Astm c1549
Astm c1549
Astm c1549
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 09:56:14 EDT 2009
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C 1549 – 04
digital readout. The instrument is calibrated using a black body measurement head serves as a port through which incident and
cavity for a reflectance of zero and one or more surfaces of reflected radiation are transmitted to and from the test surface.
known solar reflectance provided by the manufacturer. A 6.1.2 Connecting Cable—A connecting cable, connects the
surface to be evaluated is placed firmly against the 2.5 cm (1.0 measurement head to the readout module. The connecting
in.) diameter opening on the measurement head and maintained cable transmits electrical signals from the four detectors to the
in this position until constant readings are displayed by the readout module.
digital readout. A comparison of techniques for measuring 6.1.3 Readout Module—The readout module that is con-
solar reflectance is available.4 nected to the measurement head includes a keypad for control-
ling the functions of the software, software for interpreting the
5. Significance and Use signals from the measurement head, and a digital readout for
5.1 The temperatures of opaque surfaces exposed to solar solar reflectivity or the display of input parameters or calibra-
radiation are generally higher than the adjacent air tempera- tion information. The resolution of the digital readout is 0.001.
tures. In the case of roofs or walls enclosing conditioned Detailed instructions for use of the keypad to communicate
spaces, increased inward heat flows result. In the case of with the software are provided by the manufacturer of the
equipment or storage containers exposed to the sun, increased apparatus.
operating temperatures usually result. The extent to which 6.1.4 Reference Standards—The calibration of the solar
solar radiation affects surface temperatures depends on the reflectometer is accomplished with a black body cavity that is
solar reflectance of the exposed surface. A solar reflectance of supplied by the manufacturer and at least one high-reflectance
1.0 (100 % reflected) would mean no effect on surface tem- standard. The solar reflectance of the high-reflectance standard
perature while a solar reflectance of 0 (none reflected, all or standards are programmed into the software to facilitate
absorbed) would result in the maximum effect. Coatings of calibration. The apparatus accommodates up to eight solar
specific solar reflectance are used to change the temperature of reflectance standards.
surfaces exposed to sunlight. Coatings and surface finishes are 6.1.5 Test Specimens—Specimens to be tested for solar
commonly specified in terms of solar reflectance. The initial reflectance shall be relatively flat and shall have a minimum
(clean) solar reflectance must be maintained during the life of dimension greater than 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) in order for the
the coating or finish to have the expected thermal performance. specimen to completely cover the measurement head opening.
5.2 The test method provides a means for periodic testing of Test specimens of sufficient size are placed on top of the
surfaces in the field or in the laboratory. Monitor changes in measurement head. Position the measurement head against a
solar reflectance due to aging and exposure, or both, with this surface for in-situ or large area solar reflectance measurements.
test method. 7. Procedure
5.3 This test method is used to measure the solar reflectance
of a flat opaque surface. The precision of the average of several 7.1 Set-up—The instrument requires 110 volt AC power.
measurements is usually governed by the variability of reflec- Take into account necessary safety precautions when using the
tances on the surface being tested. instrument outside of conditioned spaces. Before power is
5.4 Use the solar reflectance that is determined by this applied and the instrument is turned on, either end of the cable
method to calculate the solar energy absorbed by an opaque must be connected to the socket on the measurement head. The
surface as shown in Eq 1. other end must be connected to the socket on the readout and
control module. The instrument powers up, ready to estimate
Qabs 5 A · qsolar · ~1 2 r! (1) the total solar reflectance through air mass 2. The instrument is
5.4.1 Combine the absorbed solar energy with conductive, designed to provide solar reflectances for air mass values of 0,
convective and other radiative terms to construct a heat balance 1, 1.5, or 2.0. The instrument shall be calibrated after at least
around an element or calculate a Solar Reflectance Index such 30 min. of warm-up time to avoid drift from the calibration.
as that discussed in Practice E 1980. Leaving the instrument on for extended periods of time with a
cover over the measurement head opening does not cause
6. Apparatus damage.
6.1 This test method applies to solar reflectance tests con- 7.2 Calibration (gain)—At the end of the warm-up period,
ducted with a portable reflectometer.3 The instrument consists check and adjust the zero and gain. A zero reflectance black-
of three major parts. body cavity and various high reflectance standard specimens
6.1.1 Measurement Head—The measurement head contains are provided to check zero and gain. If the blackbody cavity
a tungsten halogen lamp used as the radiation source, the filters covers the opening of the measurement head and a non-zero
used to tailor the reflected radiation to specific wavelength reading is noted, then depress calibration/zero key. The instru-
ranges, and detectors for each of the four wavelength ranges. A ment detects the presence of the zero reflectance cavity and
2.5 cm (1.0 in.) diameter circular opening on the top of the resets the output reflectance to zero.
7.2.1 The gain or calibration adjustment requires that the
reflectance of a known standard be coded into the instrument.
Three standards provided with the instrument are prepro-
Petrie, T. W., Desjarlais, A. O., Robertson, R. H., and Parker, D. S.,
“Comparison of Techniques for In Situ Nondamaging Measurement of Solar
grammed into the memory. Memory for five additional stan-
Reflectances of Low-Slope Roof Membranes,” International Journal of Thermo- dards is provided. A selection key on the keypad allows the
physics, Vol 22, No. 5 , 2001, pp. 1613-1628. user to select which of eight standards will be used. If the
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 09:56:14 EDT 2009
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Laurentian University pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C 1549 – 04
desired standard covers the opening of the measurement head TABLE 1 Solar Reflectances (%) of Roofing Materials—Precision
and its reflectance is not noted on the display, then depress the Statistics
calibration/zero key should be depressed. When a calibration Material Average Sr SR r R
standard is in position over the measurement head opening and A 5.79 0.10 0.15 0.29 0.43
the calibration/zero key is depressed, the instrument automati- B 13.85 0.06 0.17 0.17 0.48
C 28.93 0.17 0.72 0.47 2.01
cally detects that a high reflectance object is in place and resets D 35.57 0.15 0.23 0.41 0.65
the output reflectance to the selected standard’s preset value. E 49.53 0.12 0.46 0.34 1.27
F 76.00 0.14 0.51 0.38 1.42
Zero is very stable but is conveniently checked by using the
G 84.69 0.21 0.43 0.59 1.21
blackbody cavity to cover the measurement head between tests.
Repeat the gain or calibration adjustment described above
every 30 min. 8.4 The measured solar reflectances, arithmetic average of
7.3 Solar Reflectance Measurement—A surface area of the measured reflectances, and if appropriate, the standard
sufficient size to cover the 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) diameter circular deviation of the set of measurements shall be reported.
port on top of the measurement head is required. The flat 8.5 The air mass to be associated with the measured solar
specimen is placed on top of the circular port and either held in reflectance shall be reported.
place by hand or by a weight that will hold the specimen firmly 8.6 The date of the test shall be reported.
against the rim of the port. Position the measurement head 8.7 A statement of compliance with this standard shall be
manually against a surface such as a roof or wall. It is part of the report. Any exceptions to the procedure shall be
important that the rim of the specimen port be in contact with stated in the report.
the specimen around the entire circumference of the port. The 8.8 An estimated uncertainty in the reported solar reflec-
escape of radiation between the rim of the specimen port and tance shall be part of the report.
the specimen will result in inaccurate solar reflectance values. 9. Precision and Bias
7.3.1 A test specimen shall be maintained in the test position 9.1 Precision—Precision statistics for seven roofing mate-
for at least three ten-second cycles or until a consistent reading rials that were determined by an interlaboratory study involv-
is observed on the digital readout. The readout gives either ing six laboratories are shown in Table 1. Each laboratory
solar reflectance or solar absorptance (one minus solar reflec- reported three replicates on the same specimen. The repeat-
tance). In the event of a reading that fluctuates between two ability, Sr, and the reproducibility standard deviations, SR, were
values the average of the two values shall be recorded. calculated from the data using Practice E 691. The 95 %
7.4 Evaluation of a Surface—Quantify the variability of the repeatability, r, and the reproducibility, R, limits were calcu-
solar reflectance with position on a test specimen by measuring lated from the following expressions: 2.8 Sr and 2.8 SR,
solar reflectance at three or more locations on the surface. If a respectively. The calculations for r and R were made before Sr
surface is cleaned before testing, then the surface shall be and SR were rounded to two significant figures.
allowed to dry completely before the reflectance test is 9.2 Bias—Solar reflectance values at air mass 1.5 were
undertaken. obtained for the seven materials in Table 1 using Test Method
7.5 Calculation—The set of individual solar reflectance E 903. These measurements are used to assess the bias of Test
measurements for a test surface shall be averaged and reported. Method C 1549 from Test Method E 903 which is shown in
If the set contains three or more measurements, then the Table 2. The average bias ( C 1549 value – E 903 value ) is
standard deviation of the measurement set shall be reported. In 1.9 % if the result for material “a” is excluded. The C 1549 test
any event, all of the individual measurements for a test surface method yields solar reflectance results at air mass 1.5 that are
shall be recorded and reported. 0.019 (1.9 %) greater than those obtained with Test Method
E 903.
8. Report
10. Keywords
8.1 Include in the test report a physical description of the 10.1 portable reflectometer; reflectometer; solar reflectance;
surface being reported and indicate if the surface has been solar reflectometer
cleaned prior to the test. The test report shall include a
description of the specimen substrate in the case of coatings TABLE 2 Bias of Test Method C 1549 for Solar Reflectance from
and the thickness of the coating. The source or location of the Test Method E 903
test specimen shall be reported. Material E 903 C 1549 C 1549 – E 903
8.2 Include in the test report the manufacturer of the product A 6.0 5.8 -0.2
B 13.0 13.9 0.9
being tested. Include any information about the history or age C 26.0 28.9 2.9
of the material in the test report. D 34.0 35.6 1.6
8.3 The temperature and relative humidity of the room or E 47.0 49.5 2.5
F 74.0 76.0 2.0
environment in which the measurements were conducted shall G 83.0 84.7 1.7
be reported.
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C 1549 – 04
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