Stem12-L Group#3
Stem12-L Group#3
Stem12-L Group#3
Access to clean drinking water is a critical global issue, with millions of people lacking access to safe drinking
water. Waterborne diseases, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. In
response, there has been a growing interest in developing affordable and portable water filtration systems that can
effectively remove harmful pathogens and make water safe for consumption. The researchers aim to develop a
portable anti-microbial water filter that could effectively remove pathogenic microorganisms from contaminated
water. Through a series of laboratory test trials and water bacteriology tests, the researchers evaluated the
performance of the filter design and analyzed using t-test to compare if there is a significant difference. Findings
show that there is no significant difference in terms of pH test, TDS test, and MPN test between the water sample
from the filter without Capsicum annuum and water sample from the filter with Capsicum annuum. It is suggested
to improve the filter’s anti-microbial component in order to proceed with the study further. The researchers
believe that the filter design has a significant potential to improve access to clean water particularly in
resource-limited settings if study would be taken furthermore.
Keywords: Pepper leaves(Capsicum annuum), Water filter, Antimicrobial, Portable, and Compartmentalized filter
One of the most commonly used in water This study aims to develop a portable water filter
treatments is Alkaline and water ionizer. Alkaline using Capsicum annuum ground leaf as a natural
and ionized water is marketed as one of the antimicrobial agent.
healthiest water treatments, with claims of improved
1. What are the levels of the plant-based
bone and digestive health, a lower risk of cancer and
filtered water in terms of:
heart disease, better skin, and even improved
hydration and taste. Ionized water's electrically Chemical Test: pH Test & TDS Test
charged minerals separate alkaline water from acidic
water, softening the water and improving its
drinking quality. (Simon & Allen, et al., 2022)
2. How effective is the Capsicum annuum in experimental study is accessible at the University of
removing bacterial contaminants from the Cordilleras, Biology Laboratory. This section
the filtered water in terms of: goes into more detail about the respective uses and
Water Bacteriology Test:
Pequin Pepper Leaves
- Total Coliform: Multiple Tube Fermentation For the purpose of conducting this
Technique experiment, a Pequin Pepper leaves is a necessary
component. Pequin Pepper leaves are a significant
3. What is the significant difference between contributor to this experiment since it has been
a water filter with no Capsicum annuum proven to have antibacterial effects due to the
and with Capsicum annum presence of active components such as capsaicin,
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) carotenoids, and ascorbic acid. These chemicals kill
bacteria by damaging the cell membrane or
Significance of the Study
interfering with cellular metabolism (Bakht, et al.,
This study contributes to the growing body 2020).
of knowledge on natural compounds for water
treatment. The addition of Capsicum annuum to the Mesh (Silk Mesh)
water filter is a novel area of research, and the In order to further filtration, a layer of mesh
findings of this study could provide insights into the would be added to the container in order to prevent
development of alternative and sustainable water the flow of fibers or sand particles from the water.
treatment methods. The study could potentially lead This is often done as part of the pre-treatment
to the reduction of harmful substances in water process to remove larger particles before the water
treatment processes and improve overall water enters the following treatment process (Batra, et al.,
quality, providing health benefits to the population. 2017).
● F: Anova Coefficient
● SSW: sum of squares within the groups
● SSB: sum of squares between the groups
● SST: total sum of squares (SST = SSW +
● MSB: mean sum of squares between the
One-way ANOVA was used to test the ● MSW: mean sum of squares within the
existence of a statistically significant difference groups
between the mean of the pH and the TDS of the ● MSE: mean sum of squares due to error
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION result of 13.33 mg/l. The water filtrate removed the
particles in the wastewater, but the results did not
This part of the study presents the results and pass the TDS drinking water standard. The filtered
discussion of the study on the effectiveness of water with Capsicum annuum showed a mean result
grounded Capsicum annuum leaves. of 30 mg/l. These results might have been caused by
the grounded leaves in the water filtrate. The results
The table presented below consists of the results did not pass the TDS drinking water standard.
collected from the pH test involving the three water
samples. In the study conducted by Ayenew and Meride
(2016), the researchers tested the TDS concentration
It was observed that the pH test for each variable in the Wondo Genet campus and determined that it
shows it is within the standard for water drinking. has a mean TDS concentration of 118.19 mg/l which
The unfiltered water showed a consistent result of 8 is within the WHO requirement. In this regard, the
pH. Meanwhile, the filtered water without Capsicum study our researcher conducted did not pass the
annuum resulted in 8.3, 7.9, and 7.9 pH. Lastly, the standard TDS for drinking water because the results
results for the filtered water with Capsicum annuum show that it is less than 50 mg/l as it lacks the
are 7.7, 7.8, and 7.9 pH. Additionally, there were no necessary minerals that are needed by humans. The
significant differences between unfiltered water, World Health Organization recommends that
filtered water without Capsicum annuum, and drinking water have no less than 100 mg/L of TDS.
filtered water with Capsicum annuum. The ideal range is between 200 and 500 mg/L
(Winfield, 2022).
In the study conducted by Batra, et al. (2017) the
researchers obtained a result of 6.92 pH which is Table 4: TDS test analysis of water sample
also within the standard for human consumption.
Since pH is regarded as aesthetic water quality, there Filtered Filtered
is no legally binding guideline for drinking water pH TDS Unfiltered sample sample with
values. Although, the U.S. The Environmental Test sample without Capsicum
Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that drinking Capsicum annuum
water has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5 (Jencoi, 2019). annuum (in ppm)
(in ppm)
Table 3: pH test analysis of water samples
1st test 40 10 30
2nd test 8 7.9 7.8 Table 4 shows the result of the Total
Coliform: Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique
3rd test 8 7.9 7.9
analysis. The test was done three times for each
Total 24 24.1 23.4 variable — unfiltered water, filtered water without
Capsicum annuum, and filtered water with
Means 8 8.03 7.8 Capsicum annuum — in three different mediums
(Lactose Broth, Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth,
The table presented below consists of the results and E. Coli Medium)
collected from the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) test
involving the three water samples. The Total Coliform: Multiple Tube Fermentation
Technique involves inoculating a series of tubes
It was observed that the TDS test for each variable containing a nutrient medium with the water sample
differs. The unfiltered water mean result is 36.67 and incubating them at a specific temperature for a
mg/l. The debris particles in the unfiltered affected specified period. The tubes are then examined for
the outcome in the results. The results of the filtered the presence of gas, which is produced as a result of
water without Capsicum annuum showed a mean fermentation by the coliform bacteria.
The results of this test can be interpreted as follows: contaminated. If all of the tubes are negative for gas
Positive: If gas is produced in one or more of the production, it suggests that there are no total
tubes, it indicates the presence of total coliform coliform bacteria present in the sample. From the
bacteria in the sample. experiment, almost all of the samples were positive
Negative: If no gas is produced in any of the tubes, it which means that almost all of the samples were
indicates the absence of total coliform bacteria in the contaminated.
A study conducted by Delelegn, Sahile, and Husen
From the experiment that the researchers conducted, entitled ‘Water purification and antibacterial efficacy
the results showed that in each variable, out of five of Moringa oleifera Lam’ revealed that Moringa
tubes, four tubes were positive in Lactose broth. The oleifera Lam reduced the total coliform count of the
four positive tubes in Lactose broth were then treated samples. The study found that M. oleifera
inoculated in Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth — seed has compounds like tannins and polyphenol
which showed that the results were all positive in that are soluble in acetone and has antibacterial
each variable — and in E. Coli Medium. The results activity. M. oleifera seed four is improved through
in E. Coli Medium were that in unfiltered sample the proteins that promote coagulation and coagulant
and filtered sample without Capsicum annum, all proteins also demonstrated an ability to reduce the
four tubes were positive while in the filtered sample density of E. coli, Bacillus thuringiensis and
with Capsicum annum, three tubes were positive. Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations. (Delelegn, et
al., 2018)
If any of the tubes shows evidence of coliform
bacteria, then the water sample is considered to be
Medium S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Unfiltered sample + + + + -
Lactose Broth
Filtered sample without Capsicum annum + + + + -
Fig. 2. 1st test (pH) Fig. 3. 2nd test (pH) Fig. 4. 3rd test (pH)
Fig. 5. 1st test (TDS) Fig. 6. 2nd test (TDS) Fig. 7. 3rd test (TDS)
1. Prepare the water samples required for testing the TDS level. The water samples utilized in order to
conduct this test are the unfiltered water sample, the sample filtered with pequin pepper leaves, and
the sample filtered without pequin pepper leaves.
2. Place 10 mL of the first water sample in a 50 mL beaker. Do the same for the following water
samples by placing them in separate beakers.
3. Wash the end of the TDS meter electrode with distilled water to clear it of any substances.
4. Place the end of the TDS meter into the beaker with the first water sample, then turn the meter on,
and wait for the numbers to gradually stop.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 for the remaining water samples.
Presumptive Test
1. 15 primary fermentation tubes are prepared, consisting of 20 mL of lauryl tryptose broth each. Three
different water samples are prepared; unfiltered water sample, the sample filtered with pequin pepper
leaves, and the sample filtered without pequin pepper leaves.
2. For every 5 tubes containing lauryl tryptose broth, 1 mL of inoculation is gathered from the
unfiltered water sample and placed within the five set of tubes.
3. The same steps are repeated for the rest of the remaining 10 tubes, with 5 tubes being inoculated
with the sample filtered with pequin pepper leaves, and 5 tubes being inoculated with the sample that
was filtered without any leaves.
4. The fermentation tubes were then incubated at 36 degrees for 24-48 hours.
5. Results were collected by determining whether the contents of the test tubes turned positive or
negative via checking for turbidity and gas formation.
Confirmatory Test
1. Positive fermentation tubes from the presumptive test were separated from the negative fermentation
tubes in order to carry out the confirmatory test.
2. New fermentation tubes are prepared containing 10 mL of Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth
(BGLB) and E. Coli broth. The amount of tubes prepared were dependent on the number of positive
fermentation tubes from the Presumptive test.
3. An inoculation needle or hoop is sterilized first over a flame before it is used to move content
between tubes.
4. A loopful of inoculation was collected from the contents of one of the positive fermentation tubes
using an inoculation needle, and then transferred into one tube consisting of BGLB.
5. The needle is sterilized using flame sterilization, which is then used to repeat step 3, transferring the
content into a tube consisting of E. Coli broth.
6. This process is repeated until all positive fermentation tubes from the presumptive test have been
inoculated into their own fermentation tubes; with 1 positive fermentation tube being inoculated into
1 tube full of BGLB, and another tube full of E. Coli broth.
7. The inoculated fermentation tubes containing brilliant green lactose bile broth were incubated for 18
to 24 hours at 35 to 37 degrees. The inoculated fermentation tubes containing E. coli broth were
incubated for 18 to 24 hours at 44 degrees
8. Results were collected by determining whether the contents of the test tubes turned positive or
negative via checking for turbidity and gas formation.
Mabalot, Casey F.
January 2, 2005
#136 Purok 3 Springhills, Loakan
Apugan, Baguio City
Mobile: +639453766259
Email: [email protected]
(2011 - 2017)
Pugo Catholic School
(2017 - 2021)
Pugo Catholic School
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Lany F. Mabalot
Contact no.: N/A
Lipang, Heart A.
March 8, 2004
#209 Serafica Village Crystal Cave,
Bakakeng Central, Baguio City
Mobile: +639065026019
Email: [email protected]
(2011 - 2012)
Saint Vincent Elementary School
All Saints Mission Incorporated School
Alternative Learning System (ALS) Roxas National High School
Data Center College of the Philippines
University of the Cordilleras
(2011 - 2017)
Doña Aurora Elementary School
(2017 - 2021)
Doña Aurora Elementary School
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Lopez, Merlita U.
Contact no.: +639397658864
(2011 - 2017)
Baguio Central University
(2017 - 2021)
Baguio Patriotic High School
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Poquiz, Lucelle K.
Contact no.: +639474765064
Acuat, Monique Danielle T.
October 26, 2004
Purok 4 Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Mobile: +639653326459
Email: [email protected]
(2011 - 2017)
Saint Tonis College, Inc.
(2017 - 2021)
Saint Tonis College, Inc.
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Acuat, Marjorie T.
Contact no.: +639178919402
Bonilla, Jemaica D.
July 29, 2005
Obulan, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet
Mobile: +639121892086
Email: [email protected]
(2011 - 2017)
Beckel Elementary School
(2017 - 2021)
Eastern La Trinidad National High School
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Bonilla, Rosalinda D.
Contact no.: N/A
Castillo, Daniella Mae C.
April 1, 2005
#26A Balaclabac B. Sto. Tomas Proper,
Baguio City
Mobile: +639460078604
Email: [email protected]
(2011 - 2017)
Sta. Maria East Integrated School
(2017 - 2021)
Sta. Maria East Integrated School
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Castillo, Dina C.
Contact no.: +639460078604
(2011 - 2017)
Aguiguican Elementary School
(2017 - 2021)
Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Mones, Evangeline Corpuz
Contact no.: +639688877906
(2011 - 2017)
Doña Aurora Elementary School
(2017 - 2021)
Saint Louis School of Aurora Hill
(2021 - 2023)
University of the Cordilleras
Mother's name:
Cariño, Jennielyn M.
Contact no.: N/A