MP-T Improving Membrane Protein Alignment For Structure

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Vol. 29 no.

1 2013, pages 54–61

BIOINFORMATICS ORIGINAL PAPER doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts640

Structural bioinformatics Advance Access publication October 30, 2012

MP-T: improving membrane protein alignment for structure

Jamie R. Hill and Charlotte M. Deane*
Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TG, UK
Associate Editor: Anna Tramontano

ABSTRACT known structure (homology modelling). Conceptually, homology

Motivation: Membrane proteins are clinically relevant, yet their crystal modelling can be divided into three phases: (i) identifying a tem-
structures are rare. Models of membrane proteins are typically built plate (‘fold recognition’), (ii) aligning the residues of the target
from template structures with low sequence identity to the target se- on to the template structure, (iii) completion of the model impli-
quence, using a sequence-structure alignment as a blueprint. This cit from this alignment (e.g. by modelling missing loops). Many
alignment is usually made with programs designed for use on soluble methods perform fold-recognition and alignment simultan-
proteins. Biological membranes have layers of varying hydrophobicity, eously. In this work, we maintain a distinction and focus solely
and membrane proteins have different amino-acid substitution prefer- on alignment.
ences from their soluble counterparts. Here we include these factors Alignment methods differ in how they use information about
into an alignment method to improve alignments and consequently protein structure and sequence. Sequence information is derived
improve membrane protein models. from a set of sequences that are homologous to the target and
Results: We developed Membrane Protein Threader (MP-T), a template. These sequences are often combined into a profile.
sequence-structure alignment tool for membrane proteins based on Structure information is commonly incorporated either by the
multiple sequence alignment. Alignment accuracy is tested against use of statistical potentials (e.g. Yang et al., 2011) or by annota-
seven other alignment methods over 165 non-redundant alignments tion of the template sequence, e.g. with secondary structure
of membrane proteins. MP-T produces more accurate alignments strings (Shi et al., 2001).
than all other methods tested (FM from þ0.9 to þ5.5%). Alignments The alignment of membrane proteins presents unique chal-
generated by MP-T also lead to significantly better models than those lenges. Most soluble proteins are globular with a hydrophilic
of the best alternative alignment tool (one-fourth of models see an surface, whereas membrane proteins possess neither of these
increase in GDT_TS of 4%). properties. Alignment methods incorporating statistical poten-
Availability: All source code, alignments and models are available at tials derived from soluble proteins are thus expected to perform poorly on membrane proteins. At least two such methods,
Contact: [email protected] pGenThreader (Lobley et al., 2009) and SPARKS-X (Yang
Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at et al., 2011), recognize this and filter transmembrane sections
Bioinformatics online. from their results.
Alignment methods that annotate a template include
Received on July 7, 2012; revised on September 26, 2012; accepted HHsearch (Söding, 2005) and PROMALS (Pei and Grishin,
on October 22, 2012 2007). These align pairs of profiles that are annotated with sec-
ondary structure strings. PROMALS may also be used as a
homology-extension method. In this approach, a multiple se-
1 INTRODUCTION quence alignment (MSA) is performed, but with each sequence
There are only 350 unique membrane protein crystal structures replaced by a profile.
( For comparison, Most MSA methods, such as MAFFT (Katoh and Toh,
in July 2012 there were 445 000 unique crystal structures in the 2008), MSAProbs (Liu et al., 2010) and T-Coffee (Notredame
Protein Data Bank (Berman et al., 2000). This disparity is not et al., 2000) do not use any structure information, but instead
due to importance: the location of membrane proteins on the derive their accuracy from a ‘consistency’ criterion and/or itera-
surface of cells and their involvement in signalling pathways tive optimization. Consistency-based approaches aim to generate
make them targets for approximately one-half of current and a MSA that accords best with a library of pairwise alignments
future drugs (Overington et al., 2006). The disparity arises be- between the sequences being aligned.
cause membrane proteins are inherently hard to crystallize—the A small number of alignment methods have been designed
hydrophilic conditions required for crystallization are often in- specifically for membrane proteins. The AlignMe program has
compatible with the hydrophobic conditions in which a mem- been developed to study LeuT-fold transporters (Khafizov et al.,
brane protein assumes its native structure. 2010). PralineTM (Pirovano et al., 2008) and TM-Coffee (Chang
In the absence of crystal structures, a model of a target et al., 2012) are homology-extension (multiple profile alignment)
sequence may be built using as a template a related protein of methods that have been found to perform well on alignments of
transmembrane proteins from the BALiBASE benchmark.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Neither method uses secondary structure to aid alignment, but

54 ß The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]

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PralineTM uses different scoring in regions annotated as being we construct by applying our pairwise alignment method to all
transmembrane. pairs of selected homologues.
Owing to the scarcity of known structures, the best template The above-outlined approach merges our accurate pairwise
for a membrane protein sequence is likely to have extremely low aligner into a consistency-based membrane multiple sequence
sequence identity—potentially beneath the 30% ‘twilight zone’. aligner. The approach uses phylogeny to exclude spurious hom-
Fortunately, even at this low level of sequence identity, accurate ology information from the alignment.
alignment may be possible, as biological membranes have a sand-
wich structure with a hydrophobic middle (lipid tail layer)
and hydrophilic edges (lipid head layer). These differing hydro- 3 METHODS
phobicities constrain the amino acids likely to be found in each 3.1 Scoring system of our method
environment (Forrest et al., 2006).
Our approach requires each template to be annotated with environment
In previous work, we demonstrated that environment-specific
information. To do this we used iMembrane (Kelm et al., 2009), which
substitution tables improved the pairwise alignment of mem- determines membrane positioning based on coarse-grained molecular-
brane proteins (Hill et al., 2011). Here, we incorporate these dynamics simulations available in the CGDB database (Scott et al., 2008).
tables into a consistency-based MSA program, Membrane Substitution tables were built for each environment by counting sub-
Protein Threader (MP-T). The evolutionary information pro- stitutions between 416 annotated structures and a large number of
vided by homologous sequences greatly increases alignment ac- sequence homologues in a process analogous to that used in the construc-
curacy at low sequence identities compared with pairwise tion of BLOSUM matrices (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992). MAFFT
alignments. L-INS-i (Katoh and Toh, 2008) was used to align each structure with
Our approach involves no sequence weighting or iterative its homologues. In contrast to our previous work, substitutions for an
environment were counted symmetrically, e.g. a substitution from alanine
refinement, and yet it is as accurate as leading profile–profile
in a helix structure to glycine in a sequence Ahelix ! Gsequence, implies a
aligners such as HHsearch (Söding, 2005) and PROMALS
substitution Ghelix ! Asequence even though the glycine could potentially
(Pei and Grishin, 2007) while introducing fewer misaligned not be in a helix. This change ensures consistency with our transfer of
pairs of residues. MP-T leads to models with significantly environment annotations (see Section 2) between the template and each
higher GDT_TS (Zemla et al., 2001) than the best alternative sequence. The substitution tables used here are available at http://www.
alignment method tested—one-fourth of models see an increase
in GDT_TS of at least 4%. During multiple sequence alignment, no gap penalties were imposed
other than a terminal gap penalty of 5. In constructing the pairwise
library, a terminal gap penalty of 50 was used in addition to four pairs
2 APPROACH of affine gap penalties that depended on whether a gap occurred in the
We develop MP-T, a progressive multiple alignment method tail layer of the membrane or in a region of known secondary structure.
For gaps in the tail layer disrupting secondary structure, gopen ¼ 360,
specifically for use on membrane protein sequences. Sequences
gext ¼ 60; for other gaps in the tail layer, gopen ¼ 220, gext ¼ 20; for
homologous to the target and template are collected and used to other gaps disrupting secondary structure, gopen ¼ 300, gext ¼ 20; all
construct a phylogenetic ‘guide’ tree. The sequences are then other gaps, gopen ¼ 200, gext ¼ 10. Gap penalty values were
aligned in the order dictated by the branching of the tree, work- non-exhaustively optimized on the 72 pairwise alignments in Hill et al.
ing from the leaves and aligning towards the root. (2011), by testing perturbations around plausible values. Gap penalties
In previous work, we performed pairwise alignment of a se- are most severe in transmembrane regions and in secondary structure
quence on to a template (Hill et al., 2011). Our pairwise align- elements. This agrees with the high conservation of secondary structure
ment method used structural information by annotating residues elements, and with the fact that transmembrane elements are constrained
in the template with the region of the membrane that they con- to be at least the width of the membrane.
tacted, their secondary structure type and their accessible surface
area. Different scoring systems were used for each combination 3.2 Construction of training and test sets
of annotations (hereafter termed an ‘environment’) and gap Sequences were extracted from proteins with PDB codes accessible at the
penalties were also varied with environment as, for example, a Membrane Proteins of Known 3D Structures Database on 10 January
gap is unlikely to be opened in the middle of a transmembrane 2012. The sequences were ordered as follows:
(1) Sequences that formed the gap-penalty training set
This pairwise method cannot be translated directly into a
MSA method as only one sequence—the template—has the (2) Sequences present in the CGDB molecular dynamics database
structural annotation required for accurate alignments. To (3) Sequences from X-ray structures (sorted by resolution)
remedy this, pairwise alignments are made between the template (4) Sequences from NMR structures
sequence and each homologue, and structural annotation is
transferred between aligned pairs of residues. After annotation As the list of sequences was traversed in the above order, a sequence
was ‘accepted’ if it had 560% sequence identity [as determined by a
transfer, a guide tree is constructed and used to select homo-
TM-align (Zhang and Skolnick, 2005) structural alignment] to all previ-
logues for the multiple-alignment phase: only sequences judged
ously accepted sequences.
by the guide tree to be descendants of the most recent common Pairwise structure alignments were made between all pairings of
ancestor of the target and template are selected. Multiple- accepted sequences. These alignments were then filtered such that no
alignment then proceeds using our implementation of the alignments had RMSDs of 3.5 Å, had TM scores of 50.5, contained
T-Coffee objective criterion (Notredame et al., 2000). a sequence with length 560 residues, contained a co-crystallized soluble
The criterion requires a library of pairwise alignments, which protein fragment or were aligned over 560% of the length of the shorter


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J.R.Hill and C.M.Deane

sequence. Alignments involving sequences without an iMembrane anno- HHsearch (Söding, 2005) is part of HHsuite v. 2.0.5. The suite contains
tation were discarded. This procedure prevents bias in the selected se- the HHblits search tool (Remmert et al., 2012), which we used to generate
quences, and ensures alignments are between proteins with sufficient HMMs for target and template. Searches were conducted against the
structural similarity for use in modelling. nr20 database (version dated 11 January 2010). Both HMMs were anno-
The alignments were then partitioned into a training set and a test set. tated by PSIPRED v. 2.5 (Jones, 1999), and the template was further
The training set was composed of 73 alignments that satisfied these re- annotated with DSSP secondary structure states by JOY (Mizuguchi
quirements and where both sequences were taken from the first category et al., 1998). Best performance on the training set was obtained by com-
of the above list. The test set consisted of 165 alignments where neither bining a local initial Viterbi algorithm with a global MAC realignment.
sequence was part of the first category. A schematic of this procedure is We note that HHsearch and PROMALS enjoy the advantages of sec-
provided in Supplementary Figure S1. Properties of the training and test ondary structure annotation and homologue selection aimed at optimiz-
sets are plotted in Supplementary Figure S2. All alignments can be found ing their performance. Our method, MP-T, also has these advantages.
at PSI-Coffee is a homology extension method and so uses more sequences
in each alignment than are available to other methods. MSAProbs,
MAFFT L-INS-i, MUSCLE and Clustal
are directly comparable
3.3 Alignment input with each other.
Alignments were made with the profile–profile alignment programs
PROMALS (Pei and Grishin, 2007) and HHsearch v2.0.5 (Söding,
3.5 Assessment of alignments and models
2005), and with the MSA programs MP-T (this work), MUSCLE
v3.8.31 (Edgar, 2004), MSAProbs v0.9.5 (Liu et al., 2010), MAFFT Alignment accuracy was assessed with reference to a TM-align structure
v6.864 b, T-Coffee v9.01 (Notredame et al., 2000) and clustal
v1.0.3 alignment between the target and template. Two separate assessments
(Sievers et al., 2011). We allowed both profile–profile programs to select were made: one over the transmembrane domain only, and the other
their own homologues (see next section), but tested all MSA programs on over the entire sequence. Transmembrane domains were defined, using
identical input sequences, which were collected as described below. the ‘membrane layer’ annotation from iMembrane, to be regions that
Homologous sequences to each chain were extracted from the contain 530 consecutive not-in-membrane layer residues, 415 tail layer
Uniref90 database (accessed 6 February 2012) (Suzek et al., 2007) by residues and are at least 40-residues long. Putative domains were trimmed
running PSI-BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997) for five iterations with to begin and end with at most 15 consecutive not-in-membrane layer
e-value thresholds of 103 to keep a hit, and 105 to incorporate a hit residues. In the test set, 115 of the 165 alignments contained TM do-
into the search profile. Homologues with 515% sequence identity to the mains: most of the other alignments form soluble parts of TM complexes.
query over the aligned region were discarded, as were those with lengths Alignment accuracy is commonly assessed by two related measures:
52/3 or 43/2 that of the query. The remaining homologues were ran- the modeller score FM and the developer score FD. These scores are dif-
domly ordered and then made non-redundant by UCLUST (Edgar, 2010) ferent normalizations of the number of correctly aligned residues in an
at 80% sequence identity. alignment. In FM, this number is divided by the number of aligned resi-
For each alignment, the homologues from the template and target dues in the alignment being assessed; in FD, it is divided by the number of
were combined in equal numbers (alternating the order to first take a aligned residues in the reference alignment (Sauder et al., 2000). An align-
homologue from the template, then one from the target with any surplus ment with high FM includes few mistakenly aligned residues, but may not
being discarded), filtered to have lengths 42/3 and 53/2 that of the tem- reproduce much of the reference alignment; one with high FD reproduces
plate, and again made redundant at 80% using UCLUST. The first 125 a lot of the reference alignment but may misalign residues.
sequences were used as input to each aligner. This is similar to the way in A third measure of alignment accuracy is the number of alignments
which the general purpose PREFAB benchmark is constructed, but with where one method aligns 10 residues more correctly than another.
a greater number of selected sequences (PREFAB alignments have at Compared with FD and FM, this measure avoids the problems of normal-
most 50 sequences) and different cut-offs (Edgar, 2004). ization and is robust against anomalously good or bad alignments.
This protocol ensures that the MSA contains a reasonable number of Models of transmembrane domains were built with MEDELLER
sequences with little bias towards either the target or template, a wide (Kelm et al., 2010) and assessed using the GDT_TS measure calculated
range of sequence identity and sequences of approximately equal length. by the TM-score program (Zhang and Skolnick, 2004) over aligned pairs
of residues. GDT_TS is the average fraction of residues in the model that
are within 1, 2, 4 and 8 Å of their position in the experimental structure.
3.4 Optimization of alignment programs
We attempted to find optimal settings for each alignment method based
on its performance on our training set. 4 DISCUSSION
The default settings of MUSCLE and MSAProbs were found to per-
4.1 Homologue selection
form well on the training set and so no changes were made. We tested the
L-INS-i and G-INS-i modes of MAFFT and used the former as it had a It is unclear how homologues should be chosen to help create a
higher accuracy. We tested the PSI-Coffee mode of T-Coffee (with the good sequence alignment between two distantly related proteins.
Uniref90 database for sequence search), as we found it to be more ac- In this section, we discuss variations on the procedure used
curate than the default T-Coffee settings, while providing results directly throughout the rest of this work, which is described in Section 3.3.
comparable with those of TM-Coffee. By default, Clustal
constructs MSA accuracy is thought to deteriorate as the number of
trees using a variant of the fast mBed algorithm and does not perform aligned sequences increases above 100 (Thompson et al.,
iteration. We found two rounds of iteration, and non-mBed tree construc-
2011), but thousands of homologues can be returned in a
tion improved performance (options: –full –full-iter –iter 2) and so ran
BLAST search. We tested MP-T on our training set with 25–
these settings.
Although PROMALS (Pei and Grishin, 2007) is capable of performing 150 homologues in steps of 25, and found that the accuracy
a multiple profile alignment, we found that a pairwise profile–profile tended to a fixed upper limit in this range, with little improve-
alignment was more accurate on our training set. PROMALS comes ment from 75–150 homologues (percentage of the reference
with its own sequence database (Uniref90 dated Feb 2007) against structure alignment that was reproduced, FD: 86.1–87.2, see
which it finds homologues using its own copy of BLAST. Supplementary Fig. S4).


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A feature of our homologue selection procedure is randomiza- Table 1. Performance of different methods over the transmembrane
tion. One alternative approach is to order homologues by their domain and full alignment
BLAST score, favouring more nearly related sequences. The per-
centages of the reference alignment reproduced when homo- TM domain Full alignment
logues were selected by BLAST score were 82.9–86.4 for
25–150 homologues in steps of 25. For MP-T–randomized selec- Method FM FD FM FD
tions always yield improved accuracy, suggesting that homo-
logues should be diverse and spread over the entire range of MP-T 66.3 65.8 69.6 70.1
sequence identity. MP-T (1 table) 65.3 63.7* 69.2 68.5*
MP-T (pair) 59.1* 60.5* 61.5* 63.8*
4.2 Tree building MSAProbs 62.5** 62.1** 68.2** 69.0
Progressive multiple alignment requires a ‘guide tree’ to determine MAFFT L-INS-I 64.1* 63.8* 68.4** 69.1
the order of alignment. Counterintuitively, simple tree-building HHsearch 64.1* 65.3 67.5* 69.6
PROMALS 64.4* 66.0 67.4* 69.9
heuristics such as single-linkage clustering and UPGMA
PSI-Coffee 65.4** 64.6** 68.7** 69.1
have been found to lead to more accurate alignments than phylo- MUSCLE 60.8* 61.3* 65.1* 66.6*
genetically more precise methods such as neighbour joining (NJ) clustal
63.9a,* 63.8** 67.9a,* 68.5*
(Wheeler and Kececioglu, 2007; Plyusnin and Holm, 2012).
In MP-T, tree building determines not just the order in which MP-T has significantly higher values of FM than all other methods. The top-scoring
sequences are aligned, but also which sequences are used to align methods differ little in FD.
the target and template. For example, a tree with the target and tem- In 2 cases, clustal
does not align any residues in the target with those in the
template. We set FM for these alignments to 0. Entries marked with asterisks are
plate on adjacent leaves would give a standard pairwise alignment, significantly different from MP-T (P50.01 are marked *, P50.1 are marked **).
whereas a tree with the target and template meeting at the root Significance is assessed by a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
would involve all other sequences. We tested the tree-building pro-
cedures NJ, BIONJ (Gascuel, 1997), single-linkage clustering and
UPGMA on our training set to determine whether simpler algo- is probably because in a MSA, there are more ways of incorrectly
rithms still led to more accurate alignments in this case. pairing residues without matching a residue in the target with one
The algorithms differed in how many sequences they used to in the template.
align the target and template. For BIONJ and NJ, on average For 15 alignments, no method aligned more than 25% of the
70% of the possible number of homologues were used; for residues correctly. These ‘unalignable’ proteins typically have
UPGMA and single-linkage clustering, 90% of homologues low sequence identity (average 7%) and are either short or
were used. Despite this, changes in tree building did not greatly have the majority of their residues in -strands (eight are shorter
affect accuracy. Single-linkage clustering appeared to be most than 150 residues; five are majority -strand). The short proteins
accurate and NJ least accurate. We use UPGMA in the remain- paired here may not be homologous, but merely share a large
der of this work. secondary structure feature. The over-representation of -strands
may highlight difficulties in deriving a reference alignment from
4.3 Alignment accuracy a -barrel structure alignment. For example, models that are
MP-T alignments have a significantly higher average FM (lower built based on an alignment that differs significantly from the
error rate, see Section 3.5) than all other methods, both over the reference should be poor, but in the case of the eight-stranded
transmembrane domain and the full alignment (Table 1). Little -barrels 3QRA and 3DZM, a model is built with a GDT_TS of
variation is seen between the top methods in FD, the fraction of 67.5% despite the MP-T alignment including only 26% of the
the reference structure alignment that is reproduced, but meth- residue pairings in the reference alignment.
ods that make use of secondary structure annotation (MP-T, Table 2 shows the number of alignments for which each
PROMALS and HHsearch) achieve higher scores over the TM column method correctly aligns at least 10 more residues than
domain. In addition to the methods discussed in Section 3.3, the corresponding row method. The first entry in the table is
Table 1 contains results for a version of MP-T that uses no en- assessed over the 115 transmembrane domains, and the entry
vironment information [MP-T (1 table)], and a version that uses in parentheses is assessed over the whole target sequence (165
no homologous sequences [MP-T (pair)]. alignments). MP-T consistently outperforms all other methods
The small variation in FD over full alignments allows the more often than they outperform it, with the advantage being
intrinsic error rates of the different methods to be compared. largest over transmembrane regions. The MP-T (pair) column
The low error rates of MP-T appear to be a consequence of the performs a pairwise alignment; its poor performance illustrates
T-Coffee objective criterion—use of a single environment- the importance of homologues in creating an accurate alignment.
independent substitution table in MP-T drastically reduces per- The alignments in the test set are diverse—spanning an order
formance but still leads to fewer incorrect pairings than for of magnitude in length and sequence identity (Fig. 1a).
other methods [MP-T (1 table), Table 1]. After MUSCLE, the Secondary structure content varies from 475% -helix to
two profile–profile methods PROMALS and HHsearch incor- 475% -strand. Sequences forming soluble parts of transmem-
rectly align the most residues. We find that, in general, MSA brane complexes are also represented, with 50 of the 165 align-
programs incorrectly align a smaller proportion of residues be- ments having sequences without a transmembrane domain under
tween the target and template than profile–profile methods. This our definition (Section 3.5).


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J.R.Hill and C.M.Deane

Table 2. Number of times column method beats row method by at least 10 residues

MP-T MSAProbs MAFFT L-INS-i HHsearch PROMALS PSI-Coffee MUSCLE clustal

MP-T (pair)

MP-T — 6 (12) 7 (13) 17 (21) 17 (25) 13 (18) 8 (9) 12 (15) 9 (8)

MSAProbs 20 (24) — 14 (16) 17 (20) 25 (30) 15 (17) 10 (10) 12 (12) 13 (14)
MAFFT L-INS-I 22 (25) 13 (17) — 19 (23) 19 (23) 16 (21) 8 (9) 17 (18) 14 (13)
HHsearch 28 (38) 20 (33) 20 (35) — 25 (34) 25 (34) 18 (25) 20 (30) 14 (19)
PROMALS 21 (31) 11 (28) 15 (30) 16 (27) — 11 (22) 10 (20) 16 (27) 12 (13)
PSI-Coffee 20 (25) 8 (13) 12 (19) 16 (21) 20 (25) — 5 (6) 15 (21) 9 (12)
MUSCLE 37 (52) 30 (50) 21 (37) 28 (43) 32 (43) 28 (41) — 23 (34) 20 (25)
20 (27) 14 (24) 13 (24) 20 (26) 21 (29) 15 (24) 5 (7) — 14 (20)
MP-T (pair) 40 (70) 39 (73) 41 (74) 34 (68) 38 (68) 36 (65) 32 (60) 38 (72) —

The first entry is assessed over the transmembrane region only, whereas parenthetical entries are assessed over the whole target sequence. For example, there are 20 alignments
in which HHsearch beats clustal
in the transmembrane region, and 26 where HHsearch beats clustal
An entry is in bold if the column method beats the row method more often than the row method beats the column method. Better performing methods have more bold entries
in their column. Details of how each program was run are provided in Section 3.4.

(a) 55 100 (b) 60

Number of models
50 90
45 80 30

40 20
Percentage identity

35 60
−0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
30 50
Improvement in GDT_TS

25 70
Number of models

20 30 50

15 20

10 10
scale bar:
5 0
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Increased number of residues aligned correctly by our method Increase in % Coverage

Fig. 1. (a) Alignments for which PROMALS or MP-T aligned at least 10 residues more correctly than the other. The assessment is made over the full
target sequence. The size of each rectangle is a proxy for the size of the MSA for each input: rectangle height is proportional to the number of sequences
in the MP-T alignment, rectangle length is proportional to the length of the target sequence. The scale bar shows a rectangle corresponding to an
alignment made using 100 sequences and with a target length of 500 residues. Rectangles are coloured by the fraction of the structure alignment that
the better performing method reproduced. One point at (72, 9) falls outside the axes of the graph: PROMALS aligns 63% of the residues correctly.
(b) Distribution of improvements in model accuracy (top) and model coverage (bottom) from using MP-T rather than PROMALS. Models produced
from MP-T alignments provide lower coverage than PROMALS (bars are higher to the left of the origin in the lower panel) but are significantly more
accurate (bars are higher to the right of the origin in the upper panel, P5104 by Wilcoxon signed-rank test)

As PROMALS came nearest to parity with MP-T (Table 2), between a single substitution table and environment-specific
we selected it to investigate the types of alignments each performs tables accumulate with sequence length. However, the improved
best. Figure 1a shows all alignments where PROMALS and performance may also reflect the composition of the training set,
MP-T outperform each other by at least 10 residues over the which contained only one alignment with a target sequence shorter
full alignment. Several cases where MP-T performs less well than 200 residues (Supplementary Fig. S2). PROMALS may per-
(rectangles to the left of the black line) may be attributable to form better at making distant alignments515% sequence identity,
the use of a small number of homologues to make the alignment whereas MP-T has an advantage in the 15–30% identity range,
(thin rectangles in the figure). This can arise either because the which is arguably more useful for modelling.
procedure in Section 3.3 returned few homologues or because the Alignment methods show a greater range of accuracy over
guide tree excluded many homologues (see Section 2). majority -strand targets than over majority -helical targets.
MP-T appears to perform better on longer proteins (longer bars On average, -strand targets are shorter than other targets,
to the right of the black line), which is to be expected: differences and have lower sequence identity reference alignments that


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contain a higher density of gap open events. These factors may the model GDT_TS. This is a number in the range (0, 1), with
differentiate methods by their gap-penalty schemes. higher values corresponding to more accurate models. To isolate
The above results are obtained when only the template se- the contribution of the alignment method to the model,
quence is structurally annotated. However, MP-T is capable of GDT_TS was calculated only over pairs of residues that were
accepting more annotations, derived either from crystal struc- aligned in the input sequence alignment. Models were built using
tures or from prediction programs such as PSIPRED. MP-T’s the full sequence alignment, as in the MEDELLER procedure
internal transfer of structural annotation between sequences is an this cannot worsen the transmembrane model, but can improve
implicit prediction of secondary-structure, solvent accessibility loop modelling.
and membrane-positioning. Additional annotations should lead MP-T produces models of significantly higher GDT_TS than
to improved alignments if they have a lower error rate than these PROMALS or MUSCLE (P5104, Wilcoxon signed-rank test).
implicit predictions. An approximate bound to the accuracy The upper panel of Figure 1b shows the distribution of improve-
gains from adding more annotations can be found by providing ments in model GDT_TS gained by using MP-T rather than
structural annotations for the target sequence as well as for the PROMALS. For example, for 30 of the 115 models, MP-T align-
template structure. This increased FM and FD by 0.7% over ments led to a 2.5–7.5% improvement in model GDT_TS com-
both TM domains and full alignments. pared with models made with PROMALS. The small height of
bars to the left of the origin shows that MP-T rarely generates
significantly worse models than PROMALS. The lower panel of
4.4 Model accuracy in the transmembrane region Figure 1b shows that PROMALS alignments lead to models
We built models for the 115 transmembrane domains in the test with higher coverage than MP-T. On average, MUSCLE’s
set, which in most cases, such as ion channels, is the domain models had the lowest GDT_TS and the lowest coverage,
of interest. Models were built using MP-T, PROMALS demonstrating that less accurate alignments lead to less accurate
and MUSCLE alignments with the high-accuracy mode of models.
MEDELLER (Kelm et al., 2010), which incorporates the Figure 2 illustrates improved model building at low sequence
FREAD loop-modelling method (Choi and Deane, 2010). The identity. The target (PDB code: 1IZL, chain D gray) and tem-
loops for most targets are present in FREAD’s database, mean- plate (PDB code: 1OGV, chain M) are taken from photosyn-
ing the models built here should be better than those for blind thetic reaction centres. Models from MP-T (left) and
structure prediction. PROMALS (right) are colour coded per residue by the distance
PROMALS and MUSCLE were chosen for model building to the corresponding residue in the crystal structure (0 Å ¼
alongside MP-T as they respectively had the best and worst blue,45Å ¼ red). Numbering transmembrane helices 1–5 from
alignment accuracy of the methods against which we compared. left to right, MP-T models more of the loop region above helix 1,
PROMALS has also been successful in the CASP competition and more of helix 4 than PROMALS. MP-T assigns the correct
(Moult et al., 2011). Model accuracy was assessed by calculating residues to helix 1, whereas the PROMALS model introduces a

Fig. 2. Part of a photosynthetic reaction centre PDB code: 1IZL, chain D (gray) is modelled using PDB code: 1OGV, chain M as a template. The target
and template share 15% sequence identity. Residues in the model are colored by the distance to their position in the crystal structure: blue residues are
close to their native position, red residues are 5Å away from their native position. The model on the left is built using MP-T, whereas that on the right is
built using PROMALS. The MP-T model provides a more accurate representation of helix 1, and models the region above this helix


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J.R.Hill and C.M.Deane

large shift (in the red helix, each residue is at least 5Å from its Conflict of Interest: none declared.
true position).

5 CONCLUSION Altschul,S.F. et al. (1997) Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Shi,J. et al. (2001) FUGUE: sequence-structure homology recognition using
environment-specific substitution tables and structure-dependent gap penalties.
The authors thank Sebastian Kelm for help running the J. Mol. Biol., 310, 243–257.
iMembrane and MEDELLER programs, James Dunbar for as- Sievers,F. et al. (2011) Fast, scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple
sistance with Pymol and the members of the Oxford Protein sequence alignments using Clustal Omega. Mol. Syst. Biol., 7, 539.
Informatics Group for useful discussions. Söding,J. (2005) Protein homology detection by HMM-HMM comparison.
Bioinformatics, 21, 951–960.
Funding: This work was supported by the Engineering and Suzek,B.E. et al. (2007) UniRef: comprehensive and non-redundant UniProt
reference clusters. Bioinformatics, 23, 1282–1288.
Physical Sciences Research Council (to J.R.H. and C.M.D.), Thompson,J.D. et al. (2011) A comprehensive benchmark study of multiple
the Biological Sciences Research Council and the University of sequence alignment methods: current challenges and future perspectives.
Oxford Doctoral Training Centres (to C.M.D.). PLoS One, 6, e18093.


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