Hass - Unit Plan

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Year Level Topic Sub-Strand

Year 5 Migration to Australia since Federation History

RATIONALE - (links to literature required)

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) is crucial to the primary school classroom. HASS informs and
reminds students of the past and its relationship with the present, and plays an important role in harnessing
students’ curiosity, while empowering them to shape their lives, reflect, and make informed decisions
(Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2017a). In thought of this, the sub-
strand of History will allow students to understand the continuity and change that occurred, as well as gain
empathy for those that migrated (ACARA, 2017a).

Students in Year 6 develop historical knowledge and understanding through ‘comparing the factors that
contributed to people migrating to Australia’ (ACHASSK133, ACARA, 2017a). Students with also have the
opportunity to connect stories from inside their own families (where appropriate) and share these with the
class. The following unit is centred on the understanding and appreciation of the diversity within their
communities is a result of migration throughout Australian history.

The topic; who were the people who came to Australia? Why did they come? Will focus on contributing
factors that led to people migrating to Australia. This will allow students to look at factors such as war,
poverty, and lifestyle, weather this be past or present factors. The main focus within the unit plan will be
around why people migrated to Australia and the factors that were the driving force behind that, and this
will connect to two assessment tasks.

The following unit plan links to three HASS Values, these being democratic processes, as students will learn
about the rights of all people, and how all must have access to the resources required (Kalyvas, 2018_.
Another being social justice. As the rights of people and the empathy for people and societies involved
migration is prominent. Lastly peace, as it is ‘based on the belief that life is to promote positive relations
with others’ (Kaylvas, 2018). All three of these values will be made prominent throughout the unit plan.
INQUIRY QUESTION – Who were the people who came to Australia? Why did they come?

The learning focus of this unit links to the History sub-strand of Humanities and Social Sciences as students will develop their knowledge around
the ‘push and pull factors that have contributed to people migrating to Australia’ (ACHASSK136) (ACARA, 2017a). This will include ‘stories of
people who migrated to Australia since Federation’ (ACHASSK136) (ACARA, 2017a).


Building knowledge and QUESTIONING
understanding surrounding why The learning focus of the unit also connects with the Australian Curriculum’s Inquiry Skills strand throughout
people migrated to Australia will the Inquiry processes of questioning, researching, analysing, evaluating and reflecting, and communicating.
be the main focus. The content This will be evident with the first week of the unit focusing on the questioning phase of the model where
descriptor that allows students to students will, ‘develop appropriate questions to guide their inquiry about people and events’ (ACHASSI094)
learn about such things is; (ACARA, 2017a). In this stage students will participate in a think pair share activity, as well as create a
definition for what they think a migrant is.
‘Stories of people who migrated
to Australia since Federation and
reasons they migrated’
The researching phase will follow, with students having to, ‘collect relevant information and data from
Some elaborations that will be primary and secondary sources’ (ACHASSI095) (ACARA, 2017a). This will be done with students doing some
used include; ‘comparing push research at home. By asking questions about their families migration history, and then looking at some
and pull factors that have stories on the internet, to compare the different experiences that others may have had.
contributed to people migrating
to Australia from a range of
places’. Another being
‘connecting stories of migration to ANALYSING
students’ own family histories Following that students will start to analyse and ‘examine different viewpoints on actions, events, issues
(where appropriate)’. and phenomena in the past and present’ (ACHASSI098) (ACARA, 2017a), by viewing videos and pictures of
migrant’s, students will determine feelings, emotions and physical details of their stories. This will also link
Both of these elaborations, allow to a portfolio task where students must write a short entry for the individual’s life that they examine
students to gain knowledge and including; country of birth, year of migration, etc.
understanding into a variety of
driving factors into why people
migrate and where they came
Evaluating and reflection on their learning and then communicating will be the last phase that is focused on
with students having to, ‘evaluate evidence to draw conclusions’ (ACHASSI101) (ACARA, 2017a), as well as
‘presenting ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of different modes’ (ACHASSI105)
(ACARA,2017a). This will be done by students being asked to interview someone that is a migrant, starting
with writing their list of questions, and then compiling their information into a formative report that they
will write at the end of the unit.

CROSS CURRICULUM LINKS – (links to literature required)

General Capabilities Cross Curriculum Priority Cross Curricular Links
The general capabilities of critical and creative The Cross Curricular Priority of Asia and Students will make use of ICT skills when
thinking, literacy, intercultural understanding, Australia’s enjoyment with Asia, will be completing the research phase of the teaching
ethical understanding, and personal and social looked at in regards to the reasons that sequence, as well as when completing their
capabilities will be used throughout the unit. people migrated. War as a driving factor summative assessment. This is made evident as
for migration will be looked at within the students will be asked to write a script and then
The capability of critical and creative thinking will first few lessons, and this will include the transfer this written text into a multimodal
be used as students will pose questions about Vietnam War and why this impacted presentation.
why people migrated to Australia, as well as people’s decisions to migrate to
identify and clarify information provided during Australia.
the research phase.

Literacy will be used as students will create a

script when creating their summative assessment,
as well as when composing spoken, written, visual
and multimodal aspects of the unit.

Intercultural understanding is introduced as

students must explore and compare how different
people experienced the same event. This could be
due to cultural understanding, beliefs and

Ethical understanding will also be made evident

as students look at the reasoning behind the
decisions made and the consequences that could
have followed.

The personal and social capability is also used as

students must be aware of and appreciate the
diverse perspectives, and reasoning behind why
people migrated to Australia.

CONCEPTS – Throughout the unit, a focus on perspectives of people that migrated to Australia, and understand the reasons behind this. As well
as, empathy, as students will have to understand, and look at the reasoning behind their decisions from their perspectives. A major concept that
will be considered is sources, as students will make use of a large range of source in order to complete their assessments.

ASSESSMENT - (links to literature required)

ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS – Throughout the unit, there will be two formative and one summative assessment that will allow the achievement
standards to be assessed. As students will be able to describe the significant events that brought people to Australia, they will also be able
interpret data that they have collected from sources (ACARA, 2017a). The assessment pieces will allow students to present their knowledge and
development at different stages throughout the unit (Gilbert & Hoepper 2017, p. 234).

The first summative assessment piece will be to
create a KWL chart (what I know, what I The final assessment is a summative piece, where students will be asked to write a profile
wonder, what I have learnt). This will begin individually for an individual that they have researched thoroughly. Students must choose
during the first lesson of the unit and will be someone that entered Australia after 1901, and could be someone they have interviewed as
completed at the end of the unit. This part of class work. They must include; country of birth, year of migration, reason for
assessment will allow the teacher to see exactly migration, transport to Australia, as well as any problems they faced while coming into
what level their learning at throughout, and at Australia.
the end of the unit. The teacher will ensure that
students have completed all sections of the Before starting this assessment, students will have learnt what a migrant is, and some of the
chart, as well as if they have included any events that occurred that may have been a driving factor for migration. This will assist their
questions, and what they had learnt throughout thinking from the beginning of the unit, getting them prepared for the assessment piece.
the unit. This assessment will give the teacher
the opportunity to gauge their understanding of A task sheet will be provided (see appendix 2), in order for students to gain information about
the topic. KWL template will be provided (see their assignment before beginning. This will allow students to plan and get ideas about what
appendix 1). they wish to do, and how they will present.

The next assessment piece will be an interview The profile will be presented in a voice recording over the top of a PowerPoint, as well as a
that students will complete outside of class written script to be handed up. This assessment will allow the teacher to gauge their research
time. Students will be asked to compose a list of skills, as well as their presenting and multimodal skills. Students will be graded based off of a
questions that they wish to ask a migrant. They rubric that assesses their PowerPoint design, content included, oral presentation skills, and
must then source someone who migrated to literacy skills (see appendix 3).
Australia and interview them. Once they have
written down the responses, students will bring
their notes to class and present their findings to
the class. Questions that can be included are;
why did you migrate to Australia? Where did
you migrate from? Etc. This will allow the
teacher to look at their questioning skills as well
as, their presentation skills. Feedback will be
provided to students and they will be able to
use this feedback to help them with their
summative assessment.

TEACHING SEQUENCE - (links to literature required)

Activity 1- Introduction Cross Curricular Links Materials
QUESTIONING  Students will be asked  English (general  Pencils
‘Develop what they think a migrant writing skills  Work nooks
appropriate is, and then they will be needed for all  White board
questions to asked to write down activities) Resources
guide inquiry where they think migrants  Computer
about people’ to Australia come from. General Capabilities  Projector board
(ACHASSI122)  Students will their pair up  Literacy  YouTube clip
(ACARA, and share their ideas with ‘Comprehend texts ‘Migration Video for
2017a). someone else in the class. through listening Primary School’ -
 Students will then share and viewing’ https://www.youtub
Students will their ideas with the class, (ACHASSK136 e.com/watch?
develop this will allow the entire (ACARA, 2017a) v=ayBByVpyUDI
questions class to be involved and  Intercultural
about what ask questions. understanding
migrants are,  The teacher will then play ‘Consider and
as well as why a video ‘Migration Video develop multiple
they come to for Primary School’ for the perspectives’
Australia. students. This will allow (ACHASSK136)
students to writer down (ACARA, 2017a)
notes about what a
migrant is and why they Concepts
are migrants, in order for
them to get a better Significance-“Significant
understanding of the events include those
topic. resulting in great change
 After the video is finished, over long time periods, as
students will be given the well as the history of
opportunity to pose ordinary people made
questions such as; why do significant when
people migrate, and contextualised to larger
where do they come from. events and of relevance to
 This time can also be used us today” (ACARA 2015).
for students to share Perspectives- “The lives
stories of migration they and actions of people in
are familiar within. This the past are shaped by the
may be within their social, cultural, intellectual
families or their friends. and emotional factors of
that time and place” Formative Assessment
Activity 2- Finding out what they (ACARA 2015).
know- KWL Chart The start of the KWL Chart,
 Students will be given a this will be completed towards
KWL chart and the task be the end of the unit.
described to them. They
will need to write down
what they know about
migration and why people
migrate to Australia, to
provide the teacher with
an understanding of what
students already know and
what they would be
interested in learning
about in regards to
migration to Australia.
 This activity will allow the
teacher to introduce the
inquiry question of ‘who
were the people that
came to Australia? Why
did they come?’ to
students in order for them
to understand what they
are investigating before
moving onto the
researching stage.
Activity 3- What is a primary and Cross Curricular Links Materials
RESEARCHING what is a secondary sources?  English (learning  Pencils
‘locate and about primary and  Interactive white
collect  Before allowing students secondary sources) board
relevant to start researching stories  Technologies
information of migration to Australia, (making use of Resources
from primary discussing the difference technology to find  YouTube Clip –
and secondary between primary and primary and Primary vs
sources secondary sources is secondary Secondary Sources
(ACHHASS123) critical. resources) https://www.youtub
(ACARA,  Teacher will ask students e.com/watch?
2017a). what they believe a General Capabilities v=cqXHO7bTPnw
secondary sources is and  Literacy ‘ navigate,  Video of secondary
Students will then provide them with an read and view source- Migrant
collect example such as a video texts’ Stories-
information called ‘Migrant Stories’, (ACHASSI126) https://www.theage
from stories of where a lady talks over a (ACARA, 2017a) .com.au/interactive/
migration from series of pictures. Explain 2008/national/migra
the internet. that this is a secondary  Information and nts/intro.html
resources because this Communication Picture of migration
woman is talking about Technology (ICT) application-
other people, and is not http://www.naa.gov.au/coll
talking from experience. Concepts ection/explore/migration/m
Therefore, the resource  Sources - Historical igrant-selection.aspx
may not be credible, and sources are often
may just be personal categorised as
opinion. ‘primary’ or
 This will also be done with ‘secondary’
primary sources with the sources (ACARA

teacher showing this

Explain that this is a primary
resource, as it came from the
time being studied. Materials
 Computers for all
 A YouTube clip explaining students
the differences between  Writing books
the two sources. This clip
is called ‘Primary vs Resources
Secondary Sources’. This  Migration story
will reinforce the learning websites such as;
that has occurred. https://iamamigrant
Activity 4- Stories of Migration
and Introduction of Summative Concepts http://waves.anmm.
Assessment gov.au/Immigration-
 Students will as asked to Perspectives - “The lives Stories/Stories-
use the internet to find and actions of people in from-our-
stories from a range of the past are shaped by the collection.aspx
people about migration. social, cultural, intellectual
Students must find stories and emotional factors of
after 1901. that time and place”
 Students will be asked to (ACARA 2015).
write dot points about
someone they find Sources
interesting, to share with
the class.
 Students will be asked to
look at the reason that
they migrated including;
war, poverty, careers etc.
 Students will share their
story and explain if the
resources that they have
gotten information from in
a primary or secondary
resources and why.
 After some research
practice, students will be
given their task sheet for
the summative
assessment. A class
discussion will be useful, in
order for students to ask
questions and get some
Activity 5- Class time for research
 Students will then be given
the opportunity to do
some research into people
that they may want to use
for their summative
 This time will allow
students to get advice
from the teacher and
ensure they understand
the topic and what needs
to be incorporated before
moving on.
 Ensuring that students
know that I spread of
primary and secondary
sources must be used is

ANALYSING Activity 6- How migration affects Cross Curricular Links Materials

‘Different people  English (writing  White Board
viewpoints on interview  Note paper
actions,  The teacher will start by questions and
events, and talking about the impact notes) Resources
issues’ that migration may have  Someone to
(ACHASSI127) on people. Such as health, General Capabilities interview
(ACARA, safety, family and future.  Literacy ‘express
2017a).  Students will then be opinion and point
asked some questions to of view’
Students will think about and write (ACHASSK136)
examine some notes on. These (ACARA, 2017a)
different would include; ‘if you
stories and were to move in a hurry,  Intercultural
views on what would you take? understanding
migration and How long would it take ‘consider and
then present you to get ready to leave? develop multiple
their findings.  Students will then also be perspectives’
asked to write a brief (ACHASSK136)
statement about how they (ACARA, 2017a)
would feel if they had to Concepts
migrate in a hurry due to  Significance
conflict. This will get
students to think about Perspectives and actions -
the different feelings and “Exploring ‘unusual’ and
views that migrants may unexpected ideas and
have when they leave attitudes of some people
their homes. of the past” (ACARA
2015). Formative Assessment
Activity 7- Interview Students will present their
 After learning about the  Sources
interview notes to the class,
impact that migration has his will include the views of the
on people, students will be migrant that they interviewed.
introduced to their next
formative assessment.
Students will be asked to
write down a list of
questions that they would
like to ask a migrant, eg,
why did you come to
Australia? Where did you
come from? Etc.
 Students must then find
someone to interview in
their own time and bring
their notes back to class,
ready to present.
 This lesson will be picked
up and students will be
asked to stand up in front
of the class and present
their findings. This will
allow students to present
their own findings as well
as, learn what others have
found out about the
impact of migration.
 Teacher will be able to
give feedback in regards to
their presentation skills,
and the information that
they were able to source
(will assist students with
their summative
Activity 8- KWL Chart Cross Curricular Links Materials Formative Assessment
 Students will add what  English  Access to computers Students will finalise their KWL
EVALUATING they now know about who  Technologies Charts, allowing the teacher to
& REFLECTING migrated to Australia and Resources see their progressions and if
& why they did so into their General Capabilities  Task sheet they still require further
COMMUNICAT KWL Chart. This will allow  Literacy ‘ compose  Rubric knowledge to understand the
ING the teacher to see if the spoken, written, topic of why people come to
student has learnt from visual and Australia and who they are.
the topic, or if they still multimodal
‘Present ideas, require further support. learning area
findings, texts’
viewpoints Activity 9- Summative assessment (ACHASSSI133)
and  Students worked (ACARA, 2017a)
conclusions in individually to create a  ICT
a range of PowerPoint with voice
texts and over recording that Concepts
modes’ includes information  Significance
(ACHASSI133) about their chosen person.  Perspectives and
(ACARA,  The information within the actions
2017a). presentation must include;  Sources
country of birth, year of
migration, reason for
migration, mode of
transport, and any issues
faced while migrating.
 Students were introduced
to the assessment during
activity 4 and were given
class- time and individual
time to finalise their
 Once the presentation is
finished, students will
hand up their media file,
which contains their
PowerPoint, and script.
 The assignment will then
be marked with the use of
a rubric. The teacher will
focus on their; PowerPoint
design, content, oral
presentation skills and
their literacy skills.

Teacher Resources:

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2017, The Australian Curriculum v8.3, viewed 14 May 2018,<

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2017b, f-6/7 Curriculum, Humanities and Social Sciences: Aims v8.3, Australian
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 18 May 2018, < https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/humanities-and-social-

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2017b, F-6/7 Curriculum, Humanities and Social Sciences: Cross Curriculum Priorities
v8.3, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 15 May 2018, < https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2017b, F-6/7 Curriculum, Humanities and social Sciences: General Capabilitiesv8.3,
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 15 May 2018, < https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/humanities-

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2017b, F-6/7 Curriculum, Humanities and Social Sciences: Rationale v8.3, Australian
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 14 May 2018, <http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/humanities-and-social-

2008, RibuStar, Create Rubrics for your Project-Bases Learning Activities, viewed 28 May 2018, < http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php>.

Quick, J 2018, Note book fairy, viewed 23 May 2018, < https://notebookingfairy.com/k-w-l-graphic-organizer-printable/>.

Student Resources:
Australian National Maritime Museum 2018, Stories of our Collection, National Maritime Museum, viewed 31 May 2018,<

Daly, M 2008, Migrant Stories, video, The Age, 2008, viewed 3 July 2018, < https://www.theage.com.au/interactive/2008/national/migrants/intro.html>.

Gilbert, R & Hoepper, B 2017, Teaching humanities & social sciences, Cengage Learning Australia, Melbourne, Australia.

International Organization for Migration (Media and Communication Division) 2017, I am a Migrant, viewed 30 May 2018, < https://iamamigrant.org>.

National Archives of Australia, 2018, Migrant Selection, National Archives of Australia, viewed 3 July 2018,

Kalyvas, M 2018, ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’, EDUC 2056, University of South Australia, Adelaide, 4 April.

Redmon, R 2013, Primary vs Secondary Sources, video, YouTube, 02 December, viewed 28 May 2018, < https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Wallace, C 2015, Migration video for primary school, video, YouTube, 26 April, viewed 28 May 2018, < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayBByVpyUDI>.
Appendix 1: KWL Chart
Appendix 2: Task Sheet for Summative Assessment

Year 6 HASS: Profile of a Migrant

Aim: to understand why people migrate and who they are.

Individually you will choose a migrant that was looked at during lesson and create a profile with the use of PowerPoint. You will need to
include country of birth, year of migration, reason for migration, transport to Australia, as well as details about any problems faced, and their
impact when they got to Australia.

After creating a PowerPoint, a script will need to be created including information about the migrant. This will then be used to voice record
over the top of the slide show. The end product will then be given to the teacher and will be marked with the use of a rubric.

The PowerPoint needs to include all of the relevant information required, along with eye-catching features (colour, graphics, font).

Due Date:

Appendix 3: Rubric

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