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Project Environmental Management Action1 Responsibility1

activity/aspect1 Outcome

Site Effective • An Operations Manager shall be Operator1

environmental management and appointed.
personnel 1 monitoring of the
EMPr and EA

Compliance Compliance with • All project-related documentation Operator,

documentation1 legislative including, EA, EMPr, monitoring Operations
requirements1 records etc. must be kept on site at Manager
all times1

Refuelling and Protection of 1• Tankers shall offload fuel into Operator,

Maintenance1 ground / surface / underground tanks by means of Operations
storm water gravity filling unless an engineered Manager
resources and system / adaptor is fitted that
environment prevents excess pressure being
placed on the tank.

• Maintenance and / or any

replacement activities must comply
with local authority bylaws and all
procedures and equipment used
must be in accordance with the
Occupational Health & Safety Act
(No. 85 of 1993) and its Regulations
and applicable SANS) codes.

• Safety signs at fuel dispensing

points and tank vent pipes to be

• Chemical spill kits to be kept on site

at an easiliy 1

Project Environmental Management Action Responsibility
activity/aspect Outcome

Monitoring Compliance with • Any significant leaks or spill incidents Operator

legislative must be investigated by a suitably
requirements and qualified specialist. During the
protection of investigation, groundwater monitoring
groundwater should be undertaken downgradient of
resources potential source areas ti collect
groundwater samples and verify
groundwater flow direction.

• The investigation must also include a

hydrocensus to determine any potential
unlicenced / licenced borehole users
within a 500 m radius of the spill / leak

Waste Same as Section 4.2.14 above. 2 Operator,

Management: Manager
General Waste2

Signage Compliance with • Prior to the erection of any signage a Operator,

local City of Cape signage application must be submitted Operation
Town (CCT) signage in terms of CCT's Outdoor Advertising Manager
By Laws and Signage By-Law of 2001 (as
amended) to the CCT: Environmental &
Heritage Management Department for

• Ensure that the buildings, boards,

signage, access roads, etc. are checked
regularly by the2

Project Environmental Management Action Responsibility

activity/aspect Outcome
Operations Manager and maintained to
ensure the safety of users and that the
area remains aesthetically pleasing3

Landscaping Maintenance of • No alien invasive vegetation (as listed in Operator,

and landscaping. the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Operation
vegetation Act [Act No 43 of 1983]) shall be used for Manager
management rehabilitation or landscaping purposes.

• Only locally indigenous species must be

used for landscaping on site.

• Remove any newly established invasive

alien vegetation from all planted areas on
the site.

• Workers shall be familiarised with the

appearance of weeds and garden exotics.

This shall form part of routine training for
all workers engaged in this activity.

• Weeds of any description shall be hoed

or pulled out by hand and removed from
beds and other areas. It is to be ensured
that all parts of the invasive plants are
removed to prevent /minimise re-
establishment of that species3

Socio- Same as Section 4.1.6 above. 3 RP DC



Accidental Prevention of the • Undertake routine groundwater Operator,

leaks and contamination of the monitoring through the existing Operation
spills3 environment as a monitoring network once the site becomes Manager
result of accidental operational to proactively ensure no
leaks and spills 3 detrimental impacts occur at the site. This
should be monitored annually (before the
onset of the winter rains) using the
monitoring wells installed as part of the
geohydroligcal site assessment.

Project Environmental Management Action Responsibility

activity/aspect Outcome
• All fuel, oil and other hazardous substances
(i.e., degreasers, paint cleaners, poisons, etc.)
shall be stored in suitable containers / storage

• Suitable warning signs indicating the nature

of the stored materials shall be displayed at
the storage facilities.

• Suitable fire-fighting equipment shall be

supplied and installed at the storage facilities.

• The Operator shall ensure that its employees

are aware of the procedure to be followed for
dealing with accidental leaks and spills.

• Any large accidental leak and spill of fuel, oil

or other hazardous substances is to be
reported to the EO. The EO will assess the
situation and act as required so that the best
remediation method can be quickly

• In the event of a hazardous substance spill /

leak, the source of the spill / leak shall be
isolated and the spillage contained. The area
shall be cordoned off and secured.

• Contaminated material and / or soil shall be

collected and stored in a bunded area until
future disposal / bioremediation, or removed
from site.

• All contaminated materials shall either

undergo bioremediation in a suitably
contained area, or disposed of at a suitably
approved waste management facility.

• The Operator shall be liable to arrange for

professional service providers to clear the area
affected by the spill, if required. Receipts of
safe disposal are to be supplied to the
Operator by the service provider for filing

Project Environmental Management Action Responsibility

activity/aspect Outcome

• The Operator shall ensure that there is

always a supply of absorbent material readily
available to absorb / breakdown spills.

• In the event of a large spill, the EO shall

inform the local authority’s Pollution Control
Department and Fire Brigade immediately.

• The Operator shall ensure that there is

always a supply of absorbent material readily
available to absorb / breakdown spills.

• In the event of a large spill, the EO shall

inform the local authority’s Pollution Control

Department and Fire Brigade immediately.

Noise control Minimisation of • The Operator shall be familiar with and Operator,
and working noise adhere to, any local by-laws and regulations Operation
hours5 disturbance to regarding the generation of noise and hours Manager
surrounding of operation.
• The Operator shall endeavour to keep
noisegenerating activities to a minimum,
particularly during night-time work5

Fire control Effective fire • The Operator shall take all reasonable steps Operator,
and prevention and to prevent the accidental occurrence or Operation
emergency emergency spread of fire. Manager
response response
• The Operator shall appoint fire officers who
shall be responsible for ensuring immediate
and appropriate action in the event of a fire.

• The appointed fire officers shall notify the

local Fire and Emergency Service in the event
of a fire and shall not delay doing so until such
time as the fire is beyond his / her control.

• The Operator shall ensure that all fire-

fighting equipment complies with the Oil
Indutry Standards.

• The Operator shall establish a fire-fighting

team who shall be suitable trained in
controlling fires. 5
Project Environmental Management Action Responsibility
activity/aspect Outcome

• The Operator shall ensure that all site

personnel are aware of the procedure to be
followed in the event of a fire and that all
personnel are properly trained in emergency

• The Operator shall ensure that there is

adequate fire-fighting equipment on site at all
times (which shall include, but not limited to, fire
extinguishers, protective clothing and beaters).

• The Operator shall ensure that the telephone

numbers of the local Fire and Emergency Service
are displayed at the convenience store, offices
and forecourt areas. These numbers must be
clearly visible and easily accessible.

• Smoking is not allowed, other than at

designated smoking points which are clearly
marked as such. Cigarette butts shall not be
discarded on the ground.

• The Operator shall pay the costs incurred by

organisations called to put out fires started by
their activities. The Operator shall also pay the
costs incurred to reinstate burnt areas as deemed

• Appropriate signage (i.e. Danger, flammable

liquids, no smoking) shall be displayed at the
convenience store and forecourt fuelling areas.

• An Emergency Response Plan is to be compiled

and adhered to. The plan is to present emergency
response procedures in the event of a fire, fuel
leak or any other emergency situation.

• Ensure that all personnel are properly trained in

emergency response.

6• The Operator shall ensure that all site

personnel are aware of the procedure to be
followed in the event of a fire and that all
personnel are properly trained in emergency
• An emergency simulation / drill shall be
undertaken on an annual basis in accordance
with the Emergency Response Plan.

Traffic7 Safe traffic • Large fuel tankers shall not obstruct traffic flow Operator,
management in and out of the fuel station during refuelling. Operations
• Large fuel tankers shall, insofar as possible,
refuel during low peak traffic hours, so as to limit
potential disturbance.

• Development appropriate pedestrian access to

the site.

• Ensure that the mitigation measures as

provided in the Traffic Impact Assessment are

7• Large fuel tankers shall not obstruct traffic

flow in and out of the fuel station during

• Large fuel tankers shall, insofar as possible,

refuel during low peak traffic hours, so as to limit
potential disturbance.

• Development appropriate pedestrian access to

the site.

• Ensure that the mitigation measures as

provided in the Traffic Impact Assessment are

Visual7 Limit visual • Naked light sources must not be visible outside Operator,
impact of fuel of the development footprint. Operations
station Manager
• Light sources must be shielded to prevent “light

• Shielded down-lights to be used in open public

areas7 fuel station.

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