Chap 6 Pinaka-Final
Chap 6 Pinaka-Final
Chap 6 Pinaka-Final
The sliding phenomenon is regularly recurring in this area. From the investigation, it
has been established that inasmuch as the surface drainage has caused erosion problems
in the area, subsurface drainage conditions have also contributed to the instability of the
slopes. It can be seen that there is a need to control surface water infiltration to reduce
seepage forces, and to control internal seepage to reduce the driving force and increase
material strength. This section will attempt to discuss particularly the control of surface
water and control of internal seepage as stabilization measures for this area.
It has been observed that there is a need to install lined drainage ditches upslope in
addition to the existing lined canals. The lack of lined ditches is being manifested by
the soil erosions and overflowing of existing lined canal especially during heavy rains.
With failing slopes like this site, installation of an interceptor ditch along the crest
beyond the head of the slide area will reduce runoff into the slide. But the interceptor
ditches may break up and cease to function as the slide disturbance progresses upslope.
In order to locate the head of the slide in this site, a detailed geological and
geotechnical investigation is needed.
The cracks observed at the upslope need to be sealed. Sealing cracks and fissures with
asphalt or soil cement will reduce infiltration but will not stabilize a moving slope since
the cracks will continue to open. Grading a moving area can also result in filling cracks
with soil, which will then help reduce infiltration.
The groundwater elevation in this area is relatively high. From the well observations,
water table is already encountered at a minimum depth of about 1.0m to 2.5m below
the ground surface. During heavy rains, water level easily rose to the ground surface.
As per soil investigation, the top 2.0m of the area is composed of loose and soft
materials underlain by 3.0m layer of stiff to hard lean clays. Below 5.0m depth, a very
dense formation is already encountered. The top soil layer formation being loose or soft
is highly affected by high groundwater level. The high groundwater level increases the
driving forces to cause sliding. This sliding phenomenon is already evident in the
houses being moved by the sliding soil mass in the area. Spring seepage cannot also be
discounted to have contributed to the recurring slope failures in this area. An aquifer
upslope is possible to have contributed to the seepage in the area. Detailed study of the
groundwater conditions at the critical area is needed.
Internal drainage systems are recommended inorder to lower the piezometric level
below the potential or existing sliding surface. The relief of seepage pressures is often
the most expedient means of stabilizing a moving mass.
Subhorizontal Drains are one of the most effective methods to improve stability of the
cut slope, or to stabilize a failing slope. The main advantages of horizontal drains are
that they are relatively quick and simple to install and rely on gravity drainage.
Installed at a slight angle and upslope to penetrate the phreatic zone and permit gravity
flow, they usually consist of perforated pipe, of 2-in diameter or larger, forced into a
predrilled hole of slightly larger diameter than the pipe. Spacing depends on the type of
material being drained; fine-grained soils may require spacing as close as 3 to 8m
whereas, for more permeable materials, 8 to 15m may suffice. It is recommended that a
filter be incorporated into the drain to prevent erosion or clogging. The design of the
filter requires the grading of the soil to be protected. Hydrometer analysis is
recommended for fine materials.
Piezometers should be used during construction to monitor the effect of the drains so
that the spacing and number of drains can be adjusted to achieve the desired water table
drawdown. Furthermore, the performance of the drainage system should be monitored
to properly assess its continuing adequacy. Drains should be flushed, at regular
intervals (possibly once a year) in order to avoid siltation.
Cut-off drains can be installed upslope to intercept groundwater flowing into cut or
sliding mass. They are most effective if founded on an impermeable layer present at
shallow depth. Cut-off drains are intended to intercept shallow groundwater flowing
towards the slope. An impermeable zone or membrane should be used as a cut-off
downslope of the drain, and the top part of the trench should be backfilled with
impermeable material. The free-drainage material used to backfill the trench should be
designed to conform to the filter criteria. The size of the perforations in perforated
pipes and slots in slotted pipe should be based upon the grain size of the filter material
used as backfill to the trench.
A free-draining blanket should be installed between the fill and the natural slope
materials inorder to relieve the seepage pressures from shallow groundwater conditions.
Figure 6.2 shows the scheme for proper drainage provisions for a side-hill fill. It is also
prudent to strip potentially unstable upper soils, which are often creeping, to a depth
where stronger soils are encountered, and to place the free-draining blanket over the
entire area to be covered by the embankment. Discharge should be collected at the low
point of the fill and drained downslope in a manner that will provide erosion protection.
Thorough study on the drainage features, especially the groundwater conditions must
be conducted inorder to properly assess its contribution to the slope failure in this area.
Knowledge of groundwater conditions is needed for the analysis and design of slopes.
Studies will include location of springs in this area, rate of seepage, groundwater levels,
aquifer and other factors, which affect the subsurface water conditions.
Design of subsurface drainage system needs additional soil grading of the soil to be
protected. This will include Hydrometer analysis which is needed for the fine
materials encountered on site. Location of the slip surface as well as the groundwater
levels are highly needed inorder to properly incorporate the recommended surface and
subsurface drainage systems in this chapter.
Detailed geological and geotechnical investigation is also required. This will involve
several borehole tests inorder to have a detailed information regarding the subsurface
soil formation. Location of the slip surface is also very important to be identified.
These and other geological features are very important inorder to establish the causes of
the slope failures occurring in this area. Recurring slope failures will always affect the
highway that is to be constructed near the critical slopes, unless otherwise the cause of
slope failure will be identified and arrested.
Detailed topographic survey needs to be conducted. This must reflect all the necessary
features like the roads uphill, crisscrossing waterways, all locations of well and
drainage structures uphill.