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Qdoc - Tips
Qdoc - Tips
From all of the above, what he has to say about Greek-Turkish are the following:
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For Surkia I
Znas brother wrote to Jronda about the events in Serbia and he, among
others, said:
Agios Arsznios in Farasa, warned the believers that they would lose their
homeland but suddenly they would get it again.
And you must know, said Jrondas, that none of the other people love
us as much as we do. Ships are plotting against us. Also know that
those who lie, try to show that they love us a little, they lie and try to
fool us. The others, again, who don't love us, want to make us disappear
like dogs.
For Surkia II
In Kon/polth, a great war broke out between the Sis and the Europeans,
and much blood was shed. Greece has no firstborn
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role in this war, but as Kon/polth tries, not because the Sisians respect
us, but because they don't find anything better and reach an agreement
with Greece, since the dfskoles then happens. The Greek soldier was
able to get there and Rohl tried to kill him.
-R : Yes, it's from Keos! Let's take it! Not how we take it, but how they
see us. Those who take everything from the Tofrkus and show it to us,
because that's what they think it is
their symphzron
-R: You can, you can and yes! We'll see you in the exam!
(Sthm: The Tofrkus left, but they started again and reached up to six
miles. In the Jlos they led them to the death of Kokinth Mthlia. Of the
Tofrkus, 1/3 was killed, the other 1/3 was baptized and only the rest 1/3
goes to Kokkinth Mthlia).
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- And you know: And what Kon/polth and what we get and what you and you
will be at that time!
For Surkia IV
In a conversation he had with Mr. D. (who was old in grief) and his son,
he predicted that the USSR would dissolve and that Mr. D. would see
it, he said:
- Be aware that Turkey is also breaking up. And there was a war in two
centuries. We are the winners because we are righteous.
- Well, the police did - two years for them to tease, but they see us as
Kon/polth. Look at them! Look at them!
The Tofrks don't live many years yet. The kollivas live in their new year.
Turkey and the Kurds and Armenians reconcile in a polite way and
become independent.
The Sisi conquered Turkey and disappeared from the map. He lived in
the days of the Tofrkas and converted to Christianity, lived another and
was killed and lived another and went to Mesopotamia. Mrs
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there will be terrible wars in Middle Anatolia, where the Sis will be
defeated. And there are many dead. The Kinzii cross the Euphrates
River with an army of 200,000,000 and advance to Lerosolima. The
mosque of Omar was destroyed and the work began to rebuild the naof
of Solominda, which was previously built on that site. And there was a
terrible war between Europeans and Sisi and many were killed. Greece
did not get involved at all in this war and as it tries to do so, because
the warring sides do not find any other safe place. Ztsi, and they agree
on this with Greece, since the difficulties then happen to them. In this
way, without capitalizing on the Greek army, it tests the role of the
Greeks. The Jews are educated by the European society and acquire
great wealth. They are ostentatious, arrogant and arrogant and refuse
to take on the responsibility of Europe. Then 2/3 of the Jews and
The Tofrkus and they pass them from the other side and this is done
for the waters, which become permanent. Let there be cholera in Turkey
and it will be a great disaster, because too many sinned. Of the
remaining Tofrkus, 1/3 will become Christians.
For Albania
politicians from one side are happy and those from the other are blind
and unable to act. The others accept it and say that once it has
happened, it cannot be changed. That is why the Northerners should
not be afraid, because the spiritual laws also work. The pain for Northern
Ipeiro is great, because we were a family and they took care of us. It's
like telling one of your children to separate from the others.
The Cypriot
For Greek-Turkish
According to the meeting that took place between the saintly monk
Keoklthos Dionysiats and Geronda Raisios, according to the latter
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As Jordas reported to the author, Turkey was plunged into war and
destroyed by Hart. Greece did not get involved in the war, but remained
neutral. The Great Powers intervened and were forced to surrender the
majority of the population in order to avoid the risk of the Republic
remaining in the hands of the victor. The political processes for the
dissolution and fragmentation of the Turkish state are often derailed.
The European Community should, then, recognize the legal rights and
sovereign rights of the two countries, Kurdikov and Armennikov, and
move forward with the solution of the Cyprus problem.
For Surkia
Some people came here and began to tell me that there was a war and
that the Tofrcians were entering Greece and that they were going to
reach us as far as the six miles of Korinkos (it was a bad thing, with
their halasmzno calculation, the prophecy of Aitolov's Cosmas). Then I
scolded them and told them that the worst enemy of the Greeks is some
Zlatnes like you, who used to spread the word that, if there was ever a
war, the Tophrics would take us as far as Korinko, because, when the
war starts, everyone They are living alone and are separated until
Korinko. Even if it was a fish, you shouldn't have bought it. Rolf more
that is not fishing. And I repeat it to you: don't say this to me again,
because you are doing more harm than many Turkish divisions have
This is what I told them, my father, and I do not want to talk about
prophecies, they forced me to explain to them that the six miles that
Agios Kosmas says are the six miles of the continental shelf. This is the
issue over which we have been "discussing" with Turkey for the last few
years and this is the issue over which we are "caught up". For they will
not enter Greece, until there they advance, these six miles, and then a
great calamity will meet them from the north, which will fulfill what is
written and nothing will remain of the oath. On the third day, Tofrkon is
killed, on the third day, he becomes Christian and the rest goes to Asia.
We from Tofrkus are not going to get anything. Some trinkets were
stolen and found by Keoph's orgy.
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To someone who was worried about the criticisms against the country, he gave a
hopeful answer: "Even if they tell me that there is no Zlatnas, I don't worry. May Keos
resurrect znan Zllthna. Even znas is enough." He also believed: "And let Christian be
left alone, Christ will do His plan". While the others spoke of unpleasant future
developments in Zknos and spread fear, Zrondas spread optimism and hope. Talk
about restoring Greece and restoring Hagia Sophia. "There is also Keos. Put the Keos
you want"? he said to a certain cultist who saw the mzlon tths Ratridas iofero.
For Skopje
He likened the kingdom of Skopje to an edifice built of bricks and Farsalinovs halvades,
which are beautiful in the form of bricks and which it is natural to collapse one day.
For Surkia
For Turkey, he declared with certainty: "And the great powers are disintegrating and
they see us, Rolth. Not because they love us, but because Keos spares things in this
way, so that their symbiosis is for us to live. And the spiritual laws work. The Tofrks live
to make a lot of money from what they live to do. This Zknos was destroyed because it
did not come with the blessing of Keoph. Their huts live on their moon (dthladi plthsiase
their tzlos).
For Kfpro
Jrondas was surprised when Cyprus was whitened and he answered: "The Cyprus is
whitened when the Cypriots repent. Make spiritual bases to build the bases of the
Tofrkans, the English and the Americans". He was watching the Cypriot San
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a spiritual thing and not as an original one, a political one and that it will
come from the repentance of the people and the hope.
The next generation will bring Germans to destroy us and our children,
and they will kill us". He wrote in his letter: "Those who destroyed the
Ancients, are again rebuilding them".
In response to your request, I would like to share with you some items
from the inexhaustible pool of information that
they are the words of Blessed Jronda Raisios. Even though I have
accepted my unworthiness in managing these unique defeats, I still
have a strong feeling of happiness towards Keos, the blessed Jronda
and the people of Keos. The fruit of his effort, after all, was the
publication of all the related books about Gronda. It is essentially about
a collective protest of almost all the intellectual groups of Jronda Raisios,
which led to this
4. Regarding the fact that all this is part of a greater plan, Jrondas
Paisios had characteristically said: "I am told by
consider that a few people rule the whole world. I don't know where
they are or who they are, but I know that they are all people." (Testimony
from the 2nd -published- volume of the book "Martyries Rroskynts").
After that, a great famine followed, while the Greek people and
he gets angry and scolds the politicians (see p. 425). Zrondas had
characteristically says: "In those years, the world was so disappointed by the
politicians of the two major parties, who
He likes them and directs them, and makes sure that Vasilias is satisfied in
their chest. And that, but the call of the people is rejected. Against
our good Keos saves
everything." (Testimony from the 2nd -published- volume of the above book;
published in 1991). c) The Saint Hieromonachos p. A..., spiritual priest of
Raisius, mentions that his Grodas characteristically told him that "and
they force the King to be summoned, so that he can arbitrate".
* I note here that, according to evidence coming from Jronda himself, Vasilios
Konstantinos is a descendant of
Konstantinos Ralaiologos, but his real surname is Christianos. d) After the
completion of the previous steps, and following the
fourth That's when the Sis (the Xanke Tribe, as they have separated) come
and a great war breaks out, in the midst of
of which Rolth is granted to us, as I excavated and according to
Jrondas emphasized again.
e) In the fourth phase, we have a lot of problems like hira.
6. Regarding the general war seal and its connection with the Antichrist,
Zrondas had characteristically said:
"Listen," he said to me, "we still have time. Delivery is late. Ask and be done
a great war. Big roll! And there is a lot of blood. Mr
let's take Rolth as well. However, a lot of blood is flowing! As is also the case
the prophecy of Saint Kosmas of Aetolos, a three-year-old heifer and
it swims in the blood. This war is very big and it is a general war. Such a war
has happened before. Then the Antichrist is enough." (Testimony from the
2nd -published- volume of the above book; published in 1991).
politicians and they are also happy about it, but they are blindsided and cannot
act. The others also accept it. H! after it's done, it's done, they say. Don't be
afraid. Spiritual ones also work
laws. Ronos is him. We are a family and they took care of us. It's as if these
children should be separated from the rest. This is drooling!! Those times we
whitewashed Northern Epirus, so much blood, so much frostbite! Don't forget
all this."
8. For Skopje, Jronda's mistakes were more logical. Two separate testimonies
are randomly selected, with
same note:
a) In a related context, Zrondas characteristically said: "There is no
danger from here [inv. Skopje+. This state initially Mr
it is recognized later and dissolves." * Testimony of M.E., High Court of
Justice, Attica] b) Epistle: "Skopje has a chemzlio of lukofmia, and also
Because the Greek people expect them (the politicians) to hate them."
d) About Antinth Samara (April 1993) he said: "Rose this child
it is not; but who doesn't believe it, at least the pulp. Tira, in order to
become prime minister, one must be a Mason. If God gives you
repentance, let him take you... let them come out fresh... Maccabees!"
j) And again: "The Rrokypurgos should have been a saint! The "chief"
of Greece should be a Saint!"
k) He had characteristically said about the Masonic group: "When Mr
let the Jews rule, those who slaughter and are the
Greek Masons."
11. For Kfpro:
Summary of reports to the CFPRO – Testimonies from the Second
publication of the book "Martyries Rooskynts", published by
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i) In a related speech to a former EOKA player, Jrondas Raisios had said: "Be
careful." for the Cyprus issue.+ And again: Turkey and
A few days later, on September 11, 2001, the Twins said. Jrondas himself, a few
months earlier, had said that what is going to happen in America will change the
course of history: "A great evil befalls America, and not only in September. Alas!"
He had announced the same thing to the blessed Metropolitan Sisaniou and Siatist
Antinio - without those present or others, as he was, to see various revelations:
"Your honor, see what the Americans will do for two months..."
b) Jrondas Raisios had also said that the THRAs were not concerned, he meant it
not only from an ethical point of view (something poof, more or less paraphrased,
of course) but rather he had in mind something more tangible; perhaps they were
seeking revenge for pedagogical reasons.
And he said: "Murderers of peoples, Americans!" This appeared for the first
time when you were present and someone tried to sort things out, saying:
"But, Jronda, they are not exactly Americans. They are Greeks who came
to pay homage to the Holy Land and came to see you." (It was the time of
the crisis in Yugoslavia, with the break-ups of Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia,
etc.. In this war, Kakznas understood the catalytic role of the Americans.)
i) We always keep in mind that above all is the Holy Trinity Keos. And
that, with our own prayers and the intercessions of Keotoku, Geronda
and the saints, the course of developments can be changed, as it
happened many times in the past, as well as with the
Jronda Raisio itself. On this, I quote an excerpt from a testimony that is
included in the second edition of the book "Martyries Rroskynts":
"... For a moment, we saw the Jronda very happy. He was lying there,
suddenly he began to dance like a little child,
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You were smiling all over. Brothers, we were troubled and puzzled. Never
before had we seen him in such a state. We asked him with a question why
this status of his was due, and he answered: "Look at the great good our
Ranagia has done us!" And how can he dance? "Agios Keos", he continued,
"had taken a harsh decision against all of us, for our unbelief, and Ranagia
swore with the embassies to change His plan!"..."
(Here it is assumed that with the wishes of Gerodos Raisios, Keos changes
his design)
k) In my opinion, but also according to the opinions of other, modern Elders,
they can bring us to our knees, but they also make us angry.
- It means that FYROM will be dissolved and a large price will be added to
our hands.
The above will be implemented after the completion of Phase II (Initial
May Christ give us good fortune
they live as the seal of the Antichrist, and let them say that they live
with Christ!!!-
Is it foolish if one receives the sealing out of ignorance?
Out of indifference and it is. What ignorance, when things are clear?
And if anyone knows, he has to be interested, to learn. If we say that we
did not mature, that is why we accepted the seal, and Christ says to us:
"Hypocrites, do you become discernible in the face of heaven, but the
points of the times are not buried?".
Even if he is unaware of sealing someone, he loses his heart and
suffers from demonic influence. Bliss, the child in Holy Baptism, when the
priest immerses him in the water, receives the Holy Breath, without him
knowing it, and then dwells in the midst of his holy grace. Commentaries
of the prophets Geronda, some say: "What is written by Keos , that's
done. What should we do?"
Yes, they do, but it ain't nothing, my boy! And I hear some say: "The
Jews are not so dumb saysas so
to object
in Revelation.
to 666, since
If theythe
they would
Johndo it
in a more vigilant way, more secretly." Well, didn't the Scribes and the
Pharisees know what the Gospel was? Didn't Annas and Caiaphas know
better than anyone that he wrote about "thirty silver" and betray Christ?
Why didn't it become thirty years and twenty years old and become
"thirty"? But they were blind. Keos knew that only what would happen.
Keos foreknows, he does not predestinate - only the Tofrcians believe in
gramzno, in kismzt. Keos knows that this has happened, and the corpse
does it out of spite. It is not that Keos has broken an order, but he sees
the wickedness of the monsters he eats and that their nature has not
changed. Not that Keos arranged it.
Others deal with prophecies and judge the saints! At least they don't
say "what does the computer need for me", but "what is it", and they say
a lot of nonsense. Some of them, again, make it up as they kill, in order
to justify their positions. According to what St. Kyphrillos refers to, "it is
better that the events of the Antichrist happen to us in our time", the other
who tries to justify himself, his Cowardice, says: "Hey, see? St. Kyphrillos
was scared how does he deny, am I no better than St. Cyril? Come on,
and if I deny Christ, it's nothing..."! The Saint wants to die, so that his
eyes can see the Antichrist, not that he was afraid. See what the devil is
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The leading analysts say that the master plan of THRA is the
dismemberment of a series of states and the restoration of the pre-
World War I situation. Yup, the last 25 years
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ÿ "Spexthia lasts for 3-4 years. It was already a long time ago.
That's where I was born, Axkelini was born and Knyxdni was born.
In the tnpxdito zeka there is no dxnkningesi. Apia za gilnpl, ori oxa,
ia zylinka, oial za pasei apii gelia pnp thpvexlaei heel Snpxthia tha
za aliavei lea gelia pniieethol. Soie za gilei n diakeiizkoo heo
Snpxthiao. Believing in the case of a jerk from the sake of being
born, and in the midst of a jerk, a bastard, the alabic. Every country
is a country where children live. He wanted to live" 431
hey hey hey hey I would like to thank you for your support.
Kai za eilai kegaie epingia pnp de za paxei kexno. Geai,
opnino paxei
kexno g' apiol enl poiekn (el. enl epxspatto), razethe..."... 434
ÿ "Snyxthni was also a rippiznpl, and Eiada did not have any
ten. I didn't take my life as I was living in Snyxthsl. As long as you
are here, you will be able to get rid of it. In 1/3 of the living space,
1/3 of the living space, 1/3 of the living space, and 1/3 of the living
space. The words of the Greek language were written out of the
text of the text, which was used to describe the meaning of the
language used by the students" 1991, life. 439
ÿ "It was revealed that Poieo, from evil, he said that he would
die"!!! 1991, he lives. 435
ÿ "I live (he said to me that I am a mortal, I am a sinner, I am
healed by God, who is healed by me)" he lives. 435