Alignment Tests

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ROLL NO : 143511










Continuously increasing demand for highly accurate machined components

Alignment tests on a m/t is carried out to check the grade of manufacturing

accuracy of the m/t

The tests which check the alignment accuracy of various parts of a m/t under
static conditions are called static tests

Alignment tests which are performed under dynamic loading are called
dynamic tests

Types of tests
Practical tests

Geometrical tests

Machining of test pieces

To check the accuracy of the finished component

Consists of preparing the actual job on the job and checking the
accuracy of the jobs produced

Idle and in unloaded condition

To check the grade of manufacturing accuracy of m/t

Consists of checking the relationship b/w various m/c elements

Measuring instruments used for testing

Dial indicators

test mandrels

Straight edges

spirit levels

Types of geometric checks

Straightness :

quality of straightness in precision engineering is represented by straight


The tolerance on the straightness of a line is defined as the maximum

deviation in relation to the reference straight line joining the two extremities
of the line to be checked

Following straightness checks are conducted :

Straightness of a line in two planes

Straightness of components

Straight line motion

Flatness :

A surface is said to be flat within a given range when the variation of the
perpendicular distance of its points from a geometrical plane parallel to the
general trajectory of the plane to be tested remains below a certain value
Methods to check the flatness :

Checking by surface plate

Checking by straight edge

Checking by spirit level

Parallelism , equidistance and coincidence :

Various cases of parallelism are parallelism of an axis to a plane , parallelism

of two planes , parallelism of two axis

Equidistance is a special case of parallelism ,which relates to the distance

between the axes and a reference plane

Two lines or axes are said to be coincident when their distance over several
points over a given length is within a specified value.

Rotations :

Round body

Radial throw of an axis at a given pointis the distance between the

intersection of the geometrical axis and the rotating axis with a plane
perpendicular to the axis of rotation at a given point

The minimum permissible axial slip defines the limit of the axial slip of the
spindle during one slow rotation with a slight axial pressure


Levelling of the machine :

level of machine bed in longitudinal and transverse directions tested by a

sensitive spirit level

Two readings to be taken simultaneously so that the effect of adjustments in

one direction may also observed in the other.

Reading in transverse direction reveal any twist or wind in the bed

True running of locating cylinder of main spindle:

locating cylinder is provided to locate the chuck or face plate

Locating surface is cylinder and must run truly

Dial indicator is fixed to the carriage and the feeler of the indicator touches
the locating surface

Surface is then rotated on its axis and indicator should not show any
movement of needle

Axial slip of main spindle and true running of shoulder face

of spindle nose :

Axial slip is defined as axial spindle movement which is due to manufacturing


Dial gauge tip rests on the face of locating spindle shoulder and dial gauge
holder is clamped to the bed

Total error indicated by the movement of pointer

True running of headstock centre :

It is the live centre and the workpiece has to rotate with this centre

Feeler of the dial indicator is pressed perpendicular to the taper surface of

the centre and spindle is roated

Deviation indicated by the dial gauge gives the trueness of the centre

Parallelism of the main spindle to saddle movement :

Should be checked in both vertical and horizontal planes

We require the use of mandrel of proportional size

If axis of spindle is not parallel in horizontal , a tapered surface is produced,

and if it is not parallel in vertical then a hyperboloid surface is produced

Feeler is pressed on the mandrel and carriage is moved

True running of taper socket in main spindle :

Axis of tapered hole of the socket is not concentric with the main spindle axis

Eccentric and tapered jobs will be produced

To test this mandrel is fitted into tapered hole

Readings at two extremes of the mandrel are taken by means of a dial indicator

The difference of the reading of dial indicator will show the error

Parallelism of tailstock guideways with the movement of

carriage :

For the jobs doing between the head-stock and tail stock , the job axis must
coincide with the tail stock centre

If they are not parallel then it results in taper turning

To check this a block is mounted on tailstock as shown in the figure and feeler
of the dial indicator is touched in vertical and horizontal plane

Dial indicator is held in carriage and carriage is moved

Movement of upper slide parallel with main spindle in vertical

plane :

Not tested in horizontal plane because there is swivelling arrangement of taper


Dial indicator is pressed against the mandrel in vertical plane and upper slide is
moved longitudinally

For jobs held b/w two centres then it is necessary that the cetral axis of the
dead centre be coaxial with the job axis in both the planes

Carriage is moved along the full length of the sleeve and deviated as indicated
by dial indicator

Parallelism of tailstock sleeve taper socket to saddle

movement :

Test is carried out in both the planes

Mandrel is put in sleeve socket and dial gauge is fixed on the tool post

Plunger is pressed against the mandrel and saddle is moved from one side to

Alignment of both the centre in vertical plane :

Beside testing parallelism of the axis individually it is necessary to check the

relative position of the axis also.

Both the axis may be parallel to carriage movement but they may not be

Test is carried out in vertical plane only.

Mandrel is fitted between the centres and dial gauge on the carriage

Limitations :

The measurements can be made only with the spindle rotating slowly. These
may differ when the spindle rotates at working speeds

The slow component of the spindle rotation error (the low harmonic
components) are not distinguished from the higher components although the
two have different significances for the machined surfaces

No record is obtained

For analytical purposes, it is not possible to understand the sources of errors


Calculate the displacement of the bubble ( in mm) in spirit level of sensitivity

0.5 find the change in slope (n) necessary for producing a bubble movement
when the distance between two divisions is 4mm
solution :
sensitivity = displacement of bubble in mm/1mm per meter
Change in slope (n) = distance between two divisions /sensitivity
Therefore n = 4/0.5=8mm

If the least count of a dial gauge is 0.02mm , then calculate the measurement
if the dial gauge reading is 55.
Solution :
Actual Reading = Dial Gauge Reading x L.C
= 55 x 0.02

1)Precision engineering in manufacturing by R.L.MURTY

Thank you

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