Tutorial 2

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Tutorial 2

1. The average rainfall intensity for the storm event given in Tutorial 1 question 4 is 30.0 mm/hr.
Classify this rainfall event based on average rainfall intensity if 3 hr 100-year storm correspond to
a rainfall intensity of 31.7 mm/hr and 3 hr 50-year storm correspond to a rainfall intensity of 27.9

2. For a catchment area shown in Figure 1 below, the precipitation recorded by gages A, B,
C, and D is 5.5 cm, 4 cm, 2 cm, and 1 cm, respectively for a rainfall event. Determine the
average areal rainfall for this rainfall event using arithmetical average method. (Answer:
3.5 cm)

Gage C Gage D

Gage A

Gage B

1 square=1 km2

Figure 1.
3. Based on information given in Question 2, determine the average areal rainfall based on Thiessen
Polygon Method. Compare the results obtained from arithmetic average and Thiessen polygon
method and comment on the results.

4. Given the stream section shown in Figure 2 below and the following measurements (Table 1),
calculate the total discharge throughout the section. (extracted from textbook Bedient, Huber,
and Vieux, sixth edition).

Figure 2. Stream cross section

Table 1.

Measurement Distance Across Depth D Mean

Station Stream (ft) (ft) Velocity v (ft/sec)
A 0 0 0
B 14 1.1 0.43
C 26 2.6 0.61
D 38 3.5 1.54
E 49 3.2 1.21
F 61 3.1 1.13
G 78 3.9 1.52
H 95 4.2 2.34
I 114 3.3 1.42
J 133 2.9 1.34
K 152 2.1 1.23
L 171 1.4 0.53
M 190 0 0

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