Machine Tool Metrology28march23
Machine Tool Metrology28march23
Machine Tool Metrology28march23
1. Levelling of machine.
2. True running of main cylinder.
3. Axial slip of main spindle.
4. True running of headstock centre.
5. Parallelism of main spindle and saddle.
6. Parallelism of tailstock guidways with carriage
7. Alignment of both centres in vertical plane.
8. Pitch accuracy of lead screw.
9. Axial slip of lead screw.
(b) Alignment Tests on Milling Machine:
1. Axial slip of cutter spindle.
2. True running of internal taper.
3. Parallelism of table with arbor rising.
4. Surface parallelism with longitudinal movement.
5. Traverse movement parallel with spindle axis.
6. Central T-slot parallel with longitudinal movement.
7. Central T-slot square with arbor.
8. Testing of column ways for knee square with table.
9. Test of side inclination.
10. Over arm parallel with spindle.
(c) Alignment Tests on Drilling Machine:
1. Flatness of clamping surface of base.
2. Flatness of clamping surface of table.
3. Perpendicularity of drill head guide to base.
4. Perpendicularity of drill head guide with table.
5. Perpendicularity of spindle sleeve with base.
6. True running of spindle taper.
7. Parallelism of spindle axis with its vertical movement.
8. Squareness of clamping surface of table to its axis.
9. Squareness of spindle axis with table.
10. Test for deflection.
When the machine tool is idle and unloaded, tests
performed are called as alignment tests.
• Alignment test is carried out 'to check grade of
manufacturing accuracy of the machine tool'. It consists
of checking the relation between various machine
parts or elements (such as bed, table, spindle etc.).
• Alignment tests include checking of
(i) Parallelism (ii) Squareness (iii) Flatness (iv) roundness
Instruments required for alignment tests:
(i) Dial gauge, (ii) Dial gauge stand, (iii) Spirit level,
(iv) Mandrels, (v) Straight edges.
• Performance test consists of checking the
accuracy of finished components and is known as
‘Practical Test’.
• It is carried out to know whether the machine
tool is capable of producing the parts within the
specified limits or not.
• Therefore, performance test consists of making
the arrangements to conduct actual test on the
machine, so that, accuracy of finished products
can be checked.
Two vertical faces of any machine part are said to
be parallel, when both of them are accurately at
right angle to their common horizontal base.
(i) Parallelism of Two Axes:
• The parallelism of axes of two cylinders is to be
• The instrument used for the test is 'dial gauge'. It
is supported on a base of such shape that, the base
slides along one of the cylinders. The dial gauge is
so adjusted that, its Feeler (Plunger) slides along
the another cylinder.
• Maximum deviation between the axes of the
cylinder at any point may be determined by
gently rocking the dial gauge in a direction
perpendicular to axis (1).
• The test for parallelism of two planes is carried
out in two directions. Dial gauge is held on a
support with a flat base and placed over one
plane, [say plane (1)].
• • Dial gauge is made to move over plane (1) for
considerable length or distance in such a way
that, its feeler or plunger is continuously resting
over the surface of another plane [say plane (2)].
• Parallelism of two planes shown in Fig
• (iii) Parallelism of an Axis to a Plane:
Parallelism of an Axis to a Plane
• In this test, a dial gauge is held on a support with a flat
base and placed over the plane under test. The plunger of
dial gauge is made to touch the surface of cylinder
representing the axis.
• Dial gauge is moved along the plane over a given length,
for which, parallelism test is to be performed, and
corresponding reading of dial gauge is recorded.
Parallelism of an Axis to the Intersection of
Two Planes:
• Concept of straightness can be easily understood
from the following definition of line.
• “A line is said to be straight over a given length, if
variation in distance of all points lying on line from
two planes perpendicular to each other and
parallel to general direction of line, remains within
the specified tolerance limits”.
• In the above definition, the reference planes are
so chosen that, their intersection is parallel to the
straight line joining two points, which are located
on the line to be tested and close to ends of the
length under measurement.
• Tolerance on straightness of a line is defined as,
“the maximum deviation in relation to the
reference straight line going to the two
extremities or ends of line under examination”.
Test for Straightness by Using Spirit
Level and Auto-collimator
Tests for straightness can be carried out by using spirit level or autocollimator.
• The above instruments determine the straightness of any surface by
measuring the relative angular position of various adjacent sections of
surface to be tested.
• For this purpose, initially a straight line is drawn on the surface under test.
Then this drawn line is divided into number of equidistant sections.
• If spirit level is used, then length of each section should be equal to length
of base of spirit level.
• If auto-collimator is used, then length of each section should be equal to
length of base of plane reflector.
• Generally, the bases of spirit level block or reflector are fitted with two legs
(or feets), such that,
(i) Feets or legs have line contact with the surface under test, and
(ii) Entire surface of base does not touch the surface under test.
This ensures that, angular deviation obtained is between the two specified
Spirit Level:
The block of spirit level is moved linearly on the surface to be tested, in
number of steps. Every step chosen is equal to the pitch distance between
centre lines of two feets.
• When block of spirit level is kept on a perfectly flat surface, we observe
that, vapour bubble is resting at the middle and topmost position of glass
tube indicating zero reading on the scale engraved on glass tube.
• But, when the block of spirit level is moved over surface test, then this
vapour bubble moves away from the middle position due to irregularities in
straightness of surface. This variation in the spirit level is measured, which
gives the angular variation in the direction of block.
• Angular variation can be correlated in terms of the difference of height
between two points by knowing the least count of level and length of the
• Limitation of spirit level: It can be used to find out variation in straightness
of horizontal surface only.
Auto-collimator can be used to measure the straightness of surface in any
• Auto-collimator is placed at a distance of 0.5 to 0.75 metre from the surface
to be tested. It is held in desired position on any rigid support, which is
independent of the surface to be tested.
• A parallel beam from auto-collimator is projected along the length of
surface to be tested.
• A block resting on two legs or feets is placed on the surface under test.
• Block carries a plane vertical reflector mounted on its extreme left side in
such a way that, face of reflector is facing auto-collimator.
• Plane reflector and auto-collimator are arranged in such a way that,
(i) image of cross wires of the collimator appears very near to the centre of
eyepiece, and
(ii) linear movement of reflector over the entire length of surface under test is
• Now, the reflector is moved towards the other end of
surface in steps equal to the centre distance between the
two legs or feets. During this movement, the tilting of
reflector is noted down in seconds from the eyepiece.
1 second of arc = 0.000006 mm/mm
• Now, the reflector is set at first position a-b (perfectly
flat and straight) and first micrometer reading is noted
down. This line is labelled as 'a-b' is treated as datum line
or reference line. Successive readings at positions b-c, c-
d, d-e …… and so on, are taken, till the plane reflector
completes its linear movement over the entire length of
surface under test.
• Two planes or two straight lines and a plane are
said to be perpendicular, when the error of
parallelism in relation to a standard square does
not exceed more than specified permissible value.
• For this test, dial gauge is mounted on an arm, which is
attached to a spindle representing the axis of rotation.
Plunger of dial gauge should be (i) parallel to axis of
rotation and, (ii) touching the plane.
• As the spindle revolves, the dial gauge describes a path
having its plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
• When no testing plane is specified, the dial gauge is
revolved or rotated through 360°.
• Variation observed in the readings of instrument
represents the deviation in parallelism between the
plane of path traversed by dial gauge and the plane to
be tested.
To Check Squareness between Two
Perpendicular Planes:
• Squareness of two planes
(1) and (2) is checked by
placing a square on one
plane (i.e. plane 1).
• Parallelism of 2nd plane
with the free vertical arm of
square can be determined
by moving or sliding the dial
indicator along 2nd plane.
• Plunger (feeler) of dial
gauge is free to move
against vertical arm of
(c) To Check the Squareness between
Two Perpendicular and Fixed Axes
A square is fixed by keeping its base on the fixed
horizontal cylinder representing axis-1.
• Dial gauge is mounted on vertical cylinder representing
axis-2 with the help of dial gauge stand.
• Plunger of dial gauge is set in such a way that, it will be
always touching or resting against the vertical arm of
• Now, move the dial gauge in vertical direction either
upward or downward, against the vertical arm and note
down variations in the readings of dial gauge indicator.
• No variation in the readings of dial gauge display
indicate perfect squareness of two perpendicular axes.
• In this test, a dial gauge indicator is mounted
on horizontal plane with the help of dial gauge
stand having suitable base. Base of dial gauge
indicator is allowed to move over the
horizontal plane.
• • To check the squareness, the dial indicator is
moved along the plane and its plunger (filler)
is moving against the surface of square.