Balance Sheet Equation
Balance Sheet Equation
Balance Sheet Equation
Some of the advantages are given below:
Risk and returns: The balance sheet shows the assets
and liabilities of the company. It shows the ability of the
company to pay out its short-term liability as well as the
ability to settle long term debt. At the same time, it also
shows whether the company can generate returns compare
to the risks (debt) and overall growth structure of the
company over a period.
Helpful to secure loans and additional investments:
Due to the balance sheet equation, reading and
understanding of balance sheet become easy and useful for
lenders and new investors. It helps them to understand the
company’s financial ability to pay out its debt and grow in
the future, which further help them to decide to invest in a
company or not.
Ratio calculations: The balance sheet equation is the
base part of the double-entry accounting system. It helps us
to understand various ratios. E.g. the current ratio provides
liquidity status, the debt to equity ratio provides leverage
status, etc. For investors as well as businesses, these ratios
are important as they reflect how well the current structure
and operations of the company are well managed.
Some of the disadvantages are given below:
Misstated long-term assets: The balance sheet records
the value of long-term assets at historical prices instead of
current value. Book value can create a distortive picture of
the company’s financials, as it underestimates long-term
Need comparison: To understand the balance sheet as
per the balance sheet equation and making investments or
business decision needs comparison of the balance sheet of
peers over many years.
Key Points
The balance sheet equation or accounting equation is the
base for the double-entry accounting system.
Asset = Liabilities + Equity ( Logic every asset is financed
by debt or equity)
Financial capacity: Financial equation helps us to
understand the company’s financial structure and ability to
pay off its debt and grow over the years.
The universal equation helps financial professionals,
business owners, and investors understand, compare, and
make investment decisions.