Business On App-New Guideline-English-V01
Business On App-New Guideline-English-V01
Business On App-New Guideline-English-V01
Business ON Unlimited
A. Type of Request
F New F Upgrade/Downgrade F Disconnection F Internal shifting F External shifting
F Migration from Etisalat Service F Migration from Non-Etisalat Service F Renew Contract
B. Company Information
Company Name:
D. Billing Details
By default, bill will be sent to the below email address:
G. Packages
Installation Voice Flexi eStore Domain Commitment
Plan (AED/ Internet
Charges Service Minutes (Do it Yourself) Name period
Business ON
unlimited 12 month
200 395 Unlimited 1 100 1 1
(Promotional Offer contract
for 12 Months)
- Unlimited Internet offer at AED 395 per month is Valid only for 12 Months post 12 months customer will be charged AED
495 per month.
- Bundled 100 Flexi minutes can be used for Fixed to Mobile national calls or Fixed to International calls to whitelisted
destinations (as per the list at All other international calls shall be charged
as per the destination-wise price list at
- Fixed to Fixed call charges: Free (AED 0.15/min post consumption of 7,500 minutes FUP)
- Fixed to Mobile call charges: AED 0.30/min
- Exit charges during Minimum Term shall be: One month of Service rent + recovery towards Bundled & add-on devices for
the remaining contract months of respective add-ons
H. Domain name
F I have an existing .ae domain .ae OR
F I want a new .ae domain at no cost
1st choice .ae
2nd choice .ae
3rd choice .ae
• Minimum period of hire for the domain is 1 year
• Domain name is renewed on yearly basis
I. Disconnection
I wish to disconnect my service with Account No.: because:
from date (D/M/YY).:
J. Required Documents
1. Trade License 5. Tenancy contract
2. Power of Attorney of the signing person 6. Cease Form*
3. Establishment Card (New customers only) 7. Existing non-Etisalat Bill*
4. Valid passport copy/Emirates ID of the sponsor/partner 8. TRN Certificate
1. Introduction (i) Etisalat will apply to the relevant regulatory body for the product and/or services such as additional voice lines,
These specific terms and conditions (“Service Specific Terms”) Domain Name on behalf of the Customer and there will provision of Managed IP Phones, provision of additional
along with the General T&Cs (Business) apply in relation to the be no additional cost to the Customer for the Domain switches, etc.
provision of the Service by Etisalat to the Customer, in addition Name during the term of the Agreement 9. OTHER PROVISIONS
to other constituent parts of the Agreement between Etisalat (ii) Minimum subscription period for the domain is one Additional Switches
and the Customer. (1) year.
The Customer may purchase additional switches as a separate
2. Definitions (iii) As long as the Agreement remains in effect, Etisalat product, not forming part of the Service.
will renew the Domain Name registration on behalf of
(a) “Agreement” means the entire contractual agreement the Customer on an annual basis, and there will be no Managed IP Phones
between Etisalat and the Customer in respect of the additional cost to the Customer for the Domain Name The Customer may purchase additional IP Phone as a separate
Service, comprising its constituent parts listed in Clause renewal during the term of the Agreement. product, not forming part of the Service.
2.1 of the General T&Cs (Business), including these Service
Specific Terms. (iv) The provision of a Domain Name shall be subject to the Limitation of Liability
applicable rules relating to domain name registration
(b) “General T&Cs (Business)” means Etisalat’s general UC Voice Service
and/or renewal and the procedures and/or rules of the
terms and conditions for business products and services relevant regulatory body applicable from time to time. Notwithstanding Clause 21.1 “Product Liability Disclaimer”
which are published on Etisalat’s website and are available and Clause 9 “Etisalat Sold Equipment” of the General Terms
through the other communication channels referred to in (v) eStore : eStore is a Do it Yourself Website and Store
and Conditions (Business), Etisalat shall not be liable for
Clause 35 of the General T&Cs (Business). Builder. Customers will be entitled for a free eStore
any malfunctioning or possible defects with the devices
subscription as a part of the Service. Customers
(c) “Service” means Business ON, as detailed in Clause provided to the Customer. Etisalat shall undertake only repair or
can activate eStore and start using the service. The
3 herein. substitution of these devices that have manufacturing defects
Customer may be able to set up his own website(s).
as per the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) policy. In
(d) “Minimum Term” has the meaning given to it in Clause 4(a). The Customer will be responsible for any content or
all cases of any tampering, malfunction, defects or breakage
material on Customer’s website that the Customer or
(e) “Mobile Application” means Etisalat CloudTalk application of the devices supplied by Customer, will not be covered by
anyone authorized by the Customer uploads in relation
available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Etisalat and it shall be solely Customer’s responsibility.
to the Customer’s website(s) hosting, development, etc.
(f) “Domain Name” means the unique part of a network 10. CONTACTING ETISALAT
4. Commencement & Duration
address that identifies it as belonging to a particular domain The Customer may contact Etisalat to discuss the Service
owned by the Customer on the internet. (a) The Agreement has a minimum term of One (1) year
(including these Service Specific Terms and the General T&Cs
(“Minimum Term”), which starts on the date on which
3. Service Description (Business), or any other product or service offered by Etisalat,
Etisalat makes the Service available to the Customer
(a) The Mobile Broadband is a converged solution for business by using any of the Communication channels stated in Clause
(“Activation Date”).
customers offering, Mobile based 4G/5G Internet unified 35 of the General T&Cs (Business).
(b) After the expiry of the Minimum Term, the Agreement shall
communications-based telephony service (“UC Voice 11. VALUE ADDED TAX
be renewed automatically on a monthly basis with the same
Service”), Domain Name and eStore.
terms and conditions, including the Charges which shall Please see Clause (14) of the General T&Cs (Business) for
(b) The Service includes 4g/5g Internet, at least one voice line continue to apply to the Service. If, following the completion the provisions governing Value Added Tax (VAT) that apply
and a Domain Name and eStore. and expiry of the Minimum Term, the Customer does not to the Service.
(c) The Service provides a number of voice lines for the UC wish to renew the Agreement on a monthly basis; the
Voice Service. The maximum number of voice lines is Customer may terminate the Agreement in accordance
limited to two hundred (200) per Customer site. For more Clause 8 – Termination.
than four (4) voice lines and up to a maximum of two hundred 5. CHARGES, BILLING & PAYMENT
(200) per customer site, the addition of a switch is required.
(a) Please see Clause 12 of the General T&Cs (Business) for
The Customer may use any switch or may separately
the charges, billing and payment provisions that apply to
apply to Etisalat for the provision of additional switch(es)
the Service.
as an additional product, not forming part of the Service,
described in Clause 9 under heading “Additional Switches”. (b) The monthly rental Charges shall be calculated on a pro rata
basis from the Activation Date until the end of the first billing
(d) 4g/5g based Internet is a service governed by fair use policy.
period. Thereafter, starting from the next billing cycle, the full
The customer’s data limit per package per month is defined
monthly rental Charge shall be billed monthly in advance.
in the Service Application Form approved by the customer,
post which the speed will be throttled as specified in the (c) If the Service is terminated before the completion of any
Service Application Form. The service should be used month, the bill covering the final billing period will be
purely for business purposes, any unintended use can lead calculated on a pro rata basis from the beginning of the
to termination of the connection. month until the date of the Termination of the Service.
(e) 4g/5G based Internet will be geo-locked on activation. Post (d) The applicable monthly rental Charges shall be billed
activation, the Customer will be able to move to different monthly in advance and any additional out of bundle usage
location by paying a shifting charge of 100 AED. Charges not covered by the applicable monthly rental
Charges shall be billed monthly in arrears.
(f) UC Voice Service
(i) The voice lines delivered as part of the Service, will be
configured by default, for use only through the Mobile
Application. Please see Clause 13 of the General T&Cs (Business) for the
customer credit, advance payment and deposit provisions
(ii) If required, the Customer may separately apply to
that apply to the Service.
Etisalat for the provisioning of additional SIP phone(s)
as an additional product, not forming part of the Service, 7. SUSPENSION, DISCONNECTION OR TERMINATION
described in Clause 9 under heading “Managed IP BY ETISALAT
Phones”. Please see Clause 18 of the General T&Cs (Business) for
(iii) The access and the use of the UC Voice Service the provisions governing the suspension, disconnection
through the Mobile Application is granted through and termination of the Service or the Agreement by Etisalat.
an authentication procedure, with username and 8. TERMINATION BY THE CUSTOMER
password/PIN code. The disclosure of authentication
credentials to any third parties may lead to use/ mis-use (a) The Customer may terminate the Service, by sending
of the Services in the name of the Customer, for which to Etisalat a written notice or by visiting one of Etisalat’s
the Customer shall be solely responsibleand liable. business centers. The Customer acknowledges that, upon
receipt of the Customer’s termination notice, Etisalat shall
(iv) 4) For the UC Voice Service, Etisalat assigns to the terminate the Customer’s account.
Customer a number of the UAE National Numbering
Plan. For each geographical number requested, the (b) In the event the termination takes place prior to the
Customer must specify, the business premises address completion and expiry of the Minimum Term, the Customer
where the number will be used. shall be obliged to pay an early termination Charges to
Etisalat, in accordance with the following calculation:
(v) Each voice line includes 100 flexi minutes for national
fixed to mobile usage or international minutes to any (i) An amount equivalent of one (1) month’s rental Charges
International Destination (“ID”), except some black for the plan;
listed ID destinations (View permitted ID destinations (ii) Device Exit Charges : Bf + ( Rp / Ct ) x ( Ct – ( 1 + T )
at ae/biabinternationaldestinations). Where
Out of bundle charges (beyond 100 flexi minutes) for
fixed to mobile national calls will be standard fixed to Bf = the basic exit charge
mobile charges. Out of bundle charges (beyond 100 Rp = the retail price of the device(s);
flexi minutes) for fixed to international calls would be
Ct = the number of months in the minimum term of the; and
standard 24x7 off-peak fixed to ID charges. All out of
bundle usage will be charged on per second billing T = the number of months the subscriber has served in
pulse. All other international calls shall be charged the contract
as per the destination-wise price list at
For the avoidance of any doubt, termination of the Service
(g) Domain Name shall automatically result in the termination of all additional
Your Authorisation
I have read all the terms and conditions forming part of the entire contractual arrangement between EMIRATES
TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP COMPANY P.J.S.C. and the company and I agree to the same.
Name of Applicant:
Contact Details.: