1 Curtain FD
1 Curtain FD
1 Curtain FD
SHD Series
Fire Dampers installed shall be of design and construction Note: For weights of Multi-Modules, add total weights
as the SHD Series supplied by Blendair which meet the by interpolating with above Weight Table.
requirements of Australian Standards AS 1682 - Part 1 & 2
and AS 1530 - Part 4.
The damper frame shall be of press-formed and welded
galvanised steel construction to minimise distortion during Materials & Finishes:
transit, installation and operation. The interlocking Damper frame, blades and mounting angles made of
damper blades shall be of roll-formed galvanised steel zinc-coated ("galvanised") steel sheet, complying with
construction to guarantee accuracy and consistent closing AS 1397 with a coating class not less than Z275.
Damage to the zinc-coating, e.g. through welding, is
remedied by appropriate cleaning method and
application of special 'galvanising' paint.
Air-Flow Orientation:
Orientation of damper installation should be as per
recommended air-flow direction (label affixed to damper
frame). Blendair Curtain Fire Dampers may be installed
Mounting Angles: for bi-directional air-flow, if necessary.
Roll-formed 2.0 mm or 2.5 mm 'right-angle' brackets with
6x12 mm rounded slots at 150 mm pitch to allow for
variations in wall thickness. Standards Approval Listing:
SHD2/SHD4 Curtain Dampers have passed the test to
Bearings: meet the Leakage and Fire Integrity requirements of AS
Blade "bearings" are roll-formed into blades, the blades 1530-Part x and AS 1682-Part 1, with the dampers
interlock into each other, forming a concertina-type blade exposed to ~ 1100 degree Celsius for 2 hours/4 hours
stack (curtain). periods.
Access to Thermo-Link:
From both sides of damper - for blade stack re-setting
purposes or re-fitting of Thermo-Link.
Mounting Hardware:
Zinc plated 1/4 inch cup head bolts, nut and washer for
each set of slotted mounting holes in frame & mounting
Head Office: Riley Air Control Systems Pty. Ltd.
SHD Series CURTAIN FIRE DAMPERS 3/ 78-80 Belingara Road
Miranda NSW 2228
Phone: (02) 9544 8854
INSTALLATION Fax: (02) 9544 8545
Email: [email protected]
A.B.N. 80 003 437 732
IMPORTANT: The installation of Fire Dampers must
comply with the requirements of
AS 1682, Part 2. Deviation from any Installation Examples:
Clause of the Standards must be
approved by a Regulatory Authority!
Basic Regulations:
1. Dampers shall be installed in the fully open position
only! No intermediate blade position is allowed!
2. Damper frame (casing) must fully penetrate the wall
3. Curtain of damper blades must be fully contained
within the penetrated wall element.
4. Clearance between wall opening and damper body
(frame) must be such to allow adequate insulating
material, PLUS expansion factor for fire situation.
Recommended clearance formulae:
5 mm + ½% of linear length dimension
5. The clearance space between the damper and the Standard Wall Mounting
penetrated wall opening must be fully packed with
approved insulating material to prevent free flow of
combustible materials (e.g. smoke). Material must
maintain fire integrity up to 1000 degree C.
6. Mounting Flanges must cover the clearance (2x
clearance). Contractor may have to fit larger flanges if
clearance exceeds recommended sizes.
7. Ensure that access to damper is provided for
maintenance purposes (e.g. access panel in duct).
8. Install damper according label instruction re air-flow