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19th December
Initiates to read and learn in Jesus name.
I declare that I will abide to the studies in the name of Jesus christ.



-most of our prayers are not answered because we pray amiss- James 4:3
-let his praise be on your lips in the initiates of prayers- Psalm 100:4
-create a habitation of praise- Psalm 22:3
-There is no limit to what God can do even when we praise him- Psalm 67:5-6
Daniel 9

-Be specific when praying

-God knows your problem but present to him your case(so that we will be able to
give him the glory with no difficulties)
-Do not wave your heart

-The will of God

-After determining your need, search the bible for a quotation that can be linked
with- 1 John 5:14
-Jesus name must be attached to your prayers- Philipians 2:10

-Ask in faith
-You shall receive when you ask in faith- Luke 1:45
James 1:6 Hebrews 11:6

-Be Earnest
-You have to be determined- James 5:16
-You have to pour your soul out- 1 Samuel 1:13-15
-You must fix your heart

-Be Relaxed
-If Abraham and Sarah had relaxed, there will be no Ishmeal.
-Anxeity is a thief of God's blessings
-Without love prayers are not effectual- Galatians 5:6
Psalm 66:18
-without love you walk in sin
-The heart and mouth must agree- Matthew 12:34
-Actions must go with faith- Mark 5:27-28


-We are spirit bieng- John 3:6
-At God's presence, ther is no obstacle- psalm 114:1-8
-We work the supernatural, we don't wait
Mark 16:17
-For supernatural to work, you must believe
-Without God's word miracles cannot happen
-You can't operate in the supernatural with your common sense- 1 corinthian 2:14
-To operate in supernatural, believe in the name of Jesus Christ- Mark 16:17-18
-The name of Jesus is full of wonders that's why we call him wonderful- Isaiah 9:6
-The enemy will contend with anything God has given you- 1 Corinthians 16:9
-Every knee bow in the name of Jesus- Philipians 2:5-9

-The name of the Lord is a strong tower- Proverbs 18:10

-The name of Jesus is an annointing- Acts 3:6-9
-You are here on earth as a sign- John 20:21 in collaboration with Isaiah 7:14-15
-You have believe the word before it can work- Mark 9:23



COMFRONTING FAMILIAR SPIRIT-Counterfiet of the Holy spirit

Acts 16:16-18 Paul encounter with familiar spirit.
When you get into relationship with evil spirit(willful or not), the person
acquires familiar spirit.
Familiar spirit creates spiritual defilement- Leviticus 19:31
God brings judgement to anyone who consult a familiar spirit- Deuteronomy 18:9-12

SATAN GET LOST-Bishop David Oyedepo

-Anything other than very good is not part of your originl nature of creation-
Genesis 1:31
-Nothing is hard for God to do- Jeremiah 32:27
-Satan is not ominipresent- 1 Kings 18:16-45
-The fear of evil is a trap- Job 3:25
-satan was created as glory until iniquity came in him- Ezekiel 28:12-15
-God does not destroy what he has created until it becomes evil- Genesis 6
-God does not tempt any man- Job 34:10
-satan has three assignment- John 10:10
-There is enmity between man and satan- Genesis 3:15
-Jesus carried all our sickness- Isaiah 53:4-5/ Matthew 8:17
-The law of sin to death- Ezekiel 18:4/ Luke 16:22-23
-Jesus fixed the devil and destroy all his powers
-Born again means a new creature not adjustment of your old self- 2 corinthians
-You are clean and you are not common- Acts 10:15
-You are from above and you are above all things-Ephesians 2:6 in ref. John 3:31
-God is against anything that is against you- Genesis 12:3
-You are the apple of God's eye- Zechariah 2:8-9
-You overcomes the world if you become borned in God- 1 John 5:4
-You are god- Psalm 82:6 John 10:34
-You are just in a human body but you are God-John 20:21 ref.Exodus 7:1
-Satan is under our feet therefore we give the command and he obey- Romans 16:20
-satan is looking for someone to devour- 1 Peter 5:8
-satan is very tricky(wiles)- Ephesians 6:11
-Some of the wiles are
1.Miscarriage- Exodus 23:26- the gift of God is without repentance.
2.Mentality-There are things that are received from the devil as inspirations. For
instance, people will say it is very tough
for you to go to heaven which is not true- Matthew 11:29. People think difficulties
is the only the that gives
meamning to christianity.
3.Has God said? Many people hear the voice of the devil(strange voice), thinking
that is of God's
If God is at your side, no one can be aginst you- Romans 8:31
4.That too simple?- 2 Corinthians 11:3
5.There is a faster way out- Ecclestiasis 7:8 Habakuk 2:3
6.Like a roaring lion
The devil pose unnecessary threat in human- 1 Samuel 17:10-11
The devil is not said to be a lion but roars as one
But with the word of God you will prvaail- Psalm 18:44
The devil roar to steer your path of faith

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