Measuring Elements and Actuators
Measuring Elements and Actuators
Measuring Elements and Actuators
signal path from the Block diagram of the elements in a process-control loop
output back to the input
to correct for any
variation between the
output level from the set
• Instrument is the name
of any of the various
device types for
indicating or measuring
physical quantities or
conditions, performance,
position, direction, and Measuring Elements are:
the like. Sensors are devices that can detect physical variables, such as temperature,
• The measuring element light intensity, or motion, to give a measurable output.
consists of a sensor, a Transducers are devices that can change one form of energy to another
transducer, and a Transmitters are devices used to amplify and format signals so that they
transmitter with its own are suitable for transmission over long distances with zero or minimal loss of
regulated power supply information.
• Transmitters are devices
used to amplify and
format signals so that ✓ The transmitted signal can be in one of the
they are suitable for several formats, i.e., pneumatic, digital,
transmission over long analog voltage, analog current, or as a radio
distances with zero or frequency (RF) modulated signal.
minimal loss of
information. ✓ Transmitted signal is amplified to increase
• Electrical supply is signal and reduce noise to improve its form
required for all control
systems. ✓ Digital transmission is preferred in newer
• Regulated Power or systems because the controller is a digital
Voltage is provided to system.
avoid electrical noise
affecting performance of ✓ Analog signals can be accurately digitized
sensors, transducers and
transmitters. ✓ Digital signals can be transmitted without
• Noise. Any disturbance loss of information
to the signal.
• Sensor signals, normally
low-level dc signals, Operational Amplifiers
needs to be amplified
before transmitted to a
central control unit, or
used to operate
indicators or actuators. Op-amp Symbol
• Integrated circuit 8-pin 16-pin DIP
interconnection of
multiple active devices
on a single chip to make
an operational amplifier Typical specifications of Op-amp Example of Discrete Amplifier
• LM741/107. general
Voltage gain 200,000
purpose op-amp
Output impedance 75 Ω
• DIP. Dual inline package.
Input impedance bipolar 2MΩ
• Discrete amplifiers are
Input impedance MOS 1012 Ω
not suitable for sensor
signal amplification
because of their
temperature drift and
variations in stage gain
• Input offset voltage. The
voltage that must be Operational Amplifiers Offset Control
applied between the
inputs to drive the
output voltage to zero.
• Input offset current. The
input current required to
drive the output voltage
to zero. Offset control is use when amplifying small signals to set the dc
• Input bias current. output of the amplifier to zero when the dc input is zero
Average of the two input
currents required to
drive the output voltage
to zero.
• Slew rate. The rate of
rise of the output voltage
(V/μs) when a step
voltage is applied to the
• Unity gain frequency.
This is the frequency Voltage Amplifier
where the voltage gain is
• Feedback stabilizes the
amplifier, minimizes dc
drift, and sets the gain to
a known value.
• The voltage gain of the Inverting Voltage Amplifier Non-inverting Voltage Amplifier
amplifier can be adjusted −𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 −𝑅2 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑅2
with different values of
𝐺= = 𝐺 =1+ =1+
𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑅1
R2 or can be varied by
adding a potentiometer Example: In an inverting amplifier, resistor R1 = 1,200 Ω and resistor R2 = 150k Ω,
in series with R2. what is the gain and what is the output voltage amplitude if the ac input is 3.5mV.
• The feedback stabilizes Ans: G=125, Eo = -0.44 V
the amplifier, minimizes
dc drift, and sets the gain
to a known value.
• Op-amps can also be
used as current Converters
amplifiers, voltage to
current and current to
voltage converters, and
• Transfer function μ (or Current to Voltage Voltage to Current
ratio) is the relation −𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡
μ = = 𝑅1 Ω 𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 −𝑅2
between input and 𝐼𝑖𝑛 μ= = mhos 𝑅1(𝑅3 + 𝑅5)= R2R4
𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑅1𝑅3
Example: the input current is 165 μA and the output voltage is −2.9 V.
What is the transfer ratio and the value of R1?
Ans: μ =17.6kV/A, R1 = 17.6kΩ
• Current Amplifiers are
devices that amplify Current Amplifier
• In industrial
instrumentation a
converter is sometimes
referred to as a current
𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑅 2𝑅 6
𝐼𝑖𝑛 𝑅 1𝑅 3
Output: 8 bits
19.53mV rise = 1 bit
Types of Actuators (in ref to Source Energy)
✓ Supercoiled Polymer Actuators
• Linear actuators are Most well-known Actuators
devices that produce
movement within a
straight path
Electric motors. Any part of a piece of equipment or appliance that
• Rotary actuators create translates electrical energy into motion, such as those found in
a circular motion. ventilation fans, blenders, or refrigerators, contains at least one
Stepper motors. These actuators are best known for receiving digital
pulses and converting them into mechanical motion. Stepper motors
are often seen in robots, smart tools, or automated cutting equipment.