Vacuum Dehydration
Vacuum Dehydration
Vacuum Dehydration
FORM 160.81-NOM1 (1001)
* Based Upon Standard Atmosphere NOTES: PSIG = lbs. per sq. in. gauge pressure
Standard Atmosphere = 14.696 PSIA = Pressure above atmospheric
= Atmospheric Pressure at Sea Level PSIA = lbs. per sq. in. Absolute Pressure
= 760 Mm Gh. Absolute Pressure at 32°F = Sum of Gauge plus Atmospheric Pressure
= 29.921 inches Hg. Hg = Mercury
kPa = kilopascals
FORM 160.81-NOM1 (1001)
5. Close the system charging valve and the stop valve The refrigerant charge level must be checked after the
between the vacuum indicator and the vacuum pressure and temperature have equalized between the
pump (See Fig. 18.). Then disconnect the vacuum condenser and cooler. This would be expected to be 4
pump leaving the vacuum indicator in place. hours or more after the compressor and water pumps
6. Hold the vacuum obtained in Step 3 in the system are stopped. The level should be at the center of the
for 8 hours; the slightest rise in pressure indicates upper sight glass.
a leak or the presence of moisture, or both. If, after
8 hours the wet bulb temperature in the vacuum Charge the refrigerant in accordance with the method
indicator has not risen above 40°F or a pressure of shown under Refrigerant Charging. The refrigerant
6.3 mm Hg, the system may be considered tight. level should be observed and the level recorded after
initial charging.
Be sure the vacuum indicator is valved
off while holding the system vacuum VACUUM DEHYDRATION
and be sure to open the valve between
the vacuum indicator and the system To obtain a sufficiently dry system, the following in-
when checking the vacuum after the structions have been assembled to provide an effec-
8 hour period. tive method for evacuating and dehydrating a system
in the field. Although there are several methods of
7. If the vacuum does not hold for 8 hours within the
dehydrating a system, we are recommending the fol-
limits specified in Step 6 above, the leak must be
lowing, as it produces one of the best results, and af-
found and repaired.
fords a means of obtaining accurate readings as to the
extent of dehydration.
To avoid the possibility of freezing liquid within the
cooler tubes when charging an evacuated system, only
The equipment required to follow this method of dehy-
refrigerant vapor from the top of the drum or cylinder
dration consists of a wet bulb indicator or vacuum
must be admitted to the system pressure until the sys-
gauge, a chart showing the relation between dew point
tem pressure is raised above the point corresponding to
temperature and pressure in inches of mercury
the freezing point of the cooler liquid. For water, the
(vacuum), (See Table 11) and a vacuum pump capable
pressure corresponding to the freezing point is 57.5
of pumping a suitable vacuum on the system.
PSIG for R-134a (at sea level).
While charging, every precaution must be taken to pre-
vent moisture laden air from entering the system. Make Dehydration of a refrigerant system can be obtained by
up a suitable charging connection from new copper tub- this method because the water present in the system
ing to fit between the system charging valve and the reacts much as a refrigerant would. By pulling down
fitting on the charging cylinder. This connection should the pressure in the system to a point where its satura-
be as short as possible but long enough to permit suffi- tion temperature is considerably below that of room
cient flexibility for changing cylinders. The charging temperature, heat will flow from the room through the
connection should be purged each time a full container walls of the system and vaporize the water, allowing a
of refrigerant is connected and changing containers large percentage of it to be removed by the vacuum
should be done as quickly as possible to minimize the pump. The length of time necessary for the dehydra-
loss of refrigerant. tion of a system is dependent on the size or volume of
the system, the capacity and efficiency of the vacuum
pump, the room temperature and the quantity of water
present in the system. By the use of the vacuum indica-
The refrigerant charge is specified for each chiller tor as suggested, the test tube will be evacuated to the
model. Charge the correct amount of refrigerant and same pressure as the system, and the distilled water will
record the level in the cooler sight glass. be maintained at the same saturation temperature as any
free water in the system, and this temperature can be
The refrigerant charge should always be checked and observed on the thermometer.
trimmed when the system is shut down.