Legenda Lodge of Perfection 4-14 - Albert Pike
Legenda Lodge of Perfection 4-14 - Albert Pike
Legenda Lodge of Perfection 4-14 - Albert Pike
Jicnipa of firam.
to disappear it
only waited for a human voice to come and
explain to the New World the problem of the Pyramids.
the truth from all except the Adepts. Like the religions,
or a Rite, or for an)* except the Priest to dare to use it, is re-
extracting the gold from the ore, than in digesting the truths
which those who so discovered them teach.
Let the Initiate, then, winnow the Error from the Truth in
the following interpretation of a Masonic legend.
progressive initiation ;
their principle, equality, regulated by
the hierarchy and universal fraternity :
they are the continuers
of the school of Alexandria, heirs of all the ancient initiations ;
gressively to Reason.
" The the rebuilding of the
allegorical object of Masonry is
social unity, by the alliance of Keason and Faith; and the re-
establishment of the Hierachy, in accordance with knowledge
and virtue; with initiation and tests by means of degrees.
"Nothing is finer, we see, nothing grander than these
ideas; but unfortunately the doctrines of unity and of sub-
mission to the hierarchy have not been preserved in the uni-
versal Masonry. There soon sprung up a dissident Ma-
sonry, opposed to the orthodox, and the greatest calamities
of the French Revolution were the consequences of this
"The Freemasons have their sacred legend ;
that of HIRAM
completed by that of CYRUS and ZOROBABEL.
"This is the legend of Hiram :
given, and this time Hiram was struck with a square, or, as
"At the third gate was the third assassin, who finished the
Master with a blow of a mallet.
" The three Fellow-crafts afterward hid the body under a
of Acacia, and then fled, like Cain after the murder of Abel.
" Meanwhile
Solomon, his Architect not returning, sent
nine Masters to seek him. The branch of acacia led them to
find the body; they drew it from the rubbish, and as it had
remained there for some days, they
upon raising it, cried,
Macli-benacli ! which means, ( the flesh parts from the bones.'
"The last duties were performed to Hiram, and twenty-
seven Masters were then sent by Solomon to search for the
"The first was surprised in a cave a lamp burned near
him, a rivulet ran at his feet, and a poniard was near him for
his defence. The Master who entered the cavern recognized
the assassin, seizedand stabbed him, saying
the poniard,
a word that means '
Vengeance? His head was carried
to Solomon, who was angered on seeing it, and said to him
Supreme Wisdom.
"The Temple is the realization and figure of the Holy Em-
pire, the reign of Truth and Reason on the earth.
" There are three
typical rebels :
and purity for which the Faithful hope when they shall have
"He who completed the murder with the Mallet, falls a
victim to the Force which he abused, and is
strangled by the
" The Assassin
by the Rule is denounced by the very Lump
that gave him light, and the Spring at which he drinks.
" That is to he is to the lex talionis.
say, subjected
"The Assassin by the Square will be surprised when his
pretation of Solomon.
"Masonry has not only been profaned, but it has even
served as a veil and pretext for the plottings of anarchy, by
the secret influence of the avengers of Jacques de Molai, and
the continucrs of the schismatic work of the Temple.
"Instead of avenging the death of Hiram, his Assassins
have been avenged.
"The Anarchists have retaken the Rule, the Square, and
the Mallet, and written on them, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRA-
" That is to say, Liberty for the covetous to plunder,
Equality for the basest, and Fraternity to destroy.
"These are the men whom the Church has always con-
demned, and always will condemn."
These interpretations are ingenious, but not correct.
all value.
The Jewish Priesthood at Jerusalem desired to silence Christ,
and vices and therefore the Junior Warden, with the RULE,
rigid, unbending Square of Steel, its two arms uniting
to form the unyielding unity of the right angle, is an apt Sym-
bol of the Imperial Power of Rome, union of all Civil and all
ments of this brute Force, and strike with its Club of Steel at
the brain of Constitutional Freedom. It is the people that
clamors for the blood of the Patriot; and the Soldiery is but
the mob, organized and directed by a single will an instru-
Traitor. It betrays and abandons its chiefs, and does not, like
Iscariot, repent, but obtains absolution for its own sins by as-
Caesar falls, pierced by the dagger of Brutus. The Tyrant
is deemed the enemy of the human race, and the Neros, Caligu-
las, Domitians, and Robespierres, like the Tarquins and the
tice of Omnipotence.
Tyranny is dethroned by the Intellect of which it consti-
tutes itself the patron, and by the burghers and the commons
to whom it grants privileges, that they may be bribed to sus-
tain it with moneys, and aid it in crushing the Nobles that en-
danger the power of the Crown and the enemies of the Church
its Luthers and Wesleys always spring from its own loins.
Its own children turn upon it and rend it. It was the Monk
liest foes.
gelist, were also the Symbol of that Divine and Perfect TRUTH
that dazzles the eyes of all except the Eagles and the Hawks,
which in ancient Egypt were sacred to ATUM, AMUX-RA, and
MEXDES, the great Gods !
became immortal for the Initiates, when the Christ raised it,
as he did Lazarus, its personification, from the tomb. The
Rulejmdi the Square are apt symbols of the rectangularity and
stiff precision of that interpretation which makes a figurative
recitals of facts ;
the Truth hidden under the veil cf the Sym-
bol remaining invisible within the Holy of Holies, where the
Visible Presence dwells for the true Initiate between the
ISTot all its Symbols are ancient. Some were adopted from
the English and Scottish Craft of Stone-Masonry, when those
who created the order, somewhat before the beginning of the
eighteenth century, assumed the name of Free-Masons, by
teguler Hi d. et son garceon i d. ob., d-c. ; the translation whereof in the Statutes
i d. ob. ;
" Also that
at Large i?, Carpenter?, Masons, Tilers, and other workmen of Houses, shall
not take by the day for their work, but in manner as they were wont that is to say, a
and other Masons three-pence, and their servants one penny half-penny Tylers three-
of Carpenters and Masons [les chiefs mestres des Carpenters et Maceons] take four-pence
by the day and that all alliances and covines of Masons and Carpenters, and congre-
gations, chapters, ordinances, and oaths betwixt them made or to be made, shall be
from henceforth void and wholly annulled go that every Mason and Carpenter, of
what condition soever he be, shall be compelled by his master to whom he serveth, to
do every work that to him pertaineth to do, either of free <tone or of rough stone, [ou dt
fraunche pere ou de grosse pere] And also every Carpenter in his degree. 11
And in the Statute 2 & 3 EDW.VI., Chap, xv., entitled " An act touching Victuallers
and Handicraftsmen," we find " the Craft, mystery or occupation of Victuallers" spoken
" that no
of. and provision person or person* shall at any time after the first clay of April
next coming, interrupt, deny, let, or obstruct any Free Mason, Bough Mai-on, Carpenter,
Bricklayer, &c., to work in any of the paid crafts."
And in the Statute 3 4 EDW. VI., Chap, xx., repealing a certain branch of the act last
before mentioned, and reciting it, we find " the Artificers and Craftsmen of the arts,
" the
crafts, and mysteries aforesaid" spoken of, and Free-men, being artificers of the
crafts, arts, swdmysteriet aforesaid."
traditional ;
and in that respect it is true to say that Masonry
has no real traditions, but only inventions. There is not the
But when it is
gravely and persistently attempted to trans-
form mere follies and pretended traditions into historical
their support.
most, than a few years back of the year 1700, is as utterly un-
sustained by evidence or tradition entitled to respect as the
and we also think that the new Association was first estab-
lished in Scotland, by adherents of the House of Stuart,
I. by Hiram, and meant by the word
represented Charles
Mason, one faithful and loyal to that House.
There are concealed meanings, also, beyond any question,
in words and phrases where, as yet, such meanings are
Architect, in the two grips that fail and the one that suc-
the adepts, and that many have been lost in the long passage.
Of other portions of the Symbolism, not more than two
centuries old, there were also, we think, concealed interpreta-
lay at their feet and close to them all around, into a distant
darkness, lighted only by the delusive gleams of ignes fatui.
We do not speak of the babblers who have merely followed
the old track, repeated the old commonplaces, and incubated
only on the mysterious texts ;
but of the few real students
who have endeavored by real scholarship to interpret the
obscure oracles and elucidate the symbols of the Lodge.
These have overlooked the obvious truth that the symbols
of antiquity were not used to reveal, but to conceal, like the
still, in
many had the intelligence, the zeal, and the eagerness for
openly avowed.
Maier says " Like the and Egyptians, the
Rosicrucians exact vows of silence and secrecy. Ignorant
men have treated the whole as a fiction but this has arisen
from the five years' probation to which they subject even well
mysteries ;
and within this period they are to learn how to
Degree, in which, it
may be said, Blue Masonry wholly con-
sists. We know that the Degree had no existence until the
year 1723, perhaps a year or two later. It would naturally
for ithad the symbols and the symbolic ceremony, ii its chief
features, that were first used by the Hierophants in India, and
afterward carried into Assyria, Egypt, Phoenicia, Persia, and
Greece and it has condensed, as it were, into these symbols,
all the great and mysterious truths of the old Theosophy and
who knows that they are neither the recital of facts verified
by tradition.
Apprentice's Degree.
If the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Masonry of
and the names of the seven liberal arts and sciences as known
to the ancients are repeated to him, with the names of the
five Orders of Architecture. His whole Geometrical instruc-
to oft'end
Pope or King,
Inquisitor or Jesuit. All the
body ;
but it teaches nothing more. As the truths of politics,
the great principles of human freedom, free government, free
thought, and free conscience could not safely be proclaimed
to the mass of Initiates as the cause to which by their associ-
ation and by the oaths that insured secrecy and co-operation,
they were to be devoted, so it was unnecessary, for the pur-
pose of such union and co-operation, to teach the philosophical
For all this would no more have added value to the lesser
lauded, not for what it does teach and disclose, but for what
the Initiate can only learn from books as open to be read by
the Profane as by himself. And it is a greater absurdity, if
that is possible, that nearly the whole of the immense mass
that has thus been written has little or no real connection with
Blue Masonry, and might with quite as much propriety have
been written upon any other text.
Of course nothing is to be done with those who accept
literally the legend of Hi ram and of the building and re-
English Parliament which had changed the succession tc
the crown for this promise was never exacted by the Scottish
only conceal the Light from the Initiates, were at the begin-
ning only a means of organization, and are now only prelim-
inary and rndimcntal. The Degree of Perfection is so called
because it completes and perfects the Third Degree.