CPE 14 Reviewer Module 1 2

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• Founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon • introduced in April 1972.

Moore in 1968. • It is an 8-bit microprocessor with an
• An electronic component that is used by external 14-bit address bus.
computer to perform a given tasks. • It can address of up to 16KB of memory
• It is the brain of the computer which • A byte is an 8-bit wide binary number
contains arithmetic operation and and K is 1024
control circuitry necessary to perform • It has 48 instructions set and can execute
and execute instructions. an ADD instruction in 20 microseconds.
• It is also known as CPU or central • It has 3500 transistors in an 18 -pin dual
processing unit. in line chip package with a circuit line
width of 10 micrometer.
• It was used in computer terminals,
Intel 4004 calculators, bottling machines, ASEA
industrial robots, simple computers.
• The world’s first microprocessor,
• 1971, created by Federico Faggin, Ted
Hoff, and Masatoshi Shima.
Intel 8080
• Designed for Busicom Corp. for their
engineering prototype calculator in • released in 1973 that can address of up
March 1971. to 65536 bytes (64KB) of memory and
• Used a limited application such as video can execute ADD instruction in 2
games (first microprocessor- controlled microseconds only.
pinball game).
Intel 8085
• The first random logic circuit integrated
in one chip. • released in 1977 that can address of up
• packaged in a ceramic 16 pin dual in line to 65536 bytes of memory and can
package. execute ADD instruction in 1.3
• A 4-bit microprocessor with a maximum microseconds only.
memory of only up to 4096 with 4-bit • Also has built in clock generator, system
memory locations. controller and higher clock frequency.
• It has 46 instructions set. Intel has sold over 100 million of 8085
• It can execute instructions at 50KIPs (kilo and was manufactured by many other
instruction per second) companies, meaning 200 million in
• Register set contains 16 registers of 4 existence.
bits each.
• It has 2300 transistors count and the
circuit line width is about Only Intel and Motorola continue to create new
• 10 microns or 10,000 nanometers. and improved microprocessors.

Zilog still manufactures microprocessor, which

also include microcontroller and embedded
controllers. Zilog corporation sold 500 million of
their 8-bit z80 microprocessors.

• It is a 16-bit microprocessor released by Dual Processors: Motherboard might have two

Intel in early June 1978. processor sockets, called dual processors or a
• The 8086 gave rise to x86architecture multiprocessor platform.
which became the most successful line
Multicore processing: Multiple processors can
of processors.
be installed in the same processor housing. A
• On June 5, 2018, Intel released a limited
processor package might contain up to eight
edition of CPU celebrating the 40th
cores (dual-core, triple-core, quad-core, etc.)
anniversary of Intel 8086 which is called
Multithreading: Each processor or core
Intel Core i7-8086K.
processes two threads at the same time. When
• It has 40-pins DIL package and made up Windows hands off a task to the CPU it is called
of 29,000 transistors. a thread and might involve several instructions.
• A 20-bit external address bus provides a Memory cache: is random access memory
1MB physical address space (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can
• It can execute instruction in 400 ns (2.5 access more quickly than it can access regular
million of instructions per second). RAM.
• It also has multiplication and division.
• Another version is the 80286 Memory on the processor die (chip) is called
microprocessor released in 1983 with an Level 1 cache (L1 cache).
update of 16MB of memory address Memory in the processor package, but not on
locations and can execute instructions in the processor die, is called Level 2 cache (L2)
as little as 250ns( 4.0MIPs)
Some processors use a third cache farther from
the processor core, but still in the processor
Processor Characteristics/Technologies package, which is called Level 3 cache (L3 cache).

Clock Speed: Current Intel and AMD processors

work with system buses that run at 1.8 GHz up to MULTICORE TECHNOLOGY
more than 3.4 GHz
• A multicore Processor is a single
Processor speed - Processor core frequency is computing component with two or more
measured in gigahertz, such as 3.3 GHz independent central processing unit.
Socket and chipset the processor can use: Intel • They have several independent cores
sockets and AMDs, and sockets which works together in parallel.
• A term used to describe two or more
Processor architecture: hybrid processors, CPUs working together on the same
which can process 64 bits or 32 bits at a time chip.
older processors handled only 32 bits.
• It also refers to multiple dies packaged
A hybrid processor can use a 32-bit operating together.
system or a 64-bit OS. • A single integrated circuits is called DIE.
• Multicore enables the system to
Most editions of Windows 7 come in either type perform more tasks with greater overall
system performance.

• a single chip containing two separate • a CPU that includes eight complete
processors (execution cores) in the same execution cores per physical processor.
IC. • Example: Intel Xenon
• refers to a CPU that includes two
complete execution cores per physical
• It has combined two processors and
their caches and cache controllers onto Intel Core i9-7900X- 10 cores.
a single integrated circuit. Intel Core i9-10980XE- 18 cores.
• Dual core chip is that tasks can be carried
out in parallel streams, decreasing Ryzen Thread- 8, 12 and 16-core processors
processing time. Krzanich reveal “Tangle Lake” - 49 quadbit test
chip. A quantum bit chip has the ability to hold
more information than other chips.

• refers to a CPU that includes four

complete executions onto a single PROGRAMMING ADVANCEMENTS
integrated circuit (IC). • The first machine language was
• The individual cores in a quad-core constructed of ones and zeroes using
processor can run multiple instructions binary codes. – stored in the computer
at the same time, increasing the overall memory system as groups of
speed for programs compatible with instructions called PROGRAM.
parallel processing • Mathematician John von Neumann first
developed a machine that accept
instructions and store to memory.
PENTA-CORE • Computers are often called von
Neumann machines.
• a CPU that includes five complete
execution cores per physical processor. • UNIVAC became available in early
1950’s, assembly language was used to
• Example: AMD Phenom and Intel i3,
simplify entering binary code.
Intel i5
• Assembler allows programmer to use
mnemonic codes- such as ADD for
addition in place of binary number 0100
• a CPU that includes six complete
execution cores per physical processor.
• It has combined six processors and their
caches and cache controller onto a single
integrated chip.
• Example: AMD Phenom X6, Intel Core i7
Types of Programming Language Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

1. MACHINE LANGUAGE – primitive language • Performs addition, subtraction,

that the computer actually understands. multiplication, division or comparison of
2. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE- it uses abbreviation or
• Operands are brought to the processor
“mnemonics” in places of binary patterns in
• Stored in high-speed storage elements
order to make the task easier. Assembler
called registers.
3. HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE – it uses English like
Processor Registers
commands or instructions. Compiler
• Instruction Register-holds the current
4. 4GL LANGUAGE- it is designed with specific
instruction that is being executed
purpose such as development of commercial
business software. • Program counter-contains the memory
address of the next instruction to be
fetched or executed.
• General purpose registers- can holds
operands for processing and other
Main Memory or Primary Storage variety of functions.

• Fast memory that operates at electronic

• consists of a large number of
semiconductor storage cells • a common group of wires that
representing one bit of information. interconnect components in a computer
• read or written in a fixed sized called system.
words. • Three busses exist: Address Bus, Data
• Addresses -provides easy access to any Bus, and Control Bus
word in memory • The ADDRESS BUS requests a memory
location from the memory or an I/O
Cache Memory
location from the I/o devices.
• Smaller and faster RAM unit • The DATA BUS transfers information
• Holds sections of program that are between the microprocessor ad its
currently being executed memory and I/O address space.
• CONTROL BUS LINES select and cause
Control Unit
memory or I/O to perform a read or
• Coordinates all actions write operation.
• Coordinated all the operation of other
• It is the nerve center that sends control
signals to the other units and senses
their states
• Generates timing signals that govern the

• 8086 has two blocks BIU and EU. • Silicon chip which includes
• The BIU handles all transactions of data microprocessor, memory, and I/O in a
and addresses on the buses for EU. single package.
• BIU performs all bus operations such as
instruction fetching, reading and writing
operands for memory and calculating • it is a programmable VLSI chip which
addresses of the memory operands. includes ALU, register circuits and
• The instruction bytes are transferred to control circuits.
the instruction queue. • it is called CPU.
• EU executes instructions from the • Controlling element in a
instruction system byte queue. computer system.
• Both units operate asynchronously to • Controls memory and I/O
give the 8086 an overlapping instruction through connections called
fetch and execution mechanism which is buses.
called as PIPELINING. -Buses select an I/O or memory
• BIU contains Instruction queue, device, transfer data between
Segment registers, Instruction pointer, I/O
Address adder. • Memory and I/O controlled via
• EU contains Control circuitry, Instruction instructions stored in memory,
decoder, ALU, Pointer and Index executed by a microprocessor.
register, Flag register.

Internal Microprocessor Architecture

• Before a program is written, internal
PIN DIAGRAM configuration of the microprocessor
Computer must be known.
• In a multi-core microprocessor, each
• is a programmable machine that core contains the same programming
receives input, stores and manipulates model.
data/information, and provides output • Each core runs a separate task or thread
in a useful format. simultaneously.
• Basic computer consists of CPU, memory • Thread- consists of program counter, a
and I/O unit. register set, and a task space.

• it is programmable machine that Microprocessor performs three main tasks:

responds to specific set of instructions
(program). 1.Data transfer between itself and the memory
or I/O system.

2. Simple arithmetic and logic operations

3.Program flow via simple decisions.

How to fetch/read data from MM

1. The CPU first sends the address of the memory

location to be read.

2. The CPU then sends/issues a read signal to the

MM. the control signal is needed to fetch data
from MM.

3. The word is then read out from the memory

location and is loaded into the internal register
of CPU.

How to Write/store data from MM

1. The CPU first sends the address of the memory

location to be written.

2. The CPU then sends/issues a write signal

together with data or word to be written to

Memory Location and Addresses

• MM is organized so that the group of n
bits can be stored or retrieved in a single • Address/Data bus.
instructions. • These are low order address bus.
• The M addresses constitute the address • They are multiplexed with data.
space in computer system • When AD lines are used to transmit
memory address the symbol A is used
instead of AD, for example A0-A15.
8086 PIN DIAGRAM • When data are transmitted over AD lines
the symbol D is used in place of AD, for
• Intel 8086 is a 16-bit HMOS example D0-D7, D8-D15 or D0-D15.
• It is available in 40 pin DIP chip A16-A19
• It uses a 5V DC supply for its operation • High order address bus.
• uses 20-line address bus • These are multiplexed with status
• It has a 16-line data bus. signals.
• The 20 lines of the address bus operate
in multiplexed mode A16/S3, A17/S4, A18/S5, A19/S6
• The 16-low order address bus lines have • The specified address lines are
been multiplexed with data and 4 high- multiplexed with corresponding status
order address bus lines have been signals.
multiplexed with status signals.

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