Gluten-Free Crackers Based On Chickpea and Pumpkin
Gluten-Free Crackers Based On Chickpea and Pumpkin
Gluten-Free Crackers Based On Chickpea and Pumpkin
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Gluten-Free Crackers Based on Chickpea and Pumpkin Seed Press Cake Flour:
Nutritional, Functional and Sensory Properties
1University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Research background. Despite the growing trend of the gluten-free market and the presence of
a wide range of gluten-free products, there are still some shortcomings of these products in terms of
nutritional and sensory quality. The commercially available gluten-free products are characterised as
products of inferior nutritional quality, particularly in terms of protein and dietary fibre content and with
high glycemic index. On the other hand, from a sensory point of view, gluten-free products usually show
inappropriate textural and mechanical properties, poor mouthfeel and flavour. This is a consequence of
the limiting choice of raw materials that mainly possess large share of carbohydrate components.
Experimental approach. Chickpea flour (ChF) and two types of pumpkin seed press cake flour
(virgin (VF) and cold pressed (CF)), at two substitution levels (20 and 35 %, m/m) were blend to produce
gluten-free crackers without the presence of conventional gluten-free starch-rich ingredients. This study
*Corresponding author:
Phone: +3814853780
E-mail: [email protected]
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aims to investigate the suitability of using these non-conventional flours on nutritional and physico-
chemical properties, sensory acceptability, antioxidant activity and glycemic index of crackers.
Results and conclusions. All produced crackers can bear a nutritional claims "high fibre", "source
of protein", "source of minerals". Replacing ChF with VF and CF increased protein and total phenolic
content and enhanced antioxidant activity. The selected combination of raw materials allows the
production of gluten-free crackers with a moderate glycemic index. Besides nutrient content, CF addition
increased overall sensory acceptability, noticeably improving taste and flavour scores compared to
Control and VF containing counterparts.
Novelty and scientific contribution. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study investigating
the use of chickpea and pumpkin seed press cake flour blend without using conventional gluten-free
flours and starches. The used non-conventional flours represent complementary raw materials in terms
of protein quality and valuable alternatives to produce nutrient dense, health promoting gluten-free
crackers with reduced glycemic response and acceptable sensory properties.
Keywords: gluten-free; chickpea flour; pumpkin seed press cake flour; glycemic index; total phenolic
content; protein content
In the circumstances of constant population growth and modern diet trends, the food industry
faces great challenges in its desire to balance market dynamics and sustainable supply of various
nutritious foods. The baked products (bread, biscuits, and crackers) as the core of the consumer segment
in the food industry are particularly susceptible to modifications and constant development in order to
improve their nutritional composition without compromising consumer acceptability. In this regard, the
utilization of various food ingredients which will provide adequate nutritional effects becomes the priority
for both the food scientist and the food industry.
For the new food ingredients, especially in the case of gluten-free products, it is desirable to
provide dual benefit of enhancing nutritional and retaining or improving technological quality of final
products. How gluten-free products are recognized as products with inferior nutritional quality, many
studies with different technological and compositional approaches were devoted to the fortification of this
category of food (1–4).
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The lower dietary fibre and complex carbohydrates contents along with higher glycemic index (GI)
are considered as main drawbacks of gluten-free diet (5). In addition, a lower protein content compared
to their gluten-containing counterparts has also been reported (6,7).
A compromise between the health benefits of a gluten-free diet and its nutritionally balanced
profile and technological quality is very difficult to achieve. The reason for this is certainly the limiting
choice in terms of raw materials that would provide the functional properties characteristic of gluten. By
reviewing the literature data, but also by looking at commercially available gluten-free products, it is
evident that rice and corn flour, as well as starches of different origins, are the most common ingredients
of gluten-free products (5,8). Their selection is based primarily on the fact that they are of neutral taste
and acceptable colour, good digestibility and hypoallergenic properties (9,10). On the other hand, as a
consequence of the large share of carbohydrate components in these raw materials, gluten-free products
are usually characterized by poorer sensory quality, especially in terms of textural and mechanical
properties (crumbling texture, poor mouthfeel and flavour) (11). Taking into consideration all mentioned
shortcomings of gluten free products, reformulation of food by introducing wide range of unconventional
gluten free flours become a common practice. Evidence about considerable amounts of nutrient-rich
ingredients found in chickpea has focused a lot of attention on the matter of redesigning conventional
foods containing this raw material, mainly in the form of protein flour (1,12). Chickpea is a valuable source
of proteins with a good amino acid profile (high lysine), complex carbohydrates (dietary fibres, resistant
starch, and oligosaccharides), important vitamins and minerals (B-vitamins, folates, and iron), as well as
antioxidants and polyphenols (13). Additionally, the benefit of usage of chickpea flour as an alternative
raw material in gluten-free product is reflected through the slow release of glucose from starch which
contributes to the lower glycemic index (2). In the view of the environmental sustainability and
minimisation of food waste, agro industrial by-products present a real impetus for the development of
additional health promoting ingredients. Pumpkin seed press cake, a by-product of oil production, is food
resources that offer various health benefits. In addition to fibre, pumpkin seed press cake is a source of
proteins, essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, as well as
significant amounts of vitamins and minerals (14–16). Regarding the protein quality, this raw material has
a suitable amino acid profile. Compared to soya bean meal it contains higher levels of most essential
amino acids (except lysine) (17).
From nutrition point of view, chickpea and pumpkin seed press cake flours are complementary
raw materials in terms of protein quality. Most studies that have investigated these raw materials were
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related to their valorisation and potential as gluten-free substitutes of conventional gluten-free flours in
the production of bakery products. However, there are no published data on the use of chickpea and
pumpkin seed press cake flour blend in gluten free bakery products processing without the presence of
conventional gluten-free flours and starches. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the
possibility of using aforementioned raw materials as base ingredients for production of sensory
acceptable and nutritionally improved gluten-free crackers with respect to content of protein and dietary
fibre. Additionally, fatty acid content, glycemic index, polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity were
determined and discussed. Moreover, the impact of pumpkin seed press cake flour treatment history on
the quality of obtained crackers was evaluated.
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pumpkin seed press cake flour, salt and baking powder were mixed together. The dough was prepared
using the following procedure: vegetable fat was mixed with soy lecithin for 2 min, and then water was
added and thoroughly blended to obtain homogenous mixture. Finally, all powdery ingredients were
added together and mixed for additional 3 min. The dough was laminated immediately after preparation
on pilot scale dough laminator (Thiene, Italy) to the desired thickness (b=3.0 mm). Cracker samples were
shaped using a circular cutter (Ø45 mm) and baked at 190 °C for 11 min in a laboratory oven (MIWE
gusto® CS, Arnstein, Germany). The crackers were produced in four batches where each batch yielded
20 crackers. The obtained gluten-free crackers were left to cool down at room temperature for 1 h and
then they were hermetically stored for analysis.
Proximate composition
Proximate composition of raw materials and crackers including protein (Method No. 920.87), fat
(Method No. 922.06), ash (Method No. 923.03) and moisture contents (Method No. 925.09) was
determined by AOAC standard methods of analysis (18). Total dietary fibre (TDF) content of the obtained
crackers was determined using of the Megazyme International total DF assay kit (adopted from AACC
method 32–07 and AOAC method 985.29) (18,19). Available carbohydrate was obtained by difference,
by subtracting the sum of grams of water, protein, fat, ash and dietary fibre from a 100 g basis mass. The
total energy was calculated using the European Regulation No. 1169/2011 (20).
Mineral content
Mineral content (Zn, Fe, Mg, K, Na, Ca) was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
(Method No. 984.27) on a Varian Spectra AA 10 (Varian Techtron Pty Ltd., Mulgvare Victoria, Australia)
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0.25 mm, 0.50 µm) (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA). As a carrier gas, helium was used with
purity over 99.9997 vol. % and flow rate of 1.26 ml/min. Identification of fatty acids was done by comparing
of retention times with standards from Supelco 37 Component Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mix (Sigma-
Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). All analyses were performed in duplicates and the results were expressed
as a percentage of each fatty acid in total fatty acids.
Antioxidant activity
The radical scavenging activity was determined by the ABTS scavenging activity assay described
by Popović et al. (24), with some modifications. Briefly, an aliquot of 30 μL of the PBS extract was mixed
with 3 mL of a daily prepared ABTS solution (A=0.7±0.02). The absorbance was measured at 734 nm
(T80 UV–Vis Spectrophotometer; PG Instruments, Lutterworth, UK), after 10 min. The activity was
expressed as Trolox equivalent in mM per g of sample.
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shaking water bath at 40 °C. After pepsin digestion, the total sample volume was adjusted to 60 mL with
phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH=6.9). Then, the 10 mg of α-amylase were added and incubated for 3 h in a
shaking water bath at 37 °C. Aliquots (1 mL) at 0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90,120, 150 and 180 min were obtained
from each sample and incubated at 100 °C for 5 min to inactivate the enzyme. After incubation time, 250
µL of each supernatant was taken to a volume of 750 µL with sodium acetate buffer (0.2 M, pH=4.75).
Subsequently, 30 µ of amyloglucosidase was added and incubated at 60 °C for 45 min with constant
stirring. Glucose content was measured by the GOPOD kit (Megazyme, Wicklow, Ireland).
The hydrolysis curve of samples was expressed by concentration of glucose measured in
samples during the time. The hydrolysis index (HI) was calculated as the ratio between the areas under
the hydrolysis curve (0–180 min) of the experimental samples and the area of reference sample (white
bread). The predicted glycemic index (pGI) was calculated using the equation (Eq. 1) proposed by Goñi
et al. (26):
pGI = 39.71 + 0.549 ∙ HI /1/
Physical properties
Eccentricity, spread factor and puffiness
Physical parameters including mass (g), diameters of baked cracker (d1 and d2, perpendicular to
each other), thicknesses of the cracker before (b1) and after baking (b2) were measured by using Vernier
calliper using 10 crackers taken randomly from the batch of crackers. The eccentricity was calculated as
the ratio between d1 and d2. Spread factor was calculated as the ratio between average diameter and
average thickness (3). Sample puffiness (P) was calculated as shown in Eq. 2:
𝑏𝑏2 −𝑏𝑏1
% 𝑃𝑃 = � 𝑏𝑏1
�∙ 100 /2/
Textural measurements
The crackers hardness and fracturability were measured by using TA-XT2 Texture Analyser
(Stable Micro System, Godalming, United Kingdom) equipped with a 30 kg load cell and three-point
bending rig (HDP/3PB). The two adjustable supports of the rig base plate were placed at 30 mm distance
apart so as to support the sample. The upper blade was positioned to be equidistant from the two lower
supports. During measurements, the upper blade descended at a speed of 1mm/s until a 50 g contact
force was detected and then travelled a distance of 5 mm through the cracker at a speed of 3.0 mm/s.
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Measurements were performed 24 hours after baking in six replicates per batch at ambient temperature
(25±1 °C).
Colour measurements
The colour of the crackers top surface was measured 24 hours after baking using a Chroma meter
Minolta CR-400 (Konica Minolta Co., Osaka, Japan). The results were expressed as L*
(lightness/darkness), a* (redness/greenness), b* (yellowness/blueness).
The influence of different type of pumpkin seed press cake flour incorporation on the total colour
difference (∆E) between control and the pumpkin flour containing crackers was measured according to
the following the Eq. 3:
Sensory evaluation
Sensory analysis of crackers was performed by semi-trained sensory panellists (28 female and
12 male, 27–50 years of age). All panellists were recruited from a staff working at the Institute of Food
Technology in Novi Sad. Panellists evaluated liking of the crackers colour, taste, flavour, texture and
overall liking on a 9-point structured hedonic scale where 1 indicates extreme disliking and 9 indicates
extreme liking. Panellists worked in a sensory laboratory in individually sensory booths. They received
two crackers per sample one at a time, in closed odourless plastic containers at ambient temperature
(25±1 °C) labelled with three randomly chosen digit numbers and drinking water for palate cleansing.
Before analysis all panellists received written information about the study and they signed informed
consent to participate. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Food
Technology in Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia (Ref. No. 175/I/13-3).
Statistical analysis
All measurements were performed at least in triplicates if not stated differently. The means of
replicates for analysed parameters were statistically processed by using the software package XLSTAT
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2019.4.2. (27). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s least significant differences test (p<0.05) were
used to determine significance of differences between sample means.
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content where the highest content was recorded in the control sample. To declare product as a product
with a significant amount of certain minerals, it must contain 15 % of Dietary Reference Values (DRV) in
100 g of product (32). Based on the report of European Food Safety Authority (2017) (32), all samples
are significant source of Zn, Fe, Mg and K. Bearing in mind that gluten-free products have low amount of
minerals, which can be harmful for patients suffering from celiac disease (33), the selection of used raw
materials for crackers production is justified.
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formulation enhanced their antioxidant potential which could be beneficial for stability against oxidative
damage during storage.
Table 3
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Fig. 1
Colour of crackers
Crackers containing pumpkin seed press cake flour, regardless of type, possessed unusual colour
for this type of product, as can be observed from the Fig. S1. Regarding the lightness parameter L*, a
reduction with increasing VF and CF concentration can be observed (Table 4). Parameters a* and b*
have also been reduced, indicating an increase in green colour and decrease in the yellowness of
biscuits. The green colour of pumpkin seed press cake flours derives from protochlorophyll found in
chlorenchyma, the dark green layer around cotyledons of pumpkin cultivar Cucurbita pepo (44). The
results showed that VF containing crackers were more red and less yellow in comparison to CF containing
crackers. This could be related to the higher pigment degradation with the seed thermal treatment before
oil extraction and later crackers baking process. The total colour difference (ΔE) was highly influenced
by the amount of pumpkin seed press cake flours.
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Sensory analysis (overall liking, colour, taste, texture and flavour) of crackers
Results of sensory study showed that all sensory scores for crackers were in the range from like
slightly to like very much (Fig. 2). Replacement of chickpea flour with VF slightly decreased while
replacement with CF significantly increased overall liking of crackers, especially in terms of taste and
flavour. Cracker 35CFC was superior in terms of all analysed sensory properties, followed by the 20CFC.
Cracker 35VFC was the least acceptable. In their study, Kaur and Sharma (47) showed that cookies
supplemented with raw pumpkin seed flour were more acceptable in comparison with the cookies
supplemented with roasted pumpkin seed flour which is in agreement with the results presented in this
study. Although colour differences between samples were clearly visible, the colour liking between
samples was not significant (p<0.05), except between samples 35VFC and 35CFC (p>0.05). Liking
scores were in the range from “slight liking” (5.80) for 35VFC to “like very much” (7.50) for 35CFC. Han
et al. (1) studied the effect of various pulse flours and fractions (desi chickpea, green lentil, red lentil,
pinto bean, navy bean, and yellow pea) on development of gluten-free pulse-based cracker snacks, and
similar to our findings, they found no statistical difference in colour acceptability scores that were in the
range from 6.0 (for crackers containing navy bean flour) to 6.7 (for crackers containing pea protein
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isolate). Moreover, they concluded that within the evaluated range of samples, the colour was not barrier
to product acceptability.
Fig. 2
The present study revealed that the combination of chickpea and pumpkin seed press cake flours
could be successfully utilised in gluten-free crackers production without using conventional gluten-free
starch-rich ingredients. This selected raw materials had a multiple benefits which are reflected in
increased nutritional quality of final product, including increased protein and dietary fibre content,
improved mineral and fatty-acid profile, enhanced total phenolic content and antioxidant activity
compared to the control sample. The selected combination of raw materials used in this study allows the
production of gluten-free crackers with a moderate glycemic index. Moreover, it was shown that cold
press pumpkin seed cake would perform better than virgin pumpkin seed cake in terms of product texture
and overall acceptability. Further research should be focused on the crackers shelf life assessment but
also on the safety aspects of this novel food product.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development,
Republic of Serbia (Contract No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200222).
The manuscript is original, and it strictly followed all ethical procedures. No part of the manuscript
has been published before, nor is any part of it under consideration for publication in another journal. The
authors declare that there is not any conflict of interest.
All supplementary materials are available at:
Jelena Tomić was in charge of the conceptualization, formal analysis, writing the original draft
and investigation. Dubravka Škrobot was in charge of the conceptualization, formal analysis, writing the
original draft. Ljiljana Popović was in charge of the investigation, writing the original draft. Tamara
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and layout editing.
Dapčević Hadnađev was in charge of the supervision and writing the original draft. Jelena Čakarević was
in charge of investigation and writing the original draft. Nikola Maravić was in charge of the formal analysis
and investigation. Miroslav Hadnađev was in charge of the resources, supervision and project
J. Tomić
D. Škrobot
Lj. Popović
T. Dapčević-Hadnađev
J. Čakarević
N. Maravić
M. Hadnađev
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service to our readers. The published version will differ from this one as a result of linguistic and technical corrections
and layout editing.
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and layout editing.
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Table 2. Proximate composition, mineral content and fatty acid composition of crackers
Total dietary
(9.95±0.13)a (9.61±0.10)b (10.2±0.2)a (9.17±0.07)c (9.42±0.17)bc
Lauric acid
(C12:0) (0.18±0,02)ab (0.18±0.01)ab (0.17±0.02)ab (0.16±0.01)b (0.19±0.01)a
Myristic acid
(C14:0) (0.79±0.01)a (0.77±0.01)bc (0.75±0.01)cd (0.74±0.01)d (0.77±0.01)b
Palmitic acid
(C16:0) (36.8±0.1)a (35.6±0.0)c (34.9±0.0)e (36.0±0.0)b (35.5±0.0)d
Food Technology and Biotechnology 60 (4) 2022
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version will undergo copyediting and typesetting before its final form for publication. We are providing this
version as a service to our readers. The published version will differ from this one as a result of linguistic
and technical corrections and layout editing.
Palmitoleic acid
(C16:1) (0.18±0.01)a (0.17±0.02)a (0.17±0.01)a (0.16±0.01)a (0.14±0.01)b
Stearic acid
(C18:0) (4.21±0.02)c (4.55±0.03)b (4.72±0.02)a (4.56±0.01)b (4.74±0.02)a
Oleic acid
(C18:1n9c) (38.3±0.1)c (38.6±0.1)ab (38.7±0.1)a (38.5±0.1)abc (38.4±0.1)bc
Linoleic acid
(C18:2n6c) (18.0±0.1)d (18.6±0.1)b (18.9±0.1)a (18.5±0.0)c (18.9±0.1)a
Arachidic acid
(C20:0) (0.44±0.01)b (0.44±0.01)b (0.52±0.02)a (0.46±0.01)b (0.46±0.01)b
α-Linolenic acid
(C18:3n3) (0.77±0.03)a (0.74±0.01)a (0.74±0.01)a (0.68±0.02)b (0.67±0.01)b
Eicosanoic acid
(C20:1n9) (0.26±0.01)bc (0.33±0.01)a (0.26±0.01)b (0.24±0.02)c (0.25±0.00)bc
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Table 3. Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, hydrolysis index and predicted glycemic
index of crackers
Total antioxidant
(c(Trolox)/m(sa (7.96±0.35)d (12.0±0.2)b (11.9±0.2)b (11.5±0.3)b (17.0±0.4)a
Total phenolic
(0.72±0.00)d (0.84±0.00)bc (0.82±0.03)c (0.88±0.01)b (1.06±0.00)a
(67.8±0.1)a (61.0±0.6)b (59.9±0.1)c (61.7±0.5)b (61.4±0.3)b
glycemic index
Control=chickpea crackers, 20VFC and 35VFC=crackers in which 20 % or 35 % of chickpea flour was
replaced with seed press cake flour remaining after Virgin pumpkin oil extraction, 20CFC and
35CFC=cookies in which chickpea flour was replaced with seed press cake flour remaining after cold
pressed oil extraction. Values are presented as mean (n=3) ± standard deviations. Means in the same row
with different superscript are statistically different (p ≤ 0.05) according to Fisher (LSD) test
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Colour properties
Textural properties
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and technical corrections and layout editing.
Fig. 1. Glucose concentration as a function of time during the second intestinal phase, relevant to
examined crackers
Fig. 2. Sensory evaluation scores for overall liking, liking of colour, taste, texture and flavour of
gluten-free crackers based on chickpea (Control), chickpea and virgin pumpkin seed press cake
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version will undergo copyediting and typesetting before its final form for publication. We are providing this
version as a service to our readers. The published version will differ from this one as a result of linguistic
and technical corrections and layout editing.
flour blend (20VFC and 35VFC) and chickpea and cold pressed pumpkin seed press cake flour
blend (20CFC and 35CFC)
Fig. S1. Appearance of the gluten-free crackers based on chickpea (Control), chickpea and virgin
pumpkin seed press cake flour blend (20VFC and 35VFC) and chickpea and cold pressed
pumpkin seed press cake flour blend (20CFC and 35CFC)