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Production Chemicals Catalog

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Maintain and enhance

production performance
from reservoir to refinery
Production capabilities, services and products
The widest choice of technology,
the broadest range of expertise
Production challenges 02 Flow improvers 38
FPSO and deep water 04 Produced water and
Land operations 06
sand treatment 40
Unconventional 08
Heavy oil 10 Descaling, NORM-decontamination
Arctic 12 and decommissioning 42
North Sea 14
Purification solutions 44
Capabilities and resources 46
Production chemicals 16
Overview 16 Management services 46
Asphaltenes 18 Ecotoxicological testing laboratory 48
Commodities, utilities and cleaners 20 Research and development 50
Corrosion inhibitors 22 Supply chain 52
Defoamers 24 Training and career development 54
Demulsifiers 25
Hydrates inhibitors 26
Hydrogen sulfide 28
Microbiocides 30
Naphthenates 31
Paraffin inhibitors 32
Scale inhibitors 34
Tracer dyes 36
Water clarifiers 37

More answers to your
production challenges
Our unique range of chemical, The best technology for your needs Applying our expertise
mechanical and data Because we have a unique range Working with you on-site and using
management products and of chemical, mechanical and data our research laboratories and field
management services, we are able to support operations, our dedicated teams
services gives you more ways
consider both process equipment and can analyze any issues across your
to maintain and improve chemical consumption for every project. production operations and then engineer
production performance This means we can genuinely offer a a solution appropriate to your needs.
in any environment solution based on the widest possible Their knowledge and experience means
and on any scale. choice of technologies available that your solution will be fully compliant
ensuring that you always achieve with any prevailing regulations and
Chemical expertise
the most cost-effective outcome. will safely optimize and protect flow
Our production chemicals can be used from the reservoir to the refinery.
alone or in combination with mechanical From low-rate land wells or high-
solutions to optimize performance. rate offshore fields to sensitive From individual technologies to fully
and remote locations, we help you integrated solutions, the diverse
Mechanical expertise maintain continuity of production experience and expertise of our
We have solutions available on from the reservoir to the refinery. multidisciplinary team enables them
a capital purchase or rental basis to engineer and deliver systems and
At every stage of your production
along with a full maintenance, solutions that effectively prevent and
operations, M-I SWACO can help
refurbishment or retrofit service. meet more production continuity
to protect asset integrity, improve
challengesall delivered safely and
Data management efficiency, increase production rates
in compliance with local regulations.
and enhance product quality. The results
We provide analytical data to
are increased revenues and reduced
give you visibility of the complex
operating costs with lower NPT.
information needed to manage the
technical, commercial and operational
performance of your assets.

Offshore Congo, West Africa

Scale formation
prevented in
deepwater flowlines
Production challenges FPSO and deep water

The Situation
The flowlines of a deepwater
oilfield in 1400 m of water
encountered flow assurance
problems including scale
deposition. Chemical injection
was challenging as the FPSO
vessel was 140 km offshore.
Any inhibitor needed to
withstand severe conditions
and not degrade over prolonged
residence periods.

The Solution
Formulated for deep water use,
DS-1618 scale inhibitor was
selected. Initial testing ensured
it would remain pumpable at
high pressures, avoid blocking
subsea umbilicals and be fully
compatible with the produced
water. Compatibility with a wide
range of elastomers, plastics
and metals was also evaluated.

The Results
Since injecting 75-100 ppm of
DS-1618 there have been no
scale-related flow assurance
problems. The deepwater
chemical umbilical and
injection equipment have
remained blockage free.

Production challenges FPSO and deep water

Build in offshore
production continuity

With production from We will work with you, providing the reducing QHSE risk and protecting
increasingly greater water right combination of people, processes asset integrity.
and technology to ensure that you
depths becoming standard Maximizing production
reduce the time to first oil, maximize
practice, deepwater production efficiency, reduce downtime Our decontamination (EXKAL)
production today constitutes and maintain safety. and produced water and sand
more than 20% of global management (PWSM) products
offshore production Flow assurance and asset integrity and services give you more ways to
a proportion that will Our chemical products and services build in increased production, with
give you more ways to protect critical purpose-built technology to manage
continue to grow.
process equipment, maintain pipework and remove NORM, and tailored
FPSO and deep water integrity and assure production flow. chemistry to optimize our PWSM
Issues such as paraffin or hydrate Our specialist deepwater products systemsenhancing separation,
formation are familiar concerns; are engineered to retain their integrity maximizing throughput and delivering
however, providing subsea flow and performance under high pressure, cleaner streams.
assurance requires a solution that high shear environments and long
retention times of the subsea umbilical, Environmental stewardship
performs reliably across potentially
enormous temperature gradients and safeguarded by our delivery expertise Offshore environments require specific
hundreds of kilometers. In response, that ensures the precise dose of consideration to the potential impact
M-I SWACO established a deepwater chemicals is injected at all times. of applied chemistry, for example,
R&D Center in Houston, and provides From scale and corrosion management through produced water discharge.
products and services designed for to wax, asphaltene and naphthenate Our strength in ecotoxicity testing over
the uniquely demanding extremes of inhibition, we can help you optimize 35 years, combined with our strength
deepwater deployment and operations. process performance and maintain in produced water and sand process
productioneven in the most systems, results in a unique offering to
As a founding member of the Blockage challenging conditions. assess, manage and deliver excellence
Avoidance in Subsea Injection and in environmental stewardship.
Control Systems (BASICS) Joint Industry Maintaining hydrocarbon quality
Project (JIP), which resulted in the API Our wide variety of production Increasing offloading efficiency
specification 17TR6, our technologists chemicals and contaminant-removal Our drag reduction and flow improvers
have set the standards for deepwater products and services help maintain enhance transfer capacity and build
flow assurance. Beyond the laboratory optimum hydrocarbon quality. Using in offloading efficiencyshortening
phase, manufacture and supply chains tailor-made demulsifiers to swiftly loading times and reducing shuttle
have to meet stringent quality control resolve oil-in-water emulsions, we help tanker demurrage to help you increase
over product cleanliness according to you achieve excellent dry crude quality profitability. Our technologies can
NAS and ISO standards. As a company and clean water standards required also be used to increase flow rates in
that provides both production and for discharge or re-injection. Combined export pipelines as well as enhance
completion fluids technology, we are with our purification solutions fixed water injection rates to maximize
ideally placed to meet these demands as bed media and liquid scavengers we secondary recovery.
every location worldwide has filtration remove H2S, mercury and mercaptans,
packages to ensure the products meet so that you meet export specifications
these tight cleanliness specifications. and maximize gas sales revenues while
Production challenges Land operations

Safeguarding oil and gas wells, processes

and pipelines across vast land operations
Production challenges Land operations

Protecting miles of pipelines The vast experience gained from Mobile field labs
is a major challenge for treating thousands of wells every M-I SWACO has local technical field
day has given M-I SWACO the support for plant/field evaluations,
oil and gas producers and
expertise to solve almost any and support of the daily operations
chemical suppliers. production issue imaginable. for product applications. Our local
Land operations Corrosion identification, mitigation, spill technical support includes qualified
Pipelines from oil and gas fields that prevention and risk management are and experienced personnel and fully
transport hydrocarbons and produced key program offerings in the service equipped mobile labs. The mobile lab
water are spread out over thousands portfolio. These services provide a link not only allows for demulsification
of miles across land operations. between producers and environmental testing capabilities, but is equipped
Comprehensive pipeline monitoring and agencies, creating a chain of custody to perform solids analysis, residuals,
appropriate treatments are needed to in analytical data and reporting. chemical compatibility, solvent
mitigate the risk of catastrophic failures evaluations, bacteria studies, and
that could affect the environment Highly trained technicians several other tests to help ensure
and the communities that live around equipped with state-of-the-art data is relevant and of the highest
these natural resources. analytical equipment quality. With the increased drilling and
M-ISWACO provides fully-trained fracing in the South Texas Eagle Ford
Environmental stewardship technicians and state-of-the-art Shale Play, our mobile lab has been
analytical equipment to service instrumental in our ability to design
Local, state, and federal agencies
and implement mitigation programs and implement treatment programs
require producers to document every
in produced water, oil and gas wells that meet and exceed the chemical
drop of liquid and gas that enters their
and pipelines. challenges of today and set the stage
pipelines. Risk mitigation and safety
for further advancements for tomorrow.
management programs are put in place
to ensure adherence to policies, Data collection and reporting
and that the environment and public Corrosion testing, biological control
are protected. testing, and metallurgical analysis
form the cornerstones of the mitigation
Where you need us, when you need us program. These tests provide producers
M-I SWACO is strategically located with supporting data for regulatory
worldwide, providing products and agencies regarding pipeline permitting
services that meet and exceed and environmental compliance.
customers expectations for safeguarding
production wells and pipelines.

Production challenges Unconventional

Production challenges Unconventional

An established approach
to unconventional reserves
Beyond easy oil todays Challenges with flow-back include:
focus is on the production Water clarification Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas
of more challenging fluids Desalination Revenues increase
from difficult environments.
Unconventional reserves are Naturally Occurring Radioactive thanks to paraffin
Materials (NORM) inhibition
becoming a key feature of both
maturing and emerging plays. Scale control
The Situation
Bringing unconventional
Corrosion and integrity management
Various Eagle Ford Shale
reserves into todays energy mix M-I SWACO provides a full suite wells produce oil containing
While unconventional hydrocarbons of technologies to support these high concentrations of paraffin
now represent some of the largest applications. These include chemical that can plug production
remaining sources of oil and additives that enhance flow, mixed tubulars and flowlines,
gas around the world, the high oxidant technology to manage as well as creating residues
level of technical complexity and bioactivity, as well as coagulant and during storage. A treatment
environmental impact involved in electrostatic coalescence technology. program was required to
their production can threaten the We also offer unique NORM reduce solids deposition
economic viability of projects. management and remediation offerings during railway car transit.
allied to leading expertise in scale
As these developments require and corrosion control technologies The Solution
significant technical capability to and management practice. PI-7060 is a comprehensive
manage and deliver, M-I SWACO has
blend of wax modifiers and
built a team dedicated to managing Coalbed methane (CBM)
dispersants effective across
the flow assurance challenges The unique cleated structure and a range of crude oils,
associated with harsh environments dual gas storage mechanism of coal including the high-carbon
and demanding conditions. We are deposits necessitate specialized chain paraffins of Eagle Ford
working with customers to produce technologies for successful Shale. It is formulated to
reserves such as shale reservoirs, production of coalbed methane prevent paraffin precipitation
tight gas and oil, and coalbed an increasing component of global and agglomeration.
methane in more cost-effective, more natural gas production. As with
environmentally-acceptable ways. other unconventional resources, it The Results
A common factor in the extraction is water managementspecifically
Through continuous injection
of these reserves is the need to how the water is sourced, treated
of PI-7060, Eagle Ford Shale
hydraulically fracture the formations and disposed or reusedthat
operators have maximized
using significant volumes of water enables cost-effective productivity
their product transport capacity,
water that must be treated to preserve and can make or break a projects
while reducing the time lost
the quality, transport key additives and economic and regulatory viability.
removing paraffin build-up
prevent the introduction of potentially increasing overall revenues.
damaging bacteria. The same water
then has to be handled at surface when
the well is brought into production.

Production challenges Heavy oil

Large reserves of heavy oil,

significant investment
Production challenges Heavy oil

Some of the worlds largest In recent years, M-I SWACO R&D

reserves are heavy oil focus has been predominantly Egypt
dedicated to heavy oil and
reservoirs, with oil in
place equal to the largest
deepwater practices. Demulsifiers reduce
We are developing technologies to
conventional oilfields enable the extraction, separation
backpressure by
in the Middle East. and transport of heavy oil fractions, 80% and ensure
while dealing with flow assurance crude quality
Heavy oil issues such as asphaltene,
While these large reserves are found napthenate and paraffin deposits. The Situation
in more than thirty countries around A heavy oil field suffered
the globe, relatively few have been A number of our patented technologies
backpressure at the wellheads
developed extensively. The significant are now commercialized. They are
due to the highly viscous
operating investment involved requires providing a step change in the cost
emulsion being produced.
a high market price to financially justify of managing asphaltene deposition in
The operator also struggled
heavy oil recovery. North America and the North Sea.
to attain the specifications
They are delivering game-changing wax
required for shipping.
Heavy oil recovery challenges dispersion performance results during
crude production and transportation Two types of demulsifier
The main challenge in heavy oil is not
for operators in the Eagle Ford and were therefore required:
in finding reserves, but in extracting,
Bakken Shale Plays. The unique one to reduce wellhead
recovering, producing, and selling
non- or low-acid napthenate inhibition backpressure and a second to
heavy crudes within often changing
technologies we pioneered in Asia enable continuous fine-tuning
economic guidelines. Under stable
have been transferred across the of the shipping specifications.
market conditions, heavy oil assets have
globe: most recently in the demanding
the potential to generate many years of
conditions of offshore Brazil. The Solution
steady cash flow typically producing
for more than 50 years. However, when M-I SWACO selected,
the energy ratio needed to produce and tested and prequalified two
upgrade a barrel of heavy oil can be demulsifiers. EPT-2699 was
as high as 40%, balancing economics injected at the wellheads and
throughout the project is a challenge. into downhole casing where
ESP efficiency was threatened
by heavy emulsion. Meanwhile
EB-8956 was injected at
the inlet line of the central
production facility (CPF).

The Results
Backpressure dropped from
400-500 psi to just 80-150 psi.
Water content was maintained
below 0.5% and salt content
below 25 ptb, which meant
the crude met agreed
shipping specifications.

PTB = Pounds of salt per

thousand barrels of oil

Production challenges Arctic

Safe operations in the

worlds most sensitive region
Production challenges Arctic

High oil prices have made strong regulatory requirements for sensitive, built-for-purpose product
deepwater extraction operating in the Arctic area, and line concept has a place in every
well-implemented policies addressing part of the life of a field and in every
increasingly viable even
environmental concerns and ethics activity where M-ISWACO provides
in some of the most hostile will be key to success. Low impact support and services, including: drilling,
environments, but although operations, low energy consuming wellbore productivity, production
the financial rewards have equipment, safe waste handling, and technologies and environmental
increased, so have the acceptable chemistry are areas where solutions. From beginning to end, we
technical challenges. M-ISWACO is a market leader. help to maximize oilfield productivity,
improve operational effectiveness
Meeting challenges Specially developed products and reduce environmental impact.
in the Arctic and services
Under the AURORA product line,
The Arctic area has among the most Oilfield chemicals must achieve
M-ISWACO also provides industry-
sensitive ecosystems in the world, optimum operational performance
leading engineering and design
particularly with respect to birds, and should have low impact on the
services that ensure compliance with
mammals and marine organisms. environment. The AURORA product
specific technical and environmental
Several large marine ecosystems line from M-ISWACO is a unique
requirements of operations in
(LMEs) are found in northern areas, portfolio of chemicals and services
particularly sensitive ecosystems.
including the Arctic Ocean, and specifically designed for use in sensitive
Regulations on the use of oilfield
cold climates present particular ecosystems such as the Arctic.
chemicals differ to reflect the variation
challenges for mitigating the potential These provide confidence that, should
in local ecosystems that need to be
impacts of any materials discharged chemicals be discharged, they will
protected. Even small disturbances
into the environment. Operators and make the least possible impact on
in the fragile Arctic ecosystem can
service suppliers can expect very the environment. The AURORA ultra-
have devastating consequences.

By contrast, with sensitive coral reefs,
toxicity may be of a greater concern The following geological basins are
than biodegradation, and the products connected to the Arctic region:
must be tailor-made accordingly.
North Slope West Barents Sea
The M-ISWACO product range includes
chemicals tailored to work in harsh Beaufort Sea East Barents Sea
climates and with demanding geology,
while minimizing potential impact on the
South Arctic Islands North Kara Sea
environment. Our research scientists
Franklinian Sendrup South Kara Sea
have found that, in general, the safest
solution is to let nature do the job, Baffin Bay Laptev Sea
which is why AURORA products
use natures own chemicals: either Labrador Shelf East Siberian Sea
chemicals approved for the food
industry or other readily biodegradable, Southwest Greenland Hope Basin
low-toxicity substances. The AURORA
North Greenland North Chukchi Sea
concept has been developed with
improved quality to cover all the critical Kronprins Christian Basin Pechora Sea
environmental challenges, so the
products are not only individually
best-in-class, but together
create a class of their own.

North Sea, UK

system helping restore
blocked production
Production challenges North Sea

The Situation
A mature North Sea field had
forecast to produce 212,000 bpd
with water cut of 85-90%.
Due to pressure depletion
and well back-pressuring
that severely constrained
pipeline fluids, production was
significantly reduced.

The Solution
M-I SWACO configured a partial-
processing package comprising
two 50% CYCLOTECH P20
pre-separation hydrocyclone
vessels and three 33% CYCLOTECH
B20 deoiling hydrocyclone vessels.
The processing program also
included recommissioning an
existing degassing vessel and
developing a comprehensive
sand management system.

The Results
Once installed, the partial-
processing package successfully
de-bottlenecked the export
pipeline, allowing production to
quickly approach expected levels.

Production challenges North Sea

Meeting the demands of the most

challenging production environment

Securing hydrocarbon M-ISWACO offers a full suite of topside They all lead to the same problem:
resources from the North Sea, and subsea approved technologies they struggle to maintain performance
that directly mitigate scale, corrosion, and availability.
a long-established oil and
emulsions, sand production and other In response to these problems,
gas producing area, still associated production risks to M-I SWACO provides high-efficiency,
presents significant technical, deliver a fully optimized hydrocarbon compact process solutions to
environmental and logistical production system. significantly expand the operating
challenges today. envelope of existing equipment in terms
Production chemical solutions
of both capacity and performance.
North Sea At M-ISWACO we acknowledge that These are simple and cost-, time-,
Whether developing new subsea exceptional production technology and space-efficient upgrades which
infrastructure, enhancing mature performance must be aligned with are superior to standard equipment
asset production, or enabling the industry and government best practice, replacement. These technologies allow
decommissioning of end-of-life such as: Step Change in Safety, LOGIC excess water and sand to be either:
facilities, M-ISWACO is an and PILOT initiatives, and CRINE
experienced partner on hand to (Cost Reduction in the New Era). Pre-separated upstream with a partial
help operators overcome their flow In addition, complying with processing system to ensure
assurance challenges. environmental legislation without unimpeded flow.
compromising product performance Processed by the upgraded plant
Production enhancement is the biggest challenge affecting with new internals to handle these
Rapid, efficient extraction of dehydrated innovation in production technology. increased phase loadings.
crude oil from produced emulsions is Dedicated in-house Good Laboratory
critical to optimize the quality of export Practice (GLP)-approved environmental Decommissioning
specification crude, and to minimize testing and screening facilities in As North Sea infrastructure matures, it
oil-in-water overboard discharge to the Bergen, Norway contribute greatly to is increasingly critical to be prepared for
sea. M-ISWACO offers dehydration, the success of M-ISWACO in delivering asset decommissioning. Offering industry
demulsifier, and water treatment environmentally friendly solutions, -leading technology and experience
technologies that significantly reduce particularly in the North Sea. in descaling, decontamination and
the environmental impact of separation decommissioning asset infrastructure,
solutions, while maximizing the delivery De-bottlenecked existing infrastructure
M-ISWACO Production Technologies
of export-quality product. As the reservoir matures and the is more than ready to support operators
production facility ages, there is during this challenging phase of the
An assets hydrocarbon production an increasing likelihood that the
profiles are affected by the properties of oilfield lifecycle. In 2008, M-ISWACO
performance of water and sand related won the EI International Platinum Award
the water it produces, whether connate topside plants will not match operator
or injected, leading to production for technology and service associated
expectations. Existing equipment with decommissioning of a condeep,
chemistry challenges such as scale, can become capacity constrained,
corrosion, separation system efficiency concrete structure in the UK CNS.
obsolete, blocked with sand, eroded by
and oil-in-water overboard. These sand, or it might never have performed
issues can significantly reduce process satisfactorily in the first place.
efficiency, production capacity and NPT.

Production chemicals Overview

Engineering effective
and efficient treatments
Production chemicals Overview

Corrosion. Emulsion. Scale. Managing the precise delivery M-I SWACO people can offer our
Bacteria. Foam. Wax. Hydrogen of chemical treatments clients access to the worlds most
M-I SWACO provides AVOCET inclusive reservoir expertise. In
sulfide. These are just a few of
PROCHEM, a production chemical addition, our far-reaching and efficient
the myriad of potential problems supply chain ensures lower product
data management software system
our clients face every day when to help predict, identify and prevent cost, high quality and ready availability.
producing, processing and production disruptions, to ensure
transporting petroleum products. Our production chemical
greater production continuity from
portfolio includes:
reservoir to refinery. The service
Production chemicals overview consists of several tools to help Cleaning compounds
Each problem is different, just as there reduce and manage the workflow Commodities, utilities and cleaners
are differences in each field and, related to chemical applications,
very often, in each well. Thats why injections and production processes. Corrosion inhibitors
we are committed to tailoring It includes visualizations of asset Demulsifiers
solutions to meet all of our customers status and trends, from simple traffic
unique, changing needs. lights to detailed interactive reports. Foamers and defoamers

The right chemistry, expertly delivered Engineered to meet operational Hydrate inhibitors
Armed with highly knowledgeable and and local requirements Microbiocides
talented personnel, a comprehensive Know-how is one thing. Making
product portfolio that is second to
Napthenate inhibitors
it work for a client is another.
none, and an extensive infrastructure, Although other companies in our industry Oxygen and H2S scavengers
M-I SWACO brings to every job the can claim chemical experience and
resources and commitment to engineer Paraffin and asphaltene inhibitors
personnel expertise, what really makes
innovative and cost-effective solutions. the difference is how all that know-how Scale inhibitors and dissolvers
Whether completely altering a particular is directed toward addressing specific
chemical formulation to tackle a specific Tracer dyes
customer needs. Thats precisely what
need, or making a minor change, sets us apart from all the others. Water clarifiers
the people of M-I SWACO have one At M-I SWACO, our highly skilled and
mission: create the most effective and motivated personnel are focused on
economical solution for each situation. our customers, listening to them and
then engineering fully documented and
Enhancing process and mechanical
effectively applied solutions.
systems performance
For more than 30 years, clients from
In a typical topside separation process, the North Sea to the Far East, Canada
chemicals injected at the crude oil inlet to Latin America, and Russia to West
will enhance the system performance. Africa have learned that time and time
Injection of oil process antifoam agent again, M-I SWACO is dedicated to
and demulsifier are just two examples delivering answers quickly, correctly
of how chemicals will improve the and professionally. Through our
separation of oil, gas and water. parent company Schlumberger,
Production chemicals Asphaltenes

Stabilizing and dispersing asphaltenes

to prevent plugging and related issues
Asphaltenes are defined as Treatment options Asphaltene dispersants do not prevent
solids that precipitate when A range of mechanical and chemical precipitation, but maintain precipitated
options is available to treat asphaltene asphaltenes in a dispersed state to
in excess of n-heptane or
deposition issues. Mechanical cleaning prevent flocculation. The advantages
n-pentane. of using asphaltene treatment
methods include pigging, wireline
Chemically, asphaltenes cutting and coil tubing options, while chemicals include:
Production chemicals Asphaltenes

are high-molecular-weight, chemical treatments include the Reduction in deposition of solids

injection of inhibitors, dispersants
polynuclear, aromatic polar which helps to maintain production.
or solvents.
compounds containing Reduction in equipment
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, Asphaltene solvents usually include plugging leading to reduced NPT.
nitrogen, sulfur, and may also aromatics or aromatics-based blends,
especially those containing bi- and Reduction in produced water treatment
contain heavy metals such as problems leading to reduced oil-in-
tri-cyclic aromatics and reduced
vanadium and nickel. biphenyl content. The solvents work water carryover, which in turn results
well with pigging and dissolve the in environmentally safe water disposal.
asphaltene deposits.
Asphaltenes are soluble in crude oil at Lower pumping pressures due to
reservoir temperatures and pressure Asphaltene inhibitors are polymeric reduced viscosities.
conditions. Physical and chemical compounds that stabilize the micelles
MI-SWACO provides expertise in
factors contribute to destabilization and prevent the asphaltenes from
designing treatments to meet an
of asphaltenes, leading to precipitation flocculating.
operators particular asphaltene
and possible flocculation of
The inhibitors have very similar challenges. Based on specific field
asphaltenes as the peptide layer is
properties to those of the resins information about the issues, laboratory
stripped (resins, e.g. maltenes) as
and interact with the asphaltenes to tests are designed and performed to
a result of loss of aromaticity and
stabilize the asphaltene micelles in the evaluate potential solutions that will
increased linear alkane content.
crude oil. The asphaltene inhibitors deliver the desired results. Factors
Factors responsible for asphaltene possess stronger association with the considered include cost-effectiveness,
destabilization include: asphaltenes and are able to stabilize the environmental impact and safety issues.
asphaltenes through greater changes Product performance can be monitored
Depressurization in the field using various instrumental
in pressure, temperature, shear and
Miscible flooding with CO2 or chemical environment. Asphaltene and chemical assay methods.
natural gas inhibitors can be squeezed into the
formation or continuously injected
Acidization downhole. Squeezing the inhibitor into
Mixing fluids with different densities the reservoir can prevent deposition of
asphaltenes in the near-wellbore area.
Gas lift It is important that the inhibitors are
Asphaltenes can deposit in reservoirs, added to the crude oil before the
wellbore tubing, flowlines, separators, asphaltenes become destabilized
and other parts of hydrocarbon and flocculation occurs.
production systems. These deposits
can interrupt and potentially stop
production due to the formation of plugs.
Other operational issues related to the
precipitation of asphaltenes include
stable crude oil emulsions, higher
emulsion viscosity, and migration of
asphaltenes into water phase leading
to produced water treatment issues.
Adhi, Pakistan

Mitigating deposits
helps filters last up
to 45 times longer
The Situation
A major gas condensate field
operator began to experience
solids depositionprimarily
wax and asphaltenewithin
flowlines and other equipment.
Frequent maintenance
and cleaning operations
became necessary, with
production shut down or
diverted while hourly filter
changes were performed.

The Solution
Following comprehensive
sampling and a field trial
at actual conditions, PI-7269
low-dose asphaltene
inhibitor was selected and
injected at the inlet separator
and upstream filter.

The Results
Field data verified the lab
results: deposits in the pipeline
and other equipment were
significantly reduced, while
smooth flow was assured.
As a result, production of
LPG/NGL was optimized.
Filter-change frequency was
also reduced from hourly
to once every 2 days.

Production chemicals Commodities, utilities and cleaners

Production chemicals Commodities, utilities and cleaners

Commodities, utilities and cleaners

Commodities, utilities and Historically, these operations would This is because individual products
cleaners can be as essential have involved excessive road are specifically designed to perform
transport and demurrage, adding optimally in combination either with
to operations as critical
project risk and complexity. high, medium or low-aromatic solvents.
applications such as hydrate
control, corrosion inhibition Selecting the right cleaner A cleaning compound can also be
designed to give either a stable
and oil-water separation. While many factors contribute to
the positive result of a cleaning or a self-separating (quick-break)
Commodities, utilities operation, the following represent emulsion upon flushing with water.
and cleaners the most important characteristics:
Aqueous cleaning compounds
Commoditiesby definitionare products Temperaturea higher temperature Aqueous cleaning compounds have
supplied under a generic name, such always gives a better cleaning result. definite advantages over solvent-based
as MEG, methanol, and ammonium products in terms of both handling
Solubility-Dispersibility if the dirt
bisulphite. Utilities are those products properties and price. They can also be
is soluble or easily dispersible in the
applied during the general maintenance made more environmentally acceptable,
cleaning medium, the cleaning effect
operations of a facility, such as but are not necessarily as efficient.
is greatly enhanced.
heat exchanger treatment, re-boiler Aqueous products can be used in
management, and steam generation. Mechanical treatmentscrubbing, almost all cases and particularly
As the term suggests, cleaners high-pressure spraying. for solid-particle dirt. They are not
ensure each facility remains in a good particularly suitable for the removal
Soak timealso an important factor
state and provides a safe working of hard, mechanically-resistant organic
for good cleaning.
environment. All of these components dirt when the temperature cannot be
are vital in maintaining the continuity raised to soften it. Smaller amounts
Solvent-based cleaning compounds
of production and ongoing operations. of organic solvents can be included
Solvent products should be used when
One primary factor in managing the in aqueous products to increase
the dirt is mainly organic and particularly
provision of these materials is solvent properties, but aqueous
when temperature cannot be increased
sourcing a secure supply at the best cleaning compounds act by dispersing
to soften the foulant. They also have
price. It also demands systems and the dirt into the aqueous phase.
advantages when the dirt is mainly
procedures to manage container composed of water-soluble or dispersible Chemical cleaning
and tank fleets, and to ensure that materials and is coated with or glued
quality and delivery standards are There are six chemical cleaning
together by hard hydrocarbon substance.
maintained at the highest levels. techniques used by M-I SWACO to
Usually a high-aromatic solvent will
accompany our range of solvent-based
provide the best cleaning results, but
MEG regeneration systems are and aqueous cleaning compounds:
cost, health and environmental concerns
increasingly being installed to manage
may be prohibitive. Alternatives are Fill and soak
hydrates where major volumes are
white spirit-type solvents, low-aromatic
required for first-fill applications. These Circulation
naphthas, kerosene or diesel. While
large-scale jobs often require blending to
these options are less toxic to people and Cascade
meet key system specifications including

the environment and lower in price, they

water content, admix, pH and viscosity. Online cleaning
generally offer reduced effectiveness.

M-I SWACO understands these markets Foam cleaning

If a basic product consists of a

and has the global infrastructure to

surfactant concentrate diluted with Vapor-phase cleaning
ensure operational excellence in this

hydrocarbon solvent, care must be

domain. We have delivered several
taken to apply the correct proportions
major first-fill projects utilizing sea bulk,
of concentrate and solvent.
quayside storage and blending, followed
by controlled release to site, as required.

Production chemicals Corrosion inhibitors

Removing corrosion threats

to asset integrity
Commonly found in produced
fluids, acidic gases such as
CO2 and H2S are corrosive
towards carbon steel tubing,
vessels and pipelines.
Production chemicals Corrosion inhibitors

In addition, organic acids

can also corrode carbon steel,
as can produced solids
and bacteria.
Corrosion inhibitors
Corrosion generally takes place where
Stress corrosion Inorganic cathodic inhibitors
water and corrosive chemicals are Erosion corrosion function by forming a protective film
present, with the rate affected by at the cathodic sites that polarizes
Corrosion fatigue
variables including CO2 and H2S content, the metal by restricting access by
Uniform corrosion dissolved oxygen to the metal
temperature, pH, water cut, salinity,
pressure, solids levels, and also liquid Impacts of corrosion surface. Used with the same
and gas velocity. To mitigate carbon The failure to control corrosion rates applications and restrictions as
steel corrosion, corrosion inhibitors, H2S can have catastrophic consequences, anodic inhibitors, this group is
scavengers, and biocides are applied. such as equipment failure, which regarded as less effective.
can result in environmentally- Neutralizing/volatile inhibitors are
In seawater injection systems, damaging leaks. Extensive repair
suitable where the aqueous phase
corrosion can also occur due to the and maintenance operations often
is condensed water, and are
presence of oxygen in the injected require expensive system shutdowns
particularly effective where the main
water. However, the oxygen can be and consequent loss of production.
cause of corrosion is CO2. Increasing
removed from the sea water fairly There are also safety implications
system pH reduces corrosion and
easily using a combination of chemical of failing to control corrosion with
forms a protective FeCO3 film on
or mechanical methods. Chemical the potential to harm personnel.
metal surfaces.
oxygen scavengers are used to
remove the oxygen, normally applied Corrosion inhibitor options Organic inhibitors work by forming
in conjunction with de-aeration A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical a protective film over the entire
towers. Bacterial corrosion in which, when added in small amounts metal surface and address corrosion
seawater injection systems is also to a corrosive environment, decreases due to CO2, H2S and organic acid.
common, but can be mitigated by the the rate of corrosion of a metal in They are not effective in preventing
regular application of biocides and/ that environment. Corrosion inhibitors corrosion due to oxygen.
or management of nutrient control can be divided into four groups:
to shift the consortia from sulfate- In addition to the four inhibitor
reducing to nitrate-reducing species. Inorganic anodic inhibitors mitigate categories, scavengers can also
corrosion by disrupting or blocking be used to remove H2S from oil
Forms of corrosion electrochemical reactions at the and gas systems and oxygen from
Corrosion can manifest itself in many anodic sites on a metal surface. seawater injection systems.
forms that can result in failures. The Commonly used to control corrosion in
most common forms of corrosion can cooling tower water, heating/cooling
be categorized within seven types: mediums, and glycol dehydration,
they are not recommended to control
Localized pitting corrosion
corrosion due to CO2 or H2S, or in
Galvanic corrosion seawater injection systems.
Under-deposit corrosion

Corrosion inhibitor applications Inhibitor treatment considerations Corrosion inhibitor range
Corrosion inhibitors can be applied Before deploying an organic corrosion M-ISWACO offers an extremely
anywhere in a production system: inhibitor, a number of factors need comprehensive portfolio of corrosion
downhole, at the wellhead, production to be considered. Firstly, the method inhibitors suitable for application
manifold, gathering lines, gas or oil of inhibitor application itself, which to address a wide range of
export pipelines, and also in produced depends on several parameters corrosion challenges including:
water re-injection systems. Corrosion including system conditions, injection Oxygen corrosion
inhibitors are normally applied either location, and the availability of Sweet (CO2) corrosion
continuously or via batch treatment. chemical injection equipment.
Sour (H2S) corrosion
For batch treatments in wells, an Solubility is also a consideration. Organic acids corrosion
inhibitor is typically diluted in a carrier Inhibitors are generally classified
solvent (e.g. diesel or condensate) as being oil-soluble, water-soluble,
Under-deposit corrosion
and pumped down the well or pipeline. or oil-soluble/water-dispersible. Galvanic corrosion
Batch treatments typically last up Erosion corrosion
Their emulsification and foaming
to three months. In pipelines, the
tendencies at the required dose The corrosion inhibitor product
diluted inhibitor is placed between
rate are essential properties that range consists of the following
two pigs. The production fluids are
must be taken into account, and types of products:
then used to force the pigs and
must be assessed to ensure product
inhibitor solution along the pipeline. CO2 corrosion inhibitors
stability under typical storage
For closed-water systems or heating/ H2S corrosion inhibitors
temperatures for prolonged periods,

cooling mediums, anodic inhibitors

and at injection temperature. Hydrotest products
are normally used to prevent oxygen
The compatibility of corrosion Cooling water corrosion inhibitors
corrosion. In all applications, corrosion
monitoring data informs the user when inhibitors with the metallurgy of the Environmentally-acceptable
additional treatments are required. chemical injection system needs to be corrosion inhibitors
assessed, as does their compatibility Batch corrosion inhibitors
with other production chemicals High-temperature corrosion inhibitors
in the system. Conversely, checks
Gas corrosion inhibitors
should be performed to ensure that
other chemicals present do not affect Multifunctional products
corrosion inhibitor performance. (combined scale/corrosion inhibitors)
Oxygen scavengers
H2S scavengers
Oil/gas pipeline inhibitors
Subsea/deepwater corrosion inhibitors

Production chemicals Defoamers

Destabilizing foam-related issues

During the complex process The severity of the foam in the Chemical evaluation
of oil and gas production, production system is dependent M-ISWACO can provide tailored
on several factors: defoaming solutions to meet specific
depressurization of the mixture
operational needs. It is important to
of hydrocarbons can easily lead Oil production rate and
associated gas use live or specially reconstituted
to the formation of stable foam. crude in experimental testing to
Production chemicals Defoamers and Demulsifiers

Pressure and temperature ensure similar surface tension

Foams can be found throughout

effects, as dead crude may have a

the process, ranging from Chemical composition of the
falsely high surface tension. Another
production separators, produced fluids
significant factor is the temperature
through gas dehydration or System design and thermal history, both of which
sweetening processes, and must be replicated in laboratory tests.
Other chemicals used in the process
when processing water for
such as corrosion inhibitors or Tailored defoamer solutions
injection. Foam can have contaminants such as fines,
dire consequences when M-ISWACO offers a range of generic
scales or corrosion by-products.
defoamer types for various oilfield
carryover of liquid occurs in
Defoamer operation applications. Silicones are the most
the associated gas stream commonly applied in crude oil, glycol
and when liquid hydrocarbon Production systems can be optimized
units, and water injection systems with
with respect to oil production rate and
carryover contaminates non-silicone products available for
pressure to reduce the risk of foaming,
dehydration or amine units. but this might not be enoughor may
amine gas treatment units, glycol units
for dehydration, and water injection
Defoamers impose unacceptable constraints on
systems where silicone defoamers
productionin which case defoamers
The presence of gas dissolved in the may be less popular.
might be necessary for constant, smooth
crude oil, especially when viscosity
operation. Defoamers can be highly Mechanical systems
is high, can initially produce a gas
cost-effective and can work at injection
dispersion or spherical foam upon M-I SWACO can supply a mechanical
rates of just a few ppm. They act in
depressurization. This can occur in auger designed to remove up to 80% of
one of two ways: either by displacing
the tubing or separation system. the free gas from the wellstream prior
stabilizers from the bubble wall, or by
As the bubbles rise through the liquid to the separator. By preventing the initial
locally rupturing them. Displacement
and come to the surface, they can formation of foam, an auger has the
of foam stabilizers occurs after a thin
produce conventional polyhedral foam. potential to eliminate the need
defoamer layer is spread over the
Under these conditions, a chemical for a defoamer altogether.
bubble surface. Bursting occurs when
defoamer is required to perform a dual
a defoamer, with a lower surface
function: to accelerate the ascent of
tension than the oil, causes localized
the gas bubbles and to counteract the
surface-tension depression.
formation of the stable polyhedral foam.

Production chemicals Demulsifiers

Breaking emulsions to optimize performance

Demulsifier formulations are Solvents play a key role, keeping

used to help ensure the residual intermediates and active ingredients North Sea, UK
in solution and helping deliver them to
water and salt content in the
the emulsion interface. They also help Water quality
crude, and oil-in-water content make crude components such as increased while
of the separated water, meet paraffins more soluble.
required specifications.
dosage halved
Alcohols can stabilize a demulsifier
The purpose of a demulsifier is The Situation
where individual components might
to destabilize an emulsion and otherwise separate, and can be used A major operator experienced
facilitate separation into oil, to winterize them for cold-climate issues with the produced
water, and also solids. application. Certain solvents are water quality going overboard
restricted by environmental legislation from two adjoining platforms
Demulsifiers or flammable handling concerns. while injecting demulsifier.
To do this, the demulsifier must disrupt They also required
the ordered structure of the natural
Flocculants are characterized by greater onboard emulsion
surfactants that stabilize the emulsion, non-ionic surfactants that congregate resolution and separation.
allowing the dispersed droplets to droplets so that they combine when
in close proximity. The Solution
coalesce as they collide to form a larger
droplet size. The droplets then move to Coalescers effectively disrupt the EB-8035 is an emulsion
the oil/water interface by gravity. stabilized film by causing water breaker formulated to break
The important criteria is the demulsifiers droplets to combine on collision. water-in-oil emulsions and
ability to penetrate the emulsifying deliver clean produced
monolayers to displace the natural Water droppers cause coalescing water. Supplied for field trial,
surfactant(s) or insoluble(s) that stabilize droplets to combine rapidly, forming it does this while leaving
the emulsion, and allow the film around a continuous phase. They are critical minimal residual emulsion in
the droplets to rupture, thus creating the for short residence systems such as process separation systems.
conditions for the emulsion to resolve. offshore applications where weight
and space are at a premium. The Results
Tailored solutions
Wetting agents alter the interfacial Demulsifier volumes were
Each individual hydrocarbon region reduced by ~ 50%. Water-in-oil
tension of fluids so that solids can
produces fluids with different results were also significantly
move into the water phase. These
characteristics, ranging from light to improved, averaging 5-15ppm
solids include sands, clays, scales,
heavy, paraffinic to asphaltic, sweet overboard while maintaining
napthenates and carboxylates,
to sour, and from high to low total acid zero emulsion at the export
bitumens, and other insolubles that
number (TAN). Natural gas, water, pumps. Post-shutdown
collect at the interface.
and solids such as sand and scale separator upsets were also
are produced alongside crudeeach In the selection of a demulsifier for handled without water quality
contributing to the characteristics and a particular crude-producing facility, reductions. Ongoing data
stability of the emulsions produced. a number of factors must be considered. shows oil in water remains
Factors such as fluid residence times, at acceptable levels today
The diversity of fluids and applications
injection points and temperature all with no residual emulsion
means that effective demulsifiers are
have a role to play. build-up in the separators or
almost always field-specific.
When recommending a demulsifier, carryover to the export pumps.
Demulsifier bases
M-ISWACO also investigates
In the formulation of a demulsifier it is application-wide factors including
rare that single-component chemistry is location, nature of the oil, environment,
effective. The following comments are and limitations of the equipment and
generally directed toward emulsions facilities. Each item is thoroughly
containing water dispersed in a evaluated so the facility can operate with
continuous oil phase: minimum disruption and lowest cost.
Production chemicals Hydrate inhibitors

Modifying fluid properties

to prevent hydrate formation
Historically, the formation Understanding hydrate formation Low-dosage solutions
of gas hydrates in subsea Gas hydrates are mixed solids formed As the offshore industry moves into the
tubulars, production pipelines by water and natural gas. Whether a development of marginal fields in more
hydrate will form or not is a function hostile environments and both deep
and process equipment has
of a number of parameters including and ultra-deep waters, M-ISWACO
presented costly problems, temperature, pressure, gas composition has responded with a new class of
Production chemicals Hydrate inhibitors

especially in deepwater and the presence of water. treatment chemicals known as

developments and in low-dosage hydrate inhibitors (LDHIs).
Hydrates can plug flowlines, pipelines
Arctic regions. LDHI threshold inhibitors interfere with
and process equipment. Once formed,
the mechanism of hydrate formation
Hydrate Inhibitors the hydrate plugs are relatively
and have two basic modes of action:
stable and require a large input of
Operators have used a number of
energy over an extended time period Kinetic inhibitors interfere with
preventative methods, including
to remove them. Plug removal can hydrate crystal growth or nucleation
insulation and heating to keep
cause safety issues such as potential by embedding themselves into the
produced fluids hot enough to avoid
pipeline rupture. Hydrates can form lattice structure, delaying significant
hydrate formation. Methanol and glycol
at temperatures above that at which growth for longer than the fluids
treatments are commonly used and,
ice would be expected and formation residence time.
while they are effective in many cases,
at 20C (68F) is not unusual. They can
both present drawbacks. Anti-agglomerants prevent the
easily form at North Sea and deepwater
agglomeration of hydrate crystals
M-ISWACO offers low-dosage hydrate Gulf of Mexico seabed temperatures,
into large masses by dispersing
inhibitors as an alternative, technically plugging pipelines as large as 40
water droplets within the condensate
reliable and economically attractive in. diameter. The critical factors for
or oil phase.
solution to meet industry demand most pipeline operators is pressure
for more cost-effective and and temperature. The occurrence
environmentally-acceptable methods of hydrates is most marked where
of hydrate inhibition. pipelines are routed along the seabed
over considerable distances, allowing
the contents to cool.

CO2 hydrate formation from dissolved gas Hydrates formed from dissolved gas (CI-CO2 system)
(i.e. no free-gas phase) under high degree of sub-cooling

In comparison to methanol and
MEG-based treatments, the low-toxicity Alberta, Canada
characteristics and smaller treatment
levels of LDHIs make them more KHI reduces
environmentally desirable over the operating
long-term. Because no recovery stage
costs by 50%
is required, leakage risks from storage,
treatment and transport facilities The Situation
are reduced. A gas pipeline transports
around 2,430 m3/d of gas to
Tailored solutions
a remote amine plant across
The optimal choice of inhibitor difficult terrain. Produced water
is determined by fluid and field is introduced into the pipeline,
characteristics. M-ISWACO provides mainly after a compressor
detailed support to its customers for station. To prevent hydrates
LDHI applications. System conditions forming, the line is treated with
are modeled using an industry- 4,000 L of methanol, yet this is
standard phase-equilibrium program. carried into the amine plant,
Advanced equipment is used for contaminating the reflux water
testing LDHIs at field conditions of and increasing corrosion risks.
pressure, temperature and cooling
rate to select the most appropriate The Solution
treatment. Technical support includes M-I SWACO introduced a
consideration of product physical hydrate inhibitor program
properties and compatibility with using the kinetic hydrate
contacted materials. inhibitor (KHI) GT-7569. The
KHI was initially applied
G = Gas at 1,500 liters per day,
L = Aqueous Phase approximately 40% of the
H = Hydrate methanol injection volume.
Gr = Grain Pig-returns and inlet
pipeline pressures were
then monitored for hydrate
formation indicators.

The Results
Injection rates were reduced
in incremental stages
before being optimized
at just 700 liters per day,
without hydrate formation.
Analysis of reflux water
showed no contamination.
KHI application saved the
operator over 50% in chemical
Methane hydrates formed in the vapor and gas/water interface and operational costs.

Production chemicals Hydrogen sulfide

Remove risks to integrity, process, and HSE

The production of hydrogen Sulfide generated by bacteria may form

sulfide (H2S) gas along with at relatively low levels in water, but Haynesville Shale,
when liberated and concentrated in the
petroleum fluids is a common North Louisiana
vapor phase, it has been seen to reach
occurrence in many areas of
the world. Other sulfides that
levels in excess of 2,000 ppm. H2S scavenger also
inhibits corrosion
Production chemicals Hydrogen sulfide

can be present include sodium Forms of hydrogen sulfide

hydro-sulfide, sodium sulfide, Sulfide can exist in water solution and scale
and various lower mercaptans in three different forms:
The Situation
and disulfides. H2S, the molecular form of the A pipeline companys
compound, is soluble in water and produced gas averaged
Hydrogen sulfide oil, but, due to its volatility, may be 13 ppm of H2S within a range
Hydrogen sulfide is corrosive even concentrated in the vapor phase in of 4-30 ppm. A multi-function
at low levels and has a toxicity level most systems. chemical treatment program
similar to that of hydrogen cyanide. was required to scavenge
The occupational exposure limit HS, the hydrosulfide ion, is the result
H2S, reduce pipeline corrosion
is set at 10 ppm, and exposure to of partial ionization of H2S as the pH
and inhibit scale deposition.
concentrations above 150 ppm could of water is increased. This ion can
The Solution was to be
be fatal. Gas pipeline requirements exist in equilibrium concentrations
applied to two fields, each
often specify the maximum permitted with H2S over the approximate
with several wells and a
levels of H2S, typically less than 5 ppm. pH range of 5 to 9.
total of six sales points.
Corrosion due to hydrogen sulfide S, the sulfide ion, predominates
can take the form of hydrogen at very high levels of pH. The Solution
blistering, pitting, cracking and HR-2636: a unique combination
Hydrogen sulfide scavengers
embrittlement (when in contact with of a triazine H2S scavenger,
high-strength stressed steel). These M-ISWACO offers a range of sulfide a mixed amine corrosion
types of corrosive attacks can lead scavengers based on reaction package and a phosphonate
to catastrophic failures, which may products of amines and aldehydes. scale inhibitor. For high
occur without the warnings that might These products have been developed efficiency and maximum
accompany other types of corrosion. for application in gas, water and gas contact the atomized
Additionally, hydrogen sulfide can form oil streams, and they react rapidly product was continuously
insoluble salts with many different with sulfide to form tightly-bound injected into the pipeline.
types of metal ions that might be organosulfur compounds. They may be
present in the produced water, causing applied as a solution in bubble towers The Results
fouling, filter blocking and injection- for gas treating, or atomized directly
Calcium and barium scale
well damage. into the gas streams. When used in
were effectively controlled,
water systems, rapid sulfide removal is
Hydrogen sulfide can be a natural and average corrosion
possible and, in many cases, insoluble
component of some petroleum rate was 0.15 mm/yr. H2S
metallic salts of sulfides can be
reservoirs, or it may arise from bacterial content was reduced to
re-dissolved with these products.
reduction of sulfur compounds in a maximum of 2 ppm.
The products designed for water and
the water. Most produced water that gas application form water-soluble,
contains hydrogen sulfide is disposed low-toxicity, biodegradable compounds
at, or near to, the production site, so which are non-corrosive and which will
safety and corrosion concerns must be not release hydrogen sulfideeven
considered in these systems. over extremes of pH variation.

Hydrogen sulfide scavengers Monitoring and management Direct injection scavengers
Purification Solutions technology from The level of H2S and other sulfur The most common application for H2S
M-ISWACO provides the worlds top- compounds will normally be a scavengers is direct injection into a
rated fixed-bed H2S scavenger used in part of the export specification for wet gas stream, frequently at the outlet
the oil and gas industry today. Please see hydrocarbon gases and liquids, to the three-phase separation train.
page 44 for the full range of Purification and monitored either online or very It is normal for the largest proportion
Solutions provided by M-I SWACO. regularly by operational personnel. of the H2S to be removed at the high-
The inlet level of H2S and other sulfur pressure separator. In most cases, the
A non-hazardous granular material
compounds should also be monitored water present in the wet gas stream
removes H2S from natural gas streams
online or on a very regular basis, from the three-phase separators will be
via a lead-lag-process. Unlike nearly
typically at least once per day. For most solely condensed water. Where some
all other scavengers that are liquids,
systems, the level of H2S and other produced or formation water is present,
SULFATREAT is solid, thereby
sulfur compounds should be measured significant carbonate scale problems
preventing foaming or carryover.
for individual wells, and this related to should be expected.
Its reactions are predictable and
individual flow rates to obtain a mass
reliable under a wide range Products destined for use in oil systems
balance on the contribution of H2S
of conditions. can be pumped directly into the
from the various sources. Once the
stream. They are completely soluble
scavenger system is operational and
and yield soluble, biologically-friendly
optimized, management will require
reaction by-products. In all cases,
regular field checks to ensure that
the reaction by-products are complex
further optimization is not required.
organic molecules containing sulfur,
nitrogen and carbon. Direct injection
scavengers can be very cost-effective in
applications where the total mass of H2S
to be treated is comparatively low and
where offshore space limitations restrict
equipment size.

Production chemicals Microbiocides

Managing microbiological activity

Wherever water is present Pili Capsule

there will always be the Peptidoglycan layer
Cell wall
threat of bacterial activity. Outer membrane
Left unmanaged, bacterial
colonies grow logarithmically, DNA
Production chemicals Microbiocides and Naphthenates

seriously impacting water Plasmid

injection and production
processes. Flagellum

The best approach is to have an
effective preventative program in place
from day onecontrolling potential
activity that may otherwise result in
slime formation, microbial influenced
corrosion (including pitting/under
deposit corrosion), injectivity index
impairment, reservoir souring (where
seawater is used as the secondary
recovery mechanism) and formation of
pyrophoric scale within the production
Ease of handling from West Africa to Asia, and Russia to
train due to the presence of H2S.
as far as Sakhalin Island.
Ratio of solubility in oil and water
Microbiocides fall into three
Microbiocide products
fundamental categories: those that Compatibility with construction
penetrate the cell and denature the materials and other process additives M-I SWACO provides a range of
protein (e.g. aldehydes), those that coat specialty chemicals designed to
the membrane and block the passage
Ability and requirement to penetrate
control a broad spectrum of
of nutrients across the cell wall biofilms and/or solid deposits within
anaerobic and aerobic bacteria,
(e.g. cationic surfactants), and the system.
particularly sulfate-reducing bacteria
those that lyse the cell wall (e.g. Economy of use for water injection, produced-water,
oxidizing biocides). and cooling-water systems.
Compatibility is particularly important These products are effective both
Microbiocides can be broken down since many bactericides that by their microbiocidal activity and by
further into two main sub-categories: demonstrate good performance in chemically modifying the environment
inorganic and organic. Inorganic distilled or soft water, for example, can to prevent harmful bacterial activity.
microbiocides are cost-effective become ineffective in saline or hard
disinfectants used in all types of water, even at high concentrations. Typical oilfield applications include
industrial systems, while organic water injection systems, process
microbiocides are a less corrosive Managing consortia systems, fuel systems, stagnant
option and can be used in combination To prevent water injection system water masses, and potable water
with inorganic alternatives, or as the souring the bacterial colony can be systems. The products are supported
sole treatment. shifted from sulphate-reducing bacteria in application through monitoring
(SRB) to nitrogen-reducing bacteria programs, including installation of
Microbiocide selection devices such as Robbins side-stream
(NRB); a practise that is increasingly
When selecting chemistries suitable being adopted across the industry. equipment to develop sessile biofilm
for industrial application, several colonies on retrievable studs.
factors must be assessed: M-I SWACO was one of the companies
that pioneered this energy-efficient
Mammalian and marine and/or approach, and today manage systems
freshwater toxicity from the Americas to the North Sea,
Production chemicals Naphthenates

Reducing naphthenate and carboxylate

formation to protect continuity and quality
Naturally occurring Hard solid deposits which can reduce
naphthenic acids in crude vessel residence times and result in
interface pad formation, loss of level
oil present significant flow
control and even total production
assurance challenges shutdown and consequent loss
during the production of revenue.
and refining process.
Partitioning of naphthenate soaps into
The term naphthenic acid is the water phase may cause oil in
broadly used for all carboxylic water to exceed discharge regulations.
acids and includes straight Treatment options
chain fatty acids as well as high- Mechanical options to clean the
molecular-weight carboxylic The effectiveness of particular
deposits are limited and depend on the
naphthenate inhibitors varies
acids containing one or type of naphthenate formed. Heat does
greatly from field to field, and the
more naphthenic rings. not dissolve the soaps and in certain
choice of solvent and surfactants
instances has been demonstrated to
Naphthenates needs to be appropriate for specific
make it worse. Chemical treatment
conditions. M-ISWACO provides
Naphthenic acids are considered options include use of acid demulsifiers,
recommendations based on its
as weak acids and remain soluble as well as naphthenate inhibitors
worldwide expertise in naphthenate
in crude oil. As the crude is that are non-acidic in nature.
treatment. Factors that must be
depressurized, pH changes occur
Organic acids are commonly used for considered include field pressure and
simultaneously, and above pH 5.0 the
treatment of naphthenate soaps. The temperature, and fluid characteristics.
naphthenic acids start dissociating.
acids suppress water pH and prevent Laboratory test methodologies are
In this process these acids react with
the dissociation of naphthenic acids to designed based on the proposed
cations in water such as Ca, Fe, Mg,
reduce the naphthenate soap formation. type of naphthenate treatment able
and Na to form a soap complex.
Acetic acid and phosphoric acids are to meet the desired results and field
There are two types of naphthenate often used, and several other acids monitoring techniques. Economics,
soaps/complexes that deserve important have also been evaluated. One of the effectiveness, environmental and
consideration from a flow assurance drawbacks of acid treatment is that safety issues are also considered.
perspective: the metal carboxylate large volumes of acids are needed to
M-I SWACO has developed patented
soap emulsions formed by reaction of suppress pH. There are also health,
technology covering application
monocarboxylic naphthenic acids with safety and environmental considerations
methodology and high performance
metal cations, and calcium naphthenate related to the handling of these acids.
non-acid chemistry.
hard scales formed as a result of
Non-acid surfactants have been used
reaction between high-molecular-weight
successfully when added early in the
polycarboxylic acids with calcium.
system. Use of these products may also
Flow assurance challenges include: significantly reduce the requirement
for organic acids. These non-acid
Loss of revenue due to higher
naphthenate inhibitors can be injected
proportion of dissolved salts in crude
at much lower dose rates compared
oil, which reduces its sale value.
to acids, and pose less health and
Accumulation of the carboxylic soap safety risks.
at the oil/water interface, impacting
separator level control.

Production chemicals Paraffin inhibitors

Safeguarding system uptime

by controlling paraffin deposition
Petroleum fluids are unique, Paraffin treatment and removal Paraffin dispersants are used where
complex hydrocarbon mixtures Paraffin treatments prevent or inhibit crystal modification is not possible due
the formation of waxes through the use to the presence of extremely-high-
containing linear chains from
of dispersants and crystal modifiers. molecular-weight paraffins. Dispersants
C1 to C100+, asphaltenes, fatty coat the paraffin crystal and metal
Paraffin removal utilizes
acids, resins and other organic mechanical, thermal and chemical surfaces, causing paraffin crystals
Production chemicals Paraffin inhibitors

and inorganic elements. means to physically treat to repel each other and the metal
waxes after their formation. surfaces. This approach to paraffin
Higher-molecular-weight control does not prevent the growth of
components begin to Single or combined treatments may crystals, but stops them agglomerating
precipitate as solids and/or use one or more of the following to form a solid deposit and keeps
increase the gellation and pour types of paraffin control products: them transported within the crude.
point properties of the fluid. Paraffin solvents to remove existing Advantages of using paraffin
deposits and enhance crude solvency. treatment chemicals include:
Paraffin inhibitors
The paraffins, also referred to as
Paraffin dispersants to assist Reduction in crude oil viscosity
waxes, can crystallize and cause removal of existing deposits and
prevent deposition. Reduction in heating demands
operational problems throughout the
resulting in energy savings.
production and transport system as Paraffin inhibitors/crystal modifiers
they can solidify in the bulk oil as to inhibit paraffin crystallization Maintained fluid flow through
discrete particles or crystals, and and deposition. the pipeline.
condense onto cooled surfaces such
PPD to reduce the native crude Reduction in solids build-up
as pipe walls and tubulars. The vast

majority of waxes will crystallize in pour-point, viscosity profile and Mitigation of lost production
bulk oil, impacting its low temperature gel characteristics.
flow behavior and potentially When designing chemical treatments
Paraffin inhibitors are one of the most to address an operators specific
resulting in pumping and restart widely-used chemical mitigation
difficulties. Another issue, especially paraffin challenges, M-ISWACO
techniques in treating deposition issues. starts with gathering field information
for subsea flowlines, is the build-up
of solid waxy layers on pipe walls. Acting as crystal modifiers, they about the particular issues then
are incorporated onto the face of a designs and implements appropriate
Once system temperatures fall below growing paraffin crystal, interrupting its laboratory tests. Factors considered
the cloud-point, wax has the potential structure, changing its formation rate in recommending solutions include:
to deposit and will require some form and thereby reducing the formation economics and effectiveness,
of control and removal. of three-dimensional networks. The environmental and safety issues,
paraffin inhibitor must have sufficient storage issues, and physical
compatibility with the host crystal specifications such as viscosity
to adsorb onto the surface to disrupt and flash point. Based on these
subsequent crystal growth. considerations, paraffin control
products are designed by combining
the inhibitors and solvents. Surfactants
can then be added to the formulation
based on the nature of problem.

Central North Sea

Wax deposition
prevented for more
than five years
The Situation
The multiphase flowlines
of an offshore field were
at risk of wax deposition.
Due to the environmentally
sensitive area, an inhibitor
was needed that combined
high performance with low
environmental impact, and
remained effective within
flowlines between 8-12
diameter and up to 32 km long.

The Solution
Following laboratory testing
and field optimization, PI-7258
was applied continuously into
the multiphase production lines
at dose rates of 50-500 ppm,
depending on conditions.

The Results
PI-7258 has successfully
mitigated wax deposition for
more than five years. It has
also been batch injected
on shutdown/startup and
pigging operations. Improved
demulsification has also
resulted from the effective
long-term prevention of
wax formation.

Production chemicals Scale inhibitors

Maintain or restore flow rates

As temperature, pressure, Dynamic tube-blocking tests at Pre-emptive squeezing of

and water chemistry vary high-temperature, high-pressure reservoirs using non aqueous base
(HTHP) and low-temperature, scale inhibitors.
through the plant and during
low-pressure (LTLP) for determination
the life of the field, an effective of injection dosage or minimum
Tagged and end-capped polymeric
scale management plan is scale inhibitors.
inhibitor (i.e. threshold) concentration.
Production chemicals Scale inhibitors

essential. The design should Gas-lift scale inhibition

reflect the current status while Environmental compliance
M-I SWACO has developed a range of
establishing contingencies to M-I SWACO ecotoxicological
cost-effective gas-lift scale inhibitors that
laboratories in Norway and the US
cover forecast and unpredicted can be customized for any scaling regime
are good laboratory practice (GLP)
events. M-I SWACO conducts compliant to ensure that proposed
within production tubing. Fully assessed
more scale-squeeze treatments products comply with each countrys
for inhibition, they are evaluated using a
in the North Sea than any technique that examines performance
environmental requirements.
under dynamic conditions.
other provider.
Ecotoxicological tests performed
Our cutting-edge gas-lift scale inhibitors
Scale inhibitors include biodegradation (OECD 306),
all exhibit four key characteristics:
bioaccumulation (OECD 117, 107)
M-I SWACO has designed an
and toxicity testing. While most scale Acceptable environmental properties
effective scale management

inhibitors demonstrate relatively

strategy that considers: Viscosity of <20 cP as supplied and
low marine toxicity and tend not
Prediction of scale formation to bioaccumulate, their very low after any volatile loss
and location. biodegradability means these chemicals Corrosivity of <0.1 mm/yr
can exhibit high levels of persistence.
Evaluation of the various potential Compatibility with a wide range
To meet demand for continuous

inhibitor chemicals. of brine compositions, including

improvement in environmental
Deployment techniques for acceptability, M-I SWACO has high calcium
long-term effectiveness. developed a range of new,
Pre-emptive squeezing with
biodegradable, polymeric and
Alternative options for scale removal non-aqueous-base scale inhibitors
phosphorus-containing scale inhibitors.
M-I SWACO has conducted extensive
Tailored solutions
Innovative technologies for demanding research identifying chemistries
Our all-inclusive portfolio of conditions and deployment techniques for
environmentally-acceptable scale squeezes using non-aqueous-base
The operational demands placed
inhibitors and treatment methods scale inhibitors. Regardless of
on scale management solutions
is the result of one of the industrys chemistry or deployment method,
include increasingly complicated
most extensive laboratory evaluation the main drivers for developing non-
well completions, production from
programs. Products selected from aqueous-base scale inhibitors are:
harsh environments such as HTHP
our pre-screening process undergo
and deepwater fields, and stricter Scale protection prior to a well
laboratory evaluation based on a

environmental regulations. To meet cutting water.

customers criteria for deploying
these demands, M-I SWACO has
chemical treatments. Our technical Requirement for lower density
invested heavily in developing new

service scale laboratories have the squeeze packages in

scale-control technology, creating a
expertise and tools to carry out all the depleted reservoirs.
comprehensive line of scale-inhibitor
tests required for qualifying a suitable
chemistries that include deployment
product package including: Protecting water-sensitive reservoirs
techniques that focus on three key areas:
from formation damage.
Static pre-screening for compatibility, Continuous down hole injection via
efficiency and adsorption
gas-lift and capillary injection.

Water OK Water mix
Salinity compatibility
(Ca, Mg, Cl)
OK Temperature
Scale stability
Review of Bulk MIC Static bulk Dynamic
Static tube Back
the system Temperature precipitation precipication Dynamic
testing blocking pressure
(MultiScale) efficiency efficiency MIC
Oil Flow rate

Elastomer Blank
OK scale time

Corrosion Pass/Fail
testing criteria

Bulk Recommended Scale deposition

precipitation dosage incl. and blocking
inhibition safety factor MIC inhibition

Scale Formation damage
TEST SI-221 based on Coreflood Derived Isotherm Squeeze?

Residual Inhibitor Concentration (ppm)


Application Coreflooding Test of additives


Scale inhibitor
Static retention and
adsorption return
MIC TEST SI-221 Isotherm/

Squeeze design
0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000
Cumulative Produced Water (m3)

properties of this promising technology.

Non-aqueous-base scale inhibitors Green downhole scale inhibition
are required for wells where severe using biopolymers Traditional phosphonates have been
scaling is predicted at the onset of used extensively for scale squeeze,
M-I SWACO is at the forefront of
water production, or for unmanned but their geometrically locked
biopolymer development for downhole
platforms where lengthy mobilization backbone and sterically-hindered
scale inhibition. Biopolymers are
time can threaten the asset. functional groups prevent bacteria
considered the most environmentally
from breaking them down in seawater.
Many operators now consider friendly chemistry for topside and
pre-emptive treatment with a non- subsea scale control. Biopolymer Phosphonates are preferred for scale
aqueous-base scale inhibitor package chemistry meets the requirement squeeze applications because of their
an essential requirement of their of no harmful discharge to the sea low minimum inhibitory concentration
total scale management strategy. because the molecules are completely (MIC), long treatment lifetime, and low
degraded after discharge. level detection monitoring capabilities.
Key features of these non-aqueous-
base scale inhibitors are that they: While biopolymers have been used Ongoing research has identified
for scale squeeze, they require some phosphonates that show
Are customizable to any optimization for temperature stability significant biological degradation
scaling regime and adsorption/desorption properties in in seawater. These are being
the reservoir. Technology development evaluated for efficiency, temperature
Eliminate the tendency for
has yielded several molecules that stability, adsorption/desorption
emulsion formation.
are temperature stable above 248F properties, detection in produced
Have proven field results (120C) and that show outstanding water, and compatibility.
efficiency for scale inhibitioneven
Stimulate oil production
better than traditional phosphonate
after squeezing
chemistry. Our researchers are also
evaluating the in-reservoir adsorption

Production chemicals Tracer dyes

Tracking fluids to understand fluid flow

Knowing where fluids are

flowing can be a vital element
in protecting the environment,
optimizing applications and
enhancing production.
Production chemicals Tracer dyes and Water clarifiers

Tracer dyes
Tracers have been applied in the oil
and gas industry since the early 60s
for a number of purposes. These have
included: leak detection (proactively
in hydro-testing and reactively in
association with a spill) to monitor near-
wellbore and inter-well connectivity
to assist in reservoir management and
maximize recovery rates, to minimize
water injection and water production
rates by optimizing flow patterns, and
to better optimize inhibitor squeeze
programs, amongst others.

Compounds used for this purpose

include: radioactive species, stable
isotopes, chemicals such as fluorescent
dyes, inorganic ions and aromatic acids Perhaps the most commonly used tracer temperature is not a key factor, such
(e.g.) NSA and FBA. Some of the early in the oil and gas industry is fluorescein. as surface or pipeline applications, it is
chemical tracers were rejected due Not only is it stable in reservoirs as another option. For higher temperature
to adsorption onto the rock and hot as 250C, it has a detection limit of applications it can still be a useful
so radioactive species, with a low approximately 10 parts per trillion using tool, if used in combination with more
detection limit, a low reactivity, and conventional spectrofluorometry. In thermally-stable fluorescent compounds
a low presence in the environment addition, since it fluoresces in the visible as a reactive tracer to measure
became widely used. However, their use spectra, fluorescein can be detected the effective temperature along an
has become more restricted in response using a simple, inexpensive and easily injection-production pathway. Where
to the radioactive hazards associated operated fluorometer. colorimetric dyes are not preferred, for
with their use, hence a new range of example in or near rivers or near shore
A compound closely related to
non-radioactive tracers were developed applications, UV reactive dyes are an
fluorescein is rhodamine. While
and tested in the 90s based on the effective alternative.
rhodamine does not possess the
aromatic acids. same level of thermal stability, where

Production chemicals Water clarifiers

Meeting water injection, reuse

or disposal requirements
Water clarifiers, or
reverse demulsifiers,
work on emulsions and
dispersions where water is
the continuous phase and
oil the dispersed phase.
In production systems
normal and reverse types
of emulsions and dispersions
can be present. Water
clarifiers work on the water,
helping to remove oil and
other insoluble matter.
Water clarifiers Polymers vary in chemistry, molecular Handling characteristics and method of
weight and physical form, may require use must be considered when designing
As a field matures, more water is
special handling and can exhibit the field application. In ARCTIC and cold
produced that can limit production,
relatively short shelf lives. The easiest weather conditions, water clarifiers
particularly when this water must meet
to work with are the solution polymers, must be winterized or applied in a
purity specifications before injection,
which can be applied neat or as a climate-controlled environment to avoid
reuse, or disposal. As an industry, we
dilution. These are generally low-solids- separation or freeze/thaw issues. Each
produce six times more water than
solutions due to the high molecular system should be evaluated individually
oila trend that is only increasing.
weight and are generally used as because, like demulsification, fluids and
As water is ionic while oil is not, filtration aids in mixed-media filters. conditions vary, and the system of oil
clarification generally employs charged separation varies from case to case.
More concentrated polymers are
chemistries with specific solubility
delivered in different forms of emulsions, When recommending a water clarifier
depending on the ionic strength of the
whereby polymers in water droplets are solution, M-ISWACO considers
water. Generally, fresher waters present
then emulsified in oil. This technology important factors including location,
a greater challenge in water clarification
is widely used; however, the treatment environment, and the limitations of the
than higher-density, more-mineral-laden
requires an initial residence in the equipment and facilities. Each item
brines. This is because the emulsion or
system for the polymer to invert and is thoroughly evaluated to minimize
droplets are more readily disrupted by
yield. Similarly, solid product has been facility disruption and lower costs.
the higher charge densities present in
dispersed in a non-toxic, organic carrier. Our water clarification range covers
brines allied to the higher differential
These organic dispersions have become all product types, and our procedures
density between the brine and oil.
commonplace, with the solids levels of enable us to test any variation of
Water clarifiers come in three basic these products achieving up to 50%, but separation equipment on site to optimize
types: non-ionic, cationic, and again require residence in the system. a solution for each application.
anionic. They are generally classified Recent developments have led to brine
as polymeric flocculants and metal dispersions of high-molecular-weight-
salts. The salts are inorganic and polymers that are ready for use.
are excellent in gross treatments;
however, they can produce loose flocs
(precipitated flakes), and are often
unsuitable for some separation systems
(e.g. hydrocyclones). In those situations
polymers prove more effective.

Flow improvers

Quickly increase flow rates

and reduce costs
Drag reducer agents (DRAs) Applications
are chemicals used to reduce DRAs are applied in pipelines where
frictional pressure losses the Reynolds number (the ratio of
inertial to viscous forces) is higher than
in a pipeline.
the transitional flow regime, resulting
This is an effective way in turbulent flow. This means there is
Flow improvers

of increasing flow-rate a wide range of applications from the

semi-heavy to the lightest of crude oils,
potentials, decreasing
and also in refined products such as
operational pressures, and gasoline and diesel. Objectives of DRA
reducing operational costs applications typically include one or
by saving energy or even more of the following:
by-passing or suppressing
Flow improvers

Decrease discharge pressure while

one or more pump stations maintaining flow rate.
in a pipeline system.
Increase flow rate while maintaining
Drag reducer agents operational pressure.
Oil DRA chemicals are generally Increase flow rate while decreasing
composed of two phases: solid and M-I SWACO is a leading global supplier
operational pressure.
liquid. Solid phases are commonly long- of DRA products. Our manufacturing
chain polymers of very high molecular Reduce energy and operational costs facility in Finland provides sufficient
weight. Liquid phases vary and can be by shutting down pumps. production capacity to ensure fast,
vegetable oils, water, or even some reliable delivery even for high-
Faster transfer of crude or refined
alcohol blends. M-I SWACO Production consumption projects. The company
products through pipelines.
Technologies NECADD series (447, has researched and implemented
477, 479, 271) uses vegetable oils in Accommodate additional stock for the best technology in DRA injection
its products that are compatible with new producing wells. skids suitable for any metrological or
crude oil and refined products and operational conditions. Our specialist
Provides for peak flow while
ensure low environmental impact. technical support experts analyze
minimizing CAPEX.
each customers specific operational
requirements and use performance
predictions and software simulations to
help develop tailored recommendations
for DRA solutions that will deliver the
best results.


Drag reduced in
subsea multiphase
pipeline by 30.5%
The Situation
An operator in offshore
Indonesia needed to reduce
operational pressure at a
platform to increase oil
production through a
multiphase pipeline. Three-
phase flow within the subsea
pipeline segment made it
considerably more difficult
to dissolve a conventional
DRA is not restricted to hydrocarbon DRA injection equipment drag reducing agent.
application: flow improvement in water M-I SWACO manufactures equipment
injection facilities can also benefit from The Solution
for the injection, handling and storage
the application of water-based drag Based on an evaluation of
of drag reducing products to Zone 1 or 2
reducers. These products are typically operational conditions at
requirements, as specified by the client.
water-soluble polymers and amphoteric that time, NECADD 271 was
surfactants. The former presents the This includes: chosen and injected during
most cost-effective solution; however, a five-day period at a dosage
Stand-alone injection skids
for produced water re-injection, of 250 ppmthe optimal
surfactant technology mitigates the Containerized injection skids concentration to initiate
risk of oil flocculation and provides effective drag reduction.
Homogenization (recirculation) skids
secondary benefits in terms of acid gas
corrosion inhibition. Pressurized air supply skids The Results
NECADD 271 reduced drag
Heated field warehouse
by 30.5% in the multiphase
Heated field warehouse pipeline, leading to a 13.4%
with conveyor increase in flow rate while
reducing discharge pressure
by 12.7%. Neither the balance
of the system nor the integrity
of the pipeline was affected
by the treatment levels, with
no residual emulsion build-up
in the separators or carryover
to the export pumps.

Produced water and sand management

Increase production
with superior separation
Produced water is the largest CYCLOTECH PECT-F
volume waste stream in oil Pre-coalescer for improving Forties, North Sea, UK
separation efficiency of a
and gas production, with
deoiling hydrocyclone Retrofit delivers
an estimated 240m bbl/day
EPCON CFU Technology results for less than
worldwide requiring

treatment and disposal. All-inclusive field-proven technology 7% of the cost of

for treating produced water. replacement
Combined with increasing
Compact Sand and Solids The Situation
quantities of produced sand,
Management Systems An ageing deoiling
it threatens production hydrocyclone liner system
Designed to accommodate a wide
capacity, flow assurance and operating envelope rather than a fixed operating across four vessels
environmental compliance. point, our dynamic systems increase was underperforming.
your ability to manage the uncertainty The operator faced having
Produced water and sand to remove the existing system
of produced sand. Managing the
management concentrations of sand within the for total replacement, which
M-I SWACO provides dynamic process enables a continuous conveyor would incur significant costs
systems for the optimized treatment of state to be achieved in minutes and system downtime.
produced sand and water to increase avoiding blockages and downtime.
Produced water and sand management

production-process efficiency. Our The Solution

compact, proven and reliable systems Rely on our vast experience and As an alternative to total
remove produced water and sand at the lessons weve learned to create replacement, the M-I SWACO
the earliest opportunity in the process, solutions that meet your requirements team carried out a retrofit
maximizing production capacity and and provide the highest levels of of new high-efficiency
safeguarding assets. flexibility to deal with the unpredicted. equipment. Working within
Our range includes: one shift per vessel, the
Compact Water Management Systems retrofit was performed without
Our robustly engineered systems are CYCLOTECH Sand Receiving and any hot work and without
based on elegant designs without Cleaning Systems modifications to pipework,
moving parts to ensure reliability and Efficient, compact and robust post- valves or instrumentation.
constant availability. With instantaneous separation treatment technology.
turndown you can optimize system The Results
performance to deal with variations in The new equipment
Continuous and Batch Sand
flow over the life of your field. Integrated increased flow capacity
Proprietary sand removal technology
systems help reduce operational by 80%, and improved oil-
effective in continuous and
requirements, with fully-automated, self- water separation by 35%,
batch modes.
tuning capabilities that enable systems enabling production to quickly
to be installed in more remote locations CYCLOTECH WDC Series Wellhead approach expected levels.
and platforms to be de-manned. Desanding Cyclones The retrofit cost just 1/15th of
Customized new-generation solids equipment replacement.
Our range includes:
separation technology.
De-bottlenecking and
B20 Series Deoiling Hydrocyclones
performance enhancement
Robust central component to
integrated produced water We provide technologies that enhance
treatment strategy. the capacity and performance of existing
equipment as water and sand production
increases, or as current equipment
MC Series Desanding Hydrocyclones
ages. The cost, time and space efficient
Designed specifically for demanding
upgrade options are superior to
upstream oil and gas operations
40 conventional replacement solutions.
Process equipment rental Flexible and dynamic
We can help de-bottleneck your Optimize performance to continuously North Sea, UK
production operations with long or varying process conditions with minimal
short-term lease contracts and fast operator intervention. Because our 80% of produced
response to process problems. systems are self-reliant, self-monitoring, water eliminated
The equipment is available and and self-tuning can be fully automated to at source
supported globally at a local level, dynamically optimize performance while
Our partial-processing
which ensures we can assist in minimizing environmental impact.
system recently eliminated
the design and integration of these
For example, the EPCON LOGIC 80% of produced water at
temporary systems.
automated control system continually source, enabling a client
Our range includes: monitors the EPCON Compact Flotation to open up production
Unit (CFU) to reduce oily discharges and achieve a return on
Full production-scale produced
during process upsets offshore. Its investment in just 53 days.
water treatment
advanced algorithms remove the
Small-scale produced need for manual tuning, while its
water treatment real-time process diagnostics reduce Compact and reliable
Full production-scale sand personnel risks by making laboratory Take advantage of smaller-footprint,
management sampling unnecessary. lighter-weight engineering without
compromising on efficiency or reliability.
Aftermarket services Fit-for-purpose
We offer an inventory of services for the Meet your process requirements
management of critical spares for any for the life of the field. Our expertise
produced water and sand management enables us to design and engineer
system. In addition, we provide remote bespoke solutions that meet the
and on-site support to investigate and demands of the application by drawing
assist with separation issues, process upon our portfolio of class-leading
de-bottlenecking, condition monitoring processing technologies and over
and equipment maintenance. 15 years global experience delivering
successful produced water and sand
management solutions.

CYCLOTECH wellhead desanding M-I SWACO provides dynamic systems World-class specialists combine to
cyclone installed on a platform in for superior separation offer unrivalled client support
the UK North Sea

Descaling, NORM-decontamination and decommissioning

Unlock revenue

Along with advanced and site-specific

Descaling, NORM-decontamination and decommissioning

analytical methodologies, M-I SWACO

provides an extensive portfolio of new-
generation scale dissolvers that are
non-corrosive and environmentally
acceptable. Supplied as concentrated
blends, EXKAL scale dissolvers
effectively reduce chemical volumes to
help manage overall treatment costs.

Our ability to deliver mobile

on-site solutions makes the EXKAL
service package ideal for remote
Mineral scale deposition A comprehensive service package locations, or projects where
can seal the most permeable A comprehensive service package access is difficult with restricted
reservoir, requiring operators effectively removes the obstacles water and energy consumption.
that restrict production, while
to find or create pathways Integrated solutions
reducing the costs and hazards of
to maximize production. decommissioning and decontamination. Specialists within the M-I SWACO
Regardless of scale type team analyze your particular situation
and location, deposition The benefits of EXKAL include: and customize a treatment strategy
must be dealt with quickly, Compliant with strict environmental that incorporates our portfolio
effectively and safely. regulations, including North of safe and non-damaging scale
Sea legislation dissolvers and related services.
Descaling, NORM-
Removes scale-related These solutions include:
decontamination and

production restrictions Deployment of waste injection


Reduces personnel risks technology with EXKAL service

Scale deposition restricts production,

and increases the costs and risks Operates effectively in remote, Production chemistry expertise
associated with decommissioning constrained locations
and NORM (naturally-occurring
M-I SWACO drilling and production
radioactive material)-decontamination. Minimizes environmental impact waste management capabilities
Our all-inclusive EXKAL service Chemical recycling and reuse
Recovers valuable hydrocarbons

gives operators a project specific,

during decommissioning Modifying waste streams to meet
single-source solution for their most

challenging scale problems: Delivers safe, cost- local regulatory requirements

effective decommissioning Solids reinjection
Integrates scale, production

chemistry Maximizes value of producing asset Integration with EPCON CFU

and waste management technologies technology to separate and treat
Reduces treatment and waste
Comprehensive suite of cost-effective management costs waste materials prior to discharge
scale dissolvers. or injection
The all-inclusive EXKAL service
Mobile, on-site NORM- package removes the continual Integration with Schlumberger
decontamination requirement to combat downhole coiled-tubing services, flow
or topsides scale deposition. assurance processes, Jet Blaster
Downhole, topsides and midstream and related services
M-I SWACO provides scale deposition
scale treatment
remediation specialists, together with
Pre-project analytical services comprehensive, safe and cost-effective
chemical and mechanical solutions.
Decommissioning technologies
42 and services
Understanding scale types Elemental radioactivity is the result of
electrochemical processes in wells
The performance of scale dissolvers
and process streams that can lead to
is defined by the treatment design
the radioactive plating of surfaces and
that implements them. First, our
contaminate equipment with Lead-210
specialists determine the location
and other isotopes.
of scale accumulation, whether it
is reducing reservoir permeability Experts analyze scale deposit samples
downhole, or restricting fluid flow to determine factors such as dissolution
in surface process equipment. The rate and sequestering capacities, which
next key step is to then identify the are used as input data for treatment
precise nature of the mineral scale. designs. For downhole applications, the
deposit thickness, the specific intervals
Examples are:
where scale has accumulated, and the The known chemical compositions
Sulfate, which is the result of mixing candidate dissolver performance are of each of the component fluids
brines such as barium-rich formation evaluated to calculate the treatment then allows the mineralogy of the
water and sulfate-rich seawater for volumes, placement procedure removed scale species to be identified
reservoir pressure maintenance. and contact times. If the build-up is as either CaCO3, CaSO4, Fe2O3,
This mixture leads to the deposition concentrated on the topside, scale FeCO3, FeS, BaSO4 and SrSO4.
of barium sulfate scale. removal and NORM-decontamination
Carbonate is the most common operations are executed with a simple Combining chemical and
oilfield scale and occurs when soak or monitored closed-loop treatment. mechanical solutions
CO2 comes out of solution during
Post-treatment analysis Every component within the EXKAL
production, resulting in calcium
product line has been tested extensively
carbonate deposition. As a routine part of its descaling
and demonstrates the best possible
operation, the EXKAL team relies on
Sulfide scales form in the presence of environmental performance and
the proprietary D-SCAL diagnostic
sour waters. H2S can occur naturally elastomer compatibility, while posing
software package to provide post-
or as a result of sulfate-reducing little to no corrosion threat when
treatment analysis. With this tool we
bacteria (SRB) that produce H2S gas in contact with any of the standard
are able to determine the efficiency
as a by-product of their respiratory metallurgies used in the oilfield.
of the treatment by separating
process. In the presence of ferrous
the complex mixture of returning Complementing our wide range of
iron, this gas can form pyrophoric i
fluids into spearhead, dissolver, chemical offerings are the very latest
ron sulfide deposits. Other metal
formation water, and seawater. in mechanical solutions, including
sulfides may also occur such
as zinc or mercury. ultra-high pressure water jetting and
proprietary plasma-cutting technologies.

Purification solutions

Customized purification
products and services
M-ISWACO is a world-leader preferences or tighter regulations, SELECT products are high capacity,
in the removal of contaminants often without additional capital fast-reacting absorbents with patented
equipment or system retrofitting. technology for enhanced porosity
from gaseous and liquid
and improved activity. This allows for
hydrocarbon streams, setting Predictable pressure drops, long
smaller vessels and smaller product
the standard for H2S removal bed-life, easy and safe handling, and
volumes in a given process application,
a simple, reliable operation are a few
for over 25 years. Our products, providing flexibility in system design.
of the features of the M-ISWACO
which include mercury
fixed-bed process. In addition to the fixed-bed systems,
removal, treat nearly 3trillion we also offer a range of liquid-based
cubic feet of gas annually in Purification products H2S removal scavengers. Customer
more than 1,500 applications M-ISWACO offers two primary product requirements for each application are
in over 20 countries. lines: SULFATREAT and SELECT. assessed independently to identify
the most cost-effective treatment
Purification solutions SULFATREAT products utilize proprietary
solution, which may be a fixed-bed
iron chemistry to selectively remove
M-ISWACO purification products are system, a consolidated solution, or
H2S and light mercaptans from
used in fixed-bed processes that are bulk removal with liquids followed
water-saturated gas. The breadth of
simple, easy to operate, with minimal by fixed-bed polishing. This flexibility
application includes: CO2 streams, light
Purification solutions

operator attention. Product consumption is particularly beneficial when plot

hydrocarbons, water, air, geothermal
is dependent only on the amount of space or footprint is a concern, for
vapors, landfill gas, and biogas. The
contaminant passing through the bed. example, on an offshore installation.
products are non-pyrophoric and
The flexibility of the fixed-bed environmentally safe in unreacted Purification applications
process allows the system to adapt to and ready-for-disposal forms.
While gas processing is the primary
variations in process conditions that
SELECT products utilize mixed metal market for M-ISWACO purification
may result from changes in operating
oxide chemistry to selectively remove products, the range of absorbents
H2S, light mercaptans, mercury and will work effectively in most gaseous
other contaminants from streams. The diverse range of
gaseous and liquid operating applications includes:
hydrocarbons at Gas processing plants
low temperatures.
The products are
Offshore platforms
suitable for use FPSOs
in both dry Early production systems
and wet gas Gas storage
Vent gas treatment
Waste water treatment
Landfill gas
Food grade CO2
Odor control
Petrochemical plants

Purification equipment determined by flow and contaminant Change-outs and disposal
Years of experience across diverse levels. Optional monitoring around It is recommended that change-outs are
applications and markets give us the the treatment system envelope can handled by catalyst handling specialists.
unrivalled resources and expertise include gas temperature and pressure Assistance is available in determining
to design a treatment solution to suit differential measurement. These the best option for the recycling/disposal
any operators specific requirements. measurements are used to confirm of spent material. Disposal routes
Proprietary software modeling is used anticipated design operating conditions are well established and personnel
to deliver system designs that are and the impact of changes over time. are available for on-site installation
technically robust, reliable, effective and removal support, as needed.
Engineered technical solutions
and fit-for-purpose.
We design treatment systems Quality assurance and technical support
The most basic single vessel design that address specific process SULFATREAT and SELECT products
requires a temporary bypass or conditions and defined operating are manufactured to stringent quality
interruption to the gas flow to philosophies. Our tailored support specifications. Bespoke software
replace spent media. Conversely, a ranges from basic media provision modeling and computerized predictability
lead/lag configuration provides the through to a fully-engineered allows the development of best-fit
greatest operating flexibility, enabling technical solution comprising: system design and operations for each
operations to continue while media
Basic system design site. To ensure a successful process,
is replaced. A parallel design is also
highly trained personnel support the
possible, generally where pressure Media supply
application through every step.
drop is a critical process parameter. Detailed engineering
To prevent excess free liquids from Fabrication package Global expertise and support
adversely affecting system performance, Equipment supply M-ISWACO has several dedicated
an inlet separator is placed upstream specialist laboratories for the research,
Spent-media handling
to remove them from the gas stream, development and testing of fixed-
irrespective of vessel configuration. M-ISWACO is also uniquely positioned bed absorbent media and alternative
to offer effective alternative solutions purification systems. As part of a
Monitoring to existing fixed-bed scavenger global network of advanced oilfield
The outlet level of H2S or mercury rises systems. We assess incumbent R&D laboratories, these world-class
gradually at the end of the beds life, applications and provide comparative facilities offer customers fast access
indicating the need for replacement. performance outcomes for review. to new product developments. A
Incorporating this early warning comprehensive network of industry
period into routine monitoring allows for specialists, engineering organizations,
planned, convenient product change- and experienced personnel supports our
out. Computer modeling provides portfolio. They are focused on delivering
information on predicted performance tailored solutions and fast, effective and
parameters, with bed loading safe on-site services around the world.

Capabilities and resources Management services

Flow assurance, scale

and integrity management
Increasingly remote and This enables operators to: Training and competency
complex operations require Underpins continuous improvement
Mitigate non-productive time
greater alignment between Interactive business
Maximize production rates
operator and service provider performance review
to deliver excellence in Minimize the total cost of operations Measure, share, improve
execution and maximum This is what we call Integrated AVOCET PROCHEM production
value in operation. Production Chemicals Engineering chemical data management software
(IPCE), which is managed and
Management services supported with software led by the
With all the easy oil found, the race is a leading-edge production data
to keep up with market demand is management and flow assurance
driving the industry deeper and further, The management program is built upon system integrated with market-
to produce from ever-more complex eight key elements and 11 key stages: proven tools such as Pipesim, Olga,
reserves. This dynamic is why todays Scalechem, ScalesoftPizer, Squeeze
HSE VI, Norsok, BP Cassandra, MultiFlash,
oil and gas industry attracts some of Aligned guiding principles DBRHydrate, and more.
Capabilities and resources Management services

the greatest engineers and chemists.

And its also why M-I SWACO remains Roles and responsibilities AVOCET PROCHEM platform enables
focused on needs, delivery, people, Clear and simple reliable, real-time production
technology and valuenot simply on performance monitoring and analysis
Processes and practices
products and unit price. for more accurate decision-making.
Consistent and effective
Today, providing a product, solution The system also acts as a central
or service is not enough: as a service repository and information exchange
Measuring what is important
provider we must step up and meet the platform for all data relating to:
increasing and exacting needs of the Data acquisition, collation
industry. We must build the technology and reporting Flow assurance and
pathway and develop smarter methods Knowledge management integrity management
of working to ensure projects deliver on Production and product performance
Problem solving

time, on budget and provide continuous

Central to success Inventory management and
value improvement throughout, from

first-oil to end-of-field-life. Application risk evaluation commercial performance

Driving the process Lab data and trend analysis
Integrated production chemicals
engineering Project management
(Balanced scorecards)
M-I SWACO has held this vision
Professional, effective, aligned
for many years and invested in it's
people, processes, infrastructure and Best practice
also supports services by locating Providing access to the market
technical facilities close to clients
operating centers. We have invested in
Environmental stewardship
management programs and software Improving impact,
systems that allow our technologists preserving reputation
and field engineers to model, monitor Commercial structures/contracts
and visualize system conditions to Performance driven
anticipate changes.
Peer review & audit
Nothing better than a fresh pair
of (competent) eyes

Technology delivery and support Technology centers are located in:
IPCE and AVOCET PROCHEM are the Houston, St. Louis, Aberdeen,
foundation and guiding principles that Basingstoke, Stavanger, Oslo, Porvoo,
enable the process to be managed Dubai and Perth.
and accurately monitorednow the
technology can deliver its value. Technical service centers are
To ensure our clients receive the best additionally located in:
support industry can offer, we have
Nisku-Canada, Broussard-Louisiana,
established technology groups led by
Bogota-Colombia, Bergen-Norway.
discipline leaders that are recognized
Volski-Russia and Bangkok-Thailand.
across our industry in the field they
These are supplemented by local
represent; their role is to ensure that
facilities in all countries where
specific applications are correctly
we operate.
assessed, effective and fit-for-purpose
products are selected, and the success SLB complementary services
in application is accurately measured.
Today, M-I SWACO, as a wholly owned
The results drive actions to ensure
Schlumberger Company, brings even
continuous improvement.
greater access and opportunity to deliver
The key technology groups are: a total service offering to our clients.
Key segments within Schlumberger can
Separation Solutions
support the delivery of field performance.
Water clarification,
The Production Technology Group is
filtration and demulsification
closely aligned with:
Organic Flow Assurance Flow Assurance Consulting
Wax, asphaltene and napthenate Flow assurance consultancy
Inorganic Flow Assurance Well Services
Scale and hydrate Pressure pumping, coil tubing, caliper
Integrity Management surveys, rigless intervention
Corrosion, microbiology Wireline and Testing
and deepwater Well logging, production testing and
Flow Improvement early production facilities
DRA Reservoir and Analytical Services
Gas Purification PVT, wet chemistry, lithology and
H2S, mercury and compact solutions geochemical analysis.

Solid/Liquid Separation
Reservoir Fluid Analysis
Compact cyclonic Leading-edge fluid analysis and
separation solutions application assessment.

The technology groups are the product

Production Management
line custodians. As specialist advisory Full field management and field
groups, they manage commercialization development
of new technology and support the
global service organization that provides
the direct application and support
services to the field.

Capabilities and resources Ecotoxicological testing laboratories

Focus on environmental performance

M-I SWACO has laboratories in in the food chain, which makes it practices. In some territories, oil
Bergen, Norway and Houston, possible to identify chronic effects. and gas companies must submit an
Biodegradation is a beneficial process annual report publicly disclosing the
Texas, dedicated to testing the
that results when microorganisms nature of their discharges into the
environmental performance break down a substance. environment, and companies compete
of oilfield chemistry. with each other to adopt green
The Bergen lab uses Good Laboratory
strategies. Companies also compete
Ecotoxicological testing Practice (GLP) principles approved by
to put together environmentally-
laboratories the Convention for the Protection of
friendly chemical portfolios.
the Marine Environment of the North-
Understanding how chemistry
East Atlantic (OSPAR Convention). The Improving environmental performance
drives environmental performance
facilities can perform organism toxicity, does not necessarily mean additional
enables continuous improvement
biodegradability and bioaccumulation cost. In many cases, damaging
Capabilities and resources Ecotoxicological testing laboratories

to be delivered. Using standard test

tests on existing products, synthesizing chemicals can be replaced
methods, lab personnel have developed
their components and chemistry by alternatives that perform more
or implemented a range of analytical
during R&D activity. The initial efficiently and are more cost-
services designed to protect the
environmental evaluation performed effective. Biocides are chemical
environment, including testing for
by the lab is used to select candidates agents with the capability to destroy
biodegradation, bioaccumulation and
for further testing and to develop living organisms and are a good
acute toxicity to marine organisms
new commercial products. example. In some applications,
such as algae, crustaceans and fish.
biocides can be replaced with natural
Government lawmakers are responding
Algae and crustaceans are particularly nutrients and sources of nitrate.
with stringent new regulations
useful for the acute toxicity testing of
designed to safeguard the environment. Environmental resources in the
fluids because they are fast-growing
At the same time, operators and company have developed a
and sensitive to adverse conditions.
suppliers are facing intense public comprehensive database of chemical
Bioaccumulation is a measure of the
scrutiny for their environmental properties. This means that, when
risk that a substance will concentrate

studying new molecules and trying network of testing and evaluation As oil companies explore ever deeper
to predict how they will behave, that supports continued progress. water, unconventional formations, and
analysts can quickly screen out many As companies and countries adopt in increasingly hostile environments that
things based on previous results. greater standards of environmental require a more sophisticated portfolio
stewardship, the demand for greener of mechanical and chemical
Supporting Schlumberger in the
chemistry is growing worldwide. technologies, Schlumberger and
eastern hemisphere, the Bergen
For over 30 years, M-I SWACO has M-I SWACO are the partners of choice
ecotoxicological testing facility is
pioneered and led the field in green to support these developments. As
becoming internationally renowned
chemistry. Today our global database of the environmental leaders in the
for balancing scientific thoroughness
chemistry and associated environmental market, they add value throughout the
with the public safety concerns of
information represents a game-changer licensing, exploration, development
regulatory authorities. This capability
in the industry and is a rate-enabler and production-process chain.
puts it at the leading-edge of what may
become a global revolution in green when looking at new challenges.
chemistry. These efforts are supported All Schlumberger products, whether
by the Houston lab, which includes for well services, pressure pumping,
both marine and freshwater testing, cementing, drilling fluids or production,
as well as terrestrial testing. The are managed under the same process
combined efforts are coordinated to and their data stored in a central server
provide routine testing and evaluation networkbuilding and sharing our
of new and existing products. In knowledge and driving advancement
addition to product testing these in the field of green and alternative
resources are involved in developing chemistry solutions.
new tests, and coordinating with other
regional toxicity labs to create a global

Capabilities and resources Research and development

Developing products
for evolving requirements
The M-ISWACO production
chemical research and 1 Project selection
development (R&D) group Review technical and
comprises MSc and PhD commercial requirements
level personnel in the UK,
Norway and USA who
have expertise in organic 2 Molecule design concept
chemistry and in-depth QHSE, cost, IP landscape
knowledge of chemistry,
synthesis, structure-activity
relationships and scale-up.
Research and development 3 In-house or joint project?
Capabilities and resources Research and development

The team develops active molecules

that are then formulated by the
companys technology group and
packaged for the intended application. 4 Initial lab and field screening
The R&D group works closely with
M-ISWACO commercial and technical
groups and its clients to identify and
develop new products where there
is an un-met market need, or a gap
5 Project review
in the product range. M-ISWACO
also works closely with the chemical Commercialize product
industry, leveraging innovation from or continue process
their research as well as developing
molecules in-house that may be
produced commercially under a toll
manufacturing arrangement. When
working with supply companies,
the goal is to identify exclusive joint
projects where there is a good fit for
both companies.
It is important to have a close
understanding of the chemistry involved
in delivering the desired effect (e.g.
corrosion inhibition, scale inhibition,
emulsion breaking) down to the
specific molecular level to provide:
Ability to understand the total cost of
goods, including raw materials, and
hence maximize value
Structure-property correlations can
be determined to ensure the optimum
solution is developed
Requires less empirical testing (i.e. it
replaces a trial and error approach)

The product development process Statistical design will also be The new product introduction process
The R&D group applies a employed to help with the synthesis is expedited using a formalized
structured process for its program and to help identify product approval form (PAF)an
development of new products: structure-property correlations. electronic system that guides the
introduction through its various stages,
1. Project selection 4. Initial laboratory and field screening
including pre-field trial preparation,
The first stage is to identify and  Once the initial set of products has
field trial preparation, field trials,
review technical and commercial been synthesised, they undergo
commercialization, and launch. There is
requirements in order to prioritize appropriate laboratory and/or field
also an Express version that supports
projects. An internal global screening in conjunction with the
rapid introduction of a new product
steering team meets to review technology group. Laboratory tests
to meet an urgent client demand.
project submissions and determine are based on industry-standard
which projects will be worked on and/or clients specific methods. Examples of recent developments include:
during the following year. Multi- Performance results are then Environmentally-friendly corrosion
functional teams are assembled put into the statistical model to inhibitors
to agree project aims and develop identify significant trends. Environmentally-friendly demulsifiers
plans. Regular meetings take
5. Project review Low-dose kinetic hydrate inhibitors
place to review progress as
 Formal project reviews take
well as formal global half-yearly Pour-point depressants for heavy
place to determine whether
reviews with management. crude oils
the developments have met the
2. Molecule design concept objectives, or if further synthesis
Pour-point depressants for
Once a project has been work is required. If further synthesis deepwater applications
selected, the R&D team meets work is required, a new program Asphaltene dispersants for heavy
to review molecule design in is developed taking into account crude oils.
terms of molecular architecture. experience and knowledge gained The current focus for the R&D group
This activity takes into account from the initial phase. If the project lies with the development of custom
QHSE requirements, cost, and aims, including cost-efficiency, molecules for heavy oil and deepwater
a review of the intellectual have been met, novel work will applications, where technological
property (IP) landscape. be protected by IP and the new advances in recent years have enabled
molecule/s will be formulated by the strong growth and resulted in
3. In-house or joint development
technology group. The boundaries opportunities for new product
of performance will then be development. The development of
When the desired molecular
established, including compatibility environmentally-friendly products is
architecture has been identified to
with key materials of construction also viewed as a particular strength of
meet the project requirements then
including various metallurgies and the M-ISWACO Production Chemicals
a review is undertaken to decide
elastomers. The new product will R&D group, supported by its in-house
whether the synthesis program
then be commercialized through GLP environmental testing facilities.
should be conducted in-house
the PAF process and taken to
or in combination with a supplier
market by the Technology and
as a joint development project.
Regional Tech Services groups.
This decision involves a number
of factors, including whether a 
particular chemistry fits with a
suppliers core competence and the
willingness of a supplier to partner
for an exclusive joint development
project. If joint development
is selected, appropriate
agreements are put in place

Capabilities and resources Supply chain

Procurement Production Transport Storage and Base

Local Local Effective Handling
High competence High quality Reliable High competence
Wide network Cost-effective Low CO2 emissions Quality control
Optimized storage
Delivery 24/7
Preferred customer Minimum waste

agreements Reduced waste

Pod management

Capabilities and resources Supply chain

Global blending and logistics

A worldwide supply network also requires specific criteria to ensure

supports efforts to encourage local continuity of operation and mitigation
sourcing, when this is a customer priority. of risk in application. All deepwater
products are developed and tested
Production Technologies operate
against the strict requirements of our
an integrated strategy over product
deepwater program. This assures
manufacture. We manufacture where it
retained performance following extreme
makes sense and source and toll where
testing under conditions of cycling
it does not. The question we ask is: do
pressure, temperature and shear as
we want to sell what we make, or make
experienced during deployment via
what we sell? The answer: in many
small-bore umbilical cores.
cases is we want to make what we sell.
By adopting a make-to-sell strategy, The products are assessed for
The comprehensive range our field operations and technical viscosity, compatibility with fluids and
of production technology teams can deliver the best solution exposed materials of construction, as
products and services from in each and every case, as opposed well as cleanliness according to the
to limiting the selection for a given prescribed NAS standards. Details
M-ISWACO is supported by
application based on what we choose can be provided upon request and
a supply chain organization
to manufacture. This provides agility the deepwater facility, located at our
designed to meet the in approach and where production HQ facility in Houston, is available
requirements of the most quantities become significant, our for inspection. Having qualified a
responsive service company in-house manufacture ensures the product, the supply chain aspect
in the oilfield. lowest cost of goods sold, while not becomes the next critical path. Specific
limiting the choice in application. procedures are established for our
Supply chain DS-rated products and include NAS
To deliver this strategy, we have
cleanliness checks, vessel inspection
The supply chain system leverages established a global network that
routines and base filtration prior to
years of global experience in starts with our manufacturing facility in
loading for dispatch offshore. Selective
M-ISWACO and Schlumberger, and Norway, supplemented by qualified toll
couplings and routine field checks
benefits from a shared infrastructure manufacturers at key locations across
provide the final line of assurance that
covering every worldwide location the globe, and in-house blending
the deepwater products will meet the
where oilfield services are required. facilities located close to our clients.
demanding challenges in application.
Being part of the worlds largest Wherever possible, and especially
oilfield service company provides where it is deemed contractually For critical applications (i.e. those
M-ISWACO with strong purchasing important, our aim is to maximize local where physical property measures
power and helps minimize the costs content. To manage this, our systems cannot necessarily assure product
of raw materials. Schlumberger has are designed to ensure that whatever performance), application tests
built a worldwide network of verified, we make, wherever we make it, the supplement the routine checks
approved, suppliers and service finished product meets the exacting (e.g. low-dose hydrate inhibitors).
providers, resulting in improved demands and consistent quality
quality assurance and optimized cost. expected of a global market-leader.
Procurement departments in multiple
Quality is central to our success.
locations are continuously monitoring
We operate according to ISO 9001
the market for alternative and more
throughout our organization, and in
cost-effective raw materials. The
the majority of cases the systems are
strategy in general is to have more
accredited against the standard. For
than one approved supplier for each
deepwater operations, quality control
raw material in order to maintain cost
becomes even more critical and
control and maximize supply security.

Capabilities and resources Training and career development

The right people for the job

Before people work for The career development program by their supervisors manager. After
M-ISWACO, they are screened provides a structured plan including successful completion of the program,
technical, business, and personal skills they are equipped for deployment in
not only for their current
training, and customized development any operation. The combination of
skills and experience, but also programs linked to required job hands-on counseling and self-directed
for their willingness to learn, competencies. Learning is supported training has proved to provide the ideal
solve problems, and help others. by the M-ISWACO Career Advisor circumstances for developing highly
Program, which provides employees competent employees and a strong
Training and career with access to experienced personnel technical company.
development for mentoring and coaching.
M-ISWACO also provides customers
Once they join the organization, with seminars and training programs
employees benefit from a learning LEAP training program
tailored to their specific requirements,
management system that provides: M-I SWACO developed the LEAP covering topics including production
Capabilities and resources Training and career development

global access to learning resources; training program to acknowledge technologies, chemical handling, and
in-house and custom e-learning the unique commitment to safety, the environmental management.
solutions; talent, competency and environment, and service quality on
performance management. which our customers depend. The
Starting with the basic building blocks primary goal of the program is to help
for the job at hand, M-ISWACO each employee Learn, Excel, Apply, and
instructors quickly bring new Production Perform to their maximum potential.
Technologies specialists up-to-speed Candidates develop their core technical
in the disciplines required for them competencies via a number of activities
to deliver maximum value from our including mandatory instructor-led
products and services for the clients technical training, soft skills training,
we serve. Standardized global training and on-the-job experience. They must
courses ensure that customers around also demonstrate they meet the required
the world receive the highest level of competency levels of knowledge and
consistent service. M-ISWACO trainers key skills, with performance validated
are also equipped to prepare field on-the-job by a qualified lead-hand
personnel for specialized practices to designated by local management.
meet particular local requirements.
PROACT training program
Basic training is just the beginning of
a successful career with M-ISWACO: The M-ISWACO Program for
structured learning continues while Accelerated Career Training
people are working in the field, helping (PROACT) provides advanced career
them attain their personal goals. development through a corporate
funded, 30-month series of programs
M-ISWACO has developed a range
for all the Production Technologies
of tools to support its learning
disciplines. Specially-selected people
management system. It has made a
are put through an intensive technical
sizeable investment in computer-based
training program and then deployed as
training courses and materials that
interns to various operations around
allow employees to progress at their
the world for three-to-six-month
own pace. As an organization, we are
assignments, combined with periods of
developing career paths, checkpoint
formal instruction. During the program
criteria, and progress measurement
they are required to complete a range
methods to keep our people at the
of specific tasks that are certified
forefront of the industry.

Technology Centers
M-ISWACO (Headquarters) Broussard, LA, USA Porvoo, Finland
5950 North Course Drive +1 337 837 8203 Tel: +358 9 7562 880
Houston, TX 77072
Cota, Colombia Volgograd, Russia
Nisku, Canada TEL: +57 1 6687100 Tel: +7 8442319063
Tel: +1 780 955 3388
Aberdeen, Scotland Dubai, UAE
Houston, TX, USA Tel: +44 1224 285500 Tel: +971 4 8833100
Tel: + 1 713-739-0222
Stavanger, Norway Bangkok, Thailand
Chesterfield, MO, USA Tel: +47 5157 7300 Tel: +66 2 1849573
Tel: +1 636 532 2189

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-ISWACO makes no guarantees or
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document
is legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice.

2014 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved. Mark of M-I L.L.C.

PMC.0100.1402.R2 (E)

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