Mak Sic 2022
Mak Sic 2022
Mak Sic 2022
Editor: Dr. Paul Hesse The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 26.5–19 ka) was marked by atmospheric cooling, in contrast to the current
warming climate, which will probably continue in the coming decades, according to climate models projections.
Keywords: The LGM to pre-industrial transition provides an opportunity to test the vegetation response to a very large
Last Glacial Maximum temperature change that can then be applied to project pre-industrial to end-of-century changes. In order to
explore the changes in Brazilian biomes due to temperature change, we projected potential vegetation for both
past and future scenarios. We compared biome projections with a compilation of 149 published LGM re
Future scenario
Palaeorecords constructions of climate and vegetation within Brazil and adjacent areas. In addition, we evaluated the particular
effects that changes in precipitation, temperature and CO2 had on vegetation by performing sensitivity exper
iments. Our results suggest that biomes in the western and central portions of the Amazon forest remained largely
unchanged during the LGM mainly due to negative temperature anomalies, while a decrease in past precipitation
was responsible for the shift from tropical evergreen forest to tropical seasonal forest in the eastern portion of the
Amazon. These results are consistent with proxy reconstructions. LGM model projections and proxy re
constructions suggest expansion of grassland in the southern Brazilian highlands. Under future warming sce
narios, biome changes are mostly forced by decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures, which
counteract potential biomass gain from the positive CO2 fertilization effect. Under future warming, our simu
lations show an expansion of Savanna/Cerrado and a reduction of tropical seasonal forest and Caatinga, with
potential large impacts over biodiversity and regional climate.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Maksic).
Received 4 June 2021; Received in revised form 24 September 2021; Accepted 13 October 2021
Available online 19 October 2021
0031-0182/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
industrial) climate. Since the LGM, the atmosphere warmed and given section were used to force the Center for Weather Forecasting and
climate models projections, warming will certainly continue in the Climate Studies Potential Vegetation Model version 2 (CPTEC-PVM2;
coming decades. The global mean warming since the LGM is of a similar Lapola et al., 2009) and produce equilibrium vegetation projections.
magnitude to the upper range of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project This model can reproduce the main South American biomes like tropical
phase 5 (CMIP5) projections for the end of the twenty-first century forests over Amazonia and the Atlantic coastal region, savannas over
(Collins et al., 2013). This provides the rare opportunity to test the central Brazil (‘cerrado’), dry shrublands (‘caatinga’) over northeastern
vegetation response to a temperature increase of approximately 4 ◦ C Brazil and the Chaco region, grasslands over the Pampas, and semi-
from the LGM to the pre-industrial, and then use this knowledge to desert vegetation over Patagonia (Olson et al., 2001). Model resolu
project vegetation response on an additional 4 ◦ C of potential future tion in this study is 1◦ lat × 1◦ lon. To perform the potential vegetation
warming. Hereafter, the LGM will also be referred to as the “− 4 ◦ C" simulations for the − 4 ◦ C and +4 ◦ C scenarios as well as sensitivity
scenario and the end-of-century scenario will also be referred to as experiments for each scenario, we used the climatology from CMIP5
“+4 ◦ C". Here we simulated the potential vegetation in Brazil for both models described in the previous section. To filter out the effect of the
scenarios in order to verify the most affected biomes and also explore the systematic errors from the different models (Mueller and Seneviratne,
extent of biome changes with temperature increase in each scenario. We 2014), the CPTEC-PVM2 model was initialized with the 1961–1990
also ran sensitivity experiments for both scenarios, where we isolated observed climatology (Willmott and Matsuura, 2001) and then we
the influence of changes in CO2, precipitation and surface temperature added the anomalies (i.e., experiment minus present) following the
over vegetation. The sensitivity experiments allowed us to determine the anomaly coupling procedure (Kutzbach et al., 1998) for each scenario.
main drivers behind vegetation changes in both scenarios. In addition, Both single model and multi-model ensemble mean climatologies are
we compared our biome projections for the past with a compilation of considered, but as the multi-model ensemble means of present-day
149 published reconstructions of climate and vegetation within Brazil climate agrees better with observations than any single model
and adjacent areas. Our results show that changes in monsoon intensity (Tebaldi and Knutti, 2007), and in order to decrease the range of climate
during the LGM cannot be used as the main driver for vegetational models uncertainty, we based our final analyses of biome projections
changes/stability across the Amazon biome, while for the future +4 ◦ C from the multi-model ensemble mean anomalies input. Regarding the
scenario biome shifts will mostly depend on precipitation changes. concentration of CO2, the − 4 ◦ C and the +4 ◦ C scenarios used 180 ppm
and 900 ppm, respectively (Kageyama et al., 2017) (Table 1). To
2. Data and methods determine the influence of each climate parameter on biome distribu
tion, we ran sensitivity experiments for both − 4 ◦ C and +4 ◦ C scenarios,
In this section, we present a description of the model data selected for considering the anomalies of CO2, precipitation and temperature
the temperature and precipitation analyses, as well as the methods used separately.
for vegetation projections and compilation of proxy data from paleo To perform the potential vegetation simulations for the Present
climate archives used for model validation. scenario, the CPTEC-PVM2 model was initialized and calibrated with
the 1961–1990 observed climatology of Willmott and Matsuura (2001)
2.1. Past and future climate simulations (hereafter WM), that is: (precWM + tempWM) with CO2 = 350 ppm. For
the potential vegetation simulations of the − 4 ◦ C and + 4 ◦ C scenarios,
With the aim of analyzing the maximum number of models compiled the CPTEC-PVM2 model was initialized with the observed climatology
in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5)/Palae plus the field of multi-model ensemble mean anomalies (MME) for each
oclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project phase 3 (PMIP3) (Taylor scenario: (precWM + MME− 4) + (tempWM + MME− 4) with CO2 = 180
et al., 2012), we used all the models that were available at the moment ppm for the LGM, or (precWM + MME+4) + (tempWM + MME+4) with
of analysis at the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) and had both CO2 = 900 ppm for the future. In the case of the sensitivity experiments
past and future scenario outputs. Climate scenarios for both past and only one parameter was changed. For example, in performing sensitivity
future were extracted from the following models: CCSM4, CNRM-CM5, simulations for the LGM precipitation the setup was (precWM + MME-
FGOALS-g2, GISS-E2-R, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC-ESM, MPI-ESM-P, and 4) + (tempWM) with CO2 = 350 ppm; or, in performing sensitivity
MRI-CGCM3. Models references and a brief description of these exper simulations for the LGM CO2 the setup was (precWM+ tempWM) with
iments are given in the Supplementary information Table S1. As models CO2 = 180 ppm. How biome projections and sensitivity experiments
differ in type, configuration, parameterization and resolution, pro were performed in each case are given in Table 2.
jections for some regions differ significantly among them (Knutti and
Sedláček, 2013). In order to diminish those differences, the model data
2.3. Compilation of proxy data from palaeoclimate archives
were converted to the same spatial resolution, and the multi-model
ensemble mean was calculated. To evaluate nearly opposite scenarios,
In this study we updated the compilation of 107 published
we used the LGM and RCP8.5 CMIP5/PMIP3 experiments and analyzed
the surface air temperature and precipitation in comparison with the
Historical experiment, both single model and multi-model ensemble Table 1
mean. For the − 4 ◦ C scenario we used the LGM experiment and calcu Inputs used for the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies Potential
Vegetation Model version 2 (CPTEC-PVM2) experiments.
lated the 30-year average monthly mean for temperature and precipi
tation. For the +4 ◦ C scenario we used the RCP8.5 experiment and Experiment CO2 Precipitation Temperature
determined the respective +4 ◦ C period for each model, where the +4 ◦ C
period is defined as the time when the global mean temperature reaches Present 350 Willmott and Matsuura Willmott and Matsuura
+4 ◦ C compared to the Historical run (1850–2005) (as in Vautard et al., (2001) (WM) (2001) (WM)
− 4 ◦ C (LGM) 180 WM + MME anomalies WM + MME anomalies
2014). This method was adopted to reduce uncertainty originating from from scenario − 4 ◦ C from scenario − 4 ◦ C
the different climate sensitivity of a model and analyze +4 ◦ C warmer +4 ◦ C 900 WM + MME anomalies WM + MME anomalies
global climate in terms of temperature and precipitation distribution, (Future) from scenario +4 ◦ C from scenario +4 ◦ C
independently of the period of the century when it could occur. Note: For the Present experiment the model was forced with surface temperature
and precipitation from the Willmott and Matsuura (2001)(WM) data set. For the
2.2. Past and future biomes distribution − 4 ◦ C scenario (representing the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)) and the +4 ◦ C
scenario (representing +4 ◦ C Future) we added the anomalies from multi-model
The outputs of the climate simulations described in the previous ensemble mean (MME).
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
Table 2
Description of sensitivity experiments performed with the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate
Studies Potential Vegetation Model version 2 (CPTEC-PVM2).
180 350 900 from from WM + WM + WM + WM +
experiment ppm ppm ppm WM WM MME MME MME MME
( -4°C) ( -4°C) ( +4°C) ( +4°C)
-4°C (LGM)
-4°C (LGM)
-4°C (LGM)
+4°C (Future )
+4°C (Future )
+4°C (Future )
Note: For each sensitivity experiment only fields marked in yellow are considered. Willmott and Matsuura
(2001) data set (WM); PREC = precipitation; TEMP = temperature; MME = multi-model ensemble mean
hydroclimate records from tropical South America made by Zhang et al. precipitation reduction of more than 14 mm/month has been projected
(2016). We considered all their records that cover the LGM and added for the northwestern sector of Amazonia. Multi-model ensemble mean
new ones, published since then, that showed vegetation, hydroclimate anomaly also suggests increased precipitation, higher than 10 mm/
and environmental reconstructions. Our compilation of 149 published month, over the southeastern portion of the South American Monsoon
vegetation and hydroclimate records with their respective references is System region (SAMS) (50◦ W–40◦ W, 10◦ S–28◦ S) (Fig. 1a). For the +4 ◦ C
available in Supplementary Information, Proxy Compilation Table S2. scenario a precipitation decrease of ~14 mm/month is projected for the
Original chronologies of all palaeorecords were used. To evaluate the eastern equatorial Brazil (i.e., the region around the Marajó island).
dating quality of the compiled records, we applied a chronological Central Brazil shows a weak positive anomaly of 2 to 4 mm/month,
reliability index (CRI). The CRI is based on age model properties and while precipitation increase (~20 mm/month) is the highest over
sampling resolution of each record, where higher CRI values indicate southern Brazil, below 20◦ S (Fig. 1b). Temperature projections for both
more reliable palaeorecords (Prado et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016). This scenarios are more uniform, with more than 70% of agreement among
index simply involves the computation of an arithmetic mean, where the models over the entire Brazil (Fig. 1c, d). Temperature anomalies show
same weight is given to calibration (C), sampling resolution of each generally higher values inland than in the coastal regions, with regional
record (R) and dating (D): variations of approximately 2 ◦ C. Single model anomalies can be found
A detailed description is given in Supplementary Information. The in Supplementary Information (Fig. S1 and S2).
temporal proximity of the LGM to two Heinrich Stadials (namely
Heinrich Stadial 2 and Heinrich Stadial 1) make the CRI particularly 3.2. Validation of the climate simulations for the − 4 ◦ C scenario using
necessary, since Heinrich Stadials are thought to have substantially palaeoclimate proxies
altered the distribution of Brazilian biomes (e.g., Wang et al., 2004;
Bouimetarhan et al., 2018; Pinaya et al., 2019). To validate our multi-models ensemble mean for the − 4 ◦ C scenario,
In order to compare the results from the compilation with model we compared it with our proxy compilation (Supplementary Informa
simulations, we defined categories for precipitation and vegetation tion, Proxy Compilation Table S2). The simulated temperature reduction
(biome) changes based on the original interpretations of the authors. In is broadly consistent with reconstructions from South America. The
the case of precipitation, anomalies are expressed as the difference be simulated precipitation anomaly, on the other hand, shows some
tween LGM and present time, and the categories are “drier”, “wetter” discrepancy in palaeo-precipitation reconstructions (Supplementary
and “unclear”. Also for vegetation anomalies are expressed as the dif Information, Fig. S1). Higher precipitation simulated along the Andes is
ference between LGM and present time, and the categories are “change”, consistent with lake and ice core records. The simulated anomaly over
“no change” and “unclear”. Although this approach has been used in equatorial South America corroborates the findings from 39 records
other studies, we are aware that this simplification can result in an between 10◦ N and 10◦ S that suggest a drier LGM. Over the SAMS region,
agreement between the proxy record and the model scenario even in simulated precipitation increase is in agreement with 4 high-resolution
case when they show opposite signals, so we specify a description of speleothem-based records. However, 10 other reconstructions, mostly
change and change evidence in the compilation. estimations from biological proxies between 10◦ S and 20◦ S, appear to
contradict the increased activity of the SAMS. Still, the comparison with
3. Results 20 palaeorecords south of 20◦ S shows high consistency and indicates a
reduction in precipitation (for full details about proxies see Supple
3.1. Climate simulations mentary Information, Proxy Compilation Table S2).
Fig. 1 shows the annual mean precipitation and temperature anom 3.3. Simulated biome changes for − 4 ◦ C and +4 ◦ C scenarios
aly fields from the multi-model ensemble calculated for the − 4 ◦ C and
the +4 ◦ C scenarios in comparison with the Historical multi-model Fig. 2 shows CPTEC-PVM2 vegetation equilibrium solutions based on
ensemble. For the − 4 ◦ C scenario our results show a negative precipi long-term mean monthly climate variables for the − 4 ◦ C scenario, Pre
tation anomaly over the tropical region (0◦ –10◦ S) (Fig. 1a). The highest sent (1961–1990) climate, and the +4 ◦ C scenario. The simulation of the
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
Fig. 1. Annual mean precipitation (mm/month) (a-b) and temperature (◦ C) (c-d) fields from the multi-model ensemble mean differences calculated between the
− 4 ◦ C scenario (a, c) and the +4 ◦ C scenario (b, d) in comparison with Historical simulations. Stippling represents areas where at least 70% of the models agree with
the sign of the difference.
− 4 ◦ C scenario indicates a distinct difference in southern Brazil palaeorecords in our compilation for each biome. Their original in
(60◦ W–40◦ W, 20◦ S–35◦ S) in comparison with the Present simulation terpretations of precipitation or vegetation/biome changes are compiled
(Fig. 2a, b) suggesting grassland expansion. In northeastern Brazil, open separately in Supplementary Information (for full details see Supple
shrubland/caatinga is rearranged and its central part is transformed in mentary Information, Proxy Compilation Table S2). 77 out of the 149
semi-desert (Fig. 3a). While western Amazonia persisted as a tropical records in our compilation discuss vegetation/biome changes and we
forest with no substantial changes, eastern Amazonia was transformed identified that 49 out of the 77 match the changes suggested by the
into tropical seasonal forest. Tropical seasonal forests with savanna model. However, while palaeorecords from southern and eastern Ama
patches are also simulated in northern Amazonia (65◦ W–55◦ W, 5◦ N–0◦ ). zonia are in accordance with the model output, four palaeorecords from
The simulation of the +4 ◦ C scenario shows an expansion of savanna/ the core of the Amazon forest contradict model projections.
cerrado, replacing most of the open shrubland/caatinga simulated from
the Present conditions (Fig. 2b, c). The eastern part of the tropical
evergreen forest of Amazonia is replaced with patches of savanna that 3.5. Sensitivity experiments
reach 55◦ W, while the +4 ◦ C scenario conditions favor tropical ever
green forest expansion over southern Brazil. Sensitivity experiments were performed to evaluate the specific in
fluence of precipitation, temperature and CO2 over vegetation. Fig. 4
shows that CO2 and/or precipitation reduction of the − 4 ◦ C scenario are
3.4. Validation of the biome simulations for the − 4 ◦ C scenario using able to induce ample changes in a large part of Amazonia and north
palaeovegetation proxies eastern Brazil. The CO2 reduction turns the tropical evergreen forest into
a less productive tropical seasonal forest and enlarges the occurrence of
Most regions where the CPTEC-PVM2 model projected biome open shrubland/caatinga vegetation (Fig. 4a). Changes in precipitation
changes for the − 4 ◦ C scenario are in high agreement with palae from the − 4 ◦ C scenario drive savanna/cerrado expansion and produce
ovegetation proxies (Fig. 3). We combine as many as possible different great reduction of tropical evergreen forest in the eastern and southern
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
Fig. 2. Distribution of Brazilian biomes projected by the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies Potential Vegetation Model version 2 (CPTEC-PVM2) for
a) the − 4 ◦ C scenario (representing the Last Glacial Maximum), b) Present (1961–1990) climate, and c) the +4 ◦ C scenario (representing RCP8.5 experiment period
when the 30-year average global mean temperature reaches +4 ◦ C compared to the Historical run). The color scale displays different biomes.
4. Discussion
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
speleothem and pollen records are possibly associated with a major contradictory evidence also seems to exist (Colinvaux et al., 1996;
control of low atmospheric CO2 and temperatures in the grassland Haberle and Maslin, 1999; Mosblech, 2012; Baker and Fritz, 2015). The
expansion than precipitation during glacial period (Novello et al., 2019; projected stronger SAMS is in agreement with high-resolution speleo
Azevedo et al., 2021). Discrepancies between the results from biological them- and marine-based records (e.g., Cruz Jr et al., 2006; Cruz et al.,
and geochemical proxies in some regions complicate the debate if 2009; Novello et al., 2017; Hou et al., 2020). However, precipitation
tropical South America experienced wet or dry conditions during the reconstructions from biological proxies from the southern border of the
LGM (i.e. − 4 ◦ C scenario). One way to overcome this issue is the use of a Amazon and from southeastern Brazil appear to contradict the increased
multi-model ensemble mean instead of a single model output (Tebaldi activity of the SAMS (e.g., (Salgado-Labouriau et al., 1997; Behling,
and Knutti, 2007), together with different palaeorecords for its 2002; Burbridge et al., 2004; Mayle et al., 2000; Whitney et al., 2011;
validation. Fornace et al., 2016). The reasons for discrepancies between the results
Here we validate computed LGM temperature and precipitation of biological reconstructions on the one side and multi-model ensemble
anomalies with our compilation of palaeorecords covering the LGM mean and geological reconstructions on the other side could lie in
within South America. Based on our review of the existing literature we edaphic constraints (Rossetti et al., 2019). The improved spatial reso
set the referent cooling of LGM at − 4 ◦ C and future warming at +4 ◦ C for lution of climate models or the use of regional models, in addition with
the sake of making a symmetric comparison. The computed temperature better soil representation (Quesada et al., 2010) would probably clarify
reduction showed here (Fig. 1a) is consistent and within the range of these discrepancies. Another source of inconsistency may come from the
several estimates for the LGM over South America (Stute et al., 1995; interpretation of Poaceae pollen abundance increase as an indicator of
Colinvaux et al., 2000; Van Der Hammen and Hooghiemstra, 2000; Wille regional aridity, since these taxa can be influenced by other factors (e.g.,
et al., 2001; Bush and Silman, 2004; Urrego et al., 2005; Chiessi et al., increase in pollen grains related to the extension of periodically flooded
2015; Tierney et al., 2019). environments) (Bush, 2002; da Silva et al., 2020). A noteworthy study of
Our multi-model ensemble mean for the − 4 ◦ C scenario shows a Scheff et al., 2017, calls for caution when paleo hydrologic conditions
negative precipitation anomaly over the equatorial region with the are inferred from plant-based proxies, as changes in vegetation can be
highest precipitation reduction projected for the northwestern part of driven by the low glacial CO2 and temperatures, and not water scarcity,
the Amazon Basin. Validation with proxies, shows that computed which is generally assumed. The influence of low CO2 transcends many
climate coincides with glacial conditions inferred from the paleorecords levels, with physiological effects on individual plants to changes in
available in the region (Fig. S1a). High precipitation along the Andes is ecosystem functioning. The direct effect of low CO2 on plant physio
consistent with cave, lake, marine and ice core records (e.g., Grosjean, logical processes is favoring C4 plants, while C3 plants show an average
1994; Gosling et al., 2008; Niemann and Behling, 2008; Urrego et al., reduction in photosynthesis and biomass production (Gerhart and Ward,
2010; Cheng et al., 2013; Govin et al., 2014). Precipitation lower than 2010; Prentice et al., 2011; Novello et al., 2019; Azevedo et al., 2021).
present over tropical South America to the east of the Andes and north of There is also the possibility of a no-analog climate for large portions of
the Equator are in agreement with palaeorecords (e.g., Absy et al., 1991; South America during the LGM (i.e. extended dry season plus extreme
Häggi et al., 2017; Cruz et al., 2009; Rossetti et al., 2012), but runoff events) as well as no-analog plant communities (Ledru, 2002;
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
Bush and Silman, 2004). Still, a comparison between climate proxies Brazilian highlands, which reveal an expansion of Araucaria forest at the
and multi-model ensemble mean precipitation shows high consistency expense of grassland vegetation in the Late Holocene (Ledru et al., 1996;
over southern Brazil (Fig. S1a). Thus, we conclude that the computed Ledru et al., 2009; Behling et al., 2004; Gu et al., 2017). It is important to
temperature and precipitation anomalies over Brazil are reliable as in highlight that the LGM grassland biome seen in records is reproduced by
puts for the potential vegetation model. our model only when all forcings are taken into account, as none of them
Once the reliability of inputs for the potential vegetation model is separately is sufficient for producing adequate conditions necessary for
confirmed, we evaluate the relative biome distribution (Fig. 5). Relative the grassland biome vegetation (Fig. 2).
biome distribution (%) for the − 4 ◦ C scenario shows that tropical Over northeastern Brazil, with warming, open shrubland/caatinga is
evergreen forest decreased by 10%. This is the result of the trans rearranged and its central part modeled as semi-desert for the − 4 ◦ C
formation of tropical seasonal forest on the eastern portion of the scenario is transformed into open shrubland/caatinga (Fig. 3a). This is in
Amazon Basin, which is consistent with vegetation reconstructions agreement with marine sediment records that suggest vegetation
(Absy et al., 1991; Sifeddine et al., 2001; Behling, 2002; Anhuf et al., changes during the LGM (Behling et al., 2000). Bouimetarhan et al.
2006; Häggi et al., 2017) as well as transformation of grassland and (2018) infer the presence of open shrubland/caatinga vegetation in
tropical seasonal forest in southern Brazil (e.g., Behling et al., 2004; Gu periods of expansion of tropical rainforest and tree ferns during the
et al., 2018). Younger Dryas, indicating the coexistence of a variety of vegetation
The performed sensitivity experiments suggest that with CO2 types in northeastern Brazil and challenging the idea that caatinga is the
reduction, from 350 ppm (Present scenario) to 180 ppm (LGM scenario), result of long-term climatic stability (Werneck et al., 2011). Previously,
there is an almost complete disappearance of tropical evergreen forest (De Oliveira et al., 1999) found abundant cold and humid-adapted
biome. In the photosynthesis model used by CPTEC-PVM2 (Farquhar montane rainforest taxa during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition in
et al., 1980) the response on changes in CO2 concentration is linear, due northeastern Brazil. Montane rainforests expanded and reached lower
to the term applied in photosynthesis formulation which avoids an un levels during LGM, afterwards decreasing gradually until caatinga was
realistic steep decay of photosynthesis rates at low CO2 concentrations established at 4.2 ka BP (Utida et al., 2020). Today, with semi-arid
(Lapola et al., 2009). Nevertheless, halving CO2 in LGM induced a sig climate, rainforest enclaves with different phylogeographic histories
nificant reduction of net primary production and shifted tropical ever are isolated on scattered ancient peaks where the higher elevation in
green forest biome to less productive tropical seasonal forest. creases humidity (Silveira et al., 2019). The difficulty in finding per
Lower LGM temperature counteracts the effect of lower CO2 and manent lakes, bogs or stable locations for soil profiles made vegetational
prevents a more extensive forest replacement by savanna (Fig. 4a, c). It and climate evolution history within the caatinga domain very limited.
is estimated that about 32% of share Amazonian rainfall originates from It is important to remember that local climate, topography and soil
evapotranspiration within the basin, two thirds of which originate as conditions are likely to influence vegetation structure (e.g. changes in
tree transpiration (Staal et al., 2018). Thus, under decreased CO2 and biomass or canopy cover) and dynamics (e.g. mortality and productiv
water vapor in the atmosphere, vegetation water use efficiency is lower ity) within the biomes. It is also worth noting that here we evaluate only
(Beerling and Chaloner, 1993), implying a higher stomatal conductance the LGM time slice, and that millennial fluctuations, before and after this
and an increase in transpiration. That effect could be balanced with period, could have a larger impact on biomes, as no two time slices had
temperature decrease and improved soil moisture (reduced evaporation) identical biome patterns (Pinaya et al., 2019; Allen et al., 2020). Another
(Scheff et al., 2017) and consequently reduced prevalence of fire, which potential limitation is that our model is not dynamic and does not take
is an important element for savanna establishment, promoting the previous vegetation history into account and this could introduce some
presence of tropical evergreen forest (Staver et al., 2011). On the other discrepancies between the model results and some paleovegetation data.
hand, for savanna's C4 grasses, the cerrado biome, which evolved under To summarize, in the context of 4 ◦ C climate warming since the LGM
low CO2 conditions and tolerates droughts and fire, LGM conditions to the present times, the relative distribution of savanna/cerrado and
created an opportunity for advancement into forested areas. Therefore, tropical seasonal forest decreased, tropical evergreen forest and open
alteration in the eastern Amazon could be mainly the result of insuffi shrubland/caatinga increased, while grassland biome virtually dis
cient soil moisture due to LGM precipitation reduction. Our model does appeared. Our results indicate that the absence of evidence for climatic
not consider soil types and variations in soil fertility, which may play an effects on vegetation could be understood as evidence of resilience.
important role in explaining species composition and forest productivity Amazon forest and caatinga showed resilience to temperature increase
across the Amazon Basin (Quesada et al., 2012), besides the climatic of 4 ◦ C since LGM. Whether their resilience will continue with another
east-west gradient presented here. Given that the exact magnitude of step in forcing of the same magnitude or they will be significantly
precipitation change remains to be determined (Baker et al., 2020), it disturbed in the future requires further analysis.
cannot be ignored that some precipitation biases persist in computed
multi-model ensemble means and influence the relative biome 4.2. Biome simulations: from the present to a future +4 ◦ C scenario
Hence, our results suggest that the western and central Amazon Future conditions show an expansion of savanna/cerrado, with
forest was largely maintained during the LGM mainly due to negative projected coverage 10% higher than the present, and a decrease of both
temperature anomalies, while a decrease in past precipitation was tropical evergreen forest and tropical seasonal forest (Figs. 2b, c, 5). Our
responsible for biome changes in the eastern portion of the Amazon. Our results suggest that an even greater savanna advancement into forests is
simulations reaffirm that changes in the monsoon intensity cannot be prevented by the “CO2-fertilization” effect (Fig. 4d-f). It is worth noting
used as the main driver for vegetational changes/stability across the that the CO2-fertilization effect, where increased atmospheric CO2 tends
Amazon biome (Gerhart and Ward, 2010; Prentice et al., 2011; Scheff to increase rates of photosynthesis and increase leaf areas, but reduce
et al., 2017) and that lower temperatures in combination with sub evapotranspiration, is the largest and most uncertain of all ecosystem
stantially lower CO2 are most probably the main controlling factors over feedbacks (Arneth et al., 2010; Huntzinger et al., 2017). While some
changes in plant communities here (Mayle et al., 2000). Thus, according observed data are consistent with the projected net effect of elevated
to our simulations, the synergistic effect of temperature, precipitation CO2 (Hubau et al., 2020; Baccini et al., 2017; Lewis et al., 2004), others
and CO2 increase since LGM positively affected the Amazon forest. show no growth stimulation or even point to a decline (Van Der Sleen
Synergy of rising temperature and CO2 also induced advancement of et al., 2015; Brienen et al., 2015; Peñuelas et al., 2011). One possible
forests over grassland in southern Brazil, represented in our simulations explanation is that there is still a very limited number of field and species
with complete disappearance of the grassland biome. This change has observations relative to the large spatial and compositional heteroge
been seen in pollen records and isotopic soil profiles from the southern neity (Ter Steege et al., 2020). Simultaneously, conclusions obtained
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
analyzing satellite vegetation indices, such as leaf area (Forzieri et al., in our study.
2017) or “greening” trends (Zhu et al., 2016), relate observed changes in Although the direct impact of warming on vegetation patterns is not
the Amazon Basin with increased CO2. Zhu et al. (2016) attributed 70% easy to determine, as none of the evaluated driving factors (i.e., tem
of Amazon greening to the 46 ppm increase in CO2 in the period between perature, precipitation and CO2) can be considered in isolation, our
1982 and 2009. However, the long-term persistance and uniformity of results indicate that two completely different biomes, both resilient to
this effect in the future can be modulated by stress responses above the warming since the LGM, will be transformed in the future. In contrast to
optimal temperature (Piao et al., 2020), mortality rates (Esqui the warming of 4 ◦ C since the LGM, when tropical evergreen forests and
vel-Muelbert et al., 2019; Brienen et al., 2020), forest demography caatinga increased, with additional warming those two biomes will be
(Körner et al., 2005; Hubau et al., 2020), mycorrhizal association (Terrer pushed to their thresholds. This is consistent with Ciemer et al. (2019)
et al., 2016) and nutrient limitations (Terrer et al., 2019). Another way which claim higher resilience to climatic disturbances in regions
of looking at the topic of CO2 fertilization is exploring historical global exposed to a higher rainfall variability during their long-term past. Our
gross primary production (Campbell et al., 2017), which is significantly results suggest that changes in the monsoon intensity cannot be used as
higher than current projections, suggesting an underestimate by current the main driver for biomes changes in the past (Figs. 2a, b, 4a-c), but we
models of potential CO2 removal in the future (Haverd et al., 2020). The also find that with additional 4 ◦ C warming, changes and direction of
most recent findings indicate that tropical secondary forests, which are biomes shifts in the eastern Amazon forest and caatinga, will mostly
highly productive and resilient, sequester carbon up to 20 times faster depend on future precipitation changes. At the same time precipitation
than old-growth forests (Heinrich et al., 2021). In addition, potential decrease will induce decrease in biomass production and with that
aboveground biomass and carbon accumulation in naturally regrowing provoke additional local warming, preventing regeneration and adap
forests in the tropics over the next 30 years is estimated to be 54% higher tation (Perugini et al., 2017).
than previously assumed (Cook-Patton et al., 2020). Thus, in spite of the Precipitation changes in the last 30 years already increased the
uncertainties (Walker et al., 2020) considering CO2 fertilization esti abundance of drought-tolerant genera and increased mortality of wet-
mates in humid tropical areas under future climate change scenarios is affiliated trees in the areas where the drying trend was stronger across
important for promoting forest protection, regeneration and restoration the Amazon forest (Esquivel-Muelbert et al., 2019), which indicates that
of degraded areas through low-impact agriculture systems (Nobre and this biome change is already underway. This relatively slow process of
Nobre, 2020), due to potentially major consequences for the global compositional change could continue in the future, and if it happens
carbon cycle. over larger spatial or temporal scales, there is potential for adaptation to
In our future simulation (i.e., +4 ◦ C scenario), although savanna/ changing conditions. However, under future global change, large
cerrado expanded, sensitivity experiments show that with additional changes in abiotic drivers in a short time-frame bring question whether
4 ◦ C even savanna/cerrado is pushed to a critical threshold (Fig. 4f) and ecosystems will have enough time to adapt to new warming conditions
future precipitation changes will be critical in determining the fate of (Etterson and Shaw, 2001; Hoffmann and Sgro, 2011). On the other
this biome (Fig. 4e). The ecotonal regions of Amazonia projected to hand, even if compositional change happens that will lead to lower di
change in the future, had experienced shifts throughout LGM (Fig. 3a, versity, changes in evapotranspiration and forest resilience will likely
b), showing that forest–savanna transitions are dynamic and particularly decrease (Aguirre-Gutiérrez et al., 2020).
sensitive to change. Compositional changes, together with more common droughts and
Our model also suggests that the relative distribution of caatinga will fires, especially in the drier portions of the Amazon, could abruptly shift
be ~50% lower. However, several issues have to be considered before forests to new states (Brando et al., 2014). The spread of forest fires
interpreting this trend. First, with CO2 = 900 ppm in our simulation, the during 21st-century droughts suggests that roads, logging, deforestation
modeled fertilization effect is strong enough to overweight temperature and conversion of rainforests to pastures, make the Amazon forest more
and precipitation impact and shift open shrubland/caatinga vegetation flammable and vulnerable to wildfires (Aragão et al., 2008; Aragão
towards the more productive savanna/cerrado biome (Fig. 4d-f). Pre et al., 2018). The increased susceptibility of forests to fires, through
vious experiments by Lapola et al. (2009) showed that halving the effect fragmentation and edge effects associated with longer recovery time (De
of CO2 fertilization yields small changes in tropical forests, but consid Faria et al., 2021), will cause long-lasting damage or permanent
erable changes and higher permanence of shrubland in the caatinga degradation. The results presented by Brando et al. (2020) indicate that
region. Moreover, Zhu et al. (2016) using three long-term satellite leaf projected climate changes will double the area burned by wildfires,
area index records and ten global ecosystem models showed that for affecting up to 16% of the Amazon's forests by 2050. Contrastingly, fire
northeastern Brazil the key driver in vegetation change is climate and suppression in transitional savanna zones and within cerrado caused
not elevated CO2. Second, high precipitation uncertainties for north woody encroachment, a serious threat to cerrado biodiversity but can
eastern Brazil should also be taken into account (Fig. S1). Our sensitivity enhance carbon sequestration (Rosan et al., 2019). The herein projected
experiments indicate that with joined precipitation reduction and tem expansion of tropical evergreen forest in southern Brazil (Fig. 2b-c), that
perature increase, caatinga vegetation, which is naturally highly could possibly counteract forest loss due to savanna/cerrado expansion
adapted to water deficits (Dombroski et al., 2011; Lima and Rodal, in eastern Amazonia, is already prevented by land use with regional high
2010), could be replaced by semi-desert biome in its central domain rates of conversion to pastures and croplands (Lapola et al., 2014; Song
(Fig. 4e, f). Nevertheless, knowing that models do not agree about the et al., 2018). Despite substantial agricultural intensification in recent
sign of precipitation anomaly (Supplementary Information, and Figs. S1 years (VanWey et al., 2013), cropland extensification is evident in every
and S3), and with the possibility that the effect of CO2 fertilization does biome, except the caatinga. In the Amazon biome, ~30% of new crop
not fully happen, the simulated caatinga replacement by savanna in the land during 2000–2014 was the result of forest conversion (Zalles et al.,
future (+4 ◦ C scenario) must be treated with caution (Fig. 2b, c). In case 2019). Increased temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns and reduced
of temperature increase and taking into account changes in frequency water availability, are the most important causes of declining cropland
and intensity of droughts as well as aridization in northeastern Brazil productivity. The general trend of clearing rates in Brazil since 2012 has
(Marengo et al., 2017), it is more likely that the caatinga central domain been increasing (Carvalho et al., 2019). It is estimated that under the
will shift in the opposite direction and be replaced with semi-desert most pessimistic climate scenario southern Brazil may lose nearly 5
vegetation. In both cases (savannization or desertification), the caa million hectares of optimal agricultural area in 2030 (Assad et al., 2013).
tinga biome will experience an overall loss of biodiversity (Silva et al., Thus, projected trends in loss of optimal agricultural land may have a
2019). It is worth noting that our model experiments are not able to positive feedback loop, leading to a further acceleration of vegetation
identify potential impacts of the rate of climate change and how vege conversion and global warming. Land-use and land-cover change will
tation could adapt to the accelerated warming remains an open question also alter the projected vegetation patterns over Brazil by weakening the
J. Maksic et al. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585 (2022) 110717
hydrological cycle even more (Leite-Filho et al., 2019). In this study we Appendix A. Supplementary data
do not model land use and land-cover changes due to human activity,
but there is a need to integrate the suite of negative effects from human Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
activity that could lead to a cascade of tipping points in combination to org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110717.
the scrutinized driving factors.
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