Yue, 2015
Yue, 2015
Yue, 2015
Ecological Modelling
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolmodel
Article history: Surfaces of mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation during the period from 1951 to
Available online 27 September 2014 2010 in Jiang-Xi province (Poyang Lake Basin) of China are simulated by means of a method for high
accuracy surface modeling (HASM), using data from 106 weather observation stations scattered over and
around Poyang Lake Basin. Methodologically, we analyzed errors of HASM by comparing with classical
Keywords: methods. The analysis indicated that HASM has a much higher accuracy than the classical methods. The
Climate change
simulation results from HASM show that mean annual temperature was respectively 17.05 C and 17.46 C
in the periods from 1951 to 1980 (P1) and from 1981 to 2010 (P2). Mean annual precipitation was
Holdridge life zone
1602 mm and 1718 mm, respectively in the P1 and P2. In other words, climate has become warmer and
Mean center wetter in recent 60 years in general. The ecosystems are very sensitive to relatively small changes in
Response surface meteorology. Warm temperate moist forest and subtropical moist forest were the dominant HLZ
types, accounted for 94.99% of total area of Jiang-Xi province. The proportion of warm temperate moist
forest decreased from 30.81% to 16.84%, while subtropical moist forest increased from 64.79% to 76.73%.
The mean centers of the rare HLZ types, cool temperate wet forest, cool temperate rain forest and
subtropical wet forest, moved respectively 291 km, 104 km and 122 km. Warm temperate wet forest and
subtropical moist forest had a little shift, moved respectively 21 km and 17 km during the period from
P1 to P2.
ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-3800/ ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.-X. Yue et al. / Ecological Modelling 306 (2015) 16–23 17
process model with a spatial landscape model indicated that boreal from 1938 to 2009 in northeastern Siberia and the rising
species would disappear from the landscape in 200–300 years and temperatures over the second half of the 20th century enhanced
approximately same amount of time for a southern species to plant growth along the northeast Eurasian boreal margin (Berner
become common (He et al., 1999). Changes in both climate and CO2 et al., 2013). Results from evaluating the relative impact of climate
will lead to changing phenological relationships between intro- and economic changes on mountain regions in Switzerland imply
duced and native forest insects and their host trees, which could that forest will be strongly influenced by the direct impact of
either exacerbate or attenuate damage caused by these pests climate change, but that changes in land use will have a
(Simberloff, 2000). comparatively small impact (Bodin et al., 2013). Responses of
Response surface simulations indicated that changes in the individual trees and whole-forest ecosystems to CO2 and climate
potential distribution of tree and shrub taxa in North America in manipulations often vary by age, implying that forests of different
response to future climate change will be large and that ranges will ages will respond differently to climate change (Anderson et al.,
shift not only northward and upward in elevation but in all 2013). Time-series remote sensing imagery of Poyang Lake from
directions (Shafer et al., 2001). The simulations for GCM-projected 2000 to 2012 showed that areas of submerged vegetation
future climate scenarios with doubled atmospheric CO2 concen- expanded with a significant average annual change rate of
tration predicted that broadleaf forests would increase, but conifer 23.51 km2 (Chen et al., 2014).
forests, shrubs and grasses would decrease; and that deciduous In this paper, a method for high accuracy surface modeling
forests would have the largest relative increase, but evergreen (HASM) is used to create surfaces of mean annual temperature
shrubs would have the largest decrease (Yu et al., 2002). A meta- (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP) and potential evapo-
analysis showed that the range limits of species have moved on transpiration ratio (PER); then Holdridge life zone (HLZ) model is
average 6.1 km per decade northward (Parmesan and Yohe, 2003). operated on these HASM-created surfaces to simulate spatial
A review indicated that tropical forest responses to ongoing distribution of ecosystems. This approach is termed as HASM-HLZ,
environmental change are complex because effects of many which is a combination of deterministic and statistically based
simultaneously changing environmental factors are integrated models.
by the plants, and their responses can involve significant lags and
non-linearities (Clark, 2007). A simulation inference is that the 2. Material and methods
forest as a whole may be buffered from extreme drought events
that only affect early life-history stages (McMahon et al., 2009). 2.1. Data
Simulation from perspectives of ecophysiology, resource availabil-
ity, and climate change showed that boreal forest responses to 106 meteorological stations were available over and around the
climate change are complex due to the inherent edaphic variations Jiang-Xi province during the period from 1951 to 2010 (Fig. 1), of
and ecophysiological responses (Ise and Moorcroft, 2010). [(Fig._1)TD$IG]
Increases in the frequency, duration, and/or severity of drought
and heat stress associated with climate change could fundamen-
tally alter the composition, structure, and biogeography of forests
(Allen et al., 2010).
According to results from a combination of an integrated
environmental model and climate envelope models, more than
35% of the species composition in 2100 will be new in Northern
Europe and up to 25% of the species now present will have
disappeared in Southern Europe under the climatic circumstances
forecasted for 2100 (Alkemade et al., 2011). Warming climate
might eventually transform the subalpine Abies fabric forest into
Betula utilis forest that is widely distributed in the eastern Tibetan
Plateau mountainous areas with the relatively lower elevation,
while subalpine forests might move to higher and colder areas,
which are currently tundra (Wang et al., 2011). According to
TRIPLEX-Management model, climate change at the southern edge
of the boreal forest in North America may enhance the C
sequestration rate if there are no severe drought events (Wang
et al., 2012). An investigation in Peninsular Spain indicated that
recent warming has reduced growth rate and C accumulation,
especially in wet areas (Veyreda et al., 2012). Simulation of current
and future distributions of 15 tree species in Iberian Peninsula
showed that large changes in species ranges and forest communi-
ties might occur, not only at high elevations within Mediterranean
mountains but also along the entire elevation gradient throughout
this region, particularly at low and mid-elevations (Ruiz-Labour-
dette et al., 2012).
It is widely predicted that the geographic distributions of tree
species and forest types will undergo substantial shifts in future
(Vanderwel and Purves, 2013). Forest mortality related to climate
change is an increasingly common global phenomenon (Kerhoulas
et al., 2013). Tropical forests and subtropical forests are threatened
by their lack of resilience against long-term climate change owing
to predicted reductions in rainfall and increased tree mortality Fig. 1. DEM and meteorological stations (marked as dots) scattered over and around
(Zhou et al., 2013). Mean summer temperatures increased 1.0 C Jiang-Xi province.
18 T.-X. Yue et al. / Ecological Modelling 306 (2015) 16–23
which 85 stations are located within Jiang-Xi province and trend surface to the residue surfaces optimized respectively by
21 stations around Jiang-Xi province. These stations can provide HASM, OK, IDW and Spline (Yue et al., 2013). A cross-validation
daily temperature and precipitation data. The mean annual method is employed to test the target surface of HASM by
temperature (MAT) and the mean annual precipitation (MAP) at comparing with the ones of OK, IDW and Spline.
every meteorological station are calculated in terms of the daily Cross-validation is comprised of four steps: (i) 10% of the
temperature and precipitation data during the period from 1951 to meteorological stations in Jiang-Xi province were removed for
2010. We downscaled a digital elevation model (DEM) of Jiang-Xi validation prior to model creation, (ii) MAT and MAP from 1951 to
province at a spatial resolution of 90 m 90 m from the Shuttle 2010 are respectively simulated at a spatial resolution of 250 m
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) (http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org). The 250 m using the remaining 90% of meteorological stations in
DEM at a spatial resolution of 250 m 250 m is developed by Jiang-Xi province and 21 stations around Jiang-Xi province,
means of a cubic convolution resampling approach. The DEM was (iii) MAE and MRE are calculated using the 10% validation set,
used as auxiliary data to interpolate MAT and MAP from the and (iv) the 10% validation set is returned to the pool of available
stations to grid cells at the spatial resolution of 250 m 250 m. station for the next iteration. This process is repeated until MAT
and MAP at all meteorological stations have been simulated and
2.2. Mathematical models the simulation error statistics for each station can be calculated.
The average errors are formulated as follows,
Three mathematical models are employed in analyzing !
1 X X
J 8
responses of ecosystems to climate change, which are the MAE ¼ jsf i;j f i;j j (5)
improved-HLZ model (Yue et al., 2005), a scaling diversity model 8 J j¼1 i¼1
(Yue and Li, 2010) and a mean center model (Yue et al., 2007). The
HLZ model is defined by mean annual biotemperature (MABT) in
1 X X
degrees centigrade, mean annual precipitation (MAP) in milli- J 8
sf i;j f i;j
meters, and potential evapotranspiration ratio (PER) logarithmi- MRE ¼ j j (6)
8 J j¼1 i¼1 f i;j
cally, i.e.,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where MAE represents mean absolute error; MRE mean relative
di ðx; yÞ ¼ ðTðx; yÞ T i Þ2 þ ðPðx; yÞ Pi Þ2 þ ðPEðx; yÞ PEi Þ2 (1) error; sfi,j is the simulated value of the ith validation grid cell in the
jth sampling group; fi,j is the observed value of the ith validation
where T(x,y) = ln MABT(x,y), MABT(x,y) is MABT at a grid cell of (x, grid cell in the jth sampling group; J represents the repeat times.
y); P(x,y) = ln MAP(x,y), MAP(x,y) represents MAP at a grid cell of (x, The cross-validation results indicate that HASM has a much
y); PE(x,y) = ln PER(x,y), PERðx; yÞ ¼ 58:93MABTðx; yÞ=MAPðx; yÞ higher accuracy comparing with the classic methods such as IDW,
represents PER at a grid cell of (x,y); Ti,Pi and PEi are respectively OK and Spline (Table 1). During the period from 1951 to 2010, MAE
standards of MABT logarithm, TAP logarithm and PER logarithm at of the MAT simulated by HASM is 0.27 C and lower respectively 4%,
the central point of the i’th life zone in the hexagonal system of 7% and 30% than the ones by IDW, OK and Spline; MAE of the MAP
HLZs; when dk ðx; y; tÞ ¼ mini fdi ðx; y; tÞg, the site (x,y) is classified simulated by HASM is 37.21 mm and less 11%, 6% and 41% than the
into the k’th life zone. ones by IDW, OK and Spline, respectively.
The scaling diversity model is formulated as,
!2 3. Results and discussion
mð 1=2
ln pi ðe; r; tÞ
3.1. Change trend of mean annual temperature
Dðe; r; tÞ ¼ i¼1
In terms of the simulation results from HASM, MATs were
where pi(e,r,t) is proportion of area of the ith ecotope to area of the
17.05 C in the period from 1951 to 1980 and 17.46 C from 1981 to
whole investigation region; m(e,r,t) is total number of HLZs under
2010. The MAT increased by 0.41 C. Although the difference of
investigation; t represents time; e = (e + A)1, A is area of the
MAT between the grid cell with the highest MAT and the grid cell
investigation region measured by hectare; r is spatial resolution of
with lowest MAT is 12.27 C in P1 and 12.92 C in P2, 99.975% of
the used data set; and e equals 2.71828.
grid cells became warmer in Jiang-Xi province, in which P1 and
The mean center model is formulated as,
P2 represent the two sub-periods from 1951 to 1980 and 1981 to
X Ij
sij ðtÞ X ij ðtÞ 2010, respectively.
xj ðtÞ (3) In the sub-period of P1, grid cells at which MAT was less than
Sj ðtÞ
i¼1 16 C mainly distributed in Jiu-Ling mountains, Mu-Fu mountains,
Huai-Yu mountains, Wu-Yi mountains, Wu-Gong mountains, Luo-
Xiao mountains and Yu mountains, accounting for 14.73% of total
sij ðtÞ Y ij ðtÞ area of Jiang-Xi province. Grid cells at which MAT was warmer than
yj ðtÞ ¼ (4)
Sj ðtÞ 18 C mainly located in valleys and hilly areas of Gan-Zhou and Ji-
An, accounting for 16.58% of the total area. MAT in most part of
where t is the variable of time; Ij(t) is patch number of the HLZ type
j; sij(t) is area of the ith patch of the HLZ type j; Sj(t) is total area of
HLZ type j; (Xij(t), Yij(t)) is longitude and latitude coordinate of the
geometric center of the ith patch of the HLZ type j; (xj(t), yj(t)) is the
Table 1
mean center of HLZ type j. Comparative analysis of HASM errors.
Fig. 3. (a) MAT at a spatial resolution of 250 m 250 m in the sub-period of P1, (b) surface of MAT change from P1 to P2.
20 T.-X. Yue et al. / Ecological Modelling 306 (2015) 16–23
Fig. 4. (a) MAP in the sub-period of P1 at a spatial resolution of 250 m 250 m, (b) surface of MAP change from P1 to P2.
Jin-De-Zhen, Shang-Rao Ying-Tan Fu-Zhou and Yi-Chun as well as 3.3. Climate change trend
mountainous areas of Jiu-Ling, Mu-Fu and Luo-Xiao mountains, of
which area accounted for 28.95% of the total area and increased by The biggest MAT increase happened in the northern and the
208.36% comparing with the one in P1. The area with MAP between eastern Jiang-Xi as well as in Gan-Zhou (Fig. 3b). But some grid
1500 mm and 1800 mm accounted for 65.46%. cells in Luo-Xiao mountains had a MAT decrease. There was the
Fig. 5. Spatial pattern of HLZ ecosystems: (a) in the period of P1; (b) in the period of P2.
T.-X. Yue et al. / Ecological Modelling 306 (2015) 16–23 21
Table 2
Area change of ecosystems in Jiang-Xi province.
HLZ type 1951–1980 1981–2010 Area change (km2) Area change rate (%)
2 2
Area (km ) Proportion (%) Area (km ) Proportion (%)
CTWF 1092.65 0.66 12.87 0.01 1079.87 98.82
CTRF 77.87 0.05 79.24 0.05 1.37 1.76
WTMF 51443.15 30.81 28113.08 16.84 23332.18 45.35
WTWF 6165.13 3.69 10640.16 6.37 4475.44 72.59
STMF 108167.6 64.79 128089.8 76.73 19923.94 18.42
STWF 0.56 0.00 11.87 0.01 11.32 2021.43
largest MAP rise in Jing-De-Zhen, valley flat of eastern Shang-Rao province; 13.63 km2 of CTRF was converted into WTWF, distributing
Mu-Fu mountains and Jiu-Ling mountains as well as in some areas in high altitude areas of Huai-Yu mountains and Wu-Yi mountains.
of Nan-Chang (Fig. 4b), while MAP became smaller in Huai-Yu Caused by becoming warmer and wetter at grid cells accounting
mountains, Yu mountains and Wu-Yi mountains as well as in some for 0.002% of Jiang-Xi province, 3.06 km2 of WTMF transferred into
areas of southern Jiang-Xi province. STWF distributing in middle altitude areas of Wu-Yi mountains.
In Jiang-Xi province, 96.815% of grid cells became warmer and Owing to the decrease of MAT and the increase of MAP at grid cells
wetter, 3.16% warmer and drier, 0.024% cooler and wetter, and accounting for 0.005% of total area of Jiang-Xi province, 8.75 km2 of
0.001% cooler and drier. The grid cells becoming warmer and drier WTWF changed to CTRF, distributing sporadically in high altitude
distributed in Huai-Yu mountains, Wu-Yi mountains, Yu moun- areas of Luo-Xiao mountains. Because of the decease of MAP,
tains and some areas of southern Jiang-Xi province; the ones 0.56 km2 of STWF converted into STWF distributing sporadically in
becoming cooler and wetter appeared in high altitude areas of Luo- mountainous areas of southern Gan-Zhou; 12.06 km2 of CTRF
Xiao mountains; the ones cooler and drier were in high altitude changed into CTWF and mainly distributed in high altitude areas
areas of Wu-Yi mountains. of Wu-Yi mountains.
82.81% of the ecosystems were changed because of warming,
15.29% because of wetting,1.58% because of drying, 0.28% because of
3.4. Conversion of ecosystems
warming and drying, and 0.01% because of warming and wetting
(Fig. 6, Table 3).
6 HLZ types appeared in Jian-Xi province. They were cool [(Fig._6)TD$IG]
temperate wet forest (CTWF), cool temperate rain forest (CTRF),
warm temperate moist forest (WTMF), warm temperate wet forest
(WTWF), subtropical moist forest (STMF) and subtropical wet
forest (STWF) (Fig. 5). In terms of the scaling diversity index,
ecotope diversity decreased from 0.061 in P1 to 0.055 in P2.
In the period of P1, CTWF was 1092.75 km2, mainly distributed
in alpine areas of Jiu-Ling, Mu-Fu and Wu-Gong mountains as well
as Lu-Shan mountain; in P2, CTWF shrank to 12.88 km2, of which
area decreased by 99%; larger part of the changed CTWF was
converted into WTMF and smaller part of the changed CTWF was
converted into CTRF. CTRF appeared in alpine areas of Jiu-Ling, Luo-
Xiao, Wu-Yi and Huai-Yu mountains; its area was increased from
77.88 km2 in P1 to 79.25 km2 in P2 (Table 2).
WTMF and STMF were dominant ecosystems, accounting for
96% of the total area in P1 and 94% in P2; they distributed in plains
and low mountain areas of Jiang-Xi province. WTMF decreased
from 51,447.81 km2 in P1, which accounted for 33% of the total area,
to 28,115.63 km2 in P2, which accounted for 17% of the total area.
Most of the changed WTMF was converted into STMF. STMF was
expanded from 108,177.44 km2 in P1 to 128,101.38 km2 in P2; STMF
proportion increased from 65% to 77% of the total area.
WTWF mostly distributed in subalpine areas of Jiu-Ling, Mu-Fu,
Wu-Yi, Huai-Yu and Luo-Xiao mountains. Its area was expanded
from 6165.91 km2 in P1 to 10,641.13 km2. Much MTMF and CTWF
was converted into WTWF because of the increases of MAT and
MAP. WTWF increased by 73% from P1 to P2. STWF was the most
stable ecosystem in Jiang-Xi province and had almost no change in
the past 60 years.
Owing to impact of warming mainly, 1073.6 km2 of CTWF was
converted to WTWF, distributing in high altitude areas of Lu
mountain, Mu-Fu mountains, Jiu-Ling mountains and Wu-Gong
19866.63 km2 of WTMF was converted to STWF, distributing in low
hills of northern, western and middle Jiang-Xi province; 8.81 km2 of
WTWF was changed to STWF, distributing in southern Gan-Zhou.
Because it became warmer and drier at grid cells accounting for
0.042% of Jiang-Xi province, 56.75 km2 of WTWF was changed to Fig. 6. Conversion of ecosystem types between the periods from 1951 to 1980 and
STMF, which mainly distributed in southern boundary of Jiang-Xi from 1981 to 2010.
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