10TH Footnote To Youth LP
10TH Footnote To Youth LP
10TH Footnote To Youth LP
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Powerpoint presentation, cut out words, Manila paper
Value: Responsibility
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance c.
Classroom Management d.
B. Developmental Activities
a. Pre-Reading
1. Motivation
o The teacher will show an image of a young couple getting married and will ask their insights
about marriage.
o The teacher will relate the activity to the reading selection.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
o The teacher will divide the students into 2 groups.
o The teacher will distribute the cut out words in each groups.
Directions: Identify the correct word which the given definition is referring to.
1. Feeling or showing extreme discouragement. DESPONDENT
2. Related to a father. PATERNAL
3. The possibility that something will happen in the future. PROSPECT
4. Troubled in mind, disturbed and upset. AGITATED
5. To agree or allow something. CONSENT
The teacher will introduce Jose Garcia Villa the author of the story.
The teacher will have a brief background about the story.
The teacher will distribute the reading selection to the students.
The teacher will ask the students to read the selection through skimming and to formulate some
questions afterwards.
3. Guide Questions
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. If you are Dodong, would you choose to study or marry early and suffer the life of poverty?
3. If you are Teang would you accept Dodong knowing you are both too young to get married?
4. What are the roles of a father in raising a family?
b. Read
The students will read the selection silently.
For the second reading the students will have a continuous reading.
The teacher will ask the students the lessons they have learned from the story.
c. Post Reading
The students will answer the guide questions and the questions they had formulated earlier.
The teacher will ask the students to summarize the story.
d. Application
Using a Venn Diagram the students will compare and contrast the characters of Dodong and Teang from
the youth today.
Directions: Complete the given statements by filling the correct information. Write your answer on the space
1. “Footnote to Youth” begins with the main character ___________ working in the fields.
2. When he tells his father his news, the latter tries to talk him out of it. Dodong is young, only
3. Nine months later, Teang gives birth to a boy, whom they name ________________.
4. Over the course of six years, Teang gives birth _________________ more times.
5. Blas has asked his girlfriend ________________ to marry him
Give at least five factors that one should consider before marrying by using a graphic organizer.