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Case analysis




Group Number Group 1








Onboarding is a critical process that ensures the smooth transition of new employees
into an organization. An effective onboarding program goes beyond simply filling out paperwork
and introducing new hires to colleagues. It involves the integration of new employees into the
company culture, ensuring they have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities,
and providing them with the necessary tools and resources to succeed. In this context, a social
onboarding program is designed to promote collaboration, build relationships, and foster a
sense of community within the workplace. It is essential for organizations to have a
comprehensive social onboarding program in place to maximize employee engagement,
retention, and productivity.

In this paper, the students create a scenario wherein a new employee will start in our
company, ABC company a fast-food chain company. In the next part of the paper, we will show
how we conduct our own onboarding program and we will tackle it one by one.
Table 1:Onboarding program

Operational Social Strategic

Prior to Start • Send the • Provide  Newcomers must be

new employee an new employees familiar with the company's
email welcoming with a welcome vision, mission, objectives,
them to the team email or package and goals.
and providing that includes  Newcomers must conduct a
them with the information about brief background check on
necessary the company's the company. This includes
information, such culture, values, and basic information, such as
as the date, time, mission. parking, possible road
and location of • Assign a construction, and dress
their first day of mentor or buddy to attire.
work. each new  Newcomers should become
• Share any employee, who can acquainted with all of the
relevant reading answer any products that the company
materials or questions and provides.
resources to help provide guidance  New employees should go
them become during the over the health and safety
familiar with the onboarding protocol.
company's process.  New employees must be
operations, • Provide trained on how to conduct
processes, and information about their jobs. When it comes to
procedures. any upcoming providing meals to
• Schedule social events, such customers, newcomers
an orientation as team building should be informed of the
session to take activities or dos and don'ts.
place before their community service
first day to ensure initiatives, that new
that they have all employees can
the necessary participate in.
paperwork and
training before
they start.

First Day • Provide the • Welcome  New employees should

new employee new employees learn about the company's
with a warm with a tour of the culture and principles,
welcome and an office or workspace which include providing
office tour to help and introduce them exceptional customer
them feel to their colleagues. service and keeping the
comfortable in • Conduct an workplace clean and
their new orientation session efficient. This assists in
environment. that covers integrating into the
• Introduce company policies, workplace and
the new employee benefits, and any understanding how the fast-
to their team relevant training food sector operates.
members, requirements.  New employees should
colleagues, and • Provide learn job-specific skills such
managers, and opportunities for as operating various kitchen
provide them with new employees to equipment, adhering to food
an overview of interact with their safety rules, and preparing
their job colleagues in a meals following the
responsibilities social setting, such company's standards.
and expectations. as a team lunch or  New employees must be
• Share the happy hour. instructed on what to do.
company's Set them up with training or
mission, vision, have them shadow a
and values, and coworker for the day.
explain how they
align with the
operational goals.
First week • Assign the • Assign new  New employees should
new employee a employees to prioritize developing
"buddy" or mentor cross-functional positive relationships with
who can help projects or teams colleagues and managers.
answer questions to help them build  New employees should
and provide relationships with work on developing their
guidance during colleagues outside communication skills, which
their first few of their immediate include active listening,
weeks. team. concise and engaging
• Provide • Provide writing, and the capacity to
training on the opportunities for effectively connect with
company's new employees to customers and colleagues.
operational learn about the  The new employees will be
processes and company's social sent to work for a day in
procedures, responsibility various sections of the
including food initiatives, such as business to help them learn
preparation, safety charitable how their role connects
regulations, and donations or throughout the organization.
customer service sustainability  The employees will have an
standards. efforts. agenda to pose and
• Offer • Schedule respond to any lingering
opportunities to one-on-one questions or concerns for
shadow meetings with their first week of work.
experienced team managers and
members to mentors to provide
observe and learn feedback and
best practices. answer any
First Month • Assign the • Assign new  The employees should
new employee employees to learn about the fast-food
specific tasks and cross-functional sector and stay updated on
responsibilities projects or teams trends, regulations, and
that align with the to help them build optimal procedures.
company's relationships with  Employees will have one-
operational goals, colleagues outside on-one meetings regularly
allowing them to of their immediate to review their performance
apply their skills team. and ensure their comfort.
and knowledge • Provide  There will be organized
while making a opportunities for opportunities for new
meaningful new employees to employees to learn on the
contribution to the learn about the job through job shadowing,
organization. company's social which will assist them in
• Offer responsibility becoming acquainted with
opportunities to initiatives, such as business
attend training or charitable policies/practices/processes
development donations or and better understanding
programs that sustainability duties and skills across jobs
support their role efforts. and departments.
and • Schedule  Employees should also
responsibilities one-on-one establish a career
within the meetings with development plan that
company. managers and includes specific goals and
• Provide mentors to provide key performance indicators
regular feedback feedback and that correspond with the
and support to answer any company's vision and
help the employee questions. mission.
adjust to their new
role and identify
areas for
First Three • Assign the • Encourage  The new employees have
Months new employee new employees to to adapt to the fast food
specific tasks and participate in workflow.
responsibilities company-  Employers will need to
that align with the sponsored social follow up with employees to
company's activities, such as assess their performance
operational goals, team outings or and measure their
allowing them to sports leagues. sentiments about their work
apply their skills • Provide environment.
and knowledge opportunities for  Employees will be familiar
while making a new employees to with different aspects of the
meaningful lead or contribute firm, even outside of their
contribution to the to social job function, and will be
organization. responsibility included in corporate social
• Offer initiatives, such as events, both formal and
opportunities to organizing a charity informal, to expose them to
attend training or event or leading a more of the firm's culture.
development sustainability  Employees should also be
programs that project. more proactive, more
support their role • Schedule involved in the company,
and performance and more accountable for
responsibilities reviews to discuss their work.
within the progress and set
company. goals for the future.
• Provide
regular feedback
and support to
help the employee
adjust to their new
role and identify
areas for


A well-designed onboarding program is critical for fast-food chains like ABC Company to
ensure that new employees are effectively trained and equipped to meet the operational
demands of their role. Research shows that organizations with a structured onboarding program
experience higher levels of employee engagement, performance, and retention. A study
conducted by Aberdeen Group found that organizations with a structured onboarding program
experience 54% greater new hire productivity, 50% greater new hire retention, and 36% faster
time-to-productivity than those without.

To effectively onboard new employees, ABC Company's onboarding program (Table 1)

should begin before their first day, with an email welcoming them to the team and providing
them with the necessary information to become familiar with the company's operations. On the
first day, it is important to provide a warm welcome, introduce the employee to their team
members and job responsibilities, and share the company's mission, vision, and values.
Throughout the first week, the new employee should be provided with training on the company's
operational processes and procedures, shadowing opportunities, and assigned a buddy or
mentor who can offer guidance and support.

In the first month, the new employee should be assigned specific tasks and responsibilities
that align with the company's operational goals, allowing them to apply their skills and
knowledge while making a meaningful contribution to the organization. Additionally,
opportunities for training or development programs that support their role should be made

Over the first three months, regular check-ins and mid-point reviews should be conducted to
provide feedback and help the employee adjust their goals as necessary. Furthermore,
providing access to relevant information, offering opportunities for growth and development, and
celebrating the employee's accomplishments and contributions can help improve employee
retention and engagement.
In conclusion, a well-designed onboarding program is a critical component of a successful
talent management strategy for fast-food chains. By focusing on the company's operational
processes and procedures, providing access to relevant information and training, and offering
opportunities for growth and development, organizations can maximize the potential of their new
hires while achieving their operational objectives.

2. Social

Before the new employee starts, the company should send a welcome package or email
that includes information on the company's culture, values, and mission. This can include
videos, testimonials, and information about the company's social responsibility initiatives. This
helps to set the tone for the new employee and provides an understanding of the company's
social values.

On the first day, the new employee should be introduced to their team and be given a tour of
the office or workspace. The company should provide a formal orientation that includes an
overview of the company's social responsibility initiatives, diversity and inclusion policies, and
opportunities for employee involvement in social activities. The orientation should also
emphasize the company's commitment to creating a positive social impact.

In the first month, the new employee should be provided with opportunities to learn about
the company's social impact initiatives and how they contribute to these efforts. The company
can organize workshops or training sessions that focus on topics such as sustainability, diversity
and inclusion, and community engagement. The new employee should also be encouraged to
share their ideas and perspectives on how the company can improve its social impact.

Within the first three months, the new employee should have the opportunity to participate in
a social impact project. This can involve volunteering for a non-profit organization or working on
an internal project that focuses on social responsibility. The company should also provide
ongoing training and development opportunities to help the new employee grow their skills and
knowledge in areas related to social responsibility. By providing these opportunities, the new
employee will feel more engaged and committed to the company's social values.
3. Strategic

The program begins with the newcomer's familiarity with the company's vision, mission,
objectives, and goals, as well as the company's products and health and safety protocols. This
lays the foundation for the employee's understanding of the company's values and processes,
which are critical for their success.

The first day of the onboarding program focuses on introducing the new employee to the
company culture and principles of providing exceptional customer service and maintaining a
clean and efficient workplace. They also learn job-specific skills that are necessary for their role,
including how to operate kitchen equipment, adhere to food safety regulations, and prepare
meals according to company standards. This information helps employees integrate into the
workplace and understand the fast-food sector's workings.

The first week of the program is dedicated to developing positive relationships with
colleagues and managers and working on communication skills that include active listening,
concise and engaging writing, and effective communication with customers and colleagues. The
new employees are also given the opportunity to work in various departments to learn how their
role connects with other departments within the organization. This helps them understand
business policies, practices, and processes, and better understand their duties and skills across
jobs and departments.

During the first month, employees learn about the fast-food sector's trends, regulations, and
best practices to stay updated and informed. They also establish a career development plan
that includes specific goals and key performance indicators that align with the company's vision
and mission. Regular one-on-one meetings help review their performance and ensure their
comfort, and employees learn on the job through job shadowing opportunities.

In the first three months, employees are expected to adapt to the fast food workflow, and
employers will assess their performance and measure their sentiments about their work
environment. Employees also become more proactive, more involved in the company, and more
accountable for their work. They are exposed to more of the firm's culture through corporate
social events, both formal and informal, and are familiar with different aspects of the company,
even outside of their job function.

This onboarding program's strategic focus aligns with research that emphasizes the
importance of onboarding programs in enhancing employee performance and retention. A meta-
analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods by Bauer et al. (2007) suggests that
effective onboarding practices lead to better employee outcomes. Kammeyer-Mueller et al.
(2013) suggest that providing support during the onboarding process results in greater
employee adjustment and retention. These studies provide evidence of the benefits of
onboarding programs and their impact on organizational performance.


In conclusion, a successful onboarding program should encompass strategic,

operational, and social elements to ensure that new employees are fully equipped to succeed in
their roles. By prioritizing strategic elements, such as familiarizing new employees with the
company's vision, mission, and goals, and providing them with a clear understanding of their
role and responsibilities, organizations can ensure that employees are aligned with the
company's overall objectives.

Additionally, operational elements, such as job-specific training, health and safety

protocols, and an understanding of the company's products and services, are crucial to ensuring
that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job duties effectively.
Finally, social elements, such as building positive relationships with colleagues, creating a
welcoming company culture, and providing opportunities for employee growth and development,
are essential for fostering a sense of belonging and increasing employee engagement.

Overall, by prioritizing these three key elements in their onboarding programs,

organizations can set their employees up for success and ensure that they are well-equipped to
contribute to the company's overall goals and objectives. A comprehensive onboarding program
that addresses strategic, operational, and social elements can help to reduce turnover rates,
increase employee engagement, and ultimately lead to a more productive and successful
List of Reference:

 Aberdeen Group. (2014). Onboarding 2014: Practices to Drive New Employee

Performance and Retention. Retrieved from
 Bauer, T. N., Bodner, T., Erdogan, B., Truxillo, D. M., & Tucker, J. S. (2007).
Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: A meta-analytic review
of antecedents, outcomes, and methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(3),
 Harvard Business Review (HBR): HBR has published numerous articles on
onboarding, highlighting the importance of a structured and strategic approach
that aligns with the company's goals and culture. (Source:
 Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., Wanberg, C. R., Rubenstein, A. L., & Song, Z. (2013).
Support, undermining, and newcomer socialization: Fitting in during the first 90
days. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4), 1104-1124.
 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM): The world's largest HR
professional society provides various resources on onboarding, such as the
"SHRM Onboarding Toolkit" that includes a step-by-step guide, templates, and
sample forms. (Source:
 TalentLMS: The cloud-based learning management system provides a
comprehensive guide to employee onboarding, covering various aspects such as
pre-boarding, orientation, training, and performance evaluation. (Source:

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