4th Sem Soniya

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Objective of the study

The organizational study was conducted at KD hospital,KD hospital. The

objective of study is

∙ To study the history of KD hospital DM Healthcare.

∙ To understand the business activities performed by an organization
∙ To study the organization mission, vision and organization structure
∙ To understand the functioning of HR department
∙ The objective of the study is to get exposed to the working conditions
and functions of this HR department and to gain practical knowledge
about the departments.


The study is limited to KD hospital, It concentrates on the functioning of

the HR department in the organization. The study focuses on the
organizational structure of KD hospital KD hospital. It is purely based on
the information obtained from the departmental head and other staff of
the organization.
The study is intended to provide managerial insight to a management
student. It will enable the student to understand the responsibilities of a
manager and recognize the skills required to perform the real world.


The healthcare industry (also called the medical industry or health economy) is an
aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic system that provides
goods and services to treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and
palliative care. The healthcare industry is a segment inside the economy which
offers drugs, medicines and other services for patients with preventive, healing,
rehabilitative, and soothing care. Thus we can say that healthcare services
comprise the grouping of tangible and intangible facets where intangible features
dominate the tangible aspects. Rooms, beds and other decorations are included in
tangible things. The different forms of services related to health and welfare are
provided by the healthcare industry. The sector is considered as a social sector
which is governed at state level with the assistance of the central government. The
current industry is divided into many sub-divisions, and governed with various
interdisciplinary teams of skilled professionals and paraprofessionals to cater the
health needs of individuals.
The healthcare industry is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing
industries Consuming over 10 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)
of most developed nations, health care can form an enormous part of a
country's economy. The healthcare industry is composed of multiple
segments pertaining to different practices in medicine that provide
different services. These services deal with different procedures and
methods that address a variety of medical needs.

The service may come in the form of a diagnosis, treatment,

rehabilitation and other services. The services can be under the sector of
pharmaceutical, dental, medical, nursing and many more. The

services being offered are abundant that is why the amount of health care
workers that are needed is so high. Millions of health workers are
needed throughout the world in different health institutions like
hospitals and clinics. Health services are offered at any time because
different people may need them due to various or special reasons. Some
health workers should always be available, that is why they have people
who are on call in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Health workers provide
services on different people in different age brackets.

People are living longer and thus demand more and higher quality
preventive and long-term care. In particular, the demand for home care
aides, registered nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
physical therapists, non-traditional health aides, and physicians will
continue to increase at a healthy pace. This trend also applies to
technical and administrative jobs, as hospitals continue to focus their
energies on more efficient management and profitability.

For the purpose of finance and management, the healthcare industry is

typically divided into several areas. As a basic framework for defining
the sector, the United Nations International Standard Industrial
Classification (ISIC) categorizes the healthcare industry as generally
consisting of:

1. Hospital activities;
2. Medical and dental practice activities;
3. "Other human health activities".
This third class involves activities of, or under the supervision of, nurses,
midwives, physiotherapists, scientific or diagnostic laboratories,
pathology clinics, residential health facilities, or other allied health
professions, e.g. in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, medical
massage, yoga therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy, speech
therapy, chiropody, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc.

The global industry classification standard and industry classification

separates the benchmark industry into two main groups:

1. Healthcare equipment and services; and

2. Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Related Life Sciences

History of Healthcare Industry

Home Remedies:

Home has long been the upholder of health care for ancient human
beings as for much of the history of human civilization everything from
birth to disease was handled by experts within one’s own house. A home
remedy is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain
spices, vegetables, or other common items. Home remedies may or may
not have medicinal properties that treat or cure the disease or ailment in
question. Healthcare began as a purely reactionary, medicinal practice,
in which people learned the medicinal properties of plants through trial
and error, and then passed on that knowledge to others. Although there is
no record to establish when plants were first used for medicinal
purposes (herbalism), the use of plants as healing agents is a
longstanding practice.

Traditional Healthcare:

Over time through emulation of the behavior of fauna a medicinal

knowledge base developed and was passed between generations.
Humans have long recorded their secrets for curing sickness, but
sickness has not always been well understood. Medical knowledge in the
ancient world was accumulated over centuries of experiment and
experience - an exercise in trial, error, and success, the result of which
began to be recorded by the second millennium B.C. It later became a
subject of purposeful study by many different cultures, including the
Persian, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Indian, and Chinese cultures.

Ancient Pharmacology & Medical Practitioners:

Ancient health care providers gained an extensive knowledge of local

flora and devised the principles and practice of the ancient
pharmacology. One of the oldest and most extensive examples comes
from Mesopotamia known as “Treatise of Medical Diagnosis and
Prognosis,” where some forty tablets were composed of prescriptions
and treatises that outlined treatments based on rational observations of
the body. As tribal culture specialized specific castes, Shamans and
apothecaries performed the 'niche occupation' of healing. Mesopotamian

practitioners, like many ancient and indigenous people, were frequently
shamanic and used charms and spells to treat the patient’s ailment, but
in many societies there existed specialists in herbal remedies, referred to
as “physicians” because of their rational medical knowledge.

Technological, Chemical & Biological Advances:

In the 19th century, there were numerous technological, chemical, and

biological advances that gave physicians the means to better understand,
diagnose, and treat ailments. The discoveries included anesthetics,
syringes, antiseptics, x-rays, and penicillin. Around the beginning of the
20th century, modern healthcare began to evolve. Doctors started to
initiate prepaid arrangements for their services, foreshadowing the
medical insurance and administration field that is in place today. To
understand the intended and unintended consequences sparked by global
health interventions, one must examine continuities and divergences
from the past. Now let’s discuss some phases in healthcare history that
had an everlasting impact on the modern shape of the modern healthcare

Impact of Colonialism on Healthcare:

The advent of infectious diseases and tropical medicine was a direct

consequence of colonialism in the 19th and early 20th century which
resulted in evolution of public health in British colonies for disease
prevention. Infectious diseases had an enormous effect on health,
through the transfer of new diseases. Urbanization and increasing
population densities made indigenous people vulnerable to incoming
diseases. National governments started working towards protecting their
citizens against outside threats, including infectious diseases. It resulted
in development of surveillance systems to respond to epidemics and
establishment of health systems for disease control. This gave rise to
development of new trends in medical systems and a transition from
surveys to microscopic studies in medicine, which led to huge advances
in vaccinations, preventions, and treatments.
Impact of Therapeutic Revolution:

In the early 19th century, the focus of medical research changed from a
generalized pathology to a localized pathology concerned with
physiology and disease transmission. This transition,

known as the “therapeutic revolution” occurred during the 20th century
when research came to focus on specific diseases. The therapeutic
revolution is generally understood as the moment when medicine began
to work. It led to the growing effectiveness of medicine. Pasteur, father
of germ theory, unraveled the mysteries of many diseases and
contributed to the development of the first vaccines. He debunked the
widely accepted myth of spontaneous generation, and set the stage for
modern biology and biochemistry, the therapeutic revolution improved
medicine and vaccine development. There were great advances in
relation to diseases such as leprosy, anthrax, tuberculosis, plague, and
malaria. The therapeutic revolution created a new understanding of
disease and illness and began the trajectory of Western biomedicine and
fired the trend for globalization of medicine.

Impact of Eradication Campaigns:

The most aggressive effort against malaria was the Global Malaria
Eradication Program. This program was launched by the World Health
Organization in 1955 and depended on drug chloroquine for treatment of
infected individuals and the chemical DDT for mosquito control.
Smallpox was the first disease to be eradicated owing to the success of
the Smallpox Eradication Program. Smallpox eradication efforts began
in 1967, the last endemic case appeared in 1977, and eradication was
declared in May of 1980. Eradication campaigns of the 20th century
were able to reduce diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis in
industrialized countries but these diseases continue to haunt developing
countries. Despite over 100 years of control efforts, malaria still caused
a large number of deaths in children in developing nations. Eradication
campaigns have made people in the healthcare industry aware of how
vulnerable they are, in spite of modern developments and technology.

Impact of Primary Health Care Movement:

The perceived failure of post war disease eradication and infrastructure

development led to realization that the delivery of medical care was a
limited part of improving health and social conditions and non-health
sector services were vital to population health and well-being. This
created interest in primary health care in the 1970s realizing that health
involves far more than the health sector alone can accomplish and called
upon governments to build national plans for

primary health care infrastructure. The primary health care movement
was fuelled by a desire to build basic health care services from the
bottom up. Countries like China and the Soviet Union promoted models
that differed from that of the United States and western medicine. Health
care was promoted by organizations like the World Health Organization
and the World Health Assembly. The International Conference for
Primary Health Care in 1978 was a landmark event in the movement.
The conference was attended by delegates from over 130 governments.
Impact of Development Movement:

The health care development movement coincided with the post-World

War II era and centered on the belief that increasing economic
development would benefit the entire world, despite inequalities that
might result. The development ideology held both the implicit and
explicit goal of a globalized, modern world that left behind ancient
philosophies in pursuit of economic progress.

Neoliberalism, a market-driven approach to economic and social

policies, argued that aggregate economic growth would benefit the
impoverished majority as well as wealthier minority in developing
countries, and presented the “free-market” as a better tool for growth
than government intervention. Structural adjustment policies
emphasized the market allocation of resources, decreased public sector
spending, liberalization, deregulation, and privatization. These specific
growth-oriented policies are believed to have failed to improve living
standards and health outcomes among the poor.

Globalization of Healthcare Industry:

The notion of a global health care industry is a recent phenomenon and

although the modern healthcare industry is becoming more global day
by day but because health care has always traditionally been considered
a local industry, specific to individual countries, the practices and
development of healthcare as an industry across countries vary. In each
country, the health industry has its own history and cycle of evolution.
Now globalization of the ancillary healthcare
industries, recent technological developments and standardization of
various aspects of the industry is driving the trend towards globalization
of the healthcare industry.


The healthcare industry is highly fragmented and healthcare systems

vary from country to country. There are many different kinds of
healthcare facilities. In the United States, around 76 percent of
establishments are practitioners' offices, from dentist to doctor to
optometrist. Hospitals make up approximately two percent of
establishments, but account for around 59 percent of revenues earned.
Other establishments include Health Maintenance Organizations
(HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), which are a kind
of hospital-insurance company mix. There are also nursing and
residential care facilities, specialty providers such as nursing homes or
specialty treatment centers (such as those for diabetes treatment, physical
therapy, or chemotherapy), home care providers, and medical
laboratories In the United States, insurance coverage is the responsibility
of the individual; however, recent legislation will transition it to a more
universal care. In other developed countries, including the United
Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Italy, healthcare is provided by the
government for all citizens.

The United States’ healthcare system is the largest in the world, worth
around $1.7 trillion, as compared to $700 billion in Europe. Despite the
government control in Europe, healthcare providers are suffering due to
the rising costs and demand exceeding capacity

Healthcare Key Markets

The U.S. has by far the highest healthcare expenditure followed by

Switzerland and Germany. Europe, too, is a major market, with the five
largest countries, Germany, France, the U.K., Spain, and Italy. The USA
witnesses approximately 3.8 million in patient visits and 20 million
outpatients visit on a daily basis. Furthermore, the United States of
America has the largest workforce i.e. one in every 11 US residents
employed in the health care business

Healthcare Industry Expenditure Forecast

Global expenditure on healthcare is expected to grow to $9.5 trillion in
2019 from $7.6 trillion in 2013 (at a CAGR of 4%), according to
forecasts based on WHO data. The healthcare industry will be driven by
increases in the elderly population in need of medical supplies.

Factors Affecting Healthcare Industry in India

The Indian Healthcare sector perceives an unexpected paradigm shift in

the previous ten years. However the transformation was predictable as
the industry has been working in this direction for a decade, but the
change became noticeable in the previous 2 years. There are various
factors which are responsible for the current pattern of the healthcare
industry. We can divide into two parts i.e. Micro Variables and Macro
Micro Variables
The micro variables which are responsible for the growth of industry are
as follows; ⮚ Increased growth of private sector: private sector is
growing rapidly in India; various big players from other industries are
now coming in healthcare and this ultimately lead to the growth of
healthcare sector.

⮚ Cost effective surgical services: As per the data, the cost of in

India is only approx. 10 percent of that in United States, it is
beneficial in a way that it attracts medical tourism in India.

⮚ Gradual corporatization of the healthcare sector– In India the

trend of corporate hospitals has started by Apollo Hospital, other
followed it. There seems to be evidence of a huge gap between the
first corporate hospital and the trend of corporatization in India.
The healthcare sector is rapidly moving towards organization and
corporatization. The table below helps in showing the trend of
corporatization in the sector.

Macro Variables
Macro variables, affected healthcare industry are further classified into
following parts:

⮚ Strong Indian Economy: The economy of India is expected to

cross US by 2050. The economy experienced 9.0 percent growth
in GDP during the year 2005-2006 which rises 9.4 percent in
Healthcare Sector Trends and Strategies for Growth
Four key trends are shaping the healthcare market.

⮚ Older Populations will Need More Healthcare

The size of the aging population will continue to increase over the next
few decades. In 2010, individuals over the age of 65 were 8% of the
total population. This is expected to increase to 16% by 2050 according
to the WHO. Older people generally spend more on healthcare.

Healthcare companies should, therefore, increase their focus on

age-related diseases. ⮚ Emerging Markets’ Healthcare

Sectors are Expanding

Rising income levels and demand for improved healthcare in emerging

economies is prompting growth of the healthcare industry in these
regions. India and China, for example, have seen a rapid rise in the
middle- to high- income level population and are seeing increases of
healthcare expenditure per head of nearly 10% per annum, according to
the World Bank.

Healthcare companies should, therefore, focus on business expansion

in emerging economies.

⮚ Many Countries are Introducing Healthcare Reforms

Led by the U.S., major healthcare reforms are occurring in many

countries. In 2010, the U.S. passed into law the Affordable Care Act
(ACA) or Obamacare as it is known, which aims to provide unrestricted
access to healthcare for all and to regulate healthcare financing. The
European Union has also been focused on cost containment measures.
Examples include the implementation of Arzneimittelmarkt-
Neuordnungsgesetz (Germany, 2011) and value-based pricing systems
(U.K., 2014).

These reforms are creating huge opportunities and risks for healthcare
companies; the winners will be those that understand the reforms best
and react to them fastest.
⮚ More Patients will be Treated at Home

Home monitoring and telemedicine (including E-healthcare services)

will assume increasing importance in the coming years. Insurance
companies and governments will attempt to reduce healthcare costs by
treating patients at home. The market for home healthcare devices was
valued at $5.7 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17%
to reach $12.6 billion in 2018. The currently small telemedicine market
is expected to grow at a CAGR of 59% over the forecast period to reach
$4.5 billion in 2018 Healthcare companies should explore opportunities
in telemedicine and home monitoring.

The future perspective of the medical industry seems to be immensely

bright and encouraging for this industry in terms of the expected surge
in global demand and upsurge in investments. Several trends such as
globalization, continuous investments in research and development,
newer techniques of drug development and discovery, product
proliferation, mergers and acquisitions are the key drivers of this
industry. Increasing corporatization of Private Healthcare in the
backdrop of a growing and affluent middle class is an emerging trend
that has been pushing the growth of this industry. Health Insurance and
Medical Tourism are the other significant trends, which are governing
the global healthcare and medical industry. Most of the nations are now
emphasizing on the accreditation of medical professionals so as to ensure
legitimacy of the services provided by them. Robust advancement in the
field of information technology will allow critical medical data to be
processed and transferred quickly over larger distances, thereby saving
time of both the patients and physicians in the speeding delivery of

Factors that propel demand for healthcare facilities in India as

per CRISIL research:

⮚ Improvement in health awareness

⮚ Changes in disease profile
⮚ Rising penetration of health insurance
⮚ Increasing opportunities of medical tourism
⮚ Rising incomes
⮚ Growth opportunities regards to non-communicable disease

CRISIL research estimates that the market for cardiac healthcare was $
950 billion in 2016-2017, which is expected to grow at 15% CAGR to
Rs. 1.9 trillion by 2021-2022. Furthermore by 2021 potential market for
oncology is expected to increase to Rs 522 billion, while that for diabetes
is forecast to grow to Rs. 376 billion, thereby indicating tremendous
growth opportunities in these segments.

Expansion plans by major private players are expected to be skewed

towards illness related to the inpatient department and hence, the share
of IPD by value is projected to increase from 845 in 2016-2018 to
85% in 2021-2022.


Growth contributors of domestic healthcare delivery industry are:

⮚ Rising population as well as life expectancy requiring greater

health coverage. ⮚ Increasing income levels to make quality
healthcare service more affordable. ⮚ Increase in demand for
lifestyle disease related healthcare services for the next five years.

⮚ Growth in health insurance coverage to propel demand
⮚ Growth in medical tourism to aid demand for health care market.


India has embarked upon a journey of healthcare system transformation.

The government introduced important structural reforms in the last
decade and has re-emphasized its vision of creating access to a
minimum set of healthcare services for all. The private sector
experienced unprecedented growth during this period.

Growth in the next decade will be closely linked to the nature and extent
of reform. India’s health challenges, though unique and complex, also
offer remarkable opportunities. Thus, the next decade holds inspiring
possibilities, while likely being a challenging journey.

At the turn of this century, health outcomes in India and the quality of
the underlying health system significantly lagged those of peer nations.
From such a weak starting position, the progress made in the last decade
has been mixed. The government has recognized the need for reform
and introduced several in the Eleventh and Twelfth Five- Year Plan. The
private sector has played an important role improving access and quality
during this timeframe.

Yet today, India finds itself lagging behind peers on healthcare

outcomes. The situation is further complicated by inequity in healthcare
access across states and demographic segments within the population. It
is abundantly clear that a ‘status quo’ approach will be inadequate to
tackle this challenging situation. India’s reform journey will need to
gain momentum and drive implementation at scale.

Spending on healthcare by the government will need to be increased.

Infrastructure gaps will need to be closed. Workforce utilization and
scarcity will need to be addressed. And in order to achieve all this, the
government and private sector will need to collaborate closely, beginning
with an inclusive and transparent dialogue to envision India’s longer
term health system.
The Government has now articulated in its Twelfth Five-Year Plan its
long-term vision to achieve ‘universal health coverage’. To achieve this
vision, the government will need to lead the

journey over the next four decades to transform the country’s healthcare
situation. It will need to define its role and choose from either a
‘primary payer’ or a ‘primary provider’ role, and undertake several
imperatives. At the same time, changing demographics, psychographics
and epidemiology will present the private sector with opportunities. To
capture these, the private
sector will need to build specific capabilities, develop new business
models and actively collaborate with the government.

Medical Tourism: a new growth factor for India’s Healthcare Sector

⮚ Presence of world-class hospitals and skilled medical professionals
has strengthened India’s position as a preferred destination for
medical tourism.
⮚ Superior quality healthcare, coupled with low treatment costs in
comparison to other countries, is benefiting Indian medical tourism
which has, in turn, enhanced the prospects of the Indian healthcare
⮚ Treatment for major surgeries in India costs approximately 20
percent of that in developed countries.
⮚ India also attracts medical tourists from developing nations due to
lack of advanced medical facilities in many of these countries.
⮚ As of 2016, medical tourism market in India is estimated to be
around USD3.9 billion and is expected to reach USD8 billion by
2020. During 2013-16, the country’s medical tourism market
witnessed growth at a CAGR of 27 per cent.
⮚ Inflow of medical tourists is expected to cross 3.2 million by 2015
compared to 0.85 million in 2012.
⮚ Yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Allopathy and other traditional
methods of treatment are major service offerings that attract
medical tourists from European nations and the Middle East to


⮚ Internal Medicine
⮚ Anaesthesiology
⮚ Dental, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
⮚ Dermatology
⮚ Endocrinology
⮚ ENT And Head & Neck Surgery
⮚ Family Medicine
⮚ General Medicine
⮚ Laboratory Medicine
⮚ General Surgery
⮚ Emergency
⮚ Pulmonology
⮚ Infectious Diseases & Infection control
⮚ Nuclear Medicine
⮚ Ophthalmology Aesthetics & Plastic surgery
⮚ Psychiatry
⮚ Pain & Palliative medicine


⮚ Cardiac Sciences
⮚ Orthopaedics & Rheumatology
⮚ Neurosciences
⮚ Nephrology & Urology
⮚ Oncology
⮚ Gastrointestinal Sciences
⮚ Women’s Health
⮚ Child & Adolescent Health
⮚ Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
⮚ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
⮚ Multi Organ Transplant


⮚ Emergency Services
⮚ Intensive Care Units
⮚ Operation Theatres
⮚ Diagnostics & Blood bank
⮚ Clinical Imaging
⮚ Pharmacy
⮚ KD hospital wellness (Clinical nutritionists,
Dieticians and Fitness experts) ⮚ Insurance


⮚ The Diagnostics division is equipped with 3 Tesla Digital MRI

Scanner, 256 slice CT Scanner, Digital Mammography system,
The Dexa, Digital X-Ray, Time of Flight PET CT, Cath Lab
Allura Clarity system, Flat panel Bi-plane Hybrid Cath Lab, Colour
Doppler Systems electronic 4D Imaging and Ultrasound Machines
with multi modal image fusion.
⮚ Automated Drug-Dispensing Pharmacy: First of its kind in India,
with a fully automated pharmacy robot for fKD hospital and 100%
precise dispensing of medicines.
⮚ Fully digitalized Anesthesia care station: Digital Telemetry- A
Patient Vitals Management System that enables transferring of
Patients Vitals through Wireless transmission (patients wearing the
vital monitoring transponder) for real-time recording, transmission
and archiving; thereby ensuring zero loss chances of patients’
⮚ Pneumatic Chute - to avoid time lapse in medicine, sample
dispensing. ⮚ One of the most advanced healthcare destinations in
India; KD hospital offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic and
therapeutic technology to facilitate efficient and accurate treatment.

“A caring mission with a global vision”


⮚ Integrity- Doing the right thing without any compromises and

embracing a higher standard of conduct.
⮚ Passion- Going the extra mile willingly, with a complete sense of
belongingness and adding value to all our stakeholders.
⮚ Respect- Treating people with utmost dignity, valuing their
contributions and fostering a culture that allows each individual to
rise to their fullest potential.

⮚ Excellence- Surpassing our current benchmarks constantly by
continually challenging our ability and skills to take the
organization to greater heights.
⮚ Compassion- Going beyond boundaries with empathy and care.
⮚ Unity- Harnessing the power of synergy and engaging people
for exponential performance and results.


A preferred provider of high quality comprehensive

healthcare to the masses. Be an employer of choice to

the job seekers.

Pursue clinical and service excellence and set benchmarks in patient

care, research, education and social responsibility through a
compassionate and motivated team.


“We’ll treat you well”

This is the promise and the brand motto of KD hospital. KD hospital

strives to keep this promise by ensuring high quality personalized
medical care.
⮚ Chairman -
⮚ Cluster CEO (Chief Executive Officer),
⮚ Chief Operating Officer
⮚ Chief of Medical Services
⮚ Chief Finance Controller
- ⮚ Chief Business Development Officer –
⮚ Biomedical and Stores Management Head
⮚ Human Resource Head –

CEO: Chief executive officer

COO: Chief operating officer
CAO: Chief administrative officer
CFO: Chief financial officer
CMO: Chief medical officer
CFC: Chief financial controller
CQO: Chief quality officer
CIO: Chief information officer
CHO: Chief hr officer
CMCO: Certified medical compliance officer

KD hospital’s major Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities include:

⮚ KD hospital Foundation Dr. Moopen’s Foundation lends a

supporting hand to those in need with social initiatives that focus
on healthcare, education, and empowerment of women and
upliftment of living standards in villages.
⮚ DMF- Jubilee Community Dialysis Centre, Thiruvananthapuram,
in association with Jubilee Mission Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram.
Established 3 years ago, around 48 patients are beneficiaries of the
dialysis service offered here.
⮚ Early Disease and Cancer Detection Centre (ED&CDC),
Alappuzha, Kerala, in association with Ashraya Charitable Trust,
which conducts cancer detection and medical camps that benefit
more than 5400 people.
⮚ Early Cancer Detection Centre (EDDC), Kannur, in association
with KIDMA Charitable Trust, which provides medical services to
more than 2280 patients. Early Cancer Detection Centre (EDDC),
Kasargod, in association with CH Centre Charitable Trust, which
provides medical assistance to more than 1000 patients.
⮚ An Orphanage for children from North India at Mukkam Muslim
Orphanage,KD hospital.

⮚ 10 free heart surgeries for Alivu Charity Cell, Malappuram, 5 heart

surgery for Karuna, Karunagapally

⮚ A high-tech library in SAFI (Social Advancement Foundation of

India) – an educational movement with a deemed university
concept Village adoption Kalpakanchery Vazhayoor

⮚ Projects in North India:

∙ Mobile medical Clinic (MMC), Jamshedpur, Jharkhand State
∙ Medical Diagnostic Centre, Raja hat, Parganas District, West

ASK Foundation
The KD hospital Sick Kids Foundation or ASK Foundation (A unit of
KD hospital DM Foundation) is an initiative by KD hospital, supported
by Dr. Moopen Foundation, to ensure the best in healthcare for children
under the age of 18 - irrespective of their socio-economic background.
The Foundation provides expert medical care including advanced life
support, cancer care, transplant surgery and neonatal intensive care to
deserving children, with the support of funds raised through various
charitable activities. The ASK Foundation also extends a helping hand to
deserving children who are being treated in hospitals other than KD
hospital, by providing all possible treatment assistance. ASK helps
children recover from Cancer treatment , Intensive care for Fatal
Ailments, Neonatal Intensive Care, Life Saving Surgeries.

UNIQUE FEATURES OF KD Medical and Hospital

⮚ Over a hundred medical professionals as full-time doctors

⮚ First multi-specialty hospital in the country to gain
NABH accreditation ⮚ Level IV Trauma care facility
⮚ One of the Intensive care facilities in the country
⮚ Blood Bank with component separation facility
⮚ The first Cochlear Implant Clinic in the State of Kerala
⮚ Advanced Interventional Radiology
⮚ State of the art Nuclear Medicine Department
⮚ Round the clock availability of Interventional Cardiologists
for Primary angioplasty ⮚ 24-hour availability of Neurologists
for thrombolysis in stroke
⮚ IntegratedKD hospital Academy with DNB, nursing and paramedical

There is a separate wing for the international promotional activities. The

doctors from KD hospital KD hospital visit the clinics abroad and refer
patients. Every business development officer has a target.


It is the process of providing an invoice for the customers for the

healthcare service rendered. Different types of bills offered by hospitals
are self-pay bills, international bills and international insurance. Every
floor in the hospital has a billing employee in order to update the activity
card and keep a track on the patient's financial activities. Cash counters
are available in certain floors for the convenience of the patients for the
bill settlement. There are billing staff assigned in the OT to keep a track
on equipment used and other additional requirements which they utilize.

The main functions of the HR department are talent acquisition, payroll

processing, attendance management of employees, leave management,
MIS report updation. The job seekers have to upload their resume on the
KD hospital website. During the recruitment process the recruiters of the
HR department will select the resumes of the suitable candidates and
call them for the interviews. There are three rounds of interviews
conducted by the head of the concerned department, HR manager, and
HR executive. Nurses have written exams before the interviews. When
an employee leaves the organization there is an exit questionnaire to
know the reason for resigning from the job. When a new employee joins
the organization he is employed as a trainee for a period of one year with
stipend. Once the training period is over he is given an opportunity to
work for next 6 months i.e. probation period. During this period the
employee’s performance is evaluated, if he is suitable for the job after
six months he is made a permanent employee of the organization.
Competency mapping is done once in a year in order to understand the
employee development in skills, knowledge and attitude. Based on the
performance appraisal which is conducted every year, compensation and
other payments are revised.

The information technology department at the hospital provides an array
of services that support enterprise and departmental computer systems
for the hospital and its affiliated clinics. The IT department allows
healthcare providers to collect, store, retrieve and transfer information
electronically. ERP is the Hospital Information System used in
hospitals. The main internet service providers of the hospital are TATA
and BSNL. Different areas that come under the functioning of the IT
departments are human resource management software, que
management, online ticketing tool, wheelchair management system, HIS
system, CCTVs, multidisciplinary team meeting, disKD hospital
recovery site. Data center privilege is given only for the IT staff.


Store manager is responsible for maintaining the store in order to ensure

hospital staff have access to necessary supplies. Different types of stores are
main store, OT store, cath lab store, lab store. Types of stocks maintained in
store are engineering consumables, medical consumables, housekeeping,
printing and stationary. The items in the stores are placed in different racks for
easy locating. Main responsibilities of the store function are to provide store
service economically. The main functions are identification, receipt,
inspection, storage, stock control, issue and dispatch, stock records, stores
accounting, stock taking. When a department requires an item from the store
they need to send a purchase request through the HIS system. Once this
request is being received the concerned person in the store has to follow up
the request and issue the required goods.
The Finance department is responsible for the overall finance of the
hospital and is accountable for the accuracy of all financial accounting
The Functions include:


Financial operations include functions of Accounts receivable, Accounts

payable, supply chain management & cash management. The main role
is to underpin the financial accounting processes and payment of vendor
invoices and proactively manage the timely billing and collection of
hospital income.


⮚ Offers comprehensive range of cutting-edge diagnostic and

therapeutic technology to facilitate efficient and accurate
⮚ Their staffs consist of some of most elite specialist, physicians and
surgeons trained from some of the best medical schools of the
⮚ The hospital serves as a referral healthcare center for patients from
the Persian Gulf region thus encouraging medical tourism.
⮚ Offers comprehensive range of cutting-edge diagnostic and
therapeutic technology to facilitate efficient and accurate
treatment. Some of the technologies are:
1. Digital ICU/ E-ICU: All the equipment in the ICU
are integrated to the HIS software for better
management and easier treatments.
2. Best in class Imaging and radiology: 256 slice Philips
CT scanner with low dose of radiation to the
patients, 3 Tesla MRI etc.
3. Fully digital anesthesia, telemetry & patients vitals
management system.
⮚ Has the best post-operative care facility in Kerala.
⮚ KD hospital is the Top angioplasty hospital in Kerala
⮚ The hospital has wide global network-311 establishments in 9
countries and growing. ⮚ KD hospital is readily accessible from
major cities across India for domestic medical value travelers.


⮚ The rising cost of healthcare delivery at the hospital has become

expensive for the lower and middle class family.
⮚ Purchase of specialized biomedical equipment and non bio medical
equipments from foreign manufacturers in foreign currency. The
havoc caused by the fluctuation in INR against foreign currency
could increase these expenditures significantly. ⮚ High employee
turnover ratio


⮚ According to CRISIL, India is fast emerging as a major medical

tourist destination. Hence KD hospital intends to increase their
marketing efforts to attract medical value travelers to their hospital
from the MENA region, especially the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) states and India.
⮚ Increasing population in India.
⮚ Growing attention for health.
⮚ Rapid development in healthcare industry.
⮚ New Therapy approaches (sports medicine).
⮚ Globalization
⮚ Hospital is planning to turn the campus into a township consisting
of all the amenities in one space.


⮚ Severe Competition from Hospitals in and around. Few of the

strong competitors are Baby Memorial Hospital, Meitra, and
⮚ Certain changes in Government rules and regulations can
negatively affect the hospital’s growth.
⮚ Mature markets competitive. In order for KD hospital hospital to
grow in a mature market, it has to increase market share, which is
difficult and expensive.
⮚ Increased demand for expensive medical technology.
⮚ Increased pressure for reduction in healthcare costs.
In any industry, whether manufacturing or service, we have multiple
departments, which function day in day out to achieve organizational
goals. The functioning of these departments may or may not be
interdependent, but at the end of day they are linked together by one
common thread – HR Department.

The HR department is that part of an organization that manages its

employees. The business functions of an HR department typically
include planning, organizing and controlling its company's resources.


Enabling the employees to be the part of a family of world class

professionals committed to provide comprehensive, caring and cost
effective medical treatment to the people as a “Caring mission with a
global vision”.

⮚ Promoting and recruiting the best qualified people, recognising and

encouraging the value of diversity in the workplace.
⮚ Providing a competitive salary and benefit package and developing
the full potential of our workforce by providing training and
development for career enhancement. ⮚ Providing a work atmosphere
that is safe, healthy and secure and conscious of long term family and
community goals.
⮚ Driving business through a robust performance management system
⮚ Establishing, administering and effectively communicating sound
policies, rules and practices that treat employees with dignity and
equality while maintain company compliance with employment
and labor laws and corporate directives.


⮚ Employee Awareness
⮚ Employee Attributes
⮚ Employee Absenteeism
⮚ Employee Satisfaction


⮚ Permanent
An employee who has been engaged on a permanent basis and
includes any person who has satisfactorily completed the period of
probation stipulated in his appointment letter. ⮚ Probationer
An employee who is provisionally employed to fill a permanent
vacancy to a post and has not completed the probationary period
stipulated in the appointment letter. ⮚ Temporary
An employee who has been engaged for work which is essentially
of a temporary nature and likely to be finished within a limited

⮚ Casual
An employee who is engaged in work of casual nature or which is
non recurring in nature and whose services are liable to be
terminated without any notice.
⮚ Contract Staff
An employee who has been engaged for a specified period

on specified terms. POLICIES OF HR DEPARTMENT

⮚ Manpower Planning, Recruitment and onboarding related policies.

⮚ Learning and Development and Uniform related Policies
⮚ Employment related Policies
⮚ Performance Management Policies
⮚ Separation and Retirement Policies
⮚ Other Policies


Manpower planning is the process of estimating the optimum number of

people required for completing a project, task or a goal within time.
Manpower planning includes parameters like number of personnel,
different types of skills, time period etc. It is a never ending continuous
process to make sure that the business has the optimized resources
available when required taking into consideration the upcoming future
projects and also the replacement of the outgoing employees. It is also
called Human Resource Planning.


The planning ensures availability of the right mix of manpower required

to provide quality healthcare services taking into consideration the
patient load, number of beds, number and type of procedures, type and
level of care, specializations, infrastructure etc. The following steps are

⮚ Analysis of Present Manpower

An audit of present staffing can further determine the exact number
of personnel required and their skill levels. This is done by taking
into account:
1. The scope of services
2. All Professional Regulatory Council Requirements
3. All Accreditation Board Requirements
4. Volume of OP, IP and Emergency Patients
5. Periodical Staff Turnover
6. Nurse to Bed ratio
⮚ Anticipation of Future Manpower Needs
This is to determine the number of persons likely to be
needed on account of:
1. Developmental plans of the Organization
2. Advancement of Medical Science and technology resulting in
a need for new skills and new categories of employees.
3. Changes in organization design and structure.


Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources

for filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It sources the
candidates with the abilities and attitude, which are required for
achieving the objectives of an organization.

Recruitment process is a process of identifying the job vacancy,

analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, short
listing and selecting the right candidate.


⮚ Recruitment Planning

Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where

the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job
specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications and skills
required for the job, etc.

A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates

from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified,
experienced with a capability to take the responsibilities required to
achieve the objectives of the organization.
⮚ Identifying Vacancy

The first and foremost process of the recruitment plan is identifying the
vacancy. This process begins with receiving the requisition for
recruitments from different department of the organization to the HR
Department, which contains −

⮚ Number of posts to be filled

⮚ Number of positions
⮚ Duties and responsibilities to be performed
⮚ Qualification and experience required
When a vacancy is identified, it is the responsibility of the sourcing
manager to ascertain whether the position is required or not, permanent
or temporary, full-time or part-time, etc. These parameters should be
evaluated before commencing recruitment. Proper identifying, planning
and evaluating leads to hiring of the right resource for the team and the
⮚ Job Analysis

Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and determining the

duties, responsibilities, skills, abilities, and work environment of a
specific job. These factors help in identifying what a job demands and
what an employee must possess in performing a job productively.

Job analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to
perform them. Its purpose is to establish and document the job
relatedness of employment procedures such as selection, training,
compensation, and performance appraisal.
The following steps are important in analyzing a job −

⮚ Recording and collecting job information

⮚ Accuracy in checking the job information
⮚ Generating job description based on the information
⮚ Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are
required for the job The immediate products of job analysis are
job descriptions and job specifications.


Job description is an informative documentation of the scope, duties,

tasks, responsibilities and working conditions related to the job listing in
the organization through the process of job analysis. Job Description
also details the skills and qualifications that an individual applying for
the job needs to possess. It basically gives all the details which might be
good for both the company and the applicant so that both parties are on
the same page regarding the job posting.

A Job description will include the following components:

⮚ Roles and responsibilities of the job.
⮚ Goals of the organization as well the goals to be achieved as a part
of the profile are mentioned in the job description.

⮚ Qualifications in terms of education and work experience required

have to be clearly mentioned.
⮚ Skill sets like leadership, team management, time management,
communication management etc required to fulfill the job

⮚ Salary range of the job are mentioned in the job description


Also known as employee specifications, a job specification is a written

statement of educational qualifications, specific qualities, level of
experience, physical, emotional, technical and communication skills
required to perform a job, responsibilities involved in a job and other
unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental health,
intelligence, aptitude,
memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability, adaptability,
flexibility, values and ethics, manners and creativity, etc.


⮚ Described on the basis of job description, job specification helps

candidates analyze whether are eligible to apply for a particular
job vacancy or not.

⮚ It helps recruiting team of an organization understand what level of

qualifications, qualities and set of characteristics should be present
in a candidate to make him or her eligible for the job opening.

⮚ Job Specification gives detailed information about any job

including job responsibilities, desired technical and physical skills,
conversational ability and much more.
⮚ It helps in selecting the most appropriate candidate

for a particular job. PERSONAL FILE


The main purpose is to maintain a detailed and complete file of

employees. The HR Department maintains the files of KD hospital
employees who are currently working in the hospital. It includes

⮚ Personal file
⮚ Joining Report and letter of Appointment
⮚ Credentials and Antecedent Check
⮚ Gratuity form
⮚ ESI form and PF form
⮚ Certificates of Educational Qualifications and ID Proof
⮚ Induction Certificates and Privilege Documents (in case of

Doctors, Nurses Etc). EMPLOYEE RIGHTS

As an employee, you are protected from discrimination in the workplace

by Victorian and federal laws. All stages of employment are covered,

⮚ Recruitment, including how positions are advertised and how

interviews are conducted ⮚ Being offered unfair terms and
conditions of employment
⮚ Negotiating flexible work arrangements
⮚ Disclosing disability in the workplace
⮚ Returning to work after illness or injury
⮚ Being unfairly dismissed, retrenched or demoted.
⮚ Discrimination based on your career status, family responsibilities and parental
The purpose of the Employee Rights Policy is to educate the employees
about their rights and build a transparent administrative system to make
employee’s work life smooth. It is the responsibility of the HOD and
HRD to ensure implementation of the policy under the supervision of the
HR Head. Some of the Rights that they enjoy are:

⮚ Right to know about the nature of the job entrusted to an employee.

⮚ Right to know about the rules and regulations of the hospital.
⮚ To avail leave during personnel emergencies with prior
permission from the HOD. ⮚ Right to be protected against all
kinds of Occupational health hazard.
⮚ Right to receive salary every month with proper breakup of payment.
⮚ Right to adhere to ethical practises and work culture.
⮚ Right to know about the disciplinary proceedings of the hospital.
⮚ Right to know about one’s periodic appraisal carried out by the
organization. ⮚ Right to know about the grievance handling
mechanism of the hospital. ⮚ Right to receive eligible benefits
associated with the statutory and legal provision of employment.
⮚ Right to be protected from any kind of harassment from

any other employee. ESI

ESI stands for Employee State Insurance managed by the Employee

State Insurance Corporation which is an autonomous body created by
the law under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of

This scheme is started for Indian workers. The workers are provided with
a huge variety of medical, monetary and other benefits from the
employer. Any Company having more than 10 employees (in some
states it is 20 employees) who have a maximum salary of Rs. 15000/- has
to mandatorily register itself with the ESIC.

Under this scheme, the employer needs to contribute an amount of

4.00% of the total monthly salary payable to the employee whereas the
employer needs to contribute only 1.00% of his

monthly salary every month of the year. The only exception to the
employee in paying his contribution is whose salary is less than Rs.
100/- per day.


The benefits of registering under this scheme are varied. Some of them
are: ⮚ Sickness benefits at the rate of 70% (in the form of salary), in
case of any certified illness certified and which lasts for a maximum
of 91 days in any year
⮚ Medical Benefits to an employee and his family members
⮚ Maternity Benefit to the women who are pregnant (paid leaves)
⮚ If the death of the employee happens while on work – 90% of the
salary is given to his dependents every month after the death of the
⮚ Same as above in case of disability of the employee
⮚ Funeral expenses
⮚ Old age care medical expenses

EPFO is one of the World's largest Social Security Organizations in

terms of clientele and the volume of financial transactions undertaken.
At present it maintains 17.14 crore accounts (Annual Report 2015-16)
pertaining to its members.

The Employees' Provident Fund came into existence with the

promulgation of the Employees' Provident Funds Ordinance on the 15th
November, 1951. It was replaced by the Employees' Provident Funds
Act, 1952. The Employees' Provident Funds Bill was introduced in the
Parliament as Bill Number 15 of the year 1952 as a Bill to provide for
the institution of provident funds for employees in factories and other
establishments. The Act is now referred to as the Employees' Provident
Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 which extends to the
whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir. The Act and Schemes
framed there under are administered by a tripartite Board known as the
Central Board of Trustees, Employees' Provident Fund, consisting of
representatives of Government (Both Central and State), Employers, and
The Central Board of Trustees administers a contributory provident fund,
pension scheme and an insurance scheme for the workforce engaged in
the organized sector in India. The Board is assisted by the Employees’
PF Organization (EPFO), consisting of offices at 135 locations across
the country. The Organization has a well equipped training set up where
officers and employees of the Organization as well as Representatives of
the Employers and Employees attend sessions for training and seminars.

UAN is a Universal Account Number. The UAN is a 12-digit number

allotted to employees who are contributing to EPF and will be generated
for each of the PF members by EPFO. For example, 111222333444. The
UAN will act as an umbrella for the multiple Member Ids allotted to an
individual by different establishments and also remains the same through
the lifetime of an employee. It does not change with the change in jobs.
The idea is to link multiple Member Identification Numbers (Member
Id) allotted to a single member under a single Universal Account
Number. This will help the member to view details of all the Member
Identification Numbers (Member Id) linked to it.

The Major benefit of UAN or Universal Account Number will include

easy tagging of multiple Employees’ Provident Fund Member Id under a
single number, thus reducing the confusion. The UAN will help in easy
transfer and withdrawals of claims. Along with these services like Online
Pass-Book, SMS Services on each deposit of contribution and Online
KYC Update can be provided on the basis of UAN number. Before that,
you need to activate UAN from the EPFO portal.

There are new UAN portals to check your EPF balance and nowadays all
the details like how to check UAN status, download UAN EPF
passbook, check EPF balance, provident fund claim and many more
facilities provided by the new UAN portal.

EPFO has now started to provide the refund of Administrative charges if

all the KYC details are updated for all employees. This incentive
program is announced for the Year 2016-2017.

Gratuity is a benefit which is payable under the Payment of Gratuity Act

1972. Gratuity is the sum of money paid by an employer to an employee
for his/her rendered services to the organization for the tenure of his/her
services. Out of the several components that make up the gross salary of
a salaried individual, gratuity is one. Gratuity is a benefit payable under
the Payment of Gratuity Act passed in the year 1972.

Following are the few instances when you will be eligible to receive gratuity.

⮚ An employee should be eligible for superannuation

⮚ An employee retires
⮚ An employee resigns after working for 5 years with a single employer
⮚ An employee passes away or suffers disability due to

illness or accident CALCULATION OF GRATUITY

Listed below are the components that go into calculation of gratuity

amount. The amount is also dependent upon the number of years
served in the company and the last drawn salary.
N = number of years of service in a company
B = last drawn basic salary plus DA
Gratuity = N*B*15/26


The Salaries Section is responsible for the payment of all Hospital staff
through the operation of weekly, fortnightly and monthly payrolls. The
size and complexity of the Hospital together with the wide variety of
staff grades, payment entitlements and agreements creates significant
complexity in the payroll function. The Section works closely with the
HR Department of the Hospital and operating departments in ensuring
that all employees are paid accurately and on time.
In addition to the payment of staff salaries, the Salaries Section
facilitates a number of staff deduction schemes including TDS (Tax
Deducted at Source), PF (Provident Fund) and Health Insurance

Emportant software is used which offers employees a high degree of

autonomy through an internet platform. Pay slips and details regarding
tax may be made b


⮚ The HR personnel will send the first cut salary report on or before
25th to the following Finance personnel in charge.
⮚ The Finance personnel will then perform necessary control
checks/arrive TDS and communicate approximate aggregate salary
amount for the month to the signing authority by the 26th of the
⮚ The Finance personnel will send back the final salary file to the Hr
personnel by the 27th of the month.
⮚ The HR personnel will then prepare the final statement and give the
duly signed statement to the respective finance personnel in charge
for preparing Fund Transfer Letters on or before the 28th of the
⮚ Finance personnel will prepare the final salary statement and Fund
Transfer Letters and countersign the salary statement before
submitting the same to authorized signatories for signing on or
before the 29th of the month.
⮚ Finance personnel will submit the duly signed fund transfer letters
to the bank by the 29th of the month with an instruction to transfer
the salary to individual accounts on the last working day of the


Performance Appraisal Policy lays down the guidelines for conducting

performance appraisal for various purposes. It is conducted before
extension of training, extension of services, promotion, annual
increment etc. Performance Appraisal is made as a combination of
Competency and KPI.


Competency approach to job depends on competency mapping.

Competency Mapping is a process to identify key competencies for an
organization and/or a job and incorporate those competencies
throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training,
recruitment) of the organization. A competency is defined as a behavior
(i.e. communication, leadership) rather than a skill or ability.
The steps involved in competency mapping are presented below:
⮚ Conduct a job analysis by asking incumbents to complete a position
information questionnaire (PIQ). This can be provided for
incumbents to complete, or used as a basis for conducting one-on-
one interviews using the PIQ as a guide. The primary goal is to
gather from incumbents what they feel are the key behaviors
necessary to perform their respective jobs.
⮚ Using the results of the job analysis, a competency based job
description is developed. It is developed after carefully analyzing
the input from the represented group of incumbents and converting
it to standard competencies.
⮚ With a competency based job description, mapping the
competencies can be done. The competencies of the respective job
description become factors for assessment on the performance
evaluation. Using competencies will help to perform more
objective evaluations based on displayed or not displayed
⮚ Taking the competency mapping one step further, one can use the
results of one’s evaluation to identify in what competencies
individuals need additional development or training. This will help
in focusing on training needs required to achieve the goals of the
position and company and help the employees develop toward the
ultimate success of the organization.


Key performance indicators (KPIs) are business metrics used by

corporate executives and other managers to track and analyze factors
deemed crucial to the success of an organization. Effective KPIs focus
on the business processes and functions that senior management sees as
most important for measuring progress toward meeting strategic goals
and performance targets.

Key performance indicators shine a light on how well a business is
doing. Without KPIs, it would be difficult for a company's leaders to
evaluate that in a meaningful way, and to then make operational changes
to address performance problems. Keeping employees focused on
business initiatives and tasks that are central to organizational success
could also be challenging without designated KPIs to reinforce the
importance and value of those activities.


The objective of the policy is to prevent employee grievances and to

resolve if any arises. It is applicable to all employees. It is reviewed


⮚ The immediate supervisor of the employee is responsible for

handling the grievances and to find a solution to the same.
⮚ If it is not possible due to authority limitations of the supervisor,
he/she can bring the same to the notice of the Head of the Department
that will redress the same at his level. ⮚ If the employee is not
satisfied, he can bring the complaint in writing to the HR
Department and they will conduct an enquiry and the decision will
be intimated to the concerned employee.
⮚ If he/she is still not satisfied, the issue is brought to the CEO
through HR Department. ⮚ The decision of the CEO will be final.
⮚ Counseling Sessions are also organized.


The policy lays down criteria for promotion of employees. It will be the
responsibility of the HR Department under the supervision of General
Manager HR to implement the policy.


Promotion in position is given to an employee for any one or more of the

following reasons. Decision on promotion will be taken by the

⮚ Vacancy in a higher post

⮚ Performance appraisal reports
⮚ Competencies in terms of qualification, experience and capabilities.
⮚ Length of service in the organization.


Superannuation is an organizational pension program created by a

company for the benefit of its employees. It is also referred to as a
company pension plan. Funds deposited in a superannuation account
will grow, typically without any tax implications, until retirement or
withdrawal. In the United States, superannuation plans are usually either
defined-benefit or defined-contribution plans.
As funds are added by employer (and potentially employee)
contributions and other traditional growth vehicles, the funds are
reserved in a superannuation fund. This form of monetary fund will be
used to pay out employee pension benefits as participating employees
become eligible. An employee is deemed to be superannuated upon
reaching the proper age or as a result of an infirmity. At that point, the
employee will be able to draw benefits from the fund.

A superannuation fund differs from some other retirement investment

mechanisms in that the benefit available to an eligible employee is
defined by a set schedule and not by the performance of the investment.

Superannuation from the Employer and Employee Perspective

As a defined-benefit plan, superannuation supplies a fixed,

predetermined benefit depending on a variety of factors, but it is not
dependent on market performance. Certain factors may include the
number of years the person was employed with the company, the
employee's salary, and the exact age at which the employee began to
draw the benefit. Employees often value these benefits for their
predictability. From a business perspective, they can be more complex to
administer, but they also allow for larger contributions than some other
employer-sponsored plans.

Upon qualifying for retirement, the eligible employee receives a fixed

amount, usually on a monthly basis. As mentioned, the amount is
determined by a preexisting formula. The function of superannuation, in
that regard, is similar to receiving Social Security benefits upon reaching
the qualifying age or under qualifying circumstances.

The policy defines the processes and procedures for separation of an

employee. It is applicable to all full time on roll employees, trainees,
and contract employees directly engaged byKD hospital.


⮚ An employee must put in writing their intention to resign in
adherence to the mandatory notice period as per the terms and
conditions of the employment agreed and signed. ⮚ The letter should
be submitted to the HOD Concerned and the HOD shall forward the
same confidentiality within a period of 48 hours to the HR
Department with their remarks and recommendations.
⮚ Resignation letter submitted directly to the HR Department will not
be accepted. ⮚ Acceptance of the resignation will be at the discretion
of the HR Head and in case of resignation of HODs. The accepting
authority will be General Manager of HR. ⮚ Resignation shall be
made adhering to the mandatory notice period refereed in the policy.
⮚ The employee should make themselves available for the exit
interview. ⮚ Employee shall submit no due form and ensure that no
dues are left to be given. ⮚ ID card should be submitted with the no
dues form
⮚ Salary from the date of resignation to the last date of employment
will be held until the final settlement is done by HR.
⮚ Every employee will be issued with an experience certificate at the
time of relieving. ⮚ In case the exit s on account of disciplinary
grounds, the HR Department may hold the certificate to issue
certificate with such remarks.
⮚ The terminal legal benefits will be settled in one month or any earlier as
per convenience.


Exit interviews are conducted with departing employees, just before they
leave. The primary purpose of exit interview is to learn reasons for the
person’s departure which in turn helps in organizational improvement
.Exit interviews offer opportunities to find out information that
otherwise might be more difficult and impossible to obtain. It helps to
transfer knowledge. It is also one of tools to improve the process of
protocols, culture, management etc.

From the employer’s perspective, the primary aim of the exit interview is
to learn reasons for the person’s departure, on the basis of the principle
that criticism is a helpful driver for organizational improvement. Exit
interviews also yield useful information about the employer organization,
assess and improve all aspects of the working environment, culture,
systems etc. in fact anything that determines the quality of an
organization both in terms of relationship with the staff, suppliers, third
parties, and the general public depends on exit interviews.


⮚ Identify Troublesome Trends. By keeping track of the outcome of

exit interviews over a period of time, you can identify trends and
patterns over time as to why people want to leave the company.
⮚ Avoid People Leaving on Bad Terms. An exit interview will also
give you the opportunity to sort out issues with those leaving the
company on bad terms. ⮚ Gain Perception of Management. One
aspect that should always be covered during an interview is that of
the individual’s perception of management. Ask about how the
individual perceives their direct manager as well as the management

Usually, recruitment takes place not just when a vacancy comes. It

depends upon the requirement of an employee in the department, the
present bed patient ratio and the situation of the company. When a
vacancy comes, they will put it on the website. Job Description and
Specification are mentioned so the right person applies for the Job.

During the first week, I was dealing with the Recruitment Process. In KD
hospital, there will be Interview every Thursday for the recruitment of
Nurses. Initially the HR Department will do the first round of interview.
Then they are sent to their respective departments to go through their
Second round of Interview. After this if they are recruited, they will be
given different forms to be filled. It includes personal data form, joining
report, PF form, ESI form etc. Doctors' Recruitment is dealt with
differently. It includes the decisions of the higher authority.

During the Second Week, I dealt with ESI and PF. I learnt how to
register ESI and PF, edit them, and add new details. Employees often
come to withdraw their PF amount. I was fortunate enough to do the
procedures for them.ESI and PF contribution is recorded in Excel Sheets
and updated every month. Also the ESI registration of new employees
was handled by me.

During the third week, I did SuperAnnuation. It has both employee and
employer perspectives. Though I wasn’t told to do so, the staff there
explained how it works and the steps to be followed.

During the fourth week, I was going through Settlement. Since during
that time, a large number of people resigned, it almost took more than a
week to study settlement. I was under the supervision of the staff to
clarify my doubt regarding settlement. The service certificate was issued
only after the settlement. The final paper will be forwarded to the
Finance department for final payment.

During the fifth week, I studied termination and auditing. Termination

was done for those who left the organization without completing the
formal procedures. Initially a warning letter will be issued to them
regarding their absenteeism. Later on if they fail to respond, they will be
terminated and not issued the service certificate, until genuine reason is
informed. Auditing was
done in order to cross check whether the details given by them are
correct or not. The details were entered in an Excel Sheet and then it
was analyzed by a staff member.

During the last week, I was told to check the employee file to ensure it is
complete. Since the nursing audit was on the way, it was mandatory to
ensure that every file was completed. It was a tedious job as there are
more than 1500 employees working. I managed to complete the task
within the allotted time.
I was also told to introduce a new insurance scheme for the employees.
The insurance was star health insurance which was free for the
employee and their family excluding their parents. When I introduced
them, I was able to learn and clarify my doubts regarding the insurance.
This also helped me to know all the departments, their capacity and their
working atmosphere.


⮚ Center for Quality Promotion 2017, Given By: CAHO

⮚ NABH Accreditation 2017, Given By: NATIONAL


⮚ NABH Accreditation 2016, Given By: NATIONAL


⮚ NABH Accreditation 2015, Given By: NATIONAL












On boarding training was done for all the new employees together
including Doctors, Staff nurses, other Executives, Staffs and Interns of
various departments of the hospital. We were given four days of
Induction Training which was conducted by the Learning and
Development Department of KD hospital. It was a very good experience
for me as it was the first time I got an opportunity to attend an Induction

During the training period, there were seminar talks by different top
authorities like CEO, COO, CMS etc about the Hospital, Mission,
Vision, Values, Future expansions, and various Department Heads
spoke about their respective departments. HR personnel introduced us to
the rules and regulations of the organization, grooming rules, and we
were taken for an KD hospital tour in order to familiarize with the
hospital and to understand where each Departments & Administrative
offices are. There were yoga sessions, sessions on DisKD hospital
Management, Housekeeping, and Radiation Safety measures, Hospital
Infection Control, Training on Basic Life Support and Fire & Safety.
Then we had a practical assessment test as part of training in Basic Life
Support (CPR) and Fire & Safety.

After training i.e. on the 5th day, we were asked to join the concerned
departments. During the first week of my internship program, I was
given a brief introduction of the functioning of the HR department at KD
hospital and also about KD hospital as a whole by our organizational
guide, Mr. Rajeesh KP, Assistant Manager of HR.

I was told to go through the HR Manuals of the hospital. It was done to

get an idea of how the system works there. I was first told to assist in the
recruitment process. All the necessary documents to be included in a
profile were made. Then resume segregation was done according to the
candidates qualifications, experience etc. I learnt how to create a
Document of Record which was made by the employees when they
work on a public holiday. The idea behind how to change the manager of
the employees was also a new learning. Since auditors come in order to
check whether everything is taking place aptly, all the incomplete files
were checked and completed. Credentials and antecedents were done for
the new joiners.

During the second week, an introduction to ESI and PF were given. They
were the benefits that the employees had while working there at the
hospital. How PF and ESI are created, edited, how loans are given are
some of the things they taught. Those employees who resigned from the

hospital, their settlement was done. Each employee had an Oracle ID that
helped them to carry their activities without any issues. How
superannuation was done was also learnt. An introduction to the
Performance Appraisal System was given.

Town hall meeting is a program conducted by the HR department. It is

conducted every once in a month. It gives the total statistics of all
hospital related aspects to get an idea of what their present status is. For
this month, it was conducted on 17th of May. As a part of the event,
cultural programs were also present to motivate their employees. A Q
and A session was present so that employees can address their concerns
to the management.

During the third and fourth week, I was told to introduce a new insurance
called Star Health Insurance to all the employees except Doctors.
During the Fifth week, I went on to collect the information regarding the
new insurance of the hospital.

During the sixth week, I approached each employee, associated with

each section and acquired knowledge about the work performed by each
of them and thus obtained information about various functions of the
HR Department and was able to complete my report on the topic.

In this report I have tried my level best to identify and analyze different
functions of the HR Department of KD hospital. In this report, I imply
our acquired knowledge from accounting courses and try to comply with
the systems followed by the hospital. Internship helped me to achieve
good exposure and experience the practical side of the theory learned.

Working in the HR Department of KD hospital was a great experience

for me. I was able to learn many things throughout my Internship period.

I personally thank my organization guide Rajeesh Sir in KD hospital,KD

hospital for guiding me from time to time in successful completion of
my Organizational study. I also thank each and every department staff
for their help in providing me with valuable information required for this

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