Previewing The Text To Get An Overview
Previewing The Text To Get An Overview
Previewing The Text To Get An Overview
Previewing a text means that you get an idea of what it is about without
actually reading the main body of the text.
When to use it: to help you decide whether a book or journal is useful for your
purpose: to get a general sense of the article structure.
Then read only the parts that 'jump out'; that is: main headings and sub
headings, chapter summaries, any highlighted text
When to use it: to quickly locate relevant sections from a large quantity of
written material.
How to skim:
• Note any bold print and graphics.
• Start at the beginning of the reading and glide your eyes over the text very
• Do not actually read the text in total. You may read a few words of every
paragraph, perhaps the first and last sentences.
3. Scanning
Scanning is sweeping your eyes (like radar) over part of a text to find specific
pieces of information.
When to use it: to quickly locate specific information from a large quantity of
written material.
To scan text:
Start scanning the text by allowing your eyes (or finger) to move quickly
over a page.
When you locate information requiring attention, you then slow down to
read the relevant section more thoroughly. Scanning and skimming are
no substitutes for thorough reading and should only be used to locate
material quickly.
4. Intensive reading
Intensive reading is detailed, focused, 'study reading of those important parts,
pages or chapters.
When to use it: When you have previewed an article and used the techniques
of skimming and scanning to find what you need to concentrate on, then you
can slow down and do some intensive reading.
• Start at the beginning. Underline any unfamiliar words or phrases, but do not
stop the flow of your reading.
• If the text is relatively easy, underline, highlight or make brief notes (see the
section on making notes from readings).
• If the text is difficult, read it through at least once
5. Critical Reading
Being critical in an academic context does not mean simply criticising or finding
fault'. It means understanding how ideas have been arrived at, and evaluating
their strengths
And weaknesses. Here are some of the main features of critical reading.
Being an ACTIVE reader means being a CRITICAL reader. The purpose of critical
reading is to gain a deeper understanding of the material. It involves reading in
depth and actively questioning what you read.