Saes A 114
Saes A 114
Saes A 114
1 Scope ................................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 2
3 References........................................................ 2
4 Definitions ......................................................... 4
5 General ............................................................. 6
6 Fill and Backfill Requirements ......................... 11
7 Excavation ...................................................... 21
Revision Summary................................................. 24
1 Scope
2.1 Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the
EK&RD Coordinator.
2.2 Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company
procedure SAEP-302.
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this Standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
4 Definitions
Brackish Water: Water with Total Dissolved Solids of 10,000 ppm or more.
Clean Sand: Soil meeting the following gradation containing less than 3% weight of
organic material or clay:
Contractor: The party responsible for performing excavation and backfill, including
work executed through the use of sub-contractors.
General Fill Material: Inorganic soil or rock meeting the requirements in Section 6.1.1.
Hard Rock: Rock that cannot be excavated using typical excavation equipment.
See Rock Excavation, Section 7.5.
Marl: A wide variety of calcareous soil materials found in Saudi Arabia which may
vary from clay to gravel sizes and often include cobble and boulder sized pieces.
Rock: “Rock” may refer to anything from boulder-size individual pieces to hard, intact
bedrock. See Section 7.5 for classification of rock by excavation methods.
Select Fill Material: Gravel, sand, clay, or silt, or a mixture of these constituents
meeting the requirements in Section 6.1.2.
Soft Rock: Weak and fractured rock formations that can be excavated using typical
excavation equipment. See Normal Excavation, Section 7.5.
Stable Rock: Natural solid mineral matter that can be excavated with vertical sides and
remain intact while exposed. It is usually identified by a rock name such as limestone
or sandstone.
5 General
The Contractor shall institute a quality control program that will verify or ensure
that the work performed under the Contract meets the requirements of this
Standard and the Contract Documents. Saudi Aramco shall have access to all
facilities and records of the Contractor for the purpose of conducting
performance inspection/audits. During the audit, any inspection, test reports,
and/or engineering analyses and calculations associated with the scope of work
shall be furnished upon request.
5.1.2 All required laboratory and field acceptance tests required in Section 6.4
and all seismic refraction testing required in Section 7.5 shall be
performed by a Saudi Aramco-approved independent testing agency.
5.1.3 If testing and/or inspection is done by Saudi Aramco, this does not
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to meet all requirements of
this Standard. Should it be later found that some work has been
completed not in compliance with this standard, it shall remain the
Contractor's responsibility to repair or reconstruct deficient work until
specifications are met at no cost to Saudi Aramco.
5.2 Submittals
5.2.1 Compaction Test Reports, including all laboratory and field test logs and
comments. Field test reports shall include density and moisture content
test logs indicating location by coordinates and elevation as per
SAES-A-100. Reports shall be submitted as follows:
5.2.2 Fill Materials and Water Test Reports. Sources and test results of all fill
materials and compaction water shall be submitted for approval prior to
beginning fill operations. Compaction water shall be tested for Total
Dissolved Solids, Chloride (Cl-) and Sulfate (SO4) contents according to
5.2.3 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) mix design and 28-day
compressive strength shall be submitted for approval prior to use on the
5.3 Environmental
The Contractor shall ensure that all slopes and other areas subject to
erosion shall be maintained using temporary erosion and sediment
control measures during construction or until relieved by the Saudi
Aramco Company Representative or until permanent measures are
completed and functioning in a satisfactory manner.
5.4.1 All temporary drainage and dewatering methods and disposal of water
are subject to approval by Saudi Aramco.
5.4.5 All diverted and pumped water shall flow to specified collection areas
and shall be disposed of as directed by the Saudi Aramco Company
Representative. Excavations for foundations and other underground
installations shall not be used as temporary drainage ditches.
The Contractor shall place and maintain in good condition temporary fences,
guardrails, barricades, lights, shoring, bracing, and other protective measures
required for the safety of personnel and the premises as described in the Saudi
Aramco Construction Safety Manual. All rock blasting shall follow the procedures in the Saudi
Aramco Blasting Manual.
Commentary Note:
5.5.6 Clean Up Soil that is spilled or washed onto paved areas or streets shall
be removed daily or as directed by the Saudi Aramco Company
Fill and backfill materials shall conform to the criteria in sections 6.1.1, 6.1.2,
6.1.3, and 6.1.4 below or as recommended by a geotechnical report as per
Stockpiles shall be placed, graded, and shaped for proper drainage. Storage or
stockpiling of material shall not be permitted on a completed subgrade.
Stockpiles of cohesive soil shall be protected from freezing. General Fill Material shall consist of gravel, sand and/or marl.
The maximum size of the fill material shall be one-half the lift
thickness or 75 mm (3 inches), whichever is less. Fill material shall be free of frozen lumps, organic matter, trash,
chunks of highly plastic clay (classified as CH as determined
by ASTM D2487) or other unsatisfactory material. The portion of Select Fill material passing the No. 40 sieve
shall have a maximum liquid limit of 35 and a maximum
plasticity index of 12 per ASTM D4318. Liquid limit and
plastic limit tests are not required for select fill material with
less than 15% passing the No. 200 sieve.
Commentary Notes:
Clean sand and dune sand may be used as Fill or Select Fill
Material. If sand is used as fill material, see paragraphs
and 6.3.8.
6.1.4 Other fill materials (e.g., rock fill, lean concrete, etc.) may be used with
the approval of the Chairman, Geotechnical Standards Committee.
Commentary Note:
6.2.2 Proper drainage shall be maintained at all time so that the site is free of
standing water. Any soil that becomes saturated shall be removed
completely or as specified by the Company Representative.
6.2.3 Areas, in horizontal plane or side slope, shall be prepared for fill or
loading as follows: The site shall be proof-rolled and inspected for soft spots or
loose zones. Proof roll may be defined as crossing the area
with a heavy (minimum 10-ton weight) rubber-tire or steel-
wheel roller. All observed soft spots or loose zones shall be compacted in-
place or excavated to firm soil and replaced with fill material
compacted to the specifications in Section 6.3.6.
6.3.2 Before placement of fill, the area to receive the fill shall be prepared in
accordance with Section 6.2. In addition:
6.3.3 Fill material shall be placed in uniform loose lifts not exceeding the
following criteria, provided that the specified compaction is achieved for
the full depth. General Fill Material and Select Fill Material shall be placed in
lifts of 100 mm maximum in loose depth for hand-operated
compaction equipment.
o Particles finer than No. 200 sieve shall not exceed 15%. If clean sand or dune sand is used for fill, the compacted sand
shall be kept wet until the next layer is placed.
Commentary Note:
Sand that has been allowed to dry out will uncompact under
vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Continuous watering is required to
maintain compaction until the next lift is in-place.
6.3.4 Compacting shall begin only after the fill or backfill has been properly
placed and the material to be compacted is at the proper moisture content.
6.3.5 Compaction shall be performed with equipment compatible with soil type.
6.3.6 Fill and backfill layers shall be uniformly compacted in accordance with
the following density requirements: All Select Fill Material and any fill beneath and/or adjacent to
foundations, grade beams, mats, buildings, lined slopes or
drainage channels, and process areas:
At least 90% of the maximum Modified Proctor density as
determined by ASTM D1557, or
At least 70% Relative Density as determined by
ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254 for cohesionless granular
soils that do not exhibit well-defined moisture density
Commentary Notes:
6.3.7 Compacted surfaces of fill and backfill shall be finish graded to the cross
sections, lines, grades, and elevations as indicated on the drawings.
7 Excavation
Structural excavation shall include excavations for footings, grade beams, pits,
basements, retaining walls, man holes, catch basins, pipeline thrust anchors, etc.
Earthen structures include permanent work items such as ponds, canals, ditches,
etc. Excavation for such work shall be made to the lines, grades, and cross
sections as shown on the drawings.
7.3.1 Side slopes of excavations shall be cut true and straight and shall be
graded to the design cross section. Unstable soil in the slopes shall be
removed and the slopes properly prepared as described in Section 6.3.2.
The bottoms of excavations shall be graded to the elevations and
configurations as shown on the drawings.
7.4 Trenching
Reinstatement of roads and pavements after trenching shall comply with shall
comply with SAES-Q-006 and GI-1021.000, Street and Road Closure:
Excavation, Reinstatement, and Traffic Controls.
Seismic velocities will be the sole factor in determining the appropriate category
for the excavation of rock. Excavation of rock will fall into the following
categories, based on the excavation type and the seismic compression (P) wave
velocities measured in the field prior to excavation by refraction seismic testing
as per ASTM D5777.
Normal Excavation Excavation that can be accomplished using rippers (mass
grading) and/or excavators/backhoes (linear and isolated
small excavations,) operated in accordance with good
construction practice. Normal excavation includes all soils
and also includes soft, weathered and/or fractured rock.
Rock Excavation Excavation that cannot be accomplished using rippers and/or
excavators/backhoes and which requires blasting or
pneumatic rock breakers to facilitate excavation.
Small/linear Isolated small excavations and linear excavations (trenches,
road cuts) where limitations to ripping are present, verified
by the Company Representative. Such limitations may
include ripping direction and/or travel distance.
Mass grading Large, open area excavation where no limitations to ripping
are present.
Vp Seismic compression (P) wave velocity.
Commentary Notes:
1. The detailed geotechnical report (FEL 3) shall incorporate rock and soil
quantification based on the seismic refraction tests especially for projects require
major excavations (e.g., site preparation cut and fill projects, linear projects such
as underground pipelines, projects including foundations by means of raft, etc.).
Layout and final grades should be known at FEL 3 stage.
2. After the excavation contract award the Contractor shall undertake their own field
assessment for verification of the rock and soil quantities included within the
detailed geotechnical report which has been utilized within the bidding process.
Any variations in the quantities of material shall be confirmed by means of
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Page 23 of 26
Document Responsibility: Geotechnical Standards Committee SAES-A-114
Issue Date: 1 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 11 December 2020 Excavation and Backfill
All excavated materials that are unsatisfactory for use as fill or backfill or that
are surplus to that needed for backfilling shall immediately be disposed of at a
location designated by the Saudi Aramco Company Representative.
Revision Summary
11 December 2017 Major revision. The changes are summarized below:
o An additional compaction method (Rapid Impact Compaction) and its applicability has
been included. This technology method has been successfully implemented. Having
completed the implementation, it is technically concluded that for given soil conditions
the Rapid Impact Compaction approach can be utilized (for soil depths up to 4 m) as a
substitute to the traditional backfilling operations where fill lifts and roller compaction are
used. Furthermore, cost and time simulations by using both methods Rapid Impact
Compaction and Roller Compaction has been undertaken. This analysis has proven
that the Rapid Impact Compaction method considerably cuts down on time and
schedule, by more than 50%, allowing an early start of construction activities and at the
same time reduces the cost of site preparation activities by almost 50%.
o At contracts where major excavations are anticipated requirements of the surface
refraction tests have been included. More specifically, the detailed geotechnical report
(FEL 3) shall incorporate rock and soil quantification. Layout and final grades should be
known at FEL 3 stage geotechnical report. Moreover, the awarded Contractor shall
undertake their own field assessment for verification of the geotechnical data/quantities
provided. Any variations in the quantities of material shall be confirmed by means of
additional surface refraction tests prior of commencing the excavation works.
If variations in ground conditions are found during the actual excavations the matter shall
be referred back to CSD for further evaluation. Unjustifiable change orders and claims
shall not be entitled to any compensation.
1 January 2018 Editorial revision to Section 2, Conflicts and Deviations.
Summary of Fill Placement and Compaction Requirements
Site preparation of areas to The density of the top 150 mm in these areas Site preparation
receive fill, pavement or loads. shall not be less than: Areas shall be free of organic material, trash
or other unsuitable material.
90% of the maximum Modified Proctor density Proper drainage so that the site is free of
(ASTM D1557) standing water all the time.
In-situ soil proof rolled and inspected for soft
70% relative density (ASTM D4253 and
spots or loose zones. Proof roll may be
ASTM D4254) for cohesionless free draining
defined as crossing the area with a heavy
(minimum 10-ton weight) rubber-tire or
steel-wheel roller.
All observed soft spots or loose zones shall be
compacted in-place or excavated to firm soil
and replaced with properly compacted fill.
Top 6 inches (150 mm) scarified and re-
All Select Fill Material or any Compacted to at least: Fill material shall be placed in uniform loose
fill beneath and/or adjacent to lifts not exceeding the following criteria,
grade beams, mats, buildings, 90% of the maximum Modified Proctor density provided that the specified compaction is
lined slopes or drainage (ASTM D1557) achieved for the full depth.
channels, and process areas. or Select Fill Material shall be placed in lifts of
70% Relative Density (ASTM D4253 and 200 mm maximum in loose depth.
ASTM D4254) for cohesionless granular soils General Fill Material shall be placed in lifts
that do not exhibit well-defined moisture of 300 mm maximum in loose depth.
density relationship.
General Fill Material and Select Fill Material
shall be placed in lifts of 100 mm maximum
in loose depth for hand-operated compaction
Select Fill Material beneath Compacted to at least: equipment.
and/or adjacent to foundations
Other lift thicknesses may be approved by the
with static loads over 320 kPa 95% of the maximum Modified Proctor density
appropriate Saudi Aramco Inspection
and foundations for vibrating or (ASTM D1557).
Representative based on a field test section
heavy machinery. or
using the intended compaction equipment.
85% relative density (ASTM D4253 and
(Impact rollers can compact soils in lifts
Asphalt and concrete pavement ASTM D4254) for cohesionless granular soils
exceeding 1 m).
subgrades (roads and parking that do not exhibit well-defined moisture
areas). density relationship.
Working platforms for A 500 mm thick layer of fill material placed Working platforms for compaction on subkha
compaction on subkha deposits. directly on the subkha compacted as well as deposits shall be compacted as necessary to
possible is usually sufficient. Stripping of the achieve a stable base. Subkha working
subkha “crust” prior to fill placement is not platforms must be indicated as such and
recommended. A geotextile layer between the accounted for in the design.
subkha and the working platform provides a
capillary break and improves both short-term Compaction to the required densities indicated
(construction) and long-term performance of in Section 6.3 are virtually impossible to
the engineered fill. achieve in the first layer placed directly on
subkha and similar very weak soils. A working
Compaction testing of working platforms is not platform to provide a stable base is often
required. required.
Pavement Reconstruction after Reinstatement of roads and pavements after Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM), a
Trenching trenching shall comply with shall comply with flowable, self-compacting fill, is recommended
SAES-Q-006 and GI-1021.000. for backfill of trenches crossing roads and