Evidence Summary - Pediatric Acupuncture
Evidence Summary - Pediatric Acupuncture
Evidence Summary - Pediatric Acupuncture
[email protected]
Natalie Saunders Lic.Ac. BA(Hons) Traditional Acupuncture
Katherine Berry BHSc TCM Acupuncture, MSc Research (Addictions)
The prevalence of chronic childhood conditions Various reviews have found acupuncture and
is increasing with 13–27% of children now being acupuncture-related therapies to show particular
affected by chronic conditions. (1) These conditions promise in the treatment of pediatric pain, cerebral
may last into adulthood and can have a significant palsy, nocturnal enuresis, tic disorders, amblyopia,
impact on the whole family as well as the affected nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders, autistic
child. Therefore, it is unsurprising that many families spectrum disorder (ASD), and respiratory disorders.
are now seeking complementary and alternative (4) (5) (6)
medicine (CAM) therapies and integrative medicine Furthermore, acupuncture is considered safe and
including acupuncture and related therapies for well-tolerated (7) (8) with a very low risk of serious
their children’s conditions. (2) (3) adverse effects.
Another promising area in pediatric acupuncture is
the relief of nausea and vomiting, specifically post-
PAIN operative nausea and vomiting and chemotherapy-
induced nausea and vomiting.
Brain Stem
Spinal Cord
TRIALS Cutaneo-visceral Reflex
Interneuron Pathways
A large study of 913 infants (18) aged 0–12 weeks found A 2018 meta-analysis of randomized controlled
that acupuncture significantly improved symptoms trials (24) looked at 21 studies and 1718 patients
such as inflated stomach and defecation rates in 690 comparing acupuncture plus rehabilitation with
of its subjects, while 201 subjects saw more subtle rehabilitation alone. The meta-analysis found that
improvements. However, other symptoms such as acupuncture provided improvements in gross motor
regurgitation actually increased following function and fine motor function with improvements
acupuncture treatment. in scales measuring muscle tone and spasticity.
Furthermore, there was a high total effective rate,
A further 2016 study (19) found that acupuncture reduced with only mild adverse effects reported. Of the 21
crying time in infants with colic, with more of its studies included in the analysis, three were classed
subjects crying for less than three hours a day (one of as grade A for quality, while the remainder were
the diagnostic criteria for colic) following acupuncture. classed as grade B.
A further 2017 review (23) of seven studies A 2018 review (28) found improvements in CARS and
conducted on children aged 7–15 years concluded ABC scores when acupuncture was combined with
that acupuncture was more effective for nocturnal behavioral and educational interventions, with an
enuresis than either placebo or drug therapy. ‘acceptable’ risk of adverse effects.
A further 2018 study (29) found that the greatest
improvements were in verbal communication. The
latter study also suggests that the efficacy of
acupuncture for ASD may reduce with increased age.
Neonates are often subjected to painful procedures
for which acupuncture may offer relief. (33)
ASTHMA Another condition for which acupuncture may be
useful is neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS),
a group of symptoms experienced by babies
A 2013 study (30) of 52 children aged 6 months to 6 withdrawing from fetal exposure to illicit drugs or
years found significant improvements in asthma prescription medications such as opioids
symptoms following acupuncture treatment. and benzodiazepines.
However, these were not maintained following
the cessation of treatment, suggesting long-term One 2015 randomized, controlled, blinded trial (34) found
acupuncture therapy could be necessary. that infants with NAS required a reduced duration of
morphine therapy and had a reduced length of hospital
These results are supported by a 2015 systematic stay compared with control subjects, resulting in
review of seven studies and 410 patients (31) Two of reduced costs to the hospital of around 26.4%. A
the reviewed studies found improvements in peak retrospective review (35) found that infants with NAS
expiratory flow (PEF) following treatment, while showed improved feeding following acupuncture
another showed a reduction in asthma-related anxiety. treatment, and were calmer and slept better during
and immediately after treatment.
There are a number of different mechanisms and too little adenosine and ATP may be associated
underlying acupuncture’s physiological effects. with disease. However, self-regulation of purinergic
The most thoroughly researched area is pain. signaling as is promoted by acupuncture treatment
Numerous nerve pathways and biochemicals have is likely to be both effective and safe.
been identified as being involved in acupuncture’s
analgesic effects. These include Aδ, Aβ and C nerve In addition to biochemical actions, studies also
fibers, opioid neuropeptides including enkephalins, demonstrate the direct effects of acupuncture
endorphins, dynorphins, endomorphins, and on the central nervous system. These influence
nociceptin, and non-opioid neuropeptides including spinal reflexes, where acupuncture induces muscle
substance P (SP), vasoactive intestinal peptide relaxation and changes in visceral organs. In
(VIP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). the brain, acupuncture has been shown to alter
Several neurotransmitters are also involved functional connectivity and decrease activity in
including serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, limbic structures associated with stress and illness.
cytokines, glutamate, nitric oxide, and gamma-
amino-butyric-acid (GABA). (38) (39) Acupuncture simultaneously improves regulation of
the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal (HPA) axis, the
Many other pathways have been identified primary system that the body uses for regulating
which help to explain how acupuncture has such hormones and the physiological stress response. (54)
a diverse range of effects. Perhaps the most Additionally, acupuncture modulates activity in the
central of these is known as purinergic signaling, parasympathetic nervous system which is associated
a system in which adenosine triphosphate (ATP) with rest, relaxation, digestion and healing. (55)
plays a role in signaling and regulation of all
tissues and organs. (40) (41) ATP is required for nerve
transmission, and animal studies found that mice
bred with an inability to bind to adenosine did not
experience analgesia from acupuncture, while
normal mice did. (42) (43) This effect has also been
replicated in human studies. (44)
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