Distillery Spent Wash Treatment Technologies: A Case Study of The Comparative Efficiency of Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment Processes

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Distillery spent wash treatment technologies: A case study of the

comparative efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic treatment

Chapter · January 2020

DOI: 10.26832/aesa-2020-aepm-014


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4 authors:

Mukesh Ruhela Manas Kumar Sahu

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University 1 PUBLICATION   3 CITATIONS   

Sweta Bhardwaj Faheem Ahamad

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya


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In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management:
Wastewater Impacts and Treatment Technologies
DOI: 10.26832/aesa-2020-aepm-014

Chapter Distillery spent wash treatment technologies:

A case study of the comparative efficiency of
[14] aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes

Mukesh Ruhela1, Manas Kumar Sahu1,

Sweta Bhardwaj1 and Faheem Ahamad2,*

1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering (SITE),

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut 250005, Uttar Pradesh, India
2Department of Environmental Science, Keral Verma Subharti College of Sciences (KVSCOS),

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut 250005, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract Effluent generated from distilleries is known as slop/spent or wash/vinasse/

stillage. The present study is carried out with the objective of characterization
and treatment of distillery spent wash using aerobic and anaerobic treatment
processes on the treatment plant of UP Co-operative distillery Jahangirabad,
Anoopsahar (UP) form October 2019 to February 2020. Effluent of the distillery
(RAW-DSW) was found highly polluted during all the samplings. Influent was
observed highly acidic in nature (pH= 4.1-4.5). After the treatment, effluent
becomes near neutral in case aerobic treatment and slightly alkaline in case of
anaerobic treatment. For TSS aerobic treatment efficiency is 87.6% while in
anaerobic treatment efficiency is 90.4%. In case of BOD, efficiency of aerobic
treatment is 36.6% while in anaerobic treatment it is 71.7%. The parameters of
outlet from both the treatment processes were found above the standards limits
of discharge. Although anaerobic treatment processes improve the quality of
outlet, yet the performance is not satisfactory and it requires further attention to
improve the quality of effluent to meet the discharge limits.

Keywords Biogas, Ethanol, Distillery spent wash, Molasses, Sugar industry

Faheem Ahamad, Email: [email protected] (*Corresponding author)

© 2020 | Agro Environ Media | Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy, Haridwar, India
Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

Effluent generated from distilleries is known as slop/spent wash/vinasse/stillage (Nandy et al. 2002;
Pathade, 2003; Singh et al., 2004). From one litre of alcohol production approximately 8-15L of effluent is
generated, therefore a typical distillery generates over half a million litres of spent wash effluent daily
(Saha et al., 2005; Pant and Adholeya, 2007; Mohana et al., 2009). Due to widespread industrial
applications of alcohol such as in pharmaceuticals, food, perfumery, etc., the alcohol distilleries are
extensively growing. It is also used as an alternate fuel. Until 1931 India had only 29 sugar factories in
operation, producing small quantities of molasses which did not cause a serious disposal problem. The
number of sugar factories increased dramatically in 1935-36 to about 135 and the production of
molasses increased to nearly 0.48 million tons (Singh and Nigam, 1995). A report suggests that there are
325 molasses based distilleries in the country producing 3.25 billion litres/year of alcohol and generat-
ing 45.0 billion litres/year of spent wash as waste annually (Ayub et al., 2012; Pant and Adholeya, 2007).
As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests, alcohol distilleries are listed at the top in the “Red
Category” industries (CPCB, 2003; Chittaragi and Byakodi, 2018). India ranks 4th in the globe and 2nd in
Asia in terms of ethanol production. Currently the 5% blending is only applicable in 10 States and three
Union Territories and requires about 410 million litres of anhydrous alcohol. Increments in both %
blending and geographical spread are anticipated. Feed preparation, fermentation, distillation and
packaging are the four main steps in alcohol production in distilleries (Satyawali and Balakrishanan,
2008). Different biomass materials can be used in Ethanol production but the potential for their use as
feedstock depends on the cost, availability, carbohydrate contents and the ease by which they can be
converted to alcohol (Ogbonna, 2004). Nearly 61% of world’s ethanol production is from sugar crops
(Berg, 2004). Most Indian distilleries exclusively use cane molasses as raw material for fermentation
(Handa and Seth, 1990). Distilleries in India are one of the most pollution creating industries, also con-
sumes high volume of water. The diagrammatic process of ethanol production is presented in Figure 1.
The agro based distillery outlet is very complex in nature, caramelized and cumbersome having high
temperature (70-800C), dark brown colour, low pH, and high organic matter. The pollution load of the
distillery effluent depends on the quality of molasses and the process operations of processing and
recovery used (Pandey et al., 2003) and its contribution is approximately seven times in terms of
population in Indian. A good volume of Biogas can be generated form the distillery wastewater. Due to
increasing awareness and government policies to check pollution load, different industries along with
distilleries have been bounded for sustainable technologies for their waste treatment. To meet the
standards and to achieve the zero discharge policy of CPCB (2003) distilleries have to look into their
treatment methodologies in terms of their cost and sustainability (Mohana et al., 2007). Approximately
1,200 million cubic meters of bio gas can be produced form 45 billion litres of distillery spent wash
(DSW) produced in the country and approximately more than 85,000 tons of bio mass annually.

In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020)

Figure 1. Ethanol distillery manufacturing process (Fito et al., 2019; Satyawali and Balakrishanan, 2008)

Environmental impacts of distillery spent wash

Spent wash or effluent generated from distillation process has very high polluting potential. In the
areas, where the treated water of distillery is used for irrigation purpose, colour problem in ground
water is observed to an extent that the industries have to provide the drinking water to the nearby
villages. Different types of physicochemical and biological methods are applicable for the removal of
colour from distillery spent wash was tried, but a cost effective and efficient treatment method is still
awaited for the better achievement (Ogbonna, 2004). The variation in the quality of DSW is due to
different processes and mixing of their wastewater, combination of all these wastewater makes DSW

Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

(Tewari et al., 2007). DSW has very high BOD/COD ratio making it unsuitable for biological treatment
and showing the non-biodegradable nature of pollutants. The release of this waste into water bodies
cause the problem of eutrophication due to high amount of inorganic substances (Kumar et al., 1997;
Sharma et al., 2007). The presence of compounds such as melanoidins, anthocyanins, caramel, tannins
and different xenobiotic compounds makes it recalcitrant and toxic for many microorganisms. These
compounds remain unbreakable and can be found in the out let of treatment plants (Pandey et al.,
2003). The presence of compounds such as skatole, indole and other sulphur compounds provides
unpleasant odour to the effluent and these compounds also passed out in the outlet without
degradation (Acharya et al., 2008; Shivajirao, 2012). DSW is harmful to aquatic life as it reduces the
amount of DO due to reduced process of photosynthesis by green plants because it makes the water
opaque due to presence of coloured components (Ramakrithnan et al., 2005; Chaudhary and Arora,
2011; Arimi et al., 2014; Farid et al., 2010). Disposal of DSW on land is equally hazardous to the
vegetation as it reduces soil alkalinity and availability of manganese, which results in less seed
germination (Kumar et al., 1997). Kannan and Upreti (2008) reported high toxic effects of raw distillery
effluent on the growth and germination of Vigna radiata seeds even at low concentration of 5% (v/v).

Various methods of distillery spent wash treatment

A number of technologies have been discussed in the literature for reducing the pollution load of
distillery effluent. Based on the literature, different treatment methodologies and their sub
methodologies available for the treatment of distillery spent wash (DSW) are presented in Figure 2.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC), recommended the Reboiler,
Bio-methanation, Reverse Osmosis (RO) System, Multi Effect Evaporator (MEE), Bio-composting and
one time controlled land application, Ferti-irrigation, Turbo Mist Evaporation, and Concentration and
Incineration technologies/processes for spent wash treatment.

Biological treatment
Biological treatment is considered as simple, inexpensive and environmental friendly for the
degradation of wastes. Certain factors such as temperature, aeration rate, pH, and nutrients affect the
performance of biological treatment (Ali et al., 2015). In biological processes, microbes used oxidize and
degrade the organic materials and utilise the carbon and energy for their growth. The drawbacks of
biological methods are its slow speeds and more uncertainty. Biological methods are of two types:

1. Anaerobic treatment
Anaerobic processes produces small amount of sludge and consumes less amount of energy and also
generate useful biogas which makes it a profitable process (Mailleret et al., 2003). Organic shock

In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

Figure 2. Different methodologies of distillery spent wash (Adopted from Bhardwaj et al., 2019).
Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020)
Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

loadings, low pH and show slow degradation, and longer hydraulic retention times (HRT) are some of
the factors or drawbacks which affect the performance of anaerobic treatment processes. These entire
drawbacks are continuously eliminated in different upgraded anaerobic treatment process.
Conventional digester: In this process the wastewater is treated in a single tank using acidification,
methane fermentation and sludge thickening processes without any heat and mixing (Bhardwaj et al.,
Phasic digestion: In single phasic system, there is only one reactor while in biphasic system, there are
two reactors. In biphasic system acidogenic and methanogenic reactions occur in separate reactors. The
end products of acidogenesis phase are formate, acetate, lactate, ethanol, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and
C3 and higher volatile fatty acids while the end products of methanogenesis phase are methane and
carbon dioxide (Gosh, 1990; Seth et al., 1995). A three phase fluidised bed biofilm reactor was also used
for distillery effluent treatment (Kumaresan et al., 2009; Lakshmikanth and Virupakshi, 2012)
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB): This is high rate anaerobic, well-established wastewater
treatment method applied for treatment of food industry, distilleries, tanneries and municipalities
wastewaters. Three phase separators, sludge bed, and sludge blanket are the different components of
the reactor (gas-liquid solid, GLS separator). Continuous recirculation process is used to kept the
micro-organisms in the suspension form and for that an internal settler was used at the top of the
reactor (Patyal, 2015). Treatment occurs as the wastewater comes in contact with the granules and/or
thick flocculent sludge. This type of reactor treatment was studied by several researchers (Kansal et al.,
1998; Goodwin and Stuart, 1994; Florencio et al., 1997; Harada et al., 1996).
Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Filter (FBR): In this technology, the carriers for the biofilm are fluidised bed.
The media used are small particle size sand, activated carbon and inert materials. In the fluidized state,
each medium provides a large surface area for biofilm formation and growth. The energy demand in
technology is very high.
Hybrid reactor: Hybrid, an anaerobic digester, filled with sludge bed at the bottom can be used for
treatment of wastewaters of both high and low strength. Hybrid reactor is taller than the UASB reactor
(Patyal, 2015).
Fixed bed reactor: In this reactor, an inert plastic material is used as filter medium of high specific
surface for the growth of biomass are used with external separation and recirculation of sludge.
Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR): The main steps in anaerobic sequencing batch reactors
(ASBRs) are feed, reaction, settling and decantation. The reaction and solid-liquid separation occurs in
the same vessel. The first step involves the addition of substrate to the reactor where the contents are
continuously mixed. The volume of substrate fed depends on a number of factors, including the desired
hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading, and expected settling characteristics. The conversion
of biodegradable organic matter to biogas is achieved. Banerjee and Biswas (2004) worked on these
types of reactors.

In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020)

Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) Anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

Anaerobic hybrid reactor Fixed bed reactor (FBR)

Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) Trickling filter

Figure 3. Various methods and reactors used for the treatment of distillery spent wash.

Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

2. Aerobic treatment
After the treatment with anaerobic process, the treated water still contains the undesirable
concentration of pollutants. The most important pollutant remains after the anaerobic treatment is
colourant compound. After anaerobic treatment, aerobic treatment of distillery spent wash is
performed for the decolourization of the major colourant compounds and for the reduction of the COD
and BOD (Mohana et al., 2009).
Activated Sludge Process (ASP): Most common biological method for the treatment of industrial and
municipal wastewater. Aeration of incoming wastewater is performed with intermittent supply of
micro-organism in an aeration tank. Aeration tank (reactor), clarifier, and recirculation system are the
essential steps of ASP. Organic materials are biodegraded by being in contact with micro-organisms
within an aerobic environment. Activated sludge treatment is regarded as a suspended growth process
due to microbes being suspended in the water.
Trickling Filter (TF): Trickling filters also called attached-growth processes are used to the biological
treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater for approximately 100 years. The fixed or rotating
arms distribute or spray the wastewater over media or rocks that are covered with a biological layer of
slime and provide the oxygenation to the water. Microbes present in slime layer (mainly bacteria and
algae and various other organisms such as protozoa and metazoa), break down the organic matter. This
system also requires a lot of energy and man power so considered as unsustainable.
Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC): Used for the treatment of carbon-based wastewater. Closely
spaced circular plastic disks partly submerged into a tank moved through untreated wastewater.
Microbial films developed on the surface of the circular disks degrade the organic material in the
presence of air. Although, RBC, activated sludge process and trickling filter treatments are mostly
similar to each other but the formation of biofilm on the disk process is the principal feature of RBC.
RBC requires less land area, and has high removal rates of BOD. It is also an energy intensive process.
Phytoremediation /constructed wetlands: Phytoremediation, an emerging low-cost is the process of
treating the effluent with the help of plants. Aquatic plants reduce the level of BOD, toxic metals, and
solids from the wastewaters excellently (Kumar and Chandra, 2004). Billore et al. (2001) studies the
potential of Typha latipholia and Phragmites karka for the treatment of distillery effluent in constructed
wetlands. Kumar and Chandra (2004) successfully treated distillery effluent in a two-stage process
using a bacterium Bacillus thuringienesis and a macrophytes Spirodela polyrrhiza. A similar biphasic
treatment was also performed with B. thuringienesis and Typha angustata by Chandra et al. (2008).
Similar works were performed by Bama et al. (2013) and Bhardwaj and Bhasin (2012). Distillery spent
was also treated using nanofiltration (Dave et al., 2013), Electrocoagulation (Wagh and Nemade, 2015;
Vijaya et al., 2013), Adsorption (Kulkarni, 2013), and Fungal treatment (Tripathi et al., 2007).

In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020)

Need of the present study

In highly growing population, industrialization, and energy consumption, coupled with an increasing
on fossil fuels, the energy security needs of the world continue to escalate. Till date Indian government
was not permitted the alcohol blending in motor fuels, due to which the use of alcohol is less but if the
government will permit, there will be drastic increase in the demand of alcohol which results in the
production of huge amount of DSW. Treatment and safe disposal of the raw spent wash has been a big
challenge for a long time (Balasubramanian and Kannan, 2016). The present study was performed on
the water treatment plant of UP Co-operative distillery Jahangirabad, Anoopsahar (UP). The plant is
continuously struggling to improve the quality of the effluent. Therefore the plant started both the
process (aerobic and anaerobic) but running them separately. Thus the present study was carried out to
characterize the raw distillery effluent (DSW) and compare the efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic
process for the remediation of selected physicochemical parameters.
For the present study UP Co-operative distillery Jahangirabad, Anoopsahar (UP) was selected. In the
plant, the DSW was treated with both aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes. For the present study
raw distillery effluent, outlet of aerobic and anaerobic treatment process was collected twice in a month
in morning hours (7 am-10 am) from UP Co-operative distillery Jahangirabad, Anoopsahar (UP) for a
period of five months (From October 2019 to February 2020). A total of ten sampling were performed
and named as sampling number 1 to 10 (SN-1 to SN 10). Grab water samples from all the sites were
collected in plastic jerry cans keeping and opening Jerri cans below the water surface. Caps of cans
were removed and closed after filling up inside the water and then the water samples were transported
to the laboratory directly and analysis were performed for following physicochemical parameters viz.
Colour, Temperature, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), pH, Acidity, Dissolved Oxygen (Winkler method),
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
and Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA). All the analysis was performed within 24 hour of sampling. Analysis of
water was done according to standard methods as prescribed by APHA (2012), Trivedy and Goel (1986)
and Khanna and Bhutiani (2008) for the examination of the water and waste water.
Aerobic treatment processes of DSW are those processes which are operated in the presence of oxygen
while anaerobic treatment processes are those which are operated in the absence of oxygen. The results
of aerobic treatment and anaerobic treatment are presented in Table 1 and Figure 4. The minimum,
maximum and average temperature was observed 68.00C, 76.00C and 71.30C±2.6 in RAW-DSW while
28.00C, 33.00C and 30.40C±1.6 with aerobic treatment and 29.00C, 36.00C and 32.10C±2.0 with anaerobic
treatment. The minimum, maximum and average temperature removal was observed 54.3%, 60.0% and
57.3% in aerobic treatment while 49.3%, 58.7% and 54.9% in anaerobic treatment.
The minimum, maximum and average TSS was observed 1380mg/L, 1560mg/L and 1496.6mg/L±56.0 in
RAW-DSW while 160mg/L, 220mg/L and 186.0mg/L±17.0 with aerobic treatment and 80mg/L, 210mg/L

Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

and 143.6mg/L±48.5 with anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average TSS removal was
observed 85.5%, 89.7% and 87.5% in aerobic treatment while 86.1%, 94.9% and 90.4% in anaerobic
treatment. The minimum, maximum and average pH was observed 4.2, 4.5 and 4.1±0.1 RAW-DSW
while 7.2, 7.8 and 7.5±0.1with aerobic treatment and 7.8, 8.5 and 8.1±0.2 with anaerobic treatment. The
minimum, maximum and average pH gain was observed 60.0%, 78.6% and 70.7% respectively in
aerobic treatment while 73.3%, 95.2% and 85.2% in anaerobic treatment. In most of the research an
increase in the pH was observed (Banu et al., 2007; Mohana et al., 2009; Mise et al., 2013).
BOD removal is indicative of the efficiency of biological treatment processes and is the most widely
used parameter to measure wastewater quality. The minimum, maximum and average BOD was
observed 31876mg/L, 34145mg/L and 32869.2mg/L±835.5 in RAW-DSW while 20032mg/L, 22012mg/L
and 20848.7mg/L±581.8 with aerobic treatment and 8509mg/L, 10000mg/L and 9316.8mg/L±487.9 with
anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average BOD removal was observed 34.2%, 38.7%
and 36.6% respectively in aerobic treatment while 68.9%, 74.5% and 71.6% in anaerobic treatment.
Results are in accordance with that of Mallick et al. (2010). COD is the amount of oxygen required for
the breakdown of organic and inorganic matter chemically (Akan et al., 2008). The minimum, maximum
and average COD was observed 82000mg/L, 86198mg/L and 85010.2mg/L±1548.1 in RAW-DSW while
48087mg/L, 51134mg/L and 49180.9mg/L±1054.5 with aerobic treatment and 36056mg/L, 37900mg/L
and 36871.0mg/L±628.4 with anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average COD removal
was observed 38.9%, 44.2% and 42.1% respectively in aerobic treatment while 54.9%, 58.1% and 56.6%
in anaerobic treatment. Our results are in accordance with that of Kumar et al. (2006), Kumar et al.
(2020) and Mise et al. (2013)
The Kjeldahl method consisting of three steps viz. digestion, distillation and titration is a method of
quantification of the nitrogen content in different soil and water samples. The minimum, maximum and
average TKN was observed 900mg/L, 1040mg/L and 960.0mg/L±52.5 in RAW-DSW while 240mg/L,
288mg/L and 266.7mg/L±14.6 with aerobic treatment and 231mg/L, 270mg/L and 251.9mg/L±13.2 with
anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average TKN removal was observed 70.4%, 74.5%
and 72.2% respectively in aerobic treatment while 71.7%, 75.9% and 73.7% in anaerobic treatment. More
or less similar results were obtained by Banu et al. (2007) and Kumar et al. (2006). The minimum,
maximum and average acidity was observed 1650mg/L, 2220mg/L and 2027.0mg/L±165.0 in RAW-DSW
while 695mg/L, 867mg/L and 754.4mg/L±52.0 with aerobic treatment and 80mg/L, 760mg/L and
577.0mg/L±121.1 with anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average acidity removal was
observed 55.5%, 65.6% and 62.6% respectively in aerobic treatment while 59.6%, 79.4% and 71.6% in
anaerobic treatment. Our results are in accordance with that of Shivayogimath and Ramanujam (1999).
The minimum, maximum and average VFA was observed 4856mg/L, 5876mg/L and 5181.2mg/L±311.8
in RAW-DSW while 3102mg/L, 4988mg/L and 4065.7mg/L±626.6 with aerobic treatment and 2474mg/L,
3015mg/L and 2724.8mg/L±158.3 with anaerobic treatment. The minimum, maximum and average VFA

In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020)

Table 1. Average values of all the parameters and their average removal through aerobic and anaerobic
treatment process during the study period.
Parameters/treatment RAW-DSW Aerobic % removal Anaerobic % removal
Temperature 71.3 30.4 -57.4 32.1 -55.0
TSS 1496.6 186.0 -87.6 143.6 -90.4
pH 4.38 7.5 +70.5 8.1 +85.2
BOD 32869.2 20848.7 -36.6 9316.8 -71.7
COD 85010.2 49180.9 -42.1 36871.0 -56.6
TKN 960 266.7 -72.2 251.9 -73.8
Acidity 2027 754.4 -62.8 577.0 -71.5
VFA 9681.2 4065.7 -58.0 2724.8 -71.9

Figure 4. Percent efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic treatment process for all the studied parameters.

removal was observed 0.6%, 39.4% and 21.4% respectively in aerobic treatment while 44.6%, 54.7% and
47.3% in anaerobic treatment. Our results are in accordance with that of Banu et al. (2007).

The objective of the present study is the comparative assessment of treatment efficiency of aerobic and
anaerobic treatment processes treating the effluent of a distillery plant. The raw effluent of the distillery
(RAW-DSW) was found highly polluted during all the samplings. Influent was observed highly acidic
in nature. After the treatment aerobic and anaerobic treatment, pH was increased and the effluent
becomes near neutral in case aerobic treatment and slightly alkaline in case of anaerobic treatment.
When overall efficiency of both the treatment processes was compared, it was observed that anaerobic
treatment processes are much effective for the treatment of distillery effluent. The concentration of

Mukesh Ruhela et al. (2020) In: Advances in Environmental Pollution Management

parameters of outlet from both the treatment processes was found above the standards limits of
discharge. Although anaerobic treatment processes improve the quality of outlet, yet the performance
is not satisfactory and it requires further attention to improve the quality of effluent to meet the
discharge limits. Our recommendation for the distillery industry wastewater treatment is the use of
both anaerobic and aerobic treatment process in combination one after the other to achieve the
desirable water quality.

Conflict of interest: The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.

The authors are thankful to the UP Co-operative distillery Jahangirabad, Anoopsahar (UP) and the
workers working in the treatment plant for their continuous support during sampling and analysis of
the samples and also to the Department of Environmental Engineering, (SITE), Swami Vivekanand
Subharti University, Meerut-250005, (UP) India for providing necessary facilities during the course of

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Cite this chapter as: Ruhela, M., Sahu, M.K., Bhardwaj, S. and Ahamad, F. (2020). Distillery spent wash treatment
technologies: A case study of the comparative efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes. In: Advances in
Environmental Pollution Management: Wastewater Impacts and Treatment Technologies, Volume 1, Eds. Kumar, V., Kamboj,
N., Payum, T., Singh, J. and Kumar, P., pp. 215-229, https://doi.org/10.26832/aesa-2020-aepm-014


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