Corporate Social Responsibility: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Corporate Social Responsibility: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Corporate Social Responsibility: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the concept that has gained prominence in
business reporting. Every corporation has the policy concerning CSR, which produces a
report, annually, detailing its activities. Every corporation is able to recognize the corporate
activity, which is socially responsible and the activities, which are not socially responsible.
There are two interesting points regarding this. Firstly, one do not necessarily agree with each
other in terms of what is socially responsible. Although one claims to recognise what it is or
is not, when one is asked to define it, then normally, it is difficult. The comprehensive
definition of social responsibility is concerned with what is or should be the relationship
between global corporations, governments of countries and individual citizens. More locally,
the definition is concerned with the relationship between the corporation and the local society
in which it resides or operates. Another definition is concerned with the relationship between
a corporation and its stakeholders (Crowther, & Aras, 2008).
Due to the uncertainty surrounding the nature of CSR activity, it is difficult to define
CSR and to be certain in terms of any such activity. It is therefore, imperative to be able to
identify such activity. The view of three main principles of CSR are to be taken into
consideration to comprise all of the CSR activity (Crowther, & Aras, 2008).
Sustainability is concerned with the effect in terms of which action is taken into
consideration in the present, which has an impact upon the options that are available in the
future. If resources are utilized in the present, then they are no longer useful in future. This
point is of particular concern, if the resources are finite in quantity. Therefore, the raw
materials of an extractive nature, such as, coal, iron or oil are finite in quantity and once they
are used will not be available for future use. In the future, therefore, alternatives will be
needed to implement the functions that are provided by these resources. In production and
manufacturing organizations, these resources are made use of. This may be at some point in
the relatively distance future but of more immediate concern is the fact that as resources get
depleted, then the cost price of the remaining resources tend to increase. Therefore, in this
manner, the operational costs of the organizations tend to increase.
Viewing an organization as a part of the wider social and economic system implies
that these effects must be taken into account, not just for the measurement of the cost and
value created in the present, but also for the future of business itself. Measures of
sustainability would consider the rate at which resources can be regenerated. Unsustainable
operations can be accommodated either through the development and implementation of
sustainable operations or by planning for the future lacking in resources, which are required
at present. In practice, the organizations mostly tend to aim towards less unsustainability by
increasing the efficiency in the ways in which resources are utilized. An example would be an
energy efficiency program. The human resources need to be well-aware of the methods and
approaches required to make best use of resources and promote their sustainability.
CSR is a comprehensive subject area, which leads to a variety of opinions and can be
considered in number of different ways. When the stakeholders within as well as outside the
organization are engaged in the decision making processes or they are formulating measures
and laws concerning goodwill and welfare of the organization and its members, they need to
ensure that these must be clear to the members. When these aspects will be clear to the
members, they will be able to adequately abide by them. Transparency needs to be depicted
in the implementation of tasks and activities as well. The reason being, when the members of
the organization will not be clear and feel perplexed, then they would be unable to carry out
their job duties in a well-organized manner and achieve the desired outcomes. Therefore, it is
vital to ensure that laws, measures, procedures, rules, tasks and activities all should be in
accordance to the goals and objectives of the organization and transparency should be their
main quality.
Transparency, as a principle, means that the external impact of the actions of the
organization can be ascertained from that organization’s reporting and pertinent facts are not
disguised within this reporting. Therefore, all the effects of the actions of the organization,
including external impacts, should be apparent to all from using the information provided by
the organization’s reporting mechanisms. Transparency is of particular importance to the
external users of such information, as these users are unaware in terms of the background
details and knowledge available to the internal users, such as, information. Transparency,
therefore, can be viewed to follow from the other two principles and equally can be seen to be
a part of the process of recognition of responsibility on the part of the organization for the
external affairs of the actions and equally part of the process of transferring power to the
external stakeholders.
Theories of CSR
The utilitarian theories are related to the strategies for competitive advantages. The
proponents of these theories are the ones, who viewed these theories as the bases for the
formulation of strategies and approaches in the dynamic utilization of the natural resources of
the corporation for competitive advantages. The strategies also include the altruistic activities
that are recognized as the social instruments for marketing. Altruistic activities are the
selfless activities that are carried out for the welfare of the community. The utilitarian theory
suggests that the corporation needs to accept social duties and rights to participate in the
activities of social co-operation. Within it, the functionalist theory, specifically advocates that
the corporation is viewed as an integral part of the economic system of which one of the
important goals is profit-making. The organization is viewed as an investment and investment
should be productive and profitable to the investors and stakeholders. From the perspective of
the internal aspect of the organization, CSR was regarded as the defence strategy of the
industrial system against the external attacks. The reason being, there should be a balance
between profit making and social objectives of the economic system’s equilibrium.
Relational theory has an origin from the complex firm environment relationships. As
a term, it implies that the interrelationships between the two are focused on the analysis of
CSR. Relational theory is divided into four sub-groups of theories. These include, business
and society, stakeholder approach, corporate citizenship and social contract. Business and
society is proposed to mean business in society in which CSR emerges as the matter of
interaction between two entities. One of the measures of CSR is the development of
economic values in a society. Another person is the obligation to consider the effects the
decisions and actions on the whole social system. Stated in the form of a general relationship,
social responsibilities of the businesses need to reflect upon the social power they have. The
stakeholder approach has been developed as one of the strategies in improving the
management of the organization. It is also stated as a way of acquiring an efficient
understanding of the reality in order to manage the socially responsible behaviour of the
The stakeholder approach has been developed as one of the strategies in making
improvements in the management of the organization. It is also stated as the way of
understanding reality in order to manage the socially responsible behaviour of the
organization. The stakeholder approach further considers an organization as the
interconnected web of different interests, where self-creation and community creation take
place independently. Corporate citizenship of the relational theory strongly depends on the
type of community to which it is referred. It is the approach that the organization has to adopt
to implement the tasks and activities in a responsible manner. Fundamentally, it is about the
relationship that an organization develops with its stakeholders, and therefore, the former has
to continuously implement the traits of commitment and dedication. In other words, it can be
stated that within the organization, it is vital for the members to form effective terms and
relationships with each other. In this manner, they will be able to incur profitability,
productivity and job satisfaction.
The comprehensively used meaning of CD is the one given by the United Nations in
which the CD is regarded as an organized effort of the individuals in a community conducted
in such a manner to help provide solutions to the problems with the minimum help and
assistance from the external organizations. Another aspect that is related to CD is about the
active involvement of the individuals in the issues and concerns, which form their experience.
It is a developmental process that is both a collective and individual experience. It is based on
a commitment to equal participation between all those involved to facilitate the sharing of
skills, knowledge and experience. It takes place both in the neighbourhoods and communities
of interest. Whenever, individuals come together to identify the relevant factors and act in
terms of the issues of common concern. Therefore, it can be stated that it is vital for the
members of the community to identify the areas within the community, which need to be
improved on a regular basis (Ismail, 2009).
The roles of CSR in CD have been identified in the following areas: (Ismail, 2009).
Closer Linkages between the Corporations and Communities – Through CSR the
existence of corporations in the social system is felt beyond the perception from merely
regarding corporation as the place, where the individuals are able to find employment
opportunities. In various types of organizations, the individuals are engaged in the production
of goods and services. When the corporations are focused upon bringing about improvements
in productivity and profitability, it is vital to conduct an analysis of the demands of the
consumers. Therefore, based on consumer demands, measures and approaches are formulated
based on pioneering methods. Therefore, it can be stated that there is need to create closer
linkages between the corporations and communities.
Helping to Acquire Talents – Organizations with the reputation for CSR can take
advantage of their status and reinforce their appeal as an attractive employer by making their
commitment part of their value proposition for potential candidates. It is also found that when
the organizations view their commitment towards the organization to socially responsible
behaviour in a more unfavourable manner. They also tend to have more positive attitudes in
terms of various areas that correlate with better performance. They have formed the
viewpoint that organizations are required to reward and recognise great customer service, act
in a rapid manner to address and resolve the concerns of the customers and are led by the
individuals in the case of senior management, who have the main objective of meeting the
needs and requirements of the customers.
CSR Contributes in the Protection of the Environment – Some of the world’s largest
organizations have made a visible commitment to the CSR. The initiatives and measures are
implemented that have the primary objective of causing a reduction in problems and barriers
that lead to destruction and exploitation of natural resources. It is of utmost significance to
keep the environment clean and green. It is vital to implement measures that would lead to
protection of the environment. The individuals, particularly belonging to rural and tribal
communities need to be aware of the ways that would need to be implemented to keep the
environment clean and green. Preservation of the environment would render a significant
contribution in leading to well-being of the individuals and communities.
CSR is for Human Right Corporate Sustainability – The United Nations have
launched the global compact. It is an initiative to convince international organizations to
commit themselves to universal principles in relation to the protection of human rights. Being
the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative, the UN global compact is also seen as a
strategic policy for the businesses that are committed to through the alignment of their
operations and strategies within the areas of human rights, labour and the environment. The
organization is regarded as the primary agent stimulating modernization and globalization. It
can contribute effectively in ensuring that markets, commerce, technologies and financial
resources are indispensable ways that would contribute in promoting corporate sustainability.
The understanding of the global compact stands as the largest corporate citizenship and
sustainability initiative in the world with more than 4700 corporate participants and
stakeholders from more than 130 countries.
A CSR Program helps in Collection of Data – When a corporation has to carry out a
task or a function, or work on a research project, it is of utmost significance to collect data
and information. There are two ways of collecting data, i.e. qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative data is the data that is collected through interviews of the respondents. Whereas,
quantitative data is the data that is collected through getting the survey questionnaires filled
out from the respondents. For the purpose of collection of data, it is vital to implement
measures and schemes appropriately. The first and foremost step is to identify the area of
research. On the basis of the research area, it is essential to identify the population of the
respondents to collect data. It is apparent that usage of technologies is regarded as
indispensable for the purpose of collection of data. Therefore, it can be stated that CSR
program renders a significant contribution in the collection of data.
Promoting Social Equity – Social equity is one of the essential areas, which enables
the individuals to socialize with each other in an operative manner. Inequalities are regarded
as major impediments to sustainable development. Therefore, to bring about effective growth
and development of the community and nation, it is essential to promote social equity.
Inclusive sustainable development requires dealing with the structural causes of inequalities
in accordance to the human rights principles of universality, indivisibility, equality, non-
discrimination, participation and accountability. Promoting social equity and dealing with
social exclusion and discrimination are vital aspects that need to be emphasised within the
corporation and the external environmental conditions. Incentives need to be provided to the
policymakers that are necessary to formulate programs and procedures to promote social
equity and well-being of the individuals and community. Furthermore, it is necessary to
prioritize the disadvantaged groups through setting of targets and disaggregating data on the
basis of factors such as, caste, race, gender, age, income, occupation, location, and socio-
economic background (Promoting Equality, 2014).
Promoting Gender Balance – Research has indicated that within the country, women
have experienced discriminatory treatment and are regarded as inferior as compared to males.
In some cases, they have not even been given equal pay for the same work performed as their
male counterparts. As a consequence they had to quit their jobs and source of income. Hence,
it can be stated that discriminatory treatment is regarded as one of the major impediments
within the course of attainment of empowerment opportunities and enhancing one’s
livelihoods. In promoting gender balance, it is vital for the individuals, particularly in
leadership positions to act as role models, particularly for women within the organizations
(Promoting Gender Balance Wisely, n.d.). Promoting gender balance within the corporations
is regarded as indispensable for the individuals in terms of number of factors. These include,
achieving the desire goals and objectives, retaining employees, promoting women
empowerment, providing them opportunities to achieve the desired goals, generating
promotional opportunities and leading to well-being and goodwill. Therefore, it can be stated
that focus has to be put on gender balance in the implementation of various tasks and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the concept that has acquired eminence in
particularly business organizations. Every corporation has the policy that puts emphasis upon
CSR, which produces a report, annually, detailing its activities. Every corporation is able to
identify the corporate activity, which is publically accountable and the activities, which are
not publically accountable. The three main principles of CSR are to be taken into
consideration to comprise all of the CSR activities, these are, sustainability, accountability
and transparency. The theories of CSR are, utilitarian theory, managerial theory and
relational theory. In understanding the concept of CSR, it is vital to understand, how it
renders a significant contribution in promoting effective growth and development of the
communities. Within communities, there are number of aspects that need to be taken into
consideration, these are, changes, well-being, alleviation of societal problems and so forth.
The individuals need to make effective use of knowledge and competencies to promote well-
being and development of the community.
The roles of CSR in CD have been identified in the areas, which are, to share the
negative consequences as a result of industrialization, closer linkages between the
corporations and communities, helping to acquire talents, role in transfer of technology, CSR
contributes in the protection of the environment, CSR is for human right corporate
sustainability, interdependence between corporation and community, a CSR program is an
aid in the alleviation of poverty, a CSR program helps in collection of data, for achievement
of corporate sustainability goals, promoting social equity and promoting gender balance. The
CSR has been rendering a significant contribution in leading to well-being and progression,
taking into account the above stated areas. Finally, it can be stated that corporate social
responsibility is primarily concerned with the relationship between corporation and the local
society. The tasks and functions of the corporation have to be put into operation in such a
manner that would lead to well-being and progression of the individuals and society.
Crowther, D., & Aras, G. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved January 12,
Ismail, M. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Role in Community Development:
Negatives of the Industrial Revolution. (2019). Retrieved January 13, 2020 from
Promoting Equality, including Social Equity, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.
Promoting Gender Balance Wisely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 13, 2020 from