Ined Assignment

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Du Plessis (2013) explains that inclusive education in south African condition is

explained as learning environment that encourages the full personal, academic, and
professional development of all the learners regardless of their race, their class gender,
disability, of their religion, culture, their sexual preference and even regardless of their
learning style and language. The reason inclusive education was introduced is because
learning barriers within education system. On the other hand, DBE (2001) defines
inclusive education in south Africa as recognizing that all children and youth being able
to learn and needing support, this inclusive education is allowing education
organizations in south Africa, the system and the rules for learners meet all the need of
learners. This essay will look explicitly how the policies in South Africa support the
rights of learners in respect of their access in education and how barriers of learning
can and should be supported within this Inclusive education system in South African
school context. The essay will also share a bit about how does a white paper education
in connection or align with this inclusive education.

Shepard, Hannaway and Barker (2009) state that DBE provide a framework policy
document that is called white policy which is called [Special Needs Education] that is
meant for building an Inclusive education and training system. DBE (2001) claims the
reason for this policy was because of small percentage of learners with disabilities at
the time were receiving special education and support, thus when white paper was
introduced it brought out new expression like a full service and district-based support
teams. White paper 6 policy came from the need for changes that needed to be made to
the provision of education and training so that it can give response and be sensitive to
various range of learning needs, Shepard, Hannaway and Barker (2009). Inclusive
education is about recognizing that all children and youth can be able learn and those
who need support can get it, it’s also about accepting, recognizing, and respecting that
all learners are different in one way of another. Therefore, it’s the implemented to make
sure that since they all also have different learning needs as well, they are valued
equally and they normally part of human experience. The DBE (2014) proposes that not
every learner who experience barriers to learning, together with learners who have
disabilities have access to suitable support. Therefore, this policy is planned to make
sure that a more careful and consistent process of assessments, of identification, and of
support to learners beyond the system.
DBE (2014) states that the SIAS policy purpose is to give framework for the
implementation of procedures to identify, to access and provide programmes. to all
learners who need additional support to increase their participation and involvement in
schools. According to DBE (2014) this policy was put in place with the aim of improving
access to quality education for learners who are unsafe and to those who experience
barriers in learning, and along learners who are unique and in special school. Those
learners who are primary children that are failing to learn because of whatever reason.
Module reader (2022) stresses that the main policy of SAIS is to be able to control and
to support teaching and learning within the framework of the National curriculum
Statement Grades R-12. The very same policy gives guidelines on how learners in
special schools and settings and it also accepts the central role that is played by parents
and teachers, it is the one that guides the system on how to plan on how to budget and
programme support at all levels, DBE (2014).

Schenectady city school district (2015) state that SBST is the school-based support
team, it gives support to teachers by suggesting classroom-based involvement for
learners who are finding difficulties academically or behaviourally. The purpose for this
team is to make sure that all students are given the chance be successful in education
classroom, how they are doing that is by giving an organized support system to the
teachers and parents when learners are finding difficulties. Module reader (2022)
SBST should always include the parents in and inform them about the decisions that are
taken to support the learner. SBST should issue training/support to be carried out in the
classroom, if necessary, they are also ought to draw in the resources needed from inside
the school as well as outside the school to talk about those challenges and try finding
solutions for them, according to DBE (2014). Whereas the role of the teacher in an
inclusive classroom is for them to grow a positive attitude between normal and disabled
learners in the classroom, they are to make sure that suitable adjustments in the
curriculum activities so that the children with disabilities learn according to their
abilities, Du Plessis (2013) .Teachers are supposed be able to be adjusted in examining
children with special needs along with those who are normal, they also need to make
the uncovering of barriers through observation interviews and consultation, reflection
formative action and that they are mentally and emotional stable for the curriculum,
DBE (2014).

In conclusion children with disabilities were at a disadvantage when it comes to

learning and education, as in the old system or old days the was no policy in align to
assist them. As a result, many children with learning disabilities were dropping out of
school, because teachers did not have the proper training to teach them as well along
with other normal learners in the classroom. Thus, the department of Education in
South Africa has introduced or placed policies that would work and assist those learners
to also be equally recognized and be able to get assistants in the classroom when
needed. Introducing the IE policy, and the SIAS having influence on the teacher’s day-
day teaching experience has made a difference. Even though South African classroom
are still far from having a perfect classroom, but we have come a long way as a nation.
Teachers can get assistant in class so that they can give individual attention or assistant
to children who need specialised attention, this essay has reflected on the policies that
are in place to assist with learning barriers in schools.

DBE. 2001. Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education. Building an inclusive Education and
Training system. Pretoria. ISBN: 0-7970-3923-6.

Shepard, L., Hannaway, J., and Baker, E. 2009. Education Policy White paper. National Academy of
Education. Journal available [Online] at: Accessed
27. May.2022.

4. DBE.2014. Policy on Screening, Identification and assessment and Support. Department of

Education. Journal [Online Available] at:

Schenectady city school district. 2015. School based Team Guide. Journal [online available ] at:
Accessed 27. May.2022.

INED 7211 Module Reader. 2022. Inclusive Education as an International Human Right’s Issue.
Accessed 27. May.2022.

Du Plessis, P. 2013. Legislation and Policies: Progress towards the right to inclusive education.
Journal [Available online ] at :
Journal-Potchefstroomse-Elektroniese-Regsblad-1727-3781. Accessed 27. May.2022.

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