Groups ABCD - Family Medicine End Block Questions
Groups ABCD - Family Medicine End Block Questions
Groups ABCD - Family Medicine End Block Questions
OSLER – Family Medicine
Group A
3- A 52 years old athletic male presented with acute lower back pain after
lifting heavy objects. How would advise the patient.
اذﻛروﻧﺎ ﺑدﻋوة
Family Medicine End Course Exam.
OSCE & Theory - Group B
• Paper:A 4 year old boy presented with Repeated vomiting for 24 hours and has
no diarrhea cough. Watch the video and answer the following questions.
• What are the most important 2 signs you saw in the video?(Lethargy, Neck
stuffiness and +ve Brudzinski sign.)
• What is the classification of this condition?
• What is the diagnosis?
• What is the single most important investigation that you’ll order in PHC unit for
this case?
• How will you treat and manage this case at PHC?
Theory Exam Saturday 22/1/2022
2. Mrs. Kamera is a 33 years old female has been newly diagnosed with Beta
thalassemia minor( carrier) her brother has Beta thalassemia Major. She is now
pregnant in 7th week of pregnancy and is concerned about her fetus having Beta
3. A 40 years old man presents to your clinic wanting to stop smoking, he has
been smoking 20 cigarettes for the past 23 years.
• What are the 5As for cessation smoking?
• Mention 2 drugs used for smoking cessation
By Group B students
Group C
4. A 50-year-old man with cough for years has his cough increased during
the last 4 months, he smoked a 1 & a half of packets of cigarettes per day.
He has been smoking for 10 years.
Q. What approach is used for those who are willing to quit?
Q. What is the first line treatment/substance used?
Q. Which type of dependence does Nicotine cause: Physical? Emotional? Or both?
5. A 33-year old man, 100 kg and 1.78 m tall, tried to lose weight on different
diets. He had lost 5 kg, but was unable to keep the new weight.
He says he has been obese since he was 25 years old.
Q. When are medications for obesity used?
Q. What are the main drug groups? Give example for each group?
C1,2,3 @Shadi PHC
C4,5,6 @Azadi PHC
*The doctor asked for what investigations to be done and showed a CBC
report with findings of reduced Hb indices.
Paper: A 44-year-old lady came as she was worried she’d get a heart
attack because her sister died of a heart attack at 38 years.
Family Medicine End Course Exam
OSCE & Theory - Group D
OSCE Exam - Wednesday 17/9/2021
3 subgroups in Azadi – 3 in Shadi. 4 stations + 3 rest.
Station 1:
∑ Immunization
∑ Paper: A mother brings her 4 months old infant for immunization, he hasn’t
received any vaccine till now:
1. What is this type of immunization called?
2. What vaccines will you give in this visit and which one you don’t give (according
to WHO Recommendations) and why?
3. When should be the next visit for immunization and what more vaccines will you
Station 2:
∑ Obstetrics
∑ Paper: 32 years old pregnant lady GA 24 weeks, Presented with tremor,
palpitation, weight loss...
1. Take focused hx from the lady.
2. What investigations will you send for?
3. Diagnosis and management.
Station 3:
∑ Hx of fatigue
∑ Paper: A 40 years old married lady presented with fatigue for 4 months
∑ Task: take hx.
Station 4:
∑ CVS Risk assessment
∑ Paper: a 44 years old lady visits the PHC for a regular checkup, her sister died
with an MI at age 44 and she’s afraid and concerned about her risk of developing
∑ Task:
1. Take focused hx regarding the major CVD risk factors.
2. Assess 10 years risk of developing ASCVD.
Note// The other groups (D4,5,6) instead of hx of fatigue their station was to take a
headache history (Dr Muhammad).
3. A 19 years old woman presents to the primary health care clinic complaining of
sore throat for 2 days duration and increased body temperature to 38.4
yesterday. She denies cough. On examination tender anterior cervical
lymphadenopathy + tonsils are enlarged and exudative. What are the salient
features in this condition, what is your dx and tx?
4. What is the most common symptom of acute appendicitis and how does it
5. Ahmad, a 28 days old infant 4kg and 54cm, temperature 37.5 this is his initial
visit. His mother is complaining that he’s hot for 2 days.
∑ What are the signs and symptoms that indicates very severe disease (possible
bacterial infection)?
Sariya Dler