The First Days of School
The First Days of School
The First Days of School
ISBN: 978-0-9764233-1-7
Graphic Design Team: Heidi Heath Garwood, Nancy Roberts, Mark Van
Production Team: Jean Bong, Tim Chen
Editorial Team: Eric Gill, Megan Pincus Kajitani
Telephone: 650-965-7896
Facsimile: 650-965-7890
Unit A
Basic Understandings _The Teacher
The successful teacher must know and practice the three
characteristics of an effective teacher.
Chapter 1
Why You Need to Succeed on the First Days of School
Chapter 2
What Is an Effective Teacher?
Chapter 3
How You Can Be a Happy First-Year Teacher
Chapter 4
How to Close the Student Achievement Gap
Chapter 5
Why You Should Use Proven, Research-Based Practices
Unit B
First Characteristic _Positive Expectations
The effective teacher has positive expectations for student success.
Chapter 6
Why Positive Expectations Are Important
Chapter 7
How to Help All Students Succeed
Chapter 8
How to Dress for Success
Chapter 9
How to Invite Students to Learn
Chapter 10
How to Increase Positive Student Behavior
Unit C
Second Characteristic _Classroom Management
The effective teacher is an extremely good classroom manager.
Chapter 11
How to Have a Well-Managed Classroom
Chapter 12
How to Have Your Classroom Ready
Chapter 13
How to Introduce Yourself to Your Class
Chapter 14
How to Arrange and Assign Seating
Chapter 15
How to Start a Class Effectively
Chapter 16
When and How to Take Roll
Chapter 17
How to Maintain an Effective Grade Record System
Chapter 18
How to Have an Effective Discipline Plan
Chapter 19
How to Teach Students to Follow Classroom Procedures
Chapter 20
How Procedures Improve the Opportunity to Learn
Unit D
Third Characteristic _Lesson Mastery
The successful teacher knows how to design lessons to help students
Chapter 21
How to Create an Effective Assignment
Chapter 22
How to Test for Student Learning
Chapter 23
How to Assess for Student Learning
Chapter 24
How to Enhance Student Learning
Unit E
Future Understandings _The Professional
The teacher who constantly learns and grows becomes a professional
Chapter 25
How to Be a Teacher-Leader
How to Develop a Culture of Effective Teachers
About the Authors
Chapter 1
Why You Need to Succeed on the First Days of School
Your success during the school year will be determined by what you do on
the first days of school.
Chapter 2
What Is an Effective Teacher?
The beginning teacher must become proficient in the three characteristics of
an effective teacher.
Chapter 3
How You Can Be a Happy First-Year Teacher
The beginning teacher must perform the full complement of skills while
learning those skills.
Chapter 4
How to Close the Student Achievement Gap
The effectiveness of the teacher determines the level of student
Chapter 5
Why You Should Use Proven, Research-Based Practices
Effective teachers use proven, research-based practices that are employed
by thousands of other teachers.
Unit A is correlated with Part 1: “The Effective Teacher” in the DVD series
The Effective Teacher.
Why You Need to Succeed on the First Days of School
Your success during the school year will be determined by what you do
on the first days of school.
Successful teachers have a script or a plan ready for the first day of
What you do on the first days of school will determine your success or
failure for the rest of the school year. Knowing how to structure a
successful first day of school will set the stage for an effective classroom
and a successful school year.
College professor Douglas Brooks videotaped a series of teachers on their
first day of school. Looking at the recording afterward, he made a startling
discovery. The ineffective teachers began their first day of school by
covering the subject matter or doing a fun activity. These teachers spent the
rest of the school year chasing after the students.
The effective teachers spent time organizing and structuring their
classrooms so the students knew what to do to succeed. He wrote his
findings in an article, “The First Day of School.” (Brooks, Douglas M.
(May 1985). “The First Day of School.” Educational Leadership, pp. 76–
The most important thing to establish in the first week of school is
CONSISTENCY. People want to know exactly what they are getting and
what will be happening. Students do not want surprises or disorganization.
Consistency prevents them from asking, “What are we doing today?”
Students want a safe, predictable, and nurturing environment—one that is
consistent. Students like well-managed classes because no one yells at
them, and learning takes place. Effective teachers spend the first two weeks
teaching students to be in control of their own actions in a consistent
classroom environment.
Effective teachers teach classroom management procedures that create
consistency. Their classrooms are caring, thought-provoking, challenging,
and academically successful. A well-managed classroom is the foundation
for learning in the classroom. Therefore, Unit C in this book may be the
most important for you to read and implement as you start the first days of
Effective teachers have lesson plans and procedures that produce
student learning. Unit D in this book will walk you through how to get
your students to achieve.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Hand in the Work
Please read this link about Going Beyond information
The effective teacher establishes good control of the class in the very
first week of school. Control does not involve threats or intimidation.
Control means that you know (1) what you are doing, (2) your classroom
procedures, and (3) your professional responsibilities. It is very reassuring
to your students that you know what you are doing.
There is overwhelming evidence that the first two to three weeks of
school are critical in determining how well students will achieve for the
remainder of the year.
You must have everything ready and organized when school begins. Your
success during the school year will be determined by what you do on
the first days of school.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Don’t Be a Pal
Stage 1—Fantasy. Many neophyte teachers have the naïve belief that to be
a successful teacher, all they need to do is relate and be a friend to their
students. They rarely talk about standards, assessment, or student
achievement. Entertaining students with activities is their concept of
Stage 2—Survival. Teachers in the Survival stage have not developed
instructional skills as explained in Unit D. They spend their time looking
for busywork for the students to do, such as completing worksheets,
watching videos, and doing seatwork—anything to keep the students quiet.
Student learning and achievement are not their goals; they teach because it’s
a job and the paycheck is their Survival goal.
Stage 3—Mastery. Teachers who know how to achieve student success
employ effective practices. These teachers know how to manage their
classrooms. They teach for mastery, and have high expectations for their
students. Effective teachers strive for Mastery by reading the literature and
going to professional meetings. Student learning is their mission and
student achievement is their Mastery goal.
Stage 4—Impact. Effective teachers make a difference in the lives of their
students. These are the teachers to whom students come back years later
and thank for affecting their lives. To make an impact on your students, you
need to use effective teaching practices, which is the subject of this book. A
student learns only when the teacher has an appreciable impact on the
student’s life. When you reach this stage, you have gone beyond Mastery;
you have arrived as a teacher.
When you reach the Impact stage, you will return to the Fantasy stage—
and fulfill your fantasy or dream of making a difference in the lives of your
students. You’ll also become a teacher-leader and live a happier life with a
sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that you are contributing to the
Teachers universally say they go into teaching to make a difference.
You more than make a difference.
You ARE the difference.
Research consistently shows that of all the factors schools can control, the
effective teacher has the greatest impact on student achievement.
Decade after decade of educational innovations and fads have not increased
student achievement. The only factor that increases student achievement
is the significance of an effective teacher.
Positive Expectations
Positive expectations, sometimes called high expectations, should not be
confused with high standards. Having positive expectations simply means
that the teacher believes in the learner and that the learner can learn.
The belief in positive expectations is based on research, which demonstrates
that the learner will produce what the teacher expects the learner to
produce. If you believe a student is a low-level, below-average, slow
learner, the student will perform accordingly because these are the beliefs
you transmit to the student. If you believe a student is a high-ability, above-
average, capable learner, the student will perform at that level because these
are the expectations you transmit to the student.
It is essential that the teacher exhibit positive expectations toward all
students. Unit B discusses ways to convey positive expectations and
explains the importance of positive expectations, an attitude that benefits
the teacher and the student, as well as the overall classroom environment.
Classroom Management
Classroom management consists of the practices and procedures that a
teacher uses to maintain an environment in which instruction and
learning can occur. For this to happen, the teacher must create a well-
ordered environment.
Discipline has very little to do with classroom management. You don’t
discipline a store; you manage it. The same is true of a classroom. Unit C
explains how to manage a classroom, applying the principle that a well-
ordered environment leads to an effective classroom. The effectiveness of
such an environment is the result of how well the teacher learns the
skill of managing the classroom.
Click for GoBe folder information: Close to a Miracle
Click to read the Sidebar story: Students Work Without the Teacher
Lesson Mastery
Mastery refers to how well a student can demonstrate that a concept
has been comprehended, or perform a skill at a level of proficiency, as
determined by the teacher. Unit D explains how to teach for mastery.
When a home is built, the contractor receives a set of blueprints from the
architect. The blueprints specify the degree of competence that will be
acceptable. The inspector who periodically checks on the construction
always looks at the blueprint first and then checks the workmanship to see if
the work has been performed to the degree of competence specified.
Student success in the subject matter of the class depends on how well
the teacher designs lessons and checks for mastery.
Here’s the biggest secret to teaching success: Beg, Borrow, and Steal!
It’s really not stealing. It’s really research and learning. You walk into the
classrooms of effective teachers, look around, and if you see something that
you think might help you, say, “Gimme, gimme, gimme.” There are many
veteran teachers who will be happy to share with you and help you.
We are in a community of equals, not a community of experts. We are
members of a common community. Don’t be afraid to ask and learn.
Through mutual support and sharing, we improve our profession.
Your first day of teaching will be an exciting, anticipated event but very
frightening at the same time. Yet you can succeed if you learn how to be
effective on the first days of school.
Click to read the Sidebar story: The First Year of Teaching Is the Most
What will really prepare you for teaching in your district is an organized
new teacher induction program. Induction is a structured multi-year
program that will train and support you as you become an effective teacher.
To learn more about induction, go to and read many of
the articles on the website. Also, read New Teacher Induction: How to
Train, Support, and Retain New Teachers. (Breaux, Annette, and Harry K.
Wong. (2003). New Teacher Induction: How to Train, Support, and Retain
New Teachers. Mountain View, Calif.: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.)
Attention New Teachers: If you are a new teacher looking for a
teaching job, you need to ask if the district has an induction program.
Do not sign a contract until you ask. Districts with induction programs
care that you succeed. This entails more than simply giving you a mentor.
Effective districts want to help their newly hired teachers succeed. They
offer induction programs that begin before the first day of school and may
extend for several years thereafter. Induction is more than orientation,
mentoring, or evaluation. It’s the training a district gives to bring out the
teacher you are meant to be. Please do not be so naïve to think that you can
succeed on your own without help.
Click for GoBe folder information: 10 Questions to Ask
You Will Be Expected to Perform Immediately
When you become a first-year teacher, you will be an equal with all the
other teachers. You will have the same students they teach, you will teach
from the same curriculum, and you will have the same administrators. You
will have the same duties and responsibilities as all the other teachers.
Yet, you will be expected to be perfect on the first day of school and
then get better each year. You can do it, but you will be able to do it better
if your district puts you through an induction program and you recognize
that becoming an effective teacher is a never-ending learning process.
School does not begin until the teacher walks into the classroom. It is
the teacher—what the teacher knows and can do—that is the most
significant factor in student achievement. The more effective the teacher,
the more successful the students.
It’s the teacher. It’s the teacher. Consider that we have average teachers in
average schools. That’s fine.
But, if teachers and administrators can only slightly improve their
effectiveness each year, there will be monumental gains in student
achievement over the collective years.
These gaps in achievement exist when groups of students with relatively
equal ability do not achieve in school at the same levels. Extensive research
can be found on how to close the achievement gap. Schools that work on
closing the achievement gap maintain these characteristics:
We Are Teachers
What teachers do is a miracle. Teachers accept all children from every
imaginable situation and care for them, nurture them, and teach them. You
are to be thanked for choosing such a noble profession.
The units in this book on positive expectations, classroom management, and
lesson mastery will prepare you for your career as an effective teacher. It
will be an exciting journey.
Click to read the Sidebar story: That Noble Title Teacher
People who know what to do and people who know how to do it will
always be working for those who know why it is being done.
Ineffective teachers talk more about the gimmicks and games they are
trying to find to “keep the kids quiet.”
Effective teachers talk more about the research they constantly look for
to improve the achievement of their students.
“Research cannot and does not identify the right or best way to teach,
nor does it suggest that certain instructional practices should always or
never be used. But research can illuminate which instructional
practices are most likely to achieve desired results, with which kinds of
learners, and under what conditions.”
_Myriam Met
(Source: Cawelti, Gordon (ed.). (2004). Handbook of Research on
Improving Student Achievement. Arlington, Va.: Educational Research
Service, p. 3.)
Chapter 6
Why Positive Expectations Are Important
Your expectations of your students will greatly influence their achievement
in your class and in their lives.
Chapter 7
How to Help All Students Succeed
The more the school and the family are joined as partners in educating
young people, the greater the children’s chances for success.
Chapter 8
How to Dress for Success
The effective teacher dresses appropriately as a professional educator to
model success.
Chapter 9
How to Invite Students to Learn
There must be people, places, policies, procedures, and programs working
together to invite people to realize their fullest potential.
Chapter 10
How to Increase Positive Student Behavior
The heart of education is the education of the heart.
Unit B is correlated with Part 2: “The First Days of School” and Part 8:
“Positive Expectations” in the DVD series The Effective Teacher.
Why Positive Expectations Are Important
Your expectations of your students will greatly influence their
achievement in your class and in their lives.
All living things live to survive. They spend their entire day instinctively
seeking food and shelter and escaping predators.
Humans have a success instinct. This is what makes humans different
from all other living things. They want success, and they strive for their
success potential. You can accomplish anything with students if you set
high expectations for behavior and performance by which you yourself
Negative Expectations
A pessimistic belief that whoever you teach or whatever you do will not
work out or will fail. Why bother to do anything or teach anyone at all? If
you expect to fail, you are constantly looking for justification and proof of
why you have failed.
Example: “This will be an exciting class, and you are going to have the
most memorable year you have ever had; as a result, you will do very
Example: “No one in this class will earn an A. I will make the work too
hard for you to do.”
Give your students more than they expect, and you will get back more
than you ever expected. Student success is limited only by adult
1. You must not tell the students that you know that they are special.
2. You must not tell the parents that their children are special.
“Thus we expect and know that you will do extremely well with these
special students.”
Eight months later, all the students were tested again, and a comparison was
made of the designated special students and the undesignated students, as
measured by IQ scores. The results showed a significant gain in intellectual
growth for the 20 percent who were designated special in the primary
grades but no significant gains to the undesignated students.
The administrators brought the teachers in, showed them the growth results
of their students, and congratulated them on their spectacular success with
their students.
The teachers said, “Of course, we had special students to work with. It was
easy, and they learned so fast.”
The administrators and researcher said, “We’d like to tell you the truth. The
so-called special children were picked at random. We made no selections
based on IQ or aptitude.”
“Then it must have been us,” said the teachers, “because you said we were
special teachers selected to be part of a special experiment.”
“We need to tell you something else, too,” replied the researcher.
“All the teachers were involved in this experiment. None of you were
designated special over any other teacher.”
Click to read the Sidebar story: Teachers Get What They Expect
This was a perfectly designed experiment. There was only one experimental
As the researchers stated, “The results suggest rather strongly that children
who are expected by their teachers to gain intellectually in fact do show
greater intellectual gains after one year than do children of whom such
gains are not expected.”
Click to read the Sidebar story: Development
Following the original study, many additional studies have been undertaken.
Some have been able to replicate the findings, while others have not.
Regardless, educators and parents are very keen in the power of
expectations to affect student outcomes.
What parents and teachers convey to young people in their formative years
as expectations will influence young people to achieve accordingly.
Your expectations of your students will greatly influence their
achievement in your class, in their lives, and ultimately in the world.
Click to read the Sidebar story: The Two Most Important Groups of
People for Young People
If school does not begin with the proper, positive expectations, there may
not be a Graduation Day. The Class of 2009 failed to graduate 1.3 million
students, or one student dropping out of school every 27 seconds.
(“Analysis Finds Graduation Rates Moving Up.” (May 31, 2011).
Education Week.)
For some students, graduation is not a day to celebrate a joyful sense of
accomplishment. Rather it is a day to mock respect, act stupid, make fun of
the educational system, show disrespect to parents and teachers, and engage
in wild parties that make you wonder if any educating ever took place.
The proper day to celebrate in all the schools of a country is the First
Day of School.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Haughton High School Welcomes You
There is no greater gift one human being can give another than the
opportunity to learn and grow in a loving and nurturing learning
The fact is, most people think that the cover is the book, the box front is the
cereal, and the leather jacket is the person. We all make judgments. We look
at someone and judge status, income, even occupation.
“Give an elementary student three days, and the student will mirror
you. Give a high school student ten days, and the student will mirror
_Charles Galloway
This may be a superficial world, but it is the way the world works, so saying
that something is superficial will not make it go away. You are much better
off making your dress work for you than allowing it to work against you.
The key is looking professional, not just looking good. The advantage of
looking professional is that it keeps you from self-destructing in the
first few seconds, before your students make any hasty judgments
about you.
The effective teacher dresses appropriately as a professional educator
to model success. The important word is appropriately. We often see signs
like this one:
When you walk into class late, you have just made a statement. When you
walk into class late with a can of soda or a cup of coffee in your hand and a
scowl on your face, you are making a statement.
When you walk into class early—when you’re standing at the door with a
smile and an extended hand of welcome, the assignments are on the
chalkboard, the room and materials are ready, and there is a positive
classroom climate—you are making a statement.
When you allow teasing in class, you are making a statement. When you
refuse to tolerate teasing in class, you are making a statement. The
statement that you make influences how the students will behave and
achieve in class. And how students behave and achieve in class will
determine your success as a teacher.
The experts tell us that teenagers get their values from their friends. That’s
true to the extent that there is a values vacuum to be filled. It is imperative
that the parents get there first. New teachers get their values from other
teachers. It is imperative that there exists a school or district induction
program coupled with a coaching program staffed by dedicated,
professional, role-model teachers to influence new teachers.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Even as a Substitute Teacher
The effective teacher uses these four traits as assets in relating to students,
peers, administrators, parents, and the community. If you have these four
traits, you have a much greater chance of influencing young people to learn
than someone who lacks these four traits.
You can be sure that students notice how their teachers are dressed, in the
same way they notice the appropriateness of their own and each other’s
Kids see their parents go to work each day, dressed in business attire or
institutional uniforms. Then they come to school and observe the attire of
teachers—professionals who are considered middle-class intellectuals with
college degrees, competent people with teaching credentials. You can see
why the teaching profession has a difficult time gaining respect and
You can also see why some teachers have great difficulty reaching and
influencing students—and if teachers cannot reach students, no teaching or
learning will take place. Not only are these teachers unable to reach
students, but they also leave school at the end of the day frustrated over
their own inadequacies. These inadequacies are evident in how they dress.
For when you select your clothes each day, you are making a statement
about yourself to the world.
Make no mistake about reality. Teachers have a responsibility to encourage
learning, and learning begins by gaining and keeping the respect of
students. Your respect begins with your appearance.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Could Not Believe What I Saw
Click to read the Sidebar story: Clothing Choices
If you are appropriately dressed, students will comment when you look
nice, and if something is out of place, they will tell you because they know
that you are a person who cares about yourself. But if you consistently
come to school inappropriately dressed, they will not say a word because
they surmise that if you do not care about yourself, they need not care about
you. Dress appropriately because it is very important to know that
people care about you.
When people care about you, they will respect you, learn from you, and buy
from you. And as a professional educator, you are selling your students
knowledge and success for the future.
Click to read the Sidebar story: You Dress Where You Want to Be
Click for GoBe folder information: Dress for Success
Even criminals have a clear sense of the nonverbal messages people give
out. In an eye-opening experiment, groups of convicted muggers were
shown videos of people walking along the street. Overwhelmingly, the
muggers picked people who walked slowly, with stooped shoulders, who
looked helpless, disheveled, and downtrodden. They rejected people who
walked erect, purposefully, and confidently. These latter people conveyed
the message that they were in control of their lives.
Your dress announces to the world whether you care or do not care
about yourself. The entire public can read this message. As a teacher,
which of the two statements do you make?
Invitational Education
Effective teachers have the power and the ability to invite students and
colleagues to learn together each day in every class.
Effective teachers have the power and the ability to invite students and
colleagues to learn together each day in every class. Attentiveness,
expectancy, attitude, enthusiasm, and evaluation are the primary forces
behind a teacher’s being inviting or disinviting. These are the characteristics
that significantly influence a student’s self-concept and increase or decrease
the probability of student learning.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Special Value
There are four levels of invitations that are issued to students. These levels
can determine your effectiveness as a teacher.
And they keep their arms folded when interacting with students.
Effective teachers know how to open the door and invite their students
to learn.
When you apply the power of POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS and
INVITATIONAL EDUCATION, you become a very powerful and
effective teacher.
Click for GoBe folder information: You’re Invited
When you look at truly effective teachers, you will also find caring,
warm, lovable people.
1. Name
2. Please
3. Thank You
4. Smile
5. Love
Address Each Student by Name
Effective salespeople employ a very simple but valuable technique. They
find out your name, introduce themselves to you, and then use your proper
name every 7 to 10 sentences when they talk with you. Why? When you
address someone by name, you are treating that person with dignity
and respect.
Your name is very important. It identifies and dignifies you. Other people in
the world may have the same name as yours, but as far as you are
concerned, you are the only person in the world with your name. It is a
name that you can easily hear called above the din of a crowd. And when
you hear your name, you pay attention. Salespeople know this when they
use your name. You pay attention. You pay attention because you are
Effective teachers use names, especially when they want a student to do
something or behave in a certain way.
When you address a student, use the student’s name.
Use a student’s name in a friendly, respectful manner. Never address a
student in an angry or condescending tone. This is a put-down of a person’s
identity and dignity.
Pronounce the student’s name correctly. A person’s name is precious and
personal. It is that person’s property. It is imperative that students hear the
correct pronunciation of names. Failure to do so will tell the students they
do not have to respect each other’s names and as a result can tease, mock,
and make fun of each other’s names.
When you use a person’s name, you are saying to that person, “You are
important. You are important enough for me to identify you by name.”
When you use a person’s name, you are saying, “I care enough to know
who you are.”
People in our culture are starved for attention.
Thank you is the perfect transition; it paves the way to the next request,
lesson, activity, or task in class. It makes whatever you want done next
much easier.
The most effective way to use thank you is to use it with the person’s
name: “I truly appreciate what you did. Thank you, George” or
“George, I truly appreciate what you did. Thank you.”
Consider adding the words thank you to instructions on your
worksheets, assignments, and other papers that you distribute in class.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Please, No “No Problem.” Thank You!
Nathan, please stop talking to Joey and get to work on your assignment.
Thank you, Nathan. (Slight smile.)
Practice this in a mirror, over and over again.
Love is the reason for teaching. It costs nothing, yet it is the most
precious thing one can possess.
You don’t need to tell all the members of a class that you love them, but
you certainly can show it. If you choose to be a significant and effective
person in a student’s life, you must demonstrate your care and love both
implicitly through your body language and explicitly through what you say.
When significant people use significant words and actions, they
increase the likelihood of eliciting positive behaviors from other people.
Thank you for being a positive role model for your students.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Teachers Do It All
Click for GoBe folder information: We’ll Stand Behind You
Chapter 11
How to Have a Well-Managed Classroom
The effective teacher is able to organize a well-managed classroom where
students can learn in a task-oriented environment.
Chapter 12
How to Have Your Classroom Ready
Teachers who are ready maximize student learning and minimize student
Chapter 13
How to Introduce Yourself to Your Class
Right or wrong, accurate or not, your reputation will precede you.
Chapter 14
How to Arrange and Assign Seating
Arrange seats for the students to accomplish what you want them to
Chapter 15
How to Start a Class Effectively
Have an assignment ready and posted when the students enter the
Chapter 16
When and How to Take Roll
Simplify the roll-taking process so it does not take away from instructional
Chapter 17
How to Maintain an Effective Grade Record System
A grade record book must show the results and progress of each student at
all times.
Chapter 18
How to Have an Effective Discipline Plan
Have a discipline plan and then work the plan.
Chapter 19
How to Teach Students to Follow Classroom Procedures
A smooth-running classroom is based on the teacher’s ability to teach
Chapter 20
How Procedures Improve the Opportunity to Learn
Student learning improves in a well-managed classroom.
Unit C is correlated with Part 3: “Discipline and Procedures” and Part 4:
“Procedures and Routines” in the DVD series The Effective Teacher.
How to Have a Well-Managed Classroom
The effective teacher is able to organize a well-managed classroom
where students can learn in a task-oriented environment.
1. Students are deeply involved with their work, especially with academic,
teacher-led instruction.
2. Students know what is expected of them and are generally successful.
3. There is relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption.
4. The climate of the classroom is work-oriented but relaxed and pleasant.
(Emmer, Evertson, and Worsham; Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham.)
Click to read the Sidebar story: It Works So Well, It’s Scary
Don’t be ineffective—you and your students will pay for it. Ineffective
teachers have classrooms that are not ready. Confusion leads to problems,
problems lead to misbehavior, and misbehavior leads to constant struggling
between teacher and students. The ineffective teachers, each day, become
more stressed, burned out, frazzled, negative, cynical, and angry. They
quickly learn to blame everyone and everything else for their problems.
Click to read the Sidebar story: Half of Your Effectiveness Is Determined
Before You Leave Home
Because effective teachers had the classroom ready, they were able to
prevent many behavioral problems from occurring. Effective teachers are
effective because they have far fewer student problems and are therefore
able to get their students to work and to achieve.
Consequently, effective teachers incur far less stress in having to deal with
behavior problems and are able to leave each day feeling happy,
accomplished, and proud.
1. A climate of work is what you want to establish during the first week
of school.
2. The first week of school should stress large-group organization and
student procedures.
3. Spend your time on classroom management of student procedures
rather than making your classroom look like a showcase. A few bare
but clean bulletin boards, shelves, and plant containers won’t disturb
4. Do not overarrange or overdecorate your room for the opening of
5. Your room should be neat and pleasant, but don’t spend time making it
the ultimate room you want by Back-to-School Night.
6. Don’t bother having the learning center, classroom library, or resource
center complete. (You don’t need a learning center on the first day of
school. Wait a week or so after the students have the classroom rules
and procedures and routines down pat before you allow them to work
at the learning center.)
The following examples, like most examples in this book, are generalized
and conceptual. Apply and adapt the examples to your grade level and
Arrange work areas and desks so that you can easily see and monitor
all the students and areas no matter where you are in the room.
Students should be able to see you, as well as frequently used
whiteboards, bulletin boards, screens, demonstration areas, and
Keep traffic areas clear. Allow enough clearance to move up and down
and around the last seat in the row.
Keep clear access to storage areas, bookcases, cabinets, and doors.
Learn the regulations regarding fires, earthquakes, tornadoes,
hurricanes, and other natural disasters, and have the classroom ready
for such emergencies.
Make sure that you have enough chairs for the work areas.
Be sure that you have all necessary materials for your work areas, such
as books, lab supplies, media, activity cards, tools, and instruments.
Test any electrical or mechanical equipment to make sure it works
before you intend to use it.
Use tote trays, boxes, coffee cans, plastic containers, or whatever to
store the materials students will need. Arrange your room for these to
be readily accessible to the students.
Save yourself from having a throbbing head. Plan areas for students’
belongings now. Provide space for their binders, backpacks, books,
lunch bags, umbrellas, shoes, show-and-tell items, lost-and-found
items, skateboards, and projects.
Provide a space for students to hang their jackets.
Cover one or more bulletin boards with colored paper and trim, and
leave it bare. The purpose of this bulletin board is to display student
work, not to be decorated by a teacher to look like a department store
show window.
Display your classroom rules in a prominent place. You can relocate it
after the first week. (See Chapter 18.)
Post procedures, duties, calendar, clock, emergency information, maps,
schedules, menus, charts, decorations, birthdays, and student work.
Have a consistent place for listing the day’s or week’s assignments.
Post a large example of the proper heading or style for papers to be
done in class.
Post examples of tests students will take, assignments they will turn in,
and papers they will write.
Display the feature topic, theme, chapter, or skill for the day or the
current unit.
Do not place the bookcases or display walls where they obstruct any
lines of vision.
Rotate materials on the shelves and leave out only those items you are
willing to allow students to handle.
Do not place books or other loose materials near an exit where they
can easily disappear or where they may hide emergency information.
Place the teacher’s desk, file, and other equipment so they do not
interfere with the flow of traffic. Do not create a barrier between
yourself and your students. Place your desk so that you can move
quickly to a student to assist, reinforce, or discipline.
Place the teacher’s desk so that you can easily monitor the classroom
while at your desk or working with individual students.
Place the teacher’s desk away from the door so that no one can take
things from your desk and quickly walk out.
If you choose to have everything on and in your desk treated as
personal property, make this clear during your teaching of classroom
procedures and routines.
Have a letter ready with the materials you want your students to bring
from home. Have a place and a procedure ready to store these
materials when they bring the items to the classroom.
Have a method ready for matching students to a desk. Have name
cards ready and on the students’ desks. Or use an overhead
transparency or PowerPoint slide correlating desk arrangement with
students’ names.
Have your basic materials ready for the first week of school. These
include books, papers, pencils, rulers, glue, chalk, felt pens, stapler,
tape, clipboard, crayons, felt-tip markers, construction paper,
instruments, calculators, supplies, manipulatives, playground
equipment, and computer software. Buy a bell or a timer if you wish to
use either as a signal.
Find and organize containers for your materials. Use copy paper boxes,
crates, coffee cans, milk cartons, and shoeboxes to store materials.
Label your containers, and place in each an inventory card listing
everything that should be in the container.
Store seldom-used materials out of the way, but be sure they are
inventoried and ready for immediate use.
Place electronic media near outlets and where the students will not trip
over the wires. Have an extension cord and an adapter plug handy.
Organize and file your masters, lesson plans, and computer disks. Do
likewise with your extra worksheets so they are immediately ready for
any students who were absent or who need extra help.
Keep your briefcase, handbag, keys, and other valuables in a safe and
secure location.
Have emergency materials handy, such as tissue, bacterial wipes or
gel, rags, paper towels, soap, first-aid kit, and extra lunch money. Store
these for your use, not the students’.
Obtain a teacher’s manual for each textbook you will use in your class.
Obtain a supply of the forms that are used for daily school routines,
such as attendance, tardy slips, hall passes, and referral forms. You will
use these forms each day, so place them where you can find them
The way you introduce yourself on the first day can determine how
much respect and success you will have for the rest of the school year.
People have reputations. You know of people who are sweet, kind, honest,
industrious, and dependable, and others who are sleazy, curmudgeonly,
arrogant, lazy, and undependable.
Businesses have reputations. Some have terrible service, sell shoddy
merchandise, and do not guarantee their products. Other businesses can be
trusted consistently.
Companies with good images, such as IBM, Coca-Cola, Lexus, Hallmark,
Nordstrom, and Hewlett-Packard, enhance their sales. They know that
people buy from companies they trust. Their image precedes a sale.
Click to read Sidebar story: Your Image Enhances Sales
Whether you want it to or not, your reputation will precede you. Even
before you first see your students, your success at winning their respect and
attention may have already been predetermined by your reputation.
If you have a good reputation, the students will enter your classroom with
high expectations, and this will work to your benefit. Building a reputation
starts your first day and continues from there.
A good reputation opens doors for you. If you have a good reputation,
people (students) will flock to you. Exhibit integrity and honesty, and
be approachable. The buzz of the students will reflect these positive
If you have a poor reputation, the students will enter with low
expectations, and this will be to your detriment. The buzz of the
students will be the buzz saw of your demise in the classroom.
Whether you like it or not, students will talk about you, parents will talk
about you, the administration will talk about you, and colleagues will talk
about you.
Everyone likes and supports a winner. Parents want their children in the
classes of teachers with outstanding reputations. Teachers with poor
reputations often get what’s left after all the sifting and shuffling of students
and teachers has been done.
You will attract better students, have a minimum of problems on the first
day of school, and generally be much happier with your job if you have
students who want to be in your class. It makes no sense to be a teacher that
no one wants to have as a teacher.
Protect your reputation by maintaining a positive image. You have
nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Click to read Sidebar story: A Reputation of Love
Tell the parents that you are looking forward to having their child in
your class.
Ask them to put the date of the school’s open house on their calendars,
and explain why it is important to attend. You will be explaining
homework, grading, discipline, and classroom procedures.
Include information on what materials you want the students to have
ready for school.
Introduce yourself.
Bring with you the letters just described.
Share with the parents how they can help.
Your name
Room number
Section or period, if appropriate
Grade level or subject
An appropriate welcome or greeting
The students can see the information on the wall and can
compare it to the correct information on their registration forms.
This is no different from finding flight information displayed on
a screen at an airport, a doctor’s name on the office door, or
movie information, times, and prices at a theater box office.
Step 2. Stand at the door on the first day of school. Have a smile on your
face, hand ready to shake the students’ hands, and a look that says you can’t
wait to meet them.
Step 3. As they stand there, wondering if you are the right teacher and this
is the correct room, welcome them to a new school year and tell them the
following information:
Your name
Room number
Section or period, if appropriate
Anything else appropriate, such as seating assignment
Step 4. Check each student’s registration card, and if the student is in the
wrong place or is lost, help the student or find a guide who will.
Step 5. After you greet a student, the student should be able to enter the
classroom and see the same information displayed in the room:
Your name
Room number
Section or period, if appropriate
Grade level or subject
An appropriate welcome or greeting
Because the students are exposed to the same information three times, it is
highly unlikely that any students will be in the wrong place on the first day
of school. Their anxiety level and their tendency to be confrontational are
reduced, and they will feel welcome and at ease.
What has just been suggested as an effective and cordial way to start a new
year should be obvious. Have you ever gone somewhere on an errand or for
an appointment and been unable to find the right address, building, or
office? You know how frustrating that can be.
Everything possible should be done to welcome the students and to
make sure they know where to go and how to get there on time.
Click to read Sidebar story: How NOT to Start the First Day of School
As the students go to their assigned seats, inform them they will find their
first assignment at their seat or posted. Tell them to start to work on it
The first assignment should be short, interesting, and easy to complete. It
should lead to success for all students. It may simply be an information
form that will not be scored.
You greatly increase the probability that school will start successfully
for you and your students when these four points are true:
Todd, please come back to the door. I am sorry, but that is not the way you
enter our classroom. You were noisy, you did not go to your seat, and you
pushed Ann.
When you enter this classroom, you walk in quietly, go directly to your seat,
and get to work immediately on the assignment that is posted. Are there any
Thank you, Todd. Now show me that you can go to your seat properly.
Don’t forget the importance of using the student’s name, of saying please,
and saying thank you. (See Chapter 10.)
Your manner and voice should be gentle and calm. Smile generously, but be
firm. Your voice should communicate that you are not the least bit flustered
or angry. You are simply in control and know what you expect from your
students, and you are communicating this expectation.
Click to read Sidebar story: How to Speak to the Class
It is a mistake to let any misbehavior, such as entering a room
inappropriately, go unchallenged under the rationale that you will have
time to deal with this later. Effective teachers know that it will be much
more difficult to correct misbehavior at a later date.
Ineffective teachers bark and yell, have no guidelines or expectations, and
assume that misbehavior will correct itself. Asking students to enter the
classroom according to a set of procedures indicates there are definite
boundaries to what they can and cannot do in your classroom.
It is important that you state the correct procedure for entering the room at
any time of the day. Rehearse this procedure until it becomes automatic.
Praise the students when it is done properly, and encourage them to make it
a routine every day. It is best to save what has been explained in this
paragraph until after you have introduced yourself, as suggested below.
Click to read Sidebar story: You Will…
The students now know what the classroom expectations are. They have an
immediate assurance that you are organized and ready for what matters
most: Their Success!
How the class reacts to your first directions will be an indication of how
students will react to your directions for the remainder of the year.
You can tell right away how successful you will be in giving directions by
the success of your first request. Your very first instructions to your students
will probably be to tell each one of them where to sit.
They will react in one of two ways:
One of the most successful techniques is to meet and greet your students at
the door as they enter the classroom or line them up in an area for your
greeting and instructions before entering the classroom.
What you do the instant a student enters the school, the library, the office, or
the classroom communicates immediately if the student is welcome there.
The teacher is standing at the door with a smile and an extended hand to
shake. The teacher bids everyone to enter, and each student receives a
nonthreatening smile that conveys a message of safety. The welcome mat or
red carpet is at the door for the class. This conveys a positive message to
the students.
People welcome people. Textbooks, chalkboards, lectures, worksheets, and
examinations do not welcome students to school. Teachers, bus drivers,
food service workers, administrators, secretaries, aides, custodians, and
counselors invite students to have a successful experience at school.
Upon entering the classroom, the students find a pleasant environment.
Your name, the room number, the period, and the class name are on the
chalkboard. Directions for seating (whether assigned or open) are reiterated.
Information about the first assignment, which is on the desks or posted for
all to see, is clearly stated and tells the students to get to work even before
the bell rings. The message you are relating to these students is that the
classroom is a safe, positive, work-oriented environment where every
second will be devoted to success and learning.
If students are invited to have successful experiences in the classroom, they
will know they are welcome, appreciated, cared for, and wanted. And if the
students feel wanted, they will be more likely to accede to your
directions and requests.
Imagine the students walking into the classroom with no teacher in sight.
Some students find a chair; others wander around. But they all ask, “Who’s
the teacher? Is this the right room? Is this history?” And they all respond, “I
don’t know.”
The bell rings, and suddenly a teacher appears from an office or from
around a corner, like a monster from a dungeon. It is Cold Start Charlie, the
perennial ineffective teacher. He can always be found in the faculty lounge,
gulping coffee, and puffing away on his cigarettes. Before the first day of
school, he’s already griping about the same thing he’s been griping about
for years.
Hurrying down to his classroom, he arrives just as the bell rings. The
students immediately read the menacing look that dares anyone to breathe
out of unison. He never introduces himself and may or may not identify the
class or period. Standing in front of the class with the posture of a drill
sergeant, he says, “When I call your name, come up and bring your
registration card for me to sign.”
When seemingly everyone has been registered, he looks up and asks if
everyone has been called. One hand goes up. Discovering that the student is
in the wrong classroom, Cold Start Charlie tells him where he should be. As
the student leaves the room, all eyes are focused on him, with two messages
behind the stares, “Dummy. How can you be so stupid as to be in the wrong
room?” and “Isn’t he lucky not having to put up with this jerk of a teacher
for the rest of the year!”
A student has just been humiliated because a teacher was not prepared and
acted in a noninvitational manner. And the students’ first impression of
Cold Start will be reflected in their work for the rest of the year.
The teacher must know what the students are to accomplish before
arranging the seating. Then the desks are arranged to maximize the
accomplishment of the tasks and to minimize behavior problems. After the
seats are arranged, students may be assigned seating in whatever order is
Group activity
Discussion or demonstration
Performing arts
How people communicate will determine the success of what you want
to accomplish.
Seating Arrangements
Seats are arranged to coincide with the specific task you have designed.
Seating Assignments
Seats are assigned to maximize learning and classroom management and
minimize behavioral problems.
By age
By height
In alphabetical order
For peer-group tutoring
For paired problem solving
Placing lower-performing and more challenging students at the front of
the room
Seating Arrangements
To determine seating arrangements for the accomplishment of classroom
tasks, you need to ask the following three questions, in order:
Click to read Sidebar story: What If the Chairs Cannot Be Moved?
Whatever the classroom arrangement, do not seat students with their backs to you or
to the front of the classroom on the first day of school. If you are their focus of
attention, as you should be at the start of school, the students will acknowledge your
importance and listen to what you are communicating to them.
The only way for students to learn how your classroom is organized
and structured is to have the seats arranged so that every pair of eyes
will be looking at you. If you want to teach your rules, procedures, and
routines, do not arrange the room in a series of centers or circles in
which half the students have their backs to you. Discipline rules,
procedures, and routines are explained in Chapters 18 to 20. These are
best taught with the chairs arranged in columns and rows.
Seating assignments are sometimes made for social and behavioral reasons.
When you do not want certain students to sit together, separate them.
Before going to an assembly, say, “Please wait for me to place you before
you take your seat.”
Seating assignments will help expedite roll taking, which should be done
without interrupting students during the “bellwork” assignment. (See
Chapter 16.)
Seating assignments are not permanent. Use small sticky notes with
students’ names on them. This will allow you to easily move a student.
Seating assignments and seating arrangements should not become issues in
the classroom. Student success and the instructional program are your
major focus.
Your very first priority when the class starts is to get the students to
Many large department stores have a greeter as you enter the building. They
welcome you with a nice smile and say, “Would you like a basket?” and all
but push one into your hands. You take it because they want you to have
this basket, and it’s big, because they want you to fill the big basket and
spend and spend even more. And you feel so good because your presence as
a potential customer has been acknowledged.
Effective teachers do the same. They greet students at the door with a smile
and say, “Here’s your assignment.”
The students take it and get to work, right away. That’s why these
teachers and their students are so successful.
This is no fantasy. It happens every day in thousands of classrooms. The
students walk in, sit down, and get to work. No one even tells them to do
this. In some countries it is the teacher who goes from class to class.
Regardless, the students are in the room and they all know what to do.
Or worse yet,
Has a bellwork assignment already posted before the students enter the
Posts it in the same location every day.
The goal of her poem is student achievement; the teachers achieved this
by using routines to manage their classrooms.
Think about Harris School in Bakersfield. Better yet, think about your own
school. Imagine…
The students walk into a class, sit down, and immediately get to work.
No one tells them what to do; they know where to find the assignment.
They go to their next class, sit down, and get to work.
And on to the next class
The next class
And the next
And this becomes the prevailing culture of the school. The next year the
students go from 3rd to 4th grade, 6th to 7th grade, and 11th to 12th grade,
and this is the prevailing culture in the school district.
Just Think…
Just think how much easier life would be if the teachers supported
each other with routines that were consistent from classroom to
Just think what the achievement of these students would be if this
were the prevailing culture of the school.
Just think how effective the schools would be if this were the
prevailing culture of the entire district.
Becky Hughes, a Kansas band teacher, doesn’t even take roll. Each of
her students’ names is on a musical note, Velcroed to a chart. When
students enter the classroom, they know the procedure. They take their
names and put them into the envelope next to the chart.
A designated student is already hitting “C” on the piano and everyone tunes
up in their seats. When the bell rings, Becky raises her baton; when the bell
stops ringing, she brings the baton down. They play. No yelling at the
students to get into their seats. Becky offers a smile and they play, with
energy, the school fight song.
While this is happening, a student monitor looks at the notes left on the
chart and submits the attendance record for her.
Heidi Olive, a teacher in Nevada, knows that the first five minutes of
class are critical. She has either a preview or review activity posted. The
format of the activity varies. Students might be asked to write a reaction to
a quote or newspaper article, copy a timeline, brainstorm emotions felt in
response to a piece of music, or answer questions on the previous night’s
reading assignment. Whatever the opening activity, its primary purpose
is to engage students the minute they walk through the door and to
provide her an opportunity to handle attendance and other housekeeping
duties. The opening activity also provides a jumping-off point for the day’s
It’s obvious that structuring the opening of class is critical for student
involvement the rest of the school day. It’s like the opening of a movie—it
needs to capture your attention and keep you in your seat. If there is no
opening-of-class activity, the students will be out of their seats, waiting for
the class to begin.
Starting on time is a common procedure in the adult world. Businesses open
on time. Weddings, meetings, ball games, and television programs all start
on time. At least, they are supposed to, just as classes are supposed to start
on time.
Click for GoBe folder information: Attendance Keeper
There are many ways to take roll; however, your first priority is to get
the students on task.
As soon as the tardy bell rings, your first task is to scan the room. It is not to
take roll, but rather to look for students who are not at work. You quietly
signal these students to get to work immediately. Use a firm smile and a
hand gesture that clearly indicates that you want them to work.
They know where the assignment is posted, and they know what to do. You
are maximizing academic learning time.
As soon as the class is at work, proceed to do whatever administrative
chores are necessary. Taking roll is usually one of these.
Click to read Sidebar story: The Student Who Is Absent
Each time the class yells out a response, the noise level gets higher.
Confrontation builds up between the class and the teacher over
whether or not a student is absent.
Valuable minutes are wasted.
Many students sit, bored, while precious learning time is wasted on a
bookkeeping chore that really does not involve the class.
1. Look at your class and refer to your seating chart. Mark whoever is
absent. Do not involve the class; they are on-task.
2. Have folders or something personal in a box at the door. When the
students come in, they are to take their folders, go to their seats, and
get to work on the posted assignment. After the students are at work,
you look in the box. You see three folders left, note the names, and
mark these students absent.
3. Some teachers have each student’s name on a clothespin. Clip these
pins to a cutout, chart, or a seasonal object like a jack-o’-lantern or
heart. When the students come in, they move their clothespins
indicating they are in attendance. After the students are at work, you
note which pins have not been moved and mark these students absent.
Assign a student the task of transferring, at an appropriate time, the
clothespins to the original position.
Other administrative tasks can be accomplished at the same time, such as indicating
whether or not lunch will be purchased.
The research is emphatic. The more time students are on task, the better
their achievement and learning. The effective teacher knows how to get the
students on task immediately, after which preparing the attendance count
for the administration is done in private.
An organized grade record book allows you to assess for the learning of
every student at any given moment.
There was a time when students would come to class and sit passively in
rows, listening to a teacher. The only activity might be some reading and
writing, done quietly and personally.
The students were never told the purpose of the lesson, nor did they have
any clue as to why they were doing it. They would never dare to question
the teacher’s authority or ask, “Why do we have to do this?”
Tests were given at intervals governed by the grading period—not to assess
for learning. The test questions were rather arbitrary because teachers never
explained to the students what they were studying.
Then, the teacher gave a grade. Yes, the teacher was the Supreme
Determiner as to what grades would be given to each student. Some
teachers even proudly said, “I only give out one A and three B’s.” Although
it was useless to argue about grades, there was lots of arguing from many of
the students—and parents. The teacher actually had no idea what was being
covered. Yet, “Will I be able to cover all of this before the semester is
over?” was the major concern of numerous teachers.
COVERAGE was the teacher’s mission; not STUDENT LEARNING.
With a teaching system such as this, a grade book was necessary only to
record the attendance and the test grade given by the teacher. The grades
were averaged for the report card, and life continued on for the ineffective
teacher who was focused only on covering the textbook.
Click for GoBe folder information: The Fallacy of Textbooks
You have only enough space to show one record, such as attendance.
To record additional information, you have to turn to another page and
possibly write all the names again. You are constantly flipping pages.
If the number of students in your class exceeds the number of lines on
a page, you have to repeat the information at the top of every page.
The major problem comes when you need a progress report or a
summary for the grading period. Because there is only one line to
record all information for each student, you must sift through
attendance, homework, projects, tests, and anything else you may
record about the student to determine the student’s progress. As a
result, progress is not readily apparent at a glance.
If you are planning to buy your own grade record book, you must first
determine how you will be grading and what records you will be keeping so
you will know what to look for when you shop.
It is imperative that you decide before you begin the school year just
what you want to record. People in other professions do the same thing:
Designed properly, a grade record book should let you see each
student’s RESULTS and PROGRESS immediately.
You must determine what you want for each student; for example:
Attendance Project grades
Homework assignments Extra-credit work
Classroom work Class participation
Test grades Classroom behavior
Skills mastered Cumulative progress
The three basic records in a grade record book each require a separate line:
1. Attendance
2. Scores
3. Running Total
1. Present. Usually, nothing is noted in the space. This tells you that the
student was in class on this day.
2. Absent. Typically, an A is noted in the space, reminding you that the
student was absent on this date. If the student brings a note that
excuses the absence, you may want to draw a diagonal line through the
A. This tells you that you have seen a note or received authorization
from the office, excusing the absence. If you do not see a diagonal line,
it means that you are still waiting to see the excuse.
3. Unexcused. If no note is presented explaining the absence, place a
check or a breve, the mark used to indicate a short vowel sound, above
the A.
An unexcused absence is simply one for which the student does not
have a note of explanation, typically from a parent, a doctor, or another
teacher. In some schools, you will determine if the absence is excused
or not. In other schools, the attendance office will process this for you.
How you treat an unexcused absence may be determined by school
policy. Ask the administration. A school may allow only so many
unexcused absences before administrative action is taken. A good
school will notify the home at once if an unexcused absence or cut has
been determined.
Also, ask other teachers how they treat unexcused absences. In most
cases, an unexcused absence does not release a student from
responsibility for missed work or assignments. The student must
make up the work.
An unexcused absence might mean the teacher is not obligated to help
the student make up the work; for instance, the teacher may have to
explain to the student:
As you will see in Unit D, for a student to master what you want the student
to learn, you will need a grade record program that allows you to see the
student’s grades on the activities that are tied to the benchmarks. For this
you will need a grade record program for benchmark scoring.
Click for an example of a recording page for benchmark scoring
If you are looking for a personal electronic grade record program, consider
that you may want to record:
Respect others.
Be polite and helpful.
Keep the room clean.
1. Follow directions the first time they are given and thereafter.
2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
3. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5. No cursing or teasing.
1. Follow correct traffic flow from serving counter to table, and from
table to trash to exit.
2. Choose a seat and remain there.
3. Eat all your food in the cafeteria.
4. Raise your hand to be excused when finished eating.
5. Scrape food into bins with a rubber spatula and put utensils in the
Classroom rules should be posted for the first day of school, with a copy ready for
distribution to each student.
If you must use a reward, one that is popular for any subject or grade level
is 30 minutes of free time on Friday as a classwide reward. Everyone has
to work together cooperatively the entire week for the reward. The 30
minutes of free time on Fridays is effective and simple because it is not a
tangible prize—and your students will never grow tired of it. Besides, the
time is used, mostly, for schoolwork. There are no popcorn parties, pizza
parties, or videos to plan for and clean up after—just free time to work!
Like rules and consequences, you will want to post your rewards. Indicate
the time factor associated with the reward. Will the reward be given daily,
weekly, monthly, at the end of the quarter, when?
Explain the simple system by which the reward is to be earned. The teacher
does not give rewards; the students earn rewards.
The most common way of earning rewards, on a class basis, is to put a tally
mark somewhere when you spot someone following directions or doing
good. If you don’t like tally marks, use marbles in a jar, raffle tickets, or red
indicators on a drawing of a thermometer. When the class has earned a
predetermined number of tally marks, your students can collectively have
the reward.
Click for a sample discipline plan
Discipline Plan Where Both the Student and Teacher Are in Charge
My Action Plan
The most common form of a cooperative discipline plan is with a
contract or some kind of an agreement from the student.
Some elementary classes have “Power Centers.” This is a desk set aside
for those children who must be sent to reflect on their misbehavior. They
are told they can return to class activities when they tell the teacher, “I Have
the Power,” meaning I have the power to discipline myself and behave. If
the child starts to waver, quickly ask, “Do you Have the Power?” Smile and
you’ll get a smile back.
Other grade-level classrooms have “Time Out Centers” which are similar to
penalty boxes in hockey.
“My Action Plan” is a simple technique that not only addresses the specific
problem, but simultaneously teaches the student responsibility, problem
solving, and self-discipline.
Direct the student to a desk set aside with a pencil and a copy of “My
Action Plan.” (You can download a copy at in the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 18.)
Step 1. Show the student a copy of “My Action Plan,” and be prepared to
work with the student on answering the three questions:
The three key concepts in the value of using “My Action Plan” are
1. Problem-solving
2. Responsibility
3. Self-discipline
If the problem is not corrected, go back and modify the third part
of the action plan. It is much better to teach problem-solving,
responsibility, and self-discipline than to yell, scream, and flunk.
Yelling, screaming, and flunking benefit no one. Learning to be
self-disciplined and responsible benefits all of society. Through
persistence, have the student work on the action plan repeatedly
until the problem is corrected.
Step 3. For the student to carry through with his or her responsibility,
encouragement is needed from the home and the school to get the student to
Tips for calling home are in the Going Beyond folder for
Chapter 18 at
1. Thinks through a discipline plan before school begins and conveys the
plan to the students when school begins.
2. Discusses the plan so students understand its logic and accept it as
3. Involves the home to help guarantee and enforce the plan.
4. Uses discipline to help teach young people self-discipline and
responsible behavior.
How to Teach Students to Follow Classroom
A smooth-running classroom is based on the teacher’s ability to teach
You have now arrived at the two most important chapters in this book.
What you are about to read can provide you with a smooth-running, well-
oiled learning environment. For this to happen, you must implement the
practices and procedures described in Chapters 19 and 20. The information
in these two chapters on classroom management will help you become a
proactive teacher and will assist you in reducing the number of
misbehaviors in the classroom.
1. The teacher has not thought out what happens in the classroom.
2. The students have not been taught how to follow procedures.
3. The teacher spends no time managing the classroom with procedures.
Example of a Procedure
There is a procedure for opening a lock on a locker. It’s usually two turns to
the right, one turn to the left, and a final turn to the right.
There is no penalty if the procedure is not followed. The lock just does not
open. Likewise, there is no reward if the procedure is followed. The lock
simply opens. To do anything in life successfully, you simply follow the
Student success or achievement at the end of the school year is directly
related to the degree to which the teacher establishes good control of
the classroom procedures in the very first week of the school year.
Procedures set the class up for achievement to take place.
What the teacher wants done.
What the students do automatically.
Tell your students that classroom procedures are for their benefit.
Following procedures will help them do their work with less confusion
and thus help them succeed. Knowledge of classroom procedures tells
your students such things as these:
Every classroom needs to have a set of procedures, which allow the class to
operate smoothly. A smooth-running, effective classroom is free of
confusion and is a pleasure to teach and learn in.
Click to read Sidebar story: No Need for Discipline
A smooth-running classroom is the responsibility of the teacher and the
result of the teacher’s ability to teach procedures.
Click to read Sidebar story: Procedures Are a Part of Life
In the first few days of school, teach only procedures necessary for the
smooth opening of class.
Delay the other procedures until the appropriate activity arises.
Procedures Are Part of School Life
As in everyday life, procedures must be followed in the classroom. Here are
some that nearly every teacher must teach.
Procedure for Dismissal at the End of the Period or Day. When the
dismissal bell rings, are the students already standing at the door waiting to
leave, or do they just get up and leave, even if you are in the middle of a
sentence? You can always tell who is running the class—the students or the
teacher—by how the students behave at the end of the period or day.
Procedure for Quieting a Class. Do you know how to quiet a class in 15
seconds or less? It can be done easily! Do you yell, scream, and flick the
lights—all to no avail? Or if you do succeed, does it take a long time to get
the students’ attention, not to mention years off your life span from stress?
Procedure for the Start of the Period or Day. When the students enter, do
they know what to do, where to sit, and what materials to have ready? Or do
they sit and wait for the teacher to tell them what to do?
Procedure for Students Seeking Help. Do your students raise their hands
when they want your help, flapping their hands to attract your attention,
calling your name at the same time, stopping work in the process,
accompanied by muttering and complaining to their classmates because you
do not respond instantly?
Procedure for the Movement of Students and Papers. Do your students
take forever to pass their papers in and even longer to change from group to
group or task to task? And when they turn their papers in, do they throw
them in a pile on your desk or punch each other in the back as the papers
are passed forward?
Parents have their children practice the piano because the more
they practice, the better they play. The reason coaches have their
teams run the plays over and over again is that the more they run
the plays, the better they will be able to execute the plays during
the game.
Click to read Sidebar story: Run the Play, Sing the Song
Step 3. Reinforce a Correct Procedure and Reteach an Incorrect One
Click to read Sidebar story: For Whom Does the Bell Toll?
You will want to explain the criteria for dismissal, such as how clean you
want the desk or work area, and where and how you want the chairs and
equipment to be positioned. Show and demonstrate this procedure. Have
several students (never one, because it creates a show-off situation)
demonstrate the procedure. Praise each so the students know that you are
validating the correct procedure.
Be alert a few seconds before the bell rings on the first day of school.
Anticipate that you will need to make an immediate correction if the
procedure is not followed. If the class starts to file out, it is too late to
correct the procedure. The failure to correct a procedure will only escalate
the problem until the students dismiss themselves and are really the ones in
control of the class.
On the first day of school, remind the class of the dismissal procedure a
few seconds before the bell rings at the end of the period or day. This
will reduce the hassle of correcting the class; however, if any students begin
to leave at the bell, simply say,
No, no, no. Tom, Joel, Anne, please return to your desks.
Do not scold, yell, or demean. And do not use meaningless phrases or
questions like “Listen to me” or “What did I say about the dismissal
procedure?” You do not want a discussion, an argument, or a response. You
want all students at their desks. Calmly, but in a voice of authority, tell the
students who began to leave to return to their desks.
Effective teachers have the students see, feel, and experience each
procedure. The students see all the others remaining in their seats and
experience the procedure correctly. Ineffective teachers only tell students
what to do. The students do not experience what should be done. That is
why many teachers fail when they want students to follow procedures.
Rehearse the procedure every day to reinforce the procedure until it
becomes a routine. By the end of the third or fourth day, the procedure will
have become automatic.
Thereafter, all you need to do a few seconds after the bell rings is smile and
say, “It’s been nice seeing all of you. See you tomorrow. Have a nice day.”
This is much better than, “You’re dismissed.”
Click to read Sidebar story: Why Children Never Tell Mom They Are
Going Out
Click to read Sidebar story: How to Teach a New Student All the Class
Click to read Sidebar story: The Greatest Gift
Students, I have a procedure when I want your undivided
attention. You will see me stand here with my hand up. Or I may
tap a bell because some of you will not be able to see my hand
while you are working in a group. When you see my hand or
hear a bell, the procedure is as follows:
1. Freeze.
2. Turn and face me; pay attention; and keep your eyes on me.
3. Be ready for instruction. I will have something to say.
Good, let’s rehearse the procedure. We will be working together
this year, so let’s get to know one another. Please look at the
person to the right of you. You will have two minutes to
introduce yourselves and get to know one another.
After two minutes, hold up your hand or ring the bell, perhaps doing both
this first time. Do not say a word when you raise your hand. Do the
demonstration exactly as you will be doing it for the rest of the year. Be
patient and wait until the class does the three steps and pays attention.
Do not give up as you wait for the students to give you their undivided
attention. Compliment them when you have their attention.
Now please look at the person to the left of you. You may have
two minutes to introduce yourself and get acquainted.
After two minutes, hold up your hand or ring the bell. Compliment them
when they have complied.
You then hold up your hand and watch for the seven students to pay
Thank you. That was the correct procedure when you see my
hand or hear a bell. Please do the same thing each time you see
my hand or hear a bell.
You keep using the same language because you must use the same
procedure if you want the students to exhibit the same routine.
Click to read Sidebar story: Praise the Deed, Encourage the Student
Click to read Sidebar story: She Quieted 100 People in Five Seconds
The “Give Me Five” hand signal is not the only way to quiet a class or
group. Create your own technique or steal from the list that follows:
Hand Signal
With this technique the students signal the teacher with a predetermined
number of fingers. The number of fingers raised corresponds to a
predetermined request established by the teacher.
Post a sign on the wall with your hand signal chart. Then train your students
to use the system.
When you see a signal, silently respond to the signal with a nod or shake of
the head or a gesture of the hand.
Styrofoam Cup
Tape a short length of string to the bottom of a Styrofoam cup. (Styrofoam
cups are noiseless.) Tape the other end of the string near the edge of the
desktop, and leave the cup dangling off the table.
The procedure when the student wants the teacher’s attention is to place the
cup on the desk and to continue to work.
Index Card
Fold and tape an index card into a three-sided pyramid. On one side write,
“Please help me.” On another side write, “Please keep working.” Leave the
third side blank. Place the card on the table so the blank side is facing the
The procedure when the student wants the teacher’s attention is to turn the
card so that “Please help me” is facing forward. The student sees “Please
keep working” and is reminded to continue to work.
High school teachers may appreciate this simple system. The procedure
when the student wants the teacher’s attention is to take a textbook and
place it in an upright position and to continue to work.
“You seemingly waste a little time at the beginning to gain time at the
_Lim Chye Tin
When you walk into a room, you do not pay attention to the floor. But if it
were missing you would. It’s the same with classroom management.
Teachers who have a well-managed classroom have invisible procedures.
The class just flows along smoothly with student learning. That’s because
effective teachers spend time during the first week of school organizing and
structuring their classrooms for student learning.
The most important factor that must be established the first day and first
week of school is CONSISTENCY.
Consistency means the classroom is organized and predictable. There
are no surprises; the teacher and the students know how the class is
structured and run. The students know what to do. They know the
For instance, the students know the procedures for
Coming to attention
Entering the classroom and starting work
Asking for help
Walking down the hall
Riding in buses or cars
Taking lecture notes
Working in a group
Studying for a test
Distributing materials
A teacher with no opening morning routine is inviting disaster in the
classroom the first day and every day of the school year.
In Chapter 19 we shared classroom procedures that include
Class dismissal
Quieting a class
Students wanting teacher’s help
Helping at-risk students
Starting a class
Movement of paper
The pencil problem
A carpenter will have all the tools accounted for before beginning the
A surgeon will have the instruments ready before beginning the
A chef will have all the food items and kitchenware ready before
taking the first order.
A teacher will have the class ready to learn.
Why? Here are the problems with passing papers up the rows to the front of
the room.
1. If papers are passed up the row, you cannot see what is happening
behind each student’s back as you stand at the front of the room
waiting for the papers.
2. Some students tap, poke, shove, and hit the back of the student in front
to announce that the papers are coming up the row. Others wave the
papers in the face of the student in front. No matter what is done, the
student in front is irritated, words are spoken, and the disturbance in
the class increases.
3. When papers are passed from hand to hand, some papers may fall to
the floor. It follows that the more students who handle the papers, the
more likely it is that papers will fall, which detracts from valuable
learning time.
4. There are frequently more students up a given row than across rows,
therefore more students handle a stack of papers.
5. Thus, passing papers up a row takes longer to accomplish and is
frequently accompanied by student agitation.
Have the students place their papers at the head of the table (point to
the designated spot).
Have students or an aide pick up the papers or do so yourself.
It is not a good procedure to have the students place their papers in a basket
on the teacher’s desk. This procedure involves too much movement and
often results in a mess. Sometimes papers are claimed to be turned in when
in reality they are still in the student’s possession. Whatever procedure
you choose to use for collecting papers, rehearse the procedure the first
time you collect papers.
Step 1. Close. Give the student a time warning. “In two minutes, I will say
‘change’” (or a word of your choice).
Step 2. Prepare. “When I say ‘change,’ I would like you to close or put
Step 3. Refocus. “Then get your history book out, turn to page 222 and
start with question 3.” In addition to verbal instructions, always write the
page number and question number on the board. Remember that you are
asking someone, a young person perhaps, to do step 3 while they are trying
to process steps 1 and 2.
When the transition begins, do not talk during the transition time.
Talking distracts the students’ ability to switch properly. If constant
directions are being given, then your transition instructions are not short,
simple, and easy to do.
Watch carefully and if someone is not shifting properly, give a firm smile
and a hand signal or point to the directions on the board. The student will
Click to read Sidebar story: Everyone Returns on Time
Click to read Sidebar story: Transition Tunes
Put the cans at the entrance to the classroom. As students enter, they can
select a sharpened pencil to use during the class period or school day. At the
end of the class or day, the students return their pencils to the “Used
Pencils” can as they exit the room. Appoint a class helper to sharpen the
pencils for use the next day or period.
There will be no more whining, “I forgot my pencil. I can’t do my work,
This is just one way to handle the pencil problem. As part of an end-of-day
procedure, some elementary teachers have students put a sharpened pencil
in their mail cubby and retrieve it upon entering the next morning. With
their pencils sharpened the day before, the students are ready to write as
soon as they enter the classroom.
The concept is simple: If the student doesn’t have a pencil, have one
available to use. You design the procedure that works for you and your
students to achieve that goal.
The same procedure applies to pencil points that break during class time.
Instead of the constant grinding of the pencil sharpener, use your “New
Pencils” pencil can for the replacement pencils. The students put the pencil
with the broken point in the “Used Pencils” can and take one for use from
the “New Pencils” can. It’s a procedure that only involves the student with a
broken pencil point and not the entire class.
Click to read Sidebar story: Code Red
The Explanation
How quickly students move into groups depends on how explicitly the
teacher explains why groups will be formed and how.
“OK, divide into groups of four” is not how groups are set up. Vague
directions like this are sure to provoke comments like these:
Teaching young people to work well in groups will not happen overnight.
Teaching the procedures for group work occurs incrementally and requires
time, patience, and constant reinforcement. The societal shift from teaching
students to “think for themselves” to a Y Generation era of people thinking
with each other in teams sets well the stage for group activities in the
Students inherently like to work—and play—together. So the problem is not
student participation or interaction. It is inadequate instructions. When the
directions, whether verbal or written, do not state what is to be done
and what is to be accomplished, the students will create their own
version. The teacher must structure and write the activity for maximum
understanding before the activity begins.
How smoothly students move into groups depends on how clearly the
teacher explains the mechanics and responsibilities of the group
Click to read Sidebar story: They Knew the Names of Only Six Students
Consider calling your groups support groups and each member of the
support group a support buddy.
2. Specify the Group Size. The size of the group is a factor of how many
jobs are needed to complete the activity. For instance, in a group of
Student 1 is responsible for getting the materials and returning
them to the appropriate place when the day or period is over.
Student 2 is responsible for seeing that the steps of the activity
are followed.
Student 3 is responsible for making observations, recording
data, and taking minutes while the activity progresses.
Student 4 is responsible for overseeing the writing of the group
4. Teach the Procedures. Here are four procedures for you to consider
with your students:
You are responsible for your own job and the results of the group.
(In the working world, you are responsible for your own job and the
results of the people you work with.)
If you have a question, ask your support buddies. Do not ask your
teacher. (In the working world, you do not raise your hand for help.
You seek, ask, research, and Google because you are expected to act
on your own initiative.)
You must be willing to help if a support buddy asks you for help.
(In the working world, you are expected to apply teamwork skills.)
If no one can answer a question, then agree on a consensus
question and appoint one person to raise a hand for help from the
teacher. (In the working world, negotiating and reaching agreements
are the keys to success.)
5. Hold the Individuals Accountable for the Work of the Team. The
teacher acts as consultant to the group after setting the objectives,
assignments, and procedures. Problems are turned back to the group
for resolution.
The support groups are to cooperatively write reports and give team
presentations. The students are accountable for the quality of their
group work and the results of their work.
The support group will get a group grade and that grade will be
each individual’s grade, so it is important that each member of the
group support the others’ achievement efforts and contribute
equally to the group’s success.
For each procedure, have the support groups discuss how they can
improve their team skills. The procedures that must be discussed are
those that received a rating of “most of the time.” By reviewing them,
and being aware of why they followed certain procedures most of the
time, students can apply their successful ways of working together
toward improving those procedures that were rated lower.
The more time students work together and the more responsibilities
students take for their work, the greater the learning that takes place.
A Plan in Place
Sarah Jondahl, a teacher in California, was ready the first day of her
teaching career with a specific, consistent classroom management
action plan in a binder. Although the binder took months of work to
compile, her plan resulted in her success from the very first minute of her
teaching career.
Sarah’s plan includes a letter she sends to her students prior to the first day
of school. It tells a little about her background and sets her students’
expectations for lots of work and learning. It also contains the class’ first
homework assignment.
She scripted or planned the first day of school as follows:
Greet Each Student at the Door
Introduce Herself
Teach Classroom Procedures
Two major problems in a classroom are movement and noise. Sarah had
these solved on her first day of school. She planned out exactly how her
students were to enter the classroom in the morning, come in from recess,
line up to leave the classroom, get ready for lunch, walk in the halls, and get
ready for dismissal. She then taught and rehearsed her students in how to be
successful with the procedures.
Click for GoBe folder information: Hallway Procedure
Today, Sarah is an experienced teacher and she says, “My classroom
management plan is based on establishing procedures I learned from the
book, The First Days of School. Having procedures in place from day one
and teaching my students about these procedures made the educational
experience in my classroom extremely effective.”
Teachers like Sarah Jondahl will succeed in any kind of a school, because it
truly makes no difference what grade level or subject you teach, whether
you teach in a public, private, or charter school, whether your school is
traditional or year-round, or whether your students are urban or rural. All
effective teachers have procedures to assist in managing a classroom
and maximizing learning time.
Click to read Sidebar story: An Elementary Teacher’s Experience
Click to read Sidebar story: A High School Teacher’s Experience
Each morning there is a “bellwork” assignment on the board or
overhead projector. Students enter the classroom and get started
on the assignment.
Turning in Work
There are two baskets placed in the front of the room. One
basket is labeled “class work” and the other is labeled
“homework.” Children place their work in the appropriate
Restroom Breaks
Individual students are allowed to go to the bathroom four times
a month without having a tally pulled. They use their daily
agendas as their pass and have the teacher sign and date when
they are going. Only one student may use the restroom at a time.
Students are excused as a class to go to the restroom during
lunch and recess.
Going to Lunch
Students form two lines by the outside door, one for “home
lunches” and one for “school lunches.” The students buying their
lunches line up in alphabetical order. Students are picked up
after lunch on the blacktop as they wait in the area of their
classroom number. (Numbers are painted on the blacktop.)
Students follow the cafeteria procedures as well as the classroom
rules. Students clean up their sitting areas after they are done.
Students should be on their best behavior by saying “Please” and
“Thank You.”
Selecting Monitors
Students are chosen to do things in class by picking a Popsicle
stick from the can labeled “Pick a Stick.” Each student’s name is
written on the bottom of a Popsicle stick. The sticks are all
placed in a can. The teacher draws a stick to pick students for a
variety of things.
Changing Groups/Transitions
The teacher gives a verbal announcement of “five minutes left”
before changing centers, lessons, activities, etc. When it is time
to change, a variety of methods are used:
1. Play music.
2. Snap/clap rhythm pattern led by teacher.
3. A bell is rung.
Students know what these different signals mean and make the
change quickly and quietly.
If the Teacher Is Out of the Classroom
Students remain on task while the teacher is out of the room.
Classroom rules and procedures are followed as they continue
their work. The classroom aide or a teacher next door is
available for help if needed.
End-of-Class Dismissal
The bell does not dismiss the class; the teacher dismisses the
class. Students are dismissed when called upon, either
individually or by groups.
Students follow the school’s rules and classroom’s procedures
even when riding in vehicles on school outings. When walking
to or from the school bus or a car, the procedures for the halls are
followed. Students stay seated while on the bus or in the car and
respect the property. Seat belts are worn at all times. Low voices
are always used in the vehicle. There is no eating in the car or
bus unless the driver says it’s OK.
Teacher success can be traced to the ability of the teacher to manage
the classroom. Sarah Jondahl is an example of a successful and highly
effective teacher.
Click for GoBe folder information: Create a Classroom Management
The ineffective teacher begins the first day of school attempting to teach a
subject and spends the rest of the year running after the students.
The effective teacher spends most of the first week teaching the students
how to follow classroom procedures.
When students know how the class is run, they will be more willing to
do whatever you want them to do. You can then have an exciting and
challenging classroom that maximizes student learning time because
procedures and routines manage the classroom.
Click to read Sidebar story: I’m Managing My Attitude, Too
Chapter 21
How to Create an Effective Assignment
The greater the structure of a lesson and the more precise the directions on
what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement rate.
Chapter 22
How to Test for Student Learning
The purpose of a test is to determine if a student has mastered the
Chapter 23
How to Assess for Student Learning
The purpose of a scoring guide is to assess for student learning.
Chapter 24
How to Enhance Student Learning
Teachers are more effective when they work together in teams.
How to Create an Effective Assignment
The greater the structure of a lesson and the more precise the
directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement
Learning Basics
We owe it to kids to teach them what they do not know and to teach it well.
Politicians, the press, parents, and even the students are all clamoring for
engaging curriculum. Learning. The future of humanity depends upon it.
Students come to school for one reason only—to learn.
Remember we stated that Chapters 19 and 20 on procedures and routines
are the most important chapters in the book. You must get your classroom
organized for learning. Unit D is the most important Unit in the book. It
will show you how to get your students to learn and achieve.
Assuming you have mastered the skill of positive expectations and
classroom management, you are now ready to teach the knowledge and
skills students come to school to learn.
But you can only teach the knowledge and skills if you have built a
caring relationship and have created a safe, organized classroom.
The effective teacher knows how to
Mike Schmoker says, “Lay out a sound set of standards and then
actually teach these standards and there will be an immense increase in
levels of achievement almost immediately.” (Schmoker, Mike. Author
of Results: The Key to Continuous School Improvement. (1996).
Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. Retrieved from an email correspondence with authors
April 2007.)
Robert Marzano reported on a study of what affects student
achievement and says, “It is what gets taught!” (Marzano, Robert.
(2003). What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action.
Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Andrew Porter of the University of Pennsylvania says, “What gets
taught is the strongest possible predictor of gains in achievement.”
(Porter, Andrew. (October 2002). “Measuring the Content of
Instruction: Uses in Research and Practice.” Educational Researcher,
31(7) pp. 3–14. Updated from an email correspondence with authors
August 2007.)
Schools exist and teachers are hired for one reason only: to help
students learn and achieve.
Teachers are charged with getting the students to comprehend and achieve.
There is no one right way to do this. Just like classroom management, there
is no one right procedure for getting the students to do what you want them
to do. There are many options, but they are based on core information.
That’s the purpose of Unit D—to teach you some fundamentals and
understandings all teachers need to know about mastery learning.
This chapter shows how to write assignments in which students
demonstrate that learning, comprehension, or mastery has taken place.
It is difficult if not impossible for a student to get the work done when
the assignment does not spell out what the student is to learn. There are
no standards, no objectives, and no activities done for a specified reason.
It’s like shooting arrows blindfolded hoping that one will hit a non-existing
When the students have no idea what is to be learned, and the teacher
has no idea what is to be taught, no student learning can take place.
This explains why students come to class every day and ask, “What are we
going to do today? Or they ask that really nerve-racking question, “Are we
doing anything important today?” Don’t blame the students, because they
truly do not understand the assignment. Some students call this “mystery
Ineffective teachers stumble from day to day, wondering what to do next.
Their students ask, “Why are we doing this?” Or they declare, seemingly in
unison, “We’re bored.” When this happens, no learning takes place and
behavior problems ensue.
Common sense dictates that if you do not teach it, students won’t learn it. If
a salesperson does not up-sell the product, the customers aren’t going to
buy it. If the pitcher does not throw the ball, the batter will have nothing to
hit. And, if you don’t send invitations to a wedding, the guests are not going
to come!
Stop asking, “What video am I going to show? What activity am I going to
do? What worksheet am I going to give out?”
The only one doing any work in these questions is the teacher. And when
the test scores come back disappointing, as they surely will be, this teacher
will become angry and blame the students: “Well, I covered the material. If
they don’t want to learn it, it’s not my fault.”
Convey to the students what you want them to learn or accomplish so that
they can take control of their own learning. When the students know what
they are to learn, it becomes “mastery learning,” rather than “mystery
Here’s another example: You go to the bakery to inquire about cakes for
your wedding. The baker produces a binder of pictures showing various
wedding cakes. After one is selected, you say, “On Saturday, July 18, I want
that cake delivered to the church fellowship hall at 3 P.M.” The baker has
been given a clear assignment: a specific product is to be delivered at a
specified time and place.
Similarly, good classroom assignments specify what the students are to
do or learn. The finished product is what the teacher wants produced
as evidence of having completed the assignment.
Step 1. Determine what you want the students to accomplish. The
question that must be asked repeatedly is, “What do I want my students to
learn?” not “What am I going to cover?”
This is a question best answered by the school or district curriculum guide.
This guide pairs what the student is to learn with state standards. Standards
identify what is essential for students to master. Most states have
standards. In Virginia, they are called Standards of Learning (SOL); in
Arizona, they are called Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards
Standards form the core or backbone of the curriculum. With
standards in place, schools then can create guides for the curriculum.
These guides tell the teachers what the students are to master and
recommend methods to teach the content. When you are hired, ask for
the curriculum guide for your teaching assignments.
Click for GoBe folder information: You Teach the Students, Not the
Click to read Sidebar story: What Is a Standard?
Click to read Sidebar story: What Is a Curriculum?
Too often, new teachers have little or no access to information about what
exactly they are to teach their students. Too many are handed a key to the
classroom and sent off to teach, without adequate information about
curriculum and available resources, and often without knowing what their
students are expected to learn before going on to the next grade.
Click for GoBe folder information: The Emergency Teacher
A research group at Harvard, The Project on the Next Generation of
Teachers, discovered that
This recipe for discouragement and failure on the part of new teachers and
their students can be alleviated if a district has a curriculum guide for each
subject and grade level and then shows new teachers how to implement the
curriculum guide.
Click to read Sidebar story: A Curriculum Work Plan
Click to read Sidebar story: Are You Teaching for Accomplishment or
Just Telling the Students What to Do?
Click to read Sidebar story: “Your Assignment Is Chapter 24”
Step 2. Write each accomplishment as a single sentence. To teach for
accomplishment, you must have a series of single sentences that clearly and
precisely state what is to be accomplished. These single sentences are called
As the students and the teacher are moving toward the same goals,
there is a greater chance for learning to take place.
“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear
understanding of your destination.”
_Stephen Covey
Each objective must begin with a verb that states the action to be taken; it
must show an accomplishment. The most important word to use in an
assignment is a verb, because verbs help clarify whether or not an
accomplishment has taken place.
To teach for learning, use words, especially verbs, that state how to
demonstrate that learning has taken place.
Verbs are “action words” or “thinking words.” The chart on the next page
lists some verbs that can be used. The verbs have been organized into levels
like floors in a building. The chart is based on the work of Dr. Benjamin
Bloom of the University of Chicago, and is known as Bloom’s Taxonomy.
(Bloom, Benjamin S. (ed.). (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
Cognitive Domain. New York: Longman.) His taxonomy arranges verbs
into six related groups:
1. Knowledge
2. Comprehension
3. Application
4. Analysis
5. Synthesis
6. Evaluation
1. Pick a verb. Refer to the list, and use the verb you select as the first
word in a sentence.
Only you know which verb to pick because you know what you want
or need to teach. Only you know the level of competence and readiness
of your students. Only you know what you want to prepare your
students to do next.
Refrain from choosing verbs all from one category, because this would
challenge your students at only one level of thinking.
2. Complete the sentence. The verb tells the student what action is to be
taken and the rest of the sentence tells the student what is to be
accomplished or mastered.
Make sure the sentence is precise and easily understood by you, the
students, and their parents.
Words like the following are not good action verbs because it is difficult, if
not impossible, to determine from them what the student is to do. They are
also not on Bloom’s list. Do not use these verbs when you write
be happy
Write precise objectives that state what you want the student to accomplish.
The above objective could have been written in a straightforward and
simpler way for all to understand:
Students can be in control when they know what objective they are
responsible to learn.
1. The first time you give students the assignment, explain to them the
concept of “study guidelines.” They are guides that you have prepared
to help them complete the assignment. You want to be their guide and
help them be successful.
2. Use the analogy of a map, program, agenda, or shopping list to explain
the use of study guidelines. For example, explain to the students that
just as a traveler would use a map as a guide to a destination, each
sentence serves as a map to guide them in their study of this unit. The
study guidelines are to be presented as “user friendly,” not
3. Tell students that the best way to use the study guidelines is to place
them next to whatever source they are studying, such as their
textbooks, worksheets, or notes. They are to use the study guidelines,
just as their parents might use a road map as a guide while driving.
4. Tell students that the central concept for the lesson is between the two
horizontal lines at the top. They are to focus on this as the key idea for
the assignment (as opposed to meaningless assignments like “Chapter
24,” “decimals,” or “The Middle East”).
5. Point out the numbered sentences on the study guidelines. It’s not
necessary to use the term objectives, but you might choose to do so.
Explain to the students that these sentences tell exactly what they are
responsible for, and that they must master these specifics if they are to
understand the key idea.
6. Tell students that each sentence will be the subject of a series of
questions on the exam. The students will be tested for their
comprehension and mastery of each sentence or objective. (See
Chapter 23.)
Write the objective on the board. Students are more likely to buy into
the lesson and are more likely to participate in activities if they
understand why they’re doing it.
Begin a lesson by pointing to the objective so that everyone knows
where they are going.
Refer to the objective during a lesson to allow the students to check for
their own understanding. This helps them recognize when they don’t
understand the lesson.
Bring closure to a lesson with the objective to assist the students in
focusing on their learning.
Increase Achievement
Simply tell students what they will be learning before the lesson begins and
you can raise student achievement as much as 27 percent.
(Hattie, John A. C. (2009). Visible Learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-
analyses relating to achievement. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from an
email correspondence with authors in October 2008.)
This example is based on objective 3 from the Study Guidelines in the
previous link.
Give examples of the different types of nutrients.
Accompanying Questions
“Education is not a process of putting the learner under control but one
of putting the learner in control of his or her own learning.”
Allison Preece
University of Victoria
British Columbia, Canada
The major reason for giving a test is to find out if the students have
accomplished the objectives of the assignment.
The test must be written before the lesson begins, because the test will
be used to assess for student learning.
Give students the objectives at the beginning of the lesson so they know
what they are responsible for accomplishing. Students like to have lesson
objectives because they tell them what they are to learn. Objectives also tell
students the basis upon which they will be evaluated, because the test is
aligned to those objectives.
Tests do not determine objectives; objectives determine tests. Students
like objectives because they see in bite-size chunks the purpose of a lesson.
If a test cannot be written to assess for learning, then the objectives have not
been written correctly to measure for learning.
This chapter discusses the construction of tests and how tests are used to
assess for accomplishment of the objectives.
The assignment and the test must be written together because they are
interrelated and must therefore correlate with one another. Tests are to be
used to monitor and assess for learning. Tests should NOT be used merely
to verify teacher coverage of materials. Tests SHOULD be used to
determine if a student has or has not accomplished and comprehended
the stated objectives of the lesson.
Passage of time
Material covered
Curve grading
Period to kill
Each assignment must have a set of objectives that state the specifics
of student accomplishment to be demonstrated.
Each assignment must have a set of questions written for each
The test must be written at the beginning of the assignment, concurrent
with the writing of objectives.
The test is to be given when the students have finished the assignment.
Two Examples
List the steps of the scientific method.
Test Question:
Which of the following are steps of the scientific method?
a. observe, experiment, hypothesize
b. experiment, study, conclude
c. hypothesize, think, observe
d. collect data, state principles, draw conclusions
Change words ending in y to plural form.
Step 3. Use any type of question. The questions do not even have to be on a
written test. The questions can be oral or physical types, whereby the
teacher asks the student to perform a skill or produce a finished product.
Step 4. Repeat steps 1–3 for each of the remaining objectives. When you
have written a set of questions for each objective, you have finished writing
the test.
This is an example of a test that might have been written for a chapter or
lesson on OBSERVATION. It has four key parts:
Norm-referenced tests have their place, as when you are trying to determine
class rank or who will be on the first team. When you are teaching a
lesson, however, you are not teaching for rank. You are teaching for
accomplishment, and you want everyone to succeed.
3 = OBJECTIVE Objective 1B = REMEDIATION Answer
correlation: source:
The first number tells you which The second number, 1B, tells you
objective the question correlates that the correct answer may be found
with. This tells you that the student in Chapter 1, Section B, of the
has not learned or mastered objective textbook. Tell the student to review
3. this section, or give the student
another form of the same
information; learning may be more
effective in a different style.
Tests are to be given for the students’ sake, not the teacher’s. The purpose
of a test is not to accumulate points to grade the students. The purpose of a
test is to help the teacher assess what the student has or has not
Click to read Sidebar story: A Symbol of Failure
Formative tests are like drills and practice tests. They are given
during the formative, developmental, or teachable period when the
student is in the process of mastering an objective. You may not want
to grade these tests. These simply let you and the students know how
well you are teaching and they are learning the objective.
Formative tests are used to determine what remediation is needed
for a student to master the content, skill, or objective.
Summative tests are given at the end of a unit when you want to sum
up what the student has learned, and then to determine a grade.
Tell students up front which tests they are taking for practice and
which tests they are taking for evaluation.
Click to read Sidebar story: Formative and Summative Tests in Our
Daily Lives
After giving a summative test and determining that a student did not master
a certain objective, a corrective activity must be assigned. A corrective
activity is one that is presented to the student in a differentiated form or
with an alternate explanation so the student can grasp and learn the
objective through a different approach.
After the student has completed the corrective activity, another formative
test or a summative test should be given to determine mastery. It should be
the same kind of test as first given, but the questions must be asked in a
different way.
Some authorities, including Bloom, believe that you should test and retest
until mastery is attained. Others believe that testing twice is sufficient
because much of the content covered in class is spiraled, and the student
will be exposed to the content again later on in the school year. (Guskey,
Thomas R. (1996). Implementing Mastery Learning. Belmont, Calif.:
Click for GoBe folder information: Your Students Can Outperform 98
Percent of the Regular Students
The purpose of formative testing followed by corrective activities is not
unique to education:
The effective teacher tests and corrects, tests and corrects, because the
teacher wants all the students to achieve.
The ineffective teacher delights in giving out only a few A’s. Teachers do
not give grades; students earn grades. Also, the ineffective teacher is
satisfied with grading people on a curve and labeling half the class as
“below average” or “failures.”
While this technique seems so common sense, there are many teachers who
construct lessons by identifying a thing (like weather) and thinking of fun
activities to do about weather (like making cotton cloud pictures). After a
week of weather-related activities, it’s test time. The teacher recalls all of
the activities and creates a test based on topics covered. This piecemeal
approach leaves students and the teacher wondering what students are
supposed to learn, and what the teacher is supposed to teach. Achievement
is never the focal point for the teacher or the students.
Grant Wiggins and Jay Tighe have formalized the lesson design process
with a term called Backward Design. (Wiggins, G., and J. Tighe. (2004).
Understanding by Design. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.) Backward Design contends that instead of
planning a lesson around favorite activities, a more effective lesson
should start with the results you want to achieve. Then, plan backward to
what you want to accomplish.
The backward design process includes these steps:
Step 1. Identify Desired Results. What do you want your students to know
and be able to do? These are your lesson objectives.
Step 2. Determine Acceptable Evidence. This would be the “test.” Assess
for student performance of the objective with oral questions, observations,
dialogues, or with the more traditional quizzes and tests.
Step 3. Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction. What activities,
materials, and resources will be used to help the student learn and reach the
desired results?
Football coaches have a game plan. Executives have a business plan. Pilots
have a flight plan. Likewise, effective teachers have a lesson or learning
plan. These plans are like diet plans, travel plans, and personal finance
plans. They are constantly being modified and improved. Thus, learning
plans are rarely neat, and never complete. Learning plans are a
continuous process and go on for pages. Keep your plans visible on your
desk. It’s not a secret. It’s a plan you want every student to follow
Most schools do not provide learning plans. They provide curriculum
guides that will tell you what the students need to accomplish. It’s up to you
to create the learning plans to guide students to their ultimate destination.
If you do not know where you are going, how will you know when and
if you get there?
This is a simple step-by-step procedure for starting a learning plan:
It’s all right to have videos, worksheets, and activities. In fact, you must
have these. However, the question you must ask first is, “What do I
want the students to learn?” Then start looking for the appropriate
matching videos, worksheets, and activities that will enhance your teaching
toward that goal.
The Internet is loaded with resources to help you create exciting, teachable
lessons. Search “teacher lesson plans” and you’ll have pages of links to use.
In addition, attend conferences, workshops, and college classes. Read the
journals. Most importantly, meet on a regular basis with your team to
exchange ideas. This is the subject of Chapter 24. Working together will
generate a wealth of strategies and spark your own creativity. Without a
learning plan, without a lesson plan, without a guide of some form, you are
not maximizing the time you spend with your students. Teaching is a very
precise skill. Learning plans will allow you to hone your craft and give your
students the chance to soar and achieve.
Testing is a positive way to ensure that everyone stays on the course of
Click for GoBe folder information: Lesson Plan Links
Effective teachers give students a scoring guide that spells out how
students can earn points or a grade for accomplishing a lesson.
As a student, did you ever raise your hand and ask the teacher, “How will
you be grading us?”
Everyone wants to know up front how they will be scored, judged, and
graded. Did you ever have a teacher who passed papers back to you with
points deducted for some omission without first informing the class that it
was an expectation? If so, you probably muttered under your breath, “That’s
not fair. You didn’t tell us how we were going to be graded on this.”
Your job as a teacher is to create success for your students. Scoring
guides are the road maps to that success. Students know up front what
the expectation is, and you know in advance how you’re going to grade it.
Scores should not surprise students. Based on set criteria in the scoring
guide, students should be able to accurately estimate their final grades based
on how well they know they’ve performed.
Scoring guides also improve communications with parents and other
influential adults. Parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents, care
givers, tutors all know the expectation for completion of a paper, project, or
report, and how it will be scored. They can use the scoring guide as an aid
to help the child succeed.
Students love to be in classrooms where they know what to expect—
how learning will be structured and how they will be graded.
These are the classrooms with procedures in place and with students
who are held accountable for those procedures.
These are the classrooms with scoring guides in place and with
students who are responsible for their own learning progress.
Students love teachers who share with them the expectations for
success in the class.
Give the students a scoring guide that spells out how their assignment
will be scored or graded.
Columns are each headed with a point value that the students can earn, such
as 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 or NS (no score).
Each square on the grid represents the intersection of a criteria and a point
value, just as two points meet on a graph.
Learning is a definable process and one that all students can experience.
Our charge as teachers is to communicate this process to students in very
concrete terms.
Click to read Sidebar story: Keep It Simple
When a doctor runs a test on you, like a blood test, hearing test, or eye
exam, the purpose is not to grade you and then send you home. Rather, the
doctor assesses the results of the test so the proper medicine or treatment to
improve your health can be prescribed. The goal is progress toward a
healthier you.
Similarly, effective teachers use assessment data collected from projects,
tests, reports, and the various assignments to gauge a student’s academic
progress, with the intent of ensuring the student is making progress toward
accomplishing the objectives of the lesson.
For progress to be made there must be constant assessment for
Scoring guides are used in competitive sports such as gymnastics and figure
skating. The judges are not subjectively grading the athletes. Rather, they
have a predetermined guide that governs how points are earned after the
athlete completes certain skills, moves, or criteria.
These scoring guides are known to athletes, their coaches, and their
teachers. Together, they work to improve their skill and level of
performance so they can be assessed high on the scale.
With safety harnesses attached, the coach pulls or lifts the cable to control
the movement of the athlete while assessing and teaching at the same time
—over and over again, working toward PROGRESS and
Likewise, when students are given scoring guides ahead of time, they can
see how they will be scored and can earn better scores by doing better work.
All the while, the teacher is involved in assessing for student progress and
helping to improve each student’s scores.
To help students reach the highest possible level of achievement, the
effective teacher is constantly assessing for student learning. This helps
students go where they need to go and it helps them determine how best
to get there.
Click to read Sidebar story: A Level Playing Field
Karen says, “In my science classes, I use scoring guides for writing lab
reports and graphing. Writing a lab report can be overwhelming for
students. On my lab report scoring guide, I list the criteria for each
component (hypothesis, data, analysis, etc.).
That way, students can proceed with their experiments and their reports in a
simple, step-by-step fashion.”
The scoring guides that Karen Rogers uses can easily be applied to all
other subjects where students need to write reports, collect and display
data, be involved in group discussions, make presentations to the class, and
listen when others are making presentations.
Her students find value in using the scoring guides.
Bryan Shephard says he likes them because they “tell you what
you need to know to do the assignment. You don’t have to
remember all the directions the teacher said. You know how to
get 100 percent.”
Nick Jahner agrees. Nick says, “With the scoring guides, you can
control your grade and know what you are going to get in
Miles Miller likes them because, “they keep the grading standard
(uniform) and they give you the basic idea of what needs to be
To teach this standard, Norm Dannen of New Jersey created a lesson using
the novel, The Great Gatsby.
Click to read Sidebar story: The Great Gatsby
Click for GoBe folder information: Norm Dannen’s Scoring Guides
Click to read Sidebar story: Fair and Easy
Unless YOU know where you are going, you will never have students
who know where THEY are going.
As you develop goals for your lessons, always ask WHAT and HOW. But,
don’t stop there. The most important part of the entire process is
sharing the WHAT and HOW with your students. Education is not
trickery and clever tactics to stump students. Our goal is to open the
wonderment of the world and help students discover the joy and fulfillment
associated with learning.
Look at the lessons you prepare and ask yourself these three questions:
If you cannot clearly answer these questions, you are not ready to teach
your lesson. You will only frustrate the students and yourself trying to
figure out what went wrong.
The purpose of designing a lesson is not simply to ensure that students
are taught, but to ensure that they learn. With a scoring guide, teachers
and students have a tool that can easily assess learning.
Click to read Sidebar story: Just Think
The Teacher Is Prepared to Teach
From a student’s perspective, it is very important to feel that “the teacher is
prepared to teach.” It creates a sense of comfort, security, and confidence
to see that the teacher knows what he or she is teaching. With objectives
posted, tests written, and scoring guides created before the lesson begins,
the teacher’s energy is focused on delivering the content and helping all
students achieve the goals of the lesson.
The core work of a learning team is to analyze student work with the
purpose of improving student learning.
One way to analyze student work is to have team members bring in student
work from a common assignment. The work is divided into three general
piles: excellent, average, and poor. One sample is arbitrarily pulled from
each pile.
The team assesses each of the samples with simple recurring questions:
How can we improve or change our instruction to help the student who is
doing poor work to at least do average work? How do we help the student
who is doing average work to do excellent work? What tools for learning
can we prescribe to inspire each student to move up the achievement
One such recognized school that did this was L. C. Kennedy School in the
Creighton School District of Phoenix. The first-grade teaching team
members Patricia Hicks, Karen Schnee, Julie Kunitada, and Jenny Lopez,
call themselves “experts in the trenches.” Their attitude reflects their
dogged determination not to let anything stand in the way of their students’
success—not the parents, the administration, or “the drinking water!”
The team teaches English language learners and reports that their success
“comes from evaluating test scores regularly, adapting our teaching to
each student’s needs, and not giving up until they get it right.”
They say, “By meeting weekly, we have created a learning community of
teachers that tackle problems and issues. Our team is flexible and pliable,
stubborn and persistent. We accept ownership of the children and believe
that all children can learn.
“Our goal is to
Identify the specific learning objective and the assessment that will be
used to determine success of the lesson.
Write one learning objective/standard that clearly states the purpose of
the lesson.
Display the objectives/standards for all team members to see.
Ensure the team has a common understanding regarding the
As a team, select the best strategies, steps, and elements that combine
most effectively to promote student success on the assessment.
As a team, use the best ideas selected in the previous step to build an
outline of the lesson.
Collect related ideas, sequence them, and add or rearrange ideas as
Outline the lesson for all to see.
Granted, no teacher should lecture too much, but that’s not the issue.
Effective people have learned the skill of taking notes. That is why they are
effective. Note taking is not used only in a classroom. People take notes
watching television, during a telephone call, listening to a conference
speaker, synthesizing something that is being read, and during an endless
array of situations where they want to recall information.
Notes are personal. It’s what someone wants for personal edification. Teach
a note-taking procedure and you teach a student something useful in life,
especially if that individual values collecting ideas to be turned into the next
great novel or invention.
1. Record. Record the notes in this space. Teach the students to use
abbreviations and to write in phrases. Leave spaces between thoughts.
Neatness is not important; organization is important.
2. Reduce. In the left column, write simple phrases, cue words, and key
points based on the notes taken. Encourage brevity and simplicity.
3. Review. At the bottom, write one sentence or phrase that summarizes
the notes on the page. Add any questions that remain, or write ideas for
further research.
How to Read a Textbook
Effective readers do not necessarily start at the beginning of a book,
magazine, or newspaper. Newspaper and magazine publishers know this,
which is why parts of the table of contents are put on the cover as teasers to
grab your attention.
They know that effective readers skim, scan, and skip from one page to
another. This method for reading a textbook is called SQ3R, Survey,
Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Teach students how to read a
-Read the summary of the chapter first and find out if they all live happily
ever after.
-Read any indication of a key idea or concept.
-Read all bold-print sentences.
-Read words or phrases in caps, italicized, highlighted, or in boxes.
-Look at the pictures and read the captions.
-Read all the section headings to understand the organization of the
This becomes the homework for the day. In many primary classes, students
get a “take-home” folder with all their work for home learning.
Practice doing homework in the classroom. Spend time during the first two
weeks in class teaching the students how to do the homework before
sending them home with the assignments. A variation is to have the
students start the homework in class and then finish up at home.
They create and use a map to allow the learning teams to coordinate
and assess instruction together.
They consistently ask themselves if students need to be taught or
retaught the academic content or procedures needed to succeed.
Common sense says and research supports that the less time teachers must
spend managing classroom conflict, the more time they can spend on
instruction. This improves students’ academic outcomes.
The importance of establishing procedures and routines to free up
instructional time is paramount to effective teaching.
Chapter 25
How to Have a Well-Managed Classroom
The more a teacher learns, the more the students will learn.
How to Develop a Culture of Effective Teachers
The most effective schools have consistency.
She Succeeded on Her First Day of School
How to Be a Teacher-Leader
The more a teacher learns, the more the students will learn.
You have now come to the final unit in the book. The focus of Units A
through D has been on student accomplishment. The focus of Unit E is on
you, the teacher as a student of learning.
You will soon discover that the more a teacher learns, the more each student
will learn; in other words, the more knowledgeable you become in the craft
of teaching, the more you increase the chances that your students will
be successful.
There are those who simply want a job to earn money to live on.
They work to live, and survive from day to day.
There are those who want to make a difference. They live to work
because the work they do brings accomplishment to themselves and
their students.
Unfortunately there are teachers who say, “But I can’t use your techniques
because I teach high school,” “My students are not reading up to grade
level,” “The buses all arrive at different times so I can’t start the lessons on
time,” or, “You don’t understand the culture my students come from.”
These teachers survive by making excuses. The surest path to stagnation
is to do nothing or just get by.
On the flip side, there are teachers who have now reached mastery. These
are teachers we identify as professionals and teacher-leaders.
Reaching Mastery
We expect the plumber, dentist, and lawyer to know what they are doing.
We call them professionals. In the same manner, effective teachers are
called professional educators.
A professional is defined not by the business a person is in, but by the
way that person conducts his or her business.
A professional educator is someone who, without prompting, supervision,
or regulation, has an ongoing growth plan to achieve competence and
strives continuously to raise the level of each new group of students.
The effective teacher thinks, reflects, and implements. The effective
teacher models what is expected from the students—the ability to think and
solve problems on their own. Effective teachers use their cumulative
knowledge to solve problems. The accumulation of knowledge requires
perpetual, consistent learning.
The professional educator is always learning and growing. The
professional educator is on an endless journey to succeed with students by
looking for new and better ideas, new information, and improved skills.
Teachers Who Become Teacher-Leaders
The effective teacher also has a personal life plan to guide that individual’s
career, with the goal of becoming a teacher-leader. These teachers are easy
to identify. Teacher-leaders are optimists. They see daily what they are
accomplishing in life, and see clearly the bright future that awaits them.
The term “teacher-leader” is a relatively new concept. For decades, many
educators considered themselves “just teachers.” They did their jobs,
typically in isolation, and if they wanted more money or recognition, they
depended on trade unions to get it for them.
As each generation of teachers became more effective, and as they
demonstrated greater mastery in improving student learning, it occurred to
many of these teachers that they should make a choice to determine or
empower their own lives, too.
They chose to step out of the constraints of being “just teachers,” and onto
the path of becoming leaders. These teachers recognized that leaders are
not “bosses” who implement rules, regulations, and procedures. Leaders are
not merely given the authority to tell others what to do. Real leaders possess
certain qualities that are necessary to achieve group successes.
A leader is succinctly defined as someone who motivates, mediates, and
What counts is not the number of hours you put in, but how much you
put into those hours.
Some people go through life adding years to their life.
Others go through life adding life to their years.
If you have an “aha!” moment after reading these statements, you are well
on your way to becoming a teacher-leader. Perhaps you’re already there?
If you are scratching your head in wonder, you are still growing and
learning. Give yourself time while you continue to study and discover the
traits of teacher-leaders.
Click to read Sidebar story: Teacher-Leaders
You can predict your life as a teacher 5, 10, 20, even 30 years from now
on the basis of these characteristics.
Manage by crisis.
Are full of excuses.
Dress like laborers.
Sit at the back of the room in meetings.
Complain about professional development.
Complain about people, places, and things.
Blame other people, places, and things.
Are frequently late.
Run their mouths constantly.
Are always asking, “What am I supposed to do?”
Do not subscribe to or read professional journals.
Do not belong to professional organizations.
Seldom, if ever, go to conferences, and even complain about district-
sponsored meetings.
Speak negatively of their obligations, as in, “Do I have to serve?” and,
“I’m only doing this because I’ve got to.”
Are “I” centered.
Talk about not getting respect.
Decide to do what others do.
Worry about their jobs and their job conditions.
Are victims.
Are unwilling to learn or turn elsewhere for help.
View life as, “Another day, another dollar.”
Are survivors.
Manage by leadership.
Have plans, goals, and vision.
Dress for success.
Sit where they can learn.
Enjoy being part of a meeting.
Compliment people, places, and things.
Collaborate with people, and improve places, and things.
Are prompt and have their materials ready.
Pay attention.
Are able to make decisions and help solve problems.
Subscribe to and read the professional literature.
Belong to professional organizations.
Attend conferences and may even contribute professionally at
Speak enthusiastically about their options, as in, “I like being part of
the professional learning team” and, “I enjoy working on the district’s
curriculum committee.”
Achieve success that earns them respect.
Choose to do what they know is best.
Have a career and have options from which to choose.
Have power and are in control.
Are knowledgeable and can turn elsewhere for help.
Believe life is, “You strive to be a peak performer and pursue life,
love, and happiness.”
Teaching is used by many teachers as a way to earn money to pay the bills
and support a family. Their commitment to teaching stops at the dismissal
bell, with no time and little desire to partake in growth and learning
Like workers, leaders have jobs and put in time to earn money. But leaders
are willing to put in additional time to improve themselves, the people they
work with, and the environment in which they work. As a result, leaders
usually make more money. They make more money not because they put in
more time on the job but because they put in more time to improve their
skills and enhance their lives. Life rewards the competent, not the clock
Very often, however, these students are among the brightest and most apt to
become bored in unorganized classrooms. Recognizing—if only intuitively
—that they have a reactive teacher, these students learn to manipulate their
teachers by engaging them in games that make these students the center of
attention. The result is that these students actually control the classroom—
not the teacher who is constantly reacting to unacceptable behavior by
doling out punishments to “disruptive” students.
In short, reactive teachers are not leaders; they are workers, and their
students recognize them as such.
But at the faculty meetings and in the staff room, the toxic people shout
about the neighborhood culture, the pay, the conditions, the parents, the
administrators, and the students—their very clients. They do not even like
what other people say or believe. Remember, toxic people need to blame
others to protect themselves.
If you listen to enough people who vilify administrators, parents, and
students, you will believe that administrators, parents, and students are the
cause of your being a victim.
When you see in a given situation what everyone else sees, you become
so much a part of the situation that you become a victim of the
Successful teachers learn to listen, learn, and lead. Learn to choose to
make a choice!
An Effective Comparison
Think about your favorite store.
Why is it successful? It’s because of three factors:
You can name these stores. They come in different sizes, sell different
merchandise, and can be found in different locations. But they all have the
same three characteristics that drive their success. They have all the pieces
put together for profitable success.
Picture the successful classroom. It is no different. It’s because of three
You’ve seen or can picture these classrooms. They come in different sizes,
have a diversity of students, and can be found in different locations. But
they all have the same three characteristics that drive their success. Their
students learn because their teachers have it all put together for student
Look at the two parts of the word decide. The prefix, de-, means “off” or
“away,” as in defeat, destroy, denigrate, and deemphasize. It is a negative
prefix. The stem, cide, means “cut” or “kill,” as in suicide, pesticide,
insecticide, and herbicide. To decide is thus to “cut away” or “kill off”—not
a very happy activity.
Many people make decisions by deciding. Have you ever dined with
someone at a restaurant who cannot select what to order from a menu?
While everyone at the table waits for this person to place an order, someone
impatiently barks out, “How long does it take you to decide? When will you
decide? Can’t you decide?”
And does the person order? No. Instead the person asks the others at the
table what they plan to order and then decides to do the same.
“Oh, you’re going to have a turkey sandwich? I’ll have the same. No
mayonnaise? Oh, OK, make mine the same way. I’ll have the same thing.”
The meal becomes an act of cloning.
And what happens to people who decide in this way? Deciders become
victims because they allow other people to make decisions for them.
Leaders do not decide. Leaders CHOOSE!
Leaders have control over their own lives. They know that the good
things in life come from what they learn within themselves. They generate
their own happiness, and much of that comes from serving and sharing with
others. Leaders enjoy tackling problems, obstacles, and challenges.
Leaders are achievement oriented. They have a vision that helps them see
beyond their task or job. They know what the word choose means and how
to use it.
Workers Decide
Leaders Choose
Now that you know the difference between deciding and choosing, what
will you decide or choose to do?
You also need to know what is happening in the profession so that you do
not become a victim. These are some websites where you can begin your
journey to success. Most are free, but you can also choose to subscribe to
their offerings and have information delivered to your email account.
Our purpose is to help you jump-start the first days of school. Use these
same days to jump-start your life, too. Start correctly. Maintain a strong
vision of doing those things that will help you become an effective teacher
—the subtitle of this book.
Keep a laser focus on becoming a teacher-leader. It is the teacher-
leader who is the most significant factor in improving student
Research consistently shows that educational fads and innovations are not
the major factors for improving student achievement.
The only factor that is able to consistently impact student achievement
is the significance of a teacher.
You are the window through which children see the world.
You are the sanctuary their heavy hearts come to each day.
It only takes one person to make a difference.
And we applaud that person who does.
Know that you don’t just make a difference. You ARE the difference.
1. Is a professional educator.
2. Is a teacher-leader.
3. Makes choices.
4. Strives to be the difference in the lives of students.
How to Create a Culture of Effective Teachers
The most effective schools have consistency.
Consistency is what you want when you buy a product and use the
services of a person or company. That’s why you have a favorite hair
dresser, cereal, restaurant, and store. Consistent means that you can depend
on a product or a service. Consistent denotes meeting an expectation. It
means that you know what will happen with a product or service and you
can depend on getting a predictable result. Consistent does not mean status
quo, never changing.
An effective classroom is consistent. Please go back to page 3, the very
first page of the book, and reread the concept of consistency in the
classroom. In part it says, “Students want a safe, predictable, and nurturing
environment—one that is consistent. No one yells at them and learning
takes place.”
This book began with the concept of consistency in the classroom and it
has taken 25 chapters to explain how to establish that consistency. You
know a classroom has consistency when you see everyone at work in a safe,
caring, and focused environment.
And now, this book ends with the concept of consistency in the school.
Click to read Sidebar story: The Future
Click to read Sidebar story: The Last Days of School
Lee Douglass is a principal in an urban school district. Her 600 students are
mostly minorities with family structures and income levels that are
challenging. Yet, the test scores at her school are extraordinary. The kids
and teachers love coming to school and the teachers never leave! Lee
Douglass has established a successful learning culture at her school.
Click for GoBe folder information: A Most Effective School
Each school day starts with a teacher beating a drum. When the students
hear the drum they gather and stand in a designated line. They know the
procedure as they want to be recognized with the “line-of-the-day” award.
Then a group of adults raise their hands. A hush falls over the playground.
No voices are used; there are no orders and no yelling.
The morning routine begins—conducted by a group of students. Each
week a different class leads the routine. A different student from the class
steps forward and leads the students in the prescribed order of the day:
The line-of-the-day-class leads the students off the playground and all of
the classes follow and fan out to enter various doors of the school building.
As each class walks down the hall, there is no talking, pushing, or shoving.
This is because the procedure is “zip and flip,” meaning the lips are zipped
close and the arms are folded (i.e., flipped) gently across each other.
When the respective classes enter their rooms, yes, there is a bellwork
assignment awaiting them, and the school day begins.
Everyone is at work in a safe, caring, and focused environment.
The kids love the school. The parents love the school. And the teachers love
the school.
One day, Lee Douglass reported that she looked up at the group of parents
gathered behind the lines of students and there was a 3-year-old child
standing at the end of one of the lines. He had learned all the lines and was
reciting with the students. He said to her, “I’m ready to go to school!”
With a schoolwide morning routine the school culture is reinforced
every day.
When Lee Douglass is assigned to start a new school, she takes a critical
mass of 8 to 10 teachers—her human capital—with her and they help her
instantly implement a positive culture in a new school.
One year, Lee Douglass was asked to consult in a school district where
seven schools were on a state probation list. In one year, she turned six of
the schools around and they came off the state list. The one school that
didn’t make it? The principal said, “I lost the notes from the meeting.”
Click to read Sidebar story: How She Created a School Culture
Team-Oriented Results
Most employees of companies work in teams. This is because teams
produce results. People who work in isolation do not produce results.
Most schools are organized so the staff functions in isolation. Collaboration
is rare. Worse yet, new teachers seldom see another classroom. Isolation
and lack of support further exacerbate the problems of beginning teachers.
Yet, the research is clear—teachers working collaboratively will
significantly raise their productivity and the quality of their work.
(Guskey, T., and M. Huberman (eds.). (1995). Professional Development in
Education: New Paradigms and Practices. New York: Teachers College
Within high-success schools in low-income areas, teachers and principals
have built into their regular schedules time for teachers to intensively share
each other’s ideas and procedures and work together. The Schmoker Model
used by the school in Chapter 24 is an example of a tool schools use to
structure their collaboration.
Professionals do not work alone; they work in teams. When teachers
meet in teams to focus on a problem, they become part of a unit that will
work with students who are in need of help.
Professional development is most effective and teachers learn more in
sustained teacher networks and study groups than they do with individual
mentors. (Garet, M., A. Porter, L. Desmoine, B. Birman, and S. K. Kwang.
(2001). “What Makes Professional Development Effective?” American
Educational Research Journal, 38(4), pp. 915–946.) Collaboration is the
most effective way for teachers to learn.
Click to read Sidebar story: Gaston Professional Development
The majority of teachers being hired today are part of the Generation Y
cohort. The attributes of a Gen Y teacher lend themselves positively toward
establishing a collegial learning environment. Gen Ys desire collaboration,
assimilate quickly, and have high energy. Schools will see improved student
learning if they will harness the collective intelligence, creativity, and
genius of this new generation of teachers.
Just think how much more effective our teachers and schools can be if
a new teacher joins an existing team of collaborative learners.
Val Abbott
Stacey Allred
Robin Barlak
Liz Breaux
Norm Dannen
Steve Geiman
Grand Heights Early Childhood Center, New Mexico
Diana Greenhouse
Jim Heintz
Julie Johnson
Sarah Jondahl
Holland Meyers
Susan Monfet
Kathy Monroe
Sue Moore
Pacific Elementary School, California
Karen Rogers
Chelonnda Seroyer
Jeff Smith
Mark Tantrum
Merle Whaley
Nile Wilson
Unit A Links
Going Beyond
The term “lagniappe” (pronounced “lan-yap,” meaning “something extra”)
is used in Louisiana and Mississippi. It began as a little bonus that a
shopkeeper might add to a purchase such as an extra donut (as in a baker’s
dozen), something for the road, or a complimentary dessert. Today it has
become synonymous with the little extra things people do for each other.
When you see a Going Beyond or “GoBe” link, go to and click the GoBe icon on our home page. This
will take you to folders that are correlated to each chapter in the book.
These little extras will change as current information and research appear.
As you revisit this book each year in preparation for the new school year,
check the folders on the website for the latest resources.
The work of Diana Greenhouse and Kazim Cicek first appeared on the
website Since June 2000, we have contributed to a monthly
column featured on
We have highlighted examples from teachers who have shared with us their
successful implementations of The First Days of School. The profiles
encompass elementary, high school, and special ed teachers, and cover the
range from English, science, technology, and fine arts instructors to
librarians. College professors have been featured. There’s even a teacher’s
first-day-of-school script in Spanish.
A cumulative, short summary of all past columns can be found in each June
column. By all means, beg, borrow, and steal from these teachers—use their
ideas to create your own successful classroom.
Classroom Management Plans: Diana Greenhouse’s and Kazim Cicek’s
PowerPoint presentations are in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 1 at
Don’t Be a Pal
Our heart goes out to all the neophyte teachers who want to be their
students’ friend. Be friendly, caring, loving, and sensitive, but do not be
their friend. They have enough on their hands with their own friends.
The students of today need you to be an adult role model they can look to
with admiration and pride. If you become a student’s friend, the student will
start asking for favors, as people do of friends. And if a favor is not granted,
the student becomes incensed, “I thought you were my friend. I hate you!”
It is better to be a paragon than a pal.
It’s Never Too Late
Teaching, unlike most professions, gives us the opportunity to start fresh
each and every day, each and every year. You may stay in Survival mode
your first few years, but that’s highly unlikely if you read this book and
implement the shared skills.
And if you’re a veteran teacher, struggling to survive and reading this book
for the first time, tomorrow is your new day, too.
I have been “surviving” for the last eight years. With the strategies I take
away from this program, I finally can say, for the first time in nine years, I
don’t dread those first days.
Becky Gibbs
Franklin Road Academy
Nashville, Tennessee
Close to a Miracle: Stacy Hennessee’s classroom was out of control. Then
he experienced something close to a miracle. What he did is in the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 2 at
10 Questions to Ask: When you interview for a job, there are 10 questions
you need to ask. These are in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 3 at
Websites: Many professional organizations have a website, publish a
journal, and hold meetings. Many have state and local branches. See the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 3 at for each
group’s website.
You Can Have Any Job in Education in Three to Five Years With a
Raise in Salary of 25 Percent or More
Because of the need for many more teachers in the future, there will be
many opportunities for effective teachers.
Your future in education can be very rewarding, but only the teachers who
strive for success will be rewarded. It’s no different with students. Only
those who work hard and have the most positive attitudes get the best
grades. Here are some reasons why the future looks good for you.
There is a new sense of urgency about our schools, especially in closing the
achievement gap. You can play an active role during this time of urgency—
and be rewarded for your contribution.
Teaching is a profession, and like all professions, its members must
continuously learn new knowledge and skills. The most effective way to
continually acquire new knowledge and skills is to be part of a learning
team where professionals share and learn from each other.
Quality Teaching
Research overwhelmingly supports the fact that teacher knowledge and
skills are the most important factors influencing children’s learning. And for
children from disadvantaged backgrounds or troubled home environments,
quality teaching is even more important. (Hanushek, E. A., J. F. Kain, and
S. G. Rivkin. (2001). Why Public Schools Lose Teachers. Cambridge,
Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.)
Effective teaching practices work in all classrooms: K–16. Prepare
yourself for an “Aha” or “light bulb” moment, and modify the technique for
your classroom. Then, it’s all yours to use with success.
Stories of Successful Teachers: The complete story for each of these
teachers can be found in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 4 at
The Miracle of Teachers: Read what teachers have accomplished in
elevating the success of students through the years in the Going Beyond
folder for Chapter 4 at
Guess which of the three groups scored the highest on the test? Group 3, of
She Stopped the Video Frequently: Stacey Allred taught a video-guided
workshop on The Effective Teacher. She used “Aha” pages to reflect on the
video. See her work in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 5 at
She Was the Turning Point in My Life: Teaching is a journey of the heart.
Read how a teacher turned a student’s life around with positive expectations
in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 6 at
From conception to age 4, the individual develops 50 percent of his mature
intelligence; from ages 4 to 8 he develops another 30 percent; and from
ages 8 to 17 the remaining 20 percent.
Research indicates that a child’s first four years are the most important
growing period for academic achievement. And all subsequent learning in
school is affected, and in large part determined, by what a child has
learned by the age of 9 or at least by the end of grade 3.
When school and home environments are mutually reinforcing, learning is
likely to be greatest. The nature of the learning environment is most
critical during the periods of most rapid change in learning—the early
years of school. (Bloom, Benjamin S. (1964). Stability and Change in
Human Characteristics. New York: Wiley, pp. 68, 88, 110, and 128.)
A Tribute to My Teachers
The other reason I achieved success in school and life was my teachers. In
elementary school, I remember distinctly that my teachers had a saying that
they would repeat often, year after year. This saying became a driving force
or expectation in my life.
They would say, “You can be anything you want to be. You can even be
president of the United States.” The message of expectation I received was
that I could be a world leader or a leader in whatever field I chose.
Young people get very little urging to become leaders or heroes. Rather,
they receive messages from the media and from friends that it’s not cool to
succeed in school. Luckily, I was born and raised in San Francisco’s
Chinatown, where crowded conditions and poverty did not matter. I had a
family, good schools, and a culture. A favorite “put-down” when I was
growing up was “rice bucket,” which was applied to someone who was so
lazy and useless that all he did was sit around all day and eat until he
looked like a bucket of rice. We were expected to make more of ourselves
than that. We were all expected to work hard and do well in school, and this
expectation was reinforced by wonderful teachers who embraced a culture
that assured us success would result from hard work.
My teachers conveyed to me a message of highly positive expectations, a
powerful message that told me I was smart and good enough to be anything
I wanted to be, even to hold the highest office in the nation.
I thank my teachers for having that expectation of me.
_Harry K. Wong
First Day of School Celebrations: Resources for creating a First Day of
School Celebration at your school can be found in the Going Beyond folder
for Chapter 7 at
What’s Out
What’s In
Dress for Success: The research on appropriate dress for professionals is
found in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 8 at
Dear Parents,
Welcome to your child’s classroom! What happens in this classroom will
affect your child’s future. Your child’s time here will be well spent. He or
she may even come home exhausted from all the thinking done during the
day. But I will make every minute count. We have a fantastic group of
children in this class. I am looking forward to a terrific year ahead. With
your help, we can make it happen.
Mrs. Wong
Dear Mom,
Thank you for caring about me and taking the time to come and learn about
my class. We have been learning about a young girl named Sadako who
bravely fought leukemia. She believed in good-luck signs. The crane was
one sign, a symbol of peace and dreams come true. Here is a crane I made
especially for you. With it, I wish you love, peace, and everlasting
happiness. I love you!
Love, Emilio
Success Is Easy
Theresa A. Borges of American High School in Miami says, “Success is
easy. Pay attention to the students. Like a detective, listen to what they have
to say.
I notice and compliment a new haircut and new shirt and especially a
right answer.
I analyze handwriting for original work; I offer lunchtime tutoring.
I call back every parent by the end of the same day.
I never get a second request from a parent for a contact or phone call.
I visit students in the hospital, go to funerals (unfortunately), and make
awards for students who achieve perfect scores on tests.
I put stickers on perfect papers, even in Algebra 2.
I read about our athletes in the paper and go to games that I can attend.
I know what video games they like and the things you can learn on
“Of course knowing your curriculum is vital; but knowing your students
takes time and leads to success.”
Special Value
Wayne Hill of Mesa, Arizona, has a way of telling his students that they are
significant people.
On the first day of class, before introduction of the class, I greet
the students by holding up a $20 bill and asking who would like
the $20. Obviously, many hands go up. I crumble the bill and
again ask the same questions, and hands go up. I throw the bill
onto the floor, stomp, and smash the bill into the floor. I hold it
up and again ask the same question. All hands go up.
I ask the students why they still want the $20 after I have
crushed, stomped, and smashed it. Their response is always,
“Because it is still worth $20; it has not lost its value.”
I explain to the students that sometimes in life we feel like we
have been stepped on and made to feel dirty. But never forget
that someone at home or someone here at school cares about
you. I tell them, “You are special to me. Don’t ever forget.”
When I discuss the dismissal procedure for the class, I explain
that I dismiss the class, not the bell. I dismiss the class only after
all students are seated and quiet. I simply say, “Don’t ever
forget.” The class responds, “We are special.”
They leave the class and often I hear the kids repeating as they
walk out the door, “We are special.” When they see me on the
campus, they shout out to me, “Hello, Mr. Hill. We are special.”
Everyone Is a VIP
Oklahoma City principal Sharon Creager keeps a “VIP book” in her office
with this inscription on the inside cover:
Congratulations to these Very Important Pupils, who have
distinguished themselves in various ways. These are the stars of our
Teachers send students to the office to have their names entered in the VIP
book. The book is on permanent display in the hall and has never been
vandalized. Each morning, the new VIP names are read on the morning
If Only the Finest Birds in the Forest Dared Sing, How Quiet the Forest
Would Be
If only the best readers dared read,
how ignorant our country would be.
If only the best singers dared sing,
how sad our country would be.
If only the best athletes engaged in sports,
how weak our country would be.
If only the best lovers made love,
where would you and I be?
I would be tired!
_William W. Purkey
You’re Invited: More information on invitational education is in the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 9 at
Our Business
Ours is not the business of producing doctors, or lawyers, or teachers, or
nurses, or scientists, or policemen, or sales people, or factory workers—or
higher test scores.
Ours is the business of producing smiles on young faces, happiness in
young hearts, and dreams in young minds. The rest will take care of itself.
_Dan Seufert
Teachers Do It All
There are no commercial programs, no websites, and no books on teaching
love as a unit. We are our best source—each of us. What we are, our
attitudes and behaviors, reflect on to others and teach them about love. The
best teachers teach from both the head and the heart.
Effective teaching has very little to do with programs and structural
changes. Programs do not teach kids. Changing class size does not teach
kids. Teachers teach kids.
We’ll Stand Behind You: She was scared to give her report. How the class
supported a nervous student is shared in the Going Beyond folder for
Chapter 10 at
Unit C Links
28 Factors
Here are some of the 28 factors governing student learning listed in rank
1. Classroom Management
2. Instructional/learning process
3. Parental and home support
The Edible Schoolyard: Read how Alice Waters put her “aim of education”
quote into action in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 11 at
The student presenter proceeds to the front of the room ready to present
his or her CM before the class begins.
The rest of the class is seated and ready to listen and take a few brief
One minute after the bell rings, the presenter begins the CM.
Approximately one minute later, the CM is over and the presenter sits
The class checks the front board for the schedule, procedure, or
assignment for the day.
During this time, I sit quietly in the back of the room and listen, grading the
presentation, taking the roll, and so on.
The class automatically starts itself.
They’re quiet.
They’re organized.
They’re ready to learn.
They know what is expected.
You need to prepare yourself, both academically and attitudinally, before you
leave home and as you travel to school. You increase the chance of student
successes and decrease the chance of student disruptions if the materials,
classroom climate, and teacher are ready before the students arrive.
Students Who Face the Board Learn More: Seating arrangement impacts
student learning and, amazingly, student health! Read more about this in the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 12 at
When to Prepare
You don’t build your football team on game day.
You don’t drill a water well when you get thirsty.
And you don’t discuss procedures once an emergency has begun. That’s not
the time to discuss what should be done.
Preparation is the key for teacher success.
A Reputation of Love
Jone M. Couzins teaches in Ohio. On the last day of the school year she asks
her seventh grade classes to write letters of advice to the next year’s seventh
graders. Because her seventh graders are among the most anxious in the
building on the first day, she distributes the letters to the incoming seventh
She tells them the letters are meant to help them adjust to life at the school.
After reading the letters, their assignment is to answer a letter and compare
their own experiences during the first week of school to the experiences and
advice from the present eighth grade student whose letter they received.
Of all the comments made by the new students, the one that surfaced most
often was. “I know that I’m going to like Mrs. Couzins’ class because she
said she loves kids.”
A picture of you
An audio or video welcome
A picture of the classroom
Beginning and ending time of school
General curriculum for the first month
Best ways to get in touch with you
Ways you’ll communicate with them
Expectations of students
Homework policy
Special supplies needed
Dates to save on their calendars
Eagerness you have for the school year
An attachment letter of welcome to the student
-This letter includes the first homework assignment to be brought to
class on the first day of school. Make it fun and easy.
You Will…
On the first days of school, learn to begin many of your sentences with “You
will…” An alternative would be, “The class procedure is…” The first few
days are critical. This cannot be stressed enough.
Your mission is to establish student habits, called procedures in this book, or
routines. If not, students will develop their own habit patterns in classes
where teachers do not teach procedures and communicate expectations.
These habit patterns spread, and soon the entire class develops its own
agenda, its own curriculum, and its own set of procedures. It’s the third day
of school, perhaps, and you have already lost your class.
The effective teacher has a classroom management plan right from the start
to prevent the classroom from becoming a breeding ground for confusion
and discontent.
First Day of School Scripts: The scripts of these successful teachers,
Melissa, Sacha, and John, are in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 13 at
Inner-Outer Discussion
Diana Greenhouse sets up a double circle of chairs for her “Inner-Outer
The inner circle of chairs faces in, and the outer circle of chairs faces out.
The chairs are back-to-back, making an inner and an outer circle of seats.
Assorted Seating Configurations: Different activities have different seating
arrangements. Various seating configurations are in the Going Beyond folder
for Chapter 14 at
Sample Assignments
For the students to get to work immediately, an assignment must be
Opening Assignments
For a DOL, one teacher wrote the following on the board:
Wendy she said me and josh was lying but he wasn’t
The students are to reorder the words to form a sentence.
A teacher in Arizona has a set of bellwork assignments prepared for the
entire school year. These are on transparencies, one for each day, and are
stored in a binder on the cart under the transparency projector. Each night
before she leaves, she places the next day’s assignment on the projector
ready for the next morning. She also has a student trained to turn the
projector on if she is late coming into the classroom.
As you develop your own set of assignments, (or purchase them
commercially at keep them so you will have them
ready for the following year. The best bellwork assignments are those related
to that day’s work, with a transition or a motivation to what is to follow. A
common bellwork in elementary schools, especially K–4, is silent reading
until the lesson begins.
Make this a productive time for your students. If you blow this prime time
with nonproductive tasks such as roll taking or paper shuffling, you will
jeopardize the success of the entire class period.
The Workers Start the Day: In a fifth grade class and a high school
business class, students start the class, rather than the teacher. To see how
this is done, go to the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 15 at
Attendance Keeper: Keeping attendance does not have to be a time-
consuming task. See the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 16 at and read how Sarah Jondahl organizes roll taking.
The Fallacy of Textbooks: Covering the textbook is not effective teaching.
Read why in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 17 at
With a three-line grade book, you can show each student’s attendance, score, and
running total.
Grade record book for benchmark scoring.
Limit your rules to a number that you and the students can readily
remember—never more than five.
If you need more than five rules, do not post more than five at any one
The rules need not cover all aspects of behavior in the classroom.
It is the teacher’s prerogative to replace one rule with another at any
As a new rule becomes necessary, replace an older one with it. The rule
you replace can be retained as an “unwritten rule,” which the students
have learned. The students are still responsible for the one you have
No cursing or swearing.
No smoking.
No fighting on the playground.
Stand in front of a mirror and practice the following 100 times until you can
say it calmly and automatically every time one of these questions is asked:
After a few days, no one will ever ask, “Why are you picking on me?”
because everyone will know exactly what you will say.
The key word in the phrase is CHOSE. Choosing means that one is
responsible and accountable for one’s actions. You are teaching your
students responsibility and accountability.
After a few weeks or months, if someone should ask you, “Why are you
picking on me?” all you have to do is stand and smile at the student. The
entire class will respond for you:
More Help With Preventing Misbehavior: Solving discipline problems is
very complex. No perfect solutions have been found. Go to the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 18 at for a quick
refresher course in discipline basics.
Ineffective Classroom:
Learning occurs only when students are actively engaged and in control
of their own learning. Are the students working in your classroom?
When a new student joins the class, give the student a copy of the
classroom procedures.
Explain to the student what procedures are and why you have them.
Tell the student that you will help with the procedures but that the
student will probably be able to learn them by observing how the rest of
the class functions.
For example, the bell rings at the end of the period and the new student
stands up. Then, he notices that all the others are remaining in their seats.
The student says mentally, “Oh, I’d better stay seated, too, like the rest of the
class, and see what happens.” The student has just learned the class
Julio, thanks for helping with the dishes tonight. Mom had a
meeting to go to, and you helped out. The next time Mom needs
assistance, I would be glad to have you help out again.
The reason people are more likely to do well again is that they know that
you saw them do something specific. They believe, “You were paying
attention to me. You noticed me! And you thanked me for doing something I
did personally.”
Pep talks are invigorating but hollow. They become meaningless quickly
because no one is sure to whom the message is directed. When you praise
the deed and encourage the student, you help the student do two things:
The key words are responsibility and accomplishment, two things that all
people must develop to be successful in life.
With gratitude to Barbara Coloroso,
author of Kids Are Worth It, for suggesting this technique.
1. Eyes on speaker
2. Quiet
3. Be still
4. Hands free (put things down)
5. Listen
“The way it works is, I say, ‘Give me five.’ They go through each of the five
steps in their mind.
“I have rehearsed them in this procedure, so when I say, ‘Give me five,’ it
takes them no more than five seconds before I have their attention.
“In addition, all three sixth grade teachers have the same procedure. So,
when another teacher, an aide, a substitute teacher, an administrator, or
another student says, ‘Give me five,’ they have the students’ attention.
“It’s the consistent culture for all the sixth graders.”
Procedures at Home: Lena Nuccio-Lee was having problems with her two
kids leaving clothes all over the floor. How she solved this problem is in the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 19 at
You’re Worth It: Teaching is not easy. It is hard work, with rewards that are
life altering. In the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 19 at are some reminders of your value and worth to the
A Place of Acceptance
School is a sanctuary for many kids.
They do not come to school to be yelled at and screamed at.
Kids come to school to belong.
They want to be accepted and they want to learn.
Transition Tunes
Robin Barlak teaches pre-school Special Education in Ohio. The students in
her class sing their transition procedures. They sing the following tunes:
good-morning song
snack song
clean-up song
good-bye song
Code Red
There is no more important procedure than to have one for an
emergency drill.
This may be for an impending weather problem such as a tornado or
hurricane, severe thunderstorm, or for an earthquake. It may be for an
intruder on campus or for campus violence.
Perhaps you have been in a store and you’ve heard seemingly innocuous
messages like “Code 99 in Women’s Shoes” come over the sound system.
These are in-house codes used to call someone for assistance or to alert the
employees of an emergency.
In some schools, “Code Red” comes through the speakers and is used to tell
the teachers to put a procedure into place pending further information.
To guard against upsetting students and parents, letters explaining the drill
should be sent home before the students are even rehearsed in the procedure.
Tell the students, “We don’t expect anything terrible to happen to you. This
is just to keep you safe.”
“Drop and cover” is a signal to get out of the line of fire and protect yourself.
It’s what law enforcement people recommend if anyone is near gunfire.
In California, where an earthquake can strike instantly, the students have two
seconds to duck under a desk when the teacher yells, “Duck and cover!”
In Saskatchewan, Canada, teacher Laurie Jay has the class roster Velcroed
next to the door jamb. She is ready to grab the class roster when the class
leaves for a fire drill or if they have to evacuate quickly.
Be prepared. Emergencies come without warning. The better you and
the students are prepared for an emergency, the greater the chances are
of coming through it unharmed.
There is only one person in the world you need to compete against and
that is yourself.
Strive each day to be the best person possible.
Your mission in life is not to get ahead of other people; your mission is
to get ahead of yourself.
While you are competing against yourself, you are expected to work
with everyone else in this classroom cooperatively and respectfully.
You are responsible not only for your own learning but for the learning
of your groupmates as well.
Factors of Success
The number in parentheses before the item indicates the chapter in this book
where more information can be found.
How to Motivate Your Students: The lack of structure in classrooms often
interferes with the learning process. Ways you can motivate your students to
learn are in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 20 at
They Knew the Names of Only Six Students
Here is part of a letter we received after presenting a workshop to a group of
student teachers at a local college.
One of the student teachers tried something in her class to test out one of
your ideas. She handed out a blank seating chart to her ninth grade class
and asked all the students to fill in the seating chart, giving first and last
names. Only about 80 percent of the kids seemed to have more than two-
thirds of the names correct. Many of them knew only first names, and
there were even a few students who could name only 6 or 8 students sitting
right around them out of a class of 35.
The letter was dated May 20, so these student teachers were in a classroom
that had been together for nine months. In addition, there were two teachers
in the room: a cooperating teacher and a student teacher. Yet at the end of the
year, few of the students really knew one another.
When you have a situation like this, students will misbehave. They will
refuse to work together and will be reluctant to participate in group
When students refuse to work together, the teacher may be to blame.
Distributing Materials: A student can distribute materials and have
everything returned in a few minutes. Read how it’s done in the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 20 at
is an individual activity
but not a solitary one.
It is more effective
when it takes place within
a supportive community of learners.
Hallway Procedure: With a schoolwide procedure in place, the movement
of students in halls is very efficient. Read how it’s done in the Going Beyond
folder for Chapter 20 at
Create a Classroom Management Plan: Sarah’s classroom management
action plan is the heart of the eLearning course featured on Learn more about this course in the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 20 at
You Teach the Students, Not the Textbook: Teaching is not covering the
textbook. Neither is the textbook the curriculum. More on this concept is in
the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 21 at
What Is a Standard?
Standard is derived from the French word, etandard, the pennant around
which soldiers would rally or go forth from. It represented the unifying
symbol of solidarity for the soldiers’ purpose or mission.
The term standard has become the measuring rod of quality used in many
fields. When buying a car, we look at the performance standards. We buy
from companies that produce goods and services at the highest standards.
We expect the food and drug industry to meet the highest quality standards.
The buildings we work in and roads we drive on are expected to be
constructed to rigorous safety standards. We tell students that we want them
to act with the highest standards of behavior.
There is nothing we dislike more than having to return a defective product.
Many companies proudly state that they meet ISO 9000 specifications, a set
of worldwide standards companies strive to qualify for. ISO, International
Organization for Standardization, consists of a set of standards that
monitors the manufacturing process to produce quality goods and reduce
We expect and demand high standards to protect and enhance our lives.
This is why most every enterprise has standards, including education.
Here are typical subject level standards from state education guides:
Elementary Geometry, Minnesota
Classify simple shapes by specified attributes and identify simple
shapes within complex shapes.
Seventh Grade Physical Education, California
Explain the effects of nutrition and participation in physical
activity on weight control, self-concept, and physical
High School Language Arts Literacy, New Jersey
Write multi-paragraph, complex pieces across the curriculum
using a variety of strategies to develop a central idea (e.g., cause-
effect, problem/solution, hypothesis/results, rhetorical questions,
Standards do not deprive you of creativity. Rather, they form the base point
from which to design the lesson. Builders can design and construct homes
in an unlimited number of ways, provided they do not violate the city’s
standards. The city checks to see that the plans meet codes or standards for
the proper use of plumbing, electricity, structure, roofing, and other
construction factors. If you were to buy a home, you would want to know
that your home was built to code, which signifies that it meets the standards.
What Is a Curriculum?
The curriculum is the course of study and experiences that states what
the students are to learn. It is the teacher’s guide of what to teach and
what the students are to learn.
A curriculum is a school document that identifies the content to be taught
and the suggested methods to be used. It is like a menu in a restaurant that
lists the different wholesome food items available and how they are
prepared. It is then up to the chef to create the recipes so diners can enjoy
the food.
The curriculum is created by a committee of teachers, administrators, and
curriculum specialists. This group takes the state standards and designs
curricular and instructional strategies that best convey the content to the
students. This work is assembled into a curriculum guide. Its purpose is to
guide the teachers so that students can achieve high levels of proficiency in
the content areas.
The district curriculum guide should
Therefore, if you have not already been given the curriculum guide, ask for
it. You must have a guide as you teach, just as you must have a map as you
travel. It is not your position to develop a personal curriculum for your
classroom. It is your charge to deliver the district curriculum.
The Emergency Teacher: Christina Asquith taught for a year in an urban
school with no curriculum and no books. Read her story in the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 21 at
These are not accomplishments. They are jobs. They tell the student what to
do. They do not tell students what is to be comprehended, learned, or
achieved. When a student is told what to do, no sense of accomplishment or
responsibility is associated with what the student is to learn. Assignments
like those in the example cause students to say:
How am I doing?
What do you think of this?
Will I be first chair?
Is this good enough for an A?
Questions like these tell you that the student is constantly and responsibly
working to improve.
I had assigned, lectured on, led discussion on, and given them study time on
the chapter. I even had a worksheet of questions for homework. It had to be
the students’ fault.
Little did I know that when the students went home to do their homework,
the parents would ask, “What’s your assignment?”
The students would respond, “Chapter 24.”
Both the parents and the students were at a loss as to what the assignment
was. What does “Chapter 24” mean? What is the student supposed to
learn? How is the parent to help?
It never occurred to me that the problem was me. I did not know how to give
an assignment.
I now know how to give assignments that help students achieve. It was not
until years later that I learned this.
_A high school teacher
The greater the structure of a lesson and the more precise the
directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement.
Procedures (do)*
Objectives (learn)
they are responsible for.
*See Unit C
1. Knowledge: Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?
2. Comprehension: Describe the difference between the Arctic and
Antarctic regions.
3. Application: Give an example of one piece of modern technology
that, had it been available to the explorers, would have made a
difference in their trip.
4. Analysis: Compare the weather at the South Pole on December 1 and
June 1 in any given year.
5. Synthesis: Pretend that you made the journey. Write an entry in your
diary describing your emotions on the day you reached the South Pole.
6. Evaluation: Should Antarctica remain a continent free of development
and left with its natural habitat? Justify your position.
List four collective nouns.
Create a different system to catalog CDs in a library.
The Digestive System
The digestive system breaks down food into usable forms for the cells.
Just as you would use a map to guide you to a destination, use these
sentences to guide you in your study of this unit.
Rather than giving the page number, have the students write the page
number in the left margin as they complete the task or question. This way,
they can quickly go back to the source of the answer for review.
When You Assess, You Help
Schools must change from a testing culture to an assessment culture.
The purpose of a test is to assess
a student’s performance
of the lesson objectives,
NOT to provide the teacher
with the basis for a grade.
When you test for grading purposes, you are labeling students. When you
assess for accomplishment, you are helping each student achieve success.
Tests are given for the students’ sake,
Tests are not given for the teacher’s benefit.
Tests are not given to grade students.
Tests are given to assess for
student learning.
The effective teacher uses these techniques for assignments and tests:
Not only do the students see excellent models, but they recognize positive
expectations through your encouragement, and realize that everyone can
achieve success.
It’s Simple to Record Your Grades
You Already Know Before the Test Where Most of the Students Will
Fall on a Curve
Benjamin Bloom noted the test scores of thousands of third graders and
then followed them for several years. What Bloom found was that students’
third-grade scores could be used to predict, with 80 percent accuracy or
better, their scores in the eleventh grade. Achievement ranking, therefore, is
highly consistent.
Achievement rank for third, seventh, and eleventh graders is highly consistent.
The shaded area in the curve is the same for all 3 grade levels.
1. The TEACHER should use the results of each test item to assess for
student learning and, if necessary, remediate and correct for student
2. The STUDENTS should be graded on a percentage system. This way
they are competing only against themselves to reach a level of
achievement or success.
Objective Mastery
If the student MASTERS an objective, do not assign more work to the
student. Give the student enrichment materials, or ask the student to help
another student. Enrichment work could include puzzles, games, software,
or leisure reading.
If the student DOES NOT MASTER an objective, give the student
remediation or corrective help.
I’m Still Not Sure: Brad Volkman’s students can mark at the bottom of
their daily quiz, “I’m still not too sure.” See how Brad helps these students
in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 22 at
A Symbol of Failure
Most studies suggest that student performance does not improve when
instructors grade more stringently and, conversely, that making it relatively
easy to get a good grade does not lead students to do inferior work.
It is not a symbol of rigor to have grades fall into a “normal” distribution;
rather, it is a symbol of failure—failure to teach well, to test well, and to
have any influence at all on the intellectual lives of students.
Alfie Kohn
“Grading: The Issue Is
Not How but Why.” (October 1994).
Educational Leadership, p. 41.
ASCD, Alexandria, Va.
Formative Tests
Spring training
Dress rehearsal
Training wheels on bike
The bunny hill
Driver’s ed
Student teaching
Summative Tests
Opening day of the season
Opening night
Riding alone on two wheels
The giant slalom
Getting a driver’s license SAT The first day of school
Your Students Can Outperform 98 Percent of the Regular Students:
Benjamin Bloom shows how a teacher can achieve 98 percent mastery.
Read how it’s done in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 22 at
Julie succeeds because her students know what they will be learning and
how they will show her that they have learned it; in other words, how they
will be tested. She says, “There is no secret as to what is expected of them.
When I do this they all succeed.”
Julie says that test is not a bad word. It is something her students look
forward to. It is their chance to show her what they have learned. They can’t
wait for their turn to be tested because, after all the instruction and practice,
the test is the easiest part—at least that’s what the students say.
They beg her to test them. They even stand in line waiting for their turn to
show her what they have learned. Using this lesson structure, Julie shares
how she taught a Minnesota Math Standard in Geometry:
During each step, Julie is assessing the class. She checks to see how the
students are doing and whether they are meeting the objectives of each
step, while teaching, correcting, and practicing as they progress.
She knows what she is teaching and the students know what they are
Lorin Anderson
“Timepiece: Extending and Enhancing
Learning Time.” (1993).
National Association of Secondary School
Principals, Reston, Va.
Lesson Plan Links: Bookmark these links to use as you beef up your
learning plans. Find them in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 22 at
Keep It Simple
Scoring guides are most often called rubrics in education circles.
However, you shouldn’t be attached to calling them rubrics in front of
students. Do not baffle them with education jargon. At the beginning of a
lesson, give the students a scoring guide and call it a “scoring guide.”
When the students are drawing their illustrations, they are invited to go up
to the scoring guide posted in the room and decide if they have drawn a 4,
3, 2, or 1.
Does Kathy get terrific drawings from her students? Of course, she does! A
scoring guide helps students determine what is expected of an assignment.
Effective teachers give their students a scoring guide that spells out
how they can earn points or a grade for accomplishing a lesson.
Karen Rogers’ Scoring Guides: Karen Rogers’ five scoring guides are
available for download. Find them in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter
23 at
Jazz Age
Charleston dance
Rudolph Valentino
Al Capone
Louis Armstrong
Charlie Chaplin
American Dream
Al Jolson
The novel centers on a man, Jay Gatsby, the narrator’s friend, and Jay’s
girlfriend, Daisy Buchanan.
Norm took the state standard and created several lesson objectives, one of
which was
Draw a parallel between your own life and the life and work of
F. Scott Fitzgerald in the context of the Jazz Age (a.k.a., the Lost
Generation) and the years leading up to the Great Depression.
Very simply, he asks his students to compare their present lives to the life of
Jay Gatsby and the people who lived in the 1920s.
Those teachers who believe standards and objectives can stifle creativity,
prevent problem solving, and discourage deeper learning, fail to exercise
creativity in their own thinking and lesson planning. For example, the
manner in which Norm’s students can show comparisons to their lives and
the life of Gatsby is limitless. Students can perform a musical recital, write
a major essay, submit a portfolio, even create an art exhibit, all to
demonstrate higher-order mastery skills and understanding. A student could
even take a 1920s jazz song and contrast it to a current pop, hip-hop, or
alternative-music song. Just think what a student could do with Prohibition
and gangsta rap!
Along with the objective, Norm gives his students a scoring guide. He uses
this scoring guide as his formative assessment tool to determine how well
the students are learning and how well he is teaching the objective linked to
the novel, The Great Gatsby.
If a student scores 1 or NS/0 in any of the categories, it doesn’t mean the
student is unintelligent, lazy, or failing. It may simply mean that it’s difficult
for a young person who is 15 years old and hasn’t even figured out life
today to relate to a period of time 80 years ago.
This is where the teacher can prescribe a course of action to help the student
achieve success. Sit with the student at a computer and go to the Library of
Congress website ( to help a student discover what life was
like in America in the 1920s. The teacher can help students who have
scored low, according to the scoring guide, see what they can do to earn a
higher score—to make progress toward achieving the objective.
Norm Dannen’s Scoring Guides: Norm Dannen’s complete scoring guide
with the correlated lesson objectives and the state standards are in the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 23 at
Baseball Fever Scoring Guide: The complete Baseball Fever scoring
guide is in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 23 at
Multimedia Scoring Guide: The complete multimedia scoring guide is
found in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 23 at
Just Think
Just think what would happen to student learning if students knew in
advance what they would be learning, how they would be tested, and how
they would be scored before the lesson even began.
Just think how productive students could be if they knew they could not
Just think what would happen to student learning if the teacher knew this,
District-Wide Collaboration: Islip Public Schools’ new teachers work in
collegial teams. Their Regent’s diploma rate is at an all-time high of 98.3
percent. Read about the school’s process in the Going Beyond folder for
Chapter 24 at
Analyze the Instruction, Not the Teacher
In 1993, a group of 23 doctors in Maine and New Hampshire made an
agreement to observe each others’ operating room procedures and share
In the two years after their nine months of observation and sharing, they
reduced the death rate among their patients by an astonishing 25 percent.
For teachers who have traditionally worked as isolated professionals, the
analogy holds a powerful message. If their goal is to lower the “failure rate”
of students, teachers can succeed with young minds by working together.
Effective learning teams bring to the table their respective students’ writing
assignments, math problems, science projects, artworks, and whatever else
kids are producing every day.
The teachers also bring their own lesson plans to share and try them out on
their colleagues. It’s scary work, but with ground rules in place (as with
brainstorming where everything is acceptable), increasing student learning
is the focus of the meetings.
The focus of team meetings is the work on the table and not on the
particular student or teacher who produced it.
Curriculum Mapper®
James Westrick served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a village in Kenya. He
was the only science teacher at a tiny secondary school set in the middle of
the African bush. He had no laboratory, no textbooks, and no formal
curriculum for his biology, chemistry, and physics classes. What he did
have in abundance, however, was time.
He began the process of determining what knowledge and skills he wanted
his students to acquire at various points of the year. With that in place, he
looked at what content knowledge and activities would best be used for his
students to acquire the skills. This constituted the crude beginnings of his
personal curriculum map.
Upon returning to the United States, Jim became one of seven chemistry
teachers at a large public high school outside of Chicago. He had all the
resources and textbooks he needed.
He even had a laboratory. But, he had no idea what his students knew or
had been exposed to in other science classes. He found himself frequently
stepping on the toes of other science teachers by duplicating labs or
worksheets; consequently, he missed many interdisciplinary opportunities.
Although he was surrounded by teachers and resources, he felt more
isolated professionally than he did in Kenya.
Early in 1999, Jim attended a workshop on curriculum mapping led by
Heidi Hayes Jacobs. The idea of mapping what actually happens in the
classroom to share with other teachers made perfect sense to Jim
because he had used the technique in Kenya to keep track of what his
students were learning, even though he was the only one teaching it.
Curriculum Mapper® was born out of Jim’s frustration with teaching “in a
cave.” He wanted to build on what his students already knew—not just re-
teach the same content. He wanted to know what other teachers were
actually doing in the school so he could support them and make his
students’ experiences more meaningful. He designed Curriculum Mapper®
while he was still teaching. As more schools began using the system, he
realized that most schools share common problems, and that getting
teachers out of their caves is the first step in building an interconnected
curriculum anywhere.
As the demand increased, he devoted more and more time to what began as
a personal need to help his students in Kenya. Currently, Curriculum
Mapper® is used by schools in 48 states and Canada. Jim is now helping
schools and districts implement their mapping initiatives and improve
teacher communication and collaboration.
Information on Jim’s Curriculum Mapper® can be found at
Keeping Track of Assignments: Carol Brooks of South Carolina has
developed a daily method to help students keep track of their assignments.
Read about it in the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 24 at
Teacher-Leaders Network: Become a part of an ever expanding cohort of
teacher-leaders. Learn about this professional growth opportunity in the
Going Beyond folder for Chapter 25 at
Teacher-leaders recognize they are forerunners in their profession, working
beyond their classrooms by making presentations, writing for journals,
supporting new teachers, and sharing with administrators. They elevate the
teacher voice, breaking down the walls of isolation that so profoundly limit
the work of schools.
Simply stated, teacher-leaders take action, accepting responsibility for
driving positive change in education.
William Ferriter
6th grade teacher, North Carolina
Teacher Leaders Network
Are You a Worker or a Leader?: Workers let other people make their
decisions. Leaders make the choices themselves. To understand this
concept, go to the Going Beyond folder for Chapter 25 at
The Thin Margin for Success: The margin for success is so thin that
getting across it is astonishingly simple. To make that step, go to the Going
Beyond folder for Chapter 25 at
The Future
Epilogues in literary works deal with the future of its characters. This
Epilogue is no different. It deals with your future in education and what you
can do with your years of classroom experience to help those teachers who
follow in your footsteps.
The first 25 chapters in this book are directed to teachers. The information
in this chapter is for teacher-leaders, coaches, staff developers, mentors,
administrators, and most importantly, you—the leaders and future leaders of
the profession. This Epilogue explains how you can develop a culture of
effective teachers.
We have just finished our last nine weeks. Many teachers have commented
on how well-behaved the students are this year compared to prior years.
One teacher even stated that this was the best nine weeks of teaching she
has ever had. The number of student disciplinary incidents is lower
compared to previous years. Teacher moral in general is higher.
Dr. Wong, you are right. The secret is CONSISTENCY with schoolwide
procedures to create an effective school with effective teachers.
Thomas Hatch, Principal
Anne Chesnutt Middle School
Fayetteville, North Carolina
It’s a Happy Place: Principal Edward Aguiles says, “Teachers and students
love to come to this school.” Read how he did it in the Going Beyond
folder for the Epilogue at
Use Coaches, Not Mentors: Many districts now understand that a critical
component of a successful induction program is a coach. Read why in the
Going Beyond folder for the Epilogue at
A Most Effective School: Visit a school with a consistent learning
environment in the Going Beyond folder for the Epilogue at Discover what procedures this school uses.
With students knowing the structure of the school day, more time was
available for instruction. Over time, the students were learning more, and
the school’s test scores increased.
It Turned Our School Around: Principal Mike Gee says, “Our scores
have hit heights we only dreamed about.” Read how he did it in the Going
Beyond folder for the Epilogue at
The Hopewell Model: Hopewell does not pay big bucks, yet their teachers
are happy and their students achieve. Find out how they do it in the Going
Beyond folder for the Epilogue at
40 Million Strong: The Y Generation group has many positive attributes
that lend themselves to teaching. These qualities are in the Going Beyond
folder for the Epilogue at
Comprehensive Induction: Districts that are serious about training and
retaining teachers have a comprehensive induction program. Read how to
implement one in the Going Beyond folder for the Epilogue at
Our Materials for Developing Effective Teachers
For more information on each item, pricing details, or to see what new
materials are available, please contact
Harry K. Wong Publications at 650-965-7896 or visit our website at
Your homepage for becoming the most effective teacher you were
meant to be.