A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products With ML Components - Collecting Experiences From 4758+ Practitioners
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products With ML Components - Collecting Experiences From 4758+ Practitioners
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products With ML Components - Collecting Experiences From 4758+ Practitioners
Inclusion Criteria
I1: Paper includes software engineering challenges for ML systems
I2: Paper uses interview or survey with industry practitioners (soft-
ware engineers, data scientists, etc.) to identify the challenges
I3: Paper appears in a refereed publication (including conference Figure 2: Year Distribution of the Selected Papers
proceedings, journal, etc.) or uploaded in arxiv in a publication
I4: Paper is written in English
responses were reported in 43 papers, and the seven remaining
Exclusion Criteria papers did not report specific counts of the interviewed or surveyed
E1: Paper has a strict ML model view and does not consider the system
Of the 50 papers, 31 papers explicitly list research questions or
or product using the model
the aim of their research as identification of challenges (or issues,
E2: Paper interviews/surveys only non-technical people (end-users,
domain experts, etc.) problems, difficulties) in different aspects of building products with
E3: Paper focuses on ML for software engineering instead of software ML components. The other papers do not explicitly set a goal of
engineering for ML systems identifying challenges but more broadly study the process of build-
E4: Paper falls in the category of gray literature: blog post, technical ing products with ML components, yet they also report practitioner
report, government report, webinar, poster session, presentation, challenges in their findings.
3.2 Qualitative Meta-Summary Process
As stated earlier, we used the meta-summary research method
Selection criteria. The initial search returned many papers that [24, 95, 103] to synthesize the findings from the collected papers.
were not directly relevant to our research question. Next, we se- This method is used to perform quantitative aggregation of qualita-
lected 86 relevant papers by reading the title and abstract, evalu- tive findings, which are necessarily the thematic summaries of the
ating them against the inclusion and exclusion criteria (see Table underlying data from different studies. We conduct the following
3), which we incrementally refined. Finally, we read the full paper, steps to perform the synthesis, as per the guidelines.
and once again evaluated each against the inclusion and exclusion Extracting findings. Along with the standard metadata (title,
criteria, which narrowed our set down to 39 papers. Multiple re- source, venue, year, etc.), we extracted study-specific data regarding
searchers participated in this process and discussed papers at the
research questions, study method, interview and survey participant
counts, and, most importantly, the challenges reported within the
Most of the papers that were discarded in this round were either papers. To maintain consistency in extracting the findings, we con-
literature surveys in the domain of machine learning for software sidered only challenges that were derived from the interview and
engineering (i.e., using ML techniques to facilitate software engi- survey answers in the papers, not challenges derived from other
neering tasks; not relevant to this study) or used interviews or literature or personal experience of the authors. We extracted chal-
surveys to evaluate tools. We also removed papers that have a nar- lenges related to building software systems with ML components,
row focus or are entirely model-centric, e.g., interviewing only but excluded those that relate exclusively to the data- and model-
data scientists about their modeling work (e.g., [23, 35, 46, 80]) or related work performed by a data scientist, such as algorithmic
interviewing only non-technical people (e.g., [12, 33, 100, 117]). problems, notebook coding, and hyper-parameter tuning. We ex-
Snowballing. To capture relevant papers that did not match our tracted a total of 520 excerpts relating to challenges from the 50
keywords in their abstract, we performed one iteration of backward papers. We stored all extracted information from each paper in a
snowballing [126], which means that we went through the selected spreadsheet for further analysis.
papers’ reference list to find whether we missed any relevant pa-
Grouping topically similar findings. We organize the findings
pers. We analyzed 26 additional papers and considered 11 of them
at the level of reported challenges that we extracted from the pa-
as relevant based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which pers. Different papers grouped findings in different ways and using
included the three papers from the seed set we previously missed. different terminologies; we aimed to find a consistent organiza-
Final paper set. Overall, our process resulted in a final set of 50 tional principle. For identifying similar topics and grouping those
papers. Most of the papers were published recently, since 2019 (see together, we needed to understand and compare those reported
Figure 2). This sudden explosion of interview and survey studies challenges in their original context. Card sorting is a common tech-
with practitioners in recent years justifies our motivation for this nique for grouping similar findings [40, 115], which we used for
study to aggregate all the findings of these papers. Most of the this paper. Following the standard card sorting method, we created
papers, 30 out of 50, were published in software engineering venues one (virtual) card per reported challenge, and incrementally and
(including five at WAIN/CAIN), 11 papers in HCI venues, two papers iteratively organized those cards into groups of similar challenges.
in AI Ethics venues, and the seven remaining ones are scattered Multiple researchers went through all the cards in synchronous and
over other communities. A total of 947 interviews and 3811 survey asynchronous fashion to grasp the different concepts and identify
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia
relevant themes and clusters around the reported challenges. This some interpretation of the papers and some judgment calls. The
being a collaborative effort, we did not aim for inter-rater agree- method encourages quantification of effect sizes, but those may not
ment between independent grouping by individual researchers, but be entirely reliable as the analyzed papers use different methods
instead worked together as a team to build consensus. There were and sometimes focus on specific subquestions.
many rounds of card sorting including moving the cards back and It would have been interesting to analyze findings in additional
forth between different clusters, splitting the cards to handle dif- dimensions, for example, whether team members in different roles
ferent dimensions, merging similar clusters, and splitting clusters or projects, or in different application domains, experience different
when we found there was more than one theme, until all involved challenges, or whether different challenges surface depending on
researchers were satisfied with the clusters and placement of the the research method in the original study (e.g., survey vs. interview,
cards. We developed three layers of clustering – the reported chal- open question vs. closed question). Unfortunately, data in the origi-
lenges extracted from the papers as the smallest unit, groups of nal studies is frequently not reported consistently and with enough
common themes or patterns in the challenges as the second layer, granularity to enable such analyses.
and finally a third (or top) layer grouping the second layer clusters While the meta-summary method can in principle also identify
by development stages or cross-cutting concerns for the ease of conflicts within the literature, this was not feasible in our study.
reporting results. We performed this card sorting process in an The analyzed papers typically reported challenges, not the absence
online platform (miro.com), allowing us to manipulate colors, add or relative importance of certain challenges. Given that different
different tags to the cards, add comments, emojis, and so on. We papers often had a different focus, rather than being replications of
share the resulting card-sorting board as supplementary documents each other, we cannot conclude that not mentioning a challenge
[76]. implies that there was no such challenge. Hence, we limited our
Abstracting and formatting findings. For each of the second analysis to aggregating and grouping reported challenges.
layer clusters we abstracted out the concrete details of the reported
challenges and summarized the clusters based on the identified 4 RESULTS
themes of the groups. For this, we once again looked into the cards We report our findings of the meta-summary in this section using
of each of the clusters individually and attempted to develop broad the layers derived from the card sorting. The top layer includes
statements that capture the content of the cards in that cluster, development stages (1) Requirements Engineering, (2) Architecture,
which provide the headings of our results presented in Section Design, and Implementation (with a special focus on (2a) Model De-
4. We wanted to be concise, but also comprehensive to properly velopment and (2b) Data Engineering), and (3) Quality Assurance,
capture the themes in the card. At the same time, as Sandelowski and plus (4) Process challenges and (5) Team challenges as crosscutting
Barroso suggested [15], we were careful to preserve the context in concerns. Also, although MLOps, Fairness, and other more specific
which the findings appeared by going back and forth in the original categories are often used to organize results in the surveyed papers,
papers when confusion arose, moving cards to other clusters or we eventually settled on minimizing the number of cross-cutting
themes as needed. topics. We decided to include operations challenges in the Architec-
ture and Design group, as we consider them primarily as a design
Calculating effect sizes. Methods for meta-summaries recom-
for change issue; and we separate and group various concerns for
mend reporting the frequency of findings in the original sources
specific qualities, such as fairness, in the development stages where
[103]. Since many of our analyzed papers ask similar broad research
the concerns arise, such as requirements and quality assurance.
questions, we can carefully interpret findings mentioned more fre-
Within these top layer headings, we have our second layer clusters
quently as more common, though some papers clearly specialize in
which are the abstracted challenges based on our identified themes,
specific sub areas such as fairness or software architecture [36, 58].
reported as the sub-headings in the following sections.
We do not attempt to count frequencies of mentions within the
papers (“intensity effect size”) because they are not consistently
reported, but just report the percentage of papers reporting on a
4.1 Requirements Engineering
challenge theme (“frequency effect size”). Requirements engineering is known as an important and challeng-
ing stage of any software project, but as a consistent theme, we
3.3 Limitations and Threats to Validity find that practitioners argue that the incorporation of ML further
complicates requirements engineering.
All research designs come with limitations that threaten validity and
credibility of results. As usual, readers should be careful when gen- Lack of AI literacy causes unrealistic expectations from cus-
eralizing findings beyond what is allowed by the methods. Despite tomers, managers, and even other team members [6, 22, 37,
best efforts in our selection methods (SLR process, snowballing) 44, 51, 55, 61, 67, 77, 78, 85, 99, 109, 118, 119, 122, 127] (17/50).
we may have missed some relevant papers. In setting clear rules Across many studies, many practitioners report that customers fre-
for scope, we had to do some judgment calls by consensus of all quently have unrealistic expectations of ML capabilities in a prod-
researchers for a number of papers, for example, whether to include uct, like demanding a complete lack of false positives or expecting
[2, 6, 11, 35, 108]. very high accuracy that is infeasible with provided resources (e.g.,
As discussed earlier, the meta-summary synthesis method was data, funding). Commonly, practitioners similarly blame a lack of
chosen deliberately for its fit,but comes with its own limitations: AI literacy on customers not wanting to pay for the continuous
it does not analyze original raw data, but only what is reported improvement of the model: they have a static view of model de-
by other papers. Organizing and categorizing the data required velopment [44, 77] only consider paying for coding, as they do
CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner
not understand the need for experimental analysis [61] and even Transitioning from a model-centric to a pipeline-driven or
difficulty convincing engineering teams to invest in collecting high- system-wide view is considered important for moving into
quality data [51]. The issue of unrealistic requirements does not production, but a difficult paradigm shift for many teams
only come from customers, but also from team members within the [1, 42, 55, 58, 61, 65, 67, 73, 75, 109, 127] (11/50). Practitioners
company itself: Data scientists find it hard to explain the capabilities frequently report challenges in migrating from exploratory model
of ML to managers, requirements engineers, and even designers code, often in a notebook, to deployable production-quality code
[22, 37, 77, 78, 85, 122]. According to practitioners, a lack of AI liter- in automated ML pipelines [61, 127]. Building an end-to-end ML
acy in team members manifests particularly in defining and scoping pipeline is considered to be a challenge due to the difficulties of inte-
the project: Stakeholders find it hard to understand the suitability grating various ML and non-ML components in a system operating
of applying ML itself [55, 127], scoping and deciding the functional within an environment [55, 58, 109], the overwhelming complexity
and non-functional requirements [61, 119], interpreting the model of integrating many tools and frameworks [65, 67, 73], the need for
outcomes [78, 99, 109], and the infrastructure needs (e.g., appropri- engineering skills beyond the comfort zone of some data scientists
ate data, monitoring infrastructure, retraining requirements) when [73], and so on. While practitioners emphasized the importance of
building products [78, 119, 127]. Many practitioners also report pipeline automation for many projects where frequent re-training
that ML-specific system-level qualities like fairness and explainabil- and deployment of models are needed, they also consider it time-
ity are frequently ignored during requirements elicitation, as the consuming, labor-intensive, error-prone, and not well supported
stakeholders are not aware of them [10, 77, 94, 119]. by current tools [1, 42, 65, 75, 109].
Vagueness in ML problem specifications makes it difficult to ML adds substantial design complexity with many, often im-
map business goals to performance metrics [29, 36, 55, 57, 60, plicit, data and tooling dependencies, and entanglements due
61, 65, 77, 78, 85, 94, 99, 109, 114, 118, 119, 122] (17/50). Practi- to a lack of modularity [1, 4, 22, 58, 60, 65, 109, 110, 114, 122,
tioners across many studies mention the challenge of formulating 127] (11/50). Many practitioners report challenges from additional
the specific software and ML problem in a way that satisfies busi- complexity when designing systems incorporating machine learn-
ness goals and objectives. ML practitioners find it difficult to map ing, and the traditional software architecture and design practices
the high-level business goals to the low-level requirements for a no longer fit [22, 58, 60, 127]. ML changes the assumptions in tradi-
model. While customers are broadly interested in improving the tional software systems such as encapsulation and modularity and
business, practitioners often find it difficult to quantify the contribu- causes entanglements of data, source code, and ML models, which
tion of the ML model and its return on investment. Also, Responsible can lead to “pipeline jungles” and “change anything changes every-
AI initiatives find it difficult to quantify their contributions to the thing” integrations that are hard to maintain [1, 60, 65, 109, 110, 122].
business, for example, measuring the value added by improving Unlike traditional systems, ML requires the incorporation of data
fairness and explainability, or to deliberate about tradeoffs between pipelines that need to handle a high volume of data and often
conflicting fairness and business objectives [10, 36, 85, 94]. Even data architectures of distributed nature, and practitioners also need
with some notion of the responsible AI requirements in hand, prac- to understand and design for the data flow in the entire system
titioners find the requirements vague and not concrete enough [114, 122, 127]. Practitioners also point out that complexities arise
to actually implement (e.g., unclear subpopulations and protected due to a large amount of surrounding “glue code” to support the ML
characteristics to balance discrimination) [94, 119]. On the other models [4, 109], and complicated dependency and configuration
hand, practitioners also frequently report that many projects are management [4, 122].
exploratory without clear upfront business goals, thus, starting off Difficulty in scaling model training and deployment on di-
the project without clear requirements is pretty common, albeit
verse hardware [29, 42, 61, 65, 67, 73, 99, 107, 109, 110] (10/50).
often problematic [29, 61, 109, 122].
Practitioners commonly report difficulty dealing with cloud and
Regulatory constraints specific to data and ML introduce ad- computational resources, even with the recent emergence of MLOps.
ditional requirements that restrict development [10, 29, 37, Practitioners find the technologies to be difficult to integrate into
81, 108, 109, 119] (7/50). Practitioners in multiple studies ex- the production environment and require substantial time, effort,
pressed how regulatory restrictions constrain ML development and money [29, 61, 65, 67, 73, 99]. Among the common problems
and require audits and involvement from legal teams. Privacy laws of such deployments, practitioners brought up the mismatch of
such as GDPR impose additional requirements on ML practitioners development and production environments [61, 110], difficulties in
such as ensuring the collection of individual consent [37, 119] and building a scalable pipeline [29, 42, 65, 107], adhering to serving
providing the nontrivial ability to remove individuals from training requirements such as latency and throughput [65, 109], as well
data after they revoke consent. Similarly, practitioners in regulated as undocumented tribal knowledge within the team, hampering
domains report a need for explainability and transparency that pre- future deployments [110]. Despite the emerging MLOps tooling,
vents them from using deep learning and post-hoc explainability practitioners still raise many questions about how to utilize those
techniques [10, 29, 108]. resources and sometimes express being overwhelmed by the sudden
flood of tools and frameworks to choose from [2, 51].
While monitorability and planning for change are often con-
4.2 Architecture, Design, and Implementation sidered important, they are mostly considered only late af-
We find that many ML practitioners struggle with designing the ter launching [1, 4, 10, 29, 42, 54, 55, 57, 58, 73, 77, 98, 109, 110,
architecture of products with ML components.
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia
127] (15/50). Practitioners report struggling with monitoring their Data quality is considered important, but difficult for practi-
deployed models for detecting drift, bias, or even failures. While tioners and not well supported by tools [1, 4, 28, 29, 37, 51, 60,
many highlight monitoring as very important, planning for mon- 61, 65, 67, 73, 77, 92, 99, 109, 110, 119] (17/50). ML practitioners
itoring is rare [77]. Even for companies that adopt a monitoring commonly report struggling with validating and improving data
infrastructure, practitioners report struggling with ad-hoc mon- quality. Even with significant research efforts in building tools for
itoring practices of logging, creating alerts, or doing everything data labeling, cleaning, visualization, and management, data work
manually [58, 110]. Similar concerns were raised about model evo- is still reported as a problematic area for practitioners. Practitioners
lution, where practitioners acknowledge it to be important, but reported that they need to invest significant effort and time in data
fall behind in planning for change in their architectural design pre-processing, cleaning, and assembly [1, 28, 37, 51, 61, 65, 77, 92].
[1, 4, 29, 42, 109]. Practitioners mentioned that ML-centric software Practitioners also mention their pain points in handling data er-
goes through frequent revisions more than traditional software rors and validating data quality, where better tool support is de-
(e.g., due to model retraining, or even model replacement for data sired [51, 60, 73, 99, 107, 109, 110, 119]. Although it is common
change, hyperparameter tuning, or change of domain, etc.), and to associate these data issues within the model building pipeline,
the changes tend to be nontrivial and nonlocal, raising the need practitioners feel the need for cooperation from other parts of the
for an architecture that supports such changes. As a result, we organization (e.g., requirements engineers need to identify and
find practitioners’ soliciting the need for adapted architectural pat- specify requirements regarding data collection, formats, and the
terns to design for such post-launch activities for products with ML ranges of data and domain experts need to help to understand the
components with monitorability as a significant quality attribute structure and semantics of the data), which they mention is lacking
[58, 127]. [37, 77, 92, 99, 119].
Internal data security and privacy policies restrict data ac-
4.3 Model Development cess and use [4, 29, 47, 51, 55, 61, 65, 67, 77, 99] (10/50). Data
Although we explicitly exclude challenges relating only to the work access is often restricted due to security and privacy policies within
and tools of data scientists when building models, we find reports organizations, beyond possible regulatory restrictions, e.g., policies
of engineering challenges during model development, which we ensuring that customer data is not shared outside the company.
report in this section. Due to restrictions on the flow of data, ML practitioners need to
deal with additional complexities in the data pipeline, as only a
Model development benefits from engineering infrastructure
restricted number of team members can analyze the data and as
and tooling but provided infrastructure and technical sup- they have limited access to the right data and no access to data
port are limited in many teams [2, 4, 7, 11, 28, 29, 42, 51, 54, locally for model optimization or model debugging due to data
55, 57, 61, 75, 78, 81, 92, 118, 122, 130] (19/50). ML practitioners movement constraints [29, 47, 61, 65].
share tooling needs for different tasks including data analysis and
visualization, feature engineering, model development, integration, Although training-serving skew is common, many teams lack
evaluation, deployment, monitoring, reproducibility, and support support for its required detection and monitoring [4, 29, 57,
for specific qualities like privacy, security, and explainability. They 65, 77, 110, 127] (7/50). The mismatch between training data and
report a lack of adequate tools in these areas and find the existing production data is a common problem in products with ML compo-
tools and techniques to be (a) unavailable in their environment nents, where models work well on test data but generalize poorly
[7, 29], (b) not automated enough [92], (c) requiring too much ex- to real-world data in production. Even if training the model with a
pert knowledge to be used [57, 81, 92, 130], (d) limited to specific representative dataset initially, the production environment often
tasks and types of data sets [7, 92], or (e) not suitable for their own encounters drift toward data distributions that are less well sup-
problems [7, 11, 51]. This raises demand for custom tools but many ported by the model. Practitioners explain that monitoring models
teams lack the resources and engineering support. in production for staleness is an important activity that supports
detecting the degradation of model performance and retraining it
Code quality is not standardized in model development tools, with new data if needed. However, they also find it challenging
leading to conflicts about code quality [77, 110, 122] (3/50). to set up the monitoring infrastructure and report a lack of tool
Practitioners report that code quality and review processes are support.
usually not standardized and are inconsistent across development
and production environments. The expectations around code qual- Data versioning and provenance tracking are often seen as
ity and versioning also differ widely in teams and create conflicts elusive, with not enough tool support [1, 37, 42, 55, 67, 107,
within teams, especially among team members with different roles 118] (7/50). While software engineers routinely adopt mature ver-
and backgrounds. Practitioners commonly complain about low code sion control systems for code, practitioners report challenges in
quality in data science code, especially in notebooks. versioning data, typically due to the large volumes of data involved.
Practitioners mention that they need to have traceability and trans-
parency to answer questions like “Which data was this model trained
4.4 Data Engineering on?” or “Which code or data change made our accuracy deteriorate?”
In developing machine learning models, data plays an important [42], but it’s not possible for them to keep track of data and models
role. While we exclude challenges related exclusively to data-related across the life cycle without technological support [1, 42, 128]. This
work within ML pipelines, we report engineering challenges related is a bigger problem for practitioners in small companies as they do
to handling data within the system.
CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner
not want to invest in storage capacity to version their models and Testing and monitoring models in production are considered
datasets, though they understand the importance [37]. important but difficult, and often not done [60, 77, 92, 109,
110] (5/50). Many practitioners recognize the need to test in pro-
duction (online testing), since offline test data for models may not
be representative, especially as data distributions drift. However,
4.5 Quality Assurance practitioners consider online testing complex as it is not trivial
One of the biggest changes that the incorporation of ML models for them to design online metrics that do not only depend on the
has brought into traditional software development is challenging model but also on the external environment, user interactions af-
the traditional notion of correctness, where models are evaluated ter deployment, and the context of the product overall [60, 110].
for accuracy or fit rather than whether they fully meet a specifica- Practitioners also find online testing very time-consuming, as it re-
tion. Understandably this impacts the conventional processes and quires longer observation periods to determine meaningful results
practices associated with testing and quality assurance. [109, 110]. Practitioners also pointed out that there is no surefire
strategy to precisely detect when the model is underperforming in
Testing and debugging ML models is difficult due to lack of
online testing [110].
specifications [1, 4, 28, 29, 44, 57, 60, 61, 65, 75, 77, 92, 99, 107,
109, 110, 118, 122, 130] (19/50). Practitioners find testing and de- There are no standard processes or guidelines on how to as-
bugging of ML models challenging. In particular, they ubiquitously sess system qualities such as fairness, security, and safety in
report difficulty establishing quality assurance criteria and met- practice [10, 11, 36, 37, 42, 54, 98, 108, 118] (9/50). Research
rics, given that no model is expected to be always correct, but it often discusses how machine learning influences fairness, robust-
is difficult to define what amount and what kind of mistakes are ness, security, safety, and other qualities, but practitioners report
acceptable for a model [4, 28, 29, 44, 60, 61, 65, 77, 122, 130]. In that they find evaluating these as challenging. While practitioners
particular, practitioners find it difficult to define accuracy thresh- consider these qualities important [42, 54], they often report hav-
olds for evaluations. Furthermore, practitioners report finding it ing no effective methodology or concrete guidelines for evaluating
difficult to select adequate test data, specifically curating test data them [11, 36, 37, 54, 98, 108, 118]. Even regarding fairness, which
of sufficient quality and quantity that is representative of the pro- has received a lot of research attention lately, practitioners report
duction environment [57, 75, 92, 118, 122]. Curating test data for finding it hard to apply auditing and de-biasing methods due to
ML testing is also considered costly and labor-intensive, and practi- not having a proper process in place [36, 37]. Some practitioners
tioners desire methods and tools from the research community for report waiting for complaints from customers rather than being
automated test input generation to reduce this cost [44, 60, 122]. proactive when it comes to fairness [36], or even blindly expecting
Practitioners consider it a challenge to get labels for test data and the algorithms to inherently provide qualities like security against
evaluate test quality (e.g., in terms of coverage) due to the diffi- attacks [54].
culty of defining the valid input space and the test oracle problem
[28, 60, 122]. Practitioners also mention the silent failing of models 4.6 Process
(i.e., models give wrong answers rather than crashing), the long tail
of corner cases, and the “invisible errors”, that are handled on an ad- Building software products with ML components involves many
hoc basis without a systematic framework or a standard approach moving parts that need to be planned and integrated. Fitting all of
[28, 110, 122]. Additionally, practitioners raise challenges regarding these together in a cohesive process can be challenging.
evaluating model robustness, on one hand, suffering from the lack Development of products with ML component(s) is often ad-
of a concrete methodology [28, 92], and on the other hand, having hoc, lacking well-defined processes [4, 6, 29, 44, 51, 55, 61, 75,
various metrics but no consensus on which metric to use [60]. 114, 118, 122] (11/50). Many practitioners report that they strug-
Testing of model interactions, pipelines, and the entire sys- gle with finding a good process for developing ML components
tem is considered challenging and often neglected [28, 55, and products around them [29, 44, 61, 114, 122], often coming up
60, 65, 75, 77, 92, 130] (8/50). Testing literature often focuses on with ad-hoc strategies and experiencing a lack of good engineer-
ML models and data quality, but less on how models are integrated ing practices [44, 75]. ML practitioners have explored using the
traditional software development life cycles and found those to be
into the system, and even less on the infrastructure to produce the
a poor fit for exploratory development work. Even with a flexible
models. Practitioners find sole unit testing of individual models
insufficient and ineffective, due to the entanglement of models and agile methodology, practitioners identified that small iterations of
different ML components, as well as the difficulty of explaining why sprints cannot fit the initial feasibility study that ML requires, with
an error occurred due to the low interpretability of individual mod- the timeline being too fixed and too short [6, 29, 61]. Also, they find
els [60, 122, 130]. The lack of pipeline and system testing beyond the it hard to set expectations for each sprint, as the project objectives
model is also considered a problematic area [28, 55, 75, 77, 92, 130]: may remain unclear at the beginning and need to be revisited after
While practitioners tend to focus more on the data- and model- the initial investigation [6, 55].
related issues, the error handling around the model is found to be The uncertainty in ML development makes it hard to plan
insufficient in previous studies [28, 130], leading to system failures and estimate effort and time [4, 6, 28, 44, 61, 118, 122] (7/50).
even where the model gives the correct results [75]. Practitioners Machine learning work tends to be iterative and exploratory and as
also report having no systematic evaluation strategy nor automated such uncertain, where practitioners cannot estimate upfront how
tools and techniques for pipeline and system-level testing [60, 77]. long it may take to reach a model with a certain level of accuracy
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia
or whether that is even possible at all; instead, they commonly vocabulary; however, practitioner experiences seem to indicate
progress with many experiments with different algorithms and that such cross-disciplinary education is not broadly available yet
datasets [4, 44]. Practitioners, therefore, report having difficulties [28, 110].
setting expectations and (intermediate) deadlines for a project [4, 6, Many teams are not well prepared for the extensive interdis-
28, 61, 122] and providing any upfront estimates about effort and
ciplinary collaboration and communication needed in ML
cost [4, 61, 118].
products [4, 7, 17, 22, 67, 75, 77, 78, 107, 122, 127] (11/50). For
Practitioners find documentation more important than ever building a product with ML components, team members need to
in ML, but find it more challenging than traditional software collaborate with people from different disciplines as mentioned
documentation [18, 29, 53, 57, 61, 77, 88, 107, 128] (9/50). Many above, such as business leaders, engineers, designers, and various
practitioners point out various process and coordination challenges other departments inside the company, and even outside the orga-
rooted in poor documentation. Some practitioners emphasize that nization [22, 78, 107, 122, 127]. Practitioners report that they often
documentation is even more important when it comes to ML com- struggle to collaborate effectively in such interdisciplinary teams,
ponents, as human decisions are inscribed in different stages of ML because team members often do not understand the concerns of
pipelines and cannot be retrieved from code or data without docu- other members from other backgrounds, like data scientists lacking
mentation [29, 128]. The final model code is the outcome of many knowledge of engineering practices, testing frameworks, contin-
different explorations and experimentations that include multiple uous integration and delivery, and such [1, 4, 29, 75]; software
rounds of data processing, feature engineering, hyperparameter engineers lacking AI literacy [29, 75]; and data scientists and soft-
tuning, and other activities. Many problem-specific decisions have ware engineers not understanding or interacting members with in
been made in those stages that cannot be understood from the with business roles [78, 127]. Practitioners report struggling with
resulting model or pipeline code. Some argue that not recording cultural differences, differences in expectations, and conflicting
these decisions in documentation causes them to slowly become in- priorities [4, 7, 67, 78], and they often do not agree on assigned
visible, severely impacting future re-analysis and revisions, or even responsibilities [61, 77]. These multidisciplinary teams also suffer
model integration and deployment [29, 57, 128]. Others emphasize from miscommunications arising from inconsistency in their techni-
that, along with model documentation, data documentation is also cal terminologies [17, 75, 77]. Siloing of teams by specialization and
imperative to share hidden information inside the data and create lack of communication across such silos are also observed in many
a shared data understanding, yet mostly missing in organizations production settings, fostering integration problems even further
[77, 107]. Others report that, with the incorporation of ML, the [7, 77].
documentation process becomes more complicated as ML practi-
ML development can be costly and resource limits can sub-
tioners find it difficult to present complex model information in
stantially curb/limit efforts [2, 4, 47, 67, 78, 110] (6/50). Prac-
an accessible way to all levels of stakeholders [18, 53, 88]. It is also titioners report that organizations involved in the development
non-trivial for practitioners to decide on the right amount of details of products with ML components often suffer from resource and
to include in the documentation. They place the blame mostly on budget limitations. Hardware, infrastructure, cloud storage, GPUs,
the lack of organizational incentives, resources, and unclear and etc., are expensive, and especially for small companies, it is diffi-
vague guidelines for ML documentation [18, 88]. cult to justify such expenditures based on the expected return on
investment from the model.
4.7 Organization and Teams
Along with the challenges faced in different development stages, Lack of organizational incentives, resources, and education
practitioners also mention challenges they suffer from the organi- hampers achieving all system-level qualities [11, 47, 54, 78,
zational and teamwork perspective while building products with 81, 94, 98, 108] (8/50). Practitioners mention that organizational
ML components. incentives also have an impact on achieving certain qualities of
products with ML components. A quality that practitioners reported
Building products with ML components requires diverse skill frequently as particularly challenging due to the lack of organiza-
sets, which is often missing in development teams [2, 4, 6, 47, tional incentives is fairness [36, 94]. Awareness of potential prob-
67, 75, 78, 109, 118, 122, 123, 127] (12/50). Incorporation of ML lems, including potential consequences from biased models, seems
in a product does not merely mean adding just another component to be the main reason for lacking responsible AI practices, along
to the system; it requires people from multiple disciplines to get with the lack of organizational incentives and structures, as well as
involved to support different aspects of this component. The team priority conflicts. Safety, security, and privacy also seem to suffer
requires many diverse skill sets to develop, deploy, and integrate from similar issues of awareness, education, resource constraints,
the model into the complete product, including hardware expertise, and are often disregarded due to tradeoffs with development cost
engineering skills, knowledge of math and statistics, business un- [11, 47, 54, 81, 98].
derstanding, UX design ability, operations, and domain expertise.
The lack of this varied expertise in the team is commonly men-
tioned to be a challenge by practitioners [2, 6, 47, 109, 118, 122]. 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
Also, as discussed in the next subsection that communication is With this meta-summary, we aggregate and summarize the chal-
often hindered by a lack of AI literacy or common terminology lenges reported by industry practitioners who build software prod-
[1, 4, 29, 75, 78, 127], cross-disciplinary knowledge seems to be im- ucts with ML components. We find that practitioners report chal-
portant for team members to interact and understand each other’s lenges in all stages of the development process, from the initial
CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner
requirements specification stage to quality assurance of the de- seems to be a field though, where industry-oriented research
ployed product. They report a broad range of issues from lacking (similar to the data architecture of facebook [31]) has more
process, organizational structure, and team collaboration strategies, access to the complicated real-world scenarios where archi-
to lacking tool support for data, model building, deployment, and tectural planning becomes important than what academics
monitoring. can typically access. From the challenges raised by practi-
tioners, it is apparent that along with the need for design
Old, new, and harder challenges. Arguably, many reported chal-
lenges are not new to software engineers, and likely many software practices, patterns, and mechanisms to handle system and
engineers may have reported similar challenges in non-ML projects. model-level considerations (e.g., dependency management,
It seems though that the introduction of machine learning exac- scalability, monitorability), we also need to support teams in
erbates some universal challenges and introduces new ones. For shifting from model-centric work to system thinking, possi-
example, software engineering literature is well aware that require- bly through tailored education for ML practitioners.
ments engineering is challenging, with customers having unrealistic • Model Development and Data Engineering. Consistent
expectations and developers directly jumping into coding without across many papers, we find that ML practitioners desire
understanding requirements first. While our study does not support more engineering support, such as better infrastructure and
tools for model and data work. Data scientists also indicate
direct comparisons, it seems that these problems haunt ML practi-
a need for more cooperation from other team members in
tioners more, given how ML inspires hopes for amazing capabilities,
but in a way that may be difficult to understand and specify without terms of support for data, which necessitates better collabo-
substantial ML expertise. Similarly, the software-engineering liter- ration strategies and data education for the entire team. On
ature is full of nuanced discussions of development life cycles and the other hand, a few practitioners highlighted the necessity
competing process models, but ML practitioners struggle adopting of standardization of ML code quality, which may be a low
even the most flexible agile-inspired processes for their projects hanging fruit technically, but may require a change to the
with the uncertainty that ML brings. Also, team collaboration and culture and practices in many projects.
organizational challenges are well known in traditional software • Quality Assurance. Quality assurance for machine learn-
engineering, but those seem to become even more central with the ing, especially for models, is a very active area of research,
additional complexity and inclusion of more people with different with proposals for many different testing strategies to vali-
date different model characteristics covered in multiple lit-
backgrounds, cultures, and priorities. Other challenges seem new,
erature surveys [38, 96, 97, 129]. While we found that a lot
such as the data- and model-related challenges associated with
ML components, and several of the reported challenges regarding of practitioners mentioned concerns about specifying model
architecture and quality assurance stemming from the different adequacy goals, few practitioners showed concerns about
nature of reasoning in machine learning. system testing, monitoring in production, and testing for
fairness, security, and safety. We are surprised to not see
Toward better engineering of ML products. A finding from our more concerns about system-level quality beyond the model,
study is that there is much more consensus on what the challenges which might indicate either that practitioners do not consider
are, than how to overcome them. Some challenges could be ad- these testing areas as challenging, or that most organizations
dressed with new tooling or new practices; for others it may be (especially outside of big tech) are not yet mature enough
possible to simply adopt existing good engineering practices; and to even start thinking about such testing needs. Monitoring
yet others may just be intrinsically hard problems. While we cannot though is recognized as an important challenge, with many
provide a rigorous summary or analysis, we close by reflecting on available tools but common adoption problems that may be
possible directions. worth investigating further.
• Requirements Engineering. For the challenges of unreal- • Process. While there is research on the development pro-
istic requirements, several studies mentioned that practition- cesses for ML models [69, 116], there seems to be little work
ers found it useful to conduct training sessions with clients on addressing process challenges that arise when integrat-
and other team members on AI literacy, before starting the ing ML and non-ML work in production projects that are
ML projects [77, 95, 106, 119]. But again, while many practi- commonly mentioned by practitioners. We believe that this
tioners mention suffering from unclear model requirements, is an area with plenty of research opportunities to evaluate
we still do not seem to have a good solution to that, and ad- what processes and practices work well in different contexts.
ditional research on how to elicit and describe requirements • Organization and Teams. While there is lots of research
for models may be needed. Another area for future research on technical issues, practitioners often see organizational
would be to better understand and prepare for regulatory and team issues (such as a lack of AI literacy in teams, unclear
constraints and provide evidence of compliance. responsibility boundaries, and a lack of team synchroniza-
• Architecture, Design, and Implementation. Machine learn- tion) as some of the most difficult challenges to overcome.
ing seems to provide significant challenges to architectural Education and better collaboration strategies seem to be the
design of software systems, but arguably many challenges factors that might put a positive impact on mitigating many
are similar to other large and complex and distributed soft- of the challenges that the practitioners mentioned.
ware systems. While there are nascent discussions on orga- Overall we believe that a lot of progress can be made with bet-
nizing architecture knowledge as patterns [56, 58, 109, 124], ter education and better adoption of good software engineering
it does not seem like the field has reached saturation. This practices. There are plenty research opportunities to adapt existing
A Meta-Summary of Challenges in Building Products with ML Components – Collecting Experiences from 4758+ Practitioners CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia
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education in our community. nities. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Acknowledgments. Kästner’s, Nahar’s, and Zhang’s work was Systems, 1–12.
supported in part by the National Science Foundation (#2131477), [20] Chotisarn, N., Merino, L., Zheng, X., Lonapalawong, S., Zhang, T., Xu, M. and
Chen, W. 2020. A systematic literature review of modern software visualization.
Zhou’s work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and En- Journal of visualization / the Visualization Society of Japan. 23, 4, 539–558.
gineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, RGPIN2021-03538), [21] Dilhara, M., Ketkar, A. and Dig, D. 2021. Understanding Software-2.0: A Study of
and Lewis’ work was funded and supported by the Department Machine Learning Library Usage and Evolution. ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology. 30, 4, 1–42.
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Mellon University for the operation of the Software Engineering In- vation: Challenges for Working with Machine Learning as a Design Material.
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CAIN ’23, May 15–16, 2023, Melbourne, Australia Nadia Nahar, Haoran Zhang, Grace Lewis, Shurui Zhou, and Christian Kästner
APPENDIX (14) Haakman, M., Cruz, L., Huijgens, H. and van Deursen, A. 2021.
AI Lifecycle Models Need To Be Revised. An Exploratory Study
List of Papers
in Fintech. Empirical Software Engineering. 26, 5, 1–29.
(1) d. S. Nascimento, E., Ahmed, I., Oliveira, E., Palheta, M.P., Stein- (15) Wan, Z., Xia, X., Lo, D. and Murphy, G.C. 2019. How does Ma-
macher, I. and Conte, T. 2019. Understanding Development Pro- chine Learning Change Software Development Practices? IEEE
cess of Machine Learning Systems: Challenges and Solutions. Transactions on Software Engineering. 47, 9, 1857–1871.
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on (16) Washizaki, H., Takeuchi, H., Khomh, F., Natori, N., Doi, T. and
Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), 1–6. Okuda, S. 2020. Practitioners’ insights on machine-learning
(2) Lewis, G.A., Bellomo, S. and Ozkaya, I. 2021. Characterizing software engineering design patterns: a preliminary study. Pro-
and Detecting Mismatch in Machine-Learning-Enabled Systems. ceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 1st Workshop on AI Engineering- Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 797–799.
Software Engineering for AI (WAIN), 133–140. (17) Li, S., Guo, J., Lou, J.-G., Fan, M., Liu, T. and Zhang, D. 2022. Test-
(3) Lewis, G.A., Ozkaya, I. and Xu, X. 2021. Software Architecture ing machine learning systems in industry: an empirical study.
Challenges for ML Systems. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE In- Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software En-
ternational Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution gineering: Software Engineering in Practice, 263–272.
(ICSME), 634–638. (18) Nikhil, K., Anandayuvaraj, D., Detti, A., Lee Bland, F., Rahaman,
(4) Serban, A. and Visser, J. 2022. Adapting Software Architectures S. and Davis, J.C. 2022. “If security is required”: Engineering
to Machine Learning Challenges. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE and Security Practices for Machine Learning-based IoT Devices.
International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Engi-
Reengineering (SANER), 152–163. neering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT), 1–8.
(5) Vogelsang, A. and Borg, M. 2019. Requirements Engineering for (19) Chang, J. and Custis, C. 2022. Understanding Implementation
Machine Learning: Perspectives from Data Scientists. Proceed- Challenges in Machine Learning Documentation. Equity and
ings of the 27th International Requirements Engineering Confer- Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization, 1–8.
ence Workshops (REW), 245–251. (20) Bäuerle, A., Cabrera, Á.A., Hohman, F., Maher, M., Koski, D.,
(6) Kim, M., Zimmermann, T., DeLine, R. and Begel, A. 2018. Data Suau, X., Barik, T. and Moritz, D. 2022. Symphony: Composing
Scientists in Software Teams: State of the Art and Challenges. Interactive Interfaces for Machine Learning. Proceedings of the
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 44, 11, 1024–1038. 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
(7) Ishikawa, F. and Yoshioka, N. 2019. How do engineers perceive 1–14.
difficulties in engineering of machine-learning systems? - ques- (21) Laato, S., Birkstedt, T., Mäantymäki, M., Minkkinen, M. and
tionnaire survey. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM Joint 7th Mikkonen, T. 2022. AI governance in the system development
International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in In- life cycle: insights on responsible machine learning engineering.
dustry (CESI) and 6th International Workshop on Software Engi- Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI Engineering:
neering Research and Industrial Practice (SER&IP), 2–9. Software Engineering for AI, 113–123.
(8) Nahar, N., Zhou, S., Lewis, G. and Kästner, C. 2022. Collaboration (22) Mäkinen, S., Skogström, H., Laaksonen, E. and Mikkonen, T.
Challenges in Building ML-Enabled Systems: Communication, 2021. Who Needs MLOps: What Data Scientists Seek to Accom-
Documentation, Engineering, and Process. Proceedings of the plish and How Can MLOps Help? Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM
44th International Conference on Software Engineering, 413–425. 1st Workshop on AI Engineering - Software Engineering for AI
(9) Rakova, B., Yang, J., Cramer, H. and Chowdhury, R. 2020. Where (WAIN), 109–112.
Responsible AI meets Reality: Practitioner Perspectives on En- (23) John, M.M., Olsson, H.H. and Bosch, J. 2020. AI Deployment
ablers for shifting Organizational Practices. Proceedings of the Architecture: Multi-Case Study for Key Factor Identification.
ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 1–23. Proceedings of the 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Confer-
(10) Holstein, K., Wortman Vaughan, J., Daumé, H., Dudik, M. and ence (APSEC), 395–404.
Wallach, H. 2019. Improving Fairness in Machine Learning Sys- (24) Uchihira, N. 2022. Project FMEA for Recognizing Difficulties in
tems: What Do Industry Practitioners Need? Proceedings of the Machine Learning Application System Development. Proceed-
2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ings of the 2022 Portland International Conference on Management
1–16. of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 1–8.
(11) Hopkins, A. and Booth, S. 2021. Machine Learning Practices Out- (25) Kumar, R.S.S., Nystrom, M., Lambert, J., Marshall, A., Goertzel,
side Big Tech: How Resource Constraints Challenge Responsible M., Comissoneru, A., Swann, M. and Xia, S. 2020. Adversarial
Development. Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on Machine Learning - Industry Perspectives. Proceedings of the
AI, Ethics, and Society, 134–145. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)., 69–75.
(12) Serban, A., van der Blom, K., Hoos, H. and Visser, J. 2020. Adop- (26) Zdanowska, S. and Taylor, A.S. 2022. A study of UX practitioners
tion and Effects of Software Engineering Best Practices in Ma- roles in designing real-world, enterprise ML systems. Proceed-
chine Learning. Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International ings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement Systems, 1–15.
(ESEM), 1–12. (27) Liu, H., Eksmo, S., Risberg, J. and Hebig, R. 2020. Emerging
(13) Rahman, M.S., Khomh, F., Hamidi, A., Cheng, J., Antoniol, G.
and Changing Tasks in the Development Process for Machine
and Washizaki, H. 2021. Machine Learning Application Devel-
opment: Practitioners’ Insights. arXiv [cs.SE].
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tions. arXiv [cs.SE]. (41) Shankar, S., Garcia, R., Hellerstein, J.M. and Parameswaran, A.G.
(29) Rismani, S., Shelby, R., Smart, A., Jatho, E., Kroll, J., Moon, A. and 2022. Operationalizing Machine Learning: An Interview Study.
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(33) Riungu-Kalliosaari, L., Kauppinen, M. and Männistö, T. 2017. in Computing Systems, 1–7.
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(36) Lwakatare, L.E., Raj, A., Bosch, J., Olsson, H.H. and Crnkovic, I. (47) Zhang, A.X., Muller, M. and Wang, D. 2020. How do data science
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2022. Practices and Infrastructures for ML Systems–An Inter- Paper Analysis and Card Sorting
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online supplementary documents –
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challenges in building products with ML components – collecting
experiences from 4758+ practitioners. OSF. https://osf.io/y5edu/