Pharmaceutical Preparation and Evaluation of Cold Cream
Pharmaceutical Preparation and Evaluation of Cold Cream
Pharmaceutical Preparation and Evaluation of Cold Cream
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Since the beginning of time, creams have been beautification of skin. Cold cream is the water in oil
valued as essential topical preparations in cosmetic emulsion. Cold cream gives the prolonged contact time in
products because of how simple it is to apply and remove the site of application as compared to the other semisolid
them from the skin. Pharmaceutical creams are used for dosage form or formulation.
a number of aesthetic purposes, including cleansing,
beautifying, modifying look, moisturising, etc. They also They give elegancy to the skin and it is not that much
protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections and greasy. Due to the oil phase, it gives an emollience to the
can be used to treat skin injuries including burns, cuts, skin. The function of the cold cream is for restoring
and wounds. The general population and society can moisture to dry skin, it allows to eliminate the waste
safely employ these semi-solid preparations. The materials from the pores and also cools the body. It is easily
products used to enhance and beautify human watered washable and easy to wash away. They are non-
appearances are known as herbal cosmetics. The current irritating when applied on the skin. The water phase
study's objective was to design and assess herbal cold provides the skin with additional protection. At body
creams that contained plant extracts made utilising the temperature, it becomes liquefiable. It enters the skin
water in oil method for the goal of moisturising and through the pores of the skin's epidermis.Galen, a Greek
nourishing the skin.Neem oil and turmeric extract are physician who created the cold cream formulation in the
used to make the cold cream. Utilising several evaluation second century, is credited with developing it. He made a
techniques, the created product’s quality was evaluated. mixture of water, beeswax, and rose petals. These were the
The physical characteristics of the cream formulation main moisturiser components he used to create the cold
did not alter. During the research study period, the cream. Galen's cream was the common name for this skin
cream formulation demonstrated good consistency and lotion. Cold creams can be used to remove temporary tattoo
spreadability, homogeneity, pH, non-greasy properties, marks and then removed with a cotton ball in addition to
and no signs of phase separation. There was no moisturising the skin. Uses of cold creams are also related to
discernible change in the created cream’s viscosity, the creation of children's face paint.[1]
aroma, or visual appearance during the research period,
according to stability measures. As the water in the II. TOPICAL DRUG DELIVERY
emulsion slowly evaporates, the cooling and calming
effects of the herbal extract with cold cream are The administration of medications to the human body
produced. Cold creams are more moisturising because through a variety of routes, including oral, sublingual, rectal,
they create an oily barrier to stop the loss of water from parental, topical, inhalation, etc., has been used to treat
the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin. illnesses during the past few decades. Topical delivery is
They are water-in-oil emulsion and intended for the application of a drug-containing formulation to the skin
application on skin or accessible mucous membrane to to treat a cutaneous disorder or the cutaneous manifestations
provide localized and sometimes systemic effect at the of a general disease (such as psoriasis) directly with the goal
site of application. of containing the pharmacological or the effect of the drug
to the surface of the skin or within the skin. Semisolid
Keywords:- Beeswax, Parrafin. formulations in all their variety dominate the system for
topical delivery, but foams, spray, medicated lotions, and
I. INTRODUCTION other forms of topical administration are also used.[1, 2]
The following several test may perform to evaluate the Table 4 Stability Testing
quality of cold cream. Stability parameter Result
Color No change
Morphological Evaluation: This refers to the manual Odour No change
evaluation of an ice cream’s physical characteristics Texture No change
based on its colour, flavour, and texture. pH No change
pH: In order to calibrate the pH metre, standard buffer
solution was used. With the aid of a digital pH metre, Irritancy Test:
weigh 0.5 g of cream and dissolve it in 50.0 ml of The table below displays the results of the irritancy
purified water. test. During irritancy trials, the formulation displayed
Test for Spreadability: The cream sample was placed in absence of irritation, redness, and edema. This formulation
between the two glass slides and compacted to a is skin safe for usage.
uniform thickness by applying weight for five minutes
before adding more weight to the weighing pan. The Table 5 Result of Irritancy Test
spreadability was measured by the amount of time the Irritancy test Result
upper glass slide travelled across the lower slide. Irritation No
Stability Test: A month-long stability test was Edema No
conducted on the developed formulation by storing it at Redness No
various temperatures. While being maintained at Swelling No
various temperatures, including room temperature and
40°c, the packed glass vials of formulation were Spreadability: The Spreadability of cold cream was
examined for physical traits such as colour, aroma, pH, shown in table and found to be
consistency, and feel.
To Test for Irritability, mark a 1-square-centimeter Table 6 Result of Spreadability Test
region on the left dorsal surface. The cream was applied Formula Average spreadbility
to the designated region, and the duration was recorded. FI 6.5
The presence of irritation was monitored for up to 24
hours at regular intervals. Homogenicity: The homogenicity of cold cream was
Homogeneity: The homogeneity was examined visually quite good enough.
and tested. [10]