40-B-6 Maths Std. For VI Candidates Punjabi Version
40-B-6 Maths Std. For VI Candidates Punjabi Version
40-B-6 Maths Std. For VI Candidates Punjabi Version
qHc\p HcHy Op£M Hc de} qH qBg \of²¾ \§Wc qeM N\y h}By 7 \¥²y¾ h²¾ &
\of²¾ \§Wc qeM g§Oy h§X Yy ed qY§Wy JBy \of²¾ \§Wc H}T ²¥¾v \orqIApcXr E¨Wc \tgqWHp
Yy `t§I \¥²y¾ E\c qdIV &
qHc\p HcHy Op£M Hc de} qH qBg \of²¾ \§Wc qeM 14 \of²¾ h²¾ &
qHc\p HcHy \of²¾ Yp E¨Wc qdIVp ftcv Hc²¾ W~ \qhdp£, E¨Wc \tgqWHp qeM \of²¾ Yp n`p£H
(grqcAd ²¥¾^c) kcvc qd§I} &
qBg \of²¾ \§Wc ²¥¾v \mª²¾ Yy dBr 15 q`¥R Yp g`p£ qY§Wp qJAp h± & \of²¾ \§Wc geycy
10.15 eOy e¥Ty OpVJy & 10.15 eOy W~ 10.30 eOy WH \orqIApcXr Hyed \of²¾ \§Wc ²¥¾v
\mª²¾Jy AWy qBg g`y qeM Eh E¨Wc \tgqWHp qeM H}Br E¨Wc ²¾hs qdIVJy &
Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 14 questions.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.
JqVW (`p²¾H)
(YqcfRr qeHdp£J \orqIApcXrAp£ Yy dBr)
(\¥Op^r EdXp)
(Punjabi Version)
:2 : 40
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 40
40/B/6 Page 1 P.T.O.
(i) 14
(iii) 6 1 W~ 6
(iv) 4 7 W~ 10
(v) 4 11 W~ 14
1 6 2
(b) qW¥²¾ KVp£ (cubes) qO²¾ªp£ qeM hc qBH Yp KV³d
(ApqBW²¾) 64 K²¾ g±.`r. h±, Yy dpJez \pqgAp£ ²¥¾v q`dp Hy
qBH S}¾g K²¾pe (cuboid) ^VpqBAp Op£Yp h± & qBg Wcp£ ^Vy
K²¾pe Yp gWhr IyWc³d \Wp Hc} & 2
5. hyS¾ qdIr gpcVr, qBH YpIdp (\oeyf) \orqIAp qeM qh§gp d±V
epdy qeqYApcXrAp£ Yr E`c Ycgp£Yr h± :
16 18 50
18 20 78
20 22 46
22 24 28
24 26 23
7 10 3
7. (a) qg§Z Hc} qH ^phcr q^¥Yv W~ qHgy M§Hc E\c qIMrAp£ JBrAp£
Y} g\cf cyIpep£ Yy qeMdp H}V g\cf q^¥YvAp£ ²¥¾v q`dpV
epdy cyIpI¥T cphs HzYc E\c A¥WqcW H}V Yp g¥\vcH ht¥Yp
h± & 3
40/B/6 Page 4
9. hyS¾ qYWr gpc²¾r qeM qBH ³±HRcr Yy 50 `kYvcp£ Yr c}kp²¾p£
Ap`Y²¾ ²¥¾v YcgpqBAp qJAp h± :
500 520 12
520 540 8
540 560 14
560 580 4
580 600 12
10. hyS¾ qdIr e¥T Yp `§Z`p²¾ (mean) 50 h± & dt\W ^pc¥^pcWp x \Wp
Hc} & 3
0 20 17
20 40 28
40 60 12
60 80 x
80 100 19
14. eZycy `pWcp£ qeM \pVr ²¥¾v qBH§S¾p Hc²¾ Yy dBr `Hp²¾p£ qeM ZcWr
hyS¾ \pVr YrAp£ R¥HrAp£ ^VpBrAp£ Op£YrAp£ h²¾ & qBg ²¾pd Xp£ er
^MYr h± & qB²¾ªp£ R¥HrAp£ qeM gcYrAp£ AWy Jc`rAp£ Y}²¾p£ qeM
\pVr S¥¾Up q`dYp h± & q^Odr Yy \¥\p£ cphs ZcWr hyS¾dr R¥Hr
qeM} \pVr ²¥¾v N§W E\c dJrAp£ R¥HrAp£ qeM \ht¥MpqBAp Op£Yp h± &
qBH htVy htVy ^VpBy JBy `Hp²¾ qeM R¥HrAp£ YrAp£ \±`pqBfp hyS¾
qdIy h²¾ :
ZcWr hyS¾dr R¥Hr : ApZpc 1.5 `r. 1.5 `r. AWy EMpBr 1 `r.
NW E\c dJr ^yd²¾pHpc R¥Hr : AcZqeApg 50 g±.`r. AWy
EMpBr 1.4 `r.
E\cdy AZpc Wy, hyS¾ qdIy \of²¾p£ Yy E¨Wc qYG :
(a) ZcWr hyS¾dr R¥Hr Yr ZpqcWp (g`c§Xp) drRcp£ qeM \Wp
Hc} & 2
(b) OyHc N§W E\c dJr R¥Hr ²¥¾v 11 drRc \oWr q`¥R Yr Yc
²¾pd \pVr ²¾pd _qcAp Op qchp h±, Wp£ R¥Hr ²¥¾v \vcp _c²¾
qeM dJV epdp g`p£ \Wp Hc} & 2