Multimedia Qus

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512, SVPTC, parasur

PART-A (10*3=30)
1. What is document image? What are the holographic images
2. Write notes on multimedia OS.
3. Define compression and decompression.
5. Define DCT and Entropy.
6. List the data types in multimedia data base.
7. What is normalization?
8. Expand CBT? What is the use of CBT.
9. Discuss briefly about bandwidth battleneck.
10. What is visual reality?
PART-A (5*14=70)
1. A. I) Explain Multimedia work station architecture?
ii) Explain the types of multimedia software tools?
B. I) Explain the network architecture of Multimedia system?
II) Explain about VRML?
2. A. I) Explain the applications of text in multimedia
II) Explain the hypermedia structure
B. I) Explain CODEC
II) Explain about color dithering and color palettes
3. A. I) Explain lossy compression scheme and non-lossy compression scheme.
II) Explain various standards of video
B. I) Explain DBMS for multimedia
II) Write about transaction management of multimedia
4. A. I) Explain the function of laser printer
II) Write about multimedia hardware
B. I) Explain the various user interface
II) Explain how multimedia applications are produced for web?
5. A. I) Write about HTML file?
II) Write the working principle of web based applications
B. I) Explain how multimedia webpage are developed?
II) Explain the major classification of multimedia network
52, SVPTC, Parasur
PART-A (10*3=30)
1. Explain register transfer and memory transfer.
2. Write notes on single stage logic unit.
3. What is I/O interface? Explain I/O bus versus memory bus.
4. Explain serial and parallel communication.
5. Define memory hierarchy and its advantage.
6. Explain USB drive , solid date drive, SD card.
7. What is effective address and physical address
8. Define microprocessor and give its application.
9. What is implicit and explicit multithreading?.
10. Explain cluster configuration.
PART-A (5*14=70)
1 A. I) Explain about various addressing mode.
ii) Explain micro programmed control unit.
B. I) Explain shift micro operation. Explain 4 bit combinational circuit shifter.
II) Explain structure of control unit.
2. A. I) Explain strobe control data transfer.
II) Explain how the communication between CPU and IOP occurs.
B. I) Explain source initiated and destination initiated hand shacking data transfer.
II) Explain DMA controller and DMA data transfer.
3. A. I) Explain Main memory and secondary memory.
II) Explain the different mapping techniques of cache memory.
B. I) Explain memory address map and how memory is connected with CPU.
II) Explain paged memory system in virtual memory
4. A. I) Explain the block diagram of 8086
II) Explain arithmetic pipelining
B. I) Explain RISC pipeline.
II) Explain vector processing.
5. A. I) Explain the organization of a symmetric multiprocessor.
II) Explain about a mainframe symmetric multiprocessor.
B. I) Explain multicore organization.
II) Explain the vector computation
52, SVPTC, Parasur
Relational Database Management System
PART-A (10*3=30)
1. Explain data warehousing and data mining.
2. Give any three differences between RDBMS and NoSQL.
3. Give the syntax of creating function and syntax of creating trigger.
4. Explain closing database connection.
5. Give the difference between SQL and MySQL.
6. Give the syntax of creating, and showing and describing database in Mysql.
7. List out any three numeric and string data type and their meaning in MySQL
8. Define conversion function in MySQL.
9. Explain COOMIT statement and ROOLBACK statement.
10. Explain union and give its types.
PART-A (5*14=70)
1 A. I) Explain the overall architecture of DBMS and three level architecture in details with
neat diagram
ii) with neat diagram , explain server/client concept
B. I) Explain E-R Model
II) With neat diagram explain the storage architecture.
2. A. I) Explain relational data model. Explain CODD’s rules in details.
II) Explain data constraints. Explain constraints methods.
B. I) Explain detail the different normalization form with example.
II) Explain MySQL installation.
3. A. I) Explain operatorin MySQL
II) Explain MySQL data types in details.
B. I) Explain built-in function in MySQL.
II) Explain data manipulation command in MySQL with syntax and example
4. A. I) Explain the index and sequence in details.
II) Explain View.
B. I) Explain join.
II) Explain user and transaction management in details
5. A. I) Explain MySQL procedure in details.
II) Explain about MySQL cursor in detail.
B. I) Explain managing database connection.
II) Explain the performing queries.

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