Law Nos,
3 of 1974
Act Nos,
15 of 1949
50 of 1954
32 of 1956
15 of 1962
2 of 1968
3 of 1972
41 of 1984
Short title. 1 This Ordinance may be cited as the Police Ordinance.
Laws and 2. So soon as any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be brought into operation within
any town, village, or limits, or part of any town or village, all laws, customs, and usages
repugnant to this
which may then be in force therein, so far as they are in anywise repugnant to or
inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be revoked, abrogated, and
Appointment of 25.
Commandant and
Deputy (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance, there shall be appointed a
Commandant. Commandant who shall be in command of the police reserve and be
[2, Law 3 of 1974]
responsible for its general administration in accordance with the provisions
of this Ordinance and the regulations made hereunder.
(2) There shall be appointed an officer of the police force not below the rank
of Superintendent of Police to be Deputy Commandant who shall, in the
absence of the Commandant, exercise and perform all his powers and
Enrolling of 26.
[2, Law 3 of 1974]
(1) The Commandant shall, in accordance with the regulations made in that
behalf, appoint to the police reserve such number of Reserve
Superintendents, Reserve Assistant Superintendents, Reserve Chief
Inspectors, Reserve Inspectors, Reserve Sub-Inspectors, Reserve
Sergeants-Major, Reserve Sergeants and Reserve Constables as may be
determined by the Inspector-General of Police.
(2) Every appointment to the rank of Reserve Superintending and Reserve
Assistant Superintendent shall be made with the prior written approval of the
Inspector-General of Police.
Identity cards. 26A. An identity card issued to any person duly authenticated by the Commandant shall
[ 3, Law 3 of 1974]
be conclusive proof of the appointment under this Ordinance of the holder thereof to the
rank in the police reserve specified therein.
Mobilization. 26B.
[ 3, Law 3 of 1974]
(1) The Commandant shall, on the directions of the Inspector-General of
Police, mobilize such officers of the police reserve as are required to assists
the police force in the exercise of its powers and performance of its duties.
No such officer shall be de-mobilized by the Commandant except on the
directions of the Inspector-General of Police.
(2) The notification of mobilization may be conveyed to any member of the
police reserve orally or in writing or by an announcement made over the
radio or by publication in a newspaper.
Officers to serve in 26C. An officer of the police reserve shall be required to serve in any part of the Republic
any part of the
and within its territorial waters.
[3, Law 3 of 1974]
Powers, 26D. On mobilization an officer of any rank in the police reserve shall have the same
responsibilities c,
powers, duties, obligations and responsibilities and enjoy the same immunities as an officer
of officers.
of that rank in the police force.
[ 3, Law 3 of 1974]
(2) Any officer of the police reserve who, having been mobilized for service,
fails without reasonable cause to carry out any lawful order, instruction or
direction given for the performance of his duties by the Commandant or an
officer of the police reserve duly authorized by the Commandant or any
officer of the police force duly authorized by the Inspector-General of Police,
shall be guilty of an offence and be liable on conviction after trial before a
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees or to simple
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such fine
and imprisonment
Obligations of 26F.
[ 3, Law 3 of 1974]
(1) It shall be the duty of every employer to give all proper facilities for
enabling any person in his employ to become or to be a member of the
police reserve and any such person who is a member of that reserve to
undergo and render such training and serve as he may be required to
undergo and render by or under this Ordinance.
(2) Any employer who
(a) fails to give the facilities referred to in subsection (1) of this
section ; or
(b) by dismissing an employee or by reducing his wages or in
any other manner penalizes him for undergoing or rendering
any training or service referred to in that subsection, shall be
guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction after trial before a
Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand
rupees or to simple or rigorous imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(3) Where an employer guilty of an offence under this section
(a) is a body corporate, every person who, at the time of the
commission of the offence, was a director, manager or
secretary of such body; and
(b) is a firm, every partner of such firm, shall be deemed to be
guilty of such offence unless such director, manager, secretary
or partner, as the case may be, proves that such offence was
committed without his consent or connivance and that he
exercised all such diligence to prevent the commission of such
offence as he ought to have exercised having regard to the
nature of his functions in such capacity and in all the
(5) Neither the institution of such action nor any appeal therein shall stay the
levying of the whole or any part of such rate or rates, and the excess, if any,
collected shall be returned according to the decision of such Primary Court
or District Court if there be no appeal, or of the Court of Appeal in case of
Proceedings if tax 41. If any person shall not pay the tax due by him under this Ordinance as soon as the
not duly paid.
same is due, either into the office of the Government Agent or to some collector authorized
by the Government Agent, by writing under his hand, to collect and receive the same upon
demand made by such collector, it shall be lawful for the Government Agent, and he is
hereby thereunto authorized and required, for non-payment of such tax to seize any
property whatsoever belonging to the person by whom such tax is due, where so ever the
same may be found within the district of such Government Agent, and also to seize any
movable property, to whomsoever the same may belong, which shall be found in or upon
any house, building, land, or tenement for which such tax shall be due ; and if the amount
due on account of such tax, together with the costs and charges payable by virtue of section
50, shall not be sooner paid or tendered to such Government Agent, to sell the property so
seized by public auction at any time not less than ten nor more than thirty days from the
time of such seizure. It shall be lawful for the Government Agent or any Assistant
Government Agent to authorize any person specially in writing to seize and sell property as
herein provided for.
Property may not 42. It shall not be lawful for the Government Agent to seize any movable property which
be seized for
may be found in or upon any house, building, land, or tenement in respect of which such tax
arrears of tax
shall be due, for any arrears of tax due beyond two quarters next preceding such seizure,
beyond two
unless such movable property shall belong to any person who was the owner or a joint
quarters except in
owner of the said house, building, land, or tenement at the time the arrears beyond such
certain cases.
two quarters accrued and became due ; or unless such movable property shall belong to
any person who shall have occupied the said house, building, land, or tenement at the time
when the said last-mentioned arrears accrued and became due.
Order to be 43. Whenever it shall be necessary to seize and sell the property of any person making
observed in
default in the payment of the said tax it shall be the duty of the officer authorized by this
seizing and selling
Ordinance to seize and sell the property to observe the order prescribed in sections 44, 45,
property for
46 and 47 in carrying out such seizure and sale.
recovery of tax.
Movables of 44. The movable property of the defaulter, where so ever the same may be found,
sufficient in the opinion of the officer seizing and selling the property to cover the amount of
wherever found,
the tax due and the charges incurred in the recovery of the same may be seized and sold :
and of any person
in the premises for
which tax is due
may be seized
and sold.
Property of others may not be seized for arrears of tax beyond two quarters. Exceptions.
Provided that any movable property, to whomsoever the same may belong, which shall be
found in or upon any house, building, land, or tenement for which such tax shall be due,
may be seized and sold. But it shall not be lawful to seize any movable property which may
be found in or upon any house, building, land, or tenement in respect of which such tax shall
be due, for any arrears of tax due beyond two quarters next preceding such seizure, unless
such movable property shall belong to any person who was the owner or a joint owner of the
said house, building, land, or tenement at the time the arrears beyond such two quarters
accrued and became due; or unless such movable property shall belong to any person who
shall have occupied the said house, building, land, or tenement at the time when the said
last-mentioned arrears accrued and became due.
Sale of rents and 45. Failing such movable property, may be seized and sold the rents and profits of the
house, building, land, or tenement for which such tax shall be due, for a term sufficient, in
the opinion of the officer seizing and selling the property, to cover the amount of the tax due
and the charges incurred in the recovery of the same.
Sale of building 46. Failing such rents and profits, may be seized and sold the materials of any house or
materials and
building standing on the land for which such tax shall be due, and the timber growing
thereon, sufficient, in the opinion of the officer seizing and selling the property, to cover such
tax and the charges as aforesaid. And the purchaser of such materials or timber shall be
entitled to pull down or cut and remove the same within the time allowed him for that
purpose by the officer carrying out such seizure and sale.
Sale of premises 47. Failing such building materials and timber, may be seized and sold the house, building,
on which tax is
land, or tenement for which such tax shall be due ; or, if a portion thereof, sufficient to cover
due or a portion
such tax and the charges as aforesaid, can, in the opinion of the officer seizing and selling
the property, be conveniently separated from the rest, such portion only.
Officers not liable 48. No officer shall be liable in damages by reason of his not duly observing such order,
for failure to
unless the person claiming such damages shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that
observe order of
the defaulter, or some person on his behalf, pointed out to such officer, at the time he was
seizure and sale.
making the seizure of such defaulter's property, free and unclaimed property sufficient to
cover the amount of the tax or commutation, and charges as aforesaid, which was liable to
seizure, in the first instance, according to the order hereby established, but which such
officer nevertheless failed to seize.
Property seized 49. Any movable property seized as aforesaid may be removed by the Government Agent
may be removed
for safe custody, pending the sale thereof, to such place as he may think fit; and in case of
or a person
the seizure of immovable property, or of any property which cannot be conveniently
placed in
removed, such Government Agent may place and keep a person in possession thereof
pending such sale,
Costs of seizure, 50. It shall be lawful for the Government Agent to demand, take, and receive from the
person by whom the tax is due, or from the owner or any joint owner of any property which
may be lawfully seized for non-payment of such tax, the several sums of money mentioned
in the following table; that is to say :
Table of Charges incurred in the Recovery of Tax
(a) for cost of proceeding to the house or land of the party in default, in order
to seize property, a charge not exceeding four cents for every fifty cents of
tax due;
(b) for removal of the goods seized, in case such removal takes place, a
charge not exceeding four cents for every fifty cents of tax due ;
(c) for keeping the same in safe custody in case of such detention, a charge
not exceeding four cents per day;
(d) for keeping a person in possession in case of a seizure of immovable
property, or if the goods seized are not removed, a charge not exceeding
fifty cents per day ;
(e) for the expenses of sale, where any takes place, a charge not exceeding
twenty- four cents on every ten rupees of the net produce of the sale.
Houses may be 51. It shall be lawful for the Government Agent to break open or cause to be broken open,
broken open, &c.
in the daytime, any house or building, for the purpose of seizing property in pursuance of
this Ordinance.
Tenant paying tax 52. It shall be lawful for the occupant of any house, building, land, or tenement, not being
to avoid seizure of
the owner or joint owner thereof, whose property shall have been seized as aforesaid, or
his property may
who, to avoid such seizure, or after seizure to avoid a sale of such property, shall have paid
deduct it from his
the amount of tax due in respect of such house, building, land, or tenement, and the costs
demandable by virtue of this Ordinance, to deduct the amount paid by him from the first
payment of rent due by him on account of the said house, building, land, or tenement to the
owner or owners thereof, and the receipt of the Government Agent for the amount so paid
shall be deemed an acquaintance in full for the like amount of rent:
Provided always that nothing herein contained shall authorize any such deduction from his
rent by any occupant who, by the terms of his lease or other agreement, was himself bound
and liable to pay such tax.
After to payment 53. In the event of a sale of property seized, the Government Agent shall, after deducting
of the tax and
the amount due on account of such tax, and also the costs and charges payable by virtue of
charges, over plus
section 50 (which said costs and charges the Government Agent is hereby authorized to
accruing from sale
retain), restore the over plus arising from such sale, if any there be, to the owner or to some
be restored to the
joint owner of the property sold; and the Government Agent shall, upon application in that
owner of the
behalf, grant a receipt for the amount of the tax recovered, and of such costs and charges,
to the owner or joint owner of such property.
Certificate of sale. 54. If land or other immovable property be sold for non-payment of tax, a certificate
substantially in form B in the Schedule, signed by the Government Agent, shall be sufficient
to vest the property in the purchaser, any law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Such certificate shall be liable to the stamp duty fixed on conveyances of immovable
property, and to any registration or other charges authorized by law, such duty and charges
being payable by the purchaser.
The Inspector- 55. The Inspector-General of Police may from time to time, subject always to the
General of Police
approbation of the said Minister, frame orders and regulations for the observance of the
may-make rules
police officers who shall be placed under his control as aforesaid, and also for the general
for police.
government of such persons, as to their places of residence, classification, rank, and
particular services, as well as their distribution and inspection, and all such orders and
regulations relative to the said police force as he may deem expedient for preventing
neglect or abuse, and for rendering such force efficient in the discharge of its duties ; and
every police officer who shall neglect or violate any such orders or regulations, or any duty
imposed upon him by this or any other enactment, shall be guilty of an offence, and be
liable to any fine not exceeding fifty rupees (which fine or any part thereof may be deducted
from any salary then or at any time thereafter due to such offender), or to imprisonment with
or without hard labour for any period not exceeding one month.
" public place " means any highway, public park or garden, any sea beach, and any public
bridge, road, lane, footway, square, court, alley or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not;
and includes any open space to which, for the time being, the public or any section thereof
have or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or otherwise.
Penalties for 82. Every police officer
neglect of duty,
&c. (a) who shall be guilty of any violation of duty or willful breach or neglect of
any regulations and lawful orders of other competent authority, and not
punishable under section 55; or
(b) who shall
Wells to be 89. All persons who shall make or cause to be made or have in rent or possess any well
surrounded with
within any town and limits, and shall not surround the same with a wall two feet at least in
wall two feet high.
height, and keep such wall of that height and in good and sufficient repair, shall be guilty of
an offence, and be liable to any fine not exceeding twenty rupees.
No cart to remain 90. No cart of any description whatsoever shall be left or permitted to remain in any street,
in the street, &c,
way, or avenue within any town and limits upon any pretence whatever without the
except for loading
permission of the principal officer of police, except for such time as shall be necessary for
and unloading.
the purposes only of loading or unloading, or except in such places as shall at any time be
appointed and notified by such officer ; and any owner or person in charge of any cart so left
or permitted to remain as aforesaid shall be guilty of an offence, and be liable to any fine not
exceeding twenty rupees.
No carriage to 91. In no case shall any description of carriage be permitted to obstruct the passage of any
obstruct any
street, way, or avenue, nor any two or more carriages of any description to stand abreast in
any street, way, or avenue within such town and limits ; and the owner or person driving,
loading or in charge of any such carriage not removing the same immediately when ordered
or requested so to do by any officer of police, or by any private person, shall be guilty of an
offence, and be liable to any fine not exceeding twenty rupees.
Penalty on furious 92. All persons who shall drive or conduct any carriage or other vehicle in a careless,
or careless riding
reckless, or violent manner, or who shall ride upon any carriage or other vehicle drawn by
or driving.
horses, bullocks, or other cattle at a pace other than a walk unless the animal driven be so
harnessed and bitted as to be perfectly under the control of the driver, or some person on
foot able to guide and control the same, or who shall furiously ride or drive, or carelessly
lead or let loose, any horse, bullock, or other animal in any street, to the danger and terror
of passengers, or shall employ any incompetent person to drive or conduct any carriage or
other vehicle, or to lead any horse, shall be guilty of an offence, and be liable to a fine not
exceeding fifty rupees, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any period not
exceeding three months.
Elephants not to 93. No elephant shall be permitted to pass along any street, road, or thoroughfare within
pass along the
any town and limits except between the hours of two and eight in the morning ; and every
streets except at
person riding, driving, or con ducting any elephant, or causing any elephant to be ridden,
certain times.
driven, or conducted along any such street, road or thoroughfare, except between such
hours as afore said, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty rupees:
Provided always that nothing in this section contained shall apply to the employment of
elephants in any town or limits under a written licence granted by the Government Agent of
the district.
Persons offending 94. It shall be lawful for any person within whose view any of the offences specified in
against sections
sections 90, 91, 92 and 93 shall have been committed, to seize and take the party having so
90, 91, 92 and 93
offended to the nearest officer of police to be dealt with according to law, if such party shall
may be seized.
refuse to give to such person on demand full information respecting his name, occupation,
and residence ; and where such offender cannot be so seized or traced, but the carriage,
cart, or animal in respect of which the offence in question was committed can be identified,
it shall be lawful for any competent court to issue a warrant for the seizure of such carriage,
cart, or animal, together with a summons to the owner thereof to appear before such court
on a certain day to be mentioned in such summons ; and if such owner shall fail to attend in
pursuance thereof without good and sufficient excuse, or if attending and not being himself
the offender he shall refuse to give all information in his power respecting the party by
whom such offence was committed, such owner shall be guilty of an offence, and be liable
to the same punishment to which the party so having offended as aforesaid would have
been liable on conviction thereof.
Penalty on 95. If any person forming part of any procession or of any assembly of more than twelve
persons forming
persons, except under military regulation or some regulation of police, which shall take
part of procession
place or be collected for some particular purpose anywhere within any town and limits, shall
or assemblies
have about him or have placed anywhere near him so as to be capable of being used by
carrying sword or
him while forming part of such procession or of such assembly any gun, pistol, sword,
other offensive
creese, club, or other offensive weapon, every such person shall be guilty of an offence,
and be liable to any fine not exceeding two hundred rupees, or to imprisonment at hard
labour for any period not exceeding twelve months ; and every person who shall have
formed part of any such procession or assembly, and who it shall be proved to the
satisfaction of the court before whom he shall be brought was aware that any such offensive
weapon was carried or placed near any person forming part of such procession or assembly
as aforesaid, and did not give information thereof to some officer of police, shall be guilty of
an offence, and be liable to any fine not exceeding one hundred rupees, or to imprisonment,
with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding six months.
Beating of tom- 96. All persons who shall at any time within any town and limits, either within or without any
tom, &c.
house or building, beat drums, or tom-toms, or have or use any other music calculated to
frighten horses, or who shall make any noise in the night so as to disturb the repose of the
inhabitants, or who shall at any time discharge [§2,21 of 1939] firearms, crackers, or
fireworks; or release any fire balloon or other combustible or explosive contrivance or article
which is likely to cause injury to person or property, except under military regulation, or
unless they shall have obtained a licence from the Magistrate of the district, or from the
Inspector-General of Police or Superintendent, who are hereby authorized to grant the
same when it shall to them appear expedient, or who shall play at any games in or near any
street, road, or thoroughfare, or fly any kite, or throw any stone or other missile, or wilfully or
negligently make any noise, or do any act or thing in a manner calculated to terrify or injure
any passenger, horse, or cattle, or to injure any property, shall be guilty of an offence, and
be liable to any fine not exceeding fifty rupees, or to imprisonment, with or without hard
labour, for any period not exceeding three months.
Appeal against 97.
refusal of,
conditions in, or (1) Any person (hereinafter referred to as the " applicant ") to whom a
withdrawal of, licence under the provisions of section 78 or section 96 of this Ordinance
licence. (a) has been refused ; or
(b) has been granted subject to conditions to all or any of
which he objects ; or
(c) has been granted, which has subsequently been withdrawn
by the authority granting the same,
may appeal to the Magistrate of the division within five days of such refusal,
grant, or withdrawal.
(2) Such Magistrate, after hearing the applicant and such other persons as
to him may seem fit, may make an order
(a) confirming the refusal or withdrawal of the licence to, or
from, the applicant; or
(b) directing the issue of a licence, and confirming, modifying,
striking out, or adding to, the conditions contained in any
licence which has been issued to the applicant, or inserting
conditions in any licence which is ordered to be issued in the
place of any licence withdrawn as herein before mentioned.
(3) If the application for a licence is made in the first instance to the
Magistrate of the district under section 96, and such application is refused or
is granted subject to conditions, to all or any of which the applicant objects,
or is granted and then the licence is with drawn as herein before mentioned,
such refusal, grant, or withdrawal shall be deemed to be an order of the
Magistrate, and the applicant may appeal against the same in the manner
hereinafter in this section provided.
(a) Any applicant who is dissatisfied with the order of a
Magistrate under this section may appeal to the Court of
Appeal, who may make such order as to him seems fit and
whose decision shall be final.
(b) Every such appeal shall be by petition which shall be liable
to a stamp duty of five rupees, and shall be preferred within ten
days of the order being made by a Magistrate, and shall be
heard as soon as conveniently may be after it is so preferred
and be determined by such Court.
(c) Notice in writing of an appeal under this sub section shall
be given to the Attorney-General, who may attend or be
represented at the hearing of the appeal.
False reports to 98. Any person who shall spread false reports with the view to alarm the inhabitants of any
alarm people and
place within Sri Lanka and create a panic shall be guilty of an offence, and be liable to a fine
create a panic.
not exceeding two hundred rupees, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any
period not exceeding twelve months ; and if he shall be convicted a second time, or shall
persist in the offence after warning to desist, he shall be liable to corporal punishment not
exceeding twenty lashes.
Persons to keep 99. No filth, or dirt, or dead or disabled animal shall be cast or allowed to remain in any
the space
street, road, canal, or other thoroughfare within any such town and limits, and every
opposite their
inhabitant within any such town and limits shall keep the space and street or road, and all
houses clean.
surface drains, ditches, and gutters before his house clean, and the owners or occupiers of
all private avenues, passages, yards, and ways, and all slaughter-houses shall keep the
same clean, and shall remove the offal to such place as the principal police officer of the
division may point out under the directions of the Superintendent of Police ; and any person
wilfully offending against this section shall be guilty of an offence, and liable to any fine not
exceeding twenty rupees.
Common 100. It shall be lawful for the Inspector-General of Police or where there is a Municipality
for the Municipal Council or its officers, to notify from time to time in as public a manner as
he conveniently can, the place or places in any such town and limits within which persons
shall not be allowed to ease themselves under the penalty hereinafter mentioned; and every
person who shall, after such notification shall have been given, ease himself in any place
comprehended in such notification, except in some house, outhouse, or enclosed place,
with the leave of the occupant thereof, shall be guilty of an offence, and be liable to any
penalty not exceeding ten rupees:
Provided always that nothing in this section contained shall be construed into a declaration
that persons cannot commit a nuisance by easing themselves in such places as are not
comprehended in such notification as aforesaid.
Houses to be 101.All houses and gardens within such parts of any of the said towns and limits as the
surrounded with
Minister shall from time to time direct by Order to be for that purpose published in the
walls or fences,
Gazette shall, within six months after such Order shall have been so published be
and gardens kept
surrounded with walls or good fences, and be cleared and kept clean of brush and
Underwood ; and every person neglecting within such time so to surround his house and
garden, or to clear and to keep the same clear of brush and Underwood, shall be guilty of
an offence, and be liable to any fine not exceeding twenty rupees:
Provided always that the proprietors of adjoining lands which shall require to be fenced or
walled under the provisions of this section shall be liable to make and keep in repair each
one-half of such fence or wall, except where by any law or custom such liability shall be
otherwise determined.
Cases may be 102. Whereas the punishments assigned to certain offenders under this Ordinance are
tried before
beyond the jurisdiction of Magistrates' Courts, but it would be frequently more advantageous
that such offences should be brought to trial before such courts in order that the punishment
Courts, though
of offenders may be more prompt, even though it should be less severe: It is therefore
otherwise out of
enacted, that in case of any person committing an offence under this Ordinance, and which
their jurisdiction
offence could not otherwise be cognizable by a Magistrate's Court by reason of the
punishment to which the same is subject, a certificate shall be presented to any Magistrate's
Court, signed by the Attorney-General or by some competent State Counsel, to the effect
that such officer is content that such offence or act shall be prosecuted before such court, it
shall be competent to such court to take cognizance of such offence or act, and to award in
respect thereof so much of the punishment assigned thereto as Magistrates' Courts are
empowered by law to award.
[ 5, 22 of 1947] The preceding provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of any offence under any
of the sections 77 to 80 (inclusive) ; and the Magistrate summarily trying any such offence
may impose the full punishment prescribed therefore, notwithstanding that such punishment
exceeds the limits placed upon the jurisdiction of a Magistrate by any other law.
Power to 103. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be construed to prevent any person from
prosecute not
being prosecuted for any offence made punishable on conviction by this Ordinance, or to
prevent any person from being liable under any other law to any other or higher penalty or
punishment than is provided for such offence by this Ordinance:
Provided always that no person shall be punished twice for the same offence.
Interpretation. 104. The following words and expressions in this Ordinance shall have the meaning
hereby assigned to them, unless there be something in the subject or context repugnant to
such construction :- "cattle" shall, besides horned cattle, include horses, asses, mules,
sheep, goats, and swine ;
(Vide footnote to section 6.)"Government Agent" shall include an Assistant Government
Agent of the district ;
" person " shall includes company or corporation ;
" police officer" means a member of the regular police force and includes all persons
enlisted under this Ordinance ;
"town" shall include any village or limits set out for the purposes of this Ordinance.