WLP - ENG5 - W7 - Q1 (W3 Lesson)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cluster 1
Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City


WEEK: WEEK 7 (October 3-7, 2022 ) LEARNING AREA: ENGLISH
MELC/S: Q1 Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues TEACHER: TRICIA R. BALAGAT


Day 1 ENGLISH Explicit Instruction Set B
Oct 3 I. Analyze meaning of II.A.Topic Preparatory Activities Read and understand Learning task 4 page 18.
unfamiliar words based on Context Clues: Analyzing 1. Prayer
(Set A) context clues meaning of unfamiliar words 2. Greetings
B. Materials: 3. Energizer
pictures, drillboard, Learning 4. Checking of Attendance
Activity sheets, PPT 5. Spelling(Introduction of words for the week)
C. Reference:Vocabulary store, night, bread, little, bakery
Development, CG of Eng 5 page 6. Drill: Reading of Short story
67, Module English 5
D. Value Focus: Helpful

7. Review: What is antonym?synonym?

Learning Activities:
A. Setting the Stage

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 2 of 11

Show an example of Definition or Statement Clue

Anton’s voice is inaudible. No one could hear it.
Definition or Statement Clue is a type of context clu that
provides direct statement or meaning of the unfamiliar
B. Explaining to learners what to do:
At the end of the activities, the learners can analyze the meaning of
unfamiliar words based on definition or Statement Clue as type of context
C. Teaching/Modeling
The teacher show and discuss the sentences.(ppt)
1. The boys desired to win in the contest to get the prize.
a. wanted b. worked c. checked d. followed
2. The dirt in the paper was miniscule that I could not see it.
a. big b. long c. chort d. tiny

D. Guided Practice:
The teacher will group the class in 2. Let them answer the Learning task
2(see page 15)collaboratively. Teacher will remind the learners to observe
Health Protocols. After answering, let the leader post their answer. Teacher
will check.
1. Michael Jackson has an immense fan base. The whole
world adores him.
a. huge b. cool c. loving d. respects
2. My Lolo put up a wager that Manny Pacquiao will win
the fight. He will treat us to dinner if Pacquiao wins.
a. smile b. bet c. vote d. choice
3. Sam mischievously placed a horror picture to scare his
a. quietly b. naughty c. happily d. softly
E. Independent Practice
Let the learners answer 1-5 of Learning Task 4 page 18(see AS)
Learning Task 4: Read the statements below. Using context clues,
identify the meaning of highlighted words.
the meaning of highlighted words.
1. The hotel abolishes its rice-all-you-can policy to avoid wastage of food.
A. continues b. removes c. revises d. proposes
2. The country has tropical climate where it only has dry and wet seasons
similar to other countries in Southeast Asia.
a. humid b. cold c. comfortable d. normal
3. The obsolete books and other references in the library resulted to their
removal in the shelves and inventory.
a. new b. old c. outdated d. collected
Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City
School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 3 of 11

4. Beverages, such as juices, milk, beers and softdrinks, are expensive.

a. drinks b. food c. bread d. pastas
5. The luxurious life of my cousin living in high-end subdivision inspires
me to dream and work hard.
a. ordinary b. fantastic c. uncomfortable d. wealthy
F. Generalization:
How do we know the meaning of unfamiliar words? (By analyzing
meaning through context clues.)
IV. Assessment:
Read the statements below. Using context clues, identify the meaning of
highlighted words.(LAS)
1. the Philippines experiences at least 20 typhoons, a weather
phenomenon that brings heavy rains and strong winds that can be
a. rain b. wind c. storm d. earthquake
2. With poor management, experts predicted that the country would have
100,000 COVID-19 cases based on their approximation or estimation.
a. prediction b. evaluation c. assessment d. preparation
3. My friend and I dream of visiting South Korea this winter to experience
its frigid or frosty season.
a. humid b. hot c. cold d. relaxing
4. Conclave is an important event in the Roman Catholic Church where
cardinals meet to elect the new pope.
a. party b. feast c. debate d. meeting
5. Melinda is so anxious about her attire for the party but Felipe told him
to relax and remain calm.
a. confident b. worried c. easy d. proud
Five Venus ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Jupiter ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Mars_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Earth_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Day 2 ENGLISH Explicit Instruction Set B
Oct 4 I. Analyze the meanig of II.A.Topic Preparatory Activities Read and understand Learning task 5 & 6 page 18.
unfamiliar words based on Context Clues: Analyzing the 1. Prayer
(Set A) context clues meaning r of unfamiliar words 2. Greetings
based on context clues 3. Energizer
B. Materials: 4. Checking of Attendance
pictures, drillboard, Learning 5. Spelling(Study the meaning of the words.)
Activity sheets, PPT store, night, bread, little, bakery
C. Reference:Vocabulary 6. Drill: Reading of Short story
Development, CG of Eng 5 page
67, Module English 5

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 4 of 11

D. Value Focus: Love for


7. Review: How do we find the meaning of the unfamiliar words?

Learning Activities:
A. Setting the Stage
Mammals, including cows, carabaos and horses, are helpful animals.
Explanation or Example Clue is a type of context clue that provides
readers with varying examples to allow them fully examine the unfamiliar
words. Words like including, such as and for example point out example
The city government has implemented the community quarantine
because experts want to stop or slow down the increase in the number of
COVID-19 cases.
Cause-and-Effect or Reason-Result Clue is a type of context clue that
explains the reason and the result of an event or action. Words like
because, since, therefore, thus, so, etc. may signal context clues.

B. Explaining to learners what to do:

At the end of the activities, the learners can analyze the meaning of
unfamiliar words based on context clues.
C. Teaching/Modeling
The teacher posts activities to discuss.
1. Beverages, such as juices, milk, beers and sodas, have increased in
prices due to low supply and importation issues.(sweet drinks)
2. Liquors, like beer, tuba and lambanog, were not allowed during the
enhanced community quarantine.(alcoholic drink)
3.Reptiles, such as crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and tor- toises. are
wild animals. (animals with hard scale)
4. Birds, such as eagle, maya, parrot, peacock are nice for a pet. (animals
with feather)
D. Guided Practice:
The teacher will group the class in 2. Let them answer the Learning task
2(see page 15)collaboratively. Teacher will remind the learners to observe
Health Protocols. After answering, let the leader post their answer. Teacher
will check.
1. Constellations, such as The Little Dipper and The Big Dipper can be
seen in the night sky.
Using the example clue, the word constellation in this sentence

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 5 of 11

A. clouds B. group of stars C. moons D. light
(more in ppt/LAS)
E. Independent Practice
Find the meaning of the underline words
1. Constellations, such as The Little Dipper and The Big
Dipper, can be seen in the night sky.Using the example clues,
the word constellations in this sentence means ___________
A. clouds B. group of stars C. moons D. lights
2. Nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help our body
to grow. Using the example clue, the word nutritious in this
sentence means____________
A. yucky B. boring C. healthy D. junk foods
3. You may have an issue, such as fear of snakes, which keeps
you from playing outside. The word issue in this sentence
A. fear B. snakes C. problem D.topic
4. Our country’s highest politician, the president, has the job of
making sure our country stays safe. The politician means
A. man B. boss C. elected person D. player
5. Our class visited the museum on a field trip. We saw many
artifacts like pottery, art, and statues from many old places.
The word artifacts in this sentence means_____________
A. objects B. point C. goal D. idea
F. Generalization:
How do we know the meaning of unfamiliar words? (By analyzing the
meaning of unfamilar words through context clues.)
IV. Assessment:
Find the meaning of the underlined words.
1. Candles, flashlights and lamps iluminates the room.
A. lower B. weaken C. light up D. darken
2. Animals from the equine group, such as donkeys and zebras are hoofed
A. bird B. reptile C. horses D. fish
3. In the fall, the bright foliage is a delight to see. Red, orange, and yellow
leaves and vegetation paint the world for our enjoyment.
A. rocks B. leaves C. houses D. dirt
4. Sunlight can't shine through opaque objects like brick walls and wooden
A. thin B. clear C. transparent D. thick
5. The dark clouds were a caveat of the coming storm.
A. warning B. keep C. withdrawal D.celebration
REFLECTION Five Venus ____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City
School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 6 of 11

Five Jupiter ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Mars______________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Earth______________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Day 3 ENGLISH Daily Routine: Set B
Oct 5 Read the questions in General II.A.Topic * Prayer Review the topic from week 1 to week 3.
Assessment Profeciency First Summative Test * Reminders on Health Protocols
(Set A) silently B. Materials: * Checking of Attendance
Answer the questions in Testpapers, ballpen, Folder
Summative test C. CG of Eng 5 page 67, Module A. Recall the guidelines in taking the test
English 5 B. Bring out all the things to be used in taking the test.
D. Value Focus: Honesty C. Set a guidelines to be observed in taking the test.
D. Distributing the testpapers
Distribute the Answer Sheets and Testpapers observing the
health protocols.
E. Explaining the instructions
Give additional explanation to the instruction.
F. Giving time to take the test
Remind the allotted time for taking test.
G. Passing of the testpaper and answer sheet
At the end of the alloted time, the learners will pass the
questionnaire, followed by the answer sheet.
H. Checking
Checking of the answer sheet using the answer key.
I. Record the score
Record the result. Prepare the necessary report for analysis.
J. Returning the testpaper
Return the answer sheet to the test takers.
Five Venus ____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Jupiter ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Mars_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Earth_____________ of ___________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Day 4 ENGLISH Explicit Instruction Set A
Oct 6 I. Analyze meaning of II.A.Topic Preparatory Activities Read and understand Learning task 4 page 18.
unfamiliar words based on Context Clues: Analyzing 1. Prayer
(Set B) context clues meaning of unfamiliar words 2. Greetings
B. Materials: 3. Energizer
pictures, drillboard, Learning 4. Checking of Attendance
Activity sheets, PPT 5. Spelling(Introduction of words for the week)
C. Reference:Vocabulary store, night, bread, little, bakery
Development, CG of Eng 5 page 6. Drill: Reading of Short story
67, Module English 5
D. Value Focus: Helpful

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 7 of 11

7. Review: What is antonym?synonym?

Learning Activities:
A. Setting the Stage
Show an example of Definition or Statement Clue
Anton’s voice is inaudible. No one could hear it.
Definition or Statement Clue is a type of context clu that
provides direct statement or meaning of the unfamiliar
B. Explaining to learners what to do:
At the end of the activities, the learners can analyze the meaning of
unfamiliar words based on definition or Statement Clue as type of context
C. Teaching/Modeling
The teacher show and discuss the sentences.(ppt)
1. The boys desired to win in the contest to get the prize.
a. wanted b. worked c. checked d. followed
2. The dirt in the paper was miniscule that I could not see it.
a. big b. long c. chort d. tiny
1. Sam always amuse me with her funny drawings.
a. shocks b. annoys c. entertain d. scare
D. Guided Practice:
The teacher will group the class in 2. Let them answer the Learning task
2(see page 15)collaboratively. Teacher will remind the learners to observe
Health Protocols. After answering, let the leader post their answer. Teacher
will check.
1. Sam always amuse me with her funny drawings.
a. shocks b. annoys c. entertain d. scare
2. Lance is an amiable boy. He has lots of friends inside
and outside the school.
a. smart b. generous c. athletic d. friendly
3. Michael Jackson has an immense fan base. The whole
world adores him.
a. huge b. cool c. loving d. respects
4. My Lolo put up a wager that Manny Pacquiao will win
the fight. He will treat us to dinner if Pacquiao wins.
a. smile b. bet c. vote d. choice

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 8 of 11

5. Sam mischievously placed a horror picture to scare his

a. quietly b. naughty c. happily d. softly
E. Independent Practice
Let the learners answer 1-5 of Learning Task 4 page 18(see AS)
Learning Task 4: Read the statements below. Using context clues,
identify the meaning of highlighted words.
the meaning of highlighted words. Write the letters of your answers in
your notebook.
1. The hotel abolishes its rice-all-you-can policy to avoid wastage of food.
A. continues b. removes c. revises d. proposes
2. The country has tropical climate where it only has dry and wet seasons
similar to other countries in Southeast Asia.
a. humid b. cold c. comfortable d. normal
3. The obsolete books and other references in the library resulted to their
removal in the shelves and inventory.
a. new b. old c. outdated d. collected
4. Beverages, such as juices, milk, beers and softdrinks, are expensive.
a. drinks b. food c. bread d. pastas
5. The luxurious life of my cousin living in high-end subdivision inspires
me to dream and work hard.
a. ordinary b. fantastic c. uncomfortable d. wealthy
F. Generalization:
How do we know the meaning of unfamiliar words? (By analyzing
meaning through context clues.)
IV. Assessment:
Read the statements below. Using context clues, identify the meaning of
highlighted words.(LAS)
1. the Philippines experiences at least 20 typhoons, a weather
phenomenon that brings heavy rains and strong winds that can be
a. rain b. wind c. storm d. earthquake
2. With poor management, experts predicted that the country would have
100,000 COVID-19 cases based on their approximation or estimation.
a. prediction b. evaluation c. assessment d. preparation
3. My friend and I dream of visiting South Korea this winter to experience
its frigid or frosty season.
a. humid b. hot c. cold d. relaxing
4. Conclave is an important event in the Roman Catholic Church where
cardinals meet to elect the new pope.
a. party b. feast c. debate d. meeting
5. Melinda is so anxious about her attire for the party but Felipe told him
to relax and remain calm.
Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City
School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 9 of 11

a. confident b. worried c. easy d. proud

Five Venus ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Jupiter __________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Mars_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Earth_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Day 5 ENGLISH Explicit Instruction Set B
Oct 7 I. Analyze the meanig of II.A.Topic Preparatory Activities Read and understand Learning task 5 & 6 page 18.
(Set B) unfamiliar words based on Context Clues: Analyzing the 1. Prayer
context clues meaning r of unfamiliar words 2. Greetings
based on context clues 3. Energizer
B. Materials: 4. Checking of Attendance
pictures, drillboard, Learning 5. Spelling(Study the meaning of the words.)
Activity sheets, PPT store, night, bread, little, bakery
C. Reference:Vocabulary 6. Drill: Reading of Short story
Development, CG of Eng 5 page
67, Module English 5
D. Value Focus: Love for

7. Review: How do we find the meaning of the unfamiliar words?

Learning Activities:
A. Setting the Stage
Mammals, including cows, carabaos and horses, are helpful animals.
Explanation or Example Clue is a type of context clue that provides
readers with varying examples to allow them fully examine the unfamiliar
words. Words like including, such as and for example point out example
The city government has implemented the community quarantine
because experts want to stop or slow down the increase in the number of
COVID-19 cases.
Cause-and-Effect or Reason-Result Clue is a type of context clue that
explains the reason and the result of an event or action. Words like
because, since, therefore, thus, so, etc. may signal context clues.

B. Explaining to learners what to do:

At the end of the activities, the learners can analyze the meaning of
unfamiliar words based on context clues.
C. Teaching/Modeling
The teacher posts activities to discuss.
1. Beverages, such as juices, milk, beers and sodas, have increased in
prices due to low supply and importation issues.(sweet drinks)

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 10 of 11

2. Liquors, like beer, tuba and lambanog, were not allowed during the
enhanced community quarantine.(alcoholic drink)
3.Reptiles, such as crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and tor- toises. are
wild animals. (animals with hard scale)
4. Birds, such as eagle, maya, parrot, peacock are nice for a pet. (animals
with feather)
D. Guided Practice:
The teacher will group the class in 2. Let them answer the Learning task
2(see page 15)collaboratively. Teacher will remind the learners to observe
Health Protocols. After answering, let the leader post their answer. Teacher
will check.
1. Constellations, such as The Little Dipper and The Big Dipper can be
seen in the night sky.
Using the example clue, the word constellation in this sentence
A. clouds B. group of stars C. moons D. light
(more in ppt/LAS)
E. Independent Practice
Find the meaning of the underline words
1. Constellations, such as The Little Dipper and The Big
Dipper, can be seen in the night sky.Using the example clues,
the word constellations in this sentence means ___________
A. clouds B. group of stars C. moons D. lights
2. Nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help our body
to grow. Using the example clue, the word nutritious in this
sentence means____________
A. yucky B. boring C. healthy D. junk foods
3. You may have an issue, such as fear of snakes, which keeps
you from playing outside. The word issue in this sentence
A. fear B. snakes C. problem D.topic
4. Our country’s highest politician, the president, has the job of
making sure our country stays safe. The politician means
A. man B. boss C. elected person D. player
5. Our class visited the museum on a field trip. We saw many
artifacts like pottery, art, and statues from many old places.
The word artifacts in this sentence means_____________
A. objects B. point C. goal D. idea
F. Generalization:
How do we know the meaning of unfamiliar words? (By analyzing the
meaning of unfamilar words through context clues.)
IV. Assessment:
Find the meaning of the underlined words.
Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City
School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]
Page 11 of 11

1. Candles, flashlights and lamps iluminates the room.

A. lower B. weaken C. light up D. darken
2. Animals from the equine group, such as donkeys and zebras are hoofed
A. bird B. reptile C. horses D. fish
3. In the fall, the bright foliage is a delight to see. Red, orange, and yellow
leaves and vegetation paint the world for our enjoyment.
A. rocks B. leaves C. houses D. dirt
4. Sunlight can't shine through opaque objects like brick walls and wooden
A. thin B. clear C. transparent D. thick
5. The dark clouds were a caveat of the coming storm.
A. warning B. keep C. withdrawal D.celebration
Five Venus ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Jupiter ___________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Mars_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.
Five Earth_____________ of __________ did not reach the mastery level. Intervention is applied.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II Principal I

Address: Purok 3, San Cristobal, Calamba City

School ID: 109837
Telephone No: (049) 546-9091
Email Address: [email protected]

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