Test Initial Limba Engleza Clasa A VI-a A, E

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Anul școlar 2020-2021

Limba engleză
Clasa a VI-a A, E – L1

Numele și prenumele elevului:

Data susținerii testului:
Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous:
(0,20/ correct answer)
Dear Angela,
At the moment, I (have) …………………………1) a fantastic time in California. The house is beautiful and
there's a swimming pool in the garden. I (sit) ………………………… 2) next to the pool now and I (drink)
………………………… 3) a milkshake. It's five in the afternoon and it's very hot. Karen is in the kitchen.
She (make) ………………………… 4) pizzas and a cake for her mother's birthday party. We're going to
have a party at home this evening for Karen's mother. Karen and I usually (go) ………………………… 5)
to bed late at night. We're in the same bedroom so we often (talk) ………………………… 6) or watch TV
until one in the morning. There are about thirty-six channels on the TV here! We usually (get up)
………………………… 7) late and have our breakfast next to the pool. We sometimes (have)
………………………… 8) it in the pool!
The Groover family is really nice. Every day we (visit) ………………………… 9) interesting places like
Big Bear Lake, San Bernadino and Pasadena.
Tomorrow Martha, Karen's sister, is going to take us to the beach in her car. Karen and I are going to learn
to windsurf. Martha's boyfriend, Oliver, is a windsurfing instructor and he's going to teach us. (have)
…………… you …………… 10) a good holiday?
Write soon.

2. Underline the correct form: (0,20/ correct answer)

a) Sandra writes / is writing a letter at the moment.
b) I usually drink / am drinking a lot of water.
c) Look! He comes / is coming back right now!
d) She always sleeps / is sleeping a lot.
e) What do you do / are you doing now?
f) You study / are studying every day.
g) It rains / is raining every autumn in Romania.
h) It rains / is raining! Take your umbrella!
i) They play / are playing chess now.
j) I don’t play / am not playing on the computer every day.
3. Read the dialogue and fill in the questions: (0,30/ correct answer)

– How many rooms has it got? A: Hello. Is that Ms Powers

B: Yes. Who's speaking?
– When can I see it? A: I'm Tony Black. I want to rent your house.
1) …………………………………………………?
– Is there a garden? B: It's on the other side of the city, in Silverdale Drive.
A: 2) …………………………………………………?
– Where is it? B: It's a big house, actually and it's not very expensive.
A: 3) …………………………………………………?
– What's it like? B: It's only £ 500 per month.
A: That's a great price. 4) ………………………………
– How much is it? …………………………………………………………?
B: There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living-room, a dining-
room, a kitchen and a garage.
A: 5) ……………………………………………………?
B: Yes, there is a small garden at the front of the house and a larger
garden at the back. It's lovely.
A: It sounds perfect. 6) ………………………………?
B: How about Saturday afternoon?
A: Great. I'll see you then

4. Write what is the word for each description? (0,10/ correct answer)

1. This is your mother’s brother. ___ ____________

2. She is your father’s mother. __________________

3. This is your father’s sister. ___________________

4. If a chid is a girl, she is this. __________________

5. He is your mom’s husband. _______________

5. Choose the correct word for each sentence: (0,10/ correct answer)

1) Andrew is wearing trousers. ………… trousers are brown. (her, his, its)

2) We are wearing jeans. ………… jeans are trendy. (your, our, their)

3) They are wearing earrings. ………… earrings are made of gold. (our, your, their)

4) You are wearing shoes. ………… shoes are black. (my, your, his)

5) I am wearing a T-shirt. ………… T-shirt is yellow. (her, your, my)

6) Matthew and Agnus are wearing socks. ………… socks are white. (our, your, their)

7) The shop is opened. ………… doors aren't closed. (their, its, his)

8) Sylvie writes stories. ………… stories are interesting. (my, its, her)
6. Choose the correct item: (0,20/ correct answer)

1. John looks nice in his ………………….

A skirt B tights C suit

2. Kangaroos are ……………………….

A birds B mammals C insects

3. A dolphin trainer works at a(n) ……………………

A aquarium B park C swimming-pool

4. Bob feels ……………… because he enjoys his work.

A tired B happy C stressed

5. ……………… and grapes are fruit.

A Peppers B Onions C Cherries

6. When it is ……………… you can't go on a picnic.

A rainy B warm C sunny

7. An early bird is someone who ……………………

A gets up early B gets up late C works long hours

8. ………………… are farm animals.

A snakes B Monkeys C Roosters

9. We pick up food with a ……………………………

A spoon B fork C knife

10. Cats have got ………………………

A whiskers B wings C feathers


• Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalități de rezolvare corectă a cerințelor.


0,20 p x 10 = 2 points

1.I am having; 2. I am sitting; 3. I am drinking; 4. She is making; 5. Go; 6. Talk; 7. Get up; 8. Have; 9.Visit;
10. Are you having?


Underline the correct form: (0,20/ correct answer)

a) is writing; b) drink; c) is coming; d) sleeps. e) are you doing? f) study. g) rains. h) is raining.

i) are playing. j) don’t play.


1. Where is it?
2. What's it like?
3. How much is it?
4. How many rooms has it got?
5. Is there a garden?
6. When can I see it?


1.Uncle 1) his 5) my
2. Grandmother 2) our 6) their
3. Aunt 3) their 7) its
4. Daughter
4) your 8) her
5. Father


1. C suit 6. A rainy

2. B mammals 7. A gets up early

3. A aquarium 8. C Roosters

4. B happy 9. B fork

5. C Cherries 10. A whiskers

Obiective operaţionale:

O1-Să dentifice mesajul global al unui text;

O2- Să recunoască informaţiile esenţiale dintr-un text citit în gând;

O3 – Să utilizeze corect timpurile verbale ale prezentului;

O4 – Să identifice substantive și să le poată clasifica;

O5 – Să utilizeze corect pronumele interogative și adjectivele posesive;

Distribuția notelor pe grupe și clase


NOTA 1-4 5-7 8-9 9-10 TOTAL


NR. ELEVI 0 3 9 20 32


NOTA 1-4 5-7 8-9 9-10 TOTAL


NR. ELEVI 3 4 12 5 24

Plan de remediere pentru ambele clase:

 Reluarea şi consolidarea cunoştinţelor din anii anteriori;

 Exerciţii orale şi scrise pentru forma timpurilor verbale;
 Fișe de lucru pentru tranformarea substantivelor la plural;
 Utilizarea dicționarului pentru însușirea de noi cuvinte şi exerciţii de vocabular.
 Exerciţii de redactare de paragrafe scurte și de scrisori pe un plan dat.

Analiza Testelor initiale

Clasa a-6-a A/E L1
Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operaționale precum: timp verbal, tipuri de verbe,
substantiv, adjectiv.
Competențe generale urmărite:
1.Receptarea mesajelor scrise
2.Producerea mesajelor scrise
Competențe specifice urmărite:
4.1.Redactarea unor evenimente trecute și experiențe personale
4.2. Descrierea unor personae și locuri după un plan dat
4.3.Redactarea unor texte scurte pe teme familiar
3.3 Deducerea sensului cuvintelor necunoscute din context
Au fost totodată verificate cunoștințele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor, la
anumite puncte, de a completa propoziții cu verbe la timpurile indicate în cerință (Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Past Simple sau de a alege adjectivele potrivite. De asemenea, elevii au trebuit
sa treacă la forma negativă și interogativă propoziții ce conțineau verbe la Present
Simple/Continuous. Testul a vizat de asemenea și capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor
prin cerința de a elabora/ scrie un scurt paragraf despre anotimpul lor preferat.

S-au observat lacune în folosirea timpurilor verbale precum Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Simple, elevii neștiind cum să le formeze și când sa le folosească.
S-a observant, de asemenea, că unii elevi din clasă intampina probleme la la conceperea de
propozitii, la intelegerea sensului unor cuvinte.
In ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:
Bagajul de cuvinte la unii destul de mic
Ortografierea gesita a unor cuvinte din limba Engleza
Imposibilitatea traducerii unor cuvinte din limba romana in limba engleza
Necunoasterea folosirii unor terminatii verbale esentiale in limba Engleza ( de exemplu adaugarea
terminatiei –ed dupa verbe neregulate sau a terminatiei –es la Present Simple negative.)Am mai
observant si ortografierea gresita a verbelor la Present Continuous.
Astfel, in urma rezultatelor partial nemultumitoare, d-ra profesoara va lua urmatoarele masuri:
Exercitii de trecere a verbelor la timpurile studiate prin alocarea unui nr. mai mare de ore acestora
Elaborarea de texte spre imbunatatirea vocabularului
Elaborarea de exercitii suplimentare in care elevii sa practice scrierea de texte
Lucrul cu texte suplimentare, elaborarea de fise
Recuperarea cunostintelor / competentelor fundamentale
Imbunatatirea atentiei
Dezvoltarea abilitatilor de invatare.

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