection with pho-
an army of ants, which were imported
tography among our brethren across the from Guiana in some cases of sugar-cane,
water." left at the laboratory for analysis. Every-,
A contributor to the British Journal, thing was covered by them in an instant.
says, " When surface stains occur upon tho The heading in the Paris Journal was rather
plate, tho trouble may be obviated by add- ominous.
How to Become a Member.— Photographers sires it. We hope that it will be returned
who wish to be identified with the National Pho- promptly to Mr. Scholten, for surely no one else
tographic Association, and to share its benefits, has any right to keep it.
may do so by applying to Edward L. Wilson,
Permanent Secretary, Philadelphia, Pa. Remit- Willard Manufacturing Company. This —
entrance fee and $2 for dues up
once popular and prosperous New York stock
ting $4,— $2 for
will be sent. Employes half rates. Corns, now, struggling for life for some time, finally made an
assignment, and on September 8th, the remains
grow with its growth and share its honors.
of their stock was sold at public sale. The stock
Ma. Howard A. Kimball received the silver business in New York has much changed within
medal from the New Hampshire Agricultural a few years.
Society for his exhibition of stereoscopic views.
A Desirable Location. — Mr. John L. Gihon photographs with good success, we understand.
Arch Street,
advertises his establishment at 812 We shall report fully upon that department in
for sale. was formerly occupied by Messrs.
It our next number.
Henzey & Co., and described by this Journal.
It has one of the best lights in Philadelphia.
"A Cozy Little Place." During Dr. Vo- —
gel's stay we visited with him some of the large
In the Bowery in New York is a photographic manufactories of Manayunk, accompanied by
gallery; on one side of the hall a placard is Mr. W. G. Entrekin, the photographer of that
posted, "Parties learned the business ;" on the place. Mr. Entrekin has one of the neatest and
other, "4 for 25 cents." Where is the first quar- most cleanly galleries it has ever been our pleas-
tette to go and learn the business "cheap?" . ure to see, and good work is the result. He de-
clares that this: Journal converted him to clean-
On Saturday, September 3d, Mr. Samuel God-
liness, for he was once careless. Bat now he
shaw, Sr. , a photographer, was shot mortally,
indorses our views on that subject, considering
during a fight with his landlord, who attacked
it as important to have all things clean, as he
him. The landlord was killed, and Mr. Godshaw
does to vise good apparatus and chemicals. He
cannot recover.
has a " cozy little place.
his carte to several of the parties he met at Cleve- announced, and is to be illustrated by photo-
land, for exchange,and they have not responded. graphs. The illustration in the present number
Such an interchange is pleasant, and we hope it is a Holyoake card. We notice with pleasure,
will be kept up. that our friend Sig. Ottavio Barratti Cav., is to
be one of the staff, and we shall print a transla-
Photo-Enamel Lost.— At the Cleveland Ex- tion of his first article in our next number.
Mr. John A. Scholten, of St. Louis,
exhibited a few small burnt-in enamels in colors, Hovey's Albumen Paper. — On the outside of
and one of them was not returned to him after our cover Mr. D. Hovey advances his claims for
being passed around for examination. He very his excellent albumen papers. Several of our
much desires it returned, as it belongs to the pictures have been printed on his paper, and
lady whose picture it is, and she very much de- since then it has been one of the favorite brands
— never more so than now — stillMr. Hovey con- greater source of advance and improvement than
tinues to advertise it largely; knowing that such contact with your co-workers.
a course insures success. He desires us to es-
pecially ask photographers to work his paper hy
Novel Toning Formula. —When Dr. Vogel
left New York, Mr. William Kurtz, who man-
his published formula. He says, "I have seen
aged the financial matters connected with the
it worked as low and always with
as 16 grains,
visit of our distinguished guest, handed him a
success. It is the best formula I ever saw used."
small vial with the following inscription
Knowing a good formula one that suits the
paper, —
we need hardly say that it should be "A New Toning Bath.
you can — Gold — all
Southern and Southwestern friends will be glad gold. The result will be a beautiful tone to —
to know that Messrs. Dinmore and Wilson -(old the stomach —
though too much chloride of Aix
Baltimoreans) have opened a new and extensive will tend to fogginess. Red tones may be pro-
stock-house at 125 W. Baltimore Street. See duced by Old Bourbon.'
Blue tones by a mix-
advertisement. ture of acids "
The vial contained fifteen $10 gold pieces,
Received from W. A. Beers, New Haven, which we know from Dr. Vogel's temperate
Connecticut, some excellent cabinets and cards, habits, will hardly be used in the practice of the
' produced," as he says, "by no secret dodge formula which accompanied the parting gift of
or patented process." From Messrs. Halsey <fc his American friends, though no doubt the gift
Coffin, Dutch Flat, California, eighteen very in- "elevated his spirits ''
teresting whole-size views illustrating hydraulic
The negatives were
ruining in that gold region. Answers to Correspondents.
mostly made with the thermometer at 110°.
T. L. Mitchell, St. Joseph, Missouri. — The
From Mr. Jno. R. Moore, Trenton Falls, N. Y.,
Jacobsen's aniline and the " L' Encausse" colors
some new 14 x 17 and cabinet views of that en-
advertised in this journal, are both excellent.
chanting place — a wondrous creation of nature
They may be mixed in such quantities as you
which all should see once in a lifetime at least.
desire to use at a time, and full directions ac-
From Mr. Well. G. Singhi, Bainbiidge, N. Y.,
company them.
some whole-size prints — one of two little girls,
"Excelsior." — "The use of central stops"
being a sweet rustic picture and well taken.
is to increase the definition or sharpness of the
From E. A. Staunton, Davenport, Iowa, a view
picture by their action on the marginal rays, re-
of a farm-house, without explanation. From
ducing the spherical aberration. They also add
Mr. M. H. Monroe, Rochester, N. Y., some
to the focal To teach you
depth of the subject.
Trenton Falls, N. Y.
stereos of
" where and when they should be used," would
Constitution, By-Laws, etc., of the Na- require practical lessons. The smaller the "stop"
tional Photographic Association. — Agree- the sharper the picture, and the slower the lens
ably to resolutions carried at Cleveland, before works; so you see the light, the subject, etc.,
members of the
this reaches our readers, all the all regulate the use of the stops. Practice will
National Photographic Association will have benefit you.
with the Report of the Committee on the Retuf have greatly benefited the picture.
Fund. makes a handsome little pamphlet of
Jno. A. Frith, St. George's, Bermuda. —
48 pages, and contains 624 names and addresses We accept with thanks.
of members. We hope the number will soon
reach one thousand.
Park Bros. The lighting is not very good,
being too much from the top and too much in
Euch member is entitled to one copy, and if
one direction. Most of the hair, you see, hangs
any have been overlooked, they will please no-
in entire shadow. The white dress is overtimed
tify the Secretary, when they will have attention.
and the face undertimod. Try again.
Local Photographic Societies. — We hope C. II. S. Warren, 0. — We never saw a lens
the local societies will ronew their meetings now, that would "cut sharp all around the outer edges
and that new societies will spring up wherever and not in the centre." Send us a print, and
there is material to support them. There is no we may bo able to aocount for it
'MtaMjrkifl ^botogtajilu^
the reality is much more glorious than at hand, by which a hundred or a thousand
what we dared to expect. I arrived too reproductions can be made in a very short
late to offer the Fatherland my services, time. This by photo-lithog-
is possible
but hundreds of my colleagues and my raphy. So maps have been
far, all these
scholars have gone, and many a one rests made in Berlin, and have been forwarded
now under the cool green turf of France. to the army. In future wars (which we,
Petsch, of the firm of Loescher & Petsch, however, do not desire), a travelling photo-
well known in America as the author of lithographic atelier in the rear of the army
" Gems of German Life," is in camp before may be established, to save time. Not a
Metz. Many proprietors of less known es- small portion of our successes are due to
tablishments are marching on Paris, but to these maps. The French army were very
up the vacancies, many expelled photog-
fill scantily supplied with maps. On the offi-
raphers from Paris arrive here. Amongst cers who were taken prisoners, only a few
these, is Eomain Talbot, a Prussian by maps of the Rhenish provinces and plans
birth, but living for the last twenty years of Berlin were found ; not a single map of
in France. He had to leave with wife and France. That they would need the map of
child. So also Erwin Hanfstangel, and the their own country the most, never entered
well-known photographer, Reutlinger. The the heads of these gentlemen.
Royal Polytechnic Academy, the field of my It is evident that under these circum-
activity, stands empty. My apparatus is all stances, little can bedone for the promo-
in the field before Strasbourg to " take" the tion of photography; still I am glad to be
fortifications. My assistant, Mr. Schvvier, able to report, that immediately previous
and my " silver boy" were, eight days be- to the breaking out of the war, very inter-
fore my arrival, engaged for this purpose esting photographic investigations have
by the Secretary of War. I was not a been published amongst these I count par-
littlesurprised to meet these peaceable citi- ticularly an article by Hans Hartmann, en-
zens on my return in warlike uniform as titled "The Ultimate Purpose and the
"field photographers." If I had arrived Limits of Retouching the Negative."
home a week sooner, it would have been Negative retouching has within a short
my fate to go, and seriously speaking, I space of time extended over the whole civ-
would not have been sorry. ilized world. Its necessity for the produc-
The work of the photographer in front tion of an artistically beautiful picture has
of the fortress is a dangerous one, but very been acknowledged by all thinking photog-
interesting. With a camera placed exactly raphers, and still it cannot be denied that
horizontal, they take a landscape view, and after we go too far with our negative re-
from this view topographical maps are con- touching, all wrinkles are covered up, and
structed. A number of engineers and finally not only the wrinkles, but the whole
draughtsmen are connected with them, and character of the face is lost in the re-
all the French fortresses will be photo- touching.
graphed by them. The way in which these The artists call such smooth retouched
pictures are taken I have already explained heads, which look like the model heads in
to your readers, in your valuable journal a hairdresser's shop window, " bladder-
also in my Handbook, on page 204. heads." It is often the fault of the person
The employment of photography in war who orders the picture that "too much of
is yet rather in its infancy, but much more a good thing" is done. " How old do you
extensive use is made of photo-lithography, wish to look ?" asks a photographer of a vain
for the multiplication of the French maps of old lady ;
" under or over fourteen years of
the general staff. For an army advancing age?" With such whims, art must cease ;
into theenemy's country, the possession of but thank God, such fools are in the minor-
exact maps is of more importance than the ity, and their number lessens from day to
day, as the artistic education increases arabic film is easy, and can subsequently be
amongst the general public. A forehead protected by a coating of varnish. It has
is not a flat hoard, but has curves. Many turned out, however, that gum arabic yields
photographers forget this, and transform a very poor film, that it does not in any way
the most genial part of the human face into protect the film from splitting, but that on
a monotonous plane. The same may be said the other hand yellow dextrine in solution
of the cheeks and lower jaws. Particularly (1 part dextrine to 8 parts of water) not
is this the case with many Kembrandts only prevents cracking, but forms a splendid
taken in profile, where it is impossible to surface for retouching.
say where the lower jaw ceases, and the The plates are afterwards varnished as
throat commences. Very often faults in the usual. White dextrine should not be used,
illumination are the primary causes of this, as it is injurious., — another example similar
but even these are easily corrected by a skil- to shellac, that purification, or rather
ful retoucher. I only give you examples, bleaching, when it is carried too far, does
and recommend to you a translation of Hart- not improve the article, but rather makes
mann's article for your journal, as he ex- it worse. A coat of dextrine has a striking
plains in a clear and concise manner, what on plate-glass.
beneficial effect
should be retouched, and what not.* But a than our domestic
livelier interest
No less interesting is the report of our investigation has been excited here by my
committee for the examination of negative American novelties. My two heavy boxes
varnishes. It appears to me that the Ameri- with pictures, have safely come to hand,
can varnishes are better than ours, for I after being opened three times in Eng- —
have not heard nearly as many complaints land, Belgium, and Germany. Only the
about the splitting of the film as I have heard transit from England to Belgium caused
here. In many instances the climate may particular difficulties, as the boxes were sus-
be to blame with you the air is drier than
; pected of containing contraband of war. So
with us. I was astonished to see negatives far, Ihave only shown Moore's (Philadel-
two hours after varnishing, sufficiently dry phia) enlargements, and Prang's (Boston)
for retouching or copying with us, from ;
chromos. They have been generally ad-
six to twelve hours are necessary. mired. " Such things have not been made
The investigations of the committee have in Germany, as yet," is the general opinion,
demonstrated what influence the gums and I feel happy that I have been the means
themselves have on the quality of the var- of convincing my countrymen of the great
nish. Sandarac has generally proved the excellence of American work. More anon
worst. The committee cautions the photog- on this subject.
rapher against its employment, and also Yours, very truly,
calls attention to the very changeable prop- Dr. H. Vogel.
erties of bleached shellac, while unbleached
shellac, in spite of its yellow color, proves
On a New Mode of Employing Silk in
very reliable. Bleached shellac, by its treat-
ment with chlorine, has lost its most valu-
able qualities. Mastic varnishes have proved,
(Hon. Secretary of the Photographic Society of London.)
according to the investigating committee,
In a paper read before the Chemical Sec-
the most reliable. The committee took
tion of the British Association for the Ad-
also into consideration in how far the coating
vancement of Science (Liverpool meeting),
of the plates with gum arabic, glue, etc.,
the author pointed attention to the fact that
previous to varnishing, was of advantage.
silk differs from all other known fibres in
Such applications are frequently employed
respect to being easily soluble in hydrochlo-
with us, because, on the one hand, a crack-
ric acid,forming a mucilaginous solution
ing of the film is avoided, and, on the other,
which when mixed with ammonia in excess
the retouching with lead-pencil on the gum
and carefully evaporated to dryness over a
* Herr Hartmann"s paper will be printed in water-bath gives rise to the production of a
our next. Ed. P. P. new organic salt, which promises to play
an important part in photography by vir- source of information, The Philadelphia
tue of its producing with nitrate of silver Photographer, together with ideas derived
an extremely sensitive form of argentic from the study of the Berlin cartes, by
chloride. The precipitate obtained by mix- Loescher & Petsch, and others.
ing the two solutions, is no longer curdy I am convinced that the Berlin negatives
like the ordinary condition of chloride of are weak after developing with iron, but
silver, but appears in the form of a floccu- well out in all their details, forming only
lent white substance, which remains for a a good basis for strengthening and coloring
considerable time in suspension, and, owing or toning, up to the required printing
to the presence of the organic matter, is strength. On such information and ideas,
much more quickly affected by light. the following mode of imitating the Berlin
The author has investigated the chemical cartes I venture to bring before you : Use
properties of certain salts formed in this O'Neil's process (March number Philadel-
manner from silk, and exhibited at the phia Photographer), i.e. cotton giving but
meeting a photograph printed on paper pre- little intensity, and not more than three to
pared with a ten-grain solution of the new four grains, to the ounce of mixed ether and
organic chloride, and afterwards sensitized alcohol. The plate must be well exposed,
with a sixty-grain solution of nitrate of sil- and when developing, flow the developer
ver. Comparative tests showed a consid- over the plate so as to wash off most of the
erable advantage in point of rapidity over sil.ver. Develop as long as any detail will
a plain salted paper similarly treated, and come in the shadows. Wash well and re-
the author urged the superiority of this salt develop with weak pyro and silver.
when employed for mat-paper prints and
Pyrognllic Acid, . . 1 grain.
solar camera enlargements, and further
Citric Acid, 5 grains.
hinted at the possibility of using it in the Acetic Acid, . 10 drops.
collodio-chloride process. Water, 1 ounce.
The remaining part of the author's com- Nitrate of Silver, . 5 grains.
munication treats of the use of concentrated Citric Acid, • 5 grains.
hydrochloric acid for determining the pur- Water, . 1 ounce.
and dissolving it out from certain
ity of silk
Develop until the right intensity is secured,
mixed fabrics, and describes a mode of iden-
wash and fix. Wash after fixing again, and
tifying the silk in solution, in the loose
tone in the gold and soda bath, recommend-
fibres (or partially disorganized fabric) left
then proposed ed in the Bulletin.
unaffected by the acid. It is
found that wool alone of these fibres becomes Hyposulphate of Soda, 60 grains.
dyed of a yellow color by immersion in a Water, 16 ounces.
part of the subject, however, has no refer- Always add the gold to the hypo solution
ence to photography, but specially relates drop by drop, shaking after each addition ;
to "the discrimination of fibres in mixed let the negative remain in this until it is of
fabrics" the title of Mr. Spiller's paper. the required color. Wash well, dry, and
To retouch, moisten a little cotton with
On the Production of Proper Nega-
tives for Retouching. Turpentine, . 1 ounco.
Balsam of Fir, 20 drops.
(Rend before the Pennsylvania Photograpbio Hub over the negative, and then rub it dry
bing it well every now and then with clean impresses itself upon the tender, sensitive
cotton. Finish with Prussian blue what the nature of the child, and you oftentimes gain
pencil fails to remove (J. F. Eyder, Cleve- its confidence at once.
land, Ohio, March number, 1870). Use a We
may be perplexed with business, or
magnifying lens, as described by C. A. Win- have moreserious matters occupy our minds,
sor, October number, page 359, Philadel- but when it comes to this, we must, for the
phia Photographer. It is of the greatest as- time being, come down to the child ; we
sistance. The negatives and prints before must forget all other things, and enter, as
the Association will give some idea of how far as possible, into sympathy with this lit-
near they approach the Berlin cartes. tle sprig of humanity before us.
If you do not succeed with one trial, try
again, and continue to try so long as there
UNDER THE SKYLIGHT. is any possibility of success. If the child is
neither frightened, keep
cross, or tired,
No. IV. your temper and persevere. If you cannot
What's that noise, Focus? get it one way, try another your success ;
out its breakfast, to get here so early and ing again and again, the fifth, sixth, eighth,
have it cry so. Perhaps no better oppor- or dozenth trial, you succeed, you feel
tunity will offer, Focus, than to fulfil my amply repaid for all your efforts.
promise, and give you a lesson on babies to- " The baby is ready."
day. The baby is a peculiar subject, and Very well, we will proceed. This being
its little individualities and freaks of tem- a little one, we will sit it in this chair. The
perament need to be studied and humored arms prevent its falling over, and as it rests
as much as in older persons. against the back, we do away with the ne-
"Seebs to be it must be bard work to cessity of using the bead-rest. The rest,
dake babies." however, is almost useless with small chil-
There are some photographers, Focus, dren, as it is very difficult to get them to keep
that won't make pictures of babies at all the head against it. A smaller chair than
at least, I have heard of those who did not, this even, might be better, as some of the
and I know they were not successful in the subjects are so small that there seems to be
business. The baby is often the key that more chair than child. But it won't do to
unlocks the purse for the whole family, to be too fastidious in this respect, for what-
the benefit of the photographer. Besides, ever means we employ to catch a perfect im-
operating with them is a good school for pression of the little one, with the greatest
self-government; it gives a man an oppor- certainty, will insure us the greatest success.
tunity to practice keeping his temper —for This little fellow seems to have been some-
of course no man would get into a passion what out of morning, but appears
sorts this
with a child — and as patience is, or should to be feeling better now, and if we proceed
be, part of a photographer's profession, gently with him, there will be no trouble.
nothing, perhaps, will make him exercise Be very careful about making any sudden
this virtue more than making pictures of noise, or having any loud talk or calling.
children. I have become satisfied, however, Let the mother stand near him, so as to be
,that one of the best means to help one to out of the picture, and he will not be so
understand their dispositions and work into likely to be frightened. We must work
their good graces, is to have some of the lit- lively, Focus, with these subjects see that ;
tle pets — I don't mean pests — of his own in he rests against the chair, get your focus,
his own home. But you need not be dis- adjust your plate, fix his attention with
couraged, Focus, there's time enough for some toy that has motion without being
you yet, and a love for children is, after all, noisy, and make your exposure.
the great thing necessary to operating with " The dext is a little buppy."
them successfully. A kind word or look Well we'll see about that. It's a child
just can tottle, with a doll almost as large in my arms, and carry her about the room,
as she is, and a poodle dog. They want the show her thepictures, and playthings, with
child standing, with the doll and poodle in kind words, and a few kisses, and now I
some " pretty position." The doll may do, think we may try a sitting. No, she won't
but the poodle never, especially such an sit. No amount of coaxing or persuasion
animal as that, that is never still the tenth will avail. She
good enough anywhere
part of a second unless asleep. The only else but Her mother gets
near that chair.
way in cases of this kind, is to say firmly out of patience and threatens to whip her.
and decidedly, if they want a good picture Now this will never do, and the mother
of the child, the dog must be left out; un- must be given to understand, that threats
less you have nothing else to do but experi- or abuse will render it impossible for us ever
ment. to get a picture of her child. I can readily
Now here is the mother, father, grand- understand the style of treatment that child
mother, and I presume, old maiden aunt, and has at home, and what is the principle
there's a perfect Babel ; we shall be bewil- of government for the household. If we
dered, if the child is not. The first thing allow it to be practised here, this place will
to be done, is to send out all but the mother, have asmuch terror for the little one as, no
and then see what we can do. doubt, many others have.
" She's afraid uv be." Love and kindness must rule the baby
She seems to be afraid of everything. here ; compulsion is entirely out of the ques-
"We can't get her standing. tion, for even if the child should be com-
Now this is a case that requires peculiar sit, we can readily
pelled through fear, to
treatment. We
must gain her confidence imagine what kind of an expression such a
and get her interested. Examine and praise state of mind would produce. No, if the
her boots, the locket on her neck, the ring child will not sit willingly, we must decline
against the rest, when told it is necessary to generally as difficult to manage as any we
get a good picture of dolly. We will show have. He can only be kept in place in the
dolly this little singing bird, and our shy chair by holding him, and he seems ready
miss has a good picture without her
little to explode at every noise or motion you
knowledge or suspicion. It is not often make. Now there are two ways of fixing
necessary to resort to as much strategy as in the attention of this kind — by keeping per-
this case, but I have found it well always fectly quiet, he watches for a few seconds,
to keep the child's attention as much as pos- apparently waiting for something to turn
sible away from what you are doing ; say up, and you can catch an impression again, ;
nothing about taking its picture. you may astonish him by the most violent
" What do you do when they won't have demonstrations, bringing out your whote
their bicture daken ? Here's one says she collection of birds and animals, and turning
won't." clown yourself.
Well she's probably been told about it " But I didn't know there was zuch a va-
over and over, and in the moan time, per- riety of babies. I tho't they were all alike."
haps, has been to the dentist, or been fright- O no, Focus, there is just as much differ-
ened somewhere. She seems a sweet little ence in babies as thore anybody; and is in
girl, and not much afraid. I think 1 can finding such a variety we will not have time
soon get acquainted with her. I take her to go into details with them all, but will
note some of the more prominent peculiar- as these, we must try and persuade them out
ities. Those that we have no trouble with of them.
we need not dwell upon but it is the diffi-
; Three children standing in a row !
cult ones, or impossibles, that I want you to I don't want to make any such picture^
practice on. Now here is the baby only much less to have it go to Europe as a speci-
four weeks old, that don't take notice of any- men of American photography. By show-
thing, and you are expected to make a bril- ing the mother the absurdity of such an
liant, wide-awake picture of it. Another, arrangement, she is willing to leave it en-
its mother says, is afraid of strangers, and tirely with us.
won't let you come near it. She has no They may be grouped around a table, two
faculty for arranging its position or doing standing and one sitting, or but one stand-
anything with it, so you must catch it as ing ; or they may be all sitting ; let the old-
you can, arms and legs flying, making a per- est be in the middle, and the others seated
fect caricature on your idea of grace and lower on each side, so as to give a good form
propriety. to the group. It is well to group children
This one wants three different sizes and with books or toys, as though they were do-
styles of pictures, and when it comes to the ing something. Nothing is prettier than
trial we can't get anything. to put them on the floor among their play-
The next they want taken with the great things, with as little formality or order as
red, freckled-faced nurse, because they think possible.
it would take better that way. Our next lesson, Focus, I think I will de-
Here's one just can walk; they want it vote to groups.
standing. It won't stand still ; it don't stay
a moment where you put it. They don't
want it sitting; its grandmother wants it
Photographs of the Protuberances on
standing, and if they cannot get it that way the Sun without an Eclipse.
they don't want it. They've had it taken On Thursday, September 29th, Prof. C.
a great many times before, and never had A. Young, of Dartmouth College, assisted
any trouble. The only way is to prove to by Mr. H. 0. Bly, photographer at Han-
them by trying that the thing cannot be over, N. H., succeeded in making photo-
done, and then they may have it sitting, as graphs of the "flames" or protuberances
it has always been done before. on the sun. And we are indebted to those
A youngster in a black velvet suit, the gentlemen for prints from the negatives,
blackest of all black things to photograph. and the details which follow of this most
"Why! I always thought black took interesting*and invaluable accomplishment.
best." But a year ago, the idea of the possibility
It does in some cases, but not for a child of such a performance was barely enter-
four years old, when it is often difficult to tained or credited, and now, by one of our
keep it still long enough for light drapery. own men of science, it has been done. With
Some measures ought to be taken to edu- many thanks to the gentlemen named, we
cate people in this direction, so they may quote what they say.
not presume so much, but proceed from a " The arrangement of apparatus by which
knowledge of the facts in the case. We the photographs of the solar ' flames ' or
should lose no opportunity to impress upon protuberances were obtained, were as fol-
if the instrument be properly adjusted, weight of material as possible, and the nec-
what looks like a bright sunset cloud seen essary supply of water adds greatly to the
through a nearly closed door; this is the load. The appearance of the plate spoken
flame '
or protuberance. of is caused by the difficulty with which
"To obtain a photograph, the eye-piece pure water mixes with a solution containing
of the spectroscope was slightly drawn out, alcohol. The remedy simple. If an equal
and fitted with an extemporized camera, amount of alcohol added to the wash-
merely a wooden tube 6 inches long and 1£ water to that contained in the developer,
inches in diameter, carrying at its upper one-quarter drachm per ounce or more,
end a light frame in which was placed the then with practice and care, one ounce can
shield, containing for a sensitive plate a be made to go as fat as a pint of ordinary
little slip of glass, such as is used for mi- water, for the purpose indicated. The
croscopic slides. The eye-piece of the "crawling" of the developer, or of the
spectroscope acted as the lens to the camera, wash water, will be increased by adding too
throwing an image upon the plate. much alcohol. Where the use of gelatine in
" The telescope was driven by clock-work, acetic acid is indicated, as in copying draw-
in such a manner as to keep the object, ings, the developer flows over the plate with-
once adjusted, exactly upon the slit (at least out a break, though no alcohol is added. In
it ought to have done so), during the whole this case alcohol is not required in the wash-
exposure, which lasted from three and a half water.
to five minutes, according to circumstances. I had devised this expedient for landscape
" Ordinary portrait collodion was used. photography before the publication of Kob-
There was no time something
to prepare inson's method with golden syrup. There
more was just
sensitive, as the equatorial are some difficulties with the latter that
on the point of being dismounted, in order make it well to combine the two methods.
to be sent off with the Eclipse Expedition First, if the plate hashad a full exposure,
to Spain. it is its whole surface at
impossible to cover
" The negatives are of little value as pic- once with the preservative, and thus stop
tures, since a perceptible maladjustment of development on all parts alike, and stains
the axis of the instrument and the unsteadi- result unless we dash it over the plate, and
ness of the air caused, during the long expo- thus use more bulk of it than we would have
sure, so much shifting of the image on the to of the water and alcohol mixture, on ac-
plate as to destroy the definition of details, count of the viscid nature of the syrup;
but the success obtained was sufficient to even if it contains its proper proportion of
prove that, with proper and attainable alcohol. There is a second difficulty many ;
means, and the necessary precautions, pho- samples of commercial molasses, perhaps
tographs can be made as satisfactory as those all, contain chlorides. In two samples this
obtained during an eclipse of the sun." was so much the case, that a curdy precipi-
tate of chloride of silver was formed when
it was poured on the and this remained
STOPPING DEVELOPMENT. in part, firmly adherent, and became dis-
BY JOHN M. BLAKE. colored by diffused light, and left numerous
If we attempt to stop development on a dark spots after fixing. The best plan, un-
fully exposed plate, before it has reached der the circumstances, seemed to be to first
its full intensity, streaks and stains will be wash off the developer with the alcohol and
sure to form if we do not pour on an abun- water, then to flow on the syrup mixture,
dance of water, and keep the plate wholly when no curds formed, since the silver had
been washed off. Then "golden syrup" The space between the arms is such as
was useful to keep the plate moist until an to correspond with the size of the plate
abundance of water could be obtained for most frequently used. holder can, how- A
fixing, and but a small quantity of the syrup ever, be used for two sizes of plates, taking
was required. the larger size by its breadth, and the
smaller by its length, as the construction
admits of a certain degree of play. Thus,
A HOLDER FOR DEVELOPMENT the writer's takes a 6J by 8£ plate the long
AND REDEVELOPMENT. way, and an 8 by 10 the short way, there
being but half an inch difference.
Various forms of holder have been pro-
From the form given to this instrument,
posed, for supporting the plate during its
the plate is secured absolutely. It cannot get
development and redevelopment, where this out until the screw loosened, and may
is be
last is required, in order to save the hands
raised to the light in a perpendicular posi-
from the silver stains, which are apt to be tion with absolute safety. Nor have I ever
caused. None of those that have come in had a film injured, or a plate broken by the
my way, have proved satisfactory. Pneu- pressure.
matic holders are not altogether safe. I have Another advantage of this holder, and in
used them both in the form with handle and my opinion, no small one, is, that if one
without, and though they generally held prefers, as I do, to use a bath if one wishes
the plate pretty well, especially if the pre- to redevelop with pyrogallic acid and silver,
caution *be taken to keep them well wet, the plate can be plunged into the redevelop-
stillaccidents will once in a while happen, ing bath without getting the fingers into
and these are very disagreeable. Another the mixture. It can be lifted out any num-
form, which I imported from England some ber of times for examination and returned
years ago, in which the plate was held be- to the bath again, thus completely saving
tween two guides, acted upon by a coiled the fingers from the most disagreeable source
spring, proved altogether useless. of staining.
About a year ago, an idea occurred to me, In working the collodio-bromide dry pro-
which Mr. Zentmayer carried into execu- cess, thisinstrument eliminates the princi-
tion for me, and which has proved after pal source of silver stains. In that process
very thorough trial, to be free from all ob- the alkaline development gives in nine cases
jection. The cut will give a clear out of ten, all the density that is needed.
idea of it. A brass rod, just stout But if a material mistake has been made in
enough to have the necessary exposure, or if the development has been
stiffness without being heavy, is
stopped by mistake too soon, so that the
inserted into a wooden handle, density is insufficient ; in these rare cases a
also another similar piece, much silver redevelopment may become neces-
shorter. Each of these carries sary, and then this holder comes into play,
an arm about three inches long, and enables one completely to save the fin-
the upper part of brass, but the gers.
lower half of solid silver. At A firmer grip of the holder is obtained
the bottom this silver piece is by partly squaring the round handle, which
bent short at right angles. The could not be very clearly shown in the fig-
two arms are connected by a rod ure.
passing through both. In one,
it simply turns round, in the
other hole there is a screw-thread ON KEEPING SENSITIZED PAPER
cut, with a corresponding thread on the rod. FROM DISCOLORING.
This last has at its right-hand end, a mill- BY JEX BARB-WELL.
head. It is evident that by turning this There is a great deal being said in the
mill-head the arms are made to approach or transatlantic journals about washed paper,
separate. paper that will keep in its sensitized condi-
tion for longer or less time. I give you a will certainly occur, causing an unlimited
formula that I find will keep the paper I amount of failures and loss of valuable time.
use, for three or four days in perfect condi- The purity of photographic chemicals is
tion, without washing or the trouble of of such vital importance to the advance-
fuming pads or paper. ment of our art, that it becomes the duty of
SILVER BATH. every one who can throw any light upon
Nitrate of Silver, . . 480 grains. the subject of impurities to add their mite
Water, . . . .16 ounces. for general information.
then lay a couple of sheets of the same pa- this solution according to my usual formula
per on the top of the sensitized sheet, and for instantaneous work, viz. :
fore clearly to blame for my failure to ob- hydrated acid. Acetic acid No. 8 is 30 per
tain some impression of the image. Upon cent. I have never found any photographic
the application of the developing solution impurity existing in this article, and have
to the plate I noticed a precipitate thrown reason to believe that it is more reliable
down, but it was impossible to say what it than the other. Being one-fifth stronger.,
was at that time, so the consideration of the allowance must be made when preparing
subject was deferred. Through the kind- the developing solution.
ness of a photographer residing near by I
was enabled to get a supply of pure de-
veloping solution, which gave no further
Rembrandt and "Rembrandts."
trouble. On my return home, and having BY GEORGE B. AYRES.
the conveniences of a laboratory and suit- With something of the disinclination
able reagents, I was enabled to pronounce with which we acknowledge the " immor-
the impurity in the acetic acid to be phos- tality " of Erostratus, do we regard the
phoric acid. But how that chemical should present resuscitation of the name of the
have appeared in my bottle of acid was not famous Kembrandt. Not that we would
easily answered. place the incendiary of the Ephesian temple
Wishing to satisfy my curiosity further upon a level with the prince of shadows ;
upon the subject, I inquired at the store but that, since the photographic art seems
from which I had purchased the solution, determined to christen its latest born with
if they had received any complaints of their the name of a great painter, we almost re-
acetic acid No. 8? Yes, was the answer. gret that the choice should happen, from
" Our attention was first called to it by a necessity, to fall upon the ignoble rather
photographer who could not develop his than the divine.
plates with our acid, and upon examination Had we sought a godfather in Kaphael,
the impurity proved to be phosphate of we would have found him among the incom-
lime." It seems that the manufacturers of parable cartoons of the Vatican ; or Titian,
this particular sample of acetic acid had engaged in delineating portraits of empe-
carelessly filtered it through animal char- rors and the nobility; or Vandyke, among
coal (burned bones), to remove traces of the beauty and learning of the Court of
organic coloring matter in the solution. England; but Rembrandt was "at home"
By doing phosphate of lime was dis-
so only in the alehouse or the brewery! The
solved and carried through the filter along angelic designs, the nobleness and refine-
with the acid and in combination with it. ment of those first mentioned find no coun-
The secret of all my annoyance was then as terpart in the grovelling Rembrandt, whose
clear as possible. The precipitate in the "madonnas" were the barmaids, and whose
iron solution, on the addition of acetic acid, "saints" were his coarse associates, the
was phosphate of iron, and the decomposi- boors.
tionon the excited plate was phosphate of We repeat, therefore, that however apt
silver. the photographic process can be arranged
It is proper to state that the druggist from to imitate the characteristics of this great
whom I purchased the acid, at once gave painter, it is almost a matter of regret that
orders for a new supply, and warned their we are made the innocent worshippers at
clerks not to sell acetic acid No. 8 to pho- an ignoble shrine and to honor one whose
tographers until it had been tested. instincts were base and vulgar, whilst we
One of the best tests for the presence of leave " unhonored and unsung" upon the
phosphoric acid in acetic acid, is the addi- historic tablet the names of those whose
tion of a few drops of nitrate of silver. If genius was god-like and whose lives were
phosphoric acid is present a copious white sublime.
precipitate will take place. Rembrandt Van Ryn (Rhine) — other-
For some time I have used a somewhat wisePaul Gerritz, — was a Dutch painter
different grade of acetic acid, known as U. of 1606-69, whose first impression of ex-
S. P. acid, containining 36 per cent, rnono- treme light and shade were doubtless re-
— —a —
he continued to practice and perfect until Baker, with commendable regard for the
this one feature became the distinguishing propriety of things, designates his illustra-
characteristic of his works. For want of a tion in the July number, " Shadow Pic-
better place he fitted up as a studio the loft ture," of course, and no one possessing a
of his father's mill, where the light was ad- correct knowledge of the use of art-terms
mitted by only a very small window — would do anything else !
mere hole for ventilation. In this dismal But the most insuperable objection to the
place he had opportunity to study those use of the name is meaningless
that it falls
powerful contrasts of light and shadow, and dead on the ear of the hearer even —
which subsequently rendered him the great among so-called " intelligent " persons, con-
master of chiaro-oscuro. He became a paint- veying no idea whatever of a person, place,
er of great renown, and his works are emi- or thing. Not one in a thousand who come
nent among those of all time but he was ; to a photograph gallery ever heard of Rem-
sadly devoid of any noble aspirations, never brandt, and consequently the word is mean-
mingled in polite society, had no ambition ingless to them, even though it be accepted
beyond the gratification of his vulgar habits, and used and we are not in the least sur-
oring was also good. True to his instincts, racci; and you say to a customer, "Will you
he considered the imitation of vulgar nature sit for a Ka-rock-chee ?" is it likely he would
preferable to the cultivation of ideal beauty, understand whether you were addressing
paid little regard to propriety in costumes him in Choctaw or Hottentot ? And yet it
and accessories — rather gloried in forms of is equally as proper as the more easily pro-
female ugliness and masculine deformity nounced "Rembrandt," and would be just
and restrained his natural tendency for in- about as comprehensible to people in general.
congruities only in his portraits. His Hence, whilst we glory in this beautiful
works, as a whole, comprise subjects of base- addition to our catalogue of styles, We do
ness or severity of design; and the intelli- earnestly protest against filching from the
gent seeker after what is pure and beautiful sphere of legitimate art, one of its most con-
will most likely be offended with Rem- spicuous names, in order to designate a new-
brandt; though he will not fail to discover, born picture with a pretentious title A !
at the same time, evidences of most consum- thing that is Rembrandt-isA is not by any
mate genius. means a Rembrandt ; the latter belongs spe-
The appropriation of the name of this works of the immortal master
cifically to the
painter, unqualified, to designate a style of himself, and it is only affectation to try to
photograph, we consider to be not only a " rob him of that which not enriches us, but
positive mistake, but a senseless innova- makes him poor indeed."
tion —a ridiculous blunder ! The term So much for the man and his name. In
"Rembrandt," which for two centuries regard to the present imitation of his style,
has been used in the art-world to designate we think, on the whole, much good will ac-
only the productions of his brush and burin crue from its adoption. To be sure, the
(for he also practiced Etching), cannot be miserable attempts and the misconcep-
applied with the least degree of correctness tions of the true character of Rembrandt's
to a —
photograph a kind of picture too of style which have been thrust upon the pub-
which Rembrandt himself had not the most lic (and which "Old Fogy" shows up at
selves ; they perhaps fail to comprehend the ceed with any method which was to me sat-
true resources of light and shadow— forget- isfactory, for the following reasons :
liar style of lighting, he nevertheless admits is a complete failure, as the whole will wash
and laments this patent imperfection. off after printing, unless, of course, the plate
Doubtless the most 'important gain real- is coated with a thick substratum of gelatine
ized by this new-style photograph, will be or albumen.
to crush out the old prejudices against shad- The methods therefore suggested by the
ows. Every provincial operator has wept above gentleman are impracticable, i. e., for
over the unappreciative rustics who insist ordinary operations, where speed is the
on having their faces taken like the full order of the day. I have a method to offer,
moon —
square to front and in complete
! simple, expeditious, and under control, as
light — whilst others refuse a three-quarter follows : After the negative is fixed and
head because it is " too black on one side I" washed, flow with a thick solution of albu-
But now the dose is an old allopathic one men, sav:
they rather like the novelty of the style, but
Albumen. 1 ounce,
must swallow down seven-eighths shadow "
Water, 4
or get no picture!
The Cleveland Exhibition proved the ac- and dry. When dry, coat with iodized col-
ceptability and popularity of the Shadow lodion, sensitize in the bath, and to expose,
for you to determine whether you will enlist der reversed, the film uppermost. Place
on the side of propriety, and use a term four small pieces of glass at each corner, and
which your customers will understand ; or gently lay on the pieces of glass a plate the
whether you will continue the improper, same size as the negative, which will pre-
meaningless, ill-timed, unauthoritative, in- serve the sensitive film from injury; close
comprehensible, un-American, inappropri- the door and expose a few seconds, by draw-
ate term, " Rembrandt." ing out the slide, in the light. It will be
understood, of course, that the sensitive film
ison the collodion side of the negative, not
CHEMICAL RETOUCHING. on the glass, so that a transparency is
BY DAVID DUNCAN, printed in close contact. After exposure,
idea offered by M. Carey Lea, Esq., develop with the ordinary developer, wash,
in the October number of the Philadelphia fix, dry, varnish, and the whole is complete.
Photographer for this year, concerning the The transparency on the negative will not
manipulation of negatives, is one deserving need intensifying, and will rarely be too
attention by all engaged in our profession. dense by the application of the developer
alone; the intensity however can be reduced
I experimented in the same direction at
least six months back, but did not then by cyanide of potassium.
Now the advantages of the idea, no mat-
* That is, legitimately, under the skylight ter how carried out, are manifold. Freckles
not by any " dodge " of printing or retouching. are softened, if not obliterated ; scratches
and pinholes are mollified, if not "stopped the evil of bad illumination and imperfect
out;" "heavy blacks" are toned down, and reflections.
shadows softened the faintest detail in the
Kurtz had a very respectable collection
shadows which otherwise would be lost in of colored porcelain pictures, a branch of
printing is increased, preserved, and har- art-photography in which he has always ex-
mony pervades the whole picture instead of celled. Some photographs, retouched with
a chalky, freckly, spotty, undertimed thing. India-ink, as large as 25x32, were exceed-
All undertimed negatives, or those with ingly beautiful. He exhibited also a num-
heavy shadows and dense high lights, can ber of Rembrandts, crayon drawings, and
be made, by the above method, to yield pass- negative vignettes (why so called ?)
able prints but remember, O, courteous
; Gurney's pictures of Edwin Booth and
reader, that experience must be acquired ere wife were very successful in pose and work-
you meet with unequivocal success. manship. His Rembrandt pictures were
exhibited was much less than I had reason conclusion, that the cause depends upon
to expect; and I must here confess my dis- their possessing a true and complete knowl-
satisfaction with the mode of hanging up edge of light and an inherent taste for the
photographs and works of art at such ex- beautiful and artistic. They know how to
hibitions; for it is almost impossible to ob- apply their light, to soften it, intensify it, in
tain a good view of a single picture, from fact to control it inany way, so as to gain
the fact that the philosophy of light is ig- their ends and they furthermore know how
nored in giving each print its position. It to make nature natural, whilst at the same
is by gaslight the exhibition
posssible, that time they can discriminate the conditions
may be mifch improved; by daylight it is that will give to a given nature the largest
quite defective, and it is by daylight that I amount of beauty and comeliness.
do all my work; hence the disadvantage I Mr. Williamson, of Brooklyn, exhibited
labor under. The same trouble existed at a number of miniatures neatly colored.
the Boston and the Cleveland Exhibitions; Our friend Bogardus was as well repre-
but it is to be hoped in future some genius sented at the Fair, as any one, any way to an
may arise from among the fraternity capa- equal amount; for, although not present
ble of posing side screens and walls at our propria persona, there was a portrait of him
next exhibitions in such a way as to remedy so life-like, so endowed with smiles and
good nature, that it was a short time before J. O'Neil, 949 Broadway, has on exhibi-
I became convinced of the limner's freak. tion a number of photographs at the Fair,
Examine the hand of this portrait anatom- — the prints are of the Eembrandt style, re-
exhibited by Wilson, Hood & Co., and taken find that everywhere retouching is the order
with the Steinheil lens, show the powers of of the day. I am sorry, however, to dis-
this lens; they were exceedingly good, and cover a degeneracy in pure photography by
can scarcely be surpassed, if even equalled. reason of this aping after art. There seems
Mr. W. H. Ehoads was the photographer. to have crept into numerous studios a degree
Since we last had the pleasure of seeing of carelessness which deserves to be severely
our friend Charles Bierstadt, of Niagara condemned the proprietors rely too much
Palls, he has been to see Brigham Young, on retouching, and less on the efficacy of
San Francisco, and the To Semite Valley, light and correct manipulation. In several
all which he has stereographed to perfec- galleries the retouching was performed in
tion. His collection of stereographs at the the following manner:
Fair is decidedly the largest and the best: The negative is varnished as usual, but in
and near by we find a number of excellent addition the back of the negative is also
prints by the Albert-type process, from the varnished, or at least that part of which it
atelier of Albert himself, Munich; these is to undergo any retouching. When dry
prints are exhibited by E. Bierstadt. As I and hard, this part is rubbed over with very
have just remarked, these impressions are fine pumice-powder, or the powder of cuttle-
excellent; and yet after all, the prints ob- fish, which gives the surface a tooth, as it is
tained by the Woodbury process seem to technically called.
have more vigor, or capable of more vigor- The next operation is to work in the high
ous contrast than these. We are anxious to lights by means of a stump and crayon pow-
see the Woodbury process carried out in this der (black square crayon). We have fre-
country to the extent which it is capable. quently availed ourselves of a similar pro-
The stereographs and views by J. Loefller, cess to this, and have on hand old negatives
Tomkinsville, Staten Island, give promise that testify to this fact; but the retouching
of success ; they are very respectably done. we worked in with India-ink or gamboge,
Bock wood & Broadway, exhibit
Co., 845 and not with crayon. The crayon process
a number of large retouched and colored with. the stump is much superior, and the
photographs; photographs of engines, Bem- artist who first discovered this advantage
brandt pictures, and particularly cloud- deserves much credit. The process is easy
scenes, by double printing, I presume, all of and reliable as far as it goes, and one beauty
which are good. is the following : it does not destroy the like-
Near to the end of the list we come upon ness with careful manipulation. It is easy,
a goodly collection of good plain photo- however, if careless, to give rotundity to
graphs by Henry Merz the work does Mr.
; parts that are naturally flat or even hollow,
Merz credit. because of the facility of communicating
crayon powder to any part you like, and to ness. First was A. Wolfrom's collection, con-
any amount. We were informed by the sisting of a fine display of cards, imperials,
proprietors of some of the rooms we visited, and4-4sof the Rembrandt style, and the good
that this process had been patented;' if this old style that Rembrandt can't lay in the
be so, you will have to get permission to use shade. Next was J. A. Scholten's
in order
it from the patentee, whoever he may be. collection, which was the largest and showi-
I doubt, however, whether such a process est in the Pair. It seemed as if he had trans-
Association, and believe in exhibiting their worked up by Ruburka were very fine. All
work to the public. We have the follow- his plain work was very finely retouched ;
ing report from them : too much so, I think, for general photograph
work; in fact, they lose their identity al-
most as photographs, and become the work
St. Louis, Mo., October 10th, 1870. of an artist and not the work of a photog-
Dear Editor Permit me to photograph
: rapher they looked (most of his work) like
to your mind's eye, a few notes about the fine engravings; they were fine, very fine,
display of photographs and things apper- only too much so, for photography. His
taining to the same, at the recent great Fair collection of Rembrandts was superior, in
in St. Louis, Mo., that has just terminated. the lighting, especially but had the same ;
I am sorry you could not make it convenient fault of almost all of his work — too much
to pay our growing city (of over 300,000 by worked up by an artist. He also had on ex-
late census) a visit during our yearly Fair, hibition a fine collection of burnt-in porce-
if it was but to see our great amphitheatre lains. Next to Scholten was R. Benecke,
with its 100,003 visitors in it at one time. I the worthy Secretary of the Photographic
can assure you the photographers of St. Society of St. Louis. He had a superior col-
Louis would have tendered you the hand of lection of views, and a panoramic view of
fellowship and a hearty welcome to the St. Louis, besides some fine stereoscopic
West you Eastern people have no real idea
views, and a few 4-4 or 8 x 10 heads. Adjoin-
of the West or its people until you visit it ing this display, was Boehl & Koenig, con-
and them, and then you generally come to sisting principally of large views and ste-
the conclusion we are somebody. reoscope pictures, beautifully colored and
But to the photographic display, it was tinted ;
also, some cards and imperials. Op-
creditable to those who exhibited, but it posite to these were R. Goebel's, principal^
was not what I had expected only nine ex-
8 x 10, very fine, clear distinct pictures,
hibitors, out of about fifty galleries in this showed they were the work of a good photog-
city. rapher. The tones were, what I consider, just
It seems to me that most part of the pres- right; no fancy toning, that the photogra-
ent generation of photographers have not phers of the day are running wild after.
the ambition they ought to have for the wel- These pictures did not hang in as favorable
fare of the profession ; they gain their living a position as others, and were not noticed as
by self, and the almighty dollar is the much by the public. On the other side again,
greatest trait in most of their characters ;
we see the large and fine display of Cramer
nothing for art, elevation, and advance- & Gross, life-size in oil, cabinet, India-ink,
ment, for futurity. " Can't spare the time," large groups, imperials, cards, and Rem-
says one; "It costs something to make a brandts, the predominant styles of these ar-
show," says another ;
" What good does it tists' pictures, but not worked to death, as
do?" says a short-sighted, narrow-minded, some others are. This firm may well be
would-be artist; and so it is with endless ex- proud of their display, as it was much ad-
cuses, even from those that were expected to mired. Alongsido of those was the collec-
set an example to younger heads at the busi- tion of Max Saetcle, consisting of photo-
graphs in oil, cabinets, retcmched, cards, from the many fairs and exhibitions, what
Kembrandts, and a variety of 4-4 pictures. a falling off there would be in prizes,
The collection was very creditable. medals, puffs, notices, etc., and how many
Next and last was the old veteran of the great artists in photography would be com-
art in St. Louis, J. H. Fitzgibbon he had ;
ing down to their own level of poor brother
a very fine display of all styles, among photographers. These are some of the views
which were some beautiful mezzotints, not taken with a camera obscura.
phunnygraphs, and night pictures, special- From your friend,
ties by this artist alone; also a novelty in Justice.
the way of a dress photograph of a lady,
From Cincinnati the report is brief, but
some three feet in length; the head, arms,
speaks much, and thousands and tens of
and hands of a cabinet picture being used,
thousands of the public, whom we are try-
and the balance in dry goods very neatly
ing to educate (you and we are), were given
and handsomely dressed, and was much ad-
a sight at the wonderful strides and reaches
mired by the ladies, and gentlemen also.
One other I must not omit to mention, and
of photography. We will let Mr. Cady
speak for himself:
that is Easterly, the Daguerreian, as he is
developing. The varnish might be removed graphs from the Oldham Photographic So-
by steaming the plate over heated alcohol, ciety, in exchange for prints forwarded to
and then doctored by re-fixing, drying, and them by this Society.
re-varnishing, but it was risky. Mr. Edward L. Wilson offered for exam-
Mr. Carbutt spoke of the necessity of re- ination the celebrated picture "First Hour
developing with pyro before fixing, and he of the Night," by Eobinson and Cherrill.
thought it was right. He had used gallic It was much admired.
acid, nitrate of lead, and acetic acid, with Mr. Moran stated that he had made a
a little silver, and found it excellent. large number of experiments in landscape
Mr. Bell said he had used the same, only photography, for the purpose of proving
substituting acetate of lead for the nitrate. which of the many lenses offered for such
Mr. Carbutt said there was just where use would give the sharpest picture, the
the mistake laid. sharpness to be judged not by the eye alone
Mr. Wilson, after further discussion, com- but by the assistance of a lens magnifying
mented on the practical nature of Mr. Bell's 40 diameters; after many trials he was en-
paper, the beauty of his results, etc and on
, abled to determine to his satisfaction, that
his motion, a vote of thanks was tendered a photographic objective he had made by
Mr. Bell. Dallmeyer was superior to any other he had
Mr. Cremer moved that a life insurance tried.
league be formed in the Society, and on mo- Mr. Moran illustrated his remarks with
tion, Messrs. Cremer, Hagaman, and Moore, negatives which were very interesting in-
were appointed a committee to consider the deed.
subject and report. The Secretary mentioned a serious diffi-
Mr. John Moran was appointed to read culty that he had experienced during a re-
the essay at the next meeting. cent photographic trip, which was occa-
Mr. Marcy's sciopticon was then put in sioned by impure acetic acid in the devel-
operation, and a transparency of the check- oping solution.
ered negative shown at the last meeting Mr. Moran then exhibited to the mem-
was enlarged on the screen, showing the de- bers a fine collection of glass positives, which
fects very plainly. were enlarged in the Societj^'s magic lan-
Messrs. Marcy and Moran then enter- tern. Amongthe number were a variety
tained the Society for an hour, with an ex- ofWhite Mountain and Wissahickon views.
hibition of transparencies of views in New Mr. Moran is devoting a good deal of atten-
Hampshire, and the Delaware Water Gap, tion to this branch of photography with
colored subject pictures, and a number of marked success.
various things printed by the Woodbury On motion adjourned.
Photo Belief Process. The whole conclu- John C. Browne,
ding with a very beautiful slide, made from Kecording Secretary.
fern-leaves, by Mr. Gaffield, forming the
words, " God is Love."
The meeting adjourned at 10.30 p.m., FERROTYPERS' ASSOCIATION OF
after thanks were tendered for the fine ex- PHILADELPHIA.
hibition. , An adjourned meeting of the Ferrotypers'
Association of Philadelphia was held at Mr.
A. K. P. Trask's gallery, on Tuesday even-
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF ing, September 23d, 1870, the President,
PHILADELPHIA. Mr. A. K P. Trask, in the chair.
The regular monthly meeting was held In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. C.
on Wednesday evening, October 5th, 1870. L. Lovejoy was appointed to fill his place
The President, Mr. Frederic Graff, in the for the evening.
chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read
The Corresponding Secretary reported and adopted.
that he had received a package of photo- James W. Birth, of Chester, Pa., William
free development, the photographer is gen- him wonder. One of his first visits was
erally but little esteemed,and rarely con- to the works of the American Optical Com-
sidered an artist. Here in America, where pany, and in reference to their camera
such a difference of rank is unknown, he boxes, he writes " They are very solid, and
enjoys a much higher position, if he be able of excellent kind. They are not so heavy
to fill it. Here the photographer is the chief as the English and German cameras, and
representative of creative art, and is not the stock here is perhaps the largest in the
forced to submit to the arrogance of artists. world.
The public, also, when being grouped, or at "The small aperture in the holders,
any time having their pictures taken, gen- through which the dark slide is drawn, is
erally place themselves under the orders of closed by a spring, and there are no hinges
their photographer, instead of insinuating to the slide. I prefer this contrivance to the
and insisting upon managing the job them- divided front board or slide, with hinges
selves." fixed on the dark-slide, soon getting out of
After commenting upon the work on ex- order by the silver drops penetrating the
hibition, he adds, " The general impression joints. The American tripod stands are in
received is a favorable one, there being no general more solid and simple in their con-
medium class of work, on exhibition, as in struction than the European stands."
Berlin and Paris." Still, medium quality The working Woodbury process he
of the
of work -is made here, alas, to too great an saw here for the first time, and describes it
extent. fully. His letters are long, and it is inter-
He praises our Rembrandt pictures, our esting to know what American photogra-
Photo-Crayons, and especially our enlarge- phy seems to German eyes. Dr. Yogel's
ments, commending Mr. Albert Moore, the impression of it was certainly very favor-
solar printer, in the highest terms. The able.
prices charged by Mr. Moore for full sheet
prints, he thinks are exceedingly cheap.
He is surprised that there was so little
landscape work on exhibition, while our
country is so abundant in beautiful subjects,
not surpassed even by the Harz, Thuringen,
or the Rhine.
Photography and the War — Adam Salomon's
He seems astonished at the extent to
Background — Dr. Vogel — Magnesium
Light — Removing Silver Stains — Bi-me-
which photography is used by railroad com-
dallion Portraits — Stains on Opal Glass.
panies as an advertising medium, and he
praises our railway cars highly as being Photography and the War. — Besides the
luxurious, and is astonished at our number all-absorbing interest to mankind at large
of railroads. Ambrotypes and ferrotypes of the terrible war which is raging within
are a wonder to him, and unknown in Ger- a few miles of our shores, it seems to press
many. He took a box of plateshome with itself upon the special interest of photog-
him as a curiosity. raphers from many causes. Paris is the
He was much surprised to see a large re- market from which a very large portion of
ception-room connected with each gallery, the photographic requisites consumed in
and as much surprised to see how very small this country was obtained, and already scarc-
and unhealthy the dark-rooms generally are ity in this direction is beginning to be felt.
here. A large number of photographers from
With reference to our glass-houses, he Paris have recently reached London some ;
adds, they are generally high. In Europe, must be ruined, and all most seriously im-
the whole north front and the roof are cov- poverished. M. Goupil recently arrived
ered with glass, but in America, commonly here ; his large establishment for photo-
only the middle part of the north top light relievo printing, erected a year or two ago
is glass. at Asnieres, in the suburbs of Paris, and
The extent of our stock houses also caused only very recently completed, is, I under-
The im-
stand, levelled with the ground. and having also a somewhat more
mense carbon printing and photo-relievo comprehensive aim. His background forms
printing establishment of M. Braun, of a curve, or the arc of a large circle, the
Dornach, is very midst of the seat of
in the chord of which arc would be about nine feet.
war in Alsace. I have not heard of its fate; Attached to this is a ridge-shape canopy of
but I fear that it can scarcely have escaped semi-transparent material. This canopy
the devastation. M. Adam Salomon and opens at the ridge, and hinged to the back-
his family have arrived here. He informed ground at each side, so that it can be opened
me that he had given up his residence and to admit a portion of direct light. As, how-
studio at Passy, for the use of the wounded. ever, it is chiefly by a high side light that
M. Reutlinger is also here ;
he called upon M. Salomon illuminates his figures, the
me the other day, but I had not the good curved background plays the most import-
fortune to see him. M. Nadar, a distin- ant part in his lighting. The sitter is placed
guished Parisian photographer, has taken within thecurve, and the background, which
charge of the balloon department of the war is made to run easily, is moved round him
in Paris. Some photographers suffer more until the right effect is produced, the curved
fatally. The blind rage of the infuriated screen being used to regulate the amount
French peasants sees in every artist, either of light admitted on the lighted side, and to
sketching or photographing, a Prussian act as a reflector on the shadowed side, as
spy, and little time for explanation is af- well as to form a background, which by its
forded. A young collegian, who was re- light and shade gives space and relief to the
cently sketching for amusement, near Vin- figure. He has intended for some time,
cennes, not immediately noticing the chal- when his experiments with it were quite
lenge of a Garde Mobile, was at once shot complete, to favor me
with a detailed de-
dead. M. Hart, the first person shot in scription and diagrams, but although he is
Paris as a Prussian spy, was a photog- perfectly satisfied with the results, and finds
rapher, and had a few months before been that he can quite dispense with blinds, the
engaged an operator.
in Jersey as matter has hitherto been procrastinated.
Of course the shop windows in London Now, however, I hope shortly to be able to
teem with portraits of those distinguished place the matter more fully before your
in connection with the war, and despite readers,and give diagrams illustrating the
Lavater, the public are irresistibly led to system. It may interest your readers to
the conclusion, that " there is no art to read know that M. Salomon was much charmed
the mind's construction in the face ;
" for with many American photographs I showed
amongst the most manly and genial-looking him ;
pre-eminently so with three or four
of the photographed faces, is that of the of those by Mr. Kurtz, I was able to place
braggart and blundering Le Boeuf; and before him, and also with the enlargements
amongst the least imposing or impressive by Mr. Moore.
faces, is that of the profound strategist —
Dr. Vogel. Our common friend, Dr. Vo-
Count Von Moltke. Photography has, I gel, spent a day with me on his journey
understand, played an important part home. He gave me a most glowing and in-
amongst the Germans in the rapid multi- teresting account of America, Americans,
plication of maps, plans, and other topo- and American photography. Although it
graphical aids in carrying on war in an is eighteen years since I was in the States,
lar, in Broadway. A glance at these things, or cost, and may secure additional patron-
however, enables me to judge of the im- age, is generally acceptable to the portrait-
mense stride in photograph}'- as Dr. Vogel ist. A correspondent has recently sent me
proceeds with his enthusiastic narrative. some examples of a which has pleased
Above all, he was delighted with the com- his customers, especially newly married or
prehensive intelligence and enterprise of engaged couples. It consists of two por-
American photographers, and with the traits in oval medallions, side by side, just
status of the art amongst the people. His touching each other, on the long way of an
anxiety to get home made his stay in Lon- ordinary card. I have styled them " Bi-
don very brief. Although going home to medallion Portraits;" I inclose you an ex-
a victorious country, his gladness was sadly ample. I also append some extracts from
tempered with apprehensions for the fate of my correspondent's letter, describing his
brothers and friends in the army. He mode of producing the pictures. He says :
anticipated his own immediate dispatch to " First, then, the camera. I use a camera
the seat of war on medical duty. I have with sliding back for double cartes. In the
not yet heard from him since his arrival in opening at the back I place a piece of black-
Berlin. ened cardboard, with an oval cut out in the
Magnesium Light. — I do not know whether centre, which I fasten by means of four
in your country of prevalent sunlight mag- black pins. This is all that is required to
nesium is much used in photography. If be done to the camera. I now place a chair
it be, it will be good news to learn that the in front of the lens, and request my sitter to
price of magnesium will, in all probability, sit there. If it is a lady and gentleman, I
be very shortly reduced, in consequence of always ask the lady to sit first, and pose her
a new and cheap method having been dis- head so that it will be looking towards the
covered of preparing sodium, by means of right (which, I believe, according to the
which the metallic magnesium is recovered rules of art, will be correct), as, in the fin-
from its chloride. The price of sodium ished portrait, the lady will be to the left
amounts, at present, to twelve shillings a of the gentleman, and looking towards him.
pound, and a company recently formed to I then adjust the head-rest and light. This
work the new sodium patent hope to reduce isanother important thing, and, in this style
its cost to one-twentieth of that sum. Should of portraiture, a great advantage; for in-
this marked reduction in the price of sodium stance, in taking a group, we put our sitters
really come to pass, we may hope to pur- looking towards each other. And what is
chase magnesium at a very moderate rate the result? Why, that one has the shadow
indeed, and thus secure a source of artificial on the wrong side of the face. Now sir, I
light at once effective and economical. am enabled to correct this, and by this
Removing Silver Stains. There are various means: I use a side-light on each side, and
methods of removing stains of nitrate of sil- have dark and light blinds; thus, in taking
ver from the fingers and clothes. Any sim- the lady, I draw the dark blind on the right
ple and efficient method is, however, always side, and vice versa for the gentleman, and
useful to the photographer as an addition my shadow is right in each case. And now
to his resources. The chloride of copper expose. Then put the gentleman to sit,
has been strongly recommended lately for placing his head against the rest and look-
removing stains of nitrate of silver, especi- ing towards the left ; there is no occasion to
ally upon linen. For treatment of a fabric, focus again, but merely to shift the dark-
a very dilute solution is used, and the stuff slide. The proper distance must be ascer-
afterwards thoroughly washed with plenty tained previously; it must be so that the
of water. The chloride of copper does not rays will overlap without injuring the im-
destroy the colors printed upon the linen, age. I then proceed to take them over
provided the same is rinsed in a solution of again, but reversing' the views of the face ;
prints which have stains, etc., blacken them A. No, certainly not.
in the sun, and proceed to cut out the mask M. Ah, bah Come now, that won't go
the paper vertically, not in the centre, but A. The best way to convince you then, is
a little distance from the top, so as to get by experiment. I coat this plate and sensi-
my ovals in the centre ; I then take a ninth tize it. There it is all ready.
size mat, place the straight top level with M. Isn't there too much light in this
the line (but not in the centre of the paper), room?
and cut out the oval ; I then shift it to the A. Oh no. Light up your dark-room(I)
other side, letting the inner side overlap as brilliantly as you like. Look! my entire
the other oval, and cut out again, by which sash is orange glass. I can read in here as
means I get my ovals in contact I place ; well as in the skylight. Why so many
this mask on my negative, and print." photographers work in a dark-room fum-
Stains on Opal Glass. — In my recent visit bling and shuffling about, in preference to a
to a photographic manufactory, I
glass room as light as day, is rather a mystery to
learned several useful hints, one of which, me ; that is their business, however. Now,
referring to opal glass, is worth mentioning. I put the plate in the hypo, observe the
Smoothed opal glass possesses a surface effect. See, the hypo has dissolved all the
so absorbent, that when an image has once iodide and bromide of silver from off the
been developed upon it, the traces generally plate, leaving it in pretty the same much
remain The method I have
after cleaning. condition as it went into the
was before it
generally recommended for removing such silver bath. All the collodion is here, how-
stains, has consisted in applying tincture of ever, though deprived of its iodides.
iodine followed by strong hypo or cyanide, M. What does this prove ?
then washing with dilute nitric acid, and A. Patience, patience, wait and see. I
rinsing. Mr. Forrest informed me that the now prepare another plate and before put-
use of a little line emery powder, rubbed for ting in the hypo I will expose it to the day-
about a minute with the finger-end on the light. So ; now I put it in the hypo.
stained part, is the most efficient method of M. The iodide is dissolved exactly as in
cleaning. I have tried it with complete the first instance.
success. Of course, the plate will require A. Yet, Mr. Marshal, the condition of the
rinsing afterwards. film has been most materially affected by
this exposure to the light.
M. How can you prove this ?
PHOTOGRAPHIC DIALOGUES. A. I now prepare another plate and pour
(.SEQUEL TO ONE HUNDRED DAYS IN A FOG, over its surface some of the developer. Ob-
ETC., CONTINUED.) serve the effect.
BY ELBERT ANDERSON, M. I don't see any effect to observe.
Operator at W. Kurtz's Gallery, 872 JJroadway, N. Y.
A. The developer containing acetic acid,
A. Here is a shallow rubber tray, rather as you know, is restrained from immedi-
larger than the largest plates wo have occa- ately producing a precipitate in the silver
sion to use. Into it I pour a saturated solu- solution on the plate. It has now been on
tion of hyposulphite of soda, which has about a minute or so; we will now dip it
been filtered. in the hypo.
M. This is the fixing solution, I presume ! M. Still the iodide is dissolved as before.
We call it the " hypo," for short. A. Finally, I prepare another plate, and
wash off all the nitrate thoroughly. There, M. "Why you ! surprise me. Is that also.
now I expose it. Shut the window. Now I a misnomer?
pour on the developer. A. Undoubtedly —inasmuch as light not
M. Ah! I told you so; see, it don't preci- only does not exercise any influence in pro-
pitate. The iodide, then, couldn't have been ducing the picture, but on the contrary,
affected. tends to destroy
it and that the luminous
A. Not quite so fast, Mr. Marshall, you principle (which we call light) is not neces-
are wrong you forget the developer has
; sary to make a photograph, I can prove by
nothing to act upon, there being no nitrate experiment, and take a picture in total
to precipitate. darkness.
M. By Jove you ! are right ; now what's M. You will, perhaps, excuse me if I am
the next move? skeptical, but I should mightily like to see
A. I will pour off the developer in this this done.
glass,and mix with it a few drops of silver A. It is accomplished in the following
solution. See, the acid prevents immediate manner: A large prismatic spectrum is
precipitation. Now I pour it again over the thrown upon a lens fitted into a side of a
; '
luminated, whilst through the blue glass I brought into direct sunlight, the union takes
see absolutely nothing. place immediately, accompanied with a pow-
A. Now we will expose a plate. So erful explosion. Or the vial may be put
come and see it developed. into* a dark place (a cellar, for instance),
M. Well, upon my word ! It has copied and a ray of sunlight directed upon it by
most faithfully that part which was totally means of a mirror the instant the ray
invisible, whilst the brilliantly lighted half strikes it an explosion will occur. Again,
has been wholly neglected. I never should if the chlorine gas alone be first exposed to
have believed this, had I not seen it done. the light, it acquires and retains for a con-
That is really a most curious and remark- and if afterwards
siderable time this power,
able experiment. Speaking of light, in the mixed with the hydrogen, even in the dark,
term as it is understood, what is the nature an explosion instantly takes place.
of this action of light on a sensitive plate ? M. Well, well, live and learn !
mention a few remarkable facts, and to per- continued by the developer in the dark-
form some interesting experiments. There room. As this experiment, like the other,
are several reasons for supposing that each requires certain conditions which may be
of the three principles, light, heat, and inconvenient, let us get at "something
actinism, included in the solar ray, exercise nearer home," as the saying is.
a blue or violet glass 'in two or three. The ing the past month, and some very Hatter-
ing praises are being bestowed upon it. At B is the condenser, made at the bottom
this we are not at all surprised, for it is so with a shoulder and flange to fit easily into
full of good, coming from the minds of the the top of A; the flange runs up a little
best workmen in Europe, that no one can above the shoulder, as shown in the sketch.
read it without a great deal of profit. The The condenser, B, is also fitted with a cone
edition will soon be exhausted, though there " c " (like the top of a funnel inverted), and
are a few more left. tightly soldered at its base, near- to the bot-
tom of B leaving height enough, however,
I have enjoyed with genuine photo- Now to use : Fill A two-thirds with water,
graphic relish the dialogues contributed to put it over your gas (or any other) stove;
your columns by Mr. Anderson. In gen- when the water boils, put on the condenser,
eral, they announce plain facts, sound sense, B, and fill the upper part with cold water;
and withal, a spice of genuine wit. the steam as generated strikes the cold sur-
His method of making a still, however, face of condenser "c," becomes condensed,
is both expensive and complicated, so I pro- and trickles down to the trough at the base,
pose right here, to give you a sketch of an and soon flows out of the short tube "e"
apparatus for distilling pure water, which pure and sweet; "f" is a detached tube,
will perform all that Mr. Anderson claims, which slips on and off of " e," and serves to
at one-tenth the cost,and is far simpler. It conduct the water where desired.
is not original with me. Some sixteen This simple affair will distil for hours
months ago, a man told me about it, and I even after the water above the condenser
went right over to the tinman's, chalked has become quite warm (of course it works
out a drawing on his wall, and an hour faster to change this occasionally, pouring
afterwards, I had the whole affair "biling," part back into A to make up for the loss by
and at a cost of only one dollar; here it is: evaporation). It will prove a blessing to
It can be made of tin plate, or better, tinned many a photographer, and I may add, it is
copper. It is so perfectly simple that really not "patented."
it requires no explanation, yet for fear that A great advantage that this machine has
Marshall, or Roland Vanweike's "Focus" over all others is that every part can be kept
may be tempted to put in their oar, the fol- perfectly clean, and with little labor.
position prize, and our English friends car- keeps the cloth stretched.
ried off thepalm. The work of their com- The motion may be communicated by
petitors was all creditable and promising. hand by means of a crank, or by clockwork.
Now, as some objection was made formerly If the operator wants a dark ground, he
to the wholesale criticism of the judges, pub- brings the black part to the front, and keeps
licly, we have decided to adopt a different it there should he wish it rather lighter,
course, as follows: In order that all who de- he begins at the white and passes gradually
sire may study these pictures — their faults to the darker tints.
and excellencies — we shall print sets for sale Another advantage of this apparatus is
at a low price, and, with them, furnish a lit- to keep the backgrounds of the pictures
tle pamphlet, giving the criticisms of the free from spots or stains, as the cloth being
judges on each, and such information as we in motion during the pose, it can leave no
can get from the parties concerning their traces of them.
skylights, their method of working, etc., etc. Those who have tried this screen, have
This will make a matter of" great interest, declared it to bo much more convenient
— —
than all others, even those used in first class 2. The graduation of a hydrometer is en-
establishments, and the foregoing descrip- tirely arbitrary. To make it as compact
tion must be convincing as to the advan- and convenient for use as possible, the read-
tages which it presents. The construction ings are doubled, for if the divisions were
is simple, presents no difficulty, and also made to indicate single grains, the stem
costs little. Italian Photographic Review. would necessarily be twice the length, ren-
dering it more liable to breakage, and re-
quiring a longer tube and more solution in
which to float it. It could be made also
with the same length of stem, but in this
case the divisions would be so close together
as to make the readings troublesome and
uncertain. — J. F. Magee.
3.Hydrometers indicate specific gravity
or density, and as liquids expand by heat,
they become less dense for this reason a ;
of silver in the bath, are very regular and the deposit of silver when toning. Acetate
uniform in size, and also small. Hold your is best for warm sepia tones, and is used the
plate up, and look across it before develop- most. Phosphate yields purple, and tungs-
ing, and in the latter cas'e you will see the tate warm —
brownish tones. Gr. H. Fenne-
particles on the plate. Now develop it. more.
See? The developer washes oft" the parti- 7. If nitrate of silver is kept melted too
cles, and their tracks only are left in the long, or if melted at too high a tempe-
it. is
shape of pinholes. Pinholes from particles rature, it is decomposed, the nitric acid being
of the film floating in the bath are irregular driven off, leaving metallic silver behind.
in shape, and larger than the others. Liv- Dissolve with pure nitric acid, and evapor-
ingstone. ate down until it is dry, and then melt care-
— — —
8. " Corks " might as well ask " What is and use the same device both for sky and
the velocity of the wind?" as to put the side-light. I divide the side in two, and the
silly question he does. He could be as skylight in four parts, thus securing all
readily answered. The developer must, of the necessary control of the light. —T. M.
course, be used to suit the subject, light, etc., Schleier.
and would be a long story to tell him all
it Stretch a set of wires from side to side of
the variations. He explains the whole theory the skylight in either direction you may
in his own question. Livingstone. choose, one yard apart. Another set of
There is no end to the causes of fog-
9. wires, except at the sides, a few inches
ging. Probably in " Sam's " case his water apart (say 4), placed so that when curtains
is impure. Any organic matter in the water are strung upon them, they will overlap
is sure to contaminate the bath. May I enough to shut out any light between them ;
ask him if his yellow glass is not guilty of get white muslin one yard wide sew to the ;
admitting light of the wrong sort into his edges metal rings about six inches apart,
dark-room ? Livingstone. and string upon the wires, and operate by
a rod, or cords and pulleys. Immediately
10. For a number of years I have used
beneath this set of curtains or screens, hang
the following method of screening off the
a similar set of black muslin, and with the
sun, and regulating the light in my gallery combination, any light can be governed at
to my entire satisfaction. A glance at the
will! —
F. M. Spencer.
diagram below will show its use and con-
struction, and as I believe a good photog- 11. A good way to get a colored light for
I use the following materials: £x lj-inch tween them and the outer panes as many
strips, joined at the corners with a tin plate, thicknesses of tissue-paper, of yellow or
cut in angular shape, on each side fastened green color, as may be necessary to produce
with tacks. For hinges, I use screw-eyes the degree of color desired; fasten the in-
No. 112, of which I screw two into the sash, side panes of glass with tacks, that they may
and open two, forming a hook, which I be easily removed and cleaned, or the tissue-
screw in the edge of the frame at the oppo- ;
paper changed.
site edge and centre of the frame I put one To prevent any white light coming in at
the sides of the panes, paint black lines half
an inch wide around the inside of the fixed
or outer panes. This method is cheaper
than paint or colored fluids, easier of ap-
plication, and more durable. My own has
been in use three years, has never been
cleaned, or the paper changed, and is in
good condition yet, yellow paper being used,
and it will not fog a plate, even when sun-
light falls upon the window.— F. M. Spen-
attach a screw-pulley, through which the bath by alternately acidifying with nitric
cord passes, having a weight attached. The acid and neutralizing with bicarbonate of
'luktMpta fpfltfljjffljrftM,
that the year that is coming so rapidly upon we only see the additional labor and expense
us, will far exceed that in its accomplish- attendant upon it. It would require us to
ments. If so, it will indeed, then, be a devote our whole time to your interests,
Happy New Tear to you. If the coming Ex- and bind us more closely to you than "ever.
hibition in Philadelphia is supported with We have deliberated considerably and long
the same growing, enterprising spirit that over the matter, and have concluded to an-
characterized the one in Cleveland, then it nounce to you that beginning with the new
will be a Happy New Year for us. Now year, on the 15th of each month, we shall
there is one way to insure all this. You issue a supplement to our issue of the 1st of
can be happy in anticipation of coming here the month, which we shall call the Photo-
next June with your best work for exhibi- graphic World. It will be exactly the same
tion, and after you have been here, we will in type, style, size, etc., as the Philadelphia
guarantee that you will feel happy all the Photographer, and will contain a photograph
rest of the year that you came. every month the same. The only essential
Now we do not wish to neutralize your difference will be in the matter. The price
and we don't
prospects for future happiness, will be the same. Several new features
think we when we ask you to examine
will, will be introduced, the main one being the
your wrapper this month and see if it is reproduction of the most useful contribu-
stamped " Subscription Expired." If it is, tions which appear in the European jour-
we believe you will need no further hint nals, and a summary of all of them of every —
from us as to what should be done. We paper written on the subject of photography,
hope to retain you all as our subscribers, no matter what the source. There are hun-
and that each one of you will try to send a dreds of such valuable papers appear an-
new one and secure a premium. Our list of nually, which our readers never enjoy see-
ing, because we have not the space to re- fraternity of their rights in all things, our
print them. This will no longer be the main object being to work for them in every
case. You shall hereafter know of them right direction, and to elevate them to a
all, —English, German,
French, Dutch, higher standard as professionals, thus ele-
Kussian, and Indian. the World will
Still vating the beautiful art we advocate. We
be American in its ideas and notions, and shallapplaud the good and point out the
original papers, by practical American pho- bad always, so far as our ability extends.
tographers, will appear in each number, As we mean to deserve support, we are
the same spirit that pervades the Philadel- the more free to acknowledge that we expect
phia Photographer always characterizing it, both for the Philadelphia Photographer,
the World throughout. during the eighth year of its life, and for
We very well know that some of our the Photographic World, during the first
readers will feel that they cannot afford to year of its existence.
take a semi-monthly. To accommodate
them, we shall issue it as a separate journal
altogether, and page it by itself. At the end THE STEREOSCOPE.
of the year can be bound with the Phila-
it BY J. B. LYMAN, A.M., M.D.,
delphia Photographer, if you take both, yet Rockford, Illinois.
those who only wish one or the other will The following is offered as a concise ex-
have a complete volume in either. To those planation of the principle of this instrument
who take both, a concession in price will be and its wonderful illusion.
made, for particulars of which we ask you The primary object of the lenses is to su-
to read the prospectus. perpose one picture upon the other, and not,
We undertake this work believing that as some suppose, to magnify, although they
the working photographers of America will have that effect. The superposition may also
support it. We have, as you will see, ar- be effected by mirrors, as was done in the
ranged our subscription rates and terms so first stereoscope. And, with some practice
that the more humble class of enlightened in controlling the muscular movements of
photographers and those seeking after more the eye, one picture may be superposed upon
light —
can be accommodated. We are fully the other and the full stereoscopic effect
aware that the love of intelligence and im- observed without any instrument whatever,
provement is growing among the photog- as the writer can testify from his own ex-
raphers of America. There is probably no perience. But how is the "blending" of
other class of people, who, as a class, are the two pictures produced so as to give the
more determined to have the very best infor- effect of solidity, or, in other words, so as
mation they can procure on the subject of to give the true perception of distances as
their business. Our object is to render the ifwe were looking at the natural objects?
Photographer and the World the vehicles to To make this clear we must first inquire
convey that sort of information, and to what it is that gives us the notion of the
adapt them to the wants and interests of the relative distances when we look at an assem-
photographers generally. They shall have blage of natural objects, as in a landscape.
the earliest, the best, and the most news that We find that this knowledge is derived
money or enterprise can possibly secure. principally from three sources ; from
but we have
of these principles illustrated ;
But the points B and B 7 are not identical
them photograph the same as
in the single it must be remembered that it is
points (for
in the double stereograph. "We do not not the inner half of the retina of one eye
then find in these principles the explanation that is identical with the inner half of the
of the wonderful illusion of reality which other, and the outer half of one with the
the stereoscope gives us. But there is a outer half of the other; but the inner half
third source of our knowledge of distance, of one is identical with the outer half of the
which will fully explain the stereoscopic other, or the two right halves correspond
effect. This is a principle derived from the with each other and the two left halves also
physiology of vision. It is well established with each other). Therefore since B and
that in viewing a landscape with objects at B' are each in the inner half of the eye they
different distances only one of them is seen cannot be identical points; the object b will
distinctly at a time. therefore appear double, one image being
Let the objects a, b and c, be directly in to the right of a and the other to the left.
front of the two eyes and at different dis- In the same way we may show that while
tances, and let the two eyes be fixed upon the eyes are directed to a the object c will
the object a, or in other words, let the visual appear double.
axis of each eye be directed to that object. What now is necessary in order that the
The image of the object a, will be formed at object b may be seen single? evidently the
A and A /
in each eye and will be seen dis- front of each eye must be turned outward,
tinct and single, for the points A and A'' so that the axes of visionmay be directed to
b,then the object b will appear single, since
A* the two images at B and B' will then be at
< %
A and A', the extremities of the axes, which
are identical points, as shown above. In
the same way, in order that the object C
/.\ may appear single, the eyes must be turned
inward until the axes shall correspond with
the lines c C and c C'. But these movements
of the eye are made by muscular contraction
i a>. \
under the direction of the will, and with
1 A »
these movements we have learned to asso-
/ \ '
/ J? \ « til we have come to discriminate distances
; /
image of b at B and B', and of c at C and hence we unavoidably pass the same judg-
C / We have now got our double picture ment as to their relative distance, and the
at the left hand of A, as at B, and so with a double camera, the picture must be cut
the object c. The two pictures are therefore open and reversed before it is mounted,
very far from being alike; and in fact, we otherwise, the objects in the background
often see stereographs in which the relative will appear in the foreground, and those in
positions of two objects are completely re- the foreground will appear in the back-
versed in the two pictures. If now by any ground. Any one who has examined a large
means, these two pictures can be seen super- number of stereographs must have seen such
posed upon each other, the right picture by confused pictures wrongly mounted. It is
the right eye, and the left picture by the left only necessary to remount them with the
eye, there will be but one point that will two pictures reversed, and the confusion
coincide, and that we will suppose to be the will disappear.
point A A'. The rest of the picture will In our reversed picture of the three ob-
evidently be confused. How is this confu- and c, we see that the points C
jects, a, b,
sion to be obviated ? precisely as when we and C / which represent the object c in the
viewed the same objects in nature; viz., by foreground, are nearer together than the
muscular movements of the eyes, and by points B and B / which , represent ,the object
the same movements. The stereoscope is b in the background, as they should be, ac-
an instrument which superposes one pic- cording to the explanation I have given.
ture upon the other. Let the lenses of the And in fact if any one will take the trouble
instrument be so arranged that the rays to measure the distance apart of any corres-
from A and A / shall fall upon the eye in ponding object in the foreground of any
the direction respectively of the axis of well-mounted double picture, he will find
vision in each eye ; the object a will be seen the two pictures of the object nearer together
single, but all the other points will each than the two pictures of an object in the
form two images and be seen double while distant background.
looking at the object a (or A A / ). What must I think I have thus briefly explained the
we do now to see the object b (B B / ), single, marvellous power of the stereoscope. While
or in other words, to direct the visual axes we have in the stereograph, as in the single
to B and B / ? Evidently the eyes must be .picture, the advantage of perspective and
turned inward. But we had to turn the atmospheric effect, yet that vivid illusion
eyes outward to see the same object b in na- of reality which transports us to the spot is
nature. And so to see the object c (C C / ), exposure when possible. It is bad to de-
llx: eyes must be turned inward, precisely stroy good prints by over-toning. Work
as in viewing the natural objects. We see slowly and surely.
(SEQUEL TO ONE HUNDRED DATS IN A FOG, only settles upon the exposed parts, whilst
ETC., CONTINUED.) the rest of the plate is unaffected.. Now
BY ELBERT ANDERSON, I put it in the hypo, which dissolves all
Operator at W. Kurtz's Gallery, 872 Broadway, N. Y. but the picture. There; this is simply the
A. I draw with this piece of French Daguerreotype process. Now there was
chalk, an image on this piece of polished
no nitrate of silver used in this case, Mr.
plate-glass, and with this cloth efface all
trace of it. There! it's gone. Now fancy M. That's In the experiment with
M. That's very curious. I see it now, if sun shines on so brightly). I will expose
anything, plainer than I did before. But this plate ten or twenty minutes. Now let
as the breath disappears, the image vanishes us go in the dark-room. See here! there's
with have we no means of fixing (!) it?
it; your image already formed without the aid
A. A second application of your breath of any developer.
reproduces the image, and this may be re- M. Well, I declare! Have you got any
peated an indefinite number of times, even more such curious experiments to show me?
after the lapse of months. A piece of glass They take the rag right clean off the bush.
may appear perfectly clean, yet by breath- A. O, yes; come see my patent process.
ing upon it, all trace of impurity on its sur- I prepare another plate, and, before expos-
face will at once become apparent, will, in ingit, I will pour over it the developer, and
fact, be developed, for in developing a nega- immediately transfer it to the camera, so.
tive on a plate which is dirty, you develop It is now evident that, as the action of light
the dirt at the same time as the picture. affects the plate, the developer acts at the
M. Unfortunately we do. I generally same time, and develops the picture as fast
develop more dirt than picture. Thanks to as it is produced; thus I make and develop
you, however, I see the great importance of my picture all in one operation. Come into
clean plates in future. the dark-room. There; there's your picture
A. I have here a plate of polished silver, all done ;
you have only to fix it. My pat-
which I subject to the fumes of iodine and ent, then, consists of having a plate-holder
bromine in my dark-room. See, the vapors so constructed as to get under the cloth and
have combined with the silver and formed see your picture printing on the prepared
a thin layer of iodide and bromide of silver. plate.
I will now expose it in the camera. Now M. Well, that's an idea anyway.
come in the dark-room; here is the plate, A. Yes. I'm going to take out a patent.
this mysterious action of light has taken What do you think ?
place, yet we see nothing it is like our ; M. Think ? I think you won't get it.
plate-glass with the chalk image. I will A. Why not? There was an individual
not breathe on but I have a friend here
it, who applied for a patent fur saving all silver
who will. Here is a little iron box con- from the waste solutions, by precipitation ;
taining some warm mercury. I hold the yet this was done ages before the existence
plate over it to catch the breath of the mer- of the individual in question.
M. But why, then, does this fogging take alone be indebted to Mr. Houghton for
place when there is an impressed image? bringing them so prominently before us,
A. The image may not have been vigor- but also to the aforesaid reader for his
ous enough and that being the case, it
; taking name.
does not attract enough silver, consequently, In the matter of albums to suit this size
pushing the development in the vain hope our need is pressing. Surely our manufac-
of bringing out the full image, the silver turers willmeet this want immediately.
deposits on the shadows. A few photographers of this city hold a
M. So, so ! that's the cause of fogging, is meeting to-morrow evening. hope to We
it? organize a local society. I shall urge it
A. Miserable wretch! the causes of fog- with all the powers of my mind, for I verily
ging are legion, and having got you well in believe the advantage of such glorious
the fog, I will leave you there for a little — comings together as the Cleveland Conven-
—wile tion cannot be overestimated. Local insti-
(To be continued.) tutions should be correspondingly beneficial,
and not only disseminate useful informa-
tion among its members, but foster a better
THE NEW SIZE IN CALIFORNIA. feeling with photographers at large, and
I herewith inclose samples of the new serve in some measure as a training school
size card-photograph, not that I expect to in which to prepare members for a more
startle you with their excellence as photo- extended field of usefulness in the parent
graphs, but in order that you may give Society.
your numerous readers the benefit of our W. H. Eulofson.
experience. In the first place, about four San Francisco, Cal.
years ago, I issued a few pictures of this
identical size, but was deterred from press-
ing them by members of our craft, who
believed they would retard the introduction
of the cabinet, then about being offered We have recently received the following:
here, so you will perceive, that when shown "Washington, Ga., Oct. 4th, 1870.
to me by gentlemen York, my
of New "Philadelphia Photographer: lam
mind was prepared to receive them at once. coming
eternally in a stew about ladies to
I immediately ordered suitable mounts, and
my gallery, with white dresses on, to sit for
on arriving home from Cleveland (July
their pictures. them that
I generally tell
18th), offered the new size to the public,
in such a dress they must only expect a bad
and their success so far has been unequalled
picture, but they will come again and again.
by any other style of picture presented. " How am I to do to have some shades in
They meet the general want of a picture
the drapery, and the face white. I am a
large enough to frame and small enough to
great 'shade' man, and despise a white
be transmitted under cover of envelope by
patch where a dress ought to be in detail.
mail without injury. That they are surpass- " Would you be kind enough to give us a
ingly convenient and useful there can be no plain article on this point in the next issue
doubt. Their beauty, as is the case with of the Photographer? I think this point is
other sizes, somewhat depends upon the only very sparely understood by a great
skill of their producer. I find they elicit many photographers.
general admiration, and our customers are " I have over and over studied Mr. Fox's
willing to pay a fair price (one dollar per May Queen of last year's volume. I modi-
dozen less than cabinets) for them. fied collodion and developer, but I am as
I have not yet heard a name suggested far from it as ever. Tours truly,
that seems just the thing. I trust some of "Henry Cordes."
your readers will furnish us with one, at
once easily spoken, pleasant to the ear, and Our correspondent will always find diffi-
convincing to the mind, so that we will not culty in securing good pictures of parties in
ourown work, and we can only say to those to make a Solar Negative," by W. L. Shoe-
who think of purchasing it, that we believe maker; "Easy Method of making Glass
it is better than any of its predecessors. Transparencies," by H. J. Newton; "Zw-
The greater portion of the usual 144 pages side, or the Way Out of Trouble," a series
is taken up with original articles, written of instructions on making good work, and
specially for it, by a number of our best how to know defects when they occur, the
American photographers, a brief synopsis cause, and how and cure them,
to prevent
of which may be given here for general in- by the Editor; "Photography in Cold
formation. Weather," by George H. Fennemore, prac-
First, we have a complete summary of tical and seasonable; "How to Print the
the photographic doings of the year 1870, New Medallion Pictures," by Wm. Kurtz,
up to the date of publication. Then follow New York, a capital paper on that new and
articles by practical gentlemen on the fol- popular style of pictures and an excellent
The Monogram Trade-mark of the Na- who need them, at a low price. All stock-
tional Photographic Association. them to print on cards or-
dealers will have
dered of them, and those who get their
At the meeting of the Association in
June, the Secretary was in-
printing done at home will, of course, sup-
Cleveland last
monogram for the use
ply themselves with electrotypes.
structed to provide a
members upon their card mounts,
The Association will protect its members
of the
business cards, letter sheets, bill-heads, en-
in the use of this monogram, or any varia-
tion of it, and all infringements should be
velopes, etc., as a trade-mark, to distinguish
their work from that of others. Accord- promptly reported to the Executive Com-
ingly requests were made in these pages for
mittee. It is entered according to Act of
Congress in the Library of Congress, and,
designs not only from the members, but the
best designers of monograms in New York therefore, protected property by law. As
and Philadelphia were employed to furnish
Secretary, we thank the following gentle-
several designs for selection.Over a hun- men for designs, some of which are very
tasty and elaborate Messrs. J H. Scotford,
dred, we think, were furnished and pre-
: .
righted and assigned to the Association, and We earnestly hope it may give both pleas-
is now the property of the members, each ure and pride to those for whom it is de-
one of whom will receive, before Christmas, signed.
a handsome certificate of membership, and
license to use the trade-mark, with the
ogram on one corner, elegantly engraved by LETTER FROM THE COUNTRY.
the American Bank Note Company, Phila-
" Itembrandts." Ross Lenses. Hovey's —
delphia. It will be of a size suitable to Paper —
" Moonlight Pictures."
frame (about 6 x 10), and every member Dear Journal What is it about:
" Rem-
will be proud to display it in his gallery, no brandts ? " Sphynx wanted to know, and
doubt, as it will ornament any of them. was told by one that they could not be
Each new member will be supplied with made by photography; by another, that
a copy on being entered as a member. they had been described in a certain JN o. of
The engraving above is on wood, copied yourself. "Old Fogy" don't like them.
from the steel plate, and is the handiwork Good authority objects to the name. Mean-
of Messrs. Crosscup & West, Philadelphia, time the public is paying for them, and
who make most of the drawings in our congratulating itself on " being took beau-
Magazine. As will be seen by their adver- tiful, that never did take a good picture
tisement, these gentlemen are now ready to before."
supply electrotypes of various sizes to all All this is a little confusing, so I asked
my friend the painter about it. He said, me recently. They are as good, perhaps a
Eembrandt painted with a single point of little better than the best. Very rapid, they
high light, to which all the rest of the face shorten the exposures some seconds this dull
was subordinate, the greater part being in weather, while they have one notable fea-
deep shadow; and he brought me a copy he ture, —parts that are unavoidably out of fo-
made from an original Eembrandt: there it cus, as masses of hair, are still agreeably ren-
was, a point of high light, all the rest shaded. dered, and preserved in intelligible variety
Now wehave a definition, let us see if of light and shade. This is most difficult
the photographs meet it. Not many of todo with quick-workers, but the Eoss does
them truly. The point of high light is very it perfectly. Equal with the portrait are
broad the shadows have become half tints.
the view lenses. The short focus ones are
The photographic Eembrandtis now, wonderful for their field and delicate de-
nothing but a face taken on the shaded lineation. Still the puzzle remains, how to
side ; it used to be called the wrong side. use them. A lens of two and a half inches
This has always been done to some extent; focus takes a large building very small, a
now it is the rage. Applied to these pic- great way off, and sets it on the top of a
tures, the name is clearly a misnomer. Is hill. Interiors it lengthens and widens in
it too late to change? 1 fear so. the foreground. Nor does the stereoscope
It is quite possible to produce a true Eem- correct these faults, which inhere in the
brandt effect in a photograph, as true as if shortness of focus, as compared with that
one of his paintings were engraved. A por- of our eyes ; not in the width of angle or
trait done in oil from such a photograph, construction of the lens otherwise. They
would be recognized by any painter as a have a legitimate use though, which is only
Eembrandt, as indeed, artists (painters and where the desired objects cannot possibly
sculptors), recognize the photographs to be be included by a longer focus lens, removed
such. to a greater distance. In the city one often
In this connection I must take issue with finds himself so cornered. Lenses from five
my friend and neighbor Mr. Ayres. I re- to ten inches focus give us pictures as the
gard the shadow picture as particularly eye conceives of them. is the Six inches
suited to the delineation of white drapery, standard for stereographing in the country.
and recommend it, sometimes to the disap-
pointment of my sitters, who say that they When the negative is perfect the enthusi-
like to have white, white in the photograph, astic operator is anxious to see a proof. He
and that their dresses are too dark. To such wants it on paper of a fine grain, good gloss,
people explanations are useless ; they see that will print strong yet keep all that is
only streaks and spots, where the cultivated in the negative, and tone, warm, soft, and
eye discerns lovely shades. It is impos- brilliant. Such we have made by Hovey,
sible to convince them, that in a picture who has beaten the Dutch (on paper). He
the shirt bosom ought not to be whiter than would have been invaluable to the maker
the face; they want everything "natural." of French war dispatches, but is so modest
To suit them one must run a race with his that I don't suppose Napoleon ever heard
Maker, in which we are sure to be beaten. of him. Still, it is superfluous for me to
They expect us to put on a few inches of praise him. All photographers know him
flat paper, what the Almighty uses the by his works. The dealers say his paper
whole arcana of the universe to accomplish. has but one fault, it don't keep. Hot or
In the early stages of my art endeavors cold, wet or dry weather, it is all the same,
this was my aim, but it is some years since but this is before silvering, in the stock
I retired from so unequal a contest. depot, that I mean. After it is silvered it
before satisfactory paper. It is now par Most likely Robinson's picture, being
excellence, and he tells just how to work it, large, has a genuine photograph of the
right. on the cover of our Journal. moon printed in. It does not seem too
A day with floating clouds is selected. But my rustic Pegasus says neigh to fur-
When the sun is low, hanging over the wa- ther rambling at present.
goes to the left eye, the relative positions of few moments, either before or after making
the pictured moon and tree remain as in the the picture, to a surface of black velvet.
diagram, to wit: P P, the plate. L L, the Mr. Blair revived the white lining plan.
lenses. M, the moon ; m m, image of the But a more important contribution to our
moon. T, the tree and 1 1, the image of the knowledge was made by M. de Constant
tree. de Lessert, who experimented with separate
light to a local use instead of a general, by the other side foremost, in the camera.
inserting pieces of red card-board cut to a Used in this way I have found the appli-
particular shape, into the camera. In M. cation most useful in certain cases. "Where
Bazin's plan the red light fell on all parts the foregrounds are badly lighted, the red
of the image equally or nearly so. This is card-board is extremely useful, as also where
undoubtedly an incorrect principle. It is there are masses of foliage to one side of a
of the highest importance that the assistant picture more or less imperfectly lighted.
light should be made to act where it is On the other hand, where a picture is
wanted, and not where it is not. I have brightly lighted throughout, especially
also sought to determine the general prin- where the foreground gets a good clear
ciple by which we should be guided in would be a mistake
light, it to use the ac-
applying this aid to landscapes. The fol- celerating cards.
lowing are the conclusions which I have Such, at least, has been my experience.
reached I now always take these cards with me in
A red lining, covering the whole inside going out to photograph, and use them very
of the camera, is not at all to be recom- frequently and with satisfaction. What I
mended ;
a white one is still worse. Any say in favor of the system is based upon a
plan that extends the red or white illumi- very considerable amount of experience, and
nation over the whole image is radically I would be sorry to give up what I find to be
bad. Any device that tends to throw the a really valuable aid. The latest suggestion
strong light from the sky over the rest of in connection with this subject, is Mr.
the image injures it; if allowed to act to a Griswold's idea of a translucent diaphragm.
small extent it causes flatness, to a longer This is a convenient way of operating, I
one fog. Therefore the red pasteboard should judge, but I have not tried it, be-
should be applied only against the top of cause it is liable to the same objection of
the camera, and should extend downwards throwing the light over the whole surface,
as much only as may
correspond with the whereas, as I work, I can compensate by
object, and should in no case extend so far the card for unequal illumination, at least
as to come opposite the sky, or any portions to some extent. And this is, in my opin-
of it. To accomplish this, I take a piece of ion, the principal attraction of the whole
white pasteboard of sufficient length, and method, except, indeed, where instantane-
bend it twice across, so that the middle por- ous or very rapid exposures are wanted.
tion fits against the top of the inside of the It is a good plan to have an extra piece
camera, and the sides extend down the sides of card, painted entirely black, so that
of the camera and rest against the bottom. when either side of the picture does
These side pieces are out tapering, so that need any helping, but is better without,
where they touch the bottom they are about then this black shield may be laid against
an inch wide. The inside of this pasteboard that side and completely cover that part of
is colored pale rose color, with a very weak the red card.
solution of carmine in water, to which a From my own experiments, I am inclined
trace of ammonia has been added. The to believe that this idea of using extraneous
lower ends of the Bides, which may be sup- light is really useful. When well managed,
posed to come opposite the sky portions of it does not, as might be imagined, tend to
fog, or veiling. And 1 think that it will in from their richness and brilliancy. "Whilst
future be adopted by many photographers. the white light tended to soft, flat pictures,
But I must repeat what I have said be- the red tends to soft, brilliant pictures, and
fore, that all methods which distribute a no one can hesitate where to award the
strong light in all directions, do so at the preference.
expense of the brilliancy of the picture, and And further, when we localize the effect
therefore do not deserve adoption, except, by placing the red card board against
as already said, for instantaneous exposures. such portions of the interior as correspond
with parts of the image imperfectly lighted,
It should be well understood, that the we get a double gain, more softness and
influences of red and of white light admitted more harmony, we tend to avoid harshness
to the camera image, differ radically. and crudeness, and to escape those vexatious
First, as to white light. Let us suppose images of which one part refuses to come
that the very faintly lighted parts of the out until some other part is over-developed.
subject receive a light, which, when com- For portraiture as well as landscapes, this
pared with the most strongly lighted, is as mode of operating will have evident ad-
one to fifty, whilst there are some portions vantages in gaining softness without sacri-
of absolute shadow on which the light may ficing brilliancy. "Where the lower part of
be represented by 0. Let us also suppose the figure, or the side farthest from the
that the light, of which the intensity is light, needs increased light, a lining corre-
measured by 1, is so weak, that its image sponding with those portions, of red card-
cannot be developed at all. It is then evi- board, will be advisable. Or if the object
dent that these very faintly lighted parts be simply to gain in rapidity, the whole
will appear as absolute shadows, and thus interior may be lined, or any other device
there will be a certain deficiency of detail may be used to admit red light over the
in the shadows. whole image.
If now we admit a faint light all over
the picture, the intensity of which faint
light is equal to the whole relations will
be changed. The intensity of the very
faint parts will be raised to 2, at which
point they may be supposed to be develop- Executive Committee of the National
able. The absolute shadows receiving pre- Photographic Association,
viously of light, will now receive 1, but, The regular quarterly meeting of the
by supposition, this amount is not capable Committee was held at No. 36 Park Eow,
of development; they will, therefore, re- New York, October 31st, the chairman, Mr.
main absolute shadows. The highest lights "W. Irving Adams, presiding, and present
will receive a strength of light measured Messrs. Bogardus, Wilcox, and Wilson.
by 51, scarcely an appreciable change. Mr. J. F. Eyder reported $27 more, as
"With intermediate degrees the effect will the proceeds of the sale of lumber used at
be intermediate. the Exhibition.
Evidently the effect here is altogether The Treasurer was ordered to notify all
beneficial. we cannot com-
Unfortunatety those in arrears for dues, Jan. 1st, to pay
mand this exact portion of light; we cannot same, the requirements of the Association
be sure of not admitting more or less. And making it necessary to have the funds in
if more, then the shadows become grayish hand. hoped that all who are in ar-
It is
instead of rich black ; if less, we miss our rears willpay promptly, and thus aid the
object. Executive Committee in furthering the in-
With a pure red light, the case is alto- members of the Association.
terests of tlje
gether different. With it, we enhance the The Secretary exhibited the designs for
action of the lights, without acting upon the monograms, and model of certificate of
absolute shadows. "We, therefore, increase membership and license combined, for ac-
the detail in the shadows without taking ceptance and selection.
A design was selected and the Secretary some ingenious sleight-of-hand manipula-
authorized have it engraved by the
to tion, by means of which something useful
American Bank Note Company together can be accomplished in a quicker and better
with the certificate, and to furnish a copy way than we can do it. It is your duty, for
to all the members of the Association not in value already received, to reciprocate, and
arrears. send grist to the mill from which you have
The Secretary was authorized to arrange drawn your aliment.
so often
for a more extensive display of foreign work have often met with difficulties,
I, too,
at the next Exhibition. and some of these still baffle all attempts to
President Bogardus was appointed a com- obviate them, consequently it is no use to
mittee to prepare a plan for the systematiz- record these ; but I will enumerate one,
ing of the business at the next annual meet- and form out of it the subject of the present
ing and report. Other matters of import- article.
ance were transacted, which will be here- For instance, a young lady — of course, a
after stated. handsome lady, one versed in novels, mov-
Edward L. Wilson, ing in the midst of diplomatists and foreign
Permanent Secretary. ministers of state, an admirer of Madonnas
and fancy positions entered the studio, —
and described a picture she wished to repre-
sent. She was to appear languid and poetic,
DIFFICULTIES OVERCOME. sweet, lovely, thoughtful, easy, careless,
BY PROF. J. TOWLER, M.D. ideal, artistic, —in fact, all the epithets of
The general delights to recount the par- were exhausted in the description.
by means of which
ticulars of his evolutions, "You think me vain and a goose," she
his victorieswere obtained the civil en- ; finally added and this made her more
gineer hangs over his maps, examines and lovely and characteristic than ever. Now,
re-examines the plans containing the in- to make a photograph that would come up
cipient conceptions, the subsequent modifi- to her expectations in all these respects,
cations, and the final perfections, that would be almost as difficult as to accord
spanned Niagara with a gossamer bridge, with the desire of a romping "little girl,"
or printed the words as transmitted by the that once (before photography were known)
electric fluid across the Atlantic and so it ;
desired to be drawn " making a noise."
is with the photographer in his small way, But this was not all. The young and beau-
but no less noble art. He frequently en- tiful lady had a splendid white lace veil
counters difficulties that vex and annoy. thrown carelessly over her head, drawn
And does he not rejoice ? Does he not tri- into graceful folds by means of a small
umph, as trouble after trouble is understood bouquet of living flowers on the crown of
and obviated ? As victory after victory is the head ; a similar collection of rosebuds
gained ? The experience of each advanc- closed the folds of the veil on her chest.
ing, progressive photographer would be an The flowers, the leaves, the pattern of the
excellent guide-book, if recorded, for sub- lace, the flowing masses of hair ;
of course,
sequent followers in the same sphere of ac- the eyes, the mouth, the cross on the pant-
tion ; and we lose a great deal of valuable ing — what shall I call —breast, chest, it ?
information, because most of our most prac- zest, — these had to be in focus, sharp,
tical men in the art are shy when they crisp, well defined, such as the artist would
come to'commit their practice and victories make them with the limner's magic touch.
to paper, or too modest to aspire to that Now, the difficulty which I encountered
eminence where their full names stand out was this The contrast between the promi-
in print. I wish it were otherwise, for I nent white lace veil and the complexion
want to learn from you. I respect your ensconced within its folds was so great, that
experience, and admire your success. In if the exposure was right for the latter it
fine, we all need each other's assistance and was altogether too long for the former.
co-operation. Each of you has, doubtless, Kepeated trials were all in vain to attain to
: a
a happy medium, the " media via qua tutis- long exposure, were altogether too dense.
sima est." The veil on the negative was a The print in question was on plain paper ;
black mass, without detail, textureless, and it was toned, fixed, and washed in the usual
without pattern, if the face turned out suc- manner, then thoroughly dried. Then,
cessful but the features were imperfectly
with a fine-pointed and very sharp knife,
modelled by light and shade, altogether too the face, neck, hair, and flat part of the
thin for printing purposes, if the veil were bust, which was visible, were cut carefully
in the right condition for printing. out in one piece, taking great precautions
Now, it was utterly useless to make any to follow the extreme outline without en-
further attempts to gain the end desired, croachment either way. This piece of pa-
either by change of position or modification per was next placed on a smooth piece of
of light; and I finally concluded to take a cardboard, and passed between the rollers.
negative exhibiting the veil of a proper It is finally placed in contact with the neg-
negative density for the printing operation, ative itself, and kept in place by means of a
and then to work up the shades of the face mere point or two of wax on the edge here
by retouching. This seemed feasible. Con- and there. Care must be taken to place it
sequent^7 our artist was set to work to stip- in accurate superimposition, so that the
ple in an extra amount of shade on the fea- nose of the print, as well as the eyes and
tures, neck, and chest, so as to make a every other part, are in exact correspond-
working negative. There was, in fact, no ence with the similar parts on the negative.
difficulty in attaining to the requisite dens- If you now examine the combination, you
ity ;
but when a print of the negative was will easily descry that the transparent parts
taken, there was something about which it of the face (negative) are much less trans-
did not appear quite right. and The lights parent than they were, by reason of their
shades were evenly blended. What was being backed up with the shades of the
the trouble? The likeness itself had suf- print. In this way the negative can be en-
fered, how and where it was hard to tell; tirely or partially neutralized, accoi-ding as
but the print did not represent the living the print is made more or less dense in its
object. This retouching, therefore, was a shadows. We will suppose, in the present
failure. Another negative was taken, and instance, that the negative is not thoroughly
the retouching was again commenced with neutralized, but that a slight outstanding
more care but the result was the same
; — negative effect still remains; it is evident,
failure. I must mention here, too, that the then, that if we place the negative, so pre-
stippling of the shades produced in the pared or modified, on a piece of sensitized
print a similar stippled granulation, which paper and expose it to the light, the result
deprived the print of photographic char-
its will be a print of the veil and all other
acter by destroying the mezzotint. parts external to the piece cut out, whilst
I was almost in despair. What was to the parts beneath the paper shield will be
be done? To give up and be vanquished, only partially impressed or not at all.
to acknowledge one's self beaten in the When the print is so far advanced, it is
midst of health and strength, and on the raised from the negative so far as to permit
very threshold of success To see, too, ! the paper shield to be removed from the
one's reputation at stake ! This could not face of the negative; the little remaining
be. Kise, and gird up thy loins ; start patches of wax that may perchance be visi-
again manfully. A
negative was
third ble are also carefully rubbed off, and then
taken, precisely similar to the two preced- the print is again brought into apposition
ing and the mode of proceeding was as
; with the negative and exposed afresh to
follows the light. There need be no fear of dis-
After varnishing and retouching all mi- turbing the proper superimposition of the
nor defects, a print was taken, in which the print, as long as the shielded part of the
exposure was rather long, in order to get negative lies wholly above the middle line
perfect delineation of the pattern of the that divides the back of the printing-frame.
lace veil. The shades of the face, by this Since the face part of the negative was
much too transparent, or more transparent with every point of detail, gradation, and
than was necessary, it is evident that the definition satisfactorily rendered. It ought
features will soon be printed sufficiently, not to be difficult, by precisely the same
whilst the remaining parts already printed method, to produce from that transparency
will scarcely have changed. In this way another negative equally good. But some-
the difficulty in question was totally over- how the operation generally fails with ;
come, and a print obtained which, for soft- rare exceptions, all reproduced negatives
ness and vigor, could not be surpassed. I have seen have been unquestionably in-
I may remark, too, that a certain amount ferior to the originals. As a rule, the re-
of retouching may be effected by means of produced negative has been flat and hard;
a black lead-pencil on the paper shield. it has lacked at once modelling, delicacy,
For instance, the hair in the negative was and brilliancy. From some cause, diffi-
but indifferently defined, by reason of a too cult to trace, there is generally a loss of
short exposure and imperfect development; gradation ; there are fewer tones in the pic-
but the masses of hair were easily divided ture the delicate half-tones, which sur-
up into minor locks, and even straggling round points of high light in the original,
fibres here and there introduced in pencil, are lost high light, and the tender tones
which kept back the light sufficiently to surrounding it, are merged into one gray
produce quite the desired effect. tint; and, in like manner, the reflected
Although this method may not supersede lights and half shadows are merged into
retouching, it will produce artistic effects each other, and lost in masses of black if
that cannot be approached by the latter the picture be brilliant, or of gray if the
method. It is a method, too, fraught with aim have been to keep the picture soft.
no, or at least with but very little, diffi- In many cases, I believe that the chief
culty, requiring much less time to fix the source of failure is the use of an unsuitable
negative each time for a new print than it transparency. There is a temptation to use
does to read the description of doing it. a transparency which is as fine as a trans-
The results, too, if you compare them with parency for stereoscopic or lantern purposes,
those produced by the unaided negative, whilst nothing can really be more unsuit-
are superb and satisfactory. able. In my own experience, a very fully
exposed transparency is necessary in repro-
ducing negatives, a transparency which
NOTES IN AND OUT OF THE looks hopelessly opaque for lantern purposes.
STUDIO. Some of the finest reproduced negatives I
BY 6. WHARTON SIMPSON, M.A., F.S.A. ever saw were produced from transparencies
Reproduction of Negatives Revolving Back- by the Woodbury photo-relief process.
grounds — Preliminary Coating for Glass But I am now going to describe some re-
Plates — Retouching Varnishes. sults inreproducing negatives which, whilst
Reproduction of Negatives. — Is it not a by far the finest I have ever seen, were pro-
little surprising that so little success has, duced from the most unpromising source
as a rule, attended efforts for the reproduc- which can be conceived. The originals
tion or multiplication of negatives? And were a series of ten by eight prints in the
is it necessarily so in fact ? There are few last stage of fading and jaundice. They
things within the ordinary range of pho- were views in the Crimea during the war,
tographic operations which would be more the whereabouts of the negatives of which
and certain
desirable than a simple, easy, was unknown, and, as copies were required,
method of effecting this. At first sight, it was necessary that they should be, if the
it might naturally be imagined that such feat were possible, reproduced. I must con-
an operation ought not to be very difficult, fess that I should have regarded the task as
for reasons which seem obvious. It is quite too hopeless for an attempt. The photo-
possible to produce, either by contact print- graphic stall' of the Itoyal Arsenal, consist-
ing or by camera printing, a perfect trans- ing of non-commissioned officers of the
parency from a negative ; a transparency Royal Artillery, under the direction of Mr.
and washed, to remove the adhesive ma- the image, when dry, is much more vigor-
terial. They were then dried and waxed, ous than when wet, and also that it possesses
to render them transparent, as calotype a very non-actinic color; hence, care must
negatives would be treated. These faded be used not to over-intensify. The plate is
prints thus treated were used as the trans- finally washed, and fixed in hyposulphite
parencies from which the negatives were as usual.
to be printed. The negatives were pro- The printing quality of the negative thus
duced from the transparent prints, not in produced is unusually fine, the proofs pro-
the camera, but by contact printing on col- duced being at once delicate and brilliant,
lodio-chloride of silver, the simplicity of full of detail admirably defined. They are,
the operations only being exceeded by the it is scarcely necessary to say, infinitely
perfectness of the result. finer than the faded prints from which the
The collodio-chloride of silver employed negatives are produced ; but it may seem
was a sample which had been mixed six paradoxical to say that they are probably
months, and had become much discolored, finer than the original prints ever were, as,
but was found to be none the worse for ac- with the same detail, they seem to possess
tual use. To secure perfect adhesion, the more vigor than the original prints have
plates were coated with very dilute albumen, ever had. One circumstance is very curi-
the white of one egg in about eight ounces ous and interesting. In some of the origi-
of water being employed. The prepared nal prints the extreme distance consists of
plate havingbeen coated with the collodio- a sea, represented in the prints by a faint,
chloride, the sensitive surface, after drying, uniform flat tint of faded gray, with a few
is fumed with ammonia. A very simple specks and irregularities in the tint. Oddly
and efficient method of fuming is adopted. enough, these specks and irregularities,
The plate is held over the mouth of a bottle without form or suggestion in the original,
of strong liquid ammonia, and moved about are found in the prints from the reproduced
until the whole surface is brought in con- negatives to be shipping, with masts and
tact with the fumes. The completeness cordage well made out..
and evenness of the result is easily seen, as Altogether this is the most promising ex-
the surface of the sensitive film, which is periment in the reproduction of negatives
bright before fuming, becomes dull after I have met with, and suggests that collodio-
that operation. The waxed print is then good trans-
chloride, printed in contact with
placed in contact, and the plate is exposed parencies, and then intensified, gives the
and very deeply printed, the time given greatest promise of success in this direction.
being about three times as long as would be To attain perfect satisfaction, the same ex-
given for an ordinary print. The image so periment should be tried with portraiture,
produced possesses all the detail of the ori- which is the crucial test in such matters,
ginal, but lacks printing force as a negative. inasmuch as nothing demands such perfec-
This is obtained by means of an intensify- tion and delicacy of gradation, and at the
ing solution similar to that occasionally same time the contrast involved in a large
used for developing collodio-chloride pic- scale of tones, as the human face, and the
tures. The solution is prepared as follows multiplication of negatives is often of vital
This solution should be filtered, and a few respondents, Mr. W. K. Holyoake, whose
the following effect: "It is not my inten- Bring the whole good froth set it
to a ;
tion to rob this gentleman of any laurels aside for the night next day filter it into a
that may be due to him, but simply to men- clean six-ounce bottle, and fill up with fil-
tion that I made a similar background in tered distilled water three ounces. This is
1858, and have modified it and used it ever said to answer very admirably as a prelimi-
apart, graduated with a light color (or a of the simplest has received very little atten-
darker one than the background) from the tion. It consists in the use of a thin spirit
bottom to the color of the background at varnish, applied with very little heat. An
the top. Thus, by setting it in motion, you ordinary good spirit varnish is diluted with
get a graduated shadow on one side of the spiritsof wine, the proportion added de-
head, and thereby save time and trouble in pending upon the original strength of the
woeling the negative during printing."
' varnish. About one ounce of spirits of wine
Preliminary Coatings for Glass Plates. — to two ounces of varnish will generally
The advantage of preliminary coatings in serve. The plate is warmed, and the var-
securing clean plates appears to be exten- nish applied ; but after application the plate
sively recognized, and the use of dilute al- is not again held before the fire, but allowed
bumen for this purpose is largely and suc- to dry spontanously, or rather with the aid
cessfully used. We have recently introduced of the amount of warmth the plate received
into this country a secret preparation under before varnishing. This is just sufficient to
the name of " tunicare," intended to an- prevent chilling; but instead of drying,
swer a similar purpose. The use of this glossy, and bright, the varnish dries with a
solution has been adopted by many pho- dead surface, which permits pencil-working
tographers, and it has received general com- with facility. As a rule the surface is suf-
mendation. A short time ago Dr. Schnauss ficiently protected by this coating, without
preserve the "necessary composure which my war continues, more firmly will these
peaceable reports require. But even those new branches become estab-
of industry
who only passively look on this struggle lished, and France strikes to its own com-
have reason to rejoice. 300,000 people, be- merce the most severe wounds by a longer
siegers and besieged, are now relieved of continuance of the war.
their toils, fatigues, and hardships and ; A very important chapter in photo-
amongst them one of our best photogra-
is graphic discussions for the last year has
phers, well known by his works in America. been the Lichtdruch or Albert's printing
I refer to our friend Petsch, of the firm of process. At present a great deal is said and
Loescher & Petsch. For nine weeks he has written about it, since the well-known
camped without on the wet clay,
shelter Obernetter, in Munich, has opened a print-
until his own form had impressed itself in ing establishment for this process, which,
the soil. Instead of a photographic tube, he in fact, yields I have
surprising results.
was obliged to level a needle-gun on his fel- prints in my which are in no way
low-men, and often enough was he himself inferior to a silver print; and that it is no
the target for a Chassepot. We will hope longer an experiment, is shown by Ober-
that for him the worst is over. He enters netter's price current. He agrees to furnish
Metz as one of the victors ;
perhaps he will 1000 cabinets for $30 ; on glazed paper for
meet there another representative of our $40 in greenbacks. The process has not
art, Tessie du Mothay, who was born and been published, and Mr. Obernetter de-
lives in Metz. Although the discussion of clares in his price list that he has no incli-
current events is not the object of my letter, nation to take scholars.
still cannot ignore them entirely, for in
I In your last letter in the Photographic
the realm of photography their influence is News you wrote to our friend Simpson about
felt everywhere. Paris, the central point of the cracking of the film, an evil which here,,
industry, and particularly of photographic as well as inAmerica, has destroyed many
industry, has been cut off from the outside fine negatives. I have made many experi-
world for more than a month. French ments to ascertain its cause, and made re-
frames, French dishes, French envelopes, centty a curious discovery, which, perhaps,,
French passepartouts, and the thousand ar- will lead to the prevention of this fatal
ticles that may be mentioned, cannot be had cracking.
any longer, for*the source is closed. No I observed cracks on some of my Aden
wonder that, under these circumstances, in negatives, and was surprised to find that
other localities, the most strenuous exer- they only showed themselves on the spots-
tions are made to fill the void, and here in that had not been retouched, while all the-
Berlin an impulse has been given to the other parts which had been treated with
manufacture of these articles which is as- India ink on the varnish, even in the slight-
tonishing. est manner, did not show any injury. In
The French themselves have helped us some places the cracks extended to the re-
a great deal to transfer these branches of touched spots, and stopped as if cut off.
industry from France to Germany. They It became necessary to establish what in-
expelled all the Germans from Paris. These gredient of India ink exerted this beneficial
men were generally intelligent and skilled action. My first thought was gum, and
artisans. Thousands of them have found a applied at once a solution of one part gum.
refuge here. They transplant the Parisian to forty parts water, on a plate which showed
industry to Berlin. France has done itself a tendency to cracking. This wet application
great injury by this expulsion. had, however, the contrary effect; the film
The well-known Komain Talbot, for- split beneath it. I now tried to lay the so-
merly of Paris, has established here a house lution as nearly dry as possible on the plate,,
for the export and import of photographic by taking the solution in a brush, pressing
articles and when we consider the extra-
; the brush on blotting-paper to remove all
ordinary activity here, one is almost led to excess of moisture, and then I painted with
forget that there is war and the longer the
; it two negatives, which likewise showed this
fatal tendency. These two negatives have diluting the collodion. "When fifty times
remained undisturbed during my stay in the quantity of water is employed, nearly
America, and on my return I examined all the originally employed cotton will be
them carefully. The places not covered precipitated. Herr Joerster does not con-
showed many cracks, while the balance of sider the statement of Mr. Camuzet very
the plate was perfectly clear of them. The reliable.
coating with gum had prevented the exten- I have repeated these experiments, and
sion of the cracks. It is not my intention came to the conclusion that the cotton pre-
to recommend, on the strength of this ex- cipitated by diluting plain collodion with
periment, the gumming of all plates; on water, much purer than the original ar-
the contrary, I would advise only to resort ticle. "We know from experience that very
to it when the plate shows already a ten- often homoaopathic quantities of foreign
dency to cracking and if some have al-
; bodies in the silver bath, or in the col-
ready appeared, a slight rubbing over with lodion, are sufficient to make them use-
lampblack will remedy it. less. Such substances, even in the smallest
On another annoyance, which is very quantities, as nitroglucose, are invariably
widespread, I read in your October issue, side-products in the manufacture of gun-
page 349, in the report of the Pennsylvania cotton. By precipitating plain collodion
Photographic Association, that the film with water, these foreign bodies are dis-
seemed to be eaten away under the varnish solved, and can be removed by washing;
the moment it was applied. It was said and the washed precipitate gives, when
that imperfect washing had caused this dried and redissolved in alcohol and ether,
failure. The failure is, according to my a collodion which shows, on being mixed
experience, caused by something else ;
it is with the salts of iodine, peculiarities, it
the actual dissolving of the film under the turning yellow at once, while other collo-
varnish. There are kinds of cotton in the dion remains white, and only turns yellow,
market that will dissolve in alcohol, and and finally red, after some lapse of time.
also in varnish which is made with strong The former retains its original yellow color
alcohol. unchanged.
I observed this for the time in 1864,
first I am still experimenting on this interest-
in a gallery in this city, where all negatives ing subject, and shall send you further in-
were destroyed on applying the varnish. formation in the future.
The photographer was almost in despair. Yours, truly,
"When I had discovered the cause, the Dr. H. Vogel.
remedy was easy. I diluted the varnish
with one per cent, of water, and warmed PENNSYLVANIA PHOTOGRAPHIC
it, to redissolve the precipitate. Varnish ASSOCIATION.
treated in this manner works excellently, The regular stated meeting of the Asso-
and without any danger to the negative. ciation was held on Monday evening, No-
In a letter which I wrote for your May vember 14th, President W H. Khoads, Esq.,
number, page 163, I referred to a curious presiding, and over forty others present.
discovery of Camuzet, in Paris, who stated The was called minutes approved
roll ; ; and
that gun-cotton contains a substance soluble Messrs. George liau, William Weightman,
in water, which some specimens amounts
in Thomas Brooks, Harry Brooks, Henry
to .fifty per cent, and more. Camuzet dem- Humbert, I. G. Chandlee, William M.
onstrated this by diluting plain collodion Ginter (Lewisburg, Pa.), B. Prank Saylor
with five to ten times its quantity of water, (Lancaster, Pa), were elected members.
when part of the cotton would be precipi- Mr. James Cromer, Chairman of the
tated, while another part remained dis- Committee on the formation of an insurance
solved. band in the Association, reported some sug-
Joerster, in Vienna, proves that the part gestions from the Committee, and, after
which remains dissolved is smaller in pro- considerable discussion on the subject, the
portion to the quantity of water used in matter was referred to the Committee again,
to devise a plan for perfecting such an or- The minutes of the last meeting and the
ganization. reports of the Treasurer and Boom Com-
Officers were nominated for the coming mittee were read and accepted.
year (to he elected at the next meeting), The following gentlemen were unani-
which took much time. mously elected officers for the ensuing year :
A letter was read by the Secretary, from President, Mr. John C. Browne.
Mr. 0. E. Bolles, Danville, Ills., asking for Vice-Presidents, Mr. Hugh Davids and
a discussion on ho w to make " Rernbrandts '
Mr. John Moran.
the best, but there was not time for such a Recording Secretary, Mr. E. Wallace, Jr.
discussion. The Secretary also read a letter Corresponding Secretary, Mr. P. T. Fas-
from Mr. F. Thorp, President of the Central sitt.
read, apologizing for his failure to read a and Messrs Davids, Wallace, and Sergeant,
paper this evening, on account of his con- Committee for revising the minutes.
templated early absence for some time. Mr. Moran exhibited a new form of sep-
J. C. Browne, Esq., President of the tum for stereoscopic cameras, which com-
Photographic Society of Philadelphia, was pletely prevents any false flare or glare of
introduced, and made a short address. He light from the lenses. This is effected by
congratulated the members present on the roughening or, rather, corrugating the sur-
fact that their Society was a success, and face of the septum.
cautioned them against the very common Mr Moran also showed a picture made
mistake in societies of allowing a few to do without a lens, a piece of cardboard pierced
all the work. Each member should take with a small hole being used instead. He
an interest in the Society, and work to make found that the focus of this arrangement
it live and useful. was about twelve inches but the picture
Discussions were had on changing the was not sharp, and by no alteration of the
place and time of meeting, but resulted in focus could he obtain good definition. The
no change. A defective negative was shown exposure was long, and should have been
by Mr. Wilson; Mr. Marcy enlarged it with doubled to obtain a fully exposed plate.
his sciopticon on the screen. The negative Mr. Graff suggested that the want of
was full of crapy lines in all directions. sharpness might arise from reflection from
Considerable discussion was had as to the the rough edges of the cardboard around
cause, some declaring it was dirty or too the hole, and advised that a carefully coun-
thick a preliminary coating of albumen ;
tersunk hole in a plate of blackened metal
others the cotton ; others dirty developer ;
be used.
others too much water in the collodion, bad Mr. Moran also showed some negatives
varnish, etc. made with Dallmeyer and Zentmayer len-
After the discussion was over, Messrs. ses, being a continuation of some experi-
Marcy and Browne exhibited some remark- ments made with landscape lenses in gen-
ably fine glass transparencies in the sciopti- eral, the results of said experiments having
con. been shown at the last meeting, and he had
Mr. W. L. Shoemaker was appointed to no reason to alter his opinion then formed
read a paper at the next session. on their relative merits.
The President showed a novel apparatus
forwashing plates in the field. It consists
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF simply of an ordinary bulb syringe of about
PHILADELPHIA. half a pint capacity.
The regular monthly meeting was held A
unanimous vote of thanks was passed
on Wednesday evening, November 2d, 1870. to Mr. Bates for a handsome donation of
The President, Mr. Erederic Graff, in the twenty-eight stereos from tannin plates.
chair. After adjournment, a half-hour was pleas-
antly spent in exhibiting transparencies in troubled, that those lines always appear in
the Marcy sciopticon. the thinnest part of the collodion, no matter
Ellerslie Wallace, Jr., which way you immerse your plate, and
Recording Secretary. they very rarely are seen in a thick collo-
dion. Mr. Fritz concluded therefrom, that
the cause of it had to be sought in uneven,
GERMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC SO- irregular, too quick drying of parts of the
CIETY, NEW YORK. film. The chairman contended that the
General monthly meeting, November collodion was over iodized for the strength
3d, 1870. Vice-President, Otto Lewin, in of the bath, and recommended addition of
the chair. plain collodion. The undersigned con-
After reading and approving of minutes curred in this view of the trouble. The
of the last meeting, the chairman rose and whole subject was finally laid over for
welcomed the members back after the future observations and reports.
rather prolonged summer vacation, and Mr. Schone exhibited two unvarnished
hoped that we would have well-attended and negatives, whose film, after drying by heat,
interesting meetings through the winter. had cracked all over, and asked for the
Mr. Schone called the attention of the reason of it. The undersigned explained,
meeting to the assertion of Mr. A. De Con- that most likely in its manufacture the
stant, Lausanne, Switzerland (Photog. Ar- cotton had been left too long in the acid
chiv, July, 1870), that by covering the in- and got rotten. He advised to let the nega-
side of the camera-box with white paper, tives dry by themselves without heat, and
he shortened the exposure and got softer to mix the collodion with a lot made from
shadows. Mr. Schone said, he had experi- different cotton.
mented in this direction, and reports, that Edward Boettcher,
by covering the inside, either partly or the Secretary, p. t.
vision again. The debate on this subject ished in crayon, first premium. For photographs
elicited the facts from members similarly finished iu India ink, honorable montion.
John O'Neil, for photographs, honorable men- and $15 for display of photographs of build-
tion. ings; ditto and $15 for the best display of
Eockwood & Co., for the best photograph fin- photographs. They seem to have swept
ished in pastel, for the best large photographic things generally, and the Cleveland Exhi-
views, first premium. For photographs finished
bition, no doubt, paid Mr. Moyston for
in crayon, for photographs finished in oil, for a
visiting it.
medallion portrait, second premium.
Mr. J. S. Armstrong, of Memphis, re-
Charles Bierstadt, for stereoscopic views, first
ceived a diploma and $5 for the best pho-
tograph of a machine.
Richard Horton, for outdoor photographs, sec-
ond premium. At Reading, Pa., Messrs. C. A. Saylor,
John Loffler, for photographs, honorable men- and Leaman & Lee, received very flatter-
tion. ing premiums for their work.
E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., for photographic At Pittsburg, Pa., Mr. W. H. "Whitehead
requisites, first premium. For stereoscopic views, was the recipient of the highest award —
second premium. —
medal for his excellent work.
• P. F. Weil, for stereoscopic views, second pre- Mr. W. H. Brown, Red Wing, Minne-
mium. sota, received the first premium for plain
Scovill Manufacturing Co., for the best pho-
work. No doubt there are many others, of
tographic apparatus (Am. Opt. Co.'s), first pre-
our subscribers who have been distinguished.
mium. For the best photographic materials, first
If so, we will be s;lad to note their successes.
Otto Lohr, for stereoscopic camera-box (''Suc-
cess cameras"), honorable mention. For photo-
graphic dark-tent, honorable mention.
Moulton's Solar Printing-Frame.
Ernst Kruger, for photographic headrest, hon- We have received from Mr. L. V. Moul-
orable mention. ton, Muskegon, Michigan, one of his " Solar
AT CINCINNATI. Printing- frames," which is a combined
silvering apparatus, stretcher, and toning
The judges at Cincinnati reported that
dish. It is merely a double framework,
the general excellence in the display made
the connecting edges of which are corru-
it difficult to render awards, and desired to
gated or notched to fit each other tightly.
express their belief that the collection there
The frame is opened, the paper laid on,
could not be excelled by any artists else-
frame closed, and thus a dish is formed.
where in this country, if in Europe.
The sides being shellaced, the sheet may be
Three large silver medals were awarded,
silvered, developed, or toned, as it is
viz. : 1. Leon Van Loo ; 2. J. Landy ; 3.
stretched on the frame, and is equally
"W. S. Porter. Honorable mention was
handy for canvas or paper. Where parties
made of the work of Messrs. Vincent Bros.,
do not do much large work, this contriv-
and the landscapes of Mr. Charles Waldack.
ance saves the expense of large dishes.
St. Louis not heard from at time of going Solar prints may be made on the paper
to press. while stretched in the frame and developed
At Richmond, Va., Mr. D. H. Anderson without handling. Its further advantages
was awarded a medal for the best photo- are set forth, with a cut of the apparatus, in
graphs of "exquisite finish and truth," and our advertising department, to which please
Messrs. Powell & Campbell received " spe- refer.
cial notice " of their plain photographs.
At Memphis, Tennessee, Messrs. Moys-
ton &
Brother received the following: Di- MISPLACED CONFIDENCE.
ploma for plain photographs ditto for oil ; Editor Philada. Photographer:
colored work ditto and $3 for a photo-
; Permit me to call attention to a serious evil,
graph of a dog ditto and $3 for a photo-
; which has lately crept into prominence, not
graph of a goat ditto and $15 for best
; only to the detriment and loss of many vic-
display of photographs of animals ditto ; tims, but also to real meritorious inventio ns,
and $5 for photograph of a building ditto ; etc.
I allude to the fact that of our prominent ment, detachable in front, arranged to move
and recom-
so-called leading photographers the picture while the head is under the cloth.
mending over their signatures any and There is a door at E for diaphragms, tubes,
everything, certainly many things which
to my knowledge have no practical value,
or are entirely worthless.
made it a principle never
I have always
to recommend anything that I had not fully
tested and found worthy of it; for, how do I
know but some poor fellow — confidingly
misplacing confidence, either in what he
conceives my ability or integrity — gives
what he can scarcely afford for a fraud,
perpetrated, perhaps, by the use of my name
I will frankly admit that the (to my rec-
ollection) only process purchased by our
firm for the past fourteen years was made
upon the written indorsements of our most
valued and esteemed contemporaries, and
was found well, I'll be mild worse than —
useless. We would not have purchased
had we not been shown the letters of par-
ties in whom we placed the highest confi-
dence, and in the hurry of business, not
being able to test it we relied upon them,
were " taken in, and done for." etc. They will be as much cheaper, as they
I am aware that most of these so-called will be better and more satisfactory than any
recommendations are given out of pure other stand."
good nature and an inability to refuse, but The inventor is Mr. A. K. Crihfield, Lin-
if they would only give the indorsement of coln, Illinois, and further particulars con-
a nostrum the reflection they would a friend's cerning it may be found in his advertise-
IOU, there would be less of them dishon- ment.
Yours, truly,
Baltimore, November 15th, 1870.
National Photographic Association
of the United States.
THE SENSIBLE CAMERA-STAND. The Third Annual Exhibition of the
Above we give a cut of a new camera- National Photographic Association of the
stand, lately patented by an artist of many United States will be held in Horticultural
years' experience. We describe it in his Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., beginning the first
own words :
" It is the stand. It explains Tuesday in June, A. D. 1871.
itself. Thepieces F and C are screwed This early notice is given, to invite ex-
fast to the bottom of any size camera-box. hibitorsfrom foreign countries to bear the
The piece F works in the notches in the matter in mind, and consign their parcels
uprights, B B'. The piece C is on hinges, in good time. Amplo preparation will be
the lower end playing in the notches, D. It made to accommodate such contributions,
entirely docs away with the vexatious old and them while here, as well as
to care for
screw. The motions of the camera are to return them when they are not to be sold
perfect in every particular. It holds the for the owner. Foreign pictures will be
camera solid. There is a copying attach- admitted free of duties, and it is hopod to
secure such arrangements as will bring very intercourse proven, by the numberless so-
little expense for freight, if any, upon the advancement of
cieties in existence for the *
nent Secretary for the same. Please also the surest way to They can
see future notices. learn from the experience of others, and
Eegulations for American exhibitors will they can have the pleasure of communica-
be given early in the new year. ting to others what they know. Not only
Edward L. Wilson. this, but the Annual Exhibitions that are
Permanent Secretary, Philada., Pa. held by these societies are also doing an im-
" I had the pleasure and the good fortune of my emploj'es to visit the Exhibition.
They must see it. " A. Bogardus,
to be there, and I have already been much
" New York."
benefited. T gave our papers a full account,
which they published, and I hope all who " I was prevented from being there, but
can will do the same. I have read the proceedings in the Photog-
" J. Perry Elliott, rapher, with the greatest interest, and en-
"Indianapolis, Indiana." vied those who were there. The good feel-
Cleveland Convention had something to do advance the art and the interest of
efforts to
with it. I now hurrah for Philadelphia every member. We should now organize
next June. " E. M. Van Aken, a Photographers' Mutual Insurance Com-
" Lowville, New York." pany, in order that we may obtain insurance
at a cheaper rate. I hope this idea will be
" I became acquainted with many of the agitated. "J. C. Elrod,
first photographers of the country, and if "Louisville, Kentucky."
elevate their work to attend next year and whole affair occurred at very close. The
join the National Photographic Associa- Exhibition was to close Saturday at 10 p.m.
tion. "A. M. L." Just as the clock pointed to that hour, the
band struck up "Homo, Sweet Home."
" I can now take a negative in one-third President Bogardus was standing near the
less time than I have done for six years centre of the Rink, and as if by one com-
mon impulse a large number of photogra- places, separated itself from the glass. The
phers flocked around him, and joined him coat may look perfectly firm, solid when
in singing that grand song accompanied by examined from behind, and show not the
the music. This performance was encored, least tendency to flake off, and yet if the
and then the lights grew dim, and the great film exhibit this clouded appearance, there
crowd departed. The Second Annual Ex- will be a tendency to blurring when the
hibition of the National Photographic As- plate is exposed and developed.
sociation thus closed, a glorious success. The best way of avoiding this trouble is
before pointed out. red, even when put on in a thin coat, add
It is, of course, necessary that the back- more aniline brown. Finally, mix in about
ing should be in actual contact with the twenty drops of carbolic acid. By this last
glass —optical contact. If the slightest sep- addition, and by using a porcelain cup with
aration takes place, admitting the thinnest well-fitting cover to prevent drying, the
film of air, or even supposing it possible that mixture will keep in good order for a long
a vacuum were left between the backing, time, thus avoiding the trouble of a fresh
would be ineffectual. Now it has become preparation for each set of plates.
evident to me that the efficacy of the back- Although aniline brown is excellent in
ing is very much influenced by the amount of respect of its protection, and although
drying that ajrtate receives. For example, if (which is very desirable) a little of it in-
a plate be backed at the same time that it is troduced by accident into the developing
made, and if the back and front be let to dry bath is not hurtful to the development, yet
together over sulphuric acid, both back and it is objectionable in consequence of stain-
front will be in excellent condition at the end ing the hands. I shall later try to find and
of thirty-six hours. But if the drying be con- substitute some other color that is right in
tinued for a week, that is, if having no oc- all respects. But the matter to which these
casion to use the plate, it is simply left in present remarks are directed, the partial
the box for a week, the backing may no separation of certain sorts of backing by
longer be capable of preventing blurring. continued drying, is independent of the
My object at present is to explain why color used, and holds for mixtures of gum
this and how this injurious effect of con-
is, and sugar with Spanish brown, or other
tinued drying may be avoided. coloring matter that may be employed.
First, as to appearance. If the backing
has proved defective in places, this condi-
tion can generally be detected by the eye.
If we look at the film side by reflected light
in the dark-room, should present a uni-
on the ground. Until recently I used a tin- work which is perfectly legitimate in pho-
cup or pint measure for this purpose, filling tography, and to which in the future our
it from a bucket or stream of water, if close
must reach.
best artists
by but often at a critical moment the cup
The is the "Skating Carnival,"
would be upset and the plate spoiled before which was given in Montreal last winter,
the action of the iron could be checked.
during the visit of Prince Arthur, who may
Some months ago I noticed a plan of wash- be seen in his fur cap, face front, on the left
ing adopted by Mr. Jesse A. Graves, of the
of the picture. It work of Mr. Wm.
is the
Delaware Water Gap, which has advantages
Notman, in Montreal, and as an example of
over any plan that I have seen used for out-
this class, is admirable indeed. The rules
door work. The apparatus is a bulb syringe.
of composition are preserved throughout,
See cut. Squeeze the rubber bulb with the
and the photography is excellent.
Such pictures are made in the following
manner : The portraits are taken singly or
in groups, according to a plan previously ar-
ranged to suit the composition. They are
then all pasted on one large sheet with a re-
touched background. The accessories are
then painted in and the whole may then be
copied to any size.
a small opening and being below the surface interesting than any collection we have exam-
of the water, sucks its supply free from dirt ined for a long time. They are about 11 x 14 in
size, excellent in every way, and part of a series
and cleanses the tender collodion film much
of Jive hundred and twenty-six. While we won-
better than when the water has been dipped
der at the curious architecture of that curious
from the'top. You can lay it down any-
people of India, we also wonder at the zeal and
where without fear of breaking, or carry it
labor and skill of the talented photographer,
in the pocket withoutspilling. A syringe of who brings right at our door such exquisite pho-
one pint capacity will wash a 6£ x 8£ plate tographs of places and things so far away, to-
more thoroughly than a quart of water gether with a lucid description of them all.
poured over it from a tin-cup, and at a Marion & Co., London, are the publishers, and
great saving of time. doubtless are having an immense sale for them.
— —: —
TJ.faLnUfal^fab^br,b,Lr1 Un^Lr,l ibil=ilhMLnt=il? t=,l=iE; and the hoe" and delve in his native element,
Mother Earth. M. M. Griswold.—
The answers referring to blue frosting are
not satisfactory. Frosting put on with oil
varnish. I have also rectified these ridges culty of lighting the extremes of black and
by soaking the varnished negative very white, and getting perfect detail in both,
carefully in water, then washing with alco- on the same subject and yet most of them,
hol, and afterwards re- varnishing. Helios. doubtless, can show specimens where this
has been accomplished as nearly to perfec-
Queries. tion as we can expect to attain, and that
1. How can I make my dark-room glass legitimately, under the skylight, without
rather startling protests proclaimed. The light any more to make pictures by, it only
tell why the protest ? Is it that the name these knotty questions? Do you believe
is not classical enough, and we are to be there ever were any such men as Daguerre,
Suppose the name were meaningless, Royal Library at Berlin. As a work of art this
chromo is a grand success, and a fine study.
which it is not, or is not understood by our
The play of lights and shades, and delicate half
customers are there not thousands of names
thisnumber, and also the prospectus of this and recently imposed the very grievous State special
of our new Magazine. You can now have a tax of $50 upon every resident photographer,
Journal twice a month. Send in your subscrip- and $10 upon itinerants for every town they
tions and clubs early. operate in. This is certainly very oppressive.
Mr. Hillyer asks us to collect a table of the
Mr. R. A. Lewis writes us that concave back- taxes photographers have to pay in each State,
grounds were used by him fifteen years ago. and we will be glad to publish such a list if some
one from each State will kindly give us the facts.
The first person shot by the French as a spy,
was Mr. Hart, an inoffensive photographer. Scribner's Monthly Magazine, conducted
by Dr. J. G. Holland. N. Y., Scribner & Co.,
Mr. G. Wharton Simpson says Mr. Albert
$3 a year.
Moore's solar enlargements are the best he ever
The first number of this magazine, which is be-
fore us, gives promise of being something fresh
Mr. Z. P. McMillan, Galesburg, Illinois, had and attractive. Dr. Holland's writings are always
a grand opening of his new rooms November fresh. The attraction to photographers in such
15th, attended by music, singing, lantern exhi- a magazine as this, aside from the enjoyment de-
bition, &c. Success to his enterprise. rived from reading the tales and travels in it, is
Received from Mr. H. 0. Bly, Hanover, N. Changing Base. —A number of our progres-
H., some examples of his portrait work, and sive photographers, who are making fine work
some very interesting stereo views. From Mr. in our smaller cities, write us that they intend
E. R. Curtiss, Madison, Wisconsin, some very moving to larger ones, where they can " do
pretty shadow pictures, which do him credit. more." Now our counsel to such is, Don't. Ex-
From Mr. C. R. Savage, Salt Lake City, some penses and competition are vastly greater in
very fine Union Pacific Railroad views, which large cities, and your care would probably be
are wonderful. From Mr. H. L. Bingham, Kal- greatly increased, without a corresponding in-
amazoo, Michigan, some exceedingly fine exam- crease of profits. If you are doing more than a
ples of the new size Victoria cards. From Mr. living, stay where you are. We can point to
Jesse A. Graves, Delaware Water Gap, Pa., several who regret doing the reverse.
lated. From Mr. R. S. Forbes, Eugene City, 2. Mr. Shaw has commenced suit against
Oregon, some interesting camp scenes in the Messrs. Bogardus, Kurtz, Howell, E. & H. T.
Western wilderness. From Mr. W. H White- Anthony & Co., -nd several others, in New York ;
head, Pittsbung, Pa., some excellent medallion and the suits are now pending, but it is doubtful
cabinet size pictures, which are excellent exam- if any one of "them comes to trial before next
ples of photography, the more creditable because April. Our libel suit is pending.
Pittsburg is probably the worst plnce in the "Retired Artist" (New York), and
country to make photographs. Mr. Whitehead Others. — We cannot insert communications
is already preparing work for the Exhibition in coining to us over assumed signatures. We do
Philadelphia next June, and will, no doubt, not care to publish the names, if requested not
make a creditable show. He was awarded a to, but we mast always know who is responsible
medal at the late fair held in his city. From for a communication, or it won't be published.
The readers of the Photographer are requested to read our Prospectus for 1871 also that of ;
our new magazine, Photographic World, and advertisements of our other publications. Likewise
consult our Premium List, and by a little effort you can get all your own books free of cost. Use
this Bla?ik and send vour order on it.
BENERMAN & WILSON, S. W. cor. 7th and Cherry Sts., PHILADELPHIA.
P. 0..