Intro World Relig
Intro World Relig
Intro World Relig
The following is an outline of the content areas covered in the examination. The approximate percentage of the
examination devoted to each content area is also noted.
V. Confucianism – 5%
a. Historical development (e.g. ancient Chinese tradition, life of Confucius, classical Confucianism)
b. Doctrine and practice (e.g. ritual, filial piety, loyalty, humaneness, genteel behavior, festivals)
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VI. Daoism – 4%
a. Historical development (e.g. ancient Chinese tradition, Lao Tzu)
b. Doctrine and practice (e.g. Dao, wu wei, rituals)
VII. Shintoism – 4%
a. Historical development (e.g. influence on Buddhism, influence within Japanese culture, WWII)
b. Doctrine and practice (e.g. three forms of Shinto, Kami, festivals)
X. Islam – 18%
a. Historical development (e.g., life of Muhammad, rise of Empire, Golden Age, Ottomans/Mughals,
modern Islam)
b. Major traditions (e.g. Sunni, Shi’a, and Sufi)
c. Doctrine and practice (e.g. Allāh, Qur’an, Five Pillars of Islam, resurrection and judgment;
predestination, Sharia/Fiqh; jihad, festivals)
Below is a list of reference publications that were either used as a reference to create the exam, or were used
as textbooks in college courses of the same or similar title at the time the test was developed. You may
reference either the current edition of these titles or textbooks currently used at a local college or university for
the same class title. It is recommended that you reference more than one textbook on the topics outlined in this
fact sheet.
You should begin by checking textbook content against the content outline provided before selecting textbooks
that cover the test content from which to study.
Sources for study material are suggested but not limited to the following:
1. Noss, D. and Grangaard, B., A History of the World's Religions. 14th ed. Pearson.
2. Hopfe, L. and Woodward, M., Religions of the World. 13th ed. Pearson.
3. Fisher, M., Living Religions. 10th ed. Pearson.
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All test questions are in a multiple-choice format, with one correct answer and three incorrect options. The
following are samples of the types of questions that may appear on the exam.
4. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu indicates that the best way of living is a life of
a. passivity.
b. assertiveness.
c. natural simplicity.
d. social commitment.
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