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Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.

) 1B (1988) 81-90 81
North-Holland, Amsterdam


Leif J O N S S O N

Institute of Physics, Lund University, SSlvegatan 14, 223 62 Lund, Sweden

(representing the ARGUS Collaboration*)

Using the ARG US detecter at the e÷e - storage ring DORIS II at DESY, we have
investigated inclusive and exclusive decays of B mesons produced on the Y(4S)
resonance. T h e inclusive decays into Ds mesons, where D~ ÷ ~ - , has been
observed and the branching ratio has been m e a s u r e d to be BR(B ÷ D~X)- BR(D~ ÷
~ ) --- (4.~Q ± 0.9 _* 0.6)-10 . T h e D s m o m e n t u m spectrum is consistent wltli a
- - 3 " - - "

substantial two-body component with two c h a r m e d mesons in the final state.

The colour-suppressed decays B ÷ J/¢X and B ÷ , 'X have been observed with the
branching ratios BR(B ÷ J / , X ) = (1.07 _+ 0.16 ± 0.19)% and BR(B ÷ $'X) = (0.46
-* 0.17)%. Full reconstruction of B decays with negligible background has been
possible in the channels B ° ÷ J/~K *°, B ÷ ÷ J/~K ÷ and B ~ ÷ , ' K ~ leading to
branching ratios BR(B ° ÷ J/$K *°) = (0.33 ± 0.18)%, BR(B* ÷ J/$K ÷) = (0.07 ±
0.04)% and BR(B ÷ ÷ , ' K ÷) = (0.22 ± 0.17)%. Finally we have m easured the
branching ratio of the semi-exclusive decay B ÷ D ' - l % to be (7.0 ± 1.2 ±

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
Weak decays of B mesons are i m p o r t a n t for the study of heavy flavour decays. The
d o min an t decay mode is expected to be B ÷ W-c with a c h a r m o n i u m state or a c h a r m e d
meson in the final state. Due to the high multiplicity in the B decays, primarily
inclusive decays have been studied but in this paper we also present some results
on exclusive channels.
The investigations presented here have been carried out at the e*e - storage ring
DORIS at DESY, using the ARGUS detector. ARGUS is a magnetic s p e c t r o m e t e r
consisting of a solenoid with a field of 0.8 Tesla, a cylindrical drift c h a m b e r
with 5940 sense wires ar r anged in 36 layers, a time-of-flight system with 64
scintillators in the barrel region and with 48 scintillators in each end-cap, a
shower detection system with 1280 lead-scintillator-sandwich counters in the barrel
region and 240 in each end-cap, and a muon identification system with 1744
proportional count er tubes. The main characteristics of the detector, and the
trigger scheme used have been described elsewhere 2. For each track, a probability
for each mass hypothesis is calculated using the information available from the
different detector components:

P . = DC,T~'F,ShC,~Cu [exp('x'2/2) / r.. exp(-×.U2)], i, j = e, u, n, K, p

1 J J

where DC = drift chamber, T O F = time-of-flight counters, ShC = shower counters and

0920-5632/88/$03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
82 L. J6nsson / B meson physics with A R G U S

~C -- mu o n counters.
A tr ack is considered as being a candidate for each mass hypothesis t h a t gives
an acceptable probability. Tracks giving an acceptable probability for more than
one mass hypothesis ent er into several mass combinations with equal weight.

2.1. B * D X
Inclusive decays of B mesons into D s mesons can proceed in two ways, as
illustrated by the diagrams in figure l. The decay described in figure l a is
expected to dominate since in the process illustrated in lb an s~ pair has to be pulled
out of th e vacuum. In this study we have restricted ourselves to the decays of D- rue-
sons into Cn- final states (references to a specific charge state are to be
i n t e r p r e t e d as also implying the charge-conjugate state).


W;~ s
/ b C
z Ds" + o r D~+
¢/ C g


q rl rt

(a) (b)

Diagrams for D production from B decay: (a) B , D s (CCl) and Ib) B ÷ W-D s (s(t)

Th e d a t a sample in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 145

pb -~ of which 21.6 pb-~, 36.6 pb-~, 59.4 pb -~ and 27.4 pb -~ were t a k e n on the
T(1S), T(2S),T(4S) and in the continuum, respectively. ¢ candidates were selected
from K* K - pairs with an i n v a r i a n t mass within ~_15 MeV/c 2 of the nominal ¢ mass.
Since the ¢ m u s t have zero helicity in the Ds rest frame, the helicity angle of
the kaons should follow a cosZe K distribution, while the ~ production angle should
be isotropic in the D s rest frame. From these a r g u m e n t s the angular cuts cos% <
0.8 and [coseKI > 0.5 were motivated. The m o m e n t a of D s mesons from B decays
have a kinematical upper limit of 2.5 GeV/c which corresponds to Xp = p(D s )/Pmax <
0.5 wh er e Pmax = [ E 2 beam _M2(Ds) ]1/2
Applying these cuts results in a ~ - mass spectrum at T(4S) as shown in figure
2a. Fitting a gaussian on top of a third order polynomial gives a mass value of
(1965.9 +_ 2.5 _+ 3.0) MeV/c ~ and an RMS width of (9.7 _+ 2.4) MeV/c 2. These values
L. Ji~nsson / B meson physics with A R G U S 83

were used to fit the ~,- mass spectrum of the combined T(1S), T(2S) and continuum
d a t a sample shown in figure 2b. The numbers of events found in the peaks from
these fits were (76.7 ± 17.4) and (28.7 ± 17.9), respectively.

~j~, I (b) continuum

>~oo izo
aD 4O

Mass(K*K-n-) [G~V/c']

The K + K - , ÷ invariant mass distribution (a) for the T(4S) d a t a and (b) for the
T(1S), T(2S) and continuum data.

To study the resolution and acceptance, Monte Carlo generated events were
passed through a full simulation of the ARGUS detector and reconstructed with the
s t a n d a r d analysis program.
Possible contributions to the D s signal from reflections of other charmed mesons
were investigated by requiring the K*K - invariant mass to lie in two 16 MeV/c"
bands on either side of the ~ band defined above. No sign of a D s " signal was found
and performing a similar fit to the one described above, with fixed mass and width fi)r
the Ds peak, gives an upper limit of 12.7 events at a 90% confidence level.
The angular distribution of the ~ production angle was studied by fitting the
invariant mass distribution of the ~,- system for four bins in cosS+. After
acceptance corrections and normalization, the + mesons in the D s signal show a flat
cosec distribution consistent with the isotropic decay of a 0- particle while the
mesons in the background are concentrated at small angles. The kaon helicity
angle was extracted in a similar way for five cosS K bins. The distribution of the
signal is consistent with a cosZoK behaviour while the background distribution is
The p r o d u c t i o n o f D s mesons from direct T(4S) decays was obtained by
subtracting the contribution from non-resonant production of c~ final states after
being scaled in energy and luminosity. To reduce the statistical error in the
background subtraction the T(1S) and T(2S) samples were included in the continuum
data. This is justified by the expectation t h a t charm production from ggg and ~,gg
decays is suppressed. For the T(1S) and T(2S) d a t a a correction was applied to
account for the sizable vacuum polarization contribution.
Fits of the ~,- invariant mass distribution for seven bins in x and correction
84 L. JSnsson / B meson physics with A R G U S

for acceptance resulted in the D s m o m e n t u m spectrum shown in figure 3a. The dots
correspond to d a t a taken at the T(4S) while the open circles are from the
continuum. The spectra were scaled by the ratio of the luminosities. The Peterson
fragmentation function 3 was used to fit the continuum spectrum and the fitted
distribution was used to subtract the continuum contribution from the T(4S) data.
The resulting spectrum has an upper limit at Xp= 0.5 consistent with the
kinematical limit and the excess of events below gives evidence of inclusive Ds pro-
duction from B decays.
From this spectrum, the number of D s mesons was found to be (460.6 ~ 103.7),
originating from a sample of (108,000 _+ 13,000) B decays. This gives the product
of branching ratios BR(B+ D'X)'BR(Dss + ¢~) = (4.2 _~ 0.9 ~ 0.6)-10 -3, where the
systematic error is dominated by the uncertainty in the number of B mesons in our
d a t a sample.

- - • , - • • i • • • , • • - , * • • 6.0

4.0 (a) I d N (b)

3.0 4 0



0.0 o o ,i "

0,0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 O.O 0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5

Momentum distribution for D s mesons from (a) T(4S) d a t a (solid points) and from
the continuum (open points), where the solid curve is a fit of the Peterson
fragmentation function to the continuum data, and (b) from B meson decay, where
the curves are from a fit of Monte Carlo generated B decays as described in the

Since the B mesons are produced almost at rest a two-body decay of the type B ÷
DsD would result in an essentially monochromatic D s momentum. The m o m e n t u m
spectrum representing a combination of equal production of B ÷ DsD, DsD*, D* s D and
D'sD" is shown as the solid curve in figure 3b. Additional pions may be produced in
the fragmentation process and the dashed curve corresponds to the m o m e n t u m
spectrum of B . DsD~. The production of D s mesons according to diagram lb, where an
s~ pair is created from the vacuum, gives a much softer m o m e n t u m spectrum which is
shown by the dashed-dotted curve. A linear combination of these contributions was
fitted to the observed m o m e n t u m spectrum making a large two-body component
L. JiJnsson / B meson physics with A R G U S 85

2.2. B ÷ J/vX
The decay of B mesons into charmonium states is expected to be suppressed
because of the required colour matching between the c and ~ in diagram 4. However,
gluon exchange might influence the colour suppression which will then be reflected
in the branching ratio.

c ,~
W" "\~
q q

Diagram for J/v, ~' production from B decay.

The analysis was performed on a d a t a sample corresponding to an integrated

luminosity of 103 pb-~, taken on the T(4S) resonance and 35 pb-' in the continuum
below the resonance.
Events were selected if they fulfilled the requirement nch + n /2 ~ 5 where n Y
is the number of photons detected in the shower counter with a deposited energy of
greater t h a n 100 MeV or found from reconstructed e÷e - pairs. The number of charged
particles, nch, had to be at least three. The transverse m o m e n t u m of the charged
particles was required to be larger t h a n 80 MeV/c and Icos0[ < 0.9. An upper cut
on the total m o m e n t u m of the event a t 3.0 GeV/c corresponds to the kinematical
limit of B mesons produced at T(4S).
The J / , mesons were reconstructed from their decays into e÷e - and ~÷~- pairs,
with the requirements t h a t p(l) > 0.9 GeV/c, p(l÷l -) < 2.0 GeV/c and Icose I <
0.9. Fitting a gaussian and a second order polynomial to the invariant mass
spectra shown in figure 5 gives (63 _+ 15) events and (57 ± 11) events for J / , ÷
e÷e - and ~÷~-, respectively. The efficiency was determined by a full detector
simulation to be 47% for both decay modes with the cuts stated above. In the
dilepton mass spectrum for continuum events there is no sign of a signal,
corresponding to an upper limit of 12 events in the T(4S) sample at a confidence
level of 90%. Using BR(J/, ÷ e+e - and ~÷~-) = (6.9 ± 0.9)%" we find BR(B ÷
J/vX) = (1.07 ± 0.16 ± 0.19)%.
The reconstruction of $' mesons was performed in the decay mode ~' ÷ J/$~÷n-
and J/V ÷ l÷l -. In doing this all J/¢ candidates with m(l+l -) = M(J/$) ± 70 MeV/c"
were taken into account. The pions were required to have p > 80 MeV/c, [cosol <
86 L, Ji~nsson / B meson physics with ARGUS

0.9 a n d m(~÷n -) > 400 MeV/c 2. A mass c o n s t r a i n t fit i m p r o v e d the resolution and
resulted in a clear S' peak, as shown in figure 6a. Fitting the p e a k with a
g a u s s i a n gives (7.7 ± 3.6) e v e n t s leading to a b r a n c h i n g ratio BR(B + s'X) = (0.39
± 0.19 ± 0.10)%.


2s ARGUS i

° l d/,~ -., ,u,+/,~-

i, , , t io

,J~ ,.{],--,,-, ,
m [GeV/c a]

T h e dilepton i n v a r i a n t mass distributions: (a) e+e - and (b) ~ - .

N N , i
2,SMeV 50MeV
,#,, ..j/,~,~*~- d/',~ L" L-


3.1111 :1.71
m [Gev/¢a]

o ~, 2'.o £5 ~,'.o 3.S 4.0

m [Qev/c=

T h e i n v a r i a n t mass distributions of (a) J/S~÷~ - a n d (b) l+l-.

By introducing a cut in t h e second F o x - W o l f r a m m o m e n t u m H 2 < 0.35, two-jet like

e v e n t s f r o m the c o n t i n u u m a r e efficiently rejected. If, f u r t h e r m o r e , p(l÷l -) is
r e q u i r e d to be less t h a n 1.6 GeV/c, which is the k i n e m a t i c a l limit for S' mesons
f r o m t h e d e c a y of B mesons p r o d u c e d a t T(4S), the dilepton mass s p e c t r u m shows a
S' signal (figure 6b) of (8.0 ± 3.9) events. Using BR(s' ÷ e÷e - a n d ~+~-) = (1.65
± 0.21)% gives BR(B ÷ s'X) = (0.72 ± 0.36 _. 0.17)%. T h e c o m b i n e d r e s u l t is BR(B
÷ s'X) = (0.46 _~ 0.17 ± 0.11)%. T h e b r a n c h i n g ratio BR(s' ÷ J/V) = (55.2 _*
6.9)% S gives t h a t a fraction (24 _~ 10)% of the S' m e s o n s originates directly from
t h e d e c a y of B mesons and consequently, the d i r e c t B decays into J/S mesons
corresponds to (0.81 ± 0.23)%.
L. JUnsson / B meson physics with ARGUS 87

3. E X C L U S I V E B D E C A Y S
3.1. B ÷ , K n n
W e h a v e s e a r c h e d for e x c l u s i v e B d e c a y s into a c h a r m o n i u m s t a t e plus a k a o n a n d
a maximum of two charged pions. All lepton pairs fulfilling t h e requirement
M(l÷l -) = M ( J / , or , ' ) ± 100 M e V / c ' or all l÷l-~+, - c o m b i n a t i o n s w i t h M(l÷l-) =
M(J/v) ± 70 MeV/c 2 a n d M(J/¢~÷n -) = M ( , ' ) ± 10 MeV/c 2 w e r e subject to m a s s
c o n s t r a i n t fits a n d c o m b i n e d w i t h p a r t i c l e s identified as k a o n s or pions to look
for d e c a y s of t h e kind B ÷ J / , ( , ' ) K n , . Kn c o m b i n a t i o n s w i t h a n i n v a r i a n t m a s s
w i t h i n ±100 MeV/c 2 o f t h e n o m i n a l K* m a s s w e r e c o n s i d e r e d as b e i n g K ~ mesons. All
combinations with I E - 1/2M{Y(4S)}I < 3a E wece k i n e m a t i c a l l y fitted w i t h t h e
e n e r g y c o n s t r a i n t E = 1/2M{Y(4S)}.
T h e d e c a y c h a n n e l s o b s e r v e d which s a t i s f y t h e cuts d e s c r i b e d a b o v e a r e listed
in t a b l e 1.

Decay channel No e v e n t s Background Branching ratio

B ° . J/,K ° <0.1
B+ . J/,K + <0.1 (0.07 ± 0.04)%
B o ÷ J/,K" o <0.1 (0.33 ± 0.18)%
B + ÷ J/,K+n-~ + 1.2+2.5-1.1 (0.11 ± 0.07)%
B+ ÷ ,'K + <0.1 (0.22 _* 0.17)%
B ° ÷ ,'K* o <0.1


F r o m t h e m a s s s p e c t r u m for t h e s u m o f all d e c a y c h a n n e l s we find t h e b a c k g r o u n d

b e l o w t h e B signal to be negligible. Fitting a gaussian to t h e i n v a r i a n t m a s s
d i s t r i b u t i o n s of t h e n e u t r a l a n d c h a r g e d B m e s o n s leads to t h e m a s s v a l u e s M(B °) =
(5279.5 ± 1.6 ± 3.0) MeV/c 2 a n d M(B ÷-) = (5278.2 +_ 1.8 ± 3.0) MeV/c z.
I n t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f b r a n c h i n g r a t i o s we h a v e a s s u m e d t h a t 55% of the T(4S)
d e c a y s a r e into B+B - a n d 45% into BOB °. O u r r e s u l t s on t h e b r a n c h i n g ratios B ÷
J / , K , B ÷ J / , K " a n d B * , ' K c a n now be c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e inclusive m o m e n t u m
s p e c t r u m of t h e J / , m e s o n , which w a s o b t a i n e d b y dividing t h e i n v a r i a n t m a s s
s p e c t r u m of t h e d i l e p t o n s into n i n e m o m e n t u m bins. T h e c o m p a r i s o n is s h o w n in
figure 7, w h e r e t h e d a t a p o i n t s a r e the m e a s u r e d J / , m o m e n t u m s p e c t r u m a n d t h e
c u r v e s a r e t h e M o n t e C a r l o g e n e r a t e d J / , m o m e n t u m s p e c t r a for t h e d e c a y s into J / , K
88 L. Ji~nsson / B meson physics with A R G U S

with a 0.07% branching ratio, into J/~K ~ with a 0.33% branching ratio and into
V'K, ~' + J/vX with a 0.22% branching ratio. The inclusive m o m e n t u m spectrum still
gives room for contributions of low J/$ m o m e n t a i.e. with X of high mass.

1 dN
-~. ~-~ i






o.a 1.o 1.s 2~ P [~.v/c]

The m o m e n t u m spectrum of J / , mesons from B decay. The curves are expectations from
various decay modes.

3.2. B * D*-I+,
Although the neutrino can not be observed, reconstruction of the decay B ° .
D*-l÷v is possible because B ° mesons produced on the T(4S) resonance are almost at
rest. The r e q u i r e m e n t is thus t h a t the recoil mass Mrecoil of the D*-I ÷ system is
consistent with zero: M 2recoil =
(Ebeam (ED*- + El*))2 -(~D* + Pl ÷)2
- _ .

D*- mesons are reconstructed in their decay channel D*- ÷ ]:)°n-, fbllowed by D°
÷ K÷~ - where the K÷, - mass is kinematically constrained to the [)° mass. The
m o m e n t u m spectrum of the D* meson has a "two-bump" structure. By requiring a
lepton of m o m e n t u m larger t ha n 1 GeV/c in the event, the upper p a r t of" the
spectrum, which comes from directly produced D* mesons, disappears almost
completely. The r e m a i n d e r is the m o m e n t u m spectrum of D* mesons from decays of" B
mesons produced at T(4S) plus a small background, as shown in figure 8. The dashed
histogram r e pr es e nt s the corresponding distribution in the continuum below T(4S)
scaled by the ratio of luminosities which explains the background above Xp -- 0.5
and thus justifies a cut at this x value.
The recoil mass spectrum with the above requi rem ent s exhibits a prom i nent peak
at M2recoil = 0 (figure 9) with almost no background. The position and shape of the
signal are well described by the Monte Carlo prediction for T(4S) + B°]~ °, B ° +
D*-l÷v. The background has contributions from the continuum under the T(4S)
resonance, uncorrelated D*-mesons and leptons, faked D*-I* combinations and final
states where additional particles have been lost. These background sources have
been carefully investigated and the sum of their contributions is shown as the
dashed histogram in figure 9.
L. J~nsson / B meson physics with ARGUS 89

.IL o.zs (c,.v#)

15 . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .



r . . . .
o o.o o.2 o,4 0.6 o.8 l.O 15.0 o10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 I0.0
~o,-1 Mh¢ (o.-I.) [(~v#')']

The x spectrum for D*- mesons from The recoil mass distribution. The dashed
eventsD with at least one lepton with histogram shows the background and the
p > 1 GeV/c. The dashed histogram shows open histogram the Monte Carlo predic-
the continuum contribution. tion for the decay B ÷ D*-l+v.

In the signal we find (47 ± 8) events which we attribute to the decay B ° ÷

D*-I ÷. The acceptance for the decay D*- ÷ t)°~ -, ~° ÷ K+~ - has been determined by
Monte Carlo simulation. Together with the branching ratios BR(D*- ÷ ~°~-) = (49 _+
8)% 5 and BR(D ° ÷ K+~-) = (4.4 ± 0.4)% a reconstruction efficiency ,n(D*-), of (0.84
± 0.16)% was obtained. The efficiency in identifying leptons with a m o m e n t u m
larger than 1 GeV/c was determined to be n(e ÷) = (0.79 ± 0.05) and n(~ ÷) = (0.58
± 0.05). By assuming that 45% of the Y(4S) decays give neutral B mesons we have
N(B °) = (79,200 ± 8,000) which gives the branching ratio BR(B ° + D*-l÷v) = (7.0 ±
1.2 ± 1.9)%. Theory ~ predicts the ratio of branching ratios into D*-l+v and D-l+u
to be 3:1 which would mean t h a t the sum of these two branching ratios saturates,
within errors, the inclusive leptonic branching ratio B + Xlv of (12.0 ± 0.6 ±

1) Current m e m b e r s of the A R G U S collaboration are: H.Albrecht, A.A.Andam,
U.Binder, P.BSckmann. R.G1/iser, G.Harder, A.Nippe, M.Sch/ifer, W.Schmidt-
Parzefall, H.SchrSder, H.D.Schulz, R.Wurth, A.Yagil (DESY), J.P.Donker,
A.Drescher, D.Kamp, H.Kolanoski, U.Matthiesen, H.Scheck, B.Spaan,
J.Spengler, D.Wegener (Dortmund), J.C.Gabriel, T.Ruf, K.R.Schubert,
J.Stiewe, K.Strahl, R.Waldi, S.Weseler (Heidelberg), K.W.Edwards,
W.R.Frisken, D.J.Gilkinson, D.M.Gingrich, H.Kapiza, P.C.H. Kim, R.Kutschke,
D.B.MacFarlane, J.A.McKenna, K.W.McLean, A.W.Nilsson, R.S.Orr, P.Padley,
J.A.Parsons, P.M.Patel, J.D.Prentice, H.C.J.Seywerd, J.D,Swain,
G.Tsipolitis, T.-S.Toon, J.C.Yun (IPP Canada), R.Ammar, D.Coppage, R.Davis,
90 L. JSnsson / B meson physics with A R G U S

S.Kanekal, N.Kwak (Kansas), B.Bostjancic, G.Kernel, M.Plesko (Ljubljana),

L.J6nsson (Lund), A.Babaev, M.Danilov, B.Fominyhk, A.Golutvin, I.Gorelov,
V.Lubimov, V.Matveev, V.Nagovitsin, V.Ry|tsov, A.Semenov, V.Shevchenko,
V.Soloshenko, V.Tchistilin, I.Tichomirov, Yu.Zaitsev, (Moscow), R.Childers,
C.W.Darden, Y.Oku (South Carolina)
2) ARGUS Collab., H.Albrecht et al., Phys. Lett. 134B (1984) 137.
3) C.Peterson et al., Phys. Rev. D27 (1983) 105.
4) A.M.Boyarski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 34 (1975) 1357.
5) Particle Data Group, Phys. Lett. 170B (1986) 1.
6) F.E.Close, G.J.Gounaris and J.E.Paschalis, Phys. Lett. 149B t 1984) 209;
M.Suzuki, Phys. Lett. 155B (1985) 112.

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