2011 Bullentin Rel. 2 CompacSOL-data
2011 Bullentin Rel. 2 CompacSOL-data
2011 Bullentin Rel. 2 CompacSOL-data
Grade New name Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 SiC CCS (N/mm2) LTE TC (W/mK) ATL AR SL Raw material
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) 110 °C 1000 °C 1000 °C 400 °C 800 °C 1200 °C (°C) (cm ) (months)
COMPAC SOL 160 COMPAC SOL F53-6 52.5 44.0 0.8 70 110 0.55 1.50 1.60 1.80 1600 9.0 12 Dense fire
clay, low iron
COMPAC SOL 170A COMPAC SOL M64-6 64.0 32.0 0.9 70 115 0.55 1.80 1.75 1.95 1700 7.0 12 Mullite
COMPAC SOL 170 COMPAC SOL B87-6 85.0 9.5 1.5 70 140 0.60 2.20 2.30 2.40 1700 7.0 12 Bauxite
COMPAC SOL 123SIC CARSIT SOL F30-6 39.0 29.5 0.6 30 70 105 0.55 2.70 2.68 2.62 1550 8.5 12 Dense fire clay,
low iron/SiC
COMPAC SOL 151SIC CARSIT SOL M10-6 58.0 28.0 0.8 10 70 120 0.55 1.84 1.77 2.13 1650 12 Mullite/SiC
COMPAC SOL 155SIC CARSIT SOL S30-6 46.5 22.0 0.5 30 70 110 0.55 2.75 2.72 2.81 1580 8.0 12 Andalusite/SiC
Available from Clasil India
COMPAC SOL 151SIC V CARSIT SOL M10-5 V 57.0 29.0 1.2 10 50 80 0.55 1.84 1.77 2.13 1650 12 Mullite/SiC
Table I. Product range of sol-bonded castables for the cement industry. Abbreviations include cold crushing strength (CCS), linear
thermal expansion (LTE), thermal conductivity (TC), application temperature limit (ATL), abrasion resistance (AR), and shelf life (SL).
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RHI Bulletin > 2 > 2011
The product line is a great success across all the different Subsequently, half of the inlet chamber has been lined with
industrial and steel applications. Furthermore, all the results CARSIT SOL S30-6.
have demonstrated the advantageous properties in terms of
drying and heating up as well as the uncomplicated applica- Cooler Horseshoe Installation
tion of these castable types. The following sections describe The installation of a horseshoe performed in February 2010
initial results from the sol castable installations. under quite severe installation conditions, namely ambient
temperatures in the cooler of around and slightly below
Calciner Installation
0 °C, confirmed the excellent process ability of the castables
In January 2010, the upper part of a calciner was repaired (Figure 4). In total approximately 8 tonnes of castable were
and partially lined with CARSIT SOL F30-6. Even under the installed successfully without experiencing any problems
difficult installation conditions, with an outside air tempera- like retarded setting, as is often the case with cement-
ture of -12 °C, the castable could be easily adjusted to a set- bonded castables under these conditions.
ting time of approximately 2 hours. Vibration of the poured
mix between the formwork and insulation lining is pictured
in Figure 1. After 1 year in operation the lining showed no
signs of wear (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Calciner installation with CARSIT SOL F30-6. Figure 3. CARSIT SOL S30-6 after (a) 1 year and (b) 2 years in service.
Figure 2. CARSIT SOL F30-6 installation in the calciner after 1 year. Figure 4. Horseshoe installation with CARSIT SOL S30-6.
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Figure 5 shows the installation after 1 year in operation. In contrast to the prefabricated shapes, the CARSIT SOL
The lining was put into service without previous drying and S30-6 in the interstices was put in operation without predry-
without the application of any specific heating up curve. ing and without a specific heating up curve, applying the
The result was very clear: There was no significant sign of same curve that is used to heat up the rotary kiln brick lining.
wear or significant crack formation visible after the produc- The images in Figure 7 show the results after 6 months and
tion period. 1 year in operation. Amazingly, there was no difference in
optical appearance between the prefabs produced under con-
Satellite Cooler Elbows trolled conditions and the sol-bonded material that had nei-
ther a predrying nor specific heating up procedure. On the
An interesting comparison was possible in a satellite cooler contrary, the surface of the CARSIT SOL lining area even
kiln in Luxembourg. The cooler inlets are lined with prefabri- appeared slightly smoother with less wear. The condition of
cated shapes manufactured from the CARSIT S30-6 brand, a the lining was rated as very good by the customer. After this
low cement castable based on andalusite and 30 wt.% silicon experience the customer will replace the CARSIT S30-6 pre-
carbide (Figure 6). The prefabricated shapes were produced fab mix with CARSIT SOL S30-6 this winter. Furthermore, the
under laboratory-like conditions, namely well compacted and whole monolithic cooler outlet part of the kiln in Luxem-
tempered at 400 °C to extract most of the chemically bonded bourg is now lined in CARSIT SOL S30-6, as the customer
water, so as to achieve a monolithic structure with ideal also repaired the entire old lining with CARSIT SOL material.
properties. The interstice between these prefabricated shapes
was filled with CARSIT SOL S30-6, the equivalent castable A reference list of the installations that have been performed
based on sol bonding. to date with sol-bonded castables is provided in Table II.
Figure 5. Horse shoe installation with CARSIT SOL S30-6 after 1
year in operation.
Figure 6. Cooler outlets installed as prefabricated shapes manu- Figure 7. Cooler elbow installation after (a) 6 months and (b) 1
factured from the CARSIT S30-6 brand. year in operation. The yellow framed areas indicate prefabricated
shapes manufactured from the CARSIT S30-6 brand and the red
framed area depicts the CARSIT SOL S30-6 lined section.
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F53-6 M64-6 B87-6 M10-6 F30-6 S30-6
Bulgaria Zlatna Panega Cement n
Table II. Reference list of COMPAC SOL and CARSIT SOL installations.
[1] Blajs, M., von der Heyde, R., Fritsch, P. and Krischanitz, R. COMPAC SOL—The New Generation of Easy, Safe, and Fast Heat-Up No Cement
Castables. RHI Bulletin. 2010, No. 1, 13–17.
René von der Heyde, RHI AG, Industrial Division, Mühlheim-Kärlich, Germany.
Peter Fritsch, RHI Refractories Spaeter GmbH, Industrial Division, Urmitz, Germany.
Roland Krischanitz, RHI AG, Industrial Division, Vienna, Austria.
Corresponding author: Roland Krischanitz, [email protected]
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