Sociology Assignment For End Term - BALLB 2nd Semester
Sociology Assignment For End Term - BALLB 2nd Semester
Sociology Assignment For End Term - BALLB 2nd Semester
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and special thanks towards my Sociology professor,
Dr. M. Kalimullah Sir, for giving me this golden opportunity to make this assignment on the
topic “Power and Authority” under his valuable guidance. This has helped me immensely in
knowing about things which I was not previously aware of and hence has boosted my knowledge
to a great extent regarding the particular subject. I would also like to mention my gratitude
towards my batchmates as well as my parents who helped me in completing this assignment
within the required period of time.
Meaning and Definition of Power
Meaning and Definition of Authority
Difference between Power and Authority
The idea of power has assumed an importance of its own, in the realm of political theory. This is
so because the meaning of politics has changed from one of being a ‘study of state and
government’ to that of being a ‘study of power’. Power is the primary objective of foreign
policy. In international relations, power is the capacity of a state to influence or control the
behavior of other states for the purpose of promoting its own vital interest. Power capacity
includes skills and techniques in the use of consent and constraint, as well as the ability to
persuade, threaten or coerce to gain ascendancy over other states. States vary notably in power
capacity. Belgium and Switzerland are probably evenly matched, but the mismatch between
Belgium and United States is apparent. Some states are characterized as ‘haves’ and the others as
‘have-nots’. The former are well endowed with the assets of power, while the latter seek to better
their position at the expense of the “haves”. This situation gives power struggle its essential
The precise connotation of power became difficult, when the term became interchangeable with
several related themes like control, influence, authority, force, domination, coercion and the like.
Keeping this in mind, it is necessary to highlight the important points of distinction between
power and related themes. Power as discussed earlier is the capacity to conquer, or one’s ability
to control others. In doing so, power could be based on elements like fraud, tactics, manipulation,
or even be derived from legal and constitutional procedures. International politics is nothing but
a manifestation of power struggle. Force, on the other hand, is different from power. It is the
most brutal manifestation of power. The techniques involved in physical force are restraint,
coercion, threat, intimidation, blackmail, terrorism and military domination. So power can be
called latent force, while force is manifest power. If force stands on one extreme, influence
stands on the other. It represents the sublimation of power. It may be due to social prestige,
intellectual and spiritual eminence, high morality and the like. So, while influence is persuasive,
power is coercive. Coming to the notion of authority, it implies moralization and legitimization
of power through legal or traditional sanctions. It is essentially the institutional code within
which the use of power as a medium is organized and is made legal. An elaborate analysis of the
concept of authority will be done later in this unit. Finally, speaking of control as a theme related
to power also has its own distinct feature, different from power. It is more comprehensive and
less concentrated than power. Control could be of a different nature like legislative, executive,
judicial, financial and the like. Power is more intense, when compared to control. Thus, we see
that because of this diversity in the meaning of the term ‘power’, its comprehensive study
becomes necessary.
Implications of Power :-
3. Power is latent force, force is manifest power, and authority is institutionalized power.
To understand social realities, we should be knowing the three aspects of state — force, power
and authority. The notion of state recalls to our mind, power, which is exercised in accordance
with definite procedures and known rules. The state is force exercised in the name of law. Force
become power, when the element of arbitrariness is removed from its exercise by definite
procedures laid down by the laws of the state. The recognition of this power exercised as per
definite rules implies the recognition of an obligation to submit to these rules. The word ‘state’ in
this sense provides a term of reference for these obligations. It refers not merely to a force which
exists in actual fact, or to power which makes itself felt in accordance with certain rules, but to
an authority which is recognized as warranted and justified in practice.
Classification of Authority :-
The German sociologist Max Weber suggested a three fold classification of the sources of
authority in a modern state :-
1. Rational-legal authority is explicit and has the right to give orders and to have them
obeyed by virtue of an office held within a system of deliberately framed rules which set
out rights and duties. Bureaucracy is the best example of rational-legal authority. When a
citizen accepts the authority of a bureaucrat, he does so not because of anything else but
due to the powers allocated to the official by a legal system. The office, the individual
holds, is important and not the individual himself or herself.
2. Traditional authority exists where a person, such as a king or a tribal chief, holds a
superior position of command in accordance with long tradition and is obeyed, because
everyone accepts the sanctity of the tradition. Religious authority is of this kind.
3. Charismatic authority rests on the possession of exceptional personal qualities that cause
a person to be accepted as a leader. There may be qualities of saintly virtue giving their
possessor religious authority or qualities of outstanding heroism, intellect, oratory that
bring a following of loyal devotion in politics, in wars and other kinds of enterprise. The
charismatic leader has the gift of divine grace and extraordinary qualities. Lenin or
Mahatma Gandhi got their position on account of their charisma and qualities. Of the
three sources, the first two belong to one group – where the agent and the source of
authority are different. Here, the source can be criticized without criticizing the agent and
the agent, therefore, enjoys a relatively stable position. But in the case of charismatic
authority, the source and the agent of authority are the same. Hence, any criticism against
the source can be directed against the agent as well. So the agent does not enjoy a stable
position. A charismatic authority tends to be institutionalized. This is what Weber calls
‘routinization of charisma’.
Implications of Authority :-
Authority is the right to do a thing. The two meanings of right are a) the right here of action and
b) the right of recipience. The right of action is the right to do something; for instance, the right
of the worker to strike and the right of the employer to lock out. In this sense, a right is a
freedom. The right of recipience is a claim to do something; for example, if A has the right to
fifty rupees that B owes him, it is A’s right to receive fifty rupees from B. It is A’s right against
B and it corresponds to B’s obligations to pay up. Now, the authority to give orders is the right of
recipience. For example, when a minister is authorized (or empowered) by a statute to make
regulations, this not only allows him to do something (i.e., he has the right of action) but also
imposes an obligation on citizens to confirm to the regulations that he may make. Thus, his
authority gives him a right to issue them. In both senses - the right to something and the right to
receive obedience – a right of being authorized is a facility and so, a power. The power to make
other people do what a person requires may depend on the fact that he holds a special office. By
virtue of holding that office, that person has the authority to ask certain requirements of other
people, and they do what he requires, because they acknowledge his authority. His authority and
others’ acceptance of it are what he requires. We can, therefore, think of authority as a specific
kind of ability or power to make other people do what one wants them to do. This specific ability
or power is coordinate with coercive power. The possession of coercive force is one way of
getting people to do what a person requires; it is one specific form of power. The possession of
authority, provided it is acknowledged, is another.
The concepts of “power” and “authority” are related ones. But a distinction between them is
necessary. Both the terms refer to different properties. But because of their logical grammar
being commonly misconstrued, unnecessary difficulty has arisen. However, they are the names
of not different, but related entities of which one somehow depends on the other. When we speak
of an act giving a minister the power to do this or that, we mean giving him authority. Jean
Bodin in his work, The Six Books of Republic says, “Sovereignty is the absolute and perpetual
power of a state, that is to say, the supreme power to command”. His discussion gives the
impression that sovereignty means power in the ordinary sense of the word. If by absolute
power, Bodin means the ability to issue effective commands, it would be power, properly
speaking. If he means the entitlement or the right to issue commands and have them obeyed, it
would be authority. His account of sovereignty makes it clear that he means authority, whereas
his use of the expression, “absolute power” suggests the first. Prof. Raphael in his Problems of
Political Philosophy distinguishes three meanings of the term “power”. First, the most general
meaning of power is simply ability. We use the same word for the power of a dynamo, political
power or will power. Secondly, we speak of power in a social context, when we think of power
as a specific kind of ability i.e., the ability to make other people do what one wants them to do. A
man may be able to get others to do what he wants, because he holds a special office, or because
he has the strength to make things difficult for them, if they refuse. The two examples illustrate
the exercise of political power and the second is prominent in situations of conflict. Thirdly,
there is coercive power which is using the threat of superior force to make others do what one
wants them to do when they are unwilling. Because coercive power is so prominent in political
conflict, the word “power” which at first meant ability of any kind, has come to be associated
with enforcement. Thus, the term power has three meanings mentioned above, and it can be used
either with or without association of empowerment. Power is often used to mean authority when
we speak of giving someone legal powers. A person with power holds a special office (e.g., a
minister or a President); this means that he has authority and is able by virtue of that position to
get others to do what he tells them to do; his power is the exercise of authority. That is why the
word power can be used to mean authority.
Power is thus, one of the key concepts in political theory. It is the ability to control others and
make them do what one wants. It is both normative and empirical; i.e. it is also a fact as well as a
value to be pursued. It is a very comprehensive term, identified with related themes like
authority, influence, control and the like. It is integrally connected with the case of political
legitimacy. Legitimate power is authority. On the other hand, influence is a wider term where
sanctions may not be used. Power is then a special case of influence.
Books :-
C. N. Shankar Rao, Principles of Sociology (S. Chand, New Delhi, 7 th Edition, 2019)
Other Sources :-